The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 07, 1895, Image 1

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ML 27
NO. 33.
n? v in
1 mJKj
OFFICE -East ilde of Willami-tle b twivu
serenlb and Elfbth BtreoU,
TEKU4 0F ai-mctumN:
On Vear. : : 12.00
til Heathl.
Three Months,
Advertising rates made known
on application.
AiMrest all buttie-M letloia to (H'Allli,
Eiweue, Oresoii.
Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
TIM Work Warranted
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
Phytlclan and Surgeon.
Otfio anil reeldeacf oner rswtnffioe. Hours;
J to 9 a. m. 13 to 2, 6 to 8 p. u.
Kew Deelfn and New Priori In Foreign aud
Uomealie Marble and Granite, Monuments.
Headstone and Cemetery work of
all kinds (or WA.
Willamette Street, near Pnetofllce. Eugene, Or
OFnca One-half block touth of Chrbaisu't
Lane County Bank.
fKelablUhed In 1SZ)
A general Banking business
In all branches transacted on
favorable terms.
A. G. HOVEY. President. .
J. M. ABRAMS, Cashier.
A. G. HOVEV, J K., Asst.Cashr.
T. O. Ilssosicia,
S. 11. Kakin, .'k.,
First National h
Of Eugene.
Pttd up Ush Capital $.0,000
Surplus and Profits, 850,000
Eugene - - Oregon.
A ventral banking biieiueea done on reas ou.
ahlttenne. Sight drafu on NEW YOKK,
Bill of exchange told on forsifrn conntrie-.
DepoelU received eubjeot to oheek or oertiu
eate of detsjelt
Alt collections n trusted to m will rtcelvt
prompt atttoUoa.
Having a Law and Complete stock of
O. . . t t mI.I
oiapi ana fancy urocencs uoiis1"'
in the Irpnt market,
I can offer the publio belter price
than any other house In Eugene.
FralueoriUHilitati it Mirtst Prices.
01 Dee Motors, Iowa, wrils '"ider datt
March IK
ri. B. Med. Mfo. Co.,
Gkntlbmkn; On arriving borne laM
weea, i rouno an wen aim u""v
waiting. Our little girl, eight ai.- one
half yean old, who had wasted away
mi oa pounus, le uw tu, " -
Vigorous, and well fleshed up. . .
f.T..... J. i lis work well.
Bth of the children like it. our
B. Cough Cure ha curel and kept
away ail hoamnena from me
It to every one, with greeting for a".
Wishing you prosperity, we are
Youra, W and Mhb. J. K. h"Bi).
IfTMwI.hto fMl frteh and ebwrful. aud
rl for the -yrlnf-i " 'lu, "'VT.S
with lb Utxlacbe and Uer Curn. by unnj
wo or Una duaet a week.
oid ondara poelUftfuaranUw
M eunu per botife br all druggiiu.
The moat curious freak that the ten
don Globe knows f In OUIiam roul,JX
la a sis legged hog, tloDging to Ii w
Darling, wblcb la now on hi rla
crk ranch. Ttie animal is
months old and has as Kod a voice
aad appetite aa any other kiudora
A rainy day.
(dlfi'lion tiny.
Homln are nloppy.
rirotncn'e elirli.m.
Concrem met tucl.iy.
J lie Jt wt ljurjj flivuil.
.iitl in ill
riiu tifw Niiuli hlieii i.utl.or
K)llnl lll til), llllirilillt!.
A C I'riiU, lliv Suutl.i'.n On-kiou
st.iue rolilk't, UH tiftiu-mvil Saturday
to Imir y. r in the w hili-ntmry.
Mth J Intlie W-u.loKveH funlili naldo
pun v ui iit r lioiiif mi Ku,t Ninth
sirree- .Mturilay evening
very ph-MKiiiitailuir.
The Dal itt Chr.inicli.-:
uluniiiy him overtaken
It win, a
Salflil Iut
UX(!l;ll; ti'uin uil-t (le'lMt
tit the li:tii(U
i iiiu iiiivvrHiiy (i uregnll iKiys.
County Clerk Jenning ld iv levied
a tuiirriiiKe lltunw tn Frni-k Kelly and
Jet.l (inroutte. The young man be
ing under ietrul nge hl father !llel Ii tat
written consent.
George Kinher went ti th lower
Siuxlaw counlry this nmrii tig to buy
lieef ca'tle. llo wim ueeoinpHiiied by
Hugh Hampton. They expect to le
absent uIhmiI leu duy. '
Albany Telescope: llert Ssvuge, of
Salem, in In the city. A dark brown
..r.l. . T..t . . . .
eye and one hand covered with court
planter shown that ha was In the Uir
misli at Eugene Tlmnkngiving.
V E lleerH, lute of the Wallowa
ChieltHln and Silver Lake Heruld. ban
told his Interest In tlie uewxiiuiiern
uielitioned uml bus purehawd the in
terest of 11 Omuiieey in the Union
Moot of the citizens of Cheney are In
Spokane attending court as wit nemtea
in the enftc f V II Robtrls vs Dr II A
Wells, in which lloherts i milng Wella
for $10,000 damage for robbing him o I
his wile's atlecliomt.
The Misfcc Taylor gave a very idea-
ant whist party to quite a nunilier of
ineir irieuus lust Situnluy evening a'
the home of their pireim, cjruur of
Sixth and High street. An elegant
luncheon was also served.
The rain havo rained the river about
two feet. If the tame continues a few
hours longer a boutiug stage will be
reuclied. The steamer Gypsy Intends
tunning heie twice u week as soon as
the stage of water will permit.
The man who is too poor (o take, a
paper made a trip from Kelso lo Kahi
iim last week to attend court, llli" rail
road fare and hotel hill cost a good
deal more than would the county pa
per that would have told him court
was postponed.
A New York woman after live
months of tnarrb d life sued f.r a di
vorce mid proved lhal her bushaiid bad
reeateilly slapped her in the face, but
thejudge refuted to grant the divorce
on the ground that she hadn't Iwen
married long enough to give matrimo
ny u fail trial.
Abluny Ileruld: "Delia, V. l'engra,
slMleorL'HiilziT of the United Artisans,
a fraternal benevolent (irirsni.Hilon of
Portland, is in the city for t he purpose
of organizing a society In Albany."
Mrs. l'engra was a resident of Eugene
for M'vcrul years, being the wile of
Hon. II. J. l'engra.
Mr Tbos Kay continues to Insist
that the death of hi nightwalchmau,
Mr Kuifoiig, at Waterloo, Linn
county, was an accident, notwith
standing the report of the coroner's
jury. There are aotiie good reasons to
(eileve lie is rigni. mine urst iace
there is no motive for the net.
Portland Welcome: Ex-Judge
Frank J Taylor Is running for mayor
ol Astoria oil tho republican ticket,
tte Is legarded as a "good fellow," but
it is being "thrown up to him" test be
sentenced "Sandy" Olds, a murderer,
to the penitentiary for only one year,
and shortly afterward sent up a poor
fellow, who stole a fish, for two years.
Sheriir DelUukin Inform the Walla
Walla Statesman that Sprague is fast
losing her population since the loss of
the Northern Pacific csrshops and di
vision heudipiartor. llefore the fire,
Sprague had a population of il00, wl'h
UOO voters. Ills doubtful whether the
regit! ration for tho next city election
will show more than N) volors.
Among other Interesting Lincoln
material, the December McClure's con
tains a hitherto unpublished account
ol how Lincoln, at t..e rlk of his life,
saved thrvo men from drowning dur
ing a spring freshet. Thi happened
when ho wus a young man of twenty
two, and was at Samramon, building
the tlatboat for hi trip to New Or
leans. Pendleton Tribune: Two Pen
dleton boys, Arthur J Douglass and
Claude Eugle, enjoyed a delightful
Thanksgiving dinner ss guestsof Presl
dent 0 H Chapman of the Htate Uni
versity at Eugene. The boy are de
lighted with tho university, am I are
making a splendid record. They
speak in words of wannest praise of
president Chapman and their
Florence West: Pastor Knotts was
shy a turkey or goose for hi Thanks
giving dinner, so be walked Into his
vardon Wednesday wearing a discon
solate loo . on his fait' and hi rih on
hit shoulder. At that moment a flock
of wild geese camo llylug over Ills
head and a shot from bis rille brought
t iliu LI la (li'sii I lit hi fc ft. 1 he
Lord provideth for bis own-that Is ir
his own shoo s straight.
Florence W-t: Saturday morning
the steamer W H Harrison arrived
herefrom Astoria and loaded a cargo
t.f salmon and cannery supplies from
the Rose Hill cannery. he departed
Monday. The cannery
liiit ol about ai Chinamen and 1M fish
ermen. eru on board Asso-.uas
iHslbie the Flon-iice Cauniug Cos
hshermeil und Chinamen will be re
f urnel to Astoria cm the tug.
Condon Olcd: "Hurrah for Gilli
am csuuty! lb Iron horse will be
s..ortit.g through her from one end to
nollier i-rhap. wltl'i" ""l,jrr i'v'
We understand that tbeO. It. -V
has to build a branch road
r..... Arllliilotl lhrUKh (iilliani
I Crook counties, to intersect the Oregon
Pacit c soul I or ITineviiie.
Mention cf the O. It. S- tot-
l..rly neat l-rimc. ",,1l"-""Tl and
I1U iuii tl.roiigli Coo.lon, Jotsil and
Iprin-vide, crossing the John D.y
river at Parsons Ferry. Iheie are
U(sm limes aiiea.i ior - --
. . i. rttanfi til le
al I of ber p.r !
MbseJ lttree Da. j
Monday's Albany Democrat: Lloyd j
Motiigoiuery came to la-t night nfier
hi siege of insanity, and remarked:
"I want my Thanksgiviu ; dinner
now; I'm a hungry as a bear." :
"riiauksgiviug! ""said Itoulin, "This I
Is Sunday night, not Thursday." I
"Oh, come oil now, 1 know better.
Here, sherdf, thi man says It is Sun-!
clay, w lieu it is only Thusday. He
ought to Ih taken to the ius:iii. asy-
lu in nt Salem."
Apparently be could not bo made to'
hcheve it was Sunday, and declared '
that be did not rcna-inher a thing
since Thuisday. A tilth-rent suit of!
clothes had l-ceti furnished him lo
wear. He was asked w hat tint of
clothes he had on, und said bis prison
suit. Upon looking at the clothes be
professed great surprise.
In some respects he has acted very
much like un insane person, particii
larly a person coming out of an epi
leptic lit.
Dr Ellis believe it is teniM.rary in
sanity, but tliat be Mas all right when
the murder wits committed. Dis
Davis und Wallace think Hint be i
feigning insanity.
three weeks before the mur :er be
hud an epileptic stroke, and acted v ry
much the same.
But he wus not having one, what
ever there is in his present conduct,
when he committed the murder, ac
cording lo ull indications Nothing
but banging can evei Hiiswer for the
terrible crime committed.
p, rsonnl.
I'sll, (iiitrd, IXTeniU'r .'.
lion II R Kincaid went to Salem
this loreuiHiu.
M. L. Campliell made Junction City
a short visit today.
Mayor Oglesby, of Junction City,
spent' last night In Eugene.
Irving D Burg, of Cort'ullis, spent
Saturday night in Ibis city.
The state board of equalization
meets in Salem tomorrow.
Mrs Dr 1) A Paine and daughter re
turned to Salem this morning.
E It Lauer. of Portland. vMted
bis relative here over Sunday.
Mrs John Wbileaker returned from
a visit to Ji llertou this afternoon.
Mist Pearl Darelius returned to
Junction City yesterday morning.
Hon. H. L Moorl.cud, editor ol the
Junction City Times, Is In Eugene this
Mrs J It McDonald and daughter, of
Harrisburg, who have been visiting lu
Eugone, returned home this morning.
Bishop J 8 Mill returned from
Hood River this afternoon. Ills
family will remain at that place sev
eral weeks yet.
Attorney L Rilveu went to Roseburg
on this morning's' early train to attend
lo some cases In the circuit court now
in session ut thai city.
Will G. Gilstrap, editor of llm Tu
lare Cal. News, published ut Yisaliit,
arrived here this iiiorulug and will vis
il for a lime with relatives and friends.
J P Ramsey, of Fairmoutt, who
has been spending the past live weeks
working at bis trune on the state lu-
saae asylum buildings at Si Inn, is
home Tor a Tew clays.
Henry Ankeny arrived here this
morning und will leave with his wife
and bis son ami daughter tomorrow
fiuirnlnir lor their homo ut Slel'lllli;.
The young puoplo came here to attend
thflUofO, but they have been sick
ever slneo their arrival, hence will re
turn homo. The cither daughter, .Mis
Dee, will remain here und attend the
)llr (jutid, IK'Ci iiiUr a.
Akvancemkst Ci.tii. The Ad
vancement club met n usual last even
ing. Owing to the absence of Dean
Was ui ta renin trim uRH to read a imner
on "Co-operation of Ellort In Higher
Kuucallon, ineiiiiie u. mni i'
by discusliig the rcHsl.llity of or; an
iziug a comiuercial club. A number
r....-.i ii. ei..n's lit the matter.
and the prevailing sentiment wus that
. I . ..i... I 111! Ill
sucu a eiuu ii(imiiw.i. 'j
plane advanced It is proposed to secure
rooms which will accommodate the
free reading rnoui and the board of
trade, vet to hove them Independent
r nr. .m.ili. r A rum in I lee con
j.linnil...riK M Wilkins. II II
Miller, n II rrieuuiy, n z i omu ui...
J H McClung was appointed lo work
.... ii.. n,, liter 'liirsi clubs have been
. ,. o .. v.. I
up iii ...... .v.. -
An, I, l'.i lii other towns and are said
to have proved a great succe-, os they
. ...Lia ilia .viiiiioerchtl Interests
of the town, at d have lieeu plitronixed
unlvertslly by me tiusiness ii.en.
State Fair Hoaro. Monday's
Salem Journal: The executive com
mittee of the state board of agriculture
has been In session today at the state
HtmlrHiiU lo three
IIUU'V. .'" i
tin iHiftrd lo Iki till, il ure
tri.tiiniiniM am i ifcLnkiitnutt. or
Portland; Matlock, of Pendleton
II.. nu.S i 'lUIIU-r tif I IlilrlMMIiii'lH l
Governor Lord bud up to the hour ol
going to press mude nu appoint neuis.
i..uif Siu iit-sT CArii-x. A warruiit
has issued for the arrest of the pro
prislor of the (Joldton saw mill on the
Long Tom, who is charged with vio
. .i i... .i.,iu i.iii In a- iv diimning
ihiiiik me b j -
.-v dust into the water id the Long
e U' W Short riilee. of the ' ot-
linn. . - - ,
. rir....u u' mill was vesterday
-. ,.l that I. lace for dillliping
saw du.t into the t osl r ork.
lliir'-. .
tiuy on tnl, l -s fnii. r s.
)KH( Kics El.r cTEii -Ivanboe Com
i. ... l.',.i.,l.i IViniilar elected
.i ..... int. follows: D V
Ollicris in. w-.o.-p.
t-i ii 1.1 I."!1. ! !. l.iMCII s. it:
n arm, i. " ., ...
Il..wl.ra.m.(,(f: It l 'ulil'. S W I
VV'rii I'rr-i'..". J VV; J ' hurt h.
a I tt' li ttilllsMIII. rMMTf IIH W
P Holl, Warden; wcrariaun, ,-xu
To Hai i. WlltAT.-We understand
it. eat at tillllilter 1lf tlie farmers who
i...i .i..r.,i in the Irving war
lin.c w - ---
hi.ose art talking f ba iling the au.e
to the Meek warehouse, on the river,
my thev may I able to get the cheain-r
shipping rale. Kiv. r warehouse will
i e js.pular again, or we nil" our gue
Iilf liuard, li.vmWri
FK1V H:Vi:.MH dllHTHUAV. -Today
l the forty-ss-venth anniversary
..I OR hrisninn's birth. U wl-b
I nn many moie return of the smiie
He was pun Hied a handsome nicer
i. .inn nine bv Attorney- Vnk:j.
I " '
Dr Dnle returned home tmlay.
A little political beard Ihcsc days.
The K. of P's, now meet on Thurs
day night.
China lilll.s haveuiiile llitir up
peaninee. The rtule Ismrd of cqiialialioii is lu
si-iioii ut Salem.
e, W. Pirkult ma Is Junction City
il brief visit today.
The Infant sou of Mr und Mrs CJ
Howard is very ill.
A trying day on a lo.-ul reporter;
lleins lielng very si'uiee.
ttorney II l Norton is ut Sun
Francisco on a short visit
Long Totn river was out of its bank
yesterday, so we are Informed.
Miss Mnrv Thompson has slxiut re
covered from her recent Illness.
Mrs Lucieiie Johnson arrived lure
day from Mull'ilo, New York.
I P Baker uud sou, of Falrmount,
North Dakotu, are recent arrivals here.
Miss Cora Copple, a student, ha
lieen cpiite sirk al her hoiii for n few
Peter llunev. the proprietor of
Foley Springs, Is repolled quite low
Dr McKcnucy relumed this morning
from a professional visit to Cottage
J rove.
The republican carried Salem. No
dher ticket was lu the Held. Only
vote wcl'U cast.
II M Sh miii was elected a council
nail at Pendleton yesterday. He
formerly resided here.
It now seems to tie the prevailing
dnion that (he republican national
convention will lie held In Chicago,
The old timbers taken out of the
railroad In silt-are being loaded on Hal
cars ami w ld is. tisvil to uiaKo repairs.
O. P. I loft, Hie living postmaster
and railroad agent spent last night lu
r.ugutie, returning home this fon-aoon.
Mrs.C.C. II. Itignev. of LlU-rty,
Wisconsin, arrived here today cm a
visit t'i her sister, Mrs. K. M. Corbus.
The fisilballists have retired from
active practice. The team was Ihor-
niglily tired of the hard training ex
Wirt Church went to Cottage Grove
today to assist in stringing the w ires
for tlie new clectrlo light sysieni ut
that place.
Today's Salem Stntennvi: Tomor
row the tiypsy leaves Portland, the
intention Ix'tug to run her through to
Albany Democrat: Oilier tiling
may tumble; hut luxe don I. I lie
salaries of olllclala keen up anil are
made us big as pi r-sible.
Il would be a great thing for Eu
gene lo have a commercial club. The
one at Pciidletiin is a gnat success and
a credit to that live city.
Exchange: "How can you (ell a
log-wood tree'."' asked the professor of
aiborology. "Ily lis bark." rahl the
mallcst hoy lu l lie class.
The Lukevlew Examiner snys Major
Clirisman and wife united with the
Baptist church ut that place a few
day s since and were lintm-iscd.
The Stanford football Iuhiii will visit
Oregon about the first of the year. We
would like to see our champion incut
(be Culiforniuus on the gridiron.
(iivens G Day I now clerking In a
stole at It wsland, IIC. Ho Is a sail of
John G Day aud has many friends
among the old limo Eugene buy s.
A. Yerington has a very attractive
display In hi show window. A moss
grown surface with a tiny bike ami
hundreds of fngs inukea very pretty
window scene.
Wid Mel lee was eluded chief en
gineer of the Eugene Fire Department
yesterday afternoon at the elect Ion, and
John Burger assistant. They will
make splendid olllccr.
Win Frnr.ler, of Portland, has boon
awarded the contract for furnishing
thirty brad of artillery horses fur the
government at San Francisco. I'hese
horses must all be black.
Attorney a 0 Woodcock went to
Sulein this forenoon lo attend the an
nual meeting of the State Board of
Equalization. Mr Woodcock Is a
iiiciuler for the second district.
We have beard of an unmention
able clime have been committed by a
iMiy In this city. The proper ollleers
should Investigate the matter and
send the guilty parly lo the reform
The estate of the late Capt H G Heed
In Portland alone amounts to II, 131.-
ti.'lil, nnd there are no debts against il.
He has much property In California
also, und his widow is made the sol
Mrs. Elizabeth liabcock, of Ivigle
valley, proved up on a homestead
claim last week. She is probably one
of the oldest stsoiis on record that
ever applied for uud obtained a patent
to a siu.llur cliilm, itelug over ht years
of uge.
Oakland item III Roseburg Plain-
dealer: Hoy Steal us came home from
Eugene lust Wednesday aud returned
Sunday morning. Roy Is looking well
and mvs Unit hi sisler Mav and
cousin Vlniile Young aud he are get
ting along nicely in school.
During live years the Salem Woolen
Mill Co. eXieiided In'iliry as follows;
Wages. tl.M.I.W; wo-x'l, ll.'i.SUn.'W;
'cim I, i:H,n:s:; other e, 1:13,-l-l.
'I It; total outlay In live years. IIJJ.
'.!.)'). 'i'S. Ills only ronsonahle that Ma
leiii eople should work to rebuild.
A private letter announce the safo
arrival of Mr TA Windeu uml rhil
diel! at Davlon, Wash ll of Hicm
are well and do hot evince ill" sligh'
e.t tendency totturd dlphtherin II
will Is- remeiiils-red that Mr Windeu
diol lu lids city a few duya since.
Indianapolis Journal: Presence of
mind: Weary Watklns Wol'a cle
mailer, pnrdiier? Did she throw wa.
ler In er faei-T Hungry Hugglns
Only on me face; enly ou me facw. I
bad the pretence of In I ml lo tnui nit
mouth when I teen It coming. j
Washington Star. "Aud that)
youi g mini," aald tbelaily from out ef ,
il.-iiv "Il I, a a verv lull II irent
i..l 'if... h. i,..i li.iiiiunl.h.l bun i,i..r,.i,ir." II." .aid Ibe
i..i 1 1. i, if,, lu- "l.i. baa never
w ritt. n a Issjk ou the currvuey cpies -
lion." .
Shusla Spri'lal won't
PnsstllgPM Ut Cut
Portland Telegram: Persons who
live along the line of the Southern Ba
cilli' and want to take advantage of
tue elu up rates lo Sail Frunclnco, have
been hnviiig trouble with the. isimluc
toisou the abasia limited, whose rigid
instruction uic not lo accept local
passenger business.
Hie Inllow iug plaint Distill 11 comes
from a Soul hern Oregon paper:
"H.W. Kent not boarded the Shas
(a limited al Ashland last week ami
tendered Hie conductor the fare charg
ed on that train from Portland to Sail
Francisco. He was put nil' at Siskiyou
tnl Ion because be would not pay the
icgular passenger rale of tit 70. Tbit
looks likea esse of gloss discrimina
tion In favor of long hauls, aud Is prob
ably a mailer for investigation by the
Interstate commerce commission'
This grow I is liiellectlvo localise It
i well understood -or II Is meant to
be well understood that the Shasta
seclal Is a through (ruin and the con
ductor are Mot cruitllcd to collect
any fares whatever If they can help It.
1 he Shasta smrlal inuket no stops and
the supHtsitiun Is lhal no way pawn-
gsr business Is to in none.
The Suit hern l'aeillo olllclal when
asked uhoiii il today, suid that the
Slnstu ssx'ial curried only through
passengers, and further, ir a man
round a way to get aboard the train at
an liilermiiliale slat Ion the only
way be could stay alsmrd wus by pay
ing regular tariff rules.
.said Mr. Rogers' chief assistant:
"The suiierinleiideiil's Instruction lo
conductors are that no passengers are
lo Isj accepted frem way points. The
conductor lu this case acted according
to his Instructions, and when the man
lulled to puv the regular far he was
couqielled to put him oil'. A conduc
tor is not supposed to accept passengers,
localise the Shasta limited does not
stop. At Ashland the train must stop
for fuel and water aud then goes
straight through."
Estulo Alfred Wilson; personal
proH'rty ordered sold nt private sale.
I. state of Marcus Kelly, deceased.
Probable value of est no, f:UIH5: Mary
E and Elsie K Kelly apminled execu
tors of said estate without bond.
Esluto of (leo Creamer, tluccuscd;
tend u ii 1 1 -i nl account approved.
Eitati' of Isaac Condon, deceased.
Appraisers lepirt tIO worth of real
Estute of Helen Workinger, Inssue.
Probable value of estate 700. W II
Workinger appointed guardian. Bonds
M400; sureties: W It Murqiils and
Win Miller. Appraiser appointed:
Win Sinlih, Win Miller andSDurr.
Appraiser reHrt lot worlh of real
und H'rsoiial property.
Estulo of A B Snow, deceased.
Prohiibto vuluo of estate sjll. M A
Snow appointed executor without
bonds, ii provided under the Will.
Appraisers appointed: Win Welch,
O W Lucas and Ed Sit (Ictl.
ICslale of Christian Burger, deceased.
December :i. lv.i". set for final settle
Estate of Caswell Hendricks. Ap
praiseis report 11000 worlh of real and
fit'l.lM worth of pvrsonul property.
Esuitetof Thuinas Bailey, deceased.
Probublo value of eslutetlOOO. Emily
Bailey uppoiutvd ndmlulstratrlx with
IlImhiI Is; sureties: E A Wooley,
J II Yates, C A Wooley. Appraisers
appointed: C A Wooley, James Wood
and James ( uliowuy.
Eslalo of J V lireen, cleoensecl.
Probublo vulue f:!0"0. W M tlreen
appointed administrator with flOOO
bonds; surely, H M Titus. Aparaisers
iippoliited: II II Sllckney, Charles
Farrow and C H Frank.
Ptllr onanl, Pvcuinlirr .1.
Totiik Pks. The ahorlft of Linn
county tistk Mrs Hannah, the female
murderer sentenced for life, to the pen-
llentiarv yesterday. The Halein
Journal says: "As tho train neared
Sulem. Attorney Wyatt. one of her
counsel, who w a ou the train, iook
the teal behind her and spoke to her.
Her face brightened up and she talked
earnestly to him for a short time
about the chnnocs or the supreme
court reversing Hie verdict of the lower
court. Al about this time the peniicn
tiurv came In viuw from the car
window. 'I he great red wall of
lhal Institution were plainly In evl
deuce and Mrs Hannah as she real I .id
her position looked very serious for a
moment. I hen, however, she was as
linnoriuralileasever. When the train
reached Halem she wa escorted qulet-
v tu a cub aud conveyed lo the prison
Hherilf McFeron said he bad not been
so thankful in his life as to know that
he was alKiul to get rid of hi female
prisoner, who he said gave more an
novance than all the rest of hi
A 21 PolM Baiiv. A buby whose
welubt was 24 pounds al birth wa
horn to the wife of John J Muckey,
binltor in one of New lork solllce
buildings the other day. Il Is a girl
uud hcurs the proud distinction of l
luif Ibe heaviest c hild i ver know n si
such an early stsge In the game of
life. The attending physician said II
Is a remarkable Incident In a PIIVsl
ciun's career to assist at the udveut of
a baby of Unit weight, particularly If
tho child be beiill'iy. as Is tlie case
ef tlie ponderous Mis Muckey. At the
Issl account she wu several pounn
heavier tbllll Ut blltll.
Ptllr hu.ra, l.i'iiitr A.
Allot T RliHIT. - Today' Halem
Statesman: "Mr Etta M. Trotter,
native of Minnesota, uged 17 year
was brought to tho Insane asylum
yesterday from Eugene by Sherill
Johiiion und the young woman's hu
b iinl. Ili-r iu-uiiiiy is hereditary
i ,i hard case to see n young wife
of 17 jears going to the asylum und on
the other hand there Is something lax
lu the laws and usages that will allow
a half liisune girl of t It ut age. lo become
a wife."
Psllr Ciusfl, Puieinls-r C
Nkaki.v Dkmoc-katic:. At Iude-
inudi iii-e yesterday a city election wa
belH Willi the following nuii: may
or TJ Lee. Democrat. Jtecorder,
F Ford, democrat." Marshal W W
Williams, democrat. Treasurer
1 1 lure I rvine. rrpunucnu. coiinciio
- ! llrsl ward. WW Pertival. lepubll
can: ss-cond ward. George Hinkle,
d.nns'ral: third ward. M Merwlll
, democrat,
'i i, i.i..l vi,i tmllcd was! with dumping saw uusi in tne river
U. S. Land Commissioner.
Jot'l W tiro, having boon ap
pointed U. i Circuit Court
'otnmisaionor for tho district
Oropon, is now prepared
to make IIomrstkad I'ii-ixos,
ixal l'ltooFs, and take tes
timony lit .( OXTKST t ASKS.
laving had thirty years o.-
erience in this lino, ho will
uaranteo satisfaction in
J-V.W Jkl
very case, uince in Uiia
'el lows' Uuilding, lCugene,
The Kastero Oregon llrauch Asylum
Case Argued.
Monday's Salem Journal: "The
supreme court this afternoon heard
rguments In the Laaturu Oregon
asylum suit, entitled:
"State of Oregon upon reunion oi a
C Taylor, respondents, vs W r Lord.
II It Kincaid and Phil Metschuu, as
board of commissioners for public
buildings, apiK-llants' apcal from
Marlon county. W t ljonl ami J u
Morelauel fur appellants. H J Bigger
for rvspondenls. --.
"(iovernor IavtiI apwurtsl aud made
an elaeorate argument on the equities
of the cose against the contention of
the board of state oftlolals of which he
is now a memlwr, but wss nut when
the suit was brought. 11. J. Blggtr
rirned ahlv airainst the claims of
Lord and Morelund."
Utile Men ef Mrs. Sclihmibcrg lias
a Peculiar Accident.
Last Saturday afternoon Charlie
Schlomlmrg, the little eight year old
son of Mrs. Hchlomlieig, who reside
una farm alx miles west of Eugene,
was the subject of a peculiar accident,
which will lu all probability result fa
tally. The little boy was playing w lib
an old umbrella, when he fell aud one
of the steed rib penetrated the heud
just under the right rye, passing
lb rough the orbit anil into me uraiu.
Dr. Hamell was called am! did every
thing possible lo relieve the little
suit. rer. He Is fearful that the wound
will result fatally. At last see, units
Ibe little child was still ullvo.
A Yaquina M an. Yaqiilna Post:
'ant Newt Gullthims, of the Ouu,
who has been one of the most success
ful of seal hunters on this Coast for
several seasons past, had the iiiiafor
tune to have hi vessel ana cargo oi
seal skins seized during the lis it season
for ulluged vlolatlou of the law lu re
lation to sealing, lh matter came
up for hearing befoie Judge Bellinger
a few clay since, ami tho vessel aim
argo were conll.caled. ('apt. Gull
Hams, figures the loss at $7,000. I in
mediately after the decision criminal
irocecdlngs weie commencea agiuusi
ant Gullliams, ami If he I convicted
he may bo fined I -DO or more for vlolttt
lug the law. Cant. Gullliams claim
he was outside the proiiiuiteu nuui
lug grouuds, while the government
witness claims ho was Inside.
Dillr Ouanl, Pvcemlitr 3.
Tub (lus Factorv. G A Hachs
and Oswald Mehner of the Euguue
Ouu Fautory came up from Portland
last night. Cant. Machs lias been in
San Francisco for Hie past five mouths
In the Interest or his fictory, ami
since his rstuin to this city,
though he has not definitely
stated hi plans, It Is rumored
that the factory has received
substantial lift and will, as
soon as arrangements can bo complet
ed, be placed in operation, prooauiy
soon after the holidays. Mr Mehner,
Mr Hachs' nartner. remaluod in f.u
ueoeunlila few weeks ago, when he
went to t'ortiana to await in coming
of Cant. Sachs. They have secured
die service or au expert wno i now
Died. At the home of hi mother,
Mrs. Hchlomberg, a widow lady w ho
rwiides six miles west of I'.ugsnn, Ifc-o.
2. lHltt. Cbas. E. Hchlnmberg, aged
years. The cause ol death was from
Inlurlos reeelved bv falling on an utti
brella, one or llio steel mis entering
the head lust below the right eye aud
penetrating me urain. ivciyming
uosslbla was done to relieve the little
sullerer. hut without avail. The funer
al services will be Held tomorrow at u
a. in. at the residence. Tlie remains
will be Interred In the Oak Hill cent
etery at 1 p. m.
PtilT Ouanl, liecember?
Firkmen'h Election. The fire do
pertinent election tor chief and assis
tant chief engineer Is being held Ibis
afternoon at the city hull. The polls
will close at 0 d. m. erv III I la ex
cllement Is man fitted by the lire
bovs. Two rival tickets are in the Held
as follows: Wld Mel lee and Fred lb r
bold on on and on the other It. M
Day and John Barter, In each Instance
the first named being camiiiiaiss ior
chief. The udge and clerk or elec
tlonare: I. L. Hiiiipeon, A. C Mathews
and J. W. Kay.
pal It Uuartl, Deoemberl
Lkc-ilte ToduT'n Sulem Htute
man: Prof C II Chapman, pretidetit
of lb University cd Oregon, will lec
ture before the Hhakesiieriaii club at
('banning ball tomorow night.
Bublect: "The Comedy ol Twelfth
IMIir Ustrd, VeeeiuWra.
ClTV Okkiceiw. nrlngfleld elected
oily oflh-ers yesterday as follows:
Mavor. K Martin: treasurer. J W
Mlewart; recoider, V W Harshbarge
ceunclliuen, U A vvaanuurn,
bally Usar, Deetuiber J.
FineuI2S. WHhortrldge. of Cot
lage Giove was yee'erdsy brought
before Justine Medley's court, charged
Lud flqed J ami costs,
AJm.'sf cvrrvboJv some laxative
mrJitiiit to tlie svstcm and keep the
hlooj pine, llue who Like SIMMONS
LlVlk KUII'IMUK ilupiij or powder)
get nil t!;c 1 eiiciiH cf a mil J anj pleasant
Liv.itive anj tmlc t! puritiri the blood
an J slrengthrns the whole system. And
more than this: SIMMONS I.IVLH REGU
LATOR legubtci the Liver, kerns it active
anj healthy, ai: J whrn the Liver Is In
cooJ condition you find yourself free from
Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick-
llraJ.khe and Ciuishpahon, and rid ot
that worn out anj d;hilitated feeling.
These are nil t.ucd bv a sluggish Liver.
GooJ digfstimi and freedom fioin stomach
troubles will only te h.iJ whrn the liver
Is prcwrlv at work. It troubled with any
of these complaints', Irv SIMMONS LIVER
KLuULAro". I he k'ing of Liver Medi
cines, uud Better than Pills.
Has tho ' Stamp In red on wrappar.
J. II. Zcilln & Co.. I'll I la., Pa.
The Eraiigrllstlc Serrlcrs.
Mondnv's Albany Democrut: Hol-
dredge, uud Dickson closed three
weeks of evangelistic, services 1U lute
ilv last night, with good result. The
woik wa probably the most thorough-
orguul.cil or liny ever none iiere.
During their stay hero a redlgloii can
vas of i Iut city wus tukeu for the pur
pose of future work. It shows the
mowing, ho lar as II gins, me nguree
giving memberships only indicating
those in the city, and llio liumnor oi
KTsons, simply church preference:
persons mem
H. at.
Biipllsls ,3111
Alelhodlst J.piscopal..4i;i
lilted 1 risl.yteilan.VIU
restiyicrlan a.i.i
mil. 1'rcsliytei Ian... lii
Congregational 2:10
hristiuu 214
: South 4J
rolesluut lvnlscopul til
Roman Catholic 1H
vuiigullcul bl
uthcran 3-S
Other U
No preference 2hl
,21110 10.18
Total nun. her of adults, 1537;
number under 21, 107.1; being 24Suu-
derfi; fiom 5 10 12; 200 from 12 to
Is- nj from is tu 25 nut married, and
4ii from i i to 40 not married.
Thebisj In thu Sunday School la
made up of X'A males and 470 females;
:il.l uic churcli liieoineis anu oo uoi.
fills ihs-s not Includo these coming to
Sunday School I roni outside the city
The perceiitago of the 2010 Included
In the list uiudo nre: Americans, 88;
I lerniaiis, (i; Irish, 2; Jews, 1J; Bool-
llsh, ;i5; KcHiidlnuviun, 4 0 omen,
Prvnk Ha i-kh. Frederick U Howe
; Bro, Boston and New York, say la
their lust clreulur: "A few Italian
irunes havo been received and are sell,
ng quickly upon arrival, and any ship
ments that come forwurd ilurlugtne
next few weeks will be quickly taken
care of." A for California prunes thy
tay I ho advanced price ou the coast
have checked the ilemiiuu ior tue nrww
eut. Most of the buyer Have gooutou
bund which were bought at low prloea
aud these will be disposed or before;
more aret bought al the advanced rate.
bev (mote Oregon and Washington
Italian prune In iVpound boxes, de
livered In New York or Boston aa fol-
ows: 30-40. Hot iter pound; 40-oOe,
7uts; 60 00a, Ojcl. liO-80, Oots.
Wast Aiu. Corvallls Time:
Frank lloluomb, nut the notorloua
Washington county ihlef, now In the
icniteiiilury, but a nroiner or cue
,,,.i.u.,,i i.r i.'.llvu Ann Sandera Hoi-
comb, chopiied a tree In the vicinity of
Monroe the oilier nuy anu oy sotuw
means sustained a broken leg. Ibe
futnllv lo which bo belong nave
moved from Monroo a short uisiauce
Into Lane county, and reisirt y thai
they uru In destitute clrcumtlanc.
The nulghliors are curing for the
young ohildreu aud will Hlltlon the
l.ane couniy court 10 eaienu mu.
tu hit Pack. Florence West
The salmon puck for the season of 18U5
has been thu smallest ill several years.
The extreme reticence of the cannery-
i prevent furnishing the accural
II g il res, but the estiuiuio i mat iuw
Florence Canning Co nut up 5000 case
and the Rose Hill cannery UOO0. The
shortness of the pack Is partly clue to
thu two weeks' strike in tue miuineor.
the season, and the slack run. With
the exception of two largo runs, the
catch hu been far below the average.
Jail llurs larlee.
Han Fhancihco. Dec. 2. A sneolal
from Stockton siiv that burglars stole
120,000 from the Tuolumne eounty jail
a few days ago. Tho money belougecl
to the county. Sherill ancy is, or
course, responsible for the money, and
either be or hi Umdsmen will replace
It, so Hint the county will prouaoiy
lose nothing.
Dally Ciuard Peeeuiber 3.
TiikAuiany Election. The city
elect lou yesterday rculted as follows:
For mayor, C C Burkhurt, dem.; re
corder, N J Denton, rep.; marshal, C.
O. Lee, clem.; treasurer, K A Parker,
rep.; councllmen, W I? Tweedale,
Charles Pfoiitor and I C Dickey.
lu'lr Ciuard, IK-Ci'mber :C
Ar a Biatim SrAuii. The river
Is now ii feel alsive low w ater mark,
and has raised in I he last few day. Thla
will place it ut a boating stage.