The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 26, 1895, Image 1

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    ill ''11 IV
Vk 1 I
VOL 27
NO. 45.
on-ics -Kt i.f wi::,iu.'iii' i. m i
svvo itti a. el Kilith rilr.-i-H,
Out Ytar.
Si Mjottii.
T ire. Months,
ASvirlisinrj rjtes mads known
on application.
i Foggy today.
H-rdi -J " Ilui''e" wt'ut t0 Goln
I s U Smith, f Thurston, viHltMl Ku.
gene today.
I Sctvtary of State Klncald n-turtied
to Suli'in today.
j A con pin i.f traveling rutij.iilttHB.wire
I in the city toduy.
A pnmI rnlti would be quite aecept-
huio i,w uu i uiiiurr.
A-'dr.-.n uM I,
letters to Ul'AUP,
to Cottage
J II O'Neill, at Portland nftl.o IT l
U It, it in the city.
uev u M Whitney rvturued from
Aiuany tin nrternuon.
Rev J 1 Black went
Grove this afternoon.
The Oegonian call Peter Iluney the
vm.n. .taiv-ncs, v,io -ni, jBwoiry, LIC. Miss Laura Karrnw returned today
win vim to laugeui.
Japanese pheasants are now being
sold on the streets dully.
Sherman Hayes purchased 20fl bales
oi uops uere yesterday far I'liil Nele A
Miss ihuresa friendly returned
home yesterday from a visit to Port-
lun. I.
CSrm.U Work Warranted.
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
Ihyslclan and Surgeoa
Office sml residence titer wtffic. Hour.
i lav, ni.; 12 to 2, H to tt p. iu.
Sew Deilgne and New I'rloet In Foreign and
Domi'ullc Marble aud Granite, Mouumeuta.
Hvail.tonea u J Cemetery work of
all kinds fur M
VI lllemette Street, near I'oetofnee.
Fisher Watklnsaie putting down
la new suiewaiK iu ironi or their place
nr I I.. .
ui uuniuesa.
Mr and Mrs II F Ilnlleuheck visited
Albany and Salem yesterday, return-
i . . i
ing louuy,
Fred Bellman sieut Sunday with hi.
mtniiy iu tuis city returning to Haleiu
una iiiorniUK.
Cunt CieoJ Alniwortli. of Portland.
died yeaterday from anaemia. He
was 43 years of age.
A E Wheeler lias a verr larire
Tbs Catholic church i U-ing
The dcfeniw In the Durrani c:e has
called its Iot wltm-wi. !
Many wild j-et-w are flying ovnr o'ir I
City thM) uighta Kiiii ')UlliM:tid.
Three blif wiitroua lomled with
Thurston potatoes rolled Into town to
day. Judjre FibU luw returned from a trip
to the Triangle lake country, In
The Eugeiiw street i-ar line will
hereafter run to 9 p m lu.tead of 8
o'clock as formerly.
Ths vacant lot In the rear of Mat
lock's store will lie fenced and u'd as
a corral by Ell IIiiiik"-
MrsYantia and Mrs Schofleld of
Grants I'hm went to Salem today, af
ter a short vlmt Iu this city.
The Ktate Agricultural (illegu at
Corvalll hus an ennilliiitiit or 331
students, 70 more than laxt year.
The Hodman Houw bus Is being re
paired. Iu tlie meantime a hack i he
lug run to the d-io by this hotel.
Tlio buildhiK on Ninth street, occu
pied by K D Pool's lee cream parlors,
is uow being painted uu the outitide.
Three car loads of hoi. louded v..
terday at the Friendly warchoiiM
were taken out this afternoon by the
Jesne Miller, who Is now employed
In the state Imaiic asylum at Salem,
Is baring his household ell'ccts moved
to that place.
One of the Itoscuiirir excursion cart
to the Portland exnoHltlon was at-
tachsdtothe local this afternoon re
turning home.
The woik of repainting the 8prlng
The Kobbers Foiled In Oae Attempt
jiaae Aiioincr.
Psily ou.rU, Ortolwr 2S.
News was lirui;ht to this city today
f mi attempted rohlicry In the'sprlng
Held lViuriug mill l.tsi ii i t. nod of a
hiiiiiII tjiirif Inry In A Wlurler's ollliv.
The would-ie burglars gained ad
mittunceto the mill throuifli a win
dow. They evidently wers after Hour,
but before they succeeded iu getting It
and making good their tnlMake.
aroiived Harlan Mcl'herson, teamster
(or MeMrs ailitiiirii, who sleeps In a
compiirtment of the mill, and went
mulitcncd away. I hey mads their
exit through one of iht dMrs, which
Imd been locked from the Inside and
the key allowed to remain In It. The
mixcrcHiits two In number were seen
by .Mel'liemon as they ran ncrtM, the
xtreet, but he was unable to Identify
At Mine lime during the nluht, A
Wheelers ollkv, dlrts'llv across the
stnt t from tho mill, was entered and
some spices and other articles of small
iNiiiMMitieini taken. When running
the Sprlnglleld saw mill Mr Wheeler
had tieil thlsollliv as beadijuttrters for
siipiuieH tor ins mill iiamis.
This bursary was douttles coin
mltted by the name imrties who enter
ed the Hour mill. Laxt Tuesday uk-lit
the Fairmnunt sloru was robbed of a
lot of tobacco and provlous. Indi
cations point to local talent In this
case, and it is more than probable that
some person or ix-raous who textile Iu
tho cimiiiuuitv are taking this dis
honorable method of luoourinir a llv
I ng.
squash at bis olllce. It was raised in field steel bridge was completed today.
ins yuru aim is a beauty. 1 lie bridge now areaeuts a very neat
Editor lliorpe now beads hit paiier, appearance,
Eugene, Or
"The Cottage tiroveand Lcmatl Echo-
Leader." Ouite a name,
T.,u ..I....... Ilul,l.. .... !....
- A w -' fioniiiH lie iuVi
W U U U U U Uil. -Muxlaw is now being pushed. From
' Ciimi iuui aii i i
Ornrs-Onc hslf block south of Chrlinisn'l
At residence cor. 5th and Lincoln Sts
8. Ii. Kakih, Jr..
Firsi' lisaal Bank
01 Eugene.
P&id up (as!) CfipUal 50,000
surplus ana l'ronts, $50,uuu
Cugcne - - Oregon.
A central bunking limine Hono on rassnn'
lle t-rnm. Si-ht drafu on NKW YORK,
UHH'AtitJ, s.. MiAM-'lSUU and ruitl'
L.l). OKKtJOX.
bill of xchane wild on foreign countries.
Deposit roosiysd aubjeot to check or certih
cat of doiiMit.
All colliM'tiiint entnintsd to us will rtociv.
pn.uijit tlJnvI"U.
of t'. m1 Fancy (irocerlu bought lu the
tM.I w.ravu
Exclusively For Cash,
I can oiler the public better prices
than any other house
I'lo'luce : all kinds taken at market
Of Dan Moiix'. Ii f i, write, under dU ot
M irch Z, WJ3:.
S. B. Med. Mkh. Co.,
Dnfur, Oregon.
GENTLKMhx: On arriving home bust
week, I found all well and anxioudy
waiting. Our little girl, eight and one
half years old, who had wanted away
to :WH,un,'s ' uow Wt-1' 8tron ,u
vigorous, and well fleshed up. rt. H.
Cough Cure bus done its work well.
Both of tbec'iililrt n lik.. it. Your H.
Ii. Cough Oire haa cured and kept
away all hoanmess from me. Ho give
It to'every one, with greetings for all.
Wishing you prosperity, we are
Yours, Mr. and Mks. J. F. Ford,
Ifyouwl.hto feel lrvh d cheerful, snd
reedy lor the ;!::' work, rl-enM the eyttern
with the llend.i he end Liter l ure, bj Uklng
two or threw d.iM week.
boid umlere ixMiiiTeiuerantiw
Ml oviit. ii-r butlie by eil drucgi.U.
Lana Gountf Bank.
iKjUbllxhed In K-l)
A ganeral Banking business
In all branches transacted on
favorable terms.
A. ;. HOVEY. President.
J. M. A Hit A MS, Cashier
A. U. HOVEY, Jr.. Asst. Ca.--hr.
15 A Washburne has forty acres of a
young prune orchard on his farm near
Irving and Is making arraugeiueii ta to
piaut sixty acres more.
W !I Jackson, of Ilaker City, left
this afternoon for the Blue Kiver mines
to iiiHtiect tliein for some canltalists
tie win return next week.
A moral wave Is prevailing lu Cor
vallis. The authorities luteud arrest
ing the carriers of the Oregoulau for
selling pajiers ou buiiilny
Welby Stevens left ou the local this
morning for Nilt Lake City, and from
there will return to 11 ! City, Idaho,
where lie expects to reinulii
Frank and Doc Hlituton leave In the
morning for Lus Vegas, New Mexico,
where they will spend the wluUr
Tliey go by the Union 1'acilio
J X Williamson hasseveretl his con
nection with the l'linevllle Review.
The new editor is L X Llifitelt. Wll
llumxon formerly res id I'd lu Lane
A man who get uiad at what the
newspapers say of him, (hould return
thanks three times dully for what they
know ot him, but don't any.
It looks as if the Dr Brown assault
case would not I given a preliminary
hearing. Jt will likely be brought bo-
fore the next grand jury.
The woman who sued the Baker
Clt v Democrat for libel and asks $10,
OtHJ datmiKet has been bound over to
apH-ar belore the grand jury lor lar
J II Harris and Jeff and Dick
Deadmond have returned from their
humim; trio. They went across the
Mill ary route and returned by the
McKetizIc, killing a number of deer.
Kt-well Smith has flulahed moving
Ills cllects from Blue river ranch to Ins
houie east of Thurston. Mr timlth
denlr.s to tender bis thanks to travel
ing public for favors shown him at his
former home.
The races beeln at Heppner today.
Harvev Kommerville and Elzia Pick-
ard. of Emreiie. are present and have
entered the horses "Black Prince" and
Black Alder" in the contests.
Letter U Hullu delivered an ad
dress at the 8 H Methodist church
at HiiIhih veHterdiiv. and W McClure
si the Eust tealem Evangelical church.
lioth these tirlirht young men sen
delegates to the state convention of
ti e Y M C A held lo that city.
B F Finn writes us that he Intended
to start from his home on the McKen-
zie. In a boat loaded with honey and
apples, for Portland on the 20th of this
mouth, lie win men go to ucotia,
Prof .Murk lUllev. loiter Hulin.
Edward Crolsen, L EFarrlngton, Will
and Cbas McClure and George Kim-
ball arrived home this afternoon from
Salem, where they had been attend
ing the convention of the Y M C A.
Mary Kunse, wife of a farmer near
LogoiiHport, Indiana, was pronounced
(lend by her attending physician after
a long sickness from paralysis. Eight
teen hours later, and just before the
time for the funeral, she arose In ber
Collin and aked for a drink of water
and is now rapidly recovering.
Kulem Post: On the morning of the
1Mb, Prof. Bailey from Eu
gene delivered an address be
fore the student. Though hit is white, etornsl summer seerut to
live within bis soul. His remarks were
energetic and forcible. He said no
n an could obtain to true greatnea
without being a ChrisMitn. All the
etiprsmejudges of the United Htates
excepting two have been devout
Barlow Three Sisters: The bop
growers of ihN section are very mueo
dihiitixted with the contract system
and the treatment they are receiving
at the hands of the dealers. By next
year many of them will have so far
forvnlteii tlie racais treat mem as 10 uw
A larite number of delecates to the
naptlst state convention, which con
veues in mis city lonliMit. arrived on
the local this afternoon.
Grandfather Warner celebrated his
74th birthday Hunduy by climbing to
the top of Silencer 't butte. This is a
remarkable climb for a man of his age.
Dr. Mattesou, of Turner, on Sunday.
shipped twenty china pheasants to
Shelton, Vt. If they will live there
they can stand any climate In the
The city of Koseburir has an indebt
edness of f 43, 070. Her running ex
penses Him past year were f!l,IM7.1.l;
receipts from all sources $7,670.10; de
ficiency, 2,'J4I.03.
An extract from an article In the
Gold Beach Gazette ciucerniug a par
ty of hunters at the head of Pistol
river, In Coos county, says: "It is
known that over "00 deer have been
killed In that seel ion this summer
S'llely for their bides."
Dr. W. 8. Washburn, of vVahhlng-
Ington, I). C, held a civil service ex
amination at Roseliurg Friday. The
applicants were: Virgil Harsiibarger.
of Sprlnglleld, for KM. 8.; Jos. P.
(Jallireatli, or Alliany, and W. P.
Look wood, Cottage urove, for pension
examiners; Ernest E. Edmonds,
itldKelleld, wash., for book keeer.
The State Agricultural loot bail
team has employed P. M. Downing.
captain or the Bianlord team as coach
A dispalcli says: "Downing lias recent
ly Isieu coaching the Tacoma fool ball
team, of which he was captain. It is
said that a longstanding feud between
Downing and Benson, Eugene's coach
will spur them to make every ello-t
for the success of their respective
Col Geo Yoran Is In Portland.
Major Forest Is In the cily again.
W II Pool Is visiting In Portland.
John B Coleman has gone to Hod a
J R Baldwin, of Independence. Is In
the city.
Rev I-rank Day was In Eugene to
John Carman is slightly Improved
In health.
II B Miller was a passenger north
this morning,
AMTIIton Is visiting at Portland
for a few dayt.
James Mellck. of Lakeview. arrived
here last night.
RevJE Snyder Is confined to his
home with sickness.
Joseph Koch It still residing at
Grant's Pass, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Chat Lauer arrived
home this afternoon.
Richard Mulhnlland, of La Grande,
Is visiting In Eugene.
Mrs J 8 Luckey and Mrs VV C Yoran
are visiting In Portland.
II C Humphrey returned from Foley
Springs yestertlsy afternoon.
Mrs E i ma Bates returned yester
day from visiting at Creswell.
W M Hull, of looking Glass, Doug
las county, has moved to this city.
Miss Belle Willis, of Raseburg was
passenger through on the local this
Don and Frank Blanton left May
for New Mexico, where they will prob
ably remain.
Mrs. Julius Goldsmith and little
daughter went to Oregon City today
for a week's visit.
MrsJPHinee, who has Is-en vl-it-
Ing with Mrs Bert Lake of this city,
has returned to her home In San Fran
Mr Shan Conner has Ix-en appointed
conductor on Hie new fust train and
will run from Portland to Ashland. A
popular selection.
Henry Stewart returned to Spring
field yesterday from a trip down the
valley and today wns vi.lllng frleinle
in F.uirene. H will probably go back
to Comstss k in a short time.
Rev and Mrs J K Bartmes of Buch
anan, Michigan, who have been visit
ing at Hood Hirer, and Portland, ar-
wliliiu-, yes eaer, for another doee of rived here this afternoon and will visit
the fame kind, and it is a two-tone
Is-t they will get it. Muecke and Oil
beitmiii are the only dealer who have
lived up lo their contracts.
A reporter on an exchangt In his ac
count of the murder of a man named
fun kins, said: "The murderer wat ev
idently in quest of money, but luckily
Mr Jenkins bud deposited all bis
i funds in the bsnk the day before, to
he lost nothing but hi li'e." How
very co.iso leg tht must prors to the
i spirit of Mr Ji ok di aud hit widow, If
'be left any.
with their nieoet, Mrs J L Xeigler and
Mrs Harrison, itcy liartmesa will
also he In ailendani upon the U Ii
mnferen'-e, after which tbey will visit
A Drain correspondent tinder date of
Oct 22 says: Miss Jimih Withers, one
of Eugene's brightest girls, who has
been visiting with her sister In the O
H S School st this place returned to
her home this morning. MI'S Withers
made many friends among tlie itudent
and citizens of this place and we hope
toon to have her with ui again.
J K Stockman, Manager Ked Crown
Mills at Albany, .Sentenced.
s'is-cUl to the Ul'tso.
Halkm, Or, Oct. 21. J It Stockman,
malinger of the Albany Red Crown
roller mills, was sentenced this after
uoo.itoone year in the penitentiary,
ami costs, by Judge Burnett.
Stockman was convicted last week
of removal of wheat from the ware
house at Albany.
Pall, l.uen, October fl
$l.'l,o00 Involved. -Some months
sgo the government awarded the
heirs of JiHw-pli Bitiiwy, who was killed
by the Rogue Rlwr Indians, some
thing over (13,500 for stisik destroyed
by them nt the time. Since that time
several sets of heirs have lawn trying
lo establish their claims to the same.
This nrternnoti the case is te-lng argu
ed Isfore Judge Fisk, of the probate
court, upon tho evidence taken Isfore
ItWcree II 1 t omlnn, and the law liv
Attorneys (ieo li Dorrls aud J J Wal
ton. I he former represents the Bail
eys and the latter the Bargets. The
Judge will probably take the matter
under advisement. However lie may
di clde, the case will U apis'alcd. Ar
tel these two factious light the cause to
finish, the winner will then have to
tackle the RoU'rts-Eddy faction, who
are lying low at piesent but are pro
tecting their interests..
Tiik Jhnninos Estate. Items
continue to apiiear from time to time
concerning a vast estate belonging lo
an English fumlly of the name or Jen
nings, heirs to which are In Ongou
and Washington. The nuwt direct
and authentictllr established succes
sion In this iiart of the country Is said
to be that of the lute Burryiuan Jen
nlngs, of Jennings' Landing, on the
Willamette river, between Portland
and Oregon City. The estate is tup
iiosed to bo worth something like $S0.
IKH),00. Two of the heirs, through
lierrvman Jennings, are bis daughters
Mrs John W Miller, of Portland, and
Mrs Major trunk Hodgkin, of Salem
There are 209 heirs to this vast estate
which divided up would give to each
the snug little sum of $400,000.
Dally ouard, October tl
The Light Uitehtion. We are In
formed that the city council will meet
tonight III secial session to consider
the ouestlon of relocating two or three
or me arc lights ami possimy cutting
out one or twoof the number. The
light at the 8PRR depot Is one of
those thaills in ouestlon. It is one
that is valuable to tho community
as it is a ureal convenience and tier-
mltstheoMceia to watch the trumpt
that arri-e and depart on trains. It
seems to us that It would Is) an excel
lent Idea for tho city to pay half the
exs use and ask the railroad company
to pav the other hair. At trie present
time the city Is paying for twenty-five
arc lights and three Imsiidesoents.
A Dutiful Ixh. Messrs Lough-
miller & Peter of this city possess an
Irish setter which is endowed with
more than the ordinary amount of
canine intelligence. He Is not only an
excellent hunter, but about the house
Is more dutirul and industrious per
haps than tlie average small boy.
Having is-cn iraineu 10 carry in siuvw
wood be keeps I he csk In colistuut
gsl humor by keeping her well sup
plied with wisMi. in luci ne is more
Indu-trioiis than needs be along this
line, for when he has II I led the wood
Ikix Instead of quilting, be con
limn unless ston,Md bv closing the
door, to make regular tripe to the wood
pile and would wmu tiavv me wwr
Hooded with this useful article.
Known in Eiokne. Writing to
the I-wiston Tribune a correspondent
wivs of Miss Ruth Eaves, well known
in Eugene, being a former resident or
KHiiiinitiiit and a memls-r of the class
f 'irt, U of O, w ho Is now a teacher lo
the Lewlston, Idaho, public sctioois;
Miss Ruth haves Is gelling along
nicely and the scholars aeeui to like
ber very much. There have been sev
eral new M'holara In ber room and
tome of the other rooms this week."
Kules Adopted that Will lutere-t tl.r
The stule ltard of horticulture has
adopted tlie follow Ing rules regulating
tne iiisiH'oiion ot fruit, etc:
Rule 14. Thirty cents an hour, In
eluding time of leaving home, luxpec
lion and returning home of inspector,
ami outer cxix-iim-s. v ben nurserv
stock, trees, or plants tiro found to b
Infected with pests, M -r cent wili
bo added, (hi all fruits the 1iish ction
tee anaii t i-i on any sum up to t;i-i,
and - on any sum sum over that
amount, ami $- for cur load lots. In
sKH-tors must bo paid In all eases lie
lore a certltlcate Is grunted.
Rule l,. During September or Oi
toher of each year, all nursery xtin-k,
trees or plants grown for sale by any
H-non w ithin the state, shall tie lu
l'etod ty (he commissioner of Ihe
Isiard or a deputy. When tho stock
trees or plants are found worthy oi a
certificate of freedom from injurious
inset is or diseases the Inspecting ol
llwr shall be compelled to disinfect by
fumigation with hydrocyanic acid gas
an apple trees, or other stock grown on
apple loots, after lifting the samo and
ta-fote dellvi ring to purchaser or car
riers, and In cue fumlgution Is ue
glecled certificates shall lie void. All
IH'rxoii are prohibiied from carrying
any such nursery stock, trees or plants
ironi any miini within the stale lo any
other isilnt within or without the
state, until they have Ix-en luspirted
aii such shipments must tc accom
panled by tho ctrtillcate of the In
specting officer or an authenticated
ihe fee for Insist'liou of nursery
stock, tn-es or plants ami Isstip g a
certificate therefore, shall be (.' and
actual ex iienses per day, and must be
paid la'iore the ccrllllcalu Is grauted.
t iiAi;(;i'.D nun ntKsr.
A Harraiit Issued tor the Allot
Sil-le alker of Full t reck
Psiljr liiniid, OeteU-r JJ.
me reaiieis or the lit'Alip will re
luemU-r the Full Creek sensation
wherein one 11. P. Haves, a scIuh.I
IimcIkt, s arn i-d ami bound over
ill lat June uiiil vt ho now languishes
in jail attuning tilal at the next term
of t ouit ou a clinrgo of hurst ihmii-
milled with bis m ice, Miss Susie Wal
ker, Hgcu oniy is years, and also a
school teacln r.
i no young woman mive li rtn to a
girl baby Juno 21. ami out of svmnalhv
lor her youthful age and the condition
which she was In at that time, the
ollbvrs refrained from causing her ar
rest, but Mini,, nun who resides at tall
I reek has refused to allow the matter
to quiet down and has caused a war
rant to be Issued from Justice Cab
lison s court for her arrest ou the
Charge of Incest.
lousianio i has. lv ssemrer came
dowu f-oni Fall Creek yestcnlay and
last evening went to Junction In search
ol tho girl who Is at present re
siding near that city with her aunt,
.Mrs nutterlck. Up to the lime of go
ing to prvs-i ho bad not yet returned
uu ins prisoner.
Kissinger arrived here at 4:30 p in
with his prisoner. She will lie
taken to rail Creek tomorrow morn
ing and giveil a hearing iMjforo Justice
i. unison.
Council Meeting.
(Official) Depahtmknt or Statu,
wamiinuton, d. c., t)ot. 17. lSOo.
Information has been received at
this department fr-'tn Mr. D. Lynch
Prlngle, the Consul General ol the
United Slates at Guatemala, of Ihe
leath, at ChamiM-rico, (luatemala, of J,
E. Atkinson, of MeKln.ies Bridge,
I'regoll. lie lelt no estate.
Per dispatch, dated September 23,
l: d.
PoMToshii. A Corvallla dispatch
of () t. 21 says: "lUreree Woixloock
held another sitting or lilt conn nere
bxlnv. and extended the time for filing
objections to claims until next Mon
day. There will be a vigorous contest
over the various county claims for
A Xkw Bi mn the). Messrs Chase
Co have oix-ned a wbol-siile commlf
aion I tislness in the soiun nnu ui ioe
F.lllsn bbsk, on Willamette streei.
Tbey buy bay, grain, fruit ana pris
duce. Such a" business should proepef
here, and we wish the gentlemen a
uccessful business career.
Advancement Club. The Uni
versity ami Eugeuo Advancement
lub held Its regular weekly meeting
lu .Mount'! hall last evening. A good
attendance was out, quite a nuiiilx-r of
new luces being nollo-alilo. rreslilelil
liapman oiM'tied an the meeting, ad
vising the club in future to avoid all
improiH.-r wrangles, after which
male quartette, under the leadership
of Airs. Hetclicr I.lnn, wns rendered
aud highly appreciated. Prof. Yo'ing
read a paper on sociology, which was
full of excellent thought, uud at
tempted, very admirably, to show
that siHilology Is entitled to be classed
among the sciences. Discussion ot
the subject followed bv President
Chnpmati, Prof. Condon, II. B. Miller,
ami H. M. Yoran. The program for
next Monday evening will consist of
pais-rn ou "Nebular Hypothesis" by
II. ii. Loudon, "l.onservalory of I'.u-
ergy" by Prof. M. K. McCluro and
"Natural Selection" by 1'roL Washburn.
(Vt. 22. ISM.
Present: Mayor Mutbsik aud Conn-
oilmen Henderson. Linn. Dunn.
linngsatid l-lsher.
l)ii motion tho matter of re-adiust
mentor lights was left for tho final
action of tho council.
Petition of C M Young to build a
corrugated Iron warehouse within the
hie limits was granted.
Matter or surveying certain alley
was reiuricu lo street commlsslolMr,
Report or committee on re-adlust-
meiil of lights was read by Mr Hen
deison, and on motion of Mr Linn was
postponed, one member of council and
of the lire aud water committee being
Ordinance din-luring the trees on 0th
street between Dak and Pearl, a nub
llo nuisance, wns read twlcoahtl passed
over miner tne rules.
bally Uuanl, October 21.
Ei'dKNK HoitHKH. Black Alder won
easily the one-half mile dash at the
tieppner races yesterday In 0:02. I he
next race, i-mlle dash Black Prince
owned by Sommervllle. of Eugene;
I'luear, by Thomas Kccney, of Long
i:reek;steamboat Hill, by Van Wrinkle;
Grey Dick by Thomas Williams, of
Long Creek was one of the fastest
and prettiest races ever run ou the
Heppuer track, and If It had
not been for foul riding Black
Prince would have held the world's
locordforlhe 1 mile. His lime was
21 seconds, but Illack Prince and PI-
near pocketed Steamboat Bill and the
race was ordered to be rerun tialay at
Z p tu.
Pally Ouard, October 23.
The Faht Shasta Train. Just
what good the fasti?) Shasta limited
Is going to do is hurd to tell. The
more learned about It tho more of a
Jonah It (KHjomes. The only places
In Oregon It will stop at are Ashland,
Glcndale, Roxeburg and Portland. It
disssu't even slop at Sacramento, and
only through tickets are sold. The
train lelt sail rrancisoo nionuay nigui,
and arrived at Ashland at H o'cIih-k
i'ueaday afternoon, Glcndale (1:40,
Rtsteburg ):V and as heretofore stated
passed Eugene at 1:11) a in, arriving at
Portland at 6 o'clock. It will leave
Portland at 10 p m Friday, stopping
only at the samo placet.
Pally Ouard, Oetolwr 21.
Waived Examination. Susie
Walker, of Fall Cicck. who was
brought hero from Junction City last
evening by Constable Klsaengor of
rail Creek under arn-st on chargo of
luceel was not taken to I' all I reek lor
trial. The prisoner ami 4ier friends
desired an examination la-fore Justice
hwler, and the prosecuting attorney
also wished the case heard here lu
order to save unnecessary exisrnses.
lu order lo make the proceedings regu
lar the first charge against the girl
was dismissed ami a new complaint
filed from the court here. The prisoner
was reitrn-tuij and given a trial before
Justice heelci last evening. She
waived examlnalinn mid was bound
over In the sum of film toapiiear be
fore the grand jury. Mrs Butlerlck of
Junction precinct gohw ou her IsimU.
The girl and here Infant babe relumed
to Junction lust evening.
- Daily UuarJ, October XL,
ll'VUl'inV IkL-L-tf AK U tTPtlllt V i1gm.
vallis Times: "if tho O A C eleven WM" dauglilert."
don't win IhechamploushiD this year. ..'".""y JiK"niari tays:
It will not lm laicause they
Reader, did you ever lake Himmonj
LiVEit Reoulator, the "
Liver Medicines?" Ever) body ncedi
take a liver remedy. It Is a sluggish or
diseased liver that impairs digestion
and causes constipation, when the wast o
that should bo carried off remains In
the body and poisons tho whole system.
TJint dull, heavy fooling Is due to a
tornid liver. liiliousncMM, Headache,
Malaria and Indigestion are all liver
discuses. Keep tho liver active bv on
occasional dosoof Simmons Liver lit g
uliitor and you'll get rid of these trou
bles, and give tone to the whole sys
tem. For a laxative Simmon Liver
Regulator it iietter than Pills, It
does not gripo, nor weaken, but greatly
refreshes and strengthens.
l.vcry imckago has tho Ked i
stump on the wrapper. J. IL
7Uiu & Co., l'hlludclphla.
Wilt I.fadtotks Altar to Orrgon
The many rrlends and admirers or
Rsv. W wards I)avls. the noted vouns
divine who delivered a lecture In Eu
gene ou Sept. 80, will bo pleased to
learn that the gifted young minister
hss met his fate aud oltcred his hand
anil heart to one of Oregon's gllted
and Is-autifiil duughisrs. The follow.
lug from the San Francisco Chonr-
Icle under date of Oct, 11). explains It
"Rev. Edwards Davis, the poet-
preaclier of Oakland, will shortly Join
the ranks or the benedicts. He will
lead to the altar at Easter Miss Favne
Strahan, or AMany, Or., a beautilul
young woman or 10, and a daughter of
the late ex-Supreme Justice Strahan.
of Oregon, aud formerly of the Georgia
supreme bench, in which stale Mr.
Davis nance was born.
"Mr. Davis delivered a course of lec
tures In Oregon in June last, while on
bis Alaska trip, and at his Albany Ieo-
lure Miss Strahan occupied a front
seat. She was smitten with the bright
young light of the Christian church
and ber feeling wat reciprocated at
siKinasMr. Davis' eye fell on the Ore
gon hello. After that the frleudshlD
r livened rapidly Into love, and when
Mr. Davit lelt Albany, after a week's
visit, he resolved to return at the first
opportunity. Last September Mr.
Davit returned to Oregon to deliver
the address at the state fair at Salem,
Incidentally, but with the avowed
purptNwof winning a bride. He pro
posed ai.d was accepted. Miss Strahan
and her family will take a trio to
Georgia for the winter and on their
return In the spring the young couple
will become one and there will be
many disappointed mammas In Oak-
Trianolk Lake. Oitinty Judge
Flsk. O M Sawyer. C M Horn aud W
V. lirowa have returned from a trip to
t riangle lake al the head of l.uke
creek on the Sluslaw. They report
tlile one of the most U'ailtiful lakes In
.ane couutv, and slate that It Is full
of trout. While there O M Sawyer
had the misfortune to full on some
rrs-ks, severely spraining his right
wrist so that he now lias lo carry li in
loll y ouard, October .
Came to Blowh. John Siormunt
end Sam Ooddard, two i.f (amp
('ris k's bimrods, engaged In a dispute
over one of the fair sex recently and
finally came to blows. Ihe result is
that Ihe former has la-en arrested on a
chnrgeof assault and batb ry tixiritlie
latter and will l given a bearing ie-
ire Justice I Newton Greene at lamp
Crfk next Saturda).
Rivkk Gitaok, Soino one having
r.:il i ; u lrll should place the water
KiiUtteon tl'C pier or the Eugene bridge
so as lo conform to low wster mark.
It should Iw raised about two feet lo
give a correct reading.
A Rweption. The Fortnightly club
of this city held a reception lu Mount's
ball Saturday evening. About sj
neoiile were Drritfnt. The Program
consisted or vocul ami Instrumental
music, addresses, recitations and
essays. After the program, reiresii
mentt were served.
Born. In Eugene, Or, October
pith, to the wife of .Million Wallace, of
Natron, a win. weighing 13 lbs.
Mather and child doing will.
euter t he
arena under favorable circumstances.
The work of assigning positions for the
champion eleven lias not yet com
meiieed, ami probably will not fur
sevend days to come. Next Saturday
O A Cgoes to Eugene for a friendly
practice game. lliey may lie expect
ed lo return defeated, as the Eugene
team has been practicing under the
lale captain of tlio Berkeley team as
coacber, for a couple of weeks, and It
prepared to put up a belter game than
the homo team. The business men of
Corvallls hate subscribed 1 100 for the
team's expenses."
Heard a Phonograph. A well-
known farmer of this section, says the
Riddle Times, came Into town hut
week wllh a load of apples, and after
ho had disiMwed of them he drove up
Itirrohliii a store aud left his team.
Seeing a crowd collected ou the other
side of tho street ho went over te see
what was tho trouble. On arriving
there bis curiosity was aroused by
phonograph, as he had never seen one.
for l lie tun or ihe tiling and to get
reckless ho blowed III a nickel and
placed the tulie to his ears. After lis
tculng a moment be made a dash
across the street, exclaiming: "Goshl
A brass band s a-comiir an' I left
them there grey mares onhltchedl"
Ended .Unhatiseactorilv. Al
bany Democrat: In the loot races
Saiurduv urU'rmsiu Hurry Melcalfdu-
leated lllley CKik by less than a fool
after scoring alsiut an hour. It was a
square contest. In the rnoe between
KHswerth Cameron and (ieo (livens,
the latter won. Those who taw the
contest freely expressed their opinion
thai It was a "chuck" ailuir, aud the
stakeholders refused to give Up the
money. I he uncertainly or fool rac
ing Is shown In this contest. Cameron
hail beaten Trine, Trine Ray, Ray
(livens, aud now Olveut defeats (.am-
Still at Lahok. Salutn Post: I
Numerous wild stoiies are going tlie I
rounds, as to the whereabouts of the!
Chinese murderer of the Japanese wo
man who was killed In her resort on I
Lils-rt v street a short time sgo. These I
rumors hsvo uo foundation, as the re-1
ward of $1.0 olleicd by r ho county
court for the apprehension of the mur
derer would certainly stimulate tome
some of these people to arrest aud
bring the Chinamau In.
All Will Skin It. AlUny Dem-
ocial: Slate Land Agsnt W 1 LWvsu-
port and W W Hepburn will go up the I
Mintlum tills week lo select slat land
and obtnln facts for the recommenda
tion ef the oi-nlhg of the Cascade re
serve. A isvlltloii will t sent lo con
gress asking for the ois?nliig of the
reserve, and there is probably not a
man lu the state but will rush forward
wllh his ismi to sign It. Thecliwlngl
of the reserve Is a gical injustice to l
Utrahan wat seen last evening, and
declined to make a definite statement.
Mr Davit and I are very good
friends," she said diplomatically, "and
our families have been acquainted lor
some time. I met blm first at Albany
In September, and not In June, as re-
forfeit. The publicity glvcu both Mr
lavlsand myaulf by the newspapers.
or course, Is exceedingly distasteful to
me." Mist Slruhan will Join her
mother at Atlanta. Ga. nest month.
and expoutt to make that pluee her
Dally Ouard, October 111.
Excurmon Declared Orr. Tb
excursion announced to take place to
morrow to the rortlanu l-.xposltlou hat
Isten declared olf. Mr Cockerllne In
forms us that the sale or ticket! did
not justify blm lu depositing with tb
railroad company Satunlay afternoon
$160 which he was required to do. He
had only sold and promised abeut
twsnty-flve tickets, ilia commission
was fifty cent pur ticket. He It out
seven or eight dollars In advertising
the matter and fur necessary expenses.
t lM Weclare Oil.
Hot Kl'RlNOM. Oct 21. The fight be
tween Cor bet land Htzxlmmons It de
clared oil' by the Florida Athletlo Club,
Al a conference this morning between
the managers or Corbett and Fits-
slmmous lb club asked that the con
test be postponed until November 11..
uratiy acquiesced, put Julian would
not, and the contest was declared oil
Brady then declared that Corbett
would meet any man In the wurld,
Fitzslmmons preferred, November 11.
the man to be named within 24 hour.
Vendlg announced that he would
match Maher against Corbett, and
find somo on to take Id place against
O'Donnell. The contest between
Maher and Corbett is to be for $6000 a
side. .
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal. Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect MaJe.
4o Years tb Standard.
I, i t -iwMr-'.'si'. -i-i!