The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 06, 1895, Image 9

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A $ a f f
Every housekeeper wants to know the best
things to eat, and how to prepare them.
'The Royal Baker and Pastry Cook."
Contains One thousand useful recipes for
every kind of cooking. Edited by Prof.
Rudmani, New -York Cooking School.
Free by mail. Address (writing plainly),
mentioning this paper,
106 Wall Street, N. Y.
UAA 4 - 4
l(ro In !! l-""l IMapeiiaarjr W bo
I. I mlergoliig m lleinarliable ( hang.
Tin-re wus a raro ciimi tliu other ilay
tt iii-' i'y iiiiM"Mury l" ,l10 v 1" of
t uii'l'll''''K'"' 'luiI 1I,U" w'10 lrif U-tl
lulu St. Louis lfo1" Newport, Ark. Ilia
miiw win iMiii") Johnson, ami ho said
iv li.i'l ' employed on a liiriiiliainl
dwii in ArkuiiKiiii ever inco he wan a
h,,v. I'd wan tiosaewsed of a powerful
fninie, I"'1' t,,, re WIW notlilnu in lit
,liyi ul iii'lH'aruiao tu denote that ho
jn a hi k man.
What is thu mntter?" nuked Dr.
IIoiikIi llm "IUI "ut ''uWn "lu I'a
tiHil'it c hair.
"lint's what I want to find out, doc
tor. I'm come all thu way Iroiu New
imit to mo what's cumin ober my hide.
1 h;iw a iliK tnr ilown thur, ami liu Hiiiil
io liaikril oIhT Hiid rend lip 31 book,
ami lio dniin' lind any ciiho liku iniim."
II, . thi ll wt ut on to tell Dr. IIoiikIi
Hint In' hud "white atchiw" all over
lt hoily. and ho Udii-vcd ho waa joiiig
to turn inlii a leopard. Ho wus taken
lulu thu ri'iixnltiitiun room and told to
trip. Dr. I' wan called in and
the niMi pruiionuced olio of leiicoderma.
Tlit-ru wi ro about c'ijjht sputa on the
limn" client ami Btumach varyiiiK in
tizu fruin 3 to 0 inchea in diameter.
One-hall of tho back of each band wan
white, and tho Ic'K from tho kueo down
veto entirely m. with the exception of
two or three black uplutchca ou each
calf. Thero were ulo patchea of white
(kin on tho npper part of tho lego, tho
tilths and buck. Ilia face had uut yet
Uim to turn. Ilia original akin was a
dark entree brown color, and he had
lung hair on hid head and a full growth
of whii-kcrs.
JohiiMiii said lie bad noticed white
fnH on his handa about a year ago, but
iaid no attention to them. Then a largo
.nit di vrlii'ed on each aide of his client,
wliirh was followed by two on hia lega.
S, ll ciiiitiiiiied until ho becamo ularmed
ami ('distilled a doctor. Tho man baa
nu money, though be ia physically able
tod.i any l;ii.d ot work. Dr. Homan
nay thu elijiicea are that if ho live
lohj; enough ho will become entirely
white. Thu ca.xca are very rare, there
king not iimro than one iu every 10,000
tifgruea who become iilllieted with it.
tit. Louis IW-Dixputch.
The Word "llronie."
Tho et ynmlnvy of the word " brome" hna
proved a Htiiinblinu bltH-k tn moat lexicog
raphers. It Is left unsolved even in tha
".New KiikUsIi Dictionary." To the Itnl
Inn "hroiizo," proliulily from "bruno,"
brown, is as far na the monosyllable baa
Krucrally been traced. In the Ilntzvld
l)nrmesti.ti.r"Dietliiiiuulre de la I-nngue
FrnnialM'," however, a step iK-yonil "bron
to" is taken to the burial place of Virgil,
Urlmlisl, tho I.ntin Uriiudusluin, and Pro
fessor Skcat, who baa In-en furnished by
frlciiil with HiibstHiitiiil evidence upon the
point, now lias no hesitation in declaring
tlmt it Is to the imine of the old Italian
town that we must look for the correct
derivation ot bronze. Longungca.
IVtor tho Great,
Peter tho Great of Uusida had the
typical faco of a Russian peasant. A
ihert, thick nose, with large nostrils,
heavy brows, full, sensunl lips wide
mouth and high chock bones wero among
his must prominent fenturoa. Ilia bend
was al must round imd allowed by ita
width at tho cars that couibativeuesH cf
disposition that was ono of the leading
tmilits iu his nlinrnctor
rnrtlnml Will Ohaerve. Hie Koiirlli
ler Than Kver.
' ArraiiemeuU are well under way
f"f the greatest celebration of the
'turth of July at Portland ever hold
i" the niotropolia. The celebration
will occupy thnse days, from the 3d to
heath, inclusive. The Fourth will
f course lie tho big day, and will be
ailed up with a splendid programme.
A r!'it parado will take place at 10:!I0
M. . DuriiiK the day there will 1k
numerous nud varied omusementa.with
fauy new featurea. SjHxid Associa
tiim races nt Irvington Park, purses
eVregating 29,000, in tho afteruiHins.
The most gorgeous pyrotechuio display
vi r witnessed in the Northwest in the
evening. Everybody assured a "great
at siniill expense. Kcduwd
fates ou all hues of travel.
Golden medical
Cum Ninety-eight per cent, of til
CMsen of Consumption, In all II
Earlier Stage
Although by tnanr believed to b tnrura
We. there is the evidence of hundreds of
hvtn witnesses to the fact that, in all its
'licr staires, consumption is curalile
'iwase. Not every case, but a l"rf,,Per
"itatf of aut, and we believe, Mir 9
trext. are cured by Dr. Picrce'a Rolden
Medical Discovery, even after the disease
P" progressed so far as to induce repeated
bleeding! from the lungs, aevere lingering
foigh with copious expectoration lincluiT
'i tubercular matter), great looa of flcll
d extreme emaciation and weakneu.
A o
A A A ,t. A .t
It la C'orlou. How klau feela Wlien 11
Kuows tl Niseda a liot-tor.
"It is curious," aiiid a man yjsterday,
"the various relisntiuiia a man experi
ences when lie goes to hi u a doctor or a
dentist. Thero ia u King, preliminary
kieguof mental agony, alternately exag
gerating and belittling ynnr ailment,
until dually in a moment of desperatiou
you decide to go nud sec what ia tho
matter anyway. Perhaps yon have a
cold, which has settled on tho lungs
and developed ft troublesome) cough that
keeps yon awuko nights. Tho congh it
self is not so bad us the terrible possi
bilities it suggests. Visions of swift do
in iso from pneumonia or slow wasting
away with consumption rise up before
your eyes, and every wlieeio and cough
confirms these terrible premonitions.
If you could, you would go then iu a
hurry, but iu thu morning you feel but
ter. "Tho con uli is rtill there, but tho ter
rors of tho imagination have tied before
the daylight, so you put it oft nnothor
day. Uut finally you decido to go. uud
with firmness born of despair march up
to thu medical iiian'H door to learn your
futo. In case of lootharho every ono
kuows how a tooth will Imp and jump
and smart all day until you get to the
dentist's nud then calm down so quiet
nud painless that you can't tell which
one was aching. It is the amo way
with a cough or other ailment As you
go up to tho door you secretly hope that
tho doctor is not at homo. You pull the
doorbell gently ami half wish yon had
not coma. Theu tho funniest part of it
all is how mad you will get when you
find tho doctor is not at home and fuel
as if you had been cheated out of ouo
of your dearest hopes." Washington
Strang; "tor? of cuttlln ot a Great
(iU-amalilp by I'lralea,
What a strange story is that com
municntod by tho DuUu of Newcastle to
Tbo Cilobo concerning the loss of the
President! Uo snys that a trustworthy
informant iu the United Hates ossured
him that a sailor, dying in an American
port, had confessed to having formed
ouo of the crow of a pirate vessel which
cupturcd the great steamship. "Every
soul ou board was made to walk the
plank, and the fhip was Fcultled."
Tho story seems incredible, yet it may
bo true, and the possibility of it gives
ouo quito a shock. It is 60 years ago
and more since tho President disappear
ed from human sight, without, I bo
liuvo, leaving a t ratio. Tho loss of no
other vessel for it was the first of thn
great pnsscngi r ships to go bus caused
so great an excitement. How thoso nt
homo clung to hope, aotno of them for
years for thu uotiou of tho crew being
wrecked on some out of tho way island
was eagerly adopted and how many a
heart was broken by the intolerable
suspense! At ht it was generally con
cluded that tho ship had collided with
an iceberg and foundered. And uow
oomca this terriblo story, which, it is
fortunate, was not conceived of when
it would havo had tho power to make
thoso at homo more niiserablo.
It is not to bo forgotteu, howovcr,
that more thau ono story has been ro
contly written upon this subject the
capturo and scottling of a rasaengcr
teamor and it seems more likely
that they have suggested tho idea being
aduptod to tho loss of tho President thau
that a soliAiry pirate should have re
vealed such a long keptsocretof tho
seas. London Nows.
Mj.tlfl'd l7 " Abbreviation.
Among tho storu s told alxmt the ex
periences of police tolegruph operators
by tho attaches cf the electrical bureau
is ouo which relates to an ex-special
officer, who is uow a regular operator
at a snbstution up town. While acting
as "sub" in a West Philadelphia dis
trict he received a call from tho oen
tral. which he ptomptly wrote on his
slnto as ho received it At the closo of
tho message ho found that it read:
"Semi wagon to Phil. Ahosp. and learn
condition of lieu. Coop " Ho was com
pletely stalled Ho roul'l uot imagine
who Phil. Ahoi-pwas, nor where he was
to bo found, nor what particular hen
coop tho central was interested iu. Ho
fult that there was a mistake somo
where, but wns satisfied that it must be
nt the other cud of the wiro. As tho
hour was near relieving time, he decid
ed to wait and consult bis relief beforo
sending the wagon ou a wild goo
chase or asking thu central to repeat
On tho arrival of his relief ho was in
formed that the operator who had soul
tho message generally abbreviate hi
messages, and probably the ouoreceived
would read: "Send wagon to Philadel
phia hospital and learn coudition ot
Henry Cooper. This proved to be til
proper solution. Philadelphia Kocord.
Noiie Worthy to hurreed tannjaon.
It is now definitely understood, says
a London journal, that there is no in
tention cf appointing successor to
Tcnnvsoti at present. It is frankly ad
ii,.,i (h.. roiiMirj is because there
UlllITU " ' "
i- .... i-- i worthy to wear tne
l.iwl tt'O! 11 bv Wordsworth and
i .. .....I tiir iIim nrient
ton. ll is even a-- have employe.! im'i --
government have an understanding wilh iHtanco. Not until the men had turn
the Conservative leaders to leu rc !Iw va- i hM ont o( the b.mU did the enemy oja-u
caucy unfilled until a mure worlby bai J r(. an(l tllPn tU6 captain kuew he hud
,rle. - ' made a mistake, lie still hoped that he
I When h mil been dead
tn hour, ll .-rim J a, f ,.,i ih.- l a treat
W Itlltt ago, U l
difference liu-ro la la 1 lit
Ma mill ilrili.-'
K..).of Klia."
"la-ad Imi in. .1,1 1,: Vri l.i. mile U gay:
Ilia UUk'liIrr lulit anf nre.
Iluw frail i ... :-- h.i Hi.- IdU-ra aay,
"How ftuuu to. MirnM uYr!"
Uead bill muni I,; Say. the l hue ha. flown.
ll 1. .uri'i) L'luuy a )-ar
ince I li li iii ilrar love aluhe.
All nKiiir.uii Hit- l.lll.i.k here.
Oil. Iuv, my low, him ran mortal, tpeaa
Of "UU'l) " ur "liihrf n,l.'',
l-rl Iheiu nu-te uiil Lie In the day ur week.
llurne I. uot in. .
And what U the ilirTi tvti. e now to me.
If tlu moment )oii went away
fell leu year. lnrt. or une or three.
Or, a. iiiru coma it, )eterda,r
The hour. iu, tut I care not now
Ho .Hill or how .low they iillde,
for to me all lime ri ll ili-ait. I lriw.
The day thai my died.
Mary Made.! In I'liambrr.' Journal.
a coxswain's
i How Captain IVllumy's tife was saved
at Tsi-Cliiiu has never yet U-en told,
j Every ofhVcr and man who Is longed
to the Chrysolite on that disastrous night
i recollects, of course, that, while eudeuv
. oring in the darkness to storm the fort,
the captain fell, and that when our pec
' pie were driven buck headlong to the
bouts lie, with many others, was miss
ing. Every one remeuilM-rs also that
when on the following morning tho Chi
namen were shelled out of the place nud
the bluejackets und marines again land
ed Captain Bellamy was found lying,
not where he had fallni. but a couple
of hundred yards to the right, sheltered
ou the side of the enemy by a thick stone
His left leg was smashed at the knee
by a jingal ball, but around his thigh
was a bluejacket's silk handkerchief, I
neatly applied in such a way that a nickel
toliuccobox placed ls'iieutli it cffi-ctively !
compressed tho femoral artery and
stoptied the bleeding, ll w as well known j
that both box and linmikerchief had be
longed to James Lurch, the captain's
coxswain, whose dead InhIv, with half a
dozen bullets through it, was found ou
the enemy's aide of the same wall. Cap
tain IVllnuiy himself acknowledged from
the first that he owed his life solely to
Larch's devotion and skill. Yet tho
whole story baa never yet lsvn told.
Captain IScllaiiiy's recent death puts me
in tNissession of Ida private journal, and
so enables me to tell the tale.
When the Chrysolite was commission
ed nt Portsmouth for the China station,
Captain Bellamy took a house at Hong
Kong, and iu due course Mrs. Bellamy
and her only daughter, Violet, followed
him thither. In the second year of the
commission the Chrysolite was nt Hong
Kong for several successive months, and
during that criod the ladies camo on
board nearly every day. There wero
picnics on shore mid water partus afloat,
and if not on the Chrysolite then in tho
house, or in the boats, or on the various
expeditious. James Lurch, the captain's
coxswain, was in continual ut tendance
tipon Miss Violet and her mother. Vio
let Bellamy was then barely 18. In
England she had led a somewhat dull
life, und ot Hong Kong she lost uo timo
In redressing tho balance of her exist
ence, which was by no means dull there.
It was not perhaps her fault that ev
ery ofllcer of the garrison und of tho
squadron was either in love with her or
was prepared to be, for she gave no spe
cial encouragement to any one. On the
other hand, she discouraged no one. Tho
larger the number of her admirers tho
greater wus the enjoyment which she de
rived from tho situation. Among them
she was like n child in a full of
toys. Some she damaged, somo she
smashed irretrievably, but without the
slightest malice or wickedness. She siin
nlv had never realized the powers and
responsibilities of a very pretty faco and
figure, supplemented ny mgu spirna, u
Zi.J.., Jitv ..,! ibnndai.t health, and
.limn . . . .
alihoiiL'h she unread rumnrouixi iier sno
never for an iustunt intended to do harm
to anybody.
Thero wero many who suffered. Com
mander Corcoran of tho flagship. Major
Browleigh of the Koyal Bucks, Staff
Surgeon Bennett of tho Bridport, Lieu
tenant Maplin in command of tho Borer,
and at least half a dozen sublieutenants
ami midshipmen, besides army subal
terns and civilians, wero turned upside
dowu by Violet Bellamy. And if these,
who ouly encountered her at social f tine
tions, were so seriously upset, it is litilo
to bo wondered at when wo recollect
that human nature is not confined to tho
classes that Jauies Larch was also over
balanced. His associations with her were, though,
In one sense, more distant aud more
purely conventional than those cf any
gentleman In tho colony, of a privileged
character. Ho helped her to mount when
the went for a ride, ho wrapjied her
cloak around her when sho left tho bull
room, he curried her a hundred times
Le never by word and seldom eveu by
look betrayed his feelings ho neverthe ateadfustlv. and with ull hi being,
worshid her.
Larch was a yonng und smart jtvuj
oflicA-r. As such he had a promising ch-
reer before him, and no doubt he would
huvn Iss-n wise bud
he strictly miti'ieu
his own business aud endeavored to be
content with the sphere in wmcu
pleased Providence to place liim. uut,
like many of ins oeuera, uo we...
before Violet Bellamy.
It was at tbo beginning of the third
year of the commission that the Chryso-
lite was suddenly dispatched to Tsi-
Tl...-rt l..,.l luM.o u mil uliil ll mas-
acre there, and Captain iJcllumy was
ordered to teach- the local mauduriua a
evere lesson.
Ono morning tho Chrysolite arrived
off the place and sent in certuin de
mands, which, unless complied with In
three hours, were to bo enforced by
means of the resources of civilization.
Tlio three hours elapsed, the demands
not iminte.1. ami with aixioiuie
the fort from her inch B. L. gun.
The Chinamen luid low and did not re
ply with so much as a single shot. Mis
led by their silence, Cuptain Bellamy
after dusk had fallen led ashore a much
w...U..r landinir party than he would
i. . , t....i i.A ,ti,-lilMl ta.
from tie sup so. a for that that I we
versa, lest sue i ' li.r, for vou tonight. It wna bee
breatli liim lanue.. i .a . .,-,.., Violet'.-
Inn! rested In Ins arms, ami wiiuo " - --
iiil,:ht avert disaster toy rushing the fort,
and he iiiude the attempt; but, na has
Wii already shown, he failed and fell.
His men surged past him for a few
yards, but were then repulsed uud driv
en back pelluiell. In the confusion und i
il.iikiie-s they missed him, nud he was .
I-ft lying, with bis left knee uinngled, '
to bleed to death or to get a speedier
quietus from one of the many bullets
that were whistling after the retreating
It is o-stonisiiing that he escaped lieitig
bit a second tune, for not only were the ,
Chinamen tiring with ritles from the fort, ,
but the men in the boats were using their
machine gnus. In live minutes, though, j
the worst of the storm had passed away, I
und with the lull Captain It U.itny saw
a dark figure slowly drawing near liim '
from the right. He fully expected to
lind that his visitor was one of the cue- '
my armed with a mission to put uu eud I
to him, or per Imps drag liim iuo the
fort, where death might lie u.lmiuistered
a little at a tune, and though a brave
man he was much relieved when he was
able to distinguish that the newcomer
was one of bis own people.
lleg pardon, sir, I hoped It was you
whisis'red a voice, which the cimtaill at 1
once recognized at that of his coxswain.
1 ' . ... 1 '
"Hoped?" growled the captain. "What
do yon mean by hoping, you scoundrel?
Here I am with my knee smuslicd, bleed
ing to death!"
"Sad news for Miss Violet," muttered
"Confound Miss Violet and you too!
Hear a baud here and pull me out of this
; if you can. The lieggurs will be blazing
i away again iu a minute."
"Mustn't move you, sir, till I've tied up
j your leg." said Larch, who had 'ilreudy
, taken oil his handkerchief and was sat
isfying himself ns to tho osition of the
! wound and the quantity of blood that
was U'ing lost. "It's that big artery on
: the inside of your leg, sir, that's got to
be attended to. If you won't mind my
using my baccy ix ami my nammer
ehief so now, I'll t'.vist it close."
"Hang it! You're twistiug my leg off,"
cried the captain.
"Never mind, sir," said Larch. "I'vs
stopiK'd the"
At that moment the Chinese in the fort
oi'ned Are again.
"What the dickens is tho matter with
yon, Larchr" demanded thu captain.
For an instant the coxswain, who had
drawn back with a shudder, was silent.
When ho Foke, it was with an altered
voice "They've hit me, sir, I think," he
"Then run, man, nud take shelter,"
urged tho captain. "I'm nil safo now for
an hour or two, if they don't come out to
look for me."
"There's a wall n little to tho right,
sir," said the coxswain, who paid uo at
tention to hiscliiefs orders, "and I think
I can get you behind it if you can drag
yourself on to my back as I crawL Only
don't disturb the bandage, sir."
Captain Bellamy, with a great effort,
managed by degrees to work himself on
to tho man's back and to clasp Larch
lound the neck. "I 1ioik, Larch, that
you're not risking too much, but if wo
get through this there'll lie a Victoria
cross for you as certainly as there'll be a
wooden leg for me."
"Beg pardon, sir," muttered Larch,
who was now crawling slowly with his
burden toward the wall, "but I don't
want any Victoria cross. Would they
promote me, do you think, sir'r'
"I dou't doubt it, Larch. You'll get
your warrant."
Tho coxswain atopjied suddenly.
'What's tho matter'?" cried the captain.
Larch resumed his laborious crawl.
"I was only thinking," ho explained.
"Won't you be wiser to defer your
thinking until wo are under tho lee of
that wall?" growled tho captain. "If
thoso fellows lire any more, wu're done
The coxswain made no reply, but
dragged himself on, yard by yard, until
at length he gently deisisited his load be
hind tho thick stone shelter. As he made
; a
motion as if to return whence ho bad
coino tho captain cried: "Stay in here,
1 )'" I'liot. Where the dickens nro you
....!... ,V
Larch sank down by the captain's side.
"Beg pardon, Bir." ho said after a pause,
"but may I apeak my mind out to yon
just for this once as between luuii uud
"Certainly you may," replied tho cap
tain, somewhat astonished ut the ques
tion. Having got permission, Larch neither
hesitated nor attempted to restrain him
self. His confession caiiin with a rush.
"I've been a fool," he said. "1 knew it
all along, only I wouldn't see it. I've
hud mad dreuma of promotion, not to a
warrant only, but to a commission. I've
thought of uothing but her. I've kissed
the earth she has trodden upon. I've
hoiied; I've prayed. Look in that 'baccy
box when they tako off your bandage,
and you'll find a bit of her hair that I
begged from her maid. Yet I know
quite well that it cun't be. For her sake
I wouldn't have it to be if it could be.
And there's only ono end to it. She
mustn't know, but I can tell you, sir,
captain, it
nt out to look
aiise you are
und may Clod
bless her and forgive me!
He staggered to his feet, and without
another word bent his head and dashed
toward the fort, firing hia revolver wild
ly as ho went.
Tho enemy answered with a volley,
and the cuptuiu heard tho coxswain fall
on tho other side of the wall. W. Laird
Clowes in Loudon Sketch.
M JuhM
I Mtnn am, a,.,r(WMi have a good deal of
fm ,,, themselves on the atage,
'though guying Is strongly jllscounte-
J nHUe by good managerw. (Jetierally the
fn u Impromptu, but sometimes a Joke la
carefully planned """haiid.
i in a'"u.. - 1 -
fjik"oneof the principal actors IUi-
crick Dhu was knowu to be lu pecuniary
When Hoderlck gave the line, "I am
ItiHleri.k Dhu," Kiu Jnmea responded,
"Yes. and yon rent's due ton."
On the production of a piece railed "The
Ppy" the cntfc.' ads showed that It was
going to be a (lend failure. So when, at
certain point, a character bad to rush on
ami shout, ' Five lininlred pounds for the
spy!" tho author, who was concealed ls
ll a yinira
Wl),',fie ,( , llie M.rfnil.,1Ce.
When eating Iflkew placa on tne stage,
the temptations to play tricks with the
food are nnturnlly grent. In "Henry V"
the leek, which Pistol baa to eat, la usu
ally made from an apple. But on one nev
er to be forgotten orraalou the Flilcllen of
the evening gave blm a real onion, and be
bad no choice but to struggle tbrwiigh It,
though the teara couraed dowu his fat
ueks. -Loudoa Tit-bits.
i ' llltir T 111 1111711 Villi 11 rn II1V
iioitt'h miiooi, rou nova.
Biirlinframe, Pan Mateo County, Cat., will
reopen August tilh. It lain charge of Ira
li. Iloilt, ei-Mate Superintendent, and ia
one of I he nest school, lor boys In California.-
8. K. Kxaininer.
llouad to lo Ills Vutj.
A Newark (N. J.) policeman baa con
cent rated upou himself the ridicule of his
nMus'intiw Ikviuiso bo discovered two dog
fighting In the street and arrested the ag
gressor and uctually locked the animal lu
a cull In the slut Ion bouse.
Bubatltut Jurura.
In Mexico two substitute Jurors sit Dear
the jury box In a trial. If one of the regu
Urn fulls 111, asulistltute Ukes lila place
and the trial proceeds.
"lllmNst II I ain't a retnlar Trlll.y." muttered
the ninn In the crowd, alter la-Inn U'.hsI on
liailadoieu time.; "tver body gels oulu my
The chief function of the kidneys la to rp
arate (rout the IiIishI, In It. iMtge ihroaati
Ihein, ol certain ttiiimrttlc.aiid watery particle,
which make llielr Dual e&lt tlirouali the blad
der. The retention of thee, in conaeuiience o'
Inactivity ol the kidneys. I. pfviliictlva o I
Uriah!', dlscatti. droosv. dlats-lei. albuminuria '
ami other maladle. with a fatal tendency, llos-
letter's Stomach. IllOer.. a hiKhly .auctioned
illnrvlte ami li imm! neiiurviil. diih i Ilia k il
iit-ya when Inactive to lenew their .llllna fnno-
llon, and .train from the vital ciim-nl Imparl
Ilea which Itifc.l II and threaten their own ex
l.tHice a. organ, of the bisly. Catarrh of Ilia
blad. ler, gravel and retention of the urine are
aUo maiaille. arrcaUsI or averted by Ihla benign
Iiromolcr and reUtrat Ive of orifan Ic ac t Ion. M a
aria. iheiiintliii, i-nii.tlpalion, blllon.nea.
and yield to the Ulnar., which I.
alto .pteuilf beuerlclal to the weak and uer
"Sneaking ol I tie Voice ol Ubor,".al. Brown
I never rrallied bow much ll wa. on I of tuna
until 1 heard our new cook ilnglng at her
WeorTerOne Hundred Hollars Reward
for any rase of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure!
F. J. CHKXKY A CO., Props..
Toledo, Ohio.
We, the undersigned, have known K. J
Cheney for the last IA years, and believe
him perlectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by llieir linn.
Wist t Tai'AX,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Wai.uino, KisnaHiV. Maivim,
Wholesale Druggisla, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally.
; acting directly upon the blood and inumiua oi me system, rnce. inc.. per noi-
tie. Hold by all Druggista. Testimonials
I free.
For Whooping Cough Pisu's Cure is a
1 successful remedy. M. P. Iitk, S7
' Throop Ave., llrooklyn, N. Y., Nov. ll,tl.
j MI'MIO HrOKK-Wilcr H. Allen Co , the
ol.le.l. the larvoal, VII Ki rat SI., Portland.
I'hli kerlnu, llardmaii, Klu'her I'lauoa, K.tey
I Oricim. Uiw prli-., easy term..
10-lKMT music Menu lor catalogues.
Tar Giant for breakfast
Health Depends
t'lHin pure, rich, heillhy liNxxl. There
lore, see I hut your blood is uiude pure b
Sarsaparil la
The only line Mood puriller
nenlly in tho public eye today.
nnflTVC ttt 7 T G "et harmoniously ki li
uvvu kj a uuid a
I ssl Har-asirllla. !
July 3, 4, 5, '95
Portland, Oregon
Parade Starts 10:30 A. M.of
the Fourth
Gorgeous Pyrotechnic Display
Speed Association Races lo tbe Afternoon
for Purses Aggregating $29,000.
Races From June 20 to Jul) 6.
Bee small bills for 1'rograunne.
Ely's Cream Balm
Ut H HI.Y I l ltKH
. mu m
1'rl.w ft rente.
Applr Holm into li l"trll
Ki f ,K4'M..wiWrriihi.. W
iuflerln from the error., In
dlaeretloii.,tie.-aMM olyoHlh,
or dlaeaaea of the ranrodan- all of which lead
toeo option or liiaaully If uot Ireaiad In
lime, ran nud eaT it aa by oorre.Miud
liil wllb in. Our rainedleaare endoraed by tbi
nie.llealprof.wlon. NoQei.ntaT.
UorHIMS MKUICAL CO., Mancastltr. Ctai
IiflfaJnaj t'llMkiHKrn hf tnuawn trm Ukm varwolraAion. onm
Inisfoa Mrliina lken wtfim. 1 umUarm vl kUutai, ttia4
liitr PrtfiJi.A htim ytrlti ufurm !
hiob 6a -t if on pru tflmrtmi, atrtAS tntaiwtv J
iar lUfumf, riteviiitsr a b-rmAneni ir, I'ric V.
PrtiMUU ut avuuI, iir. U hA it I f ft.
Faeaalakf allWpaawbu. lalxuat-wUa.
Tor Colic, Cramps. .Cholera Morbus and all
Summer Complaiuts, there is no cure equal to
Pain-Killer. Get a bottle to-day. Keep it con
stantly on hand, for there is no kind of pain or
ache internal or external that
Pain -Killer
will not relieve. Accept no imitation or substitute.
Genuine has Perry Davis & Son on bottle. The
quantity has been doubled,
Preserves all kinds of Fruit without cooking;, and retains their
ctab isoe. CORBITT & MACLEAT CO. mo. 1883.
IMroin r US. SIIIITIMI ml COMMISSION MKIU'll ANTH. Liberal .dunce made on approred
comli(i.iieiits ol w neat. Hour, iiaia, wool and
ula: lea, ( olTee, K.ce, Malllua ami Ku.,,
l.lveipsil Fine, ( oarae aud Lump hock
No. I relumed Wheal Haa., Ili Hurl.p. Moll
I run, riramir and w in.., lor Mia III qiiatiuiiee lo.uii in. ir.ue.
MIVX CmcHfSTtu t fiiauxH,
t7 "". ,.m TUI OlIAlkaL AMD BIMUIIil
J iMdil, Ml UmfflM t ImMMT m
klrwj aawakewi a)llk fcU 1
4v la mim f ijMMflr.tMiiiMiiiW
All atllLa la) - ' kHitwa. aaiafe raiif.
IV.HtHI Tellw..tiial. . raw.
irvuiusrthe Petal.
Imubat.r. Braadfta
Muka money while
otheia are wa.itug
time by old prta-mara.
CalahiKleliaall alsiut
ll and deai-rllM-. every
4" rw , 1 1
Calaloue wl
ariuieneeileil lor the.
puuliry buaiueaa.
The "ERIE"
mechanically the t-eirt
wheel. 1'reiile.tnio.lel
a art I'arihc
Aiienla. Hlcvcle c.l.
logue, mailed fret.Kive.
full. learrlpi Inn prleea ete , nMTS wrWTn
UhancH IIoi-kK, 111 H Main hi., I.". A.llielra
The best
Dyspeptic,Delicate,Infirm and
JOHN CARL8 SON5. New York.
A wamunl ol Ilia UmuU aach daf H laaan fn
kaallh. Tumi pU. Kiuulr k 0" M"a Utk. to
hi... ft ivaular. TUmy uura tlMritrtia tncliian tha
Ktaa, and claar tha UanpUi loo bl ur th.a ananaAloa
1 liar leather arliia a.a .whtm. To atmvlnra f.m. wa
Mmpla rnM,uv a run imi i
Portland, Walla Walla,
Hiaikaue. rlaO. BAN.
Hallway and Ureal
Northern Hallway Ui
Montana Wllllla. HI.
Paul, Minneapolis,
Omaha, Nt. Loula, t'hl-
r.o.iil Faal. Aaure.
iii.are-l aiteni. c. t
lloiiavan, lien. All
Portland.llt.: K.C.Hte-
vein, (le n. Ant, Seattle,
M ah. ; C. (I. Iiixoii, (.all. At , Mpukane, n aan
No .In. i- rork-liallaat Hark: flnM acenery; Iwl
.le. plus and illiilti.-ar.. bun.-l llbrarjrcar.;
family toiiriat .leepera; new e.n.iiunu
Artificial ryes
E'a.tic Stockings
Trusses . . .
Crutches . . .
WQODARD. imi 4 CO,
Parll.nS. 0rea
wallle ly Cured with V table Remedle.
II.Hwrl thaaaana. or caia. n-.
ulniailkiiialaa b. bmmi Dbr.lcl.n. Fluu nr.ldiKI
arDotoaa dlaappar:ln uo aar.atlMw lao Uilnli
all araipioni. rmiiiH. aano l"r iiwm boub
...i. ... ir,.,i... urM. Tan dar. traaUMD
fraa by anal! If yoa ordr trial, aeod lOe. linuoi
oruar M li iiuiiii"i.i".
if.... oruar trial return Ikla advartUamaul to
outlasting two boaea ol any other brand. Fret
Irom Animal (ill.. UteT THK OKNtlHK.
aua uemivra aeuarmiiy.
N. I. N. U. No. 0038. F. N. U. No. 680
towS WtttHi AiL Hit lAllo.
Cuuak Sirup, IN 1
IP. T.
In tln. Hind er urtiav..).
1 I'llilwiiti..
lf VT'"7
but the price is still 25c.
Mlxea with cold water. Reliable and tale.
JAMES UIDUW I CO., PortUad. Or. IE .Mittfl VSSSL
Second to none Til V IT...
No ma lerwnere from. I'oltTLAMt, H.
not. ieriai import, irom i Ulna, japan anu in
Mann, lapmra, 1 1.
I'hliia Nat Oil.ele. From I lv-
hall, ( hi inli ai. ol all Hilda, llnplate, aelacled
rlrlui.ione, itau Ale, Untune.' Porter, Mo., teh and
ieMT rorter, ncs.iea
Rfo C0S3 Duhono Bramd
Thaul MamfW ftairwi amrl raHail a Tl II lar aavk
TW nlr !. Htirav mA rtUaM TUI tor hM.
trM4 Id Ma aavl WtM rUliW
tm U4 ! ttaU rUliW
Mhft kl4a Baft AMaMW amd MMI
tamaauttam mm hma4m
mtwMta Al lrftau m amatt W)
a4 "lianiW iW lafMllaM." mmMv, h raUtwm MaOi
aw siarav
MsJ f ll a UrtSCfflal. ..,,--
.W aaiUH rUlbAWM.I niAi rata
OAS and
In Every Detail.
Theae enelnea are arknowledied by eipert en-
:lneen lo Vat worthy of hlKhe.l eommeiidatlon
or .Impllelty, hlab grade nialerlal and .ai-erlor
work tn. n.lil. ikey develop the lull actaal
horae power, and run without an Kleelrlc Hrk
Hatlery) theriatemol Ignition la almpla, Inel
pen.lvaand reliable.
For piimplna oulllla for Irrigating parpoaea
no batter engine eau be found ou the PaclOe
Fur hnl.tlug oatflta for nines they hare Bet
with hhtheet approval.
For Intermittent power their
queallouad. TilTIOMRT
Cor. Front and Alder ita.,
Bond for catalogue.
ins' I
Palmer &. Rey Branch
Mercbants la Gordon and Peerless
Presses, C) Under Presses, Paper
Cutters, Motors of all kinds,
Folders, Printing Material.
Patentees of Self-Spacing Type.
Sole Makers of Copper-Alloy Type.