The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 13, 1895, Image 1

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; )L 27
NO. 2D.
The Ki?cne Illy (.uanl.
Spin and Suminer ol I335.
.. ill THE rflf.QY--'
ei, m e
1 -
. JlJ
1 " 1 ft it
.f .v;i;Vi..;
, irV'it'l .Ol t 1
.W-!i.i."l I
Ultra .); KiiOiriton
,atlW filsJ IU.mIIIS.
,iii i monlv. .
n vcr
.f.i On
no i
Trni-n' ulitf In local "huuti, 9t twuU
i-at tor u-.h Inwrti'i'i.
jUrrtda' h,!', wi" '""' ''""I i"rtrly.
job ik m t b. r m ' ni-uvniv.
Cljiki. Gaieties, Jh.rm. Jevelry, Etc
ST til M'ork IV.rr.iUcU. bl
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
Physician c tjil Surgeon.
0o nJ re-M ne r Mi.i;iic. t
; toKfc ro.! I-' to 2, ti t'i'Ju. in.
23, O. XuSL33Z3
Drtiia nJ New I'rl0 III Kw.-rlti nl
lmaollc Mitiblr ml (irmill'!, Moiimih-u!,
U.M:iraiiJ tVinoti-rr '.'rt
hII klniH l .r, IV.
AllUmetlo -Tii-I, lr:r IN t'Hl-. Ku.:f;u ')r
-I)ii.-hll lli rk xkiiIi nl Clirisin.ii'.
At nwiiltfiitv cor. nth nml Lliu-oln SIh
Ollkv upstairs in Mi-ri:iivn'8 liuiltl
luif, corner 8th mid Williimi'tto Htrwt
S. U. Kakim, Jr..
First National Bank
Ui Eugene.
Fal.1 iia In .1
lapltSl dl),t)00
rjiltiH tid rroflls, $50,000
tugen - - Oregon.
AiMiwnl !du,U !,ufll:uk i.p nn reMnu
:;!tnmis .-siht UrAfw i.u NKW VoHK,
HICAibi n ;c.Nfi.stM kj.I POiiT--VXU,iU;.;,)2J.
011. nf .v. . ..nn. ..u r...i. .it.,t.i.
iVii,;t, ,,.,v i ' ., ,,. k,i. , oxrtiti- !
:. i.',
... .f. ...i .otH-istB' - c will r. iio
J 17 T?iTT)'ri
. i? . X1 UJXJL.
(Ev0tliBt,) I
"" M 'iiic i, Iow.i, writ under dt ol ;
Mwvli 'i )8'.3:
Mfg. Co.,
Dufur, Ori-gop.
oi.nti.kmkx; On arriving home hud
'wk, I found all well and anxiously
aitiiig, Our little girl, eight ami nne
J'Wf yinix o), w ii,u wasted away
"Impounds, la now well, stmng and
flgorous Land well lleshed up. S. .
UHigh ('ur,, ,1,,,,,. (tM work well.
of the children like it. Your S.
"Cough Cure bus cured and kept
'"y all hoMrsiiess from me. So give
Hievery one, with grei tings for
v"mK "U urosiH-rity, we are
'"Urs, Mr. ash Mrs. J. F. FoKI).
"nu wl.i, f.H,j (V
M.l cli' i'rfn!. !
Tk ,i '."'. in'' w.i-';. i-. i'k..'
Jioihf ,,,.,1 i.iv-,.r , i '.
"riliive i......
'a iiu.r h ;.,ivn-i iiirui'.r-tf
' Vllt j.,.r b nil,. 9y nil .Iriut't.s.
I '.ok Mil!
dralk:: is
W No a LABIS . vii rnMPi.i:!-': M'uVK
"l ip! .nit ?uao (-".' iwindil l tho
ri , .
xc usi ii v For (Vh. 1
m.-M i til V. , .
- .ail .i;t..i Ik.. . ..i.ii.. i.ii.i. i.r i.
'll ofl'er the T.i:l.!ii. letter uricen
!!,n my oti,Br limine
'v l all kinds taken ftl uiurket
i ('in i-.i-t I
liCatest Styles aid Shades.
fojs and poulthy taken in ixchange.
V.o. U.- W'lll.'ii.'t h s: , iiwmi MIi au l tilth.
I ally Uua-d, Jt.Iy
U M Donovan H in Ellgclle.
Lull er Rowland Is In Portland.
J J I'liill is about the Htrcctsugalu.
Arthur Collier went to Newi.ort to-
Jt I: Morrl, of v.lcni, spent Sunday
II E Morris of HarrUhurir, It in F.u
Wliitnev, the sprinter, U .'gum in
I III l it.V.
J L Scot t and family rciurm d home
this : f t ( r i a 1 1 .
M:- Kvu lloiicli en i lie up fiiiui I'ort-
hlllil (illlllV.
Mlvt M.i I'aUfrin home
tliis nUi-riiiMiii.
II It I In vi"i un.I J V Il' iLl Tfini ure
xllil hi I'im II.hkI.
Mr I.milimilU r titunit'il l.oint'froiii
Cor vnll iii lo.lay.
M W'ullin. thi c.l.l plum-cr, iniililit
ly iuiirovi''l tmlay.
J V lCobiiis(.n'(i litth' hoy, it.ilpli, 1h
u littli! U'tli-r loiluv.
Hon V V AWhli-r, of Silv.r I.iiki-.
wan ill Klliji-ni' loiliiy.
(i V Kiniliiill, of Huti'lill n, xpfiit
Siimlay in Kiiki I.c.
J X Xeivrl Mini ilailliler, of Siicra
nii lito, l'ul., in.' In KiiLene.
Mi.-H! IMilh nml Jis-ii- I'urk re
tiirni'il Iioiiio from Alliau v loiluv
V K lu lil inti-inJii taking u vai;oii
Imul of (iri-tl Iruii t CriHik county to
Ma-li-r J i 1 1 1 1 1 1 y Muriiiy, of 1'orlhiinl,
i vi-tuiun willi tlio Mi-.-si 4. So. mm r-
Mi- Anrn I'mli-runnd arrivi-il Iiiti
I'niiii l'l.i'oiun, VioliiliKton, thin iifti- -noon,
Jain McHiniin mid Il.u vry Sum
im rviili' Irivi- ri lnrnivl homo from the
I'orllaml i;n'i.
Al Wad. Hi- nnd wife, of I'orl land,
will go to the Fley Kpiin's this wii-k
fur a nioiiih'-i Hiijiuirn.
Hon J Ami is eoiilliied to his
room with nn ultaik of hiinhao. lie
in somi'whal better today.
J S Abbott tind f.uuily, of M m'!i. li
ter, Iowa, are lookinn nt Kn'ene, hav
ing urtived here last nht.
The Whipple. Adams Miller
parly retnimd from Kow liver Samr
il:iy ninht. They n-port h catch of ISO
K (J Miller and wife mi l Kd linker,
of i'.i.tlund, Miinied l' their lionn g
till loornins on the early train from
tin' Foley Soring.
Fat I u r Straveim went to Junction
this morning. Aiehblshoi irons Is
expeelrd ll from I'urtllilid to lecture
lit thai place tonight.
Alex t'ockerline Hild family left yei
t-T.lH.v for The Dalle where they w ill
vihit i'or a week, and then go to Auin
ville, Marion county, for a week.
Mi-s Dell Walton went t Portland
y'sterday iiKruing to take medical
treaimelit in (iood Samaritan hospital.
She was accompanied by her fistcr,
.Mi.-. Hat tie.
Phil Lewis is visiting at Ail-any.
He is mv pr prietor of a large clotb
lug store al Flleiisb'.ir,',- Wash. At
one time he clerked In rt II Friendly'
storo for a co'iple of year
Mrs Hull" un I daiiuhter, Mae, went
to Oakland yesterday hi beat theU'l
side of lmvv Hllir, Who 11 recovering
verv Hlnwiv iroin nn- cueeisui mv in
juries ncc'lvi'd In the recent railroad
M!.Itiilh I'.aves of tho cliiKi of '!!.',
V ol'O, left this morning for LewUton,
Idaho, where i-he will upend the slim
nu r vi.Mlinit with her brother, 1. W
I jivi s, and in the fall i XK'et to en
time in teuehlng
tieoT Hall, Sr., wife and dmU'hter
mnin for McKeiizie Uridyl'.
. Mr Hall ha u hdni up there upon
which ho has erected u neat cottngf,
nml they will HKnd u month or cix
weeks luinting. Ilshlng and recreating.
Messrs O C liartiness, J L .leglr,
Frank Che mid ItevJ K Snyder went
l riillomatll louuy io iiueii'i un.-' i
ingofthe board of trustees of Philo
math College. Messrs Snyder and
iegler are inenibers of the mmrd,
whleh miits tomorrow-.
Dismisski. The ea-e of the utati vs
C t! Pence, arrested on the charge of
robblm.' a trunk, belonging t" Mrs
Anna K Mursters of the Arlington
iintel nt Junction, of iil'out iW; was
heard In Ju-il-'c'lluiler's court Satur
Uv, Iii'pnt v AHoni'-y J M Williams
appearing I 'I' me nan-. : " -a'1
11 . - .u I.. I.htil tho
tt IIOI SIIOTll! v.iniiiv,ii "
defend l it over and the case was dis-mis-ed
Clreu nslaneei', however,
,.,r very strongly against Pence.
I ;ly, July !.
1 Pki 1 1 lo.vs PlUKM KU. Petitions
were presented the County coinnns
, hIoih r' court this aflermH.u, eoiitain
, lug 4S' that "the pay
: for deputies for the clerk and sliedtl of
i Lane count v U' not more than i i ra-r
mouth for Vueli ofllee for clerical as
IhlMamv." I'p to the time of going to
press no nelion had Ih-u taken In I lie
I ! : j- i.u.;l, July 0.
Ai iiiir IDii. Seth McAlUler and
Fr-iiik Kmipp arrlve.l liome on ineir
b eveli's from up the Mi Keli.le hist
. . -, i Tl.i-v eauiiht al'out one
'f"" "H; :. i '.. rie..r Tlmrsduv.
niinnreii iioin in ", - '
""l""lk'h " '"",,,Ml ' :,y lttM M'1'
oi! Ih, ,Y,wn today.
UAL. II I Y K.'ll STAShS.-tll ae
e. no' ofth- ruin no stands were run
l,v F.c.M'P-op:- at Hi- diflereiit c.-U'j A P.e-iM'mieexis.eled
. ...
... .1.. I.... in... at Ji I mil. I has l-iolil
umlth at I.eoi iti
at UrowDsvlUc.
i ,
ud "1'v.a.ou-' lavla
Cash within a limited time, I will for the purpose of raising- this money,
offer my entire stock of merchandise, consisting of:
Dress Goods, Boots
Trunks, Valises, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, Etc.
In fact every article in my store at Cost for Cash, for Sixty Days, com
mencing SATURDAY, JUNE 22.
Following are some of the many bargains in store for you:
:S in. All Wool JHM-p.'
ii in. All Wool i'tishiiu'ro
.'IS in All Wool Assorted
.' in. All Wool Plaids . :
Ladies Heavy Shoes
Our l..r0 Don. Pat. Tip for
Our 1.75 Kid Pat. Tip for
Our 2.50 Kid Pat. Tip for
Our .'5.00 Kid Pat. Tip for
Our 3.50 Kid Pat. Tip for
Our '2.50 Tan Blucher for
Space will not allow nic to quote further prices. Hosiery, Underwear, No
tions. Outing Flannel, Calico, Muslin, Gingham, and in fact every article in my
store will be sold at OOST.
HaiiiL' is in full blast.
IMonielng partitis were jilentlful yes
terday. Sah-ui wood dealers have formed a
wood trust.
Lieutenant Davis and wife, of San
FraiielxoH. have been divorced.
ti V Mi'th.i. li tis ure hohliuu a
camp meeting at l'liurs ton.
A usual llw various churehisall
h id good cm;reg.iil oils yesterday.
A Chinaman ou ns a hotel in Ptine
villo and rents it to a a Am- rh'iin land
lord A number of Kiigmio parties pic
nicked In the blackberry Held yester
day. President Ch veland's wife presented
him Willi lb.- third girl baby yester
day. The circus is In Portland today.
Luckily It will not perform in Fugene
this year.
A bridge is bring placed acrons the
dhiugh near the llaynes tannery t be
used by gravel teams.
The Polk county hop growers will
pay 40 cents t box thla y. ar for luck
ing nine bushel boxes.
A number of Kugeiie p''plc attended
the Free Methodist ciinip meetiuK
near Thurston yesterday.
Judge Fullerton in Douglm eounly
allows lawyers 13 for defending crim
inals More tin; eiicult court; lu Line
The shipping bill for the city's new
chemical engine lias been received and
the. engine will, be here in a few
The Orcgonlan of today has a
photograph of President Charles H.
Chapman. He hould mo the wrier
for libel.
Win F.dris is maUt'- extensive re
pair on the mill ro-.'. In the ineun
tlme the electric ligliia u.e lieh.g ri.u
liy hteaui ower.
Iiu erealll he Uiught his beloved,
And she ate, and she ate, and shenle;
And br heart she finally give him
T . i'1-ike r i ?- iher j.lule.
Tln-re is j. ; ; i a town in V. r
mont, Van I on, uln re the bicyclist'
run things so completely us to require
pedeatriaas M bl w whistle, at every
Med ford .Monitor: the Daily
GCAKIi of Eugene bus liecienlargcd to
a seven column folio, tamporaiily at
least. It Is the mot progr.nsiv loral
eveiiini? aer enjoyed by any towi. In
the .lute.
There'a a bievcle girl lu Weebawkeu
That basset ill the pcoolc tolawkeli;
This feminine bifxsl
Wears blooBiwrs blight Mtri-J,
And red 1 the .hinleof her Mawkcii.
JiH;,e J C Fullerton arrived here on
thla morning's local train to hold an
Hats, Caps, Laces, Embroidery,
VJc, ri'g. jirico GOfi.'K! in. Scotch Snitin;
ic, rog. pneo ;o
"0c, rv. prion iS"c
and "lOc.rog. price ")U and Sot-
Dress Goods will
Shoe Department.
. 1.15
. I.:i5
. 1.85
. 1.9:5
. 2.05
. 1.5)0
: adjourned term of circuit court. It
i will only he in session a couple of
' days. No jury cases will be taken up.
Mi'dford Monitor: We are informed
upon reliable authority that I lie lead
ing dli.eiiH and capitalists of Klamath
and Lake enmities have signed an
agreement to raise $S0(i,tHK) subsidy for
any company that will build a railroad
through that miction.
U M Post Oillce at tho lawn social
Tuesday night. Tliero are letters in
the ollli'e for every one. Mention the
date udvertised when calling for same.
A charge of 6 cents will be made to
cover expenses of this notice.
Orcgonlan: Eugene appears to be a
natural hotbed of oratory. Charley
Wilkinson, tho youngest member of
tin-legislature of ISD.'l, is a popular
Fourth of July orator, and lirownsville
is still talking In rapt accents of tho
"masterly ell'orl" there last Thursday
bv Charles Eastland, who is barely 111.
An editor won onii confronted by a
ipiestlou wiilch read ua follows: "Is
it rigid and in good keeping with co
del v for n girl to sit upon a man's
knee?" The editor read the question
twice and then answered it In this
wlsi: "If it is our girl and your knee
it is li'it in keeping with ihe rules of
the best so. ieiy; ;but ir it is your girl
and our, it is all right."
Pendleton E. ).: J. C. Lonergan,
representing tin I In i ko Land & Cut tlx
Company, of Idaho, arrived Saturday
nivhl having on a pair ot dutches.
IleansMer. d his friends Inquiries by
siivinir at Jluvie, Mont., be was pre
v; iled on to I mi a foot race. Mr Lon
. igau weighs over 1J pounds Hod his
,iii(. u.riit weighed as much, and when
:m y both fell headl mg at the llnisli
the earth trembled and tho crutches
with ordi red." The gentleman was lu
lOiiiiin; M'vri.1 days buying and re
ceiving cattle from John Stewart.
A coion ii series of pictures in the
Wo'lltlt ns'eive.1 Is suggestive. A
M.iint! mull lightH a cigarette nml goes
in bathing in the ocean, lieisap
proaelied by a monster sta aerpeiit
Willi gnaslii'ng teeth. Does the young
man run? No. ileronly awaits the
monster, and as it Is almost ur'i hlui
l.i.i.i the ilc "y mines of ti;-.; ch.'ar
itteio hisf.c '1 l.e to iii--:-r Instant
ly a; retches ..nt upon loe deep, ilea I,
and the "-n gulls In-uaii picking at It.
Ilieywlll probably die too. An aw
ful warning to theclgaoMltesmokcr.
CoKKWT. Salem ttatesuiaii: While
we ure talking about patronizing home
institution.-, let us not forget our
lioiiiM universities. No Oregonlan
hould send bis children out of the
slate Tor an education, and II all oh
served tbis rule our educational liihti
tlltious would lie better nupjHirted and
tonseiiieut l.v JI-eM'T JNJiT'''1"
I)l;ii Word has Imii received here
thut M.Mrs M.s.n: on the Mohawk,
Hear 1-aU.I, died lust FnduV of con
and Shoes,
Iifi in. Mixed LashiiH-ro. .
.'! in. Novelty Snitinj;
o I in.drav Mixed
be sold regardless of
Mens Prolans
Our $1.50 Heavy Shoes
Our 1.50 1'utton, Conj:res8
1.75 Calf, Congress and
.TOO Calf, Congress and
.'5.50 Pino Congress and
2.50 Tan Puss Calf
Tin: KLoi'itno mill.
Uiniiury Iteliig Shingled Marlilnrry
Will Ar.lve Here July l tli.
U.llj Uu.r.l, Juljf
Work at tint now llouring mill Is
plogressiug ipiitu favorably ami It will
be ready to turn out Ilrst class Hour by
the time grain Is threshed.
Mr. A. L. Itrattaln, of Portland, nn
expeileiiced millwrlglit, arrived here
lust night to Hiiierinteiid the iiluclug
lu of the Mulshing. Tlio machinery Is
expected to arrive next Monday
or Tuesday Iroin the factory al Minne
apolis, Minn , when It will beat once
placed lu Hisitioli.
The granary Is now licing shingled,
and lu a week will bu ready to re
ceive grain.
All the buildings are first-class, and
we hojie the gentlemen will get good
returns on thu money invested.
Depot Improvement.
Pull;, Jiilyt).
Decomposed granite is to take tho
place of the old plank platforms at the
S. 1. Company's depot In this city.
Four carloads of this decomposed rock
from the pit ut Grants Pass were re
ceived here by last evening's freight,
and the section foreman has been noti
fied that it Is to bo used on the yards,
which means that tho old plank walks
must come up and that they will Is
replaced witli this yellow pulverized
roek, which when put in place and
thoroughly packed, makes u smooth,
solid surface which, with occasional
hutching, will last for many years.
There are no cracks for cigarettes, cigar
subs, loose coins, or oilier articles to
drop through, thereby endangering
the company's property by lire, or
causing annoyance to patrons. In
California iiud Southern Oregon the
Southern Paeiflo company lias sulmtl
tute.l decompo-cd granite for plunk
platforms at nearly all their stations
and they are now pushing this work
northuard along their lines.
' Hutu MWiureof Morplilnp an'. Laud-
1 a :t:i "i I .v.'l m i Wi ll on His
' Siniiiiicli.
I li.lljr On.rJ, July In.
' The Portland Sun of today says:
' Ex-Assistant U. t. District Attorney
Charles E. Lockwnod made an attempt
to commit Hiilcido hist night. His pre
. paratory arraiigemciils conslsteil of his
1 notifying hi. rclativciuy I tier tliat he
j was dead, (,'uiiosity promoted them
to inquir If It was true and they foUr9l
, him very sick ot his stomach, but rui-
nus a hot Jo of morphine and a bottle
..I I..H.L i l.-ll...r t.tia u-filllil Iirvu
killod him, but the mixture would not 1
rest together, lih'h Is the only reason
'why he is now alive. The letters
j w liicli ho wrote to his relatives sre not .
' ut pre'iit Is.forw tho coroner's Jury. I
L'Sc, i. prico -loo
IDc, reg. price 27c
liV, reg. price 'J")0
lHc, reg. price U'ic
and Hals.
. 1.15
. 1.14
. 1.45
. 2.05
. 1.05
Still at Work.
Dully, July S.
The following Is from today's Ore
goulaii: "Every decent person was glad when
tho case of the United States against
Misti Mary llerger, of Eugene, charged
with sending obsi-ono letters through
the mails, was finally dlsos.d af, and
there was no longer need of the dis
gusting aft'uir being heard or thought
of. Tho court, It will bo remembered,
held that It would have been Iihikm-
slide for Miss llerger to write auuh let
ters, and was of tho opinion that they
were written by an enemy f Miss
Iterger, and an enemy of her friends.
This view of tho case is strengthened
by thu fuct that yesterday Un Ited
Slates Attorney D H Murphy received
a very obscene letter from Eugene,
evidently written by nu enemy of Mis
llerger. The mildest prt of the let
ter Intimates that Mr Murphy I de
void of intelligence, or he would not
have allowed Miss I tenter to escape
conviction. Then followa a lot of vile
matter lu tho same style aa the letter
Miss llerger was accused of writing.
This carrying the war Into Africa, so
to Ss-ak, nmy be considered a good
joke on Mr Murphy, but It Is likely to
prove no Joke for the writer of the let
ter. Mr Murnhy claims that lie
knows the handwriting, and that lie
ahull at once take steps to secure the
punishment of the Impudent scoun
drel who wrote it, who, Mr Murphy la
certain, Is a lawyer who has had some
legal relations with Draild Mrs Mclveli
ney, thu latter of whom was Ilrst ar
rested on accouut of Hi obscene let
ters, but who wus acquitted; then Miss
llerger was charged with the ollense."
Woare quite positive thut no law
yer In Eugwiju wrote tlio letter above
referred to. The attorneys In this
city, one and all, are lilgh-inlnded gen
tlemen, and would not be guilty of
such an uet. Mr Murphy must look
elsewhere for the writer.
Tli train llakk.r.
KoHKiirito, July 8. An examina
tion of John Case and James Pool
was held at Kiddle lu the I urge fruit
dryer before Justice Webber. Case
wa Identified by llrukeman Norman
und T P Arruusay, a passenger, us the
principal rohls-r.
The latter was very Mwltive as to
thu identity as he sow the face several
times when the mask blew aside. M.
I). an Identities Case a ft man who
passed his place Monday going toward
the scene of the hold up. I'lio atato
rested, defense waived Introduction of
testimony. Case was liound over In
the sum of $10,000.
M iH'nn recognized James Poole aa
the man who, with Case, asked direc
tion as to the county road on Monday;
be also Identified Poole' horse, saddle
and bridle. Poole was bound over In
the sum of $.'iiKi0. The prisoner were
returned to thy county jail tonight.
V i:.5lf.i M0S13
' . I I'.'T'V'.'v' V'V'-' r.
Kcader, did you ever take SlMMONd
LtVKii KKiiri.Ai-oii, ihe "Kinu on
LiviuiMkiiK INIi?" 1. vers body needii
taken liver remedy. It la a hluggish or
diseiiseil liver that Impairs digestion
nnd causes const imt ion, w In n the waato
that should bo carried oil' remains in
the body mid mi1hoiis the whole system.
That dull, heavy firling is dui to a
tonild liver. lliliotiHiu ss, Headache,
Malaria and Indigestion ure all liver
diseases. Keep the liver active bv ail
occasional dose of Simmons Liver llcR
ulatornnd you'll get rid of these trou
bles, nml give Umo Ui tho whole sys
tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver
lb ust not grl nor weaken, but greatly
relYislics und Htrengthens,
I'.very puckugo lias the Jtctl 'A
stamp m tlio wrapper. J. 11.
'f ilm .V Co., ClilkuU IphU.
. A (ilUL SHOT.
Seusatlonal Kail (reck Is Again
Heard 1'ioiu., July in.
Hardly have thu iiewsnapcrs ceased
to give reports of one highly sensation
al case ul Full Creek Alien another
takes place. This time It Is a slnsiling
case, ami Anna Yuiighau, aged twelve
years, Ilea at Hie iKiiul of death, with
a bullet through Iter head.
Anna Yaiighan Is u daughter of
William Yaiighan, and lives with her
parents and brothers and sisters at
their home lu Fall Creek settlement,
thla county, about fifteen miles south
east of this city. Shu is aged twelve
yiarsaud has a brother named ItoUrt,
about fourteen years old. According to
reorts, this boy has a very bad nis
poslllon, and Is said to lie unmanage
able by 111 elder sisters III thu ubsenco
of his parents.
Mr Ynughan's home Is situated
alsiut a Inilu west of Fall dis k st
nfllee, on the south sl.lo of Llltle Fall
Creek, and near by Is Ihe home of his
son In-law, Doug. Kerns, who Is now
away lu Eastern Oregon. During Mr.
Kerns' absence, thu Yaughiui child
ren have been looking after his chores,
folng down to the house and return
ng each morning mid evening.
This morning, us usual, Unbel t nnd
Anna Yaughaii went down to Mr.
Kerns' to care for the chores. 1 1 seems
that the boy took with him, or pro
cured somewhere along the way, an old
pistol, and It was with this deal n-dcal-ing
Instrument that thu terrible deed
was committed, while tho children
wero alone ut thu homo of their
brother-in-law. Just how It happened
Is not known, and sTliap never will
be, unless the gill recovers to tell tho
story, which Is very Improbable. Hut
the deed was commuted, nnd Is a very
serious all'air, whether done accidental
ly or 111 ft lit of Ill-controlled passion.
The Ixiy claims tho shooting was done
accidental, but many who ure ucnuain
ted with lila illsM)sitiuu nnd the
circumstance of Ihe case nro not In
clined to place much credit to his
story. Hut, however It happened, the
unfortunate girl Is perhaps now, or
soon will be, cold in death, as the I all
entered the right side of her head lust
above the ear and, passing clear
through, lodged on the opposite sulu of
her head, making a wound which can
not but prove fatal.
After tho shooting, the boy went to
tho home of Ziich Hmllh, who live
only a few hundred yards distant from
the Kerns house, ami inmrmcti nun
of what had taken place. Mr. Smith
Immediately not tiled tlio neighbor
and then started for the nearest phy
sician, Dr. 11. F. Itussell, of Thurston,
about twelve mllles away. Dr. litis
sell did not have Instruments with
which to rfirm an os rutlon nml
would not undertako thu case. While
at Thurston Mr. Smith met lloht.
Vaughnn, a brother of the wounded
irlrl's father, who resides at tho foot of
Cedar Flat near Hendricks' ferry,
and Informing him of what
hud hapH'iied, returned home, Mr.
Vaughftu coining ou to Eugene, ar
riving here a'-out nine o'clock, and se
cured Ihe service of Dr. Loomls, who
departed at once for thu scene of the
Mr. Vauiihan. mother of the wound
ed girl, la a cousin to Win. Fisher und
Mrs. 1j. Jtowiatiu ot mis city.
bally, July II.
Ciikmicai. Enoi.nk. The city has
received Information that the new
Chemical fire engine will arrive here
tomorrow or next day. It is expected
that the agent, Mr. Long, will give
the renuired tent on a lire cither Fri
day or Saturday, due notice of which
will be ulven lu llie tit'Alin. insur
ance rates should tumble some when
we add thl machine, to our already
first-class lire department.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
dold Medal, Midwinter Fair. '
Most Perfect M.ide.
40 Years the StandanL