The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 18, 1896, Image 2

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Am InUrMtlag Colleetloa tllUml From
Ik T Homlapaere rrtmtal la a
I'uidHHl Worm-A Lars; Aaaoant
ot Ururuatloa la a latall tpae.
Recent oensna figure ibow that in
ten yeara Maasachuaetu bat lost la
A severe ahock of earthquake wat
recently felt In New Westminster and
uioat portion of the Fraier Taller .
Tb American Urk Arcturu parted
her cable and went to pieoea on the
ruoki at Bant Koaalia, CaL One wan
waa drowned.
Kir in the Chicago Forg & Dolt
Comnanv nlant did 176.0(H) damage.
Tbe plant la owned by the American
11 ridge Company.
The eecretary of the interior ha ap
proved the selection of 1,800,000 acre
of land in the Blunarck, N. D., diitrict,
and 688,000 acre in Mod Una made by
the Northern Pacific
The member of the Veneaaola com
million met in Washington and re
wired their commissions from Beoetary
Oluey, and were administered the oath
of office, and elected their ofBoere.
Tbe Cheyenne north-bound passenger
train waa wrecked at Chugwater,
Wyo., by running into a bnnob of cat
tle in a cut Fireman Parker wa
killed and Engineer O'Neill hurt
Four ooache were derailed.
Tbe National Aaaoolation of Manu
facturer of the United Bute will
ahortly hold their annnal meeting in
Chicago. Particular attention will be
given to the Nicaragua canal, the con
vention favoring the government own
ership of the great watorway.
A deepurale battle ha been fought
near Colon. Tbe Spanish troop were
routed, and Buffered heavy loss. The
iuiurgeut captured the Hpanlih artil
lery and have gained a poiitlon com
manding the overland entrance to
liavaua. General Oliver wa killed,
and General Campoa' un auriouily
Tbe United State bureau of eth
nology expedition to Tiburon ialaud hi
returned to New York. The Zert In
dian abandoued their rauche on the
approach of the party and hid in the
mountain. The expedition embraced
the Ont white people who have vliited
Ibe Uland in fifteen year aud returned
The iuvaaiou of the Tranivaal by
Dr. Jamtetou and the force of the
llrltiih South Africa Company ba
brought up all the lateut feeling of
hostility to Kngland. lhe Britou are
wnthy becauie of the character of the
kaiser' message to Kruger and de
uouoe the telegram a a decidedly un
friendly act. '.
Warahlp Oyiug the stars ami stripes,
aud manned by American bluejackets,
may force the passuge of the Dardan
elles and Bosphorua, anchor at Con
itantinople and ahow Uie cultan that
Uncle Ham ia not to be trilled with.
It transplrea that the Bosphorua i
likely to be the destination of tbe
North Atlautlo squadron of Auierioan
battloahip, iuitead of the Carrlbean
The recent massacre at Ortnuh 1
stated to have been terrible. Official
dispatches admit U00 Chriitiau were
killoil, but according to private so
oouuta about 1,000 Christian wore
killed. A massacre 1 auid to have oc
curred at Uirejik, an important town
on Uie Euphrato. Thia outrage it be
lieved to have been oommited by Kurdi
and Hamedioa In the colour. The am
bassador have reovlved word that the
bloodahed there wa xeceptioiially orl
out A large meeting of the Allcghcuy
County Bar Association wa reooutly
held In Philadelphia to decide the ques
tion whether women ihould lo ad
mitted to practice. The women were
vlutorlou by a vote of more than 10 to
1, oousequcutly ther will be accorded
the aaiue privilege a Uieir male ool
league. Tbe question waa decided
after a livelr discussion of a reaolutlou,
which called ou Uie judge to prohibit
women from becoming member of the
bar in Allegheny oouuty.
Another uprliing J ha occurred iu
At a hotel fire iu Altoona, Pa., three
people were killed by a falling wall
Meeting are being held in Chicago
to dot lie mean to aid the lutTerlng
In a railroad wreck in South Africa
twenty-eight persout were killed aud
twenty -three aerlouily injured.
Nearly 1,000 cheat of lea of the
cargo of the big tramp iteaiuer
Afrtda were damaged on the voyg
from Yokohama to Sin Frauoisco, aud
ouie of the (tuff will be a total loaa.
An open iwitch, oauaed by the care
leaaueaa of a oouductor reaulted in a
eolliilon of a freight .and paawuger
train near Chtlloothe.O, Six people
were killed aud many more were in
jured. A Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul
train oraahed into a funeral proonasion
at Pliua street, Chicago, injuring Ave
person. One of the carriage driver
wa thrown fifty foot, but noue of th
injured will die.
Mouilgnore Katolll, apoatolio dele
gate to the United State, ha been
raiaed to the rauk of oardiuil of the
church. Tbe oeremony. which took
lace at th veuerabl cathedral in Bal
timore, ooMiited in conferring the red
berretta, lignltlcanl of the high ititioo.
Two children, aged 7 aud 8 year,
were captured by the police in San
Krauoitoo, In the act of robbing a
store. They had been assiafod by
larger boy in leouiing an in trance,
and confessed to having bad previously
entered anoUief atore in the earn man
ner. At Albany., N. Y., th ollmai of one
of th most dramatio and eenaatioual
criminal incident of thtitatV blitory
wa mad public whn, jml forty-
eight hour prior to the elocution of
th death lentenoe oi oinaunraww
Shea, another man oonfeaaed to the
murder, and Shea atepped from beneath
the abadow of death thrown by the
lectrlo chair. Preparation for the
execution had been made, the state eleo
trioian wa already upon the ground.
The whole Cuban iiland ouUide of
the city of Havana i now in the hand
of the luiurgenta. They bave not an
nihilated the Hpanlih force, nor bave
tbey routed tbe whole army in any
inale Ditched battle; yet the iltuation
la pnotlcally in their band, and o
completely bave they outgeneraled the
Hpanlih that, to all appearanoe. Mar
tinet Campoa' army might a well be
in Hpaln for any check it ba upon tbe
movement of Uoine army.
A medal from Washington says: A
more important issue than that over the
Veueauela boundary may be raised be
tha United State and Great
Britain if recent report from Nica-
mirua shall be confirmed by later de-
vnlntitnenU. The subitanoe of these
reports, luitalued by important evi
dence, is that British interest are
nwnhinir out for the oontrol of the
Nicaraeua canal, and that the govern
ment is being urged to annuL tbe char
tor to the existing corporation.
Secretary Carlisle bas made public a
circular on the subject or tne new Dona
issue. The loan will be a "popular"
one. and tbe circular, which is dated
January 0, give notice that the gov
eminent will sell 1100,000,000 80-year
4 per oent coupon or registered bonds,
dated February 1, 1805, for which pur
chasers will be required to pay in gold
coin or cold certificate. Thi will be
the tint issue by the present admlni
tration of such a large amount of bonds
at one time. Tbe clroluar also contain
an Intimation of a possible further
Issue of bond should the issue
or sale of an additional or different
form of bond for tbe maintenance of
Uie gold reserve be authorised by law
before February 6.
Disastrous prairie Are in Western
Kansas bave oaused great los of life
and property.
An explosion of natural gas in a
Chtoairo tenement bouse wrecked a
building and injured three people.
The gross earnings of the Northern
Paolflo for six months ended December
81. were iIl.68H.N8 an increase of
Associate Justice Peckham, the
latest acquisition to the supreme bench,
bas taken hi seat Chief Justice Fuller
admlnlstorvd the oath.
A board of naval offioer ha been ap
pointed by the navy department for iu
vestigating the condition of the nine
monitors Ivins at the League island
yard, Philadelphia.
Disorder have occurred in the East
End of London growing out of the fact
that the Herman and Dutch sailor
about the dock were hissed. The
window of Uie shops kept by Ueruiau
Jew were broken, and several Ocruiuu
olub were closed.
Tbe Loudon Time in an editorial,
remind the United State that
"whether we have trouble in Europe
aud Africa or not, we will not yield on
the Venesuela question. We have in
sulted nobody, but if we are compelled
to fight we shall be ready to defend
what I worth fighting for."
Stephen V. Emmons, a prominent
' gold miner of New York, has addressed
1 an open letter to Presideut Cleveluud,
j setting forth a unique plan for main
taining Uie treasury reserve. His
, suggestion I that if the secretary of
the treasury will put himself iu ooni
; rnuulcattou with tho owner of gold
i mine throughout the country, he cau
1 cause the eutire product of tbe Uuited
States to be at the disposal of the gov
eminent iu exjhauge for silver coin.
1 He promises Uie oo-oprrutiou of all his
1 At the request of Seuator Mitchell
aud MuBride the secretary of the iu-
, terior has directed a special ageut of
the departinout to proceed to Oregon
Immediately, to make such investiga
tions as can bo made st this season of
the year iu relation to the alleged ap
propriation aud occupation of lauds
! within the liull Run reservation (from
which Portlaud receives its water sup
ply), the pasturing of cattle aud sheep
; thereon, ud the destruction of timber
i by forest fires aud trespassers. This
: agent 1 directed by Uie secretary to
ooufer with the chairman aud oUier
ofMocrs of Uie Portlaud Water Company
j aud their attorneys, to co-operate with
I them iu every way.
I New Mexico offer to supply the
j neoesnarr laud free of coat for the
colonisation of Armenisns inthlscoun
try. The rebel chieftan, Oungutihaua,
I who has boou making war ou the Por
l tuguese In Moaambiqun, South Africa,
j has been captured, aud the rebellion
j will be terminated.
I Judge Morrow, of San Francisco,
i gave judgment tu the sum of $800 to a
passenger who was refused accommo
dation ou the steamer Willamette
Valley for the reason that he had a
ealper' ticket
A dispatch from liorlin ay that
I serious rumor are tu circulation there
regarding the situation of Italians iu
KryUirva. Their position is said to be
almost desperate. It is learned that
Uie teusion between England aud Italy
regarding Uie refusal of , Uie former
power to allow Uie latter to disembark
troop at Zeilay haa become very seri
ous. Judge Shir as, of Iowa, in the federal
court at Omaha, rendered a decisiou de
claring that iu cases where Indians
have become citisens with all the ac
companying privilege, the govern
ment la still bouud by the treaty stipu
lations existing while Uie tribal rela
tion were sustained. He holds that
it applies on all reservations, and is
wide Iu scope.
Tks lks Cm,
Cincinnati, Jau. 3. President E V.
Dob, of Uie American Railway Union,
came under Uie jurisdiction of Judge
Tsft, of the United States court, dur
ing the great railroad striks of 181,
and the proceedings are not yet ended.
Today, the demurrer of Deb and hi
aMoviate director, Howard and Rog
ers, iu th contempt proceedings, was
overruled and an order waa issued
directing Deb and associate to file an
snswer within 10 day. Deb may yet
bave to endure another trial for contempt
Maoaraelurlug laduslrlss Mali a Oood
bowlBg-rraspsraus Oatlaoh far the
Pannsr-Ksw Msaufaeturlog rtaot
About to tt Kractod-Oroft-oa.
A teleirraoh line i projected by
Bandon partie from thut town todold
Beaoh. The people are snkod to put up
Uie poles and wire.
About 200 men will be employed
next season on the Gold Basin project
in constructing a din :h twenty miles
long and tap the bead water oi tne
The farmer of Wallowa have plaoed
on the market this fall about 4,000
beud of bogs, which at the prevailing
low price have realized the owners
about $15,000.
The negotiation for the establish
of the cotton factory in Astoria
are reported to be progresaing favor
ably. The chances oi success seem
almost awurred.
An Oregon lumbering company is to
send an agent to the lumber import
ing ports of Mexico, Central America
and South America, to look into the
prosjiect for buHines in thotie places.
Long Creek school, in Grant county,
has just sold to a New York firm
bonds to Uie amount of 13.000. to pay
off claims against Uie district incurred
by the count ruction of the new scnooi
A mining deal of conaiderable im
portance bss jujt been consnmuted at
Alhland. The entire Golden Fleece
property haa been bonded for a hirge
urn, and a milling plant is to be
erected at once.
The raistofllce deoArtment ha deter
, ,
mined to OHoertain the oost of eatab
lulling a mail service between Ashland
and Klamath Falls. Bids for carry
lug th mail daily over the route are
invited by the department
An electric plant for Canyon City
and John Day is talked of. The plaoes
are only two mile apart, and in ad
dition to the regular patronage the
Humboldt placer miue would be a
customer during the mining season.
1 The right of tbe Tillamook Boom
Company to charge for holding and
booininu loirs has lomr been denied by
loggers along the Tillamook river, but
a compromise bas been agreed upon
whereby the loggers will pay 10 cents
a thousand for all logs brought down
tho river.
A newly invented fishing apparatu
is uearing completion at Portland. The
two barge which constitute the cata
maran have a space between of twenty
five feet, which is to be occunied bv a
fishing-wheel built of gas pipe. There
is considerable s)ieculatlou as to Its
Oregon will elect congressmen and
their legislature, which will elect a
United States senator in June next
The vote of the last election was as
follows; First district, Hermann,
Republican, 22,2(14; Weuthcrford,
Democratic, 10,7110; Miller, Populist,
11,2110; Hurst, Prohibitionist, 1,01)0;
second district, Ellis, Republican, 18,
875; Raley, Democratic, 9,013; Will
drop, Populist, 10,741); Miller, Prohi
bitiouiat, 73.
The assessment tables as equalized
by the state board have lieru oompleU-p.
The groa valuation of all property, a
returned by the several couuties, is
f 158,81!),70. The gross amount, as
equalised, is $13:1,1)0;, 1 77, total ex
emptions, $8,(121,751; net taxable,
upon which the state tax levy will be
msde, $144,443,42)). Census returns
so fur made by Oregon conntic show
an increase iu the production of hay of
2(1(1,1)07 tous, or over (6 per cent in ten
years. Iu 18N3 there were l,i12,723
sheep iu Oregon. According to the
lust census returns there are now l,i)12-
72'J sheep iu the state, which show s un
increase of 32.",7.'l in ten yearn. When
the returns are in from nil the counties
it is estimated the total increase will
Is) about 7."0,000. The production of
oats in 1SS5 amounted to 0,110,730
bushels. The completed return will
show au inert-use this year of 15 per
The dry kiln which were burned,
together with 60,000 shingles, at Ma
chins, are being rebuilt
Spokake i now advertising for bids
for $3o0,000 of bouds for the new
waterworks it stem there. The bids
will be opened on March 8.
The Colmau coal mine ha been re
opoucd at Cedar mountain, after being
idle four year. Thirty men will be
employed, and the output will be
handled at Seattle.
The how of the Poultry Club, at
Seattle, January 8 to 88, will be one
of the best ever given. There will be
ou exhibition over 1.000 bird from all
parts of Uie countrv.
It is its ted that a scheme 1 on foot
to start a new town east of the nnwoi
towu of Mohler, tu be known a East
Mohler. A larse buildimr is boiiis
erected on Uie proposed site.
The rate war among Sound (teainer
ha ended. The Edith wa taken off
for repair, aud the Sehonie being in
the course of dinuantlinir. th nnmitan
was unable to compote wiUt the
The colony of Hollander on Whidby
island I being increased frotn time to
time, and they are prepared to settle
and develop Uie rich lands there. Some
of them visited Snohomish, but pre
ferred to locate on tbe island.
The school board of Tacotu have de
cided to submit to the vote of the peo
ple the question of validating the in
debtedness, amounting to $38,000; also
of funding this indebtedness and out
standing warrant in short -standing
The Northern Paciflo Railroad is
erecting a number of new ice house
and it puttiug up twice a much ice a
ever before. Thi additional supply i
in expectancy of large fruit shipmeuta,
and Uie lo will be used for refriger
ator oar.
An effort is being made iu North
Yakima to hare Uie saloon license re
duced to $750, th dealer claiming
that it ws mot difficult to pay that
amount now than it would bave been
$1,600 a few year ago, wnen tne
$1,000 rate wa established.
Tl, htutrA nf trudfl of New WbstOOm
nave appointed a committee to Investi
gate tbe establishment of a creamery
there. They bave also under consider
ation a $360 bono for a flax mill,
which would treat all Uie flax raised in
the county, if every farmer raised five
riiuuonrlii ia a new enterprise soon
to be in operation at Seattle. The
president of tbe oompany na just ro
n. tmm v.nmtm. where he ba pur
chased machinery, aud ba brought
back an expert engineer Irom ueigium.
It will be Uie only establishment in
Uie United Bute to use wood ga.
There i a movement to ecure a gov
ernment station in this state for testing
Uie timber of Uie Paciflo coast Tbe
Washington Chapter of Architect ug
gosta having the machinery plaoed in
Uie state university building at Seat
tle. The test would be made nnder
government supervision and all report
would bear Uie "impress of United
State officials.
There are 828 postofflcea in Idaho.
The Alder Creek Gold Mining Com
pany ba been incorporated' with a
capital stock of $1,000,000.
A mining department ha been
established at the state university of
Idaho. There i no charge of tuition,
exoept for materials used.
Idaho Fall will vote on the proposi
tion to issue bonds for $30,000 for Uie
purpose of erecting an electric light
and waterworks system.
A discovery of opal haa been made
on a tributary of the Big Camas creek.
The field is reported to be very exten
live, and Uie opal have been examined
by prominent New York jeweler, who
say they are first-clusa.
Ex-Governor Edward J. Curti. of
Boise, is dead. He waa 68 year of
age, having come to Uie Coast in 1848.
He wa twice a member of the Cali
fornia legislature, and later removed
to Oregon where he served one term as
state representative. He wa terri
torial secretary of Idaho in 18(19, and
served till the advent of tbe state of
ficers in 18'J0.
There wa patented to the state of
Idaho during the year 9,893 acre of
land iu aid of Uie state agricultural
college, 8,703 for insane asylum, 19,954
acres for penitentiary, 1,320 for public
buildings, 82,383 for the scientific
school, till, 492 for charitable institu
tions and 5,(107 for the normal school.
Of the public land in Idaho there
were surveyed during the year 1,480,
895 acre.
The Great Fall National bank ha
reduced it capital stock from $250,000
to $125,000.
Helena partie are taking steps to se
cure a franchise for au electric rail
road iu Uie national park.
A postoftlce haa been established at
Gold Butte, another name given to the
camp iu tho Sweet Grass Hill district
Mrs. W. R. Hearst ba forwarded
another shipment of books from Wash
ington to the Hearst library at Ana
oonda. Seuator Carter has introduced a bill
providing for Uie disposal of the aban
doned portions of the Fort Assiuniboiue
military reservation.
The most powerful hoisting engine
ever built for any miue iu the West is
now in operation at the Green Moun
tain mine, hoistiug from the 1,200
foot level.
There are 821 prisoners in the peni
tentiary thirty-two miners, sixteen
cowboys, aud other callings are pro
portionately' represented. There are
thirty-three for murder in first degree,
eight for assault with iutent to kill,
and thirty-eight for robbery. Lewi
and Clarke haa eighty-one, the largest
number, and Dawson one, the smallest.
Hrltlih Columbia.
A church will be built at Ashcroft in
the early spring.
Kamloops has organized a)rifie corps.
It is probable it will lie mustered into
the militia.
The shingle mill and part of the jute
works at Vancouver have been de
stroyed by fire. The loss is $40,000.
The Rosalaud Water Company have
the piies from the reservoir laid to
within 1,500 feet of Uie town. This is
about two-thirds of Uie distance. The
pipe is all on Uie ground, aud Uie work
of luyiug the mains will be pushed
until completed.
The engineers of Uie Red Mountain
railroad, say Uie News, of South
Fork, are now through with their
work, and the present possible final
starting place for the road i nearly
opposite Uie old mill site on the old
placer diggings.
Captain James Carroll ha built a
wharf at Juneau coating $30,000, and
a large store bus been built there thi
The president of Uie Alaska Oil
Company, who haa returned from
the North, report a quiet season
there. He believes the American part
of Alaska i bound to be one of the
richest section of Uie Coast within
twenty years. Ho says Uie halibut
fishery is increasing in importance,
about a doaen schooners being now en
gaged in it Four were off Villisnoo
when be left These schooners run up
to tome glacier, and in a day or so se
cure all the ice needed for their trip,
and then proceed to load with halibut
As soon a a steady market can lie had
tor these fish, the business will be im
mense, as there ia practically no limit
to the amount that can be caught. The
business outlook in Alaska is very
promising, and there has been a tre
mendous increase iu the amount of
freight taken there during the past six
Creeda Rank Cloeaa llajteor.
Denver, Jan. it. A tpecial to Uie
New from Creede, Colo., say: At a
stockholders' meeting of the First Na
tional bank of Creede, it wa decided
that Uie bank go into voluntary liqui
dation at the close of busineaa today,
City Treasurer Henry Iiolin, of
Omaha, Neb., ia short more than $115,
000 in hia aocounta. Ha offer uo ex
planation for th defalcation.
SAID TO BE INCREASING. of All Clasps Ar Kag.rlr -porting
th t)ovrnmnl la BUt
0( tb Atlltud ol Crmany-r lying
Rquadroa la Kaadlncss.
London, Jan. 10. -Tbe gravity of
Uie political orisi here i increaing,
instead of diminishing. The attitude
of Emperor William toward Great
Britain in the matter of Dr. Jamiesou (
freebooting expedition into Uie Tran
vaal upon closer itudy eem to have
been deliberated long and carefully
planned. The Transvaal incident, it
would appear, wa only the pretext
seized upon by Uie emperor in order to
enter the field a an active opponent of
Great Britian'a policy of aggraudiae
ment in Africa. Her little misunder
tanding with King Prempeh, of Ah
antce, and ber aupport of Italy' war
fare againt Abysiunia, are believed to
bave been the irritating featurea.which
finally induced hi majesty to how hi
hand. Of coure, tbi i only a sam
ple of the rumor In circulation here,
but it how the drift of the wind,
aud ha served to incense the British to
a degree not witnessed since the war
with Russia wa threatened ome
year ago.
To make matter worse, it i now
reported that the Transvaal republic
will demand an indemnity of $2,500,
000 from Great Britain a one result
of Dr. Jamieson' invasion of the little
Dutch republic. If thi be true, no
doubt remain that Emperor William,
in hi recent interview with Dr. W. J.
Leyd. the ecretary of tate for Uie
Transvaal, prompted thia) demand and
may also bave announced bia intention
of supporting it
DiBpatchea from Berlin announce
that Emperor William bad an import
ant conference Uii morning with Dr.
Kayser, chief of Uie German colonial
offioe, and that further dispatche bave
been exchanged between Berlin and
The report that order have been sent
to Portsmouth, Davenport aud Chatham
for the immediate commissioning of a
flying squadron of warship i confirm
ed thi afternoon, aud hi caused a pro-
found sensation in all circles, ine;
flying squadron, which consist of two ;
battleship and four ateel cruisers, ba ;
been ordered to be ready for sea iinnie- j
" I
A .vi..t ii.str.eiiv u.
New York, Jau. 10.-A special from
Washington say: A new machine j
ha been adopted foruseou naval hip8
whioh the mall-arm. board reports to
bo the most destructive weapon firing
a bullet of it caliber ye ; found. The ;
gun ba a record of 420 shots a minute,
and require no work except the pre- j
urc of an electric button to maintain
the terrific fire, the automatic .ystem ,
having ; been applied to it The gun ia
a .elf.feedor, and grind, out .hots with
a rapiuujr ui., . ,
As compared to the Gatliug, which
has been the naval machine for years,
it is just about as superior a the
1 modem riflu gun is to the old smooth
' bore. The Gstling has a weight of
1 350 pounds, while the new gun weigha
, only thirty-five pounds, and can be
i taken by a man on his shoulder aud
; easily carried from point to point
AU florts of Kuranrs In Yrneiutla.
( New York, Jan. 10. A steamer juBt
i arrived from Venezuela, brings new
that Uie greatest excitement prevailed
throughout tbe country over the atti
tude of Uie United States government
on the boundary question. Demonstra
tions were numerous in all the prin
cipal cities. Troop were constantly
marching through the cities of Porto
Cabello, La Guayra and Caracas, and
the American flag was carried in all
Uie parades, causing the wildest en
thusiasm among Uie populace.
It wa
rumored at La Guayra that the auin of
$100,000,000 wa being raised by the
United States government to aid the
Venezuelan in case war should be de
clared against England.
Salmon Canning In Alaaka.
San Francisco, Jau. 10. The Paciflo
Steam Whaling Company will build
two more canneries in Alaska this year.
One will be at 'Hunter's bay, Prince
Edward's sound, and the other at
Chilcat Tbe necessary buildiuir ma
terialand canning machinery will be
forwarded as aoou as Uie
spring open
in Alaska, and work can be satisfao -
torily prosecuted. The steamer Golden
Gate, now being
iug repaired at Alameda 1
n purchased aud will be
ler at the canneries. She!
point, has been
is being fitted to meet the need of the
New Coaet Derenae (.una.
San Francisco, Jau. 10, The fortifi
cations of San Francisco have been
strengthened in the past week through
the acceptance by Uie government of
tnree oi tbe most powerful pneumatic
guns yet tested, each of which threw
600 pounds of high explosive upward
of 5,000 yard with precision, and with
tcrnno effect upon tbe water
they struck.
No Lecture by Ingenoll.
Little Rjck, Ark., Jan. 10. The
muuicipal authorities of Little Rock
today refused Colonel Robert G. Iuger
soll permission to lecture iu this city.
Ingersoll desired to deliver a non-religion
leoture Sunday, February 3.
Cleveland Hjaterlral.
Srw York Krvuiiif rwt,
Mr. Cleveland'a hysterical message
on Uie fluancial situation is a fitting
sequel to Uie third-term prank he has
been playing. Py bis own act, deliber
ately planned mouths ago, he has pre
cipitated Uie worst panio this genera
tion bas seen, and now he calls on oou
gres to pull him out
Canae of ftoid Ei porta.
irhl!adl.hla rrrm.)
Uold exports
s can be looked for this
they generally take plao
week because
,. " in r.u -
rope. The destruction of cmliu on a
Urge wale create a demand tor gold
after all pnio. and Uie past week ha
wnen iniw ia m a.. . . . . ..
wipea out credit value ou a tremendoua
cal in Europe. Tb result is that a
larg amount of gold will go to Europe.
rrlLt Cl.v.l.-d'. ITo.!.-'-fitting
Utah to ataUbood.
Washington, Jan. 6.-Tbe VlAt.
.t To o'clock thi. morning. ined
proclamation admitting Utah to . ate;
hood. Tbe proclamation i Mtowa.
"Wberea. the congress of the
United SUte ped an act, which wa
approved on the 10th day of July,
eighteen hundred and ninety-four, en
titled 'An act to enable the people of
Utah to form a constitution and Ute
government, and to be admitted into
th Union on an equal footing with the
original taU.' which act provided
for Uie election of delegatea to a coil
titutioual convention, to meet at the
eat of government of the territory of
Utah, on the first Monday of March,
eighteen hundred and ninety-five, for
the purpose of declaring the adoption
of the constitution of the United State
by tbe people of the proposed tate, and
of forming a constitution and tate
government for uch tate; and,
"Whereaa, Delegate were accord
ingly elected, who met, organized and
declared on behalf of Uie people of aald
proposed state the adoption of the con
stitution of the United States, all a
provided in said act; and,
"Wbereaa, Said convention, to or
ganized, did by ordinance irrevocably,
with Uie consent of Uie United States,
and the people of aid tato, a required
by eaid act, provide that perfect tolera
tion of religion sentiment shall be ae
oured, and that no inhabitant of aid
sUte shall ever be molested in person
or property, on account of bia or ber
mode of religion worship, but that
polygamou or plural marriage are
forever prohibited, aud did also by aaid
ordinance make, various other tipula
tion recited in section three of aid
act; and,
"Wherea, Said convention there
npon formed a constitution and state
government for aaid proposed state,
which constitution, including said or
dinance, waa duly submitted to Uie
people thereof at an election, held on
Uie Tuesday next after the first Mon
day of November, eighteen hundred
and ninety-five, a directed by aaid act;
"Whereas, The return of aaid elec
tion ba been made and canvassed, and
Uie result thereof certified to by me, to
gether with a statement of Uie vote
cast and a ocpy of the said constitution
and ordinance, an as proviaea in ssia
act, showing that a majority of Uie
vote lawfully cast at auch election wa
for tbe ratification and adoption of
id constitution aud ordinance; and,
" Where, The constitution and gov-
of Mid propoHed tU(t are Re-
pnbUcjm tl)tm Mid constitution is
no, repngmuit to the constitution of Uie
UnitedSwtea(1Ild tne Declaration of
Independono8 ,nd 811 provision of
mM h&ve been comp,ied wlth in
formation of Mid constitution and
NoWi T'hereforet If Urover cleve.
land pregident of the United State, of
Americai iu aco0rdanoe with the ct of
aforesaid, and by authority
tnereof d(J unnonuce the miuU of Mid
election t0 be as o certified, and do
hereby declare and proclaim that the
I term and conditions prescribed by the
I congress of the Uuited State to entitle
the state of Utah to admission into Uie
Union have been duly complied with,
and thut the creation of aaid state and
. its admission into Uie Union on au
. equal footing with tbe original state is
now accomplished. In testimony
whereof, I bave hereunto set my hand
and caused' tbe seal of the United States
to be affixed," etc
The president has also signed the act
transferring to Uie state of Utuh the
office and properties of the territorial
office aud of the Utah commission.
Editorial Vlaws on th President's Ad
vice and th Country's Need.
IN. Y. Commercial sud Financial Chruulrle.)
If Mr. Cleveland had made it his
atD(17 to bring out in trongest relief
uie nnancial weakness of the United
State he could not bave bit npon a
Detter device for doing it than his
earlier message to congress on Uie
Venezuela question. We have the men
HOAJ..J a m i
uu a tew snip; but a to
money, we have not even credit That
is a humiliating admission but is it
not tne exact truth?
Whatever Reed Wants.
(Philadelphia Timw.l
fit n ...
i oe nepuDiicAU niaioi-itv d. th
ProiuPtly realized the ne-
oi doing something in
: . 8 .""""""s ,u response
1 pr I ,ent PPei wr financial
ThU will probably be a com
T? P"n the hues suggested
? , wd: provldm for lo te
. th Pnrone f gold, for
' c;, f indebtedness to meet de
: """"" tor aaaitiouul revenue
inrougn custom duties, upon wool and
ome other article. Whatever Uie
committee may report-and that will
uuuuuesa De whatever the
minus it ought to
report will be
1 Pron,Ptl7 passed in the house aud Uie
1 v 3 "o tnus made clear,
A Keaaaarlnf Meaaage.
" (New Yoik Time. I
lt fl . i
.uV V- . . DM ,88ne(l message
. Qisunctiy reassuring, inasmuch
as it aim to take advantage of a united
"uuai wniiment to make one for
-..v, uu, in me etIort pnt the
nuance on wander basis.
. a nemonstration ot the
unsoundness of our finno:i
til, if tha . ..
, ...w .uv in-vini.iiuu. nv rn. o - :
of a foreign policy which the congress
representing in this case truly the
TTl0t U,e nation' P'Ptly rati-
! uuw so sudden and
aiderable of a disturlwuce.
a a NnUhell.
IRoaton Herald 1
Here is the financial situation in a
; mttehell The government can reduce
the supply of currency which is now
forcing our gold abroad by absorbing
the excess through a bond acale, Thi
; would uulock the inner reservoir of the
, -i"ouij uawuoe ana turn the eold
' T nWk th be presented
I ' '?a? tot 'i. into the tre.snr,
. wnM .1. . , .
1 1 wouia remain
P,,,"en,1J ,W1 "P. unlm and
5 1 1 they fonnd through the
I deflc,u7 of the revenue.
atr.1!!?1 nX"tly "'red by fire
i' b. rebuilt as Jn
tha weatkar permits.
ubatane of lha Bills aud tteaol
Introduced la tb Senate and u,
f.tnft.iMaail llaf-firif .? .... . .
tb National Lawniakitra-H,, '
. .. w 111.!..
Washington, Jan. 7. There.. .
session of tho senate today, but the7
ate ooinuiittce ou public lunds nn-t ti
decided to report avorably .11 ?'
nomination before
ft, except wha
nonresident bad been
sent to n..,i. '
state or territory. Two uominti,,7:'
the kind are before the oomimtte J
being William II. Anderson, of Shin,
ville, Ky., to be register of ths C's
offloe of Enid, O. T. This i. w," j
by Delegate Flynu, of OkluhornsTr '
waa laid over nntil the next meet I
It waa announced aa the policy of.
committee that no noniinutloui of
sou outside the atatea and ferritin.
.i. . ! ... .l i t ., a .
wnere uie uuiuca w n men my ,
appointed were located would be&
ported favorably.
Theoommittee decided to report
vorably several bill, among them W
tie bill granting to each of the
of California, Oregon, Washin
Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Wvomu.
Colorado and South Dakota, 25 pe,
of all money paid to the United gut.
Dy eacn oi te mm ior mineral 1m4
for tbe maintenance of a school ;
mine in each of the aaid state.
Washington, Jan. 9 Amour th.
bills and reaolutiona introduced in u,,
seuate were tne louowmg:
By Davis A joint resolution ton.
vive Uie grade of lieutenant-ge.m
in the army, in tbe interest ot Ueomi
By Hansbrough A joint reolntii
directing tbe ecretury of aKricaltim
to resume tbe purchase and distribute
of seeds in aooordauoe with the pp.
made by the people for the purpotn
the last session of congress.
By Gallingcr A joint resolution a
propriating $360,000 for rebnlldiaj
Uie old ship Constitution.
By Allen A bill directing the ton.
closure of tbe government lien on tk
Union Paciflo road. The bill pronto
for the operation of the road byu
government in case it is not redeem:
by tbe present owners.
Washington, Jan. 10. Senator fi
oott, who ha been absent in Europcf
some months, wa present in the teat
today aud took the prescribed oath.
Hale, from tbe committee on otnl
affairs, reported back favorably the kH
to authorize tbe secretary of tb air
to increase the number of enlisted ma
in the navy. He directed attention tt
the importance of the bill, and gin
notice that he would call it upttu
early day.
Butler offered two mneuduieuu tt
the free-coinage substitute fur lis
house bond bilL The first prohibiu
the sale of interest-bearing bond with
out the express consent of congress, ui
the second makes it mandatory on tit
secretary of the treasury to rednm
greenbacks and treasury note in nlrtt
aa long a the market price of 41!'-)
grain of silver is not lower than tti
of 21) ' grain of gold. I
At the conclusion of the uiorui;
hour Sherman moved that tho sem i
adjourn, it being understood that til
Republican desired to hold a caiwt
Washington, Jan. ".The session if
the bouse today waa brief. Brodend
mado a request for unanimous con
for iweariug Clarence 1 Allen, tw
ed to represent the new state of Uui
He explained that Allen's election as
regular, and there waa no contest ba
aa the governor and other Btate offlc
did not assume their offices under U
president' proclamation nntil todty,
their aiirnaturea to Allon'a credential
of course, had not been signed. Cri)
did not question Uie fact a uk.
but thought Allen ahonld not be wco
in until a report had been made or
hi case by the committee. The nut
ter wa rcfened to tho judiciary com
mittee with leave to report at auy tin
On Hitt'a motion a resolution u
adopted appointing William L. Wil
on the board of regents ot the mi
Ronian Institution.
The house committee on Paciflo oout
railwaya within a few day, will begin
to consider plan for adjusting the del
or tha Pacifi read to the governni
Washington. Jau. 0. Another bris1
session of the house was held today, i
which the only important busint1
transacted wna the admission of uJ
new member from the new state o
Utah, Mr. Allen, the adoptiou of i
resolution calling upon the attorney
general for information concerning
enforcement of Uie auti-trust law, s
on the subject, and calling on the ec- i
tary of Uie treasury for statistic ot I
oerniug Uie seal fisheries of Behrinf
Washington, Jan. 10. The subj
of the annexation of the Hawnii1
island was broached in the house
day by Spalding, in a resolution whi
provided that the Sandwich islands I
erected into a new Btate to be calW
Hawaii, with a Republican form 01
government, to be adopted by the p?0"
pie, through doputiea in convention
with the consent of the existing
eminent The condition were impow
that all question of boundary or com
plications with other governments W
transmitted to the president to be lui"
before congress for final action befor
January 1, 18U8; that all property Pj
taiuingto the public defeuse bo ceded
to the United States, but that the tt
retaiu all other property aud the Unite"
State to be liable for uone of its debt
The resolution propose as au alterna
tive that Hawaii may be admitted
a state by treaties between the two gov
ernments, with one representative l
congress, and proposed the arpropr14'
tion of $100,000 for making treatie
This resolution waa referred to th
committee on foreign affair.
That I'ermaneut Court of Arbltrat'0
Loudon, Jan lo. The Chronicle b
long article in advocacy of a PT
maueut court of arbitration, and
sa.v of this: "Naturally auch a tribu
nul must be constituted, subject
America'a reasonable viewa up'
Monroe doctrine. Cardinal Vaugb-
when approached noon tbe ubj;
I tb
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