The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 18, 1896, Image 10

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for Infants and
Caatoria UK well adapted lochM rea that
t rvxmuoeul It aa superior to any pMcrtptlon
koowB to mo." II A. Anrma, )L P.,
Ill So. Oxford SU, Brooklyn, S. Y.
"Th on of 'Caatoria Is aa unlrwd and
Ita Diarlta so well known that It win a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are tb.
Intelligent famlllra who do nut aerp Caaturut
WllUn mMf reach. "
Caaic lUarra, D. D.,
Krw York City.
B.O. PtINC. f
Vict President.
Eipe Loan and Savings
Of Eugene, - -. Oregon.
DIREOTORR J. f! Church, i. B. Ilerrle, W'.E
Brown, U. 14. 1'alue, V. W. Otburu.
Pail Ud Casual. J : : J50-000,
General Banking Business Transacted.
latere l allowed on time dcpoilU.
Cnlletllnn entrusted to our car will receive
prompt attention.
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,.
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it In a Jiffy.
Rub In Vigorously.
MuaUag Unlmvat conqi crl
Make flu or Beast well
This attm
ordinary liir
Jueeuaior la
lb mo.t
dlaeoTery of
tia ae. It
baa been rti
dored rth.
).llii -ten-
rallliif Men.
ol Uie tyea
end oth. r
In t I a urate,
and lone. Hie
Nudita riitea
N 'rrouiiiei,
and dree lr
aiut rwUire.
weak tnyana,
laina lu U:i
back, Kaare
hr d a v o i
f f meu of
nl and
ol the it la.
chany. In u
yilcily. On 1.000 Ttf-ltntaemlvaemetita.
rtvuiaturru,. uniii UmsSeney tu Ui (list
Uiti It la a ayinpuun of eenUnal minna
aud liarrraii,. it can ba;ui.pia iu Musis
1 he new dlxwtery waa nan be the Special,
leu of ilwuld faumoa HaSto attdlcal latiiiuta.
It la I be tmiiir.-rt vl.a.ut r tta. It la Trrr
powerful, but bainilii. Kild f"T II W a
aaaor parkejrM ft U00Jtlne4jxl loinV
Wrttuo iraute. riven ft a cure. I f tou (hi,
all buaueaud are ih4 emlrtiT CAirod.alk nmra
will IwK-iit to T"" freoofaiW henrv.
tnid for rlrruenend luininial A Mraaa
m onor mjcdicai. ismirvih;
Juneiloai aioJoii, narkci A a u.
ia yrwewlafo. 1 l.
IIM.P WAM KH.-A aian.w l1r to mu.!ii, eoan Mtnplee, i-i,ic. l.. r..r
reimnln pviid Hylran Civ, 7.'? Vtoodaer
belrolt, Wieh , li lor aamidee aoap, (c, rrp
itaoulAi oder.
Caatoria niM Colic, Conatlpatlnn,
(lour Ktouia. Ii, lilarrli' aa, I'rud ' Ua,
Kliis Worms, lfu alxfji, and iruuiotes
Willi uut Injurious niedlcaliitf.
"Tor fml years I bar reeotnmer.v 1
your 'Caws-la,' and ailt always cnntln J to
il null La IniarlaUy produced Un.nUl
Ewj F. riun, M. I),
11 h Btrowt and 7Ui At Now York City
Tui CrsTirs Coasurr, 77 Xraaai Bteut, Yoa fin
Democratic Mule tonventlon.
Mr IJm'vM V Krura, clinlrman, ami
Nnix.lum JJuvii. ai'lTi-Ury. ( tli hl-
iwralu- alals (VMlrnl C"lllllllllw, llUVr
lnjcl the following cull fr tliflifXl
deiiiiMrittic amto cmivriiiiou:
Tim .IfiniHTalic atnte central com
inltlw, ut Ita intx lli n laid ut rorlluml,
Or., Januury 7. ISiKJ, tlcU rmimd tlmt
Iih i. nrM-iitalluii at the (lolinxTallf
Mlale notivplitlou. t I helJ Ht the
i.ii vol I'orlhiinl on riiurwl y, April U,
lhliil. ut 10 o'cliU'lt 111. almlllil I
f.ilia: One (leliKale larce from
ucli county, Mini one drleunle dr each
lixi vole, anil each fractloii ef 60 vote
or ovi-i caal for Jlim A W IWnnelt far
uiruui Judge at the laal regular el
thin, which j)iK)rlioiiinynt would be
n iiiiiows:
IU IllDll
f 'IuIhiiii
Columhin. ?
I)niilaa .,
(I runt
Jacket mi.
I. n lie
'It lillltMHlk
I n inn
V unfit
WuhliliiL'ton ,
Yamhill 10
Totul 'M
"Him atate coiivcutlan will neml
nntu one caudiihttu for tlio ofllca of
miprftne Juilg, oii candidate for con
creM from racli coiigrfsaional district
mid candidaua for audi othur alalt
Mid dial ru t ollkvra ai limy be itquirud
under the law, will wlwt eight dele
Lratra und tititit altcrnatea to tur
mttioiial democratic coiivenliou and
iiomliiuto four candidate fur jircBl-
dcntiul clpctora.
"All H'raon Intcrcatcd In a united
and vlitoroua ellort to retlucv eMrava
Kut iuhlio exifndliur.a in every de
liattuitul of city, county and atate
irnveruitivut are t-nrueally Invited to
eo orule willi the democratic party.
"It la appnreut w every luir-iiiiiiuen
eitiu tlntt the tiruat deiuauda of the
tluiea la Immediate- and radical reduc
tions of audi 1'lililc exixMidlluree, thr
election ot irnctical men ef afl'utrs In
public luce anil in inn run umi iuii
reform should beetl'cclive and elllcienl
a Icicixlnture miiHt tie chowti that will
r'xhl olmoxloUM luwa ard that will
not rviwat the extravnuiuit appmpria-
tiona of thti ln-t two lcglHUUirea ol
Hi las atate."
Tlioa Wealiey vV-Co have- a mill
making feHce pickets at Irving.
Popular Brands of
Tobacco and Cigars,
Headquarters for the Eugene
Soda Works.
1. l i juiulft iiiKt huixut htuucw
'i It lniiln yf llif vory f ne-t
In rr !' rr-lt t r4'Ul ot
mK to It id ir)' U 9i
3a tfurauttv rrrv
ttu jut! ivity liiAMA'
hMliUTI 4 ll tflU'H 'it',
lUotUi U II W lasjt aetitL".:i .
ii a ii tw. iti iinriM I
s.rMl at Vi't .'h etnvi dni eaies I
Lixik out for your lioue plants.
Hon A C Wwidwvk weiil U H..ltin
tliia moriiiiiK.
Hon M Jt Kliimld returned to ba-
e-iii thla KiorulliK.
Mi Joliu Teiupletoii, of Junction, I
vIxitinK in the city
Mack S.iniiierville returned IrollJ
I'urtluiid hixl lilKlit.
Col. Cm. O. Vorun returned Iroiu
Woixlhuru yealerduy.
Ml larle Tlmiiipaon has recovered
Iroin her reiont tllut-s.
Mntlt Fi Ih-au and sou came up
.Salem thia alteruo'ili.
'l h thermometer rei'Ulered SI de-urHt-s
early this fnuriiiiitf.
W W Martin went to Corvaliis this
Dl'irnliiK on a hunlut-ss trip.
The l.inoolii J Carter company la
cow playing iu Union county.
MrsH K Munru lell this momiiiK
for ln-r liOMiUHl Meiutium atutlou.
Hon Lydell I5ukr addresseil assem
bly at the university this morning.
Mr and Mr. Chan. Johnson returned
yesterday from a vihit to Portland.
I) P Kurton and Geo N Frazer tame
dnwu from Cottage Urove thla morn
Miss Carrie Friendly left this mnrn
lui for Hun Francisco, by way of Port
Miss V Fuller of Harrlsburg Is rtg at t'-e Hotel Purtlund, in Pun
Hon 8 li Moorliuad and E U I-ee, of
Junction City, are In town tlile alur-
MIk Ixta Park went to Halem this
morning, where she will visit a week
or more.
Wui Martin and Miss Husie Johusou
come iu on the Viualaw stags Saturday
li.ntoa county levies an 18.3 mill
tux. i I n ir 2.8 uiilla blither than Hi
lust levy.
Frank Btrongaui wife ufltedding,
Cal, formally of this city, are visiting
relatives near Eugene.
Jo Lane continue to grow weaker,
II. is able to sit up only for short In
tervals through the day.
The state horticultural ancluty will
hold Its annual meeting at the city
hall In 1'ortluud teiuorraw.
The state poultry association met In
Portland today and has a tine exhibit
of domestic and wild fowl.
Mrs N IC returned Saturday
evening from visit to her father,
John Cogs ell, at lA-aburg.
Hon Lydell llaker, of Portland, Is In
the city, lie Is to lecture ifor the
Advancement clua thla evening.
John Zimmer left thla morning for
the McKen.le where lit has few
days' work at the carpenter trade.
A suit to quiet title haa been entered
iu the circuit court by Alexander
Heavey vs Sulina Spencer, et al.
Heveral studtlits of the Indian school
at Chemawa have been in attendance
uikiU the meetings of the Y M C A.
NYulby Stevens arrived home yeter-
day after an aliwnce of several months
in Idaho, Montana, and Salt Lake
luuty Proxeeutlng Attorney Wil
liams haa gone to Hale to rosecute the
case) of the state v J 1 Sutherland
lor larceny of oat from Joel Mays.
The U H revival was attended by a
large crowd last evening, ltev lep-
nert sang "1 ut on III iSrukss Willi
good elluct.
It Is probable tlmt Jehu Henderson
will lake churize of the Hotl'iimn
Hoaae bar room when the change ol
proprietor Is uiuUc.
Oiegon City correapoiidcnca to Ore-
fotilan: Jucoh W Itlnearson lell Inat
Sunday to take a course of study In the
uulversity ut i'.ugetie.
It is rumored that a young lawyer of
this city has nuocuiubed to Hie fasci
nations of stage life. Ihl make the
third case reported up to date.
A license lias been Killed by the
cleik oi Linn county for the marriagt
of John K Cartwright, proprietor of
the llarrlaburg lievlew, and Mlta Llla
There is nothing moving In the hop
market In tills city. Nearly all the
choice lots have been ahipped out and
with the prevailing low price there Is
no iicniauil lor those that am leiu
There were l'.K) student In the eu
trrlug olas at the university this year.
Uf tins liunilier but So are mim -.u
gene. This show how the university
is twnetlt'.ug youug ixxipl from all
putts uf the state.
Saturday's Sal. m Post: Andy
lluiiililln, aim lrlilc, who have been
vlnltiiig with Andy's stater, Mrs. V.
II. Oreunan, were passengers this
morning for Goshen, wvre they will
also visit relative.
Louis Johnson left this afterniHn
fo' his claim on Full Creek. His
father will accompany him to the
borders of civilization but docan'i car
to go any further after bis experience
ol getting lost on his luxt trip.
The council meets tonight. The
committees that havo the mailer of
the city owning; the electric lights and
water works Jwlll probtbly not be
leady to report.
Another one of Superiuteiideut
Stevenson's children Is ill with diph
theria. The anil-toxin remedy whs
applied Saturday by lr Kuy kwmla II
hii I the child Is now gi'ttmg alon t
very nicely.
Koeetmri' Plaiudealer: The Ktlgcue
(il AKIM- clamsilng for a bachelors'
lut. hat 11 ro. I umplH'll wants to
do with a club Is a mystery, unless it
la to protect himself from old maid
during leap year.
Writing to the Salem Statciiniuu, a
cnvindent froiu Willamette l;ui-
versltv stH'aksnr one wen Known lier
as follows: "Prof. lumi's elates, in
his alwneo, er la charge of his wife,
who has won the esteem of all stu
dents who know her."
Itisrumorvd that a young lady of
tills city, who Is fascinated with stage
life, will loin the Chase theatrical
company at Salem. Ity the way, a
prominent young Journalist Is al-o
alllicted with the disease in a hud
ri-'tii:cr- dow n on de local this
morning nHirt that lu the vicinity of
tiiwheil Ihete whs a strip ol itiuntre
two or three miles wine whre tlie
luv were heavily laden wit li Ice. A
storm ni p ars to have pad over
a harruK' section there.
A liwiiad of J ill slioultt have
been the punUiiineut of Mathews who
attempted to mpe a tlfteeii year old
gill al ltoadMirit the other veuing
Ve are I n torn ted that be has laied
Sof aiHtmpli
year old girl,
lung the rui'i of a thirteen
The McKenile ninll carrier twtiuj
word that Mrs liuiiev at Foley Springs
Is troubled with a te-vere cold and sore
thn mt. I Irr son Arthur is now tin
pisnlng They w ill probably come to
: h ugcine for a time aa aouu aa tbeir
- -----
health wllHt'riuil,
of ill!'
1 ' W a4rp. aj?i' lyfr.
sAfr L.
Geo M MllUr Is at Leaburg.
Ht veral dry good drummers are lu
Miss Leiiori Derrick wnt to June
tion today.
ProfD W Coolhlge came up from
Salem toduy.
County Judge Duncan of Linn
county is In tbeclty.
Attorney Klnaey made a profcselonal
visit to Junction today,
ltev Sweeney of Ixrune was a pa
eiiger north this morning.
J II Hulerv lias a lame foot, the ie
suit of dropping, a "tick of wood on it.
A Hunt returned yesterday from a
leu days' visit to friends near Clover
dale. J II O'Neill, traveling ps-ienger
agent for the O It & N It U, i lu tlie
J PJone. 8 P traveling pa-enger
agent, spent a tew hour iuKugeiiej
Mr and Mr W Martin were pus
senge rs to Corvaliis on the Oypy this
Miss llelle Ward returned to Hulsey
this niornluif. She was fcccompauied
by Mrs Til ton.
Prof Rnat, of ISoaton, a spirit
medium and aatreloger, haa quarters at
Mrs M J llabb'a.
Mr BEKrown will probably con
tluue to run the Hotel F.ugeiio for
some time at least.
MrStaver, f the firm of Staver,
Mitchell A Co, of Portland, is transud
ing bueiuens In the city.
Harry Heritage retumvd to Salem
liHlity, after attendiug the Y M C A
convention In this city.
A Cottage Grove lad was thrown
into the calaboose this aftcruouii for
being drunk autt disorderly.
F.d West w ill conduct the H .fluian
House bur iustvad or John Hendeisou
ii a stated in yeaterday'a (il'Altl).
M S Hubble' new transfer a;on is
no on the streets. Ills very hand
some n well iu a substantial wugoii.
Miss Klllntt, who is to us -1st In the
Fortnightly club entertainment to
night, came up from Purtlund today.
Mrs li A Wunliburne, of Spriuglleld,
who has been eu tiering with a severe
attack of rheumatism, is now improv
ing. John O'llrien, the veteran typo, and
formerly a luUr leader in Portiund, Is
now tilling the ami ou his farm ut Lo
rain1. The F.ugemt Photo Co is finishing
up au order of 1U50 cabinet group pho
tographs for the Chase.ilraiii.itic com
pany. Geo Itonner, who left this place for
Los Angel'-a. California, urrived there
on tlie 3rd lust, huviug traveled all
tne way by team.
Mr I Hollow ay, w ho reside on Fast
Twelfth street, was tukeii suddenly ill
Inst evening with a severe ultuck of
nervous chills.
Mrs Hetty Cowgill suffered an at
tack of heart failure lust evening ami
her life was despairt-u of foruwhile,
hut she is better today.
llcnrv Holkeo, aged CI, late of Mon
liiHrllo, Iowa, was seut to the county
isior farm lotlay. He is destituteand
is threatened with ail attack of pneu
monia fever,
I)r U K Ilusscll of the county poor
farm was In tow n today Willi .Mr Den
nev. one of the inmates who Is i
"Utile oil'." Tho inati was rent buck
to the farm, however, witlimit an ex
MrsHillegas, wife of llepres-ntative
Hillegus, who hits Utu (piite ill at the
residence of Holit Hawley nearGoshnn
is still Improving; and will probably re
cover. Mis Pearl Ilor left this morning
for Wolf Cieek to reiume her duties as
teacher iu ti e school at that pise
after a visit of a few weeks at her
horn in this city.
Attorney Cruso and wife, of Juneau,
Alaska, liave gone) to Portiund, after
su extended visit with Mends in this
city. They exect to return to
Juneau quite soon.
Trof It L Allard, of Trontdale, left
for borne ou the Uypsy this morning
after a plea-ant visit with friends iu
thla city. He w ill visit al Corvaliis
and Salem on tlie way dowu the
MrJW Hall has gone to Califor
nia. Mr Hall eecls to leave In a
dav or two for San Francisco where h
will have headquarters hereafter. He
Is traveling for Closaet and Devers, a
Portland llrm.
Nearly all evidence of diphtheria
have dlsapeurvd from aiiiH'rint-nd lit
J ll Stevenson's youngest child. This
l tlie third child of Ills that has had
Ihw illese and all have Ii m cmil
with tlie auti-toxina remedy.
The iviinty court is now working on
the Mad supervisor list and as soon as
(Ills is lliimhcd w ill have to appoint
nboiit -liKiJurers ami Judges anil clerks
of election. This Uli ether work
w ill kivp llu'iu iu sossioii during near
ly the entire month.
The Gypsy left ox her do" n trip tils
morning. ' She carried IS tun of
fu iglit, consisting principally of pro.
iltliv and hull ho,l giHsls. The trade
of tin popular U'Ht Is lneiv.iii g
she w ill return to this city Thursday
hit, moon o this w tek and ngain i i i
Monday hs usual. She brought ;!t
loi of fivight to lm;ei e iHtirdy
Instead ot 'Jtl asrporU'd l!i tie Gl'AlilV
ILCnmplwll of the Gf AKI. w itli
other leprseiitalivw of tti. Otegon
I'r. s Ao'iatlon, left Port Ian. I Moo.
day eveidng to alt- I the meet in, of
IheNalioiial F. litoi . .1 Aws-iation t
SI Augustine, Floil.l., January '.'I.
and S.t The delegates from the Wet
and Northwest will unet at St Louis
oa the 17th. where two HVhl trains,
iMinMel exclusively ol Pullmsn cars.
! ill ba ready to carry them to llielr
dcsliuuJoti. After the meeting is
iiiw a wek jlll 1 spent visiting
! points of Interesi .through) ut the
jSouih. It will lake aboui my? mouth
1 1 make the ror.ud trip.
t onimlssliiBer Court.
At this time billTof J H
lain, J P. ami JooF Tanner, constable,
cU of Slate vs. Geo Saunders el al,
and all witness fee in said caae
continued for correction. u.i
It appearing thut lund ol Man y
Thorn ps!.u bad been erroneously ld
for Ih!)-: taxes, the clerk was authorized
to eam-el erllrlcale of sale No. 471.
Ordered bv the court that after Jan
uary r, lXiai, Lanecouuty will pay a
. ........ nr.. ,i,, of each oU-
.... ,...,ia allied wlthlu aald
At til
At t liis time SherlfT Johnsnu ""tjl
u .v.ort Hint he hud appointed J u
tl, inurt lliut be hud aPI
Miller scial deputy alurill.
At this time tiie court considered
and allowed the following bills, ami
the clerk wasord. red to draw war
rants on tlie general fund to pay the
same. ,, .
The court ordered thut Mrs Mar na
A Jlogart, w idow, be Billowed 3 per
k until further ordered by tbe
cnuit, to lw expended by Wm llogart.
John M W ilium,-, deputy dis-
trlct attorney Slate v IJoell o W
Johu M Williams, d-puty district
attorney, Stale
vs fttraigui, i.
10 (0
John M Williams, deputy dis
trict attorney, Slate vs Tool
chest and HelH-r
John M Williams, deputy dis
trict ultorney, Stale v Hop
kins John M Williams, deputy dis
trict attorney, Slate vs ;Ic
llowell A K Wheeler, J P, btiit va
A K Wheeler, J P, State v Uuell
A 10 Wheeler, J P, State va Hop
6 00
6 00
6 00
7 05
8 to
10 00
A K Wheeler, J P, drawingjury
A. F. Wheeler, J P, State va
A K Wheeler, J P, State v Mc
Dowell T D Linton, constable, .S'ate va
Htraiglit, exeiisea to Jose
phine county
T I) Linton, colistuble. State v
3 00
6 05
8 40
9 66
38 65
T D Linton, constable, Stat vs
Straight 1 70
T D Linton, constable, State va
Straight 1 50
T D Linton, constable, State vs
Toolehest and Helper 4 00
T D Linton, consluLle, State vs
Ho'.klns 9 20
T I) Linton, colistuble, htate vs
Bessie Wilmot, witness State vs
Emma Hentlcy, witness State va
Lulu Wilmot, witness Stub vs
F. K McMichael, witness State vs
J J llutler, J P, Slate vs Ut-
J II Miller, coustuble, State vs
Ii F Cicck, w itness State vs Ul-
ti tiger.
Joseph Futon, witness State vs
Clyde Cook, witness State vs Ut-
ii" ger
Fred Cook, w itness Stute va Ut-
6 20
2 10
4 30
2 10
2 It
9 60
8 35
2 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
Andrew Howard, witness State
vs Ultinger 1 70
Harry Wheeler, witness State vs
L'ttinger 1 7P
John Turner, witness Stute vs
L'ttinger 1 70
Clias liettys, constable, State vs
Chester and Kllisoa Hut,
claimed f 3-, nllnwed 20 32
Clias Geltys, constulile, State vs
Anthony IJilyeu II 10
I L Campbell, printing 64 27
Wh eler Bros, luiulier 3 2
T Donaldson, lumir on ferry... 3 55
W C Yomn, di puty sherifl 8 75
II A Bowers, fence posts,
claimed $l.ti-, continued for
In the matter of 8 Simmons road.
ord red dismissed as there was no
proof of posting notices as required by
At this time the court examined and
approved tlie road report of Robert
( low a supervisor or roail district ro
41 and clerk ordered to draw warrant
on g' lietal fund in pnymei.t thereof
r,.r bis services, rj uuys, Sf:u; iiai.sfl;
totul J-.
Al this time the court examined
and approved the report of L J Cor
nelius, road supervisor district No 30
and clerk ordered to draw warrant ou
general fund for tlie sum off 28 iu pay
ment for hi services.
Gnllln Hardware Co, ferry cable
f.HJ, repair on vault f'75,
fixtures i 103 85
M I'. euteh, gravel 00
The court after due consideration
nf the iH'tltion for cotiutv road at Leru
all, the remonstrance against the
same uelng greater than the petition
ers, it Is ordered by tlie court that the
petition not allowed, and said mat
ter is hereby dismissed.
tontraet or running tne ferry on
the Middle rork of the Willamette
river at Lowell awarded to John Cain.
. ! 11 , i .. . ( . .
upon ins iniiig au approved uonu.
Contract for furnishing 30 cords of
grub oak wikhI and 20 cords of split
pine wooti Hwunieo to Joniei rsweet on
esch, he being the lowest bidder, upon
ins tiling au approved oonu.
Cards are out announcing the niar-
'inueoi l 'an liiacK utnl .Mrs Uta Mor
gan at Irviug:
Distressing Cough,
Ayer's Gherry Pectoral
aims' jiiiiv) ii.u a V
attack of atthin.i, ftccontpanled with !
Q.-irMA lima ahtaa T lit, I .
(I,iv .Mtli sn.1 tap. 1 ...v....
ot the Joints and muscles. I consulted O
physicians and tried various remedies.
but without p-ttlng any relict, until I i
""iw1 "i rjw i-iug wen again, o
Finally, I toek Ayer's Cherry rect.mi o
and Id a very short time, was entirely i
iHnniwr, voniiai,y ana o
eonfnloiitly comniciid this mclicine to
alL" J. l!ori i s Vi -tru t.,...
. ..
" My wife had a very UouM?jome
roach. She u , Arer's
Ml and procured Immediat. relief.'' j
U. II. l'oi'Hii'K. Humphreys, Ga. j
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Received Highest Awards
ay-rVii W amY; CIREU I)T
Buy your Lard Pails, I
Axes ana iiaiuwuiu iw fcwijvi1" ui io J1JUi
the prices down for you to tho liUT'J OM, ilol o(
who follow down with reluctance. '
GrifTm Hardware Co.
Are the boys that put the prices on tho bottom a;
time for you.
10 lb. Lard Palls 1c,Cm, huitd
5 lb. Lard PailS C, t until further nnilo.
Nails 4.i
Dec. 13, 1895. In
LI 01
1 Kill, fe1
33SW-t5i 5a-i
Riding and Walking Plows, both Chilled and 'SteeGu
In all kinds of ground. LOUGH MILLER A Pm
Junction City :
" a i i i i i
o o o o J
The most popular flour
leading grocers.
Pally Guard, January in.
A Runaway. Ti l aftrnoon while
the 2 o'clock train was standing at the
depot Chllaon'a delivery tea u, which
wa attached to a light wagon with a
heavy top, and left standing near the
depot became frightened and ran
away. The team ran aouth ou Will
amette Btreet, the wagan swaying
from side to aide as they went ,ut fur fis
Hale& Preston's harness store, where
they were atopped. Luckily no parti
cular damage was done. This makes
iz or seven runaway which have
occurred on Willamette street within
as many months. In nearly every
instance the team has been lelt stand
ing while its driver was away. As yet
no one has hern hurt, but sucli atfuirs
are liable at any time to cause loss
life when thev happen on the iiumnes
streets of the city. There is a
ordinance forbidding teamstera
leave their teams standing on the
business streets without being tied ar
having some one to hold the reins.
As It Wkrk. Portland's sensation
al divorce should he a surprise to
one. Glil man Dixon answered
ad of a winsome widow and the ex
pected result followed closely. The
widow advertised this way: "A re
fined widow of 30, a stranger in the
city, wishes tlie friendship of a cultur
ed gentleman of miflicient means to be
of assistance to her. Address Wini
fred Bartram, postofllee." Tlie wed
ding followed quickly after tlie old
man replied to the ad and it wasn't a
fortnight afier tlie knot was tied
that she raised a howl because he held
his kui e this way and hia tork tiiat.
Iu fact she found fault with his table
manners in general and hi ways iu
particular and otherwise made 'life a
burden for I lie old farmer. He now
sties for a divorce, and the charming
Winlfted, know ing of bis wealth and
considering that his sands of life have
nearly run, is lighting the case.
A Happy Birthday. Sundnv'
Oregoulau: Friday, January 3, w'-a
tlie birthday anniven-arv of Mis Eva
Taylor, the bright little daughter of
urauii Jims j layior. A number
friends called at Tbe Brn wn. unit
Joyed a delightful evening, ao rendered
oy many leatures tlie grand march
down tlie hall, Miss Edna Taylor's
music, little Anni IHtnM
tatlon, Frankie Fabre's song, and also
one by Albert Cody. Games and re-
iresiiments followed. The thoughtful
friends had kindly remembered the
hostess of the occasion, and according
ly suriendered, with appropriate
wIsIih., a pretty remembrance of the
day. Tisisoon the hour arrived for
the many guests to bid a cheery good
night, for the evening was one of un
uiarrvd enjoyment.
The O P CASr:.-Corvallls Times:
Stenographer M O Wilklna com
pleted this afternoon a schedule show
log the exact, amount of the uncon
tested lalior and voucher claims In tlie
O P matter of reference to A C Wood
cock. The aggregate amount of un
contested labor, material and supply
claims, is $5fi,52.74, and for labor and
services, $KS8.2U.44 This is but one
class of claims, aud does not take Into
consideration the claims for attorneva
fees, taxes or contested lalr or vouch
ercluinis. Mr Wilkin will g to Hv
lem to assist Referee Woodcock early
next week In the preparation of his
For I.nsp kctino Tkeks.-TIi foi.
lowing is the law for Inspecting nur
sery slock, trees, plants, etc , Wore
shipment: "Uuh. 16 All pers.,
growing nursery stock, ,
plants for sale or to I.,.r m
are hereby rvipd-vd le,H, ..f i,e li-..rict m w,it.,
saUi nrs,.ry .,, , r,. ,. ,,,
grown, f, i,,.j,.:i lluriMlf
months of N r. I Mnia-r or No
vember of eaeh and cvervveari ,J
he( oii,mli.i,.er of sijch Diet rid. or
his duly ..ppolnu-d I), I,HI In
et' such nursery m k, lriT , r
plants, prior to shipment and deliv
ery. "
Hk Stays at Hosiit-An Albany
man has a new ami good way for
keeping his hoy in at night Everv
oilier mode having failed, he bought a
gixxl sued trace chain, which he I..
el around hn boy'a ueek and left
loe. Of course the l,y would i.
aslmnieit to no around the streets
with a big chiq hanging around his
oeok a. he remains at bouia. Tlds Is a
very mild and Judlolous wayofsolv
Ing a very hard problem.
Not TJutTY.-In the eaae of the
sut.v,j Sutherland for larceny of
oj's from Geo Mare, lrM In jZi l
Hale court at Hale, Monday tha
Jury returned a verdict of not guilty
in ware,Nails,SrW
Milling Compaq
u n u n
r lKJ LJ r. Q o 0 a
tho market. Sold I
1). S. Land Ccmmlscic:
Joel Ware, having Let:
pointed U. S. Circuit i
Commissioner for tlie di
of Oregon, is now pre;
to make IIomkstkaii Fil:
Final Proofs, and take
timony in Contest Ci
Having had thirty years
perience in this line, he
guarantee satisfaction
every case. OfHce in
lJuildinr, Eu:
Thurston Items.
Rev Clatt of the free
church preached to a full
Sunday al Thurston.
Dr Russell brought a inW
his hospital for examiinilintitef I
commissioners' court. He iin I
troubled. He wu renuui'itil lo
further care to tlie doctor.
A young man aiillering fr-'u ;
wus sent to the county ln"u
John Uiszer returned to I
lifter four weeks' sickms.-! at tl'
TheGtMNl Temnlars of Thurw-
goitii! to huve n sncial ami '
February 14.
LtlMwiail or ifHRcro1 Nfrfiiidft. 't
Ana-mi. Ai.tUoM ; ' A l
and othw etowmM. i'nwU!
EfleiTttKMUU Jt
15tS.WtrAou. W-V
nou onuiL ruuLini
QpooHinn npnt
. . lil UUU llll H
V?J i iL. .1.1.1
to none in mwt
White niid Bv
Plymouth llii'l"
and Ihown W
and Silver e?l
Eggs $1.50 per 15; two settles t;
T -1... 1 . l i . L'nH.V a'
iibv. a lew ciiuiee r..'K"n- .
pUslursale. l-atufsetinii fiisrntr-1" j
Notice la hereby given that
hxeeiulon duly issuml out ol the l"""r
i lueiouniyol lJine, state o: '
tlthosvnl .'eeenilwr, 1SU.V, o' s Jim
ilereil In dnlil court nu the "-".'Ih oJ" ,
is'i.i, tin the sum of Hllucn hotiilreo
tive(lilA) dollar, with In'ere.t U''"'
ne mill n hdy ol Octolier, I
"J Per cent per snniim snil oi.e
dollars aituri cy'. lee ami the
.vuiiui umi mm cott In a mil i
wheirln Mr SA Mnildlesioii. ' r;,rf' f
oiiil'lleiiliill, UecesiHa. - ' ,.,
Johu Itolil., liarlry A ll..ib. I;","'
, .ii,. .nr. si. uiiifi we"- ,
Cliiil the above nau ed lH-inel"l Hsrlmry llnlli.. si il "'f I
rorm-t,tirw anil p,ia. ..r ..u n u,le"fl I
'ait commanding me In older t ''''
JiKlK'i.eiil and cisus and aeciuiiK
itiu f..n..-i i i. . . - .....,..rll
.... -.,,v ue-.-riiieu n-pi t"'" '..
I i.lnnieiieliiK at the iiutliet er - '
-".-'rj - insure wet i 11 or
theoic k K thence f lu.wliis 'd"
"iith-t-a.t,-rW to a point due im'th il'
"I bt-iiiiiuiiic, In Une Coiniiy. ""P",
eotniiieiicli-a at a ihjiiu hM', '
viutheaat cor. ol too Knfene Mill f"
theiio,, esat rh tli nee nonn
thence no-th sm ds ao min '' '.
llieuee ih chi to ihe pic ef
Ohunili.. n.41 icrv-of land In P''V
lit lane O, limy, t)irie eicel't I
lot mild to lister . y deed recorded In H
M K 'and except .me c "old " 'i
ISIinlll- I'mniMni Kv.mI petirded iP J
l-a.4u; rtcoid.ol tan. Cutitity. 'S''"
l-ie. I il offer I- r is is laid rel
i.ikKitJt a...i . r rrr
- ..v II t rCft'll ftl In I y ,H
111 Kll0Mii. I ..... . ... n j"
.ithliai ...( . ... ,.t Ht
. v- . Bjiij VUlllliy, r-i - a H
thelitn lay ol Jsniurv, l--.
hours ..f a . m and 1 ..'floe f "''
o clues p m of ..Id day. . fl
A J J'"1:
SherKTof Lane County.1,
Notice is hereby given tba f
loiwnan, administrator of mr
'fit Ii. Cochran, decea ed, hs'
bis accouut for tinul aellleine'd,
tte, and Mr.i.dny, tbe tsl
r,,Uln ,iruu, nas neen set
ttml'...,.. t ,. . -.1.1. ...I ill s
"un iur iirnring uoje...--aamo.
E. p coi.i-f
. . ...i.tnP
m - - w