The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 14, 1895, Image 7

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Ieiideraoii, dentist.
j. J. Wulton, uttorney-nt-luw.
foii'V to loun on farms. KiKjuIre of
judge waiun.
Tako your Cliltteni Hurk tit S. II.
If vnii want a plow F. L. Chaml
can fix you f""" a to so-
Yoti ciin get cash for your Chittem
rk t Friendly'..
f ,jiM your Chittem Hark to S. II.
You can gel cash for your Chittem
bark ut 8. H. Friendly'-,
yr. O. W. Hlddle limy be found ut
his riiddem Olive street, between
Fifth and Hlxth streets, one block went
of tin" Minnesota liotel. He in lire
pared to do ull dental work In the best
Outline Oliver plow shares and
other extras can only lie bought of
V. Ii. t'lulllllHTH.
I nlo 1 1 live about 25 other make of
,Iiih tlmt I will clone out regardless
F. L.
11 AJlllCHA.
To Loam. Money to loun on Im
proved furtu proH-rty.
Eugene, Or.
J. D. Matlock fc Co will pay
behest market price ror wool.
Highest cash price puid forCliitteru
Bark by 8. H. trlendly.
Farms for Sale.
I have now thirty fine farm In the
Willamette valley for sale. These
farms Include every variety lu size and
price. For description list, address
r Oko. M. MlLI.EK,
Wllklna Hlock, Eugene, Or.
Fer Sale.
530 head of sheep ut a bargain if sold
immediately. Inquire of Walter L.
Biker, Creswell, Ore.
rt. II. Frleudly wants
tern bark he can get.
all the Chit
Wasted Fifty Chinese pheasants
for breeding purpose.
IIokn A Paine.
Now U the time to do your dry plow.
liiK and an Oliver plow will stay In
the ground. F L Chambers has a full
I, ant Auuust while working In the
harvest Held I liecame overheated,
was suddenly attacked with cramps
and was nearly dead. Mr. Cumming,
the druggist, gave niea dose of fliatu
rwrlain'a Coll .Cholera and Dlarrlioea
Iteiuedy which completely relieved
me. I now keep a lottle of the reme
dy handy. A. M. Uun.neu,, Centre-
ville, Waah. For sale by Osburn A
DrLano, druggists.
Mm. 8 A. Kell, of Pomona, Cal.,
had the bud luck to sprain her ankle.
"1 tried several liniment," she says,
"but was not cured until I used Cham
berlain's Pain liulni. Thut remedy
cuml me and I take pleasure In reo
imiiuenting li and testifying tolls
I'llleauy." This medicine- ia also of
great value far rheumatism, lame
tack, pains in llieohuet, pleurisy and
all tlecp-seited and muscular pains.
For sale by Osburn 4 Del.auo, Urug'
A Household Treasure
D W Fuller, of Canujoharle, N Y
says that he always keeps Kr King's
New Dimoverv III the house and his
family has always found the very best
results follow Its use; that he would
uot Le without It, If procureble. CJ A
Iiykemau. druggist, Catsklll, If Y,
says that Dr Klug's New Discovery li
undoubtedly the best cough reuisdy;
that bp lino used it lu his family for
eight years, and it lias never failed to
do all that is claimed for It. Why uot
try a remedy so long tried and tested.
Trial but lea free at Henderson A
Linns Drug 8tore. ISegulursizo 60a
unci $1.00.
Mra K R Davis. of8an Miguel, Cal.,
tAVM "I am trvlnir ill a measure to
rutmv tha man u fuctu res of Chamber
luin'l (..nciii linmcilv fur tbe great
ood their remedy has done me. For
vpra I whs a oonstant sutterer from
weak Innim aud bronchial asthma.
M nt. hi nlirht was disturbed by a
hacking ceugh, so that I felt miserable
the greater pari or u e num. "7
n.riiua iwom mended by friends
were tried, none of which proved suit
able to my cae. I did not experience
any beneficial results until 1 organ
ilwrlain's Couirli Remedy.
After two bottles of the large siie have
been used I am pleased to siaie my
fieatyb. )s belief t,haq It baa been in
lias left IDT lungs
and ohest aud I oau breathe easily. It
lias doue me so much good that I want
II who are suffering from lung
troubles, as I was, to give it a trial,
For sale by . .
OsiifRN A DeLano.
Sotlce t.i Stockholders.
Fi-nssR. Oregon. 8ept. 12, 1805.
v..ii.wiu iiHnUiv Blven that there
riiho. iuRtiiiir of the stockholders
Sfthe Blue Hivcr Mining Company ' at
niA f it S" Dirria on Hept. ln,
iH'iS, at 8 p m In Eugene, Oregon, for
ti,. rr,w r phctinir five directors
and to transact any other business that
mav lecallv come before tne meeting
' " It MDAY,
B F Dorkis. Sicretary
PAtaf. Wifinv. 8ee Assignee'
noti( In anothen nolumn If you want
to buv riiv kind of a vehicle. Tbey
are selling below Kaatera made work,
The Oliver Chilled plow known tb
world around. ;
F L CHAMMKBS, Sole Agent
RfDVS I'll.E srfl1Biioi
ii tii.mntiw.1 tn run I'ile and
or money rIiinJ'l. " I cents p"'
bni. rnd
t'o inn
mn fur ctr
tMi samfle to
1M KI'uV. lUsincrca r-naiipMi".'-'":
:r v.! 1'... . .A.....
t.r, U. K P.intAUi aksu. ror .r
nrm.,-1,., dnidinu v.-rywhr, snd lu fcuiien
urv(nn bj (burn a UvlAiio
Easy to take, sure to cure, n pain
notblnir to dread, pleuaunt little pH'1
DeWitt's Little Early Hlaers. Best
for l.-lr tilliousueas, siur
stomach and constipation.
Ubuf IV k DeLaxo,
Oliver plows will be sold this aeaatm
ai a reduced list. HjIiuhbiw,
Three frosts brought a rain.
Robinett returned It Phcdd toilay.
The students have
Lewis Potter Is having hi resideuce
V Youmt and wife aiuut Kitaon
V V Scott, of Creswell. visited II. is
Ity today.
MIm Lauer rctuniMil Iuhhh this
Ibrntburir will hold u cltv ek-otlun
October 71 h.
Mrs CoiiiIim' two little Uivs went to
ilcin today.
Prof Condon returned home from
Sulcin today.
Will McClure is hotliiii a i :im on
ic Kcgiater.
J li Col-iii in arrived o.i the local
lis ufternoon.
The unlvcrsltv will buuiu ii work
gain next Monday.
E K ltrKlie, of Florence returned
mi Portland today.
Attorney Hklpwortb went to Port
land today on busiueas.
Capt.N B Humphrey, of Pendleton,
visiting in Albauy.
D T Prltchurd. the Medford Jeweler.
as located at Roseburg.
Jobu Newsom, a student of tbe U of
has arrived from PrinevlUe.
Umbrellas and rubber shoe aud
boots are in demaud today.
The Knliihts of Pythias eraud lodire
meets In Portland October btb.
Harry Miller will ship a car load of
ay to Wolf Creek oil tomorrow's
Prof D V 8 Reld and fumily have re
turned from the upper McKeu.le.
Phil Neis, the Seattle, Wash., hop
niau, HjK-nt last night in Eugeue.
Cyrus Watkius Is able to l about
tbe streets again after a short sickness.
Congressman Hermann Is again at
Roseburg. He will soon visit Eugeue.
Mr Ijoug, the Cottage Orove mer
chant and llour mill man, U In the
Several teams arrived this morning
itli 8au Francisco frtight from Cor-
M C Van Tyno has moved into tbe
Price house on 14tb and Hilyard
The north bound overland train did
not arrive hero this morning until 6:30
If this rain continues the ducks aud
geese will soon begin to appear lu large
K.I win P .Shuttuck, of Portland, U
ii Eugene ready to enter HiuUofO
next Monday.
Miss Lena Boudiu has gone to Jack
sonville to visit her grandfather, who
Is seriously III.
Sheriff Johnson took the boy, AI
fred Sherman Smith, to the Reform
school at Salem today.
The rain will 1 appreciated by tho
inner and stockman if not by the hop
grower aud nrchardlst.
County Clerk Jennings lat even-
nir issued a marrlairn license to Fred
R Welch and Lucy M Snow.
Miss Flla Vanduyn, of Coburg, who
has txvn visiting her neico, Miss Em
ma Vanduyn, returned home tills af
ternoon. Messrs Smith Rnd Height, recently
from Kansas, yesterday each iHirchus.
ed a 40-acre tract of laud oil the Mooru
estate west of town.
It is likely that the street committee
will have Wjl aniette street patched
up w ith fine gravel next week.
Mrs Julius (loldsmitti and children
aud Miss Zida Goldsmith returned
from Harrisburg this afternoon.
President Chapman went to Corval-
lls todav and will lecture before the
teachers' institute there tonight.
John McClure has accepted a po-
sition In Hendenon & Linn's drug
store, and will leurn the business.
Harold Hopkins Is borne from the
East, where he has spent a couple of
ears, and win remaiu nere tuis wu-
IUjv J E Snyder will preach at Philo
math next Sunday and win assist
with the opening services of Philomath
college M uiday.
The Ohio republicans opened up
their campaign yesterday ut Spring
field, O. Twetity-flve thousand visit
ors were In the city.
I.urkev arrived today from
Prlnevllle having come across the Mc-
Kenrle mute, lie was aecouipanieu
by Mrs Smith and two sons.
Miss Hattle Dickinson has resigned
liar rOH ilon as teacher in the Eugelft
public schools and will epeml U! Win
ter at jaaiow uirjjuu,
Coivallls Times: Ed Brysnn leave
Thursday to resume his studies in tne
state university. He is this year a
member of tbe junior ciass.
G W Smith, of Salem, lias been
spending a day or two In tugene
while on his way from a bunting trip
In the vlclulty of Roseburg.
Trl tin l ha footrnoer. weut to Wood-
burn today and will act as trainer for
Ray, who Is training ior wi
Glvens font rac which, take plaW on
the U lust.
rv It V Hamell has resigned as a
member of the U 8 board of examin
ing surgeons for Southern Oregon, on
account of his removal from Iteeburg
to Eugene.
The funeral services of the late Mrs
Marv E Coffin were held at the U H
.i,nr..)i llila morn III a at 10 o'clocR.
The luterment toot place airectiy
afterwards In the 1. O. O. F. cemetery
Harrv. Cbas and Miss Tern-
pleton of Haley are moving Into, the
house on the comer of 11th and Ferry
streets They are all U of O students,
nhorir Pluii. dealer Mr. Sol.
a kr.ii. m m lio has been aulte sick for
several weeks, Is mucn improvu uu
strong hopes of bl complete recovery
: . . . i
are entertained.
c.m Tavlor has been elected to
nr.nt Helmet hxige K of P, Of tills
nltvattbe Kr.illd loilg wnicn
lflVVH- ; , . J 1
at Saltrn next monwi.
and C L W inter were seiecu-u ma
Here's a text from Shskesjieare for a
lo?g sermon: You take my nous
when you do take tbe prop that does
....i. in mv hiiiise: vou take my lite
when you lake tne means uen.j
It has been determined not to arrest
the Larimers ior U"i'i"i -k-Deputy
Uame Warden McClaoehun
t i.L n,.Mr will nrobablv be Invest!
gated by tbe grand at the October term
f circuit court.
c.i...n Journal: Miss Mary Allken
weut to FHigene this morning where
..will visit friends for several days
-i.loh Shu will rn to Drain to ac
cett a position In the boulboru Ore
gon normal school.
Ashland Tidlmj: - Colid
turned borne from Lane county today,
having succeeded In "paralyilng" nu
merous Chinese pheasants during bis
absence, which sport he says Is Inter
esting In the Willamette now.
Win Fraxler, the cavalry horse buyer
will ship two more carloads of horses
to San Francisco Friday.
Some fishermen were lu town this
morning selling trout, They fished
forty miles down the McKenzie and
caught LM5 a few days ago.
I F Pilanton has commenced a fore
closure suit in tke circuit court against
Kate Liiieliaugh, et al. Judgment Is
asked for HV). The land sought to tie
foreclosed is H4.77 acres in T 17 8, R 1
Albuny Democrat: A shooting gal
lery was started In Albany today. A
tiger howls when hit, a band plays
when another target gets hit, a wom
an beats a drum, and a man spunks his
sou. With such inducement it is no
wonder a live business Is done.
In looking over the old tiles of the
Yieka Union, in its posaesHion, the
Yreka Journal rinds tlmt legal notice
or Jackson county, dr., were published
In the Union of that place during lSVi,
as there was no paper lu Southern
Orogou ut that time.
Salem StuUsmun: ' F. W. Mulkev,
of p.irtlnttd, u nephew of ex Senator J.
N. Dolph, and Oregon's representative
ut the Nationnl Republican League
convention, at Cleveland, Ohio, passed
through Salem yesterday In a buggy
en route to Eugene, where he goes to
enter the U. of U., tieing a senior." He
will arrive here tomorrow.
Roseburg Plaiudeuler: P R Skinner,
who was here a short time ago, figur
ing as un agent of the Building A Loan
Association of Washington, D. C, and
who hud succeeded ill swindling sev
eral parties here, was arrested at Walla
Walla, Wash., today. Sheritr Catli
enrt starts for hiui tonight on the
Another advertising "fake" In town.
Isn't it strange our people will pay
five, ten or twelve dollars for such card
ads, when they say they cannot aflord
to use legitimate advertising? Many
of them haven't got a printed letter
bead, card or envelope. Ton poor to
atlord these, but still sending their
money out of town for "fakes."
The recent eclipse of the moon,
w Inch was eclipsed by dense clouds in
this vicinity, was visible In Priueville,
says the Review: The total eclipse of
tbe moon was plainly visible at this
place Tuesday night of this week. The
remarkable feature of the ecli pse tieing
the apparent vibration ofthe shadow
on the face of the moon, at times en
tirely obliterating the moon from sight,
then apparently moving back so as to
expose part aud once or twice all the
moon's disc. This feature was
noticed by a number of people, whose
statements all agree, else we would
believe it a case of optical illusion.
The Kagene Flouring Mill Is Mow
laming- Out Flour.
Dally G until September 11
The Eugene Flouring Mill this
morning at ten o'clock started up and
is now turning out a first-class grade
of Hour from old wheut. This is one of
the most Improved mills in Oregon,
thu best of machinery only being pur
chased. Three cheers for Messrs
Mathews. Williams and Suiter who
huve furnished Eugene with thh en
Tl o business man, the mechanic
and laboring man, and every citizen
of I-'.ugene should patronize this mill
and see that it is a tlnanclul success.
. - - - -
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salvo In the world for
Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Suit
Kheum, f ever wires, letter, mupiieu
liiiiids. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skiu
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no pay required. It Is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction or money
refunded. Price 1 cents per box.
For sale by Henderson & l.lun.
A Lie. The Woodburn Independ
ent Is responsible for this: "It is re
ported thut three or tne proiessors in
the State University are confirmed
drunkards. If It is true, It Is a blot
upon the fair naini of the institution
that the trustees should lose no time in
removing. The time Is goue cy, n
ever It was present, for a sot to have
charge of the education of our youth.
We would lie glad to see tins iiiutier
Investigated." This is a lie to use a
plain term, and needs no further
answer. The editor ot tnai paper is a
minister aud should correct the above
Game Laws. This office acknow
ledges with thanks the receipt of a
pamphlet containing a synopsis of the
game aud iisii laws oi uie uuucu
(Mates and British provinces, compiled
and revised by the American Field
Publishing Co., of Chicago and Iew
York. It is a valuable little work and
at the extreme low price of ten cents,
ought to be In tbe hands of every one
Interested in tne game laws, innut
been carefully complied and revised
up to the present date from special re
ports, and irom me most, recent, nets ui
the various legislative bodies.
Ill y Ouard, BepUtmbor 11.
Diphtheria. Two cases of dlph-
tl.erla am rennrtod in the Wilson
family who reside at tho old water
station nacK ot tue outte. mnieum
iiav tudnv nut ud the yellow nag.
Two children are sick aud Dr Mo-
Kannpv Is attending them. Thedis
ease w as contracted at Branton s hop
vard near Waltervllle and it is said
mat a large numoer ui uum jici.u.
have been exposed at that place.
Buttkii Over. Mrs Howe, mother
of Mrs A J Johnson of thu city, was
butted ovur by a pel sheep at Her pome
near Creswell lust Sunday, sustaining
Injuries from which she has since suf
fered a great deal. Sunilay night the
doctor remained with her all night,
but since that time she lias neeu im
proving and is now much better. Mrs
John-oil is atteudlng her bedside.
Dlurrluea should be stopped prompt
ly. Itsoons beootueij chrunto. De
Witt's Colio and Cholera Cure Is
effective, afe ami certain. Hundreds
of testimonials bear witness to the
virtue of this great medicine. It can
always be depended upon, It use saves
time and money.
Ohiii rn A PkLao.
HuhbE tin.:. Ueuveu ttol'in H.
aud Bay at "the Harris truck for
a purse of 1150, Saturday, Sept. Hist.
Admission 5 cents. If the race Is not
run gate money will be refunded.
' J. M. Martim.
Ball bearings make light draft and
the Dandy Disk harrow lias them. See
them at k Chambers.
Stomach and bowel complaints urc
best relieved by the timely uwj of De
Witt's folio and Cholera Cure. Insist
on Laving this preparation. Dou't
take any other.
Springfield (tem.
A fine rulu makes people find good
and that Is what we are getting, al
though It w ill make hop picking un
pleasant. Herbert Walker I keeping the stole
at the Neis hop yard He 1 doing
well. As we passed through the yard
a few days ago we noticed Rev Till
man of Coburg, Rev Wooley, ot Fair
mount, and Rev fabler of nprlngflcld
all picking hops. Wonder bow the
reverend gentlemen would feel if they
were asked to reconcile nop picking
with Gospel peaching.
Rev Day Is moving to Fairmouut.
Win Vanduyn, of fohug, passed
through our town Monday.
Cards have been received here an
nouncing the marriage of Dr J 11
Nettleton, foimerly of IhU place at
Kimble, Nebraska, to Miss Daisy
Beard. They will be at home in
Brownsville, Oregon, after Sept 15.
Springfield one a id all wish the Doc
tor und his bride much Joy.
Mrs Chessman Is picking hops, as
also are several other Si.ringtleldites.
Dr Van Val.ah and wlfe.of Philadel
phia, Pa., have arrived here to jicr-
malientlv locate, llicy are welcome
for thev are good ciileiis, and the
Doctor Is an able physician.
There is some tulk of Rev fabler
leaving here In the near future.
Miss May Roberts made a visit to
her parent yesterday at the Smole hop
Mr Revere has been quite sick.
It is reported that tho f hnstlaii En
deavorers have pledged themselves to
pick hois one day, aud give their
earnings lo the society. It will do
them gHid and greatly aid tbe society.
John Law is re-rooflng one of his
residsiices lu this city. We are glad to
notice the slight indications of pros
perity. Replanklng of the steel bridge is in
progress, a work which was greatly
u ceded.
Jack tlinUlanl Killer
Yu not a mom jvriUti'nt foe of the htiire
ogrvi he uYuiolliOieo, than Ihr ureal national
loulr, llosti-iler't Motnarh Hltleu la lo all
manlier of diaagreralil fjmptoius rauacd liy
liidlKvallou, ronl patloa or bllllouaueu.
Heartburn, lick hradai'htt, loaa of ai'wtll,
aleepli'uurtt, yellowm-aa of III lliln, nauwa,
fur upon Hit tongm', are manlfvatatlona
alwajri rvmovalile bjr tho Itinera. Thorough
liens, promplibKlu ehararlerUa IU reuiedial
work. Aaa M(iKiiard auainat malaria It haa
srhlt'Vi-d a world wlilu ri'puutlon, the fuumla.
tlmi of whli'h was laul forty iraraago. I'hy
alriani aix-ak ol It In ths highest lerina. Its
itlu'svj in rhviiniallain ami kidney trouble la
well wrrtaluisl. Aimh-iuh Improrva, alwp
vlslta weary liratna and overwnmicht nerti-a
when It i umsl. Itlmullisl to the mot doll-i-atu
and laatiillnua of Invalids. It lully icerlu
a fair and coiiiluuoui trial.
An Original .Notice.
Tho following original notice was
discovered tacked oil a rural church
"Notice There will be preaching In
this house, providence permitting, Sun
day: and there will lie preaching here
whether or no, on Monday rollowing,
UH)ii the sutiject: "He that believetli
and Is not baptised shall l saved, and
he that bclievcth not shall be damned
at precisely half-past 3 o'clock lu the
afternoon, Ex.
I'ttcr Mat.
Sent. 12. 'W.
Aiken. Geo Baker, Mrs M K
Hlivelis, Louis Cook, Miss Milllett
Davison, Mra M Gilbert, MwMirl
lluntin. Wurren Hop.. Mrs W K
Jones. Dr Loveioy, Amos L
Lynch, Miss Lillie Martin, Miss Mny
Mvers. .) Smith. Airs Mat
Taylor, Miss JnnleUnger, Mrs Barbra
Yunderuurg, mrs v narioite
Vlmmer. Srpo H Wilson, Mis Atha
Whitney, J W Smiley. O
Package Nlcklln. Chus.
Aeharvoof one rent will b mado on all
tellers iiivuu out. I'eriHina railing for luttara
will uleaMialata when advertised.
I.J. Cmia.r. M.
Pally Guard, September IX
Down the River i.n a Boat. J R
Permit. P S Hansen and J D Hurt,
employes of the H P Company at Port.
lund, who arrived nere a uuy or iw
ago left In a skill on a hunting and
..f. . ... ..... .L.I-
tithing trip nown tne vt niuiiieue mm
morning. They took five dogs with,
them aud plenty of guns, ammunition,
tilling tackle, etc, and will move
llesurcly down the river, camping at
places where hunting and Hading is
Dally (iuard Septumbu r II.
Another Attack. I-ast evening
while sitting In bis chair in his store
A Goldsmith felt another one of those
attacks ot heart failure, which fre
quently effect him, coming oil. lo
prevent nimscii irom laiiniK "J
down upon the floor aud when found
was almost uucouscleus. Dr Kuyken
dall was called and soon revived the
old gentleman and today he is almost
entirely recovered.
Goon Time Made. Salem Post:
Engineer Casey, of the Salem "Cau
non Bull" Is one of tle best engineers
on the wftd. Yesterday be left Salem
twenty minutes late, and made the
run from Salem to Woodburn, eighteen
miles In seventeen minutes making
four stops. When riding behind Casey
people need not fear arriving at their
destination late If the start Is delayed
a trillu.
liallv Guard, September. It.
Bad Om Hoi. This weather praN
ticaly suspends tne ritckimj or nops,
and will naturally Increase lice and
mould at an a arming rate ii ii snoum
continue for a few days. It Is tne
opinion of exirienced bop growers
that II Hie rain snouiu cense mriug
next three or four days, that the Injury
will be very small, it is to be noiieu
that our growers will be able to save
tbelr crops.
Pally i!a.-d, Pevwrnbtrll.
Papwinu Hi'Hi'K.NUKD. Fruit pack
Ing wa suspended toilay at the Hum
nhmv orchard on account of the rain
if n, a rain rims not continue more
iimiitwoor three days, work will bo
resumed again. Mr Humphrey started
up bis dryer at noon today.
Hi tn. At Hermann, on Indian
Creek, Oregon, Saturday eveDlng 31,
Geo Clsnio, aged V yars, of
UtriifliL'M d huhji'. mierilteni looa
place Sepi li auu mc
body found Its
last resting place
In Indian Creek
Will Kwhioame. The F:ugene
cornet band will reorgaiiiwi next lues
..l,l.t Thlrtv dollars worth of
new music lias leen ordered and the
i.v. ..i.i'i in airalu toon be In con
dition to furiiii.b wine excellent music.
There U no doubt, no failure, when
you , take DeWIU's Colic and Cholera
Cure. ItU plaint, acts promptly
no bad after effecU
O&ui'RM A DeLano.
Dr. F'lnlcy, deiillst.nsunS.Dunn tilt
t'lriuit cxiurt convents Octotn-r 2th.
MrGulliford, of ilalacy, is lu Eu
fcuiie. Mrs Fish returned from Brownsville
A rain lu California lias damaged
the hop crop.
There are 111 boys in tho state re
form school.
Wheat Is now worth 3d cents er
bushel in Eugene.
Several freight cars were attached to
the local this afternoon.
Prunes are coming lu to the cannery
at a lively rate.
The public schools of this city opcu
Monday, SeptcmlM'r 3d.
Five or si new U of O student ar
rived on tills a flcr noon's train.
Nothing heard from the New York
race up to the hour of going to press.
Fred Mulkey had arrived at Harris
burg at 1 o'clock this afternoon and
will probably arrive here tonight.
Hop picking al the Walker-t amp
Ml yard re-comiiieuced today at noon.
Pickers are still wanted.
A Mr Sllckell's team ran away with
him tills morning near the old poor
farm below town. He was thrown out
but was not Injured. The hack was
budly wrecked.
Wednesday's Roseburg Plaindealer:
Mrs Grace Ostium, who has been vis
iting friends and relatives in Eugene
aud Salem the past two weeks, re
turned home last evening mi the local.
There will tie a meeting of the F'oi t-
nightly Club Sept. 21, at 3 p. in.
Members of the executive committee
please meet promptly at 2:30.
A cup of Parks' Tea at night moves
the bowels In the morning without
pain or discomfort. It Is a great
health giver aud blood purifier. Sold
by A. Yerinutom.
The Pennsylvania democrats yester
day nominated a ticket, endorsed the
administration and. the financial
plunk of the last national convention.
DWCoolldge will have an exhibit
of grapes at the state fair this year.
He will have six varieties of foreign
aud four varieties of American grnve.
Karl's Clover Root, the great Blood
Purifier, gives freshness and clearness
to the Complexion and cures Constlpu
ttoil. 25 cis., 60 els., 1.. Sold by
Henderson A Linn.
The Oregoiilan says the Lane coun
ty hups are lu a serious condition.
Tills is not true. The yaids In this
county gent rally are lu a good condi
tion. The cariienter woik at the U of O Is
completed. The painters commenced
work this alleruooii. niaru nan
will present a handsome appeurauce
when the palutlng Is completed.
Mr Newmau bad a horse to die
Tuesday night. This Is a pretty hard
loss on the gentleman aa lie nan jiisi
got out of debt and uow he must get
another animal.
SHILOH'8 CURE, the great Cough
and Croup Cure, is In great demand
Pocket sl.e contains twenty-live doses
only 25c. Children love It, Sold by
Henderson & Linn.
The railroad commission lu Its Pull
man palace car is on Us way
north and passed through here this
morning. The members have the
softest job 111 the state, notwithstand
ing the people are picking live cent
hops at 3o cents per box.
Dr. F'lnlcy, dentlst.rooni S.Duun blk.
liee Tcutsch arrived at Creswell from
Texas last night, having come by rail
and attended the Hate fair In Callfor
ula. He bus had enough of Texas and
a bicycle. He will go lo Peudlelou lu
a few duys.
Chas Eastland mounted a horse this
afternoon on W illamette street belong
lug to A K Patterson. Before he had
gone twenty feet the anlmul milelly
aid down on the ground
lOastlaudwaa badly soared
Parks' Sure Cure Is a positive speclflo
In all diseases or the Liver and Kid
neys. By removing the urlo acid in
the blood It cures Rheumatism. S. I)
Basford, of Carthago, 8. Dakota, says:
I believe Parks' Sure Cure excels all
other medicines for Rheumatism and
Urinary disorders." Sold by A. TEN
Corvallls Gazette: A C Woodcock,
the Eugene attorney who was appoint
ed referee In the Oregon Paclflo matter
lust week by Judge fuiierton, maue
this office a pleasant can ouring. iu
brief stav In the city, wr woouooca
la mm of Lane's couctv's most prom I
nent citizens, an able attorney and an
atiablo gentleman. His appoi"l,m,,t
seems to have met general approba
tion. I've a secret In my heart,
Sweet Marie,
A tale would Impart,
Sweet Marie:
If you'd even fulrer be
You must always use Parks Tea
The Improvement you will see,
Sweet Marie.
Sold by A. Yehinoton.
Corvallls Times: Ed Bryson cam
linma from Port and Monday Willi
turn alfirant irold medal lu his pocket
They were lu acknowledgement of bis
HMwl 1.11(1 h bvilt them Saturday in
-r-Mi --7 -------- ,. ...,-,. A
two anettu contests t mw uiwi.u
Uulverslty, Against inree eimmiuun
be took second meuai in a niua iuw
and in minutes luter. against
two fresh competitors he took ttrst
place In In an 8tU yard race,
Tburearea great luauy oltaeun
fortunate onei lu this world, greatc
In number than thoae who are blessed
with good digestion. To some people
ths irreutest misfortune Is not to be
able to eat everything set before them
"I suffered for years with dyspepsia.
and everytldug I ats disagreed with
me. I was Induced to try Simmons
Liver Regulator and was cured. I now
eat everything. M. Rrlgbt. Madison
Parish, La,
Pally Uusrd, September U.
Ttr aiNKjis Mkktinii. Oregon Hose
Miiiiiinnv held a business meeting last
i. mid minuted new constitution
I bv laws. H T Condou was eleo
imI nretideiit to fill a vacancy caused
by the resignation of C M Young.
Pally UaarS. Hapywnbar SfA.
HoKiS Bai Mape. A raco was
made tbl afternoon betweeu the horses
Robin 11 and Bay Dick, oue-balf mile,
fr 17. a aide. It la to be run on the
Harris track, Saturday, September
lUy fcaarw, September II
itmvi--We understand that the
litiii ..Inkiira am mnrklng in Nets' hoi
vanl imar Hnrliiif field today. Tbl
requires a good deal of pluck.
NlUr J-OS I KK 8 A VS.
Wratber predictions for the Xrit
Tru Buys.
In bis last bulletin Foster gave fore
casts of the storm wave to cross the
continent from sth to 1-tti, aud the
next be says will reach the Pacific
coast aliout the l.'tth, croas the west of
Rockies country by close of 1 It It . great
central valleys l lh to ITtli, Eastern
slates 1 st li.
This w III be one of the most notable
onus of the year and will include a
angerous tropical Hurricane.
the interested weather observer
lould carelutly note that the tropical
uiricaues and our traiis-contliieutal
storms la-long to entirely dlllerent sys
tems. 1 he former move around the
center of the North Atlantic ocean,
e eastern coasts of the l ulled States
lug In their pathway. The other
system of storms move around the
arm between ;su lo is ot norm inti
tule and couscoticiitly ero-s the No. th
American continent from west to
The paths of the tropical hurricanes
ml the trans continental storms run
igcther on the Atlantic coast aud
icy are antagonistic, sometimes do-
roving each oilier, more frequently
one alisoibing the other anil generally
It Is the trans continental storms that
nre absorU'd by the tropical hurri-
For the abovo reasons chances are
hat tlu particular storm first men
tioned almve will Hot be severe on the
continent but will be absorbed by the
ropieal hurricane. This view is uot
conclusive, however.
1 he safest policy Is to ho on the
lookout everywhere, from 14th to Ltith,
und take no uuueci-ssnry risks on land
or water. Within tills period tele
graphic reports will Indicate where the
storm will probably spend Its greatest
force. Shipping interests on the lakes
nd near the Atluutio coast can save
lous destruction of pmiwrty by
(riling neai a safe harbor from 14th
to Uoth and pleasure boating exctir
Ions should he entirely abandoned.
The warm wave will erosa the west
of RiK'klcs country about 13th, great
nlral valleys 17th, Eastern stales
Cool wave will cross the west of
Rockies country alsuit Kith, great cen
tral valleys IMh, Kastern slates 20th.
Fined. Corvallls Times: "Juck
Gerhard and Geo Bingham are under
arrest, anl a fine for violation of city
nrdlualHvs stares each of them lu the
face. The complaint was swern out
y Chief Taylor, and It charges them
with disorderly conduct. The oflcnae
they are alleged to have committed
transpired last Sunday afternoon,
when a coon is-ionging lo jiiiigiiam
and a bull dog owned by Gerhard
fought to a hl.iody death of the former
on Main street near Noland A Calla
han's store Some lanplo who looked
on at theallaif llillik it was permissible
iuI nianv others coiidemu It as hor
ribly brutal. Tho sHctacie so Im
pressed ladles on the Occidental bal
cony as decidedly Inhuman that they
retired where they could no lunger see
The men arrested claim the dog
ud conn got together by accident.
.ast bight Gerhard pleaded guilty to
lie charge and paid his fine of $10,and
on motion of the chief of isilloe the
harge as to Bingham was dismissed."
Children, eseclally Infants are soon
ruu down with cholera Infantum or
'summer complaint'" Don't wait to
etermlue, but give DeWitt's Collo
and Cholera cure promptly, you cau rely
ui It. Use no other.
OhinjiiN & DeLano.
The Dandy Disk burrow now has
bull bearings and center cutter which
cuts all the ground. For sale by
f ii i iiamoers.
lk Dr. Price's Cream Mm Powder, 30c
20 lbs granulated
Diir Shne stack is
at our Mens $1.00 Shoe-they are 0. K. for a
The Unlerslty of Oregon, Euene, Oregon, oiTera Free tuition toallstu.
dwts. Vounu men can ohtnln Hoard, Lodging, Heat and Light In the dormi
tory for f -V10 jier week. loomer furnish their own linen. Young women are
provided with board In private futullles at 13.00 per week. Young women de
siring board uhould address Trof. John Straub, Eugene, Oregon, or Hecretary
Young Women's Christian Association, Eugeue. The University oilers three
baccalaureate decrees: . Itai helor of Arts, Jlachelor of Menoe and Kachelor o!
loiters, with corn spondlng courses of study. The follos'lng shorter couisea
are also otleretl. An KiikIi!i course leading In two years to a llus ness diplo
ma, aud lu thiee years to the title graduate (n Engllslijand advancini ctmrse for
aratluates of normal schools leading to the degree of Master of I'edagoiry; a three
years' course In civil engineering leading to the degree of Civil Kiigineer; a
course of two years for teachers of physical education leading to a diploma and
the title direc tor of Physical Education. The irnlvcrslty charges au Inciden
tal fee of I0 which Is payable In advance by all students. Htiidenta holding
diplomas from the puhlio schools aud those having teachers certificates are ad
mitted to the preparatory department without examination, lhose dwlrlng
Information regarding the preparatory department should address the IKau
K' Vor caufogutVaud furtlier Information axldress C. II. Chapiunii, Preeideut
or J. J. Walton, tiecretary, Eugene, Oregon.
Another Pioneer Ladr Panics Away.
Pally Guard, September li
Mrs Sarah Ann Seavey,wife of Alex,
ander Seavey, who resides ut Seavey'e
ferry, died at the home of Hon. Jasjair
Wllklus, near Coburg, ut oUiO o'clock
this morn Ing. .
Mrs Seavey went to Mr Wllkins'
home some tlmo sgo to attend the bed
side of liratidin.i Bla.'hley, who was
sick. While there she contracted
pneumonia fever from tho etlccts of
which she died this morning, not hav
ing Urn sutllcifiitly well enough at
an v time to be removed to her home.
Mrs Seavey, whoso maiden name
was Blachley, was bom in Porter
county, Indiana, December 3, 1SJ7,
and was then fore uged 67 years, U
months and U days al the time vt her
death. Sho crossed the plains with
her parents In 14, and Is, therefore a
pioneer. In July of ls.V sho was mar
ried to Alexander Seavey, who sur
vives her.
Bisddcs her husband she leaves seven
children live liy and two gills to
mourn her death. Twv are Mrs
Clara Wllklna, wife of Jiisht Wll
kins, Mrs Anna Itiisliuell, who resides
near this city, Will Seavey, who re
sides uear Seavey's ferry, and Thomas,
James, John and Jesse, ull of whom
are yet at home.
Mrs Seavey was a highly resacted
and well known lady, having resided
with her family for inanv years at
Seavey's ferry, and has a wide circle of
friends w ho extend their sympathy to
the bereaved family.
The funeral w ill be held tomorrow
afternoon at 1 o'clock and the remains
Interred lu the Masonic cemetery near
this city, Rev I D Driver officiating.
Skin Gkaktixh. Corvallls Thill's:
A case of skin grafting is In progress lu
this cltv. Several months ago Miss
Llllle Kerr had her hand severely
crushed iu the mangle al tho team
laundry, aud In healing the fingers
grew together, two ot them solidly and
the others with webs like the toes of
a duck. Last week the lingers were
cut apart and this week Dr I-ee Is
covering tho raw places with skin so
that lu healing they will not adhere
again. In covering a portion of the
exposed tlcsh the lomo skin from the
webbed fingers was used; In tho others
Instead of human skin, the sklnafa
hen's egg will be used. The oeratloll
Is very Interesting.
llaslsMil assai bs l end
by local applti'atlona, aa they rntinnt n-ach tho
diaraaed portion of the ear. I here la only one
way In cure peafneaa, and that la by countitu
tlonal remedies. Peafneaa la rauai-d by an 111
flamed coiKtllliin of the niiirnua iliilnn of tha
Kualaehlan Tulie. When thli lube aria IntUm
ed you hare a nimblliii mid or liuis-rleet
heartuR.aud when It la entirely eliMisI I .(
new la the leaull, and uulraa the InlUinmallnn
can te taken out aud thta liilst n-Mun d to lis
normal istndl loii, hesrlm oill Iw ilestmyeil
forerar: nine eaea oulol leu am rauaisl by ea
tarrh, which la iiolhlus but aa lutlaiiivd eondl
ttou of ths mupoua aurfais-a.
Ha will slue one Hundred Pnllara for any
cane ol lealnra(oaiiMd by eslarrh) that rannol
Iw oared by Hall's l aurrh Cure. Hund for clr
oulara, Irea. . ,
F. J. CIIKSKV & CO.. Toledo, 0.
Bold by PruK-UU, ;.).
Prunea Pay. Oil of six and one
half acres, J G Gray sold to Humph
rey A Segar at one cent per ixiuud
66,802 pounds of Italian and Silver
prunes, which amounts to toorl.62. On
this tract are yet between AOaiidOO
bushels which he will dry. Thr trees
are seven years of age, and have been
well cultivated. He has a few acres
of petite pruues which he will dry.
What better product can a man raise?
Every farmer In Lane county ought to
have from rive to twenty acres of or
chard. The market for choice fruits Is
practically unlimited.
GotoOsburn A DeLano, druggists,
sole agents lu Fugene, for a bottle of
LI V ERIN E, for the Liver, Kidneys,
Sick-headache aud Constipation.
- 51.
Comnlete. Take a look
State Normal School.
Monmouth, Oroijon.
A tratutns achoot:for W-achers.
(ouialHo Kle-hth (Iwla Trmlnlli Piarl
nianl and etroiig i'rofa.lonal suit Acaduuilo
of lbs aohnol enllllM on to teach In saf
eouuljr In tha atala wllhuul lurllur
Board and Lodging, Books and
Tuition, $150.00 per year.
Beautiful and halth(ul liwatlnn no aalnona.
Tliora Is s uU dvniautl lor woll Iraluud
lhrra I. an oor lunuljr of untralnnl lacnoa.
I'aialusuvat'liMirfullr 'iit nu aiIU'atiuu.
Aililnaa. F. L. CAMI'IIKIX, 1'rc.lOviil.
Or W. A. Wann, Haurutarj.