HAS TAKEN 10 I! i.l.K.IO.S. Police Judge J mi iHiiiptnii t rt Full-t'leilijtMl ih' in he i- i the ."Salvation Ann). The gentleman ch-M-iilml in tin-... low inn, taken frmn tin-Sun l-iain-isco Examiner of hmt Tuesday, i- will known lu Eugene, having wt'ikid In ic uh a tinner: Police Judge Campbell is n m ti: I x-r of tlii' iSilviiii.m Army. 1 1.-1 ul.. i d luxt Tliiirmliiv night, when Mr Maud lialliugtnii Looth appeared nt ill-tin-polilau Temple. Hour1 week uuu the Jiiiluo beivan in evince u iivilil.Tiiiiii fur religion, dim Sunday evening In' ccapol I'iiiiii In. fiie.ids Su,.crv,M,r J..,; Km;; ,i o,,, - ' i"UI V Hilt II 1111(1 lOIII lUM'll III Howard-street I'liun-li. J I it Honor I, something oi a tiiplomu:, ainl in ( etiieiico diclaict nut ni favor nfiiiiv particular card, tic una i ni ni.hii whether ii wus u Methodist, l.apti.-.t Preshytci iuu chinch that In- fiiii-n out tiny way hii op.-u uieclin-: was li.-. Ing held. C?'Mlif Olio l. itii'.' l I.l-. t 1 --!.; -u mi l Called lii(ili lii. ii in:' "it .tii.ri.s '' 1 he Judge lponiitd to tin' i'i vi t ul in" and began u discourse on tin olngy, phiioMi pliy uml topici of the times, lit- wii xi-il eliniuolit as ho stinkcd hi whlsitois uml held tlit- audience sit'llloiiinl fur an liuiir. svciignh might have it.cd It 1 in u ptilsHunt rival. Alter liu hud received descrvtd congratulations In' started home lilk'il to the ttuiinU with thoughts of religion liliii visions oft lie hereafter. Wlii'li it wu.t lirtiiti'il ubulit ytUTl:iy tlmt Hit' Judge had joiiifil tlii- Stilvu- lion Armv. Orator O'iii it-n. u lni is ll.n clerk of thu court mill the Judgt's bo-oin friend, looked ut liiiu tudly and suit! llO Would have to til 11 Upon u tor luin commissioner to examine liiiu. ....ii" , itiin. r-iiltl lltn lioiltil f l olmd t ho til in v, lint I won't liuve to weur nny uniforiii, Uut tuiiiLioiirint s or ki'II 'Wur Cryn.' 1 only joim-il tlu .-X..... 'I' ... O till i iif auxiliary, unit lln-y Huy 1 inn t'.vuipl from 8UCU uuiy." It uppt'urri lln:t tin- jurist was f, in hliltiii(,' with l'l, il C'rimiiiiiiH uliuiit l In weather when the tinny liiiiri'lii-il Iri liniphaiilly ilowu till 1 1 nlrn-l, i-lniiiiin lialleUijaliN uml j; ro.-1 i 1 1 n n to .Mm .Miiiiti ItulliiiKtoii lltKitli. The Jinliie iiniiii' tliutely tlt'Kt'rteil C'riinniiiii ami lolluw ed in the army' HtriuiKlt-rs. liu en tered the Temple anil lii-tened intently to the priiffftliii.i. Wiien Mi't) Mitml liallinton llnotli closed her adilri-m ly appealing; to those in the atiilience who had not yet vxpiefMetl a desire to he mvetl to do no, Judne Campliell aroie with iiitiny olherniind Htrnked his lilkeri in u luippy mood, lie Hiinotiiit'ed liiinself a miner and was Immediately filiat ed in the army. "The boys around t he hull are try. ing to have a lot of fun with mu admit my enlisting in tliu army," (-aid the Judge yesterday, aflt-r ho had m-ii-ti'lieed a vagrant to tliu county jail. "I ditl join the auxiliary, ami paid i' ih an entrance Ice. 1 believe the army duct u t'lvat deal of i;ikmI work and 1 paid tliu enliauce feu gladly, for I know it w ill be lined for charity. I don't think 1 will be linked to go about selling 'War Cry,' " hu eoiielmli'il. Orator O'lirieii, Supervisor King and the other politicans do not enter tiki ii the same opinion. They f iir that bin Honor may become an enthu siast and appear on the streets in uni form with a bi' stack of "War I'm." under his arms, wasting volumes of native eliKiuence in thuvllort to recruit bis boon companions ami utliers for the ranks ot the suivauouisis, Imlly iiu:d Oi'lobor '.'ii MHS Hol.I.KNIIKI K'S l.KtlTAI.. Mrs Kostt Hollciibuck gave one of her popular musical recitals in (,'oiiser hall last evening, assisted by Miss Kva Simpstin, Into or San ! rancisco, rcauer. The hall was well tilled with the music loving people of Kugene, and thev were vetv pleasingly entertained. Mrs Uolltiilieck ti nuiiUs. Mis-os Ktla Preston, Alice Ileinetiway and Amy Dunn, each accredited herself In a pleasing aud artistic manner. Miss Stella Don Is, Kugene's popular vocalist, sang "Could 1," (Losti), "Too Young for Love," (Itotoli), winning a hearty encore from the delighted audieuce. Miss Eva Simpson recited "A Sister's Scheme," which was high ly enjoyed by her hearers. She also recited the "Chariot Kace," at the close receiving mi encore and reap pearing rendered a comic little sketch In the "usual way." The program was well gotten up and rendered-, Mrs liollenbcck.R pupils showing the excellent training w hich t hey havo re ceived. The next recital will be given lu about three months ami needs but to be announced to draw a good liouse. L'nily Uuaitl, Oi'tobcr :i l!LANKET-i Ptoi.kx.A day or two Biiicesome blankets, etc, were stolen fiouiaioom in thu Matlock lodging house. The room had been occupied for a few days by a stranger, who cluimud to be in destitute circum stances, he being allowed to occupy the room one or two nights free of charge. When he left, all the blankets, towels, etc, in the room were mi-sing. A warrant of arrest was issued and last evening one C C Morgau was placed In custody. He was identified as the party who hatl occupied liie rotnu but as yet nothing has Iti n done w ith his case. A war i an l was mui the arrest of one Jlrucu Ibibinson w ho lias been associated with Morgan. j Iiily ouard, Octol er .'". Smith vs. Tai.iakkho. In the , trespass case heard before Justice; Wheeler yesterday afternoon, wherein J H Smith had bioughl complaint against t ri il Taliafe.'o, aged 14 years, for hunting n his premises, wu de cided by a jurytiial, the jury return-1 ing ft verdict of "not guilty, and we further Hud that action was brought , without probable cause ami malicious ly." It seems that there It a fe'id ex isting between the Smith and Talia fero families, both of which reside ut Natron, and that the I rouble grew from Unit. The co-ts in the case wele taxed to the pm-ieuting witness. I r.y iiuarj. (.CMtsjr A Pakty. Mrs A S Powers, of Me Kenxie Dridgi-. was tendered a very pleasant r... 'ti'" rty at the home of Mr U M l'r.itt. on High strc-t, this afterntsui. About Z hi'iy friends were i ...... i, u'ii- served and ir:riil. ..... II.. ll very pleasuul afteruooii w as lia l u an Id attendance. SEMl-ANNCAL STAillMllNTi I'I III" l'.. lll.lv ill lit i. . ill. i-.illlilv On K..II i' i nil I .i.l. inn n r. in I i n in.' .! tin. ut in i lent i l tile ti ll lv. !'.,, ttttll llf " " i .7, ! ) i.i i 'i i i-i i j. I'. 111-,., lit I.H I. , I '. I'll -.l' ti'-i in un lit C.ti mi mil' . in I.ii i i II. 1 1. .1 i . ii I hi lull . I i--i; I i. i , , , , ... -Ill I II . I i. I i I I ...a on . sii.-t .11 riii in l, mi u( i-u.t I l ll'lll.llll.Mlj lllllilll l'l l.il.' I u.l. Ii lii.iitiih niip.it I'.i V. ..J ' I'.I II' ii I'cl.iuincnl I ix lull K 1 U "uiT:. ii-w -I. i .i: r. i" i i; M ii Ik I nula li inn. : slur It .1. ilni... ..c tin-tit fur s.i . - -Iniill.ci.iuill I...-I T.l I'litli- i'l i.r il, j cnitci lf"l I l"'.l : io liu " tiillii'l. .1 tlllll Oil Jilllll .i'..l',t 4' Mnriir ci'in'rliiiii mi 1 14 X I lil l't I'tlull liu Jii.i!i aiii-H.iiieitt Mh ntt't I'tiiri'tiiiiii mi -..lit ... lii r.'iiiiiiiuti,.' uiij'.inl in tl.il.' ( ii. i IX iff I :i h i i.' lux Cull l-i 1 1 "in ii iiKf iiimi; c i o . 7 lllli Itl ; ;i i nil ul lllll, Murlll ililli' ... U.-I'IIIIUII III III Mit iiil I'liiiii'ili ul l li.t nil lli'llltilll'ht idX h.Xt-tmt lil'l ul li' i..ili' ; Allil pill. I In l'l r I'll ir.i'.: i uui ' :.: i.i 11 I'll 'li-?' 51 I ( ti iit riiul ' iv. riliiimi'iiil-ii.i'l.lt t luul 1 1 im lllTlll fill I l'l I lull III 1 j''J'', I ,,,'ic ;ii'j : ;ji ; -Jti'lKi'tiix null- - I ln-llmim nt t it ilil Hill I l.'ij mi :s iii if v: as ijim -ti I I'll 1111111' lllll' ll 'I t ht, ! i l l-' ii'i'i'ivi ii VM "' iifu-.tii'. ! t. i.iI I l:i.'M . Mutrot iti-kuii iss. County of l.iiiiu i I Iti-ri-liy ri rtlfy Hint Ho iilinvi u prut In Inrifi't In llit' In. I ul in v kni li'iliri' nu'l In I'l l. A.'J. JllllN-iiN. "Iii-r Iff nf l.utif ruitnlv. ot i'iiiiii. I'.iU.I Ilil. i.i iluy of Oi liilier. l.'.'.V Semi- iiintinl Stntciucnt. of llic t'oiinty Treasury of I.aue I'ciiiti 1 1 . 1 iroyon. ' for I hu lerin ending Sept. :io. !!.". of money received aud paid mil. fioiu what soune recelvet! iiml on hat account paid out ami tin' balance on hand. LANK Oil STY H'Mi, lluliint'O im liiinil Apr. I, l-'.o i ' It Ki'i'S finini'li'rk ls"T in Mn'iirt !; w. Tiixi'S 4.'l mi Itl'lll'llllltiOtl ?.'l V Cu.ls II SllliW Ml-l'll4i- .ki l'l Ciirri'i'tliin Willi I'li-rk ! ( ntirl I-i-i- l'l -' lii'liinili'il hy iauii r I" t ir.Ul : li.ll on t'litinly Wnr riintH Itillllllt-l till llltllil Srpt. .Hi, I'M I Mill l'l .f'7' X f ll'UI S fllSTIMlt.M U llool. I I M. Iliilaiit t' on linntl Apr. I. I Mil i mil" XI jtHii i t, lire, on luxin lines tctt'ti I'm ci'illlliulia Piiiit mi Snpl. iii'lcr It.iliini'i' un lianil sept. ;il.V.H I.i iv.t i" t 7w t : .rc-TITt lE I'I'M'S. Ilalioieu tm liiinil Apr. I, i-w hid .11 M VI Ti'llI'lHTs l'l illllcate $ Si .1 STi I'.il'l nil Sunt, twirl . Hiiliini'C nil liiinil sept. ;lii, l.'.i'i !li ! a s.1 I. xt r.s iimi. Iliiliiiii t' nn Iiituil July I. I0 n i: 1: it i ii ii i-i nn linnil sept, mi, l'.o S i I! Sj U IIHUl II ML Iliilitnei' on Ii it in I Apr. I. I-vJV I'ulil nn flftk tinli'i . Ilitliini'i' nil liiinil scpl. .m, .i 77H V.i MB ft X' 7 T HE SCHOOL ITSIi. Mult' iippni'tinniiii-nt .. $ 7.17H I'ulil on Snpl. in -li'tn . . Hit In iit-t nn liiinil Sept. an, lKi& MlLIHKII H'M'- K!H VIJ IV, Iliihtnee on linntl Apr. I, i .'.'.. int 17 i:i v i Tti xi' 1'nvnn rii'ikii order . Ilitl nn han. I Itept M 'SI It Oil h i in Tntn! I m Itiilitnt-e tin Inttid Sept. M , l'.li FISH AMI I1AMK LAW I'l'Sll. rtltl'i "" " I'ulil lii lli piity wnnlen t II iliuiei' on Inind St pl. :lti, Irtii SIS 'J.) a, id a mi 7u uo I'ITT AMI sellout. TAXM Anil, lice. f UIM7 7.' Ami. I'n I.l tint. It-lilt lift nn liiinil. Cilv nf Kiim in' "' " .1 II m l o " " spt lti(::li ll selionl tiisl. Nn t II i. .. " ii, I" 21 n t." 7." I'., si S .11 u. '.'17 II 4711 II UUI 41 4't !7 :t'i7 in 4 If. '.' -.'I .17 on 111 7'J II I.' 4. 41 l'i 44 4' 4 M l'l. s s.'ti l Vis I. 4Ti 11 1.11 IV I 41' '.'7 T'7 ic 4 Pi .t VI .i7 liu s.. V I is s.1 ss 1 41 IM ft i 4'.H M ill :i i.' i. 3't 7 I 7'i '.ri I Itt 1 i .v. in s i; 01 M i: '.' ?' :nis 73 7. tin i;i 'Si V. 07 1', -I li .HI S V! S 7 3 10 I 1 l.il 1 l 1 III II'. ' II" rt . "5 1" I Vi i7 si i ii ll.M-l ll llVf.sl 47 HKt'Al'ITI l.irio. ' l.ltisl'ti. F.l "I I 4"-4?l I4!!4l !' .M'.'.l .l'l I M I'.I tt I" . :,i 4.' ri.nntv si-Ill I B'-i'.i't i . .nvn I.l I n -tit ut" l.x'.-.-! IciikI stitl.- s his S...:er ( ,., ,t I. .Ill Cllv A -el" I ii. li s I-', i ' V..1 '.! I .Vi i.'i 'I I i il ui s7 ll II Isw l 7i ( .'.I-I Ot I .". 47 M ite nf in nn. I ii - tit V ' irir I I .li.-i-ph .. t.rav. 'In lu ri liy e. rtify tlut ti,.' fi.n-ni.l r ' '.n iti'l siiit"- nn nt nf Hi" 'ii'"11" " "'". I' " ' "" ii-tit n n tw 'ii linnil In th" futility 1 t".t.'ir'r V , f . i. county Inr lit" linn end uin-ipl ( u ,. -f.l li. Hi) tnl. J. I,. I.KIT tnuuty Treanurer. Scnii-Aimunl llcporl. I ( tin' ri. i. my i li rk uf I. nil' i utility' sat.' i't i in-. on. idn'it :ug liu' .nn.itiiil till ll 1 111 t t i 1 '. U 1 1 II - .clotted ''I Ih.' o -unity emu i i'i taij I'uiiiily. lor w b:it :i.!"iM 'I, aiiii'iiiit ot .irr.it. t .Ir.m n. aii.l iiti.'iuui ut :iii:inn iiii(.;;iiiilliii; iin.l im 'ii I. Irmu tliu llr.t il:iy u( April l '.".. to Hi- ;iii .l:iy 1 1 i' ti'iiil.or 1 SO. I'i'lli ll rlll-il ! i n it ii ir ai'i oi ! lM t l.l Mill HI I IIHI IM.'I HI U 41111 IM li .i ;. im in li...l'l Ill "lK ! I' i'ii. t I ..l ..DIM .. . .. . . U uui , , ' .lll.lll .. I -llll MM I I I'll. t. tll 1 IM.I'I. I Allium-) ln ' III . ui 1 1' ul I y.il l ln li i,i I'.u ii .V.l I.i .'."i i i .. '. "i ;t -. V, VI.V "ul ijii :s .1.' .Vi IV .1 '.s I ll 77 .v.; in 1 J ml .V. ii 1 ..',1 v, ' J'.A 7u :i.-' r.-i i. :u a v -: :j 7 .'u Sl7 Jtl I V. KI ii ..ri lii . lll.i'i'll.lll nil Ililli.lll.il it1 I lt i.lll Inn y ii i tin 1. t- ii- i. i..iiit a W r M iiiiin.ii v . . I'i i tit i ii if ." K I'll.li.ltli.ll I -'41-ln-l 1 .. i I. ik j I t . I'ui hi- In. inn ti., n I i- .iui- r I until V .lllitk-i i i.iiiiiii..uni.i I II 4 III' . . I ll.llr. Hit, II II. I itli' run ili.l I urn. I t i.tiii Ii-nv liu k In. i-i i ti.r Ill.llljl'lit !.-ii-li'. . . . T'.t.il tiniitiil nf 1 1 tliu ttliimi-.l un-l ili.mn si '." i-i i.i .it . s. :rii .il i..' .i -' it. ,.i i, ,t-i 0 1 i.i..' :i i'.. : i'.i in .'. i II t" lis. 'rfl I.I' III till Kt i III -x :i ' i .. ii. I'.I 14 111 'I t. J't IK' II in HU 'I 17 I' I'.M 17 s.-iii1-.ii ii iiii I Summary. f liu-llnane: il i-ittiil.l tun nf tin I'mtntv if I iln- In Im- -I il" i.lilriKiili nn Hie .t'tli il it n( -I'lt"!llllt' A l ..ii. W .iif.tnt) i.iil.liiiuliiiti unit iiti-'ii-l pill I.I. .' .', .. 3.''7il I.i W hi r.oit. i. .iii -l iii-iii p, I.l. l-....tiii pi. :u'th wo. i l'i 17 l..llltlill"i I'lli'lr.l in ttur- r.inl. mil. t.iti'liiii: iiiipni-l MU mi W m runt. iiil (luin April i-t -. ft ."ii io . . . .'.:. u I'm It iii li net. uf t it-Treii. lip.l eal'l" Iii p.tynii'tit iif mil. tuuilnm ttiiiiiiiit. .T.'7'.i 3'i t .i.li in li.iti.i. it slii'nll up- plit iil.l' ii p it tin-lit i.f I.I.I. l:lliitHK H III I tint. . .. I.f.s 7 K-Iuii.iIi-'I t.it". Mpl'lle ilile In p it iih-iiI ul ifil. turn! Uui u .ii t'.inls .VNI tpi lli'l lillli Ill I'lllllllt M pi. l-lli. v.k ' V.7l .11 7isi 4 ut 7su i-d SI il-- of On ..n I'. mult i f I. uui' s s I . i. -Iriitiitii'. i'i inn It t'li't k nf Hit i-iinnlv nf I. ine. ! iii- nf iir-'uuii, tin In-reliy cerlllv tll.ll l!l" ln U'llllU It II It II" 11111 flit ri-l'l .I'lli'. im i.l uf tin niitiii'i't' tiinl Hiiimntt i-f i l.iiin. nil- i il I.f Hi" ei'iinlt I'uitil nl sull ei'tinty ln tin .i iiiuiitlm i-inliiiu nn III" -I'i tliiv nf .i'pt'itili"r I"' '. en tt hiii Hi'i'iinntt tits .iiiii. mil- iiltnHi tl uml til Hiiintnil of Wiirritnlt li it u ii .in.l th" u ill tin i.l nf mil l. nils nut. til ml Im: uml iiiip.1 il . Hi" sain1 iippi'iiis npnn I In- n-eut U nl my nillei' iitt'l In my nlllt l.il iti...!. W ii iu .. my It iti'l iiml th" -ill ot t hf-eiitii-tv einitl i.f .iildi-utinty Hilt 7tii iluy nl iit-tu'ier A ii "''V IS! A ( .It A1IM1S f'niintv t'terk lit V I, I. ii. ii. Hi init v luilii- iiiiii It I li tk nl I. .iii" (iiunly or. ('"Uiniu.n nf tiniiiil enmity lim.lt Inutile,; tin in r. t"i' if ilc n un' ill i X'fi - iir tit" l' ul )i'.irt i it. hi K -I nlv l-t lltll " Is'.l-'i l; .t ' me I I'rn'gei $ 4! IH .'!' ? f" H I'tnpiri '."i;.i " :i.r.-i ii t iini's-i-s L'ir-s x r.i;ii .vi .lii.iiti'i .'in lii.S ."'rt birur-i 7t l'";."i -10 (.nisi ii i t .'"ii :u w: 1 1 llistii t Attnii'iy tC-'i T' II"'-' S."i M.o,i.niv r..ll '.,'-' A 1 1 :n I jiiiIiiii; 1171 111 h'7 N(1 Sli.-r.ll elOV.' I."i .. f.i t tni-iit'l in to Tri'ii-iiiev l!7l'i .T!-M7S ( ! i k IIIV.I hi 4JlW 1-1 II." 77 ( 'iitiinii.'iiint'K HiM IH S.'lilHI S,rti.,.i 170.1 !H l!l7'.kJll i:i,,I.,.h IS4'.' .'HI l'.mi Tn K.fin.tl l.o -Hi 7V 7 Crt'awell ('Hfiusltii's. ltml Koinpp visitetl at Joe Kced't last Saturday. W M Itobiuett I soon to have a new shoemaker' establishment on Main street. Mrs Schmiilz of ('Invcrdale is Mil- oii-ly 111, having Inen in poor health for some time V A Tol'-r ami w ife went to Port land Wednesday to see the sight at the Exposition. The Sunday School at this place is soon to have a library. An order wa nt last week Tor IS volume. Win Tillany Im bought Si acres of laud nf J M Mors near the ramp grounds. He will plant a part of it to trees. Potatoes made a fair yield in this vicinity Ihi fall and there will If a fine lot of Iheiii for market at this place. W W llunv came down from ( ottngu drove the other day and reported that they had held an election and elected liiiu to some honoriiblc position, the title of w blch we didn't learn. Five nf our Crcswcllites w ill pursue the ( 'hautautiia course nf reading for the coming jear: WA Tetitsch, dsr tie droiisU'ek, drc Hunter, Law rence Hunter ami WW Scott. At the regular meeting of the W C T 1' lust Tliiiisdiiy the president, Mis Mllie Scott, resigned and Mrs IW Franklin was elected ptesident; Mrs Til Holiimtt treasurer and Llllle Scott iL'i. ding secretary. The I'nlon Is in a prtsMroiis condition. Kov M ( lliiuk will preach here next Sunday morning mid evening, iiisteud of going to Lfiuali. The change was made on account of the 1 Willamette presbytery of the C Pi church meeting at Lemtiti the last of this week. Marlon Hnircr of Cnmus Swale ha invested In :tu head of sheep ami he j will never h-gri t it. A bunch ol slit ep will pay their way clearing up brush and the wool and mutton will be clear profit. The IiuiiiIht "f small flock of s! t-ep is iiicri iisiug. M,-s.Mdla Krotiillette gave a series of I 1 1 u re a u I leeilalt ut the church I mi Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings o'f thi week. She claim to It' hut 17 veal of Bgc, and has excel lent eloe'uttonarv talents for one so young. While "talent deserves P-cng-iiili ut inula d.-sire for Independence ami w'lf-cduenl inn Is coiuilieiidable, the cnri'li-slios of parent who w ill allow or elic.iiirage u irl of 17, lacking the discretion only attained by age ami i-xis'tii'iice, to liavel about the country til'die, giving public enter tainmeiits, is certainly dt serving of i.'etisure. I'KlliAV, Ol'roltKI. 'i. delightful day. ('omuii-simicr' court in s.s.ioii. I'limtiiissiniit r Perkins is in the city, i The trt sprinkler I on duty again. The cholt-r.t has ilisappe.ini from lltiiiolulu. Dr Molt, of Sah-iii, sH'til last night in Kugei e. Attorneys WiMiili iit k ainl Potter are . houie again. I J II Hopkins wetil to Portland this morning. lr kuykfiidull returned from 1'iaiu till foleiiisill. I ltlaek I'n nee rati second iu a rare at lleppiur tit-slvrday. It V Patterson, uf the Portland Tel egram, was lu I'.ugetie totlst. I Davitl Link ha bad an ntlrNctive j sign placed over his shoe store. I Howard Kott land visitetl at Salem ' yesterday and Is now ut Monmouth. I Mrs P it llurnctt has been iUito ill during the week but I now improv ing. Walter Jackson, the Portland to bacco drummer, did business here to day. Mrs NIC Kraer aud Miss Dee A it keuy returned from Portland this uf teril'Mill. l.ii ut. (inv. Millard, ofCuliforula, tiled last night ut Los Angles, Oil.. 1 1 1 l II collslllliplloll. Mr KmiiiA Hates ami MrsS lland s.tker, are . Isiling w ith relatives at J:i.h t ami Ivxter. Seliool Ttiiclur Adams, nl Portland, urn sled for whipping a small boy, was tiled yesterday and ucipiiUcd. Mrs I K Peters ami Mist Koriuosa Henderson were pass.-ugers for Purl laud on Ihi morning's locnl Haiti. l ite Sinilli vs Taliafero trespass case is lieiug heard before a jury in Justice lni'.i r's com t this iitleruiHin. Kx-Setiator Vull Wyck, of Nebraska, tlied lu Washington, 1) I', yesterday, s victim of apoplexy, aged 71 yeurs. Another bank failed III Tacoina, Wi.sh, yesterday. Only two are left nut ol the twelve III that city a couple of years since. A gang ol I rum at thu deHt Uk raine a little warlike this iti iruing. Marshal Hay at soon nn hand uud sealleietl them. The Corhett I'ltsiiuinont prl.e light set-ins to Ik-oil for gisnl. Corls'tt an iiounceslie will retire from thu ring for ull lime. Lester Jncnhy uml J 11 Hills, of Ju.per, went lo Portliiutl today to visit I he fair and spend a lew days takeing in the sights. John J. Hand, of 1 laker. City, il strict attorney of the eighth judicial district, laii acknow ledged ciiulldalu for con gnu lo succeed Kill. M M viille-pie expect to establish a pork packing house in Eugene in the lu hi-lut lire. Such nn enterprise, w ell conducted, ought to succeed. I'.ll worth Cameron, the well-known sprinter of Corallis, and Mist Evu iliiitt were nulled iu marriage ut the Poll land Exposition Monday night. Itev J E Snyder grew rapidly worse and last night for a while his life was dispiiicd ol hill today hu is a little improved mid his recovery is looked for. Itilpy Winfrey, of Hael Hell, bat hud lilt pension reissued ul a lower llgure. The pciislo.i of Myion C Uould, of Junction City, has Is-en In creased. The funeral of the late J C Law ienee occurred this afternoon ut '2 o'clock from his late ruaidciice oil Pearl street lo the Masonic cemetery. He was 71 years of age. Some gentlemen Iroin Idaho are here laying in a largo amount of sup plies for a irappi ng expedition. They will visit the country south of the Three Sisters. The proper thing at this tlmo Is tho chrysanthemum. The continuance ot line weather has caused the luaguill celitcrop of buds to open IHpidly. Walter K Taylor anil Miss Christina Lcugrr were married ill Corvallis this week. The young lady is thu daugh ter nf John Ledger uud formerly re sided lu Eu-riie. "Sclieinlciiitlaminalfiincyer" Is the wonl, lu one of the northern Indian Itininiaires. for '-Love." How would our young Indies tie ellected should the lender coutession lie inane in una inn guagtt and by that word being whls- iered 111 their curs. Itev Wood, of Colorado Spring, Colorado. Drenched to a good house at the lluplisl eliuich last evening. Dr Rowland I) (irniit, of Portland will preach again tonight. Thu Itaptist convention adjourned this morning on Invitation and at tended asseiiil.ly ut the uuiveisity at II o'clock. They attended in a Uuiy. all the street curs being out to huui them. St. Louis Humorist: A Pennsyl vania w oman endeavored to keen a se eret and became Insane. This should be a warning to the women not to subject themselves to such a tremen dous restraint. .Someone has lately suggested that It would le a good idea if women would dress lu such a way us to show w hether they are married or single, Mid tti cany the Idea further there might le special costumes for divorces. Munnger Koehler, Superintendent Flint, Hrldge Huicriliteiiflcnt (Iron tlliul, ltonilinunters Voight ami Wuit, of the h P it It, passed through here just before iiisni bound south, Inspect ing the road betl, etc, In a iclul car. ( bus Lauer received a dispatch from New VotkCity tills afternoon Inform ing him thai his daughter, Miss Carrie arrived in that city at 1 o'clock this retention. Oregon City Enterprise: Mr and Mrs M C Drlggs left W ednesday to ut tend the session of the liaptist Stale ciniveiitlnn to Is; held In Eugene. This Is the first lay-oil Mr Driggs bus litkeii for nearly two year from hi clinic as deputy Culled Stutes mur shal. Pilgrim Ha.lelt," tin old time I'ln.ti r, ami a roving chaiaeter, well ki.oAii Ir-ini the Iti lush Columbia bonier tu the gulf on this const, It iii:iiiii on one of hi 'llodl 'ul tramp hi, d Is lining Hi Northwest. When la. I bcnrl of he pasted through Eu.t i rn Ori'i'on 1'inl it now up in Wuh SA IT' K DAY, OC lOHLlt 1:1. Foot ball day. IMI you w in ml the foot l ull :: un". Considerable lo,; these morning.. Wood sawing i iti liinet are working stcatlily. Comiulssioiiers court has adjourned for the term. Itugi;y horses are being sent hi the pasture for the winter season. K 1 1 con rag I iii; reports are being re Ceivcd fioui the Lllue liiver mines lvettuian held an unci ion this nfli-r-iiiniu. It was hU'ially attended. Live rMHi sail 7"i ivnts 'r lim lha at the Fair. Stock salt lid cent per liKl. dray iV Son shipH'tl a carloatl of HituttH'M to Chlco, California, today. Thirty-live or fortv O A C Isiys are In attendance upon thu football game. Thu llrst auction sale of drygood for a long time was held iu Lugeiie this aftcrtitxin. The civil ease of J J Sclirag vs T D Linton, a w rit of replevin, has been dismissed. Street Coiiimissiouei Doyle gave the biisines portion of Willamette street a raking this morning. Many of thu business houses were decorated today with the colors of the O A Cuml i; ofO. Thu claims U'foru I) P Itcfcrcc Wood Mi, for legal services alone out of flOD.IHKI are over Jisl.tSK). Thu circulating library will here after close at 6 o'clock Filduy even ing Instead of ti o'clock. Chase tic Co, commission merchants, are already handling considerable ipianlilics of produce ami fruits. Thu Fugene market are supplied w ith choice meals. Much Is-lter than could he expected this thy seasou. Thu Spaiihling Manufacturing Co has sued C J and M J Tihlictts iu the circuit court on u note. Judgment Is asked fur lll). Thu C of () college yell wits plainly heard at the court house from the foot bull grounds ut II. 40 litis afternoon. Charlie Nickell, editor of the Jack sonville Times, Is assessed on (lil,'.'lVi In his county ti l year. A pretty solid editor. The O A C fiHithull team arrived on the local ibis attrrnoou. They were greeted by lots of students ami a great medley of sounds. Thu road ts'tweuti thu university ami Jiitlkins iolnl has received a coii sitleialilu amount of gravel. It is a good piece of work. A notice ha been pitted at the de pot warning tiucktiieii uud hotel run ner not to eutvr within the enclosed plulfnriu to solicit patronage. Lit Field ho jivriti toiiiti'iit of the H P lines in Olegon, paitetl through north in his sK'Cial cur attachotl to the Kosehiirg local this inurulng. I.N Kouey and his gang of brhlgu carpenters rutiirued home this fore noon. They completed the bridge ubovuCotttigu drovo yetturduy after noon. During thu business of the U It con- fcreiicu yeatcrday, Itev J It Purker, of Plillouiiilh, was re-elected presltllng t ldcr of (lie Oregon district and itev J K Snyder of this citv wits grautsd a letter of trunsfer to thu l'resbyterian church. The suit ol Frances Isabel Ham mond against Cass U. Harlow, at Oregon City, (or ti'i.tHH) damage for bleach of promise and induction has been settled, and on motion i.f the plalntltl thu case ha been dismissed and thu paiers withdrawn. Albany Democrat: Hcott & Perry today bought four pigs of Dick Ander son, of Plallivlcw, that weighed 13S0 pounds, nn average of 31(1 j pounds. A they were only H month old the size Is Immense, lurhiips tliu lurgest ever re ported in Linn county. Junction City ha coinlnnted a "CliizeiiB' Law und Ordsr City Tick et" as follows: Mayor, HP Caldwell; councllinen, C J Ehrinaii, E II Lee ami J II Miller; recorder, Dr I) E Hull'; treasunr, J M Heche; niurshul, Win Pvy. Itallroad trains arc gutting up a spcetl thut fairly make them lly. Some day they will strike something uud then the splinters will lly. A few day ago a train ran from Chicago to Ilult'ulo, MO miles In 4H1 minutes, 7 seconds, Including stops, or 471) min utes, iu seconds actual running tunc, 04 miles an hour. Home Kugene young men would have their hand full If a Kansas rul ing were iu force here. A court there has held that a mall who calls upon a woman regularly ami tnkus her to en tertainments iH'caslouully Is legally en gaged to marry her. Thu ruling Is not w ithout a giuin or sense. Thu Corvullls steam laundry has been sold and will be moved to As toria. Luck of patronage, tho Time says, caused it lo close, ami amis: There will be Joy among thu heathen luumiercrs, lor the tiepuriure or tne steam ull'ulr will give them chance to raise prices to the old notch ami enable them to earn more money to send back to China. 'Thu lion crop this year was one- fourth less thuti lust year. The yield rorthe whole world is bl.ws) tons or l,l)iH,(MW bales, 22 per oent Us than lust year. The crop i snltl to be UK), MM) bales less than the annual con- suiiiptl Mi. The outlook is for moder ate value. The dUAHl) get these facts direct from Ihomusdt Short of London. buleiii Post Oct tti: Editor E P Thorpe, of the Cottage drove Echo- Leader, was in tne city tin morning. Mr Thorno Is not confining hi labor to the liewpuer Held entirely, but Is now preparing u go into tue iron tree business. He rejsirts great activ ity In thu Iloheinla mining district, wlierti two new stump mini nave gone liitddu of thu last three weeks. Jack iH'tnpsey, thu hero of a bun lred battle uud w hose life is fust ebb- lug uway from consumption of the lungs, wus lu a semi consilium condi tion all day yesterday, ami, when theevening cume, it was painfully ap parent thut thu end Is not fur oil". Vesterduy was by fur the worst duy for the siek man, and it is be lieved that hu will give up the struggle for life In some of tho early morning hour of '.he near future. Hi wife I constantly by bis side, und the long strain has Is-gun to tell Usui her. Thu citizen of Portland have Is'en ilolng ull thut lies in their power to ri heve the siilh rlng of the il; 'nB' in in i 101 N l A JAW i.om;. j Allot I ''T Hit of I eslliiiiiny lu ( miner. I iii'ti i t It ho Alum Nil ! I.'i' fuse. La drain!' Chronicle: 'The finding i of a skull by a farmer last week w hich was supposed ttihi' thut of the long. lost Alma Miller, is creating u great sensation mnl now thu uulheiiticutej : report reaches the Chronicle of the j lliiilingofaii upper Jaw bone of a child iihtnit folly roils irom the spot where I the skull was picked up a few day : iN'forc. This jaw bono contained two teeth w hich had jusl stalled from tho jaw ami the doctor who examined It says they iiidicatu that the child w a about six or seven years nf age. 'This I was the age of the child Alma Miller, ami itiuettv conclusive evidence that the chllil died In the brush there. However, the doctor In (his city w ho have examined Hie skull claim that thu child was from ten to fourteen yeais of age. They all agr.sj that thu skull uml Jaw bone ure those of a w hile child. In conversation with Mr Miller, the father of thu lost child, the Chroulclu learns that hols still of the opinion that the chihl wu stolen by thu gvp slet, ami thut he think thu chihl d'icd w hile in their hand ami w as clandes tinely returned to (he place where the bones aru now being found How true this Is no one can tell, but Mr Miller seems to llriuly Isitleve that such is the case. A further search, which tt III be In stituted Sunday, may result in sub stantial disclosures. If all tho (sue can be louiul or any part of thu cloth ing they can hu thoroughly blent Hied. If no clothing c tu lie fouiiii, but all thu bone, tliert) will be hiiiiic foundation for Mr Miller' tl ry that the child Was left t hero by thu gypsies. Ju ui' I Ion City Items. Times, Oct. LU An orgnnl.atioii of thu Home Forum llcnetlt Order wus (icrffctcd In tills city Friday night, ll starts out with brilliant prospects although thu bulge 1 ma yet lu working order. The editor and family moved Into their new residence tills week and Hobt Clow ami family w ill occupy tno vacated property. The scIiihiI election Wednesday evening pssscd oil' very tpiletly. H L Moniheud wit elected director to till the unexpired term. A sneak thief entered tho residence of F W A t rain Sunday, while thu occupants weru at church, and stole a lino overcoat. No trace of tliu thiel or coat has been discovered. Sunday afternoon a trump slipped Into Dr Lro'i olllec und stole a f JtHJ microscope. Hu was delected whllo getting awny ami (lie stolen iiroperty recovered. 'The trump skipped out be fore ho could be arrested. A collector for the Wrought Iron Kan go Co. was hero this week and while business wus slack he went on tho war pal h, Ho discharged a revol ver twoor threo times and then accl deutly fell ami sprained hi ankle. He is laid up for repairs and will probably be crippled for 1 1 to. Hops. Cooperslown, N Y The local mar ket hu shown considerable more al acrity this week than during any pre vious week this season. Wulervlllo, N Y Whllo Iherohuve been several buyers hero this week theru tits' not appear to have been very largo business done. Ouo salo ha excited u good deal of comment for thu reason thut the highest price luiltl this year wus reached ami fully Ho above the price paid before. Henry Vork of North llrookllcld sold 70 bales for 10c. This Is the only lot which has brought that prlco yet reported. F.XAMI.NK Yotii Diamonds. A crowd of sharpers have recently come to town and are "working" many peo- I de w ho tire visiting the fair, says the 'ortland Chronicle. Their sieclalty I handling imitation diamond which they dispose of for high prices. The "diamonds" are merely a line quality of glass treuletl In soma manner which gives thviu a a perfect representation of tho gonulno stone and polces of glass can even ho cut with them. They hold their luster fur a few week and then become ordinary polec ot glass. Their imitation is so erfect thut the only way In which they can be dis tinguished from a reul stono is to set a mutch on tiro and hold It to the diamond so as to penult the fume of sulphur to act upon It. This will have thu cfluct of turning the glass black and causing It to lose It's luster. 'The gluss costs the swindler considerable as the nroews of making tho Imitation Is expensive. A PkcIi'I.iar PuooK. La drando Chronicle: Mr Emily A Heard came in lust evening from Elgin to make final proof In support of the claim of her late husband. Mr Franols Heard guvu notice some time ugo that hu In tended to muke llnul prnor. tint Octo ber 1st he tiled. Now comes ills widow and Is completing tliu title to the land. This Is the llrst case of this kind mat has over come Is-foro the local land olllce. Of course she will have no dilllculty in getting a patent, yet a certillcatu of thu dentil of her husband ami proof that she Is his wile are ab solutely necessary. Her witnesses ure Thomiis It Smith and John Young, both of Llgln. bally Guard Oi'tnls r . !,' H Kkckition. A reception wa given to thu Oregon Annual Confer ence last evening by tho lecul aud Ir ving v p s U iv. A snort program of vocal und Instrumental music, reci tations, etc, wus rendered und listened to by a crowded house. Addresses of welcome weru made by M C Harris of thu local loelcty ami Mrs il F llolid of Irving. Kespouses wore made by lllshon J Weaver, of Dayton. Ol'lo, and Kcv A H Parker, ofPuyallup, Washington. After the program a social time wus hud. bally Uuard, Orlotwr A Virtually No Fish. Joseph Morris and wife, of Florence, are in the city. Mr Morris Informs u that after the strike on the Siusluwr, lor the tl rat three nights the catch nf Salmon wu immense. Since thut time vir tually no Salmon have Ihtii caught, a liny have not entered the river.