The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 18, 1896, Image 1

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    ; 1 M 1 uu M Jijj lJ.Il IjUAoI),
' - - . - . ,
oFKP'H -K't ,IJ'' Wlllmt't(e b twcin
t TKiPHOH sriH'.MtUTl )S:
Yir. ! , ; :.
MMlhl. '
. Monlltl,
Lertiaing rates mads known
I on application.
J.'dr-M ill! bu.lum lutter to Ol'AUD,
1 if!Ut, OHU".
i locks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
XV A II Work Warranted. -eftj.
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
liyMlclan arid Surgeon.
Xllnc ami re-dilrnw over pnstolHoe. Honrs;
, lo 1) a. in.; 12 Ui 2, 0 to p. iu.
coooCommencing this Day; to Continue 30 Days atm
Z3. c iiiiic:!:
Nw Design and New Price in ForelKU and
1'omvillc Marble and (iraulle, Monument.
!IU''ltoiif and Cemetery work of
all kind for 1W-5.
suK-Ue street, ucsr Piatofflce. Eugeue, Or
j Ittorucy-at-Liiw.
oVrus One-half block south of ClirUinan'
H. B. Kakik. J..
m National Baa
01 Eugene.
. ilj up Usli taplttl 50,000
: jrpius sn! Fronts, oO,UM
Eugene - - Oregon.
A general banking; btudnes don on raaaou
eMe term. SA-ht draft nn NfcW YoUK,
i Bli-AUtl, rtA. r KAM'ISUU and 1'OKI
Bill of eirhatiK" oM ! foreign countries.
iepoiu received subject to check or certiti
ete of deposit.
All collection sntrunted to a will rcrl.
prompt attention.
Lane County Bank.
(Kdlatilitlicd In 1SSJ.)
A general Banking business
hall branches transacted on
'ivorable terms.
j A. G. HOVEY. President.
1 J. M. AliKAMS, Ciudiier.
t A. G. HOVEY, Jr., Asst.Cashr.
t - ----- -
I laving a Large and Complete stock ol
Staple ami Fancy Groceries bought
iu I lie bent markets,
'exclusively for cash,
L euu oiler the public better prices
j than any other hous-e in Eugene.
PnteotallKiflUsMEn at Market Prices.
Lai It Tat. leather tin rnir lin
price 11. worth 11.11V Our 3 hIiiw for
j.ou in KMi vulun. S,hj our culf alioe
II K; inen'rt Mines fl.30; niU oprinj
w-vt, i- in hoc; uany Hline Zrtv, 35o hiiiI
4ie; ami culf hIi.n-h, all iriaJ ?. n full
IliiecouipleU. t'oiue in and 8ee our
worth 30c, 25c and 20c
Misaea Hose
for 15c.
2ikj llnue for loc.
1'ic 1 1 Hue for 10c.
Lsilieti' lime 4 for 2-5; letter, 10c;
Wool Ho fui Ladies. i!Uc. ij and 5(Ki
Ho-e for Soe.
Boots and Shoes.
Mitii'a Heavy Leather lloota. worth
J2 25. for $1 (J.5.
Men's Henvy Tap Sole Saddle tSeutn.
wnrth ti 60. fir 12 00
Ha ullton Hrow'i'a Henvv Oil uralu
Siiddlu Hen ni, solid na a rock, a Clinker
Juck for $2 60. worth f 3 50
Men' Heavy Buckle tShoe for II 00.
better for H 5: better for $1 45. worth
tl 75.
$5 0(1 suit....
tS (JO BUltH ...
II'! 00 nuil...
112 00 Bill's...
115 IMI KIlilH..
t 4 00
. 0 00
.. 8 6(1
. v oo
12 00
Cliildren'it Htiil ku-e mints Wk". knee
auiti worth $l..50 ut 11.15. Overcoat
wortli I2 for f'J, big value.
All wool, two ply, wortli ft"o for 50c.
Lot warp, worth 00c lot 4Vc. Good
Union, worth 6lki for 35c. lt nruii.l
nee thin line. A fine line of Maltinir
and Oi Idol lis ut Imruuiiis. Three-ply
carpet for 0oc, all wool.
Ladies nil wool, worth $10 and f 12:
for service.
Cotton for 2 00.
Ladies GoHaauiera with Cane aud
Hleevea, far f 1.00.
Dress Goods.
. f .
All wool dress iroods, :itl in. wide, for
2"ic; wortli 60c. Mil in. wool drew giNtd
wortli 40c. for .'Ji k-. 'M In. all wool
cheeks, 45c. 4(1 iu. all wool serge in
remnantM, worth 75c, for 40c and !Wc.
3d in. all wool reniuants, worth 00c
for 30c.
All Wool, red, 20c; letter for 3.V and
4(ic. Outing Fltiiiuela, 20 ydH, $1.00;
worth O'.c.
Fruit of the Loom, 12 ydl
Hope", 13 ydM
Halfback, 15 vdn
I'nde of (he W"i t, 0 yd
t'uliot W 4 4, Iimwii,' IS yds
L. L.. 4 4 2i viIh
Unbleached cotton tluunul, 20 yds 1
Cotton llaunel, 10 yds 1
$1 00
1 00
1 on l
1 141
1 HO
Nhv wide, 04 in. blea. worth 75c.$
Mi III. Idea, worth tl IK)..
73 In Idea, worth $1.25.,
20 ydi
18 yds standard pritiU
IN yds Indian lilues
Extra made Gentian prints
,11 00
.. 1 00
.. 1 (Kl
. 10
20 vds for $1.00
jlneu Towclini! 14 vds for I.imi
Tallin Oil Cloth, 20o per yd.
lii-n oz wvcraiiu wic.
Window liliuds .20c.
7i In. worth $1.75 1 45
A Hue line of Linens for 25o, 35, 40o
mid 4c; all colors. Napkins, Towels,
1 toy leys.
All wool $3 25
All wool, worth $. 4 60
All wool, worth $8.60 7 00
Good col ton, worth $3 2 00
1'artwool. L want you to see our
line. Too numerous to mention.
I'tlciH, 0.5c, $1.00 and $1.60,
Ladlns ribli'd
Ladies' rililied. better..
I.Hllil rlldivil muul nfi.rtl. Qr.n
tiiMMi wool vests and pants ,
Ladies' union rults, 50o and 75c,
wool, worth $1 25 1 00
And fine waists. $2.60 for $2. Chil
dren 's pants, all aizes aud dimeasioni,
20. Very small, loo.
Rest lint ever offered. $3.00 bats
and $2.60 hats for $1.75 Fvdoria hats,
75c, $1.00 and $1.35, $2.60 bats. Fe
doritt. for $2.00.
Roys' bats, 35o and 45c
Bilk t&U, $3.00.
Rubber Boots.
Men's Snap; Troof Hip, everv pair
warranteu; wortu fa uo, ror $o00
best iiinlity.
Men's lest quality lilp boots; worth
$4 60, for $4 00.
Mtu'a hip bootii; worth $4 25, lor
$3 (.
Men's knee boots (2 60
Furnishing" Goods,
Men's Wool Socks 15.
Men's Heavy Cotton, Worth .08.. .05.
Men's Flue Ci shniere Hocks 1.
Men's Navy lilus Over-shirts,
Worth $1.75. For $1.45.
Men's I'ndrMl.lrts and Drawers,
Worlh .60, For 40.
Men's Under (bins 5.
Men's Good Wool Uudir-shlrls
and Drswtis 85.
Men's Extra I Ins All Woe I ohlrts
and Drawee, each 11.25.
20 yds fhlrtln For,
Scent Slilrtliiir For.
12J cent Bhlrtliig- For.
. .07.
Ladies and gentlemen read this advertisement every dav and vou will imorovc yourself in nrice. Wo
are here to do busine s, and that we will do if prices will do it. We must f;st oi r mammoth stock re-
duced for our large and complete stock that; will come from New York. Rend thii ad. oveiy da3' as there
will be great changes. F. E. 1DUNN.
SEW Kill' IT l.NSrEl'TOK.
Ialljr Guard, January 14.
School Superintendent J. O. Steven-
sou Receives the Appoiutmeut.
A number of persons of this county
who have attempted to ship fruit
trees out of the county lately have ex
perienced a irreat deal of dilllculty be
cause of there being uo fruit Inspector
the law requires that all fruit trees
bii'iied from one Dart of tbs statu to
another must lie inspected imfore
leaving the nursery by some competent
lierson, appointed Tor that special pur
pose, and pronounced free of disease
before they can be shipped.
The need or an Inspector here has
been very apparent, and today County
School Huierintendent J G Stevenson
received a commission from C L Daly
of Knlem, commissioner second
horticultural district of Oregon, ap
pointing hliu Inspector of fruit trees
for Lane county.
Tills Is a rihxI appointment, as Mr
Stevenson will carefully and con-
icielitinusly disK)se of the duties of
hs oluce to tlio best Interests of the
fruit industry.
No Important llusliiess The
Koutme Wink.
t (Kvass'sliat,)
'V ! It.wa. wntM uniler date
NUn li 2:1, lH'.'i:
H. Mei. Mm. 'n..
llufnr. OreiroL.
GKXTLEMhx: On arrivimr home hmi
ei'k, I found all well and anxiously
aitniir. Our little irlrl, eight al. one-
''if years old, who had wasted away
I' i1) tKiuii'ls, Is now well, stroll if and
iUonius, and well fleshed up. S. t.
sV J1 -'ure done its work well.
niorthecblldreu like it. Your ri.
'ouh Cure lias cured and kept
P' all hnarxm-MH I'nmi me. Ho civi
?' to every one, with trrevtings for all.
iliiiiK you irosK-rity, we are
ours. Mr. Avn Man J. K. K.ikii.
'ours. Mr. and Mks. J. F. Fobd.
r. l "eadarhe and l.iyr t.ure. bf ukiui
f miw dim a mL
1 yiiil,.r. pomi! re guarantee
.uie per buttle bj all dpignUL
Iwu or 1
j N..d(
5. F. HAMELL, M,
over Gaum's
A 1'leasamt Party. Miss Pearl
Roiier entertained ahout 20 of her
friends at a social party at her home
Ferry street Saturday eveuinn.
The time until a late hour was spent
in social Kamea and vocal and Inst ru-
mental music. it was indeed a very
plensunt nll'air, as Miss Roper know
ell how to entertain in a way wnicu
will make her Kuests enjoy them
selves. Those present weic: Misses
Pearl Roper, Alma Hursel (Truutdale),
Vora Luckey, Mugitie Luckev, Elma
Henilrickf, Laura liiirm-tt, Florence
Itumett, Alice ftlills, Kilith tlarrl
and Mrs H H McFadilen (Piirtland);
Messrs John Keeney, C'uitis Harris,
Archie LiviTinorc, Horscu Burnett,
busier Edward. Clarence Luckey
uid Profit L Allard (Trouldale).
Oally (iuard, Janaarv 1L
Lyuki.i. Uakkr'r Leitike Hon
Lydcll lisker of Portland lei-lured at
Mount's hall last eveuiiii! under the
inspires of tlie the Kugene and Uni
versity Ailvuiiceineiil ciun on "ine
Evolution of Darwinism." Mr Raker
whs greeted bv a fair house. He did
not peak directly u .011 the subject of
volution Itself, but sp-ika oil the
theories advanced on evolution by
1 i If erelit writers. He heifan w ith lb
urlli-st wiiters on this subject and,
following down t the present time,
showed how the theory liecame more
perfect as st-lencw tlirew light on the
subject. The lecture was a very able
etlort and show d much hard study on
the part, of the speaker and that he
was thoroughly convemai.t with his
Dally liuard, January 14.
Lost His Load. Andrew Schrag,
fmii near Irving, drove Into town
this morning with four liotses attached
to a large load of loose hsy. At the
lunclion ol6th and Willamette street
the leaders berame irignieneu bi a
passing street car. In their cavort
iiiift, the coupling pole was broken
and the front running gears pulled
from under the wagon, allowing the
load to drop to ttie ground.
Pally Uaard, January 14.
N'iClTV Lkvy Yet At its meet
ing last night the council did not fix
the cltv tax levy. All adjourned
meeting will l held next Haturr ay
e veiling at which time the levy w ill be
Council met in regular session at
chambers in the city ball last
night. Present, Mayor Matlock,
Councilmeu Eiiklu, Linn, Henderson,
fisher aud Rangs.
Minutes of December meeting read
and approved.
Finance committee reported favora
bly on usual number ol bills, which
were allowed and ordered paid. Im
port adopted. -Htreet
committee reported material
UMd in street crossings, also walks
ordered around the public square. Re
port adopted.
Health committee refiorted com
plaints regarding certain diphtheria
cases Marshal ordered to Investigate
the matter.
F'ire and water committee reported
purchase of hose jackets and duplicate
map of sewer connections, iteport
Petition for sidewalk on north side
of Eleventh street referred to street
committee with power to act.
I'etiiiou tor transfer or saloon license
of Mr Duliols to Mr West was grant
ed. .
Committee to whom the matter of
city's owning water plant and electric
light system . was referred, reported
favorably, iteport adopted.
On motion a committee, consisting
or uouncllmen Meuderson, l-.aklu and
Fisher, was appointed to ascertain
probable cost of systems, aud eport to
lliecliy iu tirae to place the matter
before the citizens at the coming city
Ordinance granting toGrillln Hard
ware Company power to place at au
elevation across the street iu front of
their store a swinging sign, was read
thiee times and lost.
Ordinance licensing the sale of
cigarettes, cigars and tobacco, was
read twice and nferred to judiciary
Memorial to congress regarding con
struction of the Nicaragua canal, to be
sent with like memorials from various
ciliusoftlie Pacillc coast, was ordered
forwarded to our representatives and
senators in congress.
Rcmrt of the chief engineer for the
y- ar 1805 was read aud placed on lile.
On motion the fire and water com
mittee was Instructed to see that the
seats in the opera house are arranged
accoiding to existing laws.
On motion the licenses for shows
during the past month were remitted
to the Eugene Rand.
I'stiul nuiuls-r of bills were read aud
referred to the committee.
Regarding ivrtain Mil, rules were
suspended and hills ordered paid.
Almost a Balance. There l now
less than $101X1 due in delinquent taxes
on the 18V4 lax roll of this county.
The amount received frmn cmIs uecril
iug from tic c illucl ion of delinquent
taxes for 1S'.(4 mIiiuniI eou.ils the
amount which is yet delinquent, and
therefore nearly halauces the
Academy OK Science, Another
society has been added to the many
already In Eugene. This is the
Ai udemy of Science of the University
ofOregou, which was orguuized last
Friday evening. Prof H E McClure
acted as temporary chairman of the
meeting and Prof E 11 McAlister as
temporary secret aiy. . Alter the
adoption of a constitution nermanent
olllcers were elected as follows: Presi
dent, Prof Tims Condon; Vice Presl
dent, Dr T W Harris; Becretary-Treas-urer,
Prof F L Washburne; I heso
olllcers also constitute the program
eommlttee. The object of the society
i ine uiscussion or selenium subjects.
Meetings will be held the last Satur
day of each mouth In the biological
laboratory at the university.
A Model Roat. Cirvallis Times:
Captain (Jordon of the steamer Gypsy
is very proud of his craft He hail as
cargo from the several river points be
tween Eugene and Corvallls KM) tons,
dead weight on his arrival doven lust
Tuesday. The Gypsy Is equipped
with a steel holler capable of cuirying
100 pounds of steam to the square inch
and machinery of the lutest and most
improved style. Her model Is from
perfect hues and bs a result we have a
boat the Is-st sailed to t.pier river
truillo that bus ever been on the route,
not only so, but through the efficient
and gentlemanly management of
Captain Gordon we are receiving the
best river service that bus ever been
rendered u
Marion uoUjrv apkcimen. Sa
lem Klate.iuiun: Whosoever doubts
theelllcucy 01 "Old Marion" as a Is-ef
producer along with all her other
manifold advantages will llud bis
doubts dissipated by looking ut the
four and one-half-year-old blooded j
nereinrd heel, rumiharly known at
several of the last state fairs as Rob,"
whose dressed carcass now hangs Its
Htm pounds of avolrduKis en the
hooks of Cross' State street market.
"Rob" was a product of the well
known "Rockwell" breeding farm
near Turner and owned by John Mo
Kinney. The animal was killed o.i
Friday last ut a live weight of 1055
Dally Guard January IV
A Plucky Girl. Prof. Tho. Con-'
dou re I u i I'd an Incident at assembly at
lie university this morning which
shows how serious accioeuts might
ofteu be averted If one would onl re
tain presence of mind in an einer
gniicy. The Incident In question is
relative to Miss Kulin Mann, a student
of the university, who a few days ago
took tne railroad route to the univer
sity. Ae she was crossing the long
trestle across the mill pond, a train
suddenly bore down upon her. Mio'
did not have timo to get olf of the
trestle, and her llrst Impulse was to i
jump Into the water below but she
regained her senses iu time te climb
hurriedly down upon one of the cross,
beimsof the trestle, which extend out
a distance of a couple of feet on each
side of the track, where she remained
in safety while the train passed by,
the wheels of the engine and cars Is
lug only a few feet from her head.
1 KOl'S DtAl
A (i. A.
It. Man
il m t
uddenly of
ciency in the tax roll. While there is
yet nearly $1000 due, the amount
of money paid In by the people Mould
equal the entire tax roil of 1S04 bad It
all been paid oil the original tax.
Takfh Possession Tonoiht. Mr
S E Krown, the new lessee of the Hoff
man House, will lake possession to
night, a the Mesar DuRoi desiie to
retire from t lie lUniness Immediately.
The occupants of the Hodman House
will dine w ith .Mr Rroa this evening.
Dally Outrd, January 14.
Poultry Car Tomorrow. Messrs
Chase Jc Co, commltjiioii men of this
city, will start their first full carload
of poultry to Han Francisco on tomor
row morning's Height. The car is
being loaded today with chickens.
ducks, geese aud turkeys. Between
4(sK) and 600(1 will Le shipped. ON his
number 3iKJ0 is obtained iu this countv
and (he remainder will lw loaded at
Oakland and Med ford. The car used
Is au iron one I ui.t esiieclslly for
shipping poultry. It is consigned to
Lnas Jucolisoii ec o, or pan rranclsco.
Daily ouard, Jsuimry 11.
Southern Oreoo.v Hops. Geo T
Hull, Jr, is in Southern Oregon ehi
ping some hops piir'-hiise I ren-nliy ly
Mcssia Hall i Sun, ol tl is city. They
shipped one cur load from Merlin lust
delic- week and (his w.-ek will ship two car
loads from Grant's Pass. The South
ern Oregon hops purchased by Messrs
Hall Son are of the very finest
quality and were Isiught at the low
price of four cents er pound.
El.KH. It is probable that a lodge of
(lie older or tiki will be Instituted In
Eugene iu the m-ar luture. The subject
Is U-!ug canvassed with fair prospects
ofmccs. The Elk are noted for the
good fi'llowsblp and social qualities
existing In lodges aud between member.
Want to Pay their Taxes.
The Lano.-ounty tax roll for lh" w ill
not be completed before the middle or
last of February, and people cannot
pay uieir taxes nciore (inn lime. Jlut
notwithstanding this fact there ure a
good many peoplo who have called at
the sherill's olllco within the past
severul weeks for tho purpose of pay.
Ing their 18115 tux. Much as the
county might regret to refuse these,
collections it has been compelled to do
so. However, it shows the right
spirit on the part of (he people and is
a gooo. evidence- or returning pros
Rank Ukpickkk. At a recent stock
holders meeting of the Eugene Loan &
.Savings Rank, the following directors
were elected: W K Rrown, J R Har
ris, J E Davis, J F Robinson, R 1)
Paine, D Paine and F W Ushurn.
At a meeting of the director on the
14 Inst Mr Church the president, to
the regret of the stock holders, desiring
to retire, W K Rrown was elected
president, it D Paine, vlco president
and F W OiUurn, cashier. The year
1K05 was the most prosiernus In tho
bank's history.
Daily Uuard, Jsuuary 14.
Lots ok Fkkiuht. The arrival of
the steamers Sunday and yesterday
bringing large amounts of freight ior
tow ns south of here Icm fhsided the
a i" ireignt iiepot. niere were no
empty cars here to shin the freigh'
south In and It kept piling up until
the building would hold no more.
However some cars were hroinrhl in
on the hs'nl this morning and the ac
cumulated flight is now being
gathered Into shape so that It can be
Children's Party. A children's
party was given Ibis afternoon at the
residence of Mrs F R Bellman, Tenth
and Chariii ltou streets, in honor of the
third birthday of Lola Bi'llman. The
little folks present were Loia. Frsuk
and Loyd Rciliiiuu, Pauline Potter,
CasS'r Clark, Lulu Whiteaker uml
Maud Pritchett
Died. In this city Januury 13, lso.'i,
the 6 year old child of Mr and Mrs 11
Vaiihiblier. The family resides In the
northeastern part of the city. The re
mains of (he child were iiuried today
In the I. O. O. F. cemetery.
Dally, January II.
Threatened to Kill. H W Ross
has Ihsmi airesled and Is being given a
trial at Junetlon today for threatening
to kill Geo M Carson.
uailf, Janiui' I.V
CE lilac well, a nn nls-r ofJW
Geary Post. GAR. of this cltv. died
suddenly of tu-urt f illunv at his home
near the Oerry school, hi the north
western part of the city u te yesterday
Mr Rlackvcll suffered from an at
tack of paralysis latt summer but had
sulrlcletitly n covered so as In be un and
around. However, for tome time he
has Iss'ii ailing and has not been awav
i rom ine uouse ror two or three weeks
lesierduy afternoon a neighbor
caned in at I lie lainiiy residence and
enquired how Mr Blackwell was get
ting aioug. ue replied that lie was
not feeling so well as usual. A few
minute later he full In his chair dead.
Deceased leaves a wife and three
children. One of them Is a married
daughter, who resides In Nebraska.
having left here only about two weeks
ugo. Another daughter, Air A ti
Kiiulliuau, resides Hear Salem. The
remaining one I a son aged about 18
years, who resides at home.
Deceased was born In Maine, and
was aged (il) yeurs at the time of his
deatli. He was an edge tool manufac
turer by trade. During the civil war
he served in Company A, 2,'ld Maine
In fan try. He came to Eugene two
years ugo and has resided here since
that time.
The funeral services will be held
tomorrow at 11 am at the First Pres
bytcrlah church, after which the re
mains will be Interred In the I O O F
Dully liuard, January 14,
The "Beautiful." The '-beauti
ful" Is'gan ! fall here short! r before
H o'clock last evening and contiuued to
full part of the night and by this morn
ing the rou ml was covered with
about two Imihe of snow. Toward
morning the miow turned Into a sleet
which froze t the trees and electric
light and teli'rnh wires, but not In
siilllcient qualities to d.t any damage.
It has been thawing some today, but
the trees and buildings are still loaded
down with sleet and the ground is
covered witn nuan.
Almost everybody takes some laxative
medicine to cleinse the system and keep the
blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS
LlVfcR RLGULATOR (liquid of powdrr)
get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant
laxative and tonic that purifies the blood
and strengthens the whole system. And
more than this: SIMMONS LlVtR REGU
LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps It active
and healthy, and when the Liver Is in
good condition you find yourself free from
Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick
Headache and Constipation, and rid of
that worn out and debilitated feeling.
These are all caused by a sluggish Liver.
Good digestion and freeJom from stomach
troubles will only be had when the liver
Is properly at work. If troubled with any
of these complaints, try SIMMONS Livfr
Kl:GULATOR. The King of Liver Medi
cines, and Better than Pills.
Baa the X Stamp In ml on wrapper.
J. II. Zellln Co.. Phlla., Pa.
Juht Wito.Mi. Many of the farmers
nave nau Hard luck this yearlnhau
tiling hog prixlucts. The low prli of
wucutanu mi lair price of pork last
rear imiiiceo many to s oca up with
nogs anil lee ) tneiu Whet t. Ui.fortu
imti'l v for tht m the inn ket reversed
Itself and win o wheat is i I demand at
Hie liest flguf: since lhX tbeprl-eof
Mr, nus gun i n uieiioi ' ,ni. a iveil
IMisted farme lafuruis u- hat at pres
ent prh-es fo- pork, furo rs wll; not
realle over 2 Ci.nts iwr . diel fo the
grain led.
Dal!) Iuard, Janui li.
Died. At Monmouth iregon, Jan
ury 15 I8IKI, ('iillest -r J j ughmnii, of
coiisidiiptlon Oeoewed 1 a native of
hane count,-, Wng a 3U of Elder
Samuel Ram In inn, of . easaut Hill,
who is one tf the earll' plo icers of
tins county, i lie remalui . ere Drought
upon the IikI today, si d conducted
to the family cemetery on Pleasant
Hill, where they were In erred.
Horn. In Junction City, Oregon,
to Mr and M s Win McCIt reti, a son,
January ll, li !1.
Horn. Al Fall Creek, .Jan. 8, 1HIKI,
to the wife t f John KUinger, au 8
pound gill.
Dally Uaare, January IS.
Insane Jesse Klock, aged 74 years
a resident of thi city, was examined
before County Judge Kiss anil Med
ical Examiners Drs E D McKenney
and L W Rrowu this morning and
pronounced lueane. The cause of his
usanlty is glvtn as a sunstroke. He
has been atlllctcd fot several months
past, and imagines that somebody Is
trying to do him bodily harm. He is
a married man.
He will be sent to the asylum at
Ualem ou the local tomorrow morn-
State Populist Convention. W
H Spaugb, chairman of the pepullst
stste central committee, has Issued a
call for a state couveutlon to be held at
Salem February 22. He urges popu
lists to oppose fusion In the counties.
Highest I Ion r World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Mldw l iter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.