The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 18, 1896, Image 6

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TlioV MCA Fliilalti' tlia Work of
Iho Jf'lliU Auuual CoufcmiP'.
After a SfjtiK, the coufuwnce wa led
in prayer by Mr Williams, of Albany,
afler which l'rof Jlowlaritl submitted
u blackboard review of Hie work for
t ho punt year. This review wu a ta
bic of talistic uivinjr all klii'lHof In
fonuittioii coucernliiK college Y M C A
work In Orison. The report of the
eleven college which have ussocla
ii. ...a in 1 1,.. m ulinui that there are
lOMyounj? men In these college or
which 4 are professed Christians: H'iO
are active member of the V M 0 A,
the total iiiomberhip belnK 8-r4. There
are 413 new student anion- them and
li member have been added thi year.
ElKhty are engaged In lllbl tudy, B
have I we n converted through the
ellort of the college Y M U A men
and the average attendance upon the
Kovpol meeiingii have beeii 30. Thir
ty. nine comnilttee are In the Held
and f lill.ol) have been rained by cou
trlbutlon. Thl repert wan followed
by au Interesting tulk by Mr Mich
encr, who brought out the meaning of
thotnt little ol the pnt year.
At 3 o'clock J) C William of Mc
Mlnnvllle college took up the topic,
'Work for Kew Kludent." HI re
mark were along the line or work
with the new men when they Hint
enter college.
Thl par wa followed by a couple
nfoiiKby itov and Mr Ippirrt, of
Two paper were read Uion the
ubluct of "The Association t'ollge
President" by A W FoMiay of Albany
college ami Oil Taylor of forvalli
college. Thl wa followed by au In
terentlng talk on "Impresnloli of
Nurlhfluld," by Mr iHimmltt.
Mr Mlchenur next took the tloor and
afler urging upon the dulegute the
Importance of providing theinnclv
with VMCA literature for the prop
er and Intelligent pvruul of their
work, announced thut the Decenary
fund had been raised to have a train
ing school, od the name plan a the
North livid conference, next spring at
Cascade near Hun Francisco bay, the
expeaeef which would be compara
tively light.
The ubjHct of "A Spiritual Awaken
lnt" wm liv Mr Miehufier III
a very able manner, after which the
convention anjnurneu mr meaner
Saturday evening' elon wa held
in the M IS church, l'rof llowland.
of Albany collego read a piMigo of
nripture and l'rof llauley of SVillam
ette Univeraltv led in prayer. Mis
Stella Dorrl of thl city favored the
audience with a very pleaaing oio.
The (iileitlon box wa conducted by
Ja A buiiiinltt, eecretary of the l'u
eltlo Northwest.
The principal address of the even
ing wa delivervd by C C Miotxaer, f
rw lora L liy, international er
tary, ou "The College Movement."
At 0 o'clock the convention assvui
bled Iu the (iiuth parlor of the doruil
tory to hear the mbjeut of "Itllile
Htudv for l'ertonal Urowth" discussed
by Mr. Michener. A very Inteivtting
meeting wa held.
At 11 o'clock tho delegate ntteuded
various churches of the city to hear
special sermon prepared by the pas
tor lor the Y. M. V. A.
At 3 o'clock a clal meeting for
men only wa held at the llaptlst
church, being led by Mr. Mlchsnur.
The evening service opened al the
M. K. church at 7:30 o'cleck, with
eong and prayer service. solos
and uartettee were cung during the
calou which addd much to tho mu
sical part of the program Mr. Duni
ultt, In a few choice word introduced
Mr. Michener, who spoke on the
"JCIkBlounry Movement." Thi tulk
waa full of Interfiling fact and was
listened to by a large audience. At iu
lose a collection was taken for the
lierieflt of the college Y. M. V, A., of
the I'aolllo Northwest. Aliout i.'iU wa
Tvstluionlo of the delegate were
then heard, followed by appmpiiat
remarks from some of the pastors, alter
which the convention adjourned.
A the work of the stale colli de Y.
M. U. A. i yet In the hand of a coin
mlttee there were no niTltsr t elect.
The time and place of the iext siinuul
conference hii not yet been decided
upon, but It will probably bo held at
Tort land.
lllr Ussrt, January 13,
UN THK lttVKU. The steamer 1 1
arrived up yesterday morning with
about 4tl ton of freight, about 'J" ton
of which wa for Kiigeue and the bal
anco south. She unleaded and Uft
down eurly In the afternoon with four
tons of leather. Iu coming up she
swung rgaliikt the bridge near ihiirlt
burg, tearing ott a part of the eldo but
doing no aerloii duuiiige. The Uyp-y
arrived up thi afternoon with nlnui
'M tous of miscellaneous freight, about
i'O ton for Kugene and tho baUuce
for points south, part of the cargo be
ing liUI sacks of sugar for (Irani I 'as.
She will take down with her about 10
ton of freight, mostly produce. The
cold weather I having the oll'cct of
lowering the water in tint river, it
now beiug down to a little less than 5
Kind Worn. Writing to Satur
day' Salem Tost. K ltrou n one of the
delegate to the Y M U A convention,
talk a follow about our town: "1
cannot close without saying some
thing about Kugpuo and' Its iiihabl
tun Is. Kugeue lia a Hue situation,
and It altitude ia high enough above
the sea level to make it lice from ma
larial troubles. The people of lOugeue
arc very accommodating, ami from the
number of schools liiry have thev
they must be well cnli,litend. 1
have not hud time in visit tho busi
ness part of tlx to u yet, so I can't
tell you anything about that purl of
the town. 'The conference will com
mence thl evvuliiK."
Installation. The Odd Fellow
ol Junction City hold a public lntal
latloil of officer Ml Saturday even
ing, aUillt 75 penitins In-lng present.
J J Walton, I'll M, f thl city, was
iu attendance and delivered the prin
cipal address of the evtiiing.
New Sawmh.U The mall steam
sawmill owned by Mr Kenin, In l.ynx
hollow aouthweat of Creawcil is ready
to saw lumber.
ii. K. lirnwii of the Hotel Kagene it
the en Lessee.
ImII Uinrrt, Jsnutry 11.
S K Ilrown of Hotel Kugeue loiluy
closed a 6 year lease with the Memtr
If.. ll'n. un fur Dm llnirmsil House. N
u liiiltnU ii ml win. Jownli who have
Idi.'ii runuiiiir the liouite for the punt
.. ... .1 .1... i.... i
live year nave rrurni irom uic i
Mrlirown ha, '-omjuctcd the Hotel
ti'iiifiini) fur t ho mint (wo vt-ur. and
for about two year previous to that
ran a restaurant in mi cny. iieiea
mini of ample exierlence in the hotel
btislueii unit lut aiwuy mane ii i
suci-ess since ruining to thi city. Hi
will run the lloilmua House In first
clut style, a It ha heretofore teen
conducted, and will no dotint tx
urei'led with the Skintt liberal liutron
hi8 that he ha had in the Hotel
Kintcne. The bar of the Hollinan
Mniiu ifi ivllli (Im Iml lal 1 iii hut fe
ll ut let by Mr Ilrown, who takes
nl.imanli tin. tilth Inut
VIIW.W .... .! .
One year ef Mr Jirowu' lease ou the
Hotel Kugeue I yet unexpired hut
lie I yet uniiucnioo. as id wneiuer aic
will run the house during that time
triinnrnr thft It-HMi to othi-r nArtlfS.
Inning the live year that Mer
Ltiiliois have bad charge or the noli
man Hoiihu I hey have conducted It It
ilrt.i'luy t vie. anil Imve Ixien niiou-
lar with the traveling public, a well
... .1 -i- t-: 'pi..
as Willi me people ui iugene. nnj
are undecided a to a busTnesa Iik bIIoii
yet but are certain that they will leave
l-'iiiri.i.ii . 'I'liev Iiuvh Mvirid nlucee in
view and w herever they gollieywill
uouoilt-s lie greeieu wiiii success
'Merchant of Venice."
Friday' Salem I'ost: The hue and
cry that I being raised over l'reldent
Chiipmau' lieuil on accotiui oi ine ev
olutionary teaching at the stale uni
versity, do not seem to disturb that
uvutleman Id the least. In hi lecture
lust evenliiK at Unity church no inur
mur was heard concerning the theory
or th sterm it Dau rniseii.
He confined himself to theublect
ou hand. "Merchant of Venice," with
but a single divergence, and that wa
to enter a pleading word in neiiail or
the world despised and persecuted
In Mr Chapman's opinion, of all the
prluclpal male character In th play,
Hhylock i the noblest, owing to the
ateadlustuei of hi purpose. He I
seen llrnt a "Hhylock, the usurer," an
Ignoble part; second a "the lather" in
which lie I a broken-hearted, turrow-
Itnr man. mourning tho loss of hi
duuL'liter: but It 1 a tho "avenger'
that he rises to til height, only to be
dushed to earth, by I'ortia, whoap
near a an nvuuclne aiiuel.
Antonio I weak, borrowing what he
ha of nobility from JSas-atno, ami
coudonlnir th latter' sloth and
Portia 1 one of Khakespeare'i woni
a nly women, who enter upon the plan
for Antonio' relets nor as a iei
upon lSussanlo than a a matter of
earnest, and after Antonio' release,
she shows her merry spirit by demand
imr of liasannio the rluir ho wore.
I'resldent Chapman Is a marvel in
tho lecture field he Is tint au orator.
neither 1 he an elocutionist, but his
vol e is what might bo called a melo
dious monotoae. He holds hi hearer
alimmt spell-bound by the (tower of hi
Oregon' Premium.
Oregon walked oft with the prl.a for
growing the 11 nest el low (.Unite lMn
ver onion receallv. I he time wa
$100 In coin, won by J 1) Maunder, of
l.agl valley, Colon county, and paid
byaseed grower of I'hi.delplil. Iu
piesentlng Mr Saunders with the
awurd the seoiUman said:
We are glad to award you thl
money and the fact that you have
wen red this prize against the strongest
kind or competition tint only in the
unit oil hlate lui also in lanaiia. it
Is quite a card that owing to superior
hoii anil cultivation you were ame
to secure the premium In a competi
tion of this character, and should not
only be of great benefit to you but alio
to your mends and aclgliuors."
Death of William Cx.
William Cox, aged aUuttiU year,
died at hi home in Crook cuiinlT,
egon, of pneumonia, l)o. 13, lssij.
lie was iKiru In Lafayette county,
Missouri, and crossed "th plain In
is 18. He wa well known herein
thl valley at an early dav. llowa
with the soldier that went to the
Hogtio river In '65, during the Indian
trouble there. For a few years he
lived at Myrtle Creek, Oregon, and
from there ho went to F.astvrn Oregon
where he ha been engaged In the
stock htulno. He never married.
He leave three brother mid two si
ters to mourn his Iom, They all live
Iu Oregon. Cor.
Hack Actino. A corrvpon dint of
the orcirouian from itrownsvllle talks
very plainly about the published in
terviews iu that paper mad by a re
porter sent to Albany by the paper
itself, the only ellort made frem auv
aource to create sympathy for Lloya
Montgomery. Tho boy has ent,"or
w ill send to thnt pix-r, a written ac
cuut of the killing of the same char
acter, uudoubtedly pure fabrication.
Will the paper publish It? The Ore
gmtian hits II owu interview a fol
low: " The efforts made to save him
from his merited fate are not credita
ble to the people who make them, or to
the Hiata whose common sense and
rv.ipect for law and justice are com
pr inlstO by them."
(Jitce Smith, a LVyear-oU girl, wst
assmilted at Itoseburg last Filday
uidit by A F Matthews, a professional
(.'.iinbler, who fulled to accomplish hi
piirMse. He ha len plactd uader
t- j.lKH) Unids to await the action of the
(rand Jury. Matthews epent some
time In F.ugcne a month or two ago.
ACiKKAT St'ix-KM. The leap year
party Saturday light given by the
iudien of the F.ugeue Dancing and So
cial Club wa a great success. About
40 couple were present and were
served to a grand bauiuet Iu the Ho
tel Kugene. Quite a number of visit
or were present from down the valley
The Levy for 10 l Fixed r 17
' . Polly Cusrii, Juurj l .
The iiounty court this sflcriinou
lilude the tax levy for WA, fixing the
rate at 17 mills. This Is t mill higher
than last year. Tho state levy thi
year I one and eight-tenth mill
higher than last year, o tho raise In
thi county I but two tenths of a mill.
The reusou for the rale iu the levy for
II..... Iu la tlmt lll III IMIIM-S of tWO
election will have to be met, uml the
amount or taxaiue property n
I.sst year the net taxable property wa
tl,Wi..HiU, and thl year it lsfi,4ll.4A
or 1 4.5,(130 less. Lat year the levy
Included one-twentieth of. a mill for
Indigent soldier, but thi year the
levy doc nol include anything for
that purpiw. a there I enough in that
fund lfl over.
The lvy for thl year I a follow:
State 4.8 mil s
Hchoor. 5-2 mill
County 7 '"'
Total 17 mill
The county levy I bused ou the fol
lowing estimated expenses:
Iload and bridge 6,i00
iiountle 1""
Asxsor. '-','Vj0
JutUs 700
Juro.s l."
District attorney 1.10"
Sherllf .;'
Surveyor -
Ii-gsl service
lliilldlng renair. eto 1W)
Furniture, fuel, light, water WSJ
Klatlonrv 600
Printing l,6x
Kxamliiation. teacher ISHJ
Schiad superiutenw'elit I,1)
Treasuier 6'0
County Judi. Wo
Comiuiuloner ",KI
Itoad uH-rviHor ... ",400
llailin. WO
Flection 4,000
Tx refund 600
Circuit court 6oo
Stock Inspector
Iutercst. 2.6m
Ferries 600
Total I 471U5
Thl levy rale in round nmber the
pillowing amounts:
Stat tax t 0.774 01
School tax 33,830 00
County tax 44,ho0 00
Total I10S.093 01
County tax f 44,8)50
Etlimated receipts
Clerk 4,000
Sheriff. - 600
Income $ 49.3K0
Estimated expense $ 47,3tV
Delinquent tax 2,015
Total.. $ 40,30
Dr. Edward r.alley.
Th following from Th Watchmau,
a pap.r published In Boston, ha ref
erence to the on of l'rof Mark Jluilcy,
of tlii tityu .
' "Just now we are bcinglreatod to a
revival ol criticisms of missions, pro
voked by the trouble In China and
in Armenia. Thes criticisms areerl
denilc. No sew arguments are ever
adduced. The statements which are
now btlng repeated have bseii ci in
pltely and fully answered over and
over again. The accusations of luxury,
merceiary motives, Indolence and the
like on the part of the missionaries
have been disproved so ofton that we
arc ashamed to give space to a detailed
reply, violet one example stand ror
all. We have just bn informed that
Kdward lialley, M I), our esteemed
physician In the Hakka Mission in
Southern China, rained for himself
audi eralneoee a a practitioner at the
time oil tie plague in llong Kong last
rear that he was offered a sultry of
fnOOO (Mexican) a year, It he would
accept a position in secular work; but
he declined it and cheerfully returned
to his work sn a nidlcal missionary,
although his salary of S00 gold does
not s u flic to provide for his family,
aud he ha been coiueelled to draw
largely upon private mean."
Important School Decision.
An Important decision was recently
rendered by State Superintendent of
1'ubllo Instruction Irwin, which Is ol
special Interest to rmal school district
in a letter te too superintendent of
Lincoln county' school.- he holds that
a school district does not hue its organ
ization liy reason of Its failure to have
al least throe lucntli of (school each
school year, but limply loses its
apportionment of state and county
Should a unmet rail to have school
for a number of yrs, and thn by
prlvat moans raise funds and have the
necessary threw mouth of school the
district would be entitled to it appor
tionment of tat and County lunacy
thereafter. It would (sent In the lliilil
of thl decision that there I no way
for a school district to lose it autono
my unUs It lie attached to some other
district. A voluntary fsl In re to elect
ntllcer er to have the three months of
school each ycai does not atlect the
A Klcjcle tor Snow.
I. Grand Chronicle: Since th
advent of th cold weather with its
accompanying rain and snow, bi
cyclists have moped about the street
on foot or on horseback. Alt of this
ha been overcome by th Inventinn ef
Jay Van Ilureu who now hai a bicy
cle that will run
ou the enow a well i
a the best cutter. Ketaluiiitt the..ri.i
rear wneel and tram Ii removed tlio
front wheel and in it place he ha a
runner properly shaped and shod and
cau ride a though there wa no snow
and the usual itood reads prevailed.
He waa out yesterday trying the ma
ctiine and several local w heelmet) !
took a turn with. it. all of whom pro-.
nounceitagreut eucm. ' '
Iisontinuki Tim txwtoflW st
Trvnt. this couutv. ha been dlst-ou-
tiuuvd. Mall for that place hvrra.trr
will besuatt Dexter.
Mi Illildle's 1'er.eeuhii; Fhid
Another Victim Sluee Her
It seems that with tho departure of
Miss Kiddle, say tue Hurrr-burg
Keview, the anonymous letter
writer and otherwise all-round rulllun
"r A. ' .,.i.Mi.i...i hut Con
or rumaiis umr n... -, ----
tiuue th. ir despicable work under the
aut hontlts' very no-s, owii" ,
. . i ... ii. ..i. r-.i,i I tin- iillered
lie sum i nil" vi...... .
their service In the former allalr, but
wee told it wa not time for diviil
CHiice. The last letter la to Mr Add
Merrl. by w nose ruiiiumi. )"" "
, .. ....... .Iilu.l In lillh isll It.
IIIM VI UIC niiiiu..'i - I ,
and Its tone plainly Indicates the
calibre of the contemptible scrub that
wrote it. We take occasion to suy
right here, that Mr Morrl i one of
Harrlshurg nouiesi ism, -never
done harm to anyone. IJul
here' the letter addressed us follow:
Mks. Ai! Mokkih: .
Finder hund to her
"If vou don't wnt h come llrst In
ecoml cene in thu Kiddle trouble
never enter their door again, l ou gi
umrget new for him to carry to the
printing ofllce for the boy killer. ow
vour frail ookahw you ure not long
. - .i . . i.i ...ill I, il il aiir it
llir lllis wimiu nil".
slierter If you proceed with your low
i. l . ll'u 1 1 a .'I.
work lonieip ueu a m iwi.
no use for such trilie In the com
uiuullv. If you are goln to lake part
with them and ever go inside that
house you will never see the sun rise.
What you know had la-ttcr be mum.
Your head is not safe iu your own
house-will he a d d sight more
unsafe if you are ever saw to speak to
one of them son nfh . you will
carry a bullet to your grave la-fore Sat
urduv. Will not hold tlmt head so
i Id high. Heed thi warning or
will lie man without a wife, and four
children no mother."
That such a devilish U-iug can lie
-it. .-.1...1 u i.i.lin .! Iii imr I'llv is
mini iicu iii.iiiih i'.m."..- - - j
a scandal to the town which will pot
he Lome. J no mayor, cuy coum-n,
and in fact every principal citizen of
Hie place Is ready to full iu line for the
purpose of hunting dotvu the
miscreant, and the only thing lodo is
to get i iH-tnt awdHlauce uml push
thi matter Willi the vim and energy
of determination, audit will be but a
hrt Job. Tho only moderation re
quired I to keep the case from Judge
DfiiilT With
Word come from Kliiinath Indian
Denervation that all the Indian there
have the whooping cough and at lai-t
accounts there were six death among
the pnpooe fraternity mid wu reared
death would take rutin y more to the
Happy Hunting Ground. Th Indian
Have au agency puysiciau ui in iiu
case they have taken the advice of tho
"mediclue man" of their tnb and the
agncy physician cannot consult with
the 'medicine man" tx-cniiMt he don't
belong to his school of dnctur. So the
Indians are managing lids epidemic iu
the regular Indian style of doctoring.
Near a spring or river they build a
teepee of willow, cover it with hides,
build a (Ire, put tho patient in and let
liiiu sweat, grunt and cunt unlit the
presplratiou rolls oil' in rivulets and
the Indian stink like unto a China-'
town, then tho patient jump into tho
cold water of a rivr or spring to cool
ott. This medicine is good for some
ailment and especially One for folks
thut never take a huth. Dut in
whooping cough It I as cultu an the
Indian' idea of logic, with him Incan
tation lieal drugs. Several years no
au epidemic of small pox broke out
among these Indian. Th sumo treat
ment wa undergone, as siwush
took to the opinion of the medi
cine man hecaure it war. nearest
Ills si hi I and bccuiiKC. he had no rensou
in his coconniit head to comprehend
the rcleuue of tlio white innu's reme
dies. 1 0 0 K InstnlliUion.
Tlio officer of Cobtirg lodge, IOO
F, were Installed Sulunliiv evening hv
WMdreen, D 1) (J M a. follows:
Hum, N (i; J Alford, V (1;
WmNnylor, K S; deo Smith, 1' S,
Tho Vaughan,
After the Insinuation two can lidutrs
wr Initiated. A line supper wm
provided, ami the member and vis.
Iiors enjoyed themselves until about
five in the morning. Fundi Colcmnn
wss voted the bos speech maker.
Thoe attending from Kucene were
W M Ureen.Tlios Jenkins.C S Frank, M
Kvarvirud J Ctirav, l'rof Or on, J M
Williums, Wid McUeeand W C New
burn. I ' 1 ! y liusril, Jsiiiisi-t 11. !
Dikiv MrtJ W Christian died at i
her home in thin city about Sam Sun-'
day, Janunry DJth. oMiiiluiiimution of
theovuries, niter nil illness of about!
two years. Her in iMen namo was j
Mary Mumper. sv was burn Iu
Marion county September DJ, S!i7. i
She wa married to Mr Christian In I
Ihls city Diccinhrr LM, INKS. She'
leave tliree children, Kugeue, Z il.i !
and Koy, to battle life without a'
mother's care. She leaves two broth- j
er, Will and Charles Mumper, of!
Marion comity, who came up lat '
evening. Mr Christian had a host of ;
friends who will mourn her untimely '
death, and Mr Christian and the!
motherless children have the sympa
thy of all. The funeral service wore !
conducted at the fsmiiy residence at 3
o'clock this afternoon, and the re
man. were laid to rest ill the Odd '
Fellow' cemetery.
A New Sawmill,
A steam sawmill plant is now helm; 1
put in on tho ninimtalii about five
miles east of the Kedfurd Coast For
bridge that will bo somewhat of a
novelty m this section. TUc. mill U !
llWM.twil III u I.. I. .1. I, ..r.t-
.,. n ,,uc i,rli (u iiiiiiuir Oil
The Proprietor. .1 r,- ,
of Cottage Grove, will build u Hume '
fmm near the mill to the railroad at
Kedtord'a utilizing the waters of the
crrek to float the lumU-r through I
When not iu use for lutnlier, niilroad
wood can le carried through It.
mii.i ...T . i , . .
piauuig nun will be built at the I
it Ja .--I i t hi .1 . I""''-
.J V, 1 tUT.. V"1
will be required to place tin- plant in
Marion county i-xhlbiti-d a splendid
poultry show Siiurilav.
The Orcgouian has this to eay
ubJu one of the acts of the lust
leTbitlUfoilowing tppropriBtloni
were made by the legislature ast
February for lighting the Ute
building at Halctn for two years,
Capitol building....
School for deaf routes
School for the blind.
State reform school..
State insuneiiivlutn.
Asylum cottage
state penitentiary . . .
...t 9.200
. . 2,31)0
... 2,200
... 4,700
... 11,050
. 3.:i00
. . . 4,350
fp. ... i 30.G00
mm .
This expenditure is at the rute ol
. ' i. : . ..r.,.i.n for
fla.uUU a year, u i
a city of oO.OOO people and there
ure many cities of lifty thousand
iieople tnat exjiend less for public
: Tl.n riicnsfi at our Stat'
nn i.w.rB.-Hil from 1(5.0(0
cupnui nuo i "
a year to 18,300 a year at a time
when the contract at 5,000 had
yet nearly four years to run. This
is merely a "epecimen brick." No
wonder the state has to increuso its
tax Mle." -
A New York trade journal says:
husinHF is to stu lv all
(iuctioii8 bcuring on advertising,
. r i unr; ..n r...
say thut tne nguies oi iow, ii
as they have been compiled, give
promine of continued prosperity in
lS'JO. It i true that stocks fell in
cunnc(ucnce of the wild talk of
war with Great Britain, but this
flniirsinii was tcmnorarv. and,
outside of Wall street, the gory
utterances of editorial warriors ana
rostrum strategists had no effect The general
mlvertiiif r. wlioHo conv is familiar
us Washington's face ou a postage
stamp, are increasing ttieir orucra
and new enterprise are seeking
public favor.
So f ir the situation is encourag
ing. The time was when an ad
vertisement was looked upon as an
act of charity towards the publisher
but the idea is as completely a
tiling of the past as a tlint-lock
ninL-ei Wilnwl v prcent an occas
ional Kio Van Winkle who has
(lumbered for half a life-time
dreams of denying the expediency
of advertisinR. The questions arise
as to details.
If no national misfortune over
take us, there seems tu reason
why continued prosperity for the
nation should not be reflected in
the advertising colums of the news-
" 3 f E A K K U RE E pT
New York Tribune: Spoaker
Uccd, who is altogether tho most
conspi uous and talked of man
in town at present, is just a
bit thinner than ho was last winter
(whether owing to his efforts to re
duce his avoirdupois by chopping
wood and bicycling, or by endeav
oring to satisfy a clamorous horde
of members of congress), and l.e
has siicriticnd his mustache, which
gives him a somewhat ministerial
air. It is not generally known, by
tlio way, that Mr Keed begun his
college life at Bowdoin with the in
tention of becoming a minister,
lie entered the college as tho bene
ficiary of a religious society of
Portland, Me., which wan so im
pressed by his brightness and pre
cocity that it volunteered to bear
the expense of his college education
provided ho consented to take
orders. Ho had not reached his
sophomore year, however, before
ho decided he was not cut out for
a clergyman, and he so informed
his frieiiile, who, it is said, have
never ceased to regret tho loss to
the c';itrii of so shining a light.
Here arc some Christmas thoughts
by Bob Iners(ill: ''It is beautiful
to give one d.iy to the ideal to
have one day apart. One day for
generous deeds, for good will, fur
gladness. One day to forget the
shadows, tlio rains, the storms of
life; to remember sunshine, the
happiness of youth and health.
Ouo day to forget the briars and
thorns on the winding path, to
remember tho fruits and flowers.
One day in which to feed hungry,
to sulut's the poor and lowly. One
day to feci the brotherhood of man.
One day to remember tho heroic
and loving deeds of the dead. Otio
day to get acquainted with the
children, to remember the old the
uiuortunute and the imprisoned.
One day in which to forget your
self and think lovingly of others.
One day for the family, for the
fireside, for wife and children, for
the love and laughter, the jov and
rapture of home."
The Sak-m Statesman gives tho
Bnscburg authorities a good hint
in the following words: "They are
talking of lynching a Roseburg
scoundrel for tlio attempted asault
of a young lady there. We would
not be much surprised. In a com
munity where a condemned mur
derer has twice beer, allowed to es
cape, people are liable to it-come
desperate and do rash things."
There is considerable earncit i.n
among democrat ai.d -v populisu in
favor of fusion at the coming JU0(
election, eccuio m ue
with both parlies, v
tfnrono has her mar naint a ,
would take but little ty plunge her ku
great powers into war. Th j f nnd animosities of ceniu,;fc i. .
are such that thpy are ready to fl, ji
-1 .t)iui.'a (hiola r... .i l.l
Bl I 111. II " ii.iwvo uil )I0rt
The fifth annual conference of ;i)r
the Y. M. C. A. of the colleges ofU r
Oregon, came to a close in thiojt,Vti
lust eveninnr after a verv intc... f l!
.. . "
' re
ing ana successiui session, ji
in nml
delegates were in attendance ti
will go away well pleased ith tJ
rlsult of the conference. )
i-1 1
Oregon City Enterprise, (repu
lican.j: "The scheme i beiti,ir
quietly worked up to bring alv,J'r'
an entire change in Oregon' del."
ir.ili.m in pnnorewa rdlirinu Milnl,.
Hermann and hlus. Hie mov-1
ment is said by those who claim I '
know to haveconBlderablestrcngu'1''
and there promises to be liveleS'
times with those seeking honon
at the hands of republican! it,
Oregon." k-
A five-horFe power Lavcl turbiot'
in the works of a Paris lus rom. 3'
nnnv ia kent at work tlirouohnn' f L
the "entire twenty-four hours, uA
was recently lound to have rut k
5,800 hours, and 3,600 without i
stop. The velocity in me circum-
fcrence heine bU meters wr
second, the total distance travels
bv it had been about l,900.(Xl(
miles, or seventy-eight times tl
distance around the earth. In M
lavs it had traveled without a etor.
fiftvthreo times around the earth.
fhis is made the more remarkalk
by the lact that the only attention
given to the motor was the fillint
of an automatic oiler once in everv
twenty-four hours.
Albany Imprint: Like a Un-
guid rose bathed in a summer
shower, Lloyd Montgomey raiseil
his drooping bead when informed
that his case would be appealed:
and an expression of "while there
life there's hope" beamed uponhii
faco and his actions seemed tour
"the past is gone, the future liva."
Judge Pipes of Portland has volun
teered his services in trying tout
aside the veadict of death agaioit
voung Montgomery. Ifthecueii
reversed, it would knock illt
confessions in the head rmAtty
Lloyd, as grave exceptions m
taken on that point, and tbetv
deuined boy still stands a iu
chance. The sun will never ir
for the last time upon Lloyd Mont
gomery, January 31.
The . success which the nnp
river boats are having in readiiri.
this city this winter is very ei
couraging, and is an indication tl
we may ss well have river tran
nortation durine a creator portii
of the year. The trouble herelf r
fore has been in trying to run lrfimj
boats. This could not be guccCe
fully done when at low stages (ijnte
water there ate many shallow ti:
lies to be encountered. However j0.J
the companies who have the trail riui
of the upper valley towns in vie m
are putting light draft boats inl ot
service which aro able to overcom
these oi inoiiltitfl, ana wiiti prop ait
river iuiDrovemcnt we mav couojulu'
on regular service in the futur
The efforts which these eompaiw-
are making to accommodate It
wants of the neonle of this lerlifiiA
section of thu state are truly lnuJr
ble, and no pains should be spart f
to give them all the encourageniet l th
possible. I 9;
In an interview in the Brooliji
Eale, Senator Hill gives ovidemi
that he has at last fallen a vicii:
to the "war fever thut is eweewr-lred
the earth. More daring than ',,Q
T l. .r I""
mors jjoagn or ununaier, ort' fcrjm
President Cleveland, the 8ni)thi
senator from New York has ofirua;
elared open hostilities gaimtlf' JJ"
women of ashington. He wopd 1:
make social functions a thing of tfrtuiit
past. He says: "I thinkit would FM
mighty good idea if the wL,iw
were packed up and sent out fa it
Washington, and the men idy
alone here to attend to the hu(iiil"l
that they were sent here for byt. 1
country. The trouble is there t
too many dinners, too much E0C
lissipation anions ohucials a1' "bth
capital. No man can go to uf g.
fashionable dinners night "iv'gi
ghtand sit ud till morning"1-"
tending to social unctions, nl.,!y
in any condition to crappie ". u
the knotty problems of finance r
and other affairs that are n V
time forced upon the considcrt;(,:.E
of ou- nuhlin mfn I know tl)"1 I
am called a rustj old bachelor, M.
if anv sane man will think "':,
what I have said, I believe he; jS
agree with me that 1 am ng'l
Thiscrilism upplier to member J
the senate and of congress, ana ;
officials of the administration, j
attribute a good many fo'1'1!
blunders made bv public men"!
1 .ia i. .i . .. .'.i i,i mur'w
. ....l ..u oiipiili'1-!
to the Btudy of public affairs.'
1 11 I