CITY AN1 COUNTY. .ATL'ftUAY, .OCTOBER 12. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER . Commlsslruert court li Id session. Deer cau be killed uutll December 1 Students of the IT of O are atill nr riviu8- FJBchelder.ofSan Fraucltco, It There are 102U natlenta Id the aayluni Id Euitene. at Salem. Tn, ir.iM arrived home on the Hie cannerv wl I run un tomatoes a ternoon local. tomorrow pally Guard, October . ADlIvlaud la in ths cltT. Commissioner Perkins la la town. Arch Rice It home from Cottage Grove. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10. CemniUsloarri Court. Chlttem Bark to S. II. TIia mian KPiubin fill November Ktpaivuliuilru u'um Itltrnlnif In avapu . . V 11 . l a . VTVIW UVIUIUM .4 V.V. . .11 .1 ... I .. 1 uircctiou .aai evening. Mn('M(W. of Junction Cltv. U Auklni. A.nlu. I I.. i .. .. I .u..t.itaiw IIB..IIlg V'llai .I.IIIIIK IU IWliuiKi t, r rurpen, ol Dram, wan nere yea Unlay purchasing goods. Dow Hurl went to Portland ou tne Henlor. uvulU The Dimdy Disk barrow leads . . w..i(iu. tttlormy-ttt-lttw. i,.nev to loan on farms. Enquire of -.t..iiill V. If vou want a piw i . i.. i nannier Kllver ,. now h,K,lur , LoUdou than "y tram una nioruiug. v,.ii can iret cosh for your Chlttem tarkntS. H. Erlendly'a. -...i... vmir C h tteui -Sum to s. H rrleudlv. Vou can get cash for your Chlttem JktttH. II. Friendly'.. . . s.u.,..- t.lnur nnmnutiv builds a .i!,l steel plow for the Willamette ralll'V. - .1 A U. 'mm V'..i DunatiaMf it ,ll bearings make light drufl and " " J,,'A : .nLmly DU harrow I.hh I heru. See Fplty Springs, reports fish and deer iKrue" F L Chamber. Pitiful. theiu at rm... wilt r ,. ,1. I ....... I I.ll.CI 10 IIUl. llnlvl IIIUUI1U1 it ban been heretofore thla war C C (loldsmlth A Co are having the ulterior 01 weir more repaiuteu. Sam Belahaw U building a new real ueuceou nia farm near rem muge. UcoTIIall A Son loaded aunther car of ho pa for the Eaatern murketa today. Neat new slvna are belnir painted In the windows of Loug'a hardware tore. at Dr. (. W. IlUlJIo may be found at a ear loHdfcof min feed t0 Unuim Ullt hU renideiiw on Olive atrwt, U-tween pjomiug. 'mi'a,Mimuah Vul,UI eounty ha. outatanding paml w u " uc'""' " f 10.000 reaourcea. It now look a-i If the prize fight be l.i...i: plow shares and only be bought of maimer, Genuine Oliver ihpr extras can r 'l.umluiril. '. k.u nhniir. other innkoa of plows that I will close out regardless " F. L.CHAMUEK8 Tn Tas. Money to loan cd 1m- ..i.i farm nronertv. KlIKKWOOD BL'RK. .ugeue, or. nrice nald for Chlttem Bara uy a. riitumj. Farms for Sale. T liava nil iv thirtv flue farms In the i un'v tut .til tulliu fur niilu 1 Iimmm fnu include every variety lu size and w. t or aeacripuoii ui. numcra : r UtiiL-n Wilklna Block, Eugene, Or. MraOinar Wheeler came ovsr from BiirhiirOi-ld this morning. (SMirire II Ysrlncton will reside Id Eu irene durius the winter. J O WatU Is attending the grand loilire of the K of l"s at Hlem. Mrs Mary Shelton went to Portlaud today to vlalt for a few weeks. Dr Sharpies and family have moved back to llieir uome in mis cuy. Attorney II D Norton and C C Mat' lock visited la Portland yesterday. Miss Minnie Witter Is sick with ma larial fever at her home ID this city. Attorney Mattesoa has been ap noluted notary nubile by Oov Lord. Dr D A Palae, superintendent of the inaane asvium. reiurnnu vo oiuiu w dv. Robt Johnston of the Mlnne.wta bo- tel is suffering from an attack of poison oak. I'xnir nanbln i.nil wlf have re turned from a trip to dowo valley points. m r .m.vlu.ll oania nn fmm Porval Us today and will visit a short time Id the cltv. ii . . T ei 1 . .. Vi a a .., .-..v-. . y V.UI1VIIUBU, Ul Clll iukiiviu, Mr Kharinehouse opened his new mtumed home from a visit to the fair oon'ectlonery store on MntD sireei mis gl Portland. Dr. Flnley. S.Duud blk. Commlsyloners court still lu tea- Ion Ec-ini ant retailing at IS cents per dozeu. W Q Purkeson Is gradually growing worse. F.l titer Erniev. of Portland. Is visiting in Eugene. Dr F Russell, of Thurston, was in town todav. Mrs M C Wire arrlveil home on in afteruoon local Ilnvi-r are now navltiir Otnta per buslii'l for wheat. lieo T Hall A Son coualirned another . i . . . . i . Cur of nopa iiatsi teuay. Next Tuesday pheaaants aim grouse caa be killed Mr luamei. .1 II IduiMi. of Pottat-e Orove. sitetit last night In this city. II T Condon went to Albany today on a suon ousiut-- m Met Ihls morning at the Court House. Full board preaent, At this time the court considered anil allowed the follow lllir bills and clerk ordered to draw warrants ou the Seiwral fund In payment thereor; oh u M Williams, deputy dis trict attorney, lu caaes of Htnta va himlth. Law rvtioe C Abbott, O W Abbott, Rufl and Prlscol CO 40 J K Wilson, deputy assessor 20 davs at I-' U 00 J A Vab-e, deputy clerk 23 days, claimed $.0; allowetl 40 00 A J Johuaou, shcrltr, suudry ex penses v L V Brown, medical attendanco for paupers: Mrs bkalton f3, W M Vaughaii's daughter, claimed flj, allowed 111); Lydla Rice, cialmud f ltt, allowed I1.50 24 50 J E Jennings, care of pauper 6 weeks, August Slst to Octtf- I B Slion UUillie-a iri. ixt oi n MIhs Maegle Whitney Is visiting J W Harris, pauixr attendance, iihl.r Iximie. I 4 vialts ami medicine .ia... f trlu.ll u ml Vlt7uiiiininna nilvbt lake place at Hot ISprliiKS, Arkansas. Five .wagons loaded wttu n c Owen's lions arrived In towo last evening and tiled through the meets. The mummy of au Indian was round In Koutharn California over nine feet hlifh. the tallest man who ever lived 8. H. Friendly wants tern bark he can get. all the Chit candles tu... !..!. -nlm, anllth vatA-f!n.V I III- MB HUL KUIUK IT ' l 1 4. . wus overloaded and had to leave lour cars here. They were taken ou by the frali'tit this morning: GotoOsburu A DeLano, druggisw, m aifiits in Euirene. for a bottle of LIVERINE. for the Liver, Kidneys, Sick hraduche and toustl nation iitu Twi .- fu r vaaterdav a aca n a. m. uv . - . t.ti titii riiinttur-mlla diutu la 0:!1V and Black Alder took secoud money In the nan nine auu ieiv. u a T u tha liva drinririst and banker of Junction City, did business in this cltv todav. O M Stroud, the old couductor on on the 8 P R R f former days, spent laat night In Eugene. OO Powers, of McKenzle, Bridge went to Halom today to take a position In the state Insane asylum. L R Fields, superintendent of S P lines In Oregon, passed tnrougu norm nn the local this morultlK. TWolmrir TlpvieW! MisS Eflle Willis ,rr in Mamlitleld soon to take a Vn. u Mm time to do vour dry plow- on ftllvvr nlnw will Slav In U nil" , ..... . the ground. F L Chnmbers has a full tock. ti.o nuk luirrnw now has ball bearings und ceuter cutter which cuts all the ground, r or sme uy F L Chambers. tvimn in inivn linv vour horses ted j tlm nw feed stable. Melson build ing. 7th street Sew Feed Stable. firiffln A Co have opened up a feed .l.kla In Iha Muluin bill IlliUUT. On 7th tii luaiu'iwn U'illiiiiictte and Olive. Tii.iv iiLn hnvs 40 lieu'l of horses for isle. Rates reasonable. Patrouage solicited. The Oliver Chilled plow known the world arouna. F L Chamhkks, Sole Agent. IThen Babr wii alok, wa gTe her Caato.i vrb-B aha waa a CbilJ, aha cried for Castorla. When aba became MUa, aha clung to Oatorla, 5rhiheh4ChililritiMaTe'lc) loney in tne iaii iiiiw"'tr"" -i . - The healing properties of DeWltfi Uod as teacher lu the public school witcu uazei paivo are -i It cures eczema, skin ailoctlons and Is simply a perfect remedy for piles. There are only three places In the world where womeu po-seea all tne nrivlleees of voting which ate accord ed to men, viz: Iceland, Pitcalrn Is lands and the isle oi man. Bay, why don't you try DeWltts T.n tl TmiiIv Risers? These little pills cure headache, Indigestion and consti pation. They're small, but, aouie work. . ,, ... OSBUBN & UEtiAHO. Mr A D Barker, wife and daughter i....- mhiFnul hiiiiie from Drain. where they have been visiting for the past week. and Is now at Kitson springs. Misses Mamie and Annie Palmer, of Cottage. O ScotUburg. anlved on this alternoon's 'J. 1,.1 .,! will visit a tew day. with the ved nto C o. i.e . fun 1 iiv of J T Rowland. Wednesday's Roseburg Plalndealer. Miss Iula Bradley, one of our good i.c.iiur. lfft this morn in if for a few days' visit to frietids lu Ceutral Point, ti i... o.tiin- nf Wnoiiliurn I ndn pendent, who has beeu attending the Willamette Presbytery at Newport, arrived In Eugene this afternoon for a 1 Bimrr 'imii. r. t.- o nf Mmlroril. will be . ... n . w 11 1 .. . .. 1 ' XI TionHmore and i J iniib, ui elected Grand Chancellorby tbe grand K,,nXXr an lnvestlKation of lodge K or 1', now ,n "u" ur city aud county have concluded to without opposition. He It a worthy " TX' haV9 wrUen to young mau aud a graduate o. T.,r families to .come. UofO. ... -t..n t. . tin n Ki'lsav Acts at once, never falls. One Min- "" T,lllr.,, for creswell. Lane ute Cough Cure. A remedy for asm- countV( i,RVlng received word that her mn. and that feverish condition wnicu n,ther , Mrs Jion, wno i. accomnaniesa severe cold. The only years old, It very 111 aud noiexpecteu .... 1 irt r ena v I. harmless remedy thai produces hu.uo- . diate results. t'tuttlrees. I ISllTIRN fl. Lf.LAnt'i I m rrtina. Pnnlr Rrv-nn cnn.Q n v.oa lwu.n annnlnted ALT en lb lor down from Eugene Saturday morning Lane for j h Settlemtre A Sou's rived a lilo etI. tUt H I WM UU J't I Mr J K Fowler secretary and treat- nrurnrtl.a f'nr lllie JH III. VBUU1 nuu u.nki ..,!.. ..a iTtah. In sneak OHKk 1 U. UI V"l ll..v, 1.. i i..,ri.,i ,i a f'nnirh Remedy says: "I couslder it the best in the t 1. n ..a muni n.nnv kinds but uiai rH x ua' mov ... find Chamberlain's the most prompt ..... . . ...1 -..!(..? u..H riw auueiieciual in giving renci, . .i.... i.V mu home." When f WU tltllDI "r " , . . -II irAMl.i,i.i ...iu . i.uiirh nr nnlil 171 V ItliB remedy a trial and we assure you that you will be more than pleased with tuerwmlt. For tale by Oaburo A Lm Ltuo. - - - n.n. Guard. October 10. rjn . .'na Tim K of P unAiiii vrnvBiw - - -- . . erand lodu-e at Salem elected the fol- lowing ollloers yesterday for the ensu- ln ....... un.irunia ronrvscntatlve. J A Waddle, of Portland; grand chan cellor, Dr Geary, orModrord; granu ..i i n. t.i-i.o- ltllvirr irrand viuv uiiancriiui , aui.iv. v.. , prelate, O Patterson, Heppner: grand McConuell, Ashland; grand maSjer or exchwiyer. E M Bariieiit, Portland; 1UOWII UUI" i.uft . , . , on his wheel, and was on Corvallis streets at eigui o cioea. """; 7,-: Keneafew miuutes after Ave. and the distance between the two towns It 89 miles. It assured 01 goou "" -" winter, Rock might as well 1 ve with "the folks at home," In Corvall.s, Uke bis lunch aleng and attend the uni versity at Eugene. The American lieauty owes uer pit: tige more to a clear complexion than .l...r otti Unite. A cud of lu un y w 1 IH . a.-.. - - Parks' Tea will enable anyone to poe tess this. It clears the sum ana - . -in.niiHii.nil that tallow, niud- dy l)k. Parks' Tea it useu uy ands of ladles for the complexion. Without being a cathartic- it cures con stipation. Sold by A. Yebinqton. J B Loveland, Colo., baa raised a po- . 1.1.1 au nnniwUand lOoUncet. law we ku U -V-.- ln 1th her siaU-r at Lorane n r. V,.v..r lntt. nn an A lux blcvcle this morntiig for Cross Keys. O W Welder and party leave tomor row on a hunting expedition. T.. it. wrtn il Kr has recovered front a severe attack of malarial fever. ti, rt v rs l in.lntr tn have a new undrew ceat and new fortagecap. Ti.a IiuhI tax Ui v of Don 11 as county Is 22 mills; Clatsop county the samo. Mint Marie Ware Is slightly improv ed today, we are pleased to state. Mrs Wells and family came down from Cottage Grove this morning. WCYoran a temporarily clerking In Yoran A Sou't boot and shoe ttore. f lilnno nrTI.Artl.HiMi la Vlalt- ing lu thlt city, tho guest of Mrt Peter. The oue-lecsrd hobo, who lias been begging areutid town, left for Rose burir today. Jim Tallev't team ran away last evening, aud broke a spring of the seat. MlaStilla Bean of Beaton went to i.Un. t.uUv tn vlalt with hr brother. Judge R S Belli. Miss Elva Burnett came up from Salem yesterday to visit her grand father, W G Purkeaon. A lady "spotter," who bat been .'.toiiinir tl.K K 1 bovs. reintlv spent several days in this city. Mrs O P Coshow came up from ltrnwnsvllle UmIhv and will visit her dauchUT. Mrs J M Howe. Wo learn that Jamet A Walker, or Hazel Dell, Is considerably Improved I rove, bas house on his fruit farm south of town. Hurley Morris, representing Winter A Harper, of Seattle and Portland, dealers lu pianos, etc, Is in the city. Mist Annie Kchwader, or Aurora, arrived here on the local this afternoon and will visit with her uncle David Link. Aiv.r-nn- ltrntlnln lima' trainer. nn ii.u trnlukt tndav for Han Fran cisco, California, with the race mare, Lieora. RC Houston. 8 P freight agent at Roseburg, will be down tonight and will spend several weeas iiuuuin 111 this vicinity. a 1 Pl.-knnl and bit entire family are con fi tied to the house with tick nuts. MrPickard is tnreaieued wiiu tvnhold fever. . . .. Mrs C J Howard and cniiuten leit, tl.tu nmriitnur for a visit with relatives BtColdwater, Mich. Mr Howard ao- compaulud them at lar as tacoina. Frank Kuapp and Lass aianoca ar- bome on in ruriy mm una R Bowlaby, hauling paufier poor farm. C W Holcoitib. niovlnu to tiauper.M iftln and 12 0 6 85 00 : 60 30 00 fl 05 2 83 . 20 Ikv M llnl.ilMnuin rill robe for Harper 1 15, coflln and robe for Annie Vaughau f 15.... Pk'e A Hon, pauper supplies, wii..... ti on V.i.l. tt ?. E 11 Ingham, pauper supplies for UI...I. ..1 u I ... ...1'uil tvi Wilson $3.65, Condray $0.00 17 65 A H Flak, county Judge, salary SentemU-r 60 70 J fl lira, truaaiirpr. salary ScD- " - 1 , 1 . (. tinibi.r 41 iU A J Johnann. aherltl'. salary Sep tember 100 70 Chat L Scott, deputy therttt, salary, September 65 00 A 1: Ji'imlnuH. I'lnrk. aalarv Sew- temlwr... ".. 100 70 V t. f Jll.lui .tniirv nlwrlr aala.rv 1 j September 83 40 J G rUeveuaon, school tuperin Ifndeut. salary for SepteiulHT.. 60 00 JT Doualdson. ferryman, Slo- Ketizlo ferry O l f'.JIi..- uiirvuviir iMitjilill all Ing aud re'cordlng Ucorneta... 21 00 Li IN llotiev. repairs on vuaav Foik bridge It V Itn.u.ll M 1). care of lU tiers for September 2C1 25 E U Ixe, medicine for pauper, L E Masters, diaallowed, July; anil allowed: claimed 120.40. allowed 15 00 T II Mo( 'liinir nliithlnir for . - - paupers at tHMir farm 14 74 li i.liitl.ti.i- fur nun iw-ra .., . ...... ... .... g 1 $3.88; stationery $3.35 6 73 11 iiuv. aimiiiiim ior iiauovra ... iu I. I t'oriiflliia. road work 111 .liui-li.r 'n .111 from road f,,.wl 24 00 At this time A J Johnson, sheriff and tax collector, staled that owing to the failure of publishers to prepare lax books for sheriff's return ou delinquent . ... .1 .. ..... . . .. A....I.I .ml nni.i- taxes 111 iiinu, mm n wuiu v...... ..1.. 1., ..,.1 uinrn wiililn t liu tlnin licre tofore allowed. It Is therefore ordered h iku winri .that tha alinrllf have un til October 12. 18U5. within which to ...ntra aulit PiilllPn. l'..i.M ui.turuil 1 11 In ivintraflt with Dr B F Russell for caro and keeping and medical attendance ror an county paupers commltited to bis care from October lOlh, 18! to OcU)ber lOlh, 1 Otkif t l.n a-o r. rt ti rutl WlrUk fof &1I Inmates over 10 years old and $2 per ....... 1. r..- nl.llilmn iimliir 10 vpara old provided that children under two war Willi llieir inoiuera aunii w u.iii.miff .hv riharirA to the oountv The above contract to go Into eflect whim th said li F ltllKHell shall 1110 hnruln a irnod and tutlkleut bond lu the sum of $1000. Took WhulA Herd. Pendleton K O: "A 14 year old daughterofTJ Kirk, of Athena, luat Thursday left hor home 011 homeback and at she struck o it for the John Day country was followed by a baud of a dozen lionet. She proeded to Rltler where Jamet Stamper, au officer of Athena, found her Sunday evening. II. Ui.nna. arit.ul III Plllllllfltllll Tuesday evening with Miss Kirk, who refused toaiiy anything about the trip or to elvo any reason why she went 011 . V . . f- 11.1-.. .il.- I. .1.1 II... mis strange exeuiiiuu. o i otllcer who overtook her at Rllter that she was desirous that hu pioceed to attend to hit own busluew aud leave her alone. "Mr Stamper hat taken her home to her parents In Athena. Mlas Kirk ... ...1 .....1 vflilnl, irr.1 vnrv damrerout and allowed considerable pluck in making the trip unaccom Mr Kirk at one time resided In Lane oouuty, TbTwTtTTTlF. Pill Guard. OctoUT 1& An linnailal nuinlu'r of llleill'x'rt with their friends were present at the W. C. T. U. at Mount't hall yesterday af.iriin.ii Avurv hi tervkti iiuT part of the nroirram wat the reading of the , - r. , , .... f 1 slate pn-aiaatit 1 adureas uy niinn That aililra. alulWIld .ill a ' il.. ii, .l.t dil anil niiri.fiil iiniinralloil on the part nt tbe writer at well at a deep oniiceru lor 1110 weuare 01 uuniauuj An iiiiiiaiial lnt..riMit haa tivtin maul r.-i.i I.. if I' 'IV It. work an far thla year both by members aud mends 01 the cause, riome new lueinnera -iuh-recclvel. At tho meeting to lie held lu two weekt report mini onicers, both of the union aud reading room will be read. Utter List. Octolx-r 10, 181-5. Brown. Geo. Iioullet, Win. Da via. Mrs Mamie. Moose, llarrey, Dau, Mrt Jennie, Rice, M Is flattie E Maud, Mint M V, iMiotmiu, Jirm-ai, Lance, Mr, Roughr, MrtAllie, nr .1 1.. I I ii saouii, r. vi. l.k.mitl nna pent wilt tw nii'lo on all leiinrs ln out. ramnna railing lor lallara will Bleaaaitata whau adrtlatl. - T I Pa. 1 1. PU Dallw lllianl. llclllbcr la A1.MO8T K FlBE. Thlt morning be tween nine and Un o'clock, Ohas Zutuwalt called at Alexander Keavey t resldenoe, at Seavey't ferry on busl nvaa. but found do one at home. He noticed a large volume of smoke Is- a..l.,.. from iTia rhlninnv. Fori'llllT lilt wav throuirli the door, he entered" the " . . ... 1 . 1 n . i.i.naa ami iniinci me interior on urv Un aiu.ii nut It nut. A lame touare of ii.a ..null ami ilm.r .u biirimd. and . .. .1 a tr ...Ilia i.ari it. nni imniii inr mr y.uiniaHiia tlitielv Interference the entire house would have heea destroyed. ' FOSTER'S Weather F0BECASTS. Nurseries at WoodburD, Oregon, these ourseries being the largest and nave me best selected stock on the .Northern Coast. We are able to furnish anyone who are oontemplatlug planting a new orchard with tbe best selected trees, and at the right prices. Call on us be fore you place your order. Svarverud A Simpson. Buekleu's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve In the world for Cuta, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Suit Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin v-iniinna. and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It ft guaranteed . r J , . I .. r.. ... I.... n Hir.ll PV to Bive perieci Buiian;ii" refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Henderson A Linn. ir.n..rjn Poinra fnrvallls Times: dlameteaud ' k Jo l bu J M Henkle arrWed "from Pr.uev.l.e diameter auu m f , ,,j Ma fnrmurlv resided lu Ben- Sffito ifuSStaV- A Photo. on TuYu now in the cattle butlnes. Id Sffirf Mr Swn with V potato on Crook couiay.Thr year old ttr. excheuuer E M Sargent, Portland; iis shoulder verities tne siorv. .f. "V. 18 . 7.r.t fall --ffitoisa; arsraiafi aaw?5 rfiSnp. ft-tl-nd; JI? JSiSl Ametlcau give. It credence price , up Pi. Charles Fellows, ,.B, regulttr ana puuetum .u ... .-;.--.. to An 0ut and re- anil Ino. li P V-OUK, icuuiciu.., .1,,. max I nis. I ,, , v..."...-..-.. .r.... i) rir thines" was OUO UI mo ' taught long ago. The last is noi ior- , i..,t ii.a first is scarce remem- bered. so Irreaular Is the life of most dependence nonnla nowadays. Tbe ODiy corrector n.u. Ouard. October 10. of this evil is Simmons Liver Regu- To Albany. The following Sir loin, ,:.ich keens the liver active ana KnlBhU from ivannoe ooiiiuibhuc. liliv t " - a ... I ll-.lnia morulng from a bicycle trip down the ..alio While cone thev visited tbe fair at Portland. rniiHiintor Welister on the West Ruin has "reslirtied." An old railroad man who knows him well says be Is aa mi u are and upright a rauroau mau as he ever knew. Hot Snrlnes. Arkansas, hat been chosen aa the place for the Corbett Fltzsimrnous prlzo fight. The date still remains Oct 81st. Dr. Flnley, dcntlst.roomS.Duun blk n T. Rsmer today shipped by express to the Union Meat Co nt Portlaud 12 dressed porkers, welghiug jus. one ton. Taihii Itarcer. of the Journal. It limping around from the ell'ecU of a boil on hit foot. A strange place for oneofJob'a comforters. Khllo't Cure Is told on a guarantee. It cures Incipient consumption. It it the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 2r,cts.,60cts., fl. Sold by Hen derson A Linn. Corvallis Timet: Mrt J W Hansen, widow of the late John Hansen, once a tailor In Corvalllt. arrived frrm fair Umuv tlnl.MAN'R C.RE. TUtt- dav'aAstot la Daliy News: "The case of Harry Holman, accused of assault la hulnu- arvued be- fnra Judire Oaburn thlt afternoon. At Ita limir nf fTfllllf- tn nreaa 1L looked ..ia.mi.lg lnht7nl if a oonvlotloD a ta or in Uorvaillt. arriveu in in ran- TV iS. T,..t Tl.a mnrt rnnm la 'haven Monday, and", today. Hb. . would be had The I. . DiiRiifui in iimrpiianL laiiuriiiu. iici . ... . is .II..K-- t ; a commanding, u r """ adjutant, Frauk Motter, Portland; J R Hill, trustee. A Former Eugene Man. in.n m ituntan county to live after next season. He left yesterday to vis- i, 1. 1. hrnthar. I ipo. w. neiiaio .u E R Wheeler, cashier of the two banks which are In the bands of con- . .i narrnu'lv escaped imimff i r n i i 1 3i ........ - - . i , being lynched by an angry mob dur- 'nt8 tbe )Us of irregular living, of this cltv went to Albany to atwnd htg Ms arraignment before Judge Mo- presents t he is oi - tha graa coramandery of Kuig I ts Donald, at Blaine Saturday night. He Dyspepsia, biliousness, constipation, Tem,ari wlllcD entries n that city was driven to the neighboring town of etc, u also cures these troubles. this afternoon: Jat I)binson, H M Whatcom to escape his enemies. Foroonztlme the WestGutbrte Yoran, B D Palue, J L Pag-. Wm Wheeler has furnished a bond o $7,000 C(f,lgrega,0nal church hat beer i In Presten J C Clmrch. H C A M ler. W toauswer to a charge of havlug re- 0f repalrs, and, despairing of the V Henderson, E B McElroy, I) V 8 ived deposlta when he knew the a, tending to the matter, a acore mA Bd Darwin Brlstow (tottage Unk was insolvent The Wheelers apftred lu Guthrie, Ok. T.. (JroVe.) Messrs. Koblnton oran . and are well known In this section, having h;other J7 with bammert, saws, McKroy were accompanied by their wald-d In Euirene for a time. hatchets, planes and nails, and repair- wVea. "While down in the southwestern part of the state some time ago, says V.. .r ....!... nrl Inr nf t ie ChiCO r.n Kntprnrise. "I had an attack of dysentery. Having beard ot ( ham-l'.i.i-i 'nn and D arrhoea uenaiu a iuiiu, - .ia RumiMtir I houffht a bottle. A couple ofdo-esof It o.npletely cured me. i now l am a cnumi""" , .- t, 1 for all stomach ami bowel complaints. For tale by Osburn s wim-vi PrU' Couirh Syrup cuiea Cought ntion. Mrs. Cath a.-t. ri u t Un K. Y.. tavs: I Parks' Couith Syrup. it ..i iiii mftL'lo. . Stopped my a-v t-w tVU a - a v D - - . a oough and I am perfectly well now. Sold by A. Ykrinotos A O Bartley, of Magic, Pa, writes: I fe.d It a duty of mine to inform you and the public that DeWltt'e Wilch Hazel Salve cured me of a very bad case of eczema. It also cured my boy of a running sore ou hit leg- Osbu rs A DeLaxo. S II Fri k.mdly. Thlt gentleman haa a ...... a. I u..l lanimnt ill todtV Guard. Ladiet should one and all read It. New AD.-Read F E Dubu't new tiatnnets. niaiica ed walks, steps, balfry. roor and i.oor wh ea crowd ot mcu i.-.--r.nazement. In spite of a ew . mashed fingers and son torn clothing tl women are p.easeu --" and announce tnai mey uu- run. (luard. October 10. T.. -nr nicnvn f'l.I'Il. Last evenlng'the Eugene Dancing Club met at Armory hall for the purpose of re- .1 ...-.niinoalriBI. IflPV I UW IIWi'M APtranlTUltT U)r IB WI UtVI Wm-r 'M a th street In front of the --Sanitation was affected with a char church and put up hitching rackt.- lUt membership of 65. w ., r mill nrahahlv be all! vhlle many Ex. aa ! I nraitial.IV lie aillieu WILII1U ,1,. ne.t. low wevks. The first dance hat been announced for next Saturday eveulug, October l- J. t. nn maninlne which every l uere is uuo ui... - , v family should be provided with. ve refer to Chamberlaln't Pa.u Balm, reier i" . .. i a ih. ura When It it Kepi at u... . u nainof a burn or scam iuj r'"-"f- ii-iju--J . ... y relieved and the tore Cough Cure at any thing else, ii- n-uchleMtlme than when medicine severe cough oroold has to be sent for. A anrm in may ,jM f(). , tMatAii rteiorts uuoiui""" " ' . proiiiuii, -- m In about .,n h One Minute Couirtl PW.B lit . . t , o.e-third the time otherwise requ.n. Cure. Better niediclue: belter results; better try It. QhBUBM A UEL.AXQ. T. . .j ..-..i...- ahnnld receive im t uis anu uiuwo " " w , mediate attention, before the parts be- ,.. swollen, "d when Luamosr- Iain's Pain lia m Jt app..r them without tuauer ind without leavlag a tear. A tore throat msy be cured J . A niece or tlan nei um u. ".v " , P.'T:.: ... .ml bound on over the teat o pain w"i l cure lame back or pain or pain, ui twenty-four . it la th moat valuable, how I ..- h,.p-Throuirh ""Tfor hiuniatlsm. Person, affl cV ,h "o7 Cu o Y Grtftln .1, : i :.i. it.ia dista-e will be aeugnwu . ,H ,lf h,. were hauled .i.. nmniot relief from pain rg--.a.- - r Ih h it aflonis.kndltc.noede nobn. Eugene U ,d upon to eflect a compiet cur-, a -saleW Osburn A DeLano. I ma i mm finart. October IS. t. ii hla hnma alKiut elirht . rit.l.f.ltv. October 10. 1a5. ninea v ' , , of something tlmllar to epm-p-y. Krnnaon SnoW, aged 0Taia. ' j i.,aa. a famllv. The runerai will be held tomorrow and the renialne interred lu the oak Jim oeiiieierj. Marielous Uetults. From a letter written by Rev J Gun ihirman. of Dlmondale. Mich, we ara nremlttcd to make thlt extract "I have no hetitatiou in recommend ing Dr King't New Discovery as the resulta were almost marvelous In the case of ray wife. While I wat pastor of the Baptist ohurch at Rivet Juuc tlon the wat Draught down wun pnei man la succeediua la irrippe. lerno naroxvsraa of coughing would la hniira with little Interruption and it seemed at if she could not turvlve them. A friend recommended Dr Kltin'a New Discovery; It wat quick In ILs work and hlithly tatltfactory In results." Trial bottlet are free at Hen derson A Llnn't drug ttore. Regular tlzeoOo andfl. mil Uuard. October 10. Kpiyinti Ami-UTATIOM. M M Oil- Wide, who had ono of the flngora of . .. . 1 . .1 1 I I I a ... hit right hand orusueu anu nun iw .talml at. tka anennd lolnt a few weeks since yesterday had to have It amputated again at the third joint, at the Good Samaritan hospital in run laud Easy to take, sure to euro, in pain, nothlna- to dread, pleasant little pills DeWitt't Little Early .Users, isest fur alck hcadnche. biliousness, tour stomach and constipation OhIIDRN & HKLiANO. ball Uuard. Uclober 10. Mnuie UnlM I'tlKCH ARKI). 8 II ! Vaiu...llif vuaiunlav nflvrnooll PUT chased 65 bales of hops from Jamet Cainnbe . of Cainn Croek, lor nvo oeutt ter pound I -a. -i I a Nothing to distressing at a backing cough. Nothing to foolish as to tuner Nothlmr to danireroua lial lowed to continue. One Minute Cough Cure glvet Immediate reiier. OhiiUKN A DELANO. Karl's Clover Root, the trreat Blood Purifier, glvet freshness and clearness to the Complor.lon and curea Constlp tlon. 25 oU., 60 ctn., fl.. Sold by Houderson A Linn rredirtiout fur tbe K(t Teu Day. Prof Foster's Inst bulletin gave fore- casta of the storm wave to eroat the continent from 1st to 6tliaad7tatd 11th. Th next illsturhunce will reach the Pact tic coast about the 1-th, croaa the wstof Rockies country by close of l.'ltli, grvut central vallcyt 1 1th to ltlth, I . . ... a. I. riairrii aiuie inn. The warm wave will crost the west ofRocklet almut I'.Hh, great central valley 14th, Eastern stntet 10th. This (llsturuaiico win no tne mown asvereofthe month, will bo vory ex tensive and In many places destructive local eiormt win occur wuuu iv is pans-Intr. The rM-iiteniUr lfith to 22.1 ttorni fore centered in the transcontinental 4torm and it Is not probable that tho (treat storm of Oetolwr will spend lit force In the same locality. The cool wave noted above will be- nnnm a aovum colli uftvo In the Miss ouri valley alsut the 17th. Its further movements will depend itirgi'iy en mo location and niovcineiits of the trop ical hurricane at that time The great disturbance of September axpendetl most of its energlet In mak ing heat and In evaporation and our atmosphere Is now greatly expanded, full of moisture, and the great dis turbance mentioned abovo will bring increased rains east of the Mississippi river. Rut the principal precipitation will come later In snows and ralna of marked characteristic!, forecasts or which will be slven la succeeding bullutlnt. Weary " Wara. When tha tired factory operatlre, the weary out door laborer, the oYertatkcd book keeper or clerk a-rka a mwllral recompenaa lor ex pendlluia of bodllr force, when ihall he And Itr Could ths recorded experience ot thous and! ot workers be viced, tha wnllet would l that HiHtaltvr't Hlmnach llllleri renew lalllnii treiislli, limuiatea the Julnl mental N,W.a HI 1 H'U ai 1 1 . 1 1 J . ir.aava aa ni.ll.lntf alan il.M'a Dlaaa l,..i. a nwiiUr halilt nl lla. IkhIt. anDetll ami deep are pnimoied bf It. and It ! au ailrolr- aoie auiiiiary iu we, n-..i. i miiTslrarenu. A taatlilloui itotnaeh 1. not olli.nil-a by II, an-l to permimi oi omu arxea iu delicate hrallh who orrailonallr (eel the need of an efficient tonic, the whole range ol tha pnarinaciipieia aim ine raiaiua ui rnr"' iar .i.aiiiiiiaa (li4 nut nraaunt a mure uneiul. alurorinor ileclilra one. It It alan Incom parable fur trier and ague, tneuiuatuia aud .Iduvy trouble. Pallr Guard, October 10. AcTKuvimm Tea. Mrs Dr O E T juiml. la Ai.lnrtalrilnir alamt a dozen of her lady frletult at an informal after noon tea party at her beautiful home on Twelfth street, near the university, this alternoon between the hours of 2aJ0 and 6:30 o'clock. The ladiet were Invited to bring their faucy work ana spend a social afternoon aud during the time were served to an Informal tea. The parlors were decorated witu iiln k and while cut tlnwers. while tha tables were dressed In emllax, white sweet iieaa and panalet. Those pre sent were Mesditmtt O K Loom Is, II B Miller, I K Peters, Mlnnlo vasn biirne, W T Eakln, Peter. Gale, Geo T Mall, IJ ri Jioveridge, it r uuv, a Mills and Hanchett. A LlTTt.K Foktitnk. Salem States man: Wtnflcld Dlnsnioro, oi rort- lund, and formerly of this city, haa sold a three-fourths Interest for $20,00 In a letter stamping niachiuo or ins own Invention. The talo wat made to a Portland corporation. 'I tie machine has been examined by exports and is said to lie a very Ingenious piece of work. Mr Dlusmore lias been in i ne employ of A Stelubauh A Co., clothlera of Portland, for a number of years and 1. a .....ll.a. nf lll.lla.rt A I )l 11 11 II) T . m til ' 1 1 1 1 1 UI ......... ... a-...- . of the Joseph Meyers doling house of this city. A High-Gear Wukku Cass Mat t.vnlr iw.ur rlilia an RO-iruar Gales wheel. having received the new wheel yes terday. This It an exceptionally hik" Beer, the average goar being ouly about 04. i RUDV8 I'lLt BUrPOBITORY. la naraniaeil tn cure lllr and Conitlpatlon or inonef refunded. SO oent per boa. Send two slump inr circular aiei ui. "i"- " MARTIN RHIiY, heslnuinil I'harinacUl.Uiicaaj t .r, I'a No I'oar.IJi Amswsbbd. Kuraaleb- all n rat elaaa dniKalii every wliere, aud lu Euou Oreinn bj llaburu A DuUno Portland. Is aDPearlng for bit ton, tha defendant." M, Wiuinauliii'i Aatnrla Newt: "The .a nf tl.a nntnrlnna Mrs Jensen against Harry Holman, bookkeeper at .i. .,.i..mi.,li fur aaaalllt. ' maulted lust as the News predicted In the ac quittal of the defendant. The testl ...nn thrnnahnnt showed that Mrt ..,j ----"- . .... Jensen waa tne SKirremur, siuu young Holman simply acted on tbe de fensive at auy eue would have a right to do. visit waa on business. Ufa Tnnua a raalilnnt nf Crook ooiin'y from near Prlneville, arrived l.naaak Inal n V11 1 II Lr 1 1 r Ulllllirns Among other things be will take back 100 bushels or oats. It It a truth In medicine that the smallest dose that performs a cure it the best. De Wltt'e Little Early Risers are the smallest pills, will per form a cure and are the tett. Osburn A DeLano. The missionary tea and social at the b- local applications, aa they cannot reach ri.ri.tian church last evening was a dueas-a port 10. .... r. h 7 pleasant affair and liberally attended. A short pmuramme waa i-nun, which Included a poem read iy w "b;-,,,,,,,,, ,uua , Julia Veasle, and papers by Mrt in hB.'r., t whu it i niiroiy cinwd J nines H Dale Blld Mrs E D Sandertou. nmi I the result, nd nnles the hiaama J allies rj ibio ' , ,,. ...a . .,,1 reahired Captain Sweeney U. S. A., San Dl- ..... ri. . 1. ego, Cal., saj-B: onnos vmnu Remedy is the nm medicine 1 nave ever found that wouiu uo me any good." Price 60c Henderson A Linn. There aru many good reasons why you should use une aiinuie vuuju Cure. There are no reasons wny you should not, If In need of help. The only harmless remedy that products immediate results. Ohblrn A DeLano. Mist Estelle Coin-lock lift on the lecal thlt morning fr her home In Portland, having visited several days In the city and taken a leading part In a very sucoessful musical con cert. Miss Comatnck may return In December, and II sue aoes win urn giau y welcomed by her many Eugene friends. SHOES! B00tS ! SHOES 1 OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT Is Strictly in It! Men's heavy bIioos at $1.00 and up. LadieaV Misses' and Children's in samo proportion. Complete stock of rubbers. AX BILLY To See Em. UNIVERSITY OF OH, I 895 A Dibtiixeby. Three gentlemen under the flrm name of J II Dunham A Co., have started a email distillery on the Wallisplacea few miles weat of this city. They are nianufaclurlnir prune, lach and apple brandy. They psy liberal pilcet for pruuea, peachee and apples. h. im,.i aiiiillradans. aa ther cannot reacn tna lamiun ol ilia ear. There IsonlT on ... m ciua Deafness, and that I nr oohsillu- i....iaia liaafnaaala earned beau In- i mii i a i i ii I--. . -. ' - ,, i. i . .. H.mai mihii nun bi me muviiua iiuiuawi '- t, i.i.n ..ia U'ka. Hit. tula. eat. luflam- nuuu ur iii.i-iiiw- 1 Ileal matlun ness is me ic.ui., aw. i . T. " can be taken out aud till tub matured to It normal eoudl Ion, bearing 111 be delro--d torefer; nine eases ouUif 111 ar caused liy ca tarrh, WlllCn IB IMHIIllia " au lliuama wuu. .. ni .la. ii. .a iii..niran tin tare fur ant caae ol li-a!ii-s (caused tie catarrh) that eaanot 1k cured br Haifa taurrh Cur. Solid lor Ctr. culars.fraa. . ,.... an -...ia.i n r. i. awn wia,w. told by Druggist, 7M- Shasta Miskrai. Water. A large consignment Just received at my house in Euirene: try It. it is drawn from the upper toda tpring la V-au forula aud It guaranteed to be pure. WM KFNHIIAW. Sole Agent for Eugene. Iiallr Uaard. October 10. ruin Of ncrnlcioua anemia, at bit naar Oaaweii. this inornliie at a , M arona Keller, aireil 47 veafs. 11 .1 V I "1- 1 1 n a iiawfta-n wui iariner aim ww - in i.ia nniiniir Ha li-avfia a a llll N 11 IU ,.fu...v. mm , wife and two children. The funeral rill be held tomorrow at II a m, ana n,a ramalna Interred In the liowe cemetery. Parks' Tea clears the completion Mrs. N. Meyette, of Le Itoy, IV. i ., says: "I have used Parks' Tea aud And ... a a ii tl.a tsist remedy I have ever ineu. I Sold by A. YBRISOTOrJ. The Unlcralty of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, ofTert Free tuition toalletu deeU. Young men can obtala Board, Lodging, Heat ana wgni in tne uormi- tory for 12.50 per week. Roomert furnleh their own llueo. Young women are " . . . . . m its a. tan u a. ..1. Vniinn arrtMl.r. ilja provided with board ID private rumiiiet a tj.uu per wwa. -uuu8 slrlna board should addrest Prof. John Straub, Eugene, Oregon, or Secretary -. ma fl-l II. n.itaa K Ma. Young Woraen'e Christian Association, Eugene, me univcnm. i i i. -....-.. itaniwiinr .f Art. Itaidielnr of Science and Bachelor of LeTters, with H.mapondlng course. ?of study. The following '" are also offered. Au English course lending In two years to a Bus nets dlplo nm, and In tbiee years to the title graduated Englishjand advanced course .for graduates of normal schools leading to the degree of Master of n . . -t i....i.... tha. iii.irrMi nri.ivu r.tiitiueer. a years' course in civil eiiKinevruiK ieu..i.ia . r--- --- -.7.;' . etiurse of two years for teachers o? physical education leading to a diploma and U eUtle director of Physical Eduction. The I Ivertlty cha w an Indd-D. UI fee of f 10 which is. payable .In vam .by a I students S t, lei boWln. d i) omas rrom the public scnoois anu iih-j iibi"b ...... m ited to the preparatory department without exam nation. 1 hose dealring lt.formatlonregallngthe preparatory department should address the Dean T V X" .. L't. ...... a r. iJ. iianraaii, nun- ... . ,, rt T i. t.Mant For catalogues and further information aourese v. v.irm.p - .c.-va.. or J. J. Walton, Secretary, Eugene, Oregon. State Normal School! Monmouth, Oreeon. A tralntns school for f acher. Complete Eighth tSrada Tralnlnt Depart and strong frofeslonal aud Academlo Course. : THE DIPLOMA-: ol ths school entitle on to teach In any oouuir lu I lie state without luxther KxamUiaUon, Board and Lodging, Books and Tuition, $150.00 per year. and healthful location There la a good deuiaud tor w ".'hHri an over unnl-of untrained tranh a. Catalog ueaoheerlullr sent on apiillcatlJi . Addrna, V. L. CAMl'liEU, ITeUikut. Or W. A. Waaa, Ikorttary. ad in today's Guard. "t