The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 06, 1895, Image 4

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    Kugcno City Guard.
Dan le (Juillf, in letter to the
Sail Luko Tribune, miya a bund of
100 liorncn old in Navuda a nliort
time ago for 13 cent each. The
home i fcurely going out of Jftle,
out of ityle or out of usefullnciHH, or
all combined. However we look ut
it, tba horse is not worth neur ho
much in dollars and ccnU, as his
faithful services ore daily lessening.
In Idaho tlio couiuionest kind of
cayuses havo not yet dropped to
anything near tho Nevada price,
but tlio tendency is downward, and
in duecouree of time 'JO or 2o cents
will bo considered pretty good
price for a good, gentle, tough,
young cay use, if duly warranted
not to buck or kick, and is found
to be without a physical blemish,
liut if not perfect so far as equine
perfection goes, both physically an J
morally, and cannot exhibit by
his utouth and teeth, indications
that he has not parted with his
uskfullness, will bo declared at a
discount and ho will readily sell for
hero alxut 10 cents more
than nothing.
Cranes are sa numerous in Union
county that there aro not enough
men, women and children to keep
them oil the grain Ileitis and gar
dens. In many places they have
destroyed large orchards and groves
ealinir oil the leaves and Jmios
leaving only tho trunks and trees
standing, l'urt of tho day these
birds swarm to tho streams like
countless herds of cattle and so
great is their number that they
often drink the streams entirely
dry, thus threatening tho country
with a general drouth. What
seems the slrungest part of the
matter is that tho skins of the
cranes are so tough that they can
not be iKMielruted by a bull from a
4 1 calibre rille. Tho cranes have
practically taken the country and
the 101 Io aro Ileeingfor their lives
And geographers havo already
changed the name from Union to
Crane county.
F. II. Coocr, of Nicgcl, Cooper it
Co., tho grout Chicugo dry goods
firm, gives these sensible reasons
for favoring tho free coinago ol
silver: "First, because there is not
enough gold in the world to trans
act the world's business. The re'
suit is that a syndicate of hankers
is enabled to corner tho gold, and
when our treatury is nearly tie
ideted wo have to sell bonds to
theso banks to net tho gold back
again. Did not this happen twice
last veur, and did not the syndicate
clear io,000,0iK) or HS.OOO.OOO on
the deals? They might comer the
gold once a month, mid before long
would own tins eouutry, body and
soul. Second we havo untold
treasures in silver buried in thr
mines of Colorado and other states.
Shall we let it lio there? Suppose
wa mine 1 00,000,000. Is it not
more useful in tlio pockets of the
people than buried in the bosum
of the earth? liimetalism, say I,
with hurope u we can, without her
if we can t."
The polico authorities in I'endle
ton recently arretted three own us
vags, who, after being kept in jail
over night and brought t .trial
before tho recorder, declared they
were acrobats on their way to
Spokane to (111 an eniMet'minit.
o o
The recorder had n space in the
room cleared and after enjoying for
an hour some of tho finest tumb
ling ever produced on the circus
boards, concluded the claim of the
men was established and let them
go their way rejoicing.
Corvallis Times: Those accus
tomed to wet their whistles on
Sunday went thirsty yesterday.
All the saloons in town had
previous notice served on them by
the sherill'. and uromnlv at V2
o'clock Saturday night closed their
doors and kept them closed until
this morning. It was the tlrst
Sunday closing that has been ob
served in Corvallis since Prosecut
ing Attorney Condon used to visit
t!ie town, and was tho subject of
general discussion during tho day.
The Fourtli of July comes but
once a your and the patriotic citizen
never fails to enthuse. Few how
ever think of the doubt and dark-
ness that hovered over tho patriots
assembled in Independence hull
that memorable first Fourtli of
July day. Their signing of the
Declaration of Independence was
liablo to cost them their heads.
Lane county has threo' hot
springs that should be patronized
Good times are coining; wages in
theeust nre generally being in
creased. W. T. Hauford, statlou agt'tit of
Ixis-r, I litritm county, I'a., writes:
I can recommend One Minute Cough
Cure as the Ut I ever ued. It gave
Instant relief and a ipilck cure.
Omiirn A DkLano.
i Uy (.iiurtl, July 3.
A Pleasant Social. The lawn
social given by the ladles of Ht Mary's
Oulld at Hie liandNuiiie rvtddence nf
Mrs M I I'nderwood's lust evening
was largely attended. The mimic by
the l.ugene t'oruel Hand lent enjoy.
Dient to the occasion.
(oiling warm again.
String lieans In the market.
Haying has tug uu In earnest.
Coiuinl-slouers court In eeaslou.
Dr. Talne vlsl ed Id Halem yesterday.
Dr. I'lnley, dentlst.roomS.Duiin LIU.
See Ax Itilly's new ad In today's
Tlio) new E. II. & L. Co. 'a cups
are elegunt.
Dr. Kiuley, S.Dunn blk.
('uiiimiNitloiier Perkins and ('allixon
are In town.
Secretary Klnruld came up from Sa
lem today,
Dr I'lnley went to Salem this morn
ing on a brief vllt.
Mrs. Pool Is able to be out with the
ahulhluuee nf erutebe.
Prank Stewurt this morning return
ed from the Foley springs.
W M Allunl, of Lrmtroellu Palls, is
visiting friends hi thU city.
IkvC M Hill, of Oakland, Cel.,
preaches at Ashland next Sunday.
J It Cnnipliell arrived this forenoon
fioiu a trip to the uppet McKenzie.
Mrs. Hugh Thompson returned to
her lioine al Salem this morning.
Clius (J ilttsiiilth and J W Clark will
r in a sta'id at Lemuli on the Fourth.
ieoV Pickett went to Junction
C ty where be will spend the Fuurili.
Walter Euklu'a little girl returned
home from Cottage drove this morn
ing. J II (Jooduian and family will cele
brate the Fourth of July at Waller
ville. The banks will all be eloed tomor
row; Hie barber shops In the after
Boon. NorrU Humphrey ctttlmatvs he will
have 400,000 Ibi of greeu Italian prunes
this yenr.
J L Sentt an I family went to Port
land this mornliiK to spend the
Clarence Keens left for Junction ibis
afternoon where be will orate on I ho
Miss Lulu McCalllnter and Miss
Lulu Apnlegate went to Youcalla till
Pool A lleaveuue and "Ik-acon"
Davis will have stands al Junction
City Umorrow.
Mint Jean Wold went to Itoscburg
this afternoon to visit a few days with
sirs it it Houston.
P D Iluttou and family went to
Rodavllltt ilila morning to eiid
couple of months.
Charles (Irllllil will be on of the
couteiitauts at the Portland bicycle
races on the fourth.
Hon Joshua J Walton will deliver
the Fourth of July oratiuu at lude
R'iideiice tomorrow.
Mrs Tom Luckey will join her lius-
baad in Kuleiu tmnnrrow, where lliey
will rexlile In the Inline.
MrsJC Welch, of Portland, earns
up luit night to visit with her parents,
.Mr ami .Mrs Al wains.
lion. H. 11. I'rlemlly returned on
I hli- iifternoon'H lueal from a pleasant
trip lliroligli l.axleru lircgnu.
Sir and Mrs II Harrison went lo
Portland lotlav to visit with their
daughter, Mrs W F Anderson.
11 V Humphrey and TN H'gar this
morning shipped 400 pounds of itoyul
Ann elierrles lo Mpokalie, asli.
County Clerk Jennings this forenoon
Ismieil a marriage license to J 1j l'lustei
ami Minnie 1 liurutoii.
The tl:'J0 local train wus crowded
w ith voplu Ibis morning taking ad
vantage or the excursion rates.
It is snld the appointment of (he nil
iierlnteudcut of the slate Insane ay
In us will bo made within a week.
I'uilnl Agent Hermann savs the
traiu rohlKTs trot about $1000 from the
pou.'het lie was eoniHllud to cut open,
Al Auteu, I'M West. E J McClana
linn ami .Made ISommervlllo went
piiteou liuiidng yesterday afternoon
They succeeded In getting four birds.
A reward of tAHlO Is ollcred lolntlv
by the Southern Pacillo and Wells,
r argo a lo., lor the arrest or the train
( ans Matloek and ffath M -Alister
left for lilue Itive on their wheels to
day and will spend the 41 u amillnir
or iron i.
ltcv J A l.onv'lMittom and fatnllv
and Itev WisUy left, this morning for
plains, wnere iney wen attend the (.
Homer Keeitey will iro to lirowns.
vlllo tomorrow to celebrate and will
sH'iid tho summer vacation In I. Ins
county before returning.
Judge Hewitt has made the Inliinu
Hon against I he location of the brane
asylum at I nlon, Oreiron. iiernetual.
holding that all slate Institutions must
lie loealed at the capital.
U.K. Post (Mice at the lawn mihIhI
Saturday night. There are lettera In
tho ofnee for ever v om. Miniinn iln.
date advertised w hen calling f r sains
j - ...........
Acnarge or 0 eenta will be made to
cover expensca of this notice.
Albany Herald: A rvnort fnnn
NowiHMt says that tba bench Is belmr
cleaned up, new ebblea put on and
more salt nut Into the bay, so that the
inegon editors can have the bcueiU of
a goon natli on the iXU i.
iNothlnir lias leen beard from the
train robbers, A detailed statement of
tlio lOMies of the pssseugers furnished to
rMipcriuiemisui fields shows that the
ersonal losses aggregate foil). 70. The
1st lueludes twotrold w atches and a iv.
volver 1 he nmaluder Is In inonev
H H Miller's stallion. Palbmoiinl.
wt'u iiiu a-.w ciass pacing race at I'ert
land yesterday. The.fasteat heat was
made in s:wj. iiiack Frlnee ran tblnl
in me tnree eliilit lis i ash. en I I'snl
also ran third In the live eighths
A Hums cnrrvsnumlent. ninl. i- Ui.i
oi June au ay: Hon It M Vesteli
n-glsler of the land nuice at Koeburg,
Is sulmtltuted for Hon Thomas Jones,
register or Hums land oil ce. In il
ease of Charles W Wells vs. The Dalles
Military Wniron Koad t
i - i- . .1.. ' - . -
"'"" imvnig a H'rsouai inicresi in a
slmlllarsuit, Ixiiig disabled from sit
ting witli Kecclver Cowing In this
Dr Kuvkeudall's familv U 111 Ml.llll
inu sumiiirr vseatlou on tba coast of
. . V
uiueru .irvgon, eamplug at the
mouth ef tho I uipipis.
J W Clark, wife and child. Arvli
KUv, Miss Jessie Wlnkley and Miss
Etta Preston were nusxemrera in l '..i.
tage Oreve this afternoon.
today's Siilem
I.uellaC. Carson went to iWilsii.i
vestertlay afternoon, bavin rnlovl
a lcnaut visit with Mr, it. H. llean.
Poday's Salem Statesman! "Iw H
A 1 'si ne and w Ife of Eugeae were In
the city Vcstcrdav. Dm l.i..i..r .1..!....
business at the slate bouse. He Is an
able, prominent nlivslrlsn ml I. -i-
a sulld repuhheaii of Inltiiemv In l.ant)
county. He Is stminrlv nnr.,1 r..r
siiH riiitendeut of Hie lusaue asylum."
The first Heat to Kageue.
Tho following Interesting account is
told by a Portland piiMr of the first
steamlxmt trip ever made lo Eugene,
one that auems to have la-cu made
alMiut as easily as those luudu uowa
days. When several more surveys are
made this city will probably have the
benefit of steamboat competition. liut
here Is the article:
"It was a loin; time before a sleuim
ever irot un us far as F.ugene," said
some one. "1 remmoer wnen me
first arrived late In the Mirlru of 'fi7, I
think It was. Colonel Joe Teal had
here freighted with a bik lot ofmer
eliaiiilise. and when hhw reached Ell
cene It was a uieat day there, 1 tell
"Yes." sad Colonel Joe. I was
hainllliiL' u it's.d deul of merchaiiilise
In tlnme days at Eugene. Il was
ureul difliumlnir isiiut then, for pro
visions anil all kinds of articles, but
Corvallis bad always been tho nearest
steamer point. They cmIiiiI It Ma'ys
viIIm then. I used lo send ox teams
there for mv frelk'ht. sometimes coin
lug clear to Caiiemali and even to Por
land with those ox team", the stem
wheeler James Clinton used to run be'
tweeu Caiiemali aud Corvallis, but up
to 1-'i7 no steamer bad ever cine up to
Euuene. Well, that sprlnit 1 lia
pretty big consigumeutof merchandise
Irom Man f rancisco, auu i ireiguieo
the James Clinton al Caliemuli. 1
sars to Cantalii Coi hrane. w be wus
her cai'talu, 'now, 1 am going to haul
all this slull from Corvallis lo Eugene.
I want vou to take It rlxhl up to Ku
' 'Well savs he. 'I'll tell you bow
it Is: There's a certain stump low-
down on the bank up by Corvallis, and
If that stump Is sticking out or water,
'laln't no use for us to try to eel uo to
Eugene: but If she's under, I'll ri
"When we got to Corvallis we found
that stump Jiint Zi indies under water,
aud so the word was 'I'.iigeue or uuni
Hy the time we started every lnJy ut
Eugene and surr undlng country bad
heard that the steamer was coming,
aud there was ureal excitement up the
valley ahead of us. We went along all
rlubt until we not into Price's slough
aud here thluus hcunn to Ki t mla-hly
ticklish. Lem Whlteand Dass Miller
were the pilots, and they uat, nervous
aud so did Captain Cochrane. Finally
an old cow spluttered aud llouudered
across the slough Just ahead of us and
dlsunpcared over the further iiuik
with a snort aud we came to a detd
"'We've irot to buck down out of
the slough some way,' says CupUm
" 'That's what we have,' says the
"liut I went Into the pilot bouse and
talked the thing over with them. The
result was that I slgi.ed a paper agree
ing to ay one-third of the vul ieol the
James Clinton (she cost -7,om) in ease
she went to the devil; so with a little
toot of the whistle we went uhead. W
rsached lOugeue without mishap, and
found both banks there JUit packed
With eople. lliey were on Horseback
on iniilehack, on foot, by ox team aud
by every possible melius or conveyance
and they Just turned themselves loose
yellinir and cheering and thejamt
Clinton whistled out must all the
steam she bad left In her Isiilers.
There was a w hole lot of people thre
wlm hud never seeu a steamer bi lore
iu their lives.
"The (nicer and crew cuiue up by
the pilot house, and 1 Introduced euch
of them to the crowd, and there
was a cheer at each Introduction
'I here was Captain Cochrane, the two
pilots, Iamii White and liass .Miller
ltoston wus purser, Ike Springer wus
steward, and Juke ortuiiiu was lire
man. They were all good fellows.
1 he II reman Is now Jacob iirlmtill
the McMlanvllle banker.
'That' wus a grvut day ut
F.'ugene. The fun aud revel rv wus cur
ried fur Into the night. The citizens got
UP a grand bull, and topivcd Holt with
a splendid supiwr, and I lit re's a lot ol
old-timers left up the valley todav
who will reiiiemlHr the day the llr I
steamer came to l'.ugeuu."
Stockholders Meeting.
Notice Is hereby given that a meet
lug of the stockholders of the Eugene
Transfer Company (the new steamboat
company) will be held in the City
Council room at 8 o'clock Friday eveu
lug, July 5, H'X, for the purpose of
elec lug olllcers ol the company aud
for taking measures to Incorporate,
Every subscriber to stock is Invited to
SI ra red.
From my farm near Dcadmond
ferry, June SBtli, a Durham l ull, ret
Hue buck, witli horns sawed oil', and
spottetl cow with chain around boms.
Any one Kivlng Information will be
suitubly rewarded. Address,
Pox 12, Springfield, Or.g
Kt pvs lii.K swrosrroKY.
i uusruiiltt'tt lo euro I'tlt-a siul I'oimllmlUiti
or imnii.y rWiimli'tl. .'41 rvuti err Ikx. Svnt!
iwotsim lor rin'iiitr sml Krv Ntuiple
M Ml l is KtiY, HosuicriHl I'ltsrniselii.Uiii
l r, 1's. No I'uktaL.i ANswsKSu. Kor su ly sll
nni ni" uniKBii vverywiivrv, snu 111 tunu'
u.vitiii uy tuuru ,v ttinu
Dr Lowe haves Saturtlav ulgl.t
July 13th. See him at Hotel Engine.
Eys tested free for glasses.
Our pa' runs will find De Witt's
Little Kaily Klscrs a safe aud reliatde
remedy for constipation, dysi'psia ami
liver complaints.
Usui-kn A DkLano.
(lo to 0buru A IX-Lano, druggists,
ole agents In Eugene, for a bottle of
l.lVF.ltlNi; for the Liver, Kidnevs,
Siek-headache ami Constipation.
The value of glasses depend entirely
011 the skill of the optician. Dr Lowe
not only furnisl es the best clashes
obtainable but Is thoroughly skilled.
Ask your doctor about him.
l.a Urlppo is hero again with all lis
old time vigor. One Minute Cough
lureis a reiiuuie remedy. 11 cures
aud cures imickly.
Omii'k.n A DkLano.
Stop him;" he stole the ctkc,
Put the kid he shouted loudei,
"Clear the track" for I've got the cuke
Made with "ki skal Hakimi
WlI.I. MoVK.-Jas. Thompson the
well Kieisii lih si reel t.rler. hs
ed the Para's building Just aensw. the
street Irom bis present stand aud w ill
move Into the same Immediately. The
building lias been repainted Inside ami
out, aud tes-lls a Dent appearance.
Mr. Thorn son will use the tlrt tl.sir
for his barber shop and will reside In
the upper story.
Trilby's Author Aollflp(J
The sutlileu popularity w liltli Hie pretty
Lsllatl "Hen IJolt" r.alnod, tlirounh Its
proruliiinca In "Trilby," recoils an Intl
deot In which the same air played so
equally prominent port The story, as
minted b Superintendent W. P. Maxwell
of Woodlands, cannot well bo duubteil, as
tlio material facts aro all corroborated in
tho archives of tho turf.
Tho sceno Is laid at Morris park; dato
Jul 17. 1SU3. H was a broiling not uuy,
according to tho narrator, and threo races
had been already run, of which the favor-
Itoa had won two and the second choice
nns mn tlist tho talent wore fueling at
peace with all tho world. Hotting on tho
fourth roco had begun, and tho money was
coming In on lllona, who was quoted at
11 to 10, In a way to Uuliunt ins noons 01
the booinmskors. There wore eight young
iura onturud In the race, and despite the
fact that lllona was a maiden she was the
tip, and the money poured In on her
chances ss though It was all ovor sate tho
cashing In, Maroellui being tboonly one of
tho others that was thought to nave evon
a flulitlnir chance.
Just when speculation was at Its holght
a great, gaunt, bony colored man came
sauntering Into the ring, apparently onij
bent on amusing hlniiulf. Thore was one
thlna ouecr about hhn. however. Wber
ovor ho went and whltheraoever be elbowed
bis way he never ecu sod whistling softly a
couplo of bars from that old, oiu song:
Oh. don't ym rem em 1st tweet Allco, Bon Bolt.
Kwi.'t Alin. whrsw hair was so brownf
Quw sho wi-t with delight w hen Jon (its her
And trembled with fear at tout frown.
And as ho whistled bo thumped a green
back that was just $10 strong. Meantime
on every second blackboard In the ring
tho following was Inscribed:
fitmlifht. ruw
HOtol BwcetAllco, 90 (Ewfu)....l)Utol
Romo of the bookmakers who made It a
rulo to bo conservative only offen d t0 to 1
against tho Ally, but 60 to 100 to 1 wero
tho odds offered over most or the ring,
snd so the darky wandered around whis
tling and fingering a $10 bill, and at the
ctnnd of overy bookmoker who posted long
odds against the outsldor bo would stop
snd the $10 would change hands. "A
thousand to ton, Sweet Alice," the bookies
would drone In a monotone. Then tho
ticket would be handed out and placed In
the long dnrky's pockot. Untiringly be
strolled around until the wad of ticket!
was as thick as a full dock of cards and
their face figures called for $25,000. Tbon,
with another Ions greenback, ho appeared
at "Virginia" Carroll's stand.
"How much Swoot Alice fob to win,
sahl" humbly Inquired the darky.
"A hundred to one, Sammy," replied
tho southern blood.
Glmmo Just $10 obdut, sab, please."
"A thousand to ton, Sweet Alice,"'
sung out Carroll as ho drew lilt spongo
aoross tho board.
"Look hero, Sammy," said he, "how do
yon llko thlsf" And he wrote S00 where
100 had stood beforo. "Like to have some
"Well, sail, I'zo jost got 80. I dnan'
mine, if I does play dat." And he handed
up two mora out of that Inexhaustible
bundle of tens.
"Four thousand to 0, Sweet Alloe,"
snng out Carroll, and tho darky, taking
bis ticket, disappeared In the crowd. Two
minutes after a about wont up, and the
horses were off. A few momonts Inter a
groan ran through tho crowd, for Illunt't
Sweet Allen had won galloping by two
lengths. Time, 404 for tho tin If mile,
Just half a second tbort of Guraldlno's rec
ord. Then a commotion arose, and men rubb
ed to tho betting ring to see what on
earth wnt tho matter. Standing on a box
In tho center of the place, a long, gnunt
dnrky was singing with a voice that shook
tho rafters. Tho song ho sung was on old
one and ran this way:
Oh, don't you rvmoniber swot t Alio, Ben Bull,
Bwect Alice, whose hair wns so bruwnf
How she wept with di'light when yun gave her
a smile
And trembled with fear ut your frown.
"You'll woep with delight pretty soon,
I guess," roared Virginia Carroll from bis
box near by.
"No, sii h, I'so dono wcepln," sung out
the darky as bo waved a bundlo of tickets
In tho air. "No, snh, I'zo dono wuepln."
And then ho commenced singing again,
and every time ho mentioned Sweet Alice
ho struck high C Su Louis Globe-Democrat.
Making a New Kind of Gold.
The Frenoh chemists havo discovered a
now amalgam, of V4 parts copper and 0
parts antimony, which Is declared to bo a
wondorful substitute for gold. When
polished, It almost exactly retoiublet the
auraato motal and oau bo drawn, wrought
and soldered precisely llko gold. Ilesldel
It con be manufactured nt a cost of only
about a shilling for a pound of avoirdu
pois. retrolruui.
Potrolouin Is found In Slolly, tho north
of Italy, In many volenti lo isles In the
Mediterranean, nt Itnku, on the Cnsplnni
on the slopes of tho Caucasus, nt Rangoon,
In llurinn; In the Uland of Trlnldnd, lo
Ontario, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Now York,
West Virginia, California, In Siberia,
Tnrtary, China and In several places In
As I must raise a certain amount of Cash within a limited
time, 1 will for the jmrjiose of raising this monev,
offer my entire stock ot nwrehandise .consisting of
Dress Goods, Boots and Shoes,
Hats, Caps, Laces Embroidery,
Trunks, Valises, Ladies
In fact everv article in mv stor nt fW for PoJi f. m
- - - - - wa vcu IVt V'U
days, commencing SATURDAY, JUNE 22.
Kollowiiiir are sonio of the manv bargain. .in stnm far ,mp
SS iu. All Wixd Serire. 3l. reir nritv min
li in. all wool Catbmeiv, STe, " .Vc
8S Iu. all wool assorted, ,VV, " v,e
Sti In. all wool plaitU, So ami
5 v, rg irloj ;0 and Sle
Tlittie jttHids wll bs sold
Ladle llt avy fhtH'
t)ur f I .VI iK.ii, pst. t.s fr ,
lnr 1 7 Kid. pat tin
l.M 1
Our 2 .Ml Kid, pat tip
Our SOU Kid, at tip
Our S .Ml Kid, hat tip
Our 2.30 Tan blueher
Sl'afe Will not allow nt to nuivla fnrtl..r ..ri.-v. II. i .. I-' ,
an Shoes
Will He Clorod Out
If you want r-liues at your
own prices now in the time
to buy. They arc going fast.
Exclusive Shoe Dealers,
No 181.
Dav & Henderson, Undertakers anr
Embalmers. Cor Wil, and th its.
(mwup-nslrn, Wslton'tbUxk.
W ill t Ki-iieisl law prscUcrlu all the court!
ol this suit;.
Kvery eblld calling at my store
w 111 receive one itao krke.
Ax Billy.
It's An Ill-Wind that Blows Nobody Good
Thin is an old sariuir, but a true one.
And never so true as now. Where for
merly you had to pay f.i.00 for a fine
iuality, all wool child's suit, you can
now buy from us the same suit, with
extra pants, a cap to match and extra
buttons all for a single S2.50 to (5.00,
The .Stanley Combination fills 'a long
felt want. Its a product of the times.
We have these complete outfits, aces 4
to 1" years, lu prices ran'liiK from f 'J.50
to fo.uu per suit, auil they are the best
things for the money you ever saw.
For sale only by
1. Frank & Sons,
Sterling and Silver-Plated Ware.
Harateu Hepalrlng a Specialty. net
Euoenu, Oregon
Gents' Underwear,
v- C V4 J f li ,
Sd In. Scotch Suiting, 2Se, reg price 45o
iuiou laMtiniere, ivc,
S4 In. novelty milting, ISc
34 In. gray mixed, Ibe,
It egardless of Cost.
Ladies km
.f .!V.Men' Bropins fi.m
Our fl.ftObeavv
Our 1.50 button, e.iigr', liala
Our l.T.i calf, congress, baa
Our S 00 ealf, coiij-resa, hala
Our 8..MMlne conre, bain
Our 2..M) tau rus calf.
Uill Mot Be Undersold..
F. E.
luring out all our
o are c
We will meet all prices offered a. we aro bound toilnti,.
business of l'ugene.
f-St Call and see our prices.
Full value for your money, we can 1 rolled ana depended
upon every time. We claim to sell you at our entub.
The Very Best Goods
At the Lowest Prices,-
And to make each purchase a bargain In esury (Leaning
ul the word.
Dry Goods. Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes.
U railed to our lr tad complete line ul
ol all lbs lalett patlvrui.
We are also prepared to take your measure for a suit made to
order. A perfect fit guaranteed.
rtr our tsRCE list or ssmplh. HOWE & RICE
Hot Medical Springs.
l'niur'Hl iinl wntiilerfully tfflcacloui
la Curing
Rhejmatism, Skin Diseases, Liver and Kid
ney Complaints, Catarrh, Dropsj,
La Grippe, Private Diseases,
Ague, Etc.
Jlotagd Qold, Steam, Electric
aijd Styouver Batrps.
Free Pasture for Horses.
With pitlmcm, kaiulNiw mitl HiH'rklrJ Innit.
HtHift lcHvt'f hutt'in in Kiiict'ii fttr Iltlkniip
K.rlnn, MonilT, V(iliu.wiyt ntl KrltUji lu
lht morniiiir. turn k lux the upr ligi In one dT.
I'ttrri'itiHiiitientu will m'rivpiiruinptRttenllon.
AtUlri'SH, A. 1'.,
It. Iknpirln(,
liifto., Urt-goa.
II. U. NtniTtiM,
Norton & Kinsey,
Coinmerclal nd 1'roUlc Buiincu a 8io
(nil v.
inlleo In lUrrli' Bloek.
It Will Pay.
You when in want of anything
lu the line of
Drugs, Patent Medicines,
Perfumes, Toilet Articles,
Combs, Brushes, Syringes,
aud Rubber Goods generally,
Yon cn wv money on family ntl hnnt
rt'M'rlpllnn. Our naiuan pawarra
r thr Hrl n llnrih. one pouud park-st-,
40 cent; tb ice lor f l.uo.
If TOII WKIlt 10 lilntlt fruit tiwn Ihll fall mil
run ve U pr wut. on your ortler by purchM
lug Irom the
Willamette Valley Nursery Co.,
A Mnjifttlc Hteel llange..
.1 o. o ook Move
A No. 8 Watth Holler
1 tllasa Llnwl Oil Can....
1 tlor.. 6 nt. milk nana....
l e
i o in. aiew pau...
1 Hour sifter
1 wash bind n
- - - '"..'.......... . ,NI
1 IUh pan on
i iu iu tin i K pall 15
i i- limit pall 2u
i eouee Ht 15
1 tea H)t !l5
1 set knives A furku " Rn
1 large bread knife I15
1 handled uiau'a axe 7S
1 loiiir handled hovtl ra
iiit imiitt-ijuse n
Oliddeii llaru Wire s 00
Griffin Hardware Co.
Stage Line to Kitson Springs.
Ve will eonimenee running a stage
s lo theee celebrated springs from,
June 10th. The Miik will ,.Hve
I'.uirvne ou Montlaya and Thuradaya at
HoeltKka. iu., nturning the follow
lug edneadaysand Niturtlay at 8 p. m
Every attention will be given to the
comfort of paiwtengers.
Round-Trip Tickets,$7.
Clark 3 Blackburn
Summer (ioods II
Hot Uledieal Springs.
Wonderful Cure of Most All h'.i ol Dis
eases Pertaining to the Hunan Body.
All klutW of hallil
Only $1 Per Week,
and FltEK houiriou the yruumlntommplii.
Stop only on 11 Ik lit nn th nm.l, it bti
AevommiKlitllDiii lurul.l.itl by
-A. D. Hyland-
Hoti l nt'r the Spring, aiitl
Free Hack-
run to IheHprlinti Slalit mi'l Morning
BupplloK ol nil kli.tla will In I .iniilil I) '
suae unrer.
rorrrnixinitenre will rtci-ite .niniH tUi-
tlou. Atltlrvu,
G. M
Luweil, en"
1 IM
It la aold on e anmrnti By iw
and la the boat Cough, ind wup Cur
Sold liy Hi-mlt-mon A l.inn.
ti i. a. Ti:r rrsvj as:s i:a j
tuthoriit eni. only, to nno 'M';3
Lowot Bruin nd N-rv l?Y.,,"'.rurt3
UulrknitMi NiKht U-ti l.tril l,".n1'',
Confitlorro; KormuniiMw; l"1'1
UMot Foworol ll,''.,'?,'VrWErmri.
ened hyoror-exrtion, ) '"",''u'!'r,r".ri
which lradl to Mliwry. '""""'''''' "I'jyT. S
and Dtr. Br H 'x 'jPfl"
writUtn coini liter In oarr or n'f 'tl """'"".
llf niU tmr. Hlrk 1 1 wttlH. "Viril
Unt omp u n. .ir rmrn t. n, "''r'. r.i,,
LojuUpnUon. OUAUAMifciS lul"4M
Otburn A Pel ano.
VN rV'J r"""'1 : Mt-
Umm iirl
sirwi. .
"" witiill.
let "'l
I- '
flTTll "W7" toiir
08BURN PKLANO, Urtunl'l
genii, Kimt-nf Crffon.
LAD8EG i)o T
.t.. .J ....I mil I-!.!'. : .
Rblco-, on thf mnrkt't. I'
rue ;
Uanuin wild oulj by
OHBl'RN & PKI ANO V ff'f
agent, Eugene, Un goo.
Si.1to.IM ctl""',
v.r.... i. .., k.
.,,,..11. It, ' ,,t
nMI.IH, l.iu... ....--- . A
l'ru H
thearnolo chemical CO.
, IS! t. Wum
Bold by all DruggMUL
Kotiee U hereby gin ihii El
B.ileybM been duly appm n" ,
of tbeHtate of John Bail). ',"',
person, bt'latf eUim. '"' ',
re bfreby notinea lo V""!' u
iht imri t the rffire r( 11 0 1 1.
Wcta. andT if flljTI
rescue I !FE
ih 111 iiirri ' P . . . 1 . , , rr"
from tbed.teof this oolite ann i"1
surf Tonrbt-r.
Dated My 25th, 1(W5.
Oko. B. Doaata, 0
Atty for estate