The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 10, 1895, Image 7

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Isatow)AV -
Heudenmn, U?tit.
Hop stoves at F L Ciiambeim'.
j. J. Walton, attorney-at-law.
la loun on farm. Enquire of
judge alton. ,
Tke vour Uliiueui uurn m o. i.
chhIi fr vour Cli tteni
Jfi atS. H. Frleudly'a.
Tke your Chlttcni isarn 10 t. ji.
.. r. t iihIi for vour Chlttein
1UU l" " . .
urkstS. 11. Friendly 's.
.uck twine, 400 poundsjust recelvid.
v Itlililln limv lm fiiiniil nt
Mf , V . ' " " ' -
hi residence Olive struct, U'twwn
Klftli and Sixth streets, one block west
jUri.,j to UO ttll UCI1UU 111 UIHI
To IiOAS. Money to loun ou ini-
i r..rm imrwrti
I Kiil'iill'mn Itl'KR
Eugene, Or.
. tx .Cr I i tvlll riiatf tlia
bUhent market prlcw for wool.
fi!..i,ui iMtuh tirIrA rmtil for ('h.ttim
riitt'lv v" i . r - -
Bark by S. 11. Friendly.
Kami near foothills, rolling land, from
ijj ill l"v ' -" "i
liLiKD ofllce.
Farms for Mule.
I have now thirty fine farms In the
Willamette valley for sale. These
farms include every variety In size and
nrkf. for uescripuon iiki, auure
V CiKO. M. Mll.LER,
Wilklna Block, Eugene, Or.
Nails are away up but F L Cham
bers will Nell you a keg at the game
price dealers can buy a car load.
S II. Friendly wants all the Chit
inn bark lie can get.
v,.i..m SiniesiiiHii: Secretary of State
Kluraid came back from the Newport
v.t.nlnT. his face tlnelv color
ed by the sun and winds of that local
ity, tie Clipped iniu uumuvss iioiiie hiuI iri full v fortified to stand
0I1 ihe Importunate claimants from
the several stale- insiiiuuous wnn want
money without presenting bills.
It la the best patent medicine in
tbe world" la what Mr E M Hartman,
ofMamuani, Oregon, says of Chaiu
irluin's Lholic, Cholera and Dia
rrluiea Remedy. "What leads rue to
make tills assertion Is from the fact
(bat dysentery lu I la worst form was
ntvvnfent around here last summer
and it never took over two or three
dim's of that remedy to effect a com
plete cure." for sale uy
OSHl'KN & DeLano.
Mr CO Strong, principal of the pub
lic schools at Anderson, Cat, says: "I
have used Chamberlain's Pain Balm
and have found It an excellent remedy
for lainenos and slight wounds."
Lameness usually results from a
prain, or other Injury, or from rheu
mnilim for which Chamberlain's l'altl
Balm Is especially Intended and un-,
equaled. It unorils ainiota lmuieumm
relief and In a short time effects a per
manent euro 1'or tale by Osburn &
DeLano, Druggists.
Hucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Balvo in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Suit
Itlieuni, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chaniied
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no pay required. It Is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction or money
refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by Henderson St, Linn.
One night when Mr Isaac lleese was
stopping with me, says M F rfatch, a
prominent merchant 01 Quartermaster,
Wash, I heard him eroanlng. On go
ing to his room 1 round mm sutrering
frmn iriifnn fnll(V Hrt Willi Ifl HUcll aif
ony I feared ne would die. I hastily
give him a dose of Chamberlain's Col
iiv Clmliim and rilurrhnt'A liemedv.
He was soon relieved and the first
words lie uttered were, "what was tluil
itinTyoii g ive me?" I Informed him.
i fuw rliiva nirn t titlklnir nl)(IUt
hua(Uuianq he said he was never
without that remedy now. I have
u;d It in my family htr aeyeral years.
I knew Its worth and do not heultate
to recommend It to mv friends and
custonit-rs. For sale by Osbum & De
uiun, uruggisis.
Only a few buggies and hacks left.
Prlob aaine as when the times were
bud. FL Chambers.
,. ,., . t i, .1 ., 1. 1.
All l'rr.
Those who have used Dr. King's
ey Discovery know Its value, ana
those who have not. have now the op
portunity to try It free. Call on th
odvertised druggist and get a trial bot-
e, free. Send your name ana auuress
to H. E. Buckled & Co., Chicago, and
mt Kv nf Tir Klnir'a New
Life Pillg free, as well as a uopy of
OuMeto Health and Household I nr
tructor, free. All of which is guaran-
to do you good and cost you noin
J"?- Henderson Linn's drugstore,
Bbr iu tUck, we rmr. ht CioA
Va lb. iu . CullJ, alia crlwt for Corl.
Vs .he brcame Ulu, he clung to Cf.'tort
h. bJ Chlldreo, .he g than CMturuk
Fell in a Well. Wednesday's
i!in Post: "Tills morning ai uiu
Oelfwlr f.ttla 7 ..r lrl tuill Of Mr.
Crump, of South Commercial street,
ln niaking an attempt to draw water
Out nf . ,. ii k. lu.,,.rin old-fash-
lnl in.iL.. i.i 1, la hslance and
ffll Intn ii.u Jn - Hitntinn of 18 feet.
?tie liule fellow with great pr. ssnoe of
n'iud grasped the ropf, and his motn
r. ho heard the uoise, came out of
"r nnue, aoon Ifwaten me nine ""
flj rlrvw him mil on ttm llmlS. TllS
had been BMslstinir his mother to
raw water before this, and as he had a
CtmnoA s.i . i (rr a f- W
nunuies, he adtrmpted to do the work
' dr ,)ff water alone, with the above
A car load of Oliver plows will be l
ived tbis mouth by
F. L Chambers.
Commissioners' court In session.
J H MlOlVI nt tlia L li n la ...I.,. In
- 1 . i ii iiiv iuiuo 19 iu
ban i rauolsoo.
Miss llertha Mallock has returned
from Sodavllle.
Dr E I) fpTCunilov t ilnwn
road this morning.
Kola Nels Is recuperating at the
Klamath Hot Springs.
Attorney tlias. E. Lockwood, of
Portland la in Ilia i-liv
8 H Frleudly leaves on a week's vis
it to Newport tomorrow morulnir.
A cool tileaiuLnt iliiv. Tr. i nfiltn u
contrast with yesterday.
Itemenila-r to rmv vmir iloir tuir at.
once or your canine 111 be stayed.
Joseph uolUstoue k-rt this moruing
ou the overland train for San Francis
VolllPV ITMriinntL'Air uml,il1ir li'ill
. - J "J ........j n ...
leave for the Milvenzie snriiiira Mon.
If ytiu want the news fresh vou will
subscrine for the Daily Ucakd.
Mrs. Win. Wilhrow and sou Fred
will leave on k vUlr to Amitv Tlitira.
day morning.
A M Osburn, of Trnutdale, arrived
here this afternoon ami w 111 remain In
the city several days.
L N. Honey will iro to Newport to
morrow morning. Ik-fore he returns
he will visit Portland on business mut
ters. Tim Knatliiirir unil Coos Iiav stnue
was held up yesterday. The robber
got ouly a tew dollars.
A blooming blooruer sailing along on
a bicycle at a dizzy gait is a pretty
goou hide snow oi iisc-n.
TIuth u-ernonlv ehrht nasMMiirers on
the local train when it pulltd out ot
here this morning.
A i,iii,ilii4ii rif K.ilirnna Tviilili U'lll
leave for the mouutalus and sea coast
in a lew days now mat I lie circus uas
been here.
Miss ltlnnche Fitch will rrturn home
next Friday from a visit of several
weeks to Portland. Oregou City and
Prof. F L Washburn left for his
hums In Corvnlllu thla tnorniiiir. Ha
will remove here with his family Sep
lemoer isv.
Mtna li'mii v llnv-CM. who haa been
visiting relatives In Eugene, returned
Home to iinrrisuurg iuis uiorumg uu
the local train.
Corval lis Times: Mis John Durnelt
and family It-It Wednesday morning
for Helknap Springs with llrady and
Bruce as an advance guard on their
u-IiwIm. M'liev made Coburir the first
day, distance 30 miles.
The little Creswell girl who recently
vlflted Eugene uud saw a bloomer ou
u-liuuiu mum hur mtiirn home was try
ing to tell her papa what bloomers
were. "Thcv are Just like pautu" she
said "only fatter."
Two drunk! wore thrown Into the
cltv Jail this afternoon by the officers.
One of them, young Uaber, of Junc
tion, was fined $3.50 and costs but he
Is still in Jail as ne am not nure any
money or friends.
l....l r.u I M DoMimi of tin. cel.
mi 1. 1 1 - .'.' v - , - -
ebrated DuMms musical family, ur
rived here yesterday on a visit with
Hov Davis, of Fairmount. Professor
DeMost will Join Ills ciniuren in iew
Ynrk in n few months on their return
from their European visit.
Corvallla Times: Harry Dunn, or
the second hand store, lias gone to
Lane county to look after his home
stead, on which sixteen months of life
muni Kn avxont lwrm-A hn call 1rOV6 UD.
He may be compelled to remain there
Until lie gels a line, mil inaj mminc
W RCoggoshall, advance agent of
the Webliug Sisters, Is in town mak
ing arrangements lor ineir appearance
i-'luriii. (V.-nt Tlh. Tliev are coming
over the Canadian Pacific. The Sisters
give a novel entertainment oi character
delineations, dancing, music and
recitations. It is an English company.
Corvallis Times: H Darr, foreman
of the late Portland Sun, was a passen
irer for Newport Monday. Helsau-
thorny tor me siaiemuiu um n
on foot looking to the resurrection of
the paper. The ten or eleven months
experience iu the publication of the
Sun cot those behind it about $10,000.
According to a report In the Astorian
the total rainfall at that city since
Sept. 1, 18U4, was 75.05 inches, or ouly
5.12 Inches above normal. During
tliHrainlall at Euktene was
about 40 in :lies, a little over half, and
et some people can mis veuiom.
'hi. lim-ir Oiliimhia is evidently the
Webfoot country of the north.
A Boston woman who calls nerseii a
Iv." ndvertioes that
she lias opened a "cold storage ware
house for hut-hands during summer
months" and Is prenarea to receive
ii.....,ii.,i,wn n;i,niu wives are awav for
the summer,'' and f'guarantees to de
liver them save and sound at the end
of the season."
Jacksonville Times: Miss Bells
Willis, who has leen holding a pos
ii.. i.. n.o i...fiil nml V. II. Teleirranh
oflloe for several weeks past, returned
to her home at Roscburg yesterday.
he Journal says mat sue is pi-w
young lady and made many friends
during ner stay ai nt.
Drain item in Rosehurg Review: J.
w i.-..i..i,i tiio v'mraiiM lection fore
st jyiiik;"!', . m
man, who had a slight attack of sun-
itrokea coupie or inrew "i
in (lered a relapse of the same during
he past week and is now at the resi
tun,.i.nfliiH hrother-in-law. J. T. Mo
lahan, In qu a serious couaiuo' .
Jacksonville Times: The University
' Oregon will somnience me new
holastie year under more favorable
auspices than ever. A number of first-
Class inSirUClOra liavs ucra -
ti, runiittv. which Is second U none
on the northwest coast.
The Florence NVest prowls asfol.
lows; ''Eugene Is now looking to a;
nulnafor railroail connection to an
Jcean harbor, while the port in herown
county is left to take care of itself.'!
Eugene would like to see a railroad to
Florence, aad once upon a time raised
a fine subsidy for the purpose. Now
she (hints that tbe only hope for a
oon.p.;iii vb " r
nU She IS going l awuiv j
The usual funny things occurred In
u. rtrn I n t Iih excitetiieli t
of nioviug valuables out of reach of the
flames, many persons periormeu i ,
iu tlieir coolest moments, would tie
i.i.....,f i..,,,,i,ui,iu nt fine man
was seen to rush frantically along B
street with a hu;re piece oi - ..
i.-i.i., uuir.l,wl M) nnuuds. while be-
bind him trotted ayoung lap with
several pieces of flesh tked pies. jierson placed a large mirror
facedownward in an open field to pro
.... ju from tlie heat of the
,. .women
names. u'"""7"' -
t earing a large cook sb-ve selec.edj lbe
Il-nrr Stewart and Kteve Strawn, of
J. i .. i.ul t,ipviIaa
to attend the olrcus. They covered the
distance of 30 ml lea lu three hours and
a half. When It Is considered that
several in I Us of the road is through
the canyon where they had consider
able walking, the time made was first
On to Osburn & DeLano, druggists,
wile ageuts in Eugene, for a bottle of
l.IVF.RINF, for the Liver. Kidneys,
SicK-ln ailache and Constipation.
Stomach and bowel complaints aro
best relieved by the timely use of De-
Witt's Colic- and Cholera Cure. Insist
ou having this preparation. Don't
take any other.
OrtniRN & DeLano.
Salem Statesman: Chief Justice
Bean and his son, Joseph Kones and
his oldest boy and Will Hodgkin will
take their departure today for the Ni
agara country toward the head waters
of the Sautiam, where fish, game, bear
ana other "varmint" will lane to tneir
hiding places until the company retire
Captain Sweeney C. S. A., San Di
ego, Cal., suys: "Shilo's Catarrh
Remedy Is the first medicine I have
ever found that would do mo any
good." Price 60c. Henderson A
Easy to take, sure to cure, n pain,
nothing to dread, pleasant little pills.
DeWltt's Little Early Risers. Best
for sick headache, blliousuess, sour
stomach aud constipation.
Osbi'kn Se DeLano.
The Dalles Chronicle: Mr A J An
oVoon aud family and Mr Oorge An
derson left thla morning for an over
land trip to the Willamette valley.
They will drive over the McKenzie
mad and camp for some time at Mc
Kenzie Bridge win re the hunting and
fishing are of the finest sort.
Parks' Cough Syrup cuies Coughs
Colds and Consumption. Mrs. Cata
erlne Black of Le Roy, X. Y., fays: "I
took one bottle of Parks Cough Syrup.
It acted like magic. Stopiied my
cough and I am ierfectly well uow."
Sold by A. Ykkinuton.
Dlarrhn'a should be stopjied prompt
ly. Itsoons becomes chronic. De-
Will's Colic and Cholera Cure Is
effective, safe and certain. Hundreds
of testimonials bear witmss to the
virtue of this great medicine. It can
always be depended upon, its use saves
time aud money.
Os Hi' k.n & DeLano.
Telegram, Aug. 0: This mornimt,
Deputy United Slates Marshal J. M.
Beutlcy, of Pendleton, arrived here ou
business, and will remain until tomor
row. Mr. Bent ley stated that while
he was at the Pendleton depot yester
day waiting for the westbound train,
news came in that two men, employed
at a farm about 4 miles out of the city,
had dropped dead from the great heat.
Both men were working with a thresh
lug machine, one being engaged on a
sack-sewer and the other raking the
straw away. The horses also fell dead,
so great was the bent. Mr. Bent ley
could not ascertain the names of the
two men, nor further particulars. The
thermometer was resirted to bo 107
degrees in the shade In the country
adjacent to Pendleton. Very hot
weather has prevailed for some days
In that region. One day last week
three horses dropped dead while work
ing In the harvest field.
Hegglug Devices.
Grant's Pass Courier: "Two beg
iflnir fakes struck the town ibis week.
One was a young man who posed as a
dear mute anil represented thai ne was
under contract to walk around the
world from Mlnneopolla, liegglng His
way and return with fUnO In his pock
et Noone here felt particularly Inter
ested in the scheme and the asistauce
he got was small.
"The other was a blind man led
around by a younger one who said he
was his son. 'Beer bum' was written
all over both of them. Some ono sug
gested that the young fellow was stout
ami could get f 1.25 cents a day cutting
cord wood, whereupon the old man
poured forth a torrent of abuse which
made t ie spectators anyi mnir oui or
ry that they had not shelled out their
dimes for him. The couple evidently
made wages In Grant's Pass for one
day and Is-at northward on box cars
next evening. They hailed from Sac
These beggars will very likely striKe
Eugene In a day or two.
Ta Writhe I pott m Bed ol Agony
It what people troubled with rheumatic
mintnmi can fairlr exwot. If they take no
efficient mean, to check the raUly growing
malady which, It thould never be forgotten,
hat a tendency lo attack the he.rt and ter
minate II le. The lenlinmnT, puuno enu im,-
i i..... I l nMil.ulm,riirlv cnii vincillff ailU
II7M1UIIMI, I ...ciwn " t - . ,7...
concurrent that llnak-tlfr'a HUirosch Hitter,
la both a aovereli lily i-reveiitlre and curative
olrhi-uniatlim. 11 tomi.letely cl'Urnte. Iront
ine oiimki in-- aciu i.inwinu '
Ini the tleauM urroiindlng, the Joint, and
....... ......t. ..i ultM t.Mln. ThA lilt
llliincii-a, u.v i"ir ii i - -
ten promou-. the action of the kidney.,
blauner, ana imwrm. irmi
malaria, ihtvoiimhu. and debllHy. It ali.
Induce, aptsillte and ound reunw, hamuli..
convalKMciioe alter eahau.llng iiialaille., and
Dlllicate. theinllrinltle.o(BK. lake It dally
at rouular Interval., and oonltdenlly expect
the uel re.uu..
Markied. In this city at the Hotel
Eugene, August 5, 1895, by Rev. M.
C. Wire, Mr. J. B. Lewis, of Cottage
Grove, and Mrs. J. S. Burdick, of
Lane county. Mr. Lewis is a nier
chant of Cottage Grove and the newly
married couple will reside at that
.- . .. U-llllll At tliH
lOU llAAn inn rt.-i-i - -
circus grounds this forenoon a boy got
. i I . . I .. .ml mi a nf
too near inn iropuiu ws" , , i
them reached out a paw, scratched bis
forehead and tore his clothing. An old
man got too near also aud got bis cloth
ing ripped up somewhat.
I. guaranteed to cure Flic and Contllpatloii
or money refunded. -'iO ceiil. per Sei."
Iwo.tarnf. l"r clrc ilar and r sample to
MAKT1N Kt'l'V, Ki-Klltercd I'liannaclat.Uncafc
p.r, I'a. No P.iirui.. Awmi). f.irale by .11
fl.t cl.. dniK.lin eTtrywIivre, and in Eugene
Oregon by Ufburn 4 iK-l-am-
rify your blood, clear yourcomplexion,
regulate your bowels and makes your
head as clear as a bell. 25c, C0c, an J
fl.00. Hindi r :i Linn.
LickDisai-I'EARISo. Hop growers
Inform theUtJARP thai the lioe arc
now rapidly disappearing from the
vines. It appears that the hot dry
weather Is very destructive to this In
sect. With fair prices the hop In-du-try
will distribute thousand nt
dollars lo Lane county.
There 1 no doubt, no failure, w hen
you take DeWltfs Colic and Cholera
Cure. It is pleasant, acts promptly,
no bad after effects.
Dr. Finlcy, S.Dunn blk.
The Hale block Is being repainted.
Dr. Fluley, 3,Dunn blk.
Gov. Budd, of California, Is quite
Mop checks printed at the Gl'aku
The Watts parly left for the Pine
Opeumgs tbis forenoon.
The north bound local train was fif
teen minutes late today.
Charley Croner took 4000 pounds of
Ice to Harrisburg this morning.
A large uumlsjr of people lust even
ing witnessed tbe loading of the circus
The police officers bundled the laigo
crowd yesterday lu a very satisfactory
Few country people remained in
towu to see the night performance of
the circus.
A 13-vear old girl of Mr Withrow'
near Wultervlllu, Is very 111 with
The American and British missions
nearCuntoti were attacked by a Chi
nese mob yesterday.
The democrats of Iowa have nomi
nated a ticket and resoluted against
the free coinage of silver.
A B Hammond, the proprietor of
the O LA Kit It, will likely be bete
during the next week.
The state papers are now publishing
many complimentary Items concern
ing the University of Oregon.
The contract for buildiug the Campbell-Walker
hop house has been let to
Jvhn Higgins aud A. Brown.
Editor Moriu has stud his iuterest ln
the ludeienduuce Kuterprise to Bailey
A Brown of South Dakota.
A number ot the curious remained
up late last night to witness the load
ing of the circus wagons on the cars.
Willamette street stood the heavy
circus teaming over it yestenlay splen
didly. It has a solid toundatlou if not
a smooth top.
The circus wagons crushed a culvert
on Willamette aud Twelfth streets yes
terday afternoon. It was replaced
with a uew one by the street com
missioner. James Foster arrived here last even
ing from Silver Lake with his two lust
running race horses. He will tak
them to Salem to work them on the
state lair track,
There are 150 teachers enrolled at the
Institute being held in Villard Hall
tills city. The work is of a high order.
Young man Baber paid bis tine this
morning and was discharged. The
old man arrested yesterday was also
James N Luper has already threshed
on his farm 8000 bushels of grain, 6,200
bushels being wheat. lie says the
grain is yielding fairly well.
Humphrey & Scgar have a force at
work packing plums today. On ac
count of the slowness of tills fruit In
ripening the car will probably not
leave before Monday.
Street Commissioner Doyle has been
busy today raking the loose gravel and
pasr oil' of Willametto street. The
street committer Intend to give this
street n coating of flue gravel this fall
after the first rains.
B F Dowell, who has been In Wash
ington for several years, returned to
Port laud last week. He Is taking de
positions In the interminable Indian
war cases he Is prosecuting.
Albany Democrat: "The Democrat
has been favored In not being called
upon to chronicle a gun accident from
Lane county for a long time. Anoth
er one has happened though."
Salem Statesman: There was no re
joicing among the taxpayers over Sec
retary Klncaid's defeat before the su
preme court In the railroad commis
sion suit. There is crape ou the door.
Grant's Pass Cornier: The Univer
sity of Oregon oilers free tuition to all
students. Young men and women
who desire to become proficient In
hitrher education would do well to
avail themselves of the many advan
tages oflered by the State University
situated In the beautiful town of Eu
gene. Mr. A. A. Snyder, supt. poor farm,
Winneahelk Co., says: Last winter
Mr. Robert Luch used two boxes of
DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve aud
cured a long running sore on his leg.
Had liecn under care of physician for
months without obtaining relief.
Sure cure for Piles.
Osni'RN & DeLano.
I've a secret In my heart,
Sweet Marie,
A tale I would impart,
Sweet Marie:
If you'd even fuirer be
Vou must always use Parks' Tea
The Improvement you will ece,
Sweet Marie.
Sold by A. Yerinqton.
Albany Democrat: It has been said
that there was no gambling done In
Wallace's circus. As a matter of fact
there was a quiet little enveloiie game
in the side show that was decidedly
fakey. One farmer dropped '0 on an
I that turned nut to be an L. The
Democrat knows of a yeunir man who
cpiit (.) out of his pocket and many
others Invested small sums. It seems
Impossible to find a circus without a
little of it in some comer.
Parks' Sure Cure Is a positive specific
In all diseases of the Liver aud Kid
neys. By removing the urio acid iu
the blood It cures Rheumatism. H.' B
Basford, of Carthage, S. Dakota, says:
"I believe Parks' Sure Cure excels all
other medicines for Rheumatism and
Urinary disorders." Hold by A. i tu-
Albany Democrat t If the govern
muni, had anent the $4,000 wasted on
the receut survey of the Willamette
In actual work in Improving the
river according to reports easily fur
nished them by river pilots, steamtrs
would now be running regularly be
tween Portland and Corvallis, but the
truth Is thegowrumsut doesn't use
horae tense lu some tilings, luers is
so much red tape matters are not at
tended to at all.
East Portland Chmiiiele: "The Ex
ecutive Committee of the Oregoa press
A.-v'i!itin will shortly hold a special
meeting ill v. J.i'i the law of Moses
clllbo laid li.ivn with emphasis.
Huh a will be fat In force that will bar
out all people who are not actively en
raircil in the publication of legitimate
newspapeis such as are and will be
recognized by all clasat-e of business.
These parties wlio have no use for the
assiMilation otherwise than te partlcl
pate in the pleasures the annual meet
nia brio forth, will not be tolerated.
An editor and his family are always
welcome. But bis unules, bis cousins
anil bis be Wfl out. The
rules ioverniiiK the next meeting will
lie made plain to all editors who are
desirous of becoming members, and
these rules to a letter will be put it
Wen' her Prediction for the Next
leu Pays.
Itt his Inst bulletin Foster gave fore
casts of the storm wave to cross tho
continent fiom August 4th to Slh, aud
the Guard learns bo says tbe next
will reach Ihe Pacific coast about Aug
ust Utti, cross the west of Rockies
country by clost of lOlli, the gnat
central valleys from 11th to 13th, aud
the Eitstt-ru states about Uth.
Average rainfall may be expected
from this disturbance, principally
along the central latitudes of the
United States.
Warm wave will cross the west of
Rockies country about August Uth,
the great central valleys Uth, and
Eustcru states Uth. Cool wave will
cross the west of Rockies country
about 12th, great central valleys Uth,
and Eastern stales Itith.
Atiuust Is the nux-1 difficult month
of the year for which to forecast the
severe storms. It Is one of the trop
ical storm months and as we are not
yet able to definitely forecast thise
tropical storms, and as they always
break up the regular weather condi
tions ou the continent ti e dates of
dangerous storms become uncertain.
Indications, however, arc that with
in a few days of August tith and luth
the most severe storms of August will
occur on the continent and the tropical
hurricanes will lie of greatest forcoon
our Atlantic coast within a ft w days
of the 201 Ii. Near August 0th will
also lie a favorable date for teveral
tropical storms.
Ho expects the irreatcst tropical
hurricanes of the year to o-cur within
a few days of September lstn. Mark
the date and wateh the reports. He
cannot give the location except that
Its force will lie felt along the southern
coast of the United States.
Pally Uuard, Augu.t x.
Careless Bicycle- Rim nil This
afteruiMiii about 2:30 o'clock while Miss
Leora Thomas, of Conurg, aged about
20 years, wa passing the corner of
hliilitll ami Ulive street, she was
struck by a bicycle which came up
Ullve street at a hlgl) rate oi soeil ana
was knocked down and thrown eight
or teu feet, hhe received several
bruises, but luckily none of a serious
nature. The young man riding the
wheel was Mr. Rising, aud lie ex-
fircssed his sorrow, but this did not
lelp the lady. It was certainly a care
less piece of work ns a bystander In
forms us that the Ml was not rung.nor
was the machine slowed down when
approaching the corner. Much care
less riding is Indulged in, and if con
tinued, the council will have to pro
hibit all tiding on tho waiKs.
Marshal Day tiled a charge in the
City Recorder's court against said
Charles Rising for running against the
young lady with a bicycle, about 4
o'clock this afternoon. The penalty
for said misdemeanor for luo first
oftense is 5.
Letter List.
Barn hoi tz, Grace, Bowers. J. II.
Bowers, Joseph. I tooth,. Mr R. A.
Filling, Carl. Foster, A I.
Haskins, J. I). llumurn, will.
Reid, Mrs. Mark. Simmons, Mrs.
A charge of one rent will be made on all
letter, given out. 1'ur.on. call for letter,
will plu.watate when advertised.
I. J. I HAIIl, . M.
Notice of Dissolution.
Tlio iiartnorsliln heretofore existing
Im'I wm-ii I). A. l'alnuaud W. Kuvkcn-
dall under the firm' name of Paine &
Kuykenilall is tills day dissolved by
mutual consent. Dr. Paine retiring and
Dr. Kuykenilall continuing the busi
ness at the same onice. All tiems tiue
the firm are payable to either member
of the same.
D. A. Paink
Eugene, Oregon, August 1st, 18U5.
To the Public.
I take this method of extending my
thanks to the (lenplo of Eugene and
vicinity for the liberal patronuge they
have given me uuring tne seven years
of my practice lu this city, lu retir
ing I do not hesitate to leave my pa
tients in the hnndsof any of the regular
ihysicians In Eugene, but more espeo
ullv would 1 recommend them to Dr.
W. Kuvkenditll. whom I have found
during our acquaintance ami partner
ship lo be not only a gentleman in ev
ery sense of tne worn, nut a innrougii,
painstnking and competent physician
aud skillful surgeon.
1). A. i'AINK.
State Normal School.
At Drain Oregon. Four new build
ings. Three courses of study. Write
for catalogues.
Lou i a, President.
Plums Wanted.
We want to contract for a car load of
Columbia and Brudshuw plums at
Hl'.M I'll key & Heoar.
Dally (Juard, Auguit S.
University Boys. Today's Ore-
gonlan: Judge E. M. Brattain, of
Lake couaty, arrived In the ctiy yes
terday by way of Priusvllloaud The
Dulles. Judge Brattain is a classmate
of Mr. E. L. Powell, agent of the As
sociated Press, both having grauuaieu
at the state university In 1887 Hon.
C. K. Wilkinson, or the customs ser
vice, left lost evening on tne lfatiey
Gatzertfora fortnight's stay at Sum-
merside cottage, Long Beacn.
iviivu Amvi.itm. Juno 30th the
state asylum contained 1022 patients.
Tli.-ru ant on u h znm BDIincallls lor
positions, the greutest number in the
liUiiirv iif tlm iiiuiiiiiiinn. Dr. i'alne
says be will ad hers to his former di
U ration or "no eliaillcs without EOOU
cause," with the exception of two or
three unices that are close to tne super
ii,ti.nli.iit ami wIumm occunants neues
sarily should be personally aud thor
oughly Known.
Indianh KiU.iN" Deer. Albany
Herald; 8 G Dorrls, Geo Anderson
aud Wm Westfall returned yesterday
from Fish luke. They caught 1810
trout and brouirht back a lot of nice
om-s. il'ln-y say that a large numtwr
id IiiJiaii., who have pns-e from the
Warm Spring reservation, ate killing
deer near iiuiu aieuuiaiu.
Strayed.- Monday morning from
the pasture of J. C. Snodgrasa, a gray
noraw, about 8 year old; lame iu right
fore foot. Shod ou all lest except lame
one. W beu last heard from was golug
west near the Coulter plaotr. Suitable
reward if brought lo this office.
A cup of Parks' Tea at night moves
the bowels in the morning without
pain or discomfort. It Is a greet
health giver and blood purlfl'T. Sold
by A. i erinoton,
CuaimlssUners Court.
O P Houston appointed road super
visor of district No Ml, for the unex
pired term caused by M A Rltgood's
Trailer road lu tn 17 a, r 4 w; J A
Yotler, Jacob Misliler aud Oscar Lucas
appointed vleweis aud C M Collier,
surveyor, to meet ou August 111, 1805.
Court ordered that the county clerk
Issue certificates of redemption In full
upon lots 8, !, 10, 12 and 13, block 1,
and lots 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11,12, 13 and
14, block 4, Morse's addition to Flor.
ence from tax sale made June 27, l'3,
for taxes of 1 SOS to A 11 Fisk, county
Judge, for the benefit of Lane county;
certificate No 423 to Surah Hacker,
assignee of David Morse, Jr., upon pay.
inent of the sum of $34.
At this time A J Johnson, sheriff,
notified the court that ho had appoint
ed G S Miller deputy sheriff, ou July
15 to cease Aug 1.
At this time the court considered
ami allowed the following bills and
the clerk was oidenst to draw war
rants on the general fund In payment
thereof tow It:
R M Day, on surrender of certifi
cate ol tax sale No 844, Issued
Juno 28, 18113, on lands therein
diwcrlieil, the same having
been doubly assesaeil, rebate (25 01
James Morgan, rebate on taxes,
18m 3 72
W H Klrkpstrlck, rebate ou
taxes for 18l4, school district
No 130 2 42
B S H .viand, deputy sheriff, tax
collector, ) days at 12.60 per
23 75
Call for Warrants.
Notice Is hereby given that the fol
lowing warrants will be paid on pre
sentation at my office. Interest ou the
same will cease August 0th: All Lane
county warrants from registered num
ber 7520 to registered number 7014,
both inclusive.
J. O. Okay,
County Tn-aaurer.
Eugoue, Or., August 2, 1805.
Teachers' Examination.
Notice is hereby given that the next
regular quarterly examination of
teacher's certificates will be held at the
court house in Eugene, commenting
at 1 p. iu. Wednesday, August 14, 18!i5.
Teachers wishing state certificates,
or state diplomas, should make applica
tion at that time.
J. G. Stevenson,
Co. Supt.
Hup Pickers Wanted.
Hop pickers are wauled to oomnionce
picking at the Dr Davis yard near
ilurrisburg, August 18, ou early hops.
Picking will oontluue about six
A grocery supply house will be on
tho grounds where pickers can secure
goods at Eugene prices.
Heard From. Josopli Young in
writing from Prineville last Friday,
said he would leave that place Satur
day for Lakevlew, Intending to return
by Ashland. The other boys, Huston
and McClure, Intended leaving Ihe
same day for Bums, Harney county.
The letter said they had a fair trip
across the Cascades, being bothered a
little by the lava.
Complaints. Several complaints
have been entered ai this office con
cerning steam wood saws sitting near
barns in the alleys through the out
skirts of the city, thereby endangering
tho same. Every precautlou against
fire should bo used especially this dry
Children, especially Infants are soon
ruu down with cholera Infantum or
summer complaint'" Don't wait to
determine, but give DeWltt's Collo
aud Cholera cure promptly ,you can rely
ou it. Use no other.
Ohhurn & DeLano.
Wheat. We are Informed that 48J
cents per bushel is oflered for wheat
lu Eugene.
Is the time you want
on our-Soap Guessing Contest.
Wo aro soiling lots of it so don't guoss too littlo or
too big. Onj pair of shoos to each of tlm four parties
guessing nearest, FREE of cost.
: Time of sale from July 1st to August 10th.:
feir Every 25c worth of Soap purchased gives you a guess.
Call and see our counters dis
played with remnants.,
Wt are giving BAR6MNS in ALL LINES.:
The University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, offers Free tuition to all stu
dents. Young men can obtain Hoard, Lodging, Heat and Light ln the dormi
tory for 12.50 net week. Hoomors furnish their own linen. Young women are
provided with board in private families at 1 3.00 per week. Young women de
siring board should address Prof. John Straub, Eugene, Oregon, or Secretary
Young Women's Christian Association, Eugone. The University offers three
baccalaureate degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and llachelorof
Letters, with corresponding courses of study. The following shorter course
are also offered. An English course leading In two years to a Business diplo
ma, and in three years to the title graduate lu English; an advanced courso for
graduate of uormal schools leading to the degree Master of Pedagogy; a three
years' course in civil engineering leading to the degree Civil Knginecr;a
course of two years for teachers of physical education leading to a diploma and
the title director of Physical Education. The University charges an ineldeu
tal fee of 10 which Is payable In advance by all students. Students holding
diplomas from the public schools and those Laving teachers' oertlllcates are ad
mitted to the preparatory department without examination. Those desiring
information regarding the preparatory department should address the Dean,
N. L. Narregau, Eugene.
For catalogues and further Information address C. II. Chapman, President,
or J. J. Walton, Secretary, Eugene, Orsgon.
The Value of Fir.
The value of tho yellow fir for
bridge timber, car sills anil general
construction work is no lunger ques
tioned. The Northern Pacific car
shops use It not only for cur sills, but
for car finishing. All the new cars of
the Northern Pacific are built at the
Taioinu shops now, and of fir and
spruce. The Pullman Company ues
II r sleepers for its iialaco curs, mid tho
Illinois Central. Chicago, Burlington
A (Juiucy, and other railroad coin
panics, liuvo been using It for their
cars for a year or two. The Northern
I'ucillo made very carei'ul I tests of this
fir timber for strength and durability
at the tinifl the Western divisions uf
the road were built, as it was u very
important quvstiou of flmllug a timber
on the coast for tho hundreds of
brldeesor having to carry timber from
tbe East. The test showed that the
fir was as strong as oak and alsiut one
third lighter, ami that it was almost
as durable. The smaller bridges along
the Northern Pacific- were built of llr
and then other roads began to use it,
until it has come to be recognized as
the U-st bridge timber in the West, If
not In the country.
A Huueo (iaiue.
Dally (iuard Auguit 1.
Last evening ar. old gentleman
named Collcc, from Monroe, took a
chance in a diaw game that was being
conducted lu the menagerie tent at the
circus. He had too much of the ar
dent nlioard to tsi cautious, mid when
he thought he suw a t-han-.-e to win
f lot), by hive-ding 5, got his wallet
nut and in his excitement produced
two twenties and a tt-u. The manager
of the game saw the condition of the
man, took in the money, gavehiuif5
back, and of course he diew a blank.
Nels Rouey witnessed the allair, aud
after the circus was over reported to
Constable Linton, whoasked the man
agement to refund the money. They
refused and a warrant was sworn nut
for the arrest of tho malinger This
brought them to terms, and the matter
was settled by payment of costs and
the money of which the old man had
been robbed.
Remember this, young man, be care
ful what you say about a woman's
character. Think how many years alio .
has been building It, of the tolls and
privations endured, of wounds receiv
ed, and let no suspicious follow her
actions. The purity of the women is
the salvation of tho race, the hope of
greatness and Ihe redemption of man.
Wine out her purity aud the man
sinks beupath tho wave of despair,
without a star to guide his life Into the
channel of safety. Think, then, before
you seuk, and remember that any
hog can root un the fairest Dower that
ever grew; so the vilest man can ruin
tho purest woman's character. Re
member this.
Reward Not Allowed. Some
time ago a dispatch reached Salem
from Row burg that the Olalla post
office, situated about 10 miles west of
that city, had been lobbed. One hun
dred dollars reward was oflered for tho
capture of tho robbers, and Wm U
Wells, the postmaster, arrested two
parties by the namo of Dean and Mil
ler, who turned out to be tho men
guilty of the crime. Tho government
now refuses to allow tho claim for re
ward, claiming I hat tho law does not
apply to a postmaster who captures
the robbers of his own office.
fially (iuarS Auguit s.
Finr Specimens. Kowell Smith, of
Blue River, spent lust night lu Eu-
Peiie. He Informs us that rich strikes
n tho Biuo River mine have recently
been made. Some very fine specimens
are being taken nut daily free gold be
ing plainly visible with the naked eye.
Ills certain that before many mouths
a good sized mill will be located in this
rich district.
Proiiatb Matter. Gunrdlanshlp
ef Sarah S Marquis, Insane. The lady
having recovered tho guardian, W H
Marquis Is discharged and his sureties
to have your guess in
18 5
Comstocx, cameuowuKu u