The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 02, 1895, Image 1

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JI o
VOL 27
NO. 40.
OFFICE -Bt ilJ o( Willitmutlu b la-evil
gre.ilh arid Eighth lreH.
TEUM-toK SfBii'ltllTIOS:
Om Ytif. . !
ill Monlh.
Tint ni-.
Advertising rates made known
on application.
A'dres el! busbies
IMi!uf. Orenn.
ledum (o Gl'.VKlJ,
Clocks. vVatches, Chains Jewelry, Etc.
l&-.XlorU Warranted.
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
physiciannnd tSurijeon.
Orfioe and reaiilt-nco over piMtnlriee. Hours;
J In i a, m,; 12 to 2, 0 to 9 p. m.
S Design! nil New Price! In Forclgu mid
pomu'llc Marble and Uranlte, Monument.
Headstone and Cemetery work of
all kinds (or 18;.
Willamette Street, near t'oitofnee. Eugene, Or
Ilock. -Onohalf block south of rlirlainan'i
At residence cor. fith and Lincoln Sts
Lane County Bank.
(Kutabltsht-d In ls)
A general Banking business
In all branches transacted on
favorable terms.
A. O. HOVEY, President.
! J.M.ABKAM8, Cashier.
1 A. O. HOVEY, JR.. Asst. Cashr.
G. lig.sllHlCKS,
Kakir, Jr.,
iFfai National h
Oi Eugene.
Paid ud lash Capital 50,000
.Surplus and Profits, $50,000
Eugene - - Oregon
1 A general banking busine on reason
able terms. .Sii;ht draft on NEW YOliK,
t Bill ol sxchanK old on foreign oountrie.
Deposit received ubjt-et to check or certiri
oate of deposit.
All collection eolninted to n will recelfe
prompt attention.
I -
...iMvn. im.iK 1V11 '. Pl.KTK STOCK
rl of Staple and Fancy (iroc.-rie bought In tbe
bt market
Exclusively For Cash,
i I can otter the public better prices
han any other house
Irodin-e ! ull kind talceu at market
U Molar. Iiwv writ undr dU "t
March 2:. Id'.:
U. Med. Co.,
Dufur, Oregoc.
nrrlviltir httlllO liUst
wef k, X found all well and anxiously
Waltinir. Our little irirl. eik'ht aiil one -
half years old. who had wated away ; that the fruit growers have addclal
. tn :4V...,.i i- till strinii? and !,.( 11. Minim to their wealth, or
vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. U.
' Congo Cure has done Its work well.
j Both of the children like it. Your S.
I H. Cough due has cured and kept
i way all hoarnness fntmjne.
, it to every one, with greetings for all.
J ishiug you prosperity, we are
j ouru, MR. AND Mks, J. r. rKl.
I IfronwUhlo irrl freh nl rherrful, a-'d
rn-iy lor trie Spring' wairk. rlranae the .yv.rin s - f-'onl weal her
itairwHaadiehe ana Uver Cur, bj uaiiulh and around "P" ulw'n '
toorthrd.Ma wrk. , bird that generally appear in Say are
oid aiKlera pomtur guarantee ..sin oil b ind making lle-tS.
iO enu per botulj by ail anifguta. I gsl" " ' 6
C-iiirt week.
Circuit court in session.
Some fiit this morning.
IL-gtilur BU 111 HUT Weill hot.
A iighl frost this morning.
Norri Owen in ut l'riiicx hie.
Minn Carrie. Hovey went to Portland
E l Helms has returned from Port-
Will Alexander came up from Salem
Hev Father Black arrived homo this
Only one AO U Vi assessment for
The A O L" V order was 27 years old
Hoy Lakiu is repainting the roof of
the Grange, building.
Miss Maggie Sievcus returned balay
from a visit l Portland.
Attorney Cooper, of Leuiuti is ill at
teiulenee upon circuit court.
Two empty coaches were taken south
by the this aiieruiKin.
M L C'ainptiell is doin Initiuc in
Corvaltis and vicinity this week.
Hev J V Dartuu'KS, of liuchanan,
Mich., prcuclied at Irving yoMciday,
It will he unlawful to t ie salriion
in the .iuslaw river after nevt Huns
day. The Kas plant lia-. been Completed
and is now in operation ut the u.uvt r
sity. Dr I) A Paine hpent .Sunday in Eu
gene, returning lo .Salein lliis fore
noon. John Ingham received a dilviitg
horse ami phuelou from iSan Jose yes
terday. JSishop J S Mills nreaclied an elo
(jueut Hertnou at the U 11 church last
Arthur Veuzie returned to Portland
today after a short visit with relative
in this city.
Francis Hempe and Linn Alexander
have returned from their "outing" to
The U of O and Willamette univer
sity teams meet on the gridiron at ftu
lem next Saturday.
Kev E C landeMon, dean of the
Divinity School iti this city, preached
ut Salem yesterday.
W !3 Uriswold, of Wasliington, D C,
connected with llio IJ 8 Ocolugicul
urvey, is in theclty.
The remaining delegates to the U 11
and liaptist conventions left for their
respective homes today.
Attorney Ira it Kiddle, of lloseburg,
ollicial stenographer is in the city ui
attendance ou ncuit court.
Secretary of Slate Kiucaid returned
to Salem today, after spending Sunday
with his famiiy in this city.
Heiny S Talbert, of Hariisburg, has
been granted a p iteut ou a gale ly the
depart men t at Washington.
Some sneak theif stole from a hack
near the court house this afternoon an
overcoat belonging to Oliver Veatch.
The northbound lloseburg local was
an hour and lil'teeu minutes lute today,
caused by a broken engine out south.
A J Zuinwalt has instituted a suit"
against Klllo Alice Zumwult et al. in
the March term of the Lane couuty
ciicuil court to correct deed.
The Corvallis boys left for their
homes yesterday morning. They
made many friends in Eugene by
their gentlemanly conduct.
The Saieni football team defeated
the Monmouth boys by a score of 44 to
ti, ai d the Portlands knocked out the
Newberg? by a score ol 4 to U.
Dud Kompp and Scott Dudley j
competed in a lou yard foot race at the
Stewurt track Saturday afternoon for
a purse of $-0. Lindley won by about
four feet.
A special fxcursion train often cars
will pHss through Eugene Wednesday
afternoon about 4 o'clock from South
ern Oregon lo the Portland Ex
County Clerk Jacobs, populist, w ho
Voted to'redu.e the railroad assess
ment from flO.uiJU to HXM) a mile,
wns scored by the central committee
of his purty at Ashland, Saturday.
WillMcClure delivered an address
before assembly ai the University this
morning ou the work of the recent
convention al Salem of' the Northwest
Y M C A Convention. It was an able
E A Mosier. of Canyon City, father'
of Alva Mosier, the hoy w ho lost his
arm while trying to tide a brake beam,
arrived here today and will take his
son home us soon as he is able to
The street sprinkler lias outstuid the
lust rose of summer, am) still lays the
dust In the streets. It's an ill w ind
that blows nolsidy good, and the street
spi Inkier profits ly the absence of
C M Keene, manager of the U of O
foot ball team, is ennllncd to his room
with a Isill on one of his legs. He has
been sullering w ith it for a week ami
he seems to have usigravated its ft lend
ship by playing in Ihe game Saturday.
We hope he will soon be out.
Friends of Mrs J P Wager have re
ceived announcement of her wedding
toMrArthurU ViHidward at-neva,
! Ontario eoiintv. New York. Mr and
i Mrs Woodward will reside in Wat
kins, New York. I lie wedding oc
curred on October 3.
One-half the maple shade trees in
front of the J M Hendricks pnriy
on Nin:h street is Uing culdowu.
The balance of them will I trimmed
upas will also those ill front of Hon
II It Kincaid's property. The trees
cut down wete monsters.
Tnk the LIV) carload of fruit 2 pro
dueed in the Northwest this year and
figure at the small sum ol tiiO per csr
nt. which U lnw when lril fruit i
; takwi luto criniaiT:ition, and we fw
more plainly ss-.iklng. paid aluiosl
i,im),iW ou their indebtedness,
j '.., . iviutn-rt: All the signs
, 0 warm, wet winter,
U-riu jSi.rfng Jolinnv says the wjuir-
( i,lUt wv. bv not laying In
; Un.,hes for " inter; the g.s-e have
t-fr tlvnii? north, the whale are g-K
. , ',,iuf the Oiat Instead of
I'aily iiuM iicMlirr .
Ed Helms Is ill Eugene again.
Arch Itice is at Cottage Urovc.
S Swnufe, of loa, is III Eugene.
W V ltiiley i now at 'ni ainonk
Morgan Hoult, of Junclioii City, is
in Eugene.
J F Kelly, of Crauts Pus, upent last
night in Eugene.
('has li Hamilton, of Nevada, Is
visiting relatives here.
J M Shelly and Henry Lang, of
Portland, are in Eugene.
(ieo Sides and family of Thurston
spent Sunday In Eugene.
C F LUtletleld and Sherman Hi Her
have return, it from Portland.
A E, of tiraut county, is reg
istered ut the 1 tollman House.
Weather prediction for Tuesday:
l-air Willi stationary li'iiiH'ralure.
Prof J W Vogel visited Cottage
Urove yesterday, retiirniug today.
Miss lilanch Edwards of Springfield
is visiting in the city with relatives.
ItoU-rt Mctice left for Salem today
after a vi-il with relatives in this
Kev P K liurnett c:une up from
Forest I i rove today to visit with his
Judge Willis, of Host-burg, is in Eu
gene, having business belore te cir
cuit com t.
Mr and Mr P E Snndgrass returned
home today from a visit to Portland
and the fair.
Hon S 11 Friendly went lo Portland
yesterday morning.' He will return
hoiiiK tonight.
Frank and E C and Mis-cs Ollie,
MaM and (iiace Kuowles, of Seatou,
ure in the city.
A V Auteii has gone to his hop
ranch mar CrestU'll where he will
spend (lie week.
J W K .iy s and Sheimatl Heller at
tended the Woodmen exercises ut the
Portland fair Saturday.
MrsJS Mills and daughter, Ml-
Lueile, left today for a lew weeks'
visit at Portland and H'd Hiver.
'John W Htiiderion icturned from
Lake county this forenoon. He was
accompui led here by John Taylor,
Howard Kowland of the Hegister
returned home today from it visit to
Portland and points' down the valley.
Judge JC Fullerlon and Prosecut
ing Attorney (i'-o M Brown, of Hose
burg, arc in E'lgene in attendance
tiMin circuit court.
Kev Lingbottom of tills city and
Kev Kond of Coburg returnel today
from attending the Willamette Presby
tery at Cottage tirove.
JT Kirk and Kev Houston of Junc
tion, returned to that cliy today from
Cnttaire Urove. where they had la-en
attending the Willamette Presbytery.
John llaudsuker and J P Mulkey
were at Thurston Sunday in the inter
est of the Christian Endeaver society.
It Is proposed to have a Demurest
medal contest ut that place soon.
A tonic vs Itilveii and Williams re
turned Saturday afterm from Camp
Creek where they contested the ease In
which J W Stormant was charged
u-llli assault lltioll T O lioddard. Slor
mailt pleaded guilty and was tilled
HO and costs.
I'listurs Appointed.
Ti,.. (tr.urnii iiniiual conference of
in.. I'oiicl Itrcthern church closed Its
deliberations Saturday evening. Fol
lowing tire the appointments of pastors
as reported by tho stationing com
J It Parker, presiding elder; I'uyui-
lup, Wash., A S Parker; Philomath,
Or., H S Hell; Portland, C C I tell;
Chinese Mission (Portland), Moy Sing;
Eugeiu, (icorge D Needy; Irving cir
cuit, T 11 .Nell; Itoseiiurg, to ihj suii-
died; Dunir, to tie supplied; .mini, j
A' Adams: Dalles Cltv, P H Meeker;
Clackamas circuit, W II Hast; ( ol
uiiiliia circuit, Win Itethers; Salem
O F W-st, Yamhill, D Seppert; ilood
Hiver, F V Kuiusse; .uurion .mission,
TJ Cocking; president of l'hilouiuth
...n Prof It K Kmerick: District
Supt. for American Hible Society, P C
Pally Uuni, llctolstr JH.
A Mrlllill'K h'AI.I.. J M Kobcrl.
aged li' years, who resides nl 7th and
Jcllerson streets, fell front the rm,f of
his house, a distance of about .10 fistt,
this forenoon and had hi 'eft shoulder
. i. .lit ,,r itli.ei. unit sustained
other Injuries. He had gone upon toe
lioue lo repair a leaaage, umi hhiik
his hold, fell to tne groiinn, me luuuer
r.illiftrv 1,11 lillll. Dr Kuvkeiidull was
suiuinoiied nnil set the injured man'
shoulder, fieces ol tne uone urouu.i
the edves of the joint had l-etl liroKen
oil". His side was also badly hruise.i
and hi face cut and bruised by the
fall. He Is now resting easny.
A Qi'EKR Cask. Collage Grove
Leader: Ja liobiiiett, of Creswell,
was found Insensihle. under his wagon,
near his home last Tuesday afternoon.
He was first thought lo I dead but a
diM-tor was called and by the following
midnight he regainod consciousness,
and said he had ls-eii hauling manure
on the garden and feeling lalnl sat
down ou the nlge of the wagon box
to rest, and il is supposed be ha I an
attack of heart failure and fell back
ward and under the wagon. At last
accounts he uppeami to be all right.
- - -PallT
inuri,'" !..i.vr .-i.
MaKKIKH. Al the residence of Mr
FtM'ott., In Eugene, Um-nn. t !l
o' this morning, by H-v Father
Illuck. lAitli Hiuch and Myrtle l!-uu-uinsler,
all of 1iiiH eoiiiity The
wedding party i-'th- d I" the bride's
parent n-r i iorf p istolll'-e s.ioii uflcr
the marriage ceremony where an ele
I pant wedding dinner was served.
i pA-iott AHlnlNrH". Ii-V I
, Ni-cdv, of Iowa, a gra i iaU'of Otter-
Irin i'niversity, has ls--u appointed to
! the pastorate i f the Ma-on Memorial
i U it church In this city an t is ex
I peeled h-re by Nov, mls-r liith to take
' ch.irge of bis work. Until hi arrival
the U H pulpit will (- oi-Upi'st by
lllshop Mill".
SlU'HKMK Col ltr W II WhaViiit
1 al, re-p od -ills, V Maliula J Tip'.on
et al, appeila'tls; ord-red that the r--
pniijeiits have until Dectmls-r 1.
' l'.r, to serve and file brief.
ciuiTir roiiii.
4 J 11 Honlg vi Eli.'i A Saunders;
foreclosure. Decree of fom losure and
order of sale of mortgaged iin uilsi-s.
41 - J M Keviicy v W DamlKC
KtH'iiev; to recover money. Delimit.
Ju Igui on for H (1.71.
4J T W Harris vs S Isoni; to recov
er money. Default. Judgment for
H-X1S, interest at S per cent and or
der of ssle of attached proK-rly.
4: l-.hala-th N Moims' vs John L
and Mary C S ewart: foreclosure, lie
fault. Judgment for $171. 'Jo, frill attor
ney lets mid interest.
41 I lias I.atier vs K M and Mary
E Warren: foreclosure. IVfatilt. Judg
ment for th'4 17, attorney ft e and
iuli-rest at 10 H-r wnl.
4"i Northern Counties Investment
Trust i Limited) eororalion v Amos
and l.vdia A Hlchardsou et al; fore
closure. Ik fault and )udgment for
-,071.7(1, interest at 8 H'l cent, fl.'HI at
torney fis ami decree.
i7 i' Unites v liernhnrd Prange,
Josephine Prange, his wile, et al; lore
closure. iManlt and Judgment and
ilcercv for i7(I..'ki and -0 ntloruey fee.
.'.s Muri ha Stamoii vs M E Brown.
lee; lorcclo-uif. Dcfniilt and Judg
nienl for j'.'l '.H and J7,i attorney fee.
(." KaleC ltrower vs Hols-rl lirow
er; divorce. deferred lo E H Skip
worth loreMirt testimony.
77 In re-sssignmeiit of II N Cruiu.
N rei'ort.
s;i I ti Chrlsmati v Joseph Cole
and K H Mosby; lo recover money.
Default Hlid Judgment lot MUX' U and
flu attorney fie.
s-', A 11 Fisk vs Julia Morey and C
N Morey, her liusbnnd; foreclosure.
I fault and judgiuelit for f .V.I.SO ami
f attorney fee.
Mi (i H Chi ismau vs Wallace M
Cubblii; to recover money, llefault
ami judgment for :iH4 and $.U) ulloi
nev l e.
M A tl Hovey vs A A Meek; to re
cover uiotiev. Motion allowed.
Ml John Whitcuker vs (1 1) Cham
berlain and Eh.alH'th Chuiiihrrlain;
foreclosure. Default and Judgment for
4-1,171. 10 per cent Interest, tluOaltnr
in-T fis1 and dis-ree.
'.il Johu li England i t al vs Mary
A Dillard and Margin J O'Neil; to
partition premises. Delimit. Referred
lo John Curriu Sr, lien Scars and Alex
Coolcy lo partition the wild pieiu
ises In dispute.
U7 J nines Hales i al vs (ieurgeC
Taylor, a.i Inwiiie erson, et al; divis
ion of projs'rty. B F Hylahd, Frank
Wilkinson ami David Hill appointed
lo partition the premises.
PS Ellen McMarlin an I Stella Ad
ams vs John Cole and Peter McMar
lin; forecliuro. lH-l'uiill. Consoli
dated wilh NooSand deciee.
loo J C lomiiii vs W K Cautrell
and J W Kicliardson; to ri cover
money. Delault and Judgment for f."0
and ?'l0 attorney fi-e.
100 Luella Ahlmtt vs (lisi W JAb
iiolt; divorce. Heferivd lo J S Medley
to report testimony.
Iti7 HV Howard s CW Wash.
Iiurne; to recover money. Dismissed
on phdutlll's motion.
MS Mrs S H Huddleslou, exwu
irix vs John W llollis, llarbara A
Hollisctal; foreclosure. Judgment
and decree for H'&l and f 100 attorney
a- AH Fisk, county lodge, and
county eouiiiilssloiirs vsWH Walker;
loiuiel title. Judgment on stipula
tion. 40 Arthur K Cirowa vs Joseph A
ami Haltie I'oleiiian; foreclosure. De
fault and Judgment for fij'JJ.U7, ally
fee of and decree of foreclosure.
47 Kate 11 Anderson vsChas An
derson; divorce. Default. Heferrud
to .Mired E Maltby to rujiort testimo
ny. 4't -Temperance E Chaffee vs James
W nud Margaret J Die etal; fore
closure. Ivfaull and decree forl,
3r..12, ally fee of H00 and M per cent
1)0 Hoard of coinmlsloners for snle
of school lands, etc, vs James U Hull-
nett, Win Churelilll and I liurcli-
III, his wife, and A P Churchill; fore
closure. Judgment for f l,:io0, ully fee
ol friK) and decree of foreclosure.
01 Pi'iiinuh rogle vs I) J liover.
EvaLOover and D II Dewltt; fore
closure, llefault. Judgment for fHI4.
M and decree of foreclosure and ally
Ice of ..0.
,"4 Struh E Oaken vsT 1) Dukeu;
divorce, deferred to U F Sklpworth
to take tcsliinony. Divorce granted.
60 John Kelly vs K iIhtI E Camp
lell; damages. Allowed until Nov.
4th lo answer.
00 John K Jones vs Mary E A
Smith, widow of Hiram Smith, de
ceased, el ul; to reform deed. Def'iull.
Guardian ad litem appointed for de
fendant, Mary E Smith.
70 N A Hutehlns vs Win N Hutch
Ins; divorce. Default, deferred to G
F Sklpworth to lake testimony.
ti.i MrsEA DrUeol vs D E Hull";
slander. Motion to strike out poltloii
of complaint allowed.
ho SS S'evens vs HV Howard;
slander. I)emurrer overruled.
104 J S Conger vs A J Smith and
Martha Smith; foreclosure. Settled
mid dismissed al plaintiffs cost.
Ill State of Oregon vs Jerry detty;
ussHtill with dangerous weapon. Or
dred cimimiu-d to insane uiyluin after
74. Svarverud it Windeil vs Fred
Smith, William Smith and A Colling
wood; upisval from J P court to re
cover money. The following Jury was
taken In the case Wednesday morn
lug: John L Furnish, Scott Chris
man, J D McDonald, W II Lincoln,
W 11 Ha v. James Purker, S Hand-
saker, Charles Power, Geoige Drury,
N W While, S F Kcarns und E P
Wllil lllls.
;;7 J E Nolund vs David Cherry; to
n cover money: Transcript. The fol
lowing Jury was taken III the ca-: It
K Cnlhson, J E Davis, N W While, J
I) McDonald, A d lluttolph, (ieorge
lirurv, W II d-y.Johu 1 FuriH-li, I
M l)ailiels, Chiisiiiiio, U H
i Diiieolii iiinl Frank Power.
'the Jury returned a verdict for
1 pluiutilT iu the sum of -'.iO.Wi, au I
c -ts.
1 10 Slate of Or -goii vs II P Hayes;
ini'-st. A true bill.
110 State of On gou vs It P Hayes;
: in" ct. A Uue lull.
1H Stale of O Oregon vs Susie
' Walker; lewd and la-s lvlou cohabi
tation. A true bill.
Hays sod Mi Walker v.-ere ar
raigned il.l ufu rinsiu at 4 o'clock and
urn h t sik their d iv lo plead. Attor
ney Kilc.j &. Young apjs-arfor the
le elld.uit".
I 1 he estate of Ihe late It S Strahiiu I
us-is-d for 11,1"" in I.lnn county.
U. OF (L'S m !
Tin Farmers Baflly Defealeti Ij
tie Home Team.
Tlin SCOKl: ft TO o.
Pal'.JT llusrd, IVIiits-r .v.
The day wan an Ideal one for font
ball. Pel hap a little raw tor sjiccla
toisl.til Jul light for the piayer
1-ong iM-foreS o'cha-k, the hour si I for
playing, arrived, people U gun lo enter
the gates ami by the time the teams
made their a large crowd
ot vtators had assembled. The
tiortli side of Hie groi.mi w as i in ncii
w ith a high wall, but the south side
had bceo left t'ii and a mounted of
ficer sucmded 111 keeping out ail those
w ho nought to see the gnuio w ithout
paying the necessary M i-ei I.
Following is the line up of the two
O. A. C. Position. U. nfO.
Porter, Center Gillclalid
McAllister, K Guard Shattm k,
Itordlne, C, I.Gt'ard Edinutisoii,
Phllipps, It Taekle Herliold,
Thorp, 1. 'Tin kle FTeinpleton,
Slinipson, E L End Coleman,
I'lnlipps, It End Travis,
Stln. iimUi, H Back H,
Siiiull, It Half Kwne,
Serogglns, I, Half Bishop,
Kelley, Full Hack II Templetou,
Paiil Isiwnlng, lute of Stanford and
captain of Ihat team last yeai Is couch
for the O AC, while II. P lU-rison,
late of llcrkcly, I the I', ol O. coach.
Coach Dittoing acted a umpire
while Coach Helisoli acted as referee.
Seth McAlister acted as linesman.
The O A C siitis were Terrell, Onsley
and Mciuinn.
The I' of O sub were A Kuyken
dnll, Miller, Straiihh-y, Merriinaii,
Pra her and Farrlnglon.
On Ihe beginning of tint first half
iiishop of the V of O made a run
around the right end and scored a
touchdown. 'This was followed by a
goal, scoring 0 points.
Ou the next start Khnltuck made
a touch-down, but failed to kick a
goal, thus M-orlug 4 points for the U of
The start was again mado and the
O A Cs kicked a backdown. On the
third touchdown. C Phlllpps.of theO A
Cs whs disabled, hut was soon In the
field again. The U of O " had
another loilclidowu, by Templeton's
through center, ami a goal, scoring
them 0 more points. The O A Cs had
pluck but il was plainly thelJofO's
game. Ihe luiirill miicnuowii nun
una I was made uy the uoi us scoring
0 IMlilllS.
Thellrst half was completed mar
tin Mulsh of the fifth touchdown. The
Imllwasin the hands of tho O A Cs
but the V of Os bud tho best of the
Toinl pore for tlrst half: UofO, 22;
O A C, 0.
(Kltl.MI HALF.
The second half resulted In totals as
follows: UofO, 2 1; OA C, 0.
U Oft)
O A C o
It t'ost Ulni pearly.
Casslus Harlow, several years ago,
n,.il i,ri.inlu In miirrv Hello Ham-
mond, a tieautlful girl, bom and reared
in Portland says the Portland Mer
cury. As a result of that engagement
Belle becumo tho mistress of Kurlow,
bent liimw for ilm fellow and actually
enslaved herself to liim. All accomp-
llsiica ariisr, tne young wuiono
painted several lovely leturealo adorn
thai exH'cteil home, ami gave mem
to her alllaiieed. These he iilaccd in
Id rooms at Harlow, and they were
ail mired by every culler.
llut a change came over iiiu spirit oi
Casslus Harlow's dreams and few
mouths ago he married another
woman. The young wife, was taken
to Harlow's ilomiciie aim mere icnsim
her eye iisin the handiwork of her
that find ex e -ted to till that exalted
plain now belonging to another. Then
1 tfl til I I lalll muni hrniiirlit suit Rgalnsl
Casslus Harlow for t'JiJHK), alleging
bri-ich of promise of marriage and
seduction. This week Harlow settled
thlsnlrulrby the payment or U.oon
and the return to Belie Hammond of
all the pictures she had given him.
Waltrrvllle Ileum.
Tho nights are cold and frosty, hut
tho Hay ure veiy pieasani.
Mrs Dotson has gone to Eugene to
visit with her daughter for a few day.
Mr Potter's baby It quit sick, hut
it is lioia-U II will soon ne oeuer.
Mr T Easton Is mhldlng a new burn.
Messrs Lorlng and Bert Finn at
tended the coHijierution meeting held
In Eugene the loth and 20th lust.
MrJW Sliumnte and wife visited
M V decs' family Sunday.
Mr Oscar Mlllli an Is building a new
house opposite Geo Milhcun's house
across the- road.
MhsLizie Vanghaii, of Coburg, is
staying with Mrs J W Shumate.
Out school I progressing nicely un
der the instructions of (J W Milam.
Mr Ed Smith Is uliout well but not
able to work un v.
Mr John Wurleg ha extrurte.i n
bones from hi llitlo toe. Ho cui nit
toe with an ax s 'liiD week ago.
Makkiku In Junction 'Uy. Oct.
fi mi,.-., hv Hev II S Wallace. Mr J A
llooiieuud Mis Ella Huble. iney
will ri'slde nrar Dmlia.
I .mi. i v Vain Sheridan uun
The Lord hlniscir will umke the
I haiiksgivlng iiroclamuliou in Oregon
this year.
Lr.-A Chinese sword, brass
.....m,i,.d tu aeublsird. oil the road is--
tween Eugene and Sprliigfleld, Huder
will please leave ul llii omcv. To the wif of Prof J P Hoi-
laud at Junction City. Oct 24, IM'O, a
a io.irr.iu a burned at thettukelu
T.tler, Texa. yi-ster.luy, for raping a
w liite woman. I ne spci-isciw
wlliu s.d by a large crowd, Including
many wometi and children.
(.ets a Nrn Trial.
P.ill y (iuaiil. iviels-r
A report of yesterday's proceedings
III the supreme court Is given III Ihe
follou ing:
Stale of Oregon, respondent, vs Duu
cail Scoll iippellaut; appeal from Lane
county. Judgiuelit of the lower court
reversed nud new Irlal ordered. Opin
ion by MiMire, J.
The del'etidaul, Scitl, in this case
w us convicted of the crime of adultery
upon the unsupported testimony of
the woman In the case Mrs Hubh,
and the supreme court holds that no
material ciiciiiiislainv were shown to
substantiate the ttiilh of her evidence,
The isiuit says, "Mete prisif of an op
poritinity lo commit adultery Is Insulll
cleiil to coiix h-t a person ol thai crime
unless tlu-ie is proof als, i of mi adult
erous inlii, I mi the part of both
parties and to prove this state of mind
clrciiinstiiiiclal evidence is admitted to
show a purpose or Inc. illation to com
mit the net. From an examination
of all Ihe testimony In support of
Mrs 11 ilih's statement we conclude
that il doe not corotKirate the
maict ial issue or present fads
trout which the commission of
Ihe ciiiuti can reasonably he Inferred
and lu lu-.', under the statute, was in
siillleleiit lo support the conviction
and the court eired ill refusing to give
the Itisttiii'tiou rcipieslcd, for which
reason (he Judgment Is reversed and
a new 1 1 lul ordered.
'This means thai Scott must I ai ac
quitted. Haiuioak Kki'okth. The annual
reports of the various railroad com
punlcs, operating III Ore on, furnished
ll e stale Isuird ol rallMiul commission
ers, show not only Hit entire business
transacted during Ihe fiscal year end
ed June .'101 II, 1M),), hut present also
Interesting figures In comparison made
with the business of lsiH. The freight
I mill c returns of the Southern Paeillc
nad also show a great inereure In the
shipment of fruit, livestock and hay,
giving evidence of a great diversity ol
nf funning In the Willamette valley.
While Ihe shipment of grain products
during the two years over this route I
alsnit Ihe same, I hero is a material in
crease, nearly 10,000 ton, In the ship
ment of fruits, Indicating that the hor
ticulturist of Oregon lire beginning
to receive some returns for the outlay
and labor expended in such direction.
Card of Thanks.
1 hereby tender my sincere t hunks
to the friends und lielghlxirs who so
kindly assisted me during the sickness
and ileuth of iii wife. Thepaslorof
Ihe Lulhcran church, Kev Koerner,
especially rendered valuable assistance
by his pretence and w ords of encour
agement. Jam KM A.NPKKSON.
O.nk MoitK Hl'KT. Cottage Grove
Leaden 'Tuesday morning a brake
Is aiii tourist slips'd oil' the rods of the
south bound overland train ut Com
stock, shortly afler 3 o'clock, nnd re
ceived a dislocated shoulder. Ho was
brought to town the sitinu morning
by Ja llawley and placed In care of
Dr Snapp, who set the shoulder of the
unfortunate young man, and paid for
his Isd and bleak fust ut the lintel.
Next day thegeiilleinun proceeded on
his Journey. Hu claims In be about
17 yeurs of age aud I hut he hu a sister
in Montana.
Ai.vam-kmknt Ci.l'ii. The Uni
versity and Eugene Advancement
Club met lis usual in Mount' hall lust
evening w ith a good utteiidituce. The
club Is developing new Interest and is
taking in new liieinucrs eacil wee.
The meeting oiieued lusi iilgui witu a
very pleasing solo by Prof Narregnn.
A piis-r on "Nebular Hypothesis"
was read by II T Condon. A general
discussion of this paixd- followed ami
was taken part hi by Dr Kuykendall,
President Chapman, Professors Frle-
del, Letcher. Baker, 1 oting, Condon
and Mr H M Yoran, President Chair
man outlined the wluter's worn for
the class In evolution Next Monday
evening the subject of sociology will be
discussed. The eakcr of the even
ing will lie Bishop J H Mills and rroi
Thos Condon.
To Tkaciikkh and Hrnooi, 0m-
cmih Engi ne, Oregon, uetoncr
Ihitt: tiih Weekly uregonian oi ucto
isr IS contained a notice that Slate
Supl. Irw lu hud added Bison s r.le-
meiitary rpeiier to mo ust u nuiuoi-I-...I
text laiok. In aimrduiiou wilh
ubeiueiit action of the State Hoard of
. . . . . .. . ... i 1. 1. .i ... ... ..
Education rMlpl. irwm nus iiiuuiu
hi clrciilur letter No. H, adding Wat-
.on' Fleii cnlurv Speller to the list.
Notice Is hereby given, lliereiore, mm
Heed's Woid D-ssons Is the ONLY
authorized speller for usu in public
Pally Uuard, October
MlNkH IN JoHK I'll INK. CololielJ A
Slrulght, has two mines In Josephine
county, near Menm which up
nine i Interesleil III. tine oi iiieio i-mi-
sisisi.r cold and silver ore anu me
ii,r Is eoniM-r nnd no d oro. I lie
, ,ii..i Iihm lusi reiurncti iron, in.
mines, lie is now working tne goui
und silver mine ami I mukiugurruiigu-
mel ts to have tho ore snipped to a
smeller atlucoma.
A Kl'Hl'iUHK. Mr A Yerliigton was
leodereil u siimr -e narly al Ills Home
on Ninth street last evening by a num
ber of his friend. GA lerliiginn, oi
orliiiitleld. wilh hi oichesUn, lur-
, I iiiosii- for tho occasion, vjune
numU-r of friend hotu iromtins
cily and Sprlnglb ld were present. The
risilll Wete prettily uevornuMi,
..l. fimi liincli wa served, wliluli all
enjoyed very tiiuen.
IU:. is Tim Ht:nnu. A tramp at
.,!!,. I hi tho resideni'o of K'V Mr
Alley's, lust evening for something to
eat. Mrs Alley iniormeu in iruinj-
shiplliutshe would reward Him wiiu
a good suiqs r If be would wash his
hand and face. After some btMilaney
be complied and was liberally ted.
When he left he stole the bar of soup.
Tlil I the first time a trampever stole
uuy ol this cleansing article.
Iiaily Onard, Hflirvr'J
TliK FiKiTKAi K. The fount: yes
terday afternoon between lb am ami
Neulwaswou by IIm) latter by a dls-IhIii-c
of 3 hi liisteud ol 20 lift a at
llrt reporteiL Another rawwaarun
t,y Morgan and Lindley, two haul
printer, the latter winning by 4 feet.
Almost rvervhiijv t.i!;r. snmp laxative
medk'ine to cleanse the svs'.cm and kn-p the
blooj pure. I hoe who t.ike bIMMONS
LlVl.R KUiL'tAfUR (ll.ui.l or puwdrr
eel all Ihe hetirlin of a nnlj nnj pleasant
laxative and tonic that purities the blood
nn J strengthens the whole system. And
mote than this: SIMMONS LlVl.R Rlc.u
tATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active
auJ healthy, anj when the Liver Is in
coed condition you find yourself tree from
Malaria, Biliousness, InJigeMion, Slck
HeaJactie and Constipation, and rid ol
that wurn out and dd'ilitateJ feeling.
These are all causeJ by a sluggish Liver.
(jooJ digestion and IrecJum from stomai.h
troubles will oulv Te h.ij wlirn tl-.e liver
Is properly at work. If troubled wilh any
of these complaints, trv SIMMONS LlVLR
HtGULATOR. The King of Liver MeJi
cines, und Belter than Bills.
lias tho X Stamp In nil on wrapper.
J. II. Zollln Co., l'hlla I'm.
Til t)7lK 01 t.AMt lllnDM.
Hundred of Chinese Plieasantg Ship
ped Alive tor Itreeilluc Par
piises 'This Veur.
Giimo birds are plentiful now.
Many Chines.' pheasants are being sold
in tills city lor 26 cents each. The
open season for grouse, pticarant,
quail, Mongolian pheasant and similar
game bird in this stale Is from Sep
Icmtwr I to December 1, but the birds
cannot be killed for the market aud
nll'cred for sale only during the period
between October 15 and No vein 1st 13,
and dealers having birds Bi their pos
session five days after November IS
are liable to tines. In the wording of
this statute, tho framer was careful to
le clear and speclllo as to the meaning
ot the act, ami the law expressly says
that it shall be unlawful to l ave the
hlrds In their possession afler Novem
lerlo, even In cold storage. Game
Protector McGuire has referred this
section of the Orvgoh game laws to Attorney-General
ldlemun, to decide
whether It bo constitutional, and If
Ihe altoruey-geiierul isol that opinion,
MrMcGuIre will stop absolutely Hie
sale of birds after the time specified by
law. or all the game hlrds in Oregon
none equal the Chinese pheasant.
Many of llieni are being slilpd ulive,
lor breeding purjioscs, to every state In
the Union. 'They bring, usually, $10 a
pair. Hundreds of these birds have
is-eii shlpH)d from the Willamette
valley during (he present season, and
the iiioiuy reall.ed from their sale
amounts turn neat sum.
ruiiinilsslnuerg Court.
W M Foster, bridge work
10 62
1 87
8 25
11 00
John Hake, bridge work
I'otterf llriw, IuiiiImt
James Coiikilu, Itidigeut soldlsr
James E Nolund, costs on de
linquent tuxes, vluimvd fOl.M);
not allowed.
Adjourned for tbe term.
To MoVK KHOM KlPDI.K. Cotiulllo
City Hullctiu: We are reliably In
fill med that the citizens of Myrtle
Point have Induced the editor of the
Kiddle Enterprise to remove his print
ing plant to Hint pluoe and that enter
prising cily will soon be supplied with
a local press. We are glad to hear the
news as Myrtle I'jlnt has some gooa
business men and clll.etis w ho have
striven hard to reach this end aud
now recomiHinsatlon comes by their
ellort being rewarded.
MakkIkd. At the residence of the
bride's father, Jas Campbell, nt Camp
Creek, OctolKir, 21). 1NU,',, William T
PaUlson, orspr ligtleld ana Miss Alice
D Campbell, ltev Dr Driver of this
city arform!ng the murriHge
ceremony. The young couple will re
side ou Mr I'aiusou's lariu near
Springfield. The Uuahd extends
Dally Unani, Uelotsir W.
Tukih HkoKk.n. Mis Susie Car
ter, aged 10, of Middle Fork precinct,
wa thrown from tier liorss near Aiiuy
Luce's yesterday aflerniHiu, and her
foot hanging in m stirrup she was
dragged quite a distance. One of her
thighs was broken and she was con
siderably bruised. Dr J W Harris was
culled to attend to the suflerer.
Clch Dasck. Tho club dance In
Conner Hall Saturday night was at
tended by nearly 60 couples, and wasm
ncccss In every way. The club Is
meeting with better success this win
ter lhau ever before.
Okecjon Hoksm. Two Oregon
horse won In the races at Lo Angeles
yesterday. In the 2:13 class, puclng,
purse $1000, Pnthliiouut woo, time 2:10;
t:iS class, pacing, purse$l,(H)0, Frazer'a
Cheliulls won, time, 2:13L
Mljhest Honors World's Fair,
Qold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Terfect Made.
40 Years lbs StancUiil