The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 24, 1895, Image 9

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    Highest of oil in Leavening
ISIilxr II "KK ill In
Ti'lla ul H
KinVr Hnggnnl whh fi-U'il riivutly a
thii Author' Club, Louilou. Jn'ilj
cuurxo of u lenpoiin.) to u toast t' hi
hualtli, iiNi'mnftl by Sir Wultrr tfi.ui,
Jiu mi ill et'Vi Viil things ua to tbo iimftr
turn of uutliiirnbip Unit uru W'.rtu
jiro.luctiou. j
"I hVU Uteu aubjtrtuil to coiiaiilf
nblo iittncU iu my turns 1 nuv ae
vrry bitti-r uttiu-kx. For eiimii4.-, j
Kt'iiLlcmi'ii. 1 ruiiu-uilH-r u literary mil
writing to mu, not mcivly noon Aug ou
vl buiiiK tbo iuMiiator of tlj mum
coin nut toil by nnothi-r gen Uriuai
Jack the Itipin-r but of urt mlly yr
petratuiK them. Criticism o i-xijct;
but, why, if h man write a novel nor
or It'KH BiuveMnful, should ho be acctwri
of tin) crimes attributed, jjtirlmp-i fnno
ly, to tho KipiH'tf Another Kintluian,
who diil lint go tiiito ho far im rtiit,
htniK'd at iiliiuiurisui; everytun 1
have written ho has found aunmviioie
else. I huvu no doubt that at thin
htiiKf of tho world it in very ear to
tiiul an oriKiual for cverythiuj, 1
thought that in hho I had given the
world BointthiiiK fairly new if ilil
but not a bit Do you ri-inemlsr a
writer called Homer': Hu had a Jady
living iu a cave that watt tho jruto
tyivu of Hho.
"If 1 had time I could say sume.hing
iiiteri'Htinj,', not nlMiut phiKiariim: you,
us uxix.-rts, know that this is all bosh;
but about literary enim-iduuem t hero
is sumo faculty of tho brain that exer
cises a mysterious foresight. I fr.iuld
tell you Homo very odd things pkicb
have hapiH'iied to me iu conlljeuco.
Moitt of my humblo efforts aboijt the
dark continent 1 have invent id at
largo ana rreeiy nil iiround. 1 am
astoiiishcd, almost dismayed, when 1
Hud houkx of travel sustaining vhaf I
have invented. In King boljaiou'a
Mines and Allan Oimrternmiu are
things which 1 evolved out of UJ tur
bid imagination which huvo bou veri
fied Hiuco, why, I know not 1 never
had the slightest uoiiccptiou that they
would lio duplicated in fact. (Ac iu
Htanco will Kutliee. When 1 WMt going
to write Allan (uarteriiiuiu I tmk tlie
map and hit uxm a KHt thru uu
kuowu. I located a liiisxinii station
there, had it attacked and all its oc
cupants killed. Three years latur some
religious body went there and tixod a
mission, and all its occupants were
killed a most unpleasant coincidence.
1 could give a dozen other insl.t ices of
the kind, but I must content myself
with this one: A year or two ago I
wrote a book of romance fK boys.
The People of the Mint was its title.
In it 1 picked out a spot iu A Erica, and
made a land company take it up at
present I urn tho director of a com
pany which has taken up tint actual
spot. From all tho reports that I can
learn, brought down from u;ives, my
description was essentially accurate."
Sir Walter liesaut left uo doubt in
tho minds of his hearers as to his own
opinion of Mr. Haggard. "1 don't say
that the musses are always right, but
in tho long run they uhvaj-g are. I
made inquiries at representative free
libraries to find out who were the fa
vorite authors. They seem be Scott,
Marryat and Dickens uniting tho dead
authors. Scott certainly first, and
Marryat, I think, beforu Dickens.
Among living authors our friend Hider
Haggard is unquestionably lirst. I
tind two very remarkable qualities in
Mr. Haggard's novels aj power of
imagination, iu which, ftr audacity
and strength, ho is uneqiallcd since
the Kli.abethan dramatics. 1 have
been glancing through hisbooks again
today, and 1 do not think this is too
Htroiijt a thing to say; secoiidly, therein
tho mesmeric influence Which ho ex
ercises over readers. (. irrcut Altera
Thiisn UU-yi-lr Co-fiinra
Tlie men seem to M haviug al
most as much trouble otor their bicy
cling costumes us the tiincn. There
are hotels, it seems, thi will not en
tertain men in kuicki bookers, and
they are by no means asiwelcoine iu h11
places in their bicycle lathes as with
trousers that Hap alsii their ankles
aud modish skirts, ltj is largely to
this consideration of ej thes that the
far-seeing look for the Lresirviition of
the horse and the contBuanco of some
of tho old-fashioned iethods of con
veyance. If men coui live and move
and transact their lisiness in golf
stockings and knicl-'rbockers, and
w.imeu in bloomers o-.hort skirts, the
bicycle progress miglj tie as Ruro as it
has' bei-u swift, ltutj.s if is, the for
malities of life, suclilis they are, mili
tate gently but liriuli against the bicy
cle, and though tho.Jiire not effectual
to hold it buck, hey jlo nuiKe a
little for its rosfiiut- HurpiT's
I'rtrlllrd Msn
ruljr I'rrt
Tlio pttritied
,- of ii inn n twenty
feet long was font
er's far. a, near tl
ou Thomas Bark
Appanoise county
line, about twent
miles south of Al
discovery was made
bin recently. T
whilo Mr. Parki
was making excava-
ti ins ou his farnfto sink a emit sliart.
The face is a pcfivt stone image ot
a man. w ith thi exception of a uose,
the end o;' whii
Ust, had iipp:ir
full v us larg as one
rlv been broken off by
the pick oi'sh
-Mr. Marker
w-ork to excav
"hours they wo
;1 his two men si t to
i the laxlv. For two
" i i... i . ..i..
,e(l nam aim in
brought to li
of thu giant,
sent toCd.t'
t the head and shoudlers
Hue of the meu were
ille to summon iisit-
ance. The higcrs were as large aim
1 unr as an lidiiiarv man's rm and
could is? tr.icl very readily iu the r k
iu which thty arc enleblc. The
bands are of inorinous proportions and
tho arm ful.y as large a one's body.
Ellth tan ftlrr a Iwi rnrrmntl
'-ll. I wuiild ll. Mlallehr-UjimlHtrd iliaatirra
Ji at 1 do pg would.
Toer - Latest U. S. Gov't Report
rtt&mla Tmlay l imrutliril t.y Ill.t-a.r -Huw
Hu t'uiiiiifrrd Itliruniatlaiu
A Niairy Full of Intrrr.t.
F ruin the Kiarulner, sua KranciM-o, i !.)
There is at least one happy man iu
Sau Francisco today ouo uiau who
cau enjoy, despite tho fact of Ins being
sixty yours ot ago and of corpulent
build, the full and free uso of all the
powers of mind and body
James Keouuu is a prominent liuuor
dealer at 5U Drunnau street, and it i'
ho who is now lauding thoso who hve
restored him from a bed of paiii to bis
former youthful activity. Mr. Koein:
had, to wuhiu a year ago, been blcsj
witk tho enjoyment of aloinst peril
It wus a year ago that Mr. Ktuan
first suffered tho hand of diseusi to
Uke hold upon him. At that tint he '
was stricken dowu by au aggrauted I
attack of rheumatism, which mUhI i
him of the use of his lower liuibmuit
of both his hau'ls. For fully six v-eks '
hu lay ou his couch, a helpless wum
of tho dread disease, and nil thetiuie
ho suffered intense uiiiu iu tho attcted i
portions of Ins body, lio coul not
move himself upon his bed, uii all
that ho ate hud to be fed to liui by
those iu attendance, lio had about
despaired of ever gaming releae from
the clutches of tho frightful isease,
when one morning his attcutiu was
drawu to au advertisement iu i morn
ing paper, of a remedy for huiimu
tism. Tho story of what stueeded
this casual glance at a uiediciu adver
tisement cau best bo told in lb words
of Mr. Keeuan himself, wh, ' when
asked for au explanation of Is seem
ingly miraculous cure, gavt tlie fol
lowing account:
"It seemed to mo that aftr all the
weeks of terrible suffering tlit 1 had
endured that there could uu possibly
be a relief. 1 had no faith patent
medicines, aud wheu I saw iia paper
tho advertisement of Williuis' Pink
Pills 1 was induced to try tern only
iu sheer desperation. 1 di not feel
any relief until I begau takig tho sec
ond box of tho pillf, but thci the paiu
began gradually to leave nif my appe
tite became better, aud 1 ould sleep
soundly throughout the nigt without
exporieuciug any of the joking pains
that had before kept me 1 con
tinued to take the pills uni'it was only
a short time nutil tho rheuantisiu had
entirely left my hands, ad 1 had so
far recovered tho use of in legs as to
be uble to walk about thoaouse with
out assistance. Iu aboii two weeks !
more 1 was entirely fren mm the dis- j
ease, but 1 took two uion boxes of the :
pills its a precaution agaOst a return
of the rheumatism. Font the time
that tho lust trace of tin disease left
me I hud uot felt tho lest sigu of its
return, and I cau truttfully say that 1
I now enjoy tho free usi of uiy limbs
as ever I did before thi; heuiuatism at
tacked me.
"I have takeu the ains to recom
mend Williams' Pink Pills to a num
ber of my friends wt uro suffering
from rheumatism. I hlnk I know ot
uo other remedy that will nfford such
quick and permanent ulief from rheu
matism as do' Pink Pills,
and I only hiqio that Jany others may
bo brought to see anderl the high cura
tive powers that the 'ills possess."
Dr. Williams' Pin: Pills coiitaiu, iu
a condensed form, all tho elements
necessary to give ue' life and richuess
to tho blood and restore shattered
nerves. They are Jso a spccitlo for
troubles peculiar tc females, such as
suppressions, irregihirities ami ail
forms of weakness. They build up the
blood uud restore, tl glow of health to
palo aud sallow clicks. Iu men they
effect a radical cun in all cases arising
from mental worr overwork or ex
cesses of whatever isture. Pink Pills
are sold in boxes (ever in ; loose bulk)
at 00 cents a box e six boxes for2. 50,
uud ,may bo had ii all druggists, or
direct by mail torn Dr. Williams'
Mediciuo Cum pan Schenectady, N. Y.
Be Quickly Itrarut4 tlie luiputtlu That
lie Yea La'?.
"I'm a pretty ciy going kind of a fel
low," ho said asuo poked his head in
t. an Illinois C'ntral suburban ticket
office window, 'but it seems to nie
yon'ro sort of rnlbing it iu. "
"What's tho nUter?" asked the ticket
"Oh, Isnppos. I ought not to com
plain, but I ulwa get the worst of it
i -verywhere, uiuh thought maybe I could
get this ono mttcr fixed Jnst for a
change. "
"I think tho company is anxious to
donnythiiiRitc:ltoplciL-o its patrons,"
nid theagent. 'What is your trotible?"
"Well, yon t, I nm au inveterate
fllioker. "
"And out wK-re I live the entrance to
the station is it the south cud of the
"It's the me wr.y at Randolph
street. "
" Yes. "
"Ami rnn mt the smokiug cur at the
north end of t a il traiu, no mutter which
wuv it ia ruining- "
'Well, wh.t of it?" !
"What of I! Can't yon we that I :
have to watt tho whole leugth of the j
train to road the smoker and the whole i
length back ngaiu when I get dowu
town. It isi't fair. I ought to get the
'ls-t of it at fast at one end of the line.
You can't clange it? Well, then, would j
vott advise ne to move or give up niok
W" "Smnkinf,"
"Well, I a n't know. If it wasn t tor
the work, I i move. Cy the way. you
don't think m lary. do you? Of course
not I'm ony jnftiflably unlia-uaJit ever
au adverse Bt " ......
I"Ut nVamniniry wuirh men rail,
nil atitnlirr iihriu-, "ytiur prrity face,"
7 rr iai.ii irliiLI. Ilirrf U lm I all,
inj biiini lnu r ilmla no plai v.
inliu'lil. unr warmtli, one Iniji r air,
(rnIU'M uiiuiirr liarbura turre.
! ilrar country, M by UIr,
T.Tr l r two iilanil Inkm llmt 1fp,
1 "rrf Kurlli n an iMmii to il.t ido
Larh ieh)'. UhfiitLuliinlili tlri'ii,
lllf HU tlitltlh III KM.1l'-a
l. nt rvla of j uur Miul'a rreeia.
1i ftlirr l.miU iia pasliiif w-rl
r watch ill.- w til'ifi lint wi-.tirti wind
f i ilttHhil all llm w liiii'hril w heat
Nor liavi- iIip tinli-M Ira. k IkIiiuJ,
o the wanriai wittlrt riir
hlrcrvt ulcui; the raiuiy uurr.
o i!no tin- ri phyr of ynnr m!!e
Iail mi ll fciiry fontiit Jumo
From rnil in rml of that iluur l-l
And ilniili all tho fair i'Vnr,
Ami mimhi Itk roiiiM- ami float and (lira
In rlipU'iiVr your lautrlilnu nri.
- I'ull Mall IIuili;-t
Mr. Anhnr F.vtrdeno haikcd out
irx.n Snckville Hti-ect and yawned. Only
ail instant ln-fore he hail written "llnis"
to :i maga.iiie aiticlewith ada-h of tho
P1 11 "ros the lust lie-t, and now tho
MSS. lay ready for the post among tin)
debris of printer's proofs, new novel
awaiting review, etc., with which tho
writing table was strewed.
One of tho In st known litterateur in
London aud a brilliant conversation
ist, his tongue could lie. as scathing as
his pen, mid it was Mid of him, with
regard to the latter weapon of warfare,
that in half a dozen polished sentences
he could do more toward damning a
btxik than tiny two of his compeers. A
bif, loosely made man was Mr. Kverdene,
with shrewd gray eyes and the pessim
ism of a modern. Studying his face tut
lounged by the window, his hands iu
ino pockets or ins smoking jacket, one
could sei that ho had n lively sense of
humor combined with his other charac
teristics mid understood tlie interest his
personality aroused.
I'resently u servant brought him a
visiting card on n mlver.
"Tho lady would ls obliged if you
wonhl grant her an interview, sir."
"Lady llilynrd, " muttered Kverdene,
reading the inscription. "I can't recall
tho iiaiua Hot her the woman! What
dies nlio want? However, ask her to
come rip, lilake. "
When sho entered, a fair, elegant
woman of perhaps .", in an irreproach
able! Parisian toilet, ho was still more
convinced that ho had not tho privilege
of lier acquaintance.
"Mr. Aubrey Kverdene?" shu queried
Mr. Everdeno bowed.
"Pray tiiko a nciit, madaino,"
"No," she said. "I ham oiimn to
qnurrel with you, and 1 dou't hit down i
iu tho houses of mv enemies!" j
"To quarrel with me!" His eyebrows
weut tin. The thouL'ht came to him that
his visitor was not in her right mind.
"Yes. Perhaps I had Is-tter explain I
mvself at ouco. I am tho author of;
'Fashion and Footlights,' " '
Mr. Everdeno, standing tierforee be-!
- . 1
cause pho would, pulled his mustache, i
while the fair stranger tapied her No.
8 shoe Au tho carpet with impatience
and looked pitchforks mid dagp-rs.
"'Fashion and Ftmt lights, '" ho re
(lifted aloud. " 'Fashiou and Foot
lights. ' Ha!"
Comprehension stole over his faco nnd i
with it a sliglit nmusenielit. lie fished ,
among a pile of volumes and brought
out thriii bound with un cIclmiico do
tlue,i ro WH1 ,), i.Urtsof suhurbuu cir-
culating libraries.
Hero it is. Reviewed it iu The Cen
turion, didn't I?"
"No," sho said, "yon hanged mid
quartered it!"
"I am sorry. May I ask how you
found ont that I was the culprit?"
"Oh, by accident It's a long story
and unimportant, sinco you don't deny
tho imputation. Now, Mr. Fvcrdcno, I
know it is very impcrtiucut of me, a
stronger, to come to your private ad
dress and worry yon. I am doing a very
unusual thing, I am afraid, and Mrs.
liruiidy would bo horrified. Uut 'fool
rush in,' yon kuow, and widows aro
privileged. You must have a little pa
tience with me bocauso" for tho first
timo hcrjips relaxed, and sho smiled a
smile that was sweetness itself "well,
just liccauso I'm a woman and you're a
gentleman. Acknowledge tho truth,
now, on your honor. Don't you think
you were uimecessurily harsh to my
poor little literary effort?"
"No," ho said bluntly; "I always
givo my truo opinion of things, uud I
consider your book had many fuults."
If she had been a man, ho would huvo
aid, "I thought it was bad, "with
the brusqueness of conviction and prob
ably declined to discuss tho matter, but
to a lady it was impossible to 1m rude.
Ho regarded her absurdly unconvention
al presence with a tolerant kindness.
"Of course, I admit that there aro
faults, but upon one or two points iu
your criticism I cannot agree with you.
I should very much like to discuss theui
v.itli you. May 1?"
"Certainly. " His month was twitch
ang under hi heavy mustache. "Uut
don't you think, pending tho verdict,
Hint yon had better sit down? You will
be fatigued If you'll permit mo to
wheel this armchair nearer tho flro for
yon so!"
Haviug carefully arranged it so that
tho should face the light, he seated him
self opposite her tho A. B. C. of di
plomacy, but she did uot oppear to no
tion it She wa drawing arabesqnes on
tho carjet with tho point of her ivory
bandied umbrella,
"I should very much liko to know,"
ho iid, "what you think of my com
ing here?"
"1 think you nre plucky yes, and
recklessly unconventional.
"Candid, at any rate! And I
that" Sho looked np. "Now for the
first indictment on the li-t, Mr. Ever
deno. You accuse me of improbability
( deny it" '
His manner bordered cn prooccupa-
lion. In truth, he was thinking what
wonderful laslu-s she had, and how 1e
Mining a flush of excitement could I si
to a clear, palo skin.
"You assert, " she coutinm-d warmly,
"that it is ridiculous to suppose that a
man and woman of the world could fall
in love at flr-t sight as I make my hero
and hiToine do, and that such prooced
iiign aro limited to Isiys and girl in
their t'ii and tho pages of penny fie
' tioii. 9hould have thought that Mr.
1 Aubrey Everdenn would have shown
j wider sympathies."
I "Then yon really believe, Lady Hii
yard, that itiluit, m-tislble Hoplu con
ceive such nbrupt attaclitneiiiiir"
"I am iimviiiced that it happen fre
qtieutly. "
"t.'.i, com jiot fniinently?"
"Well, ttimi'timctf, " hc aim ndi-d. "1
could give you a dneii iii'iaucin. "
lie lacked the heart to aigue with
her. It would have li ii like breaking
a lutttitlly nit a wlnvl. And, after all,
there might bo more x ntiment in tin
In Hiei'lo humanity than he thought.
Women have wonderful intuition in
tlii-Ni matters.
"Well, suppose wo let tint alide for
the iniiiuent and pna-rnd to indictment
No, What other jihrase of initio do
you take exception to?"
"You said that 1 had Hot the remotest
idea of construction, mid that 'Fahiou
and Footlights' was evidently a speci
men of that objectionable i l.i-s of Union
which you regretted to m-e was growing
no prevalent the amateur novel, born
of vanity and a lack of wholesome oc
cupation. "
Her voice died away with a tremor.
Ho had only stated the truth, but that
fact did not prevent the spit-ehles Mr
l'verdciio fr iii f'-clitig as if he had com
mitted n particularly brutal murder
and the gho-t of the victim hud count
to arraign him before all the pitiplu
whose opinions he valued umr-t.
"I I cried, "she murmured pathetic
Her lips quivered Ih :tds cf perspira
tion rose to the man's forehead.
"licxid heavens, if I had only gucmicd
how much 1 should hurt you I It was
harsh, monstrous. No doubt I was in a
bad tonivr, and your unfortunate book
was the tir-t thing that afforded mo au
opportunity to vent my spleen. "
Lady Hilyard applied nix square
inches of cambric and lace to tho corner
of au eyelid.
"If you'll only believe me, my dear
Lady Ililyard, when I tell you that I'm
sorrier than 1 can say."
"Then you acktiowlcdgo that juu
were needlessly cruel?"
"I was brutal. " He would huvo eom
mi tied blacker perjury a she wiped
that tear away.
"And that I had just cause for indig
nation?" "You were jierfirtly right."
A smile broku like April sunshine
over her face.
"In that case, I fupjviso I must for
give you.
He was ridiculously grateful. Ho
heaved a sigh of relief and hesitated,
' with his hand ou the button of the elcc
trio bell.
"Lady Ililyard, you know the Arab
I custom of taking salt with ouo's friends?
I As n token of good will jicriiiit nut to
give you the prosaic F.nglish equivalent
of a cup of tea. "
I The offer was tempting, tho room was
' hot, and she had talked a great deal.
She yielded and mom When tho re
freshments came, accompanied by won
derful nwcctmcal from Bond street
round the comer, she asked HTmissioii
P"'""' ' '"t him with a winning
K-iims!ies which cliiirnnsl him. It
nffotdeil him an Id sense of pleasure,
10 "" lltr ' HiiK'ers moving
alsuit the china. Ho was uniK-ctistoniod
. . .i . ..m i.. i.i . I
io me presence oi w omen in ins iioniu.
With tho Japanese table between
them, them chatted for awhile, and
then thcclockon the mantelpiece struck
(I. She rose, with a pretty gesture of
dismay, like a sivond Cinderella, "Do
you know, Mr. F.verdenc, that I have
been a whole hour wasting your valua
ble time?"
"I thought it had Is -en 10 minutes"
ho answered, "aud tho pleasantest time
of my life, "
"Very pretty!" she faid, blushing
faintly. "And, iu return for it, let mo
tell yon my address is ou my curd, and
that my 'day' is Thursday. Also I mo-t
thank you very beurtily for your kind
ness and courtesy to mi iiiiHrtineut in
truder. Very few men wuuhl huvo been
so considerate. "
"Pleaso don't thnnk ma It is 1 who
owo you a debt of gratitude. You have
taught me something 1 never expected
to learn. "
"That tho conduct of your hero aud
heroine was uot improbable nt ull. "
Their eyes met Tho woman's dropped,
self conscious, pleased
"You really mean that?"
"On my soul, 1 do. "
Tho most delicious softness wa in
hor voice:
"It makes me so proud and happy tc
think I have convinced you. "
Thero was a silence. She smoothed a
wrinklo in her suodo glove. Ho twisted
a button on bin coat Then sho aroused
herself, with a littlo laugh, und extended
her blind.
"Well, gnodby, Mr. Evcrdene, and
once more, tluitik you."
Ho pressed her fingers ever so lightly
her proselyte.
"Not 'giKslby, ' " ho murmured "Au
revoir. " Black and White.
Mie riraartl tlie Qurrn,
It is said that Miss Majendie, who
has just received tho much coveted po
it ion of maid of honor to (juoen Vic
toriu, owed her good lurk to a nieru
freak of magnetic attraction. The quoen
saw her for the llrst timo wheu shu
came to sing ut the littlo Sunday serv
ice arrangixl by l'rlneo Beatrice at the
Villa Fubbrieotti and was particularly
struck by her pleasant f.vo and sweet
voice. It was with tho utmost aurprise
that the court circle aa well as the
young lady herself learned of tho hon
or designed for her
ro Onlle Right.
No man is a hero to his valet, and
perhaps no ss t to his baker. lie live
iu Putney, and almost every day ho
walk u few luiliw to Wimbledon and
goes to a cnki-shop them, where he bnys
takes to givo to a littlo group of pisir
children, who havo learned to hsik for-
war' to frequent treat Borne ono
who anew me poet ny nigm sum to tin)
shopkeeper. "Do you know who thia
gentlemuu who btiya ao many cukes of
you 1;'"
"Oh, ho'a a sir gentleman who isn't
qnito right in hi head Ho'a always
buying cakes for tho children. " Chap
AguJartD'a Vole.
Agnjari, Is-tter known aa L Baa
tardelln, h.ul an imTcdibly high range
of voica Mozart heard her in 1770 and
expressed thegrcati'st deligliL She aang
B iu altissimo with perfect ease and
performed caden.-ui deemed lmrsewible
for the human voice. During a great
part of hrr professional career shore
(ived about f-'dK) a night, a aura then
equal to about J,&00 lu the monvy of
II la rolled Mniili and la Una of lh Hu
man k 4troui.
A g- niiino kingdom, w ith a capital,
residence and caHirr, is at pnwcut offer
ed for sale in lit rliu. It consist of a
part of the island of Tatotu and is calbnl
Mii'upa. The island is part of the His
marck group between New Zealand and
New Mii kletibiirg. Tho "empire" cov
ers ju-t seven square milm (German)
and was piircluisid during tho eighties
by Hiir tieorg Weisser. a retired pay
imisti r of the tii i m in navy and after
ward dint tor of the New (iuincii com
pany. 1 b rr Wci.-si r hud several blomly light
with his r-imoaii and Kauakau chiefs,
but managed to quell all rclvllions and
Ns-ome very popular with his subjects.
He diiil l.i-t year, and his heirs, who
reside al K.iiserlauteru, do not w ish to
fxctvi-if their regal duties and have In
structed tin ir agi Ills to sell the unique
prorty. Matupi.t, the capital of the lit
tle kingdom, contains atsiut l.otio in
habitauts.matiy of w hom are Knropcnus.
It is one of the Ik-I harbor in tho arvhi
pcliiga Literary Digivt.
A iiiicriity H-rtlrr.
Aii attache of the Netherhiud legation
rivi iitly per-isted iu kei-ping a crowing
Cis k under the Is'driMiiu window of a
neighbor, and all the power of F.nglish
law w as brought to U-ar iu vain to se
cure an abatement of the nuisance. The
diplomatic privileges of the owner pro
tected him, and he di (led hi critics.
Tho toil n red man explained iu court
Mom! ay how he finally triiiuiphisL He
could not have lived if. I lie nuisance hud
continued, and not knowing w hat to do
wrote to the qiuvii of the Netherlands.
The gracious young lady did not reply
by letter, but the offending cock wa
Immediately taken away. In that way
he accomplished w lint the whole law of
Kughuid could not do for liiiu. London
W hl Sriutlur lllll SaliL
With theivhoof hi defeusoof IVeai
dent Cleveland still ringing iu tho nrs
of his colleagues, S-nator lllll walked
into the cloakroom and dropHul into au
easy chair to chat w ith Senator Smith.
Presently u page aplsiireil, carrying a
note inclosed in a large square euveloM
addresstsl to Senator Hill.
"A!i!" said Mr. Smith, with a tone
of Inquiry, "an invitation to (lino with
the president tonight.'"
Senator Hill l.mkod up from the not
with a twinkle iu his eye. "Not at this
1 ago of the game, "said ho.
(I'i Fast from Tort land. Pamllrton. Walla
Walla via (. It. A N. to Spokanr ami (irrat
Norttirrn itadwav to Montana, Hakolaa.Ht.
Caul, Miiinrapolia, Chicago, Omaha, Ht
Iaiuis, Ksat and Mouth. Kock Imllaal track ;
tine anenrry ; nrwnpiipiiirnt ; (Irrat North
rrn I'alaca Mrrprr and llinrra; Family
Tuiiriat Cars; lluHrt-Lihrary Cars. Writ
C. IHiliovsii. Ornrral Agrnt, I'lirtlatul.
Oregon, or F. I. Whllnry. U. P. A T. A.,
St. Paul. Minn., for prinlcHl matter aud In
formation alsMit ratra. routea, etc.
no von kxtkct
To Become a Mother?
If so, then prrmit us
to aay that Doctor
I'irter'a Favorite
I'rracriiitinn I
iiidrrd a true
"Mother' Frlooi,"
oa it MAKaa
Childbirth Eny
br tirrnarlnr the
avstrm fur partiirlthm, thus aiting Na
tutr and slmrtrninK "IjilHir. " Thr painful
ordeal of childbirth I rulilird of its terror,
and thr d.inircra lltrrrof greatly Iraarnrd,
to Isith nmllirr anil child. Thr period of
rontiiirmrnl iralao ahortenrd, the mother
strriurtlii-nril and an abundant arrrrtion of
nourishment for the child promoted
S-tid twenty one (i ) centa fr Thr Pro-
file's Medical Adviarr, luu pagea, over o
llustrutiotia, givina all particulura. Sev
eral chapters of this Rtt-ut family dix-tor
tssik are devoted to the consideration of
disease peculiar to women with aiiKRea.
tinna as to aitccrasful hutue treatment of
aamr. Aildrras, Woild'a lllsprtisary Medi
cal Association, llulf.ilo, N. V.
n I" m n P I could cct relict
DCrUril. a nt hor.
rible blood dis
ease I had spent hundreds o dollars
trying various remedies and physi
cians, none of which did me any
good. My finger nails came off and
my hair came out, leaving me
perfectly bald. I then went to
HoDinir to be cured bv thia celebrated
treatment, but veryaoon oecame disgusted
and decided to try S.S.S. The effect was
truly wonderful. I commenced to recover
at once, and after I had taken twelve hot
Ilea I was entirely cured cured by S.S.S.
when the woriii
renowned Hot
Springs bad failed.
nr.. Ti f I
0,ff Hvia isi Uia DarMr .a A lt TrMiainH aiaiM e la aar
AdOrna. lfl ; SfULII-IC CO, Allaau.Oa.
"'Nursing IIothers.Infants
Jy n mi offkUiiu ith
fntnrrh, I iwluftit him Ir
try Kly'i Oram Halm anil
the diuiprtnlili cntnrrhn1
imrtl all Irt (Win. lltnp
firiirt ai u tll o any ftur. I
J. ('. Dhnitrail, Areola, III
r.l.X'n I IIKAM HALM Opeot and rlsenae.
Iha Navil e-.i-, Allan Ca n and Inltainina
turn, Meala Iha Horna, i'roiwia Ilia Mrnibram
In. in cold', K.iona the Heiiara ol Taate and
Smell. Tii Balm la quickly eMorix-d and Ilr
relief al one
A partial Is api.llrd Into each nnatrll. and It
aan-rabl. file, Ml aaula at llrnfsliu' or bj
nail. I'Y BKolHKKM,
M Warran Hlrert, New Yurfc.
5. P. N. U. No. 610 -H. V. N. 0. No. 687
4 CbniJ Writ rii All ilzk I Alii.
tm ixmtfB yrupk i mum ttuavi, vm
Al Ri-M
I A tifniiin nnn
i a-tww a iriiij inline 11 11
Mi- rrl null ttmiittiitiiw. Alliraut thai
w ar a.i ui luuthlrr trivial oltrii arow,
ihniiih ai-al.-rt, Into ains-Kmi maiadn-a. dan-
(rruna Iu lliriiiw and rMiit-tiva i uirti-ra.
1 II l illairaald id lli raillrr liKllt-allitlil ul
III llraMi nliich Iradk Ui 111 V'tatillnhluelil ut
ll uina id iiiaiadi, un a i-liroiiir ImI. Morv
llirro m't tvriam illMirdrta UK l.lvul lu Ihr
at-aaon, am It aa malaila and rnnuuialiim,
aialn.l alileh ll la aay ih .l.aMo Ui lurllli
' 0 aitlrln all- rttaiaiiri. to Ilia euudiiton
, hlt h iiro.nn Hit). a. i old. damp and uiiaima
"T ur If 'uiiu-rai'k-d by lluatt-iivr'a slonia. h
Hill. r-. Aiiar uu bav Im turvl Hat Iroio
i lliea- itittoi-iitva. a wlin-a'aaainl ur twi id Ho
i ti ller a.oiu-i-li Huirra uim ily alierwarl
I ah illld bllow-.. for malaila, d)iaia,
, li,-l i-oiii.,n,i. ki lnrr and idaddrr liuulilr,
' liriiiitina and dfl.llll) ll la thy mint dv
a.-rrdl)r t iiiiar uf n-tiiKiiei and pn r.-nllvea
! A wlurslawoil U-luie iiu-ala prumuira aptxilta.
Traehr-r II your lute r wna to lo-ar id T' in
; Had isnidiK'i, II would moke til, iiair lurii r)
, II diliy-l Ix )oui rluii,alr, uiy laihar Ua.n l
auy hlt It-li.
' nic.trNKNit l osiir at ac (ruin
, My local applications, at Ihry catinnt rsach
tbr diaiiieil porliou el ttir ntr. 1'lmr la
only oils way to cure liralnrai, mid that la
by i-iinKtitiilioiial rriiirdir. IVstnraa ia
1 canard ;tiy an liillanir l condition ot Ihr
iiiiiciiiia liuiiiK ol III Kuatsclnaii Tulw.
W lira thia liiuo grta inllainsd you have
a riiiiililiiigiMiiiduriiiiprli-t hsailiiK.and
i wbrii It la cloned llralnraa ia Ihr
! rraull, and tinlra thr tit Haiti mm ton ran Is
. mkrii uut and Una tulsj rraturril t i itamir
! mal condition, liraiiug will destroyed
forrvrr; ninr caars out of trn am cau-rd
by calami, whu li ia iiulliiiig hut an m-
llanird roiidltiiiii or Ihr mucous aurlacra.
i V will K'vr tnr Hundred liollarn for
any rasr ul IValiirsi (cauarl tijr catarrh)
that CBiinol Iw rurrd ly Hall a Catarrh
I'urr. pisnd for rimular. frrr.
j K. J. I'll KN KY ft)., Toledo, 0.
TaVMold by UrugKiats, T V.
l'iso'a Onrr la thnnnlicine to brrak up
' childrrn'a t'onnha and I'elala. Ma M. (J.
Hi.i st, ."pragiir. Wash., March a, IrtM.
! aiiic von mmkt
wrnd lurrliriilarauf Kadam'i Vl,-nib Klllrr.
AJ M,.rrlaob HI , I'orllaml, Or.
Tar OaaMia for breakfast.
Makes the
Weak Strong
, Hood'sSanuparlllatoneaand strengthen!
, tb diirraLivA onranfl. rreatea an atmfltitr.
and gives refietliing llrep. Kemember
I the one True liloisl Purlller.
Hrtnri'c Pill the a tier d I iturr pill aud
Radam's Microbe Killer
la thr nnljr kimwn rrmrdy thai will deatmy
Ihr M'urnlK- In tlie HIihhI alihnut Injury lu Ihr
avairui. Mlllluua ul miile Irallljr lu lla ou
lerlul cuiea.
frier. S iter Jer. ! r Kuttle
Ailvlre In-r. Write fur elrciilara.
Radam's Microbe Killer Company
IS10 Maiktl tl., taa French ee. Cat.
3 no M rrUnai Hlreel PIIHTLANU, OK.
Ontrra Bllnl lo any part of tbe country by
irvtiu uar thr Prtalaaie
laraaatara a Kraaetia.
Mate muuey hile
olhrra are wealing
tllllt bvolit prra-r aara.
Calaluatellaall about
II and drerrtlirs nry
arlHleorrilrd K ttacj
a fare
i Catalogue
1 raaa.
poultry aualaraa.
The "ERIE'
wheel, frrtllr-almoilrl
We are Pacidc Coail
Amenta. Blryrle caia
lugue.ouulcd free.gitce
fhlMfarrlntlrm prlrra nr., aoeSTS WAirreo
fETALtTMA WCUIATOI CO.,retalama,Cal.
baascH Hoeaa, an a Mala at., AiiK'Ira
Waller Baker i Co. Limited,
The Lenjaet Maaaaataiata ef
. C0C0A8 and CH0C0LATE8
Oa UU Cnllml, kan riiti
ha tkaaraal
Industrial and Food
mtmw ImlUlloM
if IK bbtoM4 r,fr aur
1 1 ami a, toitMimrnoiaii ret
U (Xteviael MCk peKeUf.
aintir. uorr isif-a m
ItaweaiinaquallUeeare uiunrpeeae,aetaall
.iiillMllna two boxaa of any other brand. Fra
from Animal III la. KT THK UKNIJIIf.
aud Ueelere generally.
Ituhliig I'lreea stn'-WM itf tftoMtnf lihst srn(rt , a3uM
uUsiew M tuua Pln awiu. 1 UM hm euitt ettlUe4, him 4
usl pMtrualiikC a'eU vlrltl Mr I
fhiot) lUrtlj Om peVteiafffasHead, SafkftlrtMwtjnsenrm,
Urw Hfll-C. tllUVM ft berm.tiii urea. Hrreast 4a,
UfBauw ut ftMti Dr. ! .! r bUl.t
C JawV ea
I .L 11111 I r I I I ll III l
uu r r U n A
II Iwll 11 11 11 U J
Preserve all kinds of Fruit without cooking, and retains their
natural flavor.
Both tho method and reaulU when
Sjrup of Figi ia taken; it ia pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
cenily yet promptly on the Kidneya,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the -(
tero effectually, dispels colJs, head
aches and fevers aud cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy or its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac
ceptable to tlie stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial iu its
eflectii, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and havo made it the most
popular remedy known.
feyrup of Figs is for sale In 50o
and 91 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
lomsviLLt. nr. mt tome. .r.
unr PH.f. PrtH a nosR.
A m-ffminiof tltsi Ixiwues) mm!i dr w ui-mi ry fry
ba lltl I Uewas) ptlm aUipplf Utm )9m leU'ki U)
ttiak it ntiiilavr. Tbf ctir HMw1rhL bntilea th
fvnsi. nd iW tlwOiiaipUiioabMurihftii uMSMtiaa.
'isjf nMhr mriv mm okn. 'to nvioc vn,
will nia.kivintlo frevif full hot fr tbe. tftn
In Every Detail.
Three rnglnea are erknowirdaed by eiprrt ea
Jliiwr. lo lie worthy ol hiahral eommriulalloa
r linpllrlty, hlxh arailr malrrlal and auierlor
worknianalilu. 'Ikry detrahip the lull actual
hnrne powrr, and mil without an Eleeirle Hpark
Halterjr; the erntrtn ol IgnlUoa la simple, lues
prnilra and rvllablr.
Knr piunplni oulrlla for Irrlratlng pnrpoare
tin belter engine can be found on the rectOe
Knr hnlatlng oelflta for mlnre they hare aiel
with blKhaal approval.
tor Imermllteui power their economy la na-qiiealloued-
Gor. Froal aad Alder Sla.,
Mend tor caulotrtie.
rr ! br all Urmnku. I'nl. a kMlla.
with cold water. Reliable end aaie.
I ti, hH Of. IZJSVZrZZZZll
ai lie? Iire erery etep errni a bnrilen? You need
Second to none- THY IT..
No matter wnera from. J'OltTLAMD, OR.