The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 14, 1895, Image 4

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    Kiiffcno City Guard.
Edmund C. li., ex-Unitcd
Stales wnalor from Kantian, wIioho
vote saved Andrew Johnson from
imiKJttchment, now a job printer
in Albuquerque, N. M.
Senator Hoar has tho following
eign placed on bin grounds at
Ainebum.kit, Mob.: "Notice
You are welcome. liuild not ires
Bring no Guns, and l'ull no I low
ers by the Roots."
Saloin .Statesman: Captain T.
W. tfymons, corps of tbo United
States cnginw-rs, who bus been
stationed in ("ngon for tlio past
,v direction of the Bfcre-
tarv of war, has turned over the
present duties in Uregon 10 Mayn
J. C 1'oHt, and gone to take a sta
tion at r.ullalo, S. Y., and relieve
Major Krnest II. Kutlner of bis
duties there. Major KuiTner on
being relieved, will come to Oregon
and take charge of the duiieB tem
porarily transferred to Major l'ost.
'nw tliere is some hone for Ore
gon. Symona has given tho upper
rivor tim co bv for a lone time.
Major Kufl'ncr may tako us into
Albany Democrat: "At Puget
Kmin1 in Wimhineton the minis
thAnked (iod Ix'Cuuho the hop
louse hid ruined many bops. That
was very narrow lor tneso cays.
Thnrn in not a sien of alcohol in
hops. Would these men rejoice at
th( fuilure of tho wheat, barley or
rve crops, millions of bushels of
whitfh are used in making whiskey,
nr at the ruination of the erai'
crop, which makeB most of the
wine of the world." Lane county
ininiHlpra ar not built Oil the Iilan
if Pliant Sound Rnocimens. At least
a dozen of our preachers aro in tho
fields helping to save uie crop.
Hops are used in making yeast you
A Tan-Niamp Quarts. nill-AMltatr
t.iprrl ftaoN.
Cottauk Ukovk, Or., rVpt. 12. A
10 stamp fiunrli mill arrived today
from the I 11 Hammond Company,
Portland, Or., for the Champion mint,
at Itolumila. Auot hor (pniru mill will
reach here from Chicago In a day or
two for the Htur nil no. ltohumia l
ernduallv duvolorliiir iuto an Import
ant inliilna district. The Annie
mine, which for so long lias Ix-en Idle,
Is now working quite a force ol iiit'ii.
and In a very rloli crude of ore. The
MuhIo mine is alao runninir In full
force; bewlilo, there are 15 or IS) other
mines, upon wiiien tievuioiimt'iit worn
Is beiiiK done, a number of whieli will
put mills on next seawin.
Pally Guard, Hcptcuiber li
An Afternoon Tka. An after
noon Ua was k I veil at the home of
Miss 8 Carrlu Ltuier this afternoon in
honor of Minn Flora ItiiutT. of I'ort-
laud. The afternoon was Bpoiit In
guinea, convi-rwitlon ami iiiuhUi, after
whleh lunch was aerveit Thv nrewnt
were: MInmhi La'.ier, Itauer, Friundly,
Dorrls. llilfry (WaslilnKtou, 1) V,),
fStraltfht, UoMhiiiIUi, Filch, Hoffman,
Willis (HowhurK), J lull, lK-udrieks,
Ware and Mr Kdrit.
loy Ouird, SviteuilK-r IZ
Anki.k Wrkncuki). ltev. J. K.
Snyder last evening while jumping
out of Wells, Fargo A Co. express
wagon, had bis left ankle badly
wrenched. This morning ho was un
able to walk upon it and had to resort lie went to Philomath
on the local train this moriilug where
bewilloin Mrs. Snyder. He Is to
assist lu tho opening exercises of Phi
lomath college next week.
Shasta Minkkal Watkk. A
large consignment just received at my
house In Eugene; try it. It Is drawn
from the upper soda spring In Cali
fornia and Is guaranteed to be pure.
Bole Agent for F.ugene.
Lost 2SUIi of August en the Me
Kenrle road Utween Dutch Henry's
and Waltervllle, a wihiI lap robe.
Finder please return to J O Khlnehart
or (his oftlce. A liberal reward will be
Severe griping pains ol the stomach
and bowels Instantly and effectually
stopped by DoWltt's Colic and Cholera
Osui'KN A DkLano.
Pall; Wuanl, Bclviutr 1J.
Died. Harry L Thompson, aged
about 6S years, died this morning at
his home in Cottage Orove. Mr
Thompson, who was engaged lu the
grocery buslueso, had not been well
for a number of years. He leaves a
wife aud three children to mourn bis
death. The funeral will probably bo
held tomorrow aud will be under tho
auspices of the I O O F.
Cholera morbus Is a dangerous com
plaint and often Is fatal In its results
To avoid this should use. DcWitt'a
Colic aud Cholera Cure, as soon as the
first symptoms appear.
Oshi kn & DkLANO.
Wbo Babjr wu tick, Rat hr Outo.V.
WVo aba aa a CUM. tho crie.1 for Owtorla.
WTyn aha barame Via, aha clung to CutorU.
9Tb alia had ChUJran, aba jaw Uhb Caatorl.
The following paragraphs are from
the Puget bound conference proceed
tngs. The confereuee is now In tiewioii
at Seattle:
When A J Hanson, of Puvallun,
arose U present his renrt. He said
lie bad some good news from that
great country. The bop crop, the
maiu support oi ine in-opie, s
failure; the crop bad been cursed ly
UUhop llowmau They have not
Dr Hanson They have grow n, but
have been cursed by the hop louse.
llishop llownisn UimmI.
And from all over the room voices
could be beard giving utterance to the
fervent ejaculation: "Thank Uod."
'1' M Gibaon, of l'rlni'Villf, U In Ku
Attorney Kennedy' lias t iiu toun
r runclNco.
Mrs II A Irvinu ritnriicd home to
r-akm today.
Mrs A F Hurd. of I lori nie, Is visit-
lllK b KuKeli'-
Mihh Heiirlctt'i Littirr h home rnun
tt 1'urilaiid vixil.
LH I'urki-r. of Amity, siient last
nljjlit in this city.
J HCurdwull. of I'iniiti. Kiit iita
fi-vv hours herti tmlay.
It A vYuihbiirne did Lii-tint-h in
Itoufhuri? yeHtcrdiiy.
II K Dcrrlt'k. of uiiuin:i, will enter
the U of (J thU year.
MrsCeorKe lllll'"'in l quite i.k ul
her home on High liuiik.
K IlaudHiiker wiim tiiuiHuotino; lu-l-Iuhh
ill juiietiou thin wick.
J W tiiillcy, tin tnt pot nm-ti r,
wuh lu Kutfeiio Tucxduy.
Pniili'iit ('Imiiintin returned fi oiu
Corvallis tills afu-rm
F W KhfMli-ld, of Spokane, Wit-li, Is
duillK lillitilli'hH in KuK.-ne.
1" J IIiiiim-u ami L J I.ovt riyi r, of
Wlsner, Sib., uru in the ciiy.
MUh Murrh. u tutor III tliflTof().
uirivcd on this n ionium's train.
Mercliuiit I-oiitf rHiiriird home to
Cottane drove tliis afleiuomi.
MrsKiroiij?, of Ciilifurnln, U in Hie
city veiling her sister, Mis Farrow.
J I) Wilson lias inov.'d into bin resi
dence pron-rty on cant Ninth stn-rt.
Prof. McFlrov's family arrived here
from Siilfin on "the loeul this afternoon.
Will VV'llideii has iiHUimtd his po.
(Ion In J H McCIuiik's dry goods store.
W 11 (Mramler and wiln and moii ar
rived here this afternoon from Colon.
President Chapman leetun-il at Cor
vallis last night on "The New Wom
an." Mrs J It Leo lias returned home to
Hicrameiito. Hie was accompanied
by her sister.
T F Itourke and H Alexander, prom
inent citizens of Pendleton, spent last
night lu this city.
Mrs L Laird and daughters, Mines
Addle and Dora, liavu removed from
Pleasant Hill to Lugene.
Mr ami Mrs C M Young went to
Portland today, w here they w ill visit
with friends and relatives.
Frank 1-Mwardn and (ieorgo of (iil
lluui county went to Corvuilis today.
They will enter the O A C.
Mrs N J Fitch, wo undeislaud, will
Hhorty remove to Portland, where she
will keep a boarding Inm'.
J K Fdwards, of 1M1, Malheur
county, lift for home this morning
after a visit with relatives in Lane
Assessor liurton went to (lottage
(Irovo this al'teriioon to attend the
funeral f his brotlier-ln-law. Harry
Prof Fred H Dunn went to Salem to
day and next Monday w lil Ugin his
duties as a teacher in the Willamette
Judge K H Ilean and little son came
up from Kalem on this aflcrnoon'n
train. They w ill leavo on a visit to
Mr lleau's mother, at iho Head of
Tide, tomorrow morning.
Among the U of ) students who ar
rlv...l iliia iirteriKMin are Miss Lvdia
Johnson of Salem, W H Stalker of
Cnioli county, K K Crossen or i.raliil
(.,t,,i.. MImu M.I (lilllllan ofCiiUiu.
and M.-ssrs Davis ami Hrysou.
An sfrrronWe Taxattvo unit Vtmr. Tonto,
Bold tiy limgylataoreciit bvmail. oc,Wy.
and 1.W per I'lukitge. Kiniplca t:t3.
IT A YJf The Favorite t!:n rmxj
JV w ilw turlUo'lcvtUaad toalli.o,
Hold I'jr HeiKlentoi) A l.lmi.
I IT KifN '5,,, "
Lb fc t.'x0li W tti'M'ttiarur U U)rtt.lLnnrjf Up
, . n iBi,t foi iir ni chat'C' of Ikri or
' " naitssKHia, tucnmilc daoiwua i d).
B.'l fJ SlfJ bvf!.btwUl.lraV"iN"t'tll
V4vJU- VjK m t il " inUn"J
i-..i.. ;rl'.r...ii-.tH OlUirui
L -' MtH...I..K ' : im4i.'..I, .tM-
tTTtJ t-,e.o. h - 1 ,ii..i. vU,rlMl,
OSlll'llS A PKI.ASO, I)iii.Klkta and olo
genu, K i.'viie On-Kou.
Ia tls Circuit Court ol the State of Ore
poll, (or Lans Count;,
Miry A K. 8anth, I'luutitl'. 1
. I
John VT. Kowe, Mst(!rt
ltobiaaOD ami ( ! ore Uob-
iuou her bunuauil. lie
becca Hurley, aud Vuleu-
tins Unrlt'T h" hiisbaiul, j
Nancy (.ieThinr, siul
CleorgefleviiiRer her hus
band, Mdla Cooiw, auvl
William Cooper her Iihh
band. Sis y IV lion, War
ren K. UmUil, Mitrtvllns
Kowe, John Liduvette
linae, lUiat lto How, Sir
ah Wikina, the heiraof
Joi.b Kowe, deecait'd. I
1 i,d inln. J
i i.'liu V. Kowr, Mi;arol K.iliitiaon
ant. Ueorii Hobiiwou her hnaband, Keberc
Hurley and Nah ulins Hurley her bustiaiul,
Nan.v lievinger and (ieore CIvnmor her
luihliaud. Mills (oer and William 11.
Cooper her huabaiul, Mry 1'eltou, Warren
K Mrdsil, Muri'elhiH Kowe. John La(a.etto
U ie, Koaelta liow. Sarah Wilkins tho
lu iia o( Joab liova iltc.cisul, tho above
iiaiiuil ilelvudauta:
In the uatua of the Stute ol Oregon: Yoo
an i ei.i h ol you aie hereby re.imred to ap
p,ir ami auwer the c.miplaint o( the
plaintilf, Mary A. E. Smith in theabw
eutilli J Court, iu tha auovn entitled auit
now on tile wllh tho Clerk ol a.i.l Court on
or betore tho firat day ol the next
regular term ol com I, to-wit: tn
or Iwlor the 2Jth day of Ootolr, AO,
lSI'j, and you and eaoli of you ar hereby
notified that if you full lo appear aud
anawer aaid complaint aa hereby required
the plaintitT Mary A. E. Smith will apply lo
thecou't (or ilia relief doruanJed iu aald
couiplauit lo-wit: lor a jiioVuietit and i'f
ereeofaaid Court, that tbe Oefeiulauts lv
faiever brred of any rilit, or claim M, or
iou-rvat in the following di-arribed pr ml-ws
lu n j: of the s j; ol li, tt 1. a i 4
mm: In I.ana ctuntj, Stale of Oregon,
uud the l'Uiutitt tx decm-d the owner
iu (- anuple of aald land.
Una munion i published iutli Erovxa
CiCtkO, a newapaper piiutrd, pub r t;ed,
and ol genual ciroulatioii in l.aue e uiu'y,
Oregon, by orh'r ol th Circuit Court of iLe
State ol Orim let Lane roiinly. by the
Honorable J. C. Kullt rtuu, Jiili;- ilrMf,
duly iu.le al CLaiiilms lo U -i. b iri . U the
Vlb day ol Sept.-iiiber, Is'Jj.
K S. iklloM'Lvlll,
AtCuney lor I'laiuillf.
f qO. FOff OSr IT W 1 1 L MOT
Want i Corvallls Times:
Jack Mnvn und ISO other employes of
i it it n vnr h io rail.
tinned the court for an order asking
.. . 'I'...... Ar Ijmii
that tlie runners irusv .
Co. I reipiir.d to pay Into the
cmiit the balance din- them as em
ploves of the P during the
Ha'dhy receivership, a lemurrer
lo which was sustained by Judge Ful
lerton, have up- aled. The jK-tllion of
Mavo et nl l l-u-e-l on the leal propo
rtion that the phiiuiill In a suit Is re
Bixilislble for the costs and they nought
toha e the court deelarn that the rail
road being in tho bauds of the court,
indel.lehiess to employes Incurred III
the operation of the road were legiti
mate court expenses or costs, slid that
lherelore, the plaint ill', the Farmers
Trust A Loan Co., should be made to
pay them. The aggregate of the sum
the pelitioiors asked to have the
plaltililt' pay into court was about t "
A Hank Smamikh. A brakeman
on the train on the Oregoniau it. It.
Tuesday evening at Coburg, while
mi I,',. i .. ii Iuiicuih loaded with
Iron, caught his left hand and was
smashed In a serious manner. He wus
taken aero to the S. P. and taken to
his home at lUiseUirg. John Cum
miugv is conductor of the train.
To 1 ll K Ficon T. J I) Matlock & Co
are out lu this evening's Ot'AKO with
an ImiMiitaiit advertisement. It
should Is- scanned by every lady In
I lugene und Lane county, who wish
the latest styles at the lowest prices.
Hop Pickers Wanted.
Fifty pickers are wanted at once at
the Walker-Campbell yard, two miue
east of Fugene. Thirty-live cents per
box will bo paid. Three weeks' pick
ing. Don't wait, but come at once.
W. 11. Walkkk.
Dav & Henderson, Undertakers ano
Ernbalmers. Cor Wil. and th sts.
Iliirai. Mini liiK, ItlnrVmnltliliiK. denrral Re
l.airliiK. All kii iU nl wtssl and Iron work,
Call and See Us.
Hevrath tn-i-i ln lwiii'ii Wlllamftte and Ollre.
Old Mi-lauu lIulldiUK.
If ynu nnat to plant fruit In-es tills fall, yon
pan have MA Kt wilt, on your order Itj iurehaa-
liili Iruin i no
Willamette Valley Nursery Co.,
or WiMiPHTKN, ORKliuX.
We Want.
o o
C.C. Goldsmith & Co.
Sterling and Silvcr-Plated Ware.
gfc$Yatcli Itcpnlring a Ss.'lalty.dl
Office over Baum's clothing
Iu ill Circuit Court of the atate of Ore-
cou for Lane couuty
Uaic Gray, riaiutilT
Aaron Ooldamith and Zette
Ooldainitb, hia wife.Kiums
lllandiut!. Erank lUaudmn
aud lUandint!, widow,
heira at law ol Mai tin
ltlaudiiiKi deceased, De
reuditnta. To Aaion Qoldaiuith anJ Zette lloldtrutth
hia wife, Emilia lilaudin;, Etunk lllauding
and lllan liug. widow, boil at law
of Murtiu l'llaud nt:. deceased, ll abore
named di feudauta.
In the name of the atate of Oregon, you
aud each of you are hereby required
to n mmar all 1 anawer the comclaiut of the
plaitilitt, 1-aacllray, iu the ubove entitled
court. In the aiior eiitiued auir, now ou
tile with the clerk of auid comt. ou or be
fore the first d.V of the next reg
ular term of court to wit; Oa ol be
fore tho 2Sth da of October, A. D. 1805
and you aud ea-h of vou.are hereby notified
that if vou ta I to appiar aud autwer said
coumlhint as hereby reouired, tbe plaintiff,
I -ano ti my, will apply to tha court for the
relief demanded in the said 0"UHluiut to-wit:
Eor ju imctil and decree of a.iid court, that
tbe dcf udanti t lorever uarreti oi anj
rinht. cliim to, or inti reat in t following
described tutmiaea: Tb Eat 'Jt fft ol
lot No. 3 iu block No 11. iu Mulligan's
Oouiitiou to Lao county uow part of tu
iien. l.auu (vunty. Orecon. aud that the
p! Outitf be decreed the owuer iu fee einiple
of -al.l ire:iuai a.
Tliia auiuiiiOtM is publiahed iu tbs F.i Ru
.Ci-iKl) a ue-;'i'' luiuird, publ aued,
aud ol ctneral rin-ulation in ! . piDnty
OrtMU, by oer of the Circuit Court of
th a ie of tiieu'i" ' " Em county by ihs
Hon J. C. E.illo'ton, iuili thereo'. du y
nude at Ciaiulx i'i K icbuii on ae O b
d.iy ol S." r. I1-!1 "
Wu K. SciKDva fi-s,
Altoruey lor Klainliff,
(JR. r:ilX LE BRUN'S
rathe o' tinal and oely FUKN'CH, aafeand ra.
tiahUcc-. on Hi- maiket. k'ncu 1.J0; aoui b
uui. Ueuiuua aulu oaii oj
OMU K.N Al'tl.iKO Infvlt ana 1
egcuu, bueue, vipiivn.
1,J I
Can be made by buying your
A a i .1
winter supply ol lioois una
Shoes at Yoran's Exclusive
Shoe Store.
No. 181 Willamette St.
It Will Pay.
You when in want of anything
in me line oi
Drugs, Patent Medicines,
Perfumes, Toilet Articles,
Combs, Brushes, Syringes,
and Rubber Goods generally,
- .... .- niAiuf nn famltv and horM
preaerlpllon. Our CieilU Fwer
i e the Meal Karih. Clue pound pack
aKet, WcciiU. three lor 11.00.
B. 1. NokioH.
0. W. KtaatT
Norton & Kinsey,
Commercial and Probate Builneaa a 8peo-
ice In Harrli' Block.
Tla OHvpp rilnir rnninnnv builds ft
Roclul steel plow for the ClHaruette
Hop Storage
At the Lowest Possible Prices and Rates.
We shall also
during the hop
hops, and all hops sold to us m our
warehouse no charge for storage will
be made.
!i!l 0 liBrsfiijjiJiLlilirarg pciaii
Can Be Secured Only at Our Store.
You can have your choice of the following eight books:
MUSICAL LEAVES (Muslo), 320 pages.
Our new DRESS GOODS have
arrived. Be sure and examine Goods
and Prices before you buy.
Our BOOT and SHOE Stock is
Complete, and our $1.00 Plow Shoe is
the Best on earth.
A. I
Assignees Sale.
Now is the lime to Bay WAGONS and BUGGIES.
Tho "COAST" all Stool gear wagon; best in the world.
The entire t ok of th Coat Carriage A. Wagon Co'a. Buggies, Carri,
t'Hit.H, Hacks ami Wagons m ill be told at greatly rducJ price.
tnr Strictly First-class Work In All Jobs."
IXm't luy any but "COAST." K?e that th name ! on every ric.
You can now (n't a First Class rig for what you would pay for cheaply
niHile Kmtlerti work.
If your dialerado not cairy the "Coat" vehicle, wiite direct to the fc
trv at' Corvallls, Oregon and get Catalogue and prices.
Assignee Coaat C. A V. Co.
lultr Item, ind Hyland "P Y,,i
IUther rainy weltber fr hop pick
luit. :....iti r iioihrook have re-
Ij u aim u
turned from Eaatern Oregon.
ThU rain uglit to atari inegrw..
... . .. u vnnilnv school
mere w i ihh oo uj j, . K
or preaehlnK at Unity until h$
JXipUiauoii ore
picking. ' Mottfwn went to
GoBheiiafewdavaat'otowork In Vt
Bharplen pi une dryer.
Maaon Warner la buaily engaged
building bis house.
Mrs MeFarland. of Elkton. whe . lias
ln iulte HI with typhoid
the residence of her father at Lowell
l Improving.
J W U working for his father, J Lox
of (loahen during hop picking.
Monroe Cain is carrying the mail be
tween Lowell and Tip Top.
IMcking commenced at A l H.v
laud's hop ard rpt -''"1 wil." 10?
pickers. He Is paying 80 cent; per
nine bucliel box. Heveral acres of good
Imp will be left unpicked on account
of the gloomy prospect for the Hop
O M Ulackburn Is acknowledged to
be the fastest picker iu A D Hyland
yard, having picked seven boxes one
A pleawaut evening was spent by the
young people at the Ice cream social at
the campground Monday evening.
Mr. A. A. Bnyder, supt. poor farm,
Winnesheik Co., says: Last winter
Mr. Robert Lach used two boxes of
DeWllt'i Witch Hazel Salve and
cured a long running sore on his leg.
Had been under care of physician for
months without obtaining relief.
Sure cure for Tiles.
Dallf Quard September 12.
Died. M J Peters, aged about 89
years, died at Coburg of heart trouble
at 1 o'clock this morning. Deceased
leave a wife and three children to
mourn his demise. The funeral will
be held at 2 p m tomorrow under the
auspices of the I O O F aud the re
mains Interred iu the Odd Fellows'
cemrtery at Coburg.
The Dandy Disk harrow lead.
be in the market
season to purchase
fllIS6,WE!S,H6 Ml
is worthy of tho attention of shrewd buyers. Well mi'
line of Cloaks and Uapes wo nave ever had. We have F
Garments at every price from $10 up. Space will not t-
a 1 i. J 1 .1 ,1 a lAMirtiAn f ( stun linn A 1 "
mil a ueiaueu ucstupuun ui iiuv.,iiviiv.i; nv luviie VOU'
call and see our stock.
fine black beaver, a very pretty cape; special price, $7.2,.
Hop Pickers and Farmers be sure and gi
your fall goods of us-we are right,
20 yds of Prints ,
20 yds of Shirting j
20 yds of Gingham ,
17 yds of Muslin
Heavy Shoes Mens'
Heavy Shoes Ladies' ' o'
Good Tap Sole 13oot J
1G yds Cotton Flannel
CALL ON US. ..ait
213 and JT Dull St., cor, Copitncrclal,
San Francisco, Cal.
We pay the highest market price for
Wheat, Barley, Oats, Potatoes,
Apples, Poultry, Hides, Wool,
It will pay yon to write ui and keep pixic4.
Liberal advances made ou comigiiiuenu.
Upm(,aa. (fan Franelvo Prudnce Fichatige.
!an Frauclteo Fruit Exchange.
V, S, Land Office.Boseburg, Or gon.
AuRUst 27, 1'J5.
Complaint havinj been entered at tbia
offloe by II ( PIvbiU agiinat .tamea A
Connare, frir tDundoning I U HometFad
Entry No 7077, dited April 7, lisl, npoo
'h N N W and W ' N E )i. Seo M,
Tovnabip 18 S, Kange 1 hoat, in Lane
comity, Oriiou, with a iew lo the canctl
Iniinnof auitl entry, tbe snt parties are
hereby annimcned to appear at tbe ollire of
Cbaa M Kis entjrr, notary public. Fall
CWk, Lam- conntr. Orenti, on III Hib
A.j of Oot ber, ls.'5. at IU o i li ck a. m ,
o respond and fnmib let'puihy concert,,
uigaaad alleged abiL'.Uutuo:. IJt.itiiu
l tbia o'.Hoe on ib tiniiniouv iKen
0tt- 1C, IS'.'j SulS.vnt evidirpi
luTirg been fnrubed t(.o nhcw that
(ittaoDal aervice cannot I'e lad. aervice ia
brtby ordered by pi;lihc-iion in the
OciU, pnbliihed at Enene, Lane cvuut,
Oregon, iocording to law.
K. M. ViiTta, Beciter.
li. 8, Bsuunax, liicciT.r.
1 1
mil sweep, niceiy nnisneu.
We are showing the Largest. Finest and Best AsunrJ
We Imve the Lnvmi tw
Hst a..Hrtaieiil ever tlion
We ask ynu to call iul
our line. 'Our prkin nivib
T.ATiTFS n,lMv frinmioil with fine braid made o
Ladies Capes and Jackets from $3.00 to $25.00,
Notice H hereby Riven .1 al Waxi
ExtxMJ.ion duly 1m"J-1 ul, ' 'ouU "
of Oregon w i , i
Sht ol wiitember. l?"
on the luthday
ntent ren.lered In aald t ou" " - ff .
Auaii.t, IW-, in favor ol tt But,
Hurlburt, tfor the "f,, i.o'l'o T.n V11
Thlrty-nlne 1M'1 1 ,h dijof,
tereat thereon irom the '
u.t, lma. at the rate of euh r;,,
annum In suit In ia Id lot t ,,
Hurlburt as 1'lamtlf '". ,a l si
it"u.."T..r.V"'a .
and order ol sale, In
mandlug me In ord.T lo Mti . hV
aud u and accruing FX
liiidencnbed real pro,T; "( no.'
.S3.S4cls eau and M eh' lo Uj"
corner o( the IKinalion (..' 01
vis and wile, CUMWP 1. r M,h.
l-oun.y.ureuon; thenca h i
ea.t I-'m ch to cetiier ol ! co ... y
uoiih is ilea ) ilin U'. ' Jm4
ouhe ooon y rotJ pi. t" N
o he point of b,ttlnul'
tothepiace of be3luul"!! -1 '
mArlhewe.t S'ol the f .'.i'.'V'-1
ens eat and i chu no i h ' .e ikWo'n
nerol the Donation C '.a. m "I re
and wile, fl i" '"Ph',' 'at Vi
thence south ..v. ch heme e x j
ihecenierof the couutr n ' d, e.ialon eente o co, .
thenca west If.. chi lo he 1 .a ,l
conta nlMlt J) m" 1 ,
coun.v, Orcaon. ci
And-aiter aatj-lylnir ; ,:y ! U-;
and eipenses of the )s u( ,( ...
in I !" ,r A.y l
amount due the puJ,',h'i livteio's"'- "
lr,.mlhe snndui if. , doe .
burn I'ompany, l ',,, ,J ' eJ
morliaw of said Lucy S I'J lt
herhu.uaod the amount o
com.Miny. . ,,, ,,iv,r r r 'bt
Now therefore. ' will ' ,t
propel .y al pnhllc a... lion t ,,, , rr.
hou d.K.r in F-ua-ene. ' i-
y ondav. ine Ulh day' .. ,, , o c.
the hour. 0f J. oVIoi-k. a a j ,,.v
low It' alio Si" if
i ... -,
ftherltl or U'-e
the fact..ryf Oliver '
plow uud Uik c'uAMBt'
Chariest Hyers, ii" t'
Uuerand I M 0lmrn 4 inrn rts
atlon. were Iiefcndants. a 1 1 ' ,
......,. i up. K Hvors