The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 17, 1895, Image 3

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At tbli time A J Johuion, aueriir,
ppearcu ueiore me court and stated
that ue wouiu uoi nave uro.clent time
to make return upon delinquent tax
warrant by Auguht 20th; It U there
fore ordered that the said A J Johnson
nave uutll Sept 22, 1805, witblu wblcu
to uiuKe bui a returus.
At this time the court considered
and allowed the following UllUauil
the clerk was-ordered to draw war
rauU on the general fund lu payment
l Hereon
B F Keeney, deputy sheriff
and tax collector. 9 days at
$2.60 per day J22 60
D H Lyons, deputy eherlft and
tax collector. 10 days at $2.60
per day 23 00
J T Martin, deputy eherlu and
tax collector. 10 days at 12.60
per day 25 00
Wo Clirisman, deputy Mlieiirf
and tax collector, 22 days at
$2.60 per day 65 00
John Li furu lsii, deputy sheriff
and tax collector, 8 days at
$2.60 per day 20 00
F tjomegys, deputy sheriff and
tax colleo or 8 days, at $2 .60
per day 20 00
J M rJtatford, deputy sheriff ai d
tax Collector, 6 days, at $2.60
per day 12 60
li t Stalloro, deputy sheriff
and tax col lector, 7 days at
$2 6(1 per day 17 60
I Li Uluipaon, deputy stierin ana
tax collector, 14 days at $2.60
per day 35 00
C W Brown, deputy assessor 0
duys at $2.60 per day 22 60
A J Johnson, sheritt, ottlce ex
penses 75
A J Johnson, sheritt board and
keeping prisoners. 42 86
C M Collier, county surveyor,
establishing corners 3 00
B F Hendricks, painting ferry
house 6 Oil
Ira McFarland, janitor work I 00
ACJeuuliigs, stationery, etc.. 2 86
Kit Liangs livery hire 4 00
Electric Light Co, light for Ju
ly 28 00
Jli Uoodmau, Juryman June
term 1895 4 00
EJ Crow jurymau Juue term
1895 4 00
Johu Smldgley Jurytuau June
term 1895 4 0(1
J M Stafford juryman June
torm 1S95 4 00
Matilda Kostermau witness
grand Jury 4 00
Edward Andrews witness grand
Jury 2 00
A V Peters witness grand Jury.- 2 00
o C Elliott witness state va
Craig 6 On
J II MeClung pauper supplies... 11 33
Day A Henderson pauper colli n
and robe Maun 15 00
E H Ingham puuper supplies 8 00
. J L Pfcge pauper supplies $13.25,
caudles and matches $2.85 16 10
E H Ingham, pauper supplies
Sheets, claimed $10, allowed.... 8 00
A U Hovev, pauper-house rent
for Mrs Brown 6 00
J E Jennings, care pauper babe.. 10 00
F E Dunn, pauper supplies 6 66
Day & Henderson, for pauper,
coffin and box Archberger..... 10 00
C C Bowman, labor on Hprlng
fleld bridge 10 00
"Oast," lithograph letter heads.. 19 45
"Oast," lithograph oouuty war
rants 30 68
The Meston Dveert Book Co.
stationery 20 66
E Svhwarzschild, stationery .... 2 85
A H Fisk, Judge, salary for July 66 65
J u Gray, county treasurer, sal
ary for July 41 65
J U Htevenson, scnoot superin
tendent, salary for July 60 00
A J Johnson, sheritt. salary for
July 166 65
Cb.irles L Scott, deputy sheriff,
salary for July 65 00
Walter T Eakin, deputy sheriff,
salary for July 60 00
A O Jennings, clerk, salary for
July 166 65
F L Gibbe. deputy clerk, salary
for July 83 30
is r Kucseil, paupers ana pauper
care, claimed $241. allowed 231 00
Ed Jones, witness State vs John
Gray $1 70
J B Moabv. witness Slate vs
John Orav 2 80
Charles Abbott, witness State vs
Johu Uiav 1 70
Henrv A Shultz. witness State
vs John Gray 1 70
J J Butler, Justice of the Peace,
Stale vs Charles Pence 6 15
J H Miller, Constable, State vs
Charles Pence 7 75
L L Masters, witness State vs
Charles Pence 1 60
E J Meats, witness State vs
Charles Pence 1 60
F A Taylor,- witness state vs
Charles Pence 1 60
C P Houston, witness state vs
Charles Pence 1 60
Roy Driscol, witness state vs
Charles Peuce 1 60
John Htrome, witness state vs
' Charles Pence.... 1 70
E E Boyd, wituess state vt Chas
Pence 1 60
A E Wheeler, J P, Insanity case
of Adam Guise, fees 6 80
T D Linton, constable, insanity
case of Adam Guise fees 2 00
J M Wllliams,deputy district at
torney, Insanity case of Adam
Guise fees 6 00
D A Paine, M D, examination
Insanity case of Adam Guise,
fees 6 00
J W Harris, M D, examination
lusanity case of Adam Guise,
fees :. 6 00
Thos Hardy, witness, insanity
case of Adam Guise 160
Leona Paine, witness, Insanity
case of Adam Guise 160
TD Linton, witness, Insanity
case of Adam Guise 1 60
A E Wheeler, J P, state of Ore
gon vs Night Hawk aud Bur- -glar
.-. 2 80
T D Linton, constable, state of
Oregon Night Hawk and
Burglar 6 82
JM Williams, deputy district
attorney, state of Oregon vs
Night Hawk and Burglar. 6 00
A H FisK, statlonaiy J
D W Coolidge, deputy asessor... 65 00
W K Scarborough, legal services 16 55
Mat Jennings, clerical work from
May 1 to August 1 ;; "J 1
C W Young, pauper supplies 14 00
W L Miller, wood for couuty 65 00
Jnim ui u.rri. M fv examina
tion Adeline Tavlnr, Insane 6 00,
E D McKenney. M D, exsiulna- j
tlon Adeline Taylor, Insane... 5 00
tor ney, examination Adeline
laylor, Iu.une
Hwisburg Lumber Co, lumbe'r
for district No. 45, claimed
itl'i Xv"l,"i "bute ou taxes
a VI iT"." 1-80 Pn'Pwty 3 (10
A G Buuta, lumber e 00
v uolu;ri' h""U r 00
Li t liarsliberL'er. Iihil,i. m An
H ft ''J1". gravel. 8 40
OH Decker, work and "iiiate.'iai
nr uTry
F A Post pulleys for "ferry"..'"..'.
orkman and Stuhl, lumber
O K Croner, bridge bolts, Me-
Kenzie bridge
Geo Forrest, key wrench
Frank Trnmhly.repalrliigSpmig-
14 75
3 00
12 42
6 65
neia bridge s 40
James Stewart, labor ou Spring
Held bridge K) 00
L McPherson, lubor on Spring-
Held bridge 2 03
Charles Mulligan, labor ou
Springfield bridge
W 8 Maxwell, nails f.r Hrlng-
field tirldge
Eugene Stieei Hallway, wheel
scrapers on roads, claimed
$0.25, allowed
F L Chambers, road materials,
2 63
1 00
6 50
etc o 7,)
McFarluud Bros, repairs ou road
tools 12 00
James Johnson, repairs on road
tools 8 25
OCole, luinlier lor bridges 47 06
John M Williams, deputy dis
trict attorney, State vs John
Gray 9 40
John M Williams, deputy dis
trict attorney, State vs John
Doe fi no
J S Medley, J P, State vs Johu
Giay 7 25
J C Wallace, countable State vs
John Gray 13 12
Trent I .u in tier Co, lumber 14 36
Luckey & McMurry, bridge Irons
and repairs on road tools 21 15
Eugene Lumber Co, lumber 13 3-5
J 1 Joins, lumber 186 feet at $6,
claimed $12.37 allowed 10 60
John Addison, lumber 6000 feet
at $0 30 00
J C Goodale, lumber 2256 feet at
$0 y. 14 66
At this time the court consider
ed and allowed to O W Wood
a rebate on taxes ou lunds er
roneously assessed for 1891
aud 1892 of lauds sold for taxes
of ltichard McCallister sold in
1893, certificate No 301 SI 89
Aud clerk ordered to draw warrant
in payment thereof, also
II M Hude, rebate ou taxes on
eheriti's certificates 388 and
898. claimed $56.30. allowed 43 31
S W Cleek, rebate on taxes for
1894, claimed $2.43, allowed 2 00
Gibson road In t 17 s, rSw: the
viewers reported tl at Chas Belshaw
and wife's place would be damaged In
the sum of $500 over and beyond the
advantages. The court does not deem
the road of sufficient importance to
warrant the county lu paying the
damages. It Is ordered that if tSe pe
titioners do not pay the amount by
Oct 7, 1895, that the petition will be
At this time D P Burton, county
assessor, reported that he would not be
able to complete his assessment roll
for lHUo witliin tli' time provided by
law: it Is therefore ordered by the
court that he be allowed 30 days addi
tional lime in which to complete said
assessment roll.
Vacation of a portion of Hendricks'
addition to College Hill Park; prayer
of sjt it inner granted.
Mathew road in 1 18 s, r 2 w; report
of viewers being unfavorable, said pe
tition dismissed and expenses of said
view aud survey taxed to the bonds
men. Xf T Campbell load, t 10 s, r 5 e;
papers beiug defective, petition dis
missed. J W Bond road, 1 16 s, r 4 w: J It
hill, Ths Bailey and Jaues R Yates
appointed viewers and tJ M ;oiner,
surveyor, to meet August 26. Vacation
of iKrtion of Hendrick's additiou to
College Hill Park; coutl ued.
At this time the court adourued
with the purpose ol visiting the site of
a proposed free ferry on the Middle
Fork tf the Willamette near AD Hy
land's, and to convene lu Eugene ui
Tuesday, August 13.
llUj Outrd, AURUnt 10.
Insane. Miss Adeline Taylor,
aged 13 years, was examined tills
morning on the charge of Insanity le
fore Judge Fisk, Prosecuting Attorney
Williams anil Medical Examiners Drs.
John W Harris and E. D. MeKenncy
and was ordered committed to the asy
lum. The young lady has been resld
l.,,. ut lu imp unil Dim csuse of her
condition is epileptic spasms which
sue lias naa since sue was iour jmn
of age. At times she Is quite violent,
ft I.iimiuwi tnnit Hie unfortunate
young lady to the asylum ou this
moruing s local train.
uixi ti,u nm.lilu N V. Post savs:
Reports of the growing crop do not
indicate much difference fian lias
been going on for some time past.
Mmv nt Dim vsrds throuirhout the
country have received very poor care
and the resi'ii is mai. inejr ac
cordingly making a poorer showing.
Not a few growers are already ques
tioning whether it will oe worth their
while to pay any attention to the crop
more than to null the poles, strip and
stock them. It certainly Is far from a
promising outlook.
Daily uu&rd, Auuit .
V, 1 1 i n i v-.- - - - -
Hon. U. Clay Humphrey acted as City
attorney the day of the show, says the
Broad-Axe, the regular city attorney
not wishing to act that day. It don't
..t... titu. iiuor atiiirfiv nroHe-
cuted anybody, but It is said he accom-
plisned everyirnng lie uuuenw
that, too, with pniflt to himself. E.
B. Hklpworth resumed his old potd
.1 . i... ...... itv Mm wav the
IIOU uio lira, "j .
city never had a letter attorney than
that same K H. Skipworth.
More Ties. Another order for 30.:
000 ties was placed hv the O" fc
1 H. t I. Mia in taf n I 1 1
railroad yesieruay nu
up the Hantlam. The work of plac ng
the road In thorough repair is go mg
steadily forward. Manager Hone has
irone to Portland to consult with Mr (
Hammona cooceruius
plans of the road.
Iff v N" B Alley
is the recipient of a finely polishcl
ivory head cane, presented to him by
hi. m Frank. Naturally he Is quite
TiiV.J Osud, Aujuit I
E B Eurl visited in Albany yester
day. W L Houston, of Junction, Is In the
Mrs Grace Oaburn, of Hoseburg, Is
quite sick.
T II Hubbard, wife and child, of Sa
lem, are in Eugene.
Dr McKeiiney lias returned from a
trip down the valley.
Thos Calu drove the Woodcock
Page party to the springs.
Cas Matlock left today on his bi
cycle for a trip to Blue Biver.
Hev E C Sanderson Is moving Into
tile George Abrams residence ou Ferry
street. '
Misses Carol Johnson and Estella
Learned left ou a trip to Newport tills
Al Hampton returned tills afternoon
from a two weeks' trip to New-port aud
Miss Ma Houston returned this
evening to her home at Mohawk after
a lew days' visit here.
Ham Newsoine, of Prlnevllle Is In
Eugene. He will return to his home
with his family, Monday.
Miss Osle Walton left for San Fran
Cisco this morning, where Mie wil"
pend two or three weeks t
J L Page and wife and Attorney
WoodeiMjk left for the Foley springs
this afternoon at 1 o'clock.
Dr J s Dale and family, of Portland,
will remove to F.ugune next w eek and
(M rmaueutly locate here.
E. C. Smith and; party have re
turned home from the mountains. Mr
Smitii reports having had a very pleas
ant trip.
EC Garrett, of Portland, and Ed
McClunahaii, jr., will leave in the
morning for an outing on the MclCeu
zie river.
Miss Llllie Hamilton arrived here
on this afternoon's train and will vis
it some time at Mayoi Matlock's resi
dence, the guest of 'his daughter, Miss
Miss Blanche Huff left this morning
on the stage for the Siuslaw where she
will teach a fall and winter term o
school at Hermann.
Fossil Journal: Mr W 8 Thompson,
wife and family left Wednesday In a
prairie schooner for a two months' out
ing in the valley and on the cosst.
They will visit the family of Dr. Ogles
by at Junction City.
Senator A J Johnson returued from
Belknap Springs last niuht, and left
tor his borne at Hclo ou this moruinu's
early train. He was agreeably sur
prised to meet bis family ou the train
leturnlng home from a visit to Hose
burg. Mrs Shaw and her daughter, Miss
Alice, have gone to San Diego, Cal, to
visit their son aud brother, Victor E
Shaw, a prominent attorney of that
city. They expect to be gone about
six weeks. The!.' many friends trust
mat tliey may have a very pleasaut
Cottage Grove Items.
Leader, Aug. 10.
O B Kline, returued from Eugene
Tuesday, where he had been working
in the Postal telegraph offlue a few
days, during the absence of Miss
Mamie Knox, who was visiting her
parents in Lematl.
We regret to learn that Mrs Annie
Millard, ou account of Illness for
several weeks, could not make her
visit to Eastern Oregon. She Is now
with her parents. Dr and Mrs W W
Oglesi.y in Junction City, confined to
tier tied Willi serious Illness.
C M SkeeU aud family left for Bun-
dou Friday morning in a hack. He
has been running a racket store in Lie
uiati several months, and expects to
lollow the business at Bandoii. Wish
him success.
Andy Nelson and II Edwards, are
showing some Hue sample ot ore mat
are lined with gold from their claim
south of Bohemia. The samples were
taken from within three feet of the
surface, and the boy. are suio they
have it rich from grass roots down.
lire Al P.udlMon.
PendlktoN, Or., Aug 8. Fife last
night consumed the Transfer hotel and
several adjoining buildings ou Main
street, one olock from the (). It. & N.
de.ot. The loss Is about $16,000; the
Insurance half that amount. Four
bodies have been recovered from the
ruins, and one man besides is si ill
missing. Frauk Breeding aud Old
Wolf, an Indian, were two of those re
covered. The others missing are (i.
Clacking, William Sireunsen andjj.
D. Taylor. It is thought the firth
tXKly may be found. Tim fire origi
nated on the upper floor of the Trans
fer house, wheu a man drops-d a
match near some gasoline. mere
were 29 guests. The fumily of the
landlord consisted of six H-rsons.
Hammond's Plans Articles of In
corporation tiled In Astoria Tuesday,
tuken together with statements said to
have been made by Mr. llainm ind,
Indicate a project of several dimen
slons. It is to build up a large city on
grounds owned by the late Captain
Finvel opposite Astoria, on the penin
sula, al the south of the entrance to
the Columbia river. It is to be ramed
Flavel, and Is t have electric lights,
watet works, wharves, etc., and rail
road connection. This would Indicate
that Mr. Hammond intends to have
an exten Ion of the O. C. 4 E. H. It.
run to Ihe mouth of the Columbia
river. Ex.
T i.u Tiu k phut Tim tmw liirht
JjlUIli iJI.l L u" - ' - n
draught river steamer, the Gypsy,
.. - r. . X- I " .. I .. 1 1 .
bunt oy me u it. i "
for the upper Willamette traffic, will
begin making regular trips between
t '- i 'a 1 1 i SB tifl Kulem next MohdaV.
connecting at Haiem with Ihe Modoc
lor t uniaim, mnyr viiw muniy ."v.
crat. The Gypsy draws but 9 Inches
of water. Hie is provmeu iui a
steam capstan on her bow, and she can
run In the shallowest water on her
route. This boat Is Intended Tor the
Eugene route.
Daily Uosrd AufiutV. j
Runaway. A horse at taehed to a
dog cart U-longlng to Mrs Travis took
a spin this afternoon, demolishing the
vehicle. The horse escaped without
Flervnie ltstus.
The West, August 0.
A swarm ol fishermen and China
men will arrive on the Bandorille for
the Elmore cannery. The steamer
will lie hire about the 20th.
Ou the 27th the schooner Mayflower
("apt Olscti, sailed for this port to load
lumber. The bar at present is
in a very fuir condition and should the
Mayflower have a successful trip, more
Vessels may reasonably tic expected.
In the Justice court last Saturday
the ease ot tlepple Masterson vs Marr
Sutley was decided in favor of the
plaintiff and com were assessed on
the deleiidauts. y the dcciaslon the
pialntltl receive Judgment ou
a promissory uote for 75 aud 90 days
Intel est.
Born, at Ileceta Light Station, Aug
3rd, to Mr and Mrs Jnim Cowan, a
seven pound Isiy. This Is the first
clillil Imimi at llecclaiind will probably
bo named Kiin nholt, in honor of lu
sector Farcuholt of tills district.
Mr J L Wells, of Seymour, Baylor
county, Texas arrived liere Monday,
lie It ft that state on July 19th aud Is
representing alsnit SO sit tiers, who
wish to locale on some desirable land.
They are now situated In an almost
barren country in northwestern lexss,
where it freezes for a couple of ho irs
and then suddenly becomes Insuffer
ably hot. Mr Wells declare It the
most changeable country on earth. He
left up lb-coast Tuesday morning and
will go Into the Interior, examining
all the unsettled laud ami will select
the must deilnthle. He cxpicssed
himself as very well pl. nscd Willi our
couutry aud may return.
Decidedly l'u(ortuuatf.
Florence West: About one vearsgn
Messrs. J A Pond, J W Carmau, G W
Moslersou and C (' Uehnke purchased
lots oji the water front, is'twieu Kuril
& Du ven pint's store and the Morris
hotel from David M'lrse, Sr., w ho gave
desilswlth the usual title miarautee
attached. The purchasers never sus
pected for a moment that everything
was not all "hunky" until a few weeks
sgo when they received Information
from seemingly a reliable source that
there was a mortgage ou the properly,
but not stating the amount or any par
ticulars. It now transpires that Iwfore
lie sold the I rorty to the above men
tioned gentlemen, Morse executed a
mortgage on these same lots to Elijah
Smith, of the Soul hern Oregon Com
pany, whoevideutly holds lhe"cltich"
strings. The only way out of the dull
culty stems to be for the purchasers to
nay oil' the claim, but they are lather
liewililered at the sudden turn of af
fairs ami have placed the matter In
the hands ol Attorney E E tieiiedict,
Willi what result is not yet known,
Messrs. l'ond and Carman have enct
ed buildings upon their respective
Junctlnu City Items.
Times, Aug 8.
New wheat Is coming In pretty
It seems that 35 rents will be the
prevailing price for picking hops.
Born to the wife of Mr Charles
Slohlbsrg, Monday, August 5, 1895, a
Quite a nuniU'r from here attendtd
the circus lu Eugene ou Wednesday.
They report a large crowd and a good
Mr and Mrs James Howard, who
have been the guests of Mr aud Mrs
llatichett for shiiih time, departed for
their Home lu Illinois vteihie-uay.
Mr and Mrs 8 llaiidsaker moved to
Eugene yesterday ill order togive their
son John au opportunity to attend the
university. Mr and Mrs HauJsaker
will Ik greutly uiisscd by their maiy
Foot Rack Brownsville Times:
Tuesday afternoon a fisit race was
mulched isilween Klsworlli Cameron
of this pluce and James Allen, of lib
ation, the race to take place In that
city on Situnbiy afternoon August 17.
The purse is $150 and llio dinlauoe 76
yards. This Allen Is a stranger In
Oregon and may be a fast man, rnd
no doubt Is, or else he would
not have, matulied Cameron. Our
boys are confident however and exiett
to double the contents of their ex
chequers." Elkvator Pii'ks. The Eugene
Mllluml l-'ti.eiiliir f 'n Inivii iiIacjhI iwil
4 Inch galvanized Iron pis, for carry
ing gram, oeiwecn me nun ami wsru-
li.n.u. f Inu .iii.u rutin rr.uii Him lull.
torn of the mill to the top of the ware
houso to deliver grain to tlio latter as
II la lwuti...l Tliu utile tnkfi. I lit
grain from the bottom of the ware-
i - i ,i..n....u i, ... ,i... nr it. u
liousti nun unni'in ib mi mi- i. ii. wi in r... ...i. ................ rrf... ..1..
Illlll IUI p-llll'llllg iiiininini , hv I ' 1 1 " "
are supported ou three poles, and are
i i -..i.. ... I...H.I1....-
w ueu securely tip inu iuiiiuiiik.
llntlf .unl, Allgllal 112.
IiivmicK Mi'iT. Suit was com-
iiiniwwil iii tint l.niii countv circuit
court this morning by A P Crow
umiliiht. bur liiiuhuiiil F li Crow for
absolute divorce. The couple were
married July 1, ISH. Two children
are the fruits f said marriage a girl 6
years of age and a buy two years of
sge. Tlie ciiiuplalnl alleges that the
defendant has accused the plaiulifl of
tbe crime of adultery which Is alleged
to he untrue; also or auusive coniiuci
and has threatened the life of plain
till. '
DtllT Ouri, Auguit 10.
Ic'iuv Anoi'T (li'T. Tim fire on
Spencer's butte is now about out and
la ulrluullir folifllled fYl .11 flbl ratLltt.
snake deii u the south side of the
mountain, fc. J. t row now thinks
the fire has been a blessing instead of a
harm. It has burned t lie under brush,
which will permit of some grass grow
ing ou the laud.
twlljr On.rd, Au(iiit 10.
RkaiiY fok Whkat. The Eugene
flouring mill Is now ready to receive
wheut. The cleaners have be li ad
Justed and about 100 bushels of gtaln
were iuii throuirji llieiu. Monday
many loads of grain will be received.
The people ol l-.ugene snouni see mat
this enterprise is maoe a paying one.
DlllvOuaril, Alixnit ID.
CAR ok I-'KflT. Humphrey & Se
gar will ship a cur load of plums to
morrow morning. Tills car foes to
Camp igaa Ctlltnts. Spkinos, Aug. 9, 18&S.
The "Three Sisters" Dartv are enlo
Ing themselves Immensely at lb'
. ucsuiirui resort.
Tbe first uotable occurrence on the
Journey was the summersault of the
, white pony aud the narrow escap of
the rider, Trilby, (II. L. V.) while
rounding a corner The redheaded
girl theu mounting, the trick pony
j maliitalatd his equilibrium the rest of
tbe way.
The advance guard consisting of two
of the "us w women"', mounted In ac
cordance with their ideas, preceded the
party and selected a camping site on
the clover terrace, shaded by mountain
' I .. I , i . ... . ... .. a
OTuar. auu iivuiiuck, wneru we iinu
ourselves very delishtfully located.
After a most refreshing hath we
climbed to the head of the spring and
ou finding we bad forgi tteu an egg to
test Ihe heat of the water, Jarmau
kindly slid Into the spring aud from
the disappearance of sxle grease since
aud the needed bandages, the leuiera
ture of the water was found sulltciout
to ir boll human flesh at least.
A concert was held hvt evening
which all attended. The repertoire
consisted of dsrkey melodies, break
down Sweet Marie, Nut Hrowu
Maiden, eto.
The boys have proven themselves
not Ignorant of the art of angling by
eciirlng lu a short lime ninety-four
speckled beauties of Horn) creek.
The greatest number of poluts was
scored today by Jsniian who returned
to camp with Uin noble bucks which
gave him the seat of honor al our bau
quellng Isjard.
A trip Is contemnlnted Saturday to
Willellada falls. If all survive further
particulars will reach you later.
Oregon must I healthy couutiy.
Nearly every day lu the week you may
see walking around town Dr. Patter
son, aged 83, and Hon. 11. G. Had ley
about the same age, and Eben Stewart
In the same uotch, aud Hev. Jacob
Gillespie 86, says the Broad-Axe.
"Uncle Jake G llespie," a he Is
famllliarly called, lives some three or
four miles from Eugene In the "Forks"
on tils oid donatlou plsoe, located we
think, 42 years sgo. it has been bis
custom for years to come to town sev
eral days In the week, aud lie keeps up
the practice yet We met him the
other morning on the street at about
8 o'clock, and taking us by the hand
said: "You people In town are a
rather Isty set. I got up this morn
ing aud had my breakfast at the usual
hour at 6 o'clock, and bitched up my
'critter aud drove to town aud went
upon street te see a man at his
residence. I knocked al the front door
and could raise no one. Thinking
they nihrht be In the bark part of
the building at breakfast, I went to
the rear diMir and knocked. I raised
my man but he had Just got out of bed
aud had not dressed yet. much tees be
ing at breakfast. Curious how easy
people take thing nowadays," and he
remarked, "there goes a man I want
to see," aud he hustled off after him.
An Adhirablb I nsitution. Pen
dleton Tribuue: Tbe University of
Oregon, al Eugene, free tulliou to all
st u tie u Is. Young men ean obtain
board, lodging. Ileal and light In the
dormitory for $2.6e per week. Young
women are provide! wun uoaru in
private families at $3 per week. The
Institution affords superior advamagea
for young people seeking n education.
The faculty Is duuposed of educators
of known ability and long experience,
anil all the modern facilities are
It is I'ossi dle. Sunday's Salem
Statesman: The piesence of Col F V
Drake In the city yesterday gave rise
to a rutror that he was here to file a
motion for the rehearing la the su
preme court, ef the railroad commis
sioners' salary case, but up to a late
hour last night, tbe motion had not
inateriallxed, though It Is a step like
ly to be taken at any time soon, lu be
half of the esorvtary of state.
AtthkHkaridk. NewMirt Record:
Hon. li II Gllfry, the reading clerk or
the United States senate, accompanied
by his wle and daughters, arrived re
cently and will spend several weeks
in our city. Air. uurry nas masy
warm friends among our residents aud
visitors who will take great pleasure In
making It pleasant far himself aud
family during their stay among us. '
At Junction. lu the Junction
Times' account of the council proceed
ing at that place we And the follow.
Ing: "A committee of ladle were
preseut and entered their protest as to
tli non-onforeement of city laws In
regard to drinking and gambling. No
oi her business appearing, tli council
Dkcibion Ma tic Judge Fullerton
handed down the following decision
lu the circuit court and the same has
111 filed with the county clerk: D
M Oshurn A Co vaChas EByers, Lucy
E livers, A D Jlurlburt, A N Hurl
bur t aud Chas Lauer. Decision of
foreclosure, after costs paid the first
money to be applied to the claim of A
D llurlburU
lisltj Uusrd, Annual 12.
Dkkb KlLl.rn. Hay Crow yester
day killed a tine five point buck Just
back of Spencer's butte. The young
man was out hunting squirrels, and
the deer came lu a few feet of him,
when he slew the fine animal with a
barrel of small shot.
A Jsit Ua4.
Vimivill 'Pmiiii Ami R .Jllul ll
Jackson, of the United State supreme
. ,1 .1 . L I .. .... n I ...Lu
court, oiiii tin aiiuriMMii. wuuk"
Jackson, although a democrat, was
. . . . . . , i. . ..
appointed 10 it e supreme ueucu ov
President Harrison. He had been 111
for several mouths.
Hop Co n t h a era . G W Hubbard
has made the following conlr.icts In
Halem: CD and II Hartman, 10,000
lb of hop at 8 cents; Thos Hunt 8,
. OOUJbs, 8 cents; Chrlsleuson, 7,000 lbs,
8 cents; James Down, lO.OOU Dm, 8 cts;
John Kirk, 10,000 lbs, 8 cts; J W Mc
Oraltls, 7J.
HuiLUiNO Hklkctkd. The Divinity
' Pchnol will be located in the building j
formerly owned by (.'has. Davis oil
Twelfth street near the University.
It is now the property of Judge J.J.l
' Personal.
Pally oimrd, Aufiut lu.
Dr Kuykendall paid Junction City a
visit today.
A L Hawley, of Xewberg, vlsltfd
beie today,
Carl Bailee Is clerking In J L I'uge's
grtn-ery store.
Attorney L Bilyeu ha returned
from Harrisburg.
Wm Preston went to Albany ou this
moruing's local train.
Jack Palmer returned this inoruli.g
fiom a visit at Drain.
W W Haines returned this afternoon
from a trip down the valley.
It McMurphey and wife have return
ed home after a very pleasant vaca
tion Misses Delia Ham and Flora Morris
have goue to Mohawk for a few days'
J W Shumate, the Waltervllle oat
master aud merchant, w a In Eugene
Henry A Gray, who has Ixrn visit
ing In Eugene, left for Portland this
WDCampladl and child, of Los
Angeles, Cal., arrived hi Eugene this
Miss Blanche Filch re' timed this
afternoon from quite a vUlt to Port
laud aud Salem.
Geo G Croner, a nephew of C C Cro
tier, vlaillug lu Eugene, Is quite 111 at
the residence of tiie latter.
Mrs. Nellie Hanson, of Falrhavcn,
Wash., Is visiting with her parent, C
W Young and wife, near this city.
Miss Estella learned Instead of no
Ing to Newport yesterday left fur Null
Fraucbuo, going via the Yaqitlna
MIssKhlnley, who hss Im-cu visiting
her uuole, J II Goodman, In tills city,
went to Monmouth on this morning's
local train.
Miss Laura Burnett U attending tli
nilllinery store of the Misses Walton
while Miss Oslo Walton Is absent at
Bau FraiiL-lsco.
H. II. llaiidsaker and wife have
moved here from Junction lu order to
give their son Johu an opMirtunily lo
attend the U of O.
Hev. P. R. Burnett went to Lorune
today to All one ol his rigular appoint
ments tomorrow. His daughter, Miss
Edna, accompanied him.
Albany Herald: Fred and Edwurd,
little sous of Dr O C Awbrey, have re
turned from a visit of several days
with their grandfather st Eugene.
Kaui'I New sou io will have tomorrow
moruing for his home at Prlnevllle.
He goes by the road. His
on will remain and attend the uni
versity. Henry and Edna Hubbard, T N
Fletcher, Daisy Fuller, aud T II Hub
bard and family, ail uf Salem, left here
for lb McKeuxle hot uprlngs tills
Dallas Observer: P. J. Mulkcv, of
Perrydsle, a br.therof County Clerk
Mulkey, visited In Dallus Sunday.
He wi 1st tend the Slate University
agalu next year.
Harry W. Welder, tho affable clerk
lu Ostium A DeLauo's drugstore, hat
gone on Ills wheel to spend bis vacv
tlon at Salem, Albany, Corvallis, lu
dpK?ndeuee and other valley town.
Dell Johnson Is tilling his place In the
Misses Birdie Swsyue and Grace
Converse, ol Portland, arrived lu Eu
gene this afterniHiii. Miss Hwayue is
the guest of Miss Mae Huff and Miss
Converse of the M iss-t I'at terson. The
young lad lee expect to go up Ihe Mo
Keuxle for a ten days' outing Monday .
Lebanon Advance: Mlsa Alice Tetn-
rleofuear this place, Miss Mo'.'unoof
akvllle, and Miss Flura Wheeler of
Eugene, who are camping at Waterloo,
walked from that place to Lebanon
and back, lost Saturday. While here
they visited the paper mill and called
on friends, and altogether must have
walked fifteen mile ou that day.
Prlnevllle Review: Every one re
turning home from Hvlktiup Springs,
peak words ol praise for the treat
ment received at the hands of the pro
prietor, Mr. Ost rainier. Undnr his
management this is getting to lie a fa
vorite summer resort for our people.
A peoullar case exists la Corvallis.
Rev. Gould Imuuht a suit of clothes.
He was entitled to tickets In a drawing
for a bicycle, but refused to accept
them, not iHillevitig In anything of the
tiature of lottery. The stub had al
ready been put In, and when tho
drawing came off, lo and liehold Hev.
Gould got the bicycle aud concluded
to accept It.
Re E O Wheeler, a well-known
Sunday School evangelist ol the Bap
tist church, well known In Eugene,
having been here a good many times,
was recently killed In a ral roud acci
dent in New Mexico. He whs a man
of enterprise and sterling worth.
Albany Democrat: The Oovemor,
Secretary of State and Stnto Treasurer
have passed resolutions commeiidn ory
of the retiring superintendent of the
asylum.- or itowiunu, who ncserves
them. They are a faroo, though, lor
this same hoard by a vote of 2 to 1
ousted Dr Rowland fur another man.
Sometimes silence Is really golden, aud
It would have been In this t-nsv. It Is
every pecullsr board who will kick
out a faithful i mploye whose "admin
istration has been chaiuctcrlM-d by
blllty. Integrity, economy and hu
mane purposes."
t rtl.. V V LVrmor. Tl...
uhIIi.. miillmiu fituiiiulila Ilk llin
imvufi miiniiu. . ..- -
r..ul..i. ii.iin ultil Hiem la fill liettf ttvl-
deuce on which lo ini-e an est I te as
to Hie yield. ve, ineretore, sun an
here to our former figures of one-third
to one half short.
Dallr Ouard.Auiuaie.
Ku'KKn iiy a House. Mrs. Wm.
Mayer was kicked by her liore Wed
nesday aftcriMMiu lu Hie side quite se
verely hut not seriously. Hlnoethat
time the bidy has been compelled to
remain In her room.
Makixo Fwiuh. SimnioiH Bros,
have completed the Jnser flouring
mill, owned by" Mr. Sylvester. The
mill Is now ruuulng and making
flour. .
Goon Work. The Yatet-Inwtill
steStil thre-lilng crew toicsliol U000
bushels of grain lust week hi two and
oue-half days.
proud of it.
an wuuauis, deputy uim-