The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 04, 1896, Image 4

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    ttugciie City Guard.
Dei Moines New.: Thursday a
the peniion girls in llie federal
building arose in mutiny. At the
time arose to the owwrtunitv anJ
in their might arose to the tops of
convenient tables or chairs or tore
off large thin strips of screams at
irregular and almost continuous
intervals. The cause of all the
uproar and also all the climbing
was a Door littlo squexking rut
which, in the foolishness of youtl
sought the society of pretty young
women and met with a hearties
reception. He ran around tl
room, his head turned first thi
wav then that by the charms
the various clerks, and all the
while the fair creatures, from the
pinnacles to which they had tem
porarily climbed for their safety
screamed "murder" and "mice"
the ton of the liieh G note in the
treble at the ton of the puee. Just
berore the girls becanio exausti
and surrendered to the rat, jani
Urs rushed in and rained the ieg
of the iiension girls. The rust of
the day was spent in straightening
out the nuavers made In the at
moephere by the screeches.
It is my belief that a revolution
in the matter of railway construe
tion and travel Is at hand. I he
lieve with new and impored metli
ods of construction, and with the
use of new motor power, transpor
tation speed will be immensely in
creased. Klectricity will take the
place of steam, and a single truck
will take the place of the present
double rails, and whereas OU miles
an hour is now the very limit of
speed, 150 miles an hour, and possi
ble more than that, will be attained
with more safety and comfort
the travelers than is now assure
them. It may be thought that
such a prophecy is rhimoncal, but
assuredly it is no more chimerical
at this day than was the telegraph
the tolephono or the steam railway
in the days of their infancy.
have ventured this us a prophecy
of a man who can remember when
there were almost no railroads and
no telegraphs and no telephones.
Claus spreckles.
The regions of the Little Colo
rado river in Arizona abound in
wonderful vegetable petrifactions
whore forests being found in some
places which are hard as flint, but
which look as if recently stripped
of foliago. Home of these stone
trees are standing just as natural
as life while others ure piled across
each oilier just like the f.illou
monarch of a real wood forest,
Geologists say thut these stone
tree were once covered to the
depth of 1000 feet with marl, wht-h
transformed theiri trom wood to
solid rock. This marl, after
lapse of ages, washed out, leaving
some the trees standing in an up
right position. The majority of
them, however are piled belter
skelter in all directions, thousands
of cords being sometimes piled up
on an acre of ground.
The following very fishy item is
from the New York Sun: "1 was
a stock-holder in the first railroad
ever built in Oregon," said a vet
eran Wall-street man, "and it was
a snap. The road was a street in
Portland. It was built in lStil,
and road, rolling stock and mules
cost only a little more than
00. It was a milo long, and every
man, woman and child that rode
that mile had to come down with
25 cents. There were only six
stockholders, and the first year we
paid for the road and divided
nearly $50,000 in profits. We
didn't know what a good thing we
had and when in 1SG1 Hen Holiday
ottered us $200,000 for it, cash, we,
like fools, went and sold n to
him. 1 wish I had it now."
Pendleton K O: One of the first
things the Commercial and Athletic
Club of Iho Dalles did was to buy
its furniture and fixtures for the
equipment of its homo in Portland,
ignoring the local dealers through
whom at least these goods could
have been ordered. A Comiuerciul
Association which has entered the
race to win success and bemlit the
town in which it exists tiuu-t not
make mistakes of this kind r its
career will be brief and it demise
U- - !
Auction sales, A V A demonstra
tions, liod's Kegular Ar.oy and
the Salvation Army make lively
street scenes in Lugene.
New porctilaln bath tubs at Marx's.
Try tbem.
Ulaaa cut and put In to order.
F. I I'll amiu:kh.
"Ideal" oil stove costs only 1 ceul
per hour to ruu IL Guaranteed no
odor. V. L. Ciiamukks.
Parks' Cough Hyrup euies Coughs
Cold and Consumption. Mr. I'atb
erine Black of 1 Hoy, N. V., says: "I
took one bottle of Park' '.'ough Syrup.
It acted like nialc (Stopped uiy
cough and I am perfectly well now."
Hold by A. Ykkinoto.v.
Nails 4 eta per pound, cash, except
shingle ualla, at
Olaa lloaa to Mr la, Glasa Clothing to
HW an J a Olaa Cuffla to Rtrt la at
Laat Straar aad 1'arommoa Itavlia
That An Not Vet I'ubllrlr Known.
There It an Inventor who I known at
the patent oflVit In Washington a the
Ilia man. ilia name la C. W. McIan of
New Hern, N. C, and during t lie last
few year be ha obtained put on In for
mrprliliiff mnnlier of dnvl'on In glass.
Among ihnso la a uwm coffin, which la
guaranteed proof against disajr and rata.
ho long a no OVIIIiernte attempt la mmle
tosmah It It ought to likHt forever. An
other coiitrlvaiuse la a 1aln:aa made
wholly of glass, step, landing and newul
pout being all of that material. Yet an
bther la a glass barrel. Hut mrhp I lie
moot rumarkiililii Inveiitlon of the Bias
man la a billiard talilo or glass.
The day may yet arrive when peplo will
live In glas house. A tmtent ha lieen se-
cured by nnolher Inventor for glivs hrlrka
of a peeiillur pattern. Tin) material of
which tliey are eoinoed being a flint rata
noncomliietor, these lirleka will keep the
cold out of a dwelling built of them, while
admitting thu light. It I claimed tliey
will include, nelrtt, being hollow, further
tnori), I Im IniiiiKen of ghtM huuo iiixd
riot be afraid Af Is-lpg under too close ob
aervatlon by iiclghlMirn, liuismiieh na It la
not reiilhlletliat the lirli k shall he trans-
parent. They may bo of opiupia ground
glass Ar of nuy oolor that may lie suitable
for doorallvit elTnt.
Thua beforn many year liavu iaxed It
may Im considered the height of luitiry to
occupy a dwelling of glass. Glass bricks,
of course, are expensive. 1'roplu who live
In glas house will be alilu to aff iril to
wear clothes of glas. That sound like
nonsense, but Urn fart Is that beautiful
ami iiiimt dellente fabrics are made out of
spun glass. Nearly "0 years ago theru was
shown at t hit Centennial eiponltloii In
l'lillnilelphla a bonnet coiiiiom1 entirely
of glass. It was a lovo of a bonnet. The
llowers on It were kIums. and so were the
rllilsms, which looked llkotho finest satin.
The imteiittKi of this pMcess deserlU'S It aa
aullablu for the manufactura of tinektliM,
shawls, tablu oivers, eta.
la fabric of Ihla kind a very flno qual
Ity of glaiM la umjU. It I spun In thread
of rxoeedluK del li wy, and of these several
colors may be tiriMluiHil at the same tlmax
They are woven 111 a loom of ordinary pat
tern. AnylxKly may observe that a thin
sheet of glass la somewhat elunllo. The
threads employed In weaving are of such
llneiiesa as In be perfectly pllahlo and not
at all brill lo. Willi Btfown vj m, woui,i
naturally k a pair of lasa allpsir.
A rittliur man named hinllh hit In
veiittMl a proem for maklna; k'iiss sllpr
In molds. Tliey would not do very well
for dam-lntf. Theru I no rciwou why a
((lass kowu should not bo woven of Irides
cent k'is so t lint the wearer would look
Ilka an anliiialed ralnliow on a Imllnxun
Hour one ila.nlliiK shimmer of ever cluinii-
Injl hues. I'nlll rivenlly tho manufacture
of IrldeM'ent Kla-Hwiu wt down In the list
nf IheloKtarN. Itvtln ' V't wasnnllscov
iti iI, and now It Is a common commercial
article. It la made by eiponlnit the melted
Klaus li the vapors of Mill of sodium. At
tho Metropolitan Muwum of Art, In New
lork eitv, aro exhibited K"at liumlier of
lieltlrH, platen and other article of K'ai-s
w htt-li were made and tixxl lono; befora
Cl.rlKt was born. They were dug up lu
Cyprus ami elsewhere. Many of them
have a beautiful IrldiweiuHi, but It Is
Iho result of ihvay. Class will Ml like
anything cKo, and decay has split the
l ruet lire of I bis ancient glum Into liimlmo,
nrll.ikm.Hlu. il Inlerrupt tho light so a
lo produce brilliant nil, green, purple and
oilier riilnbotv colors.
The window blinds of the glass house of
tho future will be of glasa, uf course. That
Is another patent, and the Inventor aug
ments that sue h blinds may I hi made of
whatever oolor are desired, llaliy In the
nursery sirhaps 111 play with glana build
ing blis'ks and at a suitable ae he will ro-
ceivu a ChrlKtmas gift of a put r of roller
skates Willi g!aa roller, lloth of tluwe
Ideas have beeu atented. When he I old
enough to go Unhlug, he will not dig
worm In the garden, but will bo provided
with art ltleial bait In the shaiai of a hol
low minnow of glass, coated on the Inside
partly with a solution of gold or sliver and
partly with a luminous paint.
dlims iH'dMteads may bo proof against
lightning and bugs, but It I hardly to be
I'XIM'CIihI that glass lioumsi should be free
from mice. The Inmate could hardly do
better than to employ glass traps for the
apt ure of sueli vermin. The great ad
vantage of the glass mousetrap, according
to the statement of the Inventor, I that
If i mo mouse enter the trail he may be
seen by other who chance to go that way,
ami tliey will bo Inclined to join tho one
Inside, especially when they observe that
hols ulbliilng a eholeo morsel." I'p to
date the glass mousetrap has not mado It
elf popular, notwithstanding the Impor
tant arguments In lu favor, anil of meet of
the ol In r devh m dcscrllicd It la unfortu
nately true that tliey have not proved prof
itable t.i the person who contrived them.
This remark, however, by no means ap
plies lo Hie glas lemon squeezer, which 1
alnvtdy a familiar household utensil. The
Inventor of It Is said to have told his right)
lor $.', lUW). One of Ihe imwt remarkablo
Inventions In glass, by the way, was that
of a Venetian nanus! Jixulu, In HIS", lie
noilced that the scale of a llsh called the
blivik gave a milky hue to tho water, and
that glass heads dlpisd Into auch water
looked like Harls when drhnl. Sulwo-
quetitly the Idea was winvlvinl of making
Hollow heads or glass ami lining them with
Iho sulmtance from the scale of
the llsh, and It la In this way that the o
called Houinn iearl am now manufac
tured It 1 1 to this antistatic that the
Iridescence of the scale if many poele of
nea is uuo Waalilngton Cor. I'htladel-
phla Time
To lucre Rri llvgaala.
If youni.h to ralao a numbr of new
plant of li. or other large leafiM be
gonias, lake a sharp knife and make a out
at the lot, r-,vtl. in of the vein. Then lar
Iho leaf, vi :ueU side dowu, on a satuvr ol
wet sand, place In a sunny window and
keep damp Tiny plant will form at the
cut. When an Inch high, they may be
llfinl Into lliumb pot. Till Is a very
fascinating way to grow begonias. Wom
lio Nl.o'i rd.
Pop l'lu IX fas aeolbvtor of alliixrv.
lie always had .'4 pair In hi wardrobe.
made of nnl c' th, einhrolilerel with gold
and oriiaineMeU Willi a solid gold cross,
til cbamlHilalii ts'lng strictly enjoluud
not to pari with a single nlr, however
well worn they might ls to any of lb
man j devout applluoiU fur them.
ivery anil Feed Stable.
Flrat door weal of Day A Hender
son's furniture atorv, 7th at.
Half blink from Willamette St.
BRIFFIN & CO. Props.
The Dark CreMwnl Ar Not Only t'ntidy,
but llrMd Mauy Mlcrabs.
There 1 something more than Iswuty
and attractive ti le considered In car
ing for the finger nails. Ileneatli tliein U
a apaoe which form a resting place for
bacteria, llaiierlologlst have found I
oore or mure of different kinds of organ
Isma under the nails, man? of them harm-
loss, It I true, but Mm of them exceed
Ingly dangcroua to health and life. Hluoe
they are microscopic In size, no one can
tell whether they are Innocent or harmful,
or Indeed whether they are prux-nt or ab
rilnce a pin prick suffice to convey Into
the human system enough of the most
poisonous germs of disease to cause death,
it 1 easy to understand what evil rtault
niay follow a scratch with a germ laden
finger nail. An lda has gone abroad that
the danger lb In being scratchisd by an
other person, but since the trouble I due
to bacteria and not to any poison residing
In the nail Itself, It I easy to see that a
elf Indicted acratch may be a bad as any
Many Instance are recorded where
alight wound, like the prick of a mdle
under the Ball, ha been the mean of In
troduclng the germ which causo that
painful trouble known a whitlow or felon,
He that bite hi finger nail take the
risk of getting Into hi mouth and swal
lowing the germ of eome Infectious dis
ease; for bacteria may be anywhere, and
the nail have a peculiar aptitude for scrap
Ing up particle of dust and dirt, which
may be swarming with germ. The ur
guon who g'a- to the performance of any
cutting oMTatlon, realizing the danger
which lurk beneath the ualla, cleanse
them In the most thorough manner.
Dtscasv germs, once Introduced Into the
human organism, booomo traveler. They
do not stop at the point of Infection, but
once lu the circulation, may go anywhere
and live, even for yean, walling and live,
even for years, waiting their opiMirt unity
for growth when the normal tone of the
system la lowered by chill, by fatigue, or
by some oilier disturbing cause.
There la no better method of cleansing
the nail than with a good brush mid
plenty of soap and water and without the
use uf a brush It Is Iiiikms1Ii1o to have
clean, wholesome nail. Not alone will
the result obtained bo pleasing to the eye.
but tho danger of lxoomlng tho bearer of
disease to oneself will be lessened. 1 hlla
dulphla I'ress.
All Had Turosd Agalnit Him Whea II
finally Left 1-arU.
It waa a stubliorii fight with fate that
went on In the glided hlyslan palace In
tho street of rt. llonoro In tboee bright
days of a I'arl Juno. An emHror was
trying the bard task of ruling hi own
spirit ; a conqueror wa let to the bitter
trugglo of conquering himself. Than
thl there I no harder task In all tho
world, whether for boy or emperor.
And In thl fight allies were not to bo
depended Upon; fH really were friends.
For the first would have templd the over
powered monarch to aland at bay agidnst
victorious Kuroie and distrusting Franco.
The other were determined to drive him
from France at all hazards. And In his
oaso to go waa his only safety, though had
lie died lighting for hi lost crown history
would havo glveu hi in eveu greater glory.
Then came tho end, when his minister
set themselves up to bo his masters; when
those ho had most richly rewarded became
111 kocncHt foes; when France refused to
acknowledge a It ruler a man twice over
thrown; when from those to whom be
looked for counsel came only lukewarm
loyalty, false protestation or unwelcome
truth; when from auger at tho unreliable
chamber of deputies, whom ho, like Crom
well, threatened to turn out "neck and
heels," he would change to Indecision, al
ienee, even timidity, It was plain
wa but one thing lo do.
Ho did it. Uu tho S'Jdof June, 1815,
N'aiHileon signed a accoml alvdlcatlon, pro
claimed hi littlo son, whom Austria bad
kldnapiMHl, emperor of the French and
three day later left I'arl forever.
Ho drove to Malmalson, 111 mile from
Pari, that beautiful estate, half palace,
half villa, which had been tho home of the
Kinpros Josephtuo. Here Napoleon bad
pent many happy hour In III day of
power aud prosiwrlty; hero Joscphlno had
died while bo wa at Klla; hero the em
peror had planned out Id greatest cam
paigns, his most glorious victories. From
A Hoy of tho First Kinplro," by Elbrldge
. Urooka, In Bt. Nicholas.
Oxalle Acid.
The useful chemical known a oxalic acid,
employed In dyeing and some other art,
Is now mentioned aa one uf the commer
cially Valuable product derived from saw
dust. A familiar process Is that In which
nltrlo acid and sugar are boiled for some
time, then evaporated to dryness, the
oxallo acid thus formed Nina purllled by
crystallization from water. A much cheap
er material than sugar In this case, as al
leged, la sawdust, an alkali Ining em
ployed Instead of an mid, as well n at a
higher temperature. Tho operation Is con
ducted In an Iron vessel of procr sue and
shaiNS and either caustic soda er potash 1
employed, the yield lielug greater with the
latter. In regard lo this luiint, hawever,
cierl:ncnt Is said to prove that a mixture
uf 40 pans of caustic potash to till parts of
caustlo MMla will produce as large a yield
a when potash alone Is used, pro Id. si the
uHratlon la performed In shallow vessel
with thin layer of the material, avoiding,
aa far oa posllilo, the fusion of the mass,
(soft woods, like pine and 11 r, produce
larger quautttle of oxalic acid than hard
wood, like oak, and the rule Is a pnMr
tlon of wood to alkali not exceeding 75 to
100 and a temtH'raturu of about 4m) de
gree IT. New Vork tfuu.
ElMtrlcal lWlbllltlr.
Ono of tho bitMl electrical Inventions t
a figure of a man worked by the ourrent,
Tonawanda lia one which drag a cart
about the streets, and a lirooklyn clothing
dealer has two which are used a models.
When It rains, they are pointed for the
tore door and set going, with tho result
that the suit have uo lime to shrink. The
Arm which manufacture them use the
power generated by Niagara falls and ex
pceU to make ono which will run by stor
age twtterlea and carry a phonograph
stored away lu It Internal economy. The
advantage of a figure of this sort will be
readily seen. The only thing needed to
make the new man perfect Is Iho attach
ment of a penny In the slot arrangement
and a phonograph hvidcd with good sterlet
or tip on the mcesi r weather prediction.
Now York Tribune.
Na Jabbing.
"C'hlcogof" relMwtwl the marrlageabli
nobleman. In some trepidation. "I'hlcsv
go, ehf S you're a Chicago girl. Well, I
tell you right How we dou't quote Jobhlng
rate to auytssly." IV'tniJ Tribune.
in n
inn r nn 'n
P --- ' a " asv
Located om block west oi Unitersih cairpus
rirl terin elliie. I s ls'V
lor y.mug nu n ami young wenieu. I.It'hi
rti lew.
1 he eouiw ol study lr-, rxipl routlu
eol ls td 1 r lerm.
Our ulildenl. tnT ntl lheni'lT,Hl el alt lar
dtlltjft livi-ll 17 U I ent-'sity el 1 ' o- it
we niBke .iM-etslit ol I te Plvlnltt l ,.1,1,..
h U M.-lrel Ilia I enr ttii.ti'tilt .Sll r ,Mnr s
rTonelrney, l om .rhoUrly and r-rmrn,-! ti
innili.le woik lu all d l-wriuienu el l litis
tian wiwk.
M rii (or (siui-m ol stuJv and full tntortna
Ilia. Addrwa,
a-jn -r
l);ii ring- au I Hdilllng the Time
Away In Jail.
Wedneedny's Albany Herald: Lloyd
Montgomery, who I to be lunged on
January .Slat To" one of In worst luur
ilcrs ever committed In this stale, doe
not aniK-ar to I at all diHturld lu
inlnil a to hi airMniilni doom.
Itecenlly t lie Fox brother and
young 1'oole, chilli ol l.lovd Mont
goniery, were arreslnl for burglury In
I lie viriuity of the murderer' home,
and were luvarccruted In Jail. Mont
ginnery hn leeii inucli pleued ii h
llielr company and last nilit lie and
1'oola blackened their faci-a W illi ehur
eoal, mid with some red blankets from
their hods, ibrked llieniM-lves out as
liiiliuiis, and bcyan dtiiicing in abori
iliee fashion. iiie l'ox Ih.v Is'llt a
stick on the sleel bars for n drum,
while the condemned inurdelvr and
hi companion yelled and danced un
til a crowd was altracled by llie din,
aud the sheriirwu forced to iiuiet their
hilarity. Montgomery and they were
only t'eieiirsllng Aew tear s eve.
Lloyd Montgomery eul liearlilv and
slei'ps soundly. He bus a harmonica
and a violin, which be delight in
playing. He Mill adhere to tlie silly
story that he killed McKeruher after
tlielattvr had killed hi father und
mother, althotigh there waa abundalil
evidence at the trial to show that this
was au impossibilily.
lie talks with Hkeriir McKvron
about his execution with seeming, un
concern, aud even told him he would
spring; the trap himself If allowed to
do so. llieaherill told him lie would
perform his owu duty w hen the time
ror a time l lie young murderer
seemed to take a deep Interest in re
ligion, lie read the liible industrious
ly for a dav jr two. He haa Urn vis
ited In jail by several mliilMcis, but
Ibelr admonition a to a becoming
preparation of mind fur the solemn
event soon to occur hcciiis to have lit
tle or no tllect. aud he save lie wants
to have a good a time as possible be
fore he la hanged.
The sheril think hi antic are the
outcome of a sou of for.-ed hilariiy as
sumed for tlie purpose of rvlieviug his
mind as much a poesliile from dis
tressing thoiighth of the horrilibj mur
BIIILOirrf Cl'KE, tho great Cough
and Croup Cure, Is In great demand
Pocki t hie contalna I went v l,v doses
only io. Children hive it. Solo by
Henderson ft Liuti.
A cup of 1'nrks' Tei at u'ghf moves
the bowel lu ie in ruing; without
pul n or dbcomforl. It is a reut
licallh giver and blood purillcr. Sold
by A Yiiuif o i on.
KAItL'H CLOVc-.ll KODT will pu-
rify your IiKhkI, clear your complexion,
regulate your bowels and niukc your
head as clear a a bell. -ric, otv, and
11.00. Ileiidcn-oti A Linn.
Captain Sweeney (J. S. A., San Hi-
ego, tab, ai.ys: "Mnlo'a Catarrh
Kcmcdy Is the llrn medicine I have
ever found that would do me anv
a." 1'rici 6tV. Ilemlcrson A
I. Inn
The Aineiicati licatily owes licrj
tli inoiv lo a clear complexion than
to 11 nv other aid Ibute. A ctin oft
Parks' Tell will enable anyone to ms-i
Mssthli. It clenra Ihc skin 11ml rt-
uioves piniilcs and thai sallow, mud
ily look. I'lirks' Tea Is Used liv tlioiis
anils of liidica for tlie complexion.
illiout Uing a cathartic it cures con
stipntion. Slid by A. Ykkimiiun.
For Sj'3 tj Ail Druists.
Dav Si Heritlorsoiii Unrort.tkers anc
Emualniors, Cor Wil, a-ol hh sts.
The Great Annual
AT A. V.
Will begin December 16, 1895.
Thl w ill l a tentiine aloof good at tied, and in many instancea below
Ce. ollowliig are a few of the many bargains otlVred:
(Mir l.,t -' Kid Sh.-
l ir Ixitirs' lV'li hh.n-t II.
MM' Hrvv l.rtui Mi, I .iv
&l in' r iiie li,m I u
r uUr
n iuinr
l: v
I vi
I r
Mt retire Nek e I rt-lle' anl ti'tit Ml.
n. 1 1. In il'ni oil! be .i .l ( K, t il cl.
II '
Space will not allow me to rpotr further prle. but this will vlve you an
bleaof Just what I am doing. Call early and t convinced.
Creawell Casualties.
January 2, 1696.
Lester Hullo, of Eugeoe, Is vUltlng
at F A Toier's.
Mr Louisa H Johnsou visiting
r-ilatlves here this week.
Our public school will commence
agaiu next Monday to run two' weeks
Mis Guasle Chapman, of Fair
mount, is udii)g a few days with
Irietids here.
U I) Hawley is rapidly recovering
from the fever. Mr Hillegas
VrToiieliette. the Gettillgs Creek
saw mill man, created considerable x
tlteinciit Monday as he went down
the road 1 11 hi I wo-wheeled wagon
behind his big; gray team on the keen
loom The horses got scared at a
woodpile above Creawell and thedriv
tr could not hold them, sohiswagoo
Just hit the high places between here
iid Oorge Hawhy's place where he
finally got control over them.
One of our promising young men
went awav from home to celebrate
Christmas and came back complain
ing of rheumatism In his eyes, caused
by looking long and vainly lutia
plaleof thin soup trying lo And an
oyster. He was heard asking whetlur
it was possible to boll dowu rain water
10 a nron r consistency to pass for
oyster soup. "Mark our prediction,"
Hie bovs won't get caught that way
iignin soon.
The entertainment at Hunter's Hall
on New ear's eve was a decided suo
crs, everybody seeming to enjoy
tlujiiiselve greatly. The programme
was iiiteretiiig from beginning to end
The oyster soup, coffee, cake and can
dy were all consumed, and Just a
midnight cunie on, Grandma Howe
was called forward to renreient the
ol 1 year and after a few fitting re
marks, she welcomed the new year,
iHT'onated by little FiUtii- Htoue w ho,
ai the old year drew awav, turned to
the iiiulk'hce and recited some very ap
ptoiiriate lit -m, which were greeted
with applause loud and long.
this PAINT and
Vall o Paper o JVIan,
Wishes jou a Hjppy New Yea?.
Having a Largo aud Complete stork of
Staple and Fancy Groceries bought
in the best markets,
I can oiler the public better prices
limn any other house in Kugeue.
P;;' el all mi'tini at Market Prices.
For your
(peas gikcI
li-jhst fta Paid for
Hides and Produce.
tf.wu'Ulf, -W, t - I tm f.
Itl sld on c z dmr-
It euwa 1-v .j in; Coniuinptioa
4Mi 1 '.be UlSl Cot !U Mid TOUT CujL
Our Mulnrli w Uiipn, new ...
urrvmiUr I I. men. now
Our iv 1.1 n, now
It in
vur ri t liiru, now t,
S An . Tew,-1, i rh. n.l lu ,'r'T
He in mj .!.- .hr the m,- .l.u.hi.-
I .llm' K'1 ;1t.' now,.' kM i.uTr, low
.. ll'.N
Haadkerchiefsl Haadkerchiefsl
We have just opened our new stock of Xmas
Handkerchiefs. The assortment is com
posed of the Latest and Newest patterns,
and the test values ev9r offered in this city.
Ribbons! Ribbons! -
Baby Ribbons-in all shades lc per yd.
No. 2 Silk Ribbon 40c per bolt.
No. 9, 12 and 10 Silk Ribbon-all colors.. ..10c per yd.
Note the Above Prices.
Hops Vkry DrM Not long siin
one of Salem's hop commission mer
chants telegraphed to a New Yoik
house for an oiler oil a certain lov of
hops mid requested an immediate an
swer. o reply came uy wire, inn a
few days later a letter was received in
which the following information was
imparted: "Am not in a position at i
present to make any oiler. It is very
si ranyo t hat none of my customers are
interested in Pacific eoaat hops, and if,
iney uo not reverse iiieir ueuisiou
against tliem I am fraid that we -"ill
buy your bops in the spring by the
bale and not by the pound. I can on
ly congratulate myself that I did uot
go 'long' ou your hop this senson."
...The sume dealer is in receipt of
some beer statistics from the Hop Ile-
airting Co, of New York, which are as
follows: lievr sales (barrels) for No
vemlier, IMtt, 2,015,0J; beer sale for
November, 1 814, i.,363,425; showing au
increase for 181)5 of JS2,'J44 bairels.
There ure 1040 path lit iu the state
ineaue asylum.
Thanks lo Mr and Mrs Eucene C
Cole for some excellent weddiiiK cake.
Jte Hure and attend the Arameuti
concert at Ylllard hall tonight.
C M Young displayed a small black
tw-ar at bis market this afternoon.
Sherwood Iturr h s leased the north
from room over Dunu's store for an
Ilubble's new wugoii is now painted
aud iu a few days it will appear on
the streets.
The Foley Spiinus glaze failed to
arrive hisl evening. It is supposed
tlie Mclvenzie river waa too hlah to
permit llie ferry to cross.
A child of M IS I'arker. who lives on
the lirmeuway farm Keveu mile weal
of thi city, i ill Willi diphtheria
DeWitt' Little Early Riners for bil-i
inUHi;es, iudigeslion, coiislipation. A
small pill, a prompt cure.
Oshcks & DkLaxo.
The lintte fHlhHll team ln:.t H.
I'ortland Universily :eaiu veaterdav I
liy a M'oie of M lu 4. I
I lie Dalles I M: A slute levv of
Aeven mills i eH-cted. Ti e lu-t leg
l-hiture and the i rei-ent slate i iliciaU
were eleeled on a re' rencliim r.t i.nri
refoi m plaiform too.
I'liis is tie way the Oreionim.
notices one of on. citizens: Alt J li
Wetherliee. a i.roniliieiit Imsl
of Eugene, Is in llie city.
Cook's Cotton Iuit Compiuxh
a recent discovery. At Yfkino
ton's drugmtore.
J tut)
FC A CaSf IT t
Sold hjr Hrmltrsoa & LM n.
do luu ;.so?
steel m twm. vm
srs'bsiVnaland only rrlKKCH
SiaiL litnuw sold ocLi bj
OSRr ii i , i iva i.
lI-1. ,1 iq).
aetata, kncttie. Ore, a.
'--i i ii, .. ....
Iha. vri in,i iZ
S ar
g m. rni i ii 1 1, nTT
M A In
Fop Fancy Work.
10 Per Gent
Discount Sale.
We will give 1 0 cent. CAS:I d;s:cnnt, on
its Lllowhg 3.ds, bjngtit DcTure our
regoiar annual liTentorj.
jflg anrJ Qgnts" fillB ShOeS.
Ladies' and Gents' Mackinhstins,
Men's and Boy's Clothing,
All cur Tinware at Cost to Close.
are just the thing, lor cold leet,
price right, selling very fust.
Uuy our Cobblers out lit, ami
repair your own shoes; 6"c, fl
and fli. Ladies' lefyliis, 4-
and 00 cents per pair.
I Aik for our Premium K.-riiit, which
wid be given on all good sold at regu
lar prlivs, and we will redeem same
with Wqi. lingers i (.., silver ware.
Racket Store , Eugene, Or.
Mutlcal Mtrchandls. Band Initrumtnts' Shed
Mutic, Etc.
PIANOS-ft lor Bros , Iversi I'oud, Sb- (er,
Tr.ib kUe, Kolilei A n ase.
,'i ,x ,.!! j; HhiuIIii, A. B. Che,
W.-sier sue other L sdniK Makes.
North Room' C rUawa Block, Euga.0r.
- Ha removed to
n lierel will ketp n lull mock el kkk!s lu
my I re.
F. 13UL
N. K, Mah aLiv.
Kinsey & Markley,
ill"'me'C1' '''obHU' Business
cilio- lu Chrtsman Block.
Wholesale Ccmmisslon Kerchant.
21 sml J17 Davis St. cor. Commercial.
San Francisco, Cat.
We pay the highest market price for
Wheat, Barley, Oats, Potatoes,
Apples, Poultry, Hides, Wool
It will psy you to write ns and keep posted.
uoerai advanees made on couaignuients.
MSIT.bBr : ,Sn En,",l Pnalue Snehange.
imn Fincio Krnil axuhiiKe.
N-iee ia b.iel.y j,,.,, ,h F W.
7" :Bi.J W J" '"o ' - b
...ate of W.llmo,,,,, drRard b, uiU..r B. ..ui.n.rBt f
"'I s i.te MdM lu ay lie (illi da
'". lJ6. bM .. e., H,V ..r,,tol lbs
toun (..t benninj objeciii,a u, ume.
F. . O BCkS,
.. W JedNmiN.
Uo B Dosus. tx.cmors.
m 1