The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 06, 1895, Image 5

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W II Abrarus, of Salem I in Hu
ge lie.
Judge It P Boise, or Suleui, in In the
8 M Tltu and wife have returned
lion il B MIUci in heme from Cnr
vallix. Tmu Abrums came up from Salem
Blackberry ing parlies are becoming
Prof. I) V Eoid visited Id Portland
Kd McConuell came up from Coi-
vauis touuy.
Miss May Baldwin went to Goshen
this afternoon.
Cleo riundsaker went to PleaHimt
Hilt thl afternoon.
A few lingering strawberries are
still In the market.
George M Miller returned today from
the Belknap springs.
Dr Chester O Osburn, of Athena,
arrived here thin afternoon.
Hun Francisco hud a $1,000,0IO lire
last night; very little Insurance.
Mrs Minnie L Wushburne returned
home this atteruoon fraiu 1'ortlitnd.
Clias Orillln and Orest Wood leave
Tuesday for Portland on their wheel.
V W Haines returned this morning
from a bun! liens trip to Southern Ore
gon. 3Ira N J Applegate returned Thurs
day from her vltit at Indepedeuce and
Mrs E II Ingham and little child
will remain at Newport for a week or
two yet.
Mrs Dr Dodson. of Baker City, Is
visiting with Mrs Frank Hampton iu
RobertO. Collier and wife left for
their homo in Sun Francisco this
Sunn Ichlio Hirota, the Japanese
lecturer, arrived on the local train this
Frank E. Edwards of the class of '05,
0. A. C, came np from Corvallis today
for a short visit.
Miss Laura Beattie ba been elected
to a position as teacher in the Oregon
City public schools.
Miss Carrie Hull, who has been
teaching school in Portland, is home
to spend vacation.
Mn V C Yoran and little daughter
went to Uurrlsburg this morning to
visit for a day or i we.
Lee Hostleton is down from Victoria,
B. C, on a short visit with his folks
who reslae in this county.
A marriage liceuse was issued by the
county clerk this afternoon to Lewis
B Crane and Mary E Woolen.
J M Kceney has sued W D and It C
Keeney in the circuit court, on open
account, for $104 and interest.
Haying will generally commence
next Monday. The crop will be un
usually heavy.
Rev O M Hill of Oakland, Cnl., is
expected to visit Eugene in about
three weeks.
Miss Haiiua, of this county, has
been engaged as one of the school
teachers at Union, Oregon.
Paddy Ryan ran second iu a race at
Portland yesterday, only being de
eated for first place by a head.
Five thousaud bushels of wheat is
being hauled through Eugene from
Irving to Springfield flouring mills.
Dr K L Miller, of Roseburg, has been
selected surgeon at the soldiers' home
at that place to succeed Dr B F Hum
mel. Bruce Burnett, a student of the U of
O residing at Corvallis, will contest in
the Portland bicycle races on July
Mrs II E Hupperset, of Roseburg, ao
companied the remains f her nephew,
Albert Osburn, to this city.
Miss Mae Huff came home from
Portland yesterday afternoon quite
sick. She is some better teday.
Mrs Flsk returned to her home at
Mud ford this morning after a pleasant
visit with Rbv and Mrs M 0 Wire.
A M Osburn and wife and 8 P Os
burn, of Troutdale, arrived here last
night to attend the funeral of their son
and brother, Albert.
Hon S II Friendly, accompanied by
his daughter, Miss Theresa, left on this
morning's early train on a week's vis
it to Buker City and Penilleton.
Mrs Sawyers left for Calforuia on
this morning's overland train. She
Joins Col. Sawyers at Santa Cruz, Cal
ifornia's popular resort by the sea side.
Hon II B Mller will address the
Southern Oregon Chautauqua at Ash
land July 15, on "Woman's Relation
to Social Progress."
The marriage ceremony in Portland
that made O N McLean and Agnes
Millican man and wife was performed
at the Perkins Hotel by Judge C B
Prof Hawthorne and family expect
to leave Tuesday morning for Seal
Rocks, at the seaside to spend the va
cation. The Professor has a collage ai
that place.
Corvallis Gazette: Miss T Hodes,
)f Eugene, who has been visiting for
the past vear with relatives in San
Francisco, came up on the last steamer
nd Is now visiting in this city with
Jier cousin, Miss Julia Warrior.
Conductors employed by the South
?rii Paciflo company have been not!
Hed that after July 1st they will be re
quired to furnish bonds of 12,000 each.
The conductors kick at this new reg
ulation. La Grande Chronicle: " 'Uncle'
Mark Stevens, of the Cove, is making
a few day's visit with friends in La
Grande." Mark is an early pioneer of
Lane county, and is a favorite with all
the old-time pioneers.
School Superintendent Stevenson
nd Rev. W 8 Gilbert returned from a
pleasant trip about noon today to Bel
knap Springs. They made the trip on
their wheels. They did not visit the
Falls .f the McKeuzie on account of
lack of time. They report the roads
Sister M. Josephine, accompanied
by Miss Nan Moore, left this morning
for Portland, where she will probably
spend a few days owing to poor
Ed F Osburn, of Salem, speut today
In this city. He is now runniug a
racket store In the capital city. He
was deputy post master here tor four!
years under I W Osburn.
Rev. Herbert Johnson went to Port
laud this morning, where he will
preach in Dr. Kraut's Church Sunday.
He will lelum home again the first of
next week. His brother Virgil accom
panied him.
Among others who returned from nt
tending the Berger trial at Portland
this morning were: L ltilyt-u, Marv
Berger, Geo mid Jul.e Bcrgc'r, Mrs T
W Harris, Mrs Joel Ware, Mrs Mary
Ruiler, Mrs Win Rmhaw, Mis L
Bilyeu, Mrs J L McKeum-y, Miss
Vearger and Georgo W Kinney.
The Grant's Pans Courier snvs liiat
Horace Brown's jK-iilon bus been re
duced, but fails to wy how much. He
Is a (Hjusloner of the war of 1M2, and Is
neuily 104 years ofuge, uul resided in
Lane county for a uumls-r of years.
The Koseburg Pliiiudealer in speak
ing of the rtiilioud wieek Hull oc
curred the other day says: Dow
Hull, the brakemau, Mood at his jsmi,
and manfully tugged at ihe brake tilt
the car started to turn, w hen he loo,
jumped for his life not a second im
soon. As it was, he sustained serious
injuries atsjul the buck and shoul
ders. A peanut boy mi the West Side train
wus arrested at McMiunvillo for steal
ing cherries ami fined $000 and H
months In Jail. He was frightened to
death utmost until hi sentence was re
milted uud he mw thut he hud been
the subject of u Joke.
Aa exchange says: The steamer
Iloharts hud n pretty lively time hist
week towing u couple of reck barges
iiu the Siiltflaw from Coos buy. It was
blowing quite a gale.tlic barges became
unmanageable and she was obliged to
put Into Coquille for safely, after re
ceiving several hard bumw from the
i'he Gi'AKD doesn't want any
miner to forget for want of being told
that the susnslou of assessment of
'08 and '01 does not apply to '1)5, and
that to hold uti unpatented mining
claim in any state or territory in the
Union 100 worth of work or Improve
ment must be put thereon some lime
between January 1st and December
Slot, PS05 inclusive.
J E Jacobs, of Corvallis, the, young
man who lost an uriu at Sacramento,
by the cars running over It, hud run
uay from home at Corvallis. He had
obtained a Job in Sacramento, und
then notified his mother where he
wus. Ho went from there to Sacra
mento on the break twain and blind
baggage leaving Albany on the 10th.
K.irlr Closing.
The people of Eugene and vicinity
will please take notice that commenc
ing on Monday, July 1, and contin
uing for three mouths the following
merchants will close their stone
firomptly at 8 o'clock p. in every night
ii the week except Suturduy. Any
one wishing to make any purchase
during the evening will do well to call
at nn early hour us we will close our
stores promptly at 8 p. m.:
J II McCluug, A E Wood,
Howe & Bice, LOBcckwith,
Yoran & Son, J L Zelgler,
A V Peters, A Goldsmith.
F E Duun, J L Page,
EBaum, Geo T Hall A Son.
P Frank & Son, J U Green A Son,
S H Friendly, Gray & Son,
E Hanson, " G W Knapp,
W Sanders, J G Rhlnehart,
J D Mullock, EH Ingham,
G Bettman, EC Smith,
II N Crain, J S Luckey.
Ikdictkd. Thursday's Albany
DeiUTcrat: "At 4:10 o'clock yesterday
afternoon the grand jury brought iu
true bills against Johu Isom, sr., and
John R. Stockman for violation of the
special statute prohibiting the use of
w heat in storage in a mill or ware
house. They were arruigned at 9
o'clock this uiorniug and plead not
guilty. Mr. Isom was suffering froui
vertigo and was nearly prostrated ami
his cuse was continued until next
term. A motion was made for a con
tinuance! of the Stockman case; but
was refused and the trial of it set fur 1
o'clock Monday. In the mean time a
motion will be made for a change of
venue. Prosecuting Attorney McCaiu,
Luther Elkins and Blackburn A Hom
ers appear for the state. Weutherlord
A Wvatr, Whitney A Newport and W
R Bilyeu for Isom, and Geo. E Cham
berlain, Kelly A Curl and Weather
ford A Wyatt, for John R Stockman.
The case is exciting considerable inter
est. Not a Woodman. Albert G Os
burn, who was drowned at Roseburg
Wednesday evening, was not a mem
lKr of the 'W(sdmaii of the World, as
rummed. When Mr Falkouburg
Heud Consul, was Iu Roseburg, Mr.
Osburn, made an application for mem
bership and paid the three dollar Ini
tiation fee, expecting to take out a
$3,000 policy. Through neglect he
never took the required medical ex
niiiiuulion and hence was not initiated
Into the order. Therefore his widow
of course, will not receive any betie
ficinry. If he had lived a few days It
was his firm determination to perfect
his membership in this grand organ
ization. Di!y Guard, June '."J.
A Suki'RIhe Party. A surprise
party was tendered Miss Delia Ham
lust evening at the ,hame of her par
ents on High street. Those present
were: Misses Florence Morris, Minnie
Morris, Floreuoe Drew, Blanche Tay
lor, Hattie Taylor, Madge Dattoe, Cera
Ham. Messrs. Wiley Hum, Hurley
FuMian, Hugh Ham, Alex Anderson,
Arthur Anderson, George Barger,
Le nar.1 Chil.-on, Carl Bailee, Otto
Ro .viand, Mastin Taylor, Lee Lan
dre: h. All report having a very pleas
ant time.
Bjv9 vn Know. Pendleton Trlb
urn : Rev. O. A. McKlnlay has re
ceded the news oi Hie apslntment of
his eldest son, Arthur McKlnlay, to
the position of Latin instructor in the
Pon and high school. Another son,
lU.-'vn McKiulay, graduated this year
iu t le classical course at the state uni
ver ty. He Is preparing for the lulu
Istr. .
Daily Gturtl, June 2.
(..kkcome Heat. While work
yes -rdnv afternoon J J Poll was over
CM. - byneai. ana fell to the ground.
Hi vas taken to nls home and is now
ne iy recovered rroru the effects of the
sail .
Emerson Fihei is down front Bom.
, burg.
Oregon City had a t ono fire this
i Mrs Crooks went lo Shedds this
I luomiulg.
A little lightning In the uorlhcnit
; last evening.
! fcophie It paced eond In it noe at
Portland yesterday.
Mrs. Craufill was
Shedds this morning,
a pusseiigcr to
j Harry Millioru, of Crook conutv, is
I visiting at Junction City.
i The Chapmau-WetherisM party le-
lumen uoijie uiis morning.
Jt is wiiil that Secretary of War
Lamnut will soon visit Portland.
B A Woshbnrne and Prof CS Hunt
were over from Spiingtleld hist even
ing. I'd F Ostium i. to I Tlios Ahram re
turned to Su!i in uu this morniuK's ear
ly train.
Mks Maud K'-riis went to Turner to.
day and will vUll Portland before n
turuing home.
Bev. N B Allev went to Hadleyvillu
this afternoon w here lie will preach
tomorrow nftcmiMu.
W II Abisnis, Mrs A G O-burn and
Mrs. HuiH-rct left for Host'tmrg on
this morning's euily liuiu.
Miss M A Buirrll, who hits been vis
iting in Eugene left for her home in
Sail Francisco this morning.
AM Ostium and wife and S P Os
bum left for their homo at Troutdale
on this iiiortilng's I h'iI train.
A loi.e highuu..'Uii:ii held U t lie
Ager-Klamttth Fails stage June 1'7. He
only got a few dollars.
The law iro!iihitiu tiucks from
standing on Williuiielte stnel U being
enforced by Hie t ily nlllcers.
Twenty-eight new members were
Installed into (amp No. 115 Wood
men of the World last evening.
Prof. L C Carson w, nt to Suleni to.
day uud will go to r.irtla-id tomorrow,
w here she w ill U.'. fo; suuie time.
Rev. II. F. Gilt went to Portland to.
day uml will ih-cii y the pulpit of Hev
C II Curtis in that city tomorrow.
Dr. Chester (Klmrn left for Ids home
this morning. On his way he w ill
make short visits at Hulsey und Port
laud. A C Bassett, of Metilo Park, ChI.,
and G B Claiborne, of Stockton, Oil.,
have been spending several days
II C Humphrey and family, L N
Koney and wile, uud E J Mct'fauahaii
and wife have returned from a visit to
A. Abrahams, of Portland, Krrived
here ou his bicycle tills morning, ami
left today on his wheel for Koschurg to
visit his parents.
J E Buker and family, of Salem, are
visiting relatives und 'friends hi Eu
gene. Mr. Baker will return home
Monday morning.
Rev C. H. Curtis, of Portland, ar
rived on the local this afternisiu and
will preach at the Congrcgatlunal
church tomorrow, iu exchange witli
Rev Gilt.
Harrisburg Courier: By virtue, of
being county clerk, Rev. A. C. Jen
nings is highly fivored; he gets two
chances at Cupid's wrecks Just when
they cannot kick.
The steamer Roharts will take a
party from Florence on July 3rd to
Newport to s?ud the Fourth of July.
Thanks to J W llollis for a couple of
heavily laden cherry limbs. They
would be hard lo beat.
John Hnndsukcr, of Junction City,
hn been elected senior superintendent
of the Christian church F.udcavnr for
Misses Rose nud Laura Coleu an of
this city have been granted state di
plomas. 'I hey expect to leave for the
coast shortly.
The butchers of the city have now
signed the agreement to close their
markets at 8 o'clock each evening ex
cepting Saturday.
Nearly every city In Oregon cele
brates the Fourth of July this year ex
cepting Eugene, Eugene right now
announces that next year she will cele
brate in grand style.
Philip Philips, the sweet singer,
who has dclixhtcd thousands of peo
ple all over the U H including Eugene
ople on two or three, occasions, died
a few days ago iu Ohio.
Junction City Times: The S P Co.
iu their order ef retrenchment has re
tired Walter 1 lee be as freight agent at
this pluce. The layoll takes place Ju
ly 1, und Is Indefinite.
A pleasant little party was given by
Miss Mercy Applegate at the residence
of her mother, iu this city lust evening
in honor of Misses Ida Miller and Lulu
McCullister, of Drain, her guests.
Medford Monitor: J B McGee, the
well known mining mun spent yester
day in town. He returned last even
ing to Cottage Grove and will spend
the summer at the Annie gold mine I
the Uohemlu district.
ThcRouthern Paciflo Company will
sell, on July 3rd and on the morning
of the 4th, tickets from and to all sta
tions, atone fare for the round trip,
These ticket will be good for return
until July Mh, 1HU5.
Ashland Tiding: The hot sll has
provoked the "oldest inhabitant" not
only to assertion of itsHiiusualtiuss but
to its unprecedented prolongation, if
that will express It. Yesterday the
temperature rea-chod the tlua top Hoteh
tit 07".
Forest Grove Times: Bev I D Dri
ver was driven against a barbed wire
fence and gored by a bull a few days
ago. Though the report says the doc
tor was not seriously hurt, he proba
bly thought the Devil and Boh Inger
soll combined were after him for a
A Siskiyou county, Cal., deputy as
sessor is said to have raided the Elliott
creek mining cutnp In the Siskiynus
just over the state line iu California,
lust week, and "caught" the miners
for roail, poll aud hospital tax, which
In California amount to $7 per head
3 ruad, 2 poll and $2 hospital. The
men nearly all have their homes in Or
egon but didn't haves ferreceipt taxes
paid in tills state. A there isn't even
a rabbit trail leading from California
into the Elliott creek country, Just
what advantage the road tax w ill be
to them has not yet lcen explained.
Tlrrd, Heaiy and Font-Sure, iln
( liapniau Ueiherlice Teiic
irliu Party tall to li'urli
dear l.skr.
' llll liumnt. Jul. i- j
A not lit r rcHtt lias reached this of-'
1 lice concerning the Chai'iiinn-NN etlu r-
U-e party of student and profi-SMiis
j who left this city hist week with the j
avwwetl purpose of walking all (lie
way to Clear Lake aud buck again, uf-!
ter having scnt some tune iu pulling j
big fish yarns out of the deep, clear,
cold water of Hilt mountain lake and1
inventing some nice Isar aud
stones. The story Is brought by twoj
cyclists w ho have tstii sis-nding n few !
dsv at the springs and leturned pome
Tired, weary and f.sit sore they
dually reached Belknap springs
three fuiirths of (he ditaucu to their
destination. Here their coinage and
strength failed them and they willing
ly concluded to give up (he reiniiiudel
ol Ihe prosvd Journey Fish Luke
had lost all chtinus ior them, and
(here was no pluce like Belknap
springs lo (hem II Mas a h.avcn ol
re-t. reaching the sprint: Ihe
stronger athletes of the party forged
ahead whllo (ho weaker prolesHiiis
lugged U'hilld. The il.Htor of the
crowd Iseaine so foot sore that he had
to null nil his sh.s s. Iinsulne his
feelinus a he trudged along through
the hot dust witn his bare feet.
After reaching the- pmig they
simply laid around uud "listed." No
tempting stories of the elixi r way iu
which trout were biting er of (he clo-e
piuximlmity ol a deer hud .'he least
effect upon "them. All they wauled
was rest, and that is all they did while
it the springs, excepting on one oc
casion w hcu the professor l athletics
levived eniiUL'h energy within him
self to rhh' u bicycle a short di-tanee
after the mail, and getting a copy
ol the (ti'Al(l), containing u marked
Item giving all account of the time
their party was seen ridingoii a wuu'on
w itli u farmer, w hich some friend had
kindly sent to t hem.
The students of (he pally deserve a
little more credit though, as they
sdsHllhc trip Is'lliT, uud one of theoi,
Temple(ou, killed a do r.
The pally started home Wednesday
morning, ss nillng last night at lllu'e
Itlver.and will probably reach here
by tomorrow evening. The ihx'lor
will not Ik- able to make the ( rip back
all the way on foot, nud s dd he would
"walk down on the stage."
They are How trying lo create (lie
hnpressluii Unit they did not intend to
go to Clear Lake.
('riirrul Hop Id-port.
Walterville, N. Y. Tribune: The
weather has not U eu favorsl.le for I lie
growth of Ihe vino us formerly ou ne
count of the dry weather. All kinds
of crops need rain. Appearance In
dicate a much less crop than last year
some sjiy one-half less. While there
are. some good yards none come up lo
Ihe best yards last year at this tunc.
The vine ds's not show tlm vigorous
promising look (hut was stu last
season. Many yards aro very poor
aud these together witli the ssttcd
condition of the others will greatly
bring down the uverage.
CooH?rstoM n, N. Y., Republican:
There Is nothing 'olng in the hop
market. One purchase of l.'l bales at
6 cents Is ull that w e learn of since we
went to press lust week. There seems
In be no doubt but tlie hops throuith
Ibis section are looking poorly for this
time of the year, and must pick a Ugh
The I'it nli Turin;.
DtllT l.usrtl, June ."..
A farmers' and lalsirlng in. lis' pic
nic was given ul Merlau's Park this af
ternoon. The at emlance wus gisnl.
The principal scoch wus made by
Hon. R. P. Boise, of Salem, who en
tertained his listeners for an hour.
Then several short addresses were
made. After this came dinner. The
balance of the afternoon wus ss'Ul in
social converse. Every one present
voted thut they had hud a very pleas,
ant and profitable day. Much credit
is due James F. Amis for t ho success
lislljr Uusril, June
An Item. Today's Cottage Grove
Leader has this item: "Our snter city,
Eugene, Is becoming us famous for lo
cal sensations as a dashing, festive
"purp" is for liens. The editor of the
Echo Leader has lust learned by special
telegram that a Eugene lady, grevious
ly tormented with u curn on her toes,
was advised by a friend to anoint It
with phosphorous, w hich in a weak
moment she did, but forgot so tell tier
hushaud tiefore retiring at night. It
had lust struck twelve when the litis
hand awoke, and was startled to see
something snarklo lit the foot of the
lied. He had never heard of a II re Ily
In that locullty, nor did ho ever ro
niemlwr seeing such a terrible hsiklng
object as the t piesenled. Reaching
carefully out of bed till ho found one
of his slipMrs. he raised il high In the
air aud brought it down with terrlblu
force upon the mysterious light. A
shriek and an avaluucheof Is'd clothes
and all wus over. When nt last he ro
lensed himself from the avuluiiche he
discovered his wile groaning in the cor
ner, lie h id struck the phosphorated
Wit t. I ik is Lank. Dullus Ilem "John Mlntn, fruit. lusiector,
wus making un ofllclul trip through
this county last week, Is now in Ben
ton and will go on through Lane look
ing utter diseased fruit trees, lie says j
thut very many of the old orchards .
have been and are Isdng worked over !
Into giMd condition, and that many of;
them will pay for Ihe extra expense in !
a year or two. Wherever he finds dis-1
eased tree Is'ing neglected, the own
ers are wurned und must tnk steps to
abate Ihe evil. The woolly aphis is
playing havoc with some trees."
Inilj fauiril, June i".
A Lioirr Catc il. Prof Orion, Fred
Bcllmsn und N (.'and E A Vinson re
turned from their fishing trip last
evening They rsnl u light catch,
booking only ubout forty on the trip
down. Just at the lust minute before
starling they changed .their minds
and went to (he McKen.le Instead of
Ci UTI .n.elte.
Muie Puitkslars. j
Pitiiy ousril J'ttio .'v '
I.asl evening's !!" 'uig I'l lindrah I
say about Ihe drow lung ol the lute A
"l.t evening at ubotit M o'rlockl
Milton Mi I'arlauil ami his friend A.
G. Osb'.iru went to bathe in the river
lit .I.J. Furqtuir'- bathing phnv. Ilothj
had made several plunges into (lie wa-1
(erand returned to shore. Itcinggood,
swiiiimeis, and the wat'T warm iliey
were having u vi-ry pltaxiut time, Mr.
O-luiru remarking to his companion
"It U ileliglitrul," and imuiediiitely I
made another pluugit into (he river. I
Mr. Mcl arland Just nt this Juncture
was leaning his head forward ou (he I
safely rox resting from his exliaus-'
tlou und did not msj Mr. Oshnrn go
down after rising from his last plunge.
There were iinie a large number of,
pernors mi (he bank nud It w as discov
ered by t In-ill that Mr. Ostium was
drowning mid cried out to Mc Fin land
to go to Ids re-cue. Mel ailaud imme
diately riisheil in, diving after him as
he went down, but taili-d to find him,
as in the darkness he could not see any
distaiiiv around him.
"Young J. Ilauiliu wus the only one
on shoie w ho went to the drowning
man's aid, so w e u cm told. He dove
several limes, but us (he water is 1(1 to
H f.f( ihvn ut (his place, ncil her Mr.
McFarlaud nor Hamlin could Und the
nody. Ii was found with grappling
hooks about iiiie-hulf hour utter he
went down the last time.
"Mr. (Maim was a young man about
.'W years of age, who recently engaged
in mercantile business in thiscilv nud
was fast winning Ids way to public fa
vor by his obliging w ays nud pleasant
mi n:its SOMKW II AT.
Thursday's Bowhurg Kevlew:
Duow nki. -On this invasion Al-Is-rt
G. O-hurii, u prominent voting
business man, was bathing with sev
eral companions. I le could swim but
little, it seems, and had once swung
out ou a rope hanging over the liver,
getting safely I nek to the bank. The
second lime he tried to do this, ho was
seen, through the gutheriug darkness,
t sink is'iieittli the watei, making a
sound us If strangling. Of I ho few
spectators none could swim sulllcieatly
to make u sucivssful attempt at rescu
ing the uufoituuiite man. Milt Mo
Fin land, w ho was preparing to go Into
the wuti r, plunged iu and attempted
to dive to the bottom several limes un
til exhausted by his clloi Is. The spot
where (Miuru sunk from sight wus
alsiut twenty-two feet from tho hunk,
and Ihe water Is sixteen feet deep. He
evidently went straight lo (lie bottom
ut d did not come up at ull. The body
was recovered in .'10 minute, llr.
Oias was on the swit uud every effort
possible was made to rcsiiscituto tho
young man, hut in vain. It Is thought
by some thai a sudden attack of heart
disease was I ho real cause of his dentil.
He had sent his application (o (ho Oak
Camp W. of W., but wo could not learn
whether he hud completed his mem
bership In thai order.
Dining his brief residence hero the
deivaseil had made many friends aud
laid the foundation for a successful
Im-inc-s. His character was exemplary
iu every respect, and to this account of
Ids uiitimelv cud, It need only to be
added thut Ills dcuth cast a gloom over
Ihe entlio community. To I lie young
w lie and relatives the heart felt sympu-
lliy ol all lsexieiulcil."
An Opinion. The Dalles Chronicle
says: "To any one who has watched
the evldi lice iu the Berger case, the
action (if Judge Itcllinger In directing
a verdict of uciulttul,will cause no sur
prise. The testimony against Ihe
defendant seemed very werk; too triv
ial, In fuel, ior ever allowing tho case
lo bo commenced. The matter now
becomes more mysterious than ever,
but it would be u vNo thing on the
part of tho government officials not to
proceed to hlacken any person's rtiiir
acler unle-s (he proof lie stronger than
it was against Miss Berger." Nearly
every piisr makes similar comments
on 1 1 to ease,
Iljitjf (jusnl, J il no 'js,
A Mistakk. III reporting the pro
ceedings of the commissioners' court
yesterday we reported "A E Whuelor,
j P fees, stute vs Matlock, Kincaid
aud Klrkburgh, claimed I13.L.1); al
lowed tin. .'10.". This was a clerical
erior. Justice Wheeler's claim was
$s.tl5 which was allowed Iu full aw has
been every claim ho has ever presented
to the court. We make the correction
nut wishing to convey a false Impres
sion that .Mr heeler has claimed
illegal or excessive fee
A Km. ID Man. Suleni Journal:
Geo T (.'hue, of Wood I mm wus in the
elly today. Ho has Just returned from
a 500 mile, bicycle trip in Western Ore
gon. While In I'.ugi no lie made a
proposition to haul all freight for Eu
gene merchants from tho Oregon Pa
eltio railway for (1 n ton less than the
railway will carry it around by Al
bur iy. Mr ('line is a man of character
und has tho business ability aud finan
cial stunding to make good his end of
the contract.
I'ully liusnl, Juno 'JH
Cam i' Cuhki. Tho Ir
vlugcump meeting wus brought to a
close lust night. A good Interest was
maintained Irom the beginning to the
close. There wero many conversions
aud accessions to I ho church us a result
ofthofiMid work. The cople of Ir
ving and community may well con
gratulate themselves on the g.MKl work
and tho entire community is to be
commended lor the good order main
tained from first to lust.
Hop ( rop
North Yaklmii, June 20. A report
bus been sunt abroad that Yakima
county would have twenty thousand
Imlcii of Imps this season. Phut was a
fair estimate six weeks ago, but on ac
count of low prices uud scarcity of
money, many yards huvu Istii neglect
ed and growers agree that the yield
will not exceed twelve thousaud Gules.
loll OQsrd, June JS.
1U K Fiiomthk M I. nm. Recorder
II F I 'orris relumed Inst evening from
the ilhui Liver mines, ile says thut
woik Is now progressing ou the mine
owned by tho Eugene company. They
have a well defined ledge seven feet
wide with perfect walls on either side.
He brought down with hlui a uumber
ol line specimens that will assay high
ly. The rock Is free milling. About
fifteen men are now at work In the
district aud all of them feel highly en
eoiinigi d over the outlook.
Weather Treillcllo'is for tli Next
leu Pays.
Prof. Foster iu Ills Inst bulletin gave
forecasts of the storm wave to cross the
continent from iilli to -jyili, and the
next ho say will reach tho Pacific
coast about I ho LM'th.
Average rains may 1st exacted
through tho central portions nt the
United Stutt leaving a deficiency in
(he extreme north and south.
Warm wnve will cross (ho west of
Cockles country ulsiut Juno LtMh.
Cool wave will cross the west of I lock -ies
country about the I'd.
This cool wuvu will inaugurate an
extended cool pt riod und what is here
in designated as tin cool half of (lie
month. Each month Is usually divid
ed into alsiut two weeks of cool uud
two weeks of warm weather nud the
diflcrenee iu tho average temperature
of these two Hrlods is aliiin-t univer
sally of u radical tys. It Is of great
Importance to know when these warm
and cool periods will occur. Each of
these twelve to fifteen days warm pe
riods has two storm waves, two warm
wave and two cool waves and each of
tho twelve to fifteen nays cool periods
has the same. Most rain fulls during
tho cool periods and the evaporation
nud drouth symptoms are cxciienccd
during the warm periods.
The rain belt for July npour to ex
tend from lieuvcr to Philadelphia,
leaving large ureas of drouth In (he di
rection of Charleston ami Key West
and from Chicago and Davenport to
ward mo nortnwesi.
Iexlr Itrms.
June 27, 1SI5.
Aunt Tilda Mi-Cull Is visiting rela
tives In the village tills week.
Mr. Brlggs has erected his lent and
is taking pictures He will take pho
tos un the picnic ground ou July 4th,
A couple of young men Indulged In
a llstlo encounter 1 uesday. Such
things will lead to sonio one getting
hurt if care Is not exercised.
Camnmeetliig is progressing nicely
on the Lowell camp ground. Next
Sunday will be a great day and many
wopie aro ex iected. Wo aro not In
'tinned as to who will preach.
The District S. S. convention at Uni
ty was largely attended. Such gath
erings aro very entertaining and high
ly nenenciui. J lie music rsiiccluliy
was excellent.
Public opinion was highly wrought
up Iu this section on account of the un-
rortunato atlair on rail l reek. Tho
circumstance is greatly to be deplored.
Rabbits anil squirrels nro getting to
be a terrible nulsanco to gardens in
this vicinity. If steps aro not taken to
exterminate theso pcst we will even
tually tw coniellcd to use rabbit proof
Wedesiroto thank tho good people
of Pleasant Hill for deciding to with
draw their picnic, us these neighbor
hoods could hardly support two) enter
tainments. We will (ry to furnish
amusement for those who may wish to
attend and a few old roosters must cel
ebrate Ihe glorious fourth of July by
dying for their country. Come and
see the fun.
Rkiii I. ak.
I lull)- liusnl, June US.
Today'a Alhuny Herald says: "Mr
Duvid Link, well known In this city
but now a merchant of Eugene, uud
Miss Oussie Bluer, were married at
tho home of (ho bride's mother In this
city lust evening. They have the best
wishes of many friends. Those present
were: Mr and Mrs Charles Wagner,
Mr and Mrs William Vance, Mr and
Mrs Hewitt, Mr and Mrs Weatherfurd,
Mr and Mrs Wills, Mrand Mmtjulncy
l'ropst, Rev aud Mrs Poling, Mrand
Mrs F Craw, Mr and Mia Martin
Payne, Misses Rosa Schrawder, Iena
Schrawdor, Mlna Oalbruith, Minnie
Ehret, Mabel Craw, of Kugene, Elsie
Martin, Pearl and Laura Vance. Sarah
Owculiy, Lena Curl, I Initio Harder,
Olga Hewitt, Minnie Bluer and Miss
Altermatt. Messers. Rudd, George
Link, ol Aurora, Walter Peacock and
Will Bluer.
"Master C Ie and Clnudo Lamb
sou serenaded the wedding party and
presented a fine bouquet. The wed
ding presents were numerous aud ele
gant. "A bountiful wedding lunch was
served and the thanks of the Herald
force Is tendered for a line lunch of
The GUAltl) tenders congratulation.
Has: a Son In Kugene.
Tacoma, Juno 2(1. William Bloom
fluid, aged 50, who has a son at Eugene
Oregon, has dlsuppcured and It Is be
lieved ho has committed suicide.
When lust seen ou June 8th, he had a
revolver aud strayed off In tho direc
tion uf the wood north of this city,
lie Imnglned people were conspiring to
kill him. He kept a store in Puyallup
and when he became hopelessly In
volved Iu debt he ordered tho stock of
geeds returned to pay oil some of the
Usllf Ouiril, June its.
Funchai. and ItiiRi al. Tlie re
mains of the lute Albert G. Osburn
were brought here from Roseburg by
this morning's early train. Tlie funer
al took place this afternoon nt 3 o'clock
from tho residence of W. 11. Abrams
to tho I. O. O. F. cemetery, Rev. H.
F. Gilt, of tho Cougregat loual Church,
conducting the religious exercises. A
large uumber of relatives and friends
attended. Tho relatives have the sy m-
fiathles of their many friends in this
lour of tribulation. A young man of
mural worth has passed uway and the
community In which he wus reured
mourn his sudden taking away.
I'slljr ousol, June s.
A Tooth Aciik. W L Miller, of
1'urtlund, a guest at the Foley springs,
avlvcd 'on last evening's stage from
that nlaco to have a r factory tooth
attended to. He hunted up a dentist
who repaired the molar in a few min
utes. This morning he started back to
the springs on the stage. A stage ride
over 120 miles of mountain road for a
little thing like an selling tooth is
something unusual.
Piioiiatk Mattku. Estate of Ansel
A llemenway; prohable value of estate
(2,ntsJ. Abigail llemenway apx!iited
executrix, Willi f 1,000 bonds, with V
and F llemenway sureties.