The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 18, 1896, Image 8

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    EUGENE CITY GUARD, h kept alive by oxygen. IS A FINE WATERWAY
vent Ibe silt from washing out luto and
Impeding tbe channel.
Soma of lb IHseomfurU uf Living la a
t. l'laos Llk. (limm
Mr. F. It. Guernsey, diw-rlblng a visit
to (Juerrero, says thut th tarantula li
sometime found there an tig ai a man
two fist, rloorplon ar of all ulun, Iml
the odd which dis I lie most harm by its
bite I a smallish gray creature.
out bite (o bard tbut the blind flows free
ly, and tlio lufrrted poison flows off.
There 1 a little snuku colli! I be conditio,
which U particularly fond of getting In
doors' nud nesting In one's boot. Its bits
Is fatal. Ibiots should always be Inspected
for corallllo before they are put on In
If a scorpion creep on the face or hands,
the pcraon so visited should carefully re
fmln from ranking any movement. He
should allow the horrible Insect to crnwl
lust where It will. If It Is not dlsturlml,
In all likelihood It will do no harm; If It
Is attacked, It U quite sure to sting. The
wont terror to the people of Gue rrero Is
neither snuke nor scorpions, but the mi
ants, liofore these Insects the pople flee
In terror from thulr houses. They leove
nothing behind If they can help It.
An Indian woman rushed out of bit
cabin with her children on tho coming of
the ants being announced. In her terror
she left bnr buby Is-hlnd the house swing
ing In a hammock. It was hoped that II
would eecope, but when the ants hod do-
mrtcd the mother found that the Insects
uid crept down tho cords of the hammock
and bad left of thuunfortunatochlld noth
ing but Its honr.
On some of the Guerrero sugar estates
great buy looking snakes are kept In the
storerooms to keep ruts and mice awny
from the sugar loaves. These snakes arc
repulsive In appearance, hut hurinli's to
human beings. Not all the places In Mex
ico, however, which have an agreeablo cli
mate are cursed with Insects and reptilian
penis, riuch plucmi as Cuernavacn, In the
state of Morelos, are too high aliove the
hot pliiins to suffer' from venomous Inwrls,
and yet so much below the cold tableland
that the ellmute Is a perpetual summer.
C'uernavaca unites many of the advantages
of the tomimroto gone with all that Is de
lightful and alluring In tho tropics. llos
ton Herald.
Crying Nml For Ureal Reform, lluth Co
Hoary and Oratorical.
"Whenever the Prince uf Wales takes the
chair at a public baniiiet, be mukes a rule
that tho dinner shall not lake mora thus
an hour nor the scchcs more than au
hour." To this effect Is It written lu a
certain piiicr.
If It Is true, It Is a most wrlcomo piece
of news. If It Is not inns we ought to
govern our lies In the matter of public
dinners exactly as If It wus true.
We want short dinners and short sieches.
When I consider my own sufferings from
long dinners and long oratory, my heart
bleeds for my brothers, and my sons, and
my nephews.
fan we start a dinner reform associa
tion, pliilgcd uever to glvoa dinner of
luoro than four eonrmwf houp or Hub,
something Mnxtatl or ladled, a lilnl anil a
pudding no one wants more than this.
And then, as for after dinner seoche!
Two or three, years ago I was at a public
dinner. Wo sat down at the imual hour.
One sHaker-.a bml sixmkcr actually
went on for three-quarters of an bourl It
was 1 J : 1 Q when I gut up jut to say three
words. .
Th heat spiech that I ever inmlo lu all
my life was at a certain dinner where 1
was set dowu to follow a uolonlol hUlmp.
I had "put together" my unpretending
speech with some cam. It contained three
dlvlxlons, eiu h with a II 1 1 lu story and a
llltlo eplgrnui. Unite uu ambitious at
tempt It was.
Well, the lilnhop went oil for fully half
an hour. Wo llMcucl wit h gbiM-y eye mid
face Wiin and weary.
At lat ho sat down. Then my turn
came. I sprang to my feel. I begun my
beautiful sieech. 1 II red off tho II rot little
story and the tint lltllu cplgmm. TIicmi
were kindly received.
And thcn-thcn qullo forgot tho other
two dlvlnloiiH storlce, eplgraius nud all
and bad to sit down abruptly and pretrial
them was no more.
lint 1 received what his right reverence
Ulil not Ihoi-oiigratulal Ions and thanks
of the OMcmhlcd multitude. IaiuiI.ui
Millionaire stelchllng Paid $2,100 for
Mte Last Week en Kartk.
Tore hundred dollar a day for
breath was what Kranct Ilekbllag,
the millionaire uilue owner, paid for tlia
last seven day be tired.
It was by tbe administration of oiy
fea gaa that Mr. Keichilug waa given
brief loose of life, and while tlila treat
ment la not absolutely new In theory,
no effort to tost It In practice to such an
extent baa heretofore been made.
Through the grounds of Mat Retch
ling's beautiful home at Piedmont run
a little mountain stream. While at work
In It vicinity tbe millionaire contratced
malaria. Congestion of tbe brain and
pneumonia followed, and la their wake
came valvular disease of the heart
Half of tbe sick niau's lung became
Closod, and H was apparent that death
must soon follow from the lack of
The dying man begged hi physician
to at least keep him alive until bl eon,
traveling In Mexico, could reach hi in.
There waa but one hope that of giving
the patient a supply of artificial air by
mean of oxygen. This plan wus at once
adopted. The doctor procured a tank
containing loo gallons of oxygen. At
tached to this was a rubber tuba with
a mouthpiece. There were two atop
cock one at the mouth of the tulie,
tbe other at the point where the tube
Jolnnd the tank.
Whenever It became evident that Mr.
Kutchling us suffering from a want
of breath he was required to Inhale gas
from the tank. The oxygen produced
the su me effect upoii the blood and body
aa that resulting from ordinary breath
ing, and Immediate, relief followed the
Inhalation. The entire contents of tho
tank was consumed by the patient the
first night Katnrday. On Kunday be
absorbed Sou gallons, and the effect
was visible: on Monday In tho mani
fest Improvement of hi condition. On
thut day the taitlent Inhaled Hot) gallon
of oxygen.
It was evident that the treatment we
greatly reducing the pneumonia and re
lieving the heart trouble. On Tuesday
the amount of oxygen uhsorhed wus re
duced to tVSI gulloiix. On Wednesday
) gullon were Inhaled, and on
Thursday only .'Km gnlloiis were admin
istered. Tlic following duy the allow-em-e
wa I'isi gallon, on l'rlday night.
however, there come n great change for
the worse. Paralysis, followed ,y apo
plexy, was Hdd.-d to the other 111 from
which the patient suffered. Three hun
dred gallons of oxygen was on
Katuriliiy, but proved of no avail. The
pneumonia and vulvulur heart trouble
hud been conquered by the administra
tion of the oxygen, but Mr. Kelchllng'
enfeebled system wns tinuble to with
stand the complications, und death
brought freedom from xilii on Satur
day night.
The wish of the patient' heart bad
been gratified, however, a the son for
whose presence he arrived the
Tuesday before his dentil. Mr. Kelch
llng waa conscious and recognized the
young mini, although unable to spcuk
to hi m.
While tank oxygen la frequently used
to restore vitality, medical record show
that It Is expensive to keep death at a
dUtam-e by a fee of f.'UKi a day. Sun
Francisco Kxumlner.
Work Hss Been In Progress ftevsral
yearn, and Muck KemalnetoBeDon
-District Involved Covers 723 Mile
f lbs Kiver's Course.
Will Cost Millions.
Pew persona, In this age of railroads,
realize tbe Importance of the Upper
Mississippi river a a great commercial
waterway or the extent of the Improve
nienta upon It, lu which tbe government
la constantly engaged. Tbe district cov
er 7ii mile of the liver' course and
extend from St. I'aul to tbe mouth of
the Missouri liver.
Home Idea of the Importance of the
river a a commercial waterway can be
obtained when It la stated thut during
one of tbe lightest years ilKHl, with un
usually low water, there were manu
factured and floated Uiu tbi sectlou
of the river 1,771.." 1.TW1 feet of lumber
and (fin,.'lll,7.V) ahlngles; the value of
this product being. In round ntimlM-rs,
t-'J.OoO.OW. If this lurnlxT were lond
ed Uwn curs It would till a train of
l.'iO.OUO cars, which would extend over
l.s0 miles In length, or It would make
7..VX) train of twenty cara each. The
value of the aeveuty-five tow boat
used In the lumber business I X'XXl,-
Ihirlng the year mentioned the draw
of the bridge at Winona, Minn., opened
to allow the passuge of 3,715 steamers,
ML'2 barge and 1,17-' rufta, lu spite of
the serious lrncllinciit to navigation of
low water. The amount of Internal rev
enue collected on the river and contrib
uting territory for lKlit wus s.tJ.ll.'Ki.lM'i;
and customs revenue, $l,i.'I,01'4.
Hja trm of Hlver Improvement.
Trior to the close of the war little
attention hud been paid to the Improve
ment of the rpHT Mississippi. Since
that time, however, the government
has projected extensive Improvements,
although the upper river bus had to
tlffcr largely for the benefit of the low-
Mack Eicltement Prevailed for
Short Tim la On Family.
There waa considerable excitement
In the Moran family of I'belton till!
tbe other evening when It waa discov
ered that the pride of the bouse, a stur
dy young nian of three yeara, a mys
teriously missing. He had been consid
erable of a rover from the time hi well
starched dresses gave place to kilt,
but bia wandering bad been limited to
tbe bouse and yard, and tbua It wa
that when, about 7 o'clock in the even
ing, the little Tauntleroy waa wanted
and wa not found, the anxiety pre
vailed. I
Tbe neighbor' bouse were all visit
ed and each family was luvlted to par
ticipate In tbe search, while In turn
one after another of the patrol house
were nntllled, and tbe bluecoated offi
cer detailed to leud their assistance
to listen In out-of-the-way localltle
for youthful voice raised in treble en
treaties for help, and In by-way to
search with In litems for tbe wanderer.
It waa all In vain, however, and aa
one after another rejiorted to the anx
ious mother the 111 suiress with which
they had met she became almost fran
tic while picturing her darling alone
In a great clty-beyond the Influeucea
of her tender care and subject to all
the Indescribable danger which one In
her position might fancy. At last she
burst Into a fit of hysterical sobs, and
then It waa that a still srnnll and very
deepy voice emanating from beneath
an old-fashioned sofa softly Inquired:
"What's a matter, mamma?"
That waa all, but It settled tbe dis
turbance, and a proclamation waa Is
sued notifying the good people of the
hill that the lost bad been found.
I'blladelphla Times. ,
com tsi Isw. .. .Tra
Illlools sin eigsi- 1,.t.P.,ltiB. of pottage
IBWLfS. " . i
com, W'sis. .
WbMllnf. w
Chronological Record of Twelve
j i
Unarm! (iraul's C'hilillioud.
Ill The Century aro printed extracts
from a rare and curious JapaiicMt life of
General Grant. Tim following is from It;
l-'Miu tho time of liU hlrth bowits differ
ent from au ordinary baby, Ills Usly waa
largo. Ho weighed t kwaii, i!Wi mo. As
bo grow, bis thoughi Uvamo d'ier ac
cordingly. It vtaa mvii by the eye of every
man. Ho shovied no ixilor of fear, how ever
great tho sound that camo into bli
ear. When ho wits not fully 1) years old,
bis father, Jcsidil Itmnlio liurnndo. linn
jm.iiihI to carry him uutsidoof bis Iioiims
anil some bud young men In tho ncl(h
borhiHHl, liHiklng luick at tiuraudo Kuen,
said: "Wo hear that this luiliy, aa peopli
say, has a bravo heart and never fean
auylhlng. Wo will try whether thU is trut
ur false." And they went away nod got a
pistol and gave It to ttio hand if tiuraudo
Kueii and pulled thornier. Then mini
out a bullet like a thuuden.oriii. Tlu
baby was not afraid of Hand never changed
tho color of his fsoo, but pointing to the
puioi aaHl auot tier shot. Tho fat her, as
well as tho bad hoys. Was OKtoiiUhed, and
there was lio one who did Hot roll bis
Ths rei-aoh I'splur of Malta.
Yea, it wa a sunguiiio rxjHlitiou
"which, all nuomsclous nf its diuunr.
sailed away for Malta," Tho KtKniph
ical situutioii of that island makes it iu
proper blinds the citadel of the Moditor
rulieiui. tho bulwark of Christendom
uguiiist heathendom, but tho inilitary
monks to whom it bud been intrusted
liiht grown iHiiTiipt and licentious,
f'rench ngenta had already been uimuig
them, and such wa their timidity at
tho appriuich of llonuiwrte that aftur tlie
merest show of ristaiico to hi do
inunds tho gates of auulmost iiiipngua
ble fortress wt-ro disluuiorubly opened
to the French republic w ithout a blow.
Waiting only to garrison this ewv imuj
quest and to estuhlikh a tVnch admin
intra! I. in, ltoiinuio hastened iui, ami
tlieentir.fl. t lu gsl condition aiK-hor-ed
off Alexandria cm Juuo SO. With a
few casualtna the tnsip wei,
and the vixwls were left tocruiso along
the shuro and to dostrvy tho Ijiglidj
when they should appear. IVdosor
kilouiie'a "Life of Nupolcou" iutVntury.
W 4rirouau(.
To make mat. 'rials waterproof, mix
together ulie pound of sugar of b-ud and
one pound of alum, pouuded searately,
and pour over it quarts of boiling wa
ter. Li t stand for six hours am) Utle
for use. It should bo upplietl with a
sixuigo or soft brush nutil tlie material
i thoroughly wet. It aliould then be
Iroucd and hung up to drv.
Youok Church la Over Peven Keet la
llrlnlil and Hlill Growing,
('iillforniu lays claim to a number of
unusually tall people within her bnr
dem. The subj.-ct of this picture Is only
17 years of age, but I over seven feet
lu height and still growing. At the
rate bo Is now shooting up Into the ulr
It looks as If the ancient giant will look
like a mere boy lu comparison.
Ills mime Is John Wiley Church and
bis exact height Is Just seven feet und
aciuurtcrofun Inch. Though .Mm has
already gained fume as a glnut lu Half
Moon lluy, his native town, and more
rocetilly In lleublsburg, his present rcsl
deuce, none of the other members of bis
family have ever attracted any atten
tion to their stature, for the reason that
none of them are bigger tliuii ordinary
Individuals. Ills brother Is not iiU.v'e
the average height, so John cannot
comprehend why he Is so lull. In fuct.
he la halt ushumcd of the honor, and
has allowed himself to become round
shouldered lu au elT.u1 to appear as
mall as the rest of the family. It Is
not until Ills dignity iiKseits Itself and
he atnilghlens out thai one rculUod how
diminutive they are beside Mm. The
man maiming under his arm wns proud
of his six feet of stature until he met
John, lie I not very stout, but then
that may be accounted for by the fact
JOHN Wll at Clll HOil.
that he work hard every day, peddling
fruit around tbe Interior town. Ills
wonderful height never fall to attract
attention and Jonn has never had to
Complain of hi sale.
At a kindergarten In Mount Veruou
4urlng the Thanksgiving exercises, th
juoadon waa akeil: "What waa th
aame of the veel which brought th
Pilgrim to this country r One little
boy. 4 yearn old. promptly raised his
hand ami replied: "1 know! It wa th
Defender!" New York Tribune.
"Kllgglua 1 a fine fellow," remarked
th promiscuous euloglaer. "I belter he
would aliure hi last dollar wlta a
friend." "Well." replied the chronto
debtor, "maybe he woiiM. I rueaa I
bare never been so fortunate as to run
aero him when b waa down to kla
hut flollaT.- Wahlrgton Biar.
tr river, as well us for oliscure and not
always necessary "improvements," ap
propriations Air which have been made
from time to time for political reasons.
Hetwecti St. I'uul and the Missouri
river there ate two series of rapids
which have always been serious obsta
cle to tbe navigation of the Mississippi,
at Hock Island and tienr the mouth of
the Ie Molues river at Keokuk. At
the latter pluee the rapids are so shal
low a to absolutely prevent naviga
tion In low- w.-iler, uml In 1m;ii a canal
wu beguu, extending around (be mo
lds, which was completed lu ISTit at a
cost of H.rnW.Mil. t
At KiM-k Island, tbe seat of the I'nlt
d States arsenal, the work of remov
ing rocks from the crooked channel und
widening It to an average width of imi
feet wus projected lu lSiUI and com
pleted twenty years later. This re
sulted lu dredging, blasting and remov
ing 87.lH.Vi cubic yards of rock ut a
cost of Jt.tHrfl.tViO, mid Uiude It possible
for good sited packets to navigate the
river, hxporleuce demonstrated, bow
ever, that a lit Hi-foot channel was not
of auftlcleiit width, ow ing to It tortuous
nature In place, to be perfectly safe
for tlie larger boats, and later effort
have been making to widen It to too
Aside from these special Improve
ments, as suggested at the outset, there
I being carried out a broad and com
prehensive system of general Improve
ment. It has liceu found by careful measure
ments and estimate that by far the
most prolltlc cause of sand and mud
bara, shifting clianuela, aling. etc.. I
not from the tributaries, but from the
crumbling banks of the river Itself,
which annually devour and weep
dow n toward the sea hundreds of acrea
of hind more or less good. This w III tie
appreciated when It Is kuown that In
the 725 miles of the rlver'a course em
braced lu this district there are KIM
mile of crumbling banks. Manifestly,
then, one of the greatest aids to naviga
tion Is the protection of these batik In
ucu a way as to preserve them Intact
and prevent their washing. Nearly lm)
uillea of shore prol.-illon bus already
been built, of stone 1111. 1 l.i iivh. tui.lnlif
good results an- ailc. : . :,iked t,
absence of the fori ; ,.f luirs
aud the ease wlih 1. : . i, i. channel
can lie kept clear :i;ur having lKn
once dreilgsl.
The uneveliues of the river bed, the
Jhannel ranging fivm thirty feet to two
feet In depth In low water. Is another
btaele to navlgatkm which ha to
be overcome. To this end, lu the shal
low a aystem of spur aud trailing
iam has been projected, eycuiring out
from either hore and narrvwlug tbe
channel so a to raise the water and
uabl the heavier draft boat to float.
Th map of ih Hock Island raplde
shows th plan on walch tlwwe dam
ar built; many of the smaller tribu
taries at In th rat of Iuck creek,
bavluf a toiij ,jBia buUt tutinir
aroun4 u,lr month U eatti U& prf
A llloodrd-Krd Lake. 1
Lake Mortit, In Switzerland, has a
queer habit of turning red about two or
three times every ten yeara. It I a
pretty lake, like most of tlie sheet of
water In tbat picturesque country, and
It peculiar fronk Is attributed to a dis
position to celebrate tlie slaughter of
liurgtimllan under Charles the Hold
on June 21, U7d. Hut tlie French say
that It blushes for the conduct of tlie
Swim, who In that battle gave the Itur
gundlans no quarter. This year It was
redder than ever, aud had a sinister ap
pearance when the setting sun illumin
ated Its ware.
ThU pheiKruienon, of course, ba Its
legeud. The old fishermen of the lake,
who catch enormous fish called allure
that weigh between twenty-five and
forty kllograma, say when they see tlie
waters of the lake reddening that It la
the blood of the Durgundlana. Aa a
matter of fact, wtii of the bodle of
tbe nurguiidlans killed In tlie battle
were thrown Into tlie lake, while other
were tossed Into a grave filled with
quicklime. Tula historical recollection
angered the Burgundlana soldier or
the victorious armies of the republic
In 17HS so much that they destroyed
the monument raised In honor of their
comiatrlots who fell heroically !rj that
battle, and Henri Martin very Justly
reproached them for that piece of vau-
It would hardly do to attribute the
reddening of die waters of tlie lake to
the blocs! of the soldier of Churle the
Bold. Tho coloring Is due simply to the
presence In krge quantities of little
aquatic plum culled by ii.ituralist
osclllutorla mbesceiis. The curloti
thing about It la that Uke Moral Is the
only lake In which tlila curious growth
la developed, and this iecn!larity U be
ginning to Interest scleutlUc men. New
York Sun.
An Epitome of All Events of
Th Csaal Admlxtnr of Dtaaater,
Crime, Political Chaaios, Commer
cial AchUvsmenU, and Interna
tional Complications-Atrocities of
TBrk la Armenia the Moat block
ing Pac in Modern History-Power
of Enropa Unit In Demanding
Bsform Caban Ksvolutlon Neat In
Public lntrat.
With but two exceptions, th natur of
th cveat which go to rusks up th his
tory of th past year Is not startling.
Th butchery of thousands of Armenian
by Turk ha aroused the European
powers, and at the close of the year active
propsrations wer In progress which sug
gested tbe probabl dismemberment of
th Ottomin empir. Tbe revolt of
Cabaos against Spanish rule waa th
next most Important affair, and that, too,
was la full sway at the close of the year.
Spaia seems to fruitlessly bend every
ruergy toward It suppression. Popular
ynipathy is largely with th Cabana, and
their success seems not improbable. Iu
American politics th year baa been ex
citing, and on of tb grtat parties baa
suffered such rrerses as to leav tb
chief iecutlv unsupported la political
fsitb by a majority in either house of
Congress. A chronological record of
eveut follows:
1. Mlrhlno's first public Instsllstlna of
But oDli-trs. .. .tlov. Morton, of sw York,
worn In. .. .nsliluro bsrs Arnurlrsn bf. ..
Turn Blair Irncbwl at Mount Brsrllo, Ky...
five prrtsta iu aa tnrtndlsry Or at l.iucss
irr. ky.
2. Ix-sth of Col. Edwsid M. Hvl. Innpse
tor ursl Dfiisrtmsnt of th Mlnsonrl. at
Chicago. .. .Csrni-f It's Homestrsd msn strike
agalnat iwlueiioii or .
X Fires: fT.YimO si Kprlayfleld. Ohio; I10R,
I OKI si C'uirryvlll. Ksn ; floo.uOO at Clsvs
land; .l),mio at tb Houtbsro illlnnls In-
sua Anjluiu. st Anus Clevslsnd nter-
tains illll at s Cabin! dinner.
4. H.-orrs of villages and rttlrs unit In
svudln al.l to dotltui psopl In Nslirsaka
. . . .ii,NRi nn 111 Milwaukee.
n. Captain rrTfiia. of lbs Frrnrh srmy,
piil.ll. Ijr ipgrlvd fur Mlllng war wnli.
to ll.unu.isaj Urs st ToMiito: two lives lost.
1. Kipluaiou un stsinr In Itlo bsrlwr kills
1VO Ulli satrr In OUlo Klver towns.
Ntsrlng mm plllags siorvs st L John's,
a. W. V. Tarlnr. o-TmtMr nf Snth
In iota. mbiti S2AO.OIM, bis bsnk st Ked
liold cluvss.
lu. Two llvs lost In a Toronto flr; prop
luaa, aoou.OOU.
... Eldest day of tb season In Chlrsgo;
12 blow....Hlorms lu th Esat.
12. Train Ltld up nnsr Otlnmws, lows.
13. On buntln-d flrsuisn fmat-blttcn st
Bradford. I'a.; Il.lo.wn) damages Itrrrrsl
vmIs loat on Kngland's coast; flftrrn ssll
ora drown.
14. Hundred tnlntrs trapped by rising wa
'pJu North MUITrUhlr. Eng.: 20 drowned.
15. Olant poadrr horror st llutu. Mom.:
0 ppls klllrd. Kj biirt....r'rtincn frsl.
dent rmlgna; KotsIIhIs awake.
1. VI. Krllt rjurs sleeted I'rx-aldeot of
r ranee.
1H. .News of relwllton In Hawaii. .. .Death
"Mary, tire 1'real.lenl aterena.m's daugh
ler... .Mlllll ordered out lo protect Brook
lyn trollera.
III. ll.jly of Parrett gcott. the O'Neill.
eb.. defaulter, found In Ih river, with mps
vmjuu mi oeea sua in of it..,....
An Interesting Campaign,
At tho present moment an iutertwtiug
qnul suffrage campaign is being proso
cuted in South CiiMlinx Among the
orators uro Mrs. Virginia D. Young, a
wealthy ludy of high social jsisition, mid
who is tho president of the Stute Ktnul
Rights iiKscs'iution; Mrs. Viola Neblett,
viiHjpiiwitlontof the society; MissLunra
Clay, president uf the Keutncky state
orgiuiiwitiou ami a dewt'iidimt of the
great st.itesmiui, Ileury Clay; Misa Dr.
Helen Morris Lew is, president of the
North Carolina stuteoruunizutinii; Misa
L.liiietti u. lutes of the national or
ganization; the Misses Heinphill.dmigb
terstif tieueriil R. R. Hemphill of Co-
luniiiiii, S. C. ; Ueiivral Hemphill and
1'oloncl William Terry Murphy. Tlnwe
ro tho i-eguliir sioukors, but in addi
tioti they aro re-enforced by volunteers
ill diffcreut parts of the stale. Iu this
maimer they are enabled to give five or
six pithy, brilliant speeches iu one even
ingnnd to show iioubelinvcrs and pixiple
who have giveu the matter no thought
that suffrage de uot involve cranks,
ill bred, ignorant, coarse or immoral
people, but that, on Wie contnu-v, its
tendency is to bring together the ocst
types uf woiiiiuiIhxkI ami to elevute the
mental and social condition of the sex.
Miujjbcrita Arliua Humm.
Thero Will It a Chang.
It is the opinion of the great Pari si uu
dressmakers thut the spring of lSUttwill
be notable iu the annul of fashiou uu
a"mnt uf the revival, with but slight
imslitlcatious, of the style of gowns
which were in vovue w'hou Louis XVI
waa king of France, over a century agiv
While tliesi mukeni of tho mode have
not opeuly anuoumvil what they will
decree for tho year hence, yet most of
them are making plan iu accordance
with this idea.
The real lemlors uf the world's mixle
aro uf course the fatuous drcKsmukcra of
Paris, though they beguile their rich or
royal rtistoiner into thiuktug that the
drenMuaker has little else to do than to
execute or amplify tho suggestions of
his iiatniiis. while exactly the reverse is
true. Change in style are alwavs uc-
iMiuplis!! by dcgrtH's. Every one know
how practically imKsiMo it would 1st
to compel a sudden and radical change
iu costuru, ".h us the abrupt tnuisi
ti.m from ths pist m.sle to thut uf
the ancient tire, k, but evet Miia would
bepirible in time if the antivrats so
willed aud threw their weighty iuflu
ence iu favor of the revolution.
I'nuing Ih I.lnTs
A man who alt around and boast
of his makes a pretty po.
auowu hlnisolf.-AMilsou Ulobe.
loatl Himouri In lbs Ohloi forty lives
-T.k h,c," h a thunder and rain storm.
llb eiiiperatur of M deirree. and . ,prn:
.re,.ie. followed hr a hurrlrans blowing n3
miles an hour, len.p.raturs falling to lu ds-
F.'f," , " VPl hurt by fall
lug UtnlK-ra. blown from new buildings
23. flteanivr t'Sleor. o
South lisven Mich.; Si.n,".f lY..: $, ,Z
i'dild.m ''Uri1 ,l"u,,,'l',B Cburolilll' at
ZV Seen killed t.v Mendo... In.. h,.
Mp....Uu....UualHmala concede Meil.Vs
dl'fh. Conn!'" ""r" druwi"d ott '' Ju-
JI"a.V,Th'ir' l1T1"w ,,ro ?" d"-'' " Chicago
. . . .Sno .v hlorkadee many U eatern
2S. Una MM. 43 hurt In Vsii.lsh? wreck
at Coatsvllls. lnd....lw,leUt nJreUndi
currency ,,, ., , Congn.,'er,"d 1
J. Iteielvera named for the Hblskv Iru.l
H0. atesmer ink 1 celll.imM ,7,".
v.- v T. " iicaui.ier,
Jew ork s soclsty.
.Collaps. of als-rtjrv BJies
W DMling, n. "i ,h.
Bll...rd "of sand and snow c
a r.A .i s !! at 12 In rlitaourg. ., .
bso'rcbsls whip Spanish troops.
1. Heath bv apopleijr of Jsm W. rVtt.
of Cblrsgo Tlmes-fierald. '"il'T.f
l,oOO,(iol) aotsl rs at J"'1"' h...
is. 6oncluiloD of pjaj 'V. adliltt'ea
Cohan rebellion crushed. .. .Cattl auaiiueo
'75. ThrUMkU.l?.lx hurt. t Chicago ship-
''jaV H. Koblsaat bnvs OblcsfO Tlmea
H?r.l" ..;My .tat aril, at l cent. .
All grain advances strongly. .. -W"
k "nprsm. Court dscldes In fsvor of Dsbs
Is th famous contempt of court cssa.
1 T.n naraona Wiled by a Ksnssa cytl?n
....Msndlts kill au Alton snglneer
..,h it in lows snd Wlacon
sin storms.. ..Klv kllltd by t "il" :
plosion st Boiita Acton, Mass. .-. .Hotl est d
of Jlsy on lecord In Chlesgoi tomporstur
HO degrees: on man sunstruck. fcM
H. Hutb Chicago snd Jollet steel workers
strike.... Oriental prc saaurra.
111. Hteamers Csjrugs snd iiurd sunk oa
Ma.-klnaw. Mlrb.. 1T colliding; on msn 10...
n., in tuti.wo Trmpsrstur st
L'hlcsgo drops from 86 to 411. .. .Twelv 111
pie hurt by gas explosion s( Chicago; 10
13. Killing frosts from Nebraska t the At
lantic Know stops tbe Chicago-New lork
ball gams st Cblcsgo. ... Eighteen Uvea and
twelv vessels lost In ltoruie on uas aiu-a-
ln. . , .
IB flwmmt Shppv In eorn ana wlieaC.
iu ai im nun ore mt m Albans Vt. . .Ter
rible earthquakes In Italy. .. .Killing frost
In fifteen Htstes.
. Income tax declared Invalid. .. .w beat
sells st 4 ceuts.
it Maria. Prealdent Cuhsn Insur
gents, killed.. ..14 killed in Ban Frsnclaco
powaer uouss eipioaion.
'0. Two uien lyuched for asssult at Dan
Vine, iu....wneHi reaciies iu crnie.
V7. Nmireme Court atfHluat llelts.
VH lleMth nf flri.aliam. KirretHrV of FttStS.
2U. Remarkable military reunion at CM
"Ail. Funeral nf 0 realism st Cblcsgo. .. .Red
Imtlon mt Chleatfo nf Cmifeilerale monument.
HI. Cloud Imrsia In Teias, parching droughts
In middle Western Htsles, W degrees lu tbe
shads lu Hskots. six Inches or anew lu Col
orado, baliiiy w.-al her on the I'aelflc const.
sua wu aegrees lu ivew lors cuy.
J an.
1. 2. 8. Unprecedented heat In Chicago,
New York. Detroit. I'hlladeliihls snd Indlsn-
snolla: insnv destbs from best prostrstlon.
4. lirop at Chicago of 40 degrees tempera
S. Hllver convention at Rnrlnifleld. III.
7. Oluer sppolnted rlccretsry uf btsle.
Harmon Attornev l.enersl.
H. f'.isi.iasj lire st Kslsinssno.
V. IT.Vi.lslu Ur st Milwaukee.
13. WlilHky truat declared Illegal.
10. (irernvllle, Ohio, has s fVnoO fire,
17. II. J. Aldrlcb fslls for at
Denver. .. .Iicadly storina sweep the Ml
sonrt Valley. .. .opening of Harlem ship
20. Opening nf Kiel ship rsnal
21. Itoaeberjf'a miiilatry defesled. .. .Two
fatally, leu badly burt, by riploalon on
wbalel'srk eiruraloa steamer Christopher
ioinnious si i.nieng.i.
2d. Wll firemen killed st Mlnnesnnlls: 1100,
OHO loa ;'.(H).0IN Hre si Hun frsuclm-o.
2U. Death of Prof. Thus. Huxley st London.
S. Daughter tiorn to the Cleveland
7. Terrific euum st Chicago. .. .H11 drown
ed st l.ske (,enevs, w Is. .. .Michigan swept
by forest ares.
10. Christian Endeavor assembles at Boa-
14. Destructive stnrm In North Dakota..
Three drown st South Haven, Mich. .. .Keven
accidents! fsraillles st Chicago Nine
killed by storm In New lork snd .Sew Jersey.
in. itfjinniug nr iiorr-usrvey debate at
17. First appearance of bloomers at a bull.
In l.lnigo. .. .llirce Cincinnati firemen
IS. Nine miners Imprisoned hy care-In st
Iron Moiintnln, Mich llrlilsh ship I'rln.-e
Oacar Slid unknown veanel sink lu collision:
so periiin.
111. Itearne of Iron Mountain miners
Cleveland Iml.r named Mnrlon.
1. Drowning of MS Italians, hv sinking
, ...uintv.u i eirniowr .UHrin I .... r our
klllwl at grn.le crowing at Wllllnmston.
Msas 4oo,uoo fire In National l.lnaeed nil
Company's Cbl.-Hgo wnr.-hoiie.
'Si. Keport of killing of ven teen Indians
near Jiiiem s Hole, w J'oinlug; urate trou
ble Imminent.
i. turious storm !n I'ennsylvsnls eoke
r.K."nii- J1- B- train held up In
Ohio: stolen.
2,1. Thirty-two miners killed by explosion
In WcMplmllS.
1. Sixteen perlah In a elniidlmrat In Col-
or-u.i no.i joining. .. .Mruoinlnec. M ch.
has a t.ViO.Ooo fire.
4. Falae report of rnce wnr at Spring Val
ley. ill., between luilun ami negro miners
Murder of llrltlah iiiKalounrlea lu Chins "'
I1.ii.i.i fire hi Sprsgue. Wash.
- " siu of Uwi,.- t Ho,,!, the famous
Ing. W. Va. .. .four burned to 7Z7T
Xura tenement nous Are v s
8. Death of Eugsu Field at ru .
fSOO.000 fir st Docstur. In 1 CIUci
S. Republican laudsild. .' ain "1
laNwork. l-,OrJo .
A ViSSta. LI Maul I. a.
troit.'ki.c'hr.o'urn.7, ZZu'T " U
'" uwir rrane to lean.
16. Tweutv killed In street?.,
at Clevelsud. Ohio. .. .Death of J.
Bmlth, author of "America." iT' 1 1 1
News of another nassacr bv Tn.k I
mania; 800 slsln. .. .Conaolldatloa It, 'rf, -'
Journal snd I'reaa. "t-Wt,.
19. Furious snow and wind atom 1. v i
I ur., - 1 ., unw uig nres.
csgo, .. . Kugens
Woodstock, ill
21. 00().OiJ fire lu Klirlnger Buau I
V. Dea. rel.,''
L il.
Ron.. J7" h
forced to pesc policy by the power.
di. nnu cuuuicnauceu nisnv
' ""
22. Five firemen los Ufa In 1 tsoftftv,.
fa so
astlc rei-eptloa nf K. V. Del.
1.1 r'
st CIhlcsg.1.... Foreign fleets reudeMSf COLC
ths DsrUsnslles. ""wssj,
2fi. tremendous dsmsea at cl... t
storm of snow, sleet and rain: ail elf.1,
blocked, wires dowu. .. .Fir. at "ii ' .
lyoO.000 dsmag. .. .Seventy killed bi J 1
Ion In cartridge factory at Palms, hur '
Majorca. "',. '
a.XThreeveaseliSOaahnre.ini.... f '.
erew of 26 men saved. ., .Klot lu iSi' . .
Mien., prison. " , -
ririV .f A,"ndr? Dom". IlJ r
2H. Day of doom for the tnrk.. . t .
ball gamea: Michigan bests ('hi-...". '
snd Cblcsgo. tie; I'ennsylvsnls d.f.'.!:," t
nell; Purdue dsfests Illinois; LoulatiitTi !
from De l'suw; Columbia Athletic SmJ?1' ! . .
.nivrsltyj Brown defeats t. '
""tat f :
S. Assemhllng of Ftftv-fourth r.
Heed elected Speaker of th Honst 1
weatnsr in roriuwesi. ,, .Further
In Armenia.
I. mawj.y"' un in nan V ranriaCO. V . . -
atnrm-awent: Ilrltlah boat ma 1 ."V .
ssllnrs lost off Scotlsnd. Vc
L. ; it u
8. U00,(Xlflres In Ohlcsgo. .. ,Dstk rfc ro
A. Bsls. Ixndon Journalist Tu rr.T'r
snd seven men lost In Lake Superior P 1 1
v. t.iiiiiou,, rnau nj nre.
10. St. Louis gets nsxt Nstlonsl mn.v..
Ceuvenllon. .. .Sultan permits ruiM
to pass iiarasnenes. ...Hsrrv H,,
bsnsed st Mlnnesnolls. ' "
11. Hurnlnr nf Catholic Orphan Aarh..!
Milwaukee; Jou children rescued.. A,? I
Harm, nln altiltfl the I ink ma . ,
lives lost.. ..Mob threalena kan ul'.M
College at Topeks, becausa of grivs-iofcjf: i
12. Death of Allen O. Thurman at
bus, Ohio. f
15. German shin Athena with a
nat.hfha evnlnHea nff Can. ftl... i. f 7
" - r " - I - ' v,.w 11 UTS H I
17. Cleveland's Vsnssualaa ti.Jr I
ii'iiv .-- v.., v,aUi B noma mi
satonnds Orest llrltaln. .. .Pblladalakk 1. 1
Mi. k,.J. nt - in..). A ,,ml .... - - .
. d
18. Kiploalon on liner Jt. l'anl ktllelti!
en snd injured dv. ...House piuMnjJi
i n ... ... .... , w. . . . umii. pa aaai ion i
appropriation for Vsnesusls ctimmlat.1
Itlotlng In I'hlladslnhla; eotlr tirwi
rail wsy service susptnded. .. .Death of cj?
Issac Bsssett, doorkeeuer of tha I
111. Thlrtv-alx lives lost In Nwf.,.jT. !
fishing fleet by storm. .. .Forty -thru tllt!
In a North Carolina mine Timu;
rslnfsll at Chicago. I
20. I'anlc on Wall atreet Benatsiiwf
mously passes House hill for Ventnu. I
cnmmlaslnn. ,. .Cleveland aends luui
meesagn to ('ongress. .. .Twenty-four alcef
st Dsytnn, Tenn., killed. .. .Unprtcsdntsl
Hood st Chicago. I
M. 'i'lilrleen killed ami mai.v Inl, .....t k. ....
building In Nw V-.rk. .Denth of Supreme"
lo. niai.iao are at Lockport, 111.
kl ,.i'o" "X ;;r,!,r?: Jv four
... n n, i.niiinri.lge, uiiio.
13. .!ii.Oiai flte nt l'bll.nleilila.
IS. Ilolocsusl III Denver hotel; 05 killed
Seven drown st (loan t'liv, M.l
Ml T.I,,B k.l.l ..,, a '..
....... ,,r 'u., on me 1 11 on I'aelflc
near North I'lslte. Neli Klchi liiii
le.dsr of W,'"1 ' "I'1""1"." "ra.ld.i'kPa worthless
" I 22. Milwaukee I.h.-s HN2.iiaj bv a re "Ortnieas
Centry loaes stslllou psclug contempt
a x.. ... 11. ' 'o ... t,
.1 w,. 01 oncers from t"nl.
d Slate, guulwai Coiieonl, hy Culmiso for
vldeutsl alerting of a uatlVe; , cweai-i
uiperuture 13 below. -uica,o
. lurvs drowued by Mllwaiikea arr. .
riiiiiilng Ini.i an 1 jr..- f!? "frt
l.:Vir.,"nmJ0''''yu"U L" -WlcaSl
u. Ullitard aweepa oxer the Nortbweat
Alarm for the uvsrdu French llu.i 1 . .V.V
fcsSi: :,' Mu'wV'kee.-". ".I. :rri r:Dvxa
tlon of Chines. Beet , Wi "Hii.'wJ"""'!'?-
" 1 ' currency meaaiire sol
"s V.ri.r!,",.,,,"M d-,'' 'n the Hon e
erlloof,'' n!"" ' r'"r" ,nJ 15 m,n ,u,t nff t-lv-
cUlnery; gn-at rej,-h,g uiaauiea mi
ll 2iai.isai atreet car barn tint .1 ci.i
M.l-.v. aremeu kl,."IS lZV
is. lsin of laaac P. fir., .
New ones,,. ),., ,.u , -h'" '7
mom in eorn lielt ... v
storms l.-couioanled bv fatnii. i n..
2B. Fifteen miners drown at Central City,
2. Ore hundred people hurt on the Ses
Beach road. Long Island.
n. I- Ur OI1H Ktiirm It. MK.i
States. ""r"'
4. f:tnn.ono Are st Iloston.
. 1 hple minder In Sullivan Cnuntv. Did
1. riin v- wti lninwr ituri.i. -, . .
mln. Calumet. Uleb " .1 Sfeade r " !e
s. Fly. killed h rf...l. .
owt -"in. urur iMiiiunue,
II. Opening of 0
encampment at
A. It.
IO. ValWvrl eA..l. r...- .
snd win. ndX.VV.f::hf "?
seconda: nn nv.u 1,. i.. ! . "l" "f
... Te topers-1 nr W Vi " !..Plc,t
1 '".,.? 'alsaon st
u voiiisiou on Urcat
Tork tncceaao-AbBM at
I'reaa Conrteay.
The t'nlted States la a broad and tan
country, and It Is well supplied wlthn
cellent Journals, say oie Forum, A11
natural and uuavaldable, these w I
any uiKe meir tone in treating inv
ma tic a (Tit Irs from thorn; of th metrop.
lis. 111a t Is said and done la N'tt
York about piny and actors la publlaa-
ed all over the uulou a quickly uttu
wires and press can spread the nm
Consequently the theatrical bualneaw
the entire country la managed froa
New York. That Is why actors, on
agers aud the minor personage! ot
stage life flock to New York. Tbat li
why for many years past It baa Urn
possible for the wily speculator In re:
ten dramatic lunilter to sot up a Blur
stage structure, held together only h
the adhesive qualities of paint 1
printers' Ink, and by keeping a .V
York theater open nnd empty for li
exhibition for a stated term of tttu
nt the expense of J.'I.ihhi or 1
week, and by a continual pesterloj ot
the good-natured Journalist--to obtala
a suulclent amount of of tit
'great Xew York success:" to taiS
hi 111 to travel throughout the count!?
with his "show," and gather a rich hif
vest from those who are eager to
what sort of plays please the people of
the great city.
Uf course the "show" soon falli
pieces from the weight of Ita owl
ssness, and the seeds of general
for Xew York's good um
lu theatrical matters are sown broad-
cnsL But no matter. The enterprlalnj
speculator, now well ln funds, return
to New Y,ork and la soon upon th full
title or another like venture, leaf li
ter year this sort of thing goes on. Bat
the people of the Knst, South and West
are wise and wary. Tat
buslmsa" Is not so good now it R
once was In thoae often-deluded
tlona. tine of the roots of our thritrl-
cal troubles upon which the ax stioull
fall quickly and aliarply Is this abuse
or the press courteeiy first extended u
good nature toward the struggling ir-
tlst, but now demanded as a right bj
the brass-hand "show boomer."
20. Death of Fred Douglaaa. th. ,i
orator, at Wh.Mi.l-.,,., V,"7?.. colored
lu....i ...... a
Kim st Ssvsnnsh.
ssl. uf late
"., hecauae of ...
i 'ry lecture; tr.,p, ' , - ' -
JleaLt,.. ..Poatmaate, (ieueial Hlsaill rj
p.1' Nitl,'."n ,r"ln wr k ro'tt 104 Uvea
Flv. killed. 111 burt. l.v railing .ii. It V"
York . . KeMllon g.ii,. Z'i Ti , V.i"
SallnilTar T-t ..' .,
.v ni. i.,. 1 ones laauea Ita laat
beforcii,lldsil..n won th. ll.rVld
11. -Seven killed bv einlmin,, .?""0,
i!no,1,.v,,, mi!.
IX America enn goes to nf.n.i.. ...
rle refualng to sail... Seven tv a... V. . V'
fall of a grand -tand at .oi '.vl J b'
News of il-Hth of ;i.i hy eiirtlninnke h""
? T., " TI ." l-ynchbnrg. V..
M "V-" 'n K:nM.o7,'&'' '''''''
IJV I'Pilh nt km of Clllrkum...- nt. a..
noog, NioK Milltsrj VhtS
ll.lonTCi i,; U"s ."ITV. l-.fol-
1 r'VJ0"."',", on "Pper Inkra hy storm
l'l. "I l'eur at I'arla. 1
eet dlaaati
v. 1 weniT-r.oip miu .
tn a atorm. ' . Hei 1 re..,., . .!.v..m .Ussater
nno anowatiirin In North....
K u fl7.V'";.1 t'nra a.llourna
a f .
t,t "Ptnred,
Elms and elgl," people ,,t ,0, ' Y '?,T'T,
Rock. . Mammoth ,." J w ' " Jturejl
Odell. lows. bsnk.
on lbs
Uligfello, uk. C-I?lni,-,VKV
HI. Spanlah wsr vasel llolna n.
imi.lera: 4l ,1.1 "una lie
11. an men iiii.nI n sw nn... ., .
12. Seen Italian, lypohed b. ,?!
urder lu l.lcin,. ,nin,H1 " nilner. f,
ioeo. onuimur. -l,,ni..
r. K j t,""',U' S"1" n Rrltlsh count
Cub declares her Independence "
2. leiaa iM.iliii 1..J1.1.. ....
glllam ne prouioita
?' M'!.""nv'1',,,"'r., Warren. R.
bare.. 2 '? a Wilkes-
fully bold'un . .:'.;. '."","' ' """Us auceea
u , :.. 7" ' r" car.
. . Ol Oil
Si earner Afrlci
Ul. I.v Mr o 1, " """ Flv.
murder lu .vil,?:,; "a""a ""ner. for '' I erew of eleveu lo, lu Wu'n S,,n,T
There I no counivtlon betwwn mai-
rlag b"ll and chestnut bells, although
It may le aduiltted that tit former U
aa uid Jul. . .
i l 1 11
t lir. Kan . iiacklng ,m,m.. Kausas
it.!M U'r'n C-tral and
3 Vhl""." !" ,n 'luke..
and .Wa'Sr Qaee.
Mfrrh' M".- - Hottea,
tur. 7t degree " thleago; temp.-
SoTs avsata-ZHtuDg' H"'' "
. . Afrll
U Roller epou tm, , wk
Man rue die lu Keulo..k. L r?"0.
i lte(....lean. ZZ (V ,k, '"Z1 Ir-": ,
ragn, nun ure at Cbt-
aecond; ruuS ft!?" . ""'.". W
or.1. ""! wuria a rec-
i. 1 "Ur'tf aud rHMtta alt Tim.
- 1 11 1 . r.1 , v
t TlrHn
..,.To kllle.1. threi f.,.S.prJ.B!.,1''. Jhlo
liaion In St. Loula. ' url l-
fswlss Advertlslnir.
The practical Swiss hnve bit iiponii
original method of advertising whld
It la sincerely to be hoped will not
come universal. Visitors staying atta
lake of tieneva this summer have hem
nKtoulahed to behold the surface of tin
water ornanieuted with tbe name of
certain paper sparkling in golden beam
upon the waves. Mow this miracle
contrived waa at first a mystery, but
the explanation Is very simple.
black lacquered placards, with ral
gilt letters conted with some varnl
which resists wet, are sunk nud far
tened securely to the ground, aud, oi
course, the rays of the sun strlklug up
on them bring the reflection to th
surface. Some of tbe finest view l
Switzerland are already siifflcieutl.v di-
figured by ndvertlsements the major
ity, be It wild with sorrow, general
setting forth the superlative excellent
of some article of English manufac
ture; but tbe tastelessness of this late'
Idea would surely be difficult to auf
pass, and hnpplly It caunot lie placed t
our discredit. Tbe Lady's Pictorial.
Tbe Yorkshire gainekeeners have aa
Ingenious way of protecting their bare
from poachers. They net the bar1
at the various gates aud stiles throtte'
which they pass, and then let tbeui f
again. The result la in hare are f
frightened that thev will never P
through a gate again, aud when th
poacher sets his net there for them
Is surprised to see them Jump over tli
it 1
a 1
.J get (
U or, a:
the ri.hi
and tl.oi
tlie g- uc
While w
tha new
wns nun
pviis mini
Tbia c
cu the
irons 1
tlsely li
l-.'o on '
Eis face
k the hi
Bng tha
klace ai
here hi
Dr. AI
fcal Dye
r -pices
Lut his
ky the 1
".it t
a, '
that hie
At thi
hie, wl
ry e
V ::tt
fere.; no
Iu1l A
leld Ui
Kce mi
ar th
r bitn
at h
evet. I
ess tha
tact an
byal i:
rmly a
'or 1
f 1
ICarthnttrth .kk..., .
of tb. Lnlted 8tatM antral belt
. .....lra ,. jauj.
1 - .
riaqnate at
aiea 1 St uiiMaa,
"Hall to tbe Chief la aonir In tM
setind canto of Scott's "lady of tW
Uke." it a a boat aong. designed t
Imitate thoae of tha Kvti.h luvatuiea.
The melody waa written by Sir Ht'n
t 1 . . .
wwiej in shop.
Our hardest battle, ar. th fl-!J
f n
- as,
! ec
t iibt:
P- Tl
v. mwt
i wltti ourselvea.