The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 29, 1895, Image 8

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fa. Peculiar rarsunaltiy of California
Woman of Property.
The itory of tli achievement of
Maria Ucunlcy has become familiar
through tho recent attempt at settle
ment of tlio Denalojr estate. The itory
of the woman's personality li more ro
inatkuble. As one evldcnco of her pe
culiarities It may be cited thnt she wore
a coat of mail.
The woman wan the wife of John
Bcnsley, once a fiuancial power in Hun
Francisco. When be failed and fled,
after biding bin property to escape liii
ci editors, she remained to fight them
und proved herself a diplomat. After
several transfer she got hold of the
Hons ley property, in turn disxiing of
It to flctitioua woman, from whom
he bnd no trouble in securing a owrr
f attorney. "Mr, de Tareiibt" she
railed tbil fictitious woman, and need,
let to say, wben Mr. HeiiBley di-slrr-d
to dispose of any property, Mm. de Tar
elite) never dissented.
Wbilo Dennley wa away lili wife
found herself iu many trying situations,
and when she became a widow her
peace of mind waa atill dlsturlad by
thu importunities of creditor and their
recourse to the law. Mrs. Itcnslcy traced
her pedigree back to nohlu families
that tiovcr eilsted, and her pride wa
based on title) that were never be
llowed. She had few confidants, and
the enemies her husband had arqnfred
readily transferred their attention to
her. Kite waa worried and looked It.
Hho grew thin and feeble, but lost no
whit of her pluck.
One day Mrs. Ucnsley was dining at
the rieasonton wben a incssngo waa
hronght to her. She read It, gnMl and
fainted. As she fell from her chair she
struck the floor with a clang. I'eoplo
who raised tho attenuated form won
dered at its weight. When medical at
tention was called, the mystery wasei
plained. Inclosing tho woman's body
waa a coat of mail, steel linked and
bullet proof. In her contentions and her
scheming to keep creditors from getting
their dues she had learned to fear venge
ance. It Is believed that until death
Mrs. Dcuslcy wore her armor. When
stricken with heart disease, she was
till In the midst of a legal fight, still
tnuintiiining her frauds and had as
much reason as ever to believe herself
In dunger of violence. Han Francisco
MlnUUr (luaii.aa of Nicaragua, Ills Career
and Ills American Wlfa.
One of thu hardest worked diplomats In
Washington Is lr. Horatio (iiunutn, Nica
ragua minuter
to the Culled
Wales, w hn was
so conspicuous In
the recent vcia
tloiia const rovcrsy
"I do wUb lb postman would come,"
said Marion Cross ilarfield, bsmrsaktof a
maiden aunt who hod died nearly nine
years ago, worth about liou.ouf), and who in
ber will bud given directions thai a certain
sum of this money was to be used by Mr.
ilarfleld for the lienellt of bis family until
brr godchild, .Marion, was II years of age.
On the anniversary of that eighteenth
DR. til'ZWAI.
birthday Marion was to receive letter
from her aunt's luwjer, which would state
bow the money was to be disposed of after
Hist time.
The morning bad arrived, and Marlon's
ricitemriit about the letter was Intense,
The postman came at last, and Mr. Ilarfleld
banded to bis daughter the longed for nils-live.
"Oh, dear. It's the queerest letter," said
' tf...l.... ....... I!.... I, a I.... ....... II1..ML.
,fsr,.'ii, liai.ulliJl lb t. lirr utile. irwiv
reaii 11, papa, i can i iiniicrsiauu it j tv.
I Mr. Ilnrfield commenced:
" Veant ago I was to have been married to
a man w hom I thought all truth and honor.
1 need not tell you the whole story. It Is
suflif ieiit to tell you that be did not marry
nie. lie ruined my faith In mankind, ami
that's the reason I die unmarried. I would
save you, my child, from a fate like mine.
Is'tweeii (ireat
llrltaln and bis
country. He
comes of one of
the foremost fam
ilies of Nicaragua,
and his father bits
been president of
tho republic twice,
once minister to I
Vllllftllll Md, I '
trul times a memU rof thu Nicaragua son-
ate and house. Dr. (iuzman seems to have
mlicrltisl his father' alilllly and I ono of
Nicaragua's most oonsplcuoii men at the
present time. When a young man, be
studied medicine In I'arls and Philadel
phia, and while a resident of the (Junker
City met Miss M'iy Kwlng, a charming
American girl. They wero married 13
years ago anil went to .Nicaragua to live. 1 Therefore 1 bequeath to you the Interest of
After four years of Ufa in tho little re- uiy money so long as you remain unmarried,
public Itr. tiuziiiiur talent nnd Inlliience -jf Kt IheakW 40 you are resigned to
led to Id securing tho appointment of ,i,,t.rbood. the whole, principle and in
minister to the I'nlleil Mlates, and for nine terest. Is at your disposal."
years he bos ably represented bis country , Whoever would get married at 40? And
at Washington. When thu revolution of wLat'lhe . f B that money at that
1 MI-' occurnsl In Mearngun, Dr. ( ger" exclaimed Marion,
resigned and returned home, but so highly "Mould you. however, meet one for
was he estecm.'d by Nicaragua!!, regnnl- mhlm TOII , Kve p lu, ,,,, on t,e
list of party, that be had hardly lcn In wdliig dy read the other letter which
tho country Kl hours la-fore the new gov- my lawyer will forward you, which w ill
eminent commissioned him to n't urn to tell you how 1 wl.h my money disposed of."
his post In Washington. "lint, papa, ami all of you, no outsiders
Dr. (inman holds high place among the Dewi toW ntMMIt the conditions on which
learned men of his country and Is a hard j recite my mouey. W are going to en
student as well its a brainy diplomatist. ju life wit li it."
One of the great ambition of hlsjlfi. Is to , Auil joy jjfc"liedld, and pretty Mar
seeiiro the Inaiigiinttlon of iinh.-ltotlng jreld wa one of the most sought
effort toward tho completion of the great ' f.,., ,,., h.ilie. in tl. i,lim
Itsoou began to Ih noticed that where-. w llh auol.l beau. aiM-rennlal.
canal wt the Isihnuis tlipaigh Nhvim
giiau territory while bo Is minister to the
Culled Stall's. Ho Is'lleves the canal will
bo of liicalciilnhlo Is-nellt to Nicaragua
and the In I led Stales, and bo has Is-en
untiring In his labor to further tho proj
ect. Mine. Guzman is its devoted toNienrngua
a she Is to her native count ryiiml do lures
that as a native of one American rcpuhllo
and thu ohiplel daughter of another she
may truly call herself a "double Amer
ican." Hho Is a large, line loiklng woman
with bloml hair, blue eyist mid a fair com
plexion, tho exact pHisllo of her dark,
strikingly handsome, husband, who Is an
excellent example of the HiuinUh tt eof
nutnly comidlness. I'hllndc lphla's daugh
ters seem to be particularly fascinating lo
ton uipionotis or our stsicr repulillcs, fur
Mine. JtomcM, wlfo of the Mexican minis
ter, I also a Quaker City lady.
A Loos; llraoeh Chaparoa oa tha Antigua,
Ephsmcral and Prog-rmHlva,
"You see," said the chaperon of a quar
tet of lively girls at Long Branch, "there
are now three kind of courting the an
tlque, the progressive and the ephemeral.
Odd, isn't It, where the heart 1 concerned'
I loth the antique and the ephemeral kind
' are found among the old girls and boys and
the debutantes, while the progressive sort
I confined mostly to those who have
been In society a half dozen season or
; less. The antique Is the kind which ho
for its password one life, one love. The
ephemeral lend Itself to the fancy of the
hour without further reflection. The pro
gressive I one with which we have to
deal in answering the query, "Where are
the old favorites, and why are the young
er set so popular?"
"It Is most natural that the matured
bachelor and the rosebud should enjoy each
other's MK-let y. This is ephemeral, no re
sponsibility, nocarc, but the rosebud bit a
decided advantageover bercourtlygallunt,
for, while she Is becoming skillful In the use
of Cupld'a weapons, he Is losing time ami
' ground, and some day will aw aken to the
truth that lit-Is growlngold, lutld and ridic
ulous. What dm- the young girl seeln her
old escort f Mostly attention, which is very
fluttering to berlu her II rst season out. And
the bachelor what dis heseeiuherf lie
Is lonely. The women of his set have disap
peared somewhere, and he is willing to buy
candy, kiss lap anything to be en
tertained and entertaining. In thlscapacl
ty the bachelor Is a most useful member of
society. He ha even been known to walk
about with craoilmaiiimaaud to carry the
married lister's baby ami luggage to the
"I'rogresalve courtship is curious. When
a young woman begins to entertain serious
thoughts of her future, whet her iu choosing
a profession, a business or a husband, she
rise above driftwood and marks a tree t hat
will shelter her. Her time, also, N a consid
eration. She cannot waste years dallying
fihe was dressing very carefully and ex
quisitely for the llavertons1 dauce, and yet
with a certain nervous abstraction. Now
and then she would stand still, lost in Im
aginings; then she would set her teeth and
dress frenzledly for a spell. Clearly It waa
oot eay to rehearse a scene of reprouch and
Korn and to put In Judicious hairpius si
multaneously. Kut she realized that a per
fect confidence In her own appearance
Lieutenant Harden, Soldier of rortone,
Urines lp la a Prison Cell.
One of thu bright and shining light "f
Pun Knincisco Is at prescni niumiomum
nut, Grace, you M f ,
vnnr Tell t,a .Hi .
.... .., . wi, mmi ,
aid Just now."
rWIl J" lili!' im W in . -- - 4,1 i . Alt a
. ..n ... ilm f.rUnti uf that I Jn t tlilllk AhrtMi.
S i ' -N :-,k 7u, HI name -uld moke the miu
J rZ,. Harden, his station ..
soldier of fortune, formerly a lleuteimiit Am) th C((llw of u
i i.... ...nli.iiv Omen Victoria' ocdonlnl eideiit that lm,l I... "sliUU.
naval nucrvo, and his fortune 1 bis g-sal ! -a mere trifle, as it se,.,IHiVlN1'1
sword, a supply of gorgeous uniform and
enoiiuli mcans-V) IIvp on. Ho burst utsm
nilirht materially Influence ber courage , . , , , ..,....,., nl)l,
when the moment for the scene came, and i i)h(k ((mt (.,y wm, HU-h a II.smI of tnle
that the nnitneiit should come tonight and u( (lU mv u(V(.niun-s by sea ami bind that
rae t.ttull.d Art (lallerjr In Ihs lispart
anent of Htata at Wasliliigtnn.
The department of state nt Washing
ton baa now an art gallery, limited to a
certain class of paintings, of which
there la no superior collection in the
world. This collection has U'un recently
bung with much good taste in one of
the room devoted to the reception of
the diplomatic corps when any of its
inemlH'rs call to see the secretary.
The collection embraces the oil por
traits of every secretary of state, Isgin
uing with Thomas Jefferson, down to
and including Thomas F. Ilayard.
Homo of thu likenesses are said to be
most excellent, and a few are thought
by expert to 1m wretchedly poor. Mr.
llayard f la one of the latter, although
the government paid a baiidsoino sum
to tho nrtlst for her work. All these
portrait were on exhibition at the
World's fair at Chicago and have re
cently been received at the stuto depart
ment. Where they are now bung visit
or can readily see them without the
formality of red tape or the granting of
authority by anyof tho functionaries of
the department. The collection I a
most valuable one aud will soon tie in
creased by poi traits of Mr. Iilnlno, Sec
retary Foster and Inter of Secretary
Uresham. A striking fuct iu the col
lection was the no in 1st of secretaries
who preferred to wear no hirsute adorn
incuts. John C. Calhoun waa tho only
one prior to Hocrotary Llalne who wore
whisker. Iliiltimore Sun.
Knsa Lett lha Printer's Case Por Ilia Ken
ata anil Then llmiinipil TjpMtllng.
A great many men havu gone from tlio
printer case to tho l ulled State senate,
but very few leavotho I'lilh-d State sen
ate and go hack to the ease. Major Kd
mund (J. lb sis Is one of thu few. Ho Is an
Eurnpa'a Suffering; Poor.
The sti (Turing among the London poor
this winter is not so great as wa ex
pected, says a eorresiauident. It has
lieen about an average winter for the
unemployed. There has beeu only a Unit
week of severe weather, which fact
bus greatly mitigated sutToiing. London
is now rejoicing In pleasant skies ami
iprlnglike air, Inttucncea under which
the grass has been always green, and
ibrulis ate now putting out their leaves,
and ticee are liegtnning to bud,
A very different story comes from
eastern Europe. In district in Russia
the winter Is so severe that wolves are
tintiBually fierce. Tho other day at
Karutoff a peasant woman walking ncai
the village waa surrounded and de
voured by a pack of nine wolves, An
other peniunt going to mat ket was set
upon by a pack of wolves aud torn to
bred. Nothing was left of man and
bee but few bone and tuft of hair.
Bis Nam.
The mania for giving a large nutnbei
5f Christian name to one aud the same
persou is particularly prevalent iu Italy.
An Italian gentleman named Campag
na, who bas just been naturalised a
Frenchman, bas given some little trou
ble to the French foreign office clerk Iu
feglsteting bis full designation. Here
It is: Vlucendo Ralvatore Maria Ueti
naro Francesco-Sale Francceco-d'A-isl
Franci sco de I'aolo Kocca Micbele
I'roclfimw F.middio Fasquale Ulovan
t.iiiaeppe Ueltrude Carlo Uaitana Al
fonso Ciro Andrea Lulgi Giorau Ueral
do Antoiilo-dl-l'ara Antonlo-Abatte
Caiunaua. London News.
Annexation at lloaton.
The Massachusetts legislature is mo
lug in the direction of a "greater Bos
ton." It Is proposed to annex to the
Hub all town and cities within 10
mile of lioston aud all the scstbore
from Marblchead to Hull. The counoll
Jation will give lioston a large area
aud gieator population aud will benefit
lb other )lacH by giving theui lui
provemouts which they could not otbei-
mum atfurd.. Uotroit Free ir
inui sn a. itoKs.
mid political character and ho seen more
up and downs In life, than most men. He
ha rciontcdl.v sunk Into obscurity and as
often flashed Into prominence again, hut
the miwt notable Incident, of Ids checkered
career isvurrtsl In INtlH, w hen he cast the
"not guilty" vote tlutt savl rn-sldeiit
Andrew Johnson from Impeachment by
oon gross.
Hisis was lairn In Ohio 00 yoors ago and
learned the. printer' trade, ilowa of a
roving dls)Hiltlnn mid at the ago of 80
joined tho Free Soil movement In Kansas.
Tho proslavery men bad dit roved several
pHr which exploited nlsdit'ionlst doo
trlnes; liut, not at nil daunted, Koss and
bl brother William started thu Kansas
Tribune and later founded tho first paMr
published In Topeka. In In.MI ho was a
memlsT of thu convention that fmniisl thu
statu const It ul Ion, and when the war began
ho enlisted as a private Iu thu Federal
army. Ho was mustered out it major at
thu close of the strife anil again lisik up
the printer "stick." In ISdil Senator
Innu of Kansas cuuiiulttcd suicide, and
Uovcruor Crawford promptly apixdnted
Ho bis suetvssor In thu I'nltcd Stattw
stuiate. When line's term expired n year
liner, uoss wits elirtisl senator by tho leg
Islat ure.
During tho Imncachincnt imsssMll
that followinl I'reshleitt Johnson' dis
missal from ofllce of Kdwln M. Stanton,
ivretary of war, Uoss was thu cynosure of
all eyes fur the nvtsou Hint be wits the only
man whose vote was In douht. ltos hatisl
Snator lieu Wade and feared that thu Im
peachment of Johnson would lace Wade
in thu presidential chair. Kansas clam
ored for thu conviction of Johnson, hut
Hoe voted for acquittal.
Kansas went wild with rage, Hoss' old
reglinuut burned blni In eftlgy, thu news
paper called him everything they dared
print, ami one constiiticut telegraplul,
"I'mluihly thu M with which Judas Is
(arlot hanged hlliiself is lost, but the pis
wi wiwi w hich J un umn comiultled sill
cldu ta at your service"
uoss remained In tho senate until Ids
term explrsl and then started Ibws' l'aMr
at Coffcyvllto, Kan. Ho has sIiuhmhIUihI
various pnis-rs and workisl at thu case In
Kansas and New Mexico, When Mr. Cleve
land was llrst laauguntttMl, Hiwswits tvtrn
Ing 10 a wwk si I. king type on an Albu
quuro.uo paiw. He at onoo left for Wash
ington and wit apolnted governor of
ow oiuxioo. nets uow writing a tssik
uu insinilHSu'limuiitor I'resident Johnson.
ever .Marlon Ilarfleld was there, or very
near, was Cecil Lynrs, the sou of a neigh
boring Imronet, to lie found.
The day came w hen Cecil could no longer
refrain from telling his love. And Marlon f
Well, w ho could blame herf
"Oil, feci 1 1 I ald I'd live aud die an old
maid; but, my dear, I love you aud
"And bow nam can I have my w lfef
questioned Cecil some half hour afterward.
"Oh, Cecil, I forgot. 1'erhapsyou won't
marry when I tell you about my money."
"My darling! What do I cure for yom
money? liut what will your father say F
"Oh, papt will sanction anything that is
for my happiness," shyly answered Marion.
And so the engagement wns agreed to.
The wedding was arranged to take place
early In January, and Mr. litis, the lawyer,
was written ta He graciously accepted
the Invitation sent him to lw present at the
ceremony and promised to bring the fateful
letter with him.
The wedding and breakfast were over.
The lust guest bail departed.
"lioodby, money I" cried excited Marlon
a the family gathered In the drawing
room. .now, Mr. miss, ror the letter!"
Mr. Illiss calmly and deliberately adjust
ed his glasses, untied a package and finally
passed a sealed envelow to Marion.
She tore it oen. tried to read it aud end
ed by passing It over to her IiusIhiuiI with a
request to read It aloud. These were tbe
words he read:
"And so, my child, If you are reading
these lilies you are married. Soino one iu
the world has made you care enough for
him to give up your fortune, and he, know
ing that you w ill have to do so, bas proved
that It waa for yourself aloua that be
wooed you.
"You are thinking, I suppose, that Aunt
Marlon was not wise slier all, and you
have told yourself that life with even a lit
tle, with one you love and by whom you
are beloved, is la-lter than a solitary rich
life. Well, dear, perhaps you are right.
Nevertheless, my plan baa succeeded. I
have saved you, my child, from the misery
which I had to endure.
"It was for my money, not myself, that
I wa wiMs-d, and I was determined that
you, my darling, should he spared tliin trial.
"Although when you read these words
the band that penned them will Is. cold Iu
death, yet I say Uod bless you but hi Keep
the money. If you are reading this It has
served its purpose, and may be to w hom
you have Intrusted yourself prove worthy
of the trust. My plot will have succeeded!
"MaiiIon Clioss."
"God helping me, I willl" answered Cecil
fervently, and then, after a nioment'a
pause, he exclaimed iu quite disappointed
I lies perennial are, many of them,
good sou's, nice escorts, but not up to date
euotigh for ideal hiisbiind.-i. So the mar
riageable women, those who can preside
with dignity over neat homes the Mies, in
short, of post seasons leave the ranks and
form new l ics.
"When a young lady la-comes indifferent
to parties, like distant frlenil-i, protracted
visits, and can't be located, keep a sharp
lookout among the marriage notices. The
out of town men secure most of the home
prize. The only chance for home bachelor
is to go out of town, too, where they are not
known as everlastings.
"Suppose, however, that they cannot giva
up theold favorites; suppose that there Is a
great tugging nt the heart when they think
of, losing tlieio. Iu such cases, if the nieu
value their happiness and w ish to wager on
their chalices, t hey must become specialists
Iu love ami ply their skill increasingly as
the slimmer season approaches.
""Uoodby, sweetheart!' If said idlv will
be detected by iiooiiemorequickly than the
young lady herself, and the chance will he
greatly Iu favor of that Loudon, Philadel
phia or Hall i more man." Philadelphia
Tha Pint Parish Priest.
It la to las rememlH-red that, as Iu tl o
aHistolic ago the work of converting the
world stalled from the great towns, so was
this emphatically the case iu liaul. How
early or how late the practice becumo gen
eral of calling the country cure the pnri.-h
aud the episcopal see the diocese I have
never been nbiu to discover. As early us
the fourth century we find mention of coun
try churches with lauds belonging to t'lem,
and In the next century the iiuiiiImts of
these foundations so much increased that
Sidouiiis (A. 1). 4:io-4M) mentions a visita
tion he made of the rural churches in bis
diocese ( A uvergne), and we notice that by
thistinie these sett lemeuls are sometimes
called pariochiiu aud sometimes dioceses.
letter on tiregoryof Tours (A. 1). .'sUKilO)
more often calls the country cures dioceses
nud the episcopal see the parochia. liut,
call them what you w ill, we are fairly well
instructed as to the manner iu which the
country parishes (as wo call them mm-) rune
up Iu Haul, nud I havu a suspicion that
what waa true of liaul was true, mutatis
mutandis, of Britain. 1 have n suspicion
thatitwehad for British history anything
approaching to that wealth of original
aources which we have for early French his
tory during the llrst live or six centuries of
our era, we should haveevidencethat some,
pvrha many, of our Kn-ii-h parishes ex
isted as ecclesiastical parishes, with pretty
itiucu tuesiiuiu o.iiiiiuarics lis tney uaveti
at l he llavertoiia' dance she wa fully and
desperately determined.
Surely If ever a muu deserved puuiHUmeiu
t the hands of woman that man waa asuu
Kldou. He had behaved unforgivably.
h'lie bad met him for the first time nt
Mce iu the early part of this winter. She
Was there with an enervated aunt. He was I
there on mere pleasure and bad given her
to understand that be bad fled from a hot
house atmosphere of tiresome adulut Ion in
Loudon lo bathe his soul in pure sunshine.
He had talked culture and personalities Iu
perfect proMirllon. He hud been charming,
had worn striped linen, a pointed beard aud
a smile of fascinating fatigue; he had del
uged her with expensive flower. At first
these flowers had come with a mere card.
A little liner the curd was often inclosed in
a sealed envelope and covered with some
suggestive littlequotatlon from tlie e reucu
or lieriuan ixwls.
Still later the flowers had come without
a word, bearing their own message, and
when be noted a spray or two in her dres
be would perhaps steady his eyes oa ber
for a moment, hold tier hand the traction
of a second too long for mere convention
or tell ber iu a thousand wonllesa ways
that she was a charming woman iu bis
etes, and that he knew she knew It, And
never a bint or sign of his engagement to
that Mis Trevors! It wa Incomprebensl
ble unspeukablel
If be had not mentioned by chance that
Lady 1 1 avert on wns bis aunt, If on tier re
turn from Nice she hud nut taken enormous
trouble to cultivate I-ody Ilaverton and
lead lor talk on to Ash by Kldon, she might
have il w addled in ber fool's paradise to the
day of bis wedding announcement.
Well, the days of woman's "silent suffer
ings" were over uow-, thank heaven I She
bad beeu reading a striking article on this
theme in some magazine only last week, A
woman was no longer a mau's prey she
was his equal, bis rival, and tonight she
would prove it. She would speak her mind
honestly, grandly, without flinching. She
foresaw every del ail of the interview. He
would be standing in the ihxirwuy of the
ballroom wben she arrived. She would pass
bim by. He would sieak to her, and she
would raise her eyebrows iu calm surprise,
answering in icy terms. Hut he should
write bis name on her programme, aud
w hen bis dance came around she would ask
to sit it out. Silently she would lead the
way to an empty room the little boudoir
at tho back of tbe conservatory. Aud
How she would tear him with ber weap-
hn ssn tsramu known as r. 1 uosnai
mighty Iliird'im.
According to Ids own account, or rather
tho average of Ids many accounts, lie bad
served aaitcndet In the llrltlsh nnvnl re-
. . . it ... ... ( V'...
Servo nlul mid wenmo n iieuieuuiii. in ...
..aland. While bis ship was cruising
along the Suit h American coast In 1HW
revolution hroku out In tho Argentine Ho-
public, and Lieutenant Harden, resigning
his commission, weepted a lieutenancy In
thu lnurent armv
Jack tho liiant Killer w.t a Quake
comiuinal to Lieutenant Harden its ho con
ducted himself In that campaign. Wher
ever his sword (lashed there were terror and
retreat on the part of the enemy, and when
at Inst tbe war was over the decrease In tho
Argentine population was largely duo to
thu bright blade of thu soldier or rortuno.
In SciitemlHT. IMS), ho returned to Kng-
land, where ho received mi-dill, not uow
on exhibition, for saving seven person
from drowning. orlous versions of till
wonderful feat nro extant In San Francis
co, but the most popular Is that thu lieu
day, and aresui vlvah of n condition of nt.
tone, "You are not poor, then, after all, my falr anterior to the Saxon conquest.
darllntiF" ; Nineteenth Centorv.
"I could never lw that, "answered Marlon
"with your love," Forget Mo Not.
Routeinaalug and Home keeping llullt on
. Trivialities.
Men and women don't need to swing
club to break up home concord. A
sneer mid a waspish tongue will boquito
ns oiToctivo. Sarcasm and nagging nro .
to tho atmosphere of love what sand flies j
and Ilea nro to summer Who would I
not prefer nu occasional brush with a
roaring June bug to tho torment of a:
Ilea you can't cittch? j
I'lijudgisl. accepted, trusted to Mi end
A lima must hold Ins fncniL '
There is more than ono virtue thnt j
hit gone out of ditto nloi;g with town ,
pump and tallow candle. There is tho j
old fashioned trick of loynlty to one's '
friends. There are plenty of frieudships ;
which, tike costumes, are put on and
Swedish Matchmaking-.
A description Is given of the Swedish
method of maiinfacturing mutches, which
baa at least the merit uf simplicity iu I
tlio manipulation of the wood stock. The
Mnibcr is cut into blink about l.l inches
long and placed IniUuruing huhe. With
eacli revolution a slice urvencer Is peeled
off the thickness required for tho match
sticks, while, nt the same time eight small I
knives cut thu slice into seven piece, like
ribbons, and of the length required for the
stick. These ribbons are then hrokeu Into I
lengths of six to seven feet, knotty and
ucicciiYo piece are removed nud the rib
bon are then fed through a machine
which cut them into pieces like a straw
cutter, these then passing through an au
tomatically arranged machine with cut.
ter which slice olf as inunv piece the
thickness required for a match as there
are cutter, one machine turning out from
o.imi.oou to iu.ixxi.uu match splints
mint a lii,-
J'hednta given of this inauufaetiiresliowi
flint. Sttshm ttt.,1 V.......... t i .
llfTt.l suit nlroi,.....,o.,. I.. .1 . I .7"" ".. . "V u,,, "K VU
i. . . i :,, :; ;2 : i r , ,mK. 18 'arti? ,m,c" I'iui-ingcoun-
v " wr rr w irit'iiu, nn : innt ui ui wonu, UU'I
ChlrAfti Win Cmtir Chm
lustniuor A table d bote dinner, in
rinding a bottle of good wtno, for 75
eetilsr les, that s cheap enough, but I
don't care for any wine, and 1 cau't
afford it. How much will it be without
tbe wine?
Waiter I'll do what' right with
you, bos. You can have the dinner
without tho wine for 70 ccuta, ah.
Chicago Tribune.
Johu Horschel could remember every
flgute of the long and abtrus mathe
matical calculations made in his astro
nomical work. He oftou made a long
calculation, then called hi auiauuetislt
ud dictated the whole from memory
A Mum Keartublanr.
"There are lomo noiut about rnn
writing (but much resemble Shake
speare, " iHi, the editor.
"Do you think o" cried thodelight
sd author, who had brought hi contri
bution In with hi own band.
"Yo," the editor continued, "von
employ almost the same puuctuaiion
oiarka "Rockland Tribuue.
, our grandmother culled it, through all
trouble and calumny, whether deserved
or not, went out with calashes and kne
buckles How many
aud dul lento meniiiiig
spoke so long ago
friends shall bo my friends?" We all of
us number so culled friend upon the
ephemeral record wo keep whose lip
are ready to traduce, unchallenged by us,
tho uninos of other for whom wo vow
an equal regard It should lie a iiupoa
i ible for us to listen to a word of re-
el r i XI. oris Hin. nu, i On,
j to about 8H,um,tM) pounds of matches per
j annum, while in Germany the uumber of
lactone is siaico. at M, with uu a si
thing ourselves. What doe the sensi
tive plant do when rudo touch approach
es iu blossoms? Just what we should do
when the breuth of svnudnl touches our
If loyalty is out of ditto, so Is mod
esty I do uot allude to the modesty
that would interfere with n woman's
plan to go half dressed Into theater
box or to a public reception. 1 rms thnt
by aud take up the miration onlv of
such modesty n keeps a young girl dif
fldout aud preserves boshfulness in a
boy like the bloom on a plum. "Ho is
green I" you say of such and such a one
So is April! Who would uot prefer lueh
greenness to tbe withering blight of ;
hay and a midsummer thought? Never ;
condemn a young persou because there
Is enough sap led Iu hi soul to flutter
green leaf late iu tbe season I love to
see that modesty which make a vonth '
deferential to his elders. It's horribly
out of date, I know, but I love bashful
nesa and niodost, unassuming ways are
mighty iweel to see. Amber In Chi. 1
oago Tlmea-Uerald.
understand the deep ' f,eia .r J11"!1 . matches, and
l of tho word Ruth ' l,l..AllKtrl ,,u,pe "ro " M factories,
' . wura "lu j with a correspond ng large out nut - W
to Naonil, "Thy York Sun output. .New
The Kkenta, Mirlls, Ulrgga.
There are many examples of surnames
which denote physical or mental Btretigth
In tho persons who Urst bore them. Strik
ing instances are: Skeat, the old Kng
Dsn sket, swift; Sncll the old Knglish
....... .nro rilllll r. IWlft- Klnmn-
, inclining prodluv: Swift.
Maui li ll. nroluililv fr,.i il,., i.i
- -
Norse nieiilnn. stronu A ..,,.i-.i.i..
northern mime is iifg, or Clegg, which
represents the Old Xorso gloggr, Scotch
gleg, meaning quick, clever, and occurring
Iu the Ijuicjisiiiro dialect ns elegg in
Smth Yorkshire they say that a quick
wilted man Ufosglegg as a wumbU"
that Is, shsrp as n gimlet. Kvory one ot
these surnames and there are more of
the same kind is certainly derived ironi
tho menial or physical good Qualities of an
ancestor. Cent lemnn 's Magazlue.
proach against anv one who... , vi. :'.! . V,,,, ,r' ,.w"t- n-:
aa It would bo to say the slanderous Quick:
fpell the Kauie lloth Ways.
I have collected tho following palm
dromes duriug tho Inst thn years arid
herewith present them for tho curious
to ponder over: Adda, Anna, bah, bib,
bob, bub, civic, dad, deetl, deified, de
rived, dewed, did, dood, ecce, eve, ewe,
JA K gig. gag, level, madam, Ma
rnin. uoon, otto, pap, ptp, pip,
P'I pup, mldur. refer, repnper, reviver,
rotator. e,A vn, gcXl, fhahi K
sixis, seme, stollet. tat, tenet, tit, ttxt,
d1 a 'w utl welew.St Louis
ons of scorn ami disgust. She would make
bim feel like a cur.
The hottest words seemed insufficient
punishment when she thought what HtitTcr
Ing he might have caused tier! It wa.s the
merest chance that she had not lost her
heart to him the merest chance. Why did
the face in the glass twitch asshesaid that?
She would say it again and suy it out loud.
It was the purest piece of luck that she had
not fallen in love with Ashhy Kldon. He
bad done his best. He was a brute. Yes,
be was. She didn't cure. Hewn.
How hideous red eyelids could make one
look! They took all the poetry out of white
cheeks. Why had she Im-cii the fisil loelioose
ber pink silk for touigLtf And what would
It matter if she wore green baize? Hateful
It was pneked at the llavertons', Kleven
o clock and he was not there.
She danced a great deal.
Half past 11 mid he was not there.
She sat out u great deal.
Half past 1-' and he was not there.
She was getting too tired to smile.
She must go home now,
"Uood night, I.ady Ilaverton a del iubt.
ful evening " Yes, she was feeling a little
tired, liood night once more and out on to
the staircase.
Merciful powers! There he came slowly,
possessedly in the old way. Cjtlk-k! What
was she going to sny at the very lirst oh,
"ills Feurdnnl nu unexpected pleasure!"
A wave seemed to wash over her lintin
She took bis proffered hand, and her ZuVT
fell for one second. Then she looked up J1? ? "7'l'n tl.
with a brilliant society smile. Her old , ,0.kI' '.' ''"A '
resolutions lay about her in ruins. A com- , 5,' lf 1 rl",,"1U"s
pletely diflereut set of emotions hud taken
possession of ber unconsciously, unque.v
"Ah, you are back iu the vort.. Ms
Eldon-the dear old vortex!"
"Yes!" A faint suspicion of awkward
ness spoiled his usually perfect manner.
Us, I am Just de retour. How kind of
people to give these little soirees at this '
lime or me year when there Is positively
no other way of getting warm!''
"And I nm ungrateful enough to be run
ning away now. There is so much going
ou di-ccs jours Isn't there?''
"Hut you will give me a few words be
fore you go? Come down stairs and let us
drink to the memory of dear old Nice!
And and I have news."
"Your engagement 1 and I wns forgetting
my congratulations." He took breath.
"How unpardonable of me, but really so
many of my friend have taki ll thn fitful
step just, lately i m getting quite confused
Is your fiancee heref"
"No, unfortunately."
"Ah, my misfortune. !
; eaves me something to look forward to. i
, Oood night. Mr. Kldon, and hien des chose
for your future happiness. There' my
chaicron. I must fly." I
She waved a frivolous hand. There was
a look of surprised disappointment on bis
charming face. And Jet ho gave another
deep sigh of relief as he turned iuto the ball-1
room. I
"Wonderful luck! Hut somehow I
thought she'd take it differently," said he
And she drove borne. Only when shoROt
to ber own room aud rememliered just what
be had meant to say and just w bat she bad
-,u " "e see tne numor of it, and there
upon she cried.-uuek and White,
Ta Start the Story.
Iu writing a story there are authors
who do not plan the courso of events in
dvniico because thoy do not know
them. btit thoy write ou, certain that
some ingenious complication will sua
gost Itsolf-iii short, the story is "o
write itself. 7
I confess I believe in aud rather fol
low hi system, for the reason that the
Incident seem inoro like real life
tue unexnt-ctuil an off.,.. I
nl where events turn np i a capri-
Iwas fonnd that everything depencU
tJ. t.T l,n"' d enthusiasm
that yon could sit down then and there
and write ou and ou to tbe eml
Other doliberato and potter, as it
were, hover ou the brink, hesitating to
make the plunge. The moment of de
parture is rt ofr pnt Qff ad
last a start is made it becomes a task
Md drudgery aud is virtually no start
fired hat you feel you bav, no, Z
tenant swam out to thu place where a boat
hud sunk In tt frightful storm, set twoot
the drowning person on hi buck, seized
ono in Ids teeth, clutched one 111 each hand,
grappled two more, using his tix-s to hold
J them up, and swam ashore villi them,
proH'!ling himself by a daiiso du ventre
I movement of the abdominal muscles.
After this little feat he went to Chile,
cast bis lot with tho insurgents, taking a
prominent part In tho battles of Iqulquu,
I'lsiigiia, II mint, Antofogastn, Taital and
I Coplapo, so prominent, In f.-u-t, that tho
insurgent leaders Is-camo Jealous of him,
and this, combined with thu fact that tho
wife of a prominent general bad fallen
madly in love with bim, brought matter
to a crisis. Harden was accused of treason
and hail to fly. Twice ho returned to con
solo tho heartbroken wife of the general,
and twice ho barely escaped with his life.
His next active service wo In Honolulu,
where he got together half it dozen native
and hatched up what was termed by cour
tesy a revolution, for which he w as run out
of the country. Fiji mid Samoa wero then
honored by visits from him. but it seem
that rumors of his lnllammatnry character
had preceded him, for bo was Invited to
demrt, and ho departed, breathing threat
of slaughter and revenge. Some tiny bo I
going hack there with a shipload of dyna
mite to blow those Islands into nothing
ness. Hock ho went to Honolulu and staid
there throe days. Then tho irovernmenr.
' sped tho parting guest with many hints of
; dungeons dark and execution by military
no doughty lieutenant
osa CahiHisit la an Tmlli.n
girl from Mexico, whoso parents, being
wealthy, brought her ou to San Knincisco
to attend the Midwinter fair. They camo
early, nod shortly after their arrival Mis
tanmisa, who is 19 years old, very pretty
nntl of an impulsive temperament, lieenmu
acquainted wttli John Kiilinl, a full blood
ed Hawaiian, who set himself to capture
her young affect ions, and to nil apis-ar-nnces
had succeeded when Lieutenant
Harden mailt) his appearance on the scene.
Hold lace, the clunking sw.ird mid the tale
of hairbreadth 'scoos by (IikhI and Held
won the heart of the Indian maid nwnv
from her dusky admirer, nnd she turned
tnini nun to tlio young Kngllshmnn. Kill
ml met Lieutenant Harden out walking
on day, smote him upon tho nose and
would probably have boon impaled upon
the soldier's sword but for tho interference
of bystanders.
"Wo will meet again I" shouted tho war
rior. "I challenge you. I will cut your
heart into ntinco meat!"
This pmscct didn't appeal to Kalml.
Ho was willing imy, anxious to light,
but he Insisted that no weapons should 1k
Used. Notliiimbiit blood. II
rinilil u'fiu, .... ..... i i. ... '
. ..... .,.. UIU 1SUI ,, 0 ,V(W
, finally prevailed upon to consider nose
1 Wood a satisfactory In tho eraser lino a
heart s blood, nnd tho two rivals met in a
saloon with ,,o gloves nnd no rules to bin
der them. In the sixth round Kabul re
celved n terrific kick In tho stomach nnd
threw up the sponge, to put It mildly. Then
the lieutenant disappeared from public
v ew, as did Mis Cuhoosn. Ho d.-serted
bis old haunts, and It was long before hi
friends found out that be was living very
quietly at 613 Howard street, where Misi
Cuhoosft was also living very quietly, too
.,..,,, iimeea mat her parent didn't
know anything about It
While there Miss Cahoosa made the ac
quail itance of n agreeable ,-,mllg flll)W
KKtrtler nanted l'aterson, to who,,? she In
tr.Klu.tHl Lieutenant Harden. The two
men lHH a.neqt.itu Intimate, and It Is prob-
- . ...... i.i.n.en Knew tsToru tho police
d dthat Faterson was a profiumt hur
garnamtHl Sullivan. About a week ago
Sullivan was caught In the exercise of his
im-Kssion his dwelling p,ro w, t Lt
rL'".,d "r'"" 'l-MCah.K,
ine uet.Htives are now trvlng
something Infinitely ,(irp ,
biiivv mo jiri Ja( .
freshman and lUrry a si,iW9 "
great tinlversityof mL. tt,
each other and In these ,, K
bad crept Into their fr,,,llhll ,'ut
which was making It v,-rv.iiff ""n
from the U.y glrYS!
former times. 1
liut the day before our rt.,,,,
with t.
won t go out tonight. i-. ,
to try those songs." "'toinlm,
Aim me gut bad nodded ....
laughing word: '
Well, don't forget. I'll .
you If you do." " ,"',,!".rr,
The evening came, hut o ,
bad given up another ei,gaiP177' C
sake of trying the W,lu?fc
boi.H wore away, and ,M
The next morning one of tl i 1 T'
at the bouse wherelracet.'
jolcrd lo tbe rare, swe. t name of
came dowu to breakfast overllo! '
tbe new. of the night bcfr ib ri
"You oiight'erhave h,Tn thehn.j
to Ipsl last night. Toreupall lbTJ
town. That King fellow',,,,,
with a grin at Uraco. "I . i.,..
didn't be have a irood ii,. ,t " .uT"l
"So he cares more fori,in..-l,'..
of rowdies than for me." Mi, n'
the proud look in the gbr, flu, u
good for the unfortunate lover
Hurry bud tried to explain',,,,,, y
been carried away by Iheentl,,,,,,,"
moment wben the plan wa, fln,t pft,
but l.race would hear iiil,i r
So it happened that the
borne that night with btti..l ' ..!
aspalulti bis heart, liut thoin,!, u,! .
hisla-st to nourish the fornix o ,7
calltsl Grace bard, uiiforizlvinir.s,i ....
omible yet In spiteof himself, vert hu
etter louml It way to the girl Mmt
Inter, short and to the point;
DT.AH ORACa-Wiin't Vou f.,r,l . ..
perfectly miserable. JUskt t.
There wnsa softened look in th..e.
as she read, and the next morning Totoa,
started off with a most linpurtanialraadi
note tightly ciasisnl iu his diublir (0lrm
liut owing to a chance of n..iin. .i.l
some other small hoysand the game of mv
ble which at onceenstied Harry KliiKwtn
received it, and so be knew n,,n,in. j.v.
one line the note contaiueil:
Come up tonight. quci
The weeks went on. and Dcn,i. u
come. The snow bad falleu heaviyfWkt.
eral day, and Tommy ru-hed Inoneiftfs
noon witn eye big and round.
Ueen coasting. Had some built f.
So It happeued that Grace found sii
that evening, together with a croK.lofB.
ry student, nt the ton of a hum hill tu
night wa cold ami clear-a nerfect ni.
coasting and it was a verr jovaut rmtJ
hat started off on the great Isihduwnil.
cy track.
Grace Islic's heart had citen dm
bound as slie saw Harry King's familiar
form among those In front of her. Hut i
wns none tbe less gay, and no Iniiich nu
out more joyous than hers, though d
dowu in her heart there was always U
thought, "How can 1 ever meet liiiuf"
1 hey were almost down when a mn-lsa
pull on the ropes turned the sled from tlx
rack and in an instant It had st nick tmsl
stone covered by the snow.
1 here was a moment's tiauic. and tint.
though she never knew how it lutpprned,
found herself in Harry King's aruiisiii
bis white, anxious face Is-hiling ovrr hrf.
and heard bis passionate wonN:
-My darling, are you hurt?"
Grace did not answer, but her faresai
very near to Harry's, and in tlieconWot
about them there was none to
111 thesnowliauk, nor did the s!iiuintitu
above tell any titles.
Every one, however, not In .1 the girl'i
silence for the rest of the evening ami who
dered at it, but It was ton daik ta Mil
happy look in the brown eye. Chicago
Melssouler'a "1H01."
Melssonler's "1807" is In the New York
Metropolitan museum, having liecn bought
by tho lata A. T. Stewart and presented
to the museum by his bus! m -s turcmir,
Jutlgo Hilton.
It 1 ono of tho artist' largest slid mod
labored works, nnd ho npiears to bavo
boon nt Infinite pains to sit-tiro historical
accuracy in tlio details. Kor Instance, tt
learned from tin olllcer who lind Sfrrel
under Ney thnt that general had been In
tho habit of wearing his capote with lis)
sleeve banging loose, after the fashion of
a hussar's jacket, and Ney Is m painted In
the picture. Having adverted to hli idea
of giving merely a hint of war's d.-strue-tlon
by tho trampling down of a Arid of
unrlpo grain, ho adds, ''How iiutiiy diffl
oultlcs might I nut hiiva avoided h? re
placing this green wheat with dust!''
Doubtless tho trouble that the picture had
cost him made it seem to him more De
fect than It really Is. Yet he nlwa)""
grcttcd not having begun It earlier, win'"
thcro wore moro veterans of the Napoleonic
wars alive to supply him with further de
An acknowledged fccllnir of dlssatUw
tlon wrth the picture partly on this, part
ly on nurelv nrtistio uromids. was pirlini
at tho bottom of Ills jmltitliig the subjert
nllovir again in water colors, quit
much ns tho doslro to havo It engraved.
This water color was bought for SOftO)
franc by a M. Slmond. The orlglnitl plf-
turo cost Judge Hilton S.i.tlDU franc
need hardly add thnt It Is now considered
ino of the chief trensiires of the Metro!"1
Itun musutim. Art Amateur.
arrest ih.
,,, "ul ""in utHiaru that
they know nothlnu.
I'ruted With a Throne.
King Bchunzin's throne has just ar
rived in Pari, a present to tbe city
ron, the victorious Uei:eral Dodds, and
ha been placed in tbe Trocad. ro mil-
carved with rude reliefs representing
the king and hiscourt. -uris Journal
maPnvofD.T.ViUn U'D.' " " trU8 "
Uansf J,,Pn havs become Chri-
rn'n-Me sabe thatee
Weskiir ' ihteel-N.w york
Very Dry.
In hi "Recollections," published l
Tho Century, Aubrey du Vere, the IrW
poet, tell an amusing anecdote of lw
learned head of one of tho Canibrlibjs cue
leges. Scholar highly esteemed this
ter for hi. l,,rr.ln Imt. t lie u'l'tergrada-
tcs thought hlin "us dry as the remain
biscuit after a voyage." One day twoun
icrgraduntes, In tho college library,
discussing tho "dry as dust" ways J1
venerable bend. Tbelr Irn ven nt cr'tl
Jlsmswero overheard by a iionipotis felw"
Df tho rolleirn. who snld. In III lllflat
ityle: "You are probably igneratit, Jiun
gentlemen, thut tho venerable person
whom you have boon speaking with W
levity Is one of the profound.-st sobolar
Durage Indeed, It may be doubti-d wla-ts;
sr any man of our ago has bathed nior
Jceply In the sacred fountains of "W
alty." "Or come up drier, slr,"rep
)ue of tho undercniduatc.
Armour Met the Kuiergeiwy-
Philip D. Armour is a man of w
riwinrnj A Fuu, .m.llthS flL'O Su
tempt was made by a grain coi
kinAA.A t.t... Hid Att-n irrnnatliS
e,lv- ii. iii. .HQ v. " .. e , . .
full, and the combination nf"'1'
him have a square inch of fl'al
their elevators. Armour bad 3.u0).
bushels of wheat to place and 30 an
in which to do it. He sent for h'
er. told him what he wanted, anu
days the largest and finest gr;D
1 ,ka
... i..!..:. . 1- -...t... anu i"-
tur invnicago uau oeeu nt--
grain stored in it Chicago Corrrtpot"