The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 11, 1896, Image 1

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OKFICK-E' ' Willamette l ltven
(TlMih "'"J E,nhlh 81twt-
ri"'t'HOF i:ni:::ii'Ti N:
M.inlhi. : ".
vis Months, : : . . . .59.
fdvsrtisina rate3 made known
i on application.
ft, Mm" " basinewi le.Iom to G I" A 111),
Jfui:., Orciim.
Jiocks- vYatc'ies, Chas. Jewelry, Etc.
II Work Warranted. d
L. W. BROW, H. D.
I 'iiysilolati ami Surpjoon.
O'M r.n'l re'i'l.-tif nvnr J) ulullim.. Kir.r.'i
1 t i !' ui ; I- ' -. 11 t" " p "
13. c nisirs.
jti-w hMltfru and Now Trices In Foreign and
lo nwlo Marble and UrunlU', Muimmoula.
Ilvadatouc and Cemetery work of
nil kind! fur lV,
fi lllamvltc
Illamutti) 8trwt, near Dejt'i Tlco. Kngo'ie, Or
Om Olio-half black south nf L'lirlsuian's
fB. F. HAMELL, M. D.
Office over Baum's clothing
i'. O.i I sai .iickr, li. Kakin, Jr.,
1'rcniJi'Lt. Caihiur
M M il Bask
01 Eugene.
Paid ud Ush Caultal 650,000
Surplus sn! Fronts, $50,080
Eugene - - Oregon.
A (f.iacril b.i'iltiug bnauien dona on reasnu
alila tirnin. 8k-lit drafta on NKW YOKK,
LAND, Oitl.UO'.
Dills (if cxchiave sold on fiirrin countries,
peposiu rf Miyed 3ubjn.t to check or oertiri
outa of dult.
All collodions cotm?tod tu c will recclvs
pnjnipt attcmlnn.
Lane County Bank.
(E.iUbU.liod 111 Kszi
A General Banking business
I n all branches transacted on
favorable terms.
A. (t. HOVEV. I'ltsi.lent.
J. M. AHKAMrf, Cashier.
A. Ci. HOVEY, Jr., Asst.Cashr.
Having a Lame and Complete stock of
Staple and Fancy Groceries bought
in the best markets,
I cuu otter the public better prloes
than any other house. In Eugene.
Mac? of all Kinds taken at Market Prices.
Of )),. Moln. s, Iowa, writus under date
Mari-h 23, ISMi
D. Med. Mro. Co.,
Di.Tur, Ori'ijo: .
(iKNTLKMN: On arriving hoino Ut-.t
week, I found all will mill anxiously
waiting. Our little girl, eight at.- one
half years old, who had wasted away
to a.i Munds, 1m now well, strong and
vigorous, and well flushed up. 8. D.
f-'ough Cure luta done Its work well.
H nh of the children like It. Your H.
H. Coutch Cure haa cured and kept
fwny all hoamnesa from me. So give
it to every one, with greetinga for all.
W ifliing ,-ou prosperity, we are
Yours, JIr. and Mks. J. F. Fokd.
II rnu wlh to fM-1 frr.h and cbefrfnl, and
nly tor liii- 'j.-itig's work, elf.nw the svntem
Uh ihr llrail.rhe and l.lrer Cum, by lakluf
two or thiw dow. a nrwk.
Bold under a pualtl fi uaranti
M ci'UlJ t bottla br aUdrui.lsU.
; 7
L.uHcs Put. leather lip D uti- nil no,
ni leu ',1, win th Oar f I !eg for
2-3' U goo I v:i.w. ft;- our calf slioo
f I Go; iii'.-ii'h vIkm'h $1.31); iul-.ft iirin;r
heel, 12 to 2, 8-j-; baby shoo 2-"c, .'ijj kiiI
4ie; ami calf sli i'H, nil ia I.m, h full
line complete. Cut.) 1 koo our
lliHu'a ILh.i worth SJo. 2'.o and 2Qe
fur lie.
20u - lore fir Mo.
IJiJ ile fur 10;!.
L uli V II hj 4 for 21; bettr, 10o;
Wool Hose fo! Ladies. 20u. Ih Hid 6l)i)
How Tor 30 '.
Boots and Shoes.
Mi'ti's llonvy Ltiitlnr Ilools, worth
$2 25, for II 0j.
Mi'ii'8 lluuvy Taj i Sole B.iJ llo Scuin,
worth J2 50, for. J2 0J
Hnniilton IUoaii'i liuuvy Oil tirnlu
twiddle Bt'nni, solid n a rnck, a Clinker
Jack fur J2 50, worth $8 60
Meii'd Heavy Buckle (Shoo fur 11 00,
Utter for 1 2oj better for $1 45, worth
(I 75.
Ladies and gentlemen read this advertisement every day and you will improve yourself m price. Wo
are here to do business, and that We will do if prices will do it. We must gut 01; r mammoth stock re
duced for our large and complete stock that will come from New York. Read this id. ovei y day as there
will be great changes. F D UNN.
I'slly Uuard, January 7.
LiuTii im y yuKfiusE. Ytnterday
I ui Iter lSlli liitliduy, Mibs Mario
Ware was given a very pleasant birtli
day surprise party lust evening by her
parcnta, Mr. and Mrs. Jnd Ware, at
the family residency on Fifth aud Oak
street. About 25 young people were
invited in to spend the evening. Iho
time was upon I very pleasantly in play
ing whist, and in other amusements,
a splendid lunch being served during
the evening. Those present, weie
Misses Mario Ware, Jessie Wlnkley,
Lotta Johnson, IVguy Underwood,
Henrietta and Barbara Imuer, Lulu
lteusliaw, Carrie Friendly, HtelK Dof
lis, J'.lanch Ktralght, Laura btall'ord,
Mae Huir, and Mesdauics James and
II. lluftmnn; Messrs. Clarence Keens,
KuHsell Coleman, Clarence Fisher,
Howard Davis, Cailton Hmlth, E P
Slialtuck, Clarence Luckey, Chas
Johnson,- Warner Drown, Walter
Uritlln, Ueo Kcegan and ltobt lieu
ders'ih. Pally Guaid, January 7.
McDowell in Jail. John Mc-
n.i.ll H,.i.,.ut.i.l i-nt..rHi v fur t.rvlilir
luncti nmn-.vii ji,,v,u,,j " J
to nss a forged check at the Fhat
atlonul liaiiK,was uiveu an examuia
ii,. l..,r,,rn I, iil. 1. Wliei'lar tliis after-
noon. The case was proeecuted by
Deputy Prosecutor J M William
and the defense was represented by
lvinsey m niaraiey. wimsi
weie examined. C H Mathews,
,,.nl.nniaU.A, climilfl In tllf flllfirilr
and Lesslie Haggard, in whose favor
the check was written ana wiioe uame
wa3 endorsed on it, ww present
and both test i lied that they ha t never
before aeon the check; also that they
hiidn werhud any tititfiirsa ceallnits
with the prisoner. At thoco-eofthe
teal in on v the prisoner win held to
answir "10 the charge. HI bom's
werellxedat $500, which le vas un
uulo to raise, consupjcnlly le will
spend the time in jail till 00 irt con
vents in April.
Dally Guard January )'.
n, Kk-nvirH. The revival
wrviee being held at the U D church
was attended by large crowds, both
yesterday morning and last evening.
In tho evening wie nine cuuiun
taxed to Its utmost capacity to
modate Hie audience. Iluv and Mrs
L'ypert, the singing evangelists, as
they are called, certainly have an at
tractive way of presenting the gospel.
MrLeppcrt has a powerful voice over
which he has perfect control. He
handles all parts with equal skill aud
his singing Is truly captivating.
I ally Uuard, January C.
Kktkiiiotiom at LaT. Wm
Vauj?lian, who lives Just outside the
citv limits west, has two teams at work
. 1 1. ..r., ,.l lliu klrpMla
toua.V Hauling " -
in payment of a fine Imposed on Iilm
by l he city authorities several months
. ..1 .l..ii.. tl,n hnu.iu tnul 1 In
Hgll Hr VIlMUlliig mi ,
was given time to raise Ins fine, but
. i t ......I aluvitur (illlulil
Weill IIOllIU llisun'i, "'.""
of the city limits until this morning,
wlii'ii he came in to work out the
Pally (juarl, January 7.
Kt'OEXK Watkk Co. The Btock
lioldera of this company held their an
nual meeting Inlay as follows: Chas
Lauer. T ilenoriciis, u i v-num .
FLrhambersandH D Kakin I he
directors met and organized by elect
ing the following oiTlcers for the en
suing vear: I It Chrisninn, presiimni,
HDlikln, cashier; F L fhamla-rs,
secretary. The president will liere
' after act as superintendent.
ossoCommencing this Day;
i-'t O'l kiIu..
S 0) BUlli..
? 4 00
,. (i i.)
.. s ,rilJ
.. U (I I
-l ' 0.) mm.
II2 0) aul a
i on hiihh v'J
12 00
UlulilriMi a a;ut kuen I'lint loc; km-e
Hiiili woith tl..V) tit I.I5. Overcimts
1. M-1 .1 ... t-. 1 t .
t in ii-i ior uijj vttiuu.
All wool, two ply, worth Rio for 50c.
Lot warp, worth COo for 4'e. Good
Union, worth 50u for 35c. He mire and
nee this liii". A II 110 Hue of Malting
hijiI Oiiclolli.t at ljiirt;Hlii9.
carpet for U5u, all wool.
Ladies all wool, worth $10nud$12;
for service.
Cotton for $2 00.
Ladles (Josanmera with Cae aud
Sleeve, for 11.00.
Pally Guard, January 7.
Nor (Ji ilty. Not guilty was the
verdict returned by the Jury last even
ing In the case of the stato vs J D
Hopkins, manager of the Eugene
Lumber Company. The case was
tried before Justice Wheeler at the
court house, the company having been
charged w ith dumping sawdust from
their mill so that It was carried Into
the Willamette river by high water,
A Jury trial was had, the case being
prosecuted by Deputy Proecutlng
Attorney J M Williams and Attorney
N K Markley. The defense was repre
sented by Attorneys Dorris & Btevens.
The Jury was drawn as follows: F M
Wilklns, Jas Darger, John Harris, J H
Lanison, D C Dunn aud A O Btevens.
The Jury was out but a few minutes
when it returned a verdict of not
Daily euars, January 7.
Manufactuhino Association.
A second meeting was held in the
rooms of Bvarvtrud A Simpson last
evening to further consider the matter
of organizing a manufacturing club, or
association, 111 mis city. io den line
action was taken and the matter was
continued to givw the committee, on
rules and by-laws more time to work
the matter up. Tho object of this
association is to issue stock, thereby
securluc money, which will be ottered
as lonns to manufacturing Industries
coming to our city. The association,
If established and lucorporateu as in
tended, will throw out, every Induce
ment to get manufactories here and
will do all it can to assist those already
established in the city.
Pally Guard, January 7.
Vt.'iir Itunn T.niit. nvdiilnir tha
nj,w itouril t( fl rrt ilulffiitMa met for or
ganization and elected the following
officers: I L Himpsou, president;
Mt I ..... . . 1.1 VI I.'
urew uriiun, vi-e president, i c
MurkUiv ,,.iTi lnrv J W Kuvs. Irons-
,n.i.r Tha iMuniliprfl of tha new bourd
areas follows: Kngiue company, 1 L
... , . ... ,.. ti, n 1....1.
Slmpjou, J Pi uiggius, u w itowianuj
Hook 4 Ladder company, W T Camp
bell, N K Marklev, Hid Scott; Oregon
nose, urew uiimn, j i - iurKr, j y
Kara: ltocue hose. A C Mathews,
Geo Darger.
Pally Guard, January 3.
A Splknoid Nomuek. Ouo of the
flnest secial editions of a country
newspaper In the state was issued by
the Koteburg He view yesterday.
Douglas county should Le proud of
her leading newspaper, as It would be
a credit to a county of four times the
population. We cougratulate Hro.
Fisher upon the manner in which he
is conducting the Itevlew.
W. OF W. LobliE AT .fill.NGKIEt.l.
A i rovisional Woodmen of the
World lodge has been otganlzed at
SprliiKlleld and at present has a rneiu-tier-hip
of 21. New members ore com
ing In, and the In'tc-t! will S'liin have
a numbers.';' n 2"i the number
necessary for a regular lodge.
Dally Guard, January .
H. ti. Election. Tha U D Sunday
a.Oiool yesterday elected otllcers as fol
lows for the ensuing term: Huptrin
temleiit, J L eigler; assistant auiwr
Iritendeut, M V Harrison; secretary
Miss Klina Heiidlcks; treasurer, Mrs t
Cliwo; organist, Miss Nora Luckey;
assintant organist, Miss Audrey Cl e.
lially .nard, January 7.
Makkik.I). At the Mlnaeaota ln usu
ill I lii- city lat evening, J""U
lHlsj, lt. v H F tiilt onieiuliliK,Hr
Holydeld aud Miss Etta Farlow. J
I1,1JMII BBbM fUH BUB HUM Vri KksJikiyjfia
Dress Goods.
. ,. .... , f J
.. I "'-, in. n nil, I I
2jc; hmiIIi oil.-. ill. wool irci v..hi1h
worth 4oc, fir .'U'. ""i in. ul wmil
..ll..J.I il J'..i .lit I I I ..P.... I
i mi iki-
" oiiiiioih, muni i mr uuu
:ilt '" " wo"' rctiiiiimtn, Worth iiOo
ftl L
i"1 '"v
All Wool, red, 20c; U-lter for 33c Hint
40o. Outing Flaiittuls, 20 ydu, tl OO;
U'Arl It ft I n
(worth Clo,
20 yds for ,
Linen Toweling 14 yds for.,
Tat.l Oil Cloth, 20c per yd,
,. 1.00
lien 1 u oz overall.
Window lillnds.
The County Central committee Trail
sacting ' linslaess.
Dally Guard, Januarys.
The nonullst cmintv central coin.
mitteo met at the court house this
foreuoou at 10 o'clock, with W 11
Spaugh as chairman and K P Cald
well, secretary. The al tendance was
Petitions were presented asking the
oountv court to appoint one poinill.t
Judge and clerk of election in each of
the precincts, and a committee of
three was appointed to appear before
the court with the same.
Then a gentleman Introduced a reso
lution endorsing the IS mad Axe for
the course it had pursued. Hpaugh
Immediately vacated the chair with
tho evident intention of fighting the
resolution, when ltro Amis mildly
moved the previous question, and
Spaugh turned as pale as a ghoet, and
was trembling with rage. A number
of speeches were made, notwithstand
ing the rule to the contrary. When
the question was put It was on a rising
vote aud It was carried by a Inrte ma
jority with much applause, and James
' i mole a smile" and then thunked liiJ
able defemUra.
After thisHpaiigh resume I the chair
and his feet, and deuouueed Amis as a
"traitor" and many other eholco
names. The gentfemeul composing
Ihit committee however were shocked
at his (remarks and plninlyl showed
they did not approve of them, and he
was called to order. He said thai the
real question wai fusion or antl-fuslou
aud he wanted them to settle the
matter at onco. He was laboring un
der considi rable excitement. How-
tTor, the members of the party were
nearly all In favor of choking oil the
remarks and Hpaugh sat down with a
look of disgust, as he could see that
the prevailing sentiment was against
Amis then arose ami slated that
Spaugh Ditirt retract the false state
ments made publicly. He did so iu a
fli m way.
After this Klllott all the boys kniw
him Mated that "this Is no place for
a fight," and the crowd yelled.
The committee en Judges aud clerks
of election then read 'heir report.
A resolution was Introduced by some
ferson, resolving that tho populists of
,ane couutv were In favor of the
Omaha platform, and while in favor
of tho Initiative und referendum, did
not believe In the party making the
fight on a single plank platform; aud
furl hur resolving against a fusion tick
ct This was prom nt ly laid on the
table witli considerable apphnMc.
No lime was set fur a county con
vention. On motion ai'nu-"ed.
No Assessment. l'nro will he no
assessment In the Pacillc; Jurisdiction,
Woodmen ol the Win hi, for January.
This noble order has Juat cloed a very
prosperous year, atid is now starting
out upon tha new year with still
hrlnhtcr prospects. During the year
18!5 there were only ten assesiineiits
In this Jurisdiction.
City Uniov Ki,etion The city
Union of the Y P S 0 E has elected
ofllcers vs follows: President, Fannie
Condon; vice president, Miss Emma
Chase; secretary, Johu Haudsaker;
treasurer, CD Edwards.
IkiH.v. At Junction City, Oregon,
J muaiy 4tli, l8"). to the wife of E U
Haudtaker, a daughter.
O 0 o
!''niit'f tj.o Loi.ih, 12 jiN.
,...$! o.
... 1 00
.... 1 on
... 1 IM
... 1 no
.... 1 !M)
iU 1 00
... 1 00
, I tllM ., 11 J'llH
, iiMif lif. J.". yi!
I'n.l,. if ice W'iKt. !l vil
II. . I . . ' , . ,
t n'.nn y i i, iir i .vii, vu
, j,., 4 ,1 vils
L'lililiuchcil f'oltoii llaiinul,
Li w ..11 .... 1 in . i..
:o v
y ihuhi huuiki, iujus
20 yd
....fl O0
18 yds Htiimlanl priutx..
1 00
is vd Inilico Much 1 00
... ....... in
Extra made Herman prluta 10
Rubber Boots,
Men'a Kuan 1'roof Hip, every pair
warranted; worth f 00, for 5 00
beHt iuality.
Men' tx-st fluidity hip boots; worth
f50, fort 100.
Men' hip bnotn; worth $4 25, fur
365. . . . .
Meu'a kino Dooti Nov
Judge I'nllci ton's Father Dies He
tneen Salem aud Turner
Dally Osatd, Januarys.
Circuit Judge J C Fullerton's father,
well-known iu Houtheru Oregon as
"Mickey" Fullerton, died suddenly of
heart disease on tho ltoseburg local
train today somewhere lielween Salem
and Turner. '
Mr Fullerton had been at Portland
and was returning homo to ltoseburg
today. He was aged alout SO years,
,wl u,.. lu,,w mliwr nulla fmddo. After
the train left Halem he complained of
being oo la ami aaavu mu unimumN i
build a fire for him. This the brake-
HI. I ,i,l ll,an naulalufl tha old
gentleman to a seat near the stove.
v nen toe agau iai-iiii;i n
I k... il.u LhIiuihui I,, u.a rtnarl.
M3L I V.WM til l',i. ..u - -
lie wix MltlnR upright In hU leal, bin
l.mA llsa.s taililiitr ilriuittil fnrwRril.
llnu wmn asi i bk is . .
and 1rulU Ih'Idk foldetl Iu front of
11., l,,,,l lu,l amtilplllv without
any outcry r niovstneut, and no one
tu the car it new tnni anytuiog wnn
tha mutter until the brttkemeii an
nounced the sad news.
1.M7 .',,..!,., lull i.r lllla clt V WIlB
on laiard tho traiu, but his services
were or no use,
iM.u l...,U .... u lrnn.rurr.wl 111 the
AIIU i'iiii n.a iinn,.i
baifgage car and taken through to
ltoseburg on the same train.
Dally Guaid, January 7.
In Limbo Again. Jas McFarlaud,
the squaw man of unenviable reputa
linn u iii llmlm airnlii. liavimr been ar
rested this afternoon by Marshal Day.
iWcrarlanu lias been naruormg rraua
Uiew. an rx-lllinais oi too aiaie leiwi in
school, for several daya past, and has
. . . . . , . ii. i..
ueen giving ine oo.y tooacco, nu ii, in
suspected tn at he also gave hint wills
ky, hence his arrwu. ue was given
a hearing belore Itecorder Dorris as
the (jil'AKD want to press.
Mail ltoseburg Devlew: 'A num
iu,r ,r ii i r oil I ,, na am fuellnir oulta In
dignant livcause their premises have
lieen w art hed fur Bauil. U. Drown, the
escaped murderer. This 111 fueling
against the ofllcers" ought not to exist.
They were only delng what the laws
provide for wnen, oy rumor or oiner
wlsii. thev mav liave reason to believe
that a criminal may have secreted
himself upon any citizen's premises."
Dally Uuard, January 7.
Fokty-Fivk Tosh. -Tha Qypy left
down the river this morning with 45
tons of freight, comlsting tirluclpally
of produce and household goods.
Amoug the lot were 800 sacks of Hour
consigned by tlie Eugene- Mill and
Elevator Co. and a consignment of
tatocs from Chase & Co.
Yotr Ahk Digiit. Salem Journal:
"Thnrji'-, of the Collage drove and
I, i, i ii I., .i I -r, has mlnp'ed a plnt
form that will bring priwis-rliy to Ore
gon red winter apples and Poland
China swine, he will do more good fur
Lane county and Oregon than some
men who go t.i congress.
Died. At the county por.r farm at
Thurston, January 0, 18iJ, Ed Ehbertte,
ail Inmate of the farm, aged 72 years
According to a decree ofJudgeKul
II van, of Whitman county. Dora HeU
slug and John Hwlslng, who were re
cently divorced by the Judge, must
marry again within six months. The
wcrd "not" was left out of tho decree
betweeu "shall" and "marry."
mid 4.
All wool
All wool, worth ft)..
All wool, worth $8.6 .0
Hood cotton, worth K .. 2 00
I'artwool. 1 want . ,u iw our
lino. Too nunieroua to mention.
I'tlcca, Imc, f 1.00 and 1.50,
Furnishing Goods.
Men's Wool SnU.. IS.
Men's Heavy Cotton, Worth .08.. .05.
Mod's Fine Cmlunoro KocKs 25.
Men's Navy lllus Over-nhlrts,
Worth f 1.73. For ...$1.45.
Meu's Uuder-ahlrts aud Drawers,
Worth .60, tor 40.
Men's Undersblrts 25.
Men's Good Wool UudeMlilrta
and Draweti 85.
Meu's Extra Li lie All Woo elilrtn
and Drawers, each .$1.25.
U. S. Li nJ Gomn; aslonep.
Joel Wore.havinjr, boon an
pointed U. S. Circuit Court
Commissioner for tho district
of Oregon, is now prepared
to make. Homesthad Filings,
Final Proofs, and tako tes
timony iu Contest Cases.
Havin!? had thirty vcars ex-
pcrienco in this lino, ho will
guarantee- satisfaction in
overy caso. Oflico in Odd
Fellows Uuilding, Eugone,
Suiiiewhat Different.
AeonesDondentwrltlnK from Crook,
Crook county, Oregou, uuderdateof
Dec. ilOlh, says:
Tha weather here Is somewhat dif
ferent from Webfoot. HnowaboutS
inches deep, stock of all kinds are poor
and moat all ranchers are feeding. I he
grass is shorter than It has been for ten
years owing to the drouth. Cattle are
not selling for tho figures ther did last
spring. Hprlng calves. 5 to7; stock
cattle, $13 to IIS per head; horses no
Installation at I.orane. Depu
ty Prosecuting Attorney J M Williams
and 1 L Himpson have relumed from
Lornne, where they weut to attend an
Installation of ofllcers of the I O ) F
Indgoatthat place. Those Installed
were: W A Cake. N O: KSAnder
son, V O; D O Palm, Secj W H Itav,
Per See; W I i:oieman, rreas; w iw
Inman, 11 H N 0; H Hartley, LHNO;
W VaMtfhnn. RM V(i: WllDoak, L.
tf V O; W MoCowen, Cond; I P Inman,
Warden; John White, 1 U.
Real Kstut'j Trannactloni.
Oregon and California I all read Co
to Thomas Hodand, 80 acres Iu T 20,
8 1tOWit200.
Inaiaut DeaUU
Dakkk Citv, Or., Jan. (i Another
fatal accident occured at the Virtue
lulno thl mon ltig. WalhrD Crans
ton, airod 30. ft il from one i f the lower
levels down ti e shaft, a dii uuce of 100
feet, meeting instant deatl .
Talk ahou lilith tax. , Col:c,
Washington, I ikss (he I I wltl. 43
uillls, lust abo i j twhe ' it Eug - ie
iieople pay, I ilng count , and a te
20 mills, spwli I t'iiinol, T. nllls, (.ity
15) mills, me assiissmn i mere is
high also, lain:; 1 1,230, ;5 In the
A Kansas g! 1 has sued .cung man
forf-VOOO for damages to her nerves
frnoi helnir sill ih'lllv hUES" I. ItWO'lld
lie easy to understand i i at sort of
.. . .. M - Mi- 1---.
tiling in mo nr eueie j'.asi. wurm
there are hart ly any him, but the
auiiaatlall OIIL'1,1 not to coOin with SUCll
an overpowering shook to a Eugene
The Dulles Chronicle lays: Mla
Clara Condon, who has been visiting
Mr and MrsJD Condon for a week
ortnoie, has Mturned to Pendleton.
...est line ever ollcred. $3.00 hats
and $2.50 hats for $1.75 Kedoria bats,
75c, $1.00 and $1.35, $2.50 bats,
dorl. for $2.00.
Itnys' liatu, 35o and 46c.
Bilk hats, $3.00.
20 yds Shirting For
8cut Bhlrtlng For
12j cent Hhlrtlng- For...
, .07.
' " VI ri I --"r - - -- -
Almost everybody takts some laxatlva
medicine to cleanse the system and keep the
blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS
Liver regulator (liquid or powder)
f;st all the benefits of a milJ and pleasant
axatlve and tonic that purifies the blood
and strengthens the whole system. And
more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU
LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active
and healthy, and when the Liver Is In
good condition you find yourself free from
Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Slck
HtaJache and Constipation, and rid of
that worn out and debilitated feeling.
These are all caused by a sluggish Liver.
Good digestion and freedom from stomach
troubles will only be had when the liver
Is properly at work. If troubled with any
of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER
REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi
cines, and Better than Pills.
Has tha Z Stamp (n red oo wrapper.
J. II. Zellln Co., Phlla., Fa,
Dally Uuard, Januarys.
I. O. O. F. Installation. Spencer
Hutta Lodire. No. 0. I. O. O. F.. of this
city held Its regular semi-annual
Installation or on leer last nignt as
follows; N ii. W McGee: V i. M
Svarverud; seoretary, M F Dorris;
treasurer, A O Hovev; It 8 N O, I L
Simpson: L L N O, Geo F Croner; W,
Thos Jenkins; C, A N (striker; R 8 8,
Chas Croner; L 8 8, H h Chllson;
chaplain, L 0 Deckwlth; O O, Wm
Williams; IO, JH Lamrson; R 8 VO,
8 E Drown; L 8 V ti, O O bkldmore.
After Installation a grand banquet was
served and asocial time bad.
i fmwnm fit mnn uri Vila wlfa Is
n J ' "
clear gone on economy receutly she
l.r.,,nl.l a hat. far ftflif nanta anil nut
elevtn dellars and fifty cents worth of
trimming ou n.
Highest Hono World' Fair,
lold Msdal, Midwinter Fair.
Most rrfect Made.
tc Years the Standard.