The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 28, 1895, Image 1

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NO. 41.
rrirK Kt I1j of WillHir.vilv l-l m-ii
. tlnn
"J h. i... .50.
dvertising rotes made known
on epplication.
a!! bii.:iiea letlei. In lil Alii',
tr.n-. ""'ii"".
IjcKs. Watcnes, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
f7jll Work Warran(r'.-&1
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
rujroiw.- - -
Lx I MMtitaita (itritr Ifcintiitlim. Hiiiinif
'tu J a. m.i U to li, b to tf p. tu.
3. 0. XaXS.
I, Dnlj ami New I'rlr-H In Korrljru aud
iKjmrttlc Marble and (ir.illito, Miuimm-nl.
Ilt-ad.luac aud Cemetery wuik of
ill klnda (or 1
i;iasutte Slrwl, near I'of tofllt-e. Kiieno, Or
Vmi-Oiiolmlf Muck snath of Clirliaian'.
it residence cor. 5th and Lincoln fSta
G.lll.lliHI. IH,
8. B. Eaiiic, Jr..
Ot Eugene.
laid up Usli Capital 59,090
Surplus tnd Profits, $50,000
Eugene - - Oregon.
"A reoer.1 hackta ImsinaM ilma on mason
dl. ternm. hit ilrnfui on NEW YlHtK,
of eichn. nl.l o foreign countries.
upoiu no9ivHl subject to chck or certifi
Nto of tie imit
Ull collection, sotrustod to us will recelv
Pfompt attention.
1lle Molar. Inwit, writM tuulrr date ot
March XI, i&'Jh
SB. Med. Mko. Co.,
I Dufur, Oregon.
(Gentlemen: On arriving home last
ck, I found all well and anxiously
Wiling. Our little girl, eight and one
:lf years old, who had wasted away
'; txmndi), Ih now will, strong and
Junius, and well l'.eshcd up. H. R.
'Vigil Cure ha done Km work well,
itoth of theehildren like It. Your H.
4 lough Cure has. cured and kept
ay all hoaranesa from me. Ho gdve
Ho every one, with greetings for nil.
fishing you prnsiH-rity, we are
Yourn, Mb- and Mks. J. F. Kohd.
ByouwUhto ful frrh ud rh.iTful, and
1 for the 1yr!:iK' work, rleiiui lhi ayali'in
li the Ik-ariMhv and 1.1 vit Cum, t.J Uklii(
n or thrwdoHi a wuek.
ula unuera ponitiro giutruuu'e
Ml ceuu pvr ooiiic oy auuniKKii,.
'Jvis,ia umiK ani comi'I.etk ?rK'K
i iilf'taplraiid Kkih rtK-ri UmikIiI lu t'e
-xclusivciy For Ciisli,
I can olTVr tl:e U tt r i.riiv"
N ny otlu-r lioase
1 (uiliuie if all kind.- taken at muikct
Popular Brands of
obacco and Cigars,
lltliaaa Indlrlra.
'ryiMy Indicted Dr. Aiwpiuml,
uq with Ur. Holmes tlgured receutly
J u iuipronijHu duel.
I nNHAYSEl'Ti:MUEi:i,:i.
I fii in growing nicely.
' , st, (i,i,K!,iili, f I'orllmul, i in
i' in-.
'I i' re it ic riii-e Iliix-m hi,
fiiir inii k.
I Dr I! E Itu.j
! Hie illy iiiiHin.
i), i if T; i ii r-.ti.ii, 1 4 In
I JuiiiH (ioiiUmii:, ; inuiiii: iiii-
I pliivenif niH in lit. ij-ur sioiv.
llellieii lier t.iiit l! if rtatf fuir oieun
'. i iliu winy mill i-oiiliniK.,1 leu day,
lire rctuiliiiH at IS celil icr
tin. "ii and liiitlcr ul 3". cciiIh per roll
todiiy. 1
The llih
today wiiu
m-IiihiI iiK'licd up
Edna l)oitiie n
1 I) Linton Is pl.-kiiif. lliu liuxliiu II
hop yard and Lew is llelliaw the lion
licit yard.
A carload of wo -d has luvii left ut
(he ri I' depot to warm the Iiovh with
this w inter.
Roll t-ielllrt, who live west of Eu
Kcuc, a valuatdn horse to die Sat
urday night.
M U (i Dahliu, u nutivu of Sweden,
II led his declaration paH'r ill the
Clerk's olllce tiKlay.
I'll il Miiler is liavlni: Improvements
made mi his house at t tie corner of till
anil Cliaruellou bi reels.
Mrs Mary Robertson Squire made a
street talk to a small audience at the
Lane County Rank corner Smurday
Several luciiilicrs of the A O V W
Inline of ihiscily attended the funeral
of the late M Jt l'iluy at Junction
City yeMenhty.
Dr A V Pattcrsou, the old aud res
pected pioneer Is quite wick at his
home In this city, ills inanv friends
hoie that he will recover Hieedily.
Tozier's 1'yllilits has been greatly
iiuprovetl of late. Every ineinlier of
the KnightH of r.vthias in this Juris
tllclioii should support this journal.
Ellxworth, the I'ortlaud wife puis
oner, has lieeu convieled of iiianslaiiKli
ler ly a jury. Ilenhouhl have been
convieled of murder in the Ursl degree
or ncijUitled.
A couple of young men had a light
lust evening on the Hi reels. Due of
tlicci was lined live tlollars hy the
reconler. On account of it being the
young iiiui.'s Hist ollV'iie his name is
Train No 17, which passes tliroiivli
here at 11:20 a in nnd is due at Salem
at 2:20 p in, will lie held at Salem iiii
til o:4 p hi each tlay from September
2i until UctolH'i 4.
The reception given to the students
at the gvmnai-ium Salurthtv evening
by the college Y M C A nd Y V V A
was largely attended and was a pro
nounced hiicccss. An interesting lit
eiary and muficul program was ren
der! d.
Lake-view Exninlner: "Judgi Rrat
taiu's Ijcoia won weond money in a
piarter dash at Helena tin the mil
lust, time .22; aiso K-coud in a half
mile on the U tli, in i'-'l, and llrst mon
ey on llie 12lh in a half-mile tlush, in
.4.S'.." Jiidyt llrallaiu is a gradiuile of
the" U ot O.
The West Side Narrow (luage rail
roiid Is a tiling of t tie piist. The con
struction gang llni.-hed taking ui the
third rail this week. If any one wauls
a re rap just let him insinuate that
Xcwherg is on u "Narrow Ciuage,"
siiys the lira pine
Taniiiiany Times: Tin force of hab
it is always strong. A Harlem young
man who' was calling on a street car .
conductor's daughter, says the father
wandered Into the room at a rather
late hour tun! mechanically exclaimed:,
"Sit closer, please."
Another steamship has been engag
ed for the San Eraiiei-co aud Yaipiina
mute in conjunction with the tarallon.
The new steamer M Known now us
Tlie I'oitlaiiil, being formerly the
llavlinn Republic, the notorious
smuggling vessel. She is of l'jOO tons
Drew (irililn and Louis Aya left this
morning for Junction, where they
will put a new tin roof unfile Junction
City ho'el aud opera house. The roof
contains about 170 wiiiares, and the
i r: 111 ii Hardware Co. puts the roof on
for 7 kt sipiiire. The llrst roof was a
steel one aud it proved a Hat failure.
Salem Statesman: (Jrandina I.ikiii
ey, aged 8U years, mother tif the well
known Looucy brothers near Jeller
son, is llrst on the ground with tent
and housekeeping arrangement. Her
daughters, Mrs Frank ie Cornell and
Mis Tuiillne Looney, have never
missed a state fair since they were llrst
Instituted In Salem anil are well en
titled to a scat of honor ou all festal
A rei-eptlon was given at the resi
dence of Mr J X R Fuller on Friday
evening of hist week III honor of Dr J)
X Mclnttirlt, of Spokane, Wash. Rc
tween tllty and sixty penpla were tires
ent who were highly entertained by
an able address of weluome by Dr
Wire, to which Dr Mclnturlt' re
sponded in his usual charming wav.
The spacious rooms were elegantly
decorated willi English Ivy and clioii
Mower. The occasion is one lo no
mug remembered by those who par
ticipated. Washington, D C, correspondent:
I "The po.iloftice department made a
I mistake in discontinuing the 0III19 at
I Hael Dell, Lane county, which It wit
I verv tpilck to rcctily. There was a
1 inlsuiid. r-tandinii here ns to the llli-
pittance of the olllce and the number
I of is-ople who wen- served thereby
j which led to the order of dlscontln
I iian.-c. The mistake was ,lnted out
: bv a iiiiiii famlliiir with Oregon mat
'tetsandlbo order reestablishing the.
! oflbsj wus promptly Igneit.''
1 S C Reckwith, one of the leading ad
vertising ugents in the I'mted Stated,
1 p .-se I tliroiigh Eugene Saturday night
inn his wny to Franelsco and
Iheiiiv to bis home in New York. In
a l. ng interview in the Oregoniaii he
i said: "Mv opinl 'ii is that for the next
I 1 hrf totlvf vears, newspaper adver
! ti-ing will l' than il has Is-en
heretiifore. All the Indications K)int
i this way. people are learning that
! the n"-p:ipcr is the liest ofalllm
!,iiuii through Ohleli to reach the
pill, he, the most "direct, the mi-t dig
! 1, Hied and the most eltectve."
; V iv RiiAr Salem Statesman:
C ,t James rjinuh will run the atenliier
Ii i: ( 10 Salem alfl points tin
the Willamette this inter. 11
w.. 111 the Eueiie'. pil-'l-boube la-t
I'ally liiiard. N-,tifmtr il.
Atorney Reiiedict Is In Eugene. t
Attorney Norton visited Junction 1
Rev E C Siiulervm returned this
Rev Father R'rnck arrived home this j
Rev lturuett returned from llalsey
on the 2.U4 train.
fie: licit Eakin, of Cottage (imve,
Was in the city today.
W S Lee, of Junction City, was a
Eugene visitor today.
Attorney lieu Kinscy went to Har
rishurg today on law business.
Editor Moorhead came up from
Junction on the afternoon local.
Dr I) A I'aiue, superlutei th nt state
insane asylum, iclurnrd to Salem to
day. C S Attorney DeWitt Is here again
looking into Indian depredation
Secretary of State 11 R Kllicald le
turned to Salem today alter spending
Sunday in this city.
Mrs Hill aud little son of San Fra.i
ciseo are visiting in the city, Mrs
Hill is a sister to Mrs Hull.
Young Realms, of Jacksonville, ar
rived here yesterday to attend the I.' of
(). I le is a son of ilou T li Kennies.
II C Wormian and family returned
to l'oillaud today after an extended
visit in Eugene w ith Mr aud Mrs M S
Hon R F Alley and wife, of Flor
ence, arrived here Saturday evening,
and will visit in the valley fur two or
three weeks.
Secretary of State Kuicald and futu
re! urned yesterday afieriiiMiii -froui a
visit to 'Victoria, M C, aud l'ugel
Sound points.
Florence West: Messrs K A Monti,
Al Mmid, Harry Wimnier, T Dow ami
Harvey Itols-rtsou, of Irving, are so
journing lit lleeeta.
Judge R S Reaii and his three little
boys who have U-cll visiling relatives
on the lower Siuslaw river, returned to
Salt in yesterday morning.
Dr I) A Paine, superintendent of Iho
Oregon State limine asylum at Salem,
spent Sunday in Eugene returning to
his home mi 'this morning's local train.
Lakeview Examiner, Sept I'X J V
1 lenders, hi, formerly of Paisley, but
now a resident of Eugene, came down
from the north on last Tuesday'
Luther Fisher left on the early train
Ibis iiioruing for Aim Arbor, Michi
gan, where he will resume his studies
In the law department of Ann Arbor
(ieorge Fisher and Harry Rristow
left for the lower Siuslaw country yes
terday morning. Mr Fisher expects to
purchase a number of beef cattle iu
that section.
Robt Drinkwater and family, re
cently of Harney county, have moved
into 'the Mcl'hersou house ou West
Eighth street. Their son, Clarence, I
a student of the U of O.
Miss Hayes of Portland who lias
lii-eii visiting smith, arrived oil the
local this morning and will spend
some time visiting with her cousin,
Miss i'earl Miller.
E C Smith, (leo A Dorris, E J Mc
Claiiiihan and (ico Thurston returned
Sj'urdav evening from a llshing trip
no the SlcKeiizie. They hadfairsuo-
cess, though It rained most of the time
they were gone.
Pendleton Tribune: W H Harvey,
who lives north of Pendleton, will
leave next week for Eugene, where he
will reside permanently. Mr Harvey's
broi her left mi Wednesday for Eugene
with the teams, wagons, etc.
Lawrence T Harrris will lcav on
the overland train tomorrow morning
for Ann Aibor, where lie will com
nleteatwo years' course In the law
department this year. He will go via
Sacramento, lexasaud Iplcago.
Pally tliiitid, 8. ptemlicr i4.
A KM Disuk atiU). Noah Rhodes,
who in ides at Thurston, had a run
awnv shortly after 12 o'clock today
which left him with an injured arm.
He had come Into town with a load of
hops ami was unloading at Friendly'
wart house and had fastened his line
lo a ring in the side of the building
but they ciiine loose and dropped to
the lloo'r. Ho stepped down upon tho
tongue to get them w hen the team be
came frightened and Marled to run.
Mr Rhodes got hold of one line and
pulled the horses Into a fence sur
rounding a vacant lot. The team
.,i,.., i il,r,,,,rii tlm feiir... knocking
down several panels of it, and circled
... . . .i ,1... ..I.
around lite lot, lumping ino iiu. ii
of the wagon ncfore tl ey werestopied.
Mr Rhodes had remained nu the
wagon tongue all the time, but when
he :nt ojI he found that his right arm
was throw n out ofplaceatthe sho-ilder
loiut. Dr T W Harris was summoned
i ... I, i . . . ...... ....i t
aud set the oisiocaieo unit
Rhodes was able to resume his Journey
home this evening.
pall- tiiiaid, sepU-'iiitwr t.
Ri'KiNU CiiANdK. Mussrs Truax
&. Truax have sold their inlcrett In the
Ninth street second bund establish
ment to Mr Card Well, who will con
tinue the business at the old stand.
W O Truax left May with his family
for Minnesota, where they will visit
a short time and then go ou to Mich
igan, where they have projierty In
terests. I ally ouarl, .- tcmbr i.'.
I'.ii- i .ii ii t t W II I'ihiI Is
I nr. i-v. i tirt ........ - - ,
now ahleto ap-ar at bis ines.s. Dr
P.rowu is mllcrliig fioin the bite on
..I- iii.i.. twifvi.p t.ttii ii,.. limiil is con
siderably swollen, indication of blood j
IKjisonlng being apparent, n is naeij
that the preliminary hearing ofDr
Mriwn before Ju-lVe Wheeler will
take place Wednesday r Thursday.
Wants Somi: Himself. Albany
Democrat: "In order to prove that
Jackson county swhes are big Char
ley Nickd .if I he Times sent Editor
( iimphell of the (iCAKU -VJ eacbes
thul weighed 22 pounds. The Dcuio
cntt Is also skeptical ou the si.f of
S'lilberti Oii-gon s-aches sent here
generally ling of diminutive site."
l ailyd . aid. fsrptmUtr Jl.
The II R Commission. The tate
railroad commission left Portland ve-t.-rdsy
morning on their is-rlodicaf in
siecti ui trip. They will go first to
Huntington, working over the line of
the OR X.
Ilou nd Over.
A few day since one Skinner at
teaipted to escape from Sheriff Cat h
cart bv Jumping through a car w indow
near Irving, Now Monday's Rose
burg l'laindeukr tells of his prelimi
nary trial:
"I u the ce of State of Oregon v F
II bkinner on complaint of A S Peters,
the preliminary hearing came up to
day In-fore Justice Hainliii. Fred
Page-Tustin on lx half of the State and
W W Card well for defendant. Testl
mony argued aud submitted. The
court bound the defendant to appear
at the next term of court, with bonds
tlxed al 10H0. The compliant ofCJ
Anderson for a like offense peudiug,
the defendant waived examination up
on consent oil the part of the state to
tlx hi bonds at K00. This condition
was agreed and the court so ordered.
Skinner goes to jail until the required
bonds are given. The testimony In case showed that Skinner had the
authority of the Washington llulldiug
& Loan aud Investment Association ol
Seattle, Wash, to sell sttK'k of the as
sociation and to take applications for
loans on village aud city property, but
not ou farm lands. It appeared that
Skinner had represented to Peter that
he would make a loan umhi hi fruit
farm, but as a condition of securing
that loan he must put up $00, the
amount necessary to secure a (iKXX)
loan, which money must accompany
the application. It apiears the money
was paid by Peter to secure a loan and
nut for stick in the association as
claimed. Peters paid the money to
Skinner iimiii l-ing shown a letter
from J II Hawley, of Portland, repre
senting that Men Agee's application
for a loan bud been accepted. Mr
Hawley denies ever writing said let
ter, claiming that the letter was a for
gery. This letter did not appear in
the evidence."
A Shortage of over UOUU Husliels.
Albany Democrat: "Shedd has a
case that Is exciting general Interest
there and causing a general feeling of
indignation. A. Mlaker, proprietor of
the warehouse, Is short about HOoO
bushels of wheal in his account with
the storers in the warehouse. There
are thirteen storers of wheat, all of the
old product, amounting to approx
imately 000(1 bushels, receipts calling
for that amount. Of it there Is only a
little over 800 bushels to divide among
thirteen men. Most of the wheat is
owned by three men, Hon Fleni
Smith having about 3200 bushels,
Frank Porter 2.(00 and Jas A Smith a
little less than 2000 bushels. The men
are in the city today investigating the
matter. It Is possible Mr Rlakerwill
Ik) prosecuted criminally. As the case
is similar to the Red Crown In some
rciecta the status of that may deter
mine proceedings. An assignment by
Mr Mlaker Is also reported to be con
templated. Men who will deliberately
use other men's property in this man
lier cuunot be dealt with too stringent
ly. Mr John Ellison was clerk at the
warehouse, but la not responsible for
the shortage."
Public school ofllcerswill take notice
(hat all authorized changes In text
books for the public schools must be
made by the llrst of October, 18U5,
The ienalty for failure to Introduce
the new books as prescribed by law Is
a forleiture of scIiimiI funds for the en
suing year. "Reed's Word Lessons"
has been substituted for Watson's
spellers, and Maxwell's grammars for
those that have Ist-n In use for the last
t-ix yeais. These are the only changes'
that all'ect the common schools, and;
are the only books on these subjects
that can le used in any of the public:
school arter uct. 1st. r
J. O. Stevenson,
Co. Supt.
A Coach Secured. The U of O
Athletic Association has secured E It
l'.enson, of San Francisco, lo lead Its
foot ball team in the intercollegiate
contests of the coming season. Mr
Kciihou was for two year quarter back
aud captain of the University of Call-
lorn la team, and I considered one 01
the leading foot ball players and
coaches on the count. lie Is expected
here In a few day, and will place the
learn in regular training.
Dally Ouard, Bitetiitwr H.
PiiorotiHAi'iiic Collection. Clar
ence Winter is today taking views
of the university buildings and grounds
and the Interior or eacti department.
In fact everything about tlie univer
sity Is being photographed and the
collection will be placed cn exhibition
at the alate fair aud at the Portland
Exssiliou. The collection will lie a
tine one and will attract no little In
terest at the fair.
New Feed Stahi.e, Messrs Oriffto
A Co., recently from Harney couuty,
have oH-ncd up a new feed stable In
the Melson building on West Seventh
street. They have 40 head of horses
which they 'brought from Eastern Ore
gon and will dispose of during the
winter. They will probably also set
a few rigs and engage in the livery
business on a small scale.
Dally Uuard, Sciitembor :4.
Stock Pukchahed. O W Crowell,
this afternoon, purchased the II X
Craln stock of jeweliy and tlxtures,
excepting the safe, from Hon (ieo It
Dorris, assignee, for the sum of $1,600.
Mr Crowell will occupy the same old
stand. He come here well recom
mended us a Jeweler and practical op.
ticlitu. He proposes canylng a first
das. stock at all time.
Pkomoted. Henry Stewart, for
merly of Springfield, passed through
on the local this morning en rout to
Oregon City from Comstock, where he
g(s-s lo take charge of the S P station.
Mr Stewart has remained faithfully at
his Kt at Coin. lock fur a gcod many
years, and Ills friends iu 1 li is county
will be glad to learn ol his well mer
ited promotion.
Illy Goar 1, Srpk-mrwr it
Fcnekal Service. The funeral of
the late Win It Marger Usik place from
the dcKt immediately after thearrlval
of the 2 o'clock train this afternoon to
theMulkey cemetery, where sei vice
were held by Itev P II liurnelt.
1 111
Dismishko. The case of O. W.
Abls tt, arrested at Collage Urove on
complaint of Mr Abbott lo keep the
peace, was dismissed aud costs taxed
to the prosecuting witness, she having
failed to appear against hliu.
THE l'KH'E OF 110 I S.
What Is Hidiiir Offered for the
Monday's Salem Post: "Wo hive
interviewed several hop dealers In te
gard to the price of hops; endeavoring,
totheU st of our ability, to llndoiil
what was the actual price being paid.
Some of the dealers claim the new
pitH'rs are making grave errors iu not
stating the actual condition of the
market. Instead of li ving to make It
appear thai a muc h belter pi ice was
kit ing ollered lor hops than really was,
thus deceiving producers into the Idea
that by holding they will get a Utter
price. As far as we are c uiivrncdwe
would rather publish the truth In such
matters, no tlillcreiii-e bow discourag
ing il may Ik, than to bolster up a
false 1ioh. which cannot Ik; rcalicd.
Some claim, on the other baud, that
dealers are spreading the discouraging
reports In order to reap a greater prnllt
oil their sale. Rill we have impiired
around a great deal and can Mud no
one who Is tillering more than II cents,
while rcMrts re Is-lng published ev
ry day that 7 and S cent are being
freely ollered. We wish (o correct the
false impression that is prevalent and
set the mailer as It really Is. The best
price we can learn that Is Is lug ollered
is 5 lo (i cents, but still there are dealers
who claim the price will go up Is-tween
now and the liisl of I he year tu 10
cents. This Is a matter which the
producer w ill have to decide for him
self as lo whether il will Uilstterto
hold his hops for a higher price or let
them go at the price ollered at pres
ent." Mini; hop sam;.
friers Hi. nurd Irani t'lrs
Hall lo Ms ( cola.
Halem, Sept. 23, Hop picking w ill
be practically over Iho last of this
week. Friday night's frost caught
nine of the lowland growth, but It Is
said damage tiy frost is not ell'ecllve
liilil followed by rains. The mould is
not spreading with the rapidity that
has been feared, and a 2 per cent
shortage will approximately represent
the loss from mould and lack of pick
lug money in this vicinity. Tliete
have been rumors of 7 cents being of
fered, but no buyers here will father
the tiller. They pronounce it a Mull.
There aie 8 agencies established iu Sa
lem, some of them representing several
linns. The market is not comldcred
open yet, but every olllce has a liU-ral
supply of samples, and 6 aud fl cents
arolicihg ollered.
E Meeker .t Co purchased a carload
from 11 L lt-H-co, of Rutteville, an tl
shlpied to Loudon. It was astipula
tion of this purchase to not make the
price know n. Hurst Krolhers have
purchased 1 10 bales, prlmo hops, of P
K Johnson, of Mount Angel, at of
cents, and 112 bales of choice hops of J
D Palmer, of tho same vicinity, at U
The State Fair
The c mimittce on program has ar
ranged the following sM.-clal days:
2oth Pioneers'.
2ilth Farmers and horticultliralisls.
27th Press tlay.
SWth Native sons nnd daughters,
2Stli Special religious service.
.'toil! Sulem tiny.
Oct. 1 Ladles' day.
2 Eastern Oregon.
S Southern Oregon.
4 Portland day.
Home of the most ivlcbratcd orator
of the U. H. will address the
people during tho fair. Every
thing possible has been done hy the
committee lo secure new ai.d novel
attractions, aud they have been very
successful Iu their clt'orts.
The exhibit will be worth many
time the money It will cost to see It.
An Excitino Scene. Portland
Telegram: "A little scene was enacted
on Third and Washington streets this
afternoon that came within a hair's
breadth ulmost of a tragedy. Several
ladies were about crossing the Inter
section of those streets when a care
less wheelman caniu came along, and
would have run siiuure into them but
for the presence ol mind of a young
miss, who Intercepted the wheel with
a muscular nether limb. This strate
gic movement unwheclcd the rider
throwing him prostrate lietween the
railway tracks. Just then a south
bound railroad car came along uncom
monly fast, and It was within a few
inches of the luckless cycler la-fore he
succeeded In gathering himself to
gether. It was a close call, Indeed,
and the witnesses to the scene held
their breath a few seconds In the ter
rible exs'ctancy of seeing the
wheelman crushed lo death,
Tiih Eeiiano.v Rank. Ixbanoii
Express: Mr. R. II. Flock and Mr.
A. Strong, who were here last week
&.tl, vi..uf (if utiirllllt R lii.ltlt. Iflf-
phoned Mr Pugli yesterday, they have
decided o come if they call get the
the hulliling. Mr l'Ugu iniorineu
1 1, em i hw eoiitil. Thcv will be here III
dim or luii Mr I'uirli also received
a letter from J R Nixon, of Iowa,
stating lie would siari ior 1111s pmce
the list 11 but 111 a telegram, saui 1101 to
hold 1 In. Iiiilldinir for him. If Klnck
and Strong open up, Nixon will prob
ably 1101.
Declined. Mr Oeorgo M Miller
has declined the oiler of a prolessor
ship In the Young Ladies' Seminary
at Mt Sterling, Kentucky. Mrs Miller
declined owing to the great distance
from home of the Institution and the
confinement which it would beccasarlly
bring upon her.
bally Guard m ptemts-r Jl.
Soldier' Home. A meeting of the
boald of trustees of the State Soldiers'
Home Is being held at Roselmrg. Sen
ator Alley went to thai place tills af
I. -Mi. ci I" ul', ml the meeting, being
one ol llir Irostis-s. This Is I lie leg
ular quaiterly meeting.
Hop Hoisk Mirned. Allmny
iK ui's rnt: The hop house of A I Hes
ter at King's Valley was entirely
burned recently, prolably caused by
the bin and dry houH being together.
There were VX or iKKll pounds of hops
causing a loo of alKiutllOO. No In
surance was reported.
Fairs. Fair will be held InOregou
as follows: At Raker City Monday,
Sent. '1. tor six dajs; Stale fair Sept.
Z lo Oct. 4; Portland exjHHtilloii Oct. 6
to Nov. l'J. At I be Dalles Oct. 8 for
five days; at Central Point Oct. 8 for
Qve day.
T11K IKNM SOF Hill.-.
I.I nu Couuty Siinws
(iron lb.
Ileal' lijr
Albany IVmiK-ral: The assessor'
census of Is'.i'i fur Linn county has
been completed aud this noon was
forwarded lo tun secretary of state.
Relow are the II gores, winch will he
read with great Interest b every read
er uf the IH'lliocrat:
Legal voters 3.2M
tltbcrs over 21 20
Males under '.I and over 10... 2,22.i
Male under 10 ,'.i&
1 cnmles over IS and Upward.. 4 7SN
" under is and over 10.. l.tll.'l
" under leu yeais. 2,1 111
I olal males and females Is, 000
Wool, lbs 2iO,4.'o
Sheep 32,104
Hogs 8,242
Horse H,S2II
.Mules 02
Cattle . 1.1,52(1
Acres under cultivation 1S4.5SO
Wheat raised preieeillng year,
bushels 112)1, 7llft
Oats, prffffdiug year, tiu's 1,00.'I,IH7
Hat ley and rye . 8,772
Corn 20,os.'i
Hay, tons 3i,12l
Flax seed, bushels 20&
Tobiicco, llis 110
Hotter and cheese, list 741,341
Hops, lbs 7oll,2(HI
Potatoes, bushels 242,4H."i
Apples, bushels 22)1, ViO
Priim s and plums, bushels 17,U.'U)
(told, ounces 14
Lunils-r, feet l.'i,200,000
The I'. S. census of 1SWI showed a
IHijinliit inn In the county of 1(1,2(15.
A comparison w ith tho state census
of 1SV will be of Interest. It showed
Iho following legal voters, .Slildl; total
males, 1120)1; females 6225. Total, II..
4'il. Wool, 220,1117 list; sheep, 4!,2l;i;
hogs. Ii.)l2; horses, 8,444: mules, 118:
caltle, 14,(17(1.
Products Acre land, 1.14,341);
wheat, 1,1:11,87.1; oals, 1,HM,MS; bar
lev slid rve, 61),.'I2I; corn, llilKi; hay,
111,11.10; ll'ax seed, 12.278; tobacco, H67;
butler ami cheese, 300,70i His; hops,
b 1,111 1 llis; iiotatoc, ltltt.ouu; apples,
2riii,07U; prunes aud plums, 18,1(111; lum
ber, 4,000,1100 leci.
Heath of Mrs. llaniberger.
Corvallls Times: "Mrs. Adam
1tuistluir.i fits 'tit Vim ra M PstwMiiIlt (if
Corvallis, tiled at her home lu till city
at 11:20 Sunday night. She had been
seriously til lor some lime, ami her
deatli had ticeii excctcd by her rela
tives nnd friends for several days. Her
disease was cancer of the breast. The
funeral occurred yesterday from the
Catholic churt-M, aud tho remain
were Interred lu the Cal hoito ceme
tery, A largo number of her ol I
nelghlMir and friend gathered at the
little church and paid the dead a si
lent tribute of resH-ct.
"Theresa F'rletlrlka Mamliergor was
Isu n In Heraldic, Prussia, Xoveiulwr
3, lNi'i. In 18 48 she left the old world
for the new and settled lu Philadel
phia, where iu 181U she married Adam
hninlicrger. In l.Vitl, with her hus
band and family, she lauded lu Sau
Praiicl-co. and Unco year later she
arrived lu Corvallis. where she lived
out the remainder of her span of life.
"A husband and four children sur
vive tier."
The lady was a sister of Mr C
Hodes. of this city. He attended the
funeral, returning home this afternoon
A Xmv Tahivk. A new freight
liirlfl'im llui Units of thft HotheNl Pa-
clllo railroad company has go no Into
ell'ect which cover the wheat traftlo.
Tho rate are from Oregon Milnts to
Port Costa, llenlea. South Vallclti and
Stockton, California, and are class
ified as follows: rmm point between
1'orihuwl slid Wood vllle. Oregon. In
clusive, and all station on the Wood-tnirii-Miirlnirlletd
and lichannii branch.
ett, (.i iht ton; from Hold Hill, Tolo
and Ceulral Point, 14.80; from Med-
rord, Phoenix, Tangent ami Asnianu,
Rfio; and from the aggregated polut
to San Francisco, Oakland wharf and
Oakland (Kith street) $5.30, tVlOand
t4 80 ist ton. resrectlvelv. Carloads
are based on a minimum weight of
40,000 pound.
Tm Iiuiiei Uosi'hnrir Plslntleal-
er: " The many friend of Rev Win
liiinii, formerly pastor oi me j-.pisuo-niil
I'lioreh of this eltv. will lie bleased
to learn that lie Is very much pleased
ulih liis now location III Kingston.
Jamaica. Mr Lund speak very high
ly In praise of that Utile Isle of the
sea, aud esKclally the bealthfulncs of
the climate. People never die there
or at least one would infer so from his
remark that he 'never saw so many
old Hsplo anywhere.' The tempera
luru u from no to 70 lii the winter and
from 70 to IMI lu the summer." Mr
Lund I well known in JMigenc, hav
Inir tircnclKvl a number of sermons ill
the Episcopal church here.
Daily Uuanl, Septum ber 21
Dav ik Atonement. Acoordlng to
the Jewish religion next Saturday Is
the Dav of Atonement. 'I hen-fore all
Jewish store In this city will remain
closed from Friday evening at 0
o'clock to Saturday evening at 6
The Astoria miners are now confi
dent that Mr Hammond Is going to
build their railroad. We sincerely
hope they are correct In their surmise,
as heretofore something has always
turned up to knock the Astoria road
New Residence. A neat, near
two story residence I being bullion
Eleven th street back of the Cathollo
church by Messrs Ijimpson A Earring
ton, who have the contract. The
dwelling will be occupied by Rev
Father Rlackv
Dally Ouard, September S3.
Vi-o.-vk itiiiiiuE Cuihed. The
county court I having a number of
repair made to the uortn anproacn oi
the t.ugene bridge aim me uritige una
been closed against travel yesterday
aud today.
Will Enoaoe in Fhcit Culture.
Senator J II McClung lias deeded
..Iknit 80 acres of laud In hi farm be
low town lo hi daughters, Mlaae
.less lit .Msruaret and Ina. and Ihev in
tend to plant the same to a variety of
"T s
- pn- r i n q
Header, did you ever take Simmons
Liveii Rehulatdr, tho "Kino oi
LlVEit MedicinehT" F.verylxHly nitnlj
lake a liver mmtHly. It is a sluggish or
diseased liver that imairs digestion
nnd cnuscs constipation, when Uie waste
that should bo curried off remains in
the body nnd poisons tho whole system.
That dull, heavy feeling la due to a
torpid liver. Millousnesa, Headache,
Malaria ami Indigestion ant all liver
disease. Keep tho liver active by an
occnslonul dose of Simmon Liver Itcg
ulutorand you'll get rid of these trou
ble, and give tone to tho whole sys
tem. For a laxativo Simmon Liver
Regulator is ukttek than Pills. It
does not grit, nor weaken, but greatly
refhsht and strengthen. '
Every pnrkngn has) tho Ited Z
stamp on the, wrapper. J. 11.
yUiu & Co., l'lilludclpliu.
House llurned.
Pally (luid,8trmlr2.V
This morning about 3 o'clock a
fire was discovered In a vacant bouse
on Jellersoit street, U'tween Hark
and First, and soon after tho tire alarm
was sounded. I he lire department
turned out but as the house waa be
yontl the reach of the water hydrants
the nose companies could tin nothing
and returned to the engine house.
Chemical engine No. 1, reached the
scene of the lire, but too late to accom-.
pllsh much, as the building was theu
burned to a skeleton.
The Are was undoubtedly of Inoeu
diary origin, ns the house ha been
vacant tor some lime. Having inruieriy
been occupied by W II Andrew. The
residence wa a very neat building and
was owned by S S Slgel of Portland.
Th house wa Insured In the Aetna
Company of Hartford, Connecticut,
lleot'raw'a agency, for f375, which
will probably cover It value. iNo clue
ha becu obialued to the party who
set it ou fire.
A tioud Showing.
Sherlll Johnson has made his return
of the delinquent tax list. It shows:
Original ain't delluiiient f 14,8:14 27
siierin assfssmcui auo ea
Total $15,140 2tt
Ain't paid on above 12,477 tW
Ain't bid In by county 724 70
Toul ain't returned delin
quent now 1,477 0a
Total herlir correction 400 80
The above shows that US 4-5 per cent
of the entire amount of taxes have
becu paid. Till I all excellent
showing for Lane county, especially
taking Into consideration the naru
time prevailing.
Red Crown 'Accounts. Albany
Democrat: Maurice McKIm, attorney
at law, loot nolllled debtor of the Red
Crown Roller Mill Co. that be will be
In Albany Wednesday, aud Thursday
of next week to collect accounts against
them. He I doing the business ou be
half of Wntlhams A Co., to whom the
accounts were transferred. A good
many designated as debtors as a mat
ter of fact had more wheat stored than
their account came to, and In nee It
may be predicted that Mr. McKIni
will not have a very smooth time col
lecting the account.
After Iihhhj. Albauy Democrat:
Harlev It. Oibb. treasurer of the
Cleveland Mrldge Co., of Cleveland, O ,
I In the city for business, ill com.
pany holds about f'JOiK) of Albany
warrants and they want their money.
Mr. Ulbbs will meet the city council
tonight. If the council does nothing a
nit will be brought at once In the U.
S. court, ami Mr. Oibb says there Is
noquesiiou but what the company
will win. The general sentiment of
our citizens Is that the warrant
should be paid.
Died. Tuesday's Portland Tele
gram: "Died, lu this city, this morn
lug, of perltsnltls. at the residence of
her father, Dr X M Nichols, Mrs Cora
N Mates, wife of Professor II L Mates,
ot Forest drove, aged 3(1 year aud S
months. Funeral services at residence,
Tividltli street. Thursday. Seot. 20.
at 2 p m." Mrs Rates formerly resid
ed lu Eugene with tier husband, who
wai al that lime pasior oi tne r.ugeuw
Congregational church, and her nu
merous friend hero will hear with
great regret her unexpected death.
Set fob Tuesday. The case of
Tallafero v Smith, for trespass, la set
for next Tuesday at 1 o'clock, in Jus
tice Wheeler's court.
Dance Pohtponed. The dauce
that was to have been given at Coburtr
Sept. 27th, has been postponed until
October th.
Hlg-hest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years th taudartL