1a V? r for Infants and Children. Caetorl a la ao well adapted to children that I renmunend II aa nil Uan pnKcrljiUon known to me." 1L A. Aacnra, M. D , 111 Bo. Oxford Bt, Ilrocklyn, X. Y. "Tli IU4 of Cotorta U nnlTermi and III inertia ao Well known thai It KH-tnl a work n( nii-rt. rotation to eiidunie It. Few an lb Intelligent famllim who do not keep Cantorl within aaay nrh," Caw Hum, D. P., ' ttvw York Cite. Caatorla cun Colic, ConitlpaUoa, Bour Ftotnat-h, liUrrhoja, Eructation, KJUl Worm, flna limtp, and promotee " Without Injurious medication. "For ttTfrml year I tun rerotnnvt.c'-d jrmr 't'anturla,' aud thall alwa coallr do an ae It baa lurarlabl produced bco:..1! .1 reeulu." Eowra F. riion, M. P, lSBtn Street and 7tn , Now York Cky tarn fiTim Oon-AJtr, 77 Mt-natT Bratwr, N To Cn- J C. CHURCH, B. D. PAINE, f. W. 08BUHN, Hrttldint. Vic Pranldanl. Caahlar. THE Eugene Loan and Savings BANK, Of Eugene, - Oregon. IIIKKCTOKH-J. . Church, J. B. Ilarrla, W.I Hrown, H. 1. I'alno. V. W. Oiburu. Pall Dj Capital, j : : $50,000. A General Banking Business Transacted. Intere it allowed on time depoilla. ('nllieiln entruited to our rara will receive prompt attention. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udderr. Piles, Rheumatic Pain's, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago. Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailment. All Morse Ailments, AH Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle.. Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conqueri Pain, Makes Ian or Beast well gala. wmm TV. ertr OT.li.rr Kti Jiireuaior la the in o I wonderful dlnooti'ry of the mm. Jt Iim tHn en- rtiwd tT IhO l.-alliiK.lcn. tiflo men ,,f ui' aud aim-rl.-a. Hue, an tlli. Muilttn atop ffMuiureMsj r the Ul cnari;a m m Falling hi'ti Mtti.ii., Nrnr utialwliohliiit (ll III mvm oth.i pails. Htrengthetu, I n I g oralea aud ti.nea the rntlrv.yiteiu. Hutfiia vurva IXUIIIIjr, KorvoimiieMi, kmli.ioua, audderelopta nHim 00,-ane. v ntrva i a . . 1 1 . a : . - . quirk It. Over ZOOO prlvnt endomeraf tit. fmuntilrviKY mr.iu uuiHMrnry tu die flrat itu. It U a yiiiloin of M iulnal wmknnw and harrvnncM. It oau N uiiHhl In Nuay trlheiuaoriltidyan. The nw ritxiiver? w m ht the Rnertal. iMioftlie old famouiHudioR Medical Inttltul. It la I he .(roiif. Tlialior made. It la nry powerful, hut hatml.M. K.I.I fur II 00 a pai k re.w ittrkatrr fur SA.0O(i.U!naalr1lair). Writirn itiiaraiiliM it'vrn fora cure. lfroubuT x tioxtwaud are put rtittrrlT oiirtl, aU Dion, will lewut to tchi frreof ail rharrtv. ttet1f'r iMrruUratid t4Htn..tu.l. A.l.lrees HI'INN MKIHCAI. IHTITI'1IC, JnnrUon Morhloa, .ftarkrt A kllUMia, km Kraix l.ru, 1 al. - TUIQ OADCD ('I'tnn flleat R.C.DAKI'H I lllO rArLn A.lTrrtl,ni Auriirr. M and IV Mrri'hanta Kxi'hance, hau Fmnrlno, ( .1. , Whra rnninvta lor alveitulu( ran be mad. Klorcnc ltrms. TheWwt, July 27, , m II.. .....!...-.. Air. 10iKII1S alia Iuiiimv, ui uuuuij, onniu In friiln tint valleV T llUTMluV HIhI went out to the cne to sjteml a few weeux. Xf,. ll.nW.I Kuril U wiill lill-ant'il Willi the proKrens of the government work anil nay tnai wiiu ew iiuiianjr j.,.. luck he will probably play even, Tim nniuriiiiiuliL aviw which Went down near the mouth of North Fork last rtaturday week, has been rained and tukeu to the government wharf, ...III L. .. .,!,. where neceanary rrpnm win i ui. a 11 I. ul in Ima waa dianharired he fore the scow could be lloated. Hlnco the ahove waa in tvne the acow waa beach ed near town. The hold la full of wa ter but will probably float tomorrow tire at llaraer. lll'KNS, Or., July 30. Baturday nignt a lire nroKe out in iiaruey . n v burning the principal busmen block TheloHBla enllmated at f 10,000. L. U'nlili.nhiirir A Cn.'a ireiwral merchan- dlHe store, 1'rlee Wlihere' store and ntloon, and l.oulo woidonourg, jr Ilvurv ami uhIii atallll'S. were total I V dtroyed. The limurance la about f loou. M M Davis and Iten Job Indicted by the Lincoln cotinl v Brand Jury 011 no count of a duHnilt lielug made at the (li-funrt branch bank of Hamilton, Job A Co. at Yaqulna, prtnided ovtr by Mr Davis, have tx-eu found "not guilty." FOR. Popular Brands of Tobacco and Cigars, --CALL ON JULIUS (..OLDSMITII. Lane County Bank. (KitahlUhed In fW.) EUGENE, OREGON. A general Banking business In all branches transacted on favorable terms. A. 0. 1IOVF.Y, rresldent. J. M. AltltAMH, t'anhier. A. U. HOVKY, Jr., Asst. Cashr. PRICES -AT- Day & Henderson's. Kitchen Tuult'n Full Leaf KxtciiBion " Maplo HrtifHu Witfh iStiiml with glass Betl Stem! .. Wire Mi tress . Top Matrons Kitchen chair Cane rockers All Wool Carpet 3 ply wool carpet 1 ... 4 ... 9 ... 0 ... 1 ... 1 1 2 . 1 'Jo 00 50 00 00 75 50 50 50c '25 55c 75 O8808888SS8S088O 1 GOLDEN i I WEST I I BAKING POWDER OS" WHY 55 ..a .h.iuia mj II. f XX It la made rluM lu-re i.t homo. 5y q3 4. It la mode of tlif -rrT ftnit einnlrla. ami l jimnn.l. ..' 1 In tv,i-y ritn t inu-it . 00 auiwrior to the try b. -t CO S. The niiikt-ra iciixruni.v . Otin and ewry 1,1... authiiriMsl to rrin u CO moiH') lilt benot mill Q CAN YOU ASK FP'i Cuuurr A I vva, IVin .. 08S088088S808b.-...v are Haw I A CUP CI3Vn I 9 1;:. ui It w 1 va 1 1 hi a " Va7- zziirj-" m u int. nmnnimva K I 1 I TL'FADAY, JULY 80, ConmiiiisionerH' court next week. I N (Jr. ene, of Camp Creek, In In thi ol ty. llermuii Tlnmipaou went to Corvul lis toduy. , Wllev Orifllu is now enployed at lie llott-l F.ugene. Jutk JJrady, the train roblitr, 1ms made a corifi union, i D I'nfne U confined to bin home toduy wltti slckneai. John Henry shipped a car loud of fat cattle to Portland hut evening. The University of Oregon ought to huve 500 Htudehts this winter. Humphrey & Ht-mT will next ship a couple of cars of JIuiiguriuu prunea. A brisk tire has Ix-en burning on the summit of Hiicc r butle hiuce huudity. Muuy of our iieople will go to the hot springs ami the sea count after the circuit. California watermelons and caiitu lope huve made their appearance in the market. The Harrlshurg Mill Company receiving their auiiuiil ijuotu or logs from the Mohaw k. It now look very much like Whit' nev would refuxe to make a foot race with "Whiskers." Dr D A I'aine Is having his ofllce library moved to the depot preparatory to shipment to Nalem. Ivllghtful summer weather. The Willamette valley Is the greatest bjiii mer resort In the world. If no accident happens the new (louring mill will be ready to reivive grain by the first of inxt week. The pensions of Hliadrack Dut-r, wf J-.ugene ana aolouion liares, oi jsiiir-i, have been reduced by the department The hop crop in Oregon will prob ably be an average one. A fair price for this product wuuld circulate much money. Hie burn on Eleven th street which has heretofore projected over the hide walk Is now being moved back otTof the street. The Gate Creek, Lane county, mist ofllce will be dlHeoutinued after Aug. loth. Mail for that olllce will then be distributed at Leuburgli. I,ew Crow, who Is working at min lug in JoMPphiue county, has the con tract to put lua wing dam or 2o0 teet across one prong or Jloguc river. The soldiers are being hastened to the Jackson Hole co'intry, where the redskins threaten to exterminate the white settlers. Astoria News: A numbcrof in iril ages took place In tills city recently on railroad prosm-cts merely ami now tince It has been dccluredago honey moons nave iiveu extended. joiiu turner, wtio is mining on a creek aonut a mile ahove Canyon City, picked up a $l.r nugget the otlidr iluv, couta'liiug plenty of white quartz. The nugget was woru smooth as thotigli ll had drilled lor some time, An Eastern minister recently as serted that "ten thousand bovs and gills are riding to hell on bicycle every day." To which an eiichiinge remarks: If IIiIh s rea v true mime e Bterprisiiig Inventor should be able to construct a wheel Willi asbestos tires (Ntlem I'nst: As ntviple go Into their grain news with their machinerv. they begin to learn that the .Top of Oregon is not nearly un average one. There are a few places that are excep tions to this, but the rule is thin grain, small heads and smut. The crop will not be anything like It was thought to be. Will, we shall have plenty to live on and some to sell. Ada Myers, a woman cf the town in linker CUy, became ill iSaturduy, and while stillering lutcintepnin, was gi veil two IiyiMxIermlu injections of mor phine liv lleorge Edgar, a morphine ucr. Tiiu woman beenme unconscious and died soon after. The coroner's Ju ry found that the woman's death wus due to the injection of morphine, and r.dgar was arrested, and is now in Jail. Monday s rendit ion K. O: "Mrs K SMuura, manager ot the Mcaclinm eating house, cume down from ihere Sunday evening and went lo Wnlla walla this morning, where she has oiieued the O It & N eating bonne. Mrs iMunra wits accompitnled bv Mrs 1 II McCarter and children, of Wio- kaite; Miss Elllnore Watkins and ICoIhtI Watkins, of Eugene Mrs Mc Carter Is a daughter of Mr Mil urn." Halnler ltevlcw: "llitmmond is the blggcxt man In the United Stutcx to day. Cleveland might die, or lli.r risen might Ihj sliitlghlered tint the people along t lie Columbia river, would f urstie the evni tenor of their way. tut If Hammond should get a car buncle on his mrk or e.ttch a dixcux that would make an angel ul him, the whole iMiiiulution of the Columbia river would fuel sick enough to go the hospital. 1 he people can t cpttre Hammond. They mint have him and that railroad. They want to see the cars running." Tliirt v-eluli t Derwina were l.niil ieil in the liddihg river, on Howell prul le, Ainriou coiiuiv, MMitiav, according to the riles of the HaptiKt church. They were the converts of a recent re vival, conducted by a female evange list, aud there were no untownrd acci dent. The baptisms were made the occasion of a gteut gttthering from the surrounding country, wveml thoiisnnd people Mug In attendance. The whole altalr was considered bv Imp- tiststo indicate the high-water nitrk of religious eiilhlilnin on Howell prairie. Hot'SK Iti'KNKD. We are furuislnsl meagre puNiculurs of the tm ruing of (tetirge Klgcs' dwellluu houe, mui IsaU'l, one day last week, ll npneiirs that Mr. Itlggs ard Ids family went lo Alouiiv on a visit and when tlu v iv- turned l hey found their lioiisc in it -1 The neiuhhors shv the hon-e iairned during I lie night. Mr. Kings' loss Is f IOiKI. The nsldcinv, we learn,, w as Injured, but we were unatile to learn the amount or the name of the company, the tire I thought lo U:ive iK-eii of an Imvinilnrv orliin. tr. t'rbi'H llltoro.. Ni:v Yokk. July II f. n- .1... cobs in his rciMrt in the nit t ..i- vorce bnniiiht bv Mrs, Oliie CorU lt tlnds Mrs. Corhctt i ntitled to ii div e and lectiiutuelids Ihut tlo iikirsi iia nt pnteretl ItUo bv her and lit ! I.u- Imnd, at llie lime of t -t r imi.,ii -in which he Hgrei .1 ptv hervM'a week for life-bo itilillune.l. I'l'l'solial. Mis J ll Snyder i convitleselng. Cliarlio Taylor is taking tin oiilni',' nt Florence. Mrs F K Alley went to Callage Orove this afternoon. Win. Faher, of Albany, did business in Eugene night. MrsSchullz left this morning for her home in Wiishington. J. L. rustle, a I'ottland stotkmun, Ient lust night in this city. Ihe Wliitni-liruiuley party have rt-turuid from the mountains. John Henry, the cuttle b i.ver, is do lug husliiess al l onuig loony. Mr and Mrs J Davie are hi me from a visit to their Moliaw k ciuiui. Attorney Geo A Dorrls aud wife w ill Ieav for llie uper McKenzie outlay. Mrs Mary Cardlck, of Los Angeles California, arrived here tins aiieruoon J II McClunir and family returned today from a plesunt sojourn at Sodu ville. J W West, the Jeweler, has gone to the liohcmia mines to sieiid a tew weeks. Hon II II Gllfrev. of Washington I C. cume down from Creswell this morning. Mi Nellie Owen, of this city, who IuisIm-cii veiling out on Coyote, has returned home. Julian Schwarschild is acting as clerk in the Kist ofllce during Johnny McCiure's absence. Frank Hurch, of Independence, re turned home today, after a sojourn at itelkmip Hprlugs. Bislioo J 8 Mills and son, Alfred huve returned home from an extended visit in Washington. 11 C Humphrey went te Portland this morning an business In connection with his shipment or rruit. ' Miss I.ow Thomas, of Cohurg, lias reiurm d home after a visit of a year and a half at Oakland, Cal. Misses Emma Vanduyne and Etta Owen have rettrned home from a visit at Harrlshurg aud Cohurg. Hon. H. It. Miller went toCorvallis toduy to at tend a meeting of the hoard of regents of the agricultural college Mr-i J B Cbugle, of Portluud, is quite ill aud not exiMj tod to live. l)r J V Gray, her nephew, is at tier l-edsitle Fiank Itreeden and Mr Thomas, of Forest Grove, have been visiting friumls In Eugene a ft-w dujs. They drove up. Mrs Frank Alley and child, of Vic torla, It C, arrived here last evening and will sK-nd some time visitiug rel atives and friends. Dr. Kuvkendull returned this morn ing from Drain, whete he lias been at tending the bedside of bis fattier, who is lying very low. Attorneys Geo. It. and Geo. A. Dor ris went to Salem toduy aud will up iiear as attorneys in a case before Hie supreme court today. Mrs. W, S.Gilbert and Mrs. Davl son went to thatpopulur resort, New port, today. Iney will tK) joined by liev. iiiiiHTt next iMouday. Llllle I'M ward and Mason Awbrey sons of Orlu Awbrey of Salem, are v,iiing ilielr grauiipureuts, .Mr and Mrs M Awbrey, in this city. A letter from Portland states thut A Y Dalson, who wus severely burned ul Ihe test of the chemical engine in Eugene is recovering nicely, Leonard Hrown, who has been clerk lug in A Yeringtou'g drug si ore, left Sunday ulght for Iowa, where lie w ill seud two or three mouths visiting. lev II L Itonrdmnn and family, of this city, ami itev Day and fumilv, of ,priugiieid, win leave tomorrow lor t month's outing on the upper McKcu .if. Mrs J T Witter aud duugliters have returned home from a pleasant visit to the Waterloo sodu springs. Miss Amanda lloml, of Irving, returned home with llicui. Monday's Salem Journal: Prof. J, D. Letcher, of Corvallis, was in the city today on his way home from Gear- hart I'ark. He has been elected to the chair of mntheinutie at the state uni- veisity at Eugene. Shannon Couser.a popular local coi. din-tor, riinuingon thisdivision is tak Inga needed vacation. His wife and daughter arrived from Portland today and will visit in Eugene for ashoit lime. TllKV ItK.U'ltKIl I'KlXKVIl.l.K Prineville Itevlew: Frank Conover. runner puniislu r of llie Corvallis (hi xeiie, rrot tt . iiuiiley, who wus rliicn iil of the Prineville school from l.ss; to iv.'.!, and who is now nriuciunl of the Franklin cehool nt Tacoma, aud It ,s tiryson, or Corvnllls, arrived in Prineville lasi 'i'liursdav evening, hav ing crossed the mountains on bicycles. coming over Hie McKcn.lc route. I hey claim to have encountered sever al IhiiiIiIi r and some sand on the wsv over. "Wcsrejusl making a little run over here to see the country and nave some inn, suld .Mr t;onover to a Ih-view man during a pleasant cull nt litis olllce. .Messrs I onaver unit Ilrv. n w ill leave for home this morning. liny win return via the Lebanon route. Having come by wav of Eu gene, their wheels registered 1HS miles travel. Prol Stanley will remain here some two week. and will have an out ing on the Deschutes before he returns home. for ul. at Yertnatoa rth (trvet dnif itore. Got Okk Easily. The trial of Jol n MclViwell for Ihe killlu- ,.r his son-In law, John McCah l, on Feb. l!tl. IS'AV at the Summit was comp ele.l al To ledo Monday. The Jury relumed a verdict of guilty of nianslauchter and ! Judge Fulterlon sent. -need Mclhiwt-ll to two years in the s-ultciitlnrv. He wa.ial.lv tlefended by Hon. V. It. P.M- yeu, of Albany, ami may congratulate himself uisiu so llitht a punishment. MclViwell Is Hi years of ace. and the report of the murder w hen It haiu-e . etl were divldcilly acainst him. He I got off easy. i i t i. u.n.s. i ne a r. it. u. tius made another reduction In frciuhl rate. this lime from Portland to W'idamette valley iiolnts. They are made for the puriioae of nit cling water competition, which lias entered large ly in llie illnmelle valley tmnspnr- auon iiuesiiou, inrougn uiesteauieia living between aoUinn bay ami San Kraneico to connect with the Orecon Centiul & Eastern tllie old Oregon Pa- illei, and the N illamelte river steitin- iHiats. I he old rate to Eugene on lirt cla-s g.v.ils m .'0 cts Mr 100 lb; the ii.'-i 4il. the Albany rate is only P.M cvnis. A eommislity rat is alsii made n l.riek burlaps, canned itishIs. ., 'i!ii(-!i is as follows: To Ji.net ion i'v .0, piiiiene :'t. Cottage Grove ;t,'t: iluv are tl.i made on the Springfield inch. A reduction is al-st made on ll "ii , feed ami mi.lstutt's in less than carload lois. The old rate for li" miles was -1' tvnts r ltt llis; the new is S'.'. Pai ) i.uM, July ;!t. Dki.avkii. -.J' hn MtChire, Knhf, Huston an. I J.K' Young, who neeir, ly left on tUeir w heels for Eastern, Ore. gon, aiv now at Ihe McKcnxic snrimra. IJ'. Young lint whh nn accident, I breaking Ihv liantll lar out of Ills whtvl, and thereby i.- tying the pnrty until he could nd to Eugene for ne O ics. ltUANcit Tt El'dKNK. Corvallis Times: "Manager Edwin Stout thinks that A It Hammond will be in Corvshis wMtn to make thn trip in a carriage over the route between Cor vnlll and I'ufctie, to see what there would le In building a branch line of the O C A E to the latter place." liep Xotm. i i 1, i i tnrirfl i rower declined a ten cent oiler lor his entire '10 crop, us he expect to get, i--. ii.... vUmI, Commerce: The 'I"'"" "Ti n ,sV aoravlug Aud trimming tliclr vardi. the prospect lu ,,ni favorable filf Uioro HiaO half B crop. the ef- ....i i... i.,. ,.r, iii F.uulaud is already considerably damaged by tlie weather and dt. A ahort crop In English hops will Increase the demand r:. ... 1 .. i. i ..... ..urlir vet for rue ncs. iui it i" wv to decide tin) piobable outcome. Herren & Levy, hop commission narcliauts of Sulfiu, are In receipt of a I..H..P under HhIh of the '23i. from Al bany, N. Y., wherein tin writer says: "Crop prospect ill tins suite i ave im- ... . i ...... u-u uiil ,... m-cordiug to today' prospect, fully three fourth " . un.Mlll,lt as many us iusi yenr, iuu, u ' -"- . . . ... ......ii,.. or being free irom venuiu, iiuuinj promises to be good." A. Mouton & Hon write from Sacra mento: The hop crop lu Sacramento county this year Is not so good a last vearbv one-third. The vines are not arming out us usual, and there are many mis hills caused by wire and grub worms. In Yolo couuty the crop is still shorter, beiiig ouly one-fourth to one-half of last year, caused by llmiding. In Sonoma county the crop is reported short of last year Dy one fourtn to one-third. Mendocinocoum tylsaUo short. Yuba couuty U the only county that will - have an average crop. Home few contract ollei have beeu made ut 8 aud 9 cent. Home growers will not sell a pound unless there is a fair profit lu it. The price to be paid lor picking is going to be about 7a cent per 100 pounds. Melbourne Springs. July 8, '95. Mr. S. T. Wooley, of Maxwell. Cal Is at the springs. Mrs. J. F. Amis and daughters left I'hursday for their home in Kugeue. Some of the boys caught a fine silver side salmon one day Ibis week, weigu lug about u pounds. Mr. r. Close and wife, also Mrs. Xeigler, of Eugene, will spend this week here. Mr. Charles Ulanton and sister and Miss Agnes Callawav left for their homes on Spencer creek this morning after an outing of three week. 1 lie youngsters tripped the light fan tastic Its for several hours last night practicing for the coming Friday. Among those that visited this place today were: ti Y Abbott and family, Dull Hintoii aud family, 8 Hand and wife, Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Prichett, Miss Hrcwster, Misses lUiicb, Logan, Curry and Mrs. Alph Uluuton uud others. D0LK To. .nnf Home. "I wish" The living picture advanced toward the surf with faltering steps aud her ureiuii ouiie thick and fast. "1 wish custom didn't make It nec essary to wear suuh a bathing cos tume," she went on. "It really op presses tne to wear so many clothes. Fkom Jamaca. Albauv Democrat: Mr F M lied Held received au interest nig tuner mis noon irom tils son Chaiies, now working with a corps of engineers on a railroad lu Jamaca, ine roan wus begun nearly (SO years ago and it is not yet completed. It win ue iw unies loug ond cost f n.uoo,- uuo. uieyare now making several luunuis toward Annoiiu JJav. tie re ports a delightful climate, never warm er than IKi and never oolder than 61, and yet lie will be glad to get back In to urovers kingdom. He is fjllidu ud on iron ui J cents a dozen lor bunau- nas and 3 cents for pineapples. Cocoa nuts are only a cent. Imported ar ticles though are high, flour f9 a barrel, noutuws over a uoiiur a nustiei, etc. Hence board is high for foreiguers, but living is nominal for uutives, who lu turn only receive about 50 cents a day, wniie .u r neuneiu, an expert civil en gineer, gets tlo a month and exnensva Jamaca Is twice the size of Linn couuty, 45 miles wide lu the widest part and 140 miles long. lis imputa tion Is 720,000, mostly black people. A peculiarity of the natives is their cus torn of carrying everything on their ueuus, me meu even iarting to carry w iievionrmws w lieu lliey nrst uw them. The women particularly are very proncieut at tills. For thk Cayi'se Foitnuhv Port land Sun: Yesterday there arrived In this city from Umatilla county 500 Eastern Oregon aud Washington horses, consigned to the can aud Dickie fuetorv ut T.lnntnn Ti.cn - ........... . . . V , L, I l of the Layuse and mixed breeds, and mc inn scruuoiesi ioi oi animals ever roumieu ui). a Burnt or loom mna enough t.t disgust anyone with the iuea oi euiing -old boss." The ct n signnient was hi charge of the Union ..inn company, anu wai nut through to the Linutou cannery last evening. Pally Ouard. July S9 A llffi I I) u..ii . , - .vv. a rsjuers leit a nen egg at llie Guard office today which measures 01 by 7 inches in dimen- slons and weighs ounces. It was iim mi cuuuay oy a coiumtm ordinary hen tliat lays common ordinary eggs nil U'liab ,1.. . ' mo COULD HARDLY WALK 0!C ACCOCNT ur RHEUMATISM P.H.F0ED Ouachita City, la. After T'O YEARS "aJa W buttering IS CURED FT TH r ise n Ayer'sSarsaparilla ' For full IWO VMM. I tllffsrf frntn V rtiriimstim, an. I was frMtimtl in ...i. ?i . .. . . VI " '"'""oi.n in.n i couia hardly walk, o 1 rt anir tune in Hot Springs, Ark., and Ihe trestment helped me for the up oe.ng; nut toon Ihe complaint re- turned and I i i...n. .. o ever. Ajer'j Sarv-tnarllla being recoro- S tt'akn.lA.1 I a . . .. irMMTca io iry , ana, anr C iinx six Mtl. 1 mtA Mmni.ti. O Ayei'SoXSarsaparilla Admitted AT THE WORLD'S FAIR o ooot009c??9POoeeoeoeo(f LIGHT... RUNNING PI -v. I urnishcj hy the ".In.'io" Hy WsJ"" m 4cl.B,a..-.."ina.1 re"" - s" p STORED, POWER L eKtoti. 'HI i.-..r"Ha1,w TflE PLflNO LEADS Because J IS THE 8?$ Vllf - XI llflirri R'v"i,,'r,',v"",ioi'i".'ni!lrJrri.r lit rial lflla.l-1- one horw hKhter ..-;.it , u I. abuil, & More Jonca Steel Headers Sold In o. than all others Von ihould tt the JONES rflfllU MfJUFR bflore Y r. sj, and lightest drft mower in llie Uflilir illUlflLU world. Nrv, n..i nn fnriion. no nolM. noiluiiE to nuke the burner "rim." ri.... .." ". V- rerru wheel. Thii provei lU ilrcniflh. Bicyclci are Clain Orive. VVhyr Light " :! The PlariO MfZ. Co.. W.nu1.rturer. West PuHmn'ru. IVUIR Also the largest and most complete stock of repairs ' Willamette valley. Call and see samples at LOUGH MILLER & PETE Dealers in FARMING IMPLEMENTS, BUGGIES WAGONS, HARDWARE, Etc. Cor. 9th and 0ak,Eu. Junction City g Compa:rJ MANUFACTURERS OF THE "WHITE ROSE' ?FLOUR.oo o, . o o o o o GUARANTEED QUALIT The most popular flour in the market. Sold bv leading grocers. COMING! The Great Wallace Shows . . . To EUGENE, CN WEDNESDAY I.H THE.GR EATEST, LARGEST, GRANDEST AND BEST OF ivinnTfiun mittcu as wa d mm i ii i in im mTmnnrtni.1T I I U ill I u uv mm um Finest Horses and Greatest Array cf Circus Tahil OF ANY SHOW ON EARTH.. . tt rrn If 1 r-- Z ,Jl NO WONDER IT IS GREAT! 3 RINGS! 2 STAGES! 1-2 MILE TRACK! COLOSSAL MENAGERIE! ROYAL AQUARIUM! m. ........ . I. t Vt'll on nnn wITATUt 4 enn V.Ml'L0i"-.l 100 PENOMENAL ACTS! $4 000.00 JOaUy EXPtvij 20 tlUUKKAKE RACES! 25 CLOWNS! 6 BANDS! 50 CAGES! 15 OPEN DEN.-! HERD OK ELEPHANTS! DROVE OF CAMKLS! ...miyp WORLD'S RENOWNED PEM"?1 EVERY GREAT ACT h0- CAPITAL - $3,ooo,ooc EfinrsinnR rrrill hfi "Run ?mir7hne 0i,,rTe,, enb,e ior 'rom a dlttanre to attend the-xhlWV Kilter LA II la r ormnA -r Biliu, IIOV STREET PARADE ONE MILE L 50 FREE EXHIBITIONS DAILY VYITUIWi-ri. r.,.--... -...,...., ... . . .,,..u"''T OH protect ihe public from the operation! of nauibler and wlndlcr. REMEMBER THE DATb. 50 the ' General Admission 50c. Tickets on sale day oiew tionat Auten & Sommerville's cigar store. MONEY to LOAN O7 Improved Farms FOR A TERM of YEARS. SHERWOOD BURR. ECOENE, : ; ; OREGON. ASH GBOVE POULTRY YARD. Breeding pens second to none in the state. White and Burred Plymouth Rocks, Hurl ami Blown Leghorn anil Silver Spangled Hamburg. Eess $r.50 per 15; two ssUlnzs $2.50. I alo hav f.w .kAiM i . . i. ... . . oi iluraale. ratnla-tion inarantml. Addreea w ll.ai .nt. Coburg, Oregon. FOR YOUR - Farm, , uaraeV,ldSeei Crockery, Groceries, . :-GO TO-: C.C. GOLDSMITH & M- Highest market price P country produce. t