AN ELECTROSTATIC PAIR, n....,v.d this M1honle "',n T il ' hrf. Pl.t, J, nmi-'ncllwd and polarised Al niilliuiiiperlc n,, n !, lie expressed onm A..'" o'"" '" , V"" TV In vMi" rir-toD nd dvusrno Of Or "Jrnnt mid ro Hunt snd bolts ui.1 he "By the rent broken circuit. , r ,,, by the Kuhi..k..r(t coll. yu; negative ""W" '' dr1 T." To subway ndcr Wit a "I"" Inductlw affection, i"ih hv" hml I'm fn' "'" wm' hv rV.u,"lt'4 In favor f some other lad.' Tll,n n pn t. Ilk a galvanometer or an oxUitic mkIIo, It smote her, And lw said. "of 1 lmvo A tr,," " " Kd"lon muUT. tio he onrtl the clnult and clasped ber In nu tur will hfld her there, An, ,h. ni I he bell electric ., n,i. tl.crii.o electric pair. Hardware, HEIl LIEUT'EXAXT. i- Weaterfleld hurried from Tad- i in si 'i i ioii and in (uartr of un hour 1 s ..t home. i "Mvdiar Arthurl" Mclalmed Mra. Wea- jfia. She put down lier en and d rou nd tli' bloitnm pml luwtily over mine writ. H l c-xiMe-t you until tomorrow." tt'estrrlli'ld HtiMiH-d and klnaed hi wife. -I'll Kn Imck if you like, sweet." u.lliil her sweet because lier name was F,Ilir.mde. Hide he waaqulte a young lUstMllll. "I I.S.I all ellKaueiliri.i n.r i.miikiii, m. I Jlhoiiwlil full)'- I had better put It off." "vtatHll. I shall iHioutat that lecture." -i;,sj.l'" with an air of relief. "Wbat'a! our buok tlieref Ut me look at It." "Hrtter not. dear. I ouly boutjlit it just 10 kill time." "Sounds likea criminal oflenae." "To rvd many of these tiling"." said 'etrrhVld. takinuaway the French novel. Jbonestyor sincerity In the world; that , "iUh'et vauue Imprewtlon that 1 1) ere li ,v,n boiwiiold Is a liieuiiKe a trobt." " know what you mean. My new book will bve nothiiiK of that III it." "If It reflects the pniprietlea," remarked Wrtrrllelil. "people will think that a man bat writien it." "I can't help wishing I had knocked about more," mid Sir Westerlleld thouKbtfully "Knocked whoaljoutf" "Tiirre are such a lot of situation In life that I have never experienced. Now, a limn onrunalout and go just where be pleases." "I'm afraid it can't be remedied, dear," bf said "Tlmt's Jut why I'm Kruniblln. I've been down iu the east end while you have brenaunr." "Nut alor.e. I lioie t" "Oh, no, dear. No. Not alone," Mrs. We IrrHelil liuubcd. "I bad some one to ao ainiuuir inc.'' "I'm t;!ni! of that Vou can't be too care ful." "That '4 what I thnuubt. Did your speech I lie congress? I bouKbtup ill the papers that bad reHirta alwut it. It irriut to me, mister, that if I dou't biiHtlt you'll p t more talked about than I." "I like to keep as near you as I cau, dear." "I'uliatid me, sir, as you value your liful" At which challenge Westerlleld of course nine from the other side of the table and kiwed brrnuain ... .;. ....... ..i. ..ii ..-.,. v..s.n..i.i t. uis ii-tiiiimimvi, Tint,,,, e..t round to the Hoyal Institution after d.nuerwiiliont asking Krn.yutrude about bfrauHjmtmeiit. The Ireturer did not ap- I ,r l h. ha-k ( t.l.ln..f I bin sludy nas a can! "I am koiiik lo Hammersmith with Lieu trnaut Kiiicliaui. Hack late." Ur Westerlleld went on with the novel. At iae 117 be suddenly stopped. "n bo the devil is Lieutenant Kiucbamf" be cried. There was no one In the room' to auswer. H( pressed the belL "Muria!" "Ves, sir." "l)o you know" he picked up the card "do you know any one uamed l.ieuleuaut Finchamf" .Maria repressed a broad smile with difD culty "Ub, yes, sir," Maria Killed, aud coiiglied little to pass It off. " Ves, sir, quit welt Called here twoor three times aiuce you've oeen sway " "To see your mistress f" "Ves, ir They bad diuner together one feuinu. Seemed very thick with each other, they did. And one night a Captain Somebody called as well, and you should 'ard them two carry on." "U-is Lieutenant Kiiicham youngf" "Mejiim age, sir. Not what I should call "actly goixi looking, and, on the other ad, not bad. Of course some of 'em iu Jli army, as cook says, are perfect bird frighleiiers. Cook used to have a young man iu (he grenadiers, and he told cook a rr Juke alsjut one of 'em. It appears"- "lou needn't wait, Maria." He spoke llh such unexpected decision that the "id quite started. "If your mistresscomes .ali her to wait for me." Very good, sir." "One moment, Maria. Do you happen kuow to what address your mistress has gone?" ;h, yes, sir. I know." bive it to meat ouce," be said sternly. Lome, uow, let me have no prevarica ,lon. This is a matter of nearly life and ileal h," "tiaw bless my soull" suid Maria, with a fwriiseil. Hurried manner. "Kaucy ll com m to this;" "Give ue the address, I say." Mana gave the add ress, and Dr. Wesler " look it down. The maid fetched his d hut, "l am giug out, Carey." Dr. Wester S, u Mopped at the door by a friend Jm Just olf to Hammersmith to make "N" inquiries." "''II come with you." said Mr. Carey v. only j,lst flllsuej work Ht the 1Vm ' "d I was calling t0 ask when you '(."."Pwl borne. I know Mrs. West, ny " 8carccy ttnyody wufe you or Scarcely anybcxly." I like.1 her book," went on Mr ?,r' "svhat will the next be likef" terfl n"s'ht t0 very lively," said Win to . c"1,lly be could. "She seems tuklllU lot of trouble over It." "'""'Kin sight of his reflection In a ml r the hall. We are not all of a millla i P!V(1Hr"". nd it occurred swiftly to eitiii 1 tiult he Possessed distinctly a "'"'an y. of features. tile hnntim n 4 i tT Jb way Westerfleld thought out the Perch to be addressed to bis errant ifs. ife has gone out." said WesKrfleld, '""pit over the s "loess, and"- on some ""he Is a deuce of a one to work," said ir. I arv .i ... ... varev. "I . i.... -i.. . - -- .,,,,: in rt ur. -- "mined trie on certain points of law, and ''nd at tb end that 1 had told ber rly all I knew." The Information Is sure to be useful to ,V tiJl1 he other grimly. "I want to tioo r """""'luis. If you want a scarn- tbont ? TUr Wif' bow wouW yoU "A ! Ln.i.:. " M""ii"i, imiiu i v-nu i( ... not married," said Mr. Carey, --.n st the whit ash of bis cigar, "there U? "it, for m. to get a 1 a ' .. . 1 . .mniertlat. 1- . a otne luinatleiici. "I mean any Imtlr H'pi-ii.i w.,,M,ollrt rlil nf my partner 'MM. lion, word for onl. t,t Ve.ieril,ld tsked me lint long since." "A very mil Ural Inoul ,,,, ... ' J "rt I'lll, Hut Hlmt In the world canyon ant to know ll fori Wre uol wntii, romance sre your" No. There's uo n.n.nnce on n,v nidc of the game. Carey. M ,n-(t.I earnest " "I I ml n row " "Not yet. Going to have one, though " t '.Nonsense!'' cried Mr. Carey Joyously. 1 II Oct you a halt sovereign j,,ii iloii't." "I haven't hml a lct since I left school " Mill Westerlleld, "but 1 11 tke Hint." ' "With young married eopc," said Mr Curvy wisely, "it Q so easy fr itt, c put to errata a great dial of trouble Now. If there's hii tliiiiK of t bat kind. csterfleld, take my advice and give way " "I'll give anything ele." wild Wester field, "but I'll be liHiigcd if I'll give way." "There' no question of hanging," said Mr. Carey. "It's not a capital offense. All you've got to do U to use savolr faire.1' "Here she Is." cried Wenieril.-M . HI" youim wife, warmly wrapiml lu fu, wan liiirrylnx aloiui. she did not look Hide, Hhedld not eveu ulanoeat the linliteil Uil.op window. "U-t ii h Kt-t out," said Mr. Carey, pultiiiK inn ui.iort'iia up. "Ami nillid, WiMitIIi-M, no unnecessary iionneuw. I want lo win ,bl lm" HovereiKii." . , I'IHI1 i'sterfl.1,1 to see Low calmly b " Wif ""'I"' ""ir "Uilili-n apiK-anuire. 1 want to m-t Home ciirars." suid il, adroit Mr. Carey "Vou two o on. I shall catch you tip." The two tall youim ople walked on side by side. The bustle of hussen and passiiiK trullic made a serious scene out of the (men tion. I'm Kind you bnvecoiue down, Arthur," I ..l.l l.l..l.l 1 ....1 ome one. but but ther ali.ln't Inrn m. ut . ' "tr tue 1,m ' Anylioilj I knowf Uu- "- tli. dear, na I sliouliln't care would lie a terrible aruumeiit." "That is quite likely," be mild. "I am afraid there must lie some argument a it la. I stronitly object, Krmyiitrudc I very ftlronjjly object to tliese excursion! of )ount. They are not seemly, they are not discreet. ",re."."t"- Hut I don't go alone," she urged. ' "I am afraid," he answered decidedly, "that that does not improve the ascct, so far as I am concerned." "My dear Arthur," she said, "you must ' pleasesllow me some llbertv." ' "I think," he replied stitliy. "that 1 had i better give yon all that you want." j "That's what I mean," said Mrs. Wester field, with eagerness. "Kor instance, take 1 Lieutenant Kinchiim." "I will leave that for you to do." "Don't be alisiird, dear. Now, there's a 1 case where by a little assistance I have been able to get capital stuff for my book." j "HeallyV Arthur Westerlleld laughed j wildly. "Of course anything is Justillcd j so long as you get 'copy' out of it." "Almost anything, dear," she corrected hi in sedately. "One lias, of course, to draw I the line somewhere." ; "Is there any necessity for that? It seems : to me" "Now, Just look here." There was a group rouud a lampost. A ! red banner with lettering upon it stood be- mini a semicircle oi unuoruieu men ami wouieu. A woman was sinaking breath lessly with no stops. "Ho yes my friends come tonight do not delay. I know you're all black hearted 1 sinners" I " 'Kre," said the crowd rciiionstrntivelr, "cheese it." i , , .,, ... ,,, , , kl lo. yo". . (S,,lll '" ,h "n, h gh pitched voice The shaker pulled her . """'" , one large fm.t determlueilly.) "Ho yes you are all black come and be washed come and Is? made whiter than snow once I wus a sinner like yourselves aud I went lo tliea 1 ten I did and I used to go to dawuees" ! "1 want to sH-ak lo her," said Mrs. Wes , terllel.l, "as sixju as she has finished. I told i you, didu't 1, that she had liecn very good i ill giving me iiiforimition. The poor girl tells me she is going lo be made a captain soon." Westerlleld put one hand on her sbotil ' der. j "And her name Is Is Finch" i "You've guessed'lt, mister," said Mrs. ' Westerlleld, with herconilc atTcctatiou of a nasal twang. "You've guesMsJ it Inonce.' "I'll say g.ssl nlghtloyoii twoyoung m-o-pie," said Mr. Carey "I've got a man to meet at 10." "One moment, Carey." Westerfleld felt ill bis pocket and pro duced a coin and handed it over. "I thought you'd lose," said Mr. Carey. St. James Budget. A Msrrled Mao's Itl.l.U. - . "I sav." said a friend the other day. i "you are an old baud at it. I have only just got married an I don't uuderstuiid much about the business. 1 should like to know whether a married man has Hiiy rights left when be takes unto himself a wife." "Hlghtsf Yes, lots. He has a right to pay all the bills" "Stopl I mean this. Let me give you mi Instance. KverV box. every chest of fact, ! drawers and portmanteau, and, In every available receptacle of every decrip tlou is stuffed full of my wife's pn.H-rty, ! and when 1 waut to put aw ay a lew cuus and collars" "Hold hard. I know what you mean. Listen, yotiug man. If your bedriHun were 300 yanls long, lined from the floor to the ceiling with shelves, and you wanted a pluce to stow awav a couple of shirts, you couldu't find a nook that wasu't full of , hairpius, old false fronts, scent bottles, oilU i gloves, powder puffs, little bits of ta. so ! , vv.,., ,-, (.n. i just accept the inevitable. Wrap your per sonal property in an old newspaier parcel and hide it under the bed." He grinned Inmically, but paed oo, a sadder and a wiser man. New York Ad vertiser. Torture In Spif n. A new form of torturo has been de iu.wi in Knnin which is said to quite i...r..nd anv of tho terrible machines : formerly employed ly the inquisition. 1 It has, however, had the result of trading complete confessions from all the annrchists guilty of bomb throwing, i As soon as arrested Codina, Cerernelo i !...!. ......minions were put on a HI... ...... s.'-.-i - - diet of salt codfish and bread, without water. After several days of this treat ment they were led Ufore the juge d'instriu'tioii. On the judges dok stood a bottle of water and a glass. Each prisoner instinctively threw him self against bis guards in a vain at- ... -,., i tim water. The judge lein.'i - -nr.ilT.S of Wter If tile prisoner would confess, but thrcutot.ed ' . . l.u .....lfish hilll Wlttl-S coniiiiiiiinc.- ' s I ,i;.. If b. remained intractable. ..mmwiI tho ordcail. ' An African Bnsks Story. 9cr the ostrich farm of Mr. Mollorhy, f.,ir,n a larae black snske was .'. ...,.,i Ai It anoenrtd unusually WestcrllclJ. Willi fat In Ion bi Its length It was cut ,,.,-). fr,,sl for the purso ..f ena o,s..i. Inside it was found a -allow i inak. ,,., , ,..,., M well the com- . ....e,t as long as Itself. Inside the yellow u, riwrt ,y the imKlu. of their - -- -- . i. .. ""V.-T. found a al " .k-. 7 :to euus. each of which con a ..n snake, app-rentl, not . . , i. t.itiiiMirurT rm"'"" for Its temporary entomb- '"cu .lu.n for... a total of 8i0 U pound, i.t and well formed In Uieni. ' ...w T.lh. I ITll'lili'it .... . . I AivrAi lhlvKS IJUOTii 'ONES.. THE MAN WHO SHIELDED LINCOLN'S MURDERER, Kept Him Id lll,iM, l,.an nrle4 Him lo Ilrrli Vlrclnl-Tli Howard ol .1IMMMM tiered l ll,. ti,ernn.rnt IU.I Not ll, I'nwrr ( nii Tfirodicl in C'lmrl.n counlv, Md., not lung ago Thomas A. Junes.' at the ge of 74. Join s In Id n Hiiioii iu thu Wasblngiun ,:-y yard, ilt WlM min.-d through lli indui'iirn of Con. gressiimu Mud.l of Matyland. who had informed thu mrn tury of thu uavy that Jones had played a prominent part in the I'scupo of John Wilkes Huotli, tlio assassin of I'residint Lincoln. "It'sqnitu true," iiilmitted Jouoa at tlmtimoof hisdiMiiissal. "John Wilkes Uooth. Willi a lirukfii auklo, tick and auflerifcu Qu turturos of thu daiulied, wus placed in my hamls to be spirited across tlio river, mid tho :)uo,c?io re ward, or tviii t.i.ouo.ooii, would nut hnve roused mo (o turiO traitor to the outlurn Coiifcdi racy, llio pooplu 1 loved, und surrender a iiiuu wiioso life ' i y k' piiig, even if I did know hn hud isussiimud Irfsiilcnt Lincoln. " Jones afterward told how lloothrauiu into his hands. "It was on tlio morning of thu lllth c.f April." ho suid, "when friends of Samuel Cox caiiio to my house on Huckleberry farm, Maryland, Olid tcld ti. o that Cox wanted to seo mo at unco. 1 hml heard the evening before that Lincoln had boon killed I had a I horsu saddled und rodo over to Cox's, i who told mo that Uooth and David . Ilcrold had Ix eu tlitru and wanted as sistanru to get ucross the river. 1 was told whero tho men were in a piito thicket about a mile and n hull from the lionso. "I was given instructions how to reach them without being shot certain signs by whistling, etc. I'pun reaching tlio dense pines I met flcruld, lo whom I explained that I was scut by Cox. I was then piloted to where llisitli was. Ho lay on tlio ground wrapped iu a pilo ; of blankets, and his face lioro traces of pain. Iiooth asked many questions as to what pcoplo thought of tlio iissassiiiu i tlon. Ho appeared to bo proud of what I ho had ilonu. 1 at thu timu thought he j had ilonu o good act, but, great Ciod, 1 ' soon saw thut it was tho worst blow 1 ever struck for tho south I "I did tho U-st I could for tho poor fellow. I carried him papers to read mid something to rut and tried to keep him in good spirits until' I got a chuiico to scud him across the river Tho country was full of soldiers mid detectives, and I did not know how soon I could get biiu away. " I think it was tho following Tuesday I wont tip to Port Tobacco to sou how tho land lay, and it was there, in thu barToom of Ilrawni r's hotel, that Cap tain William Williams, chiet of the L'uitod States secret service, said lie wonld trivo :SOO.OOO to anv man who ! would tell where Booth was." j "That's true," admitted Captain Williams at thu time of tho above inter view, "and lie would have been ieneral Jones instend of a discharged employeo from tho navy yard if lie had giveu tho information. " "1 did tho best I could for Iiooth and Uorold, " continued Junes. "1 did not know them, but when Cox put them in my keeping nothing would have, tempt ed mo to betray them. I could have placed my hands on (looth, but honor and truth were worth more to mu than tbo cut iro wealth of the government "At the expiration of the sixth day 1 heard the ofliccrs givu orders for tho cavalry to go down iu St. Mary's comi ty; that tlio assassins wero tlieru. That was my chuiico, and i madu gisxl time to where Ilmith uud Ilcrold went con cealed. Booth was glad lo know that his time to gut into Virginia had coino. "Tho night was dark, mid Ilcrold and I lifted Booth on to my liorso. Our prog ress was slow. Wc finally reached my house, and I went in to get them some thing to eat We then proceeded to the river. Booth was lifted into the bout and was placed iu tho stem, while Hor old took the oars. 1 then lighted a can dle and showed Booth by his compass how to .tour to get into Muchodoo creek n,..l min him diriirtioiia to Mrs. Uuoseu- "u ', , " , ..... berry's, who, 1 thought, would tuko care of him. That was tho last I saw of l Booth. "When notices were posted op that to furnish bread or water to Booth meant death," went ou Joues, "I fult pretty shaky. I knew that Booth hud ' bit the Virgiuia shore. I was arrested 1 and tukeu to Washington, where I was bold for seven weeks. Then 1 was dis- chargod because nobody believurl 1 Knew anything. ' New York World. Scat of tlx Thunder (iod. "Trombling mountain," a massive pilo of peculiarly arranged rocks lying ou Rogue river, almost directly north of Montreal, was known to the Indians by a combination of words signifying scat of tho thunder goa -'Accoruiug to their traditions, tho thunder god lor , i ........ A ...! a. itiiti.i.tittmr nierlv usod a broad and deep indentation on iu summit as a seat, and that there in he would sit for three days In spring, seven In summer, flvo in autumn and two in winter. They also believed that during the time ha was present great chasms would open the 1o of the mountain, from which Hre wold stream ... umn without ratisinft. Nothing is known concerning the eSrly history of ,hu ,ountuln, but it is thought that tn9 legend refers to old time volcanfo action, an opinion strengthened by its geographical name "Trembling niountuln. " St Lonis Republic. An Opeulng. "Why don t you quit the stage and start a secondhand book storo?" "I duu t see why there is any especial call for mo to start a secondhand book stole any more than any other busi ness," replied tho actor haughtily "Oh, I thought it would suit you Dretty well. It is tho very place for back numbers. "-Cincinnati Tribune. . . swlsllil swp is rn , I. now ofT.-ns! to the Iss.. i.', ..f l'rls bv the so culled nailnaloun- ,( Then- are two sorts of snap, tho Tn I(ijlt u, t t.,.mimes the cuke, and the j.,,,,,,",!!. at half that prl.-e. The artlrh-s . , , .... iniloii are giiarniitiss'l to , .11 lllfallllfjla" lunsland IsTfiiinisl. The .. .. - . merclal lalsir. A Thre a Foot Dwarf. Hurt land. Me., has a dwarf, Merle Bart- ii-fif.nii mist., iut a iinn . " " ,, ,H old, art Inch. high ' ' . . . . .. .. ll. 1. Inlaltl and weighs nut it puuuua. giut aud well formed In svsry way. PRESIDENT PALM. OF CUBA. Tor Ilia H eo n.l Tims IU LratU the lor. lorn Hop, "If Cuba column mis me, I am hers in i)U'y!" Thus T as Kstnula I'alina when informed that the Cuban tmiirgciits w h o mv buttling so al lain ly fur IiNt ty had chosen htm ptv.iil. nt (,f . ri-.ullli-tlmt thus far esi-ts only ill name, rrcsldcnt l'alina is n nl dent of Cent nil Valley, X. V., but will leave for tho scene of I be war as wsiii as be is rilKsll.KNTPAt.VIA. ,,ly , of III el. vt Ioii. "lam nutt. si ul.l lodoa I tile HkIiIIiik," be says quietly. l'rvMilciii I'almn in.w c.nulu. is a large inlnarv for the ediicnii.m of wivtttby Cu buns m Cent nil Valley, but for years lias Uvl' iilrntillr.l with M-hclin-s fur the IIIht ail.Wuf I'ulm. Iluwaslsirii in llayu ) ., CuIki, llil yeiirs ago. and In I vis. at t he Is--ginning of tlio famous ten years' war, was 1. 1 the cliamlsT of deputies of the pnivWonal government and t-s.k the Held w ith a largo body of Cuban I i nuinige and his marked ahllllv for leader ship won fur blm one high olll.v after an oiher. and in IsTA, U-funi thu great war cIismsI, lie was ch.sM-n pns.lil. nt of the public. Ill 177 1'ro.ldctit l'alina is captured bv Suiiilh ir.,,s and plmvd lu prison. When the war ended, a year later, be was M-t at liU-rty ami made New York bis home. A nunils-r of years ago be founded the Institute Ktnu!u Talma lit Central Valley and has alsuil &u piu.lls, the ma jority of whom are Culutns. Ills wife was the daughter of a rich Culmii, and the cou ple have (le briglit chlhln-n. President Kstnula ss-aks Swinish, Kn n. li anil Kng llsh llueiilly, is ex.issliugly well nlucaliil and has the manners of a courtier. Like most I'lilums he is short In stature, but he curries Ills Hi) yearsllghilyand s4Vins to Is' for many a hard caiuuilgn. In explaining bis ehs iloii rnwldenl I'al ma Imsl.Mly nivs: "This n'Voll.tloii is i-onsldensl n continuation of the last war, and us 1 then bad the boiiorto Isi pn-sldctit I am not surprised Hint they wish me to isuitiniiii In that ..nice. I shall Ihj pn-si-dent only mi long as the war lusts, and when It is nt an end thu ssiilo will Is' called iiK.n to ch.sssi my successor. Our men will Im able to maintain their h.sI ll.ui In theiiiounii.lnous n-volnl binary dis tricts for years wli bout siinvutlcrlng. If wo fnt) Culia mid I am chosen pn-sldcnt iigain, I shall endeavor to establish a un ionist republic, us Culm Is not yet rix for the federal system, lu all other ressvts I shall follow the example of tho 1 nil. si States, the lo.sli l n-publio of tbo world, for I want for my country a fnsa oople ami a government." LIFE PARTNERS FIFTY YEARS. Kerr l (iul.lrn Wedding of Mary A. Llvxr and Her Husband, Mrs. Mary A. I.lvermon, tho famous ti'iiiM'n.nco reformer and woman sulTra gisi, and her husband, llev. Daniel I'arker l.lvermore, nnvntly celebrated their golden w.Hlding nt Melrose, a suburb of Huston. They wore, married iu Hoston May II, 1SI.", liavi'ciw h half a century toeoiiscl enllous and fruitful elTort toward thu Isi lermeiit of the world ami are still enjoying gissl health for ss.phof their advunml years. Mrs. IJvcrmorn was Ix.rii In ll.wlon Itiv. P.', Iv.M, and was thu daughter of Timothy Hlce, who served In thu Culled navy during the war of lSI'J. She was from the llosloll public sch.silsat the ago of 1.1 niul ns' one of the six m.iliils dlslribiit.Hl for gsal s.-holaisblp. SI in next completed n four years' course ut Charlestown Kemale sem inary In two years and was cl.s'tcd a mem 1st of tho faculty. In a short time shen'moved to Virginia, when she oIll.'lat.Klas govern. sjsoii a largo plantation and a very titifav.mililo opinion of slavery. Shu rctiiriusl north a radical nlHilltlonlst und negl.s i.H:! no op portunity for spreading her views. At the n;;e of X'l she Iss-ame the wife of the Itcv. Mr. l.lveriiion, who bad Is-guu bis minis lerlal cons r nt t he ago of I'.l. Tim titsti, MliS LIVCIl.VIOlllI. 1IEV. lilt. LlVKItMOllK. halilis of study and alms of the couple wen. alike, and for 50 yours they have Imvii coiigeiiinl companions and coworkers. In It.'. they nunovisl to Chicago, then a small town, and Mr. Llvcrmom lsrainc pniirletor of a Cnlversallst Mrs. Livermoru was bis nsss'iulo (alitor and often. In his absence, comlucted the enttn. business and editorial munngcmciit of thu pajsT and at thu same time contrll. III. si stories, sketches ami letters to eastern s'rtisllcU. Sho also did coiishlcrablu ru IK.rtorlal work and was tho only woman res.rter pn-wiit when Lincoln was first nominated for the pnwldeiicy at the Chi cago convention. During the war as un assishito iiicinlxT of tho States sanitary commission shown untiring In ber efforts to n llevo the sick and wounded soldiers, mid shu delivensi iiuincroui pub lic, organlzHl sanitary fairs and did a grt'ot work that will long bo romem I Is-nsl. Mnce the war she lias written a nuiiils-r of very' successful hooks mid has Iss n very prominent in woman suffmge and temper ance reform work. Sho Is a believer In nationalism and n-gitnls sik LiIIsio, as ex is.undisl In America, as " Christ I unity." Mm has travcli-d many thousands of nilles as n lis'lun rand is w it hunt doubt oun of thu iiblcst women in the Unite! States. Metal llallr.avi lira. A protest against the denudation of forests in order to secure mutoriul for railroad ties is miido in a report Issued by the agricultural department at Wash ington on tho use of metal railroad ties and preservative processes and motal tie plutos for wooden ties. It shows that about 20 per cent of tho railroad mile ago of the world, outside of the United Btates and Cunado, is laid on metal. Iu the United Stutcs little practical prog ress in metal ties is rejiorted. Tho pro portion of track laid with metal ties to tho total length of railways throughout tho world has increased from 7 per cent In 1800 to 10 per cent In ISO. Rail way Review. Ills Kpliaph. A young Swede was recently scalded to death by thu explosion of a boiler in Oregon. As the young fellow had been very jKipular among bis associates a com in 1 1 1 was sppoin ted tocm-t a small Monument over bis grave. After con siderable hard work the committee pro duced a slone with the following In scription: "bacrtd to the memory of onr esteem ed friend, Lars Larson' West Coast LnllllxTtDSD. A DARING RfSCUE, Tlir Man Taken I'ruiu an lr Kim Which Waa t arrl( Thrm la Orlaln llralh. Ca'.itaui L. (. Lawson, William P. Kay and W. V. Wilkinson, members of the Evsiistou life saving crew, had a narrow escape from dcatn the other morning while attempting to clear mi chor b e away from the waterworks in let. Thu men were iu a small rowbont and wero caught Islweeu large cakes of Moating ire and carried two miles out into the lake. After a hard fight with the II. ating ice tlu-y wele rescued by a volunteer party consisting of Sam l'ee ney, chief engineer at the Kvanstoti wa terworks; John Moore, the) lighthouse keeper, and BobSkyh sand Hymn Daw son, firemen at the waterworks. Kiirly in the morning water was run - mug very siow iv lino ine largo main, ml fearing niiotlier water famine Cup tain Lawson ami hiscompuuioiis started fur the imake, which is one mile oil shore. heavy wind had been blowing inshore all night Wfore, and tho shore was lined Willi great cakes of ice. "Aft er working hard the men succeeded in launching their lxHt mid started through the Imbbing cukes for the inlet. When itlxiut half the distance hud been covered, the men noticed that tbo wind had changed ana was blowing hard " i t t i lrom idishore, and that largo Held of ico was forming in a solid muss iilHiiit their little craft and Hunting rupidty out into tlio lake. 1'ike poles wero used, but it soon became apparent that unless some aid came s.mii they would Im) car ried fur out. A white handkerchief was tied to an oar, and tho men took turns waving it. Tho signal was seen by John Moore, who was ut work at the top of tho light house lower. He hurried to tho water works, a short distance away, and told Engineer IVcncy, and iH.tb men, realii ing tho .lunger in which their comrades were, called kylcs and I'awson. and hurriedly manning another Isuit tho four men started to the rescue. The off shore wind l y this time had cleared tho shore water, and tho rescuing party soon reached thu ice Hoe, in thu center of which was the boat containing the ., . ... .. thteo men. A lifo line was thrown ucnws lo the prisoners, uud one after an- j other they jumped from cako to cuke and reached the rescuing boat. They were forced to abandon their own boat, which was fust in I ho ice. Tbo men wero nil brought to tho waterworks of fice. Chicago Kecord. CHOLERA IN 1894. Iteaaun to llrllrve That W. Will llaa to (i.iaril Against lit. I'la(..a This V.r, For over two years tho Asiatic cholera has been cpidemiu in western Russia, but as we have had reports of Hie sub sidence of its ravages during tho win ter months there was hoe that there might not bea lecurrence this spring of Hie unhappy experiences of that season in IMi-J ami 1":). Wo regret that tho disputcht s nt hand aro tinfiivoiuble. There lmvo ls-en violent outbreaks of the disease during tho past week at a number of thu populoiu centers of the western provinces, olio of thu most vio lent of lb. in as fur west as the city of Warsaw, mid from thut place both Her many and Austria aro again directly menaced. Thero is reason, therefore, to fear that N-w York will have to 1 on tho guard for yet another year and that heto will he need for tbo il.ncst vigi- lance on tue pun oi ine iiiucers ui our quarantine service. Wo do not doubt the ability of these officers to maintain the safety of the city. It is to bo hoped that the European governments represented in thu interna tional sanitary commission which has held a conference in Paris will provide for tho prompt execution of those de fensive meiisiites which have met with tho approval of the delegatus. This au thoritative commission was organised for tho express purpose of preparing ail auticholeia programme acceptable to the leading powers of the world, und it will be a publio shame if the recommenda tions it bus made this year shall be neg lected, ns were those miido at its session of last year. New York Sun. FILTERING MERRIMAC WATER. It lias round That Pollution In This Stream Increased Ilia llralh Kala. The city of Lawrence, Mass., is ex perimenting with a "filter bed" with which It hopes to purify tho wuter of the Mernniuc river, the source of the water supply of that city. Tho sum of fllO.OOO already has been expended for the purpose. The experiment is being made in pursuance of the discovery uinde two years ngo by the state board of health of Massachusetts that certain cities which hud suffered especially from typhoid fever were using water from polluted rivers. The Is.ard gave assurance that by the use of filter beds OH per cent of the bacteria organisms, some of which aro harmful, would be removed. The filtering was begun Sept. 20, since which time daily investigation shows thut this proportion of the bac teria is removed lrom the wuter, and also that the water Is so purified that three-fourths of the remaining 9 per cent die before the water reaches the dwelling houses. The fact that the number of deutbsfrom typhoid fever In that city during the months of OctolsT and November of lust year was only one each month, whilo formerly tho av erage for five years was five each month, seems to furnish conclusive evidence Hint there is a virtno in the plan rec ommended by the Massuchuaotfct board. Troy Press. New Vaar's Cards In Franc.. he custom in Francoof sending one's visiting card to acquaintances on Now Year's day is rapidly increasing. Even tho establishing of a society lor the suppression of complimentary visiting cards has been powerless against the progress of fushion. The French post oflice officials have made an interesting calculation on the subject. It is reck oned that in tbo department of the Seine alone, which of course includes Purls, 8,750,000 visiting card were delivered by postmen on the 1st of January, 1UHI. The following year It had risen to 0,500.000, the year after to 13,000,000 and filially, in 1B94, it reached nearly 15,500,000. Paris Journal. "The Blue Bells of Scotland" was the work of Auulo McVicar, afterward Mrs. Orant, the daughter of $vottisb olficcr iu the British army. Tbe melody was long believed to be Scottish, but Is now known to be of English origin, be ing an old English folk song. TKACKI.KSS PLAINS. STORY OF A PARTY OF TRAVIER3 LOST IN THE GREAT FUR LAND. o IHflilml la Opinion aa lu !!. fuara That Should II Taken -The I nail net of an In dian lly-A Mir- Which nliowe.l tl. War. We were bait. It had come lo such a pass IhSfKcach of us as emphatically posi tive I luii the little 1 1 Hay company post we wished to reach lay in auoiher direct ion from that In which we were trav eling -and llielhr.e s.-parate opinions were all dilTerei.t. Kach of n wereii rtain that his two companions were lint, as we gazed In.iiI us over I lie seemingly limit l.-ss snow I rovi-ml iirnirie.Hvaii winch slr.'lche.l ..mill - aides as far as i he eye could reach, yet Willi But one .list iuuiiirhiiiK landmark. ' We were Joiiine) ing across one of the (rest plains of nortliw. stern Canada, the I country w hose mam Industry is I nipping if trapping may Is ci.lle.lau Industry the . fur laud of the world, and, in trulh, the writer fill its immensity more than he had i ever Iss-n conscious of it Is fore or Iiom-s ever lo Is- naiu. K.T four long days we had seen hIsmiIi ilely no sign that even sug J jested thccxisli ucrof man. We.uiir.logt 1 slid dog sledge, seem. si aim. sl ii.linilesiiual alums iih.ii this last expanse of rolling, i w lute n.lsil lau.lscaiH. S n III... .Hn..... -.. nil. . I. .or .'in-... us .iiii.-r to f.-el t hat a H-raot. .-oiil.l ever reach a ll had iH-comeililliciill for one of us Amer given poll. I over ll.islriH'kl.'ssBild.riiessby the successive spans in I lie com pass of a per s ili'sslep. One of us hail a suspicion Dial we had passed oiirdcstination uim.ii one side or the other. No one u ho has not traversed a trackless waste can how hard it is lo nt kon the .list mice travcli-d each day of a loiKlramp. Hull a calculal Ion of onc'ssi lion at nightfall may n iihai.) .l. grceof exactness. We Dually decided that each should go bis way when I lie journey should again be rcsuimd. This plan would most cer laluly result fatally for the two who would Is- unable lo reach shelier Is fore thu scanty supply of f.ssl which would Iw their share Mould Is-iom.. exhausted. Then, was a possilulity of meeting with some plain Indians or of hugging auf llcieiit giinie for f.ssl, but only a slight Hssibility. However, one's self concern is stniugely blunted by the bilitig eld ol """"T greatly ciiucrrni-d over the fearful chimera (w ,Hkl. q.Jie uliimatum as to the separation was j reached nt night, lu the morning wr i prepared lo part company.' Kach of Us ! was to take a ilog along lor n compau Ion," we Americans told ourselves, try lug lo put the thought from our minds thai I he animal might, lu a great ex (remit)', he made use of in a far less pleasant personal capacity. Ilaptiste, I lie young Crce Indian boy who drove for Us, l.sik this matter with less unpleasant ni.ti.'ip.tlotis. He pinched Hie of Shoal iuga, the cur becoming bis lot, In an IndiHereiit manner w hich caused us to hs.k the other way. Ilaptiste was a w.mmI Indian, not a lie bad bad little exH rieiice even ill the w.ssls, having becu boy to our of the Hudson Hay company's olllcers at one of the larger posts ever since he was old enough to be of any use. Our skilled gul. lo with whom we bad started mil ba.1 been disabled ill a ipianvl at a slop ping plair, and no sulistituto could then lie had, or we never should have attempt rd crossing this great prairie ocean with the Uy. We w ere distillled to have more fall I. in the Instinct of even an unskilled w.snI Indian lad than we bad. When we bad 1 actually parted fn.m one another, each : going bis separate way, une of us cared , to display the wavering cowardice of a i luckwanl. We only turned agalu . hw ,((V(m, U- ,k. , 10 (lim.,im bad lukeii. I am sure that I shall never gaze ou any phenomena of nature with the thrill of wonder and satisfaction that I did upon the oue tu which Ilaptiste thru called our eager attention. The sun had Just risen. An Infinite si lence hi d stolen over the trackless, wavy snow expnnso alwut us. The heavens lu the west were one great bliue of yellow glory, wanning the glistening crystals of the landscape into orange, opal, tea shell tints. The Inverted plain hung, lined In dreary, Incaii.lesoent emerald, fur our heads another, a spirit worldl The patches of sage, s.plar and aicu of Hie country alx.ul us were minutely reflected there, though they might Im hidden miles beyond the horizon attainable by our vision. Distance was annihilated. The pictures seemed almost unn'ttl. Kvery feuturecamr out with the photographic minuteness of detail of the scene upon the ground gloss of the camera. We gazed aloft breathlessly and with somewhat of the fear that If w e spoke the whole weinl panorama would fade away, as do the ghost forms when verbally ad dressed, which we read. We became mot Ion l.-ss, awkwardly cnoted statues, and doubtless parts of a like rellectiuu lo he seen fur us. Half a dozen small log buildings and high bark stages, iiik.ii which lay game and other pn.visioua safe fnim the dogs and wolves, were dimly discernible at a point toward which Ilaptiste K.liiied. We recognized them quickly as belonging to the little post which wa had left some months before, and to which ws were wearily returning, The mirage ever changing, ever grow ing clear, then faint again faded away Into the clear daylight of the new day. Hut we kuew uow that the little Hudson Bay company sst Itself was to be found directly under the point In which it bad been so providentially mirrored In the sky. Exchange. Tha Kxntucklau't I'.rll, It la not so very long sgo since a sua Mwsfiit candidate for omign'ss from Ken tucky gave a new turn to the trndltlun concerning his native stale. He was at tending un aftermsm tea. Ahscntmludcd ly be tuok a cup of tbo Innocuous buverngo which had the honor of christening tho occasion. He was alsiut to take another when the voice of bis wlfo staid his ha ml. "My di ar," she said (Irmly, "you must not drink another dn.p uf that You will ruin your constitution." Kate Field's Washington. Hm.llli.g Salts. Good and Invigorating smelling salts, Serviceable and lasting, any woman can make for herself after this riwlpu: A few cents' worth of lump ammonia cracked Into bits as big as green pens should he put Into thu vlnnlgietU) that ought to Is) of glass, with a top of any metal. On the ammonia pour gissl oologne until the bot tle Is full, cork It up tightly sml do not o;An It for a whole day. After thot It may be froely used ami will for twoor Hm months remain fnsh and fragraiit. Mount lllanc In M lnltr, The Mont Bluno observatory is un dergoing its inestimably worst season, and thu most interesting news of the kind during the coming spring will be tbe account of how its occupuuts passed the winter and what observations they were enabled to make. But it is not exH ted thut much cun be dune In winter, except In connection with me teorology, and we must look for what ever discovert" are to come through the sdvautug.-s of high altitudes to the South A uierican and Califorulan observ atories. English Mevhsulo. ENGLISH STATE TELEGRAPHS. Mt Coat 19 l-s Cats Each, and All Must lla I'rapald. The telegraph service of Croat Britain It nndoubt.i.lly quicker, mora reliable and cheaper than that of the United States. I miiko this statement after proper allowance, of thu differences In distances. It costs 13',' cents for 13 words and I cent for every additional word. This for (Ireat Britain aud Ire land a uniform rata It works admirably, ns nearly all tba postolliccs aro also telegraph offices. As a rule, tliopooploaro civil and obliging, and the delivery of messages more prompt than with ns. These postoflloes, which Include, as a rule, news stands and stationers' shops, aro scattered all over tho city, especial ly in London, and oun has no such trou ble in getting p.wtoftlco orders, postal notes, stamps, eta, as Is too often the case In New York. Another great ndvantago of the Brit-h-ll system is that thcro Is no such thing as sending messages "collect " You can prepay nu answer to a telegram, and the boy brings up a blank with tho telegram when an answer has Isjen paid for. Again, if yon writo to any ono and want a telegraphic reply, merely inclose a blank witli sixpenny postage stamps afllxcd. This saves the trouble of trans mitting money ur imposing nu a friend for reply. At ono of tho big city dinners few weeks ago 1 sat opposite V. II. I'reece, C. II., the engineer in chief and eloo triciau of British Telegraphio Wonder land. Ho was greatly interested iu tho fact that we counted tho population by tlio means of electricity, ami of course kuew exactly how it was dona Tho iucreaso in 25 years of messages alone, from 0,600, 000, when throe pri vate companies controlled tho business, to 70,000, 000 messages In H)4, lulls its own story. That the number of oflloes has increased threefold, now numbering 0,000, and the miles of wire have in creased from 00,000 to 200,000 surely this Indicates that tho public are well aud cheaply served Financially tho telegraph department Is today paying expeusisx, but not the In terest on tho money Invested. It is claimed, howovor, that tho division of expenses between the postofllce branch and tlio telegraph branch was of such an artificial character that the two serv ices should In) looked nt together finan cially. This would show a net annual surplus of from 1 1 3, 7 50, 000 to 1 1 o, 000, 000 a very handsome addition to the publio revenues, A uniform telegraph sorvlce, say, of SS oents per message, Is no more, lu this advanced day of electrical appliances, than a uniform 9 cent letter rata was wheu adopted. Chicago Inter Oceau. "TOOK THE WRONG MEDICINE." Why This IImmIIIu. So Ortaa AppM la tiia Ihslljr Newspapers. It Is au oild trait in human nature that a man who bus boon ordered by bis physician to tuko pnregorlo will never tuko it If thero Is any cnrbollo acid or prussio aoid In tlio lionso that ho can absorb In preference Statisticians who have studied the thlug declare tlmt an Invalid will search the whole house for a poisonous drug tud drink It rather than the medicine ordered by the doctor. The death no lloos Li tlio newspapers In oases of that kind aro generally headed, "Took the Wrong Medicine." A man arrived at bis homo tho other sveulng, and glancing ou the bureau law a bottlo of liquid that he bud been ordered by tho doctor to take. "Tlmt looks llko tho stuff," said be, "but I'm not sure. As I was locking op the ooliar I saw behind an old shelf blue bottlo that looked as If It hadn't boon touched for years. It said ou It, 'Sulphuric Add.' Now thut bottle ou tho table looks exactly lika the one I drank out of lust night, but still I have an Idea that tho stuff down In the collar U what tho doctor means for ine. I dou't know how the dlokcus it got dowu there wheu It'a meant for me to take, or bow this bottlo that isn't mount for mo to take got ou this bureau. But I'm not going to take any chances. I'll Just go down Into tho collar aud make sure, aud I'll throw this stuff out of the win dow." Thou be cautiously wout down stairs and took the sulphurlo acid, and he was buriod In duo form after an ambu lance surgeon had done bis best aud the oorouor'a physician had made a com plete Investigation and autopsy. It Isn't only children who make those blunders. Doctors will toll you that they novo ouly to IuImiI a bottlo "Lotion, For External Application Ouly," to make sure of Its being drunk. If patient guts a bottlo of comsdve. sublimate to put on a fulun on bit great toe aud doesn't nse It all, ho will carefully save it Tun years afterward a doctor give some oongh mixture to him, and thou he goos und hunts up the corrosive subli mate bottlo, plays three card monto with it and the cough mixture gota them thoroughly m ixed up so that be onn 't toll one from the other, and then when ho fools thut tightness across the chost that the doctor told him abjut he swallows a part of the oorrosive sublimate and leaves his widow to oolloct the lifo Insurance. By no accident Is the cough mixture ever takou it Is always the oorrosive sublimate. New Vork Her ald. Dr. ds Korea's LstUr. At a rocunt exhibition of dolls in Chi cago it doll was shown which onoe had lutter addressed to it by the late Ur. do Koven, the great Episcopal high church leader. It was as follows: Mv DsAn Wx I sin glad to hnar of your birth, and thai yoo went named fur ma. sml tliat y..u ara of wax. You could not Im. of bet fs r stuff for a minister. Vou will look sweet. This will plcnaa the young. Vou cannot tulk too much. This will please lh old. Von cun wink st thliurs, which you will have to do. You will eat little; you will need but small pay. When you are bruised, you nan be put on s shelf without s word, and a doll, now, frnih, and wllh nsl cheeks, will lake your plana. If you hav to bo a martyr by lire, you will mall easy and Suva pain to tluste who hsvs to put you In, but If you do rsl to even on llttla girl like U yuur lire will 1 worth (rest deal. Mognodby.from yoor affection! friend, J III j South African tluahmaa. Civilization Is making rapid strides In Bouth Africa, but the busbman yet mukes his own knife and with consider able Ingenuity. They dig a little Iron, Dud a broken hatchet or a hoop from a rain barrel, and out of theso parts they form even axes, adzos, hammers aud about everything they need In that Hue, These implements are of course very erode, but the native bas ruuoh patieuoe. -Uardwara. - mean IOu In partictjlar," sahj