Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Mm W C7 Absolutely pure " BECAME A THIEF WHILE INGANt. rpriilnf IHacloaur liillow III Rattira uf Convict' lUaaon. Three yeara lf linprlaouinent hava lifted tlio fliI from the mind of man im,i,M l to be h common home thief, toi who noW revealed n l)t- "t-rltrt Bik'dct. formerly n proaperoua London nbvuU'iiin. A a climax to hit atrange i,vrtitiire tlio lioiird of pardons will bo ,', once M-tit -l lr hi release from lhetiit'r penitentiary In Philadelphia. On M-'pl- ,h''", "irt'e homes were rol.n ir.nu the atuble of O. W. Young man in thin city. The thief wua easily irackrtl and was ruptured at Monnt pititmint. I'" l ejecting his capture , 0m, cr nhot in tlio hip and an other wounded in tlio arm. The borw) thief had a Kuntliot wound in the ink-, and one arm was nearly torn fiom Ilia "rot-ki't. He waa brought back to WilliailK,rt and locked in tho county jil W liile in prison liu made half a ji.n attempt to end his life, lie waa tried in IVcemlM r, 1 80 1, under the nimie of HerUrt Spencer Darwin, waa oitiviitid and sentenced to the peniten tiary fr i'i J'eara. Before aentence was pronounced it waa pretty conclil nvrly fliown that at the time of his trial the man waa Insane. Ho has spent over two years in prison, and until the tirt of the present year be showed no cbitno in Iiis character or actions. Tbi ii enme aaudden and startling de Tf(iuiii'iit. The condemned thief, who bad liown ao many signs of insanity and wIiom bungling attempt to steal three hoixes waa cattily overthrown, showed sifjnf of returning reason, lonelily these signs mnltiplivd, and now the prisoner, aeemingly a perfectly ra tional limn, announces his identity. He ia nut Herbert tfnocr Darwin, but Dr. Herbert Spencer. He came to thia conn try in 1990 with f 0,000 in cash, lie In tended to locate In the United Ktates. Soon after bis arrival hia mind be came a blank, nud be recalls nothing that bus happened the meanwhile. Through the penitentiary ofticials he learned whero he had been tried and convicted." Sufficient proof haa been gathered, it is asserted, to establish the truthfulness of Dr. Sjiencer'a claims that he was Insimo when he stole the horKes and neat ly ever aliice. Friends will use every ellort possible to linvethminfortu oate prisoner set free. Williaiusport (i'a.) Uispatch. AMERICANS IN EUROPE. Th TnglUli llonlfMfo la Making Prepara tion! lo Knlrrlaiti Mtinjr nl la Till Year. Already tho indications are that more Americans are coming to Europe thia year than ever before. The proprietors of the principal hotels in London are rejoic ing over tho fact that they have received more applications for apartiiienta dur ing the season from all parts of the United States than at ho caily a date in any previous yeai. If their expecta tions iireunfullilltd. it will be a dismal time lor the English lionifaco, for the best of tliem found the Imliinro on the wrong side of the ledger last year, and America is the solo hope lor iniiny of them. Uno thing only it was feared might check the exodus, and that dan ger is probably over. Most of tho steam ship lines inndo boiuo advance in first class fates last season In anticipation of World's fair travel. It proved to be the most unprofitable year for a long time. Tho recent conference of managers of the principal lima discussed the point ntuiflleiiilly, lint tho managers were al most unanimous in opposing a further advance Tho agents recognize that tlio bulk of American summer travel comprises clergymen, schoolteachers mid others having moderate salaries and long va cations. A heavier tax would keep tliem at home. It is further argued that theso classes rather profit than suffer by the hard times, so it ia expected that travel this year will be unusually large. Loudon Letter. rmliirnt Itiacrlpllutt. It is quite an interesting thing to learn that some of our best knowns proverba and inottoea were originally used in connection with sundials. Be fore tlio days of watches and clocks, when dials and sun marks were among tlio rude means of reckoning time, ii whs a prevailing custom to Inscribe tlu m. Among the maxima traceable to this source are, "Make hay while the sun "'nines,' "The longest day must end' and "All things do wax and wane." Snndlalrt apoke tlio truth, as may I inferred from n historic one which win placed on St. Pint I'a cross, in London, slid which proclaimed, "I number none but sunny boms. " This no one will Unulit who has had occasion to consult a dial on an overcast day. A famous dial in Sussex, England, lxro four famous mottoes applicable to tho flight or time and the brevity of life. They were as follows: "Aftei diitknesa, light." "Alas! how swift!" "f warn whilst I move" and "So passes life." Another old sundial spoke petulant ly akjut tho same subject in the words, "Sirrah, be irn hIhiiiI vonr business.'' MOTHERS I recovering from Uie illness at tending child - birth, or who suf i fir from the cf- 'i (Wis of disorders. ' derangement a lid displace ment of llie wo mnnlv organs, uill 'find relief a.id a permanent curt in Dr. I icrce a lavorite Prescription. Taken during pregnancy, the "Prescription" HAKES CHILDBIRTH EASY l'v preparing the avslem for parturition, Urns assisting Nature and sliortriiing "lalior." Tho painful ordeal child hirth is robtie.! i its terror, and the l init r thereof jrreatlv lessened, to lxUi nioihvr and child, The period c"n nnement ia alto greatly shortened, tin mother strengtliened and built up, and an abundant secretion of nourishment for the child promoted. t.r.dii'afc3A I ?7& Powder A WAR KUIO. EVERY HONORABLE VETERAN DESERVES HIS PENSION. Ami Hi l.oii I. hull I .Ni.l (lie Oiilj Itraaou fur Itrrrlt Ing l.iitrrii nirnl Hew aril Klllier. Fr.iin Journal, liun, Me Samuel K. Jordan has just given tin Journal uu uccouut of his life, which, ill view of his extremely hard hit foi the past few years w ill bo read w ith interest. '1 am 48 years old and have ulways lived in New Portland. I enlisted in the army in IHtlj us a private iu Com uiuy A, 2 Mh .Muiiio Volunteers. My army experiemv injured my health to sumo extent, ultliough I worked at hlacksiuithiiig i pine part of the time, wheu HUiiileiily, seveial years ago, 1 was prostrated with what ablo physi cians pronounced Iieomotor Ataxia. At tlrst 1 could get ttround sumewhat yet the disease pnign-ssed quitu rapidly until I had hardly any feeling in my legs and feet, they felt like slicks ol wood and I grew so much worso that 1 could not movo for three) years without help, as my neighbors and friends could testify. I employed several phy sicians iu my vicinity, and elsewhere, and they nil told mu that medicines would not help me, that they could do nothing to effect a euro and that iu time 1 should become entirely helpless. 1 became discouraged. I was a great care to my wife ami friends. Shortly a ter I met an old army comrade, Mr. All. Purlin, a resident of Madison, Me., and he iucideiilly mentioned bow tie had tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for a severe case of rheumatism ami a spinal and malarial trouble, that he had s ii tiered iu consequence of his army life, and had lieen greatly benefited by their use. by his earnest recommenda tion I was induced to try the pills. After taking them for a time 1 began to feel pricklv sensations iu my legs and a return of strength so 1 could movo them a little. Atter a few weeks 1 began to feel a marked improvement iu my condition. I soon was enabled to walk around a little with tho help of crutches. After taking for some tiiuo 1 can now walk without crutches, mv general health, is much improved and 1 have regained my old-time vigor. 1 can walk about uud enjoy lifo once more, for which I feel very thankful, ami this happy result is duo to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People are not u patent medicine in tho sense that name implies. They were first compounded as a prescription and used as such iu general pructico by an eminent nhvsiciiin. So great was their eflioiicy that it was deemed wise to place them within tho reach of all. Thev are now manufactured by tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Sche- nocttidv, N. V.t and uro sold in boxes (uever iu loose form by the dozen or hundred, aud tho public aro cautioned against numerous imitations sold iu this shape) at CO ceuta a box, or six boxes for fi.CO, and may be had of ull druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams Medicine Company. WANTS TO BE CUT UP. Thara's Money In.ld Hint, 11 Thinks, Ila- Itlr a airmii; uitca- a v,.i ,lr..aui,l nlil man walked into the reception office at IJellevuo hospital the other afternoon and surprised the clork by hauling a thick roll of green backs out or one of bis pockets. He fol lowed thia np by taking more bills oat of the lining of his hat. "Ifa all mino, no biiiu gioeiuiiy, and I know whero I can get more." He said he was Bernard Bergen, 09 ...r. ni,i neildlor; tlint ho bad been all ovor tho world, and thut be bad money to bum. "I'll till yon how it is," be went on. decided lust night to become a mar tyi to medical science. I have discov eied that I haven strangediseaae which hna nnt'ir IhH'II heard of before. When tbe doctors cut me up, they'll learn aomethlng." a ,l.w.i..r Mrnnnnnrcil the old peddler n uwiui i'. - - crazy and committed him to tho insane . . . - fi.nnil pavilion, in nis pocscm n t'270 In bills and a handful of small chunge. Ho refused to tell where ho got the money. When they cut mo np. he added, you II And a lot more." He said he had no friends, and that all people wanted was to get away his money. New Vork Press. To Sura th Speculator. The bishop of London has ordered his clergy to make a special effort during Leut on behalf of the worldlings of the Stock Exchange and Lombard street, who ceitainly ueed a spiritual awaken ing as much as tho poor east end. The bishop's Bclieme includes midday serv ices at various ancient city churches, aud aa business is very slack they have been ao far well attended. ti .....i. ..,.l,w Ijrukers regard the scheino as a remarkably funny joke and consider it their duty to help it along. On Thursday during a dull interval on the Stock bxenango some.. - . special mission on behalf of the souls of tbe bucket Bhop keepers, whereat thera was much eutbnsia.m. -London Cable. Wanted lo Help. Mrs. Van Mission What are you r ailing, my pet? Liltlo Daughter I is readm a long article 'bout bow to roact a turkey "What for?" "I thought nex' time you wont alum mill I d ask to go wif yon, and w'ilo rou was di-tributin tracts I'd tell em how to roast a turkey. "Good New Ireland was originally Irene, or the Western Wo." It w.u called the "Emeruld Isle" becanseof the brilliant color of it verdure, which throughout he year 1 a lively grcao. WINTER AT THE MILL The Kluillnn Uh I nile. I villi tnowi The cold kr er a inwn; A fr a lino ilrrainUiiil rem Tb arm "Vi H.ih ing to n. And aver lili-.a l ,u nd i hill H lien Ii I. oniii r at th mill. Tlw null hIh-.I with !tnirrr Llr, Ik ley I. at .1. i, Ik i; No clicr- lu iuhUir k llieiluorj Noirstelrr iiicrr i; The mtli l In I mi. the 1,111 Inn II la nliiiirat the mill. The miller rruda hia aliimnao And ihi'tt rre apriiiir. When Intra tnine iuiiiMiiik dnwn tin aln-ain, A Ml larka and vrerlea sine-. The k In. Is uie wurld I lilank and Hill When It la nluirrat the mill. The miller' lfe. mre illconuul, hlia liy the riix'tiirnt low, And kiiilaaml ali -lira the era)' atuuk r'rnm llhik-e linn n- blow. There la no kh-Ii. i-iukI or 111, When It la n oiler at the mill. But In the mllli r'a Utile maid Time haii-aon rimy tt'tntf. The falrlra the ruiild never llml III any haiml of rpruiit Fill all I lie Un lit chimney nook Through limuio of a atory Umk. Ku-an II. fen it iu Yuutb'k Companion. FAILED. Gilbert de Satimur bad just returned to Paris aTter 10 years' sojourn iu Amer ica. He had left his country ruined and almost hopeless, a victim to his passion for gambling. Ho was quite young when ho had left France, but he had squandered away a largo foitune and so had courageously decided to go into ex ile and try bis luck in a new way namely, by work! He had started away with L20 in his pocket and had now re turned after 10 years' slavery almost a rich man again. He was once more on the iHiulevards, once more gaiing at the brilliantly lighted shops and at the gay ciowd of fashionable loungers who were strolling along apparently without a care in I lie world. At last, feeling a little tired, he eat down at one of the tables outside a cafe, idly wondering whether any of his former friends would recognize him agaiu now. .Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoul der, and turning miunl discovered an old acquaintance of his. "Do Sauiiiur, is it possible? Why, old fellow, how many years is it since we met, or ratlin since we parted?'' "Ten years. Koiival just 10 years since I started off with my i'.'O to try my luck over the sea." "And what soit of luck have yon had. old fellow?" "Very fair Utter than 1 expected. I've con e 1 nek anyhow with enough ol the 'needful' to go along all right now. How have you been getting on all these years?" "Well. I've had some changes, like every one else. I'm mairied now and am getting on all rig! t at least 1 should if 1 could only leave the con founded cards alone." "Take cure, Koiival. if you go in for that still. 1 ought to have been a wnm ing to some of yon. Why don't you give that sort of thing up once and tor ull?" "That's easier said than done. What is a fellow to do at the club, aud then if once you've won from a man you cannot refuse to let him have his chance, and so you go on. 1 say, you'll come home with me? 1 want to hear all about your doings and introdnco yon to my wife. "1 should like to come very much" "Well, it's settled then. Now tell me something about your lifo over yon der. How did you ever get a start?" "Well. I had a bad timo lit fust, 1 confess. The mottoof tho conntry there ia 'Every man lor himself.' If one can not hold one's own iu tlio fierce compe tition that Is waged, then there ia noth ing to do but give iu and disapear. On the contrary, if you'vo got some grip in yon and cati hold on and have got just euongh money in your pocket to kiep you from starving till yon get your foot on the ladder, why, thero's a chance for von. "I atood off at nothing, as 1 did not know a soul iu tho wholo country. As I knew a good deul about horses, I of fered mv services as coachman to I ' New Vork physician and had tho honor 1 . , ,.: . 1 1 ,lv tn l-iul4 or uriving iiioi ououi m v v " I his patients." "De rianinur, is it possible?" "It was, Rouval; that was precisely how 1 commenced. When 1 had got used to the life over theio and saw how things went, I ventured on other things, I and 1 certainly had good luck, for ev erything 1 touched succeeded. As soon i as 1 bad scraped a little money together I I put it into somo shares in a railway I company, and so I went on until I had madowhat I considereu enougu iuidiu back with." "It'a been pretty rough on yon, Gil- bert' - , ... "It has, and I don t mind owning it now. The hardest thing of all was to keep myself from gambling away the money as I made it. It was easy enough to rough it as regards other things, both luxuries and the necessities of lite, but It was confoundedly hard to keep away from the gaming tables, which exist there just a much as here. Thank heaven,! did resist though, or I shouldn't lie here now." "Ah, my dear fellow, yon won t be long here in Palis before you'll give in to your old habits. What can a man e at the club? Cut come along. We must start now. I want to introduce you to mv wife." The two men got tip and sauntered along tho boulevards to the Avenue de I Opera, where Jacques Rouval lived. After dinner Rouval took his new found friend into his smoking den, theie to indulge Iu a cigar. Do you caie to have a look in at the club?" he asked him a little later on. "No, I don't think I do this evening. You know, it is not cheerful alter 10 years' alweiice to return to old haunts which are filled with strangers and to find all thoso one knows are uu longer there, and after th long list you told me about at dinnertime it seems to me there is scarcely any one 1 know left." Rouval waa not very delighted at this decision. He was In the habit of going to the club every evening and spending aomehonra at the card tables, and it bad become o fixed a babit with him that be felt restlee and dissatisfied any where elso. He would like to ask De Sanmur to take a baud with him. but nnder tbe circumstance ba acarcely dared to. He kept casting furtivt .lunrM at th little table In tb comer of tb room, ted at Uualb f Bauajajj who had noticed hi friend' uneasiness 1 and who from exicrictice guessed the ' cause, auggmted himself "that they should just have a round or two at cards to K-e how much be bad forgotten in 10 years." Rut I though, you had quite given np playing fur ever and ever?" objected bi friend. 'Yes, as a regular habit I have, but it is quite another thing to have a game quietly here like this." Rouval wa only too delighted and pulled the card table out with alacrity. De Kuiimur played at firnt carelessly. He hud only proposed it out of con (ideration to his friend, and be felt rather bored. Rouval kept winning and appeared so contented with himself and had such a triumphant manner thut De Saumtir found himself getting interest ed aud excited in spite of himself. The more he lost tho moio persistent ho be came. It was as though tbe old passion of former days which for 10 year had been kept ill coutiol by his strong will hud completely got the mastery of him. At first tho stakes had been insignificant, but as ho continued to lose he became more and more desperate, until at last tho amount was getting so serious that Rouval did not wish to continue. "Rut as I have been tho loser so far," said Do Saumnr, "you cannot rcfuso to go on surely! "It is not for my own sake, but I don't like it, (5 illicit. Yon mo hero at my house, aud you are playing dosper ate stakes." "Well, that 'a my own lookout. It' yonr turn to cut." Day was beginning to break, and tlio two men were still seated at the card table. They had played all night, aud now their eyes were fiery with excite ment, and their hands trembled aa they bandied the cards. At last (iilliert de Saumur exclaimed, "There, I cannot go on any morel" Ronval looked at him anxiously, thinking that he was ill, hut bo contin ued : "No, I've come to an end, that' all. I cannot go on, because you have won nearly every cent I imssesa. I'll give you n check on my banker for it, and that settles it." A dead sileilco followed these words. What was to be done? The play had been strictly fail, and Rouval bad won it fairly. "My dear fellow, "said Ronval as De Sauiiiur finished writing out tho check, "I cannot take it ull. Keep something for you i self." "I have 110 left," replied De San mur coldly. "That will be enough to get buck where 1 came from. Work is better for me than fortune. I have proved that twice. I thought now 1 was cured, but it appears I was mistaken. 1 suppose now 1 shall never see Paris ugai". Uoodby, Ronval." And be got up, and opening tbe door took bis hat from the peg iu the hall and went downstairs, followed by Rou val, 'who accompanied him to the hall door, mid who, when ho had closed it after his friend, went back to his smok ing den and paced np and down tbe room until it was broad daylight. " Very odd, " was tho verdict at the club the next evening. "Not quite the thing to take everything tho poor fid low had worked 1(1 years for andsosend hi in lack to perpetual exile." Million. "DESPERATIO.1 The New Came of Card Which la Inter eating Eastern Nuclei. "Desperntiou" is a game of cards that is best descritad a n contiuulty of sequences, regardloss of suit It i a a ' I I .. II . P.A m l .i plliyetl Willi llireo lull pitcKstil u latnn each, nud the most convenient number of players is 12, but eight or ten per sons will find it a very delightful way to speiitl an evening. In a party of la dies and giiiitleineii tlio lietter way is lor tlio one six to chulkligu tho other six and then, sitting in couples at the table, alternating the play. Tho first duty is to select a hanker, who should also act as umpire fur tbe evening. The banker or dealt r should then shuffle the three pucks of curds to gether very thoroughly and count two "nests, " of 80 cards each, tho one to be known a "ladies' nest," tho other a "gentlemen 'a nest," placing them at ,,im,itn mid of tlm t.ihlo. Kach player then roceive a hand of six cards, denlt I nno at a lima Theso hands aro plaoed faco down diroctly in front of each player The piny la from tlio imimer to tne left, and each player turns up a curd, ami tho piny continue until an ace is turned. The privilege of turning the top card of center nests is takon by the Hrst player or each side, w tien au ace is turned np, It is planed in tho conter of tho tablo, nud the fun begins, ine purpose of tho gnmo is to exhaust the center nests, and tlio gnmu ih won oj tho side exhausting their nest first The sequences in the center of tho table are noo high to donoo, wlillo tut) sine so- qucucc or partner hand are lilgli or low. So that each partner plays on mo center MtiuonccH, hi or Ills partner s sequence and his own, in effect play ing seven hands In a 1.' liami game. a aeveti nnuiis in n i - in. no The fun of the (funis is caused hy the itttltv connectid therewith, which Is: nenultv connected therewith So pluyer is permitted hy wortl, look, niii, motion or suKKestion to indicato to tlio person playing any play or mis play possilda an penulty of forfeitinR the play of said player und haviug the chanro of a st qneiiee pass to the next player at taldn, which would uaturally lie an opponent. There is a frreat amount of sport in this game for a social evening, aud it la very popular in tho eastern eitic. It can bo mado "progresaivVlf desired on tho samo principles as enchre. Hi Louis post Dispatch. Kileniiallng Clreumatane. Juilh'e What, voo plead extenuating lirriiiiiKtant t? Why, yollr crime wai nlniily ttrrihh;! After robhlng the poor family of what little money they hail iiiHtiiiKfl to accumulate by almont atiirvin tin iiim lvn.yoii murdered them alt father, mother and eight children, . l,.ri,, iw mi them and aettitiB ' ., I...-.,.,,! I,..l Iliein uii In.-. Hi' ii you burned their hoiiitfl and killed eignt or tne omoera who trie.l to Brret-t yoo. And what, way I aak, then, are your extenuating circUllirttlllieea? ! Priwiiier Your honor, It waa my fiM offerjau of the kind: Coaton Trav- . elhr. Th IIIITrBc. The liiineunlonR It ia jtiht aa eany to love a d'irl iID money aa to lore on without it. Tbe lleirefa But It Uu't ao aaay to get her.-London Budget. - i oitt' school rou nova. I Iral) llollt. Th. !.. Mailer al Itiirlln-1 ; ksiiic, hau Mateo enmity, I'al., is one ol the lieat aciinola lor boys on th 1'aeillc j t'oaal. ' Arvjrmi a tll eink, Ml H ekliLtrefeT' ': M waa aitlu-itd with a utllil a tark ul apheio naiilH laat ftuuiini-r." anwert the Hial.in ; and. ten, "liu una )tr I liav lakni lull nil If Inn real." I. IKK . MIKtK. Theehlrf lunetloii nf the kldm" to m-i-oa v Imiii the i.i..mI, In fa niimiich iIimmkii ili.-in, of reila'u linetiillieaaiiil walry imoiicW' allien make Irt.lr dual e&K Itinuiali to li!al 'i r. 1'ne reit'iiHnn ul tli.-e. In ciiM.-tur ul iiiai'tl.liy nl I hi' kldiu-la. la prtilulli ol IliUhl'a illM'aar, ilrnav, olata'tea, altiiiinlllilrl n,i tuber nulaili.a with a InimI le-id y. liu. 'filer a Stoniaeli III! .'re, a llliflily R4lietloiie,1 illnreite Hint tiliMid di'tmr, nl, imii'la the kid nea when Ihaellie lo tene II .r allllmc linn- . lion, ami alrain fritiii the t Hal nirtvni imparl , , t'e a lllell oifet r ami llin-ait'li lllelr o n ' iki, tire at orKatih of Ihe IsmIv. i a arrh ol thr lail'ler, arael and ivt noon f ilu urine ie al-o iiiHiailieft airrM.il oretcrtetl hy itoa tietitii promoter ami reaiura. Ue el untune (! ii Ma : Urte. tlieiiinail-iii, eottatipal nit, l!IUui!uxs ; ail I dNp.UalMi yield lo I lie II. Cera, htrtl It ' aiMt i eitly bei-ed. ial lo lite aeak a:nl tier- roll-. i Pr. I'ttlaer The ai'llon of wlnkl t la mil vlihoiii Pi uae; people wl ok lo ken the ye hall itioiat mi la water eu rfc - Not much they, lon'tl The ieople wit i oolite In here wink to keep lllelr lliru.n nmlat. HOW 111 I IT We nlfir On Hundred Hollar KewaM lor any rar of I'atarrh thai cannot he cure i hy Hall's Catarrh Cure! tr. J. CIIKSKY A CO.. Props., Tilled. i, II hlo. We, the umleniiKtied. hive known K. J Cheney for the last l.'t years, and believe him perleilly lionoralile in all business transaction and linaneially aide to carry out any obligations made by their linn, tt'l.tit l'cx, Wholesale 1 initials. Toledo, O. Waiiumi Kikkan .V Mavii, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 1). llall'a t'alarrh Cure ia taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and muooiia surlnee of the svateui. Price. 7,'h). per Nil- lie. Hold by all I'ruggiat. Tealiinoniaia free. NKW WAV KAT-iO MUST. (io Kait from I'ortlnitd. Pendleton. Walla Walla via O. It. .v. N. lo Spokane and Ureal Noitliern Itaiiway to Montana. lukota.Ht. Paul, Miiineaioli, Clm-ago, Omaha, hi Imi. Kaal a d South. Kock ballast track; Hue scenery ; new equipment Oreat North ern I'alnee Sleepers and Diners; Family Tourist Cars; bullet-Library Cant. Write C. C. Donovan, lie' er.tl Agent, Portland, Oretrtin, or r. I. VUntnev, II. P. ,v I. A., St. Paul, Minn., for printed mailer and In- toriuation alsi t rate-, routes, etc. I ca'Miot speak too highly of Piso Cure for t on iiuinilon. M a. rmm M W. 1W.I St , N. Y., Oct. lan. Ml 'SIC! SfOIIK -Wlli'T II. Allen Co, ! Ideal, the larweai, vll Kl rsl Si, Portland. Cnli'kerlng, HardtiiMti, Klaeher I'lattoa, Kaley O tdtiia l. iw liili, eaay ter na. lO-t'KNT T SI I! M alC S uil lor ualalogtie. Tar Qua it for breakfast. How is Your Blood?G. W. STAYER X GO. Hit is h r and thin and lacking in lite' l .ii.,ilu,r uti, I iniililv gif I In .h rel mrtilta. ' ; cles, you are in danger of aickne from disense genus and the enervating elteet o: warm weatle-r. l'urify your blood with Hood's Sursapari.Su I The great blood puritier whii'h his proved its merit I y a record ol rures triciiiulled 1 in medical history. Willi pure, rch blood you will be'well and strong. Do ' not neglect Ihlt iuisirtant mtitter but ! take Hood's Sursapnrilla now. ' Ul ' o Dillo are taaleleaa, mild, elli-e-irlOOQ S nlllb pve. Alldnitodala. i 1 until Eli)'tVttam lain fur ratnrrk anil hurt re , UnrH I ' If lierf it rt itift and re fuo. rare. IViy ylfnmnt I take, H'm. A'rnrrr, Utttk til't, .V. )'. I CATARRH KI.V'H ' It K.AM HAI.M Otieiis and rleanaea the N sanl l'aiuage, Allaya I'altt ami liiHNinnta lion. Ileal lite Horea, Prolcoli lb Muuihrane I Irorii oolili, Keatore the Hettaea of l aate ai A i ritnell. The Halm la quickly absorbed aud lvea rvllel at onee. A particle la applied Into eseh nnalrll, and U agreeable. I'rloe, 60 eunta at pritKgila' or b; mall. KI.Y IIKolllKHS, M Warren Hlreel, New York. DR. LIEBIQ & CO., Spetlil Dxlort fm Chronic. Pilule and Wasting Diseases. Ilr. I.lelill'a Invlirnraliir Ihe (realeat remeily for Hemlnal Weakneaa, laa of Maul tsal and Private Dlaeaaea, tlveremiiea lreiiiaturelieaa anil liretiarea all ror lliarrlMre llfe'a tlullea, ileaaurea ami reaMin alliillltea: fl olai b.ittle lven or aent rree to any nne aearillilnit ayniitoina: call oraililreaa 4t"ttlary 41 . private entrant 4na Maanit HI., Han Kranelaeo ASK YOUR DRUOQIST FOR it IfFSS!. THE BEST -k Nursing Mothers.Infants , j 14 II If -f V AA AaUJLAVll 1 JOHN CARLB SONS, New Vork. FRAZER AXLE CREASE I BEST IN THI W0RL0 !twrarln qualltleaarfiitniirpajauwl.axtuall) ottilaatlnir two bnxea ol anv o'hor brand. Fret ' from animal (Ilia. HKT VlIK HKNUINK. KuK HAKE BY UKKi.ON AND WAaillNllTON MKKUHANaM and Ucalera ii'Urrallr. YOUNG woMill YOI'CAN .MAKK MONKV MA ly ing liar llh "l Mi) Prraa. , M rltf it lor In urtnalioit. nirvi j.K.a - w acll all Hit iK-at flrali laai llll'j ck-a. M rlU Cat lintov. I. J. TRUMAN ft CO., y:ia Kuah "ireet, 8a rranelana, I'al. I'leaao nrullnn llila Fa per wheu wrltlliK- A SURE CURE FOR PILES Itehln rilBiwywn hf mriat'ir Ilka varautratton. oaaai InlMim itrluiiattitiain wu-in. iuta Imm an ! turn uf PnArualitif frilmm irlj i tur nil DR. tO-JAN-KO'8 llLst RCMIDV. which 4tdirrtlf on iivtaisTfaHMl, m0mtttjuimon, lT ItrtiiDf, afl-clil-f tie'nnnnl enra. Trin a a. tnu .u. l)r.fluaall'Uiaa..l. ; jj. p. x, rj. No. 02-H. F. N. V. Xo.O MDC WINCIfltf'C SOOTHING lllllvJi IIIIIULUll W aTHUr - FOR CHILDKtN TCSTHIMO rraalrall lraiU. iMUl kali I. , Luata Unfit ALL USl I Ail: tn tlnia iM hr rtniaaiaia tAiaa Drrap. 1 ata 1 '" Run 1 1 1 1 IllLll TL ;igNaLaJ i. L J cn WSfl KNOWLEDGE Rrinps comfort and improvement and tend t' personal enjoyment when rightly iiied. The many, alio live tat ter than ot Iters and enjoy life more, with 'ess exiK'HilituT, by more promptly adapting the wo. Id' best product te the needs of physical being, will altos! he value to health of the pure liquit axative principle embraced iu tin remedy, Svrup of Figs, Its excellence is due to its preaentinr in the form most acceptable ami pleas l it to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial proicitic of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the system, di-dH'lliug cttlds, headaches and fevers ami permanently curing constipation. It h is given satisfaction to million anil met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid lievs, Liver and Rowel without weak ening them ami it Is K-rfecl!y free from every objectionable sulistauce. Syrup of Fig i for sale by all drug gists iu 50c and fl tattle, but it i man ufactured by tho California Fig fvrt: Co. only, whose name i printed on ever; package, also the name, Syrup of Fig, and taiug well informed, ymi will not accept any substitute if ollcred. HEALS RUNNING SORES nHDCC WWniiVJ 1MB ' - ppvaa.. 'SERPENT'S "STING CONTAGIOUS In all It atagea completely cradical- BLOOD POISON SSMhln& ulcers yield to ita healing; now moves (he poison and builds ui owera. It re nip l he system Vtlaal4a mllt na lh ,tla aa.1 II. t..ta,tat aaallau M awtf r aei-i n-ii i u . Ail.u C.a aeix't-aaim TO , . . STAYER & WALKER PORTLAND, OREGON Geierul Agent for Aiu.Tvta A Tavlob I iihksiikks, 'I K.tcTioN Kniiinks and Diniixk Wooiuii BV I'owna. Hare for aale HAND CASE SEPARATORS AND ENGINES And nlhrr Machinery nl H aver A Walker Stork lo t-loait out elieap. Writ fur l alalimi and Trie. ltoum5.'aj Worcester llluck, Portland, Or. WALTER BAKER & CO. Tht UrgMl MMufaWtann sf PURE, HICH CRADK Cocoas and Chocolates Oa Uib Caallanl, haa NMlva4 HIGHEST AWARDS ttnm the frvMt Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS IN EUROPE AND AMERICA. Caution: 'JtfTJZSZ of Iht Ubrltiad rprt uu nut KtarH,, couMimvrtthouM ntak tiri thai our ptact of maiiiiarlur. namttv. llnrrlivalrra M U Df lUMtl fat flaHtt ttW k(a OLD BY OROCERt CVCRYWHCRC. WALTER BAKU. A CO., OORCHUUR. IIASl - 1 - IG 0F ill-THE "REX" 5-CENTGIGIR Fulll Clillrrni ail, S.'ia twr All Ural rltwilialrraaltuiild ae. SIC 8ICHEL 4 CO.. PORTLAND, ORECON, SOLE ACENT8 Corrvaoiit1t'ii! to li llril. HamilM SHEEP-DIP LITTLE'S POWDER DIP MUM with colil walrr. JAMES LA1CLAW WEINHARD'S Antifermentine Preserves all kinds or Fruit without cooking, and retains their natural flavor. HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO Insist on ft AR AI1P HAER SOPAji I in packages Costs no more than inferior package soda never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and Is ml. versally acknowledged purest in tbe world. c Hade only by CHURCH k CO., New York, fall y (roctra trtiTwaT, Writ fa Am a4 Kiwlaai at aalaahl laaLpai TM A Glorious Fenrtl! 3-GALfl July 3, 4, 5, '95 -IX- Portland, Oregon Parade Starts 10:30 A. M.of the Fourth Gorgeous Pyrotechnic Display -AT NIGHT- Speed Association Races lo tbe Afternoon for Parses Aggregating $29,000. Races From kit 20 to Jul; 6. REDUCED RATES ON ILL THE LINES Ht- ainall hills (or Programme. AMERICAN fPtfl Palmer & Rey Branch Elcctrotypen Stereotypers... Mmliniita in Ciurilon ami I'rvsNva, Cyliiitlvr rrcsst-s, I'ccrlca Paper Cutters, Motors uf oil kinds, FoluVrs, lt intint Material. I'iiUntas of Self-Spacing Type. Sale Makcra or Copper-Alloy Type. DR. GUMS IMPHOVBO UVER PILLS A KILO PHYSIC. .Luamri.ntti a IwvuR. waiiMilotlial"i 4a aialiilvl lanrr Ix .llt., I li-a aalla aiilr l,.l (I-,!" Uaai iW Kaa W luUr. 'I lI m ll-arfa. I UnliW tb ami rWar Ih UaofUtaa, lallv than ouiaaUc lliar -llrt nia vk.a. Id a.n.lm jh. ill maMinl,ia rrww-iw a i r- - ill aialiaarai.la lr . a liill ioi ar LoivaNa.0 aUiA U. CHICKEN RAISING PAYS Ifvi.ll liar III Pflalaaa i ln,abalr a Bial.i 1 M.ik money iitlcl It m Vlliria in ... Illlir liyolilpnat aara. talal,llliall alaitil II. anil JrairtlK-a avny arltrle nmlrU fir Hit, poultry buatucaa. mnhanlralW Ilia ll ffliacl. I'rclllratmortrl A art I'aiitic Cuaal imtla. Iiit vti rat ku. mailed irec.gin (i.llil-arrlntl.m rlr rtr . o"T wawrro f ETALDM A IrlCCHATOR CO.,rtlalimi,Cl. UaA.iill HiM'aa, lit H Main M , l.i Anu'lia llininand I a r Ct-Dt raah dlaPunnt. ptli.rn. Mitt tin a; (illrallon. -THE BEST MADE I Kcllalilr ami alt. 4 tO., Pwtland. Or, Zn. ..K' JSKTI WELL-KNOWN BEER (IN KKtlH Ull UUTri.KM) Krnnd In lirilta TKV IT... Noma Icrwnir Imai. roilTLAMIt, OR. BEWARE ot Iraltatloa trails marks and labcla. IIS I lUiiiiTualfd I 1 naJL taiaimiu Li rlHI. ThcORIE" IX aV a.raO HAAa fl