nniU G ) XSTABLISIIEn KIR THE DIMEJU'TIO OP DEKMiTir. rSIMlim P TO EU IS OOXEKT LIV1SB BT TD2 IWUT OP Ol'R BBOn KUGKNK, OH., SAM UKDAY. JULY G. 1895 L27 NO. 28. Tlie EiScnc City (iuanl. dMU-ISIlCnKVKKYS.Vl'L'JtDAY. I. L. CAMlMiKLli, .ubiis't"" i MVi'riclor. .:Tl : lii- K ft I lev "i"! 1 1 1 1 ')K a;-v 1 iff i" i '. ,- . 1 1 1 . ., a. t - . I .jrf u 'ii'.li. ,( in l.fr.l ;.' r. Ji iUs Miik Known on n if kl'i'-lw will ! eliuvjd ntlis f-tl- ,lu,,,,iaMt!irui.mtu M 00 ;)0,.imi mouth H no ......UN iio yr ' TriiHbut n.'tiwx In l'Wl ivlutnii, 20 cent . liu. J..r asi-h inaertian. i vrtidntt bills will b reu lorod i...rterly. i..b wir oiuat be Pui WI'M ocuvfur. j S.LUCKEY DEALEK IX Cljiks. Watches, Clings. Jewelry, Etc. KKP.UItlNO IMIOMPTLY DONE. fr-.llVorb IVarraiued.'l L. W. BROWN, M. D. Physician nrul Surgeon. 0:li.- ami rrilnc ar p.wtiilliee. IIur! J x,, 'J . m.i 12 to 2, 0 to 9 i- m. CRAHITE AMD MARBLE WOKKS. Sew Di-ila ami New Trice In Pnreixn ud lhj'iifiiic Marble and liritnlto, ItoiiinneuU, He I .tone ami fJ.iuolery work ot all kind fr IS. ALL WOKK GUARANTEED ! A 111 mi-ite S:reot, near IVftofllr).. Eugene, Or C. WOODCOCK, Attorncy-al-l.aw. orrt. Blur It. -O u-lialf bloc' milh ol ClirUmau'a Ef'.iEXr. CM. COLLIER, CIVIL EN3 HEER AND SURVEYOR. NOTARY PUBLIC At residetnv cor. .jth mid Lincoln St EUGENE ABSTRACT COMPANY W.I. SCARBOROUGH, M:ill2er. Oilloo UHtaii:s'ln MeClari-n't hulld la j, corner Mil and Willai-.ietle slni ts liUQINIS. OKEOON. li. lid IIUCIH. I'r .iJ. I.t. a ii Kakis. .Ik., Oi Eugene. S:ifii iH am! Profits, $50,05)0 - - Oregon. A il v.;l '. viiWIai.' I' iftn.i 1""e on v'ie t-ni. Si.;ht .ttaf-i w NK'A VuifK. rilll'AiiH. .-.AN V KAN'l'ISl'tl and l'"15 1 vn, D.i.-.ui):;. Ilil'. ef eXi'Lan? sold n f.'WiuU cmntne. l''liiureiviv.lutj i't U nlioia '.r witib CW ol iU- cmiI. V;l oo;li I itoi tutrinle I t" ' ' pnwiDt atl"iil".l. (Kvnneliat,) Of l)a M iitin. low k. write under data ot M r.-h 2t, KSILI! S. . Med. Mf. Co., l)i:fur, On-gor. Gkntlemkn: On arriving home butt week, I found nil well and anxiously waiting. Our little girl, eight and one Imlf years old, who had wasted away to 3S pounds, is now well, utrong uiid vigomus, and well tleshed up. . J j. ('nigh Cure ban done Its work well. Itoih of tli i-hllilrt-ii like it. Your 8. 11. Cough Cure liaH curwl and kept nwiv all hoarsiu-sH from me. So give Ii n every one, with giwtlngs for all. vt iHinng you prosperity, we are Yours W and Mrs. J. F. Kokd II you wUh to r.-M freih and oh-H-rful. and r'tr lor tin. s-.r! :' work, eleante t' e vtein with the lleadaele- and Liyer Cure, Iiv takinii two or three d.iK a wee. Hold under a ptu-iilve K'larantea M oeuu pc Isittle by all driucm'l. J. L. PAGE, 1EALKK IN GROCERIES HI VI ol L'INii A LAP IK ASD fOMI'I.KTK ol aunil. .! .'alien Orocetlua laiuiiil m tiwl .narkuui KxclusV.cly For Ciish, I can oiler the public better price Iban any other house I'r.Muce " iv. d .li. dim is taken at trliet MIs - j. h. harriss. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. Spring and Summsr of 1335. Newest Stoci ani test Prices. Borets, atsaijd Jrimfliirptjs, I7 Catest Styles ar;d Shades. EQCS AND POULTRY TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Weil S i'iu Willamette St., b-twevii 'Jth and hull, j Personal .Vt.s. I alii tiiintd, July I. Tlie Salem Statesman of yesterday, hud tliu following ri i e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 of Eugene ministers unending the great meelitij; nt Turner: "ltev. 11. F. Bunnell wan on t!iu grounds again yesterday, after uti ab sence of two days. Ibis ;-i-ntl-iiinn, almost gigantic in stature. Untie of the most pleasant companions u mil n would WHiit, always ready with h cheerful woril unil u pleasant entile-, Htul his cheerful luugii liiiitii; tlirouxli tint rovu MiirriiiiiilinK the tuliernuL'lo woulil cure the most heri ou ciiMt' of the liltten (lint luiiintti U I it IT wilt' ever ulllieled with. "Itev. 11. K. llotitiell of Ell'eiie, miir gesteil t hut us tiimiy of the CMiiiperM us villi do ho, remain until Moailny fore noon, when H Ko.xlhyu iueeli:it; will I e held. He Mated that Ik' hu I always Isten liceu-tiiine.l to this feature in cuinptueetiiiKs in the East, tititl tliought them Home of t hu itint Inter t'Ht liirf of the n riea. The mi;cMtlo:i will prohuhly hrinK thin ciikIoiii into life here, unil will If mice niloitt d I e comu a jtei ttiutietit feutuie ol the atiiiU id meeting. A iiniiu twrviec was liel'l tit i :.('.) o'clock liiht eveuinuuud nt 8 o'clock ltev. 1. H. lluruett preached a teriiKill that whs full of good thoughts mid was llHtened to ly ti uotiil-sizeii nuillence. His BUblect was "I'aiil's Kstlmuto of n fiiiew-Hsful Life." Acts 20:i4." A COW A It DLY Ml'KUEK. T. Trttcy w.m Slmt uud Killed this Mot iilntr Wltil.' ticingr tn Work. Skt1.i1 to tlio Daily i.iuiiu. NVoi.k C'kkek. Oiivcii, July 1 This morning utmut 6 o'clock 'I Trucv was shot while colinr to wnrk in il (il:it t. claim nbnllt nine tulles from this place. Iliete nail necll irnuute hrert iiijff ir koiih time over Ihe cliitm. lie was slmt from ambush. Tracy died about thirty minutt-s after the dhootinu. The eoroner'8 iiitiest l a not been held yet. Ihe 31 a-s Meetii . Daily 'Jiianl, July I. Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock til theCutiiberluid l'rodiyterla'i C!iur h, a I'iru'j and etithuisastli) mas meeting of theyoun peniile and business nieu of tliecily was nddessed by ltev ('lias H Curtis, of l'orllaml, chairman of the "l'ortland 'VI" eoininitlei', nl-o by Mavor Mutlmk. llishop Mills, uud 1'iiHtors Louv bottom, (itlbert, 11 uM mall, and Snyder. A resolution was uu iniiuoiuh adopt ed that Euceiic will lai-e f VKi ns her share of Ihe mo'iey nrt-ded to bring the '1)7 International i'onveiillon to Portland. The Fimt Conitreff nlional society has already pl.'dged of this, and the other societies will iniinediutcdly fall in line. There is no doubt licit Oregon waul the '7 convention. l ottue (iruve Ileitis. Leader, June 21. M C Ilfind, the genial and popular agent of Ihe. S 1 railroad olllce here, is going to have a vucal ion. lie and his estlm ible wife ind biby to, expect t leave Tuexl.iy for Ya(iiina Hay, to enjoy the cool breezes und charming scenery a few weeks. Utile Jimmle Harnies am.' b:otlnr were riding ii rsi-hnck TliuiMilay morn ing, when tlie h irse timk a tired spell mid ft 11 down. Two bones were brok en in Jinimie's left linn. it, .i nn Ilo.iDS.-rrinevillo Kevle.v: "We are in receipt or a letter from Mr. J. I". Combs, postmarked al Kelknap springs uud dated June 1 j. Mr Combs relates some rainer uiifucuiMiui iri ionces wliile crossing the lava on his way over Suyt he struck mow 10 Aft deep and the worst roads he ever un dertook to travel over; lind to curry his loud or 8 K) pounds over some snow drifts nml up hill.which bethinks will go a long way toward curing his rheu matism, even ii ii uiu kuwv mm l.i tt .run in. 1 1 1 k lieentiiintr to a gelt tie- niui." lie" reports liiuiM'ir and Mrs, Combs well and comfortably siluated and thinks of spending some time at the pprings." Klhioi-rly IIcilT. Dtiw Huir was iinrt In the recent rail- r.,.l wreck. Tlis spine was wrenched and his head badly bruised. The in tention was to bring him home yes terday, but he was unable to remove from his room. He Is receiving the liest care the company call give bun at Oakland. . Vi t. riRAVK. Mr Chas. A East. I... ..I him kMn eneiieed to deliver the l' it, f T.ilir oration at Hrownsville til vminir man is an original and ready c)cakcr, and will pUuse the r pie of that places r .,..wrcf T.Erri'RKR. Sann Ichiro Hirota," the Japniio-e lecturer, spoke in the Congregational church lusteyen- Ing. The lecture wasqnue uneiei.".n, but the attendance was light owing to the fact that there were several ocial inL ii.ir rilnee liit evening. Sir. Ilirota will probably return here next fall. Mjriueu.-June 2'0h. at the resl deuce or the parenU of the bride, near North Yamhill, Miss Blanche Miller :Ti.enf. I'. II. Jnnca. Itev. MeCutch- " .. ..m..i,.tin I'rof. Jotui is the new principal or" the McMinnville city hools and Is well known by many here. 0 War ku hi.mii -i .i""j " Corvallis local in.uran oon U pies. and wsr is raging among the agents. One agent at Albany ha. Xed to take g.s si building free ef charge. I hi ! V IH'licj lot H concerned. . . . ,. MONDAY, Jl'LY 1. July lt. The stores clow ut H o'clock tonight. Times are Improving rii;ht here ill Eugene. ti.!(:e Maey, of llarrisUiig, visited r.iiu-i i e I' ibiy. Mis W C Yorati returned rroni llar lisburg ti'day. lite a nutober of drummers in tni n over Sunday. i'riib.ite court today; comiiiisnioi'.irs court Wcduii-ilay. Mrs (i Ilcttman arrived hoiiie from I'urtlaiid this nftcinoou. V II Abratns and w ife returned to their home at Salem this forenoon. Attorney J M Williams went to Al liuny this uniruiii on Icptl bl,sihess. Horace lluruett leturued yei-terday from a three weeks' trip down the val ley. The fees received by the county clerk for the month of June iiiik tinted to A patty of four nieu ft'om McMinn ville passed tbroiiuli here yesterday cnroule to the llelkntii vprl.igs. A iiiarriiige license was issued today toO-cur 1). Wheeler and Del.a E. King'ley, by the county clerk. City Marshal II J Day writes to Howe i!c liice from the upper McKeu 7.le that he caught YS iroiit last I' ll day. Work on the llouritig mill granary is Udug rusbeil li,- n large b reeof cur- iieulcrs. It will be in readiness for liar Vint. lteit Miller uud Harker tied mi the rullleofllie bic cleat barker's store Saturday night. ltert bought Harder' interest. The Ice Company lias kindly con-en ted to blow their whistle each evening at 8 o clock for the stores to close. J F Hoblnsou's little boy Halph is considerable U-lter today, uud toe nlivsieans in charge have lioiie of bis coinpl te recovery. rrineville Keview: Ed Hurbln, ac companled liy his nioiner, starieu i the N illamelle vuliey via l lie iseiKiiup springs lust ediHsiiay. The larire maple tree on the corner at the lloltmuu House is dying. Too many electric light wires strung on it is supposed to be the cause. rrineville It' -view: S.J. Newsmn arrived from Eugene Wednesday. Ho will return soon for his family, who expect to summer (in this title nt Hie mountains. Sunday's Salem Statesman: Miss L C Carson, professor or rhetoric and elocution in the state university ut Eugene, is ill the city the guest of Mrs. U S lie. in. It is rumored that the Eugene con llui:eiit attending the Portland races fell heavilv on the hurdli race Sat ur duy. They had a "300 to 1 shot," but their lior.-e fell much to their conster nation. At the Chiiutmii'ua meeting to be In Id at Oregon City July 10 to ill, a number of led iris will be delivered. President Chapnmn will lecture on "Lear and Macbeth" and Prof Condon on "Some lieolcgic Problems." A prominent young lady visiting in Eugene today took a header from a bievcle, she was learning to master, br-iising her face somewhat. She was conveyed home in a carriage and Is now tilsiut recovered. At 15 irker's rallla Saturday night, Harker and X X X tied on the bicycle; Harker and 8 H Friendly on the sweater, and John 1 larger and C 1' Cardwell on the revolver. I leiu v Jordan left yesterday morn ing on 'the train for San FrnnciFco. He expects to telurn here in about six months to remain permanently. Ho received fiiUO from California Saturday morning so ho is a real capitalist, now . Tlie local Insurance organization w ill hold a meeting tomorrow tuier noon i.l 2 o'clock. We understand that one agent gave notice today that he would w ithttraw iroin me compact. rids looks like another war migiti break out here. J M Shelley ,of Portland, well kn iw n n Eugene, has returned from the National Convention of drummer held in Texas recently. Ho hlso made an excursion to Mexico, ami repons having had n grand time. 1-i i-xchumreNUVs: "IfcatHo get bloated put a handful of pep-r in r. .-il.. 'I'l.u vi.,l.nt aiieexitnr the nostrils. Tlie vioiem siieezmn that ensiles will eniiiilo tne auimui to iret rid or the gas In the Homacli, uttu tt ,1 It (l.lu l.ltil all w ill IS! wen." ii'.-oieiiiuei nuni...-. give it a trial the next time im animal gets an overdose or anything. Probate Mutters. .'.,i.iti. or John Taylor, deceased. I. .1.1.. ti.ltip iifestuttt f3.!iKJ. W B i... ..I. in. intuit niiiiiiiiistruinr wnn j-S,(Xi( bonds, with K V Hownrd, M lluilev, Joscpn riernuerg mm "'' Senders, as sureties. Appruiseis. Frank W k nson, II JITiann, ivom Clow, who reported, real estate $J,0W, a... ilMl !) J1! iH-rsoniil property tun, noies f.,u..., total HI 7H.3U. Administrator author ized to sell m-rsoiial property ut public orprivutesule. uunruiansnip oi mwci v u..., now Holland. Uo idstneii. exonerated and discharged. Estate or Joseph Haller, deceased. J II McChingnnil TO Hendricks pp. pointed administrates, with JLihkj bonds. ... , Estate of John V Purkerson, de ceased. Keporl of sale or personal proiK-rty for tt" approved. Estate of TW I'.ii U. rM.a deceiised. Itepnrt or sale of personal propt i ty l"f $U"i.a approved. Estate or Austin Mann, sr. Prob able value ol estate f-V). Oeo ) Knowles appointed administrator with im Ponds; ninety. W Hur l Ai': prat., sup;- ! ..: H J Dickey, I Kiibv und S S Milledge. Estate r John Stoops, deceased. Apprai-ers reported real estate valued ul jl l)ii uikI iiersoiial property valued at tdal t-l.h-SO. f..,.t- vie-A Id let was received i.i. ..... r,.imr I mm the marshal of Itutle Citv. Montana, concerning the i. i i. .i..m. imr iiow' About all II said was that be did not think young Uubb was In a "ban uox. i six days en route ta this city. Uai.y OaarJ, J' B-". A OIKL. H P'i t" tl wife ft(ieoTe Sniiih. near Coburg, Iht niorulug, a iauhter Personal. Prof Held Is home again. Lew O Powers, of McKcnle bridge is here. Clarence Luckey Is l.enie from Crook comity. Mrs L (I Adair returind liome fnitu Portland today. Harney May wa up from Harm urg yesterday. Ir. E. D. McKenney Is now able to be down tow u again. Attorney A C WtHxIcwk went to Portland this morning. Harry Milllorn, of Cr.sik county, visited in Eugene today. Harney May, of llarrl-burg, was visiting in Eugene today. F J Hachelder. the well known drummer, x'iit Sunday here. J 11 O'Neill, the well known travel i tig railroad ngei.t Is In Eugene. C. II. Hurkbolder and A. Lurch, of Lematl, were in Eugene today. J P Jones. S P It K ntP-nt was in Eugene over last night, of Portland. It. A. Washhuriie. of Springfield. gave the til ARl) a pleasant call today. Prol Mark Hailev. Jr. and wire, left for their home in Sea tile, Wash., yes terday. A. C. Allien and family six-nl Sun day with Mr. tsloue and family, or Creswell. Cliailes A Eastland has commenced the study of law in the olllce or Hilyeti ixYoung. Pror McElroy siient Sunday In Eu- gene, n-iiiriiing 10 nuieiu on inj early traiu. . i...: . . '..i ...i...... II U Humphrty was a passenger on this morning's early train lor tlie metropolis. J U Camnliell will not return home from the upper McKen.le until alter (lie Fourth. Carey F Martin, or Salem, came up on his bicycle yesterday, rciuriiug liome today. Walter Edrls has retuniud ft-oni hi trip to Ciilifiirnla. He says ho bad a very pleasant trip. T. J. Heckley, of Portland, arrived here last evening, and will visit in Eu- ncne for a few days. Wm. Smith and bis son George have returned f rum Crook county. The trip benefited George's health. Charley Day writes that he will soon leave Hutto, Montana, for Boise City, Idaho, where he bus obtained a good position. (ieo. W. Pickett returned home from Pol Hand yesterday afternoon, after an absence oi' two weeks. He is loud In his ptnise or the racing events. Miss Bertha Goldsmith spent Sun day at Dr. Mharples' fruit farm visit ing with Mrs Sliarples and Miss Ada. She returnod homo this morning. Misses Clara Hawkins and Ella Brewster w ill spend tlie 4tli at New port. They go nearly to Corvallis In a buggy and from there by rail on tho excursion. Ed Brodio, the active young news, paper man rthe West, arrived in Eu gene Saturday night from Florence. He reports tunes as improving at our city by tho sea. Frank Stewart, for Ell Bangs, yes lerilnv after the arrival of thealleriiooli train, lea with Mr Baker and family with u private conveyance lor mo tho Foley springs. SuiulaVa Baker City Denioirat: Hon. H. 'II. Friendlv, of Eugene and legent of the Slate 1'iilverslty of that place, is on a visit to the city, the guest or .Mr. unil airs, ran auut. Miss Grace Brown returned home from the upper McKeiizieon her wheel S iturduy afternoon. Considering that the vouuir ladv lias been riding it lor mil) one mouth, il shows good work. Henry Owen returned homo rrom Portland yesterday afternoon. He says he was compelled to Hue from the wicked city, us lie was uiruici oi toe temptation overcoming even his ier fed pureness. Attorney W. J. D'Arcy, of Salem, was in Eugene over last night on le gal business. Jack Is a bright, ener getic young limb of the law, and we are glad to learn that hu is making a success or his chosen profession. Miss Mnttlo Williams, of Ellensburg, Wash., arrived here this afternoon, and will visit with tlie Misses Croncr for a few duys. She resided in Eugene a few years since. Low iNHi'KANt'K. The Corvallis Times says: Tlie amazing low rates given by the dlllerent companies dem onstrate bow bitter has Is-eil the light. I'lie nubile, school building, for in stance, was Insured Friday by the di rectors nt 113.000 fur a term or three years. The total premium paid for the three year was 3tl. 1 he regular rule hitherto paid would have made Hie nretiiiuui $3!K). making the amount saved by the directors $351, and to make the deal stronger the companies Issued a policy that cannot lie canueii ed. The policies were written by tlie I'linenix lor 1-7.000 and the Home for K1.000. The county court houso was nlso reinsured at an astonishingly low rate. The utiiouiit was $3.t,(XjO, and the term was for three year. At the old rule the premium would have cost the tnxtiuvers ti.Mi ui me cui rate me 3..0OO placed on tlie building for three veins Saturday Cost, beside eflsl a small amount due on unexpired pull cies, f.VI.00. Florence lie ilia. The West, June 20. The freight rule on lutnlier from this river bus been raised 50 cents per I'XMJ feet on uccoiiut of the condition of the bur. Wm Kvle itiien Is yiitl Ing a gasoline Uunch on the river I i ll few inunlbs, which will make duily Irlus between Florence and the head of tide-. The 81 usluw fleet is increasing. Last Saturday evening at H o'clock the llohurt biougbt In two scow rrom Coos bay, dropped them at the govern ment dock at Hie mouth or the river and Immediately proceeded to YHiUlna bay without steaming up to Florence, wherw two naasenger had Ismjii wait ing lor six day to go to Ya'palna. Dkmokkkt Medal Co.ntkht. The Deuiorest medal contest at the C. P. church Saturday evening was rairly well attended. Mis Letly Hlultb Won the handsome mcdul. o ItUlllU'.KY. A HA HI Ml lliree Men Hold tip tli.i Noitlilmund Overland, Iti t'ow t retk Canyon. lutiy iiu:d, July .'. Messages were llahed over the tele graph wire lust night conveying Ihe new or ore of (lie most daring and suuhWuI Iruin robberies ever -rpe-trated on the 1'aeillc Coast. A dynamite cartridge was placed on the rails nt u point iist at Hie entrance to Cow Creek Canyon, about l" mile beyond Kiddle. As the heavy north- hound overland rrom San Francisco to Portland eame along the earttidge wu exploded and the engineer stopped the train. Three nhbei made their appearance and one r them com pel led tint tire man, a brakeui in and a tramp to go before him w title lie roblied the Passcm gers of their money and valuables, the other robbers standing guard on I lie outside. After getting all they could from tho passengers, Hie robU-rs re turned to tho express car and com manded the express niecngcr to open I lie safe. This he Could liol do as the safe is operated w ith a time lock w hich opens only at a few points between Portland and San Francisco. The roblitrs "looted" the mail car, securing considerable registered mutter. Il Is not know n definitely how much the rubbers obtained, but Ihelr heaviest haul was probably from the passengers, the amount secured Iwing upwards oi several hundred dollars, beside watch es mill oilier valuables. After the roblsrs had completed their work Ihev gave the engineer In structioiis to w ait olio hour after the Inst sb.ot was llred before resuming the Journey, stating that ho w ould be shot if lie moved Hie train is-tore nun time. They then went down the track a short distance, Hrcd volley, putting out tlie headlight of the el; eette. and then disappeared. After waiting an hour tiro train was strain started upon its Journey, but was compelled to uiovo very slowly ou lug to the crippled condition of the engine, the Itatiges ol the small wheels ot the trucks having been broken by the explosion of the charge. Alter nmdiinir Kiddles Ihe engine was turn ed around and ran backwards, making a little tieller tinio from there to Kowe- btirg w here another engine was pro eu red. The train reached this city between seven and eight o'clock this morning, being about four hours lute. II taire no evidence or having been I lie scene of a desperate robls'ry other than that tlii-r. were a few marks on tlie oaches from pbols and a glass in a window of one or Hie couches was broken where a Imllei bud iiussed through it. One of the nasseiigers hel I his h it out tlie of window and called fora collect Ion, say Ing that they were all "broke." A Pltl'MM Elt'rt 8TOKY. C. II. Kiltonhouse. u Chicago drum mer, who was on the train iiml wit nessed the robbery, t-Hs the story atsiut as follows: "I w as In a llrsl class day coach, up next to the front of the Iruin and our car was tho llrst ono entered by the roblars. Tho report of the torpedo was tho llrst Intimation I luminal anvthiug was wrong. There were two exnlostoiis. and throe charges had bej'ii nlaced on the rails. I'll" llrst was a tnrnedo to serve as a warning, the eo ond w as a dynamite cartridge and tlie third was a heavy charge or dynamite placed there to blow up the engine should the engineer fall to slop his train at tho explosion of tlie llrst charges. 1 1 was Just 10:13 o'clock when the tram was ampix-u. romu m ihe iiusHeiigers stuck their heads out of the windows to see w hat the matter was. About that time I heard a voice on tliu outside saying In unmistakable tones or command. Jd Jur nenii back In there, you d a .' Then we knew w hat was the mailer and everybody got tbulr heads Inside oftho cars and kept them there. Iliure were time of the robbers ami uiey made the fireman and brakeiiiau go with tliein to the express ami mall cars. When they reached our car Hie roblier made the llreiiian, brakeman unil n l ramn go in front of them. On ly one robber Weill Uirotlgil ine cur, me nl hem keeping guard on llio ouisiue. Tlie robber ordered, 'Throw up your hands!' und everybody's linnns weni Up. Aspe Weill inroiigii hid no commanded the passt -tigers to 'dig up' np 'ifd down In vour leans' and all such expressions an thai. Hu had a large sack which he held out for tho passen ger to empty their money Into. Il they exH-rienced any uimcuiiy m gei- I.... I...I w ..iru..ri tlt..ll ho would allV. llllfi UICM l' '" " - J 'Ut me assist you,' or 'I can get 11 for yoa,' and if they didn't have much he would r irk. 'You are mighty poor.' He carried a huge revolver the largest I ever saw. Jlelore lie i-ame inio too car I took out my watch and mileage ticket mid nut l hem under uie seui but afterwards thought better or the matter and concluded If he wuuled it f U'l.l 1 III ilmiittu nil I had to him. I had irolteil mV IKK ket book out and was holding II in my mums over mjr i...... I u iii.il il. ciiino m v turn to con triliiilu Ho took IliV pocket book, unu I nUed lilm If hu would return It to Hi It IV lien in, bad uotlcu what he want ed At llrst ho did not sihmii Inclined lo do so but finally said he guefseu no could accommodate me that mucii. i 1 1,.. v,.iitnri.il to ask him If liu would ulwi return some papers to mo I had u liieh would be of no value to him lie declined, saying that they might i ... ..f niui I,, him. When lut had got ten through with me and passed on I fll vurv mill. Ii rulleved. 1 wu terri bly T ightened and would have done stivtliingfor him. My coat wu but- i,.,,m,i iii, mid bo did not see my watch s .n,i not call for it. and after he nail gone I found my mileage ticket under Hie seat. He only took a few watches rrom our car lull look watcnes, jewel re urn I I'vervtlilnir from the tsoplo in tin-o: her e ars. II " i - nut molest tlie i , ! . . .1 .:!. loblillig only Hie gi litle ui.ii iiiisM-ii-rcrs. Hew. .a a very lull lllltll and wits geateel in Ills bearing and talk. AP the time howaK'l''K through tho car Hi robuerson the out sI.Im ki-nL llrlinr their guns and ex plod ing b unbs. The explosion ol the luiioha would cause the cnrtorliuUo and ruttlo and we were afraid if any n -.Istiiiice was attempted they woulil throw one under the car. When the robU-r started lo come in thecarCon ,l,i,.i,,r Tom Kernev got 111 the ladies rloHet and lin ked the tbHir. After he i,,i luM.n in iln-rx u wiiile he wanted to see what was going on outside and eunoiii I old of a hook aud drew lilm ir mi t look over the top. The hook bryi and let bliu rail, nearly frightening; htm to ilenth, us he thought sure tliey wotlld tliu! him then. They did dot find llie I'lillmttil conductor cither, ns ho whs stowed awuy in no u ht birth. Slu-rlll f Ikiuglus coiiiiiy, wu mi boiird with a prisoner. Tlie robU-r got thirty cents from tho ) rlsotn r, nit when he tumid out who lie was, gave the money back. lie also re iilestiil the slid III Ii) dig upwlial money lo had about hltti. An Irish man iad several dollars in silver in one pocket and 7i or Ml dollurs in gold 111 lie oilier, lie uiiiien to iiikc tue gold out nod put it ill bis shoe und give the silver to the robin r, but in bis bight, niude a mistake, putting the liver In Ills NliiH'ttud giving tliu gold to the roldn-r. lie felt very bad annul it ulterwtirds mid thought it was a pie ly rough way to treat u fi-llow who had Just t-ome out lo nits country, i lo nut lliltiK I ever leu so nappy in- fore in my life a I did w lieu Hie ruti- tiers had lluislicd their work of "loot, lug" I he train and bad fired llie llnul volley which Intllcaled Hint they were going. Wo liad all iK-eti tttribly Irlgblelieil and when they were gone It was an nwful stialu oil our minds. l lie roblx-rs gave Ihe engtneer orders to nut ni'ive the traiu for an hour after they bad llred Ihe last vol by, and I bell shooting out the headlight Ol-uinticured down the track, ror llie next hour everything was us still as dentil, no one hardly during to stir from ineir seals. I was not cxtH'clIng to run Into any thing of that kind and luivo had all the experience I w aul In I bat line. I had Intended to slop al Itoscnurg; mil being deprived of funds ooiuu on to Eugene. Another gelilli liliin wiiii w lis a pass. enger through this morning, told the story of the houl-up a ll Is given aiiove, dill'cringoiily as to the number orrohlier. llcevidciiuy was consider ably excited and ststtd that there were as least six runners, no say one man went through tlie cur, one sbsid In the door and two passed nlong on the outside on each side of the car, keening wntch through tlio windows oppo.no where the fellow was at work Oil lilt IIIHllle. 110 Says; - l lie leuow i . . . . ..-i.l... r ll . i got L'- from me and (7- uud a gold u-iiieli from the man who was silling I in Die sent with me." Ills story In Ihe main wua exact v as that told by Mr. Itltteuhouse. He isindsirated llii'Btate- inetil thai tlie conductor locked him self mi In the closet. A sM-i-liil train wu iiiinioiipav imsc- ..... . i . ... burg ami one at liratil h -ums,jooiu e peeling to reach lite scene or tliu hold- tin alxiut dnyllghl. Tlio Southern l'uellbi olllclnls are liinklng fin tlicr ur- riingmi nls tmliiy ror lite eupture or tho highwaymen, and il is likely they will oiler a IllK-ral reward. H here tlie l'rullt Come In. The Fiwsll Journal gives the rollow Ing receipt ror inuklng millions: William Dickson Lord, who lost a fortune w hile ill the horso business at Kowe Creek, Gllllalil It lien Wasco) emiiit v. veurs nun. has started in to make a fortune in tlio same business, having recently accepted a situation as iruvi'lliiLr nccnl of tho Horse Can ning Co. or Portland. Mr. Lord says that his fl mi has purchased 7IKI0 head of liarm-a from Jake Swltzler of Ullia- I illi count v nt 3 IHT I lend, and ho is logo after the llrst consignment of them next week. Tim 3 purchase it-loo wll i e recovered by ineleiy sell linr the bide fur tl'.fiO ntid the mane and tall lor fill tH'til, icaviHg ino w nine if llieskinneii norse ior worsmgea- iienses and plimt. Ho said that .100 lOlllld or grease mm is-en gin u a nrmi home, and t int 1H) pounds ol trreaao would be rendered iroui ine amallisit envuse. I he grease will probably be sold as oleomargarine nt U cents liel pound. J10 iiiiuks mere million In ll. l lose f the I'rrsnell Kcliool. , "7 , , wing Is a report or the ttrlcl 03, near Creswell, for The following acl I In district (13. Die term beginning April isi aim cmi- lug June SHtli. Day tauilil ou; xo pupils enrolled as '' UBi" teaiiiti.t-tjiionj, ..,,v -',"v, .ii.itu uii.tit.liiiiivi Villi 1 lines A vertigo daily Httenditnco IMljj 'limes tardy 2. The following nam were i need II noil I III Hill Ol lioour at toe lose of l he term: liar a linger, uosu ... .. .. Close in llie teriiii vniiw ..i..-.. Moxley; Dosla, Jane, Trudy and Corry Hamilton; Emery snytier, Anniiraiiu Vina Dttiiiarest. Albert and Johnnie Mcfubbln. Elllo nud Nellie Moore; Georulo. Kobblo and Nellie Day. The school closed with a picnic, tliu prom Incut fouture of whlcli .vas me nug raising. Addresses were made by ltev Krunk iiuv. or isnriiigiieiu. aim iw-v Loiigbottom, or Eugene, the inner ..uu...t,.n.. ilinl.tinuti ti I Inra llagerl presenting diplomas to Clara Huger and Dn.ie Hamilton. LbEI.I.A UKEWHTEIt, Teacher. . mi. ...... 1 Tlir. I" IKHT HIKAMUOAT. 1110 IBUII- day t)reK)iiiati has a good f J1- Jos Teal, one of the pioneer merchant - .1.1.. m.'e....ri 1- 1 111 .liu., noil oflhUcity. Mr-Teal Is Hllll alive well In l-ortlaiKl. Jieieim aisuii, t He tells about the the llmtaleainlsiat that ver reached inreiiu. 11 was tne sluamvr jatnes Clinton, astern wheeler, In the year 1K.-.7. and she was loadeil witn goons for Mr Teal, nt Hie rate of f 10 per ton. Before she would undertake uie trip ho hud to rlvo the proprietor an liiili iiilfvlnir Imud In the sum of one third of her value, whlcli was f.l7,noo. lie end the nturv evv Willi llieloliow Ing words: "That was a grvat day at Eugene. Tho run nnd rey-.lrv wus cur- rle.T far Into Hie night. 1 lice t.z.ti. go upagrnndball, and toplH'd toll will a splendid tipiicr, and there s a lot ol old-timer left uti the valley today wlin will reiuember tho day llie IIT'I steamer came to Eugene. ki-Kioi'H Art iDENT. Mr. Butlernnd Miss Eva Hyde, who reside In the nelKhnorhood of McKeiule Bridge, met with a sennits accident nt Slide Point while returning from a dance lust Saturday morning. They were rlillmr 111 a cart when a purl 01 ine luiriivua irnve IWUV und tllO UOMU coin- tl 14114 ed kicking, demolishing the front of thecart and striking Hie young lady on both legs just lielow the knees. Her leg were badly cut and bruised by the horse' hoofs. Homo persons u-l,n u-i.rn ill a wauoil Imllltld. also re- iiiriiimr from the tlauce. rendered their assistance and dressed the wound of the young ludy, who bled quite freely fur seiuo lime. Will Pkoiiahly Stay, From one ol tlio owners of the Kuclis guti factory w learn Hint it will remain In Eugene and not w removed to roruanu a ru mored. We hope this I a met. W y S..IW, r ts j, pi . f .'Vl,4j'd,.', .-V-silE KIM'V-5.' XpTECULATt3R7 .t- -7' - - - Header, did you ever lako Simmon I.lVEIl KEdlLATOIt, tho "KlNQ OIF Liver Medicines?" F.verybotly neods take a liver remedy. It is a sluggish or diseased liver that Impairs digestion and causes const ipat ion, when the waste that should ho carried off remains in the body and (Hiisonn the whole system. That dull, heavy feeling 1m duo to a torpid liver. lliliousncHH, Headache, Malaria and Indigestion aro all liver discjiscH. Keen the liver nctivo by an occaatonal dose of Simmons Liver Reg ulator and you'll get rid or thoso trou bles, and givo tono to tho wholo sy tem. For a laxalivo Slinmona Liver Keirulator la iiirrTEii tiiam Pills. It does not (frlo, nor wcnk(n, but greatly refreshes and streiigiiiens. Every packngo litis tlio Kcu A stump on tho wrnppor. J. II. 'clliii iV Co., 1'liilattclpUHi. !Suuiutlilug (lot Ills Mioes. Wallace ChamlH-rlain, the traner. Is home agtilii after an itbseuce of two months trapping on the headwater of tho Willamette river. He says that he did not have very good luck this trip. At tlio iMilnt w here he was tho snow Is now eight feet deep in ninny places. A Tew nlglits before ho left a li.., . i i.l..... ...i.l.. I. i..r. i.l... little llieinenv oeetllieo men leiv mm In anytlilng but a pleasant predlca incut, ami ended ins stay in mai vi elnlty very abruptly, llo retired at night ns usual, knowing inai ne was lu a stsit of the world Inhabited only by wild animals aud that there wu not another human being within many miles id him. 1 lo wa cumpcu near a precipice, and among his ctsiklng utensils was a tin can. He wore a pair of heavy logging shoes, and be fore retiring pulled them oil and threw llieiiitoene side. During the night he was aroused by the clattering of the tin can ns it rolled over mid down tlie side of the precipice. Thinking that sumo animal must bo about bis camp, he got up to Investigate, ami looked for Ids shoes but did not find them. It was then in the early morning and was getting light, so he wrapped up his feel In some pieces of blanket and hunted all about tho camp for hi shoes hut was unable to Und any trace of tbem, or whal bad liucoiuu of them. I he snow was hard nud he could uud nnanliiial tracks. Ho was Indeed In a bad 11 x. He could not stay and travel barefoot over the snow in a mountain ous cniintiy, and he did not have another pair of shoes. The only thing to tlo was to come liome and to do this ho cut pieces rrom his blankets w ith which to wrap his feet until hu reach- L,l niu Inhabited weld BL'aln and pro cured another pair of shoes. 1 The Uubb Case. A friend In Hutto, Mont inn, write under ditto of June IMlh concerning tho Uubb case ns follows: The account by tho Hutto Miner was sulwtiintiuliy correct. W H Hhaw will defend the young man and say he is churged with "assault (o commit murder." Ho expects to enter a plea ot not guilty this morning, and get relu-il tofl.OUO, niultii a sbort tllll0 r,, ,H reienso. He will prob- . . . n, , , , ul)1)llt t ut t(.tt Tullv tvallzes Hint he Is In a tlglit box, tlio igh he is In good spirits anil has plenty oi nerve leu. 1 ... 1 . t.i i is naw says no win leave hoiuiok un done In the way of putting up a de- reuse, and lully expects to ace pi it hltu III the end. Weldou Is still coll 11 tied to hi room but Is expected to bj about sooti. He Is a big quarrelsome fellow. It scorns the trouble originated by his falsely accusing Bulib or "holding out" cash rrom tho receipts at tliu restaurant.. llabu has worked steadily since com- , , ll( ,lu ttwv, ,.,,joyed the ......,i.i.,.., i,u .,t,i,,i,.e..m , 1( ljku(, by , ftwpiaintances, and . .. ., .... i.i- 1....1 r..n at tlie tlmo or the trouble hud mil churgeofthe night shift ot waiter at Sherman's restaurant. Pally lluird, July 1. . ,, Home traveler camped just norther the , moi-rui ri inio a g nerat n new (louring mill got atrial l.tal llhflir 1 I1H fut,orof tli fiunlly wu badly bruised un about tho head by a ami. They " ,, their wav thl morning. ., ,,i., ,, nl,enniu no arrests being made, as no one came up town to iniorm ine ouicers, al though the near uy resilient w greatly dlsturbi'd by the noise. A Laikik An. In today' Guard S. H. Friendly has a lame advertise ment. It is his midsummer sale, aim he quote some very lw prices. Ho believes thoroughly in tho free use or ,)rlll,,irHnllU all( u not arrald wml h(J w, ,.,, KnwU foPi n, am, t.n gtralght t- thestoi o()k at Uw hargnlns ollered. arrald loien cad It store aud Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DIX MB CREAM FIvJiM Most Tcrfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. m