The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 17, 1895, Image 5

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Henderson, dentist.
Hop stoves ot F L Chamiikiw'.
J. J. Walton, ttttorney-ut-luw.
.Money to loan on farms. KihjiiIiv of
Judo vvuiioii.
Take your Chlttcui Burk to H. II
You can pet cash fur your Chide-in
bark ate. u. i-rieiidiy's.
Only a few buggies ami Imcks left,
Prices same as wnen me iinit-H were
hard. 1' L (.iiamiikks.
Take your Chlttoni Hark to S. II
You can get cash for .your Cliiliom
hark at a. H. Erleudly's.
Back twine, 400 poundsjust rceeiv d.
t. Li. C1IAMUKH8.
Dr. O. W. Blddle may be found at
his residence on Olive street, betweeii
Fifth ami Hixtli streets, one block went
of the Minnesota hotel. He Is pre
pared to do all dental work In the best
To Loan. Money to louu nn im-
n roved farm oronertv
Hiiehwoou Bubh
X)D Bckk,
Eugene, Or.
J. D. Matlock fc Co will pay the
highest market price for wool.
Highest cash price paid for Chittein
Bark by 8. H. Friendly.
Farm near foothill, rolling land, from
(JO to 160 acres. Adda-ss "W," care ol
Gl'akd offlco.
Faring for Sale.
I have now thirty line farms In the
Willamette valley for nale. These
furms include every variety in size and
price. For description list, address
Gko. M. Miller,
Wilklns Block, Eugene, Or.
A car load of Oliver plows will he re
ceived thin month by
F. L. Chamiikus.
Saw Lost. A 6 foot single handed
cross cut saw lost between Eugene and
Spiingtleld, Thursduy. A liberal re
ward for return of same to this otlice.
Eukkk a. Hop Prkss. Dan Linton
is agent for this celebrated hop press.
It is the best In the market. Before
purchasing bo sure and Interview hhu.
Nails are away up but F L Cham
bers will sell you a key at the same
price dealers can buy a car load.
8. H. Friendly wants all the Chit
tem bark he can get.
''It is the best patent medicine In
the world" Is what Mr E M Hartman,
of Maruuam, Oregon, says of Cham
berlain's Cholic, Cholera and Dia
rrhoea Itemedy. "What leads me to
make this assertion Is from the fm-t
that dyseutery In its worst form was
prevalent around here last summer
and it never took over two or three
doses of that remedy to etl'ect a com
plete cure." For sale by
. Ohhvkn & DeLano.
Two Lives Bared.
Mrs Phoebe Thomas, of Junction
City, 111., was told by her doctors she
had consumption and that there was
no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr
Kiug's New Discovery completely
cured her and she says it saved her
life. Mr Tli os Eggers, approaching
consumption, tried without remit
everything else then bought one bot
tle of Dr King's New Discovery and in
two weeks was cured. He Is naturally
thankful. It Is such results, of whluh
these are samples, that prove the won
derful efficacy of this medicine la
coughs and colds. Free trial bottles at
Henderson & Linn's drug store. Keg.
ular size 60 cents nml $1.00. .
MrC O Strong, principal of the pub
lic schools at Anderson, Cu4, says: "I
have used Chamberlain's Pain Balm
and have found it an excellent remedy
for lameness and slight wounds."
Lameness usually results from a
sprain, or other Injury, or from rheu
niatism, for which Chamberlain's Tain
Halm It especially Intended and un
tuualed. It afford almost immediate
relief and In a short time effects a per
manent cure For tale by Osburn &
DeLano, Druggists.
A nappy Husband.
Delaware, Ohio. "After four
mouths' use of Simmons Liver Begn
lator my wifo Is almost entirely re
lieved of Chronic, Constipated and
Bleeding Piles." W B Loeper. Your
druggist sells It In powder or liquid;
the powder to be taken dry, or made
into a tea.
Tw Bbjr wu ak k, we rT her Caste V
tin ill wu a ChlM, ihe cried for Castoria. -When
ihe became Mlas, she clung to CMtoria.
fhen ah had Children, ibe gvn them Caatoria.
DiscuARQED.-Graut's Pass Cour
ier: "A young man named Frank
Webb was arrested last week at the
instance of an agent of the Wallace
hows for circulating libelous matter.
Webb had been busv distributing a
circular which said the Wallace shows
bad (wen sold at sheriff's sale in Los
Angeles. He was held In $ 200 bonds
nd kept In Jail awaiting answers from
the Syndicate Shows which had prob
ably hired him to do the worn. He
M let go free as the prosecution failed
materialize. Costs oil the county,
IX rm '"
Pikrre, H. D., Aug. 14. Ex-Stale
Treasurer W. W. Taylor, who default
d last January, was sentenced by
Judge Gaffrey today to five years at
hard labor iu the Sioux Fails peiiiien
iry. This is the limit of the law.
Deputy Oamb Wardex. On the
request or a number of the prominent
citizens ot Lane county State U.mie
Warden MeOuire has appoiuted E J
MeC'laoahsu a special deputy for this
county. Tlii Is a good appointment.
ii-iiaiianau luiorms us
ill attempt to enforce the law to the
lttr ... . .J I . . fwi.m.i r,r fiM.
'r Moc'lanahau luf
rrns us that lie
lolators bad better eeae their unlaw
ful operation.
The smoke Is still getting thicker.
J T Cardwell visited Eugene today.
Prof. F L Washburn Is in Eugene
again. "
Dr W II Bow laud has lift Tor Call
loruia. UeoW Pickett drove to Junction
I ity today.
The cavalry horse welesliiiipcd this
The saw lug, for theCoburg mill are
lu the race.
N 8 DuKols left for Foley Springs
this morning. 1 h
Lew Crow Im returned to Jose
phine county.
Sheriff Johnson is rusticating at the
Foley Springs.
Mr L X Honey returned from New
port ttiis afternoon.
From nil reKri ilu. grain crop Is
yielding splendidly.
The hcuooI teachers urn Mii exam
ined fi r cerlitk-ales today.
The coinissionern court adjourned
for the term last evening.
The Linu-Gilbcrt party leaves for
Crater Lake tomorrow.
J -Im Wilson, of Coburg, is working
ill the HssetMir's office.
L Davis and son Merrill, left for
Sodaville this illuming,
Attorney ltilyeu and son t'oke sH-iit
lat night in L'nttaire (Srove.
David Markley is diiiiKcrously III at
his home in Cottage drove.
Miss Lucy Powell, of Brownsville, Is
visiting witli Mrs Soiiinicrville.
II C and WilsOweu went to their
Spencer Creek hop ranch today.
Carpenters are tit work building the
Phillip Hohl blacksmith shop.
Another scnsa'ional divorce ease.
Both parties claim the children.
C M Hill and wife left on the staire
this morning for Foley Springs.
Samuel Veatch ami family have re
moved to lto churg from Porllai.d.
J W Kays and sister have arrived
from Newport after a very pleasant
visit. '
Miss Ella Matlcson returned here
this morning from u visit to Cottage
Drive down the nails In your side
walk and receive the thanks of tedes
trians. Humphrey and Seitar are still pur
chasing all kinds of fruit that are in
Dr. E. W. Hitchcock. of New York
City, Is In Eugene and registered at
the Hoffman House.
Salem Journal: Notice: no pay will
be allowed count v correspondents for
space taken by jokes on bloomers.
It was L U Liver more who killed
the cougar up the McKenzie instead
of S M Garrison, as published jester
Newport Itecord: Dr. Mt-Cornaek
and family, of Eugene are visit Ing
with Prot. and Sirs. Condon in their
cottage at Nye Creek.
Deputy Sheriff Eakin took Dal ton
Bridges, the unfortunate voting man,
to the insane asylum at Salem, on the
local traiu this morning.
The Y P S C E, of the Christian
church last evening was well attend
ed. Ice cream and cake were served.
All present enjoyed themselves
Now, that Astoria, has nliout got a
railroad the people there have already
Ih-kuii a hot Unlit against making
Havel the terminus and building up
a new city.
Misses Iu In Bradley and Hattlo
Stowell went to llarrisburg tilts morn
lug to visit a few days.
Instead of going to Portland Chxrley
Nickell returned to his home at Jack
sonvillc yesterday morning.
Miss IVarl Morris came homo from
Salem and Albany, where she hud
been visiting, this afternoon.
Editor Moorheud and family, of
the J unci Ion City l imes, will leave
for an outing at Newport tomorrow
James F Uobinsp.i went to Portland
on this morning's early trnin on busi
ness connected with the Grand Lodge
of Musons, of which he is secretary.
W F Beid and Sidney Horn returned
last evening from it business trip to
Crook county. They report having
hud success in selling their load of
Uosebtirir Plaindealer: Mrs John
Kelly and .daughter, of Sniiiiglield,
Oregon, are guests at the JlcLlallen
House. Thev were residents of Hose
burg a good many years ago when Mr
Kelly was one or me iiuiu ouice
Win Parsons returned yesterday
evenimr from conveying W Camp
bell and wife ta their residence at the
Belknap bridge. They will remain
there about two mouths.
About 'JOOO acres of land above
Grand Forks, on the Wishkah river,
in Chehulis county, Wash., was burned
over last week. Soino of the land
had been logged, but much had not,
and a considerable quantity of val
uable timber was destroyed.
Street sprinkling from the depot Is a
success. Heretofore travelers to oud
from the depot have had to encounter
a sea or dust. uur city council musi
be complimented for their action in
niaklug the street accent and passa
ble. Eastport, Mo., has a genuine "new
woman," but of a lyie not likely to
liecome fashionable. She regularly
does a man's work on a woodpile,
handling the bucksaw and axe w ith
all the skill of the hardiest male ex
perl. Over 0000 horses from the United
States the first four months of this
year against MX) for the same period
last year, were shipped abroad, which
indicates that our trade in horses with
Europe Is Increasing.
Press WoMdruir, a former drummer,
who used to be seen in Eugene fre
quently, hut who has tumid lecturer
of tho llill Nve Ptripe. is now in Port
land, and probably will be up through
the valley. He leglsters trom Nub.
bin ltidge, Ark.
A gentleman coming down the Mc
Kenzie yeMerd y Kays the Dorris par
ly is eaniK-d at Frank Mason's. He
met a coupleof the young ladis-excuse
us, new women going to the springs,
riding allee same Melicau man and
Indian clootch n. '
Attorney Woodcock' many friends
stilt ft. im a very elegant violin and a
choice assortment of music by the
stae to Foley Hprinits this morning
He will probably give an entertain
ment at l bat place on Its arrival, when
ad the citizens for miles around will
probably attend. .... .
Fisherman report that they hays
a seen a Soft-pound ntumeon In
Wallowa lake. It Is supposed to have
come up the river when it was small
and tu lisve grown to its si!
tier of hooks re
let for it. and the Joe.hites are look-1
lug ft ward f grand "sturgeon
ttew" In the mar future.
From Foley Spring.
August 11.
The Three Sisters party Is still com
fortably Installed In thelrquarlers here
at Foley Springs rnd will remain un
til the first of next week when they
will remove to McKenzle Bridge.
I'he start to the summit of the Three
Sisters will be made about next Thurs
day from the Bridge and the trip to
Horse pa,, lure will be made the first of
the week.
Accommodations for earners here
at Foley Soriiigsaru very poor. Camp
ing ground W very limited, wood Is
hard to get and fresh water has to be
carried a distance of at least 150 yards.
Howevei the grounds are not crowded
witli cauient and all stem to tie hav
ing a most enjoyable time. As for our
parly, they couldn't have a better
time If wanted to. Most of the mem
bers huve len on the go from morn
ing till night each day since we left
Eugene. We have all developed won
derful ap-tites ami the cook is kept
busy to supply our wants in that line.
Following is the bill o' fare for dinner
yesterday. It is a fair sample of w hat
we devour each day:
"Some ha'e meat that can'im eat,
And some would eat that want it.
But we ha'e meat and we can eat
So let the Lord be thauklt."
Poison a la Trilby, veulsou a la Jar
maudie, Pom De Tere, Faioles a la
Ktparrol, Spaglutla "De Froiiiuge,"
Pickets, Sauce Chile.
I'rtines,du sauce pan, huckleberry pie,
a !a Forest spice, Gateam a la dora,
cafe au luit, tea.
Yesterday our party, accompanied
by Fred Dunn as guide, made the
usceut to Wlllellada falls. After a
climb ot about an hour up a ro;ky and
picturesque gorge, we readied the low
er falls, which pours over a ris ky preci
pice a distance of about 50 feet. It is
very beautiful. The upper fulls are
alHiut the same, but requires a very
difficult ii I ul duiiircrous climb to reach
them During tills climb, a yellow
Jackets' nest was encountered. The
foremost of the party got through
sately but sou.e of the latter wen badly
slung and had to make a detour
around the nest over a very dangerous
piece of ground, wbeie a single mis
siep or slip meant a slide over a rocky
ledge on the rocks several hundred feet
below. Your reporter, as well as
others, was very badly frightened.
However, the passage was safely made
by chopping holes in the loose soil with
a hatchet for steps. Today mist of the
party drnve to tho lirutge, while the
remainder are taking a lest at CHiup.
Tomorrow a fishing expedition is
planned to the McKenzie rivet.
It Is quite smoky but otherwise the
weather is quite pleasant.
Jarmaii still carries banuer on points
and Condon Is now second.
L Ii Livermore and family removed
to the bridge Wednesday.
Geo A Dorris and wife and Fred,
Edna and Amy Dunn are among the
campers trom Eugene. , 1
A C Woodcock and J L Page ar
rived yesterday. Mrs Page stopied
ut Frizzell's but is expected to arrive
here this evening in company with
Mrs SK Brown.
Owing to tho ue of axle grease, Jar
man Is rapidly recovering from the
scalding received wn-n tie lell in I ho
lint spiiug t lie other evening.
Johnson was mistaken for the sheriff"
of Lane county and the best of be
havior prevails at the springs.
L B Livermore shot and wounded a
large cougar on the mountain above
here last evening. Some bear dogs
were procured and early this morning
a party lea lu pursuit or ins cougar
ship, your reporter accepting an in
vitation to accompany the party. The
dogs soon located the cougar, which
had died from ihe etl-cts or its wound
Mr L. will keep its skin as a trophy of
the but.t.
The gallant Condon tries to assist
the ladies but Is not an udept in mat
lino and as a result some of them have
received severe falls. Mr. C. is now
practicing daily with a sack of oats on
a steep side bill.
TOur correspondent Is quite plain on
all points except the menu which Is
hardly nitclllgiuie.
We are sorry to learn that wood and
u-Htcr must be carried to the camn.
We supposed the ladies knew their
duty so there would be no cause of
complaint. J
Bids Wanted.
C...I..I l.ilu ..III Ixa rtwx.l i-.wl l,t Ilia
street committee.of tho city of Eugene,
at Fisher & Wat kins' butcher shop,
until Monday, August 10, at 1 p m,
for the construction of a bridge across
the race below the Eugene lloiiring
mill. Specification can. be seen by
applying at the above place. The
right is reserved to reject any or all
bids. Geokok Fihhek,
Chairman Street Committee.
Eugene, August 14, 18U5.
$100 Ueward.
A reward f f 100 will be paid for the
dpmhi nri r(i(i vift ton nt unv ncrsoi
setting out fires ou the lands belonging
. . . nr kji.,... nH
to me estate oi jaiiies t oiwiu,
unlawfully putting out fires on
adjacent land that would endunger
suiu esiuit!.
L. I). r ORRKHT,
A cent estate of James W Sheldon.
Dlarrho-a should be stopped prompt
ly. Itsoons becomes chronic. De
Witt's Colic and Cholera Cure is
effective, sufe and certain. Hundreds
of testimonials bear witness to the
virtue of this great medicine. It can
always be depended upon, Its use saves
time and money.
Okuirn 4 DkLano.
uir.iL- I'vunr Tlip roontv court
has had notices posted on the Eugene
uiuunn mml hridie s:ivll)ff that the
structure is unsafe and s-rson travel
ing over the same must do so at their
own risk as the county will not be re
sponsible for accidents. The bridge
is supposed to be perfectly safe for or-
H.,uriltr IuiImII ft'HL'OIIS bill loT IMCtlllll
engit-e, etc . if ' doubtful. The (ru
ble Is iu the col approaen, wneiu me
..ii. i.uvu !-... in, vj-rv rotten. The
spans are In first-class condition. The
approach will i repitireti an khim
the projs-r piling can be procured,
which will be iu a few days.
Cholera morbus bea dangerous com
plaint and often is fatal in its results.
To avoid this should u-e L wills
Colic and Cholera Cure, as soon as the
flrt symptoms appear.
i lupt tr,TlAt tba teachers'
examination, being held at the court
bouse for certificates, there are 35 a pli
canls. A rather small class. I
Commissioners Court.
At this time the court considered
and allowed the following bills and
ths clerk was ordered to draw war-
ranis on the general fund in payrueut
J G StevensoD. postage for office
of school superintendent 5 00
K V Job, pauper supplies Con-
drav 0 00
E 1) McKenney, pliy-iciuu, ex
amining 1) Bridges for Insani
ty 5 00
Wm Kuykendall, physician, ex
amining I) Bridges for Insani
ty 500
II L Mitchell, witness, examin
ing D Bridges for Insanity 4 80
S Mitchell, witness, examlu
Ing D Bridges for In-anlly 1 00
W L Bristow, witness, examin
ing D Btldgcs for Insanity 4 IX)
Mahlou Harlow, viewer Math
ews road 0 30
C J Dodd, viewer Mathews
road 4 00
Frank Powers, viewer Mathews
road 0 00
Wm l.iiitnu.chainuian Mathews
road 2 00
J C Purker, challimali Mathews
road 2 00
Lewis 1! u inly, murker Mathews
road 2 00
C M Collier, surveyor Muthows
road 8 00
A Tothl, surveying road and
bridge site' oast Fork river... 2 50
W W Wallace, land at bridge
and site-Coa-d Fork river 100 01
Hemenway Bros, livery hire for
Jude to Const Fork bridge
site 8 00
A II Fisk, exK'iises to Coast
Fork bridge site 8 20
J TCallisou, comnilssion-r 2S (HI
Eli Perkins, commissioner CO
Bcgisler, printing X! 25
At litis time the court authorized
Judge A II Fisk to procure, teu cedar
piliugs for Eugene bridge.
At llils lime the court re-colildcrcd
the subject of a free ferry across the
Middle Fork of the Willamette river,
near A I) llyhuid's. It Is therefore
ordered by the court that In case the
citizens in the icinity w ill secure the
right of way ami cor struct a road to
ami from nid site without any ex
pense to the county that the county
will conMitic: a ferry at said site where
viewed by t lie commissioners.
Proposals for bridge..
Scaled bids will ls received by the
County Court of I-anu county, Ore
gon, at the olllce of the coumy clerk
until Thursday, Scptcmlier 5th, LSU',,
for the construction of a covered bridge
across the Coast Fork of the Willam
ette river, near Wallace Short rhino's
sawmill. Said bridge to Is a 75 ftsit
span, double Is-ulsof smooth black ce
dar, and 20 feet from bed of stream to
chord, with approaches 24 and 45 feet
For further particulars see members
oft lie court.
The court reserves the right to reject
any or all bills.
A. C. Jknmncis,
County Clo.k.
Eugene, Or., August 15th, 1H05.
llucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salvo in tho world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Bheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chaiiia-d
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, anil positively cures Piles,
or no pay required. It Is guaranteed
to give H-rieet sattsmciioii or money
refunded. I rice. J cents per bos.
For sale ty Henderson & i.inn.
Pally (iuird.Auguit 15.
Maliciously Pkhsonal. Today's
Albany Herald says: "rmr r; 11 Mo
F:iioy was iu Ail-any yesterday on his
way to join lilslamlly ut Newport. Hi
all the accusations made by Interested
parties, against Professor McElroy, the
facts cannot be denied that he Is one
of the best and most popular educators
in tho state, and that under his man
agement the educational Interests of
Oregon grew with rapidity and were
faithfully, zealously and eneigc lically
looked after. The attacks ou Mr Mc
Elroy are maliciously personal, and
will not affect hhu, for they show on
their face what they are.'
Ono night when Mr Isaac Reeso was
stopping witli me, says M F Hatch, a
prominent merchant ol Quartermaster,
Wash, 1 heard hhu vroaiiing. On g
Ing to his room I found him suffering
from cramp colic. He was in such ag
ony 1 foared no would die, I hastily
gave him a dose of Chamberlain's Col
ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea itemedy.
He was soon relieved and the first
words be uttered were, "what was that
stuff you gave me?" I Informed him.
A tuw days ago we wt re talking about
his attack and he said ho was never
without that remedy now. I have
used it lu my family for several years.
I knew its worth and do not hesitate
to recommend It to my friends ami
customers. F'or sale by Osburu 4 De-
l.auo, uruggiais.
Wbtn Tbrfre It. blllu ani
fttilrk limr.
Don't attempt to eri-rcoino hmctlvlljr ot Ibe
kldnryn silh fli-rr, immt-dlcatviltlniholle stltn
ulanu. I'm lmtiad IhMti-ttrr'i Stomach Hil
ton, lu which the iir!tuoiii bsili only aarro aa
a vehicle lor the miwrb botanic mitliolnal prin
ciple, blmiili'd with and held In perfect tolutiun
by It. Jtlst the rlitht drgrre of linpetui, sail no
mure, la ivvu to ths kldiu-ya sad bladder by
tlili eatlmahle tonle, tlmulaut and corrveiUo,
whlrh txpela throuuli tnuau rhaunala Ihn hn
purltlea that Kivv r av to rhcuiuallim, droiniy
and s avvi. and reniedlci that clironlo lna-tliiii
tif thu orssna shli-h otticrwiMi mint lermlnata
in llrulit a dlM-aari, dlalirtva or aouia oihur lor
mldaule rt-tial uialadr. An Ineoiiinarml'lu rvin
edy in thelllltrra alio tor ronmlpallon, dTi p
tla, liver compiaini, rnauuiaimia, nmiaria ami
nt-rToumirn. 1'rornot appelll and ilwtp Willi
U-tter List.
Aug 15, 18t1.
Brsirvard, Geo V Dunn, Miss Lyda
Diinlap, Jame Kelsay, It S
itonlnson, Miss E Smith, Mrs Martha
Steams, Airs M Vinson K A 13)
Achamsoi one rent will tx Dialu on all
lettcra kivcii out. !roua rail (ur lettara
will pleawalal wbcu adrcrtlavd.
i. 4. uaaiu, r. a.
Mr. A. A. Snyder, supt. poor farm,
WiiiihuI. elk Co., says: Last winter
Mr. Bobcrt Lach Used two boxes of
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve and
cured a long running sore on his leg.
Had been under care of physician for
months without obtaining n-litf
Sure cure for Piles.
Ohiirit.N (t DkLano.
- i i
Jos. Koch's: WoltK. (irant's Pass
Courier. "A fine map of Jiwphliie
county has just been completed by
Josepn Koch and a number of copies
will km n be on the market The man
shows all the surveyed tow nships ami
sections, railroad stations, county
roads. tsMlotlloi'S slid all the present
owners of land up to date, giving
names and numls r or acres. Voting
precincts are colored and the whole
work is done witli exuuisite care and
accuiacy. The map will m a house
hold iiece-slly lu Josephine County.
It's size is 3 feet by 6 and ths price low
enough K.
Dr. Fltilcy, dentist, room. I.Dunu blk.
A Wllhcliu, of Monroe, I In Eu
And still the psoph) are fleeing to
The suu has the appearance of a liall
oi ore totiay.
Several wagons loaded with Yaqui
Pa freight arrived here today.
Mrs Applegato ami family were
passengers to Hruln this afternoou.
TlieO. C. A K. It. It. is talking of
otiiiiiing au eastern exiunslou or fifteen
N E Markley returned from Cottage
drove today. He reports that his
miner is is-tter.
(i B ChrUmaii came home from
Soduvillo today. He reports a iarge
crown at mat resort.
The tramp who had his foot crushed
near Juliet ion City the other day, left
uu una aiteruoou s train.
Dr. Fin Icy, dentist, room 3, Dunn blk
The silver democrats are holding a
convention at Washing on, I), c. A
larger attendance is present thau was
The U S general laud office In the
land contest case between Davis and
W liilu lias decldod lu favor of the con
leslaut, Davis.
Go to Osburn & DeLano, druggists,
sole agents hi Eugene, for a bottle of
LIVKUIXE, for the Liver, Kidneys,
Mck-headacho and Constipation.
The police headquarters over the
Eugene Loan and Savings bank will
U moved to the south front room, up
stairs, iu ine Mciiarcii uioca, in a lew
If You are going to the mountains
ilon'l lorget to take a can of Bed Seal
Buklng Powder. It makes the best
camp bread ou earth.
A woman 70 years old has sued a
man aged hi lor breach: or promise, in
Wisconsin. The gay old man ought
to oe asuauieu oi tiimscit.
The Times-Mountaineer savs that
fruit shipments from The Dulles this
season nutted Ilia dealers one ceut a
Hiund over and above all expemes.
Prof. W. II. Lee has been elected
president of the Albany college, lu
place of Prof. Young, resigned to ac
cept a professorship in the U. of O. fuo-
uuy. .
Portland will have an exiiosltinn
this fall. The $10,000 guarantee fund
bus been subscribed. This Is hluhly
creditable to the metropolis of our
Astoria News: TIiIiiks arebeirln
plug to move In the city. Yesterday
afternoon 20 acres of land In Upper
Astoria were sola ior l,ouu to an As
toria gentleman.
Paul Oberhelm, who died at Salem
recently, left an estate valued at IS,-
000. One of li s he rs Is Nunev K
Harole, aged 22 years, of Walton,
L.11110 county, uregou.
Astoria Budget: The question Is,
will ths girl who churns a wheel mar
ry younger than Ihe one - who doesn't?
And will ths girl who "scorches,"
chews gum, says "you bet" and wears
stilting bloomers marry quicker thau
the girl who desu't?
There Is no doubt, no failure, when
you take DeWitt's Collo and Cholera
Cure. It is pleasant, acts promptly,
no bad after effects.
Ohiiurn &. DkLano.
Dr Dale and family, of Portland, ur
rived here this afleruoou and have
rented and moved Into the J B Cham
bers resilience ou Ilia corner of Thir
teenth and Pearl streets. A daughter
will attend the university.
Albany Herald: Dr. II. A. Davis,
of Harrisburg, was iu Albany yester
day, and rcKirta the prusects for a
large yield iu his extensive hop yards
as being very fine. The hop louse Is
present but not in sufficient quautity
to do any damage aa yet.
Stomach and bowel complaints are
best relieved by the timely use of De
Wilt's Collo and Cholera Ours. Insist
ou having this preparation. Don't
take any other,
Osiiurx & DkLano. '
Tramps are making themselves disa
greeable in the rlverbottoiu. across the
Eugene bridge. The vagrant law
should be enforced sgalust the tourists.
I n some Instances they are too lar.y to
carry wood, of which there la an
abundance, and tear off feiiuing boards
witn wuicii to iiibko a nre.
Childreu, especially Infants are soon
run down with cholera lufantum or
"summer complaint'" Don't wait to
determine, but give DeWitt's Collo
and Cholera cure promptly, you can rely
ou it. Use no other.
Ohiiurn St, DkLano.
The O A It boys of Indeendence,
have the true irrll and enterprise. The
encampment at Oregon City, this
var, located ths next encampment at
Iiidtiteudenoe, and the boys there
went to work ou the preparations at
once. They have under course ofcou-
stiuction a spherical building, Ml I set
la diameter, liiwhioh to hold next
year's meeting, and will have It com
pleted and ready in a few weeks.
Easy to take, sura to cure, n pain,
nothing to dread, pleasant little pills.
DeWitt's Little Early Biscrs. Best
for sick headache, biliousness, sour
stomach and constipation.
Ohiiurn & DkLano.
The asylum commissioners at Halom
have ordered erected a brick bakery
and laundry. The Statesman has this
complimentary notice of Dr. Pal no In
this connection: "Iu the discussion
of this proect and others kindred to it,
Or. Paine devloM?d tbe fact that he
is already thoroughly familiar with
tho affairs of tbe asylum, Its needs
and requirements, and that he Is en
tirely practical In all bis suggestions."
The old chestnut of Eastern people
Identifying Oregon from other Paoiffc
coast states by the time-worn remark
of "red apples and rosy-cheeked girls,"
Is likely to sink into oniivion now. a
gentleman just returned from a trip to
New York and other lurirs centers,
says Unit this is the style now In greet
ing a Weldooler, "from Oregon, you
said? Ah, yes, tho plans where they
kill and put up hor,- for fot." He
fniioU'stati's i hat It will be very hard
to eoi.vlnee Eastern folks that horse
meat Is not worked off lu every res
taurant Id Portland. -
The Leader, a populist paper pub
lished at Portland, Or., has suspended
publication. The following Is the
editor's nartlnir. pathetic wall: "My
debt of gratitude to tliiste who have
done all they could to sustain the paper
Is only exceeded ly III debt 1 owe or
remwork. Ittiod in his inllnlle wis
dom and mercy will forgive me for
nen lectin if my family In my past ear
est endeavor to publish a aer in be-
nan oi opprvwMfu numauiij, very
large proportion of whom do not
appreciate tbe effort, I solsmuly prom
ise not te do so agaiu."
To Uy Patrons and Frleuds.
Reports have been coming to me
ror some time past that the agents of
other companies lu trying to secure
business have been making remarks
like these: "Tho Stato Insurauce
Company is bu-tud, she Is going to
quit business this fall. It will not pay
its losses." Now whsther these re
marks are mado through Ignorance or
with Intent to Injure the company and
hurt my business I will not say ut this
time, but I will say that all such state
ments are WHOLLY FALSE Slid UN
TRUE. The Stats Insurauce Company
Is hero to stay. Her business Is In
creasing each year and alio Is paying
her losses honestly and squarely. Any
one wishing to know the financial
standing of the o -mpaiiy all he bus to
dots to write a letter toll. B. Klneuld,
secretary of state, for It Is his business,
as secretary of state to know our fi
nancial standing. I have written in
surance fur ths Stato Insurance Com
puny since October, 1SS0, and the com
pany has had a great many losses ou
my business, aud I can say with prldo
and pleasure that each and every loss
that they have had ou my business
httsUeu adjusted with perfect satis
taction to the assured, and if the as
sured whoso property burned is satis
fled with Ihe treatment they have re
ceived from the State Insurance Com
pany and myself, I think that ths
agents of other compauies ought to be.
Yours truly,
E. C. Lake,
Agent Stato Insurance Company.
They Left This Morning fur Yaqtilua
liny Points.
Pally tiuard, Auguat l.V
Mr J C Stanton ami wife and Dr
Hitchcock, of Now York, ami Mr
Ed win Stone, manager of the O C fc
E It It, left on this morning's local
train for Yaqulna Bay points.
While In this city the gentlemen
were carefully cared for and In
troduced to many of our leading cit
izens. Last evening they were driven
alsmt the city aa the guests of Mayor
j i' niauocK ami nir r w usiiurn.
Mr Stanton stated a number of times
that if the people of Eugene showed
the proper spirit lu tho matter, which
lie was satislled thev would, that, tba
txtenslou from Corvallis would proh 1
amy ue bum to tins city during this
Mr Stone Informs us that Mr A B
Hammond, the proprietor of the road.
and MrClallin, a New York capitalist,
would drive over the proposed exten
sion alsmt or a little after September
isi. ai cunt time o-ir citizens may ex
pect a proposition In detail.
Mate Normal School.
At Drain Oregon. Four new build
ings. Three courses of study., Write
for catalogues.
Louis Barker, President.
A Lakoe Machine. Two teams
loaded freight for Eugeno at the Cor
vallis station yesterday, says the
Times, and several ethers Monday.
Among oi tier imngs they look was a
large maciiine ot several thousand
poumls weight for the Eiinene tan
nery. It takes them three days to
make the round trip, and a two-horse
(earn sometimes hauls fi00 pounds.
Three of tho now coast wagons are In-
use by these freighters, and are prized
for their light running qualities.
Davih Hop Yard. A gentleman
Informs us that the river bottom about
the Davis hop yard, near Harrisburg,
Is wlille with tents ot camper. Ju
lius Goldsmith took a well assorted
stock of supplies down yesterday. He
win seep store iu a tent.
Is the number of bars of soap we m Id
lilt n day or August. 1 lie pillowing persons were the four' closest guess
.ere and are sacli entitled to pick out a pair of the best hoes we have iu
our stock FBEE.
J. W. Clahk, Eugeno 10,377.
I. Sheets, Eugeno : 10,100.
Mrs. W. A. Mooke, Creswell,....' : 10,700.
Miis. Isabell I'ottekp, Halo P. 0 10.0GO.
We uow have something new which
no guessing but a sum tbiug ror
Hop Supplies of
leai Grain Bags
Warehouse for HOTS alone. No hay will bo allowed
in tho houso. Everything clean.
Call in and get -""" w
The University of Oregon, Eugene,
dents. Young men can obtain Board, Lodging, Heat and Light In the dormi
tory for t'J.50 per week. Boomers furnish their own linen. Young woman are
provided with board In private families at $3.00 per week. Young women de
siring board should address Prof. John
Young Women's Chrlstlau Association,
baccalaureate degrees: Bachelor of Arts,
Letters, with corresponding courses of
are also offered. An English course
ma, and In three years to the title graduate lu English; an advanced course for
graduates of normal schools leading to the degree Master of Pedagogy; a three
years' course In civil engineering lending to the degree Civil Engineer; a
course of two years for teachers of physical education leading to a diploma and
the title director of Physical Educatlou. The University charges an Inciden
tal fee of $10 which Is payable In advance
plomas from the public schools and those bavlug teachers' certificates are ad
llted to the oreimratory department without examination. Those desiring
Information regarding the preparatory
!i, I j. XSarn-gan, l-.ugene.
For catalogues and further information address C. II. Chapman, President.
or J. J. Walton, Kecretary, Eugene, Oregon.
Bat tlett Pears Wanted.
Wo want Bartlett penrs to bo deliv
ered at our warehouse in Eugene the
first four days of next week, August
19,20,21 and 22, for which we will
pay one cent per pound. They must
bo free from worms and scabs.
Humphrey ASeoar.
Cheap Itoond Trip Hatfl lo Florence.
Commencing Wednesday, August
14, for 30 days, I will curry passengers
from F.ugene to Florence uud return
for f 7.00.
A splendid summer resort. Uood
hotel accommodations, rates very rea
sonable, f.j.00 per week. Steamer Coos
connects witli the stage. Good road
to Heccta Head and light houre, with
cheap fure. Wagon road between Eu
gene nnd Florence in good coiiditlou.
Tickets on sale at Bungs' stables.
Aug. 12, 1895.
Eli Bangs.
Thistle Notice.
Notice Is hereby given tha' by vir
tue of au ordinance approved January
14, 1805, all persons are required
to cut and destroy all thistles and
weeds lu streets and alleys contiguous
to and ou their property.
Any person not complying with this
ordinance Is subject to a fine of not
leas than $2 or mure than (20 and costs
of act Ion.
Approved Aug. 14, 1805.
J. D. Matlock. '
la iruaranterd in run filet and. Cnnitlnatlnn
or immtiy refunded. Ml reuta per box. Srnd
iwnnianiim lor circular ami rr-e sampl lo
MAK'l IN Kl'PY, Httitlik-ftHl !'liarrnaclat,Unras.
ti-r, l'. No foaTALa anhwshkd. Kor .al bjr all
nit i-lam drumliii errrywliare, and lo kusans
Ori'iou by Oaburn 4 Pvljuio
Pally Guard. Auguit lit,
Complimentary. J. C. Stanton.
tho New York capitalist, who has
oeen spcnuing ine last twenty-lour
hours iu Eugene In the Interest of the
proposed extension of the Yaqulna
road, spoke to ye reporter in very couw
plimentary terms concerning our well
graded streets and our well kept side
walks. He was also an enthusiastic
admirer of our many pleasant homes
and well built business houses.
Then he said we excelled any town In
the state lu street sprinkling, ' He
thought this showed oommemlable en
terprise and was certaiu it must Im
press every strauger in a. most favor
able manner.
A Former Eugene Boy. Pendle
ton E O.: "Prof A P MuKlnlay arrlv
ed flout Portland on this morning's
train and will spend a month Villi his
friends In Pendleton. Mr McKiulay
is the eldest son of ltev G A McKlnlay
aud Is Instructor of Latin In the Port
land High School. He Is also a local
evangelist In the Presbytery of
Portland and will occupy the pulpit of
the Presbyterian church here while
the pastor takes a short vacation."
Post: A pamphler said to be a
weather report is still being printed at
the state printing office at the expense
of the people of Oregon, and It Is of no
mora value than a peck of alkali scat
tered In the air. East Orvgouian.
That's so, and the publication ought
to cease. It costs money and is of no
earthly value to an one, Besides ihe
Information contained Is generally
three months old before being printed.
For Kuoenb Salem Post, August
14: Prof E B McElroy left Salem this
morning going to Newport to Join his
family who have been rusticating for
lie past few weeks at that resort.
They will return to their home lu Eu
gene In a day or two.
Oil cook stoves, ,7So and up.
F. L. Cham reus.
between the 28th day of June and the
every householder will be interested la-
everybody, call in and see It work.
All Descriptions.
- Wheat Sacks.
Oregon, offers Free tuition to all stu
rttrsub, Eugene, Oregon, or (Secretary
Eugene. The University oflera three
Bachelor of Bcleuce and Bachelor of
study. Tbe following shorter courses
leading lu two years to a Business diplo
by all students, rdudents holding
department should address the Deuu,