The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 19, 1895, Image 1

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f II 1
VOL 27
NO. 44.
1 mjDj
Or'Fl 'X -K.-t ' I- Wil'itaii'ltv j'U'! 'ii
w.ilh "' Kluliili Streets.
TlltVUuK HI'IHilKll'Il'iN.
Ihrel "!hl
Advertising rates made known
on application.
al! buniiies
Killer til (H'AIUi,
Clicks, batches, Cha'ns. Jewelry, Etc.
IVlllWork Warranted. -VM
"l. w. brown, m. d.
physlclanani Surgeon.
Office and reeldeuo over poHtoffice. Hour:
7 to V a. m.t 12 t) 2, 6 tu i. m.
X3, G. XaL3HZX3.
Se Peilgn. and New Price In Foreign and
ltomeillc Marble aud Or.ulte, Monument.
)?adtoue. and Cemetery murk of
all kind, for 1S'J.
Willamette Street, near l"nlofflce. Eugene, Or
Orni E One-half block south of Clirlimau't
At residence cor. 5th and Lincoln Sts
a. B. Hakim, Jr.,
Ot Eugene.
Paid up tfish Capital 50,000
Surplus ami Profits, $50,000
Eugene - - Oregon.
A general banking biulnw. done on reaaou
ahle terma. Sight draft on NKW VOKK,
Bill At axchanK old " forahrn countries. received tut'jeot to check or oertiti
cat ot ... .
AU collection. ontruted to na will receive
prompt attention.
Lane County Bank.
iKkt.ull.hed lu ls.M
A general Banking business
In all branches transacted on
favorable terms.
. O. HOVKY, President.
J. M. A BKAMH, Cashier.
A. IjtJVKV, Jti.. Asst.Casur.
H ii5SA. iLct Orocerie. bought In th.
b.if markeu
Exclusivoly 1 or Cash,
I can offer the public better price
than any other house
.rKluoe it all VhnU Ulien al market
ill lu. t .,lne. Iowa, write, under date ot
March 2:t, 1S'.'3:
8. Ii. Med. Mro. I'o.,
Itnfur Orpiror.
Gkntlemks: On arrivlui; home
w.k. I found all well and arulniwy
-.u. t,,r littlf irlrl. elirht and one
half years old, who had wat"d away
V HH pound. U tW wci;, .trotig and
Vworous. and well iiw up-1
CiTmrh Cure htu done lu work we .
itiuf. r.ftt. ehii.iivii like it. lours
H. Cough' Cure ha curet and kept
awav all hoarxnww from nie. So give
It to every one, with preetlnpt rr an
WIhIiIuk J',,u .Moi'erlty, we are
lount, MR. AND atKS. J. r-
If Tnn i.h in 1,1 fMh and eherful, aaa
read? lor th. s?rinf ' work, c)en t!e ,i: ni
with ike lieadu-he and Liur tXire. b; Uit
lw or three doM a week.
. cld uodar a po4lUe guarantee
v M cvou par twtil by aildnifgtita.
First lataa
Monday, octobeh u.
1! F llyluiid, of Junction, l In town.
' W Picked vifiti-il Junction Cltv
!n.i t
Ti.c mist perfect October
know ii.
mi' tills
Mr Jus Kill i ikiiii univi'it h
Ciieuil court
from today.
convenes two weeks I
Did you tvi r ce better weather
this :
time of yi nr.
Mriind Mn Jtiudie arrived homo
tliix aftcriiiHin.
Kd r.iiiun and family have returned
from l'ortluiiil.
(' S (,'onant uud family, of Lirune,
are in town today.
SJ Mnhon wuh up from Sodavllle
on hu-iiic-M todav.
n extra conch wax attaehed to tliu
local thit afternoon. i
Katv Cartriirht went to Drain 1
yenterday ufteniHn
HevKtither liluck went to Cottaiie
drove lias afternoon.
K II I, tiiior left for hit home In
Portland thii morning.
Win Mayer Iuih returned uftcr a
week's- vUa in l'ortlund.
Itev V M Ilouxtoii, of Junction, re
turned home thin morning.
Editor Tli ri returned to Cottuue
Cirovo yesterday afteruoon.
Mm II H Kiucaid aud eon Webster
relumed from Salem today.
MIm Marie Ware is much better to
day, we are pleased to tdale.
The Itoseburg local was nearly half
an hour late thin afternoon.
Tomorrow U city liecnae iJay. Then
the ireuMirer will be replenished.
J C Ciraham and wife, of Vancouver,
Wash., are visiting In Eugene.
Col and Mr It F Alley left for their
home in Florence this niorniiiL'.
Word eomes fiom Foley Springs
that Peter lliiuey is very ill again.
Assessor Iturtoll visited Cottage
Grove yesterday, reluming this morn
Miss Nettie Chase has returned
homeafier an extended visit to the
Mexican war widow, Eliza Gihuore,
of Junction City, bus beeti granted u
The street aprinkler whs on duty
yesterday. Generally it takes a holi
day on Sunday.
Ilrakeman Watch, while coupling
oars at Ashland Friday night, had two
lingers mushed.
Attorney Wondeo.-k went to Corvnl
lis this morning to enter upon his
duties as referee.
E E llufstater cf Salem camo up on
the local today and will visit with
friends at l.lmira.
Ex-Governor Ferry, of Washington,
died of heart failure at Seattle jester-
terday ; aged 70 years.
The university Hag is at half mast
todav out of respect to the memory of
itnslyn O MekinlHy.
Itev V M Houston, of Junction,
nreaehed an excellent sermon at the
V P church last night.
I Jacobs, formerly of Corvallis, but
now tiavelimr for a Portland tlrm,
spent Sunday in Eugene.
Congressman Hermann was a pas
senger for his home in lloseburg on
yesterday afternoon's train.
M M Gillespie returned iroin fori
laud yesterday mornlnir. His Injured
hand is healing rapidly now.
Lakeview Examiner: James Meliek
han gone down ta Haze! Dell, Lane
county, to spend tlie winter.
A J Pickard Is able to be about the
streets again. He informs us that bis
entire family is now improving.
. Misses Eva, Uosa and Mabel liar
hour arrived here this morning fiom
Fort Jones, Cal, and will enter the L
of O.
S II Friendly, Saturday, purchased
H C Owen's "hops, consisting of bo
bales. Five cents per pound was the
price paid.
G V Handsaker is having a new
baru erected on Uth rtreet. His
fence and house is receiving a fresh
coat of paint.
Anthony Klein, of Salem, was al
Hieii th other dav for trespass in
Polk oountv on a man' farm. He was
acquitted upou trial.
Alf Walker, todav. imrchashed for
Phil Nels A Co the J H Kceney and
N P Hammitt hops, consisting of 130
bales, for tlve cents per pounu
P..ndU.ton E O: One of the bank of
Pendleton was closed Friday, and went
into the hands of a receiver. It was a
faro bank, and one man broko U in
.T K f!y)n'r. the Independence
banker, spent Sunday In Eugene visit
ing his daughters who are aiieininiK
tbeUofO. He returned to his home
this morning.
Albany Democrat: Some line bird
dog are owned lu this city. Several
have been stolen, aim ine rrsuii i uuo
our id in rods are getting "hot."- There
should 1 a combined ellort made to
top this low kind ol thieving.
A C-hicago paper has been soui.ding
all the governor of th" stales as io
Iheir religious ncneis. ii"v. nuuu mik
he and his parents are Free-thinker.
He is the only governor or tnai denom
ination. on,. ,,.,1 l.i (it hers kiss voii Imlis-
erl in innti-lv " suvs the i!ctiin Herald.
V. liwrl. W a are oounu to eaereisr
some care lu this matter, even though
we make swarms of people angry.
We've got to do it.
will lie a len Vear. After
that II will be 8 years l i fore we haye
n,.i tier nne. (Jirls who nre friendly
towanl bashlul fellows should make
hext year count, a. eight yeuu take
considerable lu-trv frnu lh' feature of
UiOAt jwung wommt.
tuile a iiumls-r of e.iple were at the
Stewart track yesterday to wltnessa
trotting race Is-tweeii tlieeolt. IM-Ioiig-Imr
to John Stewart and Fisher A
Kiddle. The former colt wontasily.
Mr Stewart's colt I one year the old
Wm Twlliiiutter. UH oid pioi"T,
l.K.king up rualntanitu in Eugene
today. lie is now tv-sinitig In M'-n-ltia,
nd Is en route t Hsu t ram i-. o
to visit his brother in law, Dr Itrahiim.
This is his first visit here for j yaars.
Juuctluulity Items.
Time, (ct. 12.
Harry and Byron Milliorn came in
from Eastern Oregon turn week fir a
j W i Million) returned Thursday
I morning fnuu llir mines . t" i-outln-ru
lOicgou. lie savs he didn't make any
lr'kl'' -m 1,0 ,,m'U' X'""1
Mi-s Maud Spcer will attend t tie
Stale I'lilveiMty Hi Eugc:ie this win
ter. She eminences her studies Molt-
Mis Nona Skugg left Tuesday
morning for Parsons, K.himi , where
lu will attend schisd fur a year or
Miss Maud Carson tetiirned to I'ort-
I l.uid Sulni'liiv itml will ri'-iiine hoi
I'ositinn ui nm-f in the hi"ll;il.
At the iiifMi-ii! wrilinir there are wv-
en eaiuliilalex lor the otlice of mnohxl
ninl M-verul of I In- oiitlvinir ireeiiiel
vl lo ll,,,r r''"'"-
Mr- C M t'a-e left last S.iturday for
UoM-biirg. Mrs l"ae managed the ho
tel here for two years uud gave gem rid
satisfaction. Slic leaves many friends
here who wish her success w herever
she decides (o locate.
A representative of llorst Urns.,
hop dealers of San FrancUco, was here
this week uud purchased alsiut forty
bales of bops from the 1 lei roil boys,
iil-o the Howard, Crow and Criss bops,
amounting to about two hundred
tiati s. The prici? paid was six cents.
Colorado Mine Owner Who
Mure Money 'Ihitu He t an
An exchange, in speaking of St rat
ion, of whom Hamilton Smith tried
to purchase some mining projK'rty in
Colorado, says;
"Stru'lou was an ordinary carpenter
who hailieiied to stake oil a I lece of
ground that was covered with a heavy
deposit of the gold bearing sediment
and the result is be lias tin income that
Is viiiiou-lv estimated ut $100,000 to
tlL'n.OOO a month, lie 1- making mon
ey so fu-t he docs not know w hat to do
with It. He lias filled all the banks of
Cripple deck and now lie is loading
up t. hicago banks. He employs only
11 men, since all that is necessary is to
shovel the diit into a ruilioadcur. He
does not put on a larger force of men
because he does not care to take gold
out any 'aster. Si ration is a curiosity.
He h:is not yet develois'il any particu
lar tendency for spending his money.
He si ems to be emburrussed. Tbeie
is no reliable prediction to be mnde as
to bow he will develop under pressuie
of such boundless wealth."
School Report.
Oct. 12. 1 SI i.j.
The follow ing is a correct report of
district No 42 lor the month beginning
Sept 10 and ending Oct II. No days
taught 20; No days attendance 22; No.
days absence (i; No times tardy 1;
Time lost by tardiness 5 tutu ; No boys
enrolled II;" No girls enrolled 7; Total
No enrolled IS; Average daily attend
ance!!. The iriiues uf those who
were neither absent nor tardy are:
Freddie and Harry Hanson, Eii, Joe.
Gricleand Lizzie Neal, Nettie and
Maud Kciiiiengcr, Samuel Baxter, Al
lien 1'iocli, Addison, Clarence aud
Edith Albro.
Leity Smith,
Two Foot It aces. Albany IVmo
crat: Next Saturday afternoon at the
fairground ut this city Ellsworth
Cameron, of Corvallis, and George
Given, of Silvertoti, will run 50 yards
for 1100 a side, Henry Williams, ot this
city, stakeholder. As Cameron has
beulen Trine, Trine Bay und Bay (liv
ens, the llguilmr should bo In lavorof
Cameron; but all the races have Is-en
so close as to make it uncertain. On
the same day llany Melcalfund Biley
Cook, of Brownsville, will run 7" vards
ut the same place. About f200 have
been already wagered un the contest
Pally liiuird.Oclols-r !..
AT Home.-H C Humphrey and
wife returned this morning, via Sacra
mento, Calilorula, from their two
months' Eastern trip. They rcHit
having a splendid trip. They vlslltd
Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, New
York, Pittsburg, St Louis, Boston,
Washington, Baltimore und many
other cities. Mr Humphrey Informs
us that he did fairly well on the fruit
hlp)ved, and he gained much informa
tion in business that will be valuable
in the future. He expects to encage
in the business permanently.
A KiVkikstios. A correspondent to
the Cottage Grove Leader says: ine
KiiL'ene Gi-AKitin a friendly w ay an-
vises the small bovs of this phi re to
MpmIhL from their reckle.s habit of
catching on Miind vehicle ttiatare
being driven along Hie street,' two
boys wlthie the past week having nar
rau lv escimcd liclti'" killed or Injured
while Indulging In this method of
locomotion. Eugene heeds an auto
matic spanking machine stationed at
every crossing, for the benefit of the
'young hoi.-fuls."
IHki!(lut'l, O'ulwr iv
Insane. Mrs Helen C Workinget,
wife of Mil Workinger, who resides
it short distance down the river road
from this city, was examined ibis
morning before County Judge Fl,
DepJty Prosecuting Attorney Wil
liams and Medical Exauili.eiH J W
Harris uud F W Prentice und ad
In, I In.iioe. The l elv Is li-ed IJS.
years and bus been dement
months past. The cans
1 fur two
of lit r in-
sanity Is religion.
Pally l.urd. Of U. bet LV
A Goon Al'IMIMMKNT. Gov. Lord
rpi.terdav ant)" V i A Yi nir clou
i tins city, a
liieiu's-r 'f tlei l"'rd ol
pharuiacy, vice S P Oouul, or fi mile
Ull, w bust term bad expired. This
an excellent aps.niimeiit, and one
that I merited y hi ubilitie. 1 he
GUAM' lender its congratulation to
the gchlli man.
I'.IlT On.rd, Oeto -r 14
Bt diiY (nvt.itn ioe!'. - Wl.iu. rid
ing near lln'.!:eyv;!le .Ve.l.'nluy, In
'ompuny ul:U In win- and wn, the
harness broke und Sheiwood Burr'a
I rh"r-e to run away. I he sluili
were broken sod the buggy over
turned, but luckily th- iseupanls
mscitne.1 w tbout inlury. The horse was
caught and ourney home m ido witl
out furtlwr tnis'iap.
Delightful weather.
F.gL' IS ceiils mt dozi ii.
Ull Miller went to Wo i.Umrn to
d.y. Alf Walker letui'iied to S.iU-m lids
Joiiu Haines went to Coivaliis on
business today.
Attorney M.iltesoii has returned
from Fall Cris-k.
A f Bradbury, the Portland drum-'
uier is in Eugene.
A J McLcod was a pa eiiger lo
Bom burg this aftel lliHill.
John D.ivics little isy lias U-eii
ipiiie sick but is lK-tter now.
Comuils-loiiiTs court has a ljo iriK-d
Ulilil Friday, October 2'itli.
Attorney Frank Matlc-on returiii'd
today limii a visit to Full I're.-k.
Pheasaiils uud grouse cm no.v U
slMlgbter -d for the open market.
The state census kIvcs Multnomah
county ti::.'.i.VJ luhaliiiauls, 4.f which
Portland contains M,:Hl.
W W Haines is now- vi-ifing his old
home in Illinois. It is the Hist time
he has tveu there for 40 years,
Win Cochran of Brownsville and
Mrs M F Turner who resides near Her
risburg, s viil last iiiht in E.igcnc.
Some gciitleineu have U-cii ut
Spriuglielil looking over the Held lu
regard to putting in a grain elevator.
The governor of Arkansas says the
('orhe'.l-Fii.-iniinoiis prize light shall
not take place in that stale if he can
prevent it.
EC Smitli has it closing out suit ad
vertisement in today's paper. He
means business. Be sure and read the
Sherman Hayes purchased last even
ing for Phil Ne'is iV: i o, of Shelly Bros,
Pleasant Hid, 41 bales of hops. Five
cents per pound was paid.
The population of the pllucipal
towns of Jackson count v Is us follows:
Ashland, I.msI; Med ford, 1411; Jack
sonville, 712; Ceil ral Point, ."21; Gold
Hill, 2VI.
Netsu Boiicy aud u fotce of cars-n-teis
will go to a point iiIhiIU 1") miles
beyond Collage Grove tomorrow,
where ttiey w i.l build a bridge across
the Coast Fork river.
Win Eyler and Mis Carrie Me
Million, the couple who took out
license Saturday wi.l be married al the
residence of the young lady's parents
near l liurntou thiseveiiing at 8 o'clock.
Vale (iazette: CWJoiusniid Frank
Miller n tinned Thursday fnuu Omaha
where be recently shipH'd Illi'J head
of Ist-f ca'tle. They did (pii.e well
with the bunch, realizing M0, 010 out
of them or i:iil pel head.
l'rlneville Bt-vleW, Frank Hamp
ton has lncii receiving heel ololir call le
men dm iug the week, lu the place of
.Mr (. ourtney w ho could not lie lu re.
Hie Uiys say I rauk knows a tsx-t
when he sees It.
The foreign hop crop 1 harviatcd.
All agree upon a lurge shortage bowevi r
iiiucli they may ihlier as lo the exact
amount. They generally concede
tliat tin y have a larger propoi liui than
usual of poor g ods, tbougli they have
many excellent hops.
Win Bay, of Wood hum, Is getting
iilte a reputation us a fisit racer, us ho
stems to down nearly every antagonist
who comiH'tcs with turn. Him last
victory wits over a man nanieil John
son, who ran against film Sat unlay
afternoon at Woodhiirn for a purse of
t-'oo. Bay beat hint very little,
Ofcotirru Portland, papers like to hit
the state fair. Perhaps the Welcome
gives II the worst wlutcK: i. veil ine
Salem paHrsaru grumlillng about the
late slate lair being a failure. ixiuiii
Icssltwus; it always IiiisIhcii; audit
always w ill be, as long as it is support
ed, i-veu in part, by stute funds. It Is
it cheap hoi-e racing Jowsl; that Isuli;
and the taxpayer - put up "f or it. It
will be a delusion aud it sw indle just as
longuslt is so maintained. It is one
of those little pieces of public folly of
which the American people arc so fond.
They must squander nhoiit so much,
and give a lot of lazy fellows a chance
for a "Jul)," even If some of the people
go hungry.
License Day.
Dalljr Uunrd, UrtoU-r i '.
This Is license day lu Eugi-ue. The
saliMin of the city pay i loO ler year,
while the breweries pay ut the rate of
two nuuiireil. 1 oi lay the lut-nses are
taken out from October 1", 1 sst. to
April 1 '. ls;i. The amount puid into
the city treasury Is as follow:
Saloon licenses $ 1,000
1 brewery license nxi
b.lljr (junril October IV
ADVANllMENT Cl.tlL Tlie villi,
met us Usual last llighl. l'ri-sidelit
Chapmiiu Is-lug alsH-nt on account of
ickuess. l)r Kuykendiill presided.
The club diacnsscil the subjeel of evo
lution. Prof Wusbhurn made un In-
ten sting talk on the changes In the
animal, llsh and bird over tho.eof
niicleiil times. Prof Baker sisiku on
the evolution of music. Ills talk was
Interesting und highly inti Icclnid,
Prof Young, leader of tliu clu-s in
sM-loogy, will present a paper next
Monday evening on sociology, and
W II Miller will present one of Glhb's
social evolution.
r tl l ti .1 '.-ivt that Upon rripiest of hut
boiii'i.imeii it H Mosiiy, nd 111 1 ii 1st rat-ir
oi the estate of Dav id Moshy, was died
lo appear la-tore Judge risk and show
cnue why In- sh'Mild lioi l,u deeupitat
.xl! Mr Slushy up-ared hut the other
ide on hand. The Judi-e has
I :i '.-u the lioitt- I under ic'viser.e iit.
Mo-l y has Irled his linul account ol
ll.e e-lule, and it Is likely now that
his bondsmen w ill allow him lo emu
pli le th" bu-ine-s.
IvTuusr I'fitci' A.ti-. -Ms)ij Uoli
ert M ( low lu. purt ba-'-i Frank 1 ar
ket's Inlci-ct in the Junction City
lloi.ri.:;; mill, Uking posw-sslmi today.
Mr Clow Is a man of honesly ami in
bvrliy and is a val ial-le uciiuisiliuii to
the biiiuess Inteiesls ot Junction Clly
and Lane county. We Imiie he u III
Dattr -i.i 1 1 n. r I.
I'KKI'iiir N lis. S II Friendly
hl '-d b If a carload of bops lji-t
o.lay. JO Bbinehart ns Ived a cur
load of salt U I half a cat loud of eugur.
vicTou t u Kvrrr.
His Memory Ibv.illc.l by a Visit
His liluw tu Lit lii aiidc.
The following taken from the La
Grande Chronicle may tie of interest
to n -idi ails of l .iii;cne w ho lemeuils r
Vieior I'leviit in kindly thongl'l:
'I'heuewsut (In- arrival in this i lly
of Mrs Trevitt, widow of the Into Ma
JorTrevilt, brings to mind many In
teresting events lu I In history ol thai
well-know n pioms-r. 1 le braved the
dangers of the frontier to hew out a
lorluucfor hlui-elf, but like nearly
every one of his kind, he w asuiisiic
cesl'ul in his declining year. The
hardships were so hiaii.v uint'lhiMih
siacles placed ill the way of making
large fori II m s so great, that of the
thousands who followed the star of
the empire west, very few made huh
pe.tdcnt foiMncs. Today Major Trevitt
lies in a well-inarkeil grave upon an
Island wa-hed by the waters of the
mighty Columbia river. Auelig.nt
and imposing uiomiiueiit marks his
last re-ting plaiv and all who (ravel
from The Dalle fit Cascades cllher by
boat or rail can see the imposing mon
ument over Major Trcvitl's reu iilns
on a barren island. Many a pioneer
heart heats in loving remembrance of
the many deeds of kindness and hniv
ery done by tills hardy pioneer whoso
memory Is dear to every cltiz.-n in
Circuit Court Cbses.
The following case have have
filed wiih the county clerk today:
G llcttmaii vs liollaud McCollilin
i t al; suit lor foreclosure. Judgment
is asked for tsV, and for sale of prem
ises, .itio acres In T is S, It 4 N .
J S Conger vs A J and Martha
Smith; suit for foreclosure. Judg
ment I asked for $22 '. The mortguge
cover 22 h; ucrc in T 10 S, U 4 W.
John Cogswell vs T M Itenshaw; lo
recover money. Judgment is asked for
$.V'0 and Interest.
W M Vaudiiyn v Geo C Snyder;
Judgment Is asked for H7S.4I.
The follow ing ease have been llled
ill the olllce of the county clerk:
Stella Adams uud Kllcii Mo Mavlev;
foreclosure of mechanics lien.
J C Goodale vs E It HollcnUck; to
recover inoiu-v. Judgmeiil Is asked
for fll'.UiS
JCInmaii vs W It Caiitrell and J
V Bichardson; to recover money.
Judgment is asked for i0.
'I lie Itiggcsl In the Uoi hl.
I miidti the promised pilgiliuago
from Junction City down the old tele
graph uud stage road to Monroe, situ
ated on the west bank of the classic
Long Tom, says a correspondent In the
l'rlneville lb-view. On Ibis road some
distance Mow the "Old Harmony"
school house Is growing probably the
laigesi elder tnv In the world, lam
sorry 1 didn't stop and measure It, hut
I lis-l safe in saying It is over two leel
ill diameter, the bo iv sin oth uud
straight aud very tall for un elder. It
was rit her ulli cling, after an absence
of 2U years, to tuis by and through
plaivs that were then tamlliar and note
the changes that time Iihh wrought.
And the change In the people Is great
er I ban the features of the country.
The lovous. happy school children of
that day are now growu old and have
forgotieii the pioneer sel tiers of the
laud they now possess.
At Molina-, the nisi mill or yore lias
long been burned and ha not Iss-n re
built. The prosperous Catholic about
this plai-e have built a Hue church edl-
liec, w inch would ie a creuu to many
larger lownsthan Monria.
So soon us I passed across the line
Into Benioii county I wa pleased lo
II ml the road much better. They of
Benton understand making road in
Wchfoot better than they of Lane.
Turpentine Mork.
Albany Democrat: "An Immense
ipiaulity of tiirs-nline I used In Oie
gon. Instead ot Is-lng brougiii here ii
ought to Im manufactured at home.
It call In-, for wo have tnu 11 r in im
mense bodies, containing the finest
liiris-ntlne in the world. A company
has been organized and $1,000 put Into
It for the manufacture and sale of tur
pentine uud other products. In order
to nut it on lis feet f'J.OOU additional
stock would be necessary, with prob
ably half paid up at the start. Tbo
scheme 1 to not only mnuufucture tur
Hntiiie. of which there Is a large and
steady demand, wit a well to manu
facture and sell funny other things,
such as rosin, rosin oil, brewers pitch,
caulkers hitch, alxe urease, oil of Jun-
lH-r, oil of cedar, nil of hemlock, oil of
iM-iniermint. nil or r.ergauioi, on oi
tunsv. Iluld extract of cusesrn, lluld
extract of irune. etc. It Is also prob
able printer Ink would lie included in
.i... i! .. M.. 'I-I.l.. .u....l,l i.Mib..
llie iisi fvi-niiiuiij'. i inn wi.,. "
a factory right lu the line of our nat
ural Industrie, with a demand from
the very start for the product. In fact
Liu- company already has orders for
Imrrel ot oil of hemlock. 4 barrels of
oil of cedar. 4 carloads of rosin aud
barrel of rosin oil, without even a fac
tory In sight. It is desired that a few
reliable business ineli bo Interested in
the enterprise."
Inlly, Oriols-r I V
I'M. I) A Boi.i.iNd Pl.V. Ono K 1)
Johnson assaulted B hoy by the name
of Cartwrighl at A Meeks' pluce below
town a few days since, using a inning
pin lu the assault. A warrant Was
sworn out for the arrest ol Johnson,
mid Constable Union ha gone aft
him today. The case will probably la)
heard befoie Justice Vt heeler tomor
row. SriT inn I)i vomck. Elena Lang
ha Instituted III the circuit com t a
suit for divorce against her busbaud,
Genr-'" L ing. ' lo-y v 1 tu married In
IV -ii. iv.- Dec. ).'), l-sli, Th- l-sii.
01 1 lei man'. :.; b vie.- d u r, -..
year of u: The complaint, alleges
t.rui-l and .Inhuman treatment.
Ualijr Orlnls-r II.
A HonAf, Time. The Junior f
SCEof the Pr. snyterlaii church are
having a soi-lul time ut the church on
Sih und Lincoln streets this aftcrmoii.
Befn-ahuieut uru being scr.eij, ami
the little folk art having a most en
Joy ubie time.
lully i.u.r-l. October IL
llol-s Sol.K. II Owen sold 43
ball,, of bops ibl ufrcrniHiii to Henry
Weinharl, of Portland; terms private.
Volney Heliieliwiiy sold 21 bales to
the sunie gent lemtill till like terms,
Tin- (.inner) incii Wlu the Hlier
iiieu's Mrlku on the
For several weeks the union salmon
lUhermcii on the Sluslaw river have
Is-cu out on it alnke, and have pre
vented ull person from taking llh
along (hat stream. Al the start the
union demanded that the ranneryuieii
should Hot purchast salmon from th
trap or seine men. To this the cnii
neiics readily agreed. Then in a few
ilavs the union struck for a new scale
iif 'piiees. The canncrii- were paying
l'i cent for silvcrsidcti and :itivut lor
ehluooks. The union demanded 20
and forty cent respt elively. To this
the canneries would not accede. It
might be well to slate ill this connec
tion that I !n canneiie furnish every
thing to llsli with to the tlshermeu
on the Slu-law t-xcept the plain net.
The Death Pe.nai.i v. At Grunt's
Pit Fiiday alteruooii Judge llunna
sentenced Chal les Fiesler, the wife
murderer, to death, fixing Friday,
NovemU r 2!i, as the day on which the
seiifenee shall l executed. Fiester
liad nothing to say w hen asked before
sentence was pronounced. Fb-ster's
crime wa the murder of hi w ire In
the pn en of their three children,
Sunday May. I". IA "'r Merlin,
holding her bend ill a (ssil of water
until she strangled.
A lUia.LAKY.
The Falrnieillit Store Itobbeil of
(.noil to the Amount of fall laist
P.Ujr liii.rd. October IV
The Fairiiiount store and postollliv,
kept by Mis L Yeager, wu entered
by iH-liy (helve some time last night
and all of (be b icon, cigars and to
bacco in It taken. In all alsiut $o0
worth ofstutr was m-urcd by the rob
ber. Nothing wa broken, or dlsturU-d
by the burglar excepting what they
look. Admittance to the store was
Kai 1 through Dm door, a skeleton
key being ucd.
Sli-s Yeager I accilslomev! to secret
ing the cash receipts of tlie store and
posiolllee and stamps, t-te. uud the
robls-rs failed l net tills. There Is no
clue to the guilty parlies.
t'lty Cmiiicll.
l.llr duaid, trloirl5.
Council met in regular scaslou
chainls-is last evening.
Present, Mayor Matlock and Coun
cilnieii Eakiii, Linn, Henderson,
Dunn, I'lsher and Bang.
Minutes urScptemtK-r meeting read
and approved.
Finance committee reported favor
ably on usual number ol bills, which
weie allowed aud ordered paid.
Street committee re anted work on
streets uud ciwt of same. Also repairs
In crossings and sidew alks and amount
of lumber used In same. Adapted.
Committee on lire and water report
adversely lo light on corner of Ninth
and Oak street. BeMirl adopted.
Id-port of health commltd.) regard
ing iUaranlliie of diphtheria case
dear the river bridge wa adopted.
Ordinance referring to running of
bicycle on sidewalk, read second
lime, and ou motion was iHistponed,
I'siiul nuiuls-rol bills were read aim
relern-d lo the finance committee.
IhirardliiL- several bills the rules
were susiemlcd and the same ordered
On motion of Mr Eakln the com
mittee ou lire and water was Instruct
ed to look after the rearrangement
of the lights so as to U tter distribute
tliu llglits over the city. Ameimeo so
a to reipilru recommendations from
committee, on lire aud water to the
council for rearranging the lights.
Marshal Day recommended that the
city have some ra-k provided to be
crushed by tramps who are placed un
der arrest aud Used lu street improve
ment. Beferred to street committee.
The appointment of Mr Card well as
aiiectul policeman under certain
restriction was couurmeu.
On motion Marshal Day was author
ized to w-cu re a dog net, and a warrant
for $10.00 w as ordered drawn for same.
On call of Fisher the yeas and nays
were taken.
Yens Bangs,
Dunn, Linn, Eakln
and Henderson.
Nay Fisher.
A II1.ST0HH AI. PitrntST. Home few
yeurs ugo a M r I lavenport, of lOngllsh
birth, lived lu Oregou, aud while here
accumulated considerable wealth. He
afterward returned U lOngland, but
always cherished the memory of the
stale'ln which he made his fortune,
and when bodied left a will, among
other things In It, bequeathing to the
Eplscopul churches of Oregon, lie be
ing a devotee of thut deinoiilnatloii,
the sum off 1,000, as fund, the In
come of which I to lie applied In buy
ing ornaments for the various Epis
copal churches of this slate. Ht Mary s
Eplcopal churuh in this city has al
remlv received It apportionment, eon-
slsilmr of two Vase and A crisis of
hundwrought brass, worth alsiut $"10,
which were forwarded by Hon
Bicbard Thornton, of Portland, one of
tho trustee of the fund.
p.llrUil.ld, October i
Biccovkky Dot ni l uu Hlnco Ala
Mosier, who was Injuird by the cars,
hud hi arm amputated near the
shoulder, tld being the second
operullon, be hu been lying In a pre
carious condition, and It Is feared he
will not recover. The young mail
sewn to be a is-rfect gentleman, aud
say that thl was hi llrst attempt to
steal a ride, us be ban waiKcu ine
lire distance from Ashland.
Pally (.Haul, OctoUi
Sroi-i Ki Him. Toji. Join, who
Imd n ticket mirvbnsi-d for a point in
Iowa, and Intended Wavlnjr thl moru
ing, was stopped by a civil warrant
issued hv J II McCIiiuk on an ac-nuut
lu Int. diy good slore. Young Jossvs
appeared before Jusllco Wheeler this
rorniiMiu and settled the bill an J will
i.rolmblr tiriKMs-d on his way. He wa
married quite recently.
Hoard lu the Post otlice.
Jim Kohliisoli Whnl i prettier
iIihii a bandsoiiiH woman?
W E Brow u-Give It up.
1 Jjm l-Two of 'em, of course.
Tf ' fK fyminrr ys.S'VS
,'.i s
U ' 1 i leivist.'-'iMMs;- 14
r Simmons y-'.yl
1 'T:W
RE G U LAT0R7 f.,
Bender, did you ever take
Li v kh ItKori.ATnit, the "Kinu ck
Livkii MeDlctNEti?" Everylsxly needj
take a liver remedy. It Is a Bluggish or
iliseamnl liver that ltiiair hgostioii
ami causes constipation, when the woato
that should bo carried off remains hi
the body .tiid Hisons the whole system.
That dull, heavy feeling in due to a
torpid liver. Biliousness, Hesda'-ho,
Malaria and Indigestion are all liver
discaHcrt. Keep the liver active by u:i
occitHional doseof Simmons Liver iteg
nh tor and you'll pet rid of theso traiu
bles, and give tone to the whole sys
tem. For a laxative Simmons Llvrr
Kcgnlutor is BETTER TIIAM l'tLLB. It
disss not grie, nor weaken, but groat'.y
rcfVt she and strengthens.
I 'very package linn tho Ited 7.
stninp 011 (be wrapper. J. 1L
Zclllu & to., l'hlladclphla.
Derision of the Loner Court Afllruied
Senieure Must he Passed I poo
llrowu Again lu Kereiu
ber. y A I. km Or , Oct. 14. The iiipreuie
court loduy ufllrined the decision of
the lower court lu the Brown murder
case. Thl apparently tlefeats the last
hoHthe delciidant might have of es
caping the gallows.
A Iloscburg Uevlew reporter carried
the telegram containing the hews of
the decision to the prisoner In tl.ejs.ll
at Boscburg. "1 have rather Imd newt
for you, Sum," ' said the n-f orter, ex
tending the dispatch to him. Brown
seized the ps-r eagerly, but his face
showed not the slightest emotion aa he
read It, and he soke very calmly:
"It is not very pleasaut news, but I
am glad It Is settled!" was all he said,
besides thanking the reporter for
bringing the dispatch.
Willi & Crawford, the attorneys for
Brown, are out of town, so thut their
next step could not lie learned. Possi
bly they will move for a re-hearing be
fore the supreme court.
(Sam Brown shot and killed Alfred
Klucald al Oakland, Oregon, Aug. 13,
ln;4. He was tried at the I)eceinber
term of court uf last year and convict
ed of murder lu the first degree, Judge
Fullcrton sentencing him to hang Feb
ruary loth lust. Execution of the
sentence was suspended nding aa
upK-al to tho supreme court, and yes
terday the decision was affirmed. He
will have to be re sentenced at the next
term of court which will convene lu
December. Brown wulkcd out of the
Jail ou the 21st of May last, the Jailer
having lell ine uoors uiiiockvo. Alter
wandering around fe couple of days, he
came to the house of John It Hulherllu
near Wilbur, aud that gentleman
brought him back to jail without
any dillk-ulty.)
Ope u lug Service.
D.llj Uuard, October IV
Key W F Cowden.of Tacoma, Wash
ington, general evangelist of the
northwest, rror ryree, principal m
the public schools of Albany, Bev A D
Scaggs, of Junction, president of the
dlrlrlct convention, and Itev J 1! Lis
ter, of Albany, corresponding secretary
of tho state Isiurd, were arrivals here
today and will bike iiart la the dis
trict convention of the Christian
church which convenes lu this city
tonight and will be lu sesslou the re
nittlmlur uf tli week. IteV W F
Cowdou will deliver the educational
sermon In the Interest of the new
divinity school at the Christian church
tonight. Quito a number of other
iwirsfine arrl trad and will be In attend
ance upon the convention.
l'rlneville Bev lew: Messrs. John
ii. 1 ai llliiiiin killed s. monster
grizzly hear at the Ochooo mines a few
days ago. The bear weighed over
U00 lbs, and 180 lbs uf lard was taken
from the carcass. ine nine was
fully aa large as a beef hide.
The animal had bouii a terror to stock
men fur years ami Mas probably aiueu
many hundred of dollars wortu or
staiawa lav lis'
Hi-iTTiif wii . (tel. 14. A war
rant has been Issued for II V Wheeler,
.u,.i,u ,.f Hie ItUlne National bank
and of the Blaine State bank, the two
concerns by which It Isclalmeu neeier
worked tlie "double cross" in onier 10
iL.fruii.l dm wwilnin ami stockholders.
Wheeler with having received deposlU
at a time when he knew the bank
would fall. He Will probably be ar-I-'.
U Y header, his
brother, cashier of the two banks, la
under $3000 bonus on a similar cuarge.
D W Eaves, of Falrinount, Is run
ning I K Peters' feed store for a few
Highest Honors World'! Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.