The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 20, 1895, Image 7

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    urn AND I'OUNTY.
,ri;D.Y, JULY ill.
Heiidewii, uentlst.
j j. Walton, iiltoruiy-ul-law.
Money t lu on farm. Kiiiiilre of
judge Wulton.
you run net cash for your Chillctu
bsrk l 8. l-rii-nuiy.
Kull line stoves ut r, L. Chamber'.
Ink yur CbltUin llnrk to 8. II
First tiuality Castor machine oil nt
F. L CliuiiibcrH'.
u'nut eiM.ll urillllt. Mini till
II yuu r p.- ...... ....
wun'ttt low prices u." lo !. L. Chum
I flit. tump """ fc'x'on in mi'i'K.
You can iff! cash for your Chliieni
Uirk ut 8. KrlemllyV.
Dr. . NV. Middle may ! fouiul ut
1,1, residence on Olive btrtft. ts-twccii
li.m. . I ivth SllVctH. IMIC I ill 14-k. VIt
it lilt' Minnesota hotel. 1K U pre
pared (.1 il.i u!l dental work in tin Int-t
i.,.i 8a i.k A fuM blood Jersey bull.
utfrtl i vrur. For purtieuhii i-nUii'f
ut the UiUiu Olll'.f.
To Low. -Money t loan on 1 1 1 1 -proved
f nut propK-riy.
1 t-IIKKWOOl) llfKK.
Kugeue, Or.
J. 1. M illoek A Co will pay tlx
liklivtfl market price for wwil.
Highest i'ii-Ii )rlee piiiil Tor Chlttcm
liurk ly S. H. I'llciidly. (r ll.ticli.i-tr
From pure
health Slid '
:.ure i rcii riiwin-iiMi lor
iirolll. Ii. JtralimiH, It.
I. hiimImi's. WliU.', Brown, 11 ill" and
Illicit Leghorn, Minorcii, 1. Had,
t. II.iiiiIh i'i?", aNo pluim uinl etc., for
iui'iili:ilor tliu brut butcher on it curd.
I) m'l c" 'io cent to run ii. l'o-t uf
uiUi u', fs.i'tl, I'll) vk4 size J'lais
mill etc . M-nt for if-'.oo. Kgi?a JI.iki n-r
1.1. Adlrc. UinMiiu Poultry Yards,
i(iHiiii'i, ore.
Fiiki) ToU.hs, Prop.
A biugy for 4 i; n I wn-fcutul buck
f,irr'j-l,,t:' Ui'w- W'r forty other
buifKic mill wagons with prices to
suit Ihe linns. F. L. Chambers.
Take your Chltteiu Iiurk In 8. II.
Tlie Deerlng mower leads for light
draft and durubllity. Hte it at
F. L. ClIAMIimtS.
Ciiittkm Bark. W tandem wants
all the rhhtt'iu burk In the country.
Ha will pav I be hiirhist market pi lee.
Keiiieiubvr this and bring your bark to
S. 11. KrienHly wants all the Chit
li'in bark he call get.
Foi'sn. Near L'tiKcnc, a good, new
frock enut. Owner can have same by
calling ul tli in oillee and paying for ad.
Tn Itabr sick, we fcavo lu-r Cttto.V
.Vn ! iu a ChUJ, site cried tor Castorhv,
When aho became Vin, aha clung to Castoria.
jTben th had Children, the gkTe Uiem Cutori.
Mailiino extras KWO sections for
twenty dltl-rent kind of mowers and
binder now lu stock, liepairyi ur old
machinery early and b ready liefofe
yaur grass Is. It dont make any
iiil'cicnce what kind of a muchineyou
have, order your extnis of
Ciiittem Uakk. W yanders wants
all the chllteni bark iu the county.
IU will pay th hiKhtest market price,
ltemeinbcr this and bring your bark to
Aiming the numerous portions who
have Win cured of rheumatism by
Chamberlain's l'uiii lialm, ineiitiou
should be made of Mrs. Emily Thome,
of Toledo, Wash., who says: "I have
never lieen able to procure any medi
cine that would relieve me of rheuma
tism like Chamberlain's 1'uin Halm. I
have also used It for lame back with
creut siieeess. It is the lcst liniment
Inuveevcrused, and I lake pleasure
in reeoiiiineudiug it to my friends."
For wile I. v Osburn & DeLano, drug-
Ciihtkm IIahk. W Zanders wants
all the cliittem bark iu the county.
He will pay the blithest market price.
Heineiuber tills and bring your bark to
Stravkii o imolkn. One large
red and white spotted milch cow, low
ersideoflefl ear notched, lost use ofa
one lilml Uittr wiien hint seen had
r"H? hand iirouuu die neck with swlvs
attached, a iHonable reward for
any infoninution leadimr to her rccov-'y-
Intiulio i. tins olllee.
A l'loiii-rr( IIvcommendallan
Mr. J. W, Venable, of Downey, a
pioneer of Lug Angeles county, Cal.,
ii: "Whenever 1 um troubled with
Pin in the stomach or with diar
'lioeu I use Chamberlain's Colic, Choi
trs ami Diarrhoea Itemedy. I have
ed it for years, know It to be a relia
ble reined v, and recommend it to
every one!" For suW by O.-bum &
UeLaiio, druggists.
Farms fur Sub.
I have now thirty fine farms In the
Willamette valley for sale. These
'rnw Include everv variety lu size and
prlee. For description list, address
Oeo. M. Miller,
Wilklns Block, Eugene, Or.
farm near foothills, rolling land, from
to UM) acres. Address "W," care f
"We hud an epldemio of dysentery
thu vicinity last summer," says
oiiuel s Illock, of Itriccland. Cal.
I was taken wnh It and suffered se
verely until some one called my alien
tl" to Cliamlierlalii s Colic, Cholera
'"! Iliarrlioea It. inedv. I procured a
J'tlle and felt better after the lirst
J'e. Itefore one-half ot the b.iltlu had
i '" used I wus well. I recommi ud
it to my friends and their i xi'iri
""'e whs the name. We nil ui lte In
avifli, it U the Is-st." For '.C by
W'I'ik,, kt Delano, (Irtiggisls,
, Milk tow fur Sale,
-V fresh Ihreexpiarlers Jersey cow
''"ul,. (iivesa ruir quantity of milk,
'vxwlleiito1ualliy. Apply to
Mrs. Hl-.nsakkr,
Corner 9th and Olive sirs -is
.MVisiry ncikiul
Mei-ln-f Held t Cousider 11 I'roposl
Hon io Funim uue m
lllls t ;.
A representtttlve iMirtl.iii of tlie city
attended the lueetiiig ul the court
house liisl evening tu consider tlio mat
ter of u proposition to found a Divinity
sehiKil in tiii city.
Mayor Matlock occupied the chair.
Music was furnished bv a i luiir of
)uug voices of the city. lU v. J. A.
Loligu.iUoiu oil'ered prayer, altel
widen the chairman staled the object
of the meeting.
The object as stated by Kl.ler K. C.
haudersou, origiuaior of the move
ment, is totstubllsh a Divinity school
in this city, fsuld sthooi to lie under
Hie Uirict siiH.rvlloii of the Christian
deiiomlnaliou. and to be operated lu
conlormity with the University uf
Oregon, liiutigh it Is to liuve no ma
terial coiiifiiiiiii win, tiiu. school.
Only siieli lliblieal courses will b.
taught us are not taught In Hie univer
Ml, and itudeiils eonilng here may
take advantage of tlie courses laughl
iu Hie university, uud on the other
huiid university tdndciils luav tuke
ailvaiitiige of (he eouiM-s taUKt't ill the
Divinity choul, If i hey so desire.
Elder iSaiideisoii, who is ut the head of
Hie iiioVelui'lit is a .toung mull und u
gtailuute of three leading Eastern col
leges. He comes will recommended
mid is lacked by tlie Muti board of the
Ihibliau church. It is thought
that tlie school Mug located
here will draw miiny students tu the
uuivelsity, uud, we believe, the board
ol rettenls of that institution are favor
able to the movement. Should tlie
school nas i with the proier eticour
stfcliiclit, it will be I'lu'iicd lip about
October 1.
The following ma le short
uddres-es in f.ivor of the estubli-hmeiit
of l he school. HeV. 1. It. ilill lieil.
Itev. J. A. I.oiiylii.tloiii, Hon. F. M.
Wilkius, Hon ,s. H. Frieinilv, Hon.
T. (1. Heudrieks. Elder II. F. Boiiucll.
ofEiii;eiie; Elder A. D. kuc,;sand
Mr. Henry Jtushneli of JiincUon City;
and Mr. V. II. Unburn of.ilcui.
MaMir Matlock wus aillhorled t
npHniil ti eommille in caovuse Hie
town lor subscription towuid the
school, lie apiHiintod I he cunuilltee
this uiorniiiK as follows: Dr J 1' (till,
Itev 11 II II nil, J li I lull is, W 1
Fisher, A V Jennings and H -v 1' it
Hin licit. Tue committee began work
this afteruiMiti mid arc meeting Willi
good clicotinii nit nt.
Arm Hkokk.v. Tonimy Itryuip. '
sou of Oeo ltryunt, of Siuithlleltl, bail
the misfortune to break his arm the
other day, by being drugged oil from
a hoi so while luissiiii; throuuh Hie
titnlier on a roatl heavily overgrow n by i
biush. At lust acc iums he was gel-'
ting along nlcvly.
To Nkwimrt. Tuesday's Salem j
Journal: The famous Second Keg
inielit band left today for Oregon's hii-i
ular sumuier resort, to furnish mu-io j
for the State Edit.iiial clam bake, and
other events. They will be absent
about two weeks.
3-S lnch All Wool Sheetings 50 ;
reduci d to Sjo
3S-lnch All WimiI Cashmere 5(V;
reduced to !IOc
50 inch All Wool mixed Cusli-
mere 7"c; redmvd to o()c
Our extra line of Imported Dress
Patterns tanging in price from fs
to fly will bo so.d at a reduction of
33.) percent.
You can only judge thlsolTer by swing
it. Ask to be si own through this
finr linA nf t,adies' and
Gents' Tan Shoes will be
closed out during this
Table Linen and Crash.
Owing to the numerous grades we
carry in tills line n is most impossi
ble to quote prices. We oiler
50c grade -( l'r.V
75c-gratle Mo per yd
An eqiiul reduction will oe currieu ouv
throughout tue line.
NaDkins and Towels at
25 per cent, reduction.
Wash Silks and Trimmings.
Iu this line wo claim me superiorly
and will give ss;ciui inuuceiiieius n
close out the immense line we have
... i...... i
Ull llilllll. .
20 lnch Jap. isilks nt Wo per yard.
. I.I..- r.n.a a... aa
Tills gnulo iwayf nm ur jn
III tl . - a
Tuirata Silks for Waists ut from Kc to
fl.BO per pard.
Our Clothing will share
perhaps the largest re
duction. Summer Suits
durina this Sale will be
sold cheaper than ever.
Dotted Swisses anil Demities.
50c-gradcs ' 3-c per yd
we-Krudcs ( ? Kr y
..ft. ISciieryd
We w ill close out every "yard of sum-
mer goods tills month
Visit our Shoe Depart
ment for Bargains.
Sateens and Cheviots.
Fancy French Kateens ....(: 2o
Plain Dlack and Colored .suteelis at
. lit- a.. I)".. a (uiH ffirl
1 1 1 I a i I'v - - r -
special iijuui-ciuct.ww.
fered on our Handker
t j
- - --
A Man Killed ami Ills Sun Fstally
Sfll to lllc Gl'tiU,.
Oreuon City. July Is. A shocking
accident occurred here this mornltiK
alsiut H o'cliH-k, caused by the Salem
passi-ner train striking a wagon and
team. Mark liluckbum und bis sou,
Elmer, wire returning home from the
city und while crsssint; the railroad
truck the train ame along striking the
horses ami w agon, llhickburu w us
Instantly kllied.hls skull being crushed
acioss tlie forehead. His sou whs ser
iously Injured Internally and about
the shin. The remains of oue horse
were scattered for about 100 feet. The
train was running at the rate of about
ten miles an hour. Ills Hi night the
Ichiii became frightened and was run
ning away.
A I'loiiiliu-ut Citizen Dead.
l-t'lst to Daily (Iuaku.
Klamath Fa lu, Or., July 18. At
torney FA Cogswell, a well known
citizen of Oregon, died at Shovel Creek
lust evening w Idle euroute from Oak
land, I 'ul. where be hud been taken a
lew weeks auo for medical treatment
His brother, Senator C A Cogswell, of
i.itKev ev, was tel. cratihed for and
upon reaching the bedside found him
ma helpless condition. Immediate
arrmiKi ineiils were made to take his
remains home. Mr Chhwi-11 has bee u
III ptsir health for Iwo years. The
Immediate cuuse of death was heail
failure. I lie funeral wilt be held to
morrow nt 10 a in at this iilaee from
his late resilience under the auspices of
tue .Masons.
DoiNo (iooii Work. Corvall.s
limes; 'Minor Swlck has arrived
Iroui llelkmip siu iiiL's. He went there
a sullerer Sciaelea, and returns
home sou n l as a dollar County
Trcitsiiiei t'lui'k is improving lu htaltii
very rapidly and John Itickard hud
several recurrences of his violent pains
iu tlie back of his limd, luck and
shouldeis, but was Utter when Mr.
Swiek left on the Fourth Inst. Theie
were llfleeii camps ut the springs
When iMr. rswicK leit, ami the arrival
ofa lunch larger crowd was antici
pated. Willis Scott remained at the
springs w it h the rest of the liclitou
comity party."
l'osmox SlXTItKD. Tlie Dulles
Chronicle says: MrW J Itoberlshas
Imcii Hppointed an instructor in the
State Agricultuial College at Pullman,
Wush. He will have charge of the en
gineiTliiK department in tliul schtsil.
Mr Huberts Is a former Dalles young
man, a gruduute of the Uuivelsity of
Oregon uud the Huston school of Tech
noli gy. Ills many IriemU will be
glad to heurof his success.
HfHixi-iss CiiANtiK.-Dr II L Power
has di-Hiscd of his interest in the City
Drug Store to Dr E D McKenney. Dr
Tower may remain in F'.ugene. Dur
ing his shurt stay here he has made
many friends.
Read This
S. H.
Onening a Sale at this period of tho season gives you an opportunity to select
cowls from practically unbroken lines.
Our Stock yet contains many of the season's latest novelties which we will closo
out at unprecedented Low Trices. A fact which is plainly illustrated by the
many quotations herewith submitted.
We direct your attention to comparison of the lines we oiler and the prices we
quote. . ,
Read every line, if one thing does not interest you another may. o reserve
no department from lliis great Slaughter of Trices.
If you call at Our Store d iring this sale you will undoubtedly leave well pleased
with your purchases.
Head the quotations and price lists under.respective headings.
Marvelous Kesultn.
From a letter written by Rev J Gun
di 'rmaii, of llimoiulale, Mich, wo are
perniilted to make (his extract:
have no hesitation in recommending
Dr King's New Discovery as the re
sult were almost marvelous In the
case of my wife. While I was pastor
of (he Daptist church ut Hives Junc
tion she was brought dow n w ith pneu
monia succeeding hi grippe. Terrible
paroxysms of coughing would lust
hours with little interruption and it
seemed us If she could hot survive
tin-in. A friend recommended Dr.
King's New Discovery; it was (pack in
its work and highly satisfactory in re
sults." Trial bottles free ut Henderson
& Linn's dim: store. Kcuularsic. Stic
and M.
FlU NKS. D W Coolidge in writing
to the Kural Northwest eoi.ivrulug the
prune product of Lane county, says:
Last year the Eugene cannery 'iried
:W,(I14 iMiuiitln of Italian prunes: Id..
I'M pounds of Fieiieh and ;i.7P;i pounds
ofsilvels; Dr Shurj les dried IM.OOO
pounds of Italians, pounds of
French and 3,(HK) pounds ol'Silvirs;
the Sladdeu drier uud small ib iers
through the country arc estimated to
liuve turned out 1.1, (HHI pounds of
Italians, l.'i.lKK) pounds of ! rencli uiul
l.iMitl pounds of Silvers, making a
total product for the county of 77,014
pounds of Italians, t7,'J."4 pounds of
French and 10,773 pounds of Silvers,
or 17,"), GUI H)umls ol dried prunes In
all the county. After vbitlng the
larger orchards lu tlie county Iesli
mate Hie output for this year lit 2'0,
00UHuuds of Italians, 7o,0d0 poumls
f 1-reneli anil 6,noti pounds of Silver's.
Vui liens lor I'lruaiirn
or bust i ts, H-rsuxiu thepilMtof tskliig u
"outiiiK" on UnJ ur ,, )ui-liumi'ii ami
limtuH mid anil "tionUl U- provlilitl with
oiiiu iri'Vintlve of sea su-ki i-ss niul corrective
ul the eeciiliiiul 111 riltrti of unaccnuilnims)
air, foisl mill anlt r. Many iiittoih ivrsuin
exi'fileiic-.' ipialins aklu to in aU-kin-aa lnii
irnvi lhiu tijr rail. Tlu-y, too, rcipilre a liusll
chisl ssfi-marJ. The b it hi eiisleure I llo-li-tlei's
siiuimili IlKtiTi, which promptly re-tit-,t-s
im.i.i-H, kirk Ii iIhi'Iii. loMiiiifltu-sa.
crninp hii'I c.ilic, tu: IUnlhcs calls von lo
mie ns'sniy win-re i iillls ami l'Yrr or tiilliini
rcii, l lt,-ul I, rrvitlint, ilun I (all to iintvnlr
yoiirst-K wlili I . Inr iiiiistlpatlon, rlieuiua
linn ami I .kc'.ivIiv el the klilneys It Is hii
oivlli iit n-imily. bij lu a suiily liefiiru you
sisri ly Isiat, sti snur or t ain, it la a imil
t-viCl'alll, ttnvi-liiiK coiiiianlon.
Ilurkleii's Arnica Salve.
The liest Salve iu the world for
Cuts, llrulses. Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Kheiilii, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chupiicd
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skill
Krilnt ions, niul noMltleolv ,nrtn llhu
' - i - j - . - t
or no puy required. It is guaranteed
to give icricci satisiuciioii or money
refunded. 1'rlce 'S cents per box.
For sale by Henderson & Linn.
(ioloOsbiiru & DeLalio, druggists,
sole agents lu Eugene, for a bottle of
LIVKIUNE, for the Liver, Kidneys,
Sick headache and Constipation.
Laces and Embroidery.
To npprcclute this line you must see it.
We have extra good bargains iu Laces;
we must close out the line.
We will surprise you witli llnrguins
throughout the Kuiiro Line.
Sheetings and Muslins.
4 4 Hit ached (lo per yd
4 4 " Ktiuihile (. Ho H-r yd
0 4 " Sheeting (- 10cH'rgd
H-4 " " (: MoH-ryd
0-4 " " ('' lKcperyd
10-4 " " (. L'tio ite-r yd
L'nhleached JSliwitiug correspondingly
Prices quoted are only
good during this Sale.
This Honth's Great
nid-Summer Sale at
Roheinla Mines,
IJosct org rialuilealer: "(leo I'etre
quiii, deputy assessor, returned vestor.
I day wveiiiug Iroin a trip to the l!o
lieinia mines and reMirts the Music
mine, managed by tlie Bohemia Gold
Mill and Mining Company, workiug
I two shins night and day, with fifteen
hands, which turns out for their five
sunup nun a large yield or rich ore. A
large portion of the yield Is free from
milling ore. It is regarded a regular
bonanza for the owners. It is claimed
by those who have good opportunities
for knowing, that the monthly output
is not less than fo.ono per mouth with
their limited facilities. The Annie
mine two miles northeast of the Music
mine now works nve men, pushing
tunnel, and that In a short time it
will be in full blast. It is claimed that
the Annie mine will equal the Music
mine in richness Tlir am ul..-, .,,,u
a number of prospectors in that region
who are doiii well in ilovxloiiini. il,,.ir
vmiiiin, an oi which prospect, well."
A Vrlrmn ! Ihe .ntxlcan War.
Oak Harbor, ().-"I met Oeo. O
Momeny, an old veteran of the Mexi
can war, on the streets today, who
lold me that after reading about Sim
mons' Liver Regulator he bought a
bottle, and the first three doses gave
Mm Inimediuto relief." Oeo. Closllne.
Your driii-gUt sells it in nowderor
liquid; Ihe powder to be taken dry, or
made Into tea.
Lost.--Between Jess Cox' plueo
noil tue court uouse. juiy Kith, one
47 Inch paper covered receipt hook,
and one 4x0 Inch leather covered ac
count book, each bavinir my name
written on outside cover. Finder
please leave the same at slier i IPs olllee,
or return to me near Goshen, Or.
11. F. Kkkxky.
IVrsons who are subject to diarrlnca
will And a speedy euro lu Iu Wilt's
Colic and Cholera cure. Use no other.
It is tlie best that can be made, or that
money can procure. It leaves the sys
tem iu natural conditio after use. Vfs
sell it.
Osmjrn & DkLano.
ErtiKXK, Or., July 0. 1S93.
All persons knowing thsHiselves In
debted to the II rm of l'alne A Kuykea
dull will please call at their ofllce aud
settle at once. Dr. Paine will leave
Eugene about the "th Inst, and all ac
counts must be settled before tlm
There Is one medicine that will ckfc
Immediately. We refer to Do Witt's
Colic and Cholera euro lor all Summer
Complaints. No delay, no dlssapoiHt
iiieut, no failure.
Oshurn A. DkLano.
The Mule and the Wheel.
The mule Is used to niuii riding
horseback and objects to the new fad
oii .viu ruling, a stoiy is told of s
rider of Hits city, while riding on a
country roud not long since, was
chased by a mulu until he deserted his
silent steed and sought safety on the
other side ef a fence in agrulnlleld,
whereupon bis angry muleship de
voured the horse that couldn't eat eats
or switch the II lei oil' of ttmlf.
Another story comes lu this wise:
A day or two ago a prominent harU
Whim mull lett his w heel standing In
an iilliiv A trn..b,a.t ...i... .i-i..
y. . .iMvniMni, n mi urivea a
spun of mules started through the allay
no ins icaui. vino oi tlie mute) got
bis eyes on the hated bicycle and
made up bis mind In abort order uh.i
to do. As ho passed by the wheel he
suddenly grasped it In such a manner
as to throw It into the pro)r position
so that lie could bring his bombaslio
sit to near Uhiii It. Tito poor wheel's
We recommend De Witt's Collo and
Cholera cure because we believe it a
safe ami reliable remedy. It's eood
ellects are shown at once In cases of
Cholera Morbus aud simllut coin
OsniRN A DkLano.
A Ju KKitsuN Man llnui-ii a
Weddle, of JeltVrson, was bilked out of
mu an ne circus in Salem. A con
lldeuce man claiming to be a Mr Fer
guson, of Albany, claimed to be rel
ative, and they were getting on when
a stranger wanted to changed. Mr.
Waddle changed it showing quite a
Pile. The young man twld him be had
belter put It in a handkerchief and put
it iu his hip poektt, which he sollel-
tlollslv did. Tliov
crowd, when tho youyg maa ills
apKured and Mr Waddle soon lunra4
that he Had been robbed of tH). It
swcins useless to advise laea uol K isle
money to a circus like Sells.
Travelers Hilda siUo fosssjwioa la
De Witt's Collo anJ Cholera care. A
chits lu driukisst water and In aUet.
eflell Sim sea sevese aatl daat'raas eom-
htlta. Ikls MeallciHe rdwuys cisses
Ohiu'k.s a D:Lanso.
la BliamlUe.l to run, IMI.ta mil t'n,i.u.jA..
or invm-y rvlus-li a. m Wi. iht b. Send
! Masiu.a ir clrciiiac in4 r-e hasmrla to
MARTIN KI'PY, KeitlaturtHl I'liarmaclai.koiicaa
tiT, l a. No Postals Amwmau. Korsaria Ivy aS4
llrat-claMa ilruutf fm. Mvrw utiiuM. u. ir, .......
Urcanii Hr tMisru 4 K'Ijuio
I've a serfet In My keuH,
Kwect Marie,
A lulu I whmM lmptift,
Swvet Marie:
If yua'd even falner be
Va hwt alwiij's Mse TurM Tvu
The Imppovcwent you will see,
Sweet Marie.
Sold by A. Yerinuton.
We make a specialty of this Une a4
can give you the best value en llartk
for l.60 per pair.
We have kid gloves ranging hi prfces
from I1.0U t $2.69 per pair. Every
pair gHitruwtvcd.
Attend this Sale for bar
gains. Ladies' Muslin Underwear.
TWs 14 ho Is sMiHowbut depleted and w-e
hope t- close out every gnfmont.
We will (Make ppices Hurt wh4 do It.
Carpets, Cif Cloth jf Lenafeoms.
We can Hot Intelligently quote pr-loes
fcr this dcpiwlmeirf. If you want
iwy grmsls In this line we suggest
tkirt vsu call during this sale ami be
heHcft-tcd by the prices we have ar
raugeal in this department. We will
sell carpets at oust his month.
Mimj4tens' and Boys'.
We ofler Cheviot Hults for 10.00; good
value at I0. 00. $10.00 suits at $7.60.
If you want a suit for summer buy
It now.
Straw Hats.
Latest Htyles at 60 per cent, reduction.
We will close out our entire line.
They must go.
Outing Flannels; best
quality at 10c per yard.
Ladies' Hosiery.
We quote qualities at bargain prices.
75o quality 1'eerlcss illuck 60o
60o " " A'to
2T)0 " " 10o
This is our regular line of hosiery and
the prices are good only during the
Knitted Underwear.
Ladles and Misses, In this department
we have exceptional bargain to
Ladies tthort Hleeve Vests 0 160
good value 2-1 cents.
60o Vest ft) aio
You must see this line to Judge Its
We will only maintain
the prices quoted here
during the Sale.
NBai.KiENCE.-Tho Medford Monitor
In speaking of tho accllcnt to James
Linn gives the following particulars:
''It seems that after tho ceach had
been uncoupled from tho engine, and
was being pushed upon the siding, the
engine of It own momentum follow
ng, Linn noticed that tho air tubes
had not been disconnected. Ituniiing
totheenglue ho jumped upon tho pi
lot and uncoupled the air, but iu do
1 II UT so ant Ilia air l.rnL.. ..... n..
coach, which immediately sloped.
itio uitiuie mum oi me engine carried
It fur atnnilfrh alianil ah.i. I.l... I...
-----at' -v 1 - viuiu 1 1 1 in ut-
tween the pilot and the coach before
he could escat e. Hardly anyone con
uected with tha (ml II a-ialtilatil ti IfliAiaf
Just how the accident occurred, but
imi ma aiories oi an tins seems to lie
uioai plausible xpluliulloil. It
was certaiuly a piece of exta-mecare-losiness
on the part of some one lo un
couple the coach from the engine with
out breaking the air."
Asylum Mattkiw. Todav's Salem
Statesman: "Dr DeWIlt A l'alne,
recently elected sueriutemleiit of the
lusaus asylum, has presented his bond
in the sum ef $10,000, which has beeen
duly approved bv the board of trustees
aud was yetilerday filed lu tho secre
tary of state's oHIce. This leaves him
ready to assume the duties of tho posi
tion when the first of August arrives.
The work of taking an Inventory of
the property at the Institution was
begun xesUrduy, Uuorge llumlnaker,
of Eugene, representing Dr l'sine as
accountant ami H T Wclinrtlsou ot this
city representing Hupeslntendent How
laud. Fiiom Bii.etz. Wednesday's Al
bany Democrat: W C llailoy, of Lu
fiene, was u the clt v today on his way
home from tho Hiletz. lis reports
uesrly a thousand is-oitle altogether,
at the Lincoln ami Tillumnok ends
waitlnc for tho rawrvulloii to be open
ed on tbe 26th, and while there will be
no Oklahoma excitement there will be
a little rusrhlug. Mr lluiley Is a lo
satorand knows the reservation thnr
upJtJy. lie thinks at least an eighth
ol the land Is desirable and some of it
particularly good. No one is allowed
on Iks seservittlou now aud will not be
ndU tae owning day, July li'ttli.
Has Arrived Hkrk. Dr It F
HtHHoll, lute of rtoaeburg arrived In
KHirSMB till lliorillna' fur thu nrnelhva
ef bis prefeselen. lie will bo found
v tue ioHman iiouso until lie secures
eMe nmm. Dr Humell Is a tlrst class
physician and surgeon, and an edu
sated iciHleiiian. We are glad lie has
ceHoluded t locate lu our city.
Fruits and Nuts Wk Can
Raw. D V Coolldge has apricots,
Whlin ftu-H. I'liaMllllllu. nlimtltilu frit.
ffliirU wariuala. anil liiittrntita mi hin
kwH ranch south of town, all of which
so tlolHg well, ilio chestnut trees
though ouly seven years of niru will
yield a Rood crop this year. Mr
Ciwlhtuti thinks Mils ponnlrv la ut.ll
adopted to chestnut raising. Al
monds also do excecdlnKly well here.
lAte iroais seiuom over eaten llieiu.
Pally Ouanl, Jul- is.
Marwed.-At the residence of D 8
Oeve, In Junction Cltv, Oregen, July
17, 1SII5, by Itev tl Vulluce, Mr Win
F McClaren, of Kugoue, and Miss
Malm llutler, of Junction City, Ore
KIIILOira CUItK, tho great Cough
and Croup Cure, Is in great demand
Pookst size contains twenty-live doses
ouly 26o. Children love it. Sold by
Henderson A. Llrtn.
A cup of Parks' Tea at night moves
the bowels In the morning without
pahi or discomfort. It Is a great
health giver and blood purifier. Sold
by A. Yerinqton.
Captain Sweeney U. 8. A., Hun Di
ego, Cal., says: "Shllo'a Catarrh
Kemedy I the first medicine I have
ever found that would do tue any
good." Trice 60c. tlendersou &
Parks' Cough Syrup cuies Coughs
Colds and Consumption. Mrs. Calk
erlne Black of Le Hoy, N. Y., says: "I
took one bottle of Parks' Cough Syrup.
It acted like iiiukIo. Httvm'd my
cough and I am perfectly well now.'
Bold by A,. Yerinuton.
Bulla's Cure Is sold en a guarantee.
It cures Incipient consumption. It Is
the best cough oure. Ouly oue cent a
dose. 25eta., Wets., $1. Hold by lieu
derson & Linn.
Parks' Sure Cure Is a positive speclflo
In all diseases ef the Liver and Kid
neys. By removing the urie acid iu
tbe blood it cures Hheuuiatism. 8. 11
Baaford, of Carthage, 8. Dakota, says:
"I believe Parks' Sure Cure excels all
other medicines for Rheumatism aud
Urinary disorders," Bold by A. Yeh-
Tha moat sffactlva akin purifying and baao
tlfyluf suap la Hi. wurliL It Is Uta onljr
praTsntlvaof pimplca.tlackheatla, rod, rough,
and oily akin, rad.iuuKh baiuls with aluit
lcat Balls, dry, thin, and falling hair, and
almpl baby bVsiuUhoa. It Is aa bccain. It
Strlkss St the causa ot mttat complex tonal
dlad juration., tIi.,tii k r toou an, luuiTATsn,
Isn.AMEi, uvsawouKKu, oa Slvuuuu
raahaa.frecklmi, bltoa andatlnKS of InaeotS,
irritation., yellow, oily, a:id moihy akins,
chaflnta, and umltia lur; lrntlna. Cl'Tt
CL'UA BOA I', Ikhuu. of Ha delicate'.
cation, U thsintMt amtbiiiK, cooling, puriry
ln(, and baalluK applltatlon, aa veil aa twlnj
beyond all contarlaoa tha purvat, awceu-at,
and moat refreshing of tnllnt, bath, and
aursary n-a. Hal (iratitr tluin comliliinl
galas of all olbar akin and complexion aoa)a.
laid throughout In. world. Trie,!.. ToTTia
Daea asn t'aaa. foar., Sol. 1'n.ix.. H"io.
"Ail alwet Um Skin, Scalp, and hair," In