The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 25, 1896, Image 1

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jr.-i si' tiIn Ul-ai Ut 01 AKI,
C is. iVatcnes, Chains, Jewelry, Etc.
arIWr'' Warraote4.-tW
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
rhywlolan nl Surgeon.
Orti.u nJ rmilro.w r p.wtiil!ice. Huur
w V a. m.: Vi t 0 to 9 . ui.
23. O. X3l2IZZ3.
I $ Prilos .nil New I'rlcei In Foreign and
DOiiU'atic Marble and lirunlle, Monuments.
Hc!itoiH'( tuil CeractiTT work of
II kluda fur 1M.
liu.'lto Street, near IViloftleo. Eugene, Or
fries Onc-hatf block loutb of Chrljuian'a
be County Bank.
i (KitlillbeJ la li)
A general Banking business
Uall branches transacted on
f.vorable terms.
f A. G. HOVEV. President.
i J. M. AltRAMS, Cashier.
A. U. HOVE V, J K. Asst. Cashr.
T. U.lixxnBiCKs,
3. U. Kakin, J.,
M Um Sank
01 Eugene.
Paid up tasb Capital $50,000
Surplus and Profits, $50,000
Eugene - - Oregon.
A iptnaral bunking bualnaa don. on reuou
' I terms. Sight (trfu on NEW YoKK,
LtSD.OHEUON. Bills of eicliUK Kilit on fortlt;n couutrif.
lpoiiu twxaiyed fiilijcfit to cbstk or oartifj-
Cttt. Of llOMit.
All oollm'tiiint .ntnutod to ni will rtooiv.
niiipt atliiUon
fj. L. PAGE,
raving a Larue uiul Complete otock of
(Staple and Fancy Groceries bought
in the beat marked,
I cau ofler the public belter price
j than any other house lu Eugene.
Lira of all licis taken at Market Prices.
' (Evaneliit,)
Of Dm Mutnea, low, writM und.r dU
March 23, ltttti
i B. Mkd. JIfo. Co.,
a Dnfnr. ()riM'i! .
1 Gentlkmkn: On arriving homo hint
I found all well and anxiously
Salting. Our little girl, eight ai. nue-
year oia, who had wiwuii away
xiundn. U now well, troii(r and
iiroun. and well flenhed up. ri. It.
'ugn Cure hiui done it work well.
I til nf Ilia ohll.lnm lllra it Vnup H
f'-t'ouRh Cure ha cured and kept
y all hoarxiiPKn from nie. Ho give
wieverj' one, wltn preetliiKS Tor all
ii!ihiiig you prHprity, we are
1 lours, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ford.
I " you rl., to frl frh ud chtr.)il, nd
(or the Spr'.:iK' work, clrana. tlie ayatein
ilh th. H , .,. ..... ii.... i.. 1.1,1...
I V . nI ii'iwi a iwi
"""I uii'lcra piwltlfr auaranti'.
ill eciila per bollle b all lf
11 JrutiiliU.
Office over Baum's clothing
Store. ..
Tim U It revival dom-d lust iiiijht.
The 8 iiiNla llyer pimed throiiL-h lust
t Ilt ( .
Ifi:u! (iriy w.nt to CrHwell tlii
.I.ilm Vt, of 'leii!int Mil , wu in
Eiii'iie Imluy.
Nwt'rtil (mrtlin were nut durk limit
iiift yeHienlu.'.'h young in.-tt Imve oig:iiilzc d
a iliiueliig i'i ill.
Attorney W'iKidou'k returned to Ha
lem 1 1) la iiioriilug.
SeTflnry 'f Slate Kinea'd vi.ited in
I'olllunil yenlerday.
MrtJiHl Wiire U coutliied to her
ll'UIIO with HlckllteK.
Ilev E V Hiinlirnoii returned from
rortlaud thin Hfteriinim.
J M Willianiii, deputy proM-iuiliig
attorney, U at H:ilem.
lie rents I' SturirN U Mt ill ipiite 111
at hit home iu reiidletoii.
t hin Crunllll, of Central Puint, Id
vihitli g relativt-H in tlilt city.
S:ilein KrTii;e U upp i. d nu i-xtru
.'Khidti of the li'KUImure.
Th-re me lunv lJ Inmitu ut Ihe
oldii'iV Iiiiiiii ut Itnxh irit.
Joi n dilivfied n neruioti
at Jlmrisburg ye-l -rduy.
C I) Col, of I-nl'l. lent Ifen
CoiiillliHsloucil a iiotuiy public.
II Y Walter of I'ortlat.d in vliith g tind irieiiiU in t! il y.
Mi-H lielle Itrown ai.'l her aiiut hnvu
retur.Kil liniii tuelr visit i i Ca ifurnla.
Yedoidiiy uiiiruiiiK'H ovei land train
arrived In-real 4 o'clock jftcrduy
ul'K I I.1XIII.
l: iii;li ind iiieleiiii'iit Iih s
not mop lind' Army and the tSalva
timile. Tlio IVndletoii Nti'iim laundry
burned Friday niht. Il v'a vulut-d
at CU0.
Tlio Hluluw htin;e ariivcd here at
4 o'clock yenterdiiy afleruoiui, nearly
24 limns lute.
Mlwn Mary Berber and Estella
Ienrued exjieel lo Sun FranciHco
iliinng I'etiruary.
Aloert Mnuaii, of ('lcdonl:i, Xorth
D.ikotn, is a recent arrival in the city,
lodkliii.' up a location. .
Attorney L Ililyeii and A 1
Wtietder, justice of t he pence, are ut
tending supreme cou ri in S .li tn.
The Mlleliel, Lewiii &. Slaver Co h.ia
entered suit in the circuit court to re
cover money from W It Ilawley.
J D WUhoii weut to Collage Grove
today. It M rumored that he will
soon alart a valoou at that place.
Xo lean vear partie have tieeu held
iu Alhauy yet llils year. SVIiut Ih the
matter with the ladies down there'.'
The leupvear propowil aine ought
to be be unite lutcreHtiiig. It is heiug
proponed ill the social circle of l'ort-
Job Davlw. of Mohawk, who wan
Inju.ed in a runaway In tldscilya
siiorl time since, is still unitule to
HarrMiurir Rovlew: Mis Minnie
Evans will go to Junction tomorrow
to visit for a day or two before return
leg to her home at Isabel.
Hon J M Dick, hetter known toolo
inhabitants as "Preacher Dick" of
Camp Creek, arrived here today after
an absence of over a year in Pennsyl
Hot. II It Miller hns returned from ft
week's visit at Grant' Pass. I1h re
port all business interest active and
mining i.llalrs boon lug In Southern
X A Smith returned .from blue river
yesterday. He reports but little snow
there now, and state that men are at
work pushing a tunnel luto the
Luckey Hoy mine.
Thu Tnli,r f 'mint v evs. nllhlishell
at Visalin, California, by tlm Gllstrap
brothers, has entered upon its second
year. It is a newsy paper and pop
iilistic In point of political views.
Mrs It It Houston, nf ll.ischurir.
supreme chief of lhilhhurn Sisters,
pusseii inrougii on yesieniay s iriiiu iu
TlieliHlIes, w here she goes to organic)
new lodge oi thai orer.
fru TtnvliKnn win) hns been visit
ing with her tlitighter. Mrs W SGd
berl, in this city, left, for Cuividlit this
monnng. She w:w itcooiiiijiinied hy
MrsG IUrt who Is going to Portland
to remain a month.
The track at the sii-ne .or the big
landslide in ' ow Creek ounyoii wu
clenred awav at 4 o'clock Sunday
morning, but another slide c ine lui
iiifriiutelv afterward, rover tig the
track for a distance of 70 feet with a
pile of debris 10 feet deep.
Harrlslmig Iteview: Mr and Mm
i il 1''li ri'iiiineil home toduv after
s month's visit with their daughter In
Kuircne. Mr Coucli had a surgicui
operation pcrforued while there
WlllCll lie loT8 will ien'ic nun
Electric railroads are proving of
great benefit to the farmers In Maine.
The trolley lines run out from the
lurge cities and towns to villiages far
removed from steam railroad commun
ication, and In several distilct ar-
rnnueioenta are making to Hill trolley
milk trains, vegetable trains, and the
like, to enable the farmers to get their
produce UleVly to market. It is even
proposed to run trolley coal trains, to
supply coal to small towns that now
use only wood.
A modest young lady, who desired
to purchase a pair of garters, addressed
the young man behind the counter
thus: "It is my desire to obtain a pair
of circular elastic appendages, capable
oflieing contracted and expanded by
means of oscillating burnished still
appliances that sparkle I ik- particles
of gold leaf set with Alaska diamond
and which are utilized for retaining in
proper position the habiliment of the
lower extremities, which innate deli
cacy forbids ui to mention."
Ou r friend, Dr Iteese, lias been hav
ing some sport of late w ith a numherof
unsuspecting youths. He has hung
out f a an Inesistuhle tempting bait
and reward to the (lrst energetic youth
bringing the gizzard of an owl. One
vounirinan after hunting all day, re
turned worn out and hungry. On U
Ing skd if he killed au owl, replied:
"Yes, and cut it Into little pieces, and
I'll Is) darned If I could flud any
gizrard." Drowusvllle Time.
Plenty of water.
A D ltaxter Is In Portland,
j llosfburg has voted a 4 mill school
I lax.
John P tindexter of La Ceiuss is vis
it irg In Eugene.
Mr Frank Moorhead, of Junction
City, Is in town.
1 The S P company' creosot ing plaut
, Is now at Latham
j Mrs McClarcii weut to Juuctiou
City iliis morning.
1 Mrs Millard cume up from Junction
City this aftern ii.
i A farmers institute will be held at
Union January 27 and 28.
j Judge J J Walton went to Salem to-
, day to attend supreme cout.
i Carey Mui'titi has been elected presi
dent of the Salem dancing club.
The democratic county central com
mittee nu els in this city Saturday.
! Dr W Kuykcndull went to Salem
; this evening on thcdcl.ived overland.
i V W Alilughain, one of the pros
perntls farmers of West Point, is in the
j city.
Hall & Son are loading a car w ith
jpitutis today for Ihe Sacramento
'1 he snio'lmat, Corvallis, run onto a and is now laid up for a few days
at r-aicm.
Will Y.iraii is reporting on the
(il'Altlt for a few days. Give him
your ileum.
Yi.ierd.iv' O.vgnuiaii contained a
full li."t of all the mines in Hie vlciuily
of Hukt r i.ity.
Geo It I) irris weut to Salem this
morning l attend to business before
the supreme c i art.
M II H .rlow, Jr, was in town this
uioriiiiigaiul states that his father is
gradually growing weaker.
A part nf the room on Ninth street
recently vacated ty t; it Jialc, Is lie
iug titled up lor a barW-r shop.
Editor Amis of tue ltroad Axe ha
a lively communication, on Spaugu's
actions, in today's Orcgouiun.
F J Schmulz, w ho has been visitlnu
in Lane county for some lime, left for
home ut Silver Lake, this morning.
Mr Joshua Adlcr, a brother of Mrs 8
II Friendly, arrived here from the
East this tii'tcrnooii for a few days
Itev J F Duy returned today from
Oakland, where he has been conduct
ing revival services the past two
Murk Katz, agent for Chas. Jacob
sou & Co. of Sau Francisco, returned
home on this morning's overland
Mr Clodfelter, of Independence,
came up this afternoon on a visit to
her sisters, Mrs T W Harris aud Mrs
Saloons In Portland have Is-en ma
terially lessened In uumtier this
(iiarter hecuu-e of being unatilo to pay
Yesterday the county clerk Issued a
matriuge license to Daniel A Itlack,
aged 61 years, and Orie Morgan, aged
Si I yeurs.
Thirteen carload of i-avv dust, pre
sumably for ice packing purpose, were
reivully shipped trom Jiakcr City to
Attorney Frank Slilpworth returned
to Lebanon today, after a short visit
with his brother, Attorney E It Skip
worth ol this city.
The sturgeon fishermen ofNVIIIapa
harbor have formed a union, and pro
pose to raise the price ol tlie llsh and
regulate the market.
Mr Henry Harlow, nf Farmlngton,
Washington, arrived here this after
noon to attend tlie bedsido of hi
father, M il Harlow, Sr.
Miss My ra Calef, head nurse in the
lufiruuiry of the asylum at Salem,
came up l ist uigiii to see ner grand
father, M 11 Itarlow, :?r.
The north bound overland, due here
this incrning, was expected about 4
o'clock this attcriionn. It was to meet
the south hound local at Comstock.
A Salem pais-r get oil' the following
on a prominent Eugene attorney: "A
C Woodcock returned home to Eugene
this morning to spend Sunday with
his family."
The U It revival at Irving closed
Sunday night after a very successful
scries of meetings. About 10 acces
sion to Did church was the result of
Itev Xc ill's efforts.
An O egiin man hns attained some
iiriiicllon iu a Philadelphia competi
tion by walking oil' with the prize for
growing three lluest yellow globe
Daliver ol Ions.
Mrs C 1 Wut-on left ibis morning
for Poll aud. From there she will
lake the neuuicr for San Francisco,
and then g' to Southern California
to reuiiiin some time.
The rabbit drive on the west side
last Sunday was not up to the usual iu
numbers, us only aW.ul oOO were killed.
The next drive w ill take place on the
south side of Drew' creek.
There was n young girl an the Xlger
Who rod-, with a imile, on a tiger;
When they returned from the ride
Tlie girl was Inside,
And themiileon tlie face of the tiger.
Chaiies Ficster, Ihe Josephine coun
ty wife iiiurdercr, lias been adjudged
insane by the county judge, who
writes from Grant' Pass aud asks the
governor to commit Flesler to the usy
I In in.
All Oiegonlull collector has Is-etl
held lo ihe grand jury In the sum of
' 2,000, by the police Jude. It is sur
thai (ieotL'e E llerger got away
with about 11.000 ot the uregoi.iuu
- " . . i f
The yuiiiii; I Vio attorney, Fred S
Wood, auspieioned of being implicated
in the Pendleton postotllce robbery,
ha proven a g I alibi and hi arrest
is now regretted by everyone in Pen
dleton. A number of gentlemen who have
hciiome Interested in bowling, are
holding a meeting tin afternoon to
see what can I done iu the way of
establishing iH-rmanent bowlingal
i ! Iir Ibis city.
I W W McCormick, medical director
! of the Yakima Gold Cure Company at
Xoith YukiuiH, Wash, who is In the
city, rcpo.-ts that he Is meeting with
i good encouragement and expects to be
j utile to establish a . branch institute
The Advancement (Tub.
l'slly Uuard, January 21.
The feature at the meeting of the
Advancement Club last evening was a
paper by Hon 11 It Miller nu "Hala
tion of Woman to Soclul Progress."
Mr Miller took the part of tlie woman
and in an able manner championed
her cause Hint brought out her many
excellent qualities, lie allowed that
the better instincts aud nobler quali
ties are louud lu woman, aud while
man ha been following uatureand
cultivating hi warlike qualities and
giving his attention to the accumula
tion of wealth, woman has exercised
the natleuce, tenderness and mother
hood endowed by nature and deveted
her attention to the cultivation of
morals, w itli the result of a vast Im
provement in the social standing of
the human race. From Mr Miller's
article it appears that woman ha the
credit of being tlntt to devise imple
ments of various kinds; first to dis
cover medicinal qualities of the many
herbs; first to give attention to th
cultivation of Vegetables and cereals;
first to ii anufaciure Hour, aud iu lad
first in everything, and after she bus
taken tlie initial step mat: has trans
formed her Inventions frnm'crudo
stale to one of perfection. Tbupuis r
was a unvr review of llio advancement
of civilization from ancient times, in
iv ii ich woman was given the hulk of
the credit for the progress made
Problem Chapman announced that
he had partially eniMtrud several
speakers, and on vote of the club it was
decided to assure these sieakr their
expenses in coining tiere, and the en
gugeuient will now be closed. The
gentlemen are Mr Watson, of Ashland.
subject, Crater Luke; C J Schnabel, of
roi'llund, subject, Judicial I'rooedure;
It ii lteekmuti, of Portland, subject
not given. At the next mtetlng Prof
Loudon will give a paper ou "Evolu
tion of the Earth' Crust."
A Utizeu's Views.
Editor Daily Guahu:
That hoodluiulsui is ou the iucrease
in our city "The fairest city of the
pialu ' la evident to all observers,
and such will be the case until some
means of puoishmuut is devised fur
such olleuces that are so common.
What, I ask. are the authorities doing
thai a good large rock pile 1 uot iu
teaiiness to welcome this and every
otliei class of offenders who defy our
laws? the present mode or punish
incut (?) is inadequate, for to be placet!
iu a comfortable building this stormy
weather and to be fed at the exiieuie of
the taxpayers on the fat of tlie laud i
just what these criminals desire. Will
those who are supposed to administer
our laws attend to this without delay?
Dally Uuard, January 21.
Hetcrned. L N Itouey and crew
returned yesterday afternoon from
Heudrlck ferry, where they were en
gaged for a week In rebuilding the
lerry bout, llicy hud just got ready
for work when the river commenced
to rise and they experienced any
amount of difficulty in accomplishing
t iclr work, and part of the time were
assisted by ten or more men living iu
that neighborhood. The boat was cut
down and made smaller, and then
moved down the river uhout one hun
dred yards from where it has lieen the
past year, a the current of the river
has changed so as to make this nec
essary. Mr Itoney states that even
now it will be -dillicult lunding the
boat, but there was no better place
for it either above or below.
Circuit Court Cases. John Me-
Collum ha entered suit auuliift Lane
county in the circuit court for the re
covery of money. Th complaint
alleges that In May the plalntill
entered into a contract with the county
court for the keeping of one Daniel
liarklus, he to receive si.m per day
for the care, board aud lodging of said
Ilarkin. He now has a claim against
the county fur $213.75 for said services
aud ask for Interest on the same from
August 10, 1KUL The complaint al
lege that the court tendered tlie
pluintllf J50 but he refused to accept
that amount. A suit has also been en
tered by G it Chrisman against It
Suinolu to recover money.
Gutting Wild. Col Alley of the
Wctt seens to have it in for Eugene
more than usual this week, lu his
ranting lie suddenly come at us wild
eyed in the following lungutge:
"Steelhead and Chinook salmon are
caught in this river aud transported
and told in Eugene, under the very
eye and knowledge of a deputy game
warden, liutaa there Is no money in
ll for the warden, this violation of the
law Is left unheeded ' or unmolested,
it Is only wealthy canuerymen'
that I wanted In Eugene!
Ihe law to the devil!
It Is coin we
Si'iuiTUALiHM. Prof Iloat, of Bos
ton, a spiritual medium and astrologer
has taken room over Uhltieharl's
grocery store, and hold meetings each
evening. Sunday evening the meet
ing was free and wa well atteuded,
but for most of the meeting an ad
mission fee is charged. Astrology la
fortune telling by means of planets
under which a ersoii 1 born, and
many have great faith in this method.
1 he meeting will be free uguln tomor-
Daily Guard, January 21.
Another Car. Messrs Chase & Co
of this city, agent for Chas Jacobscu
& Co's commission house, in San
Francisco, have sufllclent poultry ou
hinduud enough more lu sight lo
warrant them to commence immed
iately to loud another cur for the San
Francisco market. They expect to
have the next car ready to ship by
rebrusry 1.
Dally .Htd, January 21.
a'v A iIiimch out of the usual
order Is to be given at Springfield next
Monduy eveuing. Ladies are re
quested lo bring baskets containing
lunch for two. Gentlemen will secure
partner for supper by taking hold of a
yarn passing under a curtain, with a
ludy attached to the oilier end.
Let Her Die. Governor I.rd is
receiving numerous letter from
women, begging him to rpar the life
of ioung Montgomery, the triple
uiuiderer, at Albany. One (.'allform-i
womsu says she knows his execution
will have the suVct of killing her, she
is ro wrought up over the matter.
HHi 11
Tlie Klver is New Over 17 Feel
Above Low Water Mark.
ially (iiiaid, J miliary .'!.
High water has come again aud is
staying pretty well, with prospects of
remaining a few davs longer. The
river has been nearly lank full for
several days, and last night went over
the bank. At eight o'clock this
morning it registered 10 feel aUive
low water mark. It has U-eu rising
lowly during the dny and is now a
little more than 17 feet above low
water, The heavy rain of last night
will undoubtedly keep it up for
another day at least.
Last night it was reported that the
bridge was cracking and it wa sup
v wed the middle pier was being un
dermined, us it vtaud In the middle
of the strong current. However, the
bridge is still there and today it shows
no Indication ut giving away, and
teams have been crossing a usual.
The water is over the roud north of
the bridge and wilh a little further
ilso travel will have to be suspended.
A K Patterson aud Fisher A
Wutkius, who have their slaughter
houses iu the bottom ucrotis tlie river,
weut over this morning and brought
some of their stock out and placed the
balance wheie llicv will be sale
Hundreds of people have visited the
river today, many expecting lo see the
bridge going or gone.
liut hlllu drift lias passed down, and
most that is passing is small, it la. 'Us
but a couple ol weeks ot being six
years since wu had the big flood. Hud
there Is-eu much snow lu the foothills
ws would have had a repetition of it
ai thi time.
Tli river lit had hundred of vi
Hon today.
If this down pour continues steam
boats cau lake short cuts across the
The present high water have had
theetfect of closing the locks at Oregon
lily lor a lew days.
The Hooding of the bottom on the
east side couis'lled Mcsar Fisher A
Watkliu and Messrs McCoruack A
Itarlsch to remove their beef stock
from th slaughter houses today. The
annual were taken to John conger'
farm two aud oho half miles weal of
The high waters have Hooded the
Springfield bottom, and the roud I
impassable at Judkiu's point. Th
Sprlnglleld stage came by way of Hen
derson and the Spnngtleld 1 tl U I1
cemetery today. If the watershould get
much higher considerable damage
may be done to properly In the bot
tom. The city has been pretty well flood
ed with surface water, but not suffi
cient to do any damage. At the low
place on the Davis lot at (ilh an Olive
streets discharge from the sewer has
been touring out through a manhole
and has Hooded the loi to a depth of
two or three feet. This is caused by
the outlet ot the sewer which Is so
constructed that a heavy pressure of
water at the river lose it, thus pie
venting the content of the sewer
from escaping.
This high water promise to be of
vast value to Mr Edri and his mill
race. A few years ago the river
changed to a new channel uud cut out
a part sf the mill pond near the uni
versity, lor a cou pi or years the
channel ha turned at almost a right
angle opposite the university, throw
ing tha entire currcut across the chan
nel and against the wall of the mill
(Hind. Xow the water Is rapidly cut
ting a straight channel at till point
audit! more then likely when the
water reu dus It will leave a big gravel
bar along the mill pond. In thi case
the mill race will lie oeruianeittly pro
tected. Daily Guard, January 21.
Sentenced to Jail. liny Ilabb,
Francis Ilempy and Linn Alexander,
the boys arnstid for creating a dis
turbance at the Salvation Army bur
rack Sunday evening, were glveu a
trial in Recorder Doilis' couit till
morning. A number of wituesse
were examined on both sides. After
hearing the evidence the iteenrder
sentenced ilabb to serve eight days lu
the city Jail, and Heuipy and Alex
ander were given live days each. The
boys were not given an opportunity to
pay a II ni'. The were placed iu the
city jail immediately alter the trial,
anil will have ample opportunity for
deliberation before again gaining their
Didn't Get Here. Thu Win ?.I
Hong, the O C it E company's boat,
which i-alled from Portland last Sun
day with tlio avowed Intention of
coming to Eugene, didn't get here.
Sh came as far a Corvallis aud then
turned back to Portland. Xo cause Is
given for the boat' failure to come to
thi city. It certainly could not have
been for luck of water. Owing to the
condition of the lock It will probably
bo everal day before she reaohe
Portland. She has announced her
Intention of coming here again, but
the people will uot l.xik for her until
they hear her fog horn.
Daily Uuard, January 21.
Died. E C Goodwin died lust even
ing at the residence of Arley Meek,
about thne miles rwlow town, of ab
scess of the lungs, lie was 82 year of
age. He had been married, but hi
wife and children passed away before
him. Thu funeral service are to bo
he'd tomorrow and the remain will be
buried In the Luper cemetery.
Sli'keme Court Cake. The fol
lowing cuse came up In the supreme
court at ttalem yesterday: "Thomas
Day, npellarit, v Mike Hchneder
and Mr M Schneider, respondents.
Appeal Trom Lane county. Argued
and -iii.iiiitl. 'l. A I'j Heeler ailor
uey for appellant.
L ililyeu attorney
for respondents."
Dally Guard, January 20.
The Steamer. The steamer Gypsy
reached the wharf at till plac at 2:.'i0
thi afternoon. She brought up a large
load of miscellaneous freight, mistily
for Eugene merchant. She ha a
(inantity of Hour to laks down from
the Eugene mill. The river is now at
a tea foot stage.
A Cha.noe. Ietcr Ogden who had
the subcontract for carrying the mall
over the Llewelyn Smlthlleld route;
tin diHised of his coutiact to John
Against I tie I o.t art.
Corvallis Times: A decision just
handed duwu by Judg 1'iillerlon Is of
considerable. Interest to Col Fgrtitou
Hogg. The led. ion is upon the pet .
lion of Col lloicg to hav i returned to
him the j'i'.IHHI depend lid, with the
hen II, a forfeit money at the sale of
the Oregon Paelllc, w hen Zcpliln Job
bid one million dollar for the pro
perty, l lie petition was originally
Hied ut tlio April term of court in l vi.
uud wu t ressed Mgtiln by Wallis Xah
at the spring term Inst year, alter Ihe
sale ol thu road to Homier and Ham
mond. A demurrer to the petition
wua tiled by the Farmers' Trust and
Lou 1 1 company, and th latter was
argued nl the last Anvemla-r term.
Ihe decision Just handed down, sua
lain the demurrer, and order tin
petition dismissed. The case will
probably be appealed to the supreme
Keal Estate Transactions.
Kcimrtod dally by th. Kiiitin Ab.liart rem
I'.iiT. (iIUcv In Tltua block iinHo llulTiuaii
U S to Isaac J Taylor w of n e J,
ic 12, tp 21 , r 4 w, con N) ucres; pat
ent. C V Wiishburuw to Thomas Knebcl
il 4 of n w J, sec 26, tp 16 s, r 0 w; cou
Sentimental Mar
riniicahlu men aie more plentiful thi.ii
marriageable women on the great Sius
law. The Floieiice West bus com
piled and published lu It last Issue a
list of tlie men who stand no show for
the Joys of connubial happiness unless
thry got without tlio boundary linos
of the great (and everlastingly scarce
of feminine marriageable beauty) Sius
law country lor a better half. There
arc nearly hO i f tlio bachelor who are
lightly living ou the fond hojie that
till leap year will not pass by without
forever dispell ng from their re vptlve
but timid minds the forlorn forboding
of eternal bachelorhood. None of
them aie unih i 21 year of ago. In
other word they are all old enough,
and just awidllng for the chance.
Girls, If you conuot Hud your choice
any where else, why not go to the
great Siuilnw: The newly spied out
laud of Italian skies, s ift
breezes and timid young bachelors. A
list of ti e nanu s of these charming
young men is now on II lo at the
Guard ollice and will be shown with
pleasure to any jeuning heuited
voungMiss who wishes lo try the
latest method of proposing. Please
consider well the Eugene b ys, though,
before select ii g from this I si.
Dali) (luanl, Januar 22.
IUver Fai.i.inu. Tho varin heavy
rain of the past few days irought the
river up to ihe 20-foot nark in thi
city. Thu ruin ceased to Tail uud the
weather tun od clear an 1 cold last
evening, thus giving tl e water a
chance to go down. Tin river cou
tinned to rise until It rea.iied the 20
foot murk some tluiedurlii ; last night,
and then begi.n to recede. The water
stood at lo feet at 8 o'clock thi
morulng, but wa rapidly falling, and
this afternoon stood at l.'l lin t. So far
as cau be learned no particular dainnge
lias been dune. The wall ol tlie mill
pond Is apparently uninjured, though
the water I not yet low enough to
determine Just how the channel I
there. The new channel which I
being cut through onposllo the mill
pond Is small but will undoubtedly
become the main channel of the river
within a year or two. The water had
receded enough by noon today to start
the wiiii' I of the Hour mill, ami proba
bly by tomorrow thu mill will be
ruuniug again.
XotHis Nephew. Carey Martin
Is not a nephew of Secretary Klnculd'a
notwithstanding this Information was
telegraphed to the Oregonian by it
correspondent at Salem aud ha been
copied by the stale pres. Mr Martin
is no way related to Mr Klncald. ite
is a young man who started In poor
and worked hi way through the
University or Oregon. He Is
holding Ll present position ou his
merit alone, and the malicious attack
made by thu Orviouluu's correspond
ent, from purely personal motives, Is
unjust, rind basely mlsrepreeetit the
tutcmeut which tin made.
At Sr. Louis. Among the Oregon
editor who hud reached St Louis on
the 17th en route to the National Edl
turial association's meeting at St
Augustine, Fla., were tho following
named: Chus Xlckell, Jacksonville;
A W Patterson and sister, Hcppuer;
Ira Campbell, Eugene: Gue. leaalce
and wile, Port and; D I Ashbury. Can
yon City; W II Leeds and wife, Ash
land; C C Doughty, Dallas.
Dally Uuard, Jauuary22.
Ill i ll At the lininn of her narvnts.
Mraml Mrs Mum Wltlirnu'. near F.l-
mlra, January 21, 1800, of consump
tion, aiter an unless oi nearly a year,
Miss Eva Withrow, aged 18 years.
The funeral will be held at 10 a in to
morrow and the reixiuius luterred In
the Ionian cemetery.
Dally Uuard, January 22.
A Kouoii Trip. Sheriff Johnson
returned Into yesterday afternoon
from a trls to Cottago Grove, Lorane
aud other place lu that end of the
county. He rejiort an exceedingly
rough trip, and encountered pieuivoi
water, hi horses being utmost forced
to swim a number of tine s.
Dally Uuar, January 21.
Installation. Wlm whala En
campment Xo II, I () O F, i istalled tho
following nlllcer last ev ning: I L
Simpson, C P; Noble Sir I ,er, H W; J
II Lnmpsoih II P; J C Church, Treus;
A H McClurc, Scribe; J W Che.ry,
Dally Uuard, Januar '21.
27 Tons. The Gypsy kit down the
river, thi morning with 27 tonsol
freight. Of l bis amount there were
20oTarrel of Hour billed lo San Fran
cisco hy the Eugene Mill it Elevator
Lost. A lieavv Kaier halter and
strap between EugAiio and Coburg,
Saturday, Jan 11 f littler pleny leave
at Dr KuykendulP oIlK'e.
Married. At Jasper, on January
17th, I81MJ, Mi Clara llarber and Mr
J L Moorehouse, itev It G Cullisou
s .' i. .:
v- ' ':- -.' 4
t .- ' ': - - 'J
1. 1 i rt A a tr i 4
Alrr.i-Kt rvervhiJv some laxative
mcJkine to clranvtr the s stem and keep tli
lined pine. 'Ilnne who t.ike SIMMONS
I.IVLK lUGli.AIOU tlhirij or powJcr)
g;t all the Y nei.ts t f a i.iiU anj pleasant
Lix.itlve anj tynlc l!.;it pu:is the blood
anJ strengthens the whole system. And
more than this: tiMMuNS livi.k RlitiU
LATOK rei;ul.i!f the Liver, Keeps it active
anJ lir.ilthv, anj when the Liver is in
f'i'J vol! I'mJ yourself free from
V.ul.iri.1, l;ninus:i--, KiJigtstion, Side
licadaJie anj Coiistipation, nnj ri J ot
that worn oi.t aid J.-hiiit.itcJ feeling.
1 hese are ail a.:iJ I y a sK:gisli Liver.
Good digestion :riJ lii-Jjom ftom stom.iih
troubles will tmlv be when tlie liver
Is pmperly at work. It t uihled with sny
ol these conipljint-i, tr' SIMMONS LlVfcR
Kl GULATDK. liic Kin:; of Liver Medi
cines, an J Better than I ills.
Ua the Z Rlainp in red on wrapper.
J. II. Zcllln & Co.. I'll i In., Pa.
I'luse uf tlie Winter Term Uxerelsci
ol Pioneer Day.
The winter term of tho Eugene pub
lic sclnsils will close February 7tn,
aud classes are now reviewing for ex
amination, ihe examination will
begin the latter part of next week aud
close with the cud of the term.
At this time those of tho Eighth grade
A class finish their work lu the publid
schools and are fl veil their examina
tion for graduation, ihe class till
year 1 com posed of 12 boys and 2-j
gills. Alter piL-Miig their examina
tion they may go to tho university or
continue studies in the publio school.
The graduating exercise will net be
held until the clo-o of the school year,
win ii another tins will lie graduated.
The entire class ( I graduates will uuiu-
ur about tlxty.
I'lO.N EKirj.XEltCl.SEa.
.erclses tainting lo cull to mind
s?r school days will tie held nexc
ay afternoon. Owing to lack of
acci uimodiinon the exercises win
hav. to be prlv:itu, about sixty In
vita Ion having been sent out. Tho
folic wing circuit!'' and Invitation has
been nl out to l lie pioneer resident
of this section by City Superintendent;
Keltl, uud Is selfi xphiuatory:
"Dear Sir: Preparation n e be
ing made (or exercises In the Kijlitli
grauo Central school on next Friday
alt noon at at 2 o'clock especially for
the early settlers of Lane county.
"Tho exercise will consist or a few
song and readitus which uro familiar
to the pupils of forty or utiy years
" e hoiie to nave nil mo old seiner
wilh u tin that day and we particular
ly desire the presence of those who at
tended school lu Lane county and Eu
gene In the 11 flies.
We shall try to hnvo some personal
oxperloiice and Incidents of the early
schools related by those Who feel in
clined to favor us wilh such.
"We believe that such circumstances
will lead to pleasant memories of the
past and prove interesting to th
pupils and Inspire them with greater
zeal lu their work.
"A most cordial invltutlon 1 hereby
extended to yourself and wife te b
present ou thu above day and hour."
Pully Uuard, January 22.
Narrow Escape Tho Sprlug-
field Ktntre and It occupant narrowly
escaped U'lng run Into by the delayed
overland train thi morning. When
the stuge wa uhout to cms the rail
road ut thu university a tralu wa
heard approaching. Tho stage wa
enclosed wilh oilcloth sides, and the
driver, A M C lark, could uot se th
train but thought it was coming from
the north and that he would have
plenty of time to cross the track. How
ever tlio train wu coming from the
smith and was seen by a man silling
by thu driver, who seized the Hues aud
stopped the tcamjust as the tralu shot
past. Jlud iny started across in
truck thev would certululy have been
struck by the train, and It took the
passenger some time lo recover ironi
their fright.
ItitoKB Loohe. Corvallis Times:
In spite ufthe precaution taken dur
the recent hiuh water tho Three
Sister broke loose from her mooring
In litis city and alter some dllllculty
was landed lu thu brush on tlie Linn
county side. The Gypsy also broke
her fastenings aud loll her wuarr, our.
was brought hack nllright.
Nor Settled Yet. Salem States
man : "J'.ugene is also anxioua iur tue
republican congiessioual convention.
Albany, however, gotlu.euily aud will
no doubt ciiptuni the plum"' ine
mutter is not act tied yet.
Hi hest Horn rs World's Fair,
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Terfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
e-1 1 Trri