The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 02, 1895, Image 7

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.,jUAV, XOVEMDElt 2.
,i,l,rnli, iitixt.
, piunly Disk harrow leads.
Walton, attorney -ut-law.
,m.v tn I'Min on farms. Enquire of
L. your Chilteiii liurk In S. II.
. ..I...., V I I
(Oil W!HH l" - iiini"CIB
A'l In tu;i
i vuu ironi " "'
i . in get cash for your Chittem
ut S. II. Erieudly'a.
hi. your Chlttein liurk to S. II.
u cull get oiuih for your Chittem
M ' . . ivi 11.. I..
Ul ,S. il. ITietllllJ H.
II hearings make light draft mid
.. . I., liiil'riiu' linn I iuiii SZ..
1, ut r L Chambers.
t (I. W. Middle tuny be found nt
f.-iiili iiif on Olive street, la-twcen
fli mid Sixtli streets, one lilm-k west
tlio .Minnesota hotel. Ho m pre-
1 1 to do nil dental work In the Is-st
rL miine Oliver plow shares mid
r extra can only be bought of
I CIlUllllHTS.
u4o lii've about 'Si other makes of
thai l "in ciose out, regaruicsa
L. Cham n Kits.
Huhi-! cash price paid for Chittem
uikuy s. it. rrieutuy..
i Farm for Sale.
(have now thirty fine farm In the
lllaiiittle valley for sale. These
-fen include every variety in size and
Kuriiescripiion list, auuress
OKO. M. Ml Li. Kit,
Wilkin Block, Eugene, Or.
II. Friendly wants all the Chit
a barK lie can get,.
List. A lady's little red Morooeo
I ket book on the road between El
ifauhl Eugene. tinder will tie
:irilt-d by leaving the same at this
tl'lien in town have your horse ted
; tlie new feed stubk. Mclsoil build-
Till street
New Feed Stable.
jrifflu & Co have opened up a feed
.'able in the Mt-lson building, on 7th
ttitet Ut ween Wilhimette and Olive.
f,Dv alo have 40 head of homes for
jfe. liatea reasonable, Patronage
have taken charge of the Spring-
Hotel uiKt solicit a fair share or
.i patronage. I will also ruu a daily
sex between Springlleld mul hugelie.
f A. M. Clark.
Fakm W'antkd. The undersigned
lilies to rent a farm. Call on oi ad-
j W. T. Kosk, Engine, Oor.
Fur Sai.k. 100 head of good young
n stock sheen, cheap. Iimulreat
..qgeiie .Mill and fc.l-vator. to.
Dissolution of 1'ariiierslilp.
iotice is 'hereby given thnt the co-
iflncrship hcrclofoie existing be
tcu John Clayton, EE Claytm and
:i M Clayton, u mtor the tirm name
John Clayton & Sons, is this day
olved, Eli M Clayton retiring from
linn. All accounts will be collect-
ilky the remaining partners.
Uated ut Kugeue, Or, Oct lS'Jo.
John Clayton,
iV E Clayton,
Eli M Clayton.
Fob Salk. 35,000 feet fencing at to
er tliniK-tud. Itustic (12 and llooring
:$U Will trade for wheat in mill or
warehouse at 40 cent! a bushel, and
tack cattle or sheep at a reasonable
Btkphkns, Allison & Feldwkkt
To Wood Subscriber.
Subscribers who have delivered
ood to the (Juakd oflleo this season
ufl otiialued no receipt are requested
11 (a 1 1 at this office se that proiier
wlit may be given.
miiraiHecil lo rare I'll on and Connltiiatlon
imcjp reftniili'it. to coiitu iht Ikix. KnJ
otnmti lor elrc-ilnr Kinl Vre hnmple lo
Akl IN Kt'HY. UexUU'rvd rharimtclnl.Uncu-
M'. NO l'OHTL!l ANMWKRKI). Kor KHlu bf ll
it-clam itriii!tli( every wIktb, lliU in Lugeue
-jf'in by oi.iirn tv uuijiiio
8ore Throat. Any ordinary case
ay be cured in one niftht by applying
tianiberla'n'H Pain Halm as directed
Mth each bottle. This medicine li
n ruinous for its cuies orrheuiiiatlim
lame back and dcepacnU'd and muscular
aim. For sale by Osburu uelauo.
LieXtT Itdlis.
Oct. 31, 1S95.
October come and gone without a
prop of rain.
Howard inccnt has leased Mr
Brlgsg place for a term of three yean
sud moved thereon.
Grandma Williams is still reported
lUlte low, lieing unconscious a part of
ii time.
James C Parker U teaching the
"flnt school and is giving good oalis
iction. Superintendent Stevenson was In
liis motion last week visiting schools.
Riliert Williams ha purchased a
inHcr engine which lie will attach to
t-'4mw mill.
i Regular.
Vrs W H Meek, wlio n sides at
l'niitouville, Cal., says her daughter
for several yean troubled at timet
ltli severe cramps In the stomach,
W would be in such agony that It
"as iieowsary to call In a physician,
iving ri.ud a I .out i 'hamlierlain's
lie. Cholera and lia rhoes IUmiumIv
concluded to try it. he found
'4t it hlwuvs gave prcinpt relief. It
"4 seldom necessary to give the
t'oihl die. "It ha not only saved
'J ts of worry and line," Vlie says, Kell9 visiting relatives, left this morn
"I M also doctor bills. It is my opin- 1,1. on the local tr..iu for Chicago,
that every family should iiave a i v, ,.,,. l,e lias a ruiniitic engagement,
!!.le v in the house
f ssle by O-Uini A DcLafo.
I've a secret In niv heart,
Sweet Marie,
V tale I would Impart,
Sweet Marie;
'f you'd even fain r U
ii"u must aiwuys u.- Parks' 'lea
1 to- in: j.roviMi.fiit y.m will see.
I weet Murie.
S)!d by A. YkUI.NCITON.
Mttle Zella Zlcgler is (liit,. ,.k.
J A I lalnes went lo Portland this
t. onsideraiilH wood i still arrivliiK
iri Eiigiiiii.
Mrs i W E LoughinilhT m, returned
from Portland.
Lou Itogs und wife, of Acme, are
vUltiiig in Eugene.
Jaik Dempscy. the Portland pu--ll't,
Is Kiine Ix-tter.
Tlio Durrani, vane will prohatdy g' to
the Jury this evening.
President Clian man and J w Kavs
have returned home.
Clarence Adams has the Oregniiiau
route for a few day.
Some repairs are U-liig made on the
street railway track today.
Two drunks were thrown iln
cooler today by Mardial lliy.
We are pleased to learn Unit Miss
M.irie Ware Is no improving.
J I) Scharf, the oi l time gentle
manly drummer, Is in the city.
Hon II It Miller addressed assem
bly at the university yesterday.
Daniel Kern, of Portland, left on the
stsge this morning for Florence.
J H House, nf Cottage C! rove, is In
the city att ling circuit court.
Mrstico M Miller Is visiting ut the
Cogswell rum h on the
Clarence Keen is still con lined to
his room with a huge boil on one of
his legs.
A D Hyland, of Lowell, this week
sold !I0 head of beef cattle tor 1J cents
per pound.
J D Hampton, wife and daughter,
Uiss :se!lle, or Uoslieli, visited in Ku
gene yesterday.
The Jacksonville excursion train to
the Portland extositiou passed through
mis arternoou.
Miss Mary Thompson, a daughter of
uavKi iiiompson, is dangerously III
with typhoid fever.
Col John Kelsay, of Coi vullls, cele
brated his 7(itli the birthday Oct. '.3,
llu Is hale and hearty.
It now looks as If the Corbelt-FIU.
Simmons prl.e tight would take pluce
between now ami .sov u.
Fred C Kiuger. a native of Oer
nianv, hns been admitted to citizen
ship by tiie circuit court.
J II O'Neill, of Portland, the nop
ular passenger agent of the LT P It H ii
doing business in l-.ugvne,
A new pork packing house ninv be
opened up In Eugene soon by Chris
Bartsch and Joel McCornack
Junction City holds an election
Monday. There are I I candidates.
more or less, for the marshalshlp.
Mr and Mrs Joe Luckey, Dr Pren
tlce and John Uray went up the Coast
torn today lo visit their claims.
E Anderson and nephew, L F
Anderson, left today for the ISnhcmia
mines, where they will spend some
time hunting and prospecting.
A disabled engine passed through
here last evening euroute to Portland
It had one of the Dances broken
'jll'of a drive wheel out south.
('apt X 11 Humphrey has been ap
pointed deputy prosecuting attorney
of Linn county, with headquarters ut
Albauy. An excellent selection.
DrJF Itovles has instituted a suit
in the Mar-li term of circuit court
against Dr W W Owleshy and wife, on
a note, for the sum of J 1,301. 09.
Miss Cora Doughlon. of Lebanon,
who has been visiting her sister, Mrs
K K Ohling, In this city, has gone lo
Myrtle Creek lo remain some lime.
Mrs HukIi Thompson, of Nilem, has
been elected secretary of thu "Ovcr-tlie-
Tea-Cuns" club, of Unit city. This
popular lady entertained the club last
Jos Vegl, who has been employed at
theticerand ice station in this city,
has returned to Portland and will m
employed by 11 Weinhard lu that city
during me winter.
Mrs IUiclmel Luce, of Canyon City,
who has tsicn visiting relatives here
for a couple of days, went to Koseburg
this afternoon In answer to a telgram
saying that Mr Hodson, her father,
was dying.
"Dwacou" Davis and Seth Mc-
Alister will attend the football game
at Halem Saturday, going down on
their wheels.
Ex-Treasmcr Geo W Hoggs, of Ta-
coma, lias been arrestee ior emora
r.llng ijlU,000. He was Indirectly
connected with the proposed Siuslaw
railroad and made several visits to Eu
gene in connection with the same.
Ghosts rolled In white shrouds may
lie seen In most any yard about towu
these nights. The dawn of morning,
however, reveal them to be nothing
but chrysanthemums clothed in sheets
to keep Jack Frost otf.
Dr J W Harris returned today from
attending Susie Carter, the young
lady who was hurt by a runaway
horse on the Middle fork Monday.
She remained unconscious for .4 hours
but since having ber leg set Is getting
along nioely.
The Salem Statesman is on the trail
of the county assessor. The receipts of
Assessor Col'l'ey for 1N'.'4 were f ,31S.74.
and for 18W up to Oct. 1, t7,'.X).')0. It
is thought the total will be f 10,000. In
1S0O the cost was only $2,5011.
The portrait of Col. Alley of the
Florence West occupies prom Intuit
place in the Ootober number of the
Arena, and Helen X Gardner devotes
considerable lime and space to a com
mendatory account of his work In the
last legislature of Oregon, In behalr ol
Dr Ausplund whu had a duel with
Dr Holmes in Portland August lOtli,
has been convicted of assault with a
dangerous weupon. The penalty Is
from six mouths to ten years In the
penitentiary, or from one month to 12
in the county jail or a line not exceed
ing flOi, or both fine mid Imprison
ment. The rainfull since January 1st Is
14 40 inches below normal. Never
la-fine since the Fulled States weather
ureau w-s established In Portland
has there lieeii such a dry season.
The average rainfall tor October Is
3 il inches, but so far there ha only
fallen a face, which has been t(s
mall to measure.
Miss Catherine C Coggswell, who
liMsaneul the last five months in Eu-
an I W'll proliabiv ieini ine winier.
SI.e will Is- joined ill that city about
tlic middle of November by her
cousin. Mr George M Miller, of tins
ci:v l.n wl.l resume her oratorical
stu'l'i-s, M. lougswell has made
.,anv nisiids in Eugene during her
viit', ho oiieand all wish her much
H .- iu her profession. She ex pec
t return here to spend her fumtii r
vacation next J ear.
Olivet 1
i,,,( . Mill Is- sold this season
tttil.-du'sdllst. FL CHAMBERS.
1'illjr OuarJ. Oetobr il.
It will ls reinemU-red that in An
guM, Isvj, Jerry J telly was committed
to the county Jail of Lune. county from
Cuttiure liiove precinct for attempting
tokillOiin, over a dispute
aUiut sonic hay. Hi actions ut the
lime were suinou 1ml t range and soon
after C'lmtiiiumeiil hu became ipiite
lllthy while hefure he had been mat
about his pcrm. He was very clu-er-ful
and lively up to a sve:tr or so ago.
but Is i ame uinrnse and and
seemed lo be devoid of intelliireiice ut
Unit, and ut the present time It ex-
cecaingiv prcvrrc; and savs if released
lie will kill Onu Itobiusou when be
returns to Cottage tirove. Since his
committment he has kuu confined lu
the eou til v lull.
The ollltvrs thought It liest under
circumstances that he be examined
upon achaige of Insanity, which was
nied by ih'putv Prosecuting Attorney
Williams. Vis ten lav aluriKsui ut
4 n clock he was taken before Judge
r isk ana .Medical ixaininers Drs W
Kuykeiiilall and T W Harris and ex
amiiied on the charge, and was ordered
to le commuted to the asvluui a he
was round to lie Insane.
Ho was taken lo Salem this fore
noon by special deputy sheritfJ W
luilii'tiueuts Presented.
lolly liuinl IVtols r 30.
1 he grand Jury today presented the
io. lowing iiKiiciiueuls:
State of Oregon vi II P Hayes;
nicest, a true Mil.
State of Oregon vs H P Hayes;
incest, a irue bill.
Slate of Oregon vs Susie Walker;
icwu anil lascivious cohaiiilation. A
true bill.
Makio.n Cointv Ck.nsis. The
as-cssor's census idvc tliw total (aipu
lation of Marion county as 30,041. In
IS'.K) il wus 22,454. The census includes
the inmates of the public, inslitutinrs.
Salem is credited w ith 10.201, while lu
isy.i it was given as 10,422. The pop
ulation given other town Is: WixhI
l.urii, 1,004; Silverton, KID; Stayton,
4S0; Ml Angel, 310; Jellerson. 3.12;
liervais, 301: Turner, 2J4; Scott's
Mills, Mill City, 114; Aurora, 21S;
Niagant, 55; Ih-troit, 54; Gates, 4;t;
Meliania, 71; Minto, 17. I'lace show
ing a decrease from 1S1KJ are ChampiH'g
Meliama, .Mill City, liervais and
Pally (iuard, Deu.lwr ;I0
Pkaitu k Gamk. We publish the
following for the U-netitoI the U nf O
fiMiti all team, so they can see what
their opponents are doing. today's
Salem Statesman: "This afternoon
bcuiniiimr at 4:30. a practice irame of
football will be played oi the campus
between the young "champions of Wil
lamette University utul a picked
eleven. The public are cordially In
vited to lie on hand and witness the
game and learn Hie nature of the pas
time and its struggles. Ihehovsaie
all in excellent trim; they feet tlrst
rate after Saturday's contest and are
hoKful of success "in next Saturday's
important trial."
Pally liuani, Ortoher :i.
Xkw Catiuilio Ciukcii. Rev.
Father Illack of this city luis Just re
turned from a visit to Cottage Grove,
and left aijuin today for Hoseburg. He
Is ucgol luting arrangements lor a new
church building at Cottage Grove. An
order lor some of the uiateriul has al
ready been placed. If built according
to proposed plans, when finished it
win be one oi me nuest latiiono
churches lu the state.
Pally liuard Uctolvr ..
(ioisii'i'o Oakland. J L Scott,
the iMipular drummer. Is taking his
family lo Oakland, California, to siend
thu winter. They went to Creswell
today to visit Willi relatives and to
il ieh't will leave, for their new home.
They will probably return here next
spring to reside and In the meantime
Mrscoliwiu retain tils neaiKiuariers
In Eugene.
Pally (iuard, Oclutier .10.
Sake Cracked. C M Young &
Company's large safe was cracked this
morning by M H llarker. The safe
opens will) a combination key, and on
Monday the key was lost and since
that time the rafe has remained closed.
Being unable to get it open any other
way as a last resource u was cracaeu
with tools this morning by Gunsmith
Pally uuard, October .
Dismissed. Thu case wherein S N
Gleuk was charged with assaulting
John Splint) Willi a monkey wrench at
the A Meek place, was beard before
Justice Wheeler this morning mid
dismissed. The costs were taxed to
tlio prosecuting witness.
New Misic Sihikk. A new music
store has been oisjued up In the Chris-
man building by 11 Uollenbeck.
Mr Hnllenbeck Is agent for Winter 4
Hartier. of Seattle. At present he is
bundling pinuos and organs. In the
near future he will keep sheet music.
It Pays To Advertise. It pays
to advertise thoroughly Is what EC
Smith, of The Fair, says. He has a
new price list In today's GUARD,
which il will pay every Intending pur-
eimser iv rrau. iiu hiid uj.ij .
Mr Smith has been thoroughly adver
tising of late and Is now reaping the
buucllts therefrom.
Inuktmknt Dismissed. The In
dictment against Arthur Johnson, In
I. inn count v. for obtuining mousy
under false pretenses, was dismissed iu
the circuit court at Albany yesterday,
on motion of tin prosecuting attorney.
Ihe dishonored drafts wsre paid.
Hops Sold.-A D Hyland has lold
US bales of hops to Geo T Hall A Son
for 5 cents r joudd.
Poor Tacoma. She is now a sad ex
ample of biMim days. Even the Led-ir-r
rays the following from Jeremiah
fits her case:
How doth the city sit solitary, that
was full of people!
How is she become as a widow!
She Unit was great among the
nation, mi I princes among llic prov-
Iiks-s, how is she U'caine u tributary?
She wecpeth sure in Ihe night, and L will tell you that no one Is lit
er tears are on her checks. F.,ualitted to Judge of the merit of
Amomrall her lovers the lias non
to comfort her.
All tier frbcid- !;.ive limit treacher
ously Willi hir.
They are become her etieinl.-s.
Thomas I'sborne wrib-s to the Ore
goniaii from I-oiidon, under date of
Octubcr, ij h Mlows: "Our market
cml. inies in a very (piiet state. The
only business doing is lu the best hop.
Soiiie larc growth of East Kent
have Ix-eii sold lately at from ""',!!
per cwt; anything extra choice, up lo
5. Medium sorU ure entirely neg
lected. A few pans-U of Hew ChI
if.irnlaii hav arrived but there is no
deinaud for litem at present."
Wheat is now s0 cent per bush!,
and the matket firm.
Dow Huff Is at Pendleton.
Dr. Fin ley. dentist. rK.m :j, Dunn hlk
August licit went to I'oitUudto
lteu Lurch, of Leuiati. is in Eu
G W Waterburv, if WiKMlburn, is lu
F S Younger, of Cottage Grove, Is in
tlio city.
J J Truax has gone to Yoncalla on a
business trip.
C 1' Houston of Junction City, was
lu Eugene last evening.
r rank Suuuders was a passenger to
Empire City this afrcrnotin.
Miss Carrie Friendly returned todav
from a visit with friends n Portland.
Miss Maud Howe, the ltrowusville
milliner, is visiting friends In Eugene,
Attorney Kitisey transacted pro
fessional business west of Junction
l ily hut evening.
Fred Ware, of Isabel, while driving
cattle a few days since bad tlio mis
fortune tu sprain one of his ankle.
County Clerk Jennings this after-
noon granted a marriage liceuso to
Jacob P Iter key and Nora May Good
man. The Frank ltros Implement Co lu
Portland has assigned. Mayor Frank
is president of the tirm.
The S P bridge gang and lie driver
arrived here last night aud will build
a new trestle below towu.
Mr aud Mrs V L Ilrivtow of
Pleasant Hill arrived home today
from a very pleasant visit to Port laud.
Tlio trial of John Isonr, charged
with unlawfully shipping wheat not
his own, is on iu tlio circuit court at
Dr Ausplund, of Portland, was fined
f-HM) yesterday. He paid $250 of the
amount and was given 30 days time
on the balance. A considerate Judge.
Tomorrow evening Miss Lillian
Hamilton will recite at Corvallis ut
the O A C football lie lie lit, an original
MH'in, "What the Hoys Didn't IK) at
One of thu front wheels rail oil' of
Wells Fargo & Co' express wagon
tills morning, near the lloH'inau; no
Dr. Finley, dentist, room 3, Duuu blk
Mr Grace Osburu, of Itoseburg,
came up Ironi Junction today and will
spend a few days visiting with Eu
guiie friends.
It is a truth lu medicine that the
smallest dose Unit psrfiinns a cure I
the ImmI. Do Witt's Little Early
Risers are the smallest pills, will sr
form a cure aud are the Lest.
Osiiurn & DeLano.
Ex-Senator W K Matlock of Umatilla
was a passenger on Monday's train
going small. He wasou his way to view
the CorlH-tt-t-ll.slmmons light which
takes pluce somewhere In thu Lower
Mississippi valley.
Say, why don't , you try DeWltt's
Little Fatly Risers? These little pills
cure headache, Indigestion mid consti
pation. They're small, but do the
Osm itN
E Pickard, Harvey Soiumirvlll
and Courtney Olllcer arrived home to
day from attending tlie races at I be.
Dalles and lleppner. Ihe liorscs
Itlack Prince and Itlack Alder were
brought home on the freight today. j
Easy to take, sure to cure, in pain,
nothing to dread, pleasant 1 1 tlio pills.
DeWill's Litilo Early Risers. Host
for sick headache, biliousness, sour
stomach and constipation.
OsmriiN &. DeLano.
Corvallis Times: As everybody ex
pected, the O A C football team re
ceived a drubbing In the practice game
at Eugene last Saturday. The Iftiy
returned by team from Albany Sun
day afternoon, and oiler In explana
tion of Ihulr defeat the fuct thai they
have had but a week of training and
had In the team several players play
ing their llrst mutch game.
Xo people sutler so much from phys
ical disabilities as those whose business
requires little or no muscular exertion.
The luck of exercise cause the liver to
become sluggish aud the result is con
stant constipation. Indigestion, bil
iousness and sick headache. To pre
vent this take Simmons Liver Regu
lator; il keeps the liver active and
inn kes one's condition as comfortable
as those who have much exercise.
Ileal Kstate Iturgalim.
3) acres in Huddleston addition to
Eugene; 00 One cherry tree. $500.
Nice large lot between ' University
and Central school, f 200.
240 acre of timber laud estimated ut
12 million feet. 1500.
MO acres of good fruit land with fine
spring. f350.
200 acre farm six miles from Eugene
on MeKenzle. 200 acre saudy boltein.
Good pew dwelling, barn and hop
ohuse. Worth td.OOO; price $2,000.
These are special bargain aud these
prlees will only stand for a few days.
Geo. M. Miller,
Wilkin Block, Eugene.
Ts atsaslr I"'
l a task to I he areom.llhinnt ol which liar
colic sml Resistive ar Inailisiusie. 1h
elleel tliey pro-luee In ralylic. I hey deitroy
sensation without Imiic1i IttiiaT tlie nerves.
HtsileUer'i Stomach lllllera on the contrary,
ilrm.gtheiit and xs.thea ths nervous system
Overw .:k and mental auzlaty weaken aud
relsx il, and ttieru I no more reliable means
of hraeinit It and re.t'.rliiK nerve ulelude,
thau t.y reinforcing diKeniiou arid iroimiin'
awlmliallonol the dsxl-two elleeta alwaya
dim-'liiettt ii'on the use of the trn-st stomach
ic. Vai liiK hcsllh Is recuperated, a rcsiiler of tssly reimred, and a.s-tile Improved
t.y Iht Hitter pia-e mu.t lie riKar.lcd a
aa exceed I ittly n-oi"t immmiIiiiIiv )y any one
w n...e 'Mteiu has been liiu rai lilorced. Ma
Una! disease, constipation, dvs;nia, rl.rn
uististn and kidney trouble are overcome by
and p evented l.y thi ui.lielne,
which ha no eeer anmiif AmerlCMii tonics, and
I li. ciislalilly increaall.K Oemalid lu Mexlt'o,
the vet In, lie and south America.
Osburu A Ik-Lano the druggists,
article than the dealer, Is-cause he
ha vs bis opinion on the cx-ictii-u of
all who use it. For tin- r : son they
W s US to plll'l is li t : i "inal ks o Hi iier
dealers about an i.riK-le which tliey
haudle. Messrs C F Msire ft C .,
NewtsTic Or, say: "Wes.- more ol
Cliuiiilwiluln a Cough Remedy lhau
all other put logo! her, uud it always
give good satisfaction." Mr J F
Allen, Fox;, or., says: "I lsileve
l haiuberlalo's Cough Remedy to I
the best I lutve handled." Mr W 11
Hitchcock, Culiioibii, Wash , sava:
"Chamlssrisk ti'a Cough IUiui-ly sells
well and is nlghly praised by all who
The Oliver 'hilled plow knr.wu Ihe
world aroun I.
F L Ciiamiikrs, Sole Agent.
3 Trustees or Fltst M E church ef
C.el- la, Or, E II David; to recover
inou.,v; ciiiitiiitic.l.
17 Win Smith it J M und U A
Kilsoii; to recover money. Default
andjiidg nt against R A Kltson for
J'ntl uud Ji.ii ally fee.
21 The Harrishurg Mercantile Co
vs ll M l iii'soti und wife; appeal fnuu
J P court. Argued aud submitted.
;:s H.-tls rt W Itlood et id v John
Colo and Peter Mc.M.irtin; lieu fore
closure. Default. Coinnllilalo with
case .o ;i; and decree .
ti;l Mary E A Sniilli v John W
Kouectal; to ipiict title. Decree as
praved for.
Ol Martin Foster vs Ida L Corson,
E O Corson, her husband, el ul; fore
closure. Dicreo aud Judgment.
05 A.lolphus llurlou vs J F Smith,
heir at law of America F Pea rce, for
merly America F Sml th, deceased; to
ipiiet title. Default uud judgment.
iK-eree us prayed fur.
OS Kute C Itrotver v Roliert Ilrow-er;divou-e.
Referred to E R Skip
worth to report testimony. Divorce
79 John Wallace vs Ia-im Lurch, F
a lounger aim a 11 Iteugle; trans
crhit from .1 I cmirt fin tei..l
Ihe following Jury was taken lu the
above case Thin. day afternoon: S I)
Jlcuulre, S Ilandsakel, R E Callison,
Clius Powers, W 11 Rav, A It llutt
olph, John Schmulz, J 1) McDonald,
John L Furnish, P F Davis, E P Wil
liams, J E Davis.
74. Svarverud & Wlnden vs Fred
Smith, William Smith and A Colling-
wood; iipis-al from J p court to re
cover money. '1 he following Jury was
taken in the rase Wvdncsdav morn
ing: John L Furnish, Scott Chris
man, J I) McDonald. W 11 Lincoln,
W II KlIW Jain.ia I'urLap S2 1 1..
saker, Charles Powers, Georue Drurv.
v- it- ,-
.s w ime, it r m-arus ami k i'
The jury Wednesday afternoon
at 5:30 brought in a verdict for plain
till of $250 mid costs.
HHI Luellii Abbott vs Geo W Ah
laitt; divorce, ttefcrreil to J S Medley
to report testimony. Divorce granted.
117. Slata nf Oi-i-l.iiii va Miiuutt
Walker, Indictment lor lewd associa
tion. Defendant' tiled a demurrer to
fill. Imlii'fllUiltl JLfinr nr..., ........ I...
.... ................ hi ft u iii.-ii t ir,
the attorneys, Ihe court sustained the
mine hiiii uriicrcii ine tieieilliaill UIS
chsrged from custody.
IIS. StulM of On-L'iin vilIIMInvu
and Susan Walker; Incest. The grand
ury reported a true bill.
110 State of Orvt'oti va II I' llm-i.-
Incest. A true hlh.
110 State of Oreeon vili IMImw
linvst. A true bill.
Deniiirrt.ra u-.-r ftloil ti 11, ..k.ea
lllllletll.wlltM nilil 'I'I.a ....itel
took the matter under advisement.
Slupgers Corbett and Fitzsiiimmis
Must aii iiielr ( liauce.
The followini; dl patch wa reivlved
by Mr James ChauilH-rlaiu. airent for
the Western I'iiIoii Telegraph Com
pany, al litis place this forenoon:
SAN r RANl'IMXI, Oct 31. 11:10 a in.
The Corbett Fit.siiiiniDhs lluht will
not occur today. Return suliscrlls-rs
all money collected. Due notice will
be given if arrmigements are made for
a future meeting.
K. Jaynks, Supt W U TCo.
A rumor was heard iroinir over the
Postal Telegraph Co.'s w ire this thinn
ing at 0 o'clock thai l-'iljilmmons had
knocked out Corltett in the twenty
fourth round. It created considerable
excitement. Of course It wus soon
llelM arn SVelutrr 5IH and 7lU.
8s-clal to I ho (ICAItl).
Hot Sl'ltlNiis-, Ark., Oct. ,U. It lias
ks-n agreed to pull oil Ihe Cnrliett
Fiislmuious prl.o light, In iirivate,
between November 5th and 7th.
Jointly Indicted.
Dally Uuard, October 31.
This afternoon at 1 o'clock the grand
jury prist uted the following Indict
Stuteof Oregon vs. II P Hayes and
Susan Wulker; incest. A true bill.
They were arraigned and took tholr
day to plead
Tlie indictment against Miss Susan
Walker, for lewd association, was de
murred lo by her atorueys and the
court dismissed the same.
Demurrer wer also 11 led to the two
Indictment ugainst II P Hayes, charg
ing him with the crime of Incest. Af
ter hearing the argument of the at
torneys the court took the mutter
under advisement.
The grand Jury mudu the following
additional report this afternoon:
Stute of Oregon vs Dr L W
llrown; assuull with a dan
gerous weaMin upou W II Pool. "Not
a true bill."
hy local application, a they cannot reach the
Uncased iN.riioii ol tlio ear. 1 here l onlv one
way to cine Peafnes, and that Is bycoutlli
tlonal reiuediea. pea 1 uea I caused by an In
named cou.iltion of the mucous Itnliipt of th
Eualachlan Tuou. When thl tube acta Inflam
ed you have a tumbling sound or bniicrfeet
hearliiK.aud when It Is entirely clonil peal,
new ia the result, and unie the Intlammatlon
can tie taken out and thl tula restored to lie
normal coiidl ion, hearing dll be destroyed
forever; nine cane nutof leu are caused by ca
tarrh, which I uoihlns but an Ititiamed condi
tion of the mucous itirface.
Via will jelva one Hundred pollar for any
case ol PoafucHsicHiiied t.y catarrh) that cannot
be cured hy Hall's Catarrh Cure. Hvud for cir
culars, free.
F. J. CIIENEV 4 CO.. Toledo, 0.
sold by Drugs-Inn, 7.j.
A G Hartley, of Magic, Pa, writes:
I fee I it a duty of mine lo Inform you
and thu public that DeWltt's Witch
Hn.el Halve cured me of a very bad
case of ecr.cmu. It also cured my
boy of a running sore on Ids leg.
Ohiil iin A. DeLano.
The linrranl In.
Special to the (it'saii.
San Francisco, Oct. 31, 3p m.
The celebrated Durrmit case will las
given lot lie Jury for consideration to
morrow morning.
Eggs are firm at 21 cent per dozen.
Instantly Relieved
and Permanently
Knifo or Operation.
Treatment Absolutely Painless
From Three to Six Weeks.
Orricis: lioom ;V-;ir7. Marquam BuUdlm,
Justice Cslllsoii F.tilaiu.
Fai l C'ki:i:ic, Ore., Oct. i lvj.
El'ITliK Ol'Altl). It svvllis to Hie
the Eugene pus rs l ave ls-cii iiilsln
formed in regard to the Susie Walkei
You statu ill the Cit'Allli that the
case was found to hu Irregular, nnd
that the case wus dlsmiacd by the
deputy prosecuting attorney, and that
she was immediately rearrested on a
complaint sworn out lu Justice
Wheeler's court, etc.
The facts ure there was no move
made to dismiss the case In the Full
I reek court, until after she had
la-en taken before Mr Wheeler's court
hy the mllivrs disguising their inten
tions, where she reivlved her examina
tion und was admitted to hall, nud
after she was discharged on hail the
deputy prosecuting mitoruey sent a
million to the Fall t'rvt-k cour't ti dis
miss Ihe case, which motion was over
nil led hy tlie Fall Creek court, as he
considered tlie. action if the Eugene
ollhvrs, aud deputy proMVtiling at
torney irregular and without authorll v
of law, as no process had been served
on him prior to the arrest by tlio Eu
gene ofllccrs. Another reason a-sigued
is to save costs, when iu truth there
was but one witness we desired to sulv
poena from Eugene, while all the
balance of thu Witnesses desired live
iu Fall Creek precinct, so that if she
had stood an examination hero cml a
would have becii saved to tlie county.
The Journal says: "Constable Liu
ton, arrived al the Justice's ollhv
while the examination was lit lull
blast," which Is a mistake as she had
waived examination and had ttccii
gone fully half an hour before Mr
Linton came.
1 may ta wrong In my conclusions,
but it looks to me as If tiie Eugene pro
ceedings are Irregular, illegal, uud
high handed Injustice to a court ef
espial Jurisdiction.
1 admit that I made a mistake In
not Indoislug the appointment of
Special Constable C M Klssengur on
the warrant, Instead of on a separate
pajier as I did.
In conclusion let me call your at
tent ion t-t section 1561 (Mi) and l sJ
tGLU) of the Statute of Oregon. j
It. (i. CAU.ISON,
Justice for Fall t'reck prcciuct.
Foot 1a i.i.. The Corvallis liazctte
In sK-aklng of the foot ball game here)
nicknames the U or O team "Tlie
Dudes." Well they do not play m the
Held like the dmidv dudes usually des
critMjd in print. Tlie sooreof 4tl toO
seems to have paralyzed the Fattuera of
the lmyss.-J city, usually cullcti I or-
vallls. Our rrleuil Johusou lu enilliig
hi article says: "Tlie university Isiys
put up a good, strong, ipilck 'game,
and show they have been well and
carefully coached, nut they will have
to improve gleatly yet, to beat the
flame the Portland Uuiversl y put up
ast year. They were all large, net Ive
lisiking men, wilh exception of Itoaco
llrysou, their (piarter-back, who haiked
small la-side the others. Ilis-k, l.y the
way. played a Hue gatno. and made a
touuii-down, after a gissl, long run.
Aurtleut Auctloiill Auction t!!
( Itettmiiil ha concluded losell his
entire stock, consisting of clothing,
boot and shoes, dress goods and uu
derware, at auction, coiiiuieiielng Sat
urday and continuing until the entire
stock is seld. Everything must go
without reserve. Ladle esa-cially In
vlted. OikmIs sold during the wi-ck at
Kurkleii' Arnica Salve.
Tlie llest Salve lu the world for
('uts, ItrulscM, Sores, Ulivrs, Salt
Klieuin, Fever Sores, Tetter, Cliupis-d
Hands, Chllhlitlns, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and xmltlvelv cure Piles,
or no pay required. It Is guaranteed
to give iK-rfcct uatisfactloii or money
refunded. Price 'Si cents cr box.
For wile by Henderson A Linn.
Hal Ijr U uard, ( ictots-r ill .
ItKcoKDKiut's CotitT. J Harvey and
E Johnson were examlurd before lie-
coider Dorrls today and sentenoed live
days each In Jail for being drunk and
disorderly. "John Doe," a soup maker
was examined on the same cliargo and
dismissed after paying costs.
lo. 1 Beans per lb,
7 lbs. NEW PKIEI) GRAPES 25c
10 lbs. CORN MEAL 25c
No. 1 CREAM CHEESE, per lb '. 10c
The Uulcrslty of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, offers Free tuition toallslu
dects. Young men can obtain Board, Lodging, Heat and Light In the dormi
tory for (2.50 er week. Itoomers furnish their own llneu. Young womeu are
provided with board In private fumllle at (3.00 per week. Young womeu de
siring board should address Prof. John
Young Women' Christian Ansodutlon,
l.aecalaureute degrees: IUcht-lor of Arts,
letters, with corn sisuidliig courses of
are also offered. An English course ieadli.g iu two years to a liuslness diplo
ma, and lu thiee vears to tin) title srraduale In English: and advanced course for
graduate of normal schools leading lo the degree of Master of Pedi.gngy; a three
yeais' course In civil engineering leading to the degree of Civil Engineer; a
course of two years for teachers of physical education leading to a diploma and
the title director of Physical Education. The University charges an Inciden
tal fee of $10 which Is payable In advance by all students. Students holding
diplomas from the public schools and those having teachers certificate are ad
mitted to the preparatory department without examination. Those deal ring
Information regarding the preparatory departmeut should address the Dean
N. L. Narregan, Eugene.
t or catalogues and further information add ro. c. il. cnapmau, rresiuem
or J. J. Walton, Secretary, Edgeiie, Oregon.
A Terrible Knife,
It is sharp ond cuts deep and It lias
a'alu been applied to my stick and
pi Ices are rut along the line. Every
urtlclo lower than ever fold In Eugene.
While the go sis hist I will sell
Iicatis a-r Hi $ .1)2
Maccaruiil per box 30
I pks com starch ii
Palallno i.-imlles It. 10
Sago per lb 03
T.ipi'H-a pi-r I'. O.'l
Eagle milk C cans I 00
I cans sardines 'Si
J cans clams 'J Hi 2o
.Machine oil ho
Itnttle S'pH-r sauce 0.')
iiirt bottle pickles 20
iijrt bottlisthow chow .2.1
Jamaica ginger 10
i cans lit ox baking p iwiier 'Si
4 cults assorted spiivs
1 iU Isittle amoiilu
1 " " bluing
:i epper Ikix bluing
Lurgo Isix Mssou blacking
Stove polish
:l cans sugar k-us
French capers
Slutted peppers, large
10 lbs choicest Ore. lard
Worcestershire sauce
Cress A Pdackwell Jams
4 pks inda
liulk "
Seal of X C tobacco H-r lb
IU ox plug Turtle tobacco
Ill " " Saw Log "
Ill" " Horse Shoe tobacco 40
III " " Star " 40
3 lb can llartlett Har 10
3 lb can peaches 10
3 Hi can rasplairrles 15
l'kg liermea .15
20 lb granulated sugar (with
other RinnIs) 1.00
Ask prices cu Hour and all other
giKids. I have no price on crockery,
make your selection and otter. My
stock Is going fast. Come quick and
avail yourself of thl great slaughter.
Tub Faik,
E. C. Smith.
All Free.
Those who have used Dr King' New
Discovery know Its value, and those
who have not, have now the oppor
tunity to try it free. Cull on the ad
vertised druggist and get a trial Isit
tle, free. Send your name and ad
dress to II E Ilucklen ft Co., Chicago,
and get a sumple box ol Dr King'
New Life Pills, free, as well as a copy
ofdulde to Health and Household In
structor, tree. All of which Is guar
anteed to do you good and cct you
nothing. Henderson A Linn' drug
There aro mauy good reason why
you should uso One Minute Cough
Cure. There are no reason why you
should not, If In need of help. The
only harmless remedy that produce
immediate result.
Ohhch A DeLano.
Error of blfactlon and accommoda
tion scientillcally corrected with the
best leuse. Frames properly adjusted to
the face. Eyes tested free. Satlsfao
tlon guaranteed. Give us a cull and
see us.
(. W. Ckoweix,
Craln's old stand.
(Jo to Osburu A DeLano, druggists,
sole agents In Eugene, for a bottle of
LIVEHINE, for the Liver, Kidney,
Mick headache and Constipation.
ritraub, Eugene, Oregon, or Secretary
Eugoue. The University oiler three
liaclilinr of Science and Ituchelor of
study. The following shorter eouise
State Normal School,
Monmouth, Or?Kon.
A tralhlus i lu.l fur . anlii-r.
(i.inplrir Kialuh liiailn lialnii.; l),.rt
lniiit ami rilruua; l'ruftwiunal and Arailuuilo
of tlia whfstl entitle one to teach In Sdjr
couutjr is tlia stale a-ltliuul furlber
Board and Lodolng, Books and
Tuition, $150.00 per year.
neauttfiil anil healthful no talnot .
Tl.trn Is a isxl dciuaiiil fur well tralutvl
'I lii-re Is aa ori-r iii.nt)r of mitral no-l U-arhor.
faulugue clieeriuily cnt mi a.IU-siiuu.
Ad lrrs. I' U l AMl-litiLL, I'nsldcuw
Or Is. A. Wano, Sis:retary.
! .