The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 24, 1895, Image 7

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i -
A U U.ST 21.
Uimiii C
,lVl"tnt r ljVIIA.nur.iwi .
Judge J
J. Walton
I . f..riri KlInlllrM flf
in mi pi
the l'oi
lillll'V " " I
lluik to 8. H.
wvll re
from tl
V t e III IM'I ",r J "ur "'l'1'1"
' . if L
k at S. (I- friendly'
c I run it
liuide 1
the CO
...I., a fi-W lJ.'l
. . .. ......... .....i
lutein left.
" " . ... .. I.....
the time were
ivtH vour Chlttm
Rurk to S. II.
l lie al
tllttt o
...... ii L'..t ch for Chitteiii
Li C
V;t k 11. Friendly'-.
reeon twine.
f . .i ci
, 400 xurili4 JiiMt ri'tilvi J.
. 1,. V 11 AM nr. its.
1'J. n
llidillf may bo found ut
miii Ollvu stive', between
for tl
f " I .-!utl. ullUlllj film liliielt U'lHtt
T. " Minnesota hotel. He 111 pre-
''9 " to du nil dcutal work hi the best
V9LoAS.-M,"'y to ,,mn
" .. i r.mi tirn'.KTtV.
on II
3'J; t
-vrU.-- 1.,, '.,, llrun
IS! (2
Eugeue, Or.
n U.ithick A Co Will PV
luet imirkft price for wool.
i,t cash price paid for Chittein
I ud
. n..
r..n.llla mlllm? Intnl. from
. til,....-. VV nru of
..i llAJSCres. Juun ..
Farm for Sale.
have now thirty flue farm in the
to VH I'V IOr SIUO. lllimj
,, include every variety lu size and
i,- For description list, aiinrese
i (in. M. Miller.
j Wilklna Hluyk, Eugene, Or.
A car loud of Oliver plows will lie re
Jud this niontii uy
wiuk Hoi- Press. Dnu
:,,i f.,r HilM celebrated hop l)
,i .i,- u-i in i ho market, Before
v hsui iu ue sure hiiu iiih.-i.ic" ......
r,risreawuv un but F L Cham
-,in .i.ll vuii u koir at the same
v duller cnii buy u ear loud.
1 n Krieudlv wants all the Chit
I lark he eaii get.
in. Hi.. I -t Duteiit medicine In
i rl,l" Is what Mr E M Hurtmau
jUi,,ii,.iii OrrL'Oii. savs of Chain
-i,,L I'lmlli. Cholera aud Dift
ta Ueniedy. "What lemU rue to
4ke tliln BHuertlou ia from the fuel
i ilviy ntorv In ItM wort form wa
tnt urouud here hint auiiimer
a it iivr tiKik over two or three tl.Bt rpnifdv to ell'eut a com
w -. " -
aifcuri-." f or sine oy
OSIll'KX s Vt.UAXv,
Knlchtauf the Maccabees.
lie state commander writes ua from
iwlii, Neb., an follows: "After try-
otliermedicliRS for what aeemed
be t very obHtlnte cough iu oui
chiUlren we tried Dr King's Sew
J nvery and at the end of two day
rough entirely left them. We wll
e without It hereafter, as our ex
fjruce proves that It cures where a"
her remedies full." Signed F V
.evens, State Com. Why not gl
i great uiediclue a trial, as It
iniuteed ami trial bottles are free
Ijjulerson & Linn's drug store. Re
i.c50o and f 1.00.
rCO Stronir. principal of the pi
"I Im
i a
lata per
rn &
.Illinois at Anderson, v ai, says.
used Chaniberlaln'a l'ain Ra
-.1 1 have found it an excellent reme
rjumt iiess and slight wounds,
rimeness usually results from
;tiii, or other injury, or from rl
' i-m. for which Chamberiaiu'a 1
Hijni lv esH'elallv Intended and
iBlcd. It atlorils almost Immed
f and in a short time effects a
ili nt cure For tale by Osbu
i:uio, Druggists.
ik Crops.- l'ague'a weathe r re-
it tills week Is to the effect tha t the
cmp is average, bigger iu some
and smaller in others. I etat
liltle short, thouurh larger acre-
sine ce are a ler ino omu us in
liington county, the fruit o utlooK
f l, lion prospects renmi n un-
wd. Weather, smoke hs f a pre-
i. Haln was indicated, nu t nrob
J would not come for tcu da j ys. In
oru Oreeou wheat crop below
ge. Fruit crop good.
f Presses. T D Llutou
Is agent
lie K'ireka hop press, th
market. Rales hops with
ltliout tramping. tee
fsaiul further inforruatlo
i best in
bun lor
rli Tn nluoru ttlH CO
N. Mevetie. of Le R
y, . .,
a and And
rer tried.
J: "I have used Parks' Te
; 4e best remedy I have e'
f y A. Yekinoton.
tufNlay's Roseburg 1 .fcuudealer
-Irs. Hi 'R. Happersett met with
i serious accident yesterday
JJ'eout lib the yard at tending the
"ens, she eteotied rathe I r eoddenly,
'ti her eve airainstai ubarn-iiolnt
tick. Dr. Rraiiley wa It called, but
fwent it Is not knowi i fcow badly
f? Injured. It Is thought the
vnot (lest roved." r. itie lady has
f 5 Wends in Eugene w rbo hope she
recover lier complete eyesight
''ILOH'tJ CURE, the great Cough
t-roiiD Cure, is in gr eat demand
fet ii?.e contains twe ( aty-flve doses
Kc. Children lo -a iU Sold by
f dernoii & Linn.
I11- T. 8. Haw kins, o ! f Chattanooga,
ays; "sjjiioig italixer 'Saved
Ufe.' I consider it
f'r a debilitated
, the best reme-
svstem I ever
For rvsiirnsla
, Liver or Kid-
troubls it excels.
Price 75 cents.
f by Henderson
nn r.n.M
f"iUi Dieii.-A
unit ii.
I nf Mr l-'nahv
who resides at
P Crevk, died ats lot 11 o'clock this
T""n of catarrh al sore throat, a
similar thoug h not as bad a
Jl'tlierla. Other children of the
are aOVcted v rilix the same dis-
Ity Treasarer It'ktraliud
rom 1'ayluir ti. Fridge
y IX'uioerttt: Deputy hlierltr
' 1'roiHt laitt eVfiiiutf served
ity Treunurer E A 1'arker a
uy Injunction signed by County
ri uiitieun, reHirainuig nun
ylug eertaiu wurruiits of tle
it amount of $'.1,073.! laid by
tluud Bridge Com imuy, and as
Ural n 1 1) ir said bridiw eomimiiy
annferriug sjild warrants or din
ar tliiin until onivreu ny me
court. The complaint upon
the Injunction I granted 1
Dy 1) 11 Montrilh, who slates in
nplaint that he is amtf-sed for
$10,000 and pays $So city tax s.
.legations In tliu eomplulut are
a July UH, lsul, the eity eouneil
;fully and unlawfully uii'horized
owhii. inuvor. hiiu j iiciiuin,
lur. to iiiitke u contract for the
ruction of a steel cantilever bridge
I the Willamette; that u bept
seeuiid and Nupnleiuelital pit
id contract was iiiude provliiing
ia i iivii int of ioUO'.l more on tie
t eertiiin eliiiime. and on May
12 s third preleuded contract was
Drovidiim lor the payment of
1.30 on account f the Hcntoii
ty approaches, h total of J00,HS4.
hat on March U. ISU2, a warrant
issued for flilSUOH, on April 27,
, one wan issued for fiOOi', after
js on Sept 2, ls'.4, divided into
1 lull .......mlj m.. I .ill .1 lit V
. aiiu fur fiHKl :U1. that said warrants J"1
iwfully were made to bear 8 laij1'
l lie coiiipiaiiKiiiHi
gt that the city had no rlklit to'
hop '
ce anv such cuntracts; that it was
tl ;
ebted for (IO.IHiO aud that no part
I Issued to repel Invasion orsuppiess
urreetlon. That the city was ex-
sslv Drohil.iltd by statute from
ating a debt of over fA.tiUO except
bonded indebledtiess of t7a,000 and
irefore the warrants w tre issued uu
rfiillc. The coiiinlnllit asks for a
prary injunction and a hearing
a pernutual liijuiietioii restraining
e collection oi me
Wentherford & Wyatt appear us at-
rneys for plaintilt, the omipiaini
; .vara nver ten liaifes of IVIe written
ral ran. and irlves a history of the
; .-oceeduiL's providing for the con
ructlou of the big bridge. 1 he case
an Important one and w ill be watch
1 with great interest by ourcltlzsm.
W'asttiik rLACE.-Corvallis Times:
It Is said that Judge Fulierton ia
rerwheliiied with applicants from
arsons who want to tie appointed ref
ree to pass upon the status of clainu
bat hope to participate in the distrl-
Utiou er llietnw.oou pai i uy uw ;
t Hammond for the Oregon I'aolfu ,
'l,a amillnnnls nn old luWVCrS an I
'oung lawyers, lawyers of high and f of
OW degree, long lawyers nun "u i ri
awyers, ami some oi merit are iro m
Mrsons wht are noi now nor usi i er
iiave been lawyers at all. limes a f re
3rd. and as the Job is supKwed to j be
s'snnp' the unemployed aud am I bi
lious in the profession, as well as 1 I ,ue
unprofessional wlio think they co I uld
tend to the thing, are tumbling o I ver
each other in the scramble to be as I fced
to hold the inquest over the re.
mains of the dead corporation. I in
bla hour of tribulation, the symp I athy
of the eoinniunlty Is w itn juuge j i ..
. . . i !ni I..M lb t
.-"u li
eriou. ji is our "it-ui.ii""
ITii.m.ia ofliirm.v U'ill tie HDDOil
st a
and he is not scranihllng for tin
English Hops. The Mark
. r , . 1 . ! nn
La no
J'.x press oi aurum o, u
Our repr rt on tlie hop crop ia 1 1
all favorable, and the average yl' I
the counties in England wher,
lot at
jld for
-e this
it 1MI.6
plant is grown Is 71.o as againi
I . I -5 I.. Ai.llfit 1HB5 I
last veur, unu m
figures for the various count
-,?- i.. Ti......l,lrU Al iii Kant.
i. The
ies are
GTi iu
83.3 iu
Sussex, 87.8 in Hereford, aud J
Worcestor. Reports from th f
ern counties state that tner
sulllcient vine lor a good c:
they are fairly clean as regardi .
and blight. In Woreestera j
i South
i is in
op, but
i mould
hire the
the rain,
plantations were going oeioro
i... - nAiv luitiw.u'liut rerove
are free from blight, as
also In Herefordshire.
Ullb BIO
the hops are
liucklen'a Arulca Sa I Ive.
Th Hest Balve lu tne i worm ror
Cuts, Rruises. Soit-s, Ulc i ers,
Rheum. Fever hores, letter.
id nil Skill
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, ai
Eruptions, ano posuneiv v
or uo pay reipiireil. It is
iures 1'iles.
or nmnev
to give perieei saiismcnuu
reruudeil. J-rice m ixuu
For sale by Heudersou A L
i per box,
Robl nson
a the Chris-
Vpw Okkice. Jas. F.
moved Ills office today froc
man block to the ironi ro
i nil upstairs
nd Savings
4 one of the
. is secretary
and electric
tary of the
F. & A. M.i
over the Eugene iu
bank. Mr. Itobllisou ia
kiislest men in town. He
and collector for the water
liirlit companies, anu seen
grand hslge of Oregon A.
also or ine gnum tiiopi
it R. A. M
This Is enough for one n
nil to attend
Dlarrluea should be sto
pped prouipt
hronic. le
ra Cure la
i. Hundreds
itneas to the
cine. It can
n, its use saves
& DeLano.
ly. Itsoons becomes o
Witt's Colic and tnon
effective, afe uud certait
of testimouials bear w
virtue of this great nicdJ
always be depended upo
time aud money.
KKippcn. Albany I
eraocrat: An
' Delaney owes
of "skip," that
of his being
icorrect because
su't drink. As
Delaney w ill
Albany man whom FI
says it is a clear case
Mrs ueianey s ycioiuu
lolled in a saloon is il
iu the first place he doe
stated yesterday, Mr
undoubtedly hear Iron
i ti I in when be
teen wanting to
. e facts iadieate
-tun ity to do so.
-It is said tha.
gets settled. Me nas i
leave Newport, aud tb
thut he took this oppo:
a vium Wanted,
ii.. ri,i,it either tar ne or wild pig
-.... and froirs. will b u-d .n classes
in Riological L.auoraioi
sity this year, and thai
bo paid for the san
secin to oiler an opp
bovs to turn at- lioues
lecting such animals I
to the University win
.v .f Ilia I'lllver.
casfi prices will
te. This would
ertunity to our
t penny by col
lid selling them
n needed.
Oue night when Mr Isaac Reese was
stopping w ith me, sa ys M F Hatch, a
prominent merchant ol Quartermaster,
Wash, I heard him l roaning. Ou ge
ing to his room 1 fci nd biin suffering
from cramp colic. H e was in such ag
ony I feared lie waul d die. I hastily
eve himados-'of CI lamberlain's Col
ic Cholera and Dii irrhoea Remeily.
He was soon rliev 4 and the first
words be uttered wer e. "what was thut
stuff jou gave me?" I Informed him.
A few day. a(ro we t ere talking about
his attack and he I aid he was never
i.i...t ii-ot rarnrd v now. I nave
u-d it in my family for severs! years.
I knew lis worth a od do not hesitate
to recommend it U ) my friends and
customer.'? For sail by CHburn & De
Lano, Druggists-
Dr. Flnley,
Only 25 111. j
been wade.
Lewis Bw ,'
discovered a
Work has
niond's Ast
W P Che
lug hops iSt
deiitist,roim3,I)unu blk.
ugsof Siletx eluims have
1ft, the astronomer, has
new co nut.
Uvn Cimnneiieed ou Ham
ri i Mllroad.
diire w ill emiiiiieiiee pick-
ptemU'r 2, lyjTi.
ke has uIhuiI dixnppeared,
) doll if l L of Hie Hoplo.
le are now rolling home
luuiitulus and sea const,
ill be thirteen ear loads of
mes around Corvailis this
1 lie smo
much Uth
The nsor
roiu the n
There w
triad pri
e Is now assessed at f 1,227,
uring Issmi days il readied
about $(V
The tl
grevs thl
lermo'iieter registered 80 de
t alternMti at 8:;W o'clock. It
.nd pleasant.
ill im D ('rain, .if this co unt v,
i granted a life diphiiuu bv tde
.ml of educatluii.
I Guise recently sent to the in
y In in al Snlciu from here has
sdmrged as cured,
ck Prince" tbii second In a race
aeouda, Mont., ycslerdav, and
i Paul" third iu another one.
ers working underground in the
uu mines are paid a day and
ie, seven days in the week,
itimlierof loggers were lu towu
light liuvlng a t mo. They have
.Nmipleted the drive foi tlieGsid
nill ut Colin rg.
lave quite a supply of second-hand
sacks fur sale cheap. Cull at
y & Soli's.
J. P. Holland.
Iii Ohio IK'iti'i 'rats have noinlna-Ex-Gov
J K l.'amiiliell lor irovernor.
clear t
state bo
been di
Ai .
last I .
Is Is conceded to be un excellent
olee by ull.
Supervisor Hollenls'ck is grading
cousidenilile piece of tlie road ruli
ng west from Eugene, this side of
te Hellion way Initio.
Go t'i Osburn & DcLaiio, drugdsts,
ole audits in Eugene, for a bottle of
LIVKUINE. for the Liver, Kidneys,
Sick-headache and Constipatiou.
Dr. Fin ley, demlst,rHni 3,Dunn blk.
The landing for the stairway in the
Laue County iiauk block is being re
paired. The joists became rotten ou
account of tlie too plentiful use of
Marshal Day is quite busy Unlay
giving numerous proH-rty owners
written notices to construct new side
walks about their propel t v. Eugene
is a firm believer iu good sidewalks
and streets.
The American Rcauty owes her pres
tige more to a clear complexion than
to auy other attiibute. A cup of
Parks' Tea will enable anyone to jmis
sess this. It clears the skin and re
moves pimples and that sallow, mud
dy look. Parks' Ten is used by thous
ands of ladies for the complexion.
W itiiout being a cathartic it cures con
stlpatiou. Sold by A. Yekinoton.
Silvertoii is in darkness. The Sit
vertoli Electric Light and Power Co.
shut off the lights recently. The
trouble is over a proposed reduction in
the cost of the lights. The city has
lieen using tlfteen incandescent lights
for which the Electric Light company
has been receiving $2 50 ier light per
month. Owing to the condition of
cily nflitirs the council deemtd it pru
dent :to practice economy and asked the
light company to muKe red net loll or
50c per light.
Asti rla Rudget: Tlie proprietor of
a beer hall iu this city, who bus h good
"growler" trade, lias put in scales Tor
weighing beer, from a half pint up.
Last night a gentleman who has but
recently arrived from Missouri, asked
Swbu Ifhe sold beer by weight. Of
course. "Well, by the great jumping
Uerotiimn, I've seen 'em sell butter bv
t lie bottle in Arizona and milk by the
cake in Missouri, but I never seen beer
sold by the pound before."
S A Reamaii and wife, nf M alone,
S V, ranie in on the overland train
from the south this morning, stopping
over to pay a visit to their old time
friend, Oeo T Hall. Mr Reaman is nil
affable gentleman, is popular ut home
as may be noted from his having held
the olilce of county judge six yeurs, bus
been reiinuil tinted, und will be indorsed
by his political opponents. They leave
on the local tomorrow morning, re
turning to their home by the Canadian
It is a big thing to Kiy but neverthe
less true, thut a great multitude of eo
plo have crowned Simmons Liver
Regulator, the "King of Liver Medi
cines." There is nothing like it for
Malaria, Rheumuiism, Chills and
Fever, Constipation. Rillousncss, Sick
Headache, Indigestion and all troubles
arising ftoru a sluggish or diseased
liver. Simmons Liver Regulator is
the prevention aud cure for these ail
II makes I a Suuddtr
To think of chilli ami fcrer. Hut when we
really have It iiiolnu ua to be o unfortu
nate our framm undVrgo a aeries of ihoeka
whlrh bear rlose !il"itr to throw iirmlueiil
by an esrtlniiak. KuwImI next, we re
drenrhwl by irilnitlun aftrrwanl. Truly
a delectable rntulitlun of thing. Hut how eiuy ami how H-edily! The eertslu
meana of relief ia IlrtMcttcr a stomach IMtcr.
Toted an .. s hore malaria U prevalent In Ita
mum virulent forma, aa where It takea on a
milder nulls', It hs proven Itx-lt to po-psna both
remollcsl ami preventative efficacy of tha
hlhct orler. In South Anierlta, lluatemala,
Mexico and the Immunol lanania no leat
than throiiithoul the North American c.iiitlni nt.
Itaaurceaa ai a meana of forcatalllns and re
lieving mlni.matlriltM.MM.haa lieeuunparall' lel.
I'ae tne llltlera for ilyi-tnia, eomtl.atlon,
bllliouaand kidney trouble, uervoiiMi. si and
rify your blood, clear your complexion,
regulate your bowe ls and makes your
head ns clear as a bell. 21c, 60c, and
11.00. Henderson A Linn.
Parks' Cough Syrup elites Coughs
Colds and Consumption. Mrs. Cath
erlne Ulack of Le Roy, S. Y., says: "I
took one bottle of Parks' Cough Syrup.
It acted like magic. Stopiied my
cough and I am rfcctly well now."
Sold by A. YKiux'iTuN.
oiiee te Hop Pickers.
Hop picking will commence in the
Campbell-Walker yard Tuesday Sept.
3d. This yard is all w ire, level, aud
free from weed. No vines cut and no
wilted hops. Midway between Eu
gene aud Springfield ou the railroad.
Pickers can reulize 20 per cent more
picklngon a cultivated wired yard than
on those of the old style. Fifteen min-utt-s
walk on the railroad track from
the university. Address W. R. Walker,
Springfield, Or.
Daily Guard, Aug'iit
Dr Rrowu is home again.
A I) Hylaud Is in Eugene today.
J. F. Kelly, of Grants Pass, I iu
MrsT J Craig litis returned from
Mrs 1) A I'ltine, of Salem, Is visiting
iu r.ugcue.
DrJ E Pay ton went to Draiu this
ullt moou.
Dr R F Russell, of Thurston, was in
town tiHiay.
Jas II Ruker, of Luualug, Mich., Is
in i ne city.
Attorney Rilyeu lias returned from
collage iirove.
Evart Patterson went to Hadleyville
in is aiteruooii.
Hon. John Kelly, of Springfield,
w as in tow n iisiuy.
James Henderson, of Letuatl sm'tit
1..... i.. !
iiwi iiiiii iii j.ngvne.
Mrs S J Fisher, of Roscburg, is reg.
Isteretl ut the Hotel Eugene.
P W Davis, of Fail mount, left today
ior uiHHimirn on ins uicyeie.
John Met 'lure Is home again hav
ing returned ou lust ulghl s stage.
lr N J Taylor's little girl went to
her home In Portland this morning.
Sheriff Johnson is home from Foley
springs, Having arrived last evening
Attorney Woodcock will arrive from
Foley Sriniison tomorrow evening's
Mrs Warren Luckey has returned
from a visit to her mother at Full
J. L. Piige is home from Foley
Springs. His health is considerably
niij ruytti.
Attorneys HC Eakln and J E Sib
ley, oi tiallus, are in Eugeue on legal
R McMurphcy and wife have re
turned to Eugeue alter a pleasuut visit
i.. i, ,-n i
.'i imiiii.
The Ashland Tidings of yesterday
niiikesit note of the arrival of Jos.
Koch ut that place.
. . Moore, foreman of the
Gt AKD coiiisising room, Is taking a
vacation this week.
J W Shumate returned from Port
land last night. He left for his home
at Wultcrville today.
MrsJ J Comstock and sister, left
itiisiiiieriKs.ii on a visit to Comstock
station and Roseburg.
Wultcr Jackso.i, the well known
Portland drummer, is In Eugene. He
Is uccoiupuuicd by his son.
Deputy Sherlll Scott and family
were pasticngcrs this morning ou the
Usui train en route to rsewport.
Trine, the lootraoer, returned from
Soduville last evening. He reports
u until iweuty cuiups ai mar, resort.
Dr R F Royles went to Junction
City on this inoriiing's local tralu. He
win return to eugeue lu a lew days.
Prof E R McElroy and wife arrived
here this afternoon. They will prob
ably make arrangements to move to
Ltigeuu while here this trip.
Prof. McElroy and family have re
turned to Salem from their summer
outing. It is thought they will re
move 10 i-.ugene in a lew days.
Frank Alexander and wife, of Salem
came up to Eugeue on this morn lug's
overland train to spend a few days
visaing relatives aim menus.
Mrs 11 Ciarrison and sou Shed,
Frank Anderson and wife and Miss
Jennie Anderson returned last even
ing from theMcKeiizie springs.
Miss Linnia Holt returned this after
noon from an extended visit to the
Fust. While away she intended the
national convention of Christian Eu-
deavorers ut Huston.
Mrs Joel Ware and mother, Mrs
Cochran, und Misses Ettu Preston aud
Jessie inniey nave returned rrom a
pleasant visit al the Ware ranch in
Mohawk vulley.
Mr. Joe Dolph, son of C A Dolph of
rnriiaud, arriveu in mis city ou ills
wheel yesterday for a few days' Visit
with friends. Mr. Dolph will re-enter
i no university Here mis rail.
Mrs 8 T Georgia, of Chicago, who
has been spending several weeks at
i-oley (Springs for her health, arrived
here on lust night's stage. She was
beuellted semewhat by the use of the
Lester Hulin left for Drain on this
morning's early train. From thut
point he will walk to Scotsburg.whero
he will take the boat to Uardiner.
From that place he will walk up the
beach to Newport, stopping a day at
Florence en route.
Mr. Frank Mathews, cluss of '05. U.
of ()., Is now on his way to Rochester,
V ., w here lie will enter the Wapll-t
I heological Seminary soon. Each
year llnds many of our euergetlo Ore
gon boys seeking Eastern colleges to
pursue ativaiiceu iraiuinx
ProfChas N Chamliers, who has
been spending the summer, after a
trip to Alaska, with his parents In this
city, left on the local for Newport this
morning. Aiier spending a week al
this summer resort, he will will rail
for San Francisco on the steamship
Farallon, ami after a few day visit lu
that city, ho will return to Pasadena,
( al., to again take up his work In the
Throop Polytechnic Institute.
Corvailis Times: Hon II II Oil fry
aud wife and two daughters, came out
on the Oregnu Central Monday and
spent the iiowii hour at the residence
of Dr M M Davis. Mr. Gil fry has been
for sixteen years the reading clerk of
the I' nsted Slates senate. The visit
of the larnlly on the coast will continue
a month longer. They left by the west
side to visit Judge Galloway at Mo
Died. Charles Walker, one of the
oldest residents of Southern Oregon,
died suddenly last Friday of heart fail
ure at tho Thornton iiouse in u rani's
Pa. Judge Walker, as be was com
monly known, came to Oregon in
I8.ii:. lie was for a nuinijer or years
engaged In legal woik in Montana and
Idaho aud pructh'ed law here In early
days. Later he engaged in mining
enterprises and followed the gold ex
citemeiit through its heat. The Judge
was "4 years of ae, and leaves an es
tate or several thonnand dollurs In
Josephine aud Jackson counties and
at Cottuge Grove, where he built a ho
tel some years ago.
(rallies laaal b ttirsa
by loeal appllcationa, aa they rannot reaeh the
dtM aned purtlon o( the ear. 1 le-re la only ou
way Mem pvafneaa, and that la by eouatltu
llinial reini-dir. Ifealueaala rauaa-d by an In
tlamo) ron 'In, ,li of the mucous llulti(ul tb
Kuatachiao Tube. W hn in ta tube get tenant
ed ya have a tumbling aound or Imtierfert
hearlni. and when It la entirely fimi lira!-n.-aa
ia u.e letull, and unieaa the Inllamtnallon
en tie taken out aud tula tube to Ita
normal condl Ion, bearing 111 be d-trnyl
forrver; vi 1 - raci out of leu areeauaed by ca
tarrh, which la iiothim but an luHanieil Co mil
lion of tin mucoua aurlaem.
Kawili rive one iluudrrd Dollar for any
raae of lli-atic-a 'canard by ralarrh) that
tjr rsrwl l,y llall'a ( aurrh Cur. Send for eir.
culara, fre.
f. J. CHENEY 4 CO , Toledo, O,
rkiM by Prunlau, 7 jc.
S.'ie i Membsis nf Una Three Sister
l any Kcscli the Smuuilt of
the Suow reaitj.
Lut Thursday twelve members of
the party, accompanied by tlieosk
and teamster, started ou tho long-
talked of trip to tho summit of tlie
Three Sisters. Thursday night we
cuiiqied al 1CWls , the hint hahltitt loll
ou this side of tliu summit. Lewis Is
the who, two years ago, lot his
mind and wandered away into the
mountains, leuiaiiilng out and sun
slstlug ou the llesh of wild animals,
w 'h Ich he killed, fur several weeks he
foieU'lug found. Hois a bachelor
and is ui present living tilnuc. Iu
tills vicinity there Is some uttritctive
sceiiery. A towering range of moil u
tains on the south uliiin,t shuts the
sun olt from view during then inter
season. Lava beds front former vol.
luiiic eruptions ure Hot ihs ii lu this
section. Lost creek, which dlMips'ars
under the lava live miles ubove, re ap
pears hero lu a very beautiful little
hike, w hile a few hundred yards be
low is one of the prettiest little liiouti
lain lakes that the writer ever saw. U
Is surrounded bv overlapping ever
green ferns and plants, while the bot
tom Is carpeted with delicate iiiosm's.
The water Is as clear and rvtUctlveas
a mirror and as cold as lee, and is in
habited only by mountain trout. Near
by Hows While brunch, which gets its
source from the large glucier of the
Throe Sisters. It derives lis Hume
from I lie whitish, or milky, appear
ance of Us water, which Is cuUM'd by
tlie grinding proc.t-s of the slowly
moving glucier on the mountain side,
ptilveruiug tlie lava eulctuiice, which
the stream carries away lu its waters.
Friday morning we traveled up
through Loat crceK can) on, reaching
the summit, which was us furaswu
could proceed ou the wagon road, by
the middle of the foteinsui. All along
this route to the Sisters there uie
many Interesting historical uud scenic
poiuls of which we huvu not space to
mention here. At this Miiut we lelt
our e ok wugotl and, packing seven
head of horses with blankets and pro
visions, started Immediately after din
ner over Iho trail fur the base oil ho
middle and highest Sister, six miles
away, which we were to climb the
next day. We readied our destination
in good time Unit evening and went
into camp iu one of the many pretty
little valleys at tho buse of iho moun
tain, through which was Mowing a
siuull stream of suow wuter, which
made our teeth ache to drink. We had
readied the snow line and all around
us were patches of fruzeu suow. While
eating some of tills frozen snow and
drinking of the ice wuter and shivering
around our camp lire with our over
coats on, we thought of you ssir mor
tals suffocating down in the hot,
smoky valley aud felt sorry for you.
The ulr was quite cool and, as we were
above the smoke, we slept thai night,
for the first time in quite a while, un
der a clear, bluu sky, twinkling with
stars. W heii we aruse next morning
we found a light frost on the ground
and the small lakes at the fsil of the
suow fields were covered wlllialhlu
coating of ice. Tlie feeling of the a
uiospliere aud lciuicrutuio reminds
one very much of late Autumn lu bo
valley. It is a iiee.illar scnsutloii to
undergo in mid August.
Tlit Jouruey to the summit of the
Sisters after you leave the summit of
the ujouutaius Is atte.ided with uo
little danger, but while our party met
with several uiishups, mckily no one
wits seriously hurt, luiniediitluly af
ter leaving tho summit one of the
horses, which was not tliorougiiiv
broken, started to bucking out throiigl
the brush, throwing its rider, Condon,
ell. Very fortunately, however, Im
escuiied with only a few scratches and
bruises. Luleron, after crossing the
lava liedsaud while ascending a steep
mountainside, one of the horses loll
down an embankment. Alias Hender
son, the rider, luckily fell on the up
per shlo of the hill and escaiietl with
one foot elluhtly disabled. Another
horse rolled down a snow embank
meiit the next morning, but wus not
ts'luir riddeu by any one al the
Saturday morning ut 7:110 wo began
the ascent of tho mountain prs r. Tho
horses were taken to the foot of the
lame ulauier. While auy one may
take horses that far, yet, lu view of
safety, the writer would advise those
Koitiir to leave their horses at the base,
We made the ascent veiy leisurely and
sHiit considerable time viewing the
glaciers and crevices. The glucier Is a
liirixo field of frozeu suow and Ice
which Is coiistuutiy moving, tnougii
so slowly thut it is not perceptible. It
docs not move more Ihiin two or three
feet ill a your. Ihero is one largo
glacier and a number of small ones ou
the Three Sisters. These glaciers are
very HJWurlul. At the foot of the
lariio one long ridges of lava
have been pushed up 40 or 60 feet Into
the air by tlie immense pressure of the
glacier above. 1 liese ridges are Known
as Morulnes. The crevasses aro made
by some parts of the glacier moving
faster than others, thus making cracks
or traps in the ice und suow. Some of
these crevasses ure several feet wide
and appear to bo bottomless, and
many of them are hundreds of y arils
lunar. Very beautiful formations of Ice
and icicles are exposed to view on the
Interior. Home or them are inuigo
blue lu color. At the foot of the
glacier Mr and Mrs I K Peters, who
hud Intended going to the summit,
halted. Miss Henderson ulso slopiieii
at that point, owing to the crippled
condition or Her loot, i ne remainder
of the party, now numbering nine,
pushed on up over the snow fields.
We all wore colored glusscs and hud
our faces blackened with burnt cork,
but, notwithstanding those pre
cautions, our faces and noses were con
siderably burned by the n llectloii of
the bright sun upon the suow, and our
lips were chafed by the wind. How.
ever, the air wus cool and we did not
suffer from the hot rays of the sun.
Rv 11 o'clock we had almost reached
the top of the snow line, over half wuy
up the mountain. We were all very
tired and felt as if we had gone about
as far as our muscles would carry us.
but after we hud eatmi lunch and
rested about an hour we felt revived
and pushed on. At this ix.lut our
guide, Hon. J. 11. McCluug, who had
previously mane two osceuis to me
summit aud did not care to go the
third time, remained behind. We
had lunched on a ledge of lava which
wus bare .f snow the llrst tin re place
we had struck since we had slurled up
the mountain aud our first ojiMrtunlly
to sit down. Prof. Fred S. Dunn, now
acted aa guide, he having once before
made the awent of the mountain,
Proceeding a short distance, healipcd
and fell down the mountain side,
loddng against some rocks. He wus
made very faint and sick by his fall
aud was compelled to give up the re
mainder of the ttJicrnt, Our party whs
now reduced to seven members and
we were without a guide, none of us
having ever before been to the summit.
ISut ws were determined to reach the
top and pushed on serosa the last snow
field aud began to climb up over loose
rocks to thesuuimlt, At 1:4.1 Edwards,
who had forged ahead, reached the
archives of the summit, and fifteen
minute Itt'.cr the rest came struggling
up over the rocks. When all were at
too top a salute of six shots w ere tired,
aflur which we examined the records
entered u mii the book, kept there for
thut puriHwc, by previous parties that
had iniiife the ascent. We then wrote
mirowullttio "tale of woo" lu tho
bonk and attached our signatures to it.
Thoao who registered al the summit
wore: Jessie McClung, Maud Wll
klus, Iim Met lung, A. J. Johnson,
Herbert Condon, Dan Jariiiau uud
Chester Edwards.
Tlie helKhtli ol the middle Sister is
10,000 and Ml some odd feet, us calcu
lated last year by Prof. E. H. Mc
Alister w ith the barometer owned by
the University of Oregon.
On a dear day many suow Haks
both to the north and south niav lie
seen front tho summit; tho W illamette!
valley csti lie seen to the west and the
alkali hills of Eastern Oregon can be
scon III the east, but on I ml Saturday
the smoke wus so douse Mow us that
we could see only a short distance.
wur puny is me ursi mill ouiv one
which lias made the iimviiI tblsveiir.
After we had rested ttud parluken of
some more relreslunenls, ami each and
every ono of us hud firmly made ttie
resolve that we would never, never, no
never again so long as we lived make
another attempt to climb the Three
Sisler, wu started at 3 o'clock on the
descent, which was niitdo much more
qulcklt lliaii tho ascent and wllhou'
mishiip except while crosslm: a snow
Held w hen Miss lim McClung slipH'd
iroiu per looting mm would liuve sml
scveiui iitiuiirvil leet down the moun
tain side, like a tolsigan ou the suow
ha I she not Ist'ii holding to a ropu
which was extended along I he line
and grit-pod by each iiiemls-r of the
party. We sa'iit that night at our
camp ut the base of the mountain ami
havliiir run out of provisions, proceed
ed the next morning U'forebietikfust to
our supply wagoti at the summit.
After breakfast we resumed our
Journey to Foley Springs, arriving
there fiunduy night us hungry and
weary a looking crowd us you ever
saw. Coil.
Mute Normal School.
At Drain Oregon. Four new build
ings. Three courses of etudy. Write
for catalogues.
I.olirt, President.
Nut Ice.
Persons in Eugene who desire to
Ixvird students should apply to J
Stru'ih.soorotttry faculty, giving nutiies
aud residence.
Hup picking.
I wilt commence picking my Imps
Wednesday, August US. Pickers
Shkkman Hayks.
OiiKdoN Statu Faik. A circular
Issued gives pointedly some of the
prominent features of the fair: llulg
lug In bigness! f:i0,(00 In premiums,
purses and Numerous novel
attractions! 10 davs. Regius Wed
nesday, September Vi, 1HD5, closes Fri
day, October 4th. Senator Ingalls and
Congressman Rryan will Bsuk. Ex
citing horse ami bicycle races evciy
day. Parsons' band and orchestra of
twelitv llvs pieces! Ilallooll asceti-
sinus and parachute Jumps by Prof.
Frank Miller. ( Irani sermon un Sun
day by Rev. Edwards Davis of San
rrauclson, Sticrvd concert Huniluy
afternoon. Concerts every night dur
ing the fair. Reduced railroad rules
Many sH'dal premiums! The fastest
mile truck In Iho west. Will be the
liest fulr held iu Oregon! Admission
50 cents. 1
A I low A Furmington, Wash., cor
respondent writes thilsly: "Horn,
August 17, at Furuilngtoii, Wush., to
the wife of Marsh llelsbaw, a Isiy.
Marsh Is a former Lane county boy,
ami Is said to owu halt nf the Puloiise
country, und now since this event, he
thinks lie owns It all."
4 jD3403 IK ,
Is the nunils-r of burs of soup we s Id iwlween the 28th day of June and the
loth day of August. The following persons were the four closest guess
ers und are each untitled to pick out a pair of tlie best shoes we have In ,
our st'K'k FREE.
.1. W. (Jlauk, Eugene 10,377.
I. Shkkts, Eugene 10,100.
Miw. W. A. Mookk, Creswell, 10,700.
Mrs. Isakkll Potterf, Halo P. 0 10.0GO..
We now have aomethlii'( new which every householder will lie Interested lu
no guessing but a sum thing for everybody. Call in and see it work.
Hop Supplies of All Descriptions,
flem Grain Bags-Wheat Sacks.
Warchouso for HOPS alono. No hay will bo allowed
in the house. Everything clean.
Call in and get it:"" w mt$
The University of Oregon, Eugene,
dents. Young men can obtain Hoard,
lory for Vi.') wt week. Roomers furnish
provided with board In private futilities ut
siring board should address Prof. John
i oung Women's Christiau Association,
baocaluureuto degrees: Rachelor of Arts, Ruchclor of Science and Bachelor of
iA-tters, with corresponding courses of study. The following shorter courses
are also offered. An English course leading lu two years to a Business diplo
ma, and In three years to the title graduate lu English; an advanced course for
graduates of normal schools leading to the degree Master of Pedagogy; a three
years' course lu civil engineering lead I rig to the degree Civil Knglneer; a
course of two years for teachers of physical education leading to a diploma and
tne tine director oi rnysicai iviucanon. i lie university charges an Inciden
tal fsi of $10 which Is payable in advance by all students. Kt intents holdine
diplomas from the public schools and those
mltu-tl lo the preparatory department
Information regarding the preparatory
N. L. iNarrcgun, Eugene.
ror catalogues ami further Information
or J. J. Walton. (Secretary. Eugene, Oreuou.
Sliot Hun bhr-li.
Horni Paino wish tu cult the at
tention of tho sportsmen of this vicin
ity to their shot gun sheila and am
munition w lilch have been loaded this
season for their speclul trudo will
American Dead Shot Powder in Blue,
Rival aud Pluck Club Shells after .
their own formula. Every loud guar-'
antoed perfect and a killer. They
have also shells loaded with Schultzer,
E. C. and Dupont's Smokeless pow-.
ders In smokeless shells at rcisonable -prices.
Good guns always on hand to .
( heap Round Trip Kate to linreuce,
Commencing Wednesday, August
I I, for HO days, I will carry pu-seiigera
from Eugeiio to Florence and return
for ;.oo.
A splendid summer resort. Good
hotel accommodations, rates very rea
sonable, f.i.00 per week. Steamer Cooe
connects with tho stage. Good road
to Heccta Head and light liotn-e, with
cheap fare. Wagon road between Eu
geno and Florence In good condition.
Tickets ou sale at Rungs' stables.
Aug. IL',1805.
El.l Dancis.
Ilefore starting to the mountains the
Watts party, tioumi for Pine 0enlugs
and the Three Sisters parly arranged
foi a match hunt, the party receiving
the lowest number of points agreeing
to give a supiver after tlie return of the
two parties. The Three Sisters party
returned last evening and the Watts
party today, each having tsx'ti out
about two weeks. Tho first-named is
winner by about 60 points, having re
ceived 417 points while the other party
did not Ket quite 4u0. Neither party
made a large showing, as but a small
iHirtion of tho time was spent In hunt
ing and fishing. The supper will lie
giveu lu the near future.
la Kuaranteed to cure ItU-a and Cnnatlpatlon
or money refunded, te eenta per box. Srtnl
twonampa lor etreular and Vr-ei Haiiipla to
M.VKliN Ut liY, IteKtatcml I'harmaftal, Lancas
ter, I'a. No I'lMTALa AaaWKHxn. for .ale by all
llial elaaa ilruititiau everywhere, aud III Kugeu
Ori'sou by Uaburu A Delano
changes of the board of regents of the
University of Oreuon at their mooting
July !!d necessitates a supplementary
catalogue. Two thousand copies of
the same have been printed, and they
are now being distributed. This cat
alogue gives the student full informa
tion as to the courses of study, hours of
recitation aud other necessary informa
tion. Heavy Fupit Dual. Saleiu Post
Aug. L'0: Tho output of tho pear
orchards on the Wallace fruit farms,
was sold today by Manager Wallace to
Callforuia parties, and will he shipped
East at once, picking to commence to
morrow. The agent representing the
California firm estimate the crop at
0,000 boxes.
Shot in tub Foot. Last Sunday a
party of young people from llelkuap
Springs took a trip to tlie cave, about
four miles above the springs. After
arriving there Miss Edna Hubbard, of
Salem, while handling a 2'J target gun
discharged it, the ball passing through
tho lower part of her foot.
Mmi Better. Judge J J Walton
w riling to the Uuard from Soul Rock,
under date of August 0ih says: "I
am pleased to say Miss Dell in very
much tiettor; Is able to ride on the
Iwneli with ua. anil run alt nn eai.Rhlsr-
I, l.i nflfio lima i'lild la a lieunt Ifnl
place. Weather has been pleasant."
Dally Guard, Auguat -i.
Car Load ok Pears. Humphrey
& Hegar will ship a car load of Rurtlott
'ars to Chicago via the Southern Pa
cific railroad tomorrow morning They
will tlion commence pucklng niore
pears with which to load another car.
Oregon, offer Free tuition to all stu
Loddug. Heat and Lleht In the dorml.
their own linen. Young woman are
$3.00 per week. Young women de
rilraub, Eugene, Oregon, or Hecretary
Kugene. The University ofturs three
having teachers' certificates are ad-
without examination. Those desiring
department should address the Dean,
address C. II. Chapman, President,