The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 18, 1896, Image 4

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    yr. , .... . . ' "i
ttugcne City Guard.
A meeting, of the Democratic Coun
ty Com tu It Uw I hereby cIM t) niwit
In Eugene on Haturday, Jau. Si, IVjC,
at one 'clock p. id., for the iuipoe or
culling a county convention and to
transact such other business a way
come before the committee.
F. C. Matteson, Chairman.
From all rcporta stock on the
range In tlie Willamette valley is
faring badly. The rains were so
late that the grabs did not get a
start, and continued frosts have
prevented much growth.
It should not surprise any one to
learn inai mo new dhuiusiuii
tocky will bo christened with
whUkAv inntoad of wine as usual.
It would be a gross insult to the
bluo blood or old Ksniucn 11 any
other liquid was used.
The report has been .Bent out
that as a result ol the war uio su
gar and tobacco crop don in Cuba
will be a failure. Havana tobucco
mnv fail I, lit we'll IllVO "lUvanu"
cigars juat tho same. They can be
Importua from any piace, you
know, even from Kentucky.
The mornins after tho last lecis
lature adjourned the Oregoiiiun
asked: "Who win nave me wee u
nilt the flection of mother repub
lican legislature?" We believe no
one need trouble himBelf on
that acore if tho democrats and
populists have sense enough to
combine lorces.
The tax levy is higher than
many hoped and expected it would
be. However the lovy for1 county
purposes is but one-fifth of a mill
more than last year, ami mat on
the face of a decreased valuation
The sountv court has been econom
ical as possible- cutting off ever)
passible expenditure.
Heboid how the scene changes!
liutafuw weeks ago the countn
was intensely txcited, or pretended
to bo, over prosect of wsr with
Great Uritaiu. That trouble if
almost forgotten, and in its pluci
looms up prospective war between
Ureal liritain and Germany over
south African territory.
U rover has another dulling light
inr precedent. Dr. Jameson, the
(South African lighter hulled for
trout in Montana at different timet'
from 1875 to 18H0. The Uocr gen
eral ate Bauer kraut in 1'ennHyl
vania for years and is said to be a
native of that state. llotli are men
of international prominence today.
Judge Bhiras, of Iowa, in tho fed
eral court at Omaha, rendered a de
cision declaring that in cases where
Indians have becomo citizens with
all accompanying privileges, the
government is still bound by treaty
stipulations existing while tribal
relations were sustained. He
holds that it applies on all reserva
tions and is wide in scope.
It appears that tho agitation for
an extra session of the legislature
emanates almost entirely from
Portland. What is the jobT Every
body knows that the Portland poli
ticians care ns little for the inter
ests of the people as tho devil does
for holy water. A oity election
will beheld there in a few months,
and it is prohuble some ring or
combination desires to have a
change and are willing in order to
gain it, that the cople of the state
shall pay the cxpeuso of an extra
session. What is the job?
The Register say a report is in
circulation that it is owned by the
Guard and makes prompt denial.
We have no interest whatever in
that paer, although wo have been
accused ot editing the local depart
ment. That accusation is probably
due to the striking similarity of
local news that appears in the
Guaud in the evening and in the
Register the next morning. Likely
it is a mere coincidence. At least
the matter in the Guako is not
Tim council committee rrports in
favor of the city owning its own
light and water plants. They
might as well talk of purchasing
the state house for a council
chamber. The city has a floating
indebtedness of nearly 17,000 and
a bonded indebted nee of 120,000,
3,000 of which becomes due this
year, and must be provided for
It is hardly probable that tho tax
levy will fall below 7 mills, and
that will not produce- sufficient
revenue to decrease the floating
Our only Col Alley receives the
following compliment from the
paletn Journal: "Col. Alley lias
not given up his home in Lane
county, though ho has no doubt
determined on a removal from
Florence, the female-mayor town.
Col. Alley is a fighter and a stayer
and cannot be eliminated from
politics. The way ho led tho roll
call in the last legislature in the
anti-Dolph campaign endeared the
old man to the people of this dis
trict not a littlo and they would
Late to lose him. There is some
talk ot Col. Alley locating at Haker
City, We hope lie can get hold of
a paper in one of the larger towns
of estern Oregon." i
Dr. Finley, dentist, room S.Dunn blk.
Alf Walker came up from 8ulein to
lluv M C Wire returned from llulsey
Harvey HumiuervlIIe arrived home
this afternoon.
K II 'nullum has a change In his ud.
today, lu-ud it.
Mrs N It t'musr wa a pat.: oyer to
rortluiid toduy.
Miss Dorothea Elliott relumed to
l'orllund toduy.
.Mrs JJollver Cogswell returned to
Lino county today.
J V Fleck of Crow bus sold his store
to Mr Vauey of thut place.
Judiro Medley come down from
Cottage Grove this morning.
Med ford bud au exciting city election
yesterday. 4'fl voles were cut.
Ed Went otieiis the barroom In me
llolliuuti House mis evening.
N A Hmlth hu gone to ltlue Klver
to Head a few days on his claim.
Millions of dueke aro reported In the
Long Tom and Clear Luke eouniry.
Much weulher as this on the (utter
end of a mode! winter Is a dump
Will H Cramer, of the Peerless I lot
Company, of l'hiludelphlu, Is loine
It was the Eugene I'hoto I ouipany
Unit photographed the cur of poultry
A consignment of asparagus was
hipM (1 to the Oregon Fruuic Produce
Company al fuieiu louay.
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Will
isms went to Jiini'tiitii today to attend
the trial of II W ltos.
Mr and Mrs The Warner have re
lumed to Fall Creek, after a sluy of
4everul days In this city.
Hherlir:Jhnon und son Louis le
tamed home from Egypt yesterday,
alter having a very rough trip.
Mrs K H It n and children returned
lo Wulem today after a visit with tlie
family of Prof Tlios Condon In this
The largo weeping willow standing
lo II II Hlouu's yard on Hixth street,
was broken down by the sleet lusl
The largo willow tree at the residence
nf.Mrs llunsuker, corner Niiiihuiid
Olive streets, was bndly broken by the
sleet yesterday evening.
The iiplo of Pleasant Hill are talk
lug of organizing u camp of Woodmen
.f the World.
The f.ineral of the lute C H Itluek
well was held toduy Mug conducted
ovJWGeurv ixMt. ( A It, of this
The man Woods arrested on sus
lilelon of having robbed the Pendleton
notdofllee lias Ihtm discharged mere
being no evidence against him.
At 1'alouse. Momliiv. a pool of
wheat was sold for 4:1 cents a bushel,
free, on board, which is about the high
eil price paid In the Pulotisethls sea
son. Klumnth county warrants are now
telling forW cvtil. Jackson county
Marrams are held for Ui cents. Here
in Lane county thuy ure worth 10U
A committee has keen appointed by
the hoard of trustees of tlie Christian
church of this city to hire a pastor,
and It is miite possible that lids
oliuroh wilt soon bo supplied with a
regular panlor.
Hpokaue's dalico balls we closed
and tlie dancers am rtstliiK, pendinu
I lie deelslou of the court upon theUes
lion wiivllier or not the city council
can revoke a lKx'iim) .oirm IsHtied.
The lower ortlon of the valley bns
nwlvcd more than lie share of snow.
It was six Inches deep at Salem yes
terday morning, and four Inches fell at
Portland during the day while it was
raining here.
Dr. Finley, dentist, room .I.Duuu blk
The Postal Telegraph Co. has com
pleted Its lino Irom Portland to Astoria
and it is now oau fo bimlne. The
uuw office are Astoria, Carlson, Knap
pa, Hauler, Clntskaule and Clifiou.
A uuiiiIht of the republican members
of the legislature are urging Gov Lord
to call a tccml session In hopes of
correcting the mistaken niuilo at the
last sesilon. liiings iio not look so
well as wheu they were brenklng every
pledge made.
A young man from Lake Creek, was
In towu today to secure a nmrrliiK
li(Hnso, but did not succeetl, as he was
not accompanied by a witness and
hsiln't the proper paeni from the
young lady's parents. He will have
to try again.
Jackson county Is 7.o0 Ultor
oil owing to the change of
heart of John A Williams. In
the year 1SS2 be presented
scalps to the county clerk and received
a bounty on mem, tneciera presuming
they were coyote sculps. Of late Wil
Hams has Joined the church, and he
Pared U-fore Clerk N A Jacobs, con
baaed be bad received a bounty on
wildcat skins In lieu of coyote scalps,
and turned over the uUve umouut.
maaiaemsry Irtislsi let
Ai.iianv. Jan. l.V Iiluvd Moiitirom
ery's sltorneys visited til ui in Jail to
day sou conversed wild mm ueeut
ap4allng bis caxo to the siiietne
eourt. In spite of Montgomery's for
mer statemeuts that ht w aiilwil to die,
he told bis attorneys lie wished them
to do all they could tor htm. and se
cure a new trial, tf plble. His law
vera ssv lliev will tile a bill of exivn
lions on or before. January 'J and -
eul Hie cac to tne supivuio court.
Plly uatre, Jnuiisrjr IV
MKNT. .The eutertalnuieul t'ivett at
Armory Hail lut evening under the
autphvs oftliH Fortnightly club was
largely atieiitleU. 1 lie program w as
prepared w ith excellent tate, was well
carried out and was rivlvel with the
ervateat of leasure by the audience.
ThoHe on the program, of spciial Inter
est, Were Xlls ItangUl, profesor of
elocutli.u in the Lulvenllv otiiregon,
and Miss Klliott, of Portland, w lio
pe-Mtwes a swMt contralto voiiv. Itolh
were encored several times.
PUj CusM, Jmunry lit
LaI'P APt.K. (1 P tiritthi bad a
snow plow out today cleaning the
auow and slimh ott tlie sidewalk from
Day A lleudcrMiu's corner on Willam
etle street to his rvtiduiice, eorm r
Fifth and Laurence atrvets, and did
not forget the little folks at the tleary
school liou. Whv dH uottlioeilv
have all tlie walk rltnued? It would
not cost us one cent h.
No iNaiarifoK Ytr. The tsrd nf
regents have Mot t selected an In.
tniclor fortli uMiMTVatory of miioic
of the l'nlverllv of Urchin. The
taiard is III orrepolidi-ii w ith Prof
Muellr of Smkaiie Fall, Was'iinton,
and hojee to secure bisservk-es.
The lien Who Will Superintend Hie
XskliiL-of our Heads Dur
ing UW.
Inliy Ouuril, January II.
The county court now lu session at
the court bouae Is buy making out a
lint of the men w ho are to superintend
the iiiuklngof roads during this year.
Bo far its completed the lift lis np
M)intcd by tho court is us follows:
A (Simmons Dist. No. 1
Amos Wl kins -
J K Davis :t
Jus Hudilleatoil '
(i F McLean
J Iter - u
J ! Itralluln '
J F- Nnlll u
H McKlnzle J"
Jon I'urL:er 1
'I'lios linlbre 1-
llanii'l Iliinllni I'1
W It Lincoln H
A II Powell !'"
WhIIui' Klinrlrldea 1"
Marion Veatcli 17
Fred Wriirht I
W It Hawley !'
tli-n Hunter
J It l'urks "1
Win Lower
Muiirice Johnson
V I t'olemun
Nelson Swurgurd ",'
K H Hollenbeck... -7
Huniuel Flint
J M (Jearhurt
W Nichols -lO
Win Hnppinglleld
Henry Itohiuson
Charles Lvons 33
L J Voder 3f
Ulclinrn Free he M
A Collinirwisid '. Dlst. No.
I N Kdwurds 37
J I'. Hill : 3D
It U Iteeman 40
Maurice. Allen 41
( C Millutt 4-'
It F Watcrniun 43
I 'mt It Ziimwiilt 44
M D Itlcliardaon 4.1
Hamuel Ferguson 4'j
L Simmons 4i
: M Juckson 4S
Louis Fleiral 4'J
Marlon 1 lures -Ill
lt(! Alliaon "1
u : ixtriirmijii -
J It Young M
P T Carter 64
I' K Himsman 6.1
F TThomosoii 67
J A ArmlliiL'S 68
Sidney Ktlcklus 61)
KCI'ottertr. l
John Jeans
J A Ashbv i3
T Whltniore 64
J I) Neet
.lahn frull Wi
A C McClnln 7
J II Snores
Henry Melton 71
J AtkliiNOU -
II : Iterkey 7.1
Frank Knowles 74
A J llurlaw "j
W W Hawley 7li
It Doty 77
Will lllatehley 78
Hlelmrd Kaston M
II D Kdwurds 84
IWnJ iK-ering 8.1
J H Holbrook 8(1
J H Htewurt 7
J L Tavlor -. hH
C II Potterf. 8!
V M Stupheua !
Overton Dowell I'l
Allen t'huMtlHU I'
ll M Govern
Frank Condon '.'4
V A Vun Kcholaclu !"l
F M Jackson t'7
John Uhum
J St fluir HH
M HLuudis 11
Ljlteam 102
I'oauty Prluiing.
Coucorulng the printing of county
allowance made by the county court
In the county newspaper the court
has ordained us follows:
At this time It was ordered by the
court thut until further orders by the
court the price for printing the allow
ances by (hecotinty eourt shall be 1 els
per iiiare of 111 lines; and publishers
desiring to print auid allowances are re
ipiestedtofiirubdi aftldavits us to circu
lation w ithin the county on or before
January 18, 1SHI, nt 1 o'clock p. in. of
said day.
Tke Wimta Cleared.
Himkank, Jan. 14. The Spokesnuiu
Review spei'lal from Lewislou, Idaho,
"Mrs lloiKlard who has been on trial
for the murder of John Sicrs last May,
waaaeuuiteu by the grand Jury today.
Mrs (ioddurd and her son-in-law,
Frank Ward, had trouble w ith Slers
over the posiession of the ISchlaavler
ranch. Ward and IMra lxgn shoot
lug at one another, when NrsUoddard
stepped in and took a baud. When
tlie smoke cleared sway Slurs and
Ward were mortally wounded and
Mrs (ioddurd seriously burl.''
A Mkikoki Luiki. Srrr. A dis
patch from Medl'ord dated January 11
says that Oscar Carpenter, who lives
near l'hoeiilx, in Hilt county, was ar
rested in this city today on it warrant
out of Hecorder Webb's court. The
warrant was sworn out by Attorney
A S Hammond, of this city, who
charges Carpenter wi'.h criminal libel.
Carpenter was taken More Keeorder
Webb and bound over to the grand
lury, in the sum of f-IK). Tlie trouble
is the result of a niisunderstandiuit be
tween Hammond anil Carpenter regard
Ina bill w hich Carpenter gave Ham
mond to collect several years ago.
Hammond Is a candidate for mayor of
tills city, and at soon as he was nom
inated, Carpenter circulated several
charges against Hammond, which the
latter anawcrvd through the coin in in
of the Mall, of this city, and this week
Carpenter rcaHudod In the Valley
Kecord, of As'iland, uud his arrest fol
lowed. Card of Tbauks.
As I can not see each one separately
T lulcrt I li I, m..t lt.,.1 t.i v ImiiiI in v liimri
felt thanks to my kind neighbors and
menus lor tlteir treely protleivd
aid and sympathy lu my sad Urcave
uitnt. Msv 1imI )l- vu alt U it i v
fcrveut prayer. J. W. CllKlM'l as.
Wislnesdny's Kant Oii-pmlan has
tlliM IHIIIiHrnllli' 111., hill. .ir S lk Slilr-
gls, a prominent cltieii of IVndleton,
and a regent of the Mule iiniverll:
" The condition of S P Slumis tMiitln
ties to ucciooon alarm to his friend-.
There appear to le a ihtuccr of pueu-
UioiiIn aeitlng In. Dr J K lllngtiain,
of Walls hIIh, culler) in coiioultatlon
by Dr F W A' lucent, remained by the
LtUlit. all ot Tu..Imw. tilL'it At.
tempts lit reduce the fever, u hich ,'
Isvn near tlie eMn'ioe at which litej
tan remain ui tlie txxty, were
futile, u it was li a lowered even a
fraction. It.cre is no doubt that Mr.
Murgis i in a k'-rious condition. The
slate of delirium remains as during
the past week."
Yon an & Son.
PleusDUt Hill Items.
Jan. 15, 18D5.
Mr Jesse Iturges of Hebmu was vis
iting here this week.
The Woodmen camp talked of here
bus been fully decided upu. A
ueighlKir has been canvassing the
town this week to see what the pros
peels will be.
We understand the Trent post ofllee
wilt lie discontinued toduy.
Mr Parker is arranging for an et -tcrtalnmcnt
at the close of his school
about Feb. 7th.
There have been several agent in
thi liK'ullty buying chickens for the
poultry cur being loaded at Eugene.
Mis Lizzie liaughman who has
been tenchlug school mar Creswell this
winter Is sending a few day w ith
relatives. Ak her bow she got that
bair brush Irom brUtow 's store.
D J Cameron of Porlluud is visiting
here for a few week.
Miss Laura Powell of Cottage drove
Is visiting with her sister, Mr H N
Thos Walker's baby has lfii sutTer
ing with eroup-also was troubled with
throat allliction. Dr Drown w as culled
and prescribed.
Jus McDowell, the would be forger,
has many friends (?) iu these parts
especially among the fair sex. Eh
A leap yearly was given at C L
Bristow's lust Friday night. Oh! w
just hud the mostesl time.
L L Attleherry on reaching Ills
home at Kant Cruz, Cal., (while we
were having fine weather compared to
the Fust, but rather rough for Oregon)
writes that they bad beautiful sun
shine and were sprinkling the streets
Jau 5th, 18:m.
A private letter to a friend from
Mrs A K Stearns, nee Messenger, of
Portland, gives the new of an 8 pound
girl baby, boru Deo LDth. All doing
D:iu Craft and bis partner a few
(lavs since got over itiUO from 40
pounds of rock tnkeu from a pocket on
Louso creek, Josephine county.
Tlie steamer Win. M. Hoag, will
leave Portland next Sunday for Eu
gene. Hho will come direct to thh
city transfer of freight.
Piles of people have piles. DeW'itt's
Witch Hazel Sulve will cure them.
When promptly applied It cures scalds
and bums without the slightest pain.
OsnuKN A DeLano.
Th Jacksonville Time says: Oats
and haled bay are being shi'pped Into
the Uoguo river valley from the Wil
lamette. Oats sell at f 1.10 er hun
dred and bay at 111 per ton.
SHI LOU'S CURE, the great Cough
and Croup Cure, Is lu great demand
Pocket Blze contain twentv-flve dose
only 25c. Children love It. Sold by
Henderson A Linn.
A cup of Pnrks' Tea at night moves
the bowel lu the morning without
pain or dltcomfort. It Is a great
health giver and blood purillcr. Sold
by A. YKUiNcriox.
The McKenssle stage which arrived
here today brought the news that Mr
Ituney of Foley Springs, is getting
along very nicely and that her son,
Arthur, Is recovering very rapidly.
Parks Cough Syrup cuics Coughs
Colds and Consumption. Mrs. Culh
erlne Uluck of Le ltoy, X. V., says: "I
took one bottle of Parks' '.ugh Syrup.
It acted like uiu(;lc. Stopped my
cough and I am perfectly well now."
Sold by A. Ykkington.
Wife Here's an account of a man
who shot himself rather than sutler
the pang of indigestion. Husband
The fool! Why didn't be take le
Witt't Little Early Riser? I used to
sutler as bad as he did before 1 com
menced taking these little pills.
Osni'KX A DkLano.
Captain Sveciicy U. S. A., Sun Dl
ego, Cat., says: "Shilo's Catarrh
Remedy is the first medicine I have
ever found that would do me any
good." , Price 5lVi. Henderson A
The American Reality owes her pres
tige more to a clear compkxlon than
to any other altiibuto. A cup of
Parks' Tea will enable anyone to piw
scsM this. It clears tlie skin and re
moves pimples and that sallow, mud
dy look. Parks' Tea Is used bv thou
aims of ladies for the Complexion.
Without U-liig a cathartic it cures con
stipation. Slid by A. Ykkinown.
Corvallis Times: Even at the low
price of prunr this yeur, well cared
tor and well matuivd' prune orchards
were proiiiable beyouu aiinont any
oilier tarm luvei-tuient. Tlie 12 acre
orchard of H M Finley, on w hich the
tree are seven or eight ytursold.lhe net
pioeeeils to the owner, ileal of pickinir.
etc., was something over one tlwiiwui l i
dollars, or nearly on hundred ilollars
per acre. In aildition. Mr H M Si one.
who dilcd the orel'!rt's pHKluct for
1'iie third, Pelted, ait. i paying all'ex-ieu-s,
almiit two hundred and
seventy-five dollar, making the total
net pruflton the U'acre orcliard, one
ttiouand three Imiidixni dollars.
Ul'LV't lll.E sfl'lvstTOKV.
I u-n:..l t iur l".;.s and Conlliion
oi u.otii-f rvtmuksl. s wn it L.. -n.1
soi'.mi. lor rirt mr n.l YT't Km, 1 to
VtKWS KI'1Y. Hrfiilcmt I'harmarlsi.Uiirw
I. r, It. .V I'OITlLl ISftlKt. FMit; H
n i-ela drmamu everjBr, aod lu kuaeus
by ol.uru A W Uiw
UeXtT ItiUil.
January 14, 'ICI.
Oregon cuu certainly lMi-t of having
the best of climates. When we read
the duUy account of storm and
frevite-ui. In the Kat, we say, "Hur
rah for Ongou!"
Logging I the order of the day all
around. The mill In the bottom I
busily engaged and the Trent Lumber
Company is piiitlug In a lurge run on
UpjK-r Lost creek.
A literary society was orguuifd at
the school house Thursday night.
This Is commeliduble und we only
hope that the young ople will muke
tho best of the upisirtuuitv and im
prove as they may.
County court wus attended by wure
from here this week. There i
considerable speculation ns to who will
run the ferry bout. If th blwks
were provided it would las reudy to
A pelillon is In circulation t" etub
llsh a county roud on Upper Lost
creek. This roud is much needed und
should Ue grunted by all meuii.
Ills whl-iered thut we huvi a de
tective at work in our uihUt. If re
ports are true a ituilty party niuy yet
be brought to justice.
It L Williams, Husen Purvin and
Ielt'her HolliriMik visited Eugene In
day. MrW. pin )ses cutting a drive
of logs on the river for the Eugene
Lumber Co.
An entertainment for rah lug funds
to buy song books is tulknd of during
February. RKtil'I.Alt.
llow' 1 him.
Weoirer One lluiiilnd l.illr lti'r.
nny rf CNinrrti llml i-mi uwl U i-ititd l.y
lUII'o t'atitrrli Cur-.
r J ( I1KNKY .1. O, Priiim, Tiile'l".
Wr the iiii'l. rlKiiKl. Iirt. kiitiitu K J I'lu.iii'f
f..r llie lt l.i '. i"l U-U'-vi-1. mi MTilif I)
lmiicirnl'lr III all Miln, - Itii.i-' i.h.i inl 0m
mif icily lu rnrijr oul ni j i.lii;ttili.ii m...
I.y llii'lr linn
A I ruax. V h.l-it if In.r.iiU." T.i.wl.i,
O, Unldu.if. Klinmn V .Mrni, WIii.Ii-mIi-brnirifikit,
'lohl .i.t.lii.
Ilnll'l I Slarrll i utv I- Uki ll 1 1. ! r I . 1 1 y . K'tll.K
dlriTtljr iimii th I.i.xmI H...1 mu .hi. mirfrti ? ui
tin .yl.-iii I'rlrw 7-i ft mt 1'i.ulv. imjU by
nil l.ruttlaK lvailmuiilal Inc.
1'uii at spriuglh-d.
Jau. 14.
It was f.ilely reH.rt.-d that Mr J
Milleland Miss'Naney Cox were mar
ried. So Saturday ulglit alstut IX)
boys gathered their tin pans and bogai
to serenade the hotel. The parties had
left sothev lelled the proprietor's in w
buhy (us Ids former baby was inot 15
yrais old) a new one just cume out In
ISlKi. Then they turned on .Mr KitiU
ley. He had his wife step to the door
and introduced her to tlie crowd (as If
they had been married LU year) then
Invited them in. About that time the
murshul came around and the air was
tilled with stove wood und the hoys
disappeared like a cloud.
T J Mcllunry delivered a short
lecture Tuvixluy evening nil "Wood
craft." which wus attended by a fuir
audience and afterwards retired lo the
Hall w here they initiated 8 new mem
You Know.
Coughing irritaie tlie dellcuteor
guns and aggravate the di-ca-c. In
stead of waiting, try One Minute
Cough Cure. It help at once, mak
ing exectoratioii cay, reduces the
'. renews ami iiillamiiialioii. Everyone
like it.
Ositfitx A DkLano.
Duv !i Hetidcrsrni Unilert.ikers ana
Errualmcrs. Cor Wil. dn.l ih sts.
Tie Woods are
10 Per Gent Discount On
Boats and Shoes, Men's
and Boy's Clothing.
We will give the qImivc dbeniiut on
all our I.o:th'T (iimilx, ami expect to
keep the prices this year far Mow
any, on the same kind of goods.
The J. Miller Shoe Co, l'ingree &
Smith, ami Sol., Sohwali & Co., 'mike
all the shoes that we ahull oiler for
sule this season. Kvery pair war
rant ed . ms,
rnn-K. Puk i:.
lvit. Now.
Men's Fine Calf Sh.kM... f td i. ,V).
Ladies' Fine Hand Turn
ed Shoe 4 (M). 2 .Mt.
Mens' All Wisil Suit 1J IK) H .".(I.
Hoys' All Wool Suits 5 oil. 4 ot).
We are ant paying int. rvM on bor
rowed money, and our prices for l8'.nl
w ill meet vour approval.
the PAINT and
Wall o Paper JVIan,
Wishes jau a Happy Nsw Year.
Seas ghgI
$ Qoffee,
Highest Market Pries Paid for
Hides and Produce.
SOT1CK TO CKIP1TOKS is b. rely iirn that theObd.t
iifntd has len ....u....tu.i . i........
el the e.U'e .( W A 'iaiK-. ,lf.v,.). A, 1
per.. us Long e'.aiuis a t,a ijr,.
tt y ill plea. ih mn- io uie 1
wilhii. ai( ui.iulus t ux ihis .t.if Jauu.irv 1
2. lS'-U- tu fnia. " !
Aduiiuis'.ralrix, I
full of Imitators.
a a GOLnsumi & cal
' I I lit PS
Will Continue Until Feb. 1, '96,
mm iini
7th and Willamette Streets.
!iiJ!a.l ilui'''j'''
?1S'I "" ' "'
i .
I S t.lo.Ml
& . P' p.Miirui
ww.. iw.wni'w". - -.""r.' iaa
orsalelolSiiSoo,On;.,t.yUEMiliUoM A LV.N.N.ondbrOhULll.N IwLA.NO.Uruiuuu.
Lancaster Items.
Jan. 12, l)0.
Two bouts at Ilarrinlmrg Sunday.
James Howard, one of Juuctloa
City's merchants bus uioved on his
fanu north or junction, on wiucn ue
will jierimtnenty reside. I'nt Blew,
one of his clerks will continue the
business for Mr. Howard.
There la talk of a law suit amoi.i
some of our neighbors, and attain it is
talked of being settled by pugilistic
science, which I think would be the
clieaiet. Later. The pugllUllo bat
tle came ofl'the oilier day. The result
was black eyes and sore heads.
Douglas Ulchardsoi. and wife were
vUilinn relatives the other side of Loug
loin lust .Saturday and CMiuduy
Dr. Artinau mukes this place a tad
sliiKwt every day to wo the sick.
A goodly number were' at Sunday
school last Sunday evening. Kvery
body luvitcd to ut'tciid.
MrJudsou has Ihimi on Long Tom
dolnjf carpenter work for Mr Wru
Cook. Mr Judson Is an InKeulous
cariM'iitcr. He invented a gruhbiuK
machine with which he is grubbing at
the rate ol an acre per d.iy on an aver
ae. MrsSclicmk was vIxltiDg the sick
at this place lust week.
John lllew, who has been with US
for over two month-, returned to
Junction City to l.e n hmI boy und do
so uo more.
Claud Carson was out hunting
other day. He shot at, us ' lie
thought, a Jack rubbit. After a thor
ough examination It lumed out to be
a buck sheep. Claud thought he had
killed the dad 1y of all rabbits.
Mr James Lee will cultivate Wm
Lee's hop yard t lijy seustitl.
Joliu Win eli r v ml family were vis
iting at Linn iw.i't last Sunday.
John Cartiih: is n paring Ida hop
yard for the in xt vuii.
Mahlon l'.av. k is nn.viug his family
three uric d n the river. Mr.
Hawk is n giaid i ei::libor and we are
sorry to .e him.
A iiinn und wife in our tswn liuve
itplit tin- blnnl.ut. The names we will
Hon W H 8p:uiKi Ih having his
p.Hut k s dug. He has a lurge acreage
this year.
Mr Johnson will move into the
hnie whro Mahlon Hawk lived.
Ki.r Ki.ux.
Ifsiili; ring with piles It will Interest
you to know thai DcWitt's Witch ll
.el Salve will cure them. This nieili
cine Is a spccitlc for all complaints of
this character, and if instruction!
(which are simple! ure carried out, a
cure will result. We have tested this
In numerous cases, und always with
like results. It never fails.
Osiit-RN DkLano.
W iiidtierry Items.
, has taken up a ranch on
Horn ltutte
l.. ii,',
.U......IH was in tms vicinity
this week on a hunt.
Clsrciiee McBce is slowly Improving
in health.
f'v,,V!lTM,,,y amJ Lll8 Lin
of Mi.hile h..rk are visiting at the resi
dence of J (j t'arter.
1.,,'. "rK'." lu"'lln ! father
build a fireplace.
( W Carter now owns a one-horse
Nix I'om a KotsK.
-FOll THE-
For Sale bj All Dru&gists.
O.W. KiKsaT N.E.JU.atir.
Kinsey & Markley,
I.Uv""""T'1 "J ,',oUu' Blls
l'ft.c la Chruman Blork.
s Speo-
Cash Sale!
Urmntf cures qulrlily, penntontiTa
'., i. uiuy. Kihu 5
la'PuU'wcf and wni. ll'.i o..a jj
...... crffi. . C.itl..nouplauil. lanS2
l - ;illdf r. kll ienlin.nnriniiiiKi.ii? ' M.r I TDoi n i..ra. II r aULui
im.iI. will. .1 vrif.ftwmut'eormmirvrtfiiiKUxl. WrtUM.k.
..Mit. rt ....... 7".. ---.i.i.n.tilii
IBTAM.1X11ED lstii.)
21.1 and 217 Dsrls St. cor. CoinmercUl,
San Francisco, Cal.
W psy the highest market price lot
Wheat, Barley, Oats, Potatoes,
Apples, Poultry, Hides, Wool
It will l'r you to write us sad keep pot4.
I.itcrkl ailvaiices made on coualKDaan
)Sn Francisco Produce Kxchwp.
I .-siii Kianalscu Fruit Kxctmuije.
(vuh Birifll BBX. TVbM
V tbuM dlMMT of lbtbibUruwrb t
9o, rquir no chcuif (tii
BMaKiaLmrWlJ OT 'IWaH a f
kms l M Ukm lBlWia-iljs I 2
by UlbOT MI II la IsgMMkai
Ulf TCimtSlll'MMMi LUIiniMHH I
Ihnaa lralr li .tMTi'v.tSLf k
m W.IB Oooorrl.'- rrl fttflSM, I
W V Xa.aUaifaUu.ailsutgcV
arsthsoritnal and only FRKNCH. ssfsuJnl
liahleea-y on th market, frioe XUUi ml lA
BUU4. usouiae sola omj oj 1
OmuUsa. ..i.NO DiukkIsu aist tu
sgenu, hiiRtMie, on uon.
For pssxsge and freight to the new ft"
Oold Mlneiot Alaska. Apply toC. D.ui:
at the liuii flora, No. V Third street, WJ
Kraurlsea, Cal. KarfK). Freight 110 perlo:
Musical Mtrchindln, Band Instrument!' tai
Muilo, Etc.
1'IANOs-P. kr Bros., lvers.t: J'oud,Sh'k
Trowbiulue, Knhlnr t haw.
UKiAN Mason ilainllu, A. B. Cbw
Wester anU OIIut L. iJiiik MLl-.
North Room. Ch rlimin Block, Eujim.
la tho Circuit Court of the Slate of On
Ron, fur the Couiily uf Laue.
F W Osbiirn, It 8 Ostium, Atfuei 1
lis diegsud Auuuata McDou- j
aKI. I
Plaintiffs, I
It M Oshura hu.1 Lizzin U
bum, Lin wife, I
Dt-o'iKlants, J
To It il Osbura and Lizzie 0HUiirD,D'
lo the name ol the State of Oregon, f
are hereby suuiuioned lo appear in
court and answer the complaint ol
plaintiffs filed therein on er btfore )l
oay, the aecoud dsy ot March, 116,
teiu the 1st day of the next rgulr
otsaid eourt held in said eonutj. or J
meat and decree for want tf an au-er f
be made for the relief prayed fur in
eonirjlaint. namslv Alnf the (olw''
iB dtsoribed reaproperty situated io U
rouniy, uregon, by a referee appou""'
! 2? f0, r,'.!!ud s proceeds ol sals b.
p"'(1 in lh psymsnt of the costs
Uxpeuset and a reasonable attorney I
and the remsiuiler to b divided bets'
the tiUintiffa an.l ih. r.,.i.,,t llll1
bnrn, as their interest may appear. Ti
No One: Coram ocwg at a point on
west si Je of Willamette street in EnR1
Lane county, Oreon,twsntv-!ive ft "J'JJ
"f the son t beast corner of liit No 8 m es
N 10; theuoe west 100 feel; 1 1 en now
19 feet; theace east 161) feet to WHIsmett
tiei;theuces..olh 19 feet to the pi"
beginning, being known as t e Osl'J
lrii Store. Tract No To: Lots So'
8, sud 10 id block No 8 in Sk inner ' f
dilion to Ennene on ths went. Tru'l
Three: The north half of the fo.l''e
deacrihej preraiaes: UeglnniDa st tb, '
corner ol the tract of land deeded bT
Cochran suit wife lo J II Uonig D,,JJ:
eorJed iu deed book "Q" on ls"1'
thence nonh 89 deg, 62 mm, west K'0 ft":
tbeocs soath rxi de, 21 rain, west HW
thencs toulh b'J deg, 61 mm, east lt'Ole'.
theooe north no d.g, 27 tnin. esst W
o the place of beuioning. i rsct F""'
Tha west one half of that part of euti7
survey No 2:tG d-srrilied i follows:
meceing si the s e comer of county m'"'
No2u2. tb ssme U-iiib the southwest e
ner ot coimry survey No 2:lC; tbeiire r;
ningeast 2 57 chains; thence north '
chaiuslothe inner angle of said ou"
surrey No 23fi; theooe north 89 d'e 2
miu, west 2.67 ebsins; thence soutb
cbsins to t)i ,.U w .nmlsM
j I t'S seres in Eug-ne Lane county. 0"
i. n.l.ui i . .... If.iaK
tullerino Judiie. .Ull J.nar loth,
that serrioe of this snmuions be nis.l- P,
yon by publication in the Eng ue u t&
Gciiuj Ut tlx coDsecuiive (.
Qso B D .
Piainufla' Attorney-