The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 04, 1896, Image 5

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    DECEMBER 27.
et Is Inactive.
";tlnS tohavoa.Uum
,rt,d W lncM-MU-epI"
&;iB.on the river.
m,le.l some alto-
l1"1"' ..i.i . .ri.trnnOII.
e asylum at baleuiJ
week ,or
, tiliK in lmluliel
h . . i enmity central com.
tVR"r "it S ine "court hoaM In
Ma" .n..,uuyba.
F'" Z r ..ret "'W calandcr
ft. a vrry I rU ' w .
"- . .. bJ 4. II r I .
Urn ppolnM to u.trJ
lTrlvr ud lrbr work.
. u iwi rolling
la Oil HIO " ' " 1 ,!n7l
EiumI under the new manage-
.Ingram killed a large IK.II
Atr.i..ii. Washington, last
I .. Wr. n n 10 IIP OI
R iiielured over seven feet.
cV-"NE Markley received n
LoegbUI walch i it
from us ai"".
tun, tno is
iCO. I
9 . . . -,l u
Oregon scout, iuuiincii .
i...A.n enlarged to thi seven-
1 ilii noire size, ana maintain
fitinj as one of the bent in the state.
FiTri.ii iiiddle. of HurrUburg,
L'had throe attempt made tip-
r . i ...ill ... . tt 'I I i la
lira recently, win
near where her parents are, to
In order to gel away irum ..
I 7 . .
nrw1 (.Ulcers in Eugeno Lamp
5 ohIhiiiii of the World will
B'V4 one week from tonight --
ar.l. The lustalliitiim cere-
uy n snot.
l cal
murders and traiu
will be followed
Intid social,
teaman: If Oregon
.. ilivir irrlt. I)
I . rwili urow less frouuent.
L,nd efleclive justice is tne gnai
Mprrunt of such crime.
ru will not bo many cattle lert
. . I .I.I. fl..lnr
hu r.itufA TO llllBUO tins ""'."'I
Lftlie stockmen having plenty of
'iid belug prepare.! to siana uune
-ofebld weather, says the Cou
Ity, Wash, News.
jiss O'Donnell, a miner at tne
e u.'.ue near Baker City, Tuesday
k fell down a abaft from the Sou
level to the bottom, a dlstnuce of
fret. His brain were uasneu uuv
j bone in his imtiy oroaen.
X iern Oiegon ranoher by the
., biith has oflered the Jgovern
. . hi.uil if RHvalrr hoisea 111
ITW M with England. Tbli is a
InU'il A Patriotism.
H.,rf!v?v.n. between Adama
A.lurfa. tin" founa uve
b Itmi had bee " ?vef,
&MUVIKlltllll w
a .1.. aU.k
HUU UIC "liivi
Id Kill I way
L Tn were dead
md legs cut olF.
t Dalles Chronl'de:
n irt In the city
Miss Clara
filing her, Mrs J 11 Co.. m.
L, U a daughter of .vf'f
m Condon, the emiBentg.010"
o::, and wen known to in - r-
I ti Dalles through his past
Ke Congregational euurcn u
yaru ago.
it Imprint: During the month
vember the Albany creamery
3, 3M pounds of butter, being n
M 594 pounds over the previou
lTr to the present lime mis
111, 2,BU2 pounds have been mane.
ulhig price per pouna uunujv-j
Bcia. Nov 22J ctsautt ueoa.j
on cll-ide, retiring president of
ft'ration of JjaDor, win pruu-
ia into tue newspaper u.u.j.".
iolliired the editorship of the la-
i.imr itutnt nr one ui
niuwps. Htid iintt been ankcd to
c l ... . If...
clmrga of a daily paper at .w
:!, Uj lils Dome.
ln i.oon nnlveii at Canyon
ti'h, two liovs, 8 aud 11 years oni,
f I'M ward Maloney, wereurown-
..i.f u-iii 1b itiwii iiic t ie riouin
Ulal riwor uVrll 111! eS MOrlll OI
..nuiiia rixtir lwiHt was found
ttiiur the river empty. Iheir
ion have not yet been iouuu.
delleate little C-year-old giriar-
1 in tirant'i Pns. from Walpeter
KiiAHutf nil nlmip. A shipuinx
Iattftclied to tilt conar u
cloak read: "Mabel J.or.i
Mury Halleck, her aunt
nt'A puss, Or." Bhe had evidently
tn kindly cared for on her Journey,
iJ rejlie'd hor friend"! all right,
fhe aoldlers' home trustees have
in in Minion with a full board for
putt two days. The time was
ent In iiiidltlnn- hills, etc fhev also
Irertised for plans for the building of
BiMsnilal not to exceed a cost oi tuw.
Iieexecutive committee will meet in
ilem Hi February, not later than the
ith. tflkouslder the Dlann. Thetrus
adjourned to meet agaiu Maroh 24,
wo. I
Albany Democrat: A Eugene
utchef irives an 18 cash prize to the
Himuer guessing nearest the weight
' a tssrf ho m exhibition, to be given
aiunlay night. As there are more
-'ni who know just what a hog
I than auything else thU will be
Democrat would like to hav
o " ne tell )ust what the Salem ho
v. As it is pretty licht now, our
City being ud its good behavior,
Qtss high.
A quiet tialuiduy. .
A l.eivy front this morning.
J.snp year (iuimemis Weduenday.
Rodney rt.ritl was In Eugene today.
Next. Wediieftd iy i" the first day of
Mr Wliitsett ol ( reswell Is In town
J RKcllum was In from Pleasant Hill
Uev Hiiiii-! (pilte sick at (.'cUiife
lion A ! Woodcock Is home from
County Clerk .leliniugM Is on tin sick
list today.
Tim Oy'pv will, be here Monday
Cr'ios llarUeli hH recovered his large
MAstiif dog...
Arch Smiih -f Cubury, was. in Eu-
Kuo today.
John Diiimoiid was over from Co-
burg today.
Hon H 11 Miller returned from Cor-
vallls todayi
MIh Leota Ply mate went lo llulsy
this morning.
Geo Alexander returned Ik Lebanon
this iiiorning.
Russell WyullYof. Albany, came up
this afternoon.
Hon ht L Moorhead. of Junction
City, U in town-.
V J Inckey of HarrUburgdld bus!
nesA In Eugeue today.
Hon C K Wilkinson returned to
Portland this niorniug.
Miss 81:ivter returned this afternoon
from h visit to Pwrtlond.
U II Hawlev Is quite sick with
typhoid fever at Croswell.
There are now 3'JU prisoners in tlie
state penitentiary
Perrins comet Is said to be now vis
ible at 4 o'clock in the morning.
Arthur Wattle, of Portland, is spend
lug the holidays at home.
Prof. Ortnii returned this afternoon
from visit at Junction City.
Mm t? D Combs and children were
passengers to Kalcm this morning.
An auction sale tabuing conducted
at CJ l!ci.tiii!iu' store this afternoon.
Rev A Tlnncll, the evangelist uf
Sacmmenlo, California, Is in the city
MIhscs Iiclle Lyons and Carrlo Cow
gill have returned from u vltlt t Wal
Wulter Hinlth and Miss lVVanry
will lie married tit Thurston New
Year's day.
'Ph.. Mh.oiiIo lodue of Junction ('Ity
held a public installation of fflcera
luft eveiiing.
MrsTJCialir and Mrs Harris n
l timed this afternoon from a visit at
AMP.nor I) P. Rurlon is at Palitrn on
before the Siato bmrd of
Clin a .Inhtismi I.HS rrttUriled to Ell
o-piie. after an absence of aeveral
months at Hrowusvllle.
Prof Joseph Wldmcrleft forbwiattle
thla nini-uW after simidiiii: a few
days with his parents.
Tl. nrmltrv growers of Salem and
wlclnitv met today to arrange foi a
poultry show at that city.
Misses Myraand Lou Norrls went to
iiiieitnii Cliv this morulne for a few
days visit with relatives.
Miss Lottie White went to CottugD
Grove this afternoon, where she Is eu
irairel in teaching school
(' W Dovlo will en to Portland to
morrow, w he. e lie will visit aliout a
week and then return to 8au Francis
fio II Skinner, a brother-in-law of
I'll it Uuara, Dccmber2S
Tihkeys. - J. II Sellare of
nt Hill today brought Into town
lurkevs that welifhed 75 pounds
u- l. Turkev rauge must be good
1 fiunt Hill.
G W Martin and formerly a
here, arrived la-t uighl from
Capt H P Nelson, of Baker City, has
. 1 . . . C? I I ....
arrived in town to open me ouiunm
Army work here. He expects help
a few days.
A woman br the name of Hughes of
Hnrlnirfteld. was in town today
limnrinor alma for her eraiiUson, who is
n orphan.
lrs Bargcss, w ho has been spending
av rat nays wun xvev aim d
GiHaj It, lell tins morning lor ncr iioum
at Ya-iuina.
Mis. Bwaiilt, who has been visiting
several days at the home of her bwth
a t i'oekerline. returned to her
'lt . .-1 l.l ....rulnir
lionin ikl n.'lieiu ion
Tim Wunriell aud wife, former n
j..... fti.i. ritv. came up from At
UVIIIB w' tf ,
l...... ilila nrisrUOOIl lo nurim a it"
day; with Mr and Mrs 11 F Holleu
iihuid Tidings: H W Holdun rtf the Kuuene street car
h .1 mi todav's train en route
i Foit Worth, Texas, to be gone Home
ihirtv davs.
nu.A .... .ii. I for Ciisa and Pool, the
,t...i train rohbors. has askud
a.... .iiiph to urenaro for a niotlou
, .. .. irui The renucst has been
loi th it r ....... .: ...
r,vtA,l liv Judiro lhillinger.
n vv rrowi.ll is loadniK his stock of
lewelry and store rlxtures for ihlpuient
J,;. wofiihern California. He has not
v.Mleeided udoii a location
El'rov was a passenger for hugcim tins
'rZ..l ,i,',.ro ho will loin his fanil-
" - .'.i;;..t visit with relatives
iy ill m -...
mil frimids.
WTEukln is engaged at the court
house In copying f.o.n the ;'";''
rolls the amount of taxable r" r
iut his city for the purpose,
mining the amount of city tax Jecus
BSry to bo levied.
Albany Democrat: Should tl eie be
u levy of 7 mill made by the s'ate ;
Or.goii there will be a imwl go u
that will t heard. It is declared sue!
a levy will be necessary. '1 ;'ie f
levy was only three inms, uooui .......
It ought to be. It will le time enough
lo talk after the levy is made.
Hou C K Wilkinson, examluci in
., i .... , ui I'ortliind. re-
IIIU ( liniw... .......... - - - - .
turned to that city today, after -peiiil-
lnir Christmas at ins iioine m "
rliy Mr Wilkinson is one ot Oiegon s
brightest young men, and posesses
ureal lionety and InU-grlty of charac
ter. While he Is at present a govern
ment employe at Portland, yet that
does not necessitate that he change his
riu'ht of residence, and Eugene is proud
to claim liiui as one of her tltlxens.
PriUi'tinux for
Teu Days.
The Sew Diphtheria Treatment.
In a U'o.'iit weather bulletin Prof.
Foster give fori cunts of the storm
waves to cross the continent from 21xt
to L'itll and U7th lo 3Ut.
The next dinlurbaiice, according to
this authority, will reach the i'acitlo
coal about January 1st, cross the went
ol Rockies country by close of I'd, the
great central valleys 3d loom, l-.asteru
states (ith.
This disturbance will culminate the
first period of moderate temperatures
January and following it win uu
ubouttwo weeks of low but fluctuat
ing tern pcratu res. Then again will
come twu weeks of modvrule tempera.
tures culiuiuutinir in the highest tem-
peiatures uliout 27ih to lIKili west of
the MIa'iH.-ii.iil and the -UtU ,md SUtli
further eiii-t.
The w arm wave w ill front Hie west
of Rockies eouuuy about January 1st,
great central valh-s 3d, l-.uttni suites
6lh. ( iniI wuve will i'tot-s the west ot
of It khs country about January 4th,
im'Bl central valhys Cth, Eastern
states Bth.
Tills disturbance will not cause gen
eral precipitation but will inaugurate
long I if nou oi neavy nuows nun
ruins which will average heaviest
r January east of the itockiei and
iuth of Denver, St. Louis. Cincinnati
and Washington, extending to Hie
Northern states the last of the month
and in February.
By the close or r ehruary the wnoie
United States ill be in a good Condi
tiou as to rainfall but Mar h will In
augurate a dry period for large ior
lions ol the country. April and May
will cause serious drouths in pinccs,
to such an ext. ill, at least, a to make
It advisable not to put in certain crops
fur the drouth will surely muke thciii
Other localiut'8 win nave iihi iimm-h
rain. t he crop m-anon oi i;m mm a
geuoral dcllciincy of rain but It will
not bo that way In iwti l.iirge Mo
tions v. ill have too much, other hirce
meltons a dellciency, so that for the
whole country aliout an average rain
fall may lie expected.
.UUblcnl Ki'ivpti'ia.
Pslly tiisil, Puwnilur
Among the uijoyuble events of the
linli.liivK whs Hie reception last even-
' ht lliu horn ! of Hon J it m-a lung
on renin anu ii'ku sirei-is, iuiuk m
the members ol 'he l'.pwcrt'i League
l.v Mises Jiko Mci'lung and KaiM-
i.nno l'atlersoi. Sixty guests were
orcsciit. Tlisiailors were beautifully
decornttd in Pi ic and mistletoe while
(Ii4 diiimtr t in w un its i'.ngiiso iy
(inisticallv ai ra iged pre.-outed a
lii.rinlni to nice. Misses lvern.,
Wilkiiisaud Wilton presided at the
tulila. Tliu iiv.iiing win Mieiit mi
gucsMing piui.lod conuiidrunn suagis
cil hv the various 'obiects about tl !
..... .
room, and hi imuciung musical en
positions with their composers. Se
eral pleasant selections wcie sunt'.oi e
being a luss soio oy .ur viyue hjrib.
At eleven o'clock tne guesis uepaid u
with wishes for many returns of the
Dally Uurd, Pvctinber 2.
A Nakiiow Kscape. Mr. P.rook-
man. oi independence, nan a n"
e-(aio this morning from a serious ac-
eii'.ent II not (lealli. n was gouir! i"
take parage on the locul train, but le
maliicd on the platform unlii after the
train started. Hu then started lo Mcp
In tho car. but slipped and fell, one leg
fulling across the rail but a foot or so
ahead of the wheels lie recovered
himself in time to prevent boing run
over, lie then huoiii neu in kvi
tho back cud of the train, but swung
out aud struck the express muck
standing on the platform and was
knocked down. J lie nam was men
stopped and In; got on, with no more
serious injuries than a few bruises.
The noxt time he trnvcls he will proh-
ably get on tho train before it starts.
ently, and is highly pleased with the
csults obtulned. Au etl'ort was made
l)ll j Guard, Decomtx-r '.'H.
Pi.kasant Party. A pleasant
nnrtv was clvell at tho home of Misses
Murv and Cora Prilchctt last evening.
Rxfreshn ents . were served. Those
present were Mr and Mrs John Hess,
h rim k Wilkinson and sistets. Mettie
Htellu and Albert Gonlan, ltoheri
Klnenian. Miss Llllie Pool. Miss liaiiia
Peunington, Mrs Kissinger, miss
Frances Brown, Sarah Harnsler, Elva
Iyons, Noah Purkerson, A K Me
Pherson. Knnls Mcl'herson, Clara
Hum. Bertha Young. James Nettlo
ton. Delbert Andrew and Robert
Psllr liuard, Dtct'Uibor :7.
Dr W Kuykendall has used tho new
diphtheria treatment, known as aiitl-
loxinu, ou a couple or ms pansuis re-
results obtulned
to secure a quantity of anti-toxine
when Mrs Wiudeii was takeu with
diphtheria, but as it has been used
bill very little In this couutry none
could be obtained. However, a tresli
supply was received lu Portland re
cently, and Dr Kuykendall secured
small quantity.
A few words concerning this anti
toxine will briiiitcrcsilng. In securing
it a healthy young horse Is taken, and
subjected to injections of diptheria
virus, in very small quantities at first,
which Is increased until no amount of
virus injected w 111 produce auy ell'ect
upon the horse. The virus is injected
into his system until lie possesses im
mtiiiity to it. His blood is theu drawu
and undergoes a process of preparation
into the anti-toxine. Then this prep
aration is injected Into tho system of
diphtheria patients.
i)r Kuvkeiidall patient was me
daughter of J G Stevenson, tho county
school superintendent. The nit in-
liratie which forms in diphtheria had
formed about the tonsils of the patient
aud was rapidly spreading and threat
encd to form in the larynx, when the
disease assumes a serious form. The
anti-toxine was injected into the sys
tem of the patient about 3 o'clock one
afternoon and the next moriiingthu
spreading of the membiaue was not
only interrupted, but was rapidly dis
appearing trom tho tonsils anil oilier
places wheie it had formed. The
patient is now recovering nicely, and
Dr Kuykendall thinks this treatment
is far ahead of unything ever liefore
introduced lor tho treatment of diph
theria. An'l-toxiue has been known lo the
medical fraternity but a short time.
At first it was produced only in Ger
many tint now a fairly good urticle is
produced in this country, and will
doubtless be In general u;-o by the
im diciil fraternity.
The Kugeiic Utni Factory.
Pally (iUlJ, Pvccuibfr's.
Mr G A Sachs, the founder and
manager oft he Eugene Gun Factory,
has his machinery again ill operation
and bus been at woik for ubout two
weeks. Diirim; the Idleness of the
factory Mr. Saciis busied himself In
trodiicing his gun. of a hammcrless
pattern and undoubtedly one of the
best evi r Invented, and he now has
hiree orders ahead.
Kvcrv piece of machinery in the
factory Is of his own design und every
thing'. constructed of the best ma
terial obtainable. He now has con
structed all the machinery necessary
for gun making, with the exception of
an appliance for emerylng a gun Unrrei
aflir it is bored, which lie is now- con
structim?. Mr Sachs and his force are
now busy turning out twenty-four
guns, whlcu they win compiuie in
ii I mi it. h month. Orders are now lu
for over tiOO nuns, which, with the
present force of workmen, would re
quire three years time to complete
bucli n condition nnorus nrigni. pio-
pects for the factory. Mr Sachs win
secure additional workmen as soon as
possible, and if orders continue to como
in iu in increase me capacity in ins
factory lu all respects as fast as his re
sources w ilt permit. He has a large
order from San Francisco to till and
additional orders foiui various coiu-t
Mr Sachs has met with many
ditllctiliies since undertaking this en
terprise but with untiring energy has
unshed on l mil lie now neuiiis iw
experlnce a relaization of his hopes.
Thomas Todd Killed.
Mr. Thomas Todd, who resided hero
for some time aril attended school
whs killed recently near Fallbrook
California. He wai working for his
brother, who lias a bee ranch near n milt when lie met his death was
on his wav to the city with a load of
produce. When going down a steep
ill he was anplvinir the brako with
his foot with all Ills power, when his
foot slipped and he was thrown before
the waiioii. The wheels of the loaded
wHiron missed over Ills body and he
received lnluries which caused his
death In four hours. He was a brother
of Mr. A. Todd, of Cottage Grove, and
had many acquaintances In this city
who will rcirret to leuru of bis unfor
tunate death.
Capt. Srmens' Keport Improvements
I Slu.lnir,
Tf.npkkkkto a Si'ouank Man.
HO: President Chapman of the Ulil-
vuisity of Oregon at Fugciie has been
In Spokane In the
.leiif ileiiiirtmeut of t hat Institution.
lis chair of music has been tendered to
Prof. Fran. Mueller or Spokane and
President Chapuiaii went to confer
with him in relation to, the matter.
Prof. Mueller has not yet decided to
accept tho oiler, as he is well pleased
wltlihls work In Spokane.
Pally Uiisrd, Dccemtwr I!.
Moving. .Messrs Lo igiimiUvr it
Peter ate niovii g their stock of hard
ware aud fiirir implements Into the
Hendricks building, Just across the
street from their old location on !nh
street. Thv v 111 occupy the building
after January 1 It has been divided
into two ilenir n.enis olio for hard
ware and tlie o' h r for linplc neiits
p.illj Ui i.l. l)i comber W.
,.ni....n were inf ti lied III Kugetie loike
No 11, A F it A M, last evening us
r,.itu .1 I. Pu . W M: E O Potter,
S W; P E Hi. dgrasi, J W; J C
Church. Treis; .1 F Robinson, Se ;
Howard Davis. ;-t I); E McClure, J
l; V McFaliai d, Tyler.
Want a l'l KB. A young fin
raiser who live near Eugene adver
...... i.i tii. wuiit columns otthehuii
Fram-lsco Examiner to correspond
with n young lady with a view oi
riniony. His poslotlkebox Is now full
of square envelopes.
Jl'iMMK.vr Ghantki). Corvallis
Time.: A decision lias been received
at the clerk's oillce, ordering that J C
Goodale recover Judgment by default
against R U Headman for lwi, togeth
er with costs of action and interest
since August, 1W1.
The annual remrt of Captain Thorn
as W Symous, of the Luitud State
engineers, upon the Improvement of
certain rivers and harbors iu Oregon
has been received, and, among other
things, lias the following about the
Improvements of the Siuslaw harbor
in this county:
Moutliof Siuslaw river, Oregon
The Siuslaw river enters the ocean lu
the midst of a vast, shifting, sandy
beach, without any lieadlaudor fixed
point to determine the location of the
etilrauco channel. Tho iliiconllned
channel has a range of about one
mile, over which It wanders. 1 ho
depth of the bur varUs from Mo 12
feet at low water, and the bar channel
s very variable in position and cireu-
tlo i. At times a channel running
nearly parallel with tin" coast Is de-
eloied inside the bar. nils channel
is nanow. tll-di-lliied and dangerous,
us boats have to pass through It in the
trough or the sea. At other times
there are two channels.
The plan of Improvement is to con.
flue the waters butweon high-tide
brush and stone jetties, so located as
to direct tho currents upon the bar lu
direction practically perpendicular
with the coast. The north letty will
be 40UO feet long, tlie south jetty 8L'(
feet long, aud they are to converge to
an entrance or 000 feet wide at tho
crest of the bar. The estimated cot Is
"The amount extended prior to
June 30. 1K!)4. was The
tramway was built to a length or 300
feet, aud paitlally enrocked, but the
work lias not progressed suiiicieiiuy to
product- any results or importance.
"At me ciixo oi mis iwriixi me
tramway and wharr had been badly
duimiued bv storms and landslides.
Tlie amount expended during me
year ending June 30, 1A, ae J -OOH.
"A contract was made for the re
pair and extension of the jolty tram
wav. tlie placing irus;i inuurusses,
ami the eiirockmeut of the Jetty. At
the close of the year the contractor had
but fairly commenced operations uu
der his contract, and no material bene-
(Us had resulted.
The appropriations unn unt to
July 1, IS'.il, ba'snro uiicxpeinled . . t 1,:1IS9,
Amiuiiit nitiiruiiriattsl bv lii-l of Au-
mist t7. IK'I s.i,iHuiu
June ., l'-'.'.', nmuuul emended dur
ing lifi-nl yenr
I JtVllhfc
i.tW f.J
July. 1VA'.. ba'auce iineipenileil la.TainO
July I, Is'.ii, oulalaudiiiK
hsbllltles fcUUO
July I, Is'.ii, amount eor-
Ml..l 1V I II Ull l)ilIl'U
cuiitraet It.iVi.V)- II, 60S Ml
July I.1VJ.-I, bslaneo'svallsUo I la.niow
Amniint f.tlmatfiP riMinlrcd fur ooui-
lilelUm ol existiliK ln)eiH $005,0001)0
Amuuul thul i-a bo i.romtilily expend
ed lu ii.cai year tiuiiug jiiiiu
lr.L7 ' I 'J VOOOOO'
Simietliliig About The Oue
About The
To Award the Pknnant. -
meeting of the committeo to decide
upon which team Is entitled to the
pennant In tho intercollegiate foot bull
sarle. will be held at Portland Janu
ary 2. The U. of O. boys have no
rear of the result nf the committee
Investigations, but feel assured they
will he awarded the pennant. Iho
committee) will be composed of one
alumnus of each college and universi
ty iu the Ir ngue. Prof. S. E. McClure
will represent tne univeisiiy oi uie-
Pally Guard, Peceuibur 27,
A PA Demonstiiation. I'Iic local
A P A lodge Is prepaiing for a demon-
ration on the evening of January 1.
They will scud boys through tlie
streets of the city ringing oens anu
ilisnluvlnir banners of the A 1 A order
about ft or 0 o'clock In the afternoon of
New Year's day. Tlie object Is to let
tlie people know that there Is such an
organization in the city, and no doubt,
also, to drum up new members. The
lodge lu this city has beeu In existence
about a year and a half, and Is said to
bo quite strong.
The following Interesting bit of his
tory concerning the Fortnightly Club
of this city appeared in the Orcgonlan
or December xx:
In voiir naner this morning, in
a report of a incetlne held in Portland
on Saturday to oriraiily.ii a woman
club. Mrs. A H II Stuart, of Olympla
Wash., s minted as saying, "mat ore.
gon was one of the two or three states
in the union wtioro a ciuo uiu uoi
A woman's club, kuown as "ine
Fortnlirhtlv Club of Euuenc." was or
ganlzed in this town In December, 1803
unit a at present III a prosperous con
dition. This club was organized on
plan Iniilur lo that of the oldest wo
man's clun In this country, the Soro-
sis of New York, and is unique in that
it does not admit non-active memneis,
thouirh distinguished women from
other parts of the state and country
are admitted to honorary tnembership,
The cdub consists of the following teu
deiiHrtments: art. business-woman, ed
net Ion. ethics, house and home, liter
aturo, music, philanthropy, science
and sociology, and the chairman of
each department is responsible for the
nfternoon's Droirrainme as often as re
quired. Tlie tonics considered nt each
meeting are always discussed inior
mally, after the formal presentation
und the training In extenlporaneoui
yneakinir thus uiven is not oue of the
lenst of the beneflta ofltlie club. Teas
nnil leceniioiis are trlveu from time to
lime, to which the townspeople are In
vltcil, and the Influence of the club has
been runner iiiown in me esiaoiisu
ment of a town circulating library.
Tlie work done by' this ciub corres
ponds verj accurately to the excellent
description of what a woman's club
should do. as stated by Mrs. Stuart at
t tie meeting on Saturday; white its ex
istence pioves that Oregon is not no-
hind other stutcs In organizations ol
this kind.
Emma Chark,
Corresponding Secretary of the Fort
nightly Cluu ot luigene.
May Rebkin. Sulcm Statesman:
"Humor atom; the river front is to the
ell'ect that T W Lee, superintendent of
the O. it. & N. Co.'s water lines, lias
reniirned his pol I Ion and will return
to his business interests in Texas. Mr.
Leo is an exceedingly popular officer
aui'Uig tho river men and all regret the
intended c huime. However it is
thouirht Cant. Ratlibone. now tho
company's port-cuptain, will succeed
Mr. Juee."
Pally OimrJ, Decc ruler
('apt Hatch is In the city.
Senator Alley Is lu Portland.
Mrs J W Christian Isqiiitolll.
It E Morris, of Salem is lu the city.
John Handsakerls at Independence.
O W Pickett returned homo this
Mrs Long and daughter are visiting
nt llnrrisburg.
AL Rouey, the Goshen nieichaut,
has btvn III town today.
Mrs Kntteu, of Portland, Is visiting
tier sister, Mrs G Rcltliiau.
Mrs hScnrberoiigh returned today
fiom a short visit at Salem.
Jay Ferren went to Salem this niorn
iug on n visit to his parents.
Salem Post: Mrs Willis McElroy is
visiting relations lu Eugene.
Hou H B Miller left for Corvnliis
this morning on a business trip.
Miss Myrtle Doyle returned t her
home at Creswell this afternoon.
Master Frank Mathews returned to-
lay from a Christmas visit to Sulcm.
Mrs Geo II Dorris and daughter
Stella, went to Salem this morning.
Prof.F'rank Tllton returned thlsaf-
lernoon from a visit down tho valley.
Mrs 8 II Friendly and daughter
Theresa are visiting friends in Portland.
D II Roberts, of Tim Dulles, is spend
ing the holidays wlib rclutlves and
friends In Eugene.
Mrs and Mrs Foss. of Siuslaw, oatno
to Eugene teday and Mrs Foss left ou
visit to ISCOllSlll.
P W Davis, of Falrmoiiut, who is
attending Philomath college, came up
yesterday ou u visit.
Mrs Train and daughter returned to
Albany this morning after sMriiding
Christinas Willi relatives in tills city.
Prof J D Letcher left yes'erday on a
visit to Albany and Corvallis, after
which he goes 'lo Portland to deliver a
Robert O Collier, who was so seri
ously injured in San V ilsco on a rail-
rouil crowing recently, is now improv
ing rapidly.
Medford Monitor: Lnwsun Bradley
arrived home from the stute universi
ty at Eugene, Saturday to spend the
holiday vacation.
Oregontun: Mr A C W oodcock, the
well-known Eugene attorney, who Is
referee In the Oregon Pacillu railroad
claim cases, is in the city. '
Mr Chas Rotiey, ot Indianapolis,
Indiana, arrived here yesterday after-
noun ou a visit to ins nroiuer, l.i
Rouey. Hu will spend a couple or
months here.
Miss Mlnnlo Bowmnn, a graduate of
the Good Samaritan hospital at Port
land, has been selected as superintend
ent of the Sale.u Hospital that will
open New War's.
Corvallis Times: Kock n.ui r.d
Brysnn and Julian McFaddca are all
home from Fnzel.e for the holidays.
Julian and Ed arrived ou foot from
Albany, muddy, wet and belated, as a
result or raiiure to caicn mo Oregon
Central tralu.
A De-stitutk Family. Corvallis
Times: The Holcomb family, closest
i.rkin iii Dm hiisbuiiil of Ann Eliza
Sunders Holcomb, are now residents of
(Wvnllis. Until a few days ng i they
were residi nts of Luiio county, w here
a week or so Biro one of the tsiys sut-
fered the fructnru of a limb. They are
supposed to be in destitute clrcum
Inures and their removal to Corvallis
u miIiI to have been mud' In order
tliHt thev mlirht be aided by the coun
ty court. Tlie Lane county man who them down, rented n house
for I liein for a mouth.
Maukied. At the residence of Mrs
Sarah Pitcher, Wednesday, December
v.. hv Elder N B Walden. Mr Carey
Pitcher and Mtw I-ena Lyuug.
A I'Vykr. Corvallis Times: Tho
"flag ship" of the Oregon Central and
Eastern steamboat snuadron, the Win
M lloag, turusout, Bince repairing, to
le a regular river greyhound. Last
Saturday she made tho trip from llnr
risburg to lOugeiie In even live hours,
the shortest time on record, nnd on tho
down trip the following day, besides
taking on trelght en rouie, ane mu.iu
the run from Eugene to Corvallis be
tween 7:30 In the morning and live
o'clock In the afternoon. Sho finds
plenty of tralllc work to do, having
brought dowu 1000 sacks of wheat for
the CorvalllB nulls, "0 tons of hay for
Portland; atid 60 tons of eats for San
Francisco. Ycstordny sho brought
down from Boonevillo lor the Benton
mills, two cargoes of wheat of 21W0
sacks each. She leaves for Portland
this morning, nnd leaves for Corvallis
on the return trip Friday morning. It
Is expected' that tho Huntley will be
launched next Monday, aud will be
ready to pull out for the upper river
the nilddleof no;xtjv'eekL.
Drain Nokmal School Notkh.
Every train carries away a nunilier of
students wearing the colors of their
respective classes to spend the holiday
vacation at home or with friends.
Among those who hwe gone, thus
far, are Miss Emma Edwards, Miss
Clara Edwards, Miss Withers, and
Nlss Holt of Eugene, Miss llogiin aud
Mr Looney, of Jefferson, Miss Cutler,
of Crawfordsvlllo, Mr Rico and Mr
Kasper, of Rice Hill. Miss Corn, of
Dillard, will spend cnrisimas wiiu
friends in Iugone. Must of tho
students, howover will remain at tho
Hall" during the vacation, 'lhoso
who spend the holidays elsewhere
will return by tho 28th, and school
will reopen with the enrollment or
every student who bus been In atten
dance during in nrsi nan year m
gethcr with a numberof new ones.
I.ntkkehteu in Pkunim. Corvallis
Gazoi te: Prof E R McElroy bus made
urii.ngcments to plant another pruno
orchard lu the vicinity of Corvallis In
the early spring. This will be tho
fourth orchard lie bus planted in this
part of the country during the past
t lin e years. Ha also has two other
orchards In the northern part of Ben
ton county. The active interest Mr
McElroy lias taken in tho develop
ment of prunes in our part of the state
has bad much to do with the recog
nition that has been given our fruit
interests from abroad.
Pally Guard. December 37.
Retluns all In. The returns from
the different counties in the state are
now all lu and have ticen accepted by
iho board of eiiuali.a'lon at Salem. The
total value of ull property In the state
Is given st tlftH,S19,7.'i0. Multnomah
is the wealthiest county in the state,
her valuation belnit placed at $50,073,
109. Curry Is the poorest, being as-
sussed at IOH.UoH. i.aue is nun in
wealth, being assessed at $7,300,ifto.
Fell train a l.ft.
Albany. Or.. Dec. 2u. William Mc-
Kinnon, the proprietor of the riiotin
tnin resort at Cunvon creek, near Low
er Soda springs, fell fioin a bam loft
yesterday. He struck head ilrst, dis
locating his neck. He died almost in-stantly.
Dally Guard, Decani er '27.
A Ckazy Man Suicidks.-Esop Fox,
an inmate of the state insane asylum
at Salem, committed suicide yesterday
afternoon by Jumping from the third
story of the main building of the asy
lum farm and breaking his nock. F'ox
was aged about Vft years, and was
committed from Jackson county In
1SU4. HewAsonoof tho early settlers
of Fox Prairie, near Mehiima, the lo
cation having derived its name from
1 1 1 in. No cntitu can be assigned for
tlio man's rnsli deed, only that which
seems to be prevalent as a rule among
insane patients a general desire to
destroy themselves when uiioportu
ti ity preMints. ' '
Bouv In this city Dec. 27, lSU.'i, to
the wife of Frank Stewart, a son,
' v..
I people who are agieed lion. It Is initially certain thai be I prom Three to Six Weeks,
MAKItitb.- At the residence of llci
bride's parents at Irving by Rev H F
Board and