The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 29, 1895, Image 6

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pull line Mtovea ut F. L. Chambers'.
I j. Walton, uttorncy-tii-luw.
M,.ii. v t l""11 0,1 fmu' Enquire of
Jud VVulto'.. , ...
...... .. W.mmI mower of M. Levinger
.f v.h i want the best I" tho murket.
' ' I - ... I at..
Ifvou Wttiit Rooa gram i mi u mi
1 r . i.. up i.rlLVK iru to K L. Claim
'a flK-up John good In ftm-lc.
n V. lUtMlo may Imj round ni
V fill and HUlll StIW'tM, one block west
0f ho Minnesota ImUsl. He Ik Pre-
01 . ..II .1,. ....! u-r.rlr In tin. lu.ur
. 1.1 ill WW 1111 W11ID DIIVV
pUlVll lO " u" ""
maimer.,r until Cliumb rlalu's Cough
tieiiiedy In i"y family '" 'lm,l 11 1
he a tlrat class article, 1 hike pleasure
,.....)iiimeiiding It t my friends. J.
VV'.w.rt I'll
For wile
by Ostium A DjLhio, druggists.
Foil Sale. A full blood Jersey bull,
ued 4 yeurs. ror purucuiurs enquire
l tlieOUAKO ofllce.
To Loan'. Money to loan on Im
proved farm properly.
1 SlIKIiWOOIl lll'KK.
Lugeuc, Or.
i l Matlock A Co will pay the
highest market price for w.tol.
Farm for Sule.
I have now thirty lino fundi in the
Willamette valley for sale. lliese
furni Include every variety in size anu
nriif For description list, aiiurets
Wilklns Hlock, Eugene, Or.
Etftf for It Ate III iter.
From pure bred fowls bred for
health ami prollt. L. liruhuius, U.
Lung-dines, White, Hrowu, Ruff and
lilaek Leghorns, Miuoreus, 1. Rock,
H. Hambergs, also pntus aim etc., ior
Incubator the bent butcher on record.
IHin't cont one wot to run It. Cost of
making, 1"0 egg size. Pinna
ami etc.. sent for fj.00. F.ggs f 1.00 per
1.1. Address, uiuptjua rouury lurus,
Rnscburg, Ore.
I If r.l Kll,, ITOp.
Wire fencing of nil widths Just re
ceived. F.notigh to build a balf a
mile ef fence, at t . L. Chambers'.
A buifcy for H"; a two-eenUd hack
for fVi until new. Over forty other
btigifics and wagons with prices to
suit the limes. K L. (. hambers.
Sonic time ugo I wan taken Hick with
a crump in tho Btomuch, foil iweu t"
diiirrhiieu. I took a couple of doses of
Cliamlj.-rluin's folic, Cholera and
liiiirrliiH-ii Remedy and was Immediate
ly relieved. 1 consider It the best
uu-dicine in the market for nil such
complaints. I have sold tho remedy
tool Hers anil every one wno ues ii
speaks highly of it. J. W. Strickler,
1V.II ... l.V.K t.uA lltT (ill.
UllVy Vllll'l, VUI. -'i cwiw vj
burn A DeLauo.
Take your Cbittem Hark to 8. II.
A lli'iimrkublc Cure lor linruiuM
Westminster, Cul., March 21, 1S94.
Some time ngo, on nwukenlr.g one
ninriiiiiL'. I found that 1 bad rbuuma-
tiin in my knee bo badly that, as I re
marked to' my wife, it would Iks impos
llili for mo to uttenil to bunlness that
duv. Itememberinir tliut I bad some
of Chumberluin's i'ain Halm in my
store, I Bent for a bottle, and rubbed
the afflicted parts thoroughly with It,
aeeonliuir t Uirectioni. and within an
hour I was completely relieved, une
application hud done the business. It
is the best liniment on the market,
audi sell It under a positive guaran
tee. It. T. Harris. For sale by Os-
liurn A DeLnuo, druggists.
Ciiittem IUkk. W Sunders wants
all the chlttem bark in the country,
He will biiv the highest market price,
Hemember this and bring your bark to
Minneapolis Binder.
M. Levinger sells the Minneapolis
Hinder, which beats them all. lryou
doubt it, nsk:
A Vitus A Sons, Springfield,
J F Powers,
Mat Spores, Mohawk,
H Spores, Coburg,
Heed Hros, Ooslieil,
J T I'alilson, l'le.iHiint Hill,
Marcus Kelly, Creswll,
Hi-u Huoy, "
Wm linker, "
Mr Debrick, Eugene,
(e Hawley, Creswell,
K Maxwell, Irving.
lllOO sections for
twenty dim-rent kinds f mowers aod
binders now in stock. Itepair Vf ur old
machinery early and l ready Iwlore
your grass Is. It dont make any
inference what kind of a machine you
have, order your extras of
F. L C
Timi Babr w3 slt.-k. o f.AT her Casto.V.
VMien tli was a Clill.l, klw crlwl fur Cwtorl.
When tuvBini' !!, ri clunu to Ctorl.
hen th luw! ChUOron, she gvo Uiem CiutorlA-
You can get chhIi
for your Cbittem
at S. II
Fiieiully's. "
(Imvi-iiv Hi inu Ri ilt. The new
flouring mill btiilding Is ready fur the
machinery, which will arrive here in
aliout two weeks, and now a large force
oi carpenters nre at worn on m woj
uunmnd liusliel granerv wiiien nm
tains kIt l.h.y Ir. U built bv laying
eight Inch wld boards on topnf each
other and ki1 inr ibeni cocurely to
get her. The i?, in.rv will le lU feet In
iieighili nn,i w . Im one of the bent
fiecoiintv. In fuel, all the iiiiildiiigs
are and will h- tir-l class. The gra
'"ry will be r. uly to handle tills crop
f wh.vit an I
le mill will lie ready lo
turn out a tlr
July 3'Kh.
clusH article of II ur by
To he CONTINUED. Considerable In
"I liry m in k,. wlitjtlier Hie business de
partment of the iniversitv will be con
tinued. The r ;eut Inform us that
iheeour- wid ixi male inuanenl.
"d that a now iirofir will be fleeted
t' take charge of the same, Mr
Mi':liell relirlojr.
T A Alexander, of 'vuili! is in I
Dr D A l'alnu visited Portland yes
Tom Hlmrii hits ri turni-d fr'm Cul-
Mrs. E I) McKeum-v went to l'ort-
laud today.
Dr 11 F Husell, of rimrMnii, was In
F.ugi'iie today.
T 1) Kowliiud U-ft litis iiiuriiiiii: fur
Salt Luke, L'tiih.
I.oughmlller A Titer n 1!h the of
iiinehiiiu nils.
Mrs K H Munru lids returned to her
home ot Metehum.
S H. Friemlly wants all the Chit
(em bark be can get.
Hugh II. TIioiiiihihi K-ft mi u short
trip to Friii-ell's this morning.
Attorney Frank Matteon made
Junction u business viMt today.
Miss Ella Hii'bardsoii Is gradually
reoiverlug fr i u Ikt km :r illu st.
Miss I.tisy Muttesnii, of Full Creek,
Is visiting iu the city for u few days
Mr. Stalker, a student, left for bis
home In Uniou county tbls morning.
Mrs Issle Nlekliu Is in Portland us
one of the witnesses in the Hergercase,
The Deering mower leads fur light
draft and durability. Sto it at
F. Chamiikuh.
W I Vawter lias Uvn appointed the
State's uttoruey for Jackson county
vice Judge Prim.
Mrs CM Lock wood relumed home
to hulein tmlav after im fXteuded visit
with Mrs H li Kiueuid.
J P Slieruinu and f.n.iily left lliU
morning for Uratiite, O '., wlivr.- they
will reMde in the liituiv.
W J Edwards and son, Fred, went
to Corvallls today to attend the grad
uating exercises of the O. A. C.
Piof. DVSHeldleft this nintlilng
for Albany and will probably visit
Portland before reluming Iioiip .
Hon. II H Miller Is ut CorvnilU. He
is down for an uddros before the Siute
Agricultural college, locnled tit that
Prof uud Mrs McMrny Is iu utten-
dance upon coniintneeiiieiit exereises
at tlie V orvallls mate rtgrieiiuurui col
lege this week.
II Lee Mitchell and w ife left this
ni truing lor Aew iiuveii, tonii.,
where lliey will spend the suiniuer, re
turning here next fall.
P Comegys lias been appointed a dep
uty by Shcrill Johnsou uud letl tins
inorniiig to ride for ilcHiniuciit (axes
Iu Springlleld precinct.
Hon I) W Serrs, of Iiidep.udeiico,
chairman of the democratic state cen
tral coiiimilbv. eoiiteniplatesa trip to
the Foley Springs iu the near future.
Hen Hush, of Chesher, wus iu Eu
gene today. He says great prepara
tions art) belli;; made for tho picnic to
bo held at that plai-e next Saturday.
Parks' Tea clears the complexion
Mrs. X. Meyel'.e, or Le Hoy, X .,
.... ii. -i- t n in. ..I
says: "1 nave uscu i arKs leuauu nn
it the lust remedy 1 have ever tried.
Sold by A. Ykiumitos.
Mrs Chas A Oray, of Salem, arrived
here yesterday nfteruoon to meet her
husband and sou who have been
spending a few days up the McWen
icle. Chas A (iray and i-ti and W I)
Pugh uud son, of Silein, returned
from Hie upper MeKenzle hist evening
and returned lo their homes on this
morning's early tralu.
Parks' Sure Cure Is u positive specific
in ull diseases of the Liver and Kid
neys. Hy removing the uric acid In
the blood It cures lihcunmtlHii. S. H
Hasford, of Carthage, S. Dakota, says:
"I believe Turks' Sure Cure excels all
other medicines for Itlicumutlsni ulid
Urinary disorders." Sold by A. ER-
Miss Elizabeth Sawyers left on this
morning's north bound train for
Chicago, Sioux City nml other East
ern points where she will visit during
the greuter pouiou oi wic ui
VF Held returned from i rmia
county luct evening. iie came oy
the Saiitium route mil says u umn im
compare with mo iMciventiw
That Is the verdict of nearly every
I've a secret In my heart,
Sweet Murle,
A tule I would Impart,
Swt Marie:
If you'd even fairer bo
You must always use Parks' Tea
Tho Improvement you will see,
Sweet Marie.
Sold by A. Yehixuton.
Three Tars ami Caboose ure off I lie
truck at kic" inn iu
Hurt Hurt.
spodnl tothoGCAan.
DllAIN, June ffi.-0, a- wasimeiieu
near Rice Hill at 1:10 this afternoon
caused by a piece of limber falling Ihj
tween the cars. Three cirs are In the
.in..!, iiiu cnhooHU Is turned coin-
Ulll u - - .
.,i..i..i nvur. The four passengers in
the caboose were uninjured and were
taken out of the windows. iiraKemim
D. Hull! aiis hurl but not seriously.
lelixrmnli Holes and all
...i. nr.. fiiiu-n. Tho track will be
clean iu aoout 3 hours.
A Bkactiecl SiuHT.-Liist even
ing as tlie young moon was sailing to
unr.1 its northwesteni xil from hu
....... vulnn nil observant eyes were
attracted toward the leuiitilul petv
i ...ntoil hw the nlalietarv coup
IIH ID irn-v...v -J l . -
bination not otieu wiioe-u.
evening star Venus and the moon
were iu "conjunction" and so close
and peculiarly situated in the range
of vision from this latitude as to be
remarkably pretty. About o clock
Venus stood to tho left of the moon,
almost close enough to resemble he
pictures of the star and crescent, but
the movements of the two ldies
varied thtlr positions and held the
beholders' attention for nearly two
hours. The Mar seemed to move u
an arch around the moon t the noilli
sward. At one time It stood Imme
diately on the crest of the "old moon,
SUling a mail "8t
from the upper surface of dark
.'lobe. Again It hIikhI so close to the
upper "horn" of Ihe iiks.ii as to re
!i l.le a in on the end of it and
finally as both -auk l-'hlnd the coast
I lls the star was on the north
.id of the moon, in nireci ci.j um.-
linn" W ill Hi o"i --i"
.. ... i. I...... ....ii.niiitt
in a
rich yellow light, enhaneed
depth of 1s-""1- b-V a rurtlal
In its
condition of the atuiospnere.
two mini'- 1 ,rl
'm.'i?, !.- am.....; . e-J . uer. saJ lo Ku,.,
business is lively at
I'lias Koliii, of Portland, is Iu the
Prof Hawthorne
this afternoon.
Dun's commercial
tatlve is in the city.
The thermometer
gives this afternoon
returned home
agency represen
registered SO de-
Lieutenant Cienelal Seliolleld is III
Pnrilund on a short trip.
Ono week I rim i tomonow
Is the
glorious Fourth of July.
For good binder twine go to Lough
miller & Peter.
A largo number of campers are going
up tlie McKenzle daily.
Take your Cbittem Hark to S. II.
Marcus D. Horuck, a prominent Cali
fornia politician, is dead.
Commissioners court iigalu next
week next Wednesday.
Haying will commence In earnest
next week. The crop Is a large one.
Y'ou cau get eash for your Chlttem
bark ut S. ii. Friendly's.
F K Dunn will ship two car loads of
wool to Portluud ou the freight tills
Highest cash price puid for Chlttem
Hark by S. 11. Friendly,
t ietirge Croner leaves tomorrow with
a loud or freight for the upper .mc
Charley Kissinger took Hayes to
Junction today to try and raise bonds
for liim there.
Tills is the time of year the small
boy tle'lghts to spend a portion of his
time in tlie river.
Women w ho ride the bicycle don't
stoop over; why do the men'.' IU an
uiiiintuial poniiion.
A special car carrying San Francisco
railroad oftlcials passed through going
north tliis afternoon.
Prof. T J (Iregg, well known here,
has lccii elected prflictiul of the Chap
man school In Portluud.
Hussell Montgomery, of Portland,
has Ih'cu oppointed a cadet to the All
uupolis imvul academy.
Cunucries In California are paying 7
cent per pound for Koyal Ann cher
ries, and the crop Is very short.
Messrs U C and E A Vinson, broth
ers f re in Alabama, are here looking
over the country w ith a view to locating-
The Kentucky democratic state con
vention lias declared for gold and en
dorses Piesidi ut Cleveland's adminis
tration. ( P (iriftlln w as at bis place of busi
ness most of the afternoon. We are
guld to tee the gentleman Improving
so nicely.
A marriage liivnso was Issued this
foienooii hv County Clerk Jennings lo
lieo W llolleiibeck and Lucluda J
A little child became lost on the
sheets (his morning, crest ing not a
little ulariii on the part of its parents
before it was found,
Charles Peck was sentenced at Al
buny yesterday to one yearln the peiii
tontWy for the crime of larceny. Peck
is known in Lane county.
The (il'AIll) lob office printed the
stock books of the Eugene Transfer
romuuny today. This Is to be tlie name
of the steamboat company.
J It HliH. the cowboy preacher, and
his wlfc.tho "girl preacher," held forth
at Salem lust night to an immense
crowd, so says tlie Statesman.
The business session of tlie United
Hrelhreii conference held at Philomath
ihe tlrst of tlie week, appointed Hev.
It. Miller to tlie Lane county circuit.
Verdi Paul ran a close seeond la the
half mile dash at Portland yesterday;
Hhick Alder did not get a place, lime
made by Ihe winner, lam many, 4UJ
V C London, who has been conduo-
tor on extra freight for a long time, has
Seen e veil a regular freight io con
duct between Uoscburg and Ashland
Promoted you see.
Nil I LOU'S CURE, the great Cough
and Croup Cure, Is In great demand
Pocket size contains twenty-five doses
only 2V Children love It. Isold by
Henderson A Linn
Todav'n Oreconlun: A carload of
witnesses ill tlie Heritor case, which
conies up before the federal court to
dny, arrived here from Eugene yester
day, and nre quartered at the various
hotels ubnul lowu.
(JotoOsburn A DeLano, druggists,
j.. i.. iiiients in Eugene, for a bottle of
1.1 V CHINE, for the Liver, Kidneys,
Sick-headache and Constipation
Ashland Tidings: Southern Oregon
hating its "hot Bindl" the
..ut f..w dnvs. the mercury hovering
i.iwnit. thu 'nl net v notch during the
.,.1,1,1!.. imrt of the dav. The maxl
mum tenierttture redorded at Carter's
government wenuier omce is ui
Captain Sweeney C. H. A., San Dl
ecr. Cul.. says: "Shllo's Catarrh
Itemed Is tho first medicine I have
ever found that would do me any
Price ilOc. Henderson A
rrles from Hood Hlver are
selling in Helena and Hutte from $2.60
to $;. Herrles from other places bring
onl v ll.M) to $2..W. Ulack cherries are
...iiiinini tl iu r hnx of ten pounds,
There is the greatest demand for Koyal
Ann cherries, which are bringing 12J
cents per pound.
J. A. Richardson, oPJeflorson City,
Mo., chief enrolling force, Ssth general
assembly of Missouri, writes: I wish
to testify to the nicritsof One Minute
Cough Cure. hen other so-caiicn
cures fulled. I obtained almost instant
relief and a speedy cure by the use oi
One Minute Cough Cure.
..ntr.ll Point correspondence I"
Jacksonville Times: "L O. lloss, who
lius been taking Ihe fciisor iieuuiieni.
utllraut's Puss, has returned home
fully cured. He speaks In the highest
terms of Dr. Kreiucr's elloi ts Iu his
i ... i f U...I .ma that the cure will Is?
iM rmai.ent. Iwis is a yeung man of
much ability, and will leave lor wme-
... I.. rn ninurfl III business.'
Itos resld-d in Eugene for a couple of
Ashland Tidings: It Is reported
ti...t Kiile Point has lately been bilked
i. n iniinif man Intm the Willamette
vllev who made pretenses of being
,.r ..f a si.rlnter. He worked
l.lin-elf into the giHsl graces of some
i.f the voung soerts of Lhgle Point au:
...i..n ii.h tiiiia for the ram came
.i.,.. ii, ..... to the tune of $i 0 and
m(1 .ur u'.il eh . However, through good
generalship the tsivs reoovered their
watch Lin are sun nun...
Everything iu regard te the affair Is
Li.rtt VwrV fl iiivt and but few know nf.t Itls said, th ugh tlie
justice recoru suows
some crooked
It U still getting warmer.
Dr. Flnley, denllst.r.snn.l.Iiiinn blk.
Mrs U W Piddle went t Albany
Walt Hides weat to Corvallis to
day. James Sun ford, of Hig rralrie, Is in
Dr McKi uney is able to be around
his bouse.
Miss Milium returned home Injunc
tion today.
Mrs J A llwinu returned home to
Salem today.
Swimming accidents ure ugalu being
Several O A C boys passed south to
day going home.
Fairiuouut will be an excellent place
to celebrate July .
Young Japanese pheasant reported
unusually plentiful.
Ell Ingham returned home from
Newport today.
Miss Lulu McAllstcr came down
from Drain today.
The thermometer registered 87 de
grees this afternoon.
Miss Prof Cursou expects to go to
Portland tomorrow.
W J Edwards and son, Fred, re
turned from Corvallls today
Mac kiommerville returned home
from Portland last night.
Kacket w ill Bu.l you Fl igs and Huut-
tig for decorations.
Dr. Fin ley, dent 1st, room 3, Dunn blk.
Fuinnoiiiit will be an excellent place
to celebrate the Fourtli of July.
We will close out our Tluwaie at
Cost, come early, Kacket.
l'lm Orei'oiiliin lod.iv prints a vurv
fair picture ol Miss Mary Herger.
One week from today will lie July
4th. Where w ill you celebrate.'
Several of Ihe witnesses In tlie Her
ger case relurreU Home on me
IfDr Lowe advertises til! doomsday
sime people would still wear cueap
Miss Muls I Craw went to Albany
...lay to attend the Lluk-Kiuer wed
Dr I A Paine returned home from a
trip to Portland on this morning's over
land train,
MrsAbrams and Mrs A O Osl.urn
were passengers to itosciiurg iroiu
Salem Imluy.
Ed Pool and John Kcuvenue will
conduct a refreshment stand at Junc
tion on tlie -lib.
Mrs J W Hall left last night for
Mvrtlc Creek, where she will visit
wiih In r folks.
Mrs J M Howe and children and
Miss Merev Applegate visited at Junc
tion yesterday.
Frank Crumb, u student of the O.
A. C.. came lip on the local today for
a short visit with friends.
A irreat until v Eugene people w ill
celebrate w ith the ladies at Fairiuouut.
This is the correct Idea.
California's Hest Is Hki Seal Hak-
i Powders. Try iliein and you
will have no other.
A crew of three men reached this
city this morning repairing the Oregon
H'..!....!....... m.n.i.uli vV lln.ta
,l,M,i.v.w,r,.j -
Cul Fountuln. formerly of Lane
county, Is now the proprietor of the
only sunsm in osiuopuns, i aaiuug-
Cleveland and Carlisle wero en
dorsed by the Kentucky democrat.
Thanks to Uncle Jack Alexander for
some very lino Koyal Ann cherries.
John W Henderson and II C Hum
phrey ure reported lo be good winners
ut I lie Portland races.
Tlie Hoval Ann cherries en the
Johnson place have boeu sold to the
Salem cannery for four cents per
We understand that I nited States
Attorney 1) H Murphy will dismiss the
case in 1'oniunu aguiusi, manes r
Lock wood.
Mrs O M Sawyer left today for Hos-
wcll springs In Southern Oregon,
where she will remain some lime.
Tuesday's Medford Monitor: J H
Ncttleton, of Eugene, arrived In town
today having made tlie trip tli rough
on a bicycle.
Albany Democrat: Mbses Mary
and Itebecca Haines, two of Eugenes
charming young Indies, are la the city
visiting relatives.
Miss Mollle Wbltmore has so far re
covered from her recent Illness as to
be able to resume her position as clerk
Iu the Kuckct store.
Senator Alley returned frem Hobo-
burir on tbls morning's early train.
He will leave for bis home In Florence
en tomorrow morning's stage.
Mrs Lawson Cyrus of Dayton,
Washington, is visiting Iu Eugene,
the guest of Mrs J H Harris. Ihe
laity Is a sister oi u J .Aiumey.
Tlie U S treasury receipts for June
will exceed the exieiiditures Ihe
first time in many mouths. Huslness
Is reviving.
De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures
scalds, bums, Indolent sores and never
fails to cure plies.
o Ohhi iin A Delano.
Frank Stewart returned today from
the Foley Spring. He says there are
eight hoarders at the hotel, and that
Peter Itiiuey Is a Utile eeiier.
Kemeinlor the Demorest Medal
contest ut the Cumberland fresi.yte-
rian church Saturday evening, June
anh. beginning at 8 o'clock. Admis
sion 10 ceiits; refreshments free.
Sick headache, constipation and In-
.ligation are quickly cured by De
Win Little Early Klsers, the famous
little pills.
osnuRN A DeLano.
In a nice at Portland yesteiduy the
mill iiiiIm t.ilill ill ' John W. Hender
son and II C Humphrey had one of
them each, while ur, l'aul lleeves, ior
merly of the McKonzle slock farm had
Tlie valuo of glasses depends entirely
on the skill of the optician. Dr Lowe
not only furni-l es the best glasses
obtainable but is thoroughly skilled
Ask your doctor about him.
"Stop him;" ho stole the,
Hut the kid he rlinutcd loudel,
"Clear the track" for I've got the cake with Hki) Seal Uakino
rify your blood, cleat your complexion,
regulate your bowels uud makes yeur
head as clear as a bell. -c, ooe, ana
11.00. Henderson A Linn.
Our pa rous will find Do Wllt'e
Little Eaily Risers a safe and reliable
remedy for eoiistipallou,dysiieisla and
liver complaints.
Osiiurm A
A, (i. Ostium MseU III Dentil in
The I iu ttis River ut lluselmrg.
Word was received here lust even
lug auuouueing the death of A. O. 0
burn by drowning, w hile bathing in
the l'mMua river at Kosvburg last
evening aliout B o'clock,
Mr. Osburn, or Hert. as he Is more
familial ly known by his many friends
iu Eugene, Iu company with anuuiUr
of other young men, had gnue to the
river le buthe after the excessive best
of tho day. A rope was attached to a
pole, and' by this the bathers swung
out Into the river. Mr. Osburu swung
out but failed to swim t short. It
was not until he sunk the lift time
that thespectaters realized that he was
Iu trouble. Every etlort was then
made to rescue hi in but It was two
late. Several of the swimmers dived
for hliu but they could not reach his
Shortly after the river was drugged
and bis body was recovered. An at
tempt was made to revive life in the
unfortunate man, but without avail.
When taken from the water his chest
was badly swollen.
Mr. Osburn was a Eugene boy, hav
ing been raised en a (arm near Mpwiicer
bulte, and spendlug his life there and
In this city up te the past winter w hen
he went toSaleiu, remaining there but
a short time, and afterwards going to
Roneburg, where he epened up a geu
eral merchandise store. After tc ii
Ing up his store In ltosrburg, he re
turned to Eugene and was married io
Miss Grace Abrams, daughter of W H
A brains, taking his young bride to bis
new home to reside.
Albert Osburn was well and favor
ably known In Eugvtio. He was a
student In the university for about
two years, and afterwards clerked In
Osburu A Ik-Lano's drug stole for a
year and a half. While here he served
acceptably a term Iu Company C, O N
O. His parents formerly resided on a
farm near Sitcuccr butte, but now re
side In Troutdale, near Portland. He
has a brother, Dr Chester Osburn, who
resides In Athena. He was a young
man of excellent moral character and
honest Integrity, and has many friends
here who will tender their slucertst
sympathy to the bereaved young
Word was telegraphed to his wife,
who at tho time of his death was
absent iu Salem visiting with her par
ents, and she and her mother wetit
out to KoBebiirg on lie local
train today. Tlie remulus will tsj
brought here for Interment, and the fu
neral services will probably be held
Saturday. Detlnite announcement
will be made tomorrow.
He Is In Jail at Hutte, Montana,
ludcrllouds Fixed ai:i,ooii.
, After considerable conjecture as to
whether the Hubb who is now iu the
county jail at Hutte, Montana, under
bonds nxcu at )J,uuu, awauiug iriui
for shooting Frank Welden, Is the
Eugene Hubb. he Is heard from
through a letter written to his sister
Mrs Mue Sliultz. of this city.
In the letter he does not give the
particulars of the shooting, but states
that it was a case of his or Weldcu's
death, and that ho hapivcucd to bo
the quickest to shoot. The ball en;
tered Welden's head Just above the
left eye and came out near the temple
and is quite seriously hurt, but w ill recever.
Hubb waived examination, and was
bound over In the sum of $:i,000 to
await his trial which will take place
at the term of circuit court, which Is
in session now. He retained Attorney
Shaw, formerly of Eugene as tils attor
uev In tlie case, and will try to have
the trial posxnd until the September
term f court.
JJe Is a stranger in Montana, with
out iiieney or friends, and sympathy
does not seem te be much in bis favor,
and his chances of being cleared
would seem to be limited. 1'be pen
alty of the crime of which lie Is
charged Is from two to fourteen years
In the penitentiary.
The lellowlng concerning the ar
raignment Is from Saturday's Hutte
Edward Hal.b, who recently made
such a poor Job of his attempt to kill
Frauk Weldon was arraigned yester
day on an Information charging him
with assault with Intent to commit
murder. He took the statutory time
to plead and was remacded until Mon
day morning.
Joiim Lono. Corvallls Times: A
note received from Jehu Long, too late
for publication, In rull says, "1 am still
under the care of a very good physi
cian, who visits me regularly and hears
trout me dally, auu wno is limning ar
rangements to remove the ball as soon
ill conditions are favorable, ine
nalu Iu the location of the ball Is In-
creating, and Is so anaoying us to pre
vent sleep except by the use or mor
phine. Since the 22d lust. I have ex
perienced more pal n than before that
time. One nbvslcian has been ex
cused because one was thought ufllnl
ent.for the case until such time as they
are ready to remove the ball."
A Mvsr.
Keep your liver active and you'll
not suffer with Biliousness there's
the secret. When bilious try a 25-ccul
package of of Simmons' Liver Rcgulu
tor, powder. Take It on the tongue,
or make a tea. You'll take no more
btllr (J osrd June 91.
Oihi. Auducted. Our Trent cor-
resDnndent today sends US tills Item:
"A family oy me name oi nrueuni
.. . r- .. . .. M ll....ll..
were vlsltlug ut Hill Oriflln's lust
week. When they left, they coaxed
Milt. Watch's daughter to UO with
them. The girl Is under ago and Mr
Veatch will go to town today to swear
not. m. warrant for the arrest of the
inlltv parties. They are making for
Southern Oregon."
MinitiAriK Tonight. Mr David
Link, of this city, and Miss Oussie
uiner. of Albany, will lie united In
marriage at the Tatter's home tonight.
Mr Link is one of our I .est kuewn
yeung business men, while Miss Ri
per is one of Albany's fairest daugh
ters. In advance the Ouard wishes
tho couple a long and happy mstrl
inoolal life.
lusjior A. R. Fish, of Oruvols Mills,
.Mo. a practicing physician ol many
years ex perlence, writes: De Wltt'i
Wlich Hazel Salve has ne equal for
.ml .lent sores, scalds aDd burns. It
toim iialn Instantly, heals a burn
(ulckly and leaves no scar.
Ohburn A DeLano.
lullr Guard, untiA.
Ham away. Fred Warner, ol Fall
Creak Is in town today. His team be
came frightened at tbe train near Jud
kin'a isiiiit this morning ami ran
away, badly demolishing his buck
board and bruising him up some.
wm. cium: dkow.xku.
lie falls a Vh lini lo a Wuterjr (irate
While milling Iu tlieshei's
pailjr oiianl, June V7.
Che-her's lugooit bus lcome the
scene of a drow uiug, uud this time the
unfortunate) victim of a watery grave
Is William Chase, a young unmarried
man aged 2.) years.
I hexher s lagoon is a tributary deud
slough of the Willamette on the east
side, and is about two miles from Eu
gene where the drowning occurred.
willmni l haee. In coiiinnuv w th
William Palti-oii and a boy from
iiriiiL'lleld bv thu name of !'. tu.
went bathing in the still waters of the
lagoon after supper lust evening. Chase
could not sttiui and Putturson uud the
Isiy could st iiu but very little. The
unfortunate man bad a hop pole in
his bands ami bad Urn floating ou
top of the w ater, uud got Is-yond his
depth where the water was about eight
tcvl deep. I he boy was first to notice
bis struggle uud called to Mr Patter-
sou, who hurried to the rescue. He
succeeded in getting hold of the drew a-
lug man, but, iK-lng a issir swimmer,
be was unable to save hliu, and was
himself dragged under twice w hen he
was fonvd to release his hold iu order
to save bis own Ills.
Tlie drowning occured about 8:80
o'clock Iu the e veiling. Help was sent
for Immeillulclv, uud a boat being pro
cured the IhmIv was rained about au
hour after the accident.
Wm l liaso was a brother to F H
Chase, the market gardener, who ro
sides across the river east of this city.
lie came here from Kansas, where his
parents now reside, In February of
this ciir, mid wus employed at the
time of bis death by Wm Paulson,
who has a hop-yard across tbe river
from town.
The remains will 1st Interred lu tbe
Si.ringlleld I. O. O. F, cemetery this
afternoon ut 1 o'clock, Rev. Richard
son of (Ids city otlleliitlng.
''He rolul al lb Tlstsl,
It u eiti epmt iwrmt ter, an t there era many
ptreti to Hiimliiilliil i.t thu jrinplnuil of oil-
ei.liituu illnn.e that It sroul l ah.uut take thai
deadly argument M hidueo ll.e.u to adopt
.reeatill..nary im aiurva. The belt of the u
a n-eourw to that tine txitanlo renrler, Hoa
leiler'a stomach Hitter. It vaiupilnlira ma
laria, rheum.iiiiiiii, kt.lney and bladder trouble,
falling itwet'lou. liihi.UNi.eia and IrrcKtilarity
ol Ihe Ikimi I. and'telr fnriillea the ata-
lem asalnil ll.elr further iiinrnda. Ill Ingre
dient aie dra a Irxni nature a li.tvlinuw, con
ae.pieulljr It la tiee from the ohjeeltoiii attach-
lua: o many ellut.'ly or seml-iiilneral rem-
edien. r'or tho delli-nte, Inllrm, cuvaleaeeut
and eld. Tlr II It lufulisrlv lMliellulal. II well
nierllt and aytleuiallu lite. Tnke
It al Uil lime to li.d.u-u alei'ii, and between
mea t lottt. nutate ai'iH-llte and illsealion The
uu-dleal frnleruiiy eoueur ill In.lortli.g it.
All Free.
Those who huvo Used Dr. King's
New Discoveiy know its value, and
those who have not, have now the
opportunity to try It Free. Call on the
advertised Druggist and get a Trial
Hot tie. Free. Scud your name aud
address to II. E. Huckleu A Co., Chi
cago, uud get a sample box of Dr.
King's New Life, Pills Free, as well
as a copy of (luldo to Health and
Household Instructor, Free. All of
which Is to do you good
and cost you nothing. Henderson A
Linn's Drug store.
trainees CasMl bs 4 lire
by loeal S.'heatli.ns at they rannnt rrarh the
dUi aaed K.til.iii ol liio ear. I here It only one
wayloeu.e liealneaa, ami mat la ny conttiiu rcin-ilti'M. Iii-aluraa la rallai-d hv ail In
ilaiiiixl eonoilloii uf Ihe u.ueoua llnliis ut the
Kualael.lan Tulv. W hen tulie Kelt lullatn
id you have a uimhllng m.uud or Imiwrfeot
ln-arlnil. and when II It entirely rioted ISaf-
ii.-u la the leaull.aud unleaa the hillainmalliin and thlt tills) restored to lu rondl Ion, heurlus 111 Is) dealmyed
fomvur: nine easet nut of ten are rauaeii ny ea-
lurrh, li kh la nollilng but au lullauivd coudl
tloii of ilia iniieoua aurraeea.
WaHlll hIvo tine Hundred Del Ian tor any
raae ol pealuesa(eKuad by ratarrh) thai cannot
Ini eared by Hall l calsrrli vurv. Bvua lor cir.
oulara, Iree. ...
r. j. l oon i is iu ioiouo, u.
Hold hy UruKx lata, 7e.
Hie Wheat Market.
Rnecial lo tho DAILY tlUAHD.
Li VEiti'tKiL, June 27 Liverpool
sunt and notions weaKer.
mkw Hi K. June vyeauer. lot.
CniCAtio. June 27. Very weak
sold as low as 70S: closed at 71.
San FiiAMiHO), June 27. ljuiot
Pouri.ANii. Juno L'7. itoports rrora
sections of Eastern Oregon and Wash
ington represent crops iu a precarious
condition. The rulotlso country I all
right aud can go some time without
Freights dulet, with a weak under
Mauiui:!). At the court house la
Eugene, Oregon, Juno 20, 18U5. by
Elder A C Jennings, Mr George W
Holenlsck and Miss Lucluda J Morgan
all of Lano ceualy. Oregon. Ibis was
an unusual marriage as County Clerk
Jennings Issued the marriugu license
and olllclated as elder in the case,
The witnesses to the ceremony were
Dcmitv Clerk F L Olbbs and George P
Morgun. Lane Is always In the for
ranks adopting advanced methods.
Transcript Fileu. The case of J
tl. Eddv. railroad commissioner,
against 11. R. Klucald, secretary of
state, Is new In the supreme ceurt o
hiiih-uI . The transcript was filed yos-
terdav ami more is a siinuistiuu ui
. ... . . -.,..i..i.r
parties that the case may be taken up
out of Its order. The ceurt Is engaged
ou some Pendleton coses now aud so
aonll AS those are disposed of. It
likulv arguments will be heard on this
case, so as to get ii out oi ine way.
H. II. Rowtnart, pub. Enquirer, of
Hremeii, lud., writes: Last week our
little girl baby the only one we have
was taken sick with croup. After two
doctors failed to give relief and lite
was hanging on a mere tread we tried
One Minute Cough Cure aud its life
wus saved.
Ohhurn A DeLano,
Dally Uuard, June VI.
Married. At Salem, lost evening,
bv rtev 11 A Deiiton. Mr. Frank E
Duvls. traveling salesman for Wad
minis A. Co. of Portland, and Miss
Grace lllllngliam, of Salum. Tbe
couple have gone to California for a
trip. They are thinking of residing
iieruianciitly In J.ugene.
W. T. Sunford, station agent of
Leepcr, Clurlon county, Pa., writes
I can recommend One Minute Cough
Cure as the best I ever used. It gave
instant relief and a quick cure.
Osni RN A DeLano.
W a n t e r ). A buirirv horse In ex
change for lumber. Inquire at -office
of Lane Lumber l.rngue, Springlleld,
La Grlpe is here again with all Ita
old time vigor. One Mluute Cough
Cure Is a reliable remedy. It cures
and cures quickly.
O-iui'RN A DeLano,
Ulsi Miry Ucrger Ariiiitied hy
Jury lu llielr .Scuts-.
I . II IT.
1 1. A I iei,
Sclal to Ihe DAILY til'ASIi.
Portland, June 27. Tlieeekl.ial.-d
case against Miss Mary Hcrgcr, of Eu
gene, came to a spit-dy termination
tills morning iu the Lulled Mutes
Attorney Hilycii shortly after tho
convening of tlie morning session of
court moved that the court instruct
the Jury to return a verdict of "not
guilty." Judge ItcUlnger so instructed
and the verdict was given nt once, and
lbs defendant was discharged.
lbs defendant and her attorneys re
ceived the hearty congratulations of
many people present, ewclitlly those
from Eugene aud Oregon t'ilv. where
the lady formerly resided aud has
many friends.
The testimony rully vindlcuted Miss
Rerger, and many ef the witnesses
summoned upon her behalf were not
called to testify, the case being so
plain that they were not needed.
In fact, there was no testimony that
she wrote the highly vulgar and Inde
cent letters, while all tcstillsd te her
moral worth as a pure lady. It cer
tainly was the work of some fiend In
carnate who desired to wreck the
reputation built up by a worthy, hard
working woman. 1 1 ovwr delected, the
vllllsn would bs severely punished.
Koaie or the l-.ugcue people do
Dot hesitate to say who I
believe the guilty party ts.
Shipper's. Bulletin. So. 10.
Pout i), Ok., Juno 20, Istvi.
Our sales Inlay. Ihinver Royal
Ann. f 1.15 to ft. 25; currants (2.60 to
t.1.00; leaven worth aud Kansas City,
$1.25 to $1.65; Sioux City f 1.25; St.
Iiouls, f 1.25; black republican f 1 60;
Cleveland, cherries f 1.25; market firm
for a limited amount.
It will be au easy thing to overstock
market on our cherries as In a great
many points, besides home small fruits,
California Is shipping apricots ar.d ear
ly peaches.
In our shipping car lots, we de not
fit ace the eutlre car on one market as
he same would reduce prices. We
have also arranged for a refrigerator
car daily, te go on passenger, taking
rruit in less than car lots irom tucu
claoe. This enables us to load all we
can at Portland aud completing with
fruit put In at Homl Klver, the Dalies,
Walla Walla, Milton, La Grande and
Uulon. A man will be in charge of
the car.
We advise shipping now, cherries,
currants, blackberries, and a few black
cap rasplwrrles; ceuld also handle
dally a limited amount of A. No. 1
gooseberries. Two cars of cherries
and currants, mostly cherries leaves
Portland tonight, besides shipments
from Walla Walla.
Praised Highly. Iu Its report
of the commencement exorcist s at the
State Agricultural cellego the Cor
vallls Times has this: "After tbe
orations had been concluded, Hon II
H Miller delivered the address to the
class. The address abounded with
good thought, aud has elicited highest
praise from all who heard It. To at
tempt to do the effort Justice w ith a
coudeasatlon lu these columns weuld
require a space for which there Is not
room In this Issue of the Times.
Bucklee'i Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve In the world for
Cuts, Hrulses, tiores, Ulcers. Salt
Kheum, rever Bores, letter, niippou
Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, aud ptsiltlvely cures Piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction or money
refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by Henderson A Lluu.
GeiNo to Portland. Ray Hubb
and Chris Marx, two boys alamt 15
years of age, will leave 'luesday for
Portland on a visit lu a small boat con
structed by themselves. They expect
to stop over at Haioni ana speua mo
Fourth of July.
Dally Ouard, June J7.
Wool Rale. F E Dunn sold Chas.
II Friendly, representing A lllsslnger
A Co.. ef ban Francisco, five car loads
of choice wool, today.
No. 1 Shoulders per lb 0 c
Good Dried Grapes per lb.2Jc
Dried Raisins, per lb 3 c
Nico Black Figs 5 c
Ax Billy.
Head and Scalp Raw with
riaces blze of Sliver Dollur. Va
rious Remedies only caused Fresh
Eruptions. Applied CUTICURA.
Change In Twenty-four Hours.
Perfect Cure In Two Weeks.
Yt little son, siml ttmsj, wm very nuirh
truui.lMl with s hroakliiK out on hie -li
sn.l behind hla ear. The Auv ailneiasl eio
about as Urge a S ellvr ilnllnr; tlie tlo
amuied raw anil rovereil with little l.ll.leni.
The enilil enftVrml eutiaiilerahly, anil n nit
urally Tery fmtful. I trhxl anvvml reini-ilii-e
without ouuinliiR snv IwnHliiiil nnulw: In
faet the eniitiiina 'niil to Iw
snl new t.hwM l.miklng out. I ckih luileil lo
Iry tlie tVltecRA llKSKi.iiiS. I waahsd I lie
Slfeoted parte with the furiiraA HoAf. tuk
Iiir ears not to Irritate Ihe Hmh. anil ai'ilnsl
Cl'TloiiSA. 1 notlenl s chanire Iur ih twtter
In the amiesraiiee of the eni.tlin In twonly
four hirnra, and In two weeks tin) eruptions
entirely dlaai.tred,lealn(t Uie akin anion! ii
and ths soslp olan In fsek Iwrfwt cure,
ss I hae at amn any InillcuUona of any
enmtloB or hreeklnn out slncr. I tt H.o
child only s few hs of the t't'Tiet MA II B
solvist. looiialileryisirl'CTiet HA llrss
tun very trainable. 1 lirlleve t'l'Tiei ha
winild beexeellent fis-applylntt tnlnwi't I.IU4,
which are vry anni.l..j In tliiii.nntry-
C. A. AKMSTHUMi, Swift UlanU, S. C.
Bold Ihroeihotit the worid. Pilre,(trTicrRA.
tOe.lBoAr.We.i Riolist,I. Itm-saOBta
An Cuss. Co sr., Hole I'topa., Bo.lue,
W new to Cure Every 8klo Dte," tree.