The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 24, 1895, Image 1

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J JUjUJiffiHi
ssTiBLisnen m m mmmwy op OKsocRiTir rwsnpiEi, isp to cirji m hoibkt litisq bi tob sweat op oir brow
NO. 30.
Eugene City Guard.
bllsltcr ouil Proprietor.
gOn th Kmc aiile of Willamette Sive'j.h kn l ElKhtU Streets.
m w i h n nnif i i . . .
' w "-- WKDNKSDAY, Al'Gl'ST,2l. THE Sl'tlTSSKL'L ONES. I liKBB IS K P IHXAMY. i v - ; ifi:
su-i of oUiwcitirnox.
1 . .
- no
, 1.0i)
, .75
IltUa Made Known on
I.jf'.idrt will lie chartfc! ut tliu fob
Spring and Summer of 1835.
fat Stock aifl" tat Prices.
li?Catest Styles aijd Shades.
Wm di Willamette HI., between Ulh and loth.
.$0 00
. 8 00
12 OC
- ,,.,11 vear
iltt notic hi local onlumu, 30 cent.
i f Mi ll mwinm.
I:;4m bill' w'" rendered quarterly.
k rirk ui'irt do r aid rua uw okliviut.
;, yYatcnes, Chars. Jewelry, Etc
yall H'orli Warranted.
SlCiaH Mini OUlOUU.
ud lejuleiiea over pmtolfice.
a,; 1-' to 6 to 9 p. ni.
pi tiid New Prloea in Foreign and
it Marble and Granite, Monument,
ItittoneJ and Cemetery work of
I ill kinds for KM.
Street, near Pnstafnco. Eugene, Or
Mnmber of itnesc lu Criminal
Proceedings Limited.
In tliu session Jaw of ISOo is a law
npproe,l February 2fl. ls'Jo, which
limit tliu number of witnesses lu crlm
iiiul cast-a to ftiur firuclt aido, xci'pt
lni when tlio county JiuIk kIvo ht
iiiIkU)ii to Hutipii-im more, for yintil
nanfiu hIiowu. Krliou 1 rfHiU:
"Tlat lu-rfaftcr, in nil urlmiiiul pro
cwdinija Iiiul U'furo uny inunlHtnitf lu
thla Mate, tli (l'-rciiilnnl nul tha
tuny i'mcIi Huhpii-mt four wltiinwti mid
no iuor; provldtMl, tlmt the couniv
lud'cof tliKcoiintv whuresuch proottti
nun inuy lie pt-tiilin, timy, fur K''oU
canst; ahown, liutku nil rder ullowiiiK
a LToati-r iiuiiiIht of w ltiit imn to lw
Hul)Mi'imcl by t'lthcr party, In which
.'Vent, auid witm-HM nmv attend and
be paid an now provided liv luw; ami
i provided, that thin art i-lihll not In)
iniiintrned to prevent tiny pemon
'fir !Hrlll fi'ntii ViilliiitiiriK MtlAtitliinr
Ilcv J II lila.-U went to M.inroe thin nd tel llyitin beforu anv inch lunula
forenoon. ' tratc. but tlu v hIiuII not bu iiil bv
I'ulljf Guard, Au:ui j.
S. 15. Eakin l a little nick today.
Kraiilt Stewart in home uaiu.
Sam tiolils.iiith npeut Sumlay in Ku-
Landlord S K Itrowu nul wife are
home iiain.
J II Coleluau wiii doing bil-iiuenn at
Irving toduy.
I)rOj?lcsliy, or Junction City, vlnitod
Lukciiu today.
James Belknap, of McKcnzio Hridue
precinct in in the city.
Mm J li Pane liua returned home
from McKviiKie Rrldjrc.
llarry Williams wan a p:ncngcr to
nouavnieou today's train.
Th way to build up Kugcn in to
pauoni.e l.tlnnie inductrles.
S II I- riendly In load I nit a oar with
j chittiui bark for Nsw ork City
IheMcKeuzIc ntnj.'w went out thin
morning with a good load or pan.ncu
A piodly portion (the smoke ha
iiiHiiiiiM-arvii, anil our cltlzcua are it I ad
I inereal.
Med ford ban a lire btlir. Yenterdav
a burn wan burned by an Incendiary;
iocs f itiu.
Kev II I, ltoardmait and family will
n turn tins evening from the upper
Ell Itainrn will to ll you a round trip
iicaei n riorencv lor J. A cliea,
ii i p to i ne coani.
Stn(jin Tor Florence and Foley
Springn left well lnudcti with panneu
'ts thin morning.
County JudK'o Makers, of Yamhill
eniiuty ban been lined fVJ for killiuir a
Japanexe phuaiaut.
I he t olcman renidencu property,
on me corner ol nun ami Lincoln
xtrccU, In beini; painted and repaired.
Sevepil prominent Orecou City
youi.K men have ori!aui.ed an anli-
idiHiuiet MH'iely. A chit-ky lot of
dudes probably.
A gardener from near Corvallls wus
of bodily inlirmily, idiocy, lunacy or
Prof J R Weatherbee luw returned to ! other ca'une nhiill 1m' Hiipurted iy" th
l-0ue ha!f block toutb of Clirlsmau''
iliJeuce cor. 5th and Lincoln Sts
t remuent.
S. B. Kakm, Jr.,
Ot Eugene.
up (;ssh Capita! 50,000
jias end .'rorm.SaO.CW)
jsne - - Oregon-
-kcTal bAukiiu: biwiaaei d.ira on roanoie
"'. i;:l,t .lrn.'M on NKW YOUK,
ii(), SAX KitAN'GItfCO and l'OKT
,, (iRKli'.):,T.
4 "f ticliAnue j.iIJ on foreign oountrie..
mivii.U'ibi;t to check er tertili
f iq-nit.
'ita-tinn rritrunteJ to u will recolve
? ttteaCjn.
J (Evantfflift,)
1 Huiaej, Iowa, Writ( under (Uie
1 .March 2.1, 18'J3!
Mko. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
mk.v: On arriving home lat
I found all well and anxiously
Our little girl, eight and one
old, who had wasted awny
T"iinls, in now well, Btrong and
"Mud well fleshed up. . li.
f I'urij bus ,jone it8 Work well.
';' the children like it. Your H.
fh Cure lias cured and kept
I wl hoarsmesH from nie. So give
v7one, with greetings for all.
"8you prosperity, we are
n Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Fokd.
Ir'.k1"0 ,w' fre"h nd cheerful, and
ii ??rt:i' work, cleanae the lyitem
"wlnohe and LlTer Cure, Ij taking
Vw" ponltlTe guarantee
f eenu ikt bottle bt all dru slata.
r a. -i j. m i 'jk
1 -rr - mmj
lLl'i';y- akd
Ijk'ill'.v ivn niiuiii QTrvIT
ItVu 'Ul'J urocenea bougni m me
jMusiveiy For Cash,
tlv! the Publl tetter fric4
iuer nouse
,J( Jf all kinds taken at market
the city from (iearhart l'ark.
Prof V L Windmurn and wife
tuna d to Corvullin this lnoriiing.
Lelh Harnett In now doing tievn
pajier work on the Jaoknouvillt Times.
Willis Jacknon and John Haines re
turned from Foley Springs last Saturday.
Arthur Frazcr returned on the morn
ing train yesterday from
PoHtuiueter Shumate, of Walterville.
In spending a few days in Portland on
L II JohiiHou canio In on the back of
a ciiyuse this forenoon from roley
Hunry Oodfrey startrd to California
thin fiireiioon. He will go bv the Va-
tiuiim ro.ile.
Mln-e.n Lillio Hamilton and Carrie child."
Matlock left on the morning train yes
tcrdny for Corvallls.
Mrs Julia Comntock cam up on the i
local yesterday and la vittiling aU the
residence of Mrs Fitch.
Prof J C Straub and family went to
Newport this morning to remain until
the U of O resumes its sessions.
M H Rarker and family, accom-
Canied by Kd Test, rusticated on the
auks of the Mclvenzie yesterday.
Dr W V Henderson returned from
Astoria on the local yesterday. While
there ho took a trip to Long Usach.
II C Humphrey and wife left this
morning for the East on theenrlv
train. They will go by the X P R R.
Jimmy Thompson left for Foley
Springs today. Henry Marx has
charge ot the shop during bis absence.
Mrs M I Underwood and daughter,
Miss Peggy, returned tills morning
from a very pleasant visit to lacoma.
John Rcavenue and Fid Pool Intend
ed leaving Rridge this
moi uing for I lie McKenzie falls. They
expect to return her next Saturday or
A jolly crowd of men will leave for
the sea coast near Florence Wednes
day. It will probably consist of Ell
R.inys, tieorge Fisher, G RChrisman,
Geo W Pickett, Wm Renehaw and R
R Hayes.
Walter McCluie left yesterday morn
ing to resume his position as assistant
city editor on the Seattle, Wash., Post
Intelligencer. He was accompanied
by his brother Charley who will visit
in that city a few weeks.
David Linn returned from Jackson
ville ye terday morning. His brother
James is recovering nicely from his ie
cent accident and his lameness from
the same will not lie noticeable He
says Ed Helms s a man of leisure and
having a good time.
S M Titus and wife hnve returned
from Pleasant Hill. Mr Titus ays
he has been harvesting the golden
giain, and did more work than auy of
the young men. He if looking splen
didly after his labors,
Mr and Mrs Hugh Thompson, of Sa
letn, arrived here on this afternoon's
train from Newport to visit for a few
days. Mr Thompson says their trip
to 'San Francisco was very pleasant,
and that the steamship Farallou Is one
of the most elegant vessels he ever
traveled on. The state rooms are largo
and roomy, and the table Is first class
in every particular, while the officers
and ntteiidauts are courteous and afl'a-ble.
father, mother, children, brothers and
sisters of such p(Hr iK-rsonn, If they or
either of them lie or HttlTicieiit ability;
and every person who shall fail to
support bin or her father, mother,
child, sistur or brother, when directed
by the county court of the county
where such poor nmous may be found
whether sucli relutivo resides in the
county or not, shall forfeit and pay to
Cottage I the county, for the use of the poor of
ineir county, uie sum or (.in per mount
or such other sums as the court shall
llnd sutllcient, to be recovered in the
name of the country court, for the use
of the poor as aforesaid, before any
justice of the peace or any court hav
ing Jurisdiction; provided, that when
any person becomes a pauper from In
temperance or other bad conduct, he
shall not be entitled to any support
from any relative except parent ana
Prison ftl.
the county where such proceed ingn are
A Good Law.
There In a provision in the Oregon
statutes compelling people to lake
cure of indigent relatives. We do not
believe It In well understood, but It is
ti. ...... ..o t...
Sis; MU. Hill's code of Oregon: ! A!''""-v M'r,t,r,!"' h couple of
-Every iKK.r pers-.n who shall be nn- X "iniwiwrnw , wiuoiij ne sola
ablcjlo ream a livelihood lu consequence ' '"I"'" ."' 6 l,,u ,JOX-
.i iriijuavs mhiu lair ui .-uieoi com-iiii-nci
tic Sept. S, ending Oct. 4.
Tliirty-lifth annual meeting. Address
C. 15. Irwine, secretary, Salem, Ore
gon. the steamer Farallou sailed fiom
lnnuilia buy lor San Francisco at
noon today. Among the pas.nengers
were Mrs. Wm. Reiishaw and Miss
Lulu Reiishaw, ot this city.
Attorney Geo A Dorrls writes that
he Is having an excellent time at Fo
ley Springs, although trout aia bi
ting rather poorly at present. He has
not thought about returning asytt.
Tuesday's Roseburg Plaindealer:
Hon. Ringer Hermann returned from
Myrtle Point today, not appearing
cast dowu by the criticisms of a few
disgruntled politicians at the 'north
cud of the district.
The smallest city In the world Is the
miniature place kuowu as Steward
City, Alaska, U. S., its three inhabi
tants being, resK'etively, mayor, chair
man of the board of aldermen aud
president of the common council.
Justin Roln?rt Rice, tho "cow boy
preacher" aud his wife, who visited
Eugene a couple of months since, lias
concluded to leave Portland because
eople would not till n out to hear
them preach. He goes to the Southern
August and September are the most
pleasant months to visit the sea coast.
Take the advantage of cheap (are aud
make u trio to rioreuce. Jmunu trip
only i. Including a twenty mile ride
down the beautiful Siuslaw river on a
Is uc Stern, of the Portland Hebrew
News, has been arrested for criminal
libel on the charge ot one H H
Abrahams. We predict that Mr
Stern w ill coma out Innocent, as we
know him to be a tlrst-c lass gentleman
aud an holier to Ins profession.
Do business with your home busi
ness men if you desire to have a nour
ishing and hustling city. Renumber
that yau have a part to perform in
pushing your home towa to the front,
and you cat not perform that part by
patronizing foreign institutions.
The Oregon State F'alr for 1H93
promises to be the best that has ever
been held in Oregon, the management
leavimr nothing undone which will
add to the Interest of not only farmers
but otheis. aud they should receive Hit
encouragement to which their c Hurts
entitle them.
The Florence stage was crowded
with passengers this morning.
A 1110111.' tho number ware Eli Rang,
George Fisher aud G R Chrlsman of
th scitv. the Misses Maude ana utr-
trudu, of Roseburg, who went to
Acme to visit the Tamlly or l)r bauiieri
and G H Richardsoa, a tobacco drum
mer. Jacksonville Times: Salem has
again been remembered by the state
administration, and still she "don'd
vanhahby." HP Mlnto, brother of
Chief Minto of Portland, and son of
John Minto or the horticultural board,
Is the last apH)lntee, havlug last week
Iwen made Inside watehmau at the
K'uitentiary. It seems difllcult to ap
m'ttse the capacious maw or the cap
ital city.
It In a big thlngto say but nevertho
PAPFR ! kept on nleatK.C.DAKKs
iTeiumg Aienrr. 64 ana
1 ii, t'ehang, ban Kraurlaeo, TaL,
I " actalgt adrtrtUlng can be made.
A Fast Rio Man. McMiunvllle
T-R: G S Wright is brebably the rast
est large bicycle rider In the United
States. Fifteen mouths ago he started
In to ride a wheel, weighing 2S
pounds. Ry careful training and good
rubbing at the hands of Dell Martin
I,. I. a reiloeeil his Wfcicbt to 05
w.miwU and is now iu the pink of
condition and has at bo time
lieen overtrained. Fiom a mile in
about 10 minutes, he has slow
ly increased his speed, passing all the
other fast riders of the city, until he is
now able to work oil a mile in 11:3) and
a half in 11. His chest measurement
is 41 Inchen with au expansion tt nvM
l 7 In, li.' wniat. 35 inches; calf or
li-g, 10 inches; thigh, 24 inches; hips,
1 liieliea: heiirht. 0 (I ill. ii"l
wheel upon which lie accomplishes
this fu.-t time Is a Gcadron road wheel,
handled by R. M. Wade & Co.. of this
citr. ana maoe noon nutuiumuuu.
furuisliea ny air. i rnjoi.
McMinnville Exchange: T B Kay,
who returned from the East on Satur
day, where he has been in the Interests
of ibe ITioa Kay, Woolen MilU, of Sa
lem, was in the city the first of the
week. He was selling the product af
the mill to eastern jobbers and
with great success, aec&ing enough
orders to k p the mill runningto lit
night and day capacity until " e
son. Oregon woolen foods liave
itreat reputation In the east, and it U
easy 'lr 10 undersell eastern
manufacturers when It comes to quality.
Dally Unnrd. August ill.
Dr A Sharpies was lu town today.
N E Rritt, orXewberg, Is in Eugene.
Henry Lang spent last night in Eu
gene. County Treasurer Gray has returned
C II Cottle and ramily have gone to
t loretice.
Rert Miller has been visiting at
Ed White, or Prineville, is at Rel-
knap Springs.
Attorney Matteson went to Fall
Creek last evening.
Rev E C Sanderson aud wife have
returned to Eugene.
Frank Skipworlh Is back Irom Leb
anon after quite a visit.
James Knight is back from Druiu
and is slightly Improved.
Dr Rrowu hn9 gone to Myrtle Creek
ou professional business.
Hon U F Abfhier, of Silver Lake,
was in town again today.
Hop picking will commence- In
many yards next week.
"DrandMrsC E Loomis have re
turned from Foley Springs.
Mrs Allie East ham is now recover
ing from her recent illness.
MrsEHIi'gham came home from
Ilarrisburg this afternoon.
Miss XettieSteivait was one of tho
arrivals home this afternoon.
Attorney RilyeU paid Cottage Grove
a visit today on legal busiuess.
Miss Jessie Park returned from a
month's visit at Roseburg this morn
ing. Deacon Davis returned from a trip
to the Springs this fore
noon. Miss Iula Rradley has gono to her
home at Kltt prairie to remain a week
or two.
Mr and Mrs Geo Overton, who have
been visiting at Rrownsvllle, have re
Clyde Cheshire and Geo, Jr,
have gone up the McKsn.le on a
week's fishing trip.
Lee Wiilllsand his sister Mr. Ed
miinsou left Monday morning for an
outing at R-dknap Springs.
Attorney Chas E Lockwood is
thinking or locating in this city Ur the
practice or his prou'ssion.
Mrs M A Hunsakcr and son, Fred
Ifcrholfl. havo returned from a six
weeks' stay at Relknap Springs.
X B Lytle returned from Relknap
Springs t'jis morning. Ho reports a
good crowd still at this popular resort.
Mrs H C Wortman, of Portland, ar
rived on thin afternoon's traiu, and is
the guest of her sister. MrsM H Bar
ker. J L Page is expected home on to
night's stage from Foley Springs,
where he has leeu stayiug for a couple
of weeks.
Or J K Payton camp In on thin af
ternoon's train. The doctor in in ex
cellent health. His many friends are
Dleased to see him in our ci ty again.
Dr B F Royles, formerly of Junction
Citv. arrived hero thin afternoon in the
. J 1 -. ... t. i i .... i. . .. . i
best ol ncanu. it ivn "
tlinroiiirli ennr-e In medicine ill the
leading Engl.-n colleges. He canio
direct from London, stopping on his
way home a week lu New Vo'k City.
IIopi.ets. New York Price Current:
Latest advices rrom the hop yards In
this state Indicate steady improvement
in the condition or the vines, and
while general estimat" or the yield
still run quiteagHsl deal below last
year, it looks as ir there will Ins an
abundance or hops and low price.
Many or the Palmer's seedlings have
already been picked, which indicates
a much earlier crop than usual Re
ports from the Pacific coaat do not dif
fer much from what we have published
of late.
Out of nil Applicant for ( ortlllciites
Ouly 10 are Successful.
The Isiard of examiners have com
pleted their work of examining the
ptiersf the applicants for teachers
certificates last week. The mortality
was great. Out or thirty-llirco appli
cants only tell stood tliu ordeal ueiv.-s-rullv.
First Gradc-J.O. McCrady.
Second Cirade J. W. Abbott.
Third Grade Ada 1. CnliM', Chas.
Wenlworth, Sarah Whitlev, Loolua
Yoder, Hulda Hayden, Daisy D. Me
Murry, Percy P. Adams and W. II.
The follow lug persons were appli
cant for state diplomas aud ri-eotu
For State Life Diploma Miss Anna
I rain.
State Diplomas Miss Eva Went
worth, Mm. S. K. George.
1 ho Isiard of examiners wan com
posed of Superintendent Stevenson. J
M. Williams and .Miss .Mary 1.. .Mo
The eviort Restaurant JIuu
iiipered Was Tliere
Foul Hay?
"A Seek lllller.,
Here Is a good yarn with a moral to
It whicli is gnliig the rounds credited
tot lie Raker City Democrat:
A few weeks ao a young man
from MeEweek bought a pair of socks
containing a note Having tliewrlter
was au employe id tho Kenosha, is.,
knitting works and wanted a good
husband. She gave her name, and
requested (he buyei, if unmarried, to
write with a view of matrimony. Tint
young mail who round the note con
sidered the matter In all Its idiascs,
aud then decided to write tot lie girl.
He did. Awaiting with anxiety he
was at last awarded with a curt letter,
stating tlmt the girl was the mother of
two children, unit had been married
four years, and the letter had been
written ever ho long ago. It was a
sock dolager,' aud the young man
hunted for a solution. He found It.
The merchant of whom he bought the
socks didn't advertise."
ballr Uuard, August '.'1.
A Pakty. George G Croner, of
Kansas City. Mo., a cousin of the
Misses Croner was given a tare well
party by the young ladies at the resi
dence or their parents last evening. Af
ter enjoy lug progresive whist tor au
hour or more au elegant lunch was
served. Tho following persons were
r resent: Misses Mae I hi ft. Edith
Irown, Etla Owen, Mabel Straight,
Iieua Goldsmith, (Vila Goldsmith,
Mrs. Geo. F Croner, Fannie and Mag
gie Croner; David Linn, Leu Stevens,
JJert Miller, George G Croner, A h
Rrattaln. W II Alexaader, Geo F Cro
ner and Warner Hrown. were
awarded to Miss St might for the best
play lug and the booby to Lena Gold
smith. Mr Croner will leave for his
home In the East in a few days.
Tiik Dkhatk. Iu answer to a letter
from the programme committee of the
state fair, asking if he would favorably
consider a proposition lo debate, the
financial question with Hon. Roswell
P. lloir, Hon. W. II. Bryan, of Ne
braska, says he will accept. In his
letter, Mr. Rryan states that, In the
event Mr. Horr cannot be present, he
will debate the question with anyone
whom the committee may select. lr.
Horr lias been written to by the com
mittee, but lias not yet Is-en heard
from. It Is pretty certain someone.
will bu round ta meet Mr. Bryan, and
the attendance at the state fair will
doubtless be regaled with the financial
question. Ills the Intention to ar
range, the debate for September 27 and
i Monthly's Albany Democrat:
F l Delaney, tr New port, w as in
bauy today, having come ou
night's excursion train, looking
lier liUstuind, the Well know n restaur
ant man of New port. Mr Delaney left
iMniie on .Motiiuiy oi last week, ostoii
s'blv for Toledo on business, but in
stead of stopping there he came on to
Alimny. lie told the Hews agent he
wanted a suit of clothes aud might an
w en come on to the Valley as not am
go buck on tho next train. He took
tinnier in a restaurant; lull I'ouglit no
clothes. Mrs Delaney received a di
palcli in the afternoon Irom him at
thin city in which he said: "Got left
Will come, tomorrow. Send for Dave,'
reieri iug to a young man who hclpt
In the rotaiiiiiiit. This is the hint
that lias been heard from him and! no
oilier mire lias iiecu lound. Mrs
Delaney told the Democrat Hint she
Uiiew ol no cause br his leaving, that
their relationship has been pleasant
ami lie owed only cio which ho could
have attended to. Ho had over :K00
ou his person taken in during the sum
mer, wiiit n ne hail carried mi his per
son nn there wan no bank there, and
she believes he has met w ith foul plav
.-Mie tutu Heard mat mere were saloons
in Albany when' they roll men for
their money. A little 'item. in a New-
sit paper indicates tlmt the opinion
there was that Mr Delnnev hud left
delibi lately, leaving tlehls unpaid be
hind. The facts so far an the' Demo
crat sees I he-iii. Indicate that he ban
probably gone and Mrs Delaney will
probably hear from him when he gets
settled. Mio Is a line appearing lady
of excellent reputation. Mr Delaney
is well known Having run a restaurant
at New isiit for nine years. As he had
ooii-ideral'le money on his peison it Is
possible no met witn loui play, but
this is not the general ( pinion. What
ever the situation it leaves Mm Dc-
laiiev in an iinideasnut iMsitiou. us
she is at New pun with IiIIhIiichs ou her
liniitls, Home debts unpaid that had
accumulated during the summer and
the Hea-on nearly ended.
l wo or three months ago .Mr 1H-
limey advertised in the Democrat and
a few other papers that his restaurant
was lor sale, which Indicate that he
wl.died te leave NevHirt.
Hops. Yakima Republic:
fact of the matter is," said
len true, that a great multitude or iieo
plu have crowned Simmons Liver
Regulator, the "King of Liver Medl
cities." There Is nothing Ilka it ror
Malaria, Rheumatism, Chills and
Fever. Constipation. Biliousness, Sick
Headache, Indigestion and all troubles
arising rioiu a sluggish or diseased
liver. Simmons Liver Regulator is
the prevention aud cure ror these ail-meuts.
We take the blowing from the
Roseburg Plaindealer, concerning a
gentleman well known all over Ore
gon: "Sol Abraham was suddenly
taken down yesterday with sort or
sinking Hndls. He had several Miasms
hetweeu yesterday afternoon and mid
night. Dr. ('oilman was called in and
remained with him all nigl I. Mr.
Abraham Is now resting easy, the
vmntoma of rurther attacks growiag
less frequent and strong hoes are en
tertained of his recovery hoou."
Chemist Shaw, of the Oregon Agri
cultural F:xperlmeiit Station, has is
ued a press bulletin In which he culls
attention to the fact thst the state Is
lieing flooded with circulars oiienng to
sell tor 1-5.00 "family rights" to pay
i.V) for three cents worth of maUrlal
to Is? used In making a pound and halt
of butter out of a pound of butter and
half a pound tt milk. Tha Rural
Northwest has already described this
pro js and given the formula and iu
regular readers will none of them be
taken In. There are however, some
people who "can't affjrd to lake the
Rural Northwest" but can atlord to
pay K to learn how to turn good but
tr aud good milk Into a compound
which looks like butter but is of no
market value and, if sold as butter,
renders the sellers liable to fine and
Imprisonment. Rural Northwest
Complaint Madk. Allan B Slati
son, tho well known Washington, 1)
C, corresMindunt, writes as follows:
"Acting Secretary or the interior iiey
nolds, has determined to prevent for
est fires ou the tlmluT lands in Oregon
in the future, as far as lays In his pow
er. With that end in view, lie nan
forwarded to tha attorney-general or
Oregon complaints or j v Downer, or
April 4 aud au, lN'.l.i, to the eltect llial
these fires have liven startetl bv M
Conger, Lew Ward and George Ward
while deer hunting, witn ins request
that proceedings bo begun against
these parties In order to prevent a rep
etition of the offense arid thereby Have
an immense amount r( timber and
possibly some lives." Downer Is ev
erlastingly making complaint against
A FThh Story. lCugene peoplo who
ga fishing and then come liuek with
stories or their prowess in that respect
will have to llsh and study a long time
before they can ever hope to lay the
following story rrom Canada In the
the shade: "Last rail a man fishing on
the Maltlaud lost his watch out of the
boat rrom which he was fishing. The
other day while fishing ha caught a
thrue-i'iund bass. His astonishment
can be imagined when lie round his
watch lodged In tho throat or the
twauty. ibe watch was running and
tha time correct. It being a stem
winder, the supswltlon is that In mas
ticating its fisid the bass would up the
watch daily."
Superintendent Stevenson has made
the apportionment or school money to
the respective districts or Lane coun
ty. 1 he state fund amounts to i. no
per capita and the county fl.oo, mak
ing a total of f 2.0-1. This money will
place the rchool districts In excellent
a niau
prominent lu hop interests, "those
whuaro discovering ho much woe in
the present outlook for hops this fall
are not friends of tho growers, by any
means. Representatives of large buy
ers lu the East and In London are al
ways adroit iu their work of dlseour
aging the growers aud never lose an
opportunity to create a panic among
producers iu order to promote tho In
terests of buyers In tho matter ot se
curing favorable contracts for the lat
ter. 1 ho manner iu which they work
reporters to take a pitying view tif tho
growers' situation is simply the Mm sso
of sliariiers, It is a fuel,'' he contin
ued, "that the yield this year It-short
everywhere. That certainly doesn't
nourish the buyers' Interest in the low
prices. In many sections from which
reporis csiuo regularly It is conceded
that first L'rudo hops will not he
abundant. Whllo we tie not enjoy the
loss or others in thin respect, that Tact,
serious as it may be to some, Is an en
couragement to us to believe that the
quality of tho hops we produce will bu
specially in demand, If there be any
dotiiund at all for good hops.
- J
..... ,. ,. ". , j-i
t '
-M.Vi Jm. lAXj! .
Header, did you ever take Simmons
I.IVKK RlXllTLATOR, tllo "Kl.Nll td
LiviiiiMium LNKS?" Everybody ricc.!i
tuko a liver remedy. It Is a slug'irisli or
diseased liver that Impairs digestion
and causes const iMVtion, when the wasio
that should bo carritnl tiff rernaina ::i
the hotly and poisons tho wholn 8yat;,i.
That dull, heavy fintling is due to u
toriiid liver, lliliousnestt, Hcodach'',
Alalarin and Indigestion am all liver
diseases. Keep tho liver activo bv u.i
occasional dosoof Simmons Uvcr lii ;:
tilator and you'll get rid of these trou
bles, and give tono to tho whole ry:
tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver
Regulator la iikttkk than Pills, .'i
does not gripo, nor weaken, but great. y
refr. slies and Htrengthens.
lAory pnekngo linn tho lCotl Z
etninp on tlw wrapper. J. Jl.'
cilia & Co., riilliult lphia.
Aiitl-Uiassluipper l'etloii.
Hallj Ciuard, Auguit JO.
Pearh. Humphrey A Segar yester
day reeelveil about six tons or Rurtlett
pears for shipment to the Eust. To
day tliln elioiee fruit in rolling in rap
idly. They are pnj Injr n:i- m.t per
iound for the fruit.
Public Schoolh. Studies will be
resumed In the public schools on Alon
day, Weptcmlier Jild. The time or
ojieiilng ha been made a little later
this full, so as to allow those who de
sire to pick hosi to have au oportu
ulty. A good Idea.
tiLITB RioilT. An exchange says:
After reading the aullcs of Corbett and
Filzsimmeus one may beJustiOed lu
remarking that John L Sullivan has
been thoroughly vindicated. He Is
quite a gentleman.
liailrUuard, Auguit 21.
Tka Pauty. Mrs Julius Gold
smith gave u most delightful tea to
her friends this afternoon, at her home
on Eleventh afreet, assisted by the
Misses Goldsmith. The house was
most handsomely decorated with
wild clematis, which scented the rooms
with a delicious odor. The all'alr will
be remembered by all as one of tho
most brilliant events of the season.
About twenty-five ladles were present.
Lttkevlew Is ollered a telegraph line
to A I turns, Oil., for a subscription re
turnable in stock and future profits.
Tliu oiler is being considered.
J'liu applicants for teachers' certifi
cates seeui to bo having a hard time
everywhere. At Pendleton ouly sayen
passed, out of fifteen candidates.
To go to the post olllce expecting to
get a letter from enu's girl and then
get a bill rrom one's tailor Instead is
enough lo rufllo tho scienlty of the
ucst of us.
In comparison with last year very
little wood is being hauled into Eu
gene, it Is estimated that enough
wood was left over last winter to sup
ply the city another year.
Rolnm Fulfurd, at one time a "type
sticker" on tho Sau Francisco dailies,
whoso clever wife, the late Annie Tlx
ley. made hlui a wealthy man, has re
turned to I'.narland witn me intention
or residing there permanently.
A Junction glrloralmut fifteen years
or age, who had fullen among had
coint'Biiv. was lu town (luring uie past
few d"v. She was taken charge or
yesterday afternoon and placed lu safe
hands until her father came up aud
took her home this morning. Some or
he voutur men whe take adva ntnge of
every opportunity to uenaucn young
girls will got themselves in serious
trujhle some day.
The editor of the Democrat, or Mar
lon, III, must huve had a high old
time on his last visit to Chicago. Tor
in an editorial ou the city ho says:
"The doubly distilled esaence of crdl
tionlsao over)owerlrig that a visiter
In soon passive and his higher sense is
blunted to his terrible surroundings.
He low s bis natural attributes. Whis
ky falls to Intoxicate and water pro
(l tiers spasms in his abdomen."
Ashland Tidings: Chas. Lewis, n
man who had traveled with the Wal
lace Shows from Portland lu re and
was employed as a re erve seat agent
at the I ii net door, absconded rrom here
witlifinr the management's funds
aud also $10 belonging to an Ashland
man who was obliging enough to take
smull change rrom him ror a t-U piece.
The management reported him to the
city ofllelals, but lie liss not been ap
prehended. With the exception or
one person who complained to Marshal
Smilh that he received only two tick
ets Instead or four for $2 no other case
r "llimllammlng" was rejiorted from
the Wallace circus patrons. i
Grasshoppers are said to be more nu
merous iu certain portions of the
Rogue rivet valley this season than for
inuuy years, aud iu soma places have
IsH'it more or less destructive. Recent
ly at the former Rois r place, ou tha
east side or Rear creek, now tenanted
tiy Jiarry Green, the threat
ened to ruin a young peach orchard,
attacking the foliage viciously. Mr.
recti undertook a nlatl to kill the
hop)crs that Is said to have worked
most HueccHrully. Takiuir auuaiititv
or bran, molasses aud arsenic, he mix-
a these ingredients ui Into a (emot
ing potion, and scattered it iu small
piles on the grou nil over the orchard.
The liopHi s gathered around the med
icine in iny.lads and intrtnuk with tho
result that they were soon heaiH-d iin
over the ground three or tour deep, but
nn innately Head, j'.noiigii or the hop
pers were not left to do rurther dam
age. 1 he cost for coverlntr the 27 acre
orchard wan about $10. This remedy
is worthy the attention of those who
are bothered by grasshoppers.
UallrUuard, Auguit 21.
A Fakkwki.L LUNCH. Tho ladies
aid society or the Christian church
last evening Invited their pastor. El
der llonnell, and ramily to attend the
meeting ol the Miuday school teacher
aud afterwards to pariako of a farewell
lunch. At the close or tho teachers
meeting, a table was spread with a
bountiful lunch, and just before par
taking or the same, Mayor J 1 Mat
lock, ou behalf or the ladles tr tho so
ciety, presented Mrs. Bunnell with a
beautiful tublx cloth, as a memento of
their lasting friendship, hi response,
Elder and Mr. Bunnell replied that it
was with many regrets that they
parted with so many dear friends.
The elder aud family were Invited by
Mrs Hattlo Cowglll, on behalf or tha
society, to eat a farewell lunch with Its
members and rrleuds.
Unwarranted Assault. We
learu that a big fullow named Cook
Jumped on WL Houston at Junction
City Alouday aud beat him up fearful
ly, without cauno or provocation. He
then went before the recoider and Paid
aline. Itapiiears that someone had
threw a rook through a window or a
church at that place Sunday even
ing. Monday Cook met Houston antl
claimed t hut the gentleman had said
he was the guilty party. To this Mr.
Houston replied that it was not true.
Then Cook said that "he hud a grudge
against tha Huston ramily and would
get even then and there."
Hank ! Tacoma (alls.
Tacjoma, Aug. 19. The Bank of Ta
coma, formerly tho Tacoma Trust A
Havings Company, this morning uuido
an assignment to its creditors. Ita
statement show cash on hand f 114.1.'!,
loans. 27H,072.5O: total liabilities, 37H,
U10.i4, of which $223,(104.77 is city
money deposited. The bank has long
been regarded a Insecure.
Twi bitwsii.
Portland, Or., Aug. 19. The
steamer Ocean Wave collided with a
sail boat near Stella, on the Columbia
rivtr, early this niorulng. The boat
contained five persons two of whom,
John Weutherwax and I'M Wagner.
weredrowned. Tha other three escaped.
Juefe murplty aim III.
San FTiancihco, Aug. 19. Owing to
the continued Illness of Superior Judge
Murphy, the Durrani murder trial waa
not resumed this morning. Tho case
whs continued until tomororw.
rlaoal lleuaa Huraed.
Mkokoro, Or., Aug. 19.-Tho pub
lic school bjllding and contents burn
ed here this morning, firo Incendiary.
Loss, $11,000; insurance, $7,000. ,
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal. Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
4c Years the Standard.