The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 29, 1895, Image 5

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    Fill DAY, JUNE 21.
lion li I! Miller in in Portlun'd.
E. V. Puiklnirst, f Ffilpm, i In Jmi
Commencement In over for the year
Eugene now assumes her normal
The University convene itgul n Hep.
tcmlM-r imh.
Eugltii-er Krllry went to Hiil-m thi
XV H IiimI.x, of Murray, Idaho, in in
Whitney, tin) foot racer Iium gone to
Urn lit' I'unx.
lion. fi. T. Hturgls and hoii left for
I'eiKlloton today.
Chan. (irllllii went to Portland yc
terduy wn IiIh wheel.
Mrs. (iurn-ll arid son returned homo
to Oakland this afternoon.
MIh Marin Ware has about recover
rd Ironi her recent lllnom.
IirH Ilmiillton returned In hi home
at Jtnsehurg I hi arternoon.
K 1 Jlcdlord, of Walker, gave this
oftlre M ileiiHHlit call loilny.
Prof McElroy went to Malum thi
morning to remain a few day.
Fred Herhold ha returned from a
trip to Portland aud Woodhuni.
F A Tn.lcr went toCreswell toduy to
ih-ii up n general merchandise store.
A niimlx r of Drain normal school
Ntieleiil returned homo this morning.
I'romlneiit farmer Inform us that
the wheal aphis I very k carre hi
Hllver whh ignored In thu repuhliean
league club meeting at Cleveland,
Carey F. Martin returned to hi
home In Kalom u thi morning' early
I) F Hinllli, of Portluud, I In En
geno visiting with hi nephew, J. E
Win M Whhlden, n I'orllaiid promi
nent arehltei't, visited In Eugene over
laid night.
Curtis Harris went to Cot tune, drove
thi afternoon, to remain duilug the
Willamette atreet wan swept IiimI
evening, and today it present u clean
Attorney (ieo. It I)orriand I Ml
yell were passengers to Cottage Urove
thi afternoon.
Hon Henry Falling, L L McArthur
and It II lliorntoii Iwft for their home
In Portland thi morn liijf.
I'ailily llyun ran second In a race at
Portland yesterday. I'athiiiouut paced
third In another ruce.
A largo iiiiiiiIht of Eugene pur p In are
preparing lo go lo the inotinlaiiiH and
the sen ahlu in thu t ear future.
W M Crawford and family will leave
tonl;lit fur Han Joe, California, where
lliey expect to reside In the I ill tire.
J)r T C Hmll h, Jr, of Salem, returned
to hi home ilils morning, after attend
ing the students dance here hoit evening-
Falcin Statesman: C A lray and
son, tlcnrgo Win., lire spending u few
day on thu McKcnzle, In Lane
We are inforinud that the three
young Kentleiiien who if "(diluted yes
lerdii.V at the 11. of O. will aludy for
the ministry.
There will U a iVmnrcst content ex
ercises lit the C. I. church on tlm It'th
ly the united C. I',. HiK'letle of Eugene
and Kalrniotint Cumberland Prcsby
lerlaii clmrelie.
E J McClittmlian, nctiiiir h pee I id
deputy V H Marshal, today nutiHeliaeil
Hie witnesses for the defense. In the
Mary Merger case which I to Iks tried
III l'ortland thu iMth hint.
Kecorder K F 1 .rrl left thin after
noon for the llluu Hlver mines tore
inaiu a week, (loo A Dorrl will act
a recorder in hi father' absence.
The St. Paul, Minn., Dally (Holm f
June l.' eontalni a burnt hall challenge
In which the iiiiiuu of Charley Knoche.
formerly of I hi city, In given u 'Jnil
Im man.
(lov. Lord nml wife, Chief Justice
Itean, Stale l'reasurer Metcham, lion.
A. Hindi and daughter, MIh faille and
K. I'. MeCornnck returned to Saluhi
thi morning.
E. K. Heinle: son nu;l Dell Johimon
n't u rued home hint evening from an
extended trip to Luke and Klamath
ei'tintlo. They report having had a
plea-ant trip.
Orcgoiilim: Mr Cliarle W (lilllln,
an amateur bicyclist of Eugene, made
the trip from that Vlly to rortlaud
yesterday, and will remain In town a
lew day before returning.
Ml llattli) Modioli, of Waltcrvllle,
I In Eugene visiting with her sister,
Mr. J. M. A In urn, fcilie ha Just re
Itiriied from Monmouth, where, she ut
tended chtwd during the winter.
Aloiio Swnrla, of Salem, who killed
his sou it couple of iiionth hIiico, ha
Ikh'U eouvlcted of murder In thu wound
degree. Saturday he will got a life
sentence In the penitentiary.
W II Spaugh and Or J F Hendrlx,
leading populists of I. Inn and Lane
counties, were In Salem this week . In
conference with kindred uplrit for
luttirii op ration of the party.
I It. M. Watch, ItocUter of thu
I'. r. laud ollhv ut Knsvburtr, wa a
aKtetiiT on thi morning local tniln.
lie wa en route to Hum, Oregon, un-
der nrdclK flMin tile depart inellt, to
hear a iviho i'lotv the laiiil oliloe at
that phliv.
Mate Treasiiror I'hil Motchain In
form a (U'Ako rcwoiter that the
Auw'iist aiiortioiuuoiit of state echool
In will Is- madu In Aug it a in
iikI. A tumor Iiiih tieeli In t'lrculatlull
to the contrary.
The 1'iiilhnid Kim perpetrate the
follow lug: " l liey were married in
I'.mteiie the other day. Ill name U
Johnnie May Itnwcr, and her mime
Was Jeanle Mae llowersox. Shealnip.
lv ti'k otl'hor sox, and the Issue wa
ltlaiik aiv being printed by the In
ternal revenue huicail for the corwir
attoua and Individual that paid the
income tax to Illl In, applying for a re
fund of the taxes paid. 1'hes blank
will Ik- mailed to the taxpayers, and
on receipt of a properly tiled appllca
Hull for a rt'iiHymeiil of the duties thu
asea.ed, the Internal revenue will ay
back the money.
l-alher Streavne went to Motiroo to
day. I) J (lover hu returned from (Jold
Mis Carrie Hall I homo from I'ort-
j Mr F L Chamber continue to lin
i prove.
J Hon II H Miller ha returned from
' I'oltlliud.
; Thu V. It. confiTeiiei' it In w-hlnn at
Doiijflas county ha a !ellnUciit tux
list orv.4,iHjn.
Win Nea rtlurned to Cot t ago (Irovo
thi afternoon.
ICd IIuIik h and hoii returned to F.Ik
ton HiIh afternoon.
K Ilorloii Im purchased the Hth
otreet Ush market.
"l'rof." Itork I now pu-achlug pop
uliHin In Kentucky.
Itoatliig parties are mimerun these
pleasant evening
Hon. J K Went hot ford will orate at
Newport July 4th.
Mr. W T Water returned home to
K.ilem thi morning.
Lee Cumplell, of I'orlluiid, fpent
last night In Fut ile.
Miss Carrie McMuhoii, of Thurstoii,
I visiting in the city.
C M Young iiiadu Creswell a husl
iicsh visit thi afternoon.
Clair Luckey returned home yo
lenliiy from i'rlneville.
Ml My l'olethrop returneil homo
to Albany tills morning.
Mr J W Hull went to l'ortland on
thi morning's early train.
M L Campbell will leave on atrip
to Coo Uuy in a day or two.
Kdltor Thorp, of Leinall, I visiting
In southern Dougla cotiniy.
Mrs Krutisse and Mis Kinser re
turned to Kaleiu thU mornlrg.
Mr Judge Ilenn returned home to
Balom on this iiiorning' hs'al train.
Mr ond Mr WO Truaxwlll go to
Drain tomorrow for a few days' visit.
"Deacon" Davis will have a stand at
the Junction . ity Fourth of July celo
hratlon. I'losecullng Attorney llrown on
July 4th will orate ut Millwood, Doug
Iiim county.
W T Hhiter returned to Halem yea
terday. Mm Water remained hero for
a short visit.
Marshal Day and Sherman Huyc
expect to start for thu McKcnzle
spring Mnday.
Misac Minnie F.vun mid Letty
Smith, two Mohawk school ma'aiiM,
aru In town today.
Mis Van Wagner hu returned
home to Salem, alter an extended visit
with the Misses I.ooiiiIh.
L A Andrew mid Mis Marion
Joliimou caiiie up from Corvallis yes
terday, returning today.
Mli lalella (larlinghoiisc, of Mo
desto, Cal., I visiting with Mr and
Mr K O l'otter In this city.
MrsChasll Fay returned home to
l'oilland today, after iitteiidiug com
meiiii'iiieul exercise in this city.
Al Autcn is expected back trom the
upper MeKeiizie tomnrruw. J It
Campbell will not return before July
Willamette I'niverslty hu also con-,
ferred thu decree ot Doctor of Lawn
upon (iov. Lord and Chief Justice
A pair In a hummock
Attempted to kiss,
And In less tan ajill'y
"I'll HI J'' Al"IJ.
The llarrishurg Kevlow. any a it is
likely that the steamer L'ugcuo ha
made lis last trip to that place until
next full.
IKill Ktiykemlall left this afternoon
fur Drain and will spend the summer
vacation there and al other point in
Southern Oregon.
Hlnck Alder failed to get a place In
the halt mile dash at l'oi lland yester
day. The F.iigeue horse are having
bail luck thu far.
Mr. W. L. (illham and J. W. DIxou
of thi city left thi week for l'urker
burg, Coo county, whore they expect
t remain for about a month. While
there they will put In their t im-- hunt
ing and Ashing.
W. J. Edwards and family left
Mayvillo for the valley last Wednes
day, accompanied by Mis I lln noli IM
wards, who bus been vlsitimr In Lust
em Oregon for some time. They come
by the McKon.lo route,
Complaint I made that hunter are
shiMitlng young China peasant south
of town. There I a heavy penalty for
t lift misdemeanor and the guilty pur
tie may have to stiller If they can ls
At the risk of ruining the wire busl
nc wo publish the following from
the Salem Journal; A farmer near
Salem had no money to get wire so he
stretched some twine on the tost and
the cattle respect It just as much a a
real fence.
According to the Time the resi
dence of Jiidgo McFmlileu ut Corval
II was undoubtedly set on lire, by
burning a pile n, shavings, Ac, on the
roar porch, placing them there, for the
I u r nose. The house was Insured for
flilii and oust alsnit $2aOU.
Collage drove Loader; Fukln A
UiNlow mul L. Lurch have purchased
the entire stock of groceries kept by S.
F. Younger, who retires from business.
Mr. Younger has been engaged In busi
ness here lor over 6 years and by hi
strict hiilncs integrity, tine business
management, genial anil litglt social
qua itles, has won a host of friend.
L N Uone.v, II 11 Thompson and
Drew (ill til n went up the ilhiiuetle
tod..v on a fishing trip. They will
come down the river In a boat and we
lioii tlu v will make a gisul catch us
wo promised forty or llf'y fish.
i Lawrence Harris returned home
liom Id Uw studio at .Mill Artsir,
Mlo' 'gan, on the tioit.i bound over
hand thi morning. Mr. Harris will
spec I hU vacation with hi parents,
I'ri ul Mr T W Harris. He will tr
i mii ii -liis studio ut Ann Arbor this fall.
D. C II Cliiuiinau, J It Wotheibiv,
i Frod Hedge, E I' Shattuok, W U
i Sta. ;er and IIS Tcmploton lift here
! tills inoriilnir fr Fish lake
inn) will Is' absent until July
I 1. liiey take two pack horses and
I wil .valk the e.itbv ill lUioc.
As I must raise a certain amount of
Cash within a limited time, I will for the purpose of raising this money,
offer my entire stock of merchandise, consisting of:
Dress Goods, Boots and Shoes,
Hats, Caps, Laces, Embroidery,
Trunks, Valises, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, Etc.,
In fact every article in my store at Cost for Cash for Sixty Days, com
mencing SATURDAY, JUNE 22.
Following are some of the many bargains in store for you:
Dress Goods.
Sertfc -'We, rcg. price GOciS'i in. Scotch Suiting
Cashmere. :J7c, rcg. price c I'M in. Mixed Cashmere
M in. All Wool
: it w...j
Jl III. illl OOIM 1U.lllllll.ll. I --O 1 , , . f, ...
3S in All Wool Assorte.1 "Oc, reg. price hoe :U in. Novelty Suiting.
( in. All Wool rinidrt .. :)" and oi)c,reg. inceoU ami .vc.JHn.uray
28c, reg. price 4oc
19c, reg. price 27c
18c, reg. price 25c
18c, reg. price 2oc
These Dress Goods will be sold regardless of Cost.
Shoe Department.
Ladies Ht-avv Shoos
Our Don. Tat. Tip for ..
Our 1.7") Kid Pat. Tip for
Our 2.f,() Kid Pat. Tip for ...
Our .'5.00 Kid Pat. Tip for
Our .'.() Kid Pat. Tip for ...
Our 2.o0 Tan Plueher for
. .'.." Mens ISrogans $1-00
. 1.15 Our 1.50 Heavy Shoes 1.15
l.:'5 Our 1.50 Putton. Congress and Hals 1.14
. 1.85 Our 1.75 Calf, Congress and I3als 1.45
. l.U:J Our 3.00 Calf, Congress and Bals 2.35
. 2.05 Our 3.50 Fine Congress and 13als 2.G5
. 1.5)0 Our 2.50 Tan liuss Calf :. 1.C5
Space will not allow me to quote further prices. Hosiery, Underwear, No
tions, Outing Flannel, Calico, Muslin, Gingham, and in fact every article in my
store will heboid at OOST.
Ktint'iii1 TrrtVPlir Slmulil N'oti 'I'll in
Miiftinii laiPitiiiy.
I'.llj UunrJ, Jiiiii' -.'.
Am.iil t.(l Ailnir. of Hit) S.illt liiTIl
rai'llli! rnilnmil, liiw Ulnilly furnlslu'il
us with the ni'W Hi'lieiliili' fur the ur
rlvnl of traliiH t Kusi'iie. Tlu'V lire lis
No !", ovrrlntul for I'ni'thiiul, 3:0! .
No 1(1. uvi'iliinil fur San riaiirlsfo,
1: V. a. in.
ItOSlllll'Ull LOCAL.
No 17, loi-ul fur l'ortliuul. U:'.M a. in.
No Im'iil fur Kom liuiK, l- m-
Kit Kin I lis.
No III, rortluiul frilit, o:i" j. in.
Nit :i-, I'lilit'orulii frriKlit, a. in,
Thi. I'liiiiiiro of lime will take uliii'i'
thin I'Vi'tiltig at Mililnii;lit.
A Ki'mii. (.'iirvallU Tiims: Thrro
liruiulsiK to Ih suiiirtliln of a rush for
laiuU on the Slid when the day nr
rlvi' for lllini;. Four toain.-t oassvii
through town Salunlny, three Tui'h
ilay ami one yostenlay, nil Umtul for
that vh'lnitv. Those who export to
Nettle nhotilil not forget that half a
ilollar pt r aeru must he palti when the
tiling U maiW on tlio lanit ainl nil ail
ilitloiuil dollar per mio when linnl
priHif U iniiilo. It Is piMbalilu that
many of the liniil hunter, when they
tlinl they cannot nit free (;i sit is, a faun
well Improved hy wituo liullan, with a
Hub I ousit with' hot nml eold water
convenience!) wlil turn their haeUs on
thuileU mid return disgusted fiont
whence they came.
t'OMI'LIMKNT.VKY. CorvallU (In-
iutle: Hon. i K. Wilkinson, of
1'ortland, Ii:ih mventeil the Invitation
of the I'orvullis rt'lcbratioii I'omniittte
to deliver the oration here July 4lh.
Mr. Wilkinson Is well known as one
of the brightest youii men of the
state. IHiiliit; the y.i,i session ot llie
leulsluturo he rcprvscntcil I.ane coun
ty nnd at that time K'lineil considera
ble prominence on airolint of his elo
ipit'lice and also on aistitint of his lv
lot; the yotmi'st memtH-r of that bmlv
of lawmakers. At the time of hi elre
tlon he was only twenty years of nue,
his st tilrthilay iH-currinn" in Ivceiu
In-r pri'vious to the convening of the
1U:1H KI Vxkk The 8 I' U It has
kindly ni;rved to charge only half fare
oxer their entire system from July ;i to
Julys. That is tickets can h.'" pur
chased on July :t utul ( Mid n iv txvd
etutlilni; Incltrlln.; July S.
Wolf I'rerk 1 tf ins.
June IS, 18M.
Mr Hunter ttnl Ktildwin are fullini'
timber on Mr Uower'n jiliiw.
SchiHil is iiroKresslnit nicely under
the management of Mr. Day.
Karl Baldwin ciuiulit sonn'tliinii
over 100 trout one day last week.
I.aureucu lirown nml folks, are nu
his ranch this week. He has a man
walling and ccmcutiiiup his mineral
Word has been recleved from Mrs.
l'routt, who went to Texas to attend
the Ud side of her father, that both
he ami her brother have died sinco her
di parture.
A Ciooti Mink. i'otlnp drove
Leader: Kakln & llristmv, of Coltnije
(irove, sent Iweiity tlve pounds of the
golden metal to the !San Francisco
mint, Thursday. It came from tlio
llohemla mine nm-ratcd bv J A Music,
and will let urn over tfcUK), This Is
the largest run for one month yet tst'ii
made, and that with n email mill.
From tins It would appear that Bohe
mia will lurumo a rii'h minim; I'anin,
liooil business mnnactnuut, industry
and honesty of purpose, ucinir all re
quired to make it so. The mine man-
agi'd by Mr Music does not purcliase a
iloilars worth ot aiivtliliitf, that It iIim-s
not nivo a check on Fjikin & Itristow,
who are pleased to honor all demands.
A Littlk Astorin
editor says: "We want a (till! Not
a Klrl to love, to till with ice cream
soda water, to art as bookkeeper, type
writer, or check drawer,o nor one to
wear bliHimers and show lis how to
ride a bicycle, read Ibsen and 'Coin's
Financial School,' or teach us lawn
tennis or the I lye waltz or the sublim
ity of the sublime, but a plain every
day maiden, who has a face that would
scorch the sun, a hand that would net
as a stove lid, and a foot that would
ilive the (loildcssof Liberty odds nod
then K'at her in the raee fur the prize
as a Trllbv model."
! AnotT Corrwt. Albany Herald:
i lie change 01 uiue on I lie Southern
: Piu-ilii', which goes intoctlcct Sunday
1 will U anything but convenleul to
the piople of Albany nnd F.ngene. If
the new Snlctn lin-al train would run
as far u:li Kugcne it would eivo a
it-rv siM-t'ii.'o.r. sorviiv to thii people
' of the W illauieile Valley."
' M AHitiKO. At Lancaster, Sunday,
June hi, lVO, Mr. Charles K. W'lireler
and Miss 1-aln'lle Fawver. i:idcr A. U.
S'v ' i itiii'.
A Portluud I'ulrersity Scheme.
PouTLAND, June 20, Wlmt promi
ses to lie one of the most Important
nnd interesting nulls was begun yes
terdav la the state- circuit court by
Mrs. Jane Abraham, nun t of F. Abra
ham, the well known real estate ileal
tr. The suit Involves property valued
nt about (100,000, of wliicn it is claim
ed she was defrauded lu the interest of
Portland university.
The plaintill lu the suit now fecks
to recover by setting aside the deed,
because the instrument was mnde
without any advice nnd under the in
llueiice of the minister of the church
at a time immediately after the death
of Iter husband when she was of a dis
tressed state of mind.
Dully Uiianl, June '."J.
IIoatino Pautv. A company of
twelve persons, consisting of Jilisscs
Margaret McClung, Ina McClung,
Bessie Sawyers, Henderson, Kate Pat
terson, Muud W'llkins and May Pole
throp, had a pleasant boating party
on the race and river last evening. Tho
party took lunch with them and, go
ing up the race to the head, crossed
the rivvr, where they built a bond re
and remained till a late hour, spend
ing the time in dispoting of their
lunch, singing, nud other amusements.
Vullj Uuanl, Juno A'.
Thky W'ekk Rinixu A gentleman
says he met the Chapman Wethcrbce
party of this city this 'morning, and
that they were all on a wagon riding
with a farmer nnd were leading their
pack homes behind. They should
have waited till they got farther away
from Uwii to ride, as it will now be
useless for them to come back and try
to make their friends believe they
walked nil the way to Clear Lake nn'd
A Kirn Pkk Tkkk. Kosebtirg Re
view: One day recently on the Ogles
by larnijust east of Oakland, Mr Ed
Coats, the bee king, and Jell' Medlev,
found a bee tree, from which they took
over 1"0 pounds of first class honev,
and succeeded in hiving the bees. The
bi-es seemed ipuito at home in their
neiv ipiarters, and niv industriously
ct g:iged in replacing their lost stores.
Vacation in Boston. A Jackson
ville corn wHndctit writes: Mr. K. K.
Kubll, who has been a law student at
Harvard college the past two years,
has written home that he will spend
Ills vacation in a law ofllce in Boston,
and will complete the three vears'
course before returning home, kap'i
annual visit will lie very r&uch missed
by hi parents nnd the young folks of
Alum ul Itauquet. Students' Hall.
Daily Gutrd, Jiine'Jl.
The exercises of this year of the Uni
versity of Oregon closed last evening
with a grand bauquet at the dormi
tory by tlio alumni aud the student
ball In Couser's hall.
The bnnquet was prepared under
tlio direct supervision of Mrs H Munra,
who Is celebrated for her skill In pro
viding the most dainty and attractive
viands with which to satisfy the crav
ings of the Inner man. The long
tables extending lengthwise of the
dining hall had a seating capacity of
ninety persons. The tables were load
ed down with all the good things
which only Mrs Munra knows how to
prepare, and weregnily decarated with
bouquets of bright llowers. Everything
was spotlessly clean aud neut, and the
alumni of the Uulverslty of Oregon
perhaps havo never sat down to a
morelnvitlug repast than the one last
night. One of tho prettiest things
which ornamented the table was the
bill of fare which was so Ingeniously
arranged on a small fan as to make a
most beautiful souvenir of the occasion.
I'he fan was made from glazed paper,
having six shutters. It was trimmed
in the collego colors, nnd on one side
were the words: "University of Ore
gon, 1895," while ou the other side was
the bill of fare. ,
Arthur Venzle was toostmoster, nud
President Chnpman, Herbert Condon,
Koslyn McKlnley, Judge K 8 Bonn,
of Ralem, A U Spencer, C C Strong,
J KUreeufield, Judge Geo H Williams
of Portland and S 11 Friendly of Eu
gene, delivered toasts.
The gioundsadjoinlngthe uulverslty
buildings and dormitory were gaily dec
orated with Chinese lanterns and
made a very pretty sight.
Tlio studeuts ball was well attended
by about forty couples, nnd was a very
pleasant social atlair. The dance was
coutlnued until about one o'clock this
morning. Kefreshnieuts were served
at Pool's.
At the meetlngof the musical aluintii
the following ofllcers were elected for
the ensuing vear: President, Mrs It
McMurphey; vice-president, Miss Car
rie llovev; secretary nnd treasurer,
Miss (Stella Dorrls. Miss Dorris at
this meeting was formally taken iuto
tho association. The alumni now
numbers nine, nnd from now on their
exercises during commencement wee
of each year cau he counted upon as be
ing a promluent feature.
Al Kuykendnll has taken a position
in llemch way's drug store.