The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 18, 1896, Image 7

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    "tit tn
nK Jud,
I( ll
I'nge h, k
1 M t
(pnturi ll. J
,4 cents per P'"V
y 1' L CHAM1IKK8
Walton, iittorney-ut-lnw.
.... Piw.nlr.i ,t
iy tofl.M y toiouiK-" .- -
... .i . ' Ll-r Walton
uorir"- . .
"icrcij. r,.,i t ,
... IK I 11
Dr. O. .
may 1 foil ml lit
, . il. n Olive street, between
'i Cil, !. 1 '"! "hob-l. 1 1,- Is paw
d.. nil !
jiotfl. Ji Is ro-
iitul work in the best
"ce and j
itli t!
I Fitrui fur Sali'.
. . . .i r.
HO-.V tlliriy mi" lurnii in me
4t.. valley lor sale. 1 liese
niiiiluevi-rv variety In size aud
ir description list, inldres
t (iKo. M. Ml I.I.Kit,
tt'ilkliis 151oek, Eugene, Or.
. (repute
' Den,"'.
mi? aV,f'
iii's delJ
.Jitcht? .Notice.
e moitl I
i-liiim.1 i i, , a t ikoii charge of the Sprtnir
strenM.HJ " 'rl "Ul1 V1" H. fuir hul'? .!,f
I- be patronage. 1 win man run a tiuny
llveli..jj , tweeu Sprluglleld anil ICugene.
r nonon 1 A- clakk
''am I'lL . ,.5 ...., ,.r nnnnil
ii'US CftO.
r, and
ive rut
ithuut i
mei the
In lot'
it a cto
e earth,
e filliii
in everv
a Inn
t rainl
ipoo bii
(1 to tir
! liva."
9 Voluo
t (OKI
K Bale. ',000 feet fencing at Jii
r ilinD-unil. Huitlo $12 und ilooring
Will trade lor wheat In mill or
. i , Mi sn ut 411 cents u bushel, ninl
k otxLt Iw or sheep at a reasonable
F L C'irAMiiKHS.
L Skll Ciikap. Mim
h witiimw
vi'.l tier iniiiinerv hiock to her
ie on ()iik ht rift, I -W Weill .ixth
Veiith, anil will vIomo Hie Maine
never ucloru lu-urd of In
Ltuie county. I,adie
a iook Hi i lie kooiih.
bt'wt-H i
4 eon la per pound.
J' li CltAMHKKS.
itrKD. Allien cow III exclmiiire
4d work liorso. Iruiuire of It
Hot ray .SoiIcm.
I'oUUKO, Or.. Dec. 27, '0-5.
cmne onto the uremiHc of
Hiiiilh, one mile west of Co
in Day iiiarv; mohui 1j Imnds
iKht alit'Ut 1000 pounds, nlar i itig ut the depot this afternoon
A tpleudid lime to hunt ducks.
Thin weather U rough D atock.
Juekitoii county levkt a 1W mill ta.
See change in A V I'eter'a ad to
day. The weather forecaet hit It thi
Dr Kuykendall returned from Saleiu
Theetreet cnr did a ond huKiiies
The Salvation
ea'h nlL'ht.
Army haa Mk houte
K C riinith Uft toiluv on a l.nrt vl-il
to 1'ortland.
Itev M O Wire of the M E church
went to Slieitd today.
Miiut Minnie Evaua wni a pankcoer
north tuts mnriiiiiK.
A part of IVof. MeElroy'a family
W'unl o Salem today.
Joliu Davlea Iihs returned from a
visit to hi Mohawk
Attirney Markley visited Creawell
today on professional buslneju.
The small (oy w:i yivi-u job
shoveling snow this morning.
A (treat number nf pulrs of ladies'
rubbers have been sold today.
Tula weather to rouijli on the Sius
law und McKenzle lines. I
hx Oov l oruker ha U-en elected U
S H-nutor from Ohio to succeed tk uator
Oe Hall, Jr, returned l ist night
from a busimss trip to Southern Ore
Ir E I) McKeUlieV unit to Cot.
Grove on a professional vi.t this
Miss Jennie IVterson has ai rented a
position In V lv .ScarWuvnt li's ah.
struci. otllee.
A M Kiultli. (if Astoria, I i nerlv a
Mludeut of l lie Uiiiver-it. arrived
liere toiluv.
L"i n year und the ne.v wtmi m enter
tlietl -ld Ijijfether. Man will have to
take a back neat.
S:r -et ('oinmisioiier Dovlo I in
kept busy today cleaning airuet ul- upmid
Monmouth, w here he la to lecture to
uiuhland tomorrow oiicbt ou Shake
twaie auhjwtk. Friday night lis will
lecture at Dllu.
TheHaleinStateman i Inclined to
benarcastlc. ltv: The latest de
partment of the Oregon State unlver
"ity i an academy of science. They
nan most everything but that before,
from Kyniliuktlc to medieiiie.
It 1 tlmiitrht the contest for the
place of hoidiue the next congressional
convention of Hie flrt district will lie
between Eugene and Albany. The
lat convention was held at Salem.
Eugene ought to make an etlort to
capture the prize.
I'rinevllle ltcvlew: Owing to the
mildness of our winter couiderale
amount nfMnck has been driven to the
desert to shift for tliemselve. From
parlies who have lieen out we learn
that stock on the desert I Id very fuir
CnrvallU Time: Tho government
sua boat, t'orvallis, arrived here from
uptherivei last Saturday. She
cleared the river of snags clear up to
F.ugene, and in now on her way to
Portland, where her crew exneet to m
paid ott' and have the boat tied up for
a (M riod.
Jus. Warniouth and his brother went
chopping wood on the Swank I ami
two miles south of Urowusvlllu Mon.
day afternoon when a limb of a tree.
which they were chopping down, fell,
striking James, crushing him to the
ground, ami resulting In his death In
a short time.
An alleired attorney going under the
name ol F S Wood has been arrested
on the charge of robbing the I'eudle
toil postmaster. He had laiciilnthat
city but a week. The authorities are
ma certain they have the right man
and are still prosecuting u search.
Postmaster Johusou says hi is out at
leust (700.
turn und crosswalks.
lickute for the Weber Dramatic
1 ompaiiy are now ot. sale ut Hender
son & Linn's drug store.
The Portland city council ha ro-
duced former cMimatce of exH'iiwMi for
me ensuing year iw,uuu.
Most ot the business men have kept
lie snow from the walks in front of
their places of business today.
The Winter Photo Company photo
graphed the carload of poultry stand-
Albany Herald: The farm residence
of l-.dward fhatiilx-rw, near Knox
nunc, caugut lire tucmIuv and was
entirely destroyed, together with the
content. 1 he barn was saved bv hard
work. Mr Chambers was away from
home when the llro started. Il Is
to have originated from
Telegraph and Stage Lluea Af
tected MfKeurie Keriy
Daily Uuanl Jsnusry U
Report of the sleet and storm of the
muI 3(1 limns coming from different
sources la-ar news of more or lesa dam
age and blockades.
A coid rain ami sleet full
during the fore part of last
night und fro.e to the already ac
cumulated Ice on trees, buildings and
Local telegraph and state II u m have
been attccted, but so fur trains have
teen running on regular schedule
The Postal telegraph Hue was dowu
between Junction and Albany, but
the break was discovered and the Hues
placed In worklug order again early
thi morning.
1 lie Western Union and Southern
Puciflo line were all down last ulghl
and this moruii g between this city
and Junction. The Hue through to
Ssu Francisco were uuuflected and
communication by wire with
Eastern points and with Portland was
had via San Frnucleco aud the East
ern aud Nertheru Hues.
Local stage Hues have also been
ad'ecled by the storm. The .Siuslaw
stage, dun her last evening, fulled to
arrive aud had not beeu heard from !
vet this mnrnliiir. Another staire wn I
started out irom Hangs' stables this
in truing to meet the delayed stage.
The McKenzio stage, also due hero
last evening, got only as far as the
McKenzle free ferry, twelve miles east
or here where It was comielleu
lhg met the belated Siuslaw, slugs' 10
mile west of the city, whera parit
ger and mall were tiansferred und the
rvrilar stage rvturnml to Ktuslaw,
while the other came back to this city.
The road is reported In bud condition
witn many trees acres it.
The stage which went out tills
morning to meet the McKenzle i tage
returned here at 2:3(1 o'clock tliii after
noon, reporting the river to lie rising
rapidly anil heavy rain and snow on
the McKenzio.
A Household Treasure.
D W Fuller, of Cuiiajolmrlc, X Y,
says that he always keeps Dr King's
New Discovery in the house and his
family has always found the very best
results follow Ite use; that he would
not be without it if procurable. C .V
Dykeman, druggist, Catskill, X Y,
says that Dr King's New Discovery le
undoubtedly the best cough remedy;
thut he has used It In his family for
eight years and it has never failed to
do all that is claimed for it. Why not
try a remeuy so Jong incU and tcs ted:
Trial bottles free at Henderson it
Lluu's drug store. Regular lize
60o and $1.
liuckleu'd Arnica Salve.
The Itest Salve in the world for
Cuts, HrulscH, Sores, Ulcers, 8. ill
Itheiim, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapp ed
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Sk In
Eruptions, and positively cures l'il
to or no pay required. It is guaranty
Unity Items.
liead aud both hind feet while
. Also one steer calf; one
old, marked swallow fork in left
i...d crop olT of right and splii,
r red and white sotied. Any
claiming the ubove discrilM.d ani
ls caii obtain nosseasinn of same hv
IgJIMt flushing suftlcieut proof of ownership
n paying an expenses and cost.
akcii ipmitb
3 CM 11
it ta
t bit
d Moul
in Utf r
r you re in doubt whether your
uble is Indigestion or Dyspepsia,
frt take a few doses of .Simmons
vr Regulator it will settle the
j'e question. "I have tried Sim-
Liver Regulator for dyspepsia
id il just the thing to relieve
tjanii 11 dose after meals Is sure
in inuigcHiion." b o I'eiKins
Ua. "It is the best medicine
Bastion." J J Black, Duqcan,
a op)'
cry ei
ion thJ
pOrtlif .'. I'sily l.uara, JsuuarylO.
herelf'v ok Pkuckkdinmh. 1 Jesse
ck or this city who wus yesterday
niiinii ana comm ilea to l ie in
o asylum for insanity haa been
aged ojnted a stay of proceedings. He
lo ri t0 DRVe la taken to Salem to
ufftrt'F sl,ermuni a son-in-law of
, i old gentleman, who resides on the
3 trail fthside ef the river, came into town
in vies mernlng and Mr Klock desired to
tj jnt home with him. Mr Sherman was
erMlt(lliug tor him to go, so a Hay of pro
dings was grunted. The coiumit-
lii t papers will remain as Issued and
ulu tfie old gentleman grow worse
ite lb
any timo
he will bo sent to the
Pally usard, January 1G.
haKksckakk Cl.UD. The Shakes-
IkuJ, are Clult met lust night with Prof
Si-tiui? I'uraikll lit t Km I'Mal.luiiiiu rr
sPaml,f liailev and read the third and
wniKl-th acts of King John. The club
s next Wednesday night with
Fannie C'ondou at the home of
ollj'l Condon on Elevcuth and High
ider.i'f ' and will flnlsh readiug King
u ami win tuKe up iiicharu the
r D(i Several papers will be pre-
kied on this play.
118 Pi:f.t Hian. Salem Statemian:
riuipe the tallest iron smoke-stack
ttie VYetiioot state was erected yes-
S E Brown has purchased the furni
ture and fixtures In the lloll'man
House from the Messrs Dubois.
Eugene Corbu hoe returned from
Josephine county, where he is inter
ested In some mining properly.
Mrs J II Harris!, who hud an oper
at ion performed for a cancer a few
weeks uo, is getting uloug very nice
ly. The ladies are not doing their duty
and County Clerk Jennings Is getting
no fees from the marriage license
It has Isx'ii decided that no encamp
mentof the Oregon National Guard
will beheld this ye ir. Lack of funds
Is the reason.
Tho old fixtures In the Hodman
House bar room were taken out today.
They will be replaced by the spare bar
In Relishaw's saloon.
Dr D A Paine, superintendent of the
statu insane asylum returned t Saleiu
this morning ufter a short business
visit in this cilv.
President Chapman left today for
lire in me parlor stove. There was a
small amount of Insurance.
Pally Uuanl, January j.
OokhToxhiiit. Tho car of poultry
loaded yesterday aud today by J L
Chase it Co, will be started tonight for
fsuu rraiii-lseo on the overland train
It has beeu said that Messrs Chase &
Co could Uol secure a full carload of
oultry here but notwithstanding this
tuey nave the car packed full of chick
ens ducks, geese and turkeys, and had
left over ubout ZU turkeys which they
could not get In the cur. The number
shipped was 4SU0.
Dally Guard. January M.
A Juky Trial. The trespass case
wiiereiu cnas rr (slice lias brought suit
aginst the three Stugley brothers of
Long Tom is being heard before Jus
tice Wheeler as we go to press. A
Jury was drawn as follows: W Cherry,
A J rickard, W jiickev, K r arring
ton, Ci Chrisiuau and U Lake.
Ciucuit Court Cask. Ada L Shel
tou and Alberta Shelton McMuiphey,
excutrixes of the estate of TW Shel
ton, deceased, have instituted a suit in
the circuit court to recover in inryjon
three promissory notes issued OcUis?r
31, 182, by Henry E Carey, aggregat
ing $oUU.
Pbobatb. In the probato court In
the matter of Daniel Keogh, deccused,
Laura E Keogh, his widow has lieeu
appointed admiidstnitrlx of the es
tate, with bonds fixed ut f 1640. The
estute Is valued at 1770.
Jan. 15, 1S!KS.
stop owing to the ferry not being run I to give licrfcct eatisfactlou
now- 1 ho river is quite high aud Is refunded. Price 2-', cent
very rapid at thai hihi and the boat I For aula by Henderson A Linn
was not cousidered safe until some re-J
pairs were made on It, It will require
ierhn a week's time to make these
repair. Another stage was started
out fiom this city this morning aud
will meet the McKenzie stage at the
ferry, where they will transfer passen
gers und the U S mail, small bouts be
ing ush1 to transport them across tho
This Is the worst kind of weather
for stock, but us yet uo bad report
have come from that source. Fanners
throughout tho valley are well sup
plied with feed and will be uble to
winter their stock through even If the
storm should continue several weeks.
The worst feature is the lack of shtl
ter on tho part of a great many
As yet there has beeu uo delay in
trains, but the north bound train to
night will probably be several hours
late, caused by a big landslide 11(1 feet
fret long aud ou feet wide at Tunnel
No 2 In Cow Creek canyon. It will
take from 40 to 60 hours to clear this
slide away from the track and until
this Is done a transfer will be made at
that point.
Up to the time of going to press all
of the Western Unlou aud Southern
Pacific telegraph Hues north of this
cltv are still broken.
The Oregon Telephone Company has
experienced but little difficulty with
their lines lu this city, but the long
distance line has beeu down betweeu
the city and Junction since last night.
the city electric light company has
experienced considerable trouble with
guy lines, and at 5 o'clock this morn
ing the incandescent lights went out.
caused by broken wire at the resi
dence ot O. R. Chrlsman. The river
Is raising and now registers about 12
feet above low water. It lias 11 toded
the mill race so that the water power
cun net be used, and the light oom
nany will .use their engines tonight.
1 he broken wires nave been repaired
and the lighU will burn as usual to-
ilie stage which left here this morn-
ll n.
is si
or mom y
icr bo: (.
visited this.
A good Inteiest is
Sunday school work.
Mr Lether ilolbrook
place Sunday.
Mr Jones arrived hero Sunday even
lug from Canaan, tie came by way
of Egypt.
Bom, to the wife or Win Orlffln. a
son. The mother Is all right but tho
fattier has the grins.
J W Cox made a business trip to
Eugene Saturday.
The free ferry at Lowell Is com
pleted, and will prove to be uU-netlt to
the public.
Wesley Neet and bla little girl have
goue to Dexter.
Sheriff Johnson and his son, Louis,
passed this place Tuesday ennxite to
Egypt, where the latter has a home
stead They will probably r."maiu
tuore for a few days.
Rev Miller Is holding au Interesting
meeting at Walker station, for w hich
reason Tie failed to rueet his appoint
ment at this place on the evening' of
the 13th Inst.
Joseph Matteson Is working for R
Edwards this wet-It.
Dally liual J, January lfl.
Swallowed a Scrkw. Late last
evening W Saunders swallowed a stual. I
brass screw, which be had placed In a
glass and forgotten a'snit. He after
wards placed some medicine In the
glass aud In taking It swallowed the
screw. It Is not known how serious
the result will be
E. II Morrill and John Osborne
caught a sturgeon Monday near The
Dalles thut Weighed over COO pounds.
When dressed the fish weighed ovor
800 pounds; the head alone weighed
123 pounds.
(niAell ( asm .ei.
Mr Rhodes has placed a neat ski (Tin
the river for use lu goinu to and from
his prune on bard near CI verdalu.
Knowing that the roa i supervisor's
lot Is a han tie, wo v j re sot sur
prised to hum t hat our r. v appointee,
W P Lower has aire; 'y provided
himself witl) a large cat t m umbiolla.
A neat fen his been placed around
the church yiud.
There is ta k of voting a tax at the
next school ricctlug to muke some
improvvnien s to the sclioil house. It
needs pulnt ng very ba-lly and the
yard should either bo fenced decently
or the old oii torn away rullrely.
Eleven nio.e books hao arrived for
the Sunday School libinry, among
which are '"Cinijo's Cave,'' "The Lion
of the North," "The Stlckit Minister"
und' IWu Hur."
A Home class of over 50 members
has been organized in connection with
tiie Sunday School at this place.
The new hymn bonks, ''First of the
Wheat," have Uen received and w ill
las used hcreafler lu the song service ut
The S l'Co has made thi place the
dumping ground for their cedar plies
that they are putting througU the
creosolln'g process at Latham. There
are over 0000 of them and they will
make a largo pile of piles.
There -eenis to have lajen a slight
misunderstanding of the H P it R Co'
advertising for water at this place.
Some KTHiins seem to think the com
pany Is willing to pay something for
having water pumped, whereas it be
gins to npN-ar that they want some
ono for that honorable place who dm-s
not care about pay at all.
At the stated communication of
Cr. swell lodge No. 112, A F& AM,
the following officers were Installed
for the prcseut tear: W W Scott, W
M; R E Dersham, S W; li V Martlu,
J W; H C Hunter, Trnis; J II Whlt
eaker. Sec; II Bock, S I); V M Jack-
s J D; C EColeord, 8 8; W 11
Beard, J S; LA Craln, Tyler.
Special Sckli! Meeting.
' Dally (.iiurd, Jauuary U.
1 id ay evening Is the lime fixed lor
the tpcolal school mee'iag of the E j
goi' school dlsi rlct to vote upon tna
pro position to 1 vy a tax to sustain t ie
ji'i llo schools :' ir the ensuing yei r,
ai. pay Indebtedness contracted in
btn ding theO.iry school house ai d
In t -net thereon.
1 hi taxpayers have never refused to
voHUie necessiry tax required to si s
tain our nubllu schools during Hie
year, free from charges for tuition, af d
dm.biltss this yar will be no excep
tion to the rule. The affairs of the dis
trict are In the hands of ci refill com
petent business men, aud have beta
uia-iiiged ecouoralcally. The prospeii
ty of our town h largely due to the ex
cellent character of our schools aud
that reputation must be maintained.
Take enough Interest to go to the court
house tomorrow eveuiug and bear
what the director may report in re
gard to school matters.
Letter List.
Jan. 10.
Rerger, D. Casedy, Geo. 8
Davis, E. J. Hasklns. E. II. H.
Hase, Bill. Hyde, Miss Ada.
Mahews, Mr. Minnie.
A chars ul on cent will ha mad on art
letters sln out I'tnona calling lor latum
will pleats ttai when aUrartlMiL
T JC'.9, fil.
PatlytUsard, January.
Aoquitteu. The case of Chas.
Frlsoee -s the three Stlngley brothers,
all of Long Tom, for trespass, was
finished In Justice Wheeler' court last
venlog. The jury brought In a ver
dict of uot gulliy.
The coats, aiuuiintlug lualltoS5,
were taxed up to the private prose
cutor, who Is now talklug of appeal
ing the case in regard to the costa.
The I'lafues of EfTPt
M em mlithty Iwcl. Nut tosorlou u theae are
a rvnua troubles, but they are terribly hsr-
na. whig iievitrlheles. Tlwt thorough nor Ins
ait J tonic, llnatv'tur'a Htumach llltkm, rendur
the imrTei tranUll and atrona, proinotu
dig Mllon, apisttita and iluop, aud MtahlUbea
boa lib on a Una sad permanent bula,
Ner ouih' haa lis mutt Ireqoeut orlalu la
Indl xeitlon and atuniaohlo wiakueai. Thti
nul e of nervout dnblllty la mnored by the
IlltU tra, which Impart heal hy tone to the
gaitl le region, UHn the acttvMy ol whlih th
well being o( the entire lystin I la largely de
pend tint. Thin ttcrllug aim time honored
rnrd Iclne alio u-nuslles and 1 royent bilious
uesa, oonitlia.liiii, rheuinat 1 and klduey
enmp taints and nil forma of i .'ilarlal d !.
I'm It regularly.
No excuse t.'"r sl-ples.s light when
you can pro ! n One Minute Cough
Cure. This will relieve nil annoyances
andcurti the ntost sever- cough and
give you rest and health Can you
afford 'lode m It bout it?
. Osborn a DkLano.
One Minute Cough Cure is rightly
named. It affords Instant relief from
sulTorlng when afllicted with a sever
cough or cold. It acts on the throat,
bronchial tubes aud lungs and never
fall to give immediate relief.
Osburn fc DkLano.
rify yciur blot-d, dni your tximplexlon,
regulntoyoui Isjwilb' ud makes your
head as do ir as a be.' I. o, COo, and
U100. Heiid.rsoii&LinU.
DeW itt's Little Early Klm for III
Imisnes , Indigestion, conntlpa t'UD A
ainull p 111, a prompt cure.
Ohuuun A DeLa.0-
1 a
as (Wday at the Oregon state ruform
,lt:.Ch(sl by a T Mollltt, the house
lover.i The Hue is 118 feet iu length
,,kPJ 18 Indies in diameter und on ac
; ollfcunt of Hh extreme length, was verv
Id to probbly" and rendered the task ditl'l-
in ana dangerous, but Mr Molllt sue
Kided nicely in his undertaking and
ill it nriitlu ..I.. l ....ii .....i i
n I'tSidyto carry off ull the smoke the
Sll)(liiiaces of the heating uppurutu can
by i uster
Crf m fllT Guard, J.uary 16.
foo:i,THK Oyi'sk The Gypsy urrived
"!'?M1.2 '(:l,,-,l' today, having come
i tlif F i LT ver fro,u Ju"ctin this morn
, Flle l'd on board 27 tons of
,h ,'g ? nvarly nt which was for
ingii n a city ihe boat left down the river
lI)(ibin I afternoon with a light load, having
..Iy about one ton. She will be here
- usual next Mondae.
e ; 1 I JL
,t tha
j ov
i nd
f ilir was aMt, wo gave her Casto.v.
f' aa a CailJ, ahe crie-t f. r Castoria.
tie became Mtai, aha clung to C?stor!a.
toe had Children, ahe gun Ibem Caatori.
bally linard, January 16.
N'IXO Day amti Xioht The
r J1'll & Elevator Company
-""i wiui work and has beeu
" Kuav and niirht lnc the Iim
' f this week, and will proba
ve to continue its night runs
"ie remainder of this moutli.
'srus Skhvicks. Quite in-
,!'"" 'ervices were held at the
,"u church egaln last pight. Rev
'j --m ,,f vP, i, vi-ir.. Vvi,i.,..
f -kelaat night and will speak
I i",!it;llt Song service begins at
f AU ate cordially luvlted.
?e Miunto Cough Cure Is a popu-
4 -j ! eniup. ,-saie loruuiuireu
Great tjPrumJmm
7F -7K
Ha3 been fixed by us as the opening day of the GREAT SALE, and as such is recognized and looked forward to with extreme interest by prac
tically all tiic purchasing public ot hugeno anu vicinity, ror tins series of sales wo liavo made Uroater l'reparations than cvtr beioro. btock posicssing an me
elements which go to make up tho Highest Excellence, Variety, Styles, Novelties, Clcanliccss of Merchandise, Orighriility and Emphatically and
without any question tho Very Lowest Trices.
Ihe Greatest Feature of this Annual Sale is the decided Reduction in Prices.
These Prices will Demonstrate bey ond a Doubt the Force of the above Statements.
In Black Goods, wo show the host line in the city, at a special reduction
during the sale of 2.3 per cent. Ask to see this line.
We would like to give each line advertised special mention, afc to quality,
style and price, hut space will not permit; hence we very cordially invite
you to call at the store and inspect each lino 'for yourself.
o o
Fancy Mixed Goods, JlS-int-U, 50c pc yard; now , 35rj
l'lain colored, every shade, 50c per jard; now 25c
Plain colored serge, 50c per yard; no.v ,.... 35c
l'lain colored serge, C5c per yard; n w 45o
Plain colored Fincot, 51-inch, all wuol GOV, per y;.rd; now..... 38c
Call early and often
ing this event, and
will profit by the prices wa
Along the following line of prices there will probably bo suggested to you articles
worthy of your attention:
dur- 3
Iad uery Cir?e. g
?lotf?ii7($ arjd 5f?088.
you 3
4-4 Muslin, Unbleached Sheetings, 6-6 and
10-4, at ttc, 10c, VZo and 15o respectively.
Calicoes, 20 vds tl 0
Check Uingiiams, 18 yds 1 00
Bee our line of Flannels irom S&c per yd to
SOc, all wool
Ladies lils. k Cotton II(se, 12Jc per pair, re
duced fr m LUe. Child's Heavy Hchool Hose,
extra heavv, 15o per pair, reduced from li'xj.
Indies' Misses, and Children's Underwear at
special reduced price. If you are Interw-ted,
ask to se this Hue.
Paragon Red Kid at
-SI 00
Men's all-wool Hulls frcm (4 to (15. These
are reduced prices for thi HALK ONLY.
Ladles' Mboes, pat. leati cr tip. Doug, at $LoO
extra value. We defy couetlllon on this line.
'I hrouKhoutour Oents' Furnlshlnc Oooils De
partment we oiler Kxceptional IJAHOAIN8.
Itemember our Htock Is practically complete,
and that we have reduced the price of every
article In the Ptore.'in order thut we may make
this Sale precede all others in volume of
Dont wait for quotations.
Attend the Sale and avail
'yourself of the unpreca
ifented Bargains offered.
ChiUCKN t DeLano.