The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 26, 1895, Image 7

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18 a tell
'i?n in
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"fwover all
"ly killed
A pirit.
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',7,iv OCR) HER 20.
Disk harrow lean.
U.iii. attorney -ut-law.
farm. Kniiiilrv of
i Wall""'
I y.Mir i ltttt-iit liurk i S. II.
f i iJnw V. L. ('
1 ..ii Li t e:lll ",r "1,r
f il.FrU.-ii.llyV
J,.yur CliUU-rn Bark lo 8. II.
., u, t mill for your Chiticin
1 1. Friendly'
tt ft.
....i,rj miiko llL-lit draft
i make Unlit draft
S,M,v In-k harrow hi,s I hem. N o
f (, ' 1' L I hambcrs.
i (i. W. Riddle may Ik- found at
. ! itllen mIiisI. Iietu-ii-n
.Mcuce -
f .. i ivtii street, one blink west
Mium-soU hotel. IK Ik prc-
J to tin H dental wrk In the be
I -r.
.' .i.. Oliver plow share
,' extras va only bought of
t OimlH-r.
J, that I " ill closo out r"tsrl lwa
rU F. L. ClIAMIlKKK. cash price paid for Chltl.i
Farm fur Sttli". now thirty line farms In the
jtjjiuftte valley for wile. Them)
, iiicluilo every variety in size and
J. rr
II. Kri.'
rr description iihi, ainircss
Wilkin Block, Eugene, Or.
emlly want till the Chit
I bark he can get.
i iw In the time to do your dry plow,
land an Oliver lilow will Btuy In
i 'tuuuil. F L CliamU-rs has a full
r. A lady's littlo red Moroeei
krlbMik on the road between E
r .,i,l kllL'I'Of. KlIllIlT Will
-t irded hy leuving the name at this
fim Duiidv Disk harrow now linn
41 Uturiiik'x l center cutter which
i5 all the ground. For tede hy
j F L t'hambern.
in town have your hnrws ted
s( liic lie W feed Htahl". Melsoll liUild
t(. 'ill Btrevt
.New IVrtl Stable
imtdn & Co have oened up a feed
(i!e iu tlie Melon huildiiiK, on 7th
t between Willamette and Olive.
ftVy aUi linve 40 head of horses for
Ml.'. lUtes reasonable. 1'alronaire
The Oliver Chilled plow kuown the
furlcl armiiid.
j F L C'liAMUKRS, Sole AgeuL
;MrJK Fowler secretary and treas
vroftlie Corinne Mill, Canal and
i nk o. of Corinne, Utah, in speak
liof ('liainl)erhiin'M Cough ltemedy
my: "1 i-oiiHlder it the bent iu the
Kirket. I have lined n,any kinds but
Hod Chamberlain's the uiont prompt
d etluclunl in giving relief, and now
In mi' Ikiiiip 'f Wlieli
ulil"d with a c i ii li or cold give this
HiiHHly a trial and we assure you that
jmu will he more than pleased with
tbe result. For sale by Osbuiu & li
Iwas I)ischakuki. Wednesday's
Allmny lK-iuot-rat: Mr Arthur John
son who has been in jail several
moinlis awaltiuK the action or the
painl Jury under the charge ot obtain
lot niomy on a draft under false pre
tenses, was discharged yeitnrday, hav
lriL' iiiu ilrHfis. It lias been
stated to the Democrat that Mr John
'i was entitled to have the drafts
honored by the Johnson ektate in
Portland, and that an Injustice was
one him by their not beini; cashed.
It is nlso reported that he may bring
lull against theiu for faUe imprison
ment. "While down in the southwestern
fart of the state some time ago," cays
Air W Chalmers, editor of the Chico
(Cal) Enterprise, "I had an attack of
dysentery. Having heard ot Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
ltemedy I bouirht a bottle. A .ouple
of doses of it "completely cured nie.
Now I am a champion of that remedy
for all stomatih and bowel complaints."
For sale by Ostium A IK-Laiio.
Dlljr Uunnl, Ootobr2t
un t-L-u i.i-i uk i'i iTii The Hhakee-
w.... i Miii. met hut even In ir with 1 ror
and Mrs F Id Washburn. The study
of "Othello" was continued as pre
paratory for the recital soon to lie
given on that play. The earnestness
and thought manifested In the read
' Ing and discussiou of the great poet
and dramatist Is indicative of the
educating Influence of this club in our
town. The club was honored with a
visit by lion 11 B Miller who gave
some "very practical suggestions re
garding the Interpretation of "Othello."
The next meeting of the cluo two
'weoks hence will be with Mrs II H
? Miller. .
f There Is one medicine which every
1 family should w provided with. e
J refer to Chamberlain's Tain Halm.
I When It is kept at hand the severe
j pain of a burn or ncald may Is- prompt
sly relieved and the sore healed iu
I ii uch less time thn when medicine
has to be sent for. A sprain may be
promptly treated before inflammation
sets In, which Insures a cure in alMHit
oi:o-third tin time otherwise required.
Cuts and bruises sliotil I receive im
mediate attention, More the parts be
come swollen, and when Chamta-r-Iain's
Pain Hulm h- applied It wUI heal
them without mailer being formed,
and without leaving a near. A sore
throat niav lie cured In one night. A
piece of flannel dami eneil w uninis
liniment and bound on over the s. .t
of pain, will cure lame back or pain
in the side or chest In twenty-four
hours. It Is the most valuable, how
ever, for rheumatism. I'er-otis afiln-t-ed
with this disease will Is" delighted
with the prompt relief from pain
hluh it all.trds, and U can bedcpenil.
d upon to effect a complete cure. I or
ale by Ostium A DeLano
I hnv t.koii of the Rpring-
fle.1.1 Motel and solicit a fair share of
the patronage. I will also run a uauy
hack between Springfield and Kmreiie.
Farm Wantkil The undersigned
wishes to rent a farm. Call on oi ad
dtt'M V. T. Kofi, Eugene, Oor.
Eggs 22 cents per dorm,
Fruit tree agents plentiful.
Circuit court convenes Monday.
Dr W V Henderson Is home again.
W it Tool has returned from Tor:
and. Mrs X K Fruzor Is visiting in Port
land. Mi Flora Adair i,,,, returned from
C Fleikeiistein came up from Port
luud tiHlay.
All kinds Table Cillery at half price
a' The Fair.
Mrs and Mi Hull' have relumed
from I'm Hand.
S mi S (iitld-inith, of Portland, was
In Euceiiu today.
Frank r-aundt-1 of Drulu was an are
. I I u i
. i tii i ii m iiiui in 11.
Al Murker is expected to return to
Eugene In a few days.
Mrs I. It Kubell was a passenger to
Oakland this nil. i iumhi.
A reception will be given at the U H
church tomorrow night.
Mis KII.1 lladley was an arrival
from U'sihurg this morning.
' ' P lloiislon, of Juiiitlou City, did
business in Eugene last evening.
The Kosehuig local was hauling
freight as usual Ibis allernnou.
Tin uiiuual insiertion of company
C will Ihi held tomorrow night.
A M Clark is running a .tally hack
between Springfield and Eugene.
Jack Di'inpM-y is dying in Portland of
consumption. He is 84 years of age.
F A Toiler, of Crcswell, passed
through this morning going to Port
laud IJev M C Wire went to Albany to
day and will lecture in that city to
night. The Portland San Francisco flyer
passed through Eugene at 1:59 this
C Stewart, nf Mohawk, was In Eu
gene today and made the Ul'AKDa
pleasant call.
Photograph of the U of O foot ball
team are being displayed lu the show
windows of the city
Mrs DC Stanard returned home to
Hroivnsville todav, after a visit with
the lauiily of J M" Howe.
Edwin I Stone, ofCorvatlis, manager
nftheOC &, E It It, did business In
Eugene for his line today.
Miss Jessie Withers, who has been
visiting at Cottage Grove and Drain,
returned home this morning.
Frank Uauseh, of Canada, a son ol
the late Peter liuusch, is vlsltlug rela
tives and friends in Eugene.
Tills afternoon County Clerk Jen
nings issued a marriage license to
John L Powell and Maggie Hill.
Mrs Jessi? Miller and children went
to Salem today where they will Join
Mr Miller and reside In the future.
JosO Kelley, C E, has a sensible
article of a column and a half ou road
building in I lie Salem Statesman.
Mrs O It Chrisman and Mrs J L
Page were among those who went, to
Portland today to visit the exposition.
Mrs 8 M Daniel, of 8clo, left for
homo this m irning, after a visit with
the family of Fx-Asesor McPherson.
The question of relocating some of
the street lights' has been postponed
by the common council until its next
Miss Kay ne Stnthan says that she is
not engaged to lie married to Itev.
Edward Davis, the Oaklaud, Cal.
President Cleveland Is visiting the
fair at At anta, da. He was given a
great reception.
Then- are IttO new students enrolled
at the V of O and additional ones are
arriving right along.
Will Hodes' flue colt, attached to a
cart took a spin last evening. Xo
damages to svak of.
I (III 111 V rlerli Jeiinlnir todav issued
a marriage license to W illiam Slinugh
of Ilentou county auu sauna i.nggsoi
La i io county.
The Eugeno social and Dancing
Club will meet Saturday evening
when the second dance of the season
will he glvep.
It is now learned for certain that It
Is absolutely impossible for a man to
kill himself by holding his breath, a
fact almost lo be regretted.
Xelse Itonov was down from Cot
tage drove today. He will have the
new bridge across the Coast Fork at
Short rhlire's mill completed by the last
ot this w eek.
Helmet lodge Xo 33, K of P ol this
!... i i.... r...ii-.l (...rniluHinn to fu
el i y una .ivx-n ---- -- --
duce its Initiation fee to one-half rate
lor a short rlod. This will cause
many to Join the lodge.
a ..ivii ,itua imiwM'ii E J McClana-
hau and Scott McMurray, involving
1.1 nRHluraire bill, had Justice Wheeler
attention this forenoon. The declsiou
was in favor of McMurray.
Trial n v r.n.iroi.hin! Mr AC Wood
cock, a well-known Eugeue attorney,
I. .i ii. a IWLtlnu Mr Wontlmclc was
reeeutly appointed referee In the suits
agnlusl the uregon l aciuu nmrunu.
Amoug the arrivals this afternoon
to attend the Baptist convention were
ii ii- ,1 . ..r Il.iii-u I '
C A Woodv, of Portland, editor of the
Pacific. Baptist, and Dr lluwland D
Oraut, D D, of Portland.
Jacksonville Times: The Times
learns that the It It V Co has purchas
ed a IMMon engine from the Oregon
Central A Eastern It It Co, and It la
exiiecled to arrive here in a mnn
time. The engine new In use Is not
adequate to the demands upou It.
Baker City Democrat: In Willam
ette vallev the apple Is king, the pear
queen and the prune the secretary or
the treasuiy.
Among the arrivals to attenu me
U H conference is Mrs L K Miller, of
Dayton, Ohio, editor of the Woman s
E n gel.
Mr and Mrs PE Snodgrass left to
day to visit the fair at Portlaud. Mr
Snodgras will make short stois at Al
bany and Salem.
Mrs Williams, of Lost Valley, who
has been sick at tbe lesidem of her
nephew, L X lloiiey, for some time,
was able to ret jru home today.
W H Bower, of Baker City, recorner
of Baker county, left for home lhU
morning after a visit In this city with
his brother-in-law, P E Hiiodgmaa.
Portland, editor
of the Pacific Baptist, Is In Eugene in
attendance u oii me uhhikwhitu
lioii. He is a graduate of the U of O.
Mrs (i K Black, of Fairmount, Is ex.
is cting to move to Salem iu the near
future to Joiu her husband who has a
position under Superintendent Paine
In the avsluin.
Ashland Tiding-: Attorney Geo 8
x-i..i ,.r UiuoiHth Kails, t-a me lo
l,v nrlvate' cmveyauce, bringing Mrs
. . ,i il.ii,rlitiP vim
K ogswrii o j iiiiio .
...-'parted n Saturday evening's train
fr Cot lair Orove. to spend the winter
ibere with re lvc.
Wheat Is still as cents per bushel.
Dr. Finley. deullst.ruoin J.Duun blk.
Mrs 8 B Eakln went to Portland to
day. Rev M C Wire returned from Al
bany today.
Uoods at your own price at The Fair;
they must go.
The Itebeccas will have
Saturday night.
a supper
Dan Spores, of Mohawk went to
Portlaud today.
RevJ F. Sny.U'r is suffering with
malariul fever.
Dr W Kuykendall went to Drain
this afternoon.
Ernest Wilson has returned to his
home at Salem.
The Shasta flyer on Its first trip car
ried sixty passengers.
The testimony lu the Durraut case
was completed yesterday.
Thomas Johnson, of Cottage Grove,
has been granted a (elision.
Councilman Fisher Is doing business
in Junction City today.
Attorney E It Bklpworth made a
business trip to Junction today.
Brattaiu's Ally Leora ran third lu a
race at San Francisco last Menday.
Liverpool salt 75 cents per 100 lbs at
the Fair. Stock salt 60 cents per 100.
Edwin Stone, manager of the OCA
E It It, left for his home lu Corvallis
this morning.
Marvin Hammltt, of Mohawk, left
this morning lor the Couer D'Alene
mines lu Idaho.
Bishop J H Mills, who has been lec
turing iu the East for several months,
arrived home this afternoon. " A hbunc .ttiA rt .l,a tipln.
plnul nurfiMi-u nf thik Kforllnir litin..- In
rjackson county, is in the city.
It has been raining In northern Cal-
Ifftrni Mini ns fur fumtli n San Fi-hii-
Cisco for the past twelve days.
Justi.-e R U Calllson, of Fall Creek,
was In Eugene last evening, on busi
ness iu connection with his oftlce.
ItevFC Krauase, of llool River,
formerly of this city, accompanied by
his wife, Is attending the U B confer
ence. Dr B H Bradshaw of Salem, who
has been the guest of Rev M C Wire
and family for a few days, left for
home this morning.
Rev C C Kperry, formerly a resident
of Eugene, but now a resident of
Brownsville, is in the city attending
the Baptist convention.
MrsM L Crnnflll has returned to
her home In this city after a very
ileasant visit with her daughter, Mrs
F Croxton. at Oraut s Pass.
A A II Soda 4o per pound: starch 6c
beans SJc; brooms 15c each; bakers'
chocolate 20c per pound; raisins 3c; 4
boxes sardine- for 25o at The Fair.
Un to Osburu A DcLano, druggists,
sole agents in Eugene, for a bottle of
I.IVERIXE, for the Liver, Kidneys,
Sick-headache and Constipatiou.
The Baptist church was crowded
with people last evening, stauding
.WW.... M.iii. mt a i.raiiiliini. u-ith neonie
tohear (he annual sermon before the
Baptist state convention by Or now-
land D Grant of Portland.
Dr. Fiuley, deiitist,room3,Dunn blk
bhilo's Cure Is sold on a guarantee.
It cures incipient consumption. It is
the best cough cure. Only one cent a
dose. 25cts., 60cts., $1. Sold by Hen
derson A Linn.
Corvallis Times: Henry M Stone
returned from Portland Monday.
where he went to prosiiect the prune
market. While there lie effected the
sale of a carload of dried petitesat4
cents, ou board the cars at Corvallis,
which Is considered a fair price.
O P Coeliow. Jr. of McMinnvllle,
president of the state Y P B U and
formerly a student of the U or O, Is lu
the city attending the Baptist conven
tion n T. nntvnlp nf Kan Francisco, who
!.! iuin ineiuliinr Home time lu Eu
gene, went to Portland today aud to-
morrow win leave ior uomnuuim
Portland flyer.
Itav Bond of Coburgand Rev Long-
bottom of this city went to Cottage
Orove this afternoon to attend the
Wllliamette Presbytery which con
venes lu that city tonight.
bay, why don't you try Dewitrs
Little Earlv Risers? These little pills
cure headache, ludigcstlon and consti
pation. They're small, but do the
Oshl'kn A DkLano.
Colonel Ucou loran oi mis uhj.
Major Sidney Collins of Arlington and
Lle'ltenant colonel jas jacKsun u. mo
United States army arrived In the city
ti.u nrtfriioon and will Inspect Com
pany C, O X O, tonight.
It is a truth in medicine mat uie
smallest dose that performs a cure is
the best. De Wilt's Little Juiriy
Risers are the smallest pills, will per
form a cure aud are the best.
Ohiil'RN A DeLano.
Mia Kturllntr nil lift
a student of the U
of O, is lying oangerously 111 with
rever. Ills mother, who was visiuuk
In Portlaud, arrived on last nigni s
train In answer t a telegram, to wait
on her son.
There are many good reasons why
you should use One Minute Cough
Cure. There are no reasons why you
should not, If In need of help. The
only harmless remedy that produce
immediate results.
OtiBi'K A DeLano.
t i. n.. n... t f- Tiioan who attend
ed the late races will remember Steam-
boat Bill, who surprised neany eveiy
laxly by lieatlng the best quarter
k... in rifwn... J I. an Inkle.
the owner, it is said, ha Just refused a
fPHlO otter hr the animal, niesnnsmi
Bill I a Sherman county horse, and at
one time sold for as low a I-' 50. His
rle to fame and fortune was as sudden
as it is satisfactory lo his owuer.
The burden of labor Is constantly
being lightened by new Inventions,
hut nothing uew has yet been di'cov
ered to brighten the hours of labor,
and make life worth living like Him
mons Liver Reulator does. It's the
king of liver medicines. A sluggish
liver depresses tme's spirits and caus. s
languor, besides upsetting the whole
system. But Simmons Liver Regu
lator tones up and atrungtheus the
Mitchell Monitor Perry Polnd.x
terandhls brother Ora came in from
Prineville on Monday evening last,
with a four-horse team. It was the
Intention of the polndexters to load
with apples at J P Province's orcbsrd.
Just above town, but on their arrival
there they concluded to go on to Can
yon City, where, they were Informed,
the fruit could he htained at a less
flirure. Tl ev were, however, much
pleased with Mr province's fruit.
Notice (j Subscribers.
With this Issue we commence send
ing eut staiemetits of account to sub
scrluers who are In arrears.
We hope to receive prompt response.
The accounts while generally small
ludivldually, amount to a large sum
In the aggregate, lu f.n-t more lhan we
are able to carry.
Our bills for paper, material ami cur
rent expenses must be paid luoniliy at
least, w hile our oftUv force of six men,
exclusive of carriers, receive their
wages every Saturday night. Under
these circumstances no subs ribercan
exiect to bo carried year after year.
Iu some c-tc we shall lie compelled to
force collections unless paid within a
reasonable time.
A r-RKMll'M.
To new and old subscribers w ho pay
one year in advance we will send for
one year, KUKK, the Weekly Cincinnati
Enquirer, llio leading paper of the
Mississippi valley. We are sending
the Inquirer to over 2 X) subscrilivrs
aud hear nothing but praise for it.
A Spite Agalusiihe Willamette.
Albany Democrat: The Shasta lim
ited leaves San Francisco tonight at 8
o'clock and will arrive In Portland
Wednesday morning at 0 o'clock, pass
lug Albany about 3 a. an. It w ill leave
Portland next Friday at 10 p. in., pass
In Albany alsmt 1 a. in. It will
start from Sail Francisco again on the
2Uth, 31st, aud Nov. 5, aud from Port
land on the 30lh, Xov. 4 and 9. It
will lake about 31 Instead of 24 hours
for the trip, a little less than now, and
by adcss.Ta(e ellbrt w ill go through
tills valley lu the night. The S. P.
seems to have a spile against the Wil
lamette valley. The train should la)
the Willamette limited and by leaving
San Franciscc and Portlaud at H a. in.
would do the valley by daylight. This
putting .Shasta toeverything I getting
tiresome to Oregon ssiple along the
lisl ly 0 usrt), October J-l.
A Low iHiw.v Si'Ki'iMKN. Yester
day evening a low down iqicch&iiii of
humanity, belonging to the hobo ele
ment, entered Ed Howe's restaurant
on Ninth street aud asked of he could
get a good square meal for 2." cents.
Being informed that he could he sat
himself down at a table and sent iu
a voluminous order. After ho had
finished he informed Mr Howe that he
would pay him the next morning.
Set lug the mail's hat hanging on the
rack Mr Howe remarked that It
looked like a pretty gistd one and he
guessed he would keep It as pay
for the supper. A few hours
later the tramp was thrown Into
the city Jail for drunkenness
and this morning Marshal Day pro
cured an old hat for him from Howe A
Rice. He should have been forced to
pay for his super or else to leave the
town hatless. ami doubtless would,
had Marshal Day been acquainted
with the circumstances of the case lu
Take rt! Tbrri Is Hanger
In allowing Die Insrllrllr ol tlis kl.lnry to
cr.iw thruuiih neicleel The aVuilly h.wlnuf
Uriahl'i (1Im'U slid (llsb- k'S will wrts-k Hie
u.Hxlly 1st k of h-llh II llnwisl lu drill
ruildvrleM Uhii llieiu. Tbe lilsdd r, tx, 11 In
active, slid Jiiillcluus niedlcsttiiu dun u,'t sss.
ilr dlrvrl the h-lui Uiwsrd the purt ofutteiy,
will be overwhelm.! by the ijuk'kuiid ol di
etsv. In st'liM'tln diuretic, let your choice
(II upon lloaletla'r's tomsi'ti bittern, winch
tlmiiUti'i the renal orm wlthiiiil Irrltsllii
and exuillnit Ihrin, U, eiiecuto be iin-hend.'d
Irum the uiiintslU'sted MlmuU laricely n-mrtr.1
to These have a tendency ! react prrJuiU
dally. The lllllcra luvlKiiralc the kldncyi. and
blailder. In comuion with Ihe uervra and Hie
dlRcsllve nncaiii, and to aflord lanilu aid. Ii
aiisi ailorda ilusl aanmianie In preventing and
curlim Intermiileua and remittent fever, lilt, conilliatloii aud rlit-uuialUm It aiw
Call I be laauea.
New York, Oct. 23. The Herald
says: Chairman Thomas H Carter
will, In a day or two, Is- ue hi call for
a meeting nf the republican national
committee In the first week of Decem
ber. The national convention will
meet within 10 days after May 12,
IriiKl. Senator Carter, James S Clark
son and William 11 Mali ll met last
night at the Holland house, aud con
sulted about the wording of the call, a
rough draft of which Mr Carter has
drawn up. The call will be formal
and will not attempt to outline party
Fruit 'Frees.
We have beeu aptoluted agents for
Lane county for J II Settlemlre A Son's
Nurseries at Woodburn, Oregon, these
nurseries being the largest and have the
best selected stock on tho Northern
Coast. We are able to furnish anyone
who are contemplating planting a new
orchard with the best selected trees,
and at the right prices. Call on us be
fore you place your order.
For 8a I.K. 35,000 feet fencing at 15
per thousand. Rustle. $12 aud flisirlng
$12. Will trade for wheat in mill or
waiehouse at 40 cents a bushel, anil
stock cattle or sheep at a reasonable
Stephens, Allison A Feldweut
at Elmira.
Ashland Tidings: A parly of prom
inent O X O olllclals will arrive iu
Ashland next Saturday on the noon
train. In th party are Brigadier
General Chas F Rcehe, commanding
the National Guard of the slate, Lt
Col Jas A Jackson, USA, instructor,
MhJ Dunne, brigade Inspector, MaJ
Jones, brigade I S A P, Col Gee O Vo
ran of Eugene, In command of lb
second regiment, and Lieut A O Con
dlt, adjutant of the second regiment.
They will lusiiect Co D at Ashland
Saturday evening and Sunday morn
ing will leave here by four-hoixt coach
over the Ashland-Klamath Ffells wag
on mad lor an Inspection of Troop B,
at Klamath Falls.
Then Baby was sick, w ga Cto.v
Wben alia waa a Child, slut rrbil 'r Castor!.
When sua became lliaa, alia etunj tn Cia.
JTlMO aU kad CliiUren,alo gaveUtam Carturla.
The American Beauty owes her pre,
tlge more to a clear complexion than
Vq any other attiibute. A tup of
Parks' Tea will enable anyone to pos-
aetvt this. It clears the skin and res
move pimples and that sallow, mud
dy look. Parks' Tea Is urn! by thou.
and of ladles for the complexion,
Without being a cathartic Itcures con
stipation. Sold by A. Yerinotoh.
Ibe Ksll Creek Aiitliortie Relcr
ruined Unit the 4 a so shall
be Heard llt-roie
Pally oiianl, Octelvr :i
Tim public is already acqualnlcd
wilh the Susie Wnlker Incest .-as, aud
will rvincmls-r that on last Thurs
day she was arrested by Is puly Con
stable Chas kisseiiger ou a warrant
lulled from the I' all Cns U court. It
w ill also le rviucmU'rcd I hat when
Klsscngcr n-achrd this city with his
prisoner, his proceeding were pro
iioiiinvd ii regular and tut cas.' auauist
t he girl was ilisinis-e.1 by the iK-pnly
ProMi-utiiig Alloruey. She was, how
ever, Immediately rearrested on t
complaint sworn out In Jusike
Wlns'ler's iMtirt und liclug given a
hearing, waived examination and was
bound over in tho sum of $iKl to
apta-ar before the grand Jury.
Till priHs-etling was taken because
the girl and her friends desired the
case heard here, and lo ac the extra
extieuse which would have lieeu in
curred by taking tho case to Kali
Civck. lu the llrst (dace the slate
did not w ish tbe cam- prosecuted as the
prosecuting alloruey considered that
the girl had already been stitll. leiitly
punls'icd. This Is why her arrest was
not caused at the tiiny the crime was
committed. Kisseuger's warrant wa
Irregular as It wa unidit out for the
regular constable of Fall Creek, Geo
Warner, aud had not Ih-cii proiwrly
endorsed for a deputy.
However, after the prisoner had
Is-en taken away from theui the Kail
Creek officer were somewhat Incensed.
Kisscnger went hack, secured a Hew
warrant, projieily Issued, ami Imlay
proceeded to Junellon to again arrest
the girl on the charge for which she
has already been twice arrested. He
is determined this time to take her tn
Kail Creek for trial before Justice R (1
Calllson. How ever, the nfllcer here
are Just as determined that she shall
not tie taken there, and this morning
a writ ot habeas corpus against the
proceedings was llled by the girl's at
torney, L lillyeti.
The ofllcer here w ere keeping a look
out Intending to stop Klsscngcr when
he should pas through with his pris
oner, but he evidently anticipated as
much and succeeded iu pelting safely
through the confine of Eugene with
out the knowledge nf any one here.
After considerable inquiry It wa
learned by telephone tins afternoon
that Klsscngcr hail left Jui-.ction with
his prisoner on tbe Roscbtirg local,
and ll Is quite likely that he has gotten
oil' at Henderson or Goshen aud is
now euroule bv team to Kail Creek
with his coveted prisoner.
Immediately on learning that KIs
senger had escaM-d their vigilance the
ofllcer hero placed the petition for a
writ of habeas corpus lu the handr of
Shcrill' Johnson to serve aud ho dis
pute. ied Constable Linton, special
deputy slierttl, to Full Creek at once
wilh the piqs'rs. A hhi as they are
served Kisseiiger will Ih compelled to
return here with his prisoner ami ap
pear before County Judge Us k for a
hearing. If the pet ll Ion for a wilt ef
habeas corpus Is granted It will proba
bly end tho mailer until the circuit
court meets, when the gill will apear
before the grand Jury mr a hearing.
A Household t reasure
D V Fuller, of Canajoharle. X Y,
says that he always keeps Dr King's
New Discovery lu the house and his
family hns always fount! the very best
results follow It use; that he would
uot be without It If procurable. G A
Dykemtiu, druggist, Catskill, X Y,
says that Dr King's Xew Discovery Is
undoubb-dly the best cough remedy;
that he has Used It lu his family for
eight year, and It has never fulled tn
do all that I claimed for It. Why not
try a remedy so long tried and tested.
Trial bottles at Henderson A Linn's
drug store. Regular size 50c und
An Kiieriimus Elder.
Junction City, Oct, 22.
In a recent Issue or the "leiiiocrat"
you published some statements con
cerning a large "elder" on the road be
tween junction uity ami aiouroe,
"The lamest lu the world" measuring
one foot and a half through. It might
not be amiss for me to say there stands
In the tmrsonaeo yard In Junction
City, iJine county, Or., an elder tree
measuring urt. and 7 lu. at the ground,
7 ft. 4 lu. three leet from tho ground.
About six feet Iroin the grosud there
I a limb 8 ft. 6J lu. through. It Is
fullv 30 feet liik-h Tho top covers an
area of not less than two rods. The
circumference dimensions given are
from actual measurements. the
others are reasonable guesses.
I). C .Mt I-A It LAND.
by local ai'i'llcntloiis, as lliey rannnl reach Ilia
dlu-aaed portion ol llio car. I Imre t oi.It mi
way Uicuie liealueaa, and Dial la by comtlt'l
tlntial reini-dli-a. l'.-lin- U caused by ail III
flamed con. Ilion ol Ih mucins lining ol lh
Kiiiiachlan Tulie. Vi lieu Dili tills) el Inflam
ed you have a tumbling ootid nr Inuierlrct
lii-arliift.aiid when It la riillrcly closed Heal
neaa ! me lesull, and uulcsi the lullainmailno
cn be take ii out ami lube ri-l.ire.1 to Its
normal eoudl Ion, hearing 111 be dnatmyed
lorever: nine cases nutol iau are canai-d by ca
tarrh, which la nothing but au luUamed Condi
tion ol Ih mucous Biirlxi-a.
Wawlll alva one llunilre.1 Dollara for any
rase ol p-afii'-(iyiiiicd hy catarrh) that cannot
be cured by Uail'i Catarrh Cure. Bend lr clr
cul.r.,lrea. f C.IE!,EV 4CO..T..IJo.O.
Sold by Druggiata,
liufkleu's Arnlra Salve.
The Best Salve In the world for
Cuts, Bruise. Son-, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapis-d
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed
lo give N!rfect Kullsfactlon or money
refunded. Prlco cents per box.
For sale by Henderson A Linn.
Dissolution or t'arluersblp.
Xot Ice Is hereby given that the co
partnership herctofoie existing be
twi-en John Clayton, F E Clayt in and
Ell M Clayton, under the linn name
of John (Tuvtou A sons. Is this day
dissolved, Ell M Clayton retiring from
the firm. All accounts will be oollect
ed by the remaining partners.
Dated at Eugene, Or, Oct 1H&5.
John Clayton,
k v. clayton,
Eli M Clayton.
It's Just as easy to try One Minute
Cough Cure as any thing else. It's
easier to cute a severe cough or cold
with It. Let your next purchase for a
cough bo One .Minute cougn lure.
Better medJclnei twtU-r results; better
try It. OsuL'RN A DkLano.
Money Wantku.-$.'kw for 1 or 2
vears: first class real estate security.
Interest paid semi-annually In
advauce. Inquire at this oftlce;
Case decided.
Tbe Italler Heir tiet the Money,
f 13, OHO, Lena KipciiiM-i.
County Judge Fisk hande.1 down
his iKvlsloa this morning In the con
test over the money awarded by the
government to Joseph Bailey.
The sixth finding of fact Is that Har
riet Burger, formerly Harriet Hal ley,
died In 171.
The 1-th. The pleadings admit that
Joseph Bailey, deceased, had no living
wife or child or fattier or mother.
When the money was paid to the ad
ministrator. That the petitioner are
hi brother and sister ami nephew
ami neUvs and that Win B llarger
was the husband of Harriet Burger,
form.-rlv Bailey, at the time of her
death. Under this statement of fads
the iMilnl nf law to ts divided by the
omit is: Who Is entitled to the mon
ey? It hud no existence for twenty-
three-years after the death or Harriet
liaiiey. .Now was there anyrigiitoi
action against the government or any
known lH-rson during her life Hint',
It was never In her possession or the
HHtsfKlon of tho administrator of Jos
eph Bailey during her life time. It
was not an Issue in action at her death
or au existing right or claim against
any person that her husband, jiargcr,
could sue ami recover. As a conclus
ion of law tho court finds thai the
brothers ami ltr ami the nephews
aud uelce s, who represent the dii-cascd
brother aud sister of Joseph Bailey,
d ceased, are entitled to the funds.
The court then made the order that
the administrator pay tho rusts and
expense of administration and attor
ney s rcf anil divide me remaimier.
Eeklal Bailey, brother, one share;
James Bailey, brother, one share;
ElizatK'tli Strong, sister, one share;
Sam Bailey, brother, one share; the
heirs ol Isaac Jialley one snare; ine
heirs of John Bailey one share; the
heirs of It X Bailey one share; the
heirs of Willard Bailey one share.
Geo B Dorris appeared for the Bailey
heir ami Joshua J Walton for the
llarger heir.
Since writing the above, Judge
Walloti. attorney for the Burger belts,
informs us that he will appeal tho case
at uuce.
Pally Uuar.l, October '.'I.
Mlfrr Pay Up. Yesterday's Port
land Telegram: Sometime ago Myron
It WinhI. who lives In l.ane county, at
or near Eugene, was arrested on a
charge of cutting Umber on govern
ment land, aud tried In the United
State district court. The Jury re
turned a verdict of guilty and the
court Imposed a flue of $10u. This
line, ll apiiears, has uot lieeu paid, ami
this morning the United States
district attorney railed the atteutlon
of Judge Bellinger to this I set. The
ooun thereupon leaned au order to the
ellcct that If Wood did not pay the
fine luiKiseti within iu miva, a nencu
warrant should be issued fair his arrest.
If he fails to litiuldate his line, he will
have to lake the other horn ot the
dilemma ,o to Jail.
' pally Ooard, October 31.
Aitkrndon Tea. Mrs L It Liver-
more entertained a number of her
friends this afternoon at a delightful
tea. Her handsome residence ou
b'lui anl Ii alruut. liKBIil ifull V iA-
nraled with flowers and evergreens.
Those present were: Mcsilamca axiom-
is, Wllloiighby, DcLano, Norton, fill,
lav lor, Peiigra, Adair, Zelgler, Pratt,
Hlgglua, A bruins, Horn, Mayer ana
Acts at once, never falls. Ono Min
ute Cough Cure. A remedy for asth
ma, ami that feverish condition which
accompanies a seven cold. T ho only
harmless remedy that produces Imme
diate results.
Omiiurn a dklano.
From Blood Poisonino. J W
Puiih. of Shetld. is In a very serious
condition from the effects of blood
nolsoiiliiit In the hand. Home time
ago he cut his tea thumb, while at
Alseabayon a llshlng trip, and not
recclvlmr. proper care, blood poisoning
set in, anil lu cousequeuce Dr Geary,
of llarrlsburg, was compelled to am
putate hW thumb last friuay in order
to suvs his hand.
Wo aro now opening un boibo NEW N0VKLTIES
which can only bo appreciated by uoeing them. Prices 50
per cent lower than over before
The Uulerslty of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, ofTum Free tuition to all atu
elect. Young ruou can obtain Board, Lodging, Heat and Light lu the dormi
tory for $2.60 per wet-k. Roomer furnish their own linen. Young women are
. .....1.1...1 u,ui. i..e.i iii nrivaru r.n.iiiiiv at t.i.uo rsT week. You n ir women de-
IUiitiucu nun ...
siring board should address Prof. John
. ...
Young Womeu's Christian Aasocialion,
baccalaureate degrees: Bachelor of Arts,
letters, wilh corn sisindliiir courses of
are also oflered. Au English aiurse leadli.g In two years to a Huslnesa dlpioa
ma, and In thiee years to Ihe title graduate in r,ngiiii;anu sovbu.u nsn
graduates of normal schcxils lead In. to the degree of Master of Pedagogy; a threw
yeais' course lu civil engineering leading to the degree of Civil Engineer; a
criurse of two yeais for teachers of physical education h ailing to a diploma and
the title director of Physical Education. The Uulvenilty chsrges an Inciden
tal fee of $10 which Is payable In advance by all students. Students Holding
diplomas from the public school and thisso having teachi rs crt Ideates are ad
mitted to the preparatory department without examination, lhose deolrlug,
li.fornistlon regar.jlnglho prejiaratory clcpartuieut should address the Deau
'N' Ko?citXguVand'furtlier Information addreea C. II. Chapman, Fresldont
or J. J. Wal'on, Hocrelary, Eugene, Oregon.
The Best Place in the West
All kinds of ItEPAII. Work tlono on short notice. :
Give a call.
Craiu's old utand.
Dhakespt-reau Recital.
Pally Cuaid, October 'il.
Ticket liavo now Is-en placed on
sale fur the recital of "Othello" by
Hannibal A Williams, of Now York,
to lie rendered hem next Wednesday
evening, Oct 3uth. All who are In
terested In the study of Shakespeare,
should hear tho Interpretation given
by this artist. He it nuts Highly rec
ommended aud Eugene is promised a
literary and drinimi in treat. Ticket,
may be pr.s-ured of any member nf the
cluii, at Oshiirn A lel.aii's drug storo
oral Si'hwari.selilld's book store.
Tlckdi only 60
Utter 1.1st.
Birilsell, Bi'll Blown, Mr Moll id
drown. Mrs M R t hristesen, Mr A
Davis, Mr EJ Eveaus, Mrs Mury
GiHslell, Krank Haycroit, L W
I .one, I has R Mnhur, l-Mward
Kiu.iniisseti, Y Sirang, David
Ssir.-s, Dun Wright, E P.
AcliarKcol one ccnl will Ih. nis'ie on all
l.'lii-rs KO.-ll out. I'i-r..'ha calllni; iur li'ttert
will I'U'Msr .tats wluu a.lvo.-ttM"1.
I. J, t'lttiu, I". M.
A Happy Cuowk. The steamer
ltertlia arrived at San Fr iiclsco from
the Yukon rlvor aud other point of
Alaska yesterday. Shu brought 14S
pusseiigvnt, who were principally made
up of miners from Forty-Mile river,
l lveiy miner had a sack' of gold dust
or a hag of minuets, running from $500
to an amount tar up In Hie thousand.
The miners had not aluintlonid the
diggings ou the Yukon by any means,
ami It I the Intention of every mau
who came down to return hi the
fiprlng. One man named Madson,
who lis licen III Alaska for 11 years,
came buck with $I'J,IJ0 In hi belt.
Msdtoii I of (he opinion that Forty
Mile river will he a profitable camp for
years to come, but advises a man to
provide himself with about $300 before
lie starts for Alaska, to take rare of
himself during the winter mouths.
Rosea Brown. Grant's Pass
Courier: "Congressman Hermann
seiit a day or two In U rant's Pass last
week, meeting his friends anil looking
up matters pertaining to his business.
In company with J W Grilllth, he
drove out to Orr Brown's near Wilder
villi1, and visited old Hosca Brown,
the pensioner of 1H12, now In hi ll 4th
year. Mr Hermann was mainly In
strumental In getting I losen his pres
ent slls-nd of $54 per month ami the
cuiilenarian was found well provided
for, not being able to move without
assistance though cheerful aud even
witly lu conversation."
Nothing so distressing as a hacking
cough. Nothing so foolish as lo stiller
from It. Nothing so dangerous If al
lowed to continue. One Minute Cough,
Cure gives Immediate relief.
Owiiuhn A DkLano.
Pally Cluard Oo toherH
Omc-KRH Klkctku. The Baptist
tale convention In regular session this
morning elected oftlcvrs for the en
suing veura follows: President, Wiv
G T EIHs or Baker City; vice president
Rev W C Jenkins of Mwlford; cor
responding secretary, ltev Gllmaa
Parker or Oregon City; reoinllng sec
retary, O P Coahow of MuMlnnvilie.
A O Hartley, of Magic, Pa, writes:
I feel It a duty of ailue to Inform you
and the publlo that DvWIll'a Witch
Haael Salve cured fne of a very bad
case of ecaema. It also cured uiy
boy of a running sore ou his leg.
Osiiukn A DkLano.
Gone to New York. A B Ham
mond, on nf the principal owner of
IneOCA K it it, has gun to New
York. It is likely that In the near
future we will havt some Important
news to give our people concerning the
branch line frem Corvallis to Eugene
I guaranteed tn pure Plica and Cnnstlllon
or money relunde.1. rs renla per uot, Send
twnatamiia lor clm-dar and rr-e esiinpl lo
UaUI IN KI'IiY, KeglsU'CisI Pliarinai-lsl.lancaa-ter,
I'a. No I'oaraLa Asawsasu. roraalaby all
niat-elaaa dmisiaui everywhere, aud la Eugeu
Orvguu by Osburu A PvIjiiio
For Hale. 200 Head of irood young
clean stock sheep, cheap. Inquire at
Eugene Mill and Elevator Co.
. ,
rUraub, Eugene, Oregon, or Hecretary
m. ..!.. I... n' . . I.
i!.ugene. aue uuiyersujr mnn "ii
Bachtlor of Science and Bachelor of
study. Tho following shorter couiaea
to Bu).
-In the JEWELRY Line.