ttugcno City Guard (SATURDAY, JTNE 2. UHOTLD FIBST t'OUSlM'S MAltUV? The ouestion of the actual anato mical and physiological caiman of disabilities in the ollnpnng 01 nroi couuins u well worthy of tho moot thorough investigation, ays The Hospital. In a complex vita orfranium like the hutnu;i body ono need not be aurprined to find oc casionally or even frequently de par tu res from the normal standard of physical and mental perfection. Such departures will naturally vary in kind and degreo in different families. Thus one family may have defective lungs, another feeble hearts, another inactive Avers another poor eyesight, another in adequate auditory apparatus, and so on. If the members of such families are fortunate to marry persons who are free from the same class of anatomical and physiological necu liarities, such peculiarities will naturally tend to be diminished, perhaps by so much as half, in their offspring, and in the course of generations of physiologically for tunat marriages they may disap pear. Iiut if, on the other hand, persons of the same blood and family, such as first cousins, all of whom must necessarily be more or less similiar in structure and nine- tion, marry each other, then their peeuliaritcs will to rid not to be diminished, but to be increased, perhaps doubled. Ho that, taking hearing as a sonse which is some what deficient in a given family, ono would expect that two first cousins marrying, whose hearing tended to be imperfect would pro duce offspring who would be very likely to be deaf, and that not merely in old age, but in youth, or even in childhood. The same of courso is true of all sorts of phvsi cal and mental well as of hearing. If people would but boar in mind that the union ol ersons who have similiar defects, more espeuiully if they are blood relations, tends to intensify those defects, exactly as piling coal on a bright fire infallibly produces arguraented heat, they would rave themselves mueli lillr remorse, and avoid tho maledictions of a class of imperfuct human beings who not seldom curse the day they were born. OREGON HERRI KH IX THE EAST, 1). II. Stearns writes from Min neapolis that tho strawberries re ceived there from Oregon in car lots are in much belter condition than thoso in that market from Wiscon sin, that did not come one-fourtli the distance. He says: "Oregon folks have got to put fruit into this market in quantities that will insure use and sale at prices they can afford. They sell here at 20o a box, and in Oregon eight boxes for 25c, and there is no use for that, is they can be put here at 3o a box, and if sold at 10 to 12 jo they will sell in ten times the quantity they uo now, ana tuo Oregon growers make a good profit. The Omaha World-Herald of June 'id savs: "Fourteen carloads of strawberries was the supply for the Omaha and local appetite last week. I he next largo supply is from Oregon and though these will bring 93 a case, instead of if 2 to 12,50, tho Oregon fruit is so lurje and delicious that no trouble is ex pected in realizing the advance From Trent. T)r, Thompson am) wifu, ut Silver Iike, are visiting in our neighborhood. Mrs. Iluriwr and Maud, have re turned from J'.iMtern Oregon. Master Oren Davla, of Pleasant Hill, was wllli tu.Sunduy. Hylvia Collmau is vUltlng ut L A Whauler'a this week. Koine time ago Juiue I'llzcr sued his father fur two and one half years labor, in the circuit court. The chhu wan withdrawn and the purllua agreed te arbitrate, which waa done laxt Mon day. Arbitrators: H M Titus, of Eu- Kene, Jexfle Cox, Gotthen, and Walker Voung. Kluaey of Etigwnt) appeared for plaintiff and tJew A Dorrls for de fendant. Hvvvral wlthtHt were ex amlned. A verdict or only .J2 was given pluintill. Ot'orire Kinney says a man cannot make an honi-at living for hi family and work for 60 cents r day. James Tucker was In ourmldnt Mon day C'blttoHl bark is the standard cola nowadays. H A Wheeler Is clerking In his fato er'attore this week. His father has bain sick for several duys and thought that vlidtlng In different parts of the country would help him. His wife accompanied him. E CKiuith, ono oftue leading gro- ceryuien f Eugene, was In this place on huxineM Monday. He Is agent for the Military Itoad lands and was look Inr after the interetttof the company Dan Linton and Cieo A Dorris went up the river Hading laat Monday There Is no uw for any one elms to go this season for they will catch them all. They had Dan aloae to do the wading. Mr. B locum. Tuurstou Items. A Free Methodist camp iiiuctlnir will at-Kin at this place ou July -nu. Mr and Mm Filth, who have been attending the camp inex-tlng near Ir ving?, relumed lioiiio Mouday ovanlnif may report Having had a very enjoy aoio lime. Mrs Andrew and daughter, of Tl.urnton, have been vlaltlng relative at Irving for the mt wuek. Dr It F Huaaoll received a letter fiom It F Howell Jr. dated at I'lineville Juno lUlh, atatlng. that ho and hla lirother-ln-law, (Irant lUiiililikn. had reaehad their destination aafely. Tho Thuroloii brana hand lift bee oiiKagnd to play at Waltervllle, July 4tn. A uraiid time la anticipaieil Itoiw Matliewd, of I'leanalit Hill, III company with four other yotitiir irun tleiiien, inatle a Hying trip to Thornton lasiruuuay aiieruoon I'haa Donaldson, Minn Iteim Vanuhaa and HUH Maud Daily, of DavlH, at' landed tba H. tj. eoaveution at I'nltv laat aJunduy. About 200 deleiratea were pruavni. I.axt Sunday evauiuir aa Mr. (ieo, Milan slid family were returalnir home from Waltervltle, their home became untiiauairt'ahlu and began kleklna lurlouHly. Mr. Milan Jtiuicd out of ma I'UL'iry huh uxaiMicu hla wire and child to alight. Tlie home got away ami ran about a mile before bulnir eaiiKlil. I lie otiKKy wa coimitlwrubly lilackberriea are reportod a short crop. The strawberry season will doubtless therefore, be extended, and Omaha dealers think they can handle a carload a day as long as they can get the shipmonts. The not increaso of receipts at the postoflicos throughout the country during tho year ending March 31, was fl,74,J,J.W. Una is shown in the annual read juslment of presidential post masters salaries made public on the 19th. The changes take effect July 1. I he total number of presi denlial offices is 3401$. The salar ies of 1057 are increased and 303 de creased. The gross increase in tho receipts was $1,894,05)2, and the gross decrease 9154,135). Kight states report a decrease, and practi cally all of these are in the West. Com ri.i m knta h v. Tho 1'ortlaad Hun oorrxin(lent hit this to nay of the new regenta of t dentate university: "Mr Wurgla, of raudlutnn, the new regent, made a moat pleasant and fav orable Impn-Haloii during hi viait to Eugene laat week. It la sincerely hoWil thai he will reueat It. The uulveraltv la Indeed fortunate in tha aeleetion of twoaiich able men aa Mr. Friendly and Mr. Bturgls to nerve ou Its board.1' belly uuard, Juu 'J7. l'.NAIII.TOtlK-r IHII..-H P Have bound ovar lor the erlma ef Ineiat, waa unable to get hall at Junction City, and waa brought hereon laat nlght'a overland tralu by lHputy Cou ntable Klsoenger and cvuiuilited to the county Jail. Pally liu-id, Jun Ilk-IMKTKD Wohhk. llrakeman lw 11 u If who was hurt in tho tralu wiaek at Kloe Hill yeattrday, la niiul wore tixlav. Hia aplno was wrenched in the wreck. Cjmttkm llAKK. V Handera waiila all the chlttem hark m the oounly. He will pny the hlghoat market prl.v. Iteiueuiber this and briug your bark to him. Read It. lie aure and read F E Dunn's new ad. In today's (Ut a ki. You will make money by so doing. damaged, but the occupant only re ceived aught injuries. Dr. ItilNaell has linprovad the looks or his realdonue eonxiderahly tiy add! tions la tho shaiie of two bay wlmlows porohea, largo kitchen, two eoata of paint, etc. l no Doctor eolora uro red, while and blue." JH'CUKYK, The Oregon 1'ress Aaeoclatlou. The FvHsil Journal gives the follow lug as a part of tha program: Tho committee having In charge the matter of arrangementa for the annual meeting of tha Oregon I'reaa Annoela- tlon, have returned from Newport, where they succeeded In getting tho beat iHnwlhlo teruia from hotela and rallruada for tho editors and their fam lllea who areexpe'tud to attend the an nual meeting, which they have ael to commence Saturday evening, Julv 20. It la exiiectrd to organize Saturday evening, aiicud iiutulav In religloua oxetelMtt and la) ready for aueular buai nesa Monday. Tho following la the program for Sunday: 11 a. in., Herman by Sve'y. To.ler from the text, "And Jacob UiBwd ltaehel and lifted up hla voice and wept." In which the aecr- tary will give a lucid explanation of jaooo a MTiormance, ami pr'enl ma two theorlea, showing why Jacob wept wneu caned uixin 10 pertonn wnat sir. Toiler hlinwlf haa alwava connlderid a pleasant duty. Hia tirat theory ia that ltaehel, In her eagerneaa, mint have bitten Ja-oh'a hp; hla aecoud, that tho fair damsel had la-en eating onlona. 7 p. m. ltehato, "IHm the Itltile prohthlt the wearing of bloom erV" Alllrmallve, t'haa. Mckel; Nag atlve. Ira CampUll. Hrva. J. H. N liell, and Ed. 'Ihorp, w ill ofiWIate aa umpire and referee resmvtlvelv. At intervals during the delude naered aoloa will be aweotly sung lv l.eo l'etenon and at tha close a silver collection will be taken up by Alvah W. Patterson. rEI.EItK.Tlo5lT FA I It MO IN I'. July 4th Yiil be Oramlly lirated. t'ele. CKHl'KHS. rrokldent of the dav. MraS F. Mo Allater; Marahala l the dav, Mra -Mary fclearnes, Mlsa (lussleChanmau. MInn Levlnn Yeagei ; Chaplain, Mia. Mark Hid Icy; Orator, Mra A E Evaua: teatler, Catlierine C lggswell. I'KlHIKAMMKi Miule by the band: Praver bv the Chaplain; Nong by the children, "lied, White and lllue;" Heading IHsluni Ion of ItideiKindeuce; Music: Oration: Song, "America," by the audience; Dinner. aktkhxoon: Music, HtH'itatlon, Toast a and re- npnuaiw; Music; Hesitation by Miu lla .Mummy; Song; Miscellaneous sHirta. SlRAVKl on Srol.KX. On larue nil and w hite spotted milch cow. low er aide of U ft are notched, lost use of one ninu leal; wnen last aeen bad a roive baud around the neck with awival attached. A reasonable reward for any Information leading to her recov ery. 1 11411 1 re at thla ollUe. Wll.1. 1'UidK AT H. All the Imsluce houses, except the grocery ston-s. have auneti an agitvmeni 10 eloae their r secllve plaoca of buslnesa atSo'eloek p. m. during the summer, tOM3H.SSIO.tlW COl'UT. A J Johnson, sheriff, notified the court that ho had apHlutcd tho fol lowing persona deputy sheriU'a for Lane county, Orogoii: w 11 1'arsons, B pool II ltd to reuse July 1 18U5; A M Huaiow and it 11 Dyoti until re culled At this time the court considered and allowed the following billaund the clerk ordered to draw warrants ou tho general fund iu payment thcrecf: Grilllu Hardware Company, fer - ry supplies $ 4 00 Duvld Potter, ferry supplies X t,0 W E Fisk, ferry work 1 W Frank i't, ' 3 VI J T Deadmond " 8 00 i; F Chapman, lumber for houie 19 iH Gn road fund: J H Martin, bridge work ou Mid dle Fork of Willamette 6 C5 L Simons, roads, claimed t'J, allowed 0 00 J J Jones, lumber claimed $--'.17, allowed 11) 00 Elmiia Mill Co, lumber 12 00 John Addison, " lij 00 J II Whiteaker " 8 00 T Hlchardson, broken plow points 1 80 J M Kerkhhire, repair road tools, tl.OO; continued. Jamea W Hust, blasting Low rasa road, fltl.oO; coutiuued. 1 From general fund: F L Chalmers, lulscellaueoua hardware 39 00 E 8 Holhnger, fare of blind child Salem to Cottage Grove 1 W A 11 Chllaon, hauling gravol, II, Hcraia-ra tH cents, wad for puu per, o fl 20 I) H Hyiund, deputy asw-saor... 07 W A E Wheeler, J 1' fees, Stale va Matlock. Klucald and Kirk burgh, claimed 1 13.11, allowed 10 30 D V S Held, witness fees State Va Mutlock. Klueuld and Kirk burgli, claimed f 1.70, allowed 1 CO Henry Jones, witness fees Stats vs Matlock, Klncuid and Kirk burgh, claimed $1.70, allowed.. 1 CO Walter Amis, wituesa fee State va Mullock, Klncuid and Kirk burgh, claimed f 1.70, allowed 1 CO William Jones, witness fees State vs Matlock, Klucuidaud Kirk burgh, claimed 11.70. allowed 1 CO John Jones, witness fees State va Matlock, Klucald nod Klrk burgh. claimed (1.70, allowed 1 CO J C Hanan, witness fees State vs Matlock, Klncuid and Klrk burgh 'claimed 11.70, allowed ICO C M Smith, juror, State vs Mat- look. Klucald and Klrkhureh 1 00 II M Hellonlieck, Juror, State va ' .Mullock, Klncuid and Kirk Tan Slioes -AND Lai ics Ox fords It Will Pay- Will Bo Closed Out AT COST. If you want hoes at your own nncea now 1.4 the tune to buy. They aro going fast YORAN & SON, Exclusive Shoe Dealers, 1 00 1 00 burgh W E llrown, Juror State va Mat lock, Klncuid and Kirkburglt C A Davis, Juror, State vs Mut- iih-k, Kincahi and Kirkbuigii 1 uo D M Drake, Juror Stale va Mul lock, Klucald and Klrkhurgli 1 00 P J Mcl'herson, Juror Stale vs Matlock. Klucald and Kirk- burgh 1 00 John M Williams, deputy prose cuting attorney, state vs Mat' loek, Klueuld and Kirkburah 6 00 I T Kuwlund, deputy aherlll 2 CO u 111 11 1 'arsons, (lemitv aherlll 0 Virgil Rowland, deputy sherirl. claimed 110, allowed 8 75 Ihas iiustlu, transcript of Held notes and surveyor gener al or general certificate 7 75 ibglster, printing 4) 05 Ed Howe, nieais foriurv U 00 1, a m erlon, glass and glazing, It. panes a L(l ihomus llrown, repairing chairs 1! OU A u Jluvvy, house relit for pail iters 2 CO I'. II Ingham, piuiist supplies.... 0 01) '1 Campbell, rebate on slierlira cert illcatea 011 tux sale 2-lti, l.V.13 on lota 1, 2, H.neo 7, tp 17,s, r 10 w. I.t.t W 1 t amplH-ll.rehateon tax re ceipt No 1'jy.-,, Murclt 2, 1SH4 on lota 13 and 14 s e tl, lot 2, 7. In 17 a. r3w 1 Truax A Truax, tools for ferry 1 75 a. r. v neeier, insure or the tieacn. state v Ilariv Franco... II J Day, uetiug constable, atatu va Uurry truuee, cluiiiiedfti.40, allowed G II StuiiNbury, wituesa state va Harry trance, claimed f 1.70 allowed Virgil Ko win ml, wit nesa state va Jlarry hrauce, clalinod 1.70 allowed M Williams, deputy district uttorney, state va tiarry Franco M Williams, deputy district attorney, state va Sam Dyna mite, claimed f-VOO, allowed... E Wheeler, Justice of the peace, atato vsSaui Dvnamite.. A E Wheuler.l lustlce of the Deace. atnta vs Lew U'ur.l ( 11 1 Til Linton, constable, state vs i.ew urn vt ai Enoa Mcl'licraon. coroner's In- ipicst, witness, Norman Lewis, claimed f 1.70; ullowed Joseph Koch, coroner's Iuo.ucnI, witness, Norman E. Lewis, claimed fl.7; allowed W 11 Hawley, deputy uec8sor, 'i days at I -'.50 per day CO 00 1'aul lladlay, deputy aasvaeor. IS days at J.Cl) per day 45 00 W Wilson, deputy assessor, IS days ut $2.C0 per day 32,50 J H Yates, deputy assessor. 01 days at f2.50 ht day 10 25 11 F Keeney, deputy assessor, 28 days at $2.50 per day 70 00 CJ Iodd, deputy uasessor. 35 days at f 2.50 per day 87 50 Geo W Kings, deputy assessor, 18 days at f2 50 per day 43 00 F Calliaou, deputy aascasor, 17J days at 2.50 lair dav 4:t 75 ltlt Klucald, printing 13 IK) Ell Hangs, teams for ceuiitv court I L Cumpla.'ll, printing M I'olller toad Kil .... W E ltiowu. viewer, county road 131, 2 days and 10 miles 0 04 0 55 4 CO 1 CO 1 CO 5 00 2 CO 2 SO 5 CO 7 40 1 CO 1 CO county surveyor. 4 50 50 70 13 00 5 00 Dav dt Hendersoni Unriertakers am? mbalmers. Cor Wil, and th sts. Mideatlc Steel Kallc, No. 8 Cix.k Stove No. 8 Wash Holler 1 Glaas Lined Oil Can.... 1 do. 0 it. milk pans.... I & ol. slew pan I Hour sifter 1 wash basin 1 IHsh pan , 1 10it. milk pail 1 12 ot. milk pail I entice iat , 1 tea H1 1 set kiiivca A forks I large hread knlte 1 handled uiau'a axe....... I long handled shovel Wlif nalls-lluse Gllddt-n Itarb Wire AT $42.00 .00 .35 .85 .15 .10 .05 .20 .15 .20 .15 .15 .50 .15 .75 .50 2.S5 3.00 It's An Ill-Wind that Blows Nobody Good This Is an old saying, but a true one. And never so true aa now. Where for merly you had to pay $5.00 for a fine quality, all wool child's suit, you can now buy from us the same suit, with extra pants, a cap to match and extra buttons all for a single $2.50 to $5.00, The Stuuley Combination tills Ja long Tell wuut. Us a product or the times. We have these complete outfits, ages 4 to 15 years, lu prices ranging from $2.G0 to to.uo per suit, uud they are the best things for the money you ever saw. For sale only by 1. Fk an k A Koxs, -BELKNAP- Hot Medical Springs. I'tiMirpasnil six) wonderfully efllcacloii la Curing Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, Liver and Kid nej Complaints, Catarrh, Dropsy, La orippe, rrivaie uiseases, 1, ttc. Jtotarjd ;old, 5team, Electric agd Srpouer Batr;$. A FINE : SWIMMING RINK. Free Pasture for Horses. All kinds of iismc atsiuml. TIik rli,r" imn. Willi salmon, luhilsiw ail Kix--klpl trout. MilKH eaves hotels III Kllui-nn (or Hi.lknan Kprtna. MoniUyn, Wislnewtaya ami Fridays In Vou whtu in want of anyim" iu the hue or Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Combs, Brushes, Syringes, and Rubber Goods generally, rii ril.l. - VERIHGTOrS NINTH STREET DRUG STORE, CONSI H IJI.OCK, tL'OliNE, V011 rsn save moiief ou family ami I""" pri-arrli-iion. Our i oailllaa l'wa-rra r llu-l-ai M i alio, i cciila; lliree lor l.i'. We This 0 To (.'LfcAN ill) our Entire Line of Novelty Suitings. FOR YOUR. A POSITIVE BARGAIN 600 yards English Mixed Suiting The Line is Limited, Garden, and Ttfe therefore sttgg est your earliest at Field Seed, . :n , at' Gla3Bware, icuwuu u &wuo iu De Crockery, qulCKlV ClOSea OUt. display. Send for samples, WE PAKE A SPECIALTY of LACES, KID GLOVES anil EMBROIDER Farm, nrnrfiries. v?1" I bee wmow W IIIIIW IH1D. I :-GO TO-: 6. C. G9LLWTU & CI. Highest marktt pric paleJ for ceuntry roduce. H. N. CRAIN. Watclics, Clocks. .BsasMa a 1 a 1 a Joeiry, sptUIAL oALt UN dHUtS.I SWj anJ Silver-plated Win. T - Good Heavy Tap Solo Plow Shoo, $1.23. Ladies' Pat Tip Shoe : 1.25. Heavy Shoe for Ladies 1.15. Misses Shoes 85c, (J0c, $1.00, 1.25. Iiaby Shoes 2.5c, 3.5c, 40c, 50c. Men's Veal Calf Shoes 1.50. Men's Kang, tap solo (best on earth) 1.25. A Shoe that will wear 1 year(good calf) 2.00. All Departments Reduced to Clear Stoc ror ran. F. E. DUNN. ftaTWatch Impairing a r?idalty.-T&l EUQENU, OrBOON KITSON Hot jyiedieal Springs. Wonderful Cure of Most All Kinds of Dis eases Pertaining to the Hunan Bod). All kinds ol hatha Only $1 Per Week, and Kit EK homes on tho grouuda to camp Iu. Slop only one nltilit on the mad, at Lowoll. Ai'coiuiiiouauons luruianru uj -A. D. Hyland Hotel nvar the Sprliitia, and Free Hack mil to the Springs Night and Morning. Snmiliea ol all kinds will ho furnished br the MUKe unver. C(irn'iini(li'iU'L' will receive prompt atten uon. AUureas, G. M. BLACKBURN, Lowell, Oregon. KSTAHI.lt1 II EO lxVJ.) F. H. HAMMER, IF THE ? IS $ YOU ARE AFTER, AND Full value for your money, we can lie relied and depend, l 11 mii every time. We cluliu tottt-llyou nt our 'slitb-libliiiient The Very Best Goods At tlie Lowest Prices,- And to make each purchase a bargaiu in every ii.rnnin ol tlie word. J. D. MATLOCK & CO., Dry Goods. Clothino. Hats and Cans. Boots ni i!):t: th- moriiliiv, maklnii the spnngn In one da viveiironipt attention. OM itANDKK, CorreaiHiuduneo will ree Aimreaa, A. I Itilkuap Hprlngs, l-ane t o., Uregon. t)K)) WllKAT. IWll Mulkev lirotiaht Into town from big fiirin be low Irving a few duya iiHH a biinrh of White Wlvttt wlnlor wheat which meiiaurea U fevt hiuI 8 Inehea In heliMit. HihhI wheat, uud atill growing. CllllTKM Il.vitK. W Sanders want all the chitloni hark In the eountv. He will pay tlio hiuhteHt market price. Keniember thU and bring your hark to him. '.M.'i and 217 Darts St., cor. Commercial, San Francisco, Cal. We y the highest market price (or Wheat, Barley, Oats, Potatoes, Apples, Poultry, Hides, Wool, t YOUR ATTENTION la called to our large and eompleto line ol READY-MADE CLOTHING ol all the latest pattern!. We are also prepared to take your measure for a suit madel order. A perfect fit guaranteed. f-5EE OUR URGE LINE OF SaMPLES. HOWE& RICE. -AND- GENERAL PRODUCE. It will par Ton to write us and keen rmnted. Liberal advauees made ou consignments. Mpmhpr' jSHI fanelx'o Produce Fn-lmnge. ' (.-an rraucisco rruii uxenange. nFRUIT TREES.r II T"W want to plant fruit trees this fall, you can save 114 per ceut. on your order by purchas ing inini inu Willamette Valley Nursery Co., Of WOOIiBl'RN, (IKEUON. IV-SEND FOR PRICE LIST. Stage Line to Kitson Springs. We will commence running a Blase Hue to these celebrated uprlugs from, EUGENE, June lOth. The stage will leave Hotel Ktigene on Monday and Thursdays at 6 o'eloek a. m., returnine; the follow ing Wednesdays and Saturday at 6 p. in Every attention will be clventothe comfort of pause n go rn. Round-Trip Tickets, $7. Clark & Blackburn B. 1). Norton, Q. W. KlMSIT Coin mere lal taliT. oitice In Harris' Block, and Probate Buslnesa a 8peo- (tUU a, J f iTTi I'fl r ATi w w rrr m U a 10. row a case it ivii l not cur 1 S A Y L ) A V S X I H Norton & KinSey, s I must raise a certain amount of Cash within a limits! tune, I will for the purpose of raising this monev, oner my entire stock ot merchandise .consistingof Dress Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Laces Embroidery, m i tt-i; t- i " Aruujvs, v tuises, j-iaaies and Gents' Underwear, r ik .... in tact every article in my store at Cost for Cash for GO ilavs. rotntiiMi(MnT S A IiIJI) Y TlTvp o.) . 4p SgTPenble IatbHto anrt Krinm Toirm. l aro some of the many bargains in store for vou: i&iSF&lU'u' pom or Menneraon v I. Inn. bUEKlFt-ri f ALU O.N HJKKClOal UK liririll KIVPIl mil ni win,i A( an eieeutiou duly Unifd out l the Circuit t ourt ot the Mate ol on-aou lor the count; of Laneou tha .'tthdaT of June, IWi, on a iiiiluuieiit ian dered t said Court on the loin day of June, dollars, with lnure.t thei-ou from the aid loirs day ol June. 1WI.S. at the eeui r annum, and sixty.rlTe ";'""' J' n the further 5 n . e. R 1 nd t,,'ll hundtwlths i h..i... , : , V.'"'.' -ia i..,, .7 u ..' "ainun ana it j uy and Julia May, his wife, were defendant., and i.T ,; '" leuuaiii. ii j ;iay ami Julia Hay, nis wife, and nn a iiup.u. ..t r.....i -- ... ...,T-viiFnrv an, urueroiaaie rendered In said suit, oimmsnd. J i UMr Md judanient and cost, and aivrohiB v i, u, .l the loll, .wins dewrllx-d re, piuperiT. tru tt r L.,1 N j i.. hllM-lr V.b la. L . I. I...- ... . . ' - ...,.-,ua. atuutioil in Kit... LAKi !iTHLis?0:iipl.f arethao'lniJanJ only 1 . ' ". liahlaop-. on tie mark 4 " avuL Uenuine sold ouli It' OHBCRN A DKI.ANO 1) ntl ,Ml " agauu, Euiieue, tireK u. !W in. All Wool Sorire, SO, r'f price Otic Htl In. all wool (.'HHhmere. 87e. " 6.c 8S III. all wool assorted, 6tc, " Sic Stl lu. all wool iiIiiIiIm, 36 and otV', ri'g price fii) and S5c 30 In. Scotch Suiting, 2Sc, reg price 45c 30 iu. mixed Caahmere, 19c, " 27c 84 iu. novelty euitimr, ISc " ic 34 In. gtay mixed, lc, " 125c A B C Si.lcn.iM e." ' " . ';, lgn,lncl.a, l' f 1 . 1,... .MiwK-lal or K'ii. ' vi- iiiAtifliu, (ot. ;.i-.t J i A' tfli.. All. ei:i- '" j , oni olnr i". ' THE 3WLD ClUWS'-l.'i 15l8.Wsf:j,':-i,. Bold by alt DniKituu. t. 1 H!3 V. PE1 as a (WBl'RN A PKl ANO, gents, Eugene Oregon. prUk'Hl"" e I'd .. . Si" 1 '''' vft These gooda will be aold IlpQirillcss of I'ost. shoe iJsi-A.itTivi3aiar,x. I.adica Heavy Slu-. .. tnr f 1.50 1iiii, put. t,,'. Our 1 7"i Kid, put tip.. Our 2 . Ml Kid, tutt tip.. Our 8.00 Kid, pat tip... Our S.50 Kid, pat tip.. Our 2.50 Tan lilucher... for , ,f .1C .. 1.1-5 . 1.35 . l.M . l.3 . 2.fij . I. 'JO Miia' B rowans Our (1.50 heavy ahae Our 1.5o button, ciingTvax, bala.'. Our 1.75 calf, congrvaa, Our 3.00 calf, cmiKreas, Ula Our 3.50 Una coii(rr, bala... Our 2.50 Uu rusa calf. .11.00 . 1.15 . 1.15 . 1.4-5 . 2.35 . 2.0.1 . 1.(35 tt8.B.H'S::'2 r-: "i i ia anltl under p,..n,io n authnrii'-d kcciiIk ', Lorn of Hrain ami N.-n Qiiirkniwas NiKht l.i ' ( on till en re: Nerr, 'i.u v -l Loaaof Powerof t'l 't:V e: sot. eaunod liyosrir-eri'r"" KioeasiTe Vtf vt lolv,-,' and ltnatl-. ItT ir i:. ? l a 1 r.tfan n inmtfK.t, tlTsr fills cure Hl.k ."""'h fvri,i ConaUpation. OUAU..M - Osburn .1 DeUno. , utl.Wj (Ipi.irn '.-iin,ni .CO.. -.-in.: vmirr.TO iHtDii-- Notice ia h-rel'y ni-o ,1'',liJ llHllpv naa neen uini i lao will not allow ma M nuotn further nrleea. Hri.rx- x-. tl.ns, Outing Flannel. Clif.Mualiu, tiingham, and in factiv.rj arUcle iu niy tore will bv sold al eoeU e, i Griffin Hardware Co. I A. V. PETERS. ,e eiMiniy, state ol , r,' i win oner lir n e ,1 r..l auetlo,! for e-h at - he ourt huw d'lor I i l- n artie. I.ane eonni rv...... v, V'.J : day of July I.., belwe.-n the hour of s WcUick a m and 4 o'clock n mi.. ,, .. .. i "K bldd.. ' ""faiei Slieriffol Lane County, Oregon. . r .I.J ..i.i., f J. Im HhiU tin huh 1 bifiuw rlaitna au ' 1 '"' ,r i -irl-hb) i.iin.d l I'"-''' 1t0 1 p .i . ,i nft.ea of " .i: P M' null B v .11 Bu theft f .re ria in r'.eBi ne, Oregon. ,tsTl from the date ol Ihia doiu"-' aa-y voachen . Ca ad May 2otb, 1o3j. g up, Euzabiti i(iltrtf. Qio. P.- Domau, Ally for citala.