The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 09, 1895, Image 6

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Durrant Case Almost Ready
for the Jury.
MUtrlrt Attorney Haruee In an Kloiiuent
Appeal Make Out a Hlrong '
A galnet tha frUoner.
San Francisco, Nut. 1. District At
torney Barue appeared a tho central
figure in the last scenes (if tho ti lal of
Theodore Durrant. W'bilo the specta
fra in the crowded courtroom craned
tlmir nock to catch every word of the
sjicakor, he delivered what in consider
ed iu many rtct one of tlie strongest
argument ever made to a California
Jury. Aiiido from being logical and
convincing in hi discussion of tho
testimony, he made two or three
dramntio by-plays tliat put to a never e
text the iron nerve of the prisoner.
(if trirutA jwinna ta niiait 1 ut tiritauiit a
teok place iu the early part of hi Hr. w'' cunu inK wan sufficient to enable
KUineut, when he joae ,f how oounnel h.Im, " "Hal foelwg of
for the defenne had invoked tho .j.irit I tuMl "'f' lway! "nVttuit' in'
of Blanche Lamout and vol Aor 1 "'IT'.0? 'u,'u? ,hor ,K
iwun nunu me tiarKcncu cnurcn iu
the undeveloped boaom, propped the
bead and straightened the meagor body
In the dust Not a bomau body had
beheld hit retreat from the awful pros-
l" "u'i . .... . au irranolaoo, Oct 80. The gov
and tho eoret waa aafuiy locked in 1 ne SiaiUS 01 Indian Agent 1 eminent ! about to take step to annul
slept la Annul Patent Heeently lulled
a tha Huutbern Pantile.
and Police.
a patent to mineral land in Oregon
recently issued to the Southern Pacific
railroad. Secretary Smith bat re
quested the United State attorney
general to institute an action iu the
United State circuit court at Portland
to that end. When the land grant
company made ita aelectioua in the
Roscburg district, a few month ago,
protest were filed by-about 200 indi
vidual citizens, but they were rejected
on the same ground a the Benjamin
hi own breast. There lay the speech
lea and nntestifying corpse, and what
is now to give bim fear? It had been i
nothing but a girl after ull, and con-'
cerniug ber there would be tho same A DECISION UY Jl'DUE S11IKAS
old story to which he could help give
currency the same old story of a van- J
lulled girl, a distracted family, an in- me Ageute Have Ail the Authority of
effective and perfunctory search among , Ul. ,., .d t. ,.,,,.
the houses of ill-repute, a reluctant j ,... Th.mi
conclusion that this little one, like :
other of Eve's daughters, had gone to ' Lincoln, Neb., Oct 31. Judge Slit
her moral destruction; a picture turned , ra ha rendered an importat decision proteHU from CaIifonliR( Damely, that
to the wall, a name never spoken and ' in the caite of the 1'lournoy Land Com- th(J aleclao character of each 40-acre
oblivion, personal and social, for poor pany againat the Indiana. Sheriff gbdivision was not set forth. There
Ulaucuo lament And lie was right ; fliuiieu, oi inuraton county, nau ueen iiug no miners' association in Ore'
lor tuo moment, me wratn ox uoa, inuiciou tor assaulting sua ousiructiug g0U uo appeal Was tuken from the
whose law ho had violated, and whoso . inuian ponce wnne eugagoa, uy order i rnii ,. ,ha nn,,,.uainnur ,,
teraplohehad desecrated, seemed to of Agent Beck, in ejecting the tenants 1 cral Uud ofll d without notice to
of the land company from Winnebago , ... DroteHtttI.u of diHmiH1111i theoatents
were issued to the railroad company,
This was irregular, for one of the le
suits of the campaign of tho California
Miners Association has been the estab
lishnient of rule that sixty day must
elapse between the dismissal of protests
and the issue of patents to land. It is
on this ground, it is believed, that tho
action for annulment of the patent
thoughts by saying:
"Let him go free; he harmed
While looking Intently at the frame
bearing Mis Lamuut'a dross, which
stood near the jury box, and telling
how, through the long day of the trial, j
he had seen the young school girl
l.,th.wl In ull hitr I fiiwuMuif.A ami titii. I
..u. ...... ... . rJ. . . u V ...... ,- I .. I I
i. n.. - ,.....a ,u.. ..ii.... ... t Huch a man I
lit, i'lii a. 4ii urn toiuiini tno wuunA ui ,
the soeuo. Turning npon Durraut,
who was seated only three feet away,
the district attorney with clenched lint
and in a voice of thunder oxcluimod:
"I see her now. There she stands
behind him at this very moment; not
slumber. The murderer went his
guilty way with his undivulgod crime, reservation. The court refused to quaHh
unscathed and unwhipped of justice, the indictment. William Garrett and
while his victim lay in tho spire that J. F. Myers were arrested for assault
point ita slender fluger to the sky as j ing the Indian police in the discharge
if reproaching its ruler for hi unmov-,of a aimilar duty. They sought re
lug indignation." j lease on habeas corpus. The writ was
Mr. Barnes related tho circumstances j refused. The judge considered the
In connection with the discovery of - two cases almost identical, and held
Mix Latnnnt' body, and from the that the Indian agent was an oflioer of
fact drew the conclusion that shu wui me uuiien mates, ann mat me innian ...jii h liiMtitntnd h tha DrworinnnnL
mnrliimil liv luitnu tiu.n.ln.r t.t thu rwilifienieii. Mftt.ifii cm his firdem. fionld
church who had key to the building, ( exercise all the authority of the gov
and iu whom she had confidence The I eminent, and parties resisting their
murderer must also have been a man ! authority should be punished a pro
vided. Though the Indians had taken
land in aeveralty, the title still re
mained in the United States, and the
agout had authority to enforce his or
ders and evict trespassing tenants.
Until this decision is reversed or modi-
whirh tlinv urnrMliimtil (ill Hiillrluv.
nucn a man, no said, is ineotioro vur-
Alfred Auntlu Raid to Have lleen Choien
to Hurrerd Tennytun.
London, (Jut 80. The November
number of the Iiookman state that it
learns on reliable authority that Alfred
....u ..... ....... .mi, uwi. , . .:....,..
pray lug for veugeauce for her deep and ! ,r " ""l
remediless wrongs; not for tho j ither passion nor emotion,
retribution upon her murderer, but
with uplifted hands aud streaming
eye, praying God will not put it into
your hoarta, by tho mockery of a ver
dict of not guilty, to set free this mon
ster to prey upon other souls, pollute
with vilo hands tho unsullied snow of
i.ther children aud defy anew that God
rant Only a monster capable of tak
ing the life of an innocent girl, he
said, could remain cool, impassive and
almost defiant when accused of such a
"Gentlemen," Continued Mr. Humes, ! Cainiuliialniier I.orhri-n Make Heveral
of such rare quality I'ointed Huriitioiia.
that if ooufrt.Uted at last with the I Washington. Oct. 31. ttmiruiRHion.
- I , !. l 1 "
proois oi ins crime, w nose reauai nns
h(x;ked all civilization, ho could aud
ho would, as ho ha done, sueeringly
smile in the awful presence of the
relics of his victim, torn by hi bauds
nd exhibit
sympathy nor regret for tho unfortu
nate child lie had brought to a prema
ture grave. Such a man could well lie
in jail awaiting hi trial for murder
and clothe hi villainy with a mask of
. J i '....I . I .
i Austin uuh uevu Huuoiuteu uuet inu
fled, tho authority of the Indian agent ; reato.
is supreme, and tho land company J
stand defeated at every point
manifested by those who enlisted near
er the close of the war for large boun
ties and did little actual service, aud
! a protended trust in tho Jehovah whom i who re ow tho uoiHiust ju clamoring
! ho had defied, aud play tho saint with for UU)re pio,,,,. As compared with
I verse and phrase stolen from holy ,iliu iu.ri), ,.i,lua ., ,ui ui,ii..ra i.uvo
Alfred Austin, poet, critic and jour
i nalist, was born near Leeds, May 30,
1 1835. lie tHik his degree at the uui
versity of Loudon in lH5i, and in 1857
was called to tho bar of the inner tem
ple. At the age of 18 he had a poem
published anonymously, called "Kan
,dolpb." Hi first acknowledged verse
er Lochren. of the Donsion office, in his 1 The Season a Satire," appeared in
annual report, makes several pointed I IS01. Since then he bar published
suggestion. Under tho bead of "Pa- muny poetical production and threo
triotim aud Pensions." he says: ' novels. He has written much for the
"Those men who enlisted earlv aud Standard and Quarterly Review. Dur-
fought the battles of the war were not I ing the sitting of Ecumenical council
moved by mercenary considerations. I of the Vatican, be represented the
aud unless actually disabled, did not Standard at Rome, and ho was special
show the haste in anulviuir for Deusious correspondent of that journal at the
of justice whose ministers you are." j Tit- Ilo,?'T1'!,1liHt,"1 wi'h Kri'" j preferring claims
tho least affected' per- P,"B0J whtlo hli oounsel struggled to ' i"
nrtroom. While Mrs. ' "t,"ve weu oi suspicion aim accusa'i The coinuiissiouor say that many
. won arouua one wnom ne anew to o ,iiHr,,pntltbi0 aU(i iucompeteut men are
i innocent, and from the beginning to engaged a pension attorney, aud he
tho end of hi trial for tho highest aamvHU tilat uouo liut reputable men
crime known to law, remain the same ; allowd t0 pra(.tioo in pension oases.
nerveless, lmpassivo, smiling villain. I rjjoueHt attorueya have given much
; "I listened to the opening statement troublo by ByHtmuatio criminal aud
of the defense with an absorbing in-! fr,(iui0I1t t.raotices. Pension oavmeuts.
I - .11 - I., i... I: i '
leresi. i mi iiifniiiMHiuieu iu uui. ill,
Durrant wa
son iu the courtroom
Noble, tho dead girl' aunt, wept
silently and everybody rise was thrill
ed with the impressiveues of the
ceue, Durraut sat stolid and Indiffer
ent A the district attorney' last
word were uttered, the prisoner whi
pored something to hi mother, who
at near him, and smiled a if pleased
at the wit of hi own remark.
Mr. Humes began hi argumout by
headquarters of the king of Prussia in
the Franco-Gorman war. lie ha writ
ten a numbor of political and contro
versial works and in 1883, in conjunc
tion with W. J. Conrthope, he founded
the National Review. The work which
for i hint brought him into prominence was
a prose work entitled "Tho Garden
That 1 Love."
i the commixMioner hiivh. Iirinir lurim
tie. The learned counsel who opened amou)ltH of mi)Uur iut0 communities,
the case for the defendant invoked the ! uli ,,, . ,i. .,;,.,; ,lt
A rubllnher Rued for l.lbel.
Washington, Oct 81. The trial of
Caesar Moreno, charged with criminal
ly libeling Baron Kava, tho Italian
ambasaador, began in tho district court
today. Duiou Fava was ocoussed of
being concerned in tho importation of
padroues. The publsher of the paper
in which tho article appeared
Alleged Conspiracy to rrea Ilarranl aud
Implicate uiuauu.
' ! Ban Fraucisoo, Oct 80. A strange
Straiehtenine Out Some of ltory of an alleged plot In connection
airaig . , , iwith the trial of Theodore Durraut
the Various Tangles. mm9 10 gbt through letter
i addressed to the corouer. The police
! claim they have known of the plot for
PL'YALLL'F RESERVATION tASt ome time, and that tue anowiwigo ot
that plot haa ueen aisoovereu, uuu
Iu lue Time the Laud Will Ue Sold,
aud the Indian Will Kerelt
Tbelr Money.
Washington, Oct 80. The Indian
office feels very much encouraged at
the way work i progressing at the
Attorney Deuprey, for the defense, to
abandon the case aud take to bl bed,
leaving the closing management of the
case to General Dickinson, who, it i
n..i1. did not know of the plot Six
men are, according to tho atory, im
plicated a those who wore to wear to
false statement prepared for thorn, it
PuvuIIud reservation, near lacoma, jg MUeiied, by the defense, ine ponce
and it is booed that the commission tm) ian was conceived entirely by
Durraut aud carrlco out largely unuer
are firmer The k.,EV
lor me ili'iiien.i
proviaion. are without cC N
Wheat Mark.,
Tl, l.-.l i.. ...
live and nm-l.u i Pl
u'.ii. Yi.ln: l)rt
now endeavoring to eiwo mo um
ficultie which have alway existed
there will auoceed. Report of the
operation of the commission are re
ceived from time to time by tho com
missioner of Indian affair, aud the in
dication are that iu time the laud
may be sold and the Indian receive
their mouev. The commission ha
just sent to the commissioner a plat of
the reservation lands, and has askod
that the secretary of tho interior ap
prove it, aud give authority to have it
filed a the ludian addition to Tacoma.
Thi reservation of unallotted lauds,
which were held iu common by the In
dians, consisted of GU8 acres. It ha
been platted into lots, there being some
reservations for school purpose ana
cemetery and railroad grounds. Tak
ing out what ha been so reserved and
also the reservation for street aud al
leys, there are in lot 338 acres, mak
ing 8,000 lots. Tho appraised value
of the lots is 1212,000, but a they are
sold by public sale the receipt may be
larger than thut sum. Already sale
of lota aggregating 133, 210 have been
hi direction by the aid of one of bia
oouuscL The plan wa to make uch
evidence a would prove an alibi for
Durraut and at the sume time impli
cate Rev. J. George Gibson in the
murder of both Dlaucbe Lamout aud
Minnie William. One of these alleged
witnesses, who, by hi letter to the
corouer, confesses hi part iu tho plot,
said he and other were ready to
manufacture an alibi, but when they
were asked to implicate Gibson they
weakened and gave a hiut to tho police
which spoiled the whole plan.
A letter dated October 27, aud
signed Georgo Reynolds, i a follow:
"Tonight I will seek rest from all
worldly care in these waters near the
Cliff house. I write thi so you need
have no inquest or identification. I
wa some mouth ago to be a witness
in the Durraut trial for the murder of
Minnie William. I send you a state
ment prepared for me to learn with
five other men named Smytho, Dugau,
Stewart, Taylor and Harrington. I
oblect to take nart in thi matter be-
made. The sale are for one-third cauW) 0f the part of the plan to impli
cash, and the balance in five years, if ( Cate Preacher Gibson. I assisted E.
the purchaser does not elect to pay ; w Thaver. Dnrrant'i friend, in flxiuir
The money is deposited in the tho plan. Smytho, Dugau and
treasury oi the United State for the
benefit of the Indians.
Besides the lands held iu common
there are 107 tracts of allotted lauds.
The commission is eudeavoring to ob
tain the cousent of tlie Indians to have
these allotted tracts sold, and in aixty
case the allottees, or heir of allottee,
bave given their consent to tho sale,
reserving only a small portion for the
use of themselves. These tracts are
sold in tract of 80, 40, 20, 10 aud 5
acres, if so desired by the purchasers.
The allottmenta were mado to these
India us iu 1880, and there are now re-
Stewart were to be witnesses in the
I Lament caso, aud Taylor, Harrington
I and I were to help him out in the
Williams caso. I tried to got state
j ment of the other Ave to enclose with
I this, but they would not give them up.
j Smythe was to say Blanche Lamout
was at hi house, near liaywards,
uutil Friday, April C, when she left
for home. The strap with Blanche La
ruont'a name I marked myself with her
name. I cut off the eud of the stran
aud sent it to Chief Crowley three
months ago with other matter. Dick-
Walla W.U. u-iig 4N?;'":r.1 lu i
J Valley, SI-.c.K
rri ving (reely, and are
j- - ee r,un
- wwe. 1VIUHIJ, Pl U r
Davton, are quoted at i" -n '' 14
Ko lieu oats are quoted , tul''"1
M.-; barrel. HVi Mj
II r Tli,.,,ii... 4J .
6.50. "'''pe,ton.(l
I . I- . .
iLr reed barley. Ill m
brewing, nominal. 00 kg;
M i llbtu rrs ur. n . , n
12.60; inluyiinWlo. "S
per cfcHUl. ' s rJ 74
. Burrxa Fauev creamer i.
2j?.',c; fancy Uairy, UirT'
15c; common. 10c per pou,1(j "P,
JoTAToas-New Ure, "jj
O.tios.-Oregon. 50;5c tWBM,
doxeu; young, i 6j 2 -r '
duck. laooyM.uO; gewe,
turkey., l,Ve, JUc ,'e? pouud
G a si k Pheasant, 2 50- n,
quail. 1.2SKrdo!n; ,CL';
Eous Oregon, are
quoted a,,
cretin, l(,
iuson'a exDlanutinn about the strnn is
maiuiiig only about half of the original olovel.( but very iinprobabie. I am not
surprised Deuprey is sick. I should
dwelling uih,i, the personalities of Miss ?"r " ""
i n,,u u her thought by saying: 'Let him go
- - .......... ..B ...u , . . , I i r i 1 -v.,- . w.v .uv
grouud upon which the state bases its ' ' 1 "" rancor against tho special examiners, eminent onicers urging the suppression
contention that no one but Durraut u . ?,,M '. 0 . . .. Hru"' ; wom) investigations have secured the of the padrone system was put in evi-
theso attorneys will lessen the iuduxof , that Moreno was the author of it Cor
money has shaped itself in popular j respoudeuuo betweu Fava aud the gov-
He spoko in
ence during tho long and tedious day ;
of this trial. I have seen her as she
It U'Utf tlilr n.t.,1... i ttnti l
. . . . words, tinliblinir nn from thn niit)olliit-
.. ..... -----o . -
out parallel
tinder a blind and furious impulse
reveuge some real or fancied wrong to
hi persou, his prHrty or his char
notcr, nor from motives of gain, nor in
tho oommissiou of robbery, nor yet
under tho hot spur of jealousy, that
conviction of orimiuials. The specul
examinations divisiou will not require
as much money as in tho past, for tho
reason that the vigorous prosecution of
frauds and crimes has discouraged and
measurably stopped frauds.
The death of many witnesses aud the
Hin of cluiiiiiinrji Iiuva muHft if: nuilA
i. .... l.i. .. I...1- l i.. .. ! "V .t-..v
i " . , ' V , . i oimcuit in many case lately to obtain
ucr Biiiiiiiiir iiiouiii tiroiiiiiiiK aiiiiuv
could Im the murderer.
tlU M f,,ll..U'M.
ti... i...n.,;.i.,.. i ...i... ....... ...i .i.. . was on tho Urd day of April last, a
hideous murder, with which tho do-1
r..,,lu.i ul.i.wla .,l..i.....l u.,.1 M.1.I..I. i... 1
v......v n. w.a... Ml. i. niiiuii min j All I
h.rmivi.1 ri ...! Cr,,... ilm l.l.wi.l i PHIH'"- "II aglllU
of this community, is uo ordinary
criminal; aud hi crime in every aspect
iu which it may be considered is with
she left her school and her classes, ;
with her little burden of books and ;
that slender robe
before mo with her girlish form, i
Aluivn It I a. tit li.ii invitut ftim. litiliui.l I
I proof Bufllcieut for the granting of pen
I The coiuinissioner recommcuda that
1 omo provision be made for the main-
teiuiuce of clerks in his bureau who
! have been long iu the sirvico and have
become practically disabled. The re-
I ed depths of a pure heart I have aeeu
her as she was when tho defendant ad
; drcsHcd her at the door of tho normal
school. I have so seen her every day;
1 1 stHi ber now. There she stand be-
. 1.: .1.1- 1 . ; m
hell of tho injured lover. It wa in i lT avVJK I port shows:
every .vnso a oold-bKx.ded, ' vicious ' nor awp ami reu eoiiess NulIlber pf pcUHiouers Juue 30, 1804,
murder. It was without tho slightest , wro"f: "(,t r".r Ul" ,l'w x r,,'rill'lou i UtIU,644; now pensioners added during
provocation or apparent excuse or ,,). IM, ' ""urderer; but with uplifted ,ll0 year, 80,185; dropped pensioners
liatlou. Tho assassin chose for his vio- j m.n'mu,I1r. ,y'. lytK ! restored, 4,200; deatliB during thoyear.
tim an innocent aud helpless maiden. I " '"' lm" J'"llr '"'". , 20,810; dropped
deuco, and tho other testimony intro
duced to show that tho ambassador had
tried to kill the padrone system. The
defense sought to prove that Fava aud
not tho United States government had
instituted tho libel, aud also that there
was no malice, but this was not very
successful, the jury returning a verdict
of guilty. Notice of appeal was given,
aud, pending it, Mr. Moreno was re
leased on $3,000 bail.
iu years almost a child,
stranger iu our city, a simple school
girl, temporarily residing with rela
tive aud engaged in the struggle to ob
tain an education as a teacher iu tho
normal school. She wa undeveloped
in mind, puro in life aud thought, pure
and unsuspecting iu nature, and pre
seutiug in body none of the qualities
which are supposed to arouse tho evil
passions of the odticor aud libertine.
For the .-eiie of hi dreadful assault
the murderer selected and evangelical
church dedicated to the worship of
God, a temple where the doctrines and
life of Jesus Christ were taught aud il
lustrated iu Sabbath assembly, In mid
week prayer meeting and in social
gathering. Ho took tho life of his vio.
tim, uot with tho savage mercy of tho
quick pistol or tho silent knife, but he
tortured her with the lingering process
of strangulation, driving hi cruel fin
ger deep into tho tender Mesh of her
slender throat; aud o fiercely did he
du hi devil' work that the stigma of
hi crime remained until tho discovery
of the oorpse, clearly discernible a
the cause of death, not only by the ex
pert surgical examiner, but by the
most uulearned observer. What other,
if suy, wrong wa doue hor before her
''ml exhaled and went to heaven we
do uot know.
"The advancement of uatural decom
position baffled investigation and made
knowledge Impossible, but we know
that either living or dying, or dead,
she wa takeu by him up the steep
almost a!l,y.,,h0 ,,uk,'ry lf net increase during the
! upon gentle souls, pollute with
I hands tho unsullied snow
i childreu, aud defy anew that God
justice whose ministers you arm"
Ho closed with an appeal to the jury
to avenge the murder of Blanche La
I moiit, protect tho women aud girls of
tho state by returning a verdict of
guilty of murder iu the first degree,
with the pc unity of death.
Fourteen Krriited.
London, Oct. 29. Tho Constantino
ple correspondent of the Times says:
A threatening placard was posted iu
the palace receutly, addressed to the
sultan. An inquiry incriminated
fourteen members of the imperial
ppco. pensioners ; household. All or them were executed
during thoyear, the same day within tho preoiucts of
cause, 16,157; Yldia. Thus the sultan's mind was
relieved of a very great weight
mo uany .news publishes a rumor
thut. Tird lutTuriii u'ill Mtn.n ... ......
tf ti..... I ' ' ' ' ni . ."- ........ ......u.iitu iu vi'U
. . v... . (jga.aiu, xn0 appropriation for the year stautiuople a special euvoy before his
was f loti.OOO.OUO, and there was paid retirement, Sir Philip Currio. the urea.
i out during tho year if 137,807,337. The cut ambassador at Constantinople,
estimate ior pension lor invi is us meanwhile takiuir his ulace at Pari.
VMii r
guilty, to sot free this monster to pn-y ((jlailua aUowea Uuri,,K tho
185; deuied, 103,355; cases pending,
allottees, for the mortality has been
very great The commission has ex
perienced a great deal of difficulty in
securing clear tiles through the heirs
of tho origiual allotces, and from year
to year this difficulty increases. It is
expected, the report of the comniinis
sion aayg, to have all the business clos
ed up in time and bave the lands dis
posed of, so that the fuuds may be in
vested for the benefit of the Iudiaus,
and they will not iu future be troubled
with dispute over titles. None of the
allotted lauds can bo sold for less than
the appraised value, which has had the
think Dickinson would be tick, too.
Dugan and Stewart were to any they
had ticcn to Dr. Anthony' funeral in
Oakland on Friday, April 5, aud when
returning saw Miss Lamout on tho ferry-boat,
Dugau knowing her well.
The plan was also to produce a bloody
handkerchief with the initial "(.,"
meaning Gibson, upon it I lettered
five other handkerchiefs, and Thayer
sent them by messenger to Gibson, with
a card written by Smythe, saying,
"From four littlo infant-class girls."
i The bloody handkerchief was to be
approval of tho secretary of the inter-1 offered m haviuK uu fouud iu the
The officials of the Indian office say
that every effort will be made to fully
protect tho Indians, and also to dispose
of tho lauds so that Tacoma may have
the use nud benefit of them for exten
sions which aro needed.
back of the church on Sunday, April
14, but it never wa delivered because
we difliued to take part iu tho plot to
implicate Gibson. This is all I bave
got to say. Let Durrant tell tho rest"
"(Signed), George Reynolds." I
Accompanying the letter wa a
' lengthy statement, comprising the pur-1
i ported bogus testimony which Reynolds
I V114 frfi tarn luifitra rriim itt ilia
An 1 wav JU lIU
y. from : noua tk
iioio, I wrjttt,u auri backed in legal form. The
Suite Bt.itu..i..,t ....... ..t i .1..
diiiiiuivui nun uui, nilliuu uy me
writer of tho lotter, because in the
Btatoment several cor
rections nnu ueen mado with a pen in
handwriting which differed from that
in Reynold's letter. Coroner Hawkins
aid: "I have turned this letter over
to tho police for investigation. It
hoax, but it is possible
Durrant or gome cue connected
Armeuiau but
Need of Fiirtlhcntlnni.
Port Townieud, Nov. 1. Senator
Squire addressed a representative body
of citizens tonight ou tho necessity of
r..ii...H.. . ... ... .i. ... . .. . .
'"""" a tuspaioii to me Dally ISew says
Pension payments, $140,000,000; tho Turkish proclamation gummouiug
j surgeou fees, 1800,000; clerk biro at j everybody to yield their arms is to bo
; agencies, f 150,000; other expenses,
j$JU0,C)00. The commissioner com
I mends the vigor of tho department of
I justice and of tho pousiou examiners iu
tho persecution of dishonest attorneys
1 ...1 U.. . 1 i.
nun oinura itnu weru eiigaguo iu pen
enforced against the
not against the Turks.
Cuba Pay at the Kxnoaltlnn.
Atlanta, Oct. 29. At a meetiug of
tho director of the cotton states aud
siou frauds. Two hundred and ninety-1 international exposition many direc
The Chlueae War Indemnity.
London, Nov. 1. Over 8,000,000
will bo transferred to Japan by the
Dank of Kuglaud as tho first pa v ment
I of tho Chinese indemnity. It is
stairs of tho steeple of tho belfry of the thought pn.bWo that 0,000.000 will
lorunoations ior ruget sound, dwe ling i imr Wlr0 oouvictod during tho tors, who wore not present when a dav
particularly upon no magnincent y.Hr for fl.auda, wag sot aside for Cuba, brought up the
.tTill.UI Vaa nll.l ilitfitltut uii f . i i II ,tuti. t u
..... ...... ..uv, i matter again, aud insisted that the ox
. f'ml",mwult. wmr ! f Hiaiehood. i position company should not take part
llrltlhlh HlU1e tt WDfkll.iltkl tat uht'llVd I ..... . f
............................,..,,...,..! SaU Luk0( (k,u 31. The Tribuue I u matter oi mternatioual concern.
uuitii. u Bum min mu oreseiii. ne-..i -.;..!.. .. ..:.. .! Af... Hl...i. .v,n ...
. . l . . . ' r -.r
i mm roveiubir 8 to December 17
his i regarded as practically an iu-
lug to override tho Monroe diK'trine.
Tho nation's lawmaker', he said, had
never visited the Northwest, aud aro
oorea. no said mat tno present i- priut a column article todav, stating Af
fenw less condition of Pt.get sound was j tllBt cir0uluri) ar0 Mngt wut out fro ed
a constant temptation to tho nations , u ,,u t0 aU voUri iu ,ho territory for Th
of Knrovw, who were constaut y seek- tlu, pur 0 of ,,efeating statehotal. The do:
unable to comprehend tho vast amount
of wealth lying exposed to the mercy
of au invading foe. Ho favor the
rapid erectiou of coast defeusea.
cicrular is headed: "Tho DaiiKor of
Statehood." It deals largely iu statis
tics, showing the cost of ruuuiug the
state government, aud close by saying
that statehood will add $500,000 to the
burdeu of the people. It is claimed
that the circulars are seut out by Fred
J. Kioacl, who was a Democratic meui-'
ber of the recent constitutional conven
tion, aud that a list of voter had beeu
oblaiued from tlie records of the Utah
delluite postponement.
enuren, wuere lie supported the poor
body with block of wood, aud left it
there to rot in nakedness and wither in
tlie oool western wiud that swept
through the lofty spire. Ho hid the
remain where ho believed they would
remain undiscovered and receive no
promise of Christian burial. There ho
left her. Sho wa dead, but he fancied
himself safe from detection aud expos
ure. The heaven-pointing spire of the
Redeemer' church wa hi only confi.
dant and accomplice. No human eve
bo used immediately to pay debts in
eurred for ships and war material. It
is expected that the balance will be
wanted soou iu payment for more ships
and munitions already ordered. It is
not considered likely that any gold will
bo takeu out of the banks, but it is
possible some gold will bo used to pur
chase silver.
Only Muiiennlon for Mine Ayre.
Seattle, Nov. 1. Tho board of edu
cation today beat a retreat in tho rase
had witnessed hi assault upon lllanehe j of Miss Horteuso Ayroa, who wa dis
Lsmont No ear had heard her first ', missed last week for whipping a pupil
shriek of terror and amaaemeut a thi j iu the Cascade school by changing tho
monster fell upon her, or the last aeutence of dismissal into two weeks'
titled moan of dying agony that pre- j uciiiou. It ha become evident
cded tha awful sileuco of her filial that some of the bruise on the boy'
rout None, save the God whom he . face resulted from a street fight, aud
feared not, had een him a he extend- the board changed ita dooUiou in re
ed the naked aud (lender form on the spouse to an appeal from the parent of
belfry floor, laid the thin ann aero ' many children.
The Mound Prydurk Completed.
Tacoma, Oct 31. The last piece of
tho structure of the government dry.
doi'k at Port Orchard wa put in place
yesterday, and it is now ready to re
ceive a ship as soon as tho entrance
channel i dredged out aud the coffer
dam removed. This work is
company, aud ou taturday new air
prcturo dinger wa fitted to tlie dred
ger. It wa started Sunday and i
working with great sueeesn.
The Women Cannot Vote.
Columbia, O., Oct. 31. The con
veunou touay voted oowu the woman
suffrage ameudmeut with a decisive
vote of 131 to 20. Georgo D. Tillman
made a groat speech declaring that by
enfranchising women with a property
quauneation tno white people would
carry tho elections by fair aud honest
methods aud by no other way could
they do it He characterized tho gnf
frage plan of Senator Tillmau a a torn'
porary fraduleut makeshift
Kmperor of Curea.
St. Petersburg, Oct 30. According
to a dispatch from Seoul to the Novoe
remaye, tho king of Corea has chosen
a queen, and ha assumed tho titlo of
a) It I iAtM I (d old.t u. . l
W'K k.;. i i. ' ...
by the San Francisco Bridge " l , , ,ul." "voj
jtvt of getting him out of tho conutry
and preparing the way to the throne
for a prince, who stand iu higher favor.
Reaeon for Ille Keel gnat Ion.
Washington, Oct 81. Minister
Broadhead's retirement from his post
i understood to be voluntary. Hi
resignation was tendered to the presi.
The minis-
Injunction A galnit My Lady Dnuglaa.
La Augelos. Oct 30. An iujunctiou
to restrain Lady Sholto Douglas from
appearing ou the stage of the Burba uk
theater with the Frawley company wa dent about six weeks ago.
issued by Judge au Dyke thi morn- ter is advanced in years, aud it is due
ing. The paper were aecurvd by j to a desire to rent aud to be able iu the
Lawyer Joue at the instance of the i future to give hi atteution to private
People' theater, of Oakland. Officer ! affairs that be retires from diplomatic
ar now looking for Lady Douglas. duties.
The llannork Scare
Rawlins, Wya, Oct !
troop returning from Jackson'
it was learued that the United
marshal for Wyoming is now in Jack-
ailllH ITltla fill tVia mivnuun .....,.:..
" . ... mu vji aiivDiiuK tvrni.vritl,iii
settlers who comnriuu. tho'a ! ll'owl,-"
posse that, in July last, killed and
wounded several Iudiaus, and precipi
tated the Bannock scare. It is believed
the entire posse, that consisted of Con
stable Manning aud twouty-aix depu- j ,iLfn
ties, is to be arrested and brought bo- w n ,,,,,
f,,ro tha f.,it..j u "nit Durrau
w.w w u.lA. UMlVfl UUUIIi. WUIUU ...i.V. .
mtHita iu Chevoune earlv in No,W "'", l"u "v" um " "7 nvepropurcd
Tho settlers bave x,A thoi, sn. 1,16 M7 KflynoMs. says,
..... i in .m r
iuguess to stand trial for killing the
Indians who were arrested for violat
ing Wyoming game law, and it is be
lieved there will be no trouble in
effecting their arrest
For Diplomatic lleasoiia.
Detroit, Oct 29. Regarding the ad
verse decision by the secretary of the
navy on the bid of the Detroit Dry
Dock Company for building two of the
new gunboats, Don M. DickiuBon today
i tniuK it is probable that if the
secretary of the navy has docidod, a
tho dispatches state, it is not for pure
ly diplomatio reasons, and not upon
the merits of the case. Tho adminis
tration does not wish to do anything
which might further disturb the diplo
matio relations with Great Britain,
which are already in an acute oondi-tion."
A Night Train to the Sound.
Seattlo, Oct 2S. It is l.uiriie.l m,
good authority that the Northern Pa
cific iu a few weeks will put on a night
traiu between this city aud PortUn
aud that it is in early contemplation
also to inaugurate a train service bo-
tweou Seattle and Tacoma which will
reduce tlie time to one hour. The first
train will be well patronized hr tha
traveling publio, and the reduction of To
The state
mout which acoomiMiuied tlie lotter
show careful work, aud was no doubt
prepared by gome one who had made a
i close study of the caso. If Durrant
oould prove what is Btatod iu tho docu
ment he would go forth as a free
The Nicaragua Canal
London, Oct 20. The Times this
morning has an article on the Nicara
guan canal from a correspondent lately
there, who gaya it ia clear the project
cannot be carried through as a private
undertaking, but that it must be under
the auspioie of some stioug govern
ment, which, without doubt, must be
tho United State. Ho is conviucod
tho cost will be nearer 20,000,000. It
is useless to suppose, he adds, that the
government of the states of Central
America will be able to supply the
necessary labor. The laborers, hi
thiuks will undoubtedly be negroes, the
cm, mines negro labor being far su
pcrior to the Chinese.
Cikksk Oregon ,;
iwr rumiiil Iiolf n. r .
6c; Young America, il i ln,.'i?i'.fkl',t
OuaooN VxoKT.Bl.,tLl!;
per lb; ladishes, 10c per doMn Tci;
K-eeii onions, lic pe.- dozen ; l0t11Z
6c(s5fl ,er iukj caul.Hrff
ozen ; tomatoes, Ibic pe, u'."
08o per doz. WI'
Thoimcal FaciT-Californii a-.
4.60(4560; bananas,
bunch ; aluc.a late orsn, M Z
box ; Mediterranean gweetg, limiZ
pineapples, 4s 6 per down, '
Calikoknia goxrAHinr:..iu .
0a8cer pound; gweet poutotTiT.
per pound; Merced, 2c
FaMthH rauir Apples, food, v m
box ; prunes, 25(tf4uc; (K-aihe, a.!
per box; peai, (all, 5UciuU);ii
uiciuuo, iuv;f i.iv per uoien; cuiv
louH-g, l.t'0(ul.25per.loztu;grp.,
per box; New Yum Coueordt, lZ
basket; llwaco cranUrne. II0A1 Z
barrel; Cape Cod, 10.
Wool Valley, loyllc, acojrJiiit a
quality ; Lastern OreKon, Tuttic.
Hof Choice, Ureifou UaGU
pound. r
Nl)T Almond, tuft .hell, iffr
er pound: pajr shell, K",gl4c; at
croji California walnuts, toft itml,
11A 12.0; standard aalnuu, Itijllt
lUlian chesuuui, U'Hc; team!
13(5tl0c; Brazil, l:,iacj
14ial6c; peanuts, raw, fancy,
roaated, lOc; hickory nut, oijlut;
coanuts, UOc per dozen.
Provision Eastern hsina, mtdin
lUtll'c per pound; hauii, pot
S'wWIH:; breaklast bacon XlltJ
short clear sides, 't(ilc; drj si
sides, 7(!jBc; dried beef html II
13c; lard, roiupouiid, in tins. ,
lard, pure, iu tins, Vldc; piirfas,
80, 3.60; pigs' feet, 40. 3.i6;U
1.Z5. Oregou smoked loom, 14 fa
pound; pickled bam 8'ic; imtdm
hams, 10c; bacon, 9.'; dry titiiJ,St;
lard, 6-pound paiis, 84c; k IV;
60s, 8'4c; lien-es, 8c.
iliUKs. li y hides, bntilief, iwtJ,
per pound, 13(I4c; dry kip ud tU
kin, ll(jtl3c; cull-, 3c lew; nltcd, (0
II and over, tiH'ai;; 60 to UO lbs, Ti
7'wc; 40 aud 60, 0i7c; kip ami veil
skins, 10 to 30 llm.6utH'; cal(ekin,M
3To 10 I In, 6." He; green, aneaited. It
less; cull, lu2clees;aliterlliinl,ib
lings, 10(ul6c; short wuol, 3tt'i
medium, 30(g40c; long tool, Wijilfc
The Dallas Artillery Company.
Dallas, Tex., Oct 80. It waa an
nounced today in local military circles
that nearly all the member of the
Dalla artillery company are to be
court-martialed or dismissed in dis
grace from the military service iu
xas, for refusing to turn out an es-
time will foroo tho om..;.. w l,,,u
wev v-m ir'lillaf n I tUI 111 Hrfl reirr Tli rnn iniwuaii..a .. , 1 .
to rln tholr nt,o-t r. or i uie opening oi
till Nriiru Tint
Tho trouble is n sermel
to Governor Culberson' course in pre
venting the Corbctt-Fitzsiniinous flKht
Armenian Take the Initiative.
Constantinople, Oct 20. The oov
ernor of Bitlis has telegraphtM die!
porto tliat armed Armeuiau attacked i Colorado's Game Law.
mosques when the Musseimaus as. I Douver, Oct 28. Department Com
sembled for Friday' prayer. The lat- n""''1'' Wheaton ha promistni Gover-
ier were uuariued and were uor woliirvre that if hhv of th v..,u.
defend themselves witli stone and ern Utt, who my bo accused of vio
stick. The troop and gendarme were ' latl"K the law "f Colorado, are arrest
ordered out to restore nrHop M I ed UDOU their rernrn tn !..,.
were killed and wounded on both side. tiouil thly wH be brought back to
Hercbandlie Jlarkek
Salmon. Columbia, river So. 1, X
1.261.00; No. 2, Ull), rl'-SJiM;
fancy, No. 1, flats, 1.75o; 1.85; Alatk
No. 1, tailB,l.:'Ou1.30; Kai,UllfM
(a 2.26. n
Suoab Golden C, 4.'c; eitrC,4y
dry granulated, 6'4c; cutw crunuedrt
IKiwdered, 6c per pound; VP" P"11"
discount on all grade lor prompt o,
half barrels, c more tlisn tm;
maiile augar, 15i Hc per puunil.
Corrga-Coata Kiea, 2:,(a23lC;B
(!22c; Salvador, 21 -1 lc; Jli
2l(.ilc; PadangJava. SOtsWrtiN
Java, 20(Lf28c; lhat Jva,23iw;
buckle' Mokaska and uoo, r
1(K-pound case; Columbia, p. I
100- pound case.
Coal Steady; domestic, $m
per ton; foreign, 8.5011.W).
Bbans Small white, Ko. 1, 7
pound; butter, 3c; bayou, iW
6,liiC ., . . i,
Cohdaoe Manilla roi,
quoted at OVc, andSinal.licixr,
Bags. Calcutta, 4'40.
Rica Island, 5i5 25pr
pan, 14.60(4.70.
FLOua-Net cash prices: FtmilJ,"
traa, 3.35(-X45 per barrel;
tras, $3.163.25; supertine, J-.
n . u, u. I fur to fl'
choice, 01 '4c; brewing, "' rrti
What-.o. 1 Bhippins, '".
choice, 08V; milling, .f '1
Oath Millimi.
85(3110; fancy feed,
choice, 05(!i721ej poor
02'oc; grav, b5(oc
to UU'i"
Hore-0.uotable at 5(?.c Pr P01.
Potato a .VweeU, 50tfii
bank, 60(3 65c.,
to choice
Onions Good
Wooi. Spring o to
lto.e'i Withdrawal Confirmed.
Ryde, Isle of Wiaht. Oct an tu
sailing committee of the Royal Victoria
lacht ciub mel hore thu ,.
and formulated a letter to th Vo.
lork Yacht Club. rxiuflrmii. th. i...
ter of C. 1). Ro.. .i,h..; . : I
v-oioraoo ior trial. The intention la
to carry the case throngh all of the
courts to the supreme court of the state,
and then to the United State supreme
Engllah Uovernment UUnatlalled.
Rose. wiih,:-; I mtiou. Oct 80. The Daily News
challenge through the Roval Victoria i m"7" hen Lord Sttliltbnry dissatis-
lacnt viub for tho America' enn me suitan a verbal guarantee
W. Halford. a member of th T : Vf Armenian reform, and that the
tee, said that uo dan. f.. . four great powers favor an earlr Eu.
had bn hinted at in today' rawtiug ,n colJ,eren( 00 tn Turkish que-
era, defective 0.i8c; .Vortlierii,
Choice, 12(13',e; do Sr
new iambs and fall clips. Svt't '.,.
vada, spring, lignt ami h,Mi
heavv. i. 8c. rall-Miort. trMH.
Joaquin plains, 3(rf5c; 1
Southern and roast, 4irf't. nlu
light and li-'e, 6u.J7c. jjl!;
BCTrKK raniy eae,
seconds, SOiL'lc; fancy dairy,
fair to ebniee. 10" 17e.
Kims Ranch, ;H)k!t;ic.
liiiasx-Kancv. mild. n'-
common to ood. 3(6oj
: c .o... L'..lurn. 111! I"'
ern. HM12',c ner
Meat Market.
Basr Gros. top suwr. e--
fair to good steers,
4L'.tXi2.25; dressed
beef, '
i..(",m. Deft " '
Il.'75t2.iw; ewes, l.75;
ton. 4o per poiin .l.
Veal Dressed, email,
i?t r nr noiind.
Hoos Ciros. choice, he u.jjl;
S.BO; ugnt anu "---.
dressed, 4H Pr P0UDd'
dre "
5a; ton1