Eugene City Guard. SATURDAY .....OCTOBER 12. A MAYO tt'S CLOSE CALL Mftvnr John L Robcrte.of Wall Walla, had a frightful experience Friday and is verv fortunate in inr alive to tell it. He was wnrkinir in Lis foundry about noon when his clothing caught in some nf thn uliaftintr. Then ensued a strugele between life and death, and the mavor by an almost super human eiTort managed to reach a lever and stop the machinery. mu,n ha stood ud and drew a Ions breath, indicative of the relief he felt, bia clothes were torn in shreds, bis body almost denuded, and one of his arms badly bruised, uwer wise he was uninjured. The telegrams say the democrats 1 I I in V n f 1in hart i. in sue neovy guiuo iu wuin... nut tnn elections, and now they carry Indianapolis, Harrison's city, which went a,uuu repuuuean vwi years since, by 5000. It look as i the fall election might go demo cratio. The regiment in which Governor McKinlev served throughout the war, first as a private then as i sergeant the 23d Ohio had Gen eral Rosecrans for its first colonel Stanley Matthews, afterward jus tioe of the supreme court, for lieu ipnunt.rnlnnfil. and Rutherford B Ilayes, afterwards president, for major. Few, if any regiments in the service were oihcoreu by bo many notable men. A Paris correspondent puts it when he save: "The dos'i- - J ------- f tion of women in Franco is one of the most anomalous possible. In certain classes of society she is, as a French girl lie t well bhhi, -airaiu to cross a bridge alone for fear the fishes will eat her," In another class she is head and front of the businees'in which she and her bus band embark. The "new woman movement" raring in other coun tries finds a stranco soil in France in which to take root. It will be amusing to watch the growth of the new ideas, winch hare to coin hat centuries of traditions, and even now the struggle is in full swing. Roeeburg Review: "Col Alley, through the West, takes exceptions to 'Republican's' article in a recent issue of the Review, and alleges that other newspapers besides the West and Secretary Kincaid's Jour nal stands with Mr. Hermann in favor of free coinage silver. And notably amongst those mentioned by the Colonel is the Capital Journal which is manngcu and con trolled by Col. Holer, who was Col Alley's colleague in the last legis lature. We stand corrected. We will admit that the Capital Journal does support the free silver cause. and Mr. Hermann, iheonlynues tion now to be determined is whether the next republican con vention will endorse froesilver. If it does not Mr. Hermann will bo out, as he certainly would not ao- cept a nomination for congress upon a gold bug platform. Scientific American: Homo time ago, Henri Roohofort said in L'ln transigeant that ho did not believe in bull fights, unless tho horses were replaced by unbreakable oycles. This lias now been done, but the Spanish public does not care fur the innovation. Charles Rodriguei, a well known cyclist, and Radila, the picador of the Quadrille de Mazzantini, both en tered the arena mounted on cycles, the former soon ran away from the bull, but the latter stood his ground, and being unablo to turn quickly enough, both mucin no and rider wero thrown high in tho air by tho infuriated animal. The rider was, happily, not hurt, but the maehine demonstrated that uu- broakahlo cyclos do not exist In 1S94 Franco obtainod $300,30(5 from the taxation of bicycles. The number of wheels declared was 147,977. The amount received from the tax was nearly five times that obtained during the sume period from horses and other aui mala usod for drawing vehicles. Dr. Chauncey M. Depew recently gave a graphic presentation of the land and water t radio of tho world last year, from which we take the following paragraph: "The whole tonnage on tho oceans of tho world last year was about 140,000,000 tons, whilo the tonnage of the rail ways of the world, carried 100 miles, was about 1,400,000,000 tons. There are 400,000 miles of railroad in the world, of which 180,000 are in the United States. Of the 1,400,000,000 tons carried 100 miles last year on the railwavs of the world, 800,000,000 tons were carried on the railways of the United States. You take the C00, 000,000 tons carried 100 miles on railways of the world outside the United Slates, and then you add to it 140,000,000 tons carried on the ocean in the commerce of the world upon the seas and we still have in the 800,000,000 tons carried on the railways of the United States (0. 000,000 tons moro than all rail ways of the world outside of the United States and in all the ocean commerce put together. The inter nal commerce of the United States makes it the most wonderful mar kot on the lobe." Goshen Items. October 0. 'M. Aunt Wlnnia Davis hat returned borne from Haletu to remain a few weeks. Mrs Henry Mathews and children are at the KJtson springs. AJKeeney visited Marcus Kelley, who is seriously 111 at hi home near Creswell, Monday. A party consisting of 8 D and Wm Reed. AM HUiwart and Gun Rock started for the Is Chutes river Mon day and expect t'i return home In about two week with a wutfou loud of bear ski us. A family whoso name we have not learned lias riioveu nuo uie uoorK Hovern house recently vacuted by M Ji Aliltierg, who ha runted aud moved to the JD Matlock farm. -Miss Ilernunway's school In Inereas Inx Iu attendance since hop picking Is entirely over. Horn, Thursday, Oct 8, 1S93, to Mr and Mrs J 11 Kueney, a sou. Horn, Hunday, Oct G, 1805, to Mr and Mrs Ira tttwwart, a sou. John Rains and his brother David have moved Into their house recently erected on Johu Keeuey's place. Joe Matteton, of Fall Creek, visited relative here Hie lint of the week. Improvement In the village are ad vanclnir. Joe Willlielin is erecting a multiplicity of building on his Iota. Laitt Hunday there was no little ex citement when It was discovered that our genial postmaster, Mr Honey, had apparently di imp pea red from the face of tbe earth and an individual with a th roe mustache was making blniMeli at home altout the poatolllce. How ever, w hen tliH supposed stranger was forced to explaiu matters, bis face beamed with a smile that was both large and beautiful(V) a be announced the fact tint lie hlmiteil was A L Ho ney, nilnui the iil inch beard he had worn for years. J V Holland and family have re moved te tbelr homestead near Hazel Dell, while a family named Kiev have occupied the house belonging teJD Hampton in which Mr Holland has lived for the past year. Messrs A C and Tommy Wheeler, of Springfield, made a business visit to this scctlou Monday. James Cox and family started on their return across the mountains Monday. lten Eby was down IromCreswell Sal urday. (.'has O'Rrlen and family spent Sun day with his brother-in-law, Frank DeWitt, while on their way from Men mouth to their former home near Cot tage Orove. Fkathekweioiit. Law Htuhknts. Tuesday's Salem Tost: The following students were examined for admission to practice lawtoduy: John L. Childs, Oram's Pass; Ueorgu Johnson, Astoria: Oscar lUytor, Dallas; J 11 hitching. L Lacliiiian, A R Mendenhall, Portland; C 1. Moon, D L Watson, Marsh Held; J N Hart, Dallas; h V Hmilli, Til In muok;LA Robert, Myrtle Creek; R Held Jr., Portland; M E 1'ogue. Kalein; M O Wllkins, Corvallis; ( F Nklpwoith, Eugene; and J 8 Medley, Cottage Urove. All passed successfully. Dki.koatk Appointed. E (1 Jones, president of the Oregon Road club at Portland, bus lsen apnoiuted by tlov ernor I,ord a delegate from Oregon to the Road Parliament which Is to meet soon at Atlanta, Georgia. Oliver plows will be sold this season at a reduced list. F L Chambkkh. o. w. KlNMY N. E. MlRKLIY. Kinsey & Markley, Attorneys-at-Law. Cotnmerclel and Probate Business a Speo Isltv. ottlre In Chrlsunu Block. A B ftptsinilM ettrttlv runnt for Wurrnntor Htcl KtMtUi-ltss, WNlli rxliMimttiMli hltri tiawt'tl ur utHioral Nturk)krii ft leu ft tltu, (liHit, KlJuay litrditra. Acid or ti:frnil Nfurlmi silau for 10iu- A'ttloU for AliHiboUs) lltirv Anwrui ml oihsr pi f I THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. e litis. wsstsra Avenue, CHICAGO. sold by all I'mngista, SUMMONS. Iu ths Circuit Court ol th Bute ot Ore iion, tor Lane County. Mary A. E. HuntU, Plaintiff. VI, Johu W. Rowh, Margsrrl Uobluaou ami Ovorgs ltob insou her hiisbmul, lis beee Hurley, and Valen tin Huiluy her husband, NDoy Cletinger, and George C lev inner her has Irninl, Mills Cooiier, and Wtllimu Cooper her hus band Mury 1'elton, War reu K. liinlfil, Msrcellut Kowe, John Lafayetts ltows, Ronetta Aow, 8tr sh Wllkins, the heirs of Josb Kowe, deceased, Defendants, To John W, llowr, Margarst Robinson and Ueorgs Kotilusou her husband, Uebecc Hurley aud Valentine Hurley ber husband, Nn.-y CleTiKger and Ueorga OleTingerber hustwud, Mills (Vopef and William 11. Cooper her tamlmml, Msry 1'elton, Wsrren K, lllnlMI, alaroelius Howe. John ljt(jette ltoe. Rosette Kowe. 8rh Wilkiui tbe heirs of Josb Rows deceased, the shore named defeudautsi In the name of the filste of Oreaon: Yon and esch of you sie hereby required to sp pesr and aunwer the ootuplsiut of the plsintid', Msry A. E, Smith in the shots eutltlid Court, in ths above eatitlsnl suit nowou file with the Clerk of said Court on or ttelora tue nrst day ol tne next regular terra nf oouit, to-wit: On or twtore Ih 2Hlh dsr of OoIjIht, A U , 1W, and you siul each of yon sre hereby notited that if yon fsll to appear sud snswer sstd eoniulsint as hereby required tne ulsluiirr Usry A. E. muh will apply lo the oou't for ihe relief rleinsnded lu Mid complain! to-wii: For a jiulgmeut and de rresofssid Court, that the lefendsnti be (merer burred of any ri;ht, or clsitu In, or interest in tbe following described premises n y. of the s 't of see. 1'J, in 18, i west. In Ln county, Histe of Ontron. sud that the Plsiulifl be decreed Ihe owuer iu tee simple of said land. I uia snmnions la puullstied lutlie M'orNt Gotat, a Dewxpsper printed, p.ibli.beil, and of general cirouistion in Lens county, Oregon, by order of the Circuit Court of the Mists of Oregon for Lsne county, by the Honorable J. C. Ful'erton, JuiIk thereof, duly mad at Chsmtwia in Uoneburg on the Uih dsy of bepteiiiti' r, 1 -U5. n at. K. rxuaaosovoa, Attorney for Plaintiff. folly Items. , October 0th. Miss Abbie Humphrey's school coin menced at Egypt Monduy. There Is a large amount of travel on the roads now. People uro doing their fall hauling. Rev J H Merryman, of Philomath, paid this neck o' the woods a visit Saturday, returning Monday. The U R's are working on their par smage this week with 1' T Carter as boas carpenter. Re Chandler, formerly of Eastern Oregon, father of our regular Iiaptist preacher, Rav E J Chandler, preached bwre last Sunday, Wui Orlffln is cutting saw logs on his place for the Eugene Lumber Co, Miss Maggie Calllson Is teaching tbe fall term of school at Fall Creek. It was stated by the Eugene papers that Henry Walker who was knocked off the railroad and seriously injured bytbetralu while drunk wssaresl dent of Fall Creek. We wish to state that Henry Walker does not nor never did live on Fall Creek. Miss Nannie Wallace, of Goshen, Is teaching the Poverty Ridge school. It has been decided not to have any school here this winter. Regular. llorse Race. There will be a horse race at Utew art's track on Haturday, Oct. 12, at 2 o'clock p in, between Cutting's Sorrel George and Ham Bran nan's sorrel mare, Oregon Jane, and George Ollchrlest's Bay Dick for a purse of seventy five dollars. First horse gets all the money. Admission t J track 26cU. AllRL CUTTI.NY. Ham Rkan.non. Okohoe Gilchrist. Call For Warrants. Notice Is hereby given that tbe fol lowing warrants will be paid on pre sentation at this office. Interest on same will cease October 15. All Lane County warrants from registered Dutn ber 7016 to registered number 7748, both Inclusive. J. O. Gray, County Treasurer, Eugene, Or., Oct, 10. 1895. IiARD PAIIiS. RUV GOOD Oregon-Made Lard Pails, Cheap. Fivx-pound palls for 7 cents each; 10 pound pails for 10 cents each, fir cash lu hand. BUY GOOD Eugene-Hade Tinware Our tinners help pay eur taxes, and buy their eatables of you. Had we not all better buy ami use as much home products as we can ? Keep our money at Home, not send it away. GRIFFIN HARDWARE COMPANY. -cffFRUIT TREES. It you want lo pistil (rult trvea thla fall, you ran asve SA per (Tin. ou your ortler by ure bas ins irvm inu Willamette Valley Nursery Co., Of WOODIIUKN, OKEUUN, SENO FOR PRICE LIST. NOTICE TO CKEDITOH3. Notice is hereby siren that EmnaBut ton baa been duly sppointed xecutris ol the estate of Msry Colllu, deoeaied. All persons hariug cluiros against said estate are hereby notified to present tbe same to the executrix at ths law office of Geo. B. boms in Eugene, Oregou, within six nioutba rrom the date of this notice, Sep. tetuber 21)1, 1SW. EatMs PCTTOM, Geo. It. Domtis, Executrix, Atly for Estate. NOTICE TO CERDITOUS. Notice is hereby given that Rosalie II iusco bss Oeen duly appointed extoutrix of the estste of l'atir Haunch, deceased. All persoua having claims agsiuat as id es tate, are hereby notified to present ths ssme to tne sxecutnx at tbe omca of O B Dorria within six mouths from Ihe date of this notice. Kosalis IUcsch, O. B. Boasts, Executrix.. Atty for ti e catste, SUMMONS. Iu the Circuit Court of Ihe state of Crs gon for Lsue county. Isaac Ursy, Plaintiff TS Aaron Goldsmith and Zette Goldsmith, hiasife.rmma lllsudiiig, Frank HI aiding and lllaiuling, widow, heirs at law of Martin lllsnding, deceased, De-fendsuts, To Asrou Goldamlth and Zette Goldsmith his wife, Emma Hlanding, Frank Vlaudiug and ".landing, widow, heirs at law of Martin lllaudiug, deceased, the above named defeudsnts. In the name of Ihe atste of Oregon, yon and esch of you sre hereby required to sppesr and answer Ihe complaint of Ihe plsiutiff, Iaac Gray, in Ihe above entitled oeurt, iu the above entitled suit, now on file with tbe clerk of said court, on or be tore the first dsy of ths next reg ulsr term of court to wit; On oi be fore the UKlh dsy of October, A. D. 1805, and yon sud each of you, are hereby notified that if yon lull to and aniwer aaid eouiplhint as hereby r. quired. Ihe plaintiff, Isaso Giay, will apply to the court tor the relief demanded in the said omnlsint to-wil: For Jn 'gmenl and decree of sai.l court, Ihsl tu defetidsnts be (ureter barred of any right claim lo, or interest in the following described premises: The East St feel of lot No. S iu block No. 14, tu Mulligan's Bouation to Lsneonuty now a pari of En gene, l.sne county, Oregon, and that the pliiiutlff he decreed Ihe owner in fee simple ol stil premises. This summons is published in the Eugene GriHD a newspaper printed, published, and of general circulation in Laus county, Oregou. by order of ths Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Lane county hy the Hon J. 0. Kullerlon, judge thereof, du Iv made at clistubers in K tsvburg on the Did dsy of September. !;'". Wm. K. Sciaaoanroa, Attorney for flaintiff, ; A BIG SAVING Can bo made by buying your winter supply of Boots and Shoes at Yoran's Exclusive Shoe Store. No. 181 Willamette St. It Will Pay. You when In want of anything in tne line oi Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Cosnbs, Brushes, Syringes, and Rubber Goods generally, TO CALL - YERINGTON'S NINTH STREET DRUG STORE, CONsrB BLOCK. EUGENE. Yon can save money on family snd horae i....... . aAu.tfpa sre the Hssl sn t.mrih. One pound pack srs, tu cenu: three for It ou. Star Items. October Mb. Tlio furimrs have begun sowing their fall grain. k'i,trw.r Woods. Burnett andbmlth, who have been buullng piling from t'has Hiiilth's ranch to Cottage Urove, cotiJliieieu iiieir vm tracts today. William Kfiitner is now proprietor of tbe Uurker s:iw mill, Hamer uaviug moved to Houtbcrn Oregon. Uncle Jlmuile Teeters Is very busy rw.uct.v. rirelnir fruit. Cbas leeters and wile have moved back to tbelr ranch. Alf Blglow had the misfortune one day last week to upset a loau oi sirnw, breukiugoueofhis ankles. Born, Oct 3d, fo the wife of George Teeters a ulue pounu ooy. ueorgo is all smiles. Dare Baker Is building a new house. Joe Cole will soon move to his ranch across the river. Mr Abbott Is teaching the Bed Rock school. There is lots of freighting being done from Cottage Orove to Uoliemia. Pat. bextr Items. (StTABUSHID 14G2.1 F.H. HAMMER, Wholesale Commission Merchant. 315 sud 217 Paris St., cor. Commercial, San Francisco, Cat. We pay the highest market price for Wheat, Barley, Oats.Potatoes, Apples, Poultry, Hides, Wool, AND GENERAL PRODUCE. It srill iwt tod to write ni snd keep potted. Liberal sdrsnevs made on couatgumenta. Uomlios- I1" Kfsnclwo Produce Exrhenge. an ClllUcr mq Frsnolaco Fruit Kxclisuge. Dav & Henderson) Undertakers ano Embalmers. Cor Wil, and th sts. Root. Mm llOjroI a cftTwiq i not An atrmible TAistlvfl and Kntve Tome. Bold hy lmiinrists or sent by rnail. Uo, Wu. and $1.00 per packsirg. Bamplos free. ITA JJf TheFsvorlteTC:T3PDT!)H Hold by lleudcrsoa & Lltin. Oct. 9. MB Moras and family ofCreswell visited this place Hunday. Bumor has it that Miss Ida Math ews or this pluce was married to Ik coe Hendricks at Bout!) Bend, Wash, last week. Thnnt.. IIiinaatfAe ratiirnpd from Silver Lake Friday where lie has been Liacksmitning aurinfj me summer. He will move to thut place In the surlmr. Bohool commenced Monday with a good attendance with Boss Mathews as teacher. John Chandler and family arrived at this place Saturday from Falouse, Wash.- He is looking for a residence and is very favorably Impressed with our valley. Preparations toward securing the free ferry are progressing favorably. May It succeed and that speedily. A party was given at Lester Wheel er's Haturday evening, at which tbe young people enjoyed themselves im mensely. Meanwhile cart, carriage and wagon wheels became mixed about in a curious manner. Cool and cloudy. James Griffin returned from a week's stay at Comstock Monday. He was accompained by a fair one of that idace. It begins to look as though iraruy means business. Mrs Minnie Shutt, whose husband edits a paper at Antelope, Oregon, after a month's visit with ber fattier, returned to her home Saturday. She was accompanied by ber sister Miss Maggie Cain, who goes to make an eztenueu visit. Lester Wheeler has secured a posi tion Ir. a drugstore in Kugvue and is moving there tills weeK. Potatoes are generally a short cron this season, and lucky Is he who has extra bushels as good prices will cer- laiuiy be nau before spring. The band has resumed its weekly practice lor tne winter. Bev Kemp has exchanged his ranch for a house and lot in Eugene with MrHcribuer, and will move in town shortly. KEO. New Capes JUST AKRIYED. Prices ranging from $3.50 to $14.00, See our new, GOLF CAPES. A CRAZY MAN IN TOWN. A very small shoe dealer In this town talks as If It might be F E. nrv. He sells so many more HHOEH and sells so much cheam.r h 1. BHOE business of Eugene today, that they think he is crazy. Tbit Z so; nevertheless we sell 25 pair where he sells 1 pair. We do not iitVrLS ana wear me seat 01 our pants out, out are on tbe go all the time. VZ and see our shelves where goods aie going all the time, wholesale as wehu f hakleston, 111., Oct. 7. John Gordon, t lie 'Sassafras Man," eneof the most unique and widely known characters in the state, is dead. He was nearly 80 years of age, and made his living by digging aud selling the roots of sassufras. NEW- DRESS GOODS! JUST ARRIVED. Bo sure to examine our prices and styles beforo you buy. si ass makino a oriat drivi on BOOTS and SHOES. Cotno lu and exainlno our stock. We will save you money. Don't forget the place. A. V. PETERS, Comer Willamette and Eighth Streets. FALL STOCK OF, CARPETS3CSHADES :-JUST RECEIVED AT-: DAY & HENDERSON'S. OVERTON, Pointer, LEADS IN Paints, Oils, Wall Paper and Artists' Materials. fcirCALL ON HIM. Eighth Street, Eugene, 8 doors west of P. O. Assignees Sale. Us is lie time to Boy WAGONS and BUGGIES. Tho ''COAST" all Steel gear wagon; best in the world. The entire stock i f the Coast Carriage A Wagon IV a. llniririea. Carrlmrm. Carts, Hacks and Wagons will be sold at greatly reduced prices. luTStHctly First-class Work In All Jobs." Don't buy any but "COAST." See that the name la on every rig. You can now get a Firat Class rig for what you would nav for rliemdv made Eastern work. If your dealers do not carry the "Coast" vehicle, write direct to the fac tory at' Corvallis, Oregon aud get Catalogues and rkv. M. M. DAVIS, Assignee Coast C. & V. Co. " well as i We give you a WRITING TABLET with every pair of Jllinslia School Shoes. We do this not because we have to, but to aliow our itniwi? tion toward you for your liberal dealing with us. We appreciate it ws Vm you. UMI' The small shoe dealer is red hot because he Is not busy like in k My business has Increased 60 per cent, over last year because cheaer aud the Best Goods. Now ladies and gentlemen call on me and get a pair of those Shots a $1.40 or f 1.45, aud be sure and ask for one of our Writing Tablets- imt til thin- for school children. We thank you one and all for past favors sod to the future we will treat you with tbe best courtesy we know how. F. E. DUNN. The Leading and Largest Shoe Dealer south of Portlul Sheridan Tmeoty JVIiles Jtaaj." The Battle of Winchester was fought in 18G2, : - - on the 23d of March. The Battle of Life Is being fought dally in the United Rates by 62 O , , 0f Qod's creatures, wltn more or less succeu. The iubject oi Clothiii is one which demands careful and thoughtful attention. It liroor bounden duty to know how to dress well and with as little expo as possible, and knowing how, to ACT. We have solved thiequea tion for you. Our advice is free: Wear o o o o o Glothiiig. Save money, save worry, and be one of that "other half" wl"" the world calls well dressed. J. D. MATLOCK & CO. LADIES DO TOO KNOW DR. FELIX It BRUM'S STEEL END FEKNYBOYEl PILLS arethsor'ilnal snd only FRENCH, safsand r liabls oo--, on ths market, frios fLui seat bf msii. Usnuins sold ouli br 08BCRN A DKIAKO DiuggUt snd sole agents, Kiisene, On gon. ADM1N1STRATOK8' HALE OF REAL 1'KOI'ERTY. In the matter of the estste of John W Por ter, deceased. Notice is hereby given that by virtue ol an order of the county court of Lane county made at the regular October term thereof on the 7th dv of October. 18U5. we will offer (ur isle at pulilio suction at the Court Hoiiie door of ssid Lane county on Tuesdsy the 12th dsy of November, 18U5, be tween i lie nours oi nine o clock a. m. and four o'clock p. m. of ssid dsy the following described real property belonging to ssid es tate, or so much thereof ss may be necessary to py uie cisims againai said etate and ex penses of administration ss follows towit: Trsct One - The H 4 of the S R i of ....tion 20, sod the N K i of the N W k of section 32 in l'p 19 S, R 3 W containing 120 seres of lann in ssui i.sns ennntv. Trsct TwoThe h W'l of ths 8 W I of section 28 and the N 1 of the N K of ssn- tion 32 and lot No four of section S:l in aai.1 l'p l'J 8, K S W omuining 14H.32 seres of land in county, Oregon. Trsct Three The 8 W of the N E of section 32 in Tp 18 8, R 3 V containing 40 seres of lend in ssid county. Trsct Four-The N E i of the S E 1 of section 6 in Tp 20 S, K 3 V contain ng 40 cm ui mnii in snin I .sue county. Trsct Five The V ) of the donation land clsim of John V Winters in section 32 being claim No 81 in To ID 8. R 8 W and clsim No 40 in section N Td 20 8. U S W hounded as follows: Keulnninir st ths N W comer of said claim thenoe 8 79.74 chilns: thence hi.t 40. chains; thance North 79.67 chsins; thence West 40 13 chains t" the place of beginning, contsiuin 320 acres of laud. Also a certain tract ailioinlnv tha ul.t acres bounded as follows: Beginning at the N W corner thereof thenoe North 20.00 chains; thence East lLou chains; thence South 20.00 chains; thence West 11.00 chains to the place of beginning conUiuing 20 acres more or less in all 340 acres, except and pre serving from ths last tract two acres ot land leased to school diitrict No 80 for ninety rears. Terms of sale one half cash and one h If in o e year's time, mumm! hv niirtubi. on the land with interest at ten per cent per annum. We will offer said Und or a nsrt thereof at private sals after the 12th dsy of November, '""i not una at puiilic auction. n. x. rosTiasod JsMta M. Marti, Administrators oi said estate. Cio, B. Doaais, Atty. for Estate. J ma rrntis hi. ft in. r -- - LE BHUH'Srf4. AS A PEVE"is It la iMiaaWbsrtMswSsaj Sld,-ms2; in al am "1 ... nueNl ,HwMlli kS So JlJIl-cl j. l t l-i nn TlnlLTllltl SM e- geuts, Kugcne Oregon. SHERIFF'S BALE ON FCRKWSlH Notice Is hereby given that (Wit Execution duly Issued ontol tneiw otiheStstcof Oreo-on '"r ne S ontbeluthdsy ot September, is mcnt rendered In ssid Court on us , p AugUHt. lh'A In lavor of the 'VJ1 Buodre Hurburt, for the si m ol ' (Ut Thirty-nine (lKW) snd lb-100 Im " tin-si thereon Irom the a,' (,iil ut. 18!i.S. st the rale ot eUht ("it" ,., snnura in s iu t In ssid Court ww' s Hurlburt was l'ls.ntlff sud (bt Chsrles K ByeM, her hu lnd. , s UmirandlJ M Osburn I ooj 'J'rt w I stlon, -ere ieienuiiiii, - -r XM tendsnu. Lucy K Be snd Chri her husband, and ou s d'" snd ordor ot sslc, rendeml J d 0jl(si msnunig me in oruer iu ,1 ,A the sw corner of iiTe li.i.stlon Clsim i I . i r.. ii J'. Iwn 17 1. f ' . .ussl County, Oregon; thence ..ut" 9 0 el lilH cm lo reui" i ,n uorth lii deg 30 mliiote;, "est a "" ,,) oi thecounivrosd 10.07 Chi ;'0.tK""1H of the pomt of beglnnln tne n r tothepTsce of beglnuli.g conlslsw Alw the went ' of the follow mi et premises, towlt: 'n,1in,t 'wuih '"Jrt ih. east and ehi of the ut ner oi tne I'onsuou -":-- ieiir" ; sndwWe.ClV. In ?'' 'J, thence south KM chi hence e x y,' the center ot the county r.,y,'I,l;2 mlivwest slong center ol cou mr tijl thence went m.w cn. i ",v ' ill r thence west in.." cn. i corns, ulng JO seres more or county, uncoil Anu suer !?, en,., of smou du, the Flalall A-J , tnira the surplus 17 "due njJI bum A Compsnv. " sd C I JJ mortirsse ot ssid Lucy B rer , M lMMr herhusoand. me am"- - j VN wMferefore.1 will offer U-5,rtT si PUhllc sm tion ' ' int house door In Kiisene. -ne cou - , Mondsv, the Hth dsy of oewoef. oelorts. the hours ot o'ciocs - -, d,y towlt: at i o ciuc v - A y J"H'0ri(oa Sheriff of Une cvu-- r.r lnd lust srrlvcd dlrsft ffj thrfaJtory of Oliver Cb" --- plows and Disk ft''