rm 3 V' r f'. , 1 WTiBLISlIEr, MF THE DIMOl t,TII)N 0Ftl!'W:Rn' rsiNl'IPLKX, AM' f!l RAM 4N nONCXT LIV10 UT T.1K RWEAT MP 01 R l'.l.ll, 2 KlMiKNK, OK., SATURDAY, FEBKUAKY 8. IrtW. NO. U P 1 1 I- ;W EUSENE GUARD. -AflPBELL, PUBLISHER. eui of Willamette betweua gigblb 8trit. f-M0' HUBiCRIPTIOS: 1 . . : i i : 1200 i.inn rates made known j on application. . I ,1! bmiicM k-on. letleri to GUARD, LUCKEY DEALER IN VVatcnes, Chains. Jewelry, Etc i miXG PROMPTLY DONE, All Work Warranted, T 77. BROWN, M. D. jlolan and Surgeon, L J raiilcuoo over pnatufHue. Hours Bi. j 12 to 2, 6 to p. ni. E AMD MARBLE WORKS, E AND MAI tgni and New Prices In Forelga eud le Marble and Granite, Mouumenta. tadatonef and Cemetery work of Iall kinds for WA. WORK GUARANTEED ! io gtroet, noar Pnetofflce. Eugene, Or WOODCOCK, 4-One-half block south of ChrUmau's I Il'GEN'K, OREGON. b Countv Bank. 1 (Ettabllihed la 1S8J.) GENE, OREGON. bnerat Banking business i. ! branches transacted on 5 bis terms. I O. HOVEY, President. Ji M. ABRAMS. Cashier. . O. HOVEY, Jr.. Asat.Caahr, lanaicia, President. S.B. Eakin. Jr., Caahiei llational Bank 01 Eugene. up Cash Capital $.0,000 . !as and Profits, $50,000 ;ane - - Oregon ' i -ral banking business dona on reaou nn. Sight draft nn NEW YUKK, GO, SAN r'RANCISCO and POKT , OREGON. of eicli an'a anld on foroln oouatriea. a mjeived subject to check or oertiti ievoalt. . c)llct(ina entruaUj to ai will receive t attention, t L. PAGE, DEAIJR IN 30CERIES g a Lam and Complete stock of ile and Fancy Groceries bought ia the bed market!, CLUSIVELY FOR GASH, offer the public better prices tfi any other house In Eugene. s or all Eiads taken at Market Prices. .MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8. Two lady drummer ure In town, day Mjw visited Harrisburg to- Rev Black went to Poitlur.d this morning, John Bargtr nnd Cas Matlock aw III Portland. Geo Alexander tli Ih morning. Hon H 1J Miller west to Oregon City thin itiornlug. J E McCauley, of Poitland, spent Sunday in Eugene. return- d lo lbanon Mr H U .Martin left this morning Tor lil home at Tseomu. JT. F. FORD, I (KTangeliat.) j Maine, Iowa, write under data i March 2.1, 1S93: Mkd. Mro. Co., Dufur, Oregon. iTLKMhN: On arri vinir home last I found all well and anxiously Our little girl, eight an-ono- rears old, who bad wasted away pounds, i now well, Strong and N and well fleshed up. 8. It. P Cure hi done its work well. fr the children like It. Your H. 'gh Cure baa cured and kept wlhoarxneas from me. Kogive rery one, with greetings for all. "'K on prosperity, we are ' Mr. asd Mrs. J. F. Ford. wlah to fl '" tbe S freah and eheerAil, and i J a week. ' jodrapo.turuarantf1 - pr bottle by all drufxUt. F. HAMELL, M. D. PHYSICIAM AXD SURGEON ice over Baiim'. .inhinn w... w wivatilll Store. Coiikiahlu Lintou went to (.'oltiige Grove IhiH uftiriuxni. The water In tlie river now reglcters 6 feet above low wuler. Alf Dillnrd U seriously ill ut bis home on Eleventh at reft. Mm J O Gray returned tlii. ufti r noon from a visit at Albany. 8 H Friendly lim a change in his ad toduy. It will pay yuu to read ll. Rev V H Oilbeit returned thifter noou Irom a vlnit at t'urvallis und fcu lem . M O Wurner, the pin no tuner, re turned this iimruiug Ir mi a trip south. Ml km Formosa Henderson will lnir verytiuuday eveninir in the Mvtho- dit church choir. Two IndlauH were received at the state punltei'tiary Momluy from Uni'ttilla conn y. Jacksonville. Times: Gen E L Appleifate of Ashland has iieetl (iilite . . m r . . " in lor lie past ween. CT Griffin returned from a huxint-M trip throuifli the l'ueet bound cuiintrv on Hiiuday morning's overland. Yesterday was e round hoir day, and If the pinky animal h id been around be could have seen bis shadow. When leaving Foley Springs to come to Emreiiu Mrs Ella Runev was obliged to walk Ave miles to reach the stage. Mrs Lena Conkliii will probably leave Wednesday night for Tojiaka, Kansas, on a., extended vinlt to her brother. J M Hiiorts Is still very serlounly ill at hit home on the Mohawk. He is sulleriug now with paialysis of the heart and lunga. Mrs R li Houston Is endeavoring lo organize a lodge of Ituthbone (Sisters in this city. This is an auxiliary of the Knights of fytlilas, Arthur Comeeys has been at Albany toilav liavinir tils eyes tested In iiursu auoe of the order of the Koutlieru 1'a- cillo company. The recent liich water removed the gravel bar In front of the steamer warehourie, aim the uypsy lias uo trouble lruding on this side. John Krauso and wife, vf Salem, leave Wednesday night for rtouthern Callfo'iiiu to spend a month. They will stop lu Eugene on their return "Kiltie, w hat are the women doing now that their bible ia tililslieiiV" "We have tot up a eplendbi diagram to prove that Mrs Hhakespeare wrote the plays " The Misses Bertha and Lena Gold smith have charge of the bankrupt slock of millinery toods which la be ing disposed of at the Leader on Ninth street. Messrs fl II Friendly, A (i Hovey T U Hendricks and J J Walton went to Portland this morning to attend a meeting of the hoard of n gents of the Uuiverslty of Urcgoii. Miss Lou Beimel, who lias been the past year or two iu Wash ington and at Astoria, arrived here yesterday morning and will visit fi lends and relatives. We understand that Hon A C Woodcock is favorably mentioned for firesideiit of the slate lengue of reimb ican chilis, which meets at Portland tomorrow. No better selection could be m uls. Med ford Monitor: On the last ship nietit ef hogs to San Francisco, V MIiikus&Suii received 4 cents, an ad vance of J a cent. It costs j a cent a pound to ship them. They nave so fur this season shipped eight carloads of hogs. t'apt V W Kaundors, who was sent to the peuitentiaiy for lifafrom Llnu county for the killing of (.'has Camp bell, and pardoned by Governor Pen uoyer last January, lias been appoint e I assistant district attorney ofSH kane, Wash, nnd will be married on March 15 to Miss Minnie Allium, so it is reported. A new departure in the drummer line are the Alifses Oilman and vVatts of Portland, who are representing Price's Baking Powder. They are modest, though enterprising and entergetio young ladies and will un doubtedly meet with success in their chosen profession. Htoriesby Robert Louis Stevenson Ian Maclaren and Anthony Hoe v ill appear In McClure's Manazine for February. Anthony H ipe's will be the last of his etida stolies, and will tell bow the Princes Osra, by the aid of a young student in the universit y, of apparently humble origin, Dually learned for herself what love is. The populist national convention and the. national convention of the bimetallic league meet at the same hour in St Louis, July liJnd. Aslli two are practically one on the financial quest loll, It Is hoped by tueleidersof both parthfc that a combined eli'ort can be agreed upon In nominating a na tional ticket. James II Miller, a brother of the poet Joaipuiu, was lu Tim Ka les Fri day. Mr Miller was one uf the pio neersof Eastern Oretton, having set tled iu the Oeboi oiimry when Indians were thicker thai. Jack rabbits and w lieu the settler's life and ropetty were cni statu ly In .linger. retains the costume oi me iron- TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4. Farmer Yates was in town today. JH Wait spent last night lu Eu gene, C P Houston, of Junction t it v. Is lit - lo.ru. J II Wilson today. Miss Ethel Stiiplelon is vUHiiig ut Japer sirsijtj Adair was a passenger to roriiaiui ioiiuv. did business ut I U' el '1 at'. went to Cottage Grove Attorney Sklpwurth j unci ion today. Audrey nnd Lt-w Rogers, of Ash. laud, ure In the city. The U of O meat market Is out wllh a fine new wauon. The new steamer Albany will be In spected in a day or two. J M Snores, who bus bisn seriously in is reporter improving Miss Luiiru Burnett is ill at her home on Patterson street Miss Pet Houston came up from Junction t lty today nn a visit. A V Peters shlpM'd a carload of oats to yit r ranelsco yesterday. L A Overtoil Is one of out advertisers. Notice chune In his ad today. The Gypsy stnrted for lknisburg it daydght this nn.rn i nur. A cetitleiuan killed t.vo swans out west of town a few days in;o. The county court is lu session today winding up the January btisimss. The Ortconlan, Oreiion'.a great iiewsnaiMT. is3o years old today. Mr and Mrs Ij F Burr, of Bertiand, Missouri, ure at the Minnesota hottl. E II Barrof Falrmounl I tulklnir of going to A a-ka to cuirao in mining. P N Laird, and family returned lu tin Ir home at Pleasant Hill yesterday. O P Mason has been susiiended from the state bar for a period of six months. S L Moorhrad, of the .function City Times, is in attendance at the renubli can inciting nt Portland. J F Mclleiiry, of Portland, is in the city. He is stale deputy head consul of the Woodmcu of iheWcrld. The county clerk issued a marriage license yesterday to Harry Green, aged 31. anil Susan Taylor, ami -0 Salem Is repres'lited at the state lenirue of rennhlicau clubs at Portland. by over 100 delegates ami others. A marrlago certificate was issued by the county cleik today tot! KTolKer, ayed -7, and Norn M Bees, aged -l. CJ Howard, of the Ri-glstr, and L N Roney went to Port nnd today lo attend the meeting tf the Rcpulilieuu league. It is rumored that M s May Apple, gate will lake the place of Mis Jen nie McCanu in the S P Co's olllec at Natron. Harvey Scott baa gone to Mexico City on a trip, hence do not lay the editorials in the Oivgotilau to hii'u for several days. The Chaso Stock Company has just completed a 8 weeks' enyigi-meiit i.t Salem and lift for Olvnipla and Scat tie, where Ihey jilny next. P Hohl has sold his Ninth street blacksmith shop to (Sherman 1 Idler. Mr Heller has for several yeaie been employed in McMurruy's blucksniitli shop. EN Maurice will deliver the Sun day Orecnniall to people along the Wist Mde road by means of anew railroad bicycle, bavins a speed of "J miles an hour. Rev W S Gilbert of Ilia Presbyterian church left this inorulm; for Browna vills, where he will assist Rev J E Suyoer in a revival service. Mrs E C Cut! ron. who has been vis iting some lima with Mrs T J Craig andMrsDrT W Harris In this city. left for her home, ut Monmouth this morning. The town of Wood River has a pop ulation of 4iH) souls, and boasts of thirteen set. ret societies iu llouiishing condition, thiee clilirchi s mill the best public school building ill the county, and no saloons. Follow ill;- is a list t.'icls that have voir amount oi ih.. levy: Uistiicl No 4 " s ' 12 " pi 4;; 4t 4 mi 77 M, H7 I' ll .... U'7 1'U l::.; l"i Mi .... U7 l)i li of I lie I a tax, liool dis Willi H i- : mill Ni w an mm i. iir.i:riMi. C!!Iitis Her e.l by Ihs Fii-l Prestn teri.ui (liunli. ...H ...i; ...l ...s ...1 ....'-! ...rl ...4 ...4 W i. . vl.le News. - Health is vi r.v j;isid ei cialiy. Ed Smith c It bis leg very badly Hear Ids ankle, M-verillg an a't'ery. John B,-isik is at home wiihhis al'eiil this H inter. 1'alinv and Inn Milli -n-i t Met tained luiio a luiin'ier of their irlucls on their nirlh day the ev -i a i g oi the lotli ult. The doi s of t'ii nei ;hlior,ood killed several of S S.need'n -In i p. Tim re sult, dead lloj, aiv found scj tiered over the Culm: r.y. Sam (joddard no. I (i.iv I.ane, of I.euhurir, are h-iti-hing and allending ehoo ut t ' i l-s plae-. 'i'i ev are on the right road to snivels. "No Exivlletice ' wilhotit lah.ir." Walterviile I- c lehrated for sclioi l tcaehi is There are only seven w ho have their bonus iu thi-i hxality. Post & Ikc!:.-r will inn their grist mill ami other machinery by steam this next Mimn.i i. 1'. LaDICis' BoWI.IMI ( I t l!.-(J.il. h iiumberof piomiiif nt voiiiil la-li-s of this eity are talking of organizing a bowling eliih. if the. club i orgiiii d the ladies will probably begin bow lug some (lay llus w.els. .Mr. nod, pro ieloror the alley iu 1 1 I . city, has I'ully i.iinrd, I". I ' iiK-y I. The rnntiul n n-.-i i i of the li -t Pi. l. tri Ian church w as hel l last evcniiiL'. The report of t be past or i rcad and adopted, and new . 111 rs were ( heii for the t-ti-ui n . year. 'I'll !c.-l .l of , llieeis tule,iis follows: Triisiec, Dr II F Met Vi wielt. Tnistn', to Hicc.v.l Fletcher I. inn, rc-i 'in d, ( 'alvin I lanna. Klders. Ifol.t I'aul on mid J M Day rc-i lec'eil. F.ider, to nccce. 'r.. f John Slril'l'i, re-i Mle.l, Piof (i Vellll-,' To a-u.-er. S It EalJii. ( lei l, M l- l-'.iimia I'b Then-pott of the retiiiiig ofllci rs sh.ove.la shoita -e of onllnpas tm's -id iry an. I j ii) on the iecelciil d iniiil, a (..li. I ol M.i, ulncli was ra -. il ut the nn ling by uh-(ription Tint report uf Hi., pi-tor showed 'J! IH W members reccivi d Into ttv ehnrcli V! during the p- st year and !M dismissed, MiviiilT tlie urcfiit ineiui.eislitp 1M. Tlie s.'ilni - of Ihe pastor the past year was Jil.ul, I. u'. on In- own reeoni nil" lat inn it w as n duct d to SIM f.ir the na-t year and for I he ensuing year, l ois was a voMin i:ry reduction nn the pait of ll.e pa-toi", owing to the fllli-geliey i r ihe times K al I'Niiit,' i i atisai tioi.s. l,-ei.l'..,l ,!,,, -in v. IM.IVH ll. i-v 'lie Kmri-ti,. Ali-tr.e-l eotn litan tii.n'W iii'i'.'.o.i llolliii.oi liifMltY. Samui I A (icitii gs to William II Weisl s ' of -o J of no Sec 10, tp id s, r ,J west; I ncn-s, eons. t.,iiil. J ' 1 1 1 1 li Fu. iiNh and w ife to James I. I'urni-h a tract of mud in sec tp 111 s r I- w, in acre-; fri. I i.intKM i-:. Mis E A Morgan to Mair ft Salley a tract of land -I by 7U feel; Jl-'iO. VOl I'AliK C.HOVF. Nathaniel Martin and wife to ti e Piano H- Co the w i f lot 2 blk 4; 5110. JI'MTIiiN t'lTY. M A n I 1) E Uiilf t.t C Mays, lots i'i and 7, bl!i .'!"i; cons, i loO. pror lfa litrsman, and presents the appearance of having belonged to a generation of the past. Jassptt Ck Vf-rf III. Rot'HKSTER. N. Y., Feb 3. -Joeph Cook, of Boston, who recently return, from Australia and Japan, is at Clifton Springs suffering from nervous pros tration. He I nearly blind, ow ing to weakness of the npb nerve. He will l taken to bis i-ottage at l.aKe . (Jwtrge. early in the spring, w hue it is hoped he will recover. Hon II L Benson, of Grants Pine, prosecuting attorney of the 11 st judi cial district, was lu the oily yesterday, He went to 1'ortlatid on tins morning's verland train lo attend tlie meeting of republican club. The board of regents of the I diver sity of Oregon were to nnvt in Por land at 10 o cloeK tins morning. .No Important business was expected to coii'u liefore the board. Rev A D Sluiggs, of Junction City, commenced a series of revival meet ings at the Christ Ian church last night to continue every night for two weeks at least. Everybody invited. C A Ryrd, of Ibalu, has invented a 1uper cutter which is said to be dura ile, strong and ell'ective. It is allied Ing considerable attentio-i, and Mr Byrdhas received several orders from di'tl'erent parts of tlie United States. Tribune: Mrs Day, wife of Frank Day, a former I'liipluu of Ili-niv Ko'pi.lke, left Tendlct ii Friday with out revealing her destination. She took one child with her, andlefttwo ut home. The strainer Colum'-la, w hich left Portlund Sunday night with B'0 p is S' ngers and 4-VJ0 tons of freight lor Nan Francisco, eiicoiinteitd heavy weather when but a few miles out from tlie mouth of the Columbia river yesterday morning, which caused the loss of tlie rudder and iieeo-sltated the return of Ihe steamer to p -rt. Lakeview Examiner: Mr Jane s M Martin, administrator of the estates of W Clay unl Thurston M Martin, raioe down from Silver Lake l.a-t rridsy. lie II gelling reany o sruitj , . , up these (states, wit'i which h oas ( ( Uin oi king f .:.e p i-t six 1 1 ii i ii ' I is. J Mr Martin leit Siitiinluy niglit for his , Cimmii:i- boine at t'.illi.ge I i rove'. ! t bur ( ' :y Hurrishii'g Review: '1 here has I.k u i at lheil'p.-t. sliarp con s tlt Ion this 'vei-k bctwien j l.n-y has Ins n H,r 'orllaiid Floiirimr. Mills Co and Mr. Ciunegys San Kraneiseo buyers, at this point, rcilti'ig i'i oHi-rs of o4 cents m r bu-hei net to the farmer for wheat. While perhaps this fliiure Is a shade alsive a bgiliniate export price, it is veiv el uiaging to Ihe producer and is u'ti ev-nt which w I lorn occurs. A a rule the shade of ditlcreiice is against tlie farmer. BV Itoitv. At Cottage Grove, Monday m ruing, February .1, Jsifi, to the wi e of Oarwiu Biistow, a daughter, weight 11 pounds. I liindly oll. ied to allow them the use of the alley f re . for n few d ivs u .l il Ihey can barn the gaiie.-s. Bowling Is one of tlie inot In nll lil'nl ami invig orating games that can he played, li also furnishes creat amuseiiioiil both for the l layer and speetator. Young and old alike have taken go ut inter est i u the game since It has bi en in irodueed in lois eity. At Salem a l.idies's hurt ling club has been ornil led for some time und has proven to be very popular. Pidly ouar-l t-Yhrnnry :i. Tin: Gvpsv is II cue The Gyi sy ii n I veil up this iifteilioon uhoiit :i o'clock. Sh" left I lurri-l in x this inoriii g a Imle after li o'ch ek. Tie purser state that some ililUcully wie exMrienccd incoming tip. At the Me k place, whore n big dull was icfi by the reeeiit high w ater, the channel wus abandoned aad thev fo'ind a new 'Mute. The Gypsy was lu-uviiy loaded this trip, bringing -11 tons of nii-i-c Ma lleoli freight. At the wart-house a-.vnllini her duwn trip Is a large iiluulity nf freight, there hi iiii,- l.i tons of ferd for All. -li li Lewis ol I'oilland, and .'!0 tons of llour lor Sun e'litn-i-ieo, from the Kn;ciiu inllli, and alioul tolls of mi.-cel:a:icous freight. Mailt ipiaol, Kohruarj-". Tuoi'in.i: at Fa l.i. ( rkkk. T.v eitizeas of Fid I Cirek recently dlsi greed on souirt trivial mljict nnd ended Uli the matter luafieelmno.il light. The n suli is n w arrant issued lor the arrest of Jisso Mcllne for us sallltlllg lien. I mti r. lliewaii.ini was placi d ill the halnls of '(instable Mattesoii last Tuesday, but lit la-l accounts he had not yet captured his man, who Is evidently lying low. Ci.assI h Kntdu i'ainkii. Saturday iveniii: Mi-es Ada 1 leudrleks and it.-lle Blown entei tained Ihe senior iinl junior c ass -s ol'lhe I'lilvelslty of Ore: on at th" Lon,e of the former. I'lie rooms were haiiiNomely deeoraled with college colors, dowers, plaids and everjri ens. ihe aiiiU-enieut ofllm evening was a conversational game, and in lids Mis- Lottie Johnston won the llrsl prize and Fred Mulkey and Lee Trivia lied for Ihe pe. olid. In drawing straw, Mr Travis won. I'm Inei s were then secured for supper iu a novel way. The gentlemen went placed in a darkened room, wllh a I'liilnin oo-r tint door. One at a lime they would place a not under the ellltltill li (ni the Indies Would hill oil It the highest bidder securing Ihufeii. I Ii-iiiii ll who belonged tn that foot. I I bids ranged from l! cents to a million dollars. Ruby 1 leinli ick, Inn Craig, N'iuu Wilklns und Kim i lli iidrl'-k-ucled as wab In maid j I UK llusj lll-MIil) UtoM. . I Our lMutorriile Killtoi-'s WatuUi lug ; in ihe IS mi ill. I'Al.M Bi:.i ll, Flu., Jan. S, ISiHI. I Di-:ai tii'Aiin: Armed with a pock let full of passi -, eic, youi correspond- I I at left I'oi llr d, In company w ith (he j genial I'hiis Nickell, tint eaiiltullstic editor of Ihe Jacksonville Tillies on Jaiiu.'.ry Ulh fir I'I. rid. i t attend the j elcvi-i.lli -e-sl. i of the N K A. The li ip to Si Lou ., Mo, was made w it li mn any paili li ar lucid.- it otttsli e of the il-iial. t'f course e'.oryone is a Win e thai lichi tivol'ee Plllho.ui, the hilail' u' plst, f(l lishe his si.-, pin t ears 1. 1 I he into i i' 4 per day, While i e luxe. H nr IIIUu -. Still I ills i!o. s not mater li n In iberotihe phito.r itic p. si. and r it her we w ill stiile thai 'V. aelllall lllld pi ILO inilc wltli i. I Ig P, u Bro Amis would v tl'e n. e li it st la id ou tli - morning ot tin- 17th on a spt eial I ruin c insisting of seven s'.iepei4. ach men l. -r paying a luce llltle i.'ll iold piece minted at F f -r the pr1 vile e. Wcjptirs-d through l'.v,.usvillc, Nashville and many mailer cities; our Hist slop wss.it M.Uilgomeiy, Alubama, where Jef fi i.ou Davis Ans first iiisullud piesi ih nl f t ie Suiilheru oiile U racy, and we were in the loom win r he took the oath and in-peeled tlie l lli'o which lie held on the occasion. The city is full of I be luo-l rin ged ami dirty ncgroc we bad ever si en. i rom this place we skipped to I lioiiuisvllle, da., where we dined at a ma-nive hold at the S nail cost of MIi. At till plae .NieUell met on the street a most charming octoroon and ras lally re iiiaikc.l he would like In have hrr ae company the patty in lis wanderings. She said she would g i linmu ami pro cure her wardrone and make the trip. Tin- incident bad been forgotten until the lilaek dumsel arrivvd at the train with her belongings tied tli) iu bandana handkerchief, and insisted that Nickell carry out his contract. I le was great ly agitated as the parly w a yelling their lungs out at Ills ex pense, w hen ho coir promiz.cd the Hint lei by giving her o't cent ami I real- li i'i' . -a. i: ..' s. i'i- I'sias -w i ' ' ' ' ' ., Vs a. t x sir:,'. .'- V ' k ''.f.;t: G( OD m EViEHYBODY unst verl;. Ilif to clean i I'lllf. Ill'l i Kl .-il'I.M I the l eiict. . ve anj ton . trem;lliciii t tlian this: H regulates t li ralthv, an 1 c jnJitlon yen Bilious i HtM.I.Uie anj C that worn out i nit bk Ll' ge' la. an ' ItK LA i' and goo.' Mn.. v t.il.is some l.ixatlvi 'ies-1 -in and keepthi win l ake Simmon j ' (! ! I or pow dei) f a 1 1 1 1 and l Icasar t ih.it t v:it the bloo I i win ! svstrm. An 1 A UONi LlVLR RbGL. o I ivir, keeps It activ when tne Liver Is l i tmJ cursclf free froi.i In I'gcslion, Sick nsiipa'.on, and rlJ cf iJ dchiiltatrd ferllnB. Uall) Uuanl, Feljriiin y :l. Runaway. One of Mr Livennore's delivery teams ooK a spin on tin ir own account this nt'eruooii. Tiny stalled from E Andersen's residence and lull a enupli-ol blocks sotilli, llu-il crisseilover tn High street and ran east lo SB Ivilun's resilience, where they collided wllh a tree, and Ihe wagon was pretty builly broken up. No one was hurt. Pully iiltiiio. hel'riiuty I. A hVANCKM UVT I.UIl. At the Ad vancement ciub last evening Kev K li S iiiiler-i'ii lead a paper on "t'o opera tion in Higher E lue it iuii," in which hen. I foil ll the plan adopted by his Meaty of establishing divinity schools adjoining universities and col cgt-s, Unit llii'M" desiring to do so might pur-ili. theological studies in cntiuic lion Willi tho-e which they liiLbt lake ill the university. Such an ai llinell'eiit Wiillhl iloublless plnve proliiable to both institutions. Ills now being tried in a ftw places in Ihe F:i-.t, ami promise to piwe highly siic-essitd. Following the paper w ns iii;'i- a lengthy (li-ciissinn on the Miljul. Miss Julia Ve.iz.in nudapa pel piepured by Mrs l)r (. Impntim on "I'.illiiiU Setlleinclit." Dn:ii Mr James A Walker, brother of W It Walker, (lied at his home at Big Prairie, about 41 miles up the Middle Foil;, last Wednesday, of con sumption, lie us n bou I 44 years i f age und leaves a wife and I hive ehil .llell. ile forinerly resided at Spiing lield and inal lied a daughter of B J Peiigra. llu hid iiiany fiiinU In Lane county who will rcgr. t to hear of his death. Nkw Fi'knac i:. Me.sis -Iglir ft Iliady, proprietors of the Chicago Ba kery, have just completed a new fur mice in I lieir bakery. 'Micii business bus so increased that the old flirnil'-. was luadciiliatc to supply the ih unind loi bread, pies, r.ikes, , (e Thi old oven liad a o pacity or m i louvea of bread 1ST (lav W hell crowded. Tin- I new one will hive an output oi irom lisai tn JCO'i loaves dally I'st'y ( ir t, Kei.n:ary .1. ItK.l L'UNKIi. Wid Met lee and bis fun c ol men, w 'in went d ' n yester day to remove the pil.i of drift from the river st the mouth of M ek' slough rilimud on the fi.ipsy tin af'cruooii. They s.iWeil the (llifl ihroiigh, I ut it wi old ii"t a-s down, v. ill b 1 I I'll,-.- l to (l.s- 'I iins A w I. rr y a ml Ar hsve chang'-il p-i-itinn For hioiio t iine M r. A w- oi the day force und l as hud charge of the it, ill. ut at nilit. I oliim. neiiig Ihe 1st i ns t. Mr. Awln-y us-umid the nlghl work kid Mr. Coiiog iHkes Mr. Aw h rev's l.o e on ihe day force. llslW Ituara, I ulii miry 4. ( 'i.t' ii Swinoino At assembly at I he illitvuisll v this morning a class of si ,"llng laili. s.Misses Bal i lira Lliller II. tiiietla Li'iier, Laura Miller, Lila Siiauli, Pea. I Coom r and Floy Wat kin-, gave, an exhibition of club swinging. Tn the lime of music they weul I hroiigli t w uty oi t hirly cli.tog. s wil I out u hiteh, many ot them being ililheiilt feats and mini lug consider able skill. 1 1 proved decidedly Inter estii g, ami a number of time during tlie cxerclso Ihe students were unable !o control lhciii"f Ives and cheered litem on I he accomplishment of some dllll.-ult foil u re. At the clo-e of the i Xi-rclse ' lie young ladies were vigor nlisly encored, bin declined to ret pond. Taliy iiiihui, lolirnaiy I. I'ACMNd Pkim.s i.o T Hull A Son are busy picking 7.0M1 pounds of raisin cut ci I prunes. The prune me i f the veiy hunt (pialily and are lo leg packed In two sizes of boxes; con liiinlng "1 and Vl pounds each. The I in.is luivi, ullrai-tlve labels on one end bearing 1 1 hi lus-riptioii, "Ureifou Prices; ,Meeli.l(. brand: ral-ln cured; packed by Geo T Hall A Son. This Is au ut t rai t ivo way of preparing tlie piiini s fur shipment and ought tn aild in. id i lally to the sab. 'I'n Li .mhvi: tiik DiiiKi'. An ellort Is la jug 1 1 lin lii lii niise among our busi lies. u. i n a sum of money stilllclcnt to reiiinxe ihe big pile of drift o(lg(d tilioid fmr or live miles b -low town, which Interfere wild river naviga tion, Wnl Mi Gcc w ho wus down a couple, of Hays ago, sas hu thinks four nun in fmir or five days time can remove the drift, by sawing i-nd bl w- ik -tin i:d expense or Hie irnt exceed to'i, .unit Weil l I v -p I t at a n bo saw l in in l;'ht The I, a;, i , Pi 1 y inn, I r' sr)' I IlKI.I'HI I Til" f' Pow it'g llell- guies loll." -a'" leigtieof r. iiil.li.'ai eb, b want id I'm t '.a i d thi inoriiini: A C Wood -i. ot. S H Friendly. F W Mil k v, J M Wn.i.iu.-. Jasper Wil !cie hi' d CJ Lnild L N H ii y and ' C J Howard i j i I to i !".'. n on the early train tomorrow. i limue iii. l , charges. j Nkw Mii.i.inkiiy 1'liiM Mrs I) A j Kliliiit y, w ho bus been concliii-lii g thu ndlliiii ty st ue on tin; socoiid llisT ill Ihe Go'id niin building, liu associated M is J W White with her in t he busi ! n-ss. Thev will continue to me. t ' C'i-toini . s ut the old siainl, and will '. carry a very choice stock of uoods. j Pikuia'ik t'orni. In ths probate court orders have I et n Issued appoint j ll. g H I ' sin H h ml uli i. 1st i aim" of the Vi jtaleol t' M Miirtm, ilf.i-asd. Also Mis Lav la Lai o inliiiiiii-'ralilx ol llie ! est fe of J C I. r- in e, -b i-id. The i lalkr estate is Valued at $JU"). ir some Ji.. 0 away. Wo then went to rum pa City, slopping at the Tampa lintel al a reduced rale ot M per day Slill this price lid not slarlle it plulo crat iu Ihe least. Alter three days we staried for St Augustine, a beautiful city, and took uuarters at Ihe Hot I'liiiee lie Leon, a building that cost In -reel and tiirnish -',.r)0i).l)O(). Ihe rato was 7.otl per day, but iluiocracy still had nerve and did the grand and held oil Ihe icpututioll ol Eugene. After I luce ilny a we went to Unwind, and lingered a day ut the hotel of Hint name for the small sum of ft. We spent a half day at Day tonia, a most iii-autiriil mill, city, ami actually we got away mil armed ami without spending a nickel. Then we came here slopping al Ihe Hotel Royal i'olil eiaiia, at a red iced rate of to on the sixth lloor. Ti e house Is an elegant one und ha rooms, and seats IMS) iu the dining n oin. ll tukes olio Just two hours 1. 1 devour the me..u. Al all the leading hot. Is drink are ".0c each even Is'ei as H also cigars, and even mineral water. Our It lend Amis bus always (old in that Bourbon Was cheap lu the I iiiuiv Hnut'i but we must diller from him. 'I'll" climate s Just excellent. At noon today tin tlirruiomrb r stood at 7"i degrees, and hundreds bathed In the surf, the witer Is-ing i .lie. waini. Your polutocni ic editor a ailed him self of this privilege payin , il.'S) for lent of the e-i.lt . In this sectb ii we havo nigo pl.n;- apple pi aiitnil'i.i.,i'ocoaiiui . an nuui'iia oichardsat lai nrlct-a. ' i ran p ir- ehase anyllilii;; from an alligator to a sea ciw. 1 will attempt to ninkn a few more comments in l ie near futiux. I. L. C. bully in .1, l-'eliriiarv j, I'OUII'KY TiKKH A Rt'it:. States- man: Ihe Ji go isnu & in, poill'ry car, eonlalniiiv .lull chickens ami a lew ducks and gcei., was atlaol e l to tlie south bound freight train tulH morn- ing at tblselly and started on its ru I urn to Sun Francisco. On uccnunt of having arraiigi d lor a lot of Ilia fowl kind at places up the valley, Mr Katz, the company's u ;ent, was noiiipelleil to start the car out of this city only pari lally loaded. At Tangent he will lake mi fil dozen, at Halscy 60 li'Z.en. at llarrlshiirg IK) dozen at Junction 10(1 dozen and at Eugene 170 dozen. The poultry received hero Mr Katz says Is far ahead of I hut pur chased In the southern part of the state in the matter of (piallly and bleed, ami he expects to be ill this see tlou again -about seven days hence lor a lot morn of the feathery tribe. The present. Indications are that a car of such live stock can lai shipped out of Salem every tell days. The car that left this mnrniiig will reach San Fran else i Saturday morning. 1 n 1 1 y (limril, February 4. A Goon Loaii The Gypsy took duwn IWtonsef freight from litis point ibis inclining The boat carried more freight both Incoming and outgoing this trip than on any previous one. rSiiw had a hard trio, though, owing to the snags ami ill ill wood left iu tlie river by the recent high waters. lloWiVir, the bout will continue to come tn our city pisi as long as it is possible for her' to do so. The river needs lo be cleaned of the snagsatid drift wihhI how iu the main channels, and, since the government snag puller lias gone out of service, It will proba bly bo necessary for the citizens of Eugene to s-rform the work. An elliii t Is being made to l ave a force of nun go dow ii the river and complete Ihe work commenced by the force that went down Sunday. The matter will ho definitely settled iu a day or two. Wi.i. Lkavk. Mr F W Parker, who lias l en gondii -Mug a store on Ninth street t ho pal two years, Is boxing bis goods prep, ratory to removing to Osklaud, Caiifirnbt, Ills foi mer haine. He expects to take a pleasure tiip north before n turning to California. Pally diiard. February a, Lauckny nv Bam.kk.-T I) Max it II bus been u Taded on a charge of larceny by ba h c in Hading oil some stock placed ill iU hands fo' pastun.ge. His tlial is set i.V Justice. Wheeler for next Friday at i'i) o'cliH-k. CITY Taxi:. 'the lucorporalud tow n of Lim i county I ..ve levied taxes as folio vs: Eugefe, 5 m ils; June lion Cltt. :!J mills; 'prlngtl .Id, 0 mills; CoUuku Grove, li mills. The-sate nil cat -. J l-v n sluggish Liver Gool digestion atiJ Iter Jem Itoin stomach troul ks will onlv Ic I'.iJ when the liver Is prcfetly at wotl.. If tniubleJ with anv of these complaint, trv SIMMONS LlVEK KEUUUTuR. Ihe King of Liver Medi cines, atiJ Better than Pills. TEVKllY PACTCAGE-s Uae the Z Stamp In red on wrapper. J. If. Zollln . ',., l'hlli,., iv HON. S. 1. MIRl.ll DEAD. lie Mill Last Night at III Heme lo Pendleton. Pallj Guard, 1'cliruarT S. Hon. S. II. Friendly this morning reivlved from l, liner (' leaver, of Pen dluloii, a dispatch aiiuouncing the death of Him. H. P. Klurgls lu that city last night, after an Illness ef several wieks. His deatli will be universally mourned. Hon. 8. P. St u rg is was appointed April, I, lsu.1, as a ineinls-r of the bnard of regents of the university of Oregon by Governor Lord. MrSturgls was born In the town of Gorham, Maine, In the year ISoil, and came from a good old New England family. While yet a young man he came West with Ida father and family, and set tled In Umatilla county, MrSturgls' llr't Introduction into the business world was through a clerkship In the store of Jones A Brooks, ot Walla Walla. Ho afterwards remained with Saling ib Reeae, of Weston, eight eara having almost entire control of the business until his annolntment aa cashier of tlie First National Bank of Pcndlelo.i, in 1SS2, which waa then t lio only national bank east of the Cascades. MrSturgiawas recognized as one of the most prominent finan ciers ol tlie Northwest, and enjoyed tlie reputation of being an upright and honorable business man. Mr Sturgls was eminently a "elf- made man, winning the conlldciice of his at sue lutes and the high pisjitione conferred upon him by his indomitable eneicy, sieaill'astncss to purpose, and loyal y to principle. Ills appointment as a laemhur of the board of legenta was r n honor conferred upon one ot the naist honored and gifled citizens of Fs tein Oregon and was one high ly ct Iital'lo to the university. Tli 'funeral wn: ue commoted i-ri- day I Walla Wal'n, Washington. A sped . I train will be run from Pendle ton 'ii ana ai:u. Oo of respect to the memory of the dee u ed regent H ere will be no see slon ( the Unlveisity iu this city Friday. 1'oiiiiulsgn a its I curt. Court met pursuant to adjournment and t oceoded wil i the examination of tlie books and aildrs oi tlie various county officers, and tlud In the hands of the county treasurer, Jan 1, 13iX),tbe rollov lug amounts, to wn: Genoa al fund.. (1154 81 Contliiuii school fund 14.03 67 Excesi " 60 10 lustliuto " 230 60 Road " 1 60 Soldier's relief " 227 44 Fish and gamo " 60 00 commission " 60 W City of Eugene " 4 15 School districts " No 4, 13 CO; No 10, 1 00; No 14, -'! Hi; No 4 i, 13.30; No fiU, fn.OI: No l7, 3.U2j No 13!l, f'.lO 37 81 Total (3330 OH And (lint said amounts a grew with tlie books kept in the clerk's office and with the cash on baud. We also tlnd the books In the sheriff's ami clerk's office and ail moneys properly accounted. In the matter or llio liarntei roau, it is ordered by the oi urt that the nraverofthe peiitloners Wm Darnlel, F W William and I'll othors be grautsd ami that O M Collier as surveyor, and J J Winn, C Hnys and J Holgute aa viewers meet and survey and view said road. In the mutter of the Hall road, a re monstrance upncai'lng greater than the petition said petition was not granted. Licknmk TO Wkd. A marriage license was granted to Harry Greeu and Miss Susan A Taylor by Comity fieri. Jennings. Awarded Highest Honors World Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR; t. lw CREAM Most Ti rfect Made. 40 Years the Standard, mmm