The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 29, 1895, Image 2

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I Tin Allrgril ray-Kull Nluffrra Arrralrd
In 4 hlra(0.
! ChicnK'i June 81. Wl alleged p"J-
nil atulfor wore arrested today. They
are Thuma Cruke, foreman of the
' North division water-pipe extension;
T. P. WW to, timukocpor lor i roue;
Jumc McLaughlin, foreman of the
, South Chicago watcrpipo exteuislon;
. ; Prank Hiinond, McLaughlin' time-
keeper; Jiimin Weir, foreman of thu
Position ot ThisGovernment town of Lake watcr-pipu extension;
I'etcr Mcin. lorcmun 01 mo Hireci-n."
The Bill Passed Its Second
Reading in Commons.
in the Cuban Trouble.
i ualrinii ukiik: H. K. Ueggy, foreman
of thu water department; J- ,;,,u'
I 1" foreman of tin; water department;
STRICT OBSKRVAKCK OK LAW 8 1 Bll,i Thoma Voiiassok, foreman of the
street department, lit missing. Thin
I afternoon a statement wa given out by
thu city autJiontle tnat a h rouit oi
ooufessoii made liy Croke, warrant
will bo sworn oat for A. J. Kowalski
i andMotiu McCarthy, ex-comiuisioncrsoi
... t ni uwrtrurv t . . .
WaalilUKiou, .iuuo
Olncv ha laid down
uti..a iilrlum in thu
strict neutrality between thu Spanish
government mill thu Cuban insurgent,
not only touching armed assistance,
but also to render aid and encourage
incut iu a financial way. Thu occasion
fur thi exposition camo iu a letter
' .a il... li. ....... Mr
from Joiin I . l awy, oi """""" IK ewpar contain considerable
Mechauio National bu ik of . w Mi.Mt l.jj.,, ,), Mc at Ki. l. The
of thu neutrality law for hi bank to of M ilf jif
act an dcKiaitory for fun.lH lor mo , i an eiHa-h-iuurk-
i .. .... i, niiiv -
.i r. - '.' - r-
Hrrrlry Olny !. '
Itrf arillug III 1'iialll Nulrllly
if Hi Amrlr l'rilr,
iu 21. Hjrfiry j,n,Jio wor,H H,) that a formal charge
i thu duty of Luitorti . 0 luj,imni.incnt of public
observance of! , ,,1, , iiif,iina ii-Mavor
j HopkiiiH, if nothing morn serious wan
donu. Kowalski wa thu superintend
j cut of thu city water-line extension.
(ollliiirnt of III llm.Uli l-rf.
St. r t rnbiir. Juno 21. Th had-
"Whether thu bank or it ofliwra
could bu criminally proHueutcd ia a
qucation aa to which opinion may,
differ, and which can be aatinfactonly j
ta ttled only by thu adjudication of thu
proper court. Bhould a bank eugaKU
u aiich a trauaacuoii a...., -;" - . ,, , Clllllll , Hll ,..n,riH,,
KeM. publiah IU aerial. " " nomio from an interna
truat to thu world, it would lawny Iu ty i (J-
to call upon tuu aepar,,, . j , M w mmX ,
... ...- ill.. miLHtion whether or not tnu . . ,,. ' ,
l,n:e.-dinK w urlmu HaiuHt thu j
I'nilert Rlatea. n iihk "' - v
inu evunt not only for (leriininy from a
commercial jadut of view, but for all
thu nation ahariiiK it trafllc. The
Novoati n inark that thu ao-eptanee by
all thu power of thu invitation to thu
fete text i Ilea to the eHhflil felt for thu
Herman empire and it monarch. The
Noviw Vreyina vxpreaae thu opinion
of ceo-
i built for aKKTeaaivu purpowa.
alw) Iw
ilnir ui auuiruHt whother a bank hold
- ' ,
inu a UuiUtd
Stat churK'r (ba noi
abuMu ita fralichiau and furuiah Kround
for it forfuituru by acta iu aid or mm
tilitii aguinat a nation with which
.1... t'..t...l U.iimi In ul tMUII'l.
inu iiiiw.. I" " . I ..... , ...,.. .. ,....;,. ,
'Von aak inu not merely aa to your , y . -
WhI ability, but alito a to It i contended by thu Indiana that th.
...... .....rul ol.llitiou. adding 'for wu killing waa uuwarrantnl and
aru too loyal to our owu country
Tni. lining li ArHHliiir.
Kl Keiio, O. T., June 12. I)iHitche
from Anipahoe and Captaii Maekey'
camp of tnaip A, Third cavalry, indi
cate ilicn-aaed uiieaaineHH growuix out
of thu killinir of thu (,'heyenuu Indian
. . I.. .h tU.llkU, HIT i
aeclc to ovenoniw -v
law.' I heartily commend thu aeuti-
mniiNt and am iu a aaitiou to nay
your real duty in thu pn-miae dia-a
not admit of thu leant queatiou. It :
ha been uxpoundial by no lean an au
thority thau thu aupremu court of thu ;
Unitl State, iu thu following:
Thu intercourau of thi wiuntry
with foreign nation and ita policy lu '
n'gard to thum aru plaixal by thu con-
.liiiitinu of thu Uuitixl State in thu;
to provocation, claim that aeeni to be re
liable, and there will likely lai tmublu,
unlea thu militia overcome it. The
military at Fort Iteiio i under march
ing order, iauied balay by Colonel
i'earaou. Tnaip II, Third cavalry, will
Htart thi evening for the arene of thu
Thr Only liangra, aa Ciiiiarrl M'lth
Ihr Klr.t Art. Wrrr InlruillH'ril
Hi I aiiaila' Niiiarallnii.
Loudon, June 20. Thu 1). bring aen
bill paiuwid it Nocoiid reading in thu
bonne of common today. Sir hlward
Orayaaidthe only change made in
thu bill, u compared with thu tirxt
lSrliring M' bill, weru iutnaluci'd in
order to meet thu auggeation of Cyi
ada on thu uhj-ct. Thu bill did not
raiau new qucHtiou regarding thu aeal
tinheriea, and he warned the hounu that
if the government wa not allowed to
carry out thu agreement with liumiia,
very Hcriou aituation would ariac re
Npecting the Weatem I'lU'lllc. Thoma
li. liowlca, repreaentiug Lynn Kegia,
moved that thu bill bu referred to a
leet committi'u for compariHon with the
agreement with Huania, to aaeertaiu
whether it 1 the Maine a that of 1H1K).
Several coiiHervative anpHrted the
Sir Hichard Wulaiter aaid that while
he disagreed with thu motion that the
bill Ui referred to u aelect committee,
he thought tie.) government ought to
givu ua much iufonnation a poxnibli-to j
thu houao beforu thu bill went into or
dinary committee, and promised to
allow full diacuMnioii of thu ineaHiire.
Kor, he continued, though Kuaaia never
advanced aueh extravagant claiiiiH aa
America, atill hu waa entitled tolluow
thu n-al iMwitiiui of affair. Hu waa
ei rlaiu there waa a atrong ftidiug iu
Canada that their intercat weru inade
quately watched at present. Thernpoii
Sir William Harcourt promiaed to
coiiaider whether papiT could not la
aubmitted and whi ther thu govern
ments could allow a full diacuaMiou of
thu bill. ISowlc then withdrew hi
motion that thu bill bo referred to u
Hclect committee.
A Itruort Iw H Mail on Ihr Kiu.-
of AilmiiiUtriilluii.
Nuw York, June 20. HurrogutuRan
aom ha granted the application of
tleorge J. Gould and other executor of
thu estate of thu lute Jay Ooold, to
aeud buck to David McClure, the ap
praiser, the queatioii of th" appraise
ment of the estate, o that a report can
bo mudu on thu expense of admiuia
tratiou. Mr. McClure, a appruiscr,
reported some time ago that the value
of the personal property wa 0,94:i,
5H0. The real estate waa valued at
about $2,000,000. The appraiser de
ducted thu anm of f il,000,U0 from the
personal proa'ity ua un indebtedness
of the estatu to (leorgu J. (lould. After
deducting other payments, thu total
value of the residuary state was placed
at T3,224,fl7.
Mr. McClure did not make any al
lowance for thu commission of the
executors, or expenses of thu adminis
tration of thu estate. Pending a (tene
ment of this ijuentiou, the sum of f
000,000 wa paid by the executor into
the statu treasury under protest as a
collateral inheritance tax.
Under thu will, the four executors
receive each f 10,000 a year aa their
commission. In addition, thu ex
Mncs of the estate will la; about f2.(,
000. It is claimed for the estatu that
all these expense should laj deducted
from the residue liefore any tax is
A 1 1 If ll llurnril In Kltlgy.
Dloomington, 111. , June 2 1. The state
board of education this evening passed
a resolution ubolishing thu high school
(lepartini'lit, which has Ihh'H couiicclcd
with thu normal university aincu it
wa founded. At midnight thu bell of
the Illinois statu normal
Normal, began ringing, ami u mob of
students and citizens assembled. All
denounced (loveruor Altgeld who ia
bunds of the government, and ita do
cisioii iiaiu their aubjoct aru obliga
tory on every citiwn of the Uiiiou.
He i bound to bu at war thu na
tion against which thu war-making
power haa declared war, and equally
bound to commit no act of hostility
auainst a nation with which thu gov-
... .....I f.i.....lul.(..
riiiiieui ia on biiiht ....r....... ,.... , .
... ,i . . i i ail eniKV oi wiu Kovcruor, nun iinsi'u-
T hi urine nlu ia univeraally acknowl- ' " . ' . ' ...
i ns pi un n j ud to ho d a mock execution. After-
ihIuimI bv thu law of nation. It lie
' 'K 1 "r ' , ' , ... ...,,., I wanls ho eftlgy wa burned,
at thu foundation of all governments, j . . .
a there could l no wa ial or peaceful Tll(, rrK tHl, Wur.
relation la twccll thu citUens of differ- Sw Fnul,.l8,.n jullu 2.Thii Mexi-
eut couutrie without it." . wileft for I'ort Townsenil and way-
sirt tins iiioriiiug, loaileil to the
Kiiarda with freight, thu reault of thu
i cut in freight rate to (1 aa announced
i by thu I'ucillo Const Coinpany last
Tlirjr lnuw lilt" nfMl I if OiiihIim's
Illy Trraaurrr.
Omahii, Juuu 20. City Tn-asurer
Henry liolliu is a defaulter. Kxi-rta
aru checking hia Issiks. Tla facta of
the shortage bocnuiu known thi morn
ing, and liollin at oucu dsappeared,
leaving a note to hia family sayii.gthat
thu hour had come fur him to die. Ilia
bondsmen, who am liable to thu
amount of $1,000,000, act thu police, to
lisiking for thu mini. Tonight hu waa
looitixl in a suburban madhouse drank.
IIu was heavily armed and wheii the
officer npia-arcd hu attempted to draw
hu declared hu
intended to end hi lifu. IIu surrcn
denil without a struggle. IIu is now
in hia iMindsmeii'a hands. They assert
they will give him a chuncu uud will
university at revolver with which
I.hIiIImw Una Mrrlirril Heavy Ihiiik-4
ArmIiioI llif Mlllliiiialrr.
New York, Juuu 20. Thu fourth
suit of thu trial of William 1). Laid
law against Kussell Sage for fjO.OOO
ended today, thu jury bringing iu a
verdict in thu plaintiff' favor for $10,
000. Thu suit wa for damages alleged
to have Ist-n Kiistaiiied by Laidlaw on
account of Sagu nsiug him a a shield
againt Dvnamiter Norcoss' Ismili.
Josi'ph II. Choate Is-gau for the
plaintiff. He had a bible iu his hand
and Is'gau hia nddru by reading from
it thu parable of Dives and Lazarus.
"Why, gentlemen," aaid he, "since
these trial have begun, I have fre
quently received anonymous letters
threatening mu if I did not givu up thu
case, but 1 will never retire from if
until I see justice done the plaintiff.
What docs thi man can for a jury?
An Association
Formed at
ot Shippers
liilrmlril to IMarouraa Hal
Mhlnglra mill l'rll Hi Mfcra
From I iiTUiuliia Pi-alrr.
Seattle, Juno 19. At a meeting of
representative of twenty-three firm of
Tacoma, Portland, Seattle and Mount
Vernon, which ship HO -r cent of the
ihinglo output of tho I'acilio North
west, thu Pacifio Lumls-r & Shingle
Shipper Association was orguniwd
hero tislay. Thu coustitutioii and by
law reported by thu committee were
a,t, and officer were elected as
President, A. P. McLaiu. of S. A.
(Jibbs & Co., of Tacoma; vice-president,
H. K. Duniwuy, Portland; secre
tary and treasurer, P. I. Curtis, Com
mercial Cellar Company, Scuttle. Ui
nvtors Thu officer named, C. H.
Crane, of Seattleaud H. d. Poster, of
The association is intended to dis
oourago tho aulo of jssirly inannfactur
ed shingles, a overdrying and the
putting of thin shingle in bunches
have caused considerable loss to trade.
It will issue u blacklist of Knstern buy
er who take advantage of the shipper'
distance from hi market to put in
claim for shortage, broken bunches,
etc. , and thu enforce deductions. As
it would involve costly litigation to
fight these claims, the shipper have
been ill thu liubit of allowing thesu de
ductions, despite their injustice. The
assis'iation will also attend to relations
with the railroads, such as rates, sup
Iyof cars, etc., aud will protect the
manufacturer agaiust unscrupulous
The boycott declared by tho Seattle
Shippers' AssiH.'iatiou agaiust the
Northern Pacific railroad wa also dis
cussed, but no action on thu subject
wu taken.
Owing to thu greatly increased de
mand for iumla-r and thu udvuuco in
tho price of logs, a meeting of Puget
sound sawmill meu having facilities
for shipping by rail is to be held Home
day next week to discus thu ad vis
This jsMir, mangled Ixdng, Laidlaw,
for years haa been carrying on this suit j ability of advancing prices.
against mo greac nuauciai monster,
Sago. If I had known tho attitude
Sage would have taken, I would have
made the claim for $100,000 instead of
Trail mini y of Wral, Hi Hlrri-I
allli'lor. Miiillllnl.
' ar I'mi-
Saii Pruncisco, Juno 21. J. P.
Wiwt, a street car conductor, who gave
important testimony for thu prosecu
tion ut thu preliminary examination of
Theodore llurrant, has weakened. lie
informed thu district attorney May ' i,i mMMs. thu shipment of fruit l
that hu wa mistakeu lu testifying that ' iK eHpooially large.
Durrani and Hlauchu Lamolit boarded j " - -
hi car at Powell and Clay street and linaaiaii 'nraiiin l Hralrra.
took scat inside his car, April 3. The; Washington, June 21. Consul-den-only
correction hu make iu hi testi- erul Karel, at St. Petersburg, lu a (lis
mony I that Durraut and Mia La-' patch to thu atate department, say the
blamed for thu order. The mob tiro
cccdod to thu campua, whero there wu aettlu hia shortage in full.
j liollin una ihtii drinking Heavily oi
I late and has also lost money in stock
' speculution. Tislay, after thu police
i had surrendered liollin to hi Ismds-
men, they culled a conference of thu
i city ofllcials. liollin declared that hi
j accounts with the Midland Statu bank
; would chock up all right. Ho admit-
ted that hu hud drawn from tho cash
account, but insisted thu deficiency
could not bo more than $10,000. To
night, Controller Olscn, aftetf u hurried
checking of Holliu'a accotints, reported
a shortage of $l."i,2MH outsiilu the
auiouut aaid to 1k lucking iu thu ac
count at thu Midland Statu bunk. Thu
dcioitcil blanks indicated liollin had
$111,000 deposited there, while thu ac
tual deposit was uuly $10,000.
week. There was so much freight that
she wa an hour late in sailing. The
coasters am not discouraged, but say
they can get all tho freight they want
at HOc, thu rate they now charge.
Most of thu Mexico's cargo was perish-
mont at in front ou thu dummy, in
stead of inside tho car. (leorgu King
and Mis William, ho said, sat inside
tho car. ,
Tho explanation i importunt, from j
thu fact that it explains a conflict of
testimony Ktweon West and thric:
school girls, who tesifled poitivcly
that they saw Durruut and liluiicho Ia
moiit riding together on thu dummy j
on thu day iu question. Hut while thu ,
case of the prosecution i hclicd from j
one point of view by West' revision of i
hi owu testimony, hu will not hcl
called a a witness when thu trial be-1
gin, from thu fact that hu hu
fore shown a disposition to bo unreli
able a a witness. Hi testimony at
Kussiau government has grunted a con
cession fur seal-catching ou tho coast of
Saghalien, St. Johu'a island and other
portion of the wa of Okhotsk, to u
Kussiau coinpany. A tax of $:l.Hit is
to lie paid Hussiu ou each skin. It is
expivted the expedition will start this
year. A government official will sail
on each bout engaged ill seal-catching.
I'Nllfuriila'a Ntrlii( Wmil l'nit.
I'kiah, Cal., Juno 21. Tho spring
clip of wool thi season will average
much higher, Isith iu quality and
hereto-, !. .... , ... . '.. ,
I inn sitien lounj , ine llici Mils uevi'l-
ota'd that there would 1h about 400
! I...I..J ........ ,1 ....! 1M.. . . .... .......
.1 1:.. 1.. J ,i , j .y i ...l.l-B llW tllllll linillll. ll in IIIV ll"
inn tireiiiiiinni rAiiiiiiiiiiiiui iiiuiuni
ou umteriul point from tho testimony I
hu gave at thu roroiicr' iuquest.
Iililaluiirs Wltlutrwnl.
Uuiilou, June 21. Thu sensation of
tho day in political circle hero is the
announcement of thu Time this morn
ing that Mr. Oladstone had withdrawn
from thu pairing agreement with the
Kight Hon. Charles Villier, inenilsT
of parliament for the first division of
Wolverhampton. Thu liberal are
.....i . I w ulu, .1 u tliia u. itl.i. .... ,1...
filial... ..n....i'i. i. v .... .. .ii,., ui, 1 1 i,i . .
stored iu wandiouse in this city 1,1)111
bales, of a total of 4112, 22S pounds.
Tho average price secured wa 12 1-2
cent, which net to grower $I,VJ?N,
or over $13,000 more than the most
Mrtiiguine anticipations.
part of Mr. Oladatono, and thu union
ists are corrcspiuidiugly jubilant. It
is leariul here npnn gissl authority
that Oladstone' withdrawal is on thu
Walsh church disestablishment bill
only. Tho Westminster Oaxette
afternoon says all thu talk about
Olndstoue' dissatisfaction with
government is nothing more than
AltlTKllioia III III NI. I.oilla.
New York, June 21. The American
lino official have issued tho following
statement: The St. Isiuia upon her
arrival lure July '.'.", will I hi laid off
until her advertised nailing from New
August 7, lu order that the
builiter may have an opMirtuuity to
make alterations in thu funnels which
they think desirable.
Ilia Fir at HrHlllr.
Seuttlo, June 21. Tho power house
of the Seattle Consolidatisl Street Rail
way Company, oicrutiug the Second
street, North Seattle, Wrcvu Lake, Third
Htrvct, Lake I'uiou aud South Seattlu
electric cjr line, wa dttroyid by tli
early thi uioruimr, with all it valu
able content. The building, which
wa of brick, occupied a half block on
Pine street betwieu Fifth aud Sixth.
Thu tiro burst from tho whole aouth
side or tne bulltliug and the entire
building waa ill flame before the alarm
wa turned iu.
There were tweuty-five oar lu the
building, beside much valuable ma
chinery, comprising one of the largvat
electric plant lu the Pad He North
west. The Iom 1 estimated at $200,-000.
A IrtiirU Mralrr I. ...I.
thi Victoria. 1. C., June 21. A brief
r- i telegram from llakmlnte aunouiu the
tbe . litau, ,hf i,i Vintiiriil uiiillitr lt.uik.1 I ll.i.i
off the Japanese coast. Captain Whid
deu and all of tho crew and catch of
(100 sealskins were auvod. The vessel
was valued at $10,000, insured for
$il,000, and wa owned bv Mini roe A
Oray, of Victoria.
A Nrar I'lili-rally lialril In ('oiifi-r a
liar I imiii l tin.
Washington, Juno 20. WillH'rfoiH'
university, thu oldest institution in the
country for the education of uegna's, a
few day ago conferred the degnn- of
LU 1). upon President Cleveland. The
president hu sent an autograph letter
to President Mitchell, of WilU-rforce,
divlining the honor.
Willierforeo university is conducted
under the auspicica of thu African
Methodist church, and was founded by
llishop I). A. Payne. The president
hu recently shown the institution fa
vor anil it wu in return for these fa
vors ami in recognition of hi worth
that tho university desired to confer
upon him thu honorary degree. Presi
dent Cleveland reivntly made a colored
man lieutenant in the army, and de
tailed him ua spccinl instructor iu mil
itary tactics in the university. Theu,
tisi, when a postmaster wa to bo up
pointml at Williorforeo, Ohio, where
the institution ia located, tho president
solivtod a colored man endorsed by the
faculty of Wilborfiircv.
Tho president in hi letter i said to
have exprvssod his high appreciation of
tho institution, but not being a college
graduate, and having declined a simi
lar honor from one of America' great
universities, he regarded it a but con
sistent to adhere to that course.
FriiMra. Hay I.Hliurra ami Ituya Kri'li
Ina' Hi Vrlliiw .Vlrlal.
Colfax, Wash., June 20. It is esti
mated that 1,000 men have gone from
various part of Whitman county into
tli.i l.iliiiinr t-.ii.iima II... in
th mouth prosiavting. Men who 1 fr"m ,h? ,hir, MT1
nave heretolore workeil on farms in
the capacity of hired help found little
or no demand for their services. At
wage ranging from Till to 75 cents u
day, they managed to procure a stake
to tit out for a prospecting trip. Many
small farmer as soon as their crops
were iu, also picked up to go iu search
for gold, expecting, unless they found
something more profitabie, to return iu
time to care for harvesting their crops. 1
Even boys, who are out of employ-!
ment for a few weeks, o to the Snake I
river placers and wash sands for the'
yellow metal, which, in most case
yield u fair remuneration for the la
bor expended. Almost every day dur
ing April and May, could lsj seen pass
ing through town, camping outfits, on
pack horse or wagons, on their way to
Trail creek, the Hoodoo mines, Clear
water, CiH'iir d'Aleues or any other of
the dozen milling sections.
T Ira.a Twin I lly Trruiliiala,
Milwaukee, June 2 1. Judge Jenkins
today grunted the petition of the re
oeiver of the Northern Pacific to lease
ccrtuiu St, Paul and Minneapolis term-
lual to the Minneapolis & St. Louis.
A petition of the receiver to purchase
00,000 ton or new atcel rail and nee
leasary fastening at current market
pr.cea wa also granted.
Tuuuvlnl Out of Jail.
St. Loui. Juuu 21. Teu prinomm,
four of them murderers, tunneliil out
of the county jail at Poplar Uluff, Ma,
last uight. aud all but one are at ill at
A I'lfilU li Hi Country.
Sail Francisco, June 20. Lieuten-ant-Oeueral
Scholleld, who is inspect
ing the fortification of the city, say
ho is pleased lsyoud expression ut the
advancement ill thi lino.
"The work completed, aud that now
under construction." said he, "ia a
marvel of perfection. No hotter exist
iu the I'uitcd States, and when the
Imttcries am completed and equipped
they will bo a credit to the c.uutry.
If the present mMiumeudatiou and in
tent of the war department is carried
out, and then is no reason to doubt
mat ii win ih, mem will tie one con
tinuous chaiu of batteries extendiug
from thu Cliff House to Port Wintiold
Scott. These batteries of modern mor
tar ami improved gun will make it
impossible for the warship of an en
emy to sail through the Ooldcn tiate."
airi'i'l-l r l.liit- Hiiril,
Chicago, June 20. M. A. Vizunsky
lsgiiu suit uguinst the North Chicago
Street Kailway Company iu the super
ior court for $."i,000 damage for injur
ies rct-eived iu licing put off one of the
company' cars by the conductor. The
plaintiff, who is a M'ddler 70 veurs of
ago, any he Ismrded one of the com
puny' earn, and when the conductor
came around he handed him live jam-
mo. inu conductor ilul not want
IM'iiuie, and demanded a nickel, but
the plaiufitT told him that peuiiie
were legal tender for any debt. The
oouduotor aaid he would have hi fare
in ome other form or tho plaintiff
would get off tho car. Vizunsky re
fused to get off, and the conductor, he
saya, put him off and threw his basket
of warn into the street.
raira In Hi Four 4'iiiilala 0it-n.l
In Waaliliialim.
Washington, Juno 19. Clerk Kerr,
of thu house of representatives, today
opeued tho paper in thu contested elec
tion case of Kirby vs. Abbott, from the
sixth Texas district; Kosenthal vs.
Crowley, from the tenth Texus district;
ThoriHi vs. McKenny, from thu fourth
Virginia district, and Iioo.u vs.',
papers in each instance wero opened
in tho presence of either of tho parties
to the contest or their representative,
and the ceremony consisted merely in
a hurried inspection of the documents,
which hud Ih-oii previously received
sealed by tho clerk, and remained in
that condition iu hi office up to thi ,
time. After being opened the papers
were aeut to tho public printer, by
whom they will bu put iu Bhapo for the
convenience of the committee on elec-'
lions. A there am twenty-six con
tests to bo settled by the next house, it ,
is evident that the election committee
will And all the work it will care to 1
undertake. '
Vn advance iniuTgradc. of Hour took
effect today. Straw l-rrie are carce
and very llrm. New California peachc
are iu the market. Y.m "'
ioftie dealer predict an advance. Ilie
poultry market i in poor shape, with
an over.upply on hand. Hiilicr i
firmer with lli mrplu pieMy well
worked off, and U-tter price tuny be
looked for Hiiia time next week.
Whvat Mark!.
The local wheat market i dull, ami
that tell the whole utory. Quotation
m ru HKirt air leu nomiiiak a lollow:
Walla Wal ,61'ii5-,c; UHey, M(fff)4c
per bushel.
I'milur Market.
i Fi)fB Portlaml. Salem, Caacailia and
Davtoii, are unoUd at 2.75 per barrel ;
i;,.i.l,lruii. thr: Snow Hake. n'.IM); Hen-
ton county, -'.75; tfralim, 2.:WM2.a6;
iiiiertinu, 12.00.
O at -iol white are n noted weak, at
27iHcj milling, iS'tlWc; gray, Z'i27c
Kolleil oat are quoted 19 follow: Hug
15.75(40.00; barrel, 0.000.'i6; caaes,
Hay Timothy, t'Mi'J.M tier ton;
cheat, 5; clover, ,o; oat,0; wheat, 0.
Bablkv Keeil barley. t"8(0&c per
cental; brewing, 80iiK.ic r cenwl,
uci'ording to quality.
M iLLsTiyy ISran, $11.50; short.
(12.50: chop feed, 12iU5; midillluga
none iu market; chicken wheat, 71
(iiKHc ier cental,
Burixa l-ancv creamery i quoted af
llaU"..c; fancy dairy, lOiullc; lair tc
goial, 7'...(!jHcj coiiiinon, 0"0'gc pel
Potato Weak ; top quotation 'an
25c uer sack.
Unions New California, U.2inil.50
a-r cental.
I'oultbv Chickena, old. f L'ui 2.75 pel
dozen; yoiiu.g l-'5n'2 50 per dozen ;
duck, :l OOdi 3.50; geese, 5.00 0.00 ;
turkeys, live, 10c jer pound; dressed,
12c per pound.
i Euoa Oregon, are quoted at 12'v.c per
1 CiiKtsK-Oregon foil cream, 8uJ10c
s r pound.
Oukiio.N Vkoktaiilk Cabbage, l'c
per lb; ladisbe, 10c per dozen tiiiuches;
gieeii union, 10c per dozen; hothouse
lettuce, 40(i (We per dozen ; green iea8,
, 2'o per pounil; rhubarb, l.'giuJc.
i liKiiiiiK Mraw berries, :!(ci5c per
H)Uiid; raspberries, $1.25 per crate;
goosi berries, l'c i2c per pound.
i Taoi'U'AL Khcit California lemon,
$:).25c:i.50; Sicily, 45.00(tf5.50; banana,
' iloiioiiilii, $l.75(u2.75; .New Orleans, $2
(3.75 per bunch ; California navel.
$.'t.0ll(ii 11.25 box; blood oraiiktea, $3;
Mediteiranean Kwetfa, $2.2'i(i2.75;
seedlings, $22.25; pineapples, $5(40
jier dozen.
Camfoknia Vkoktahi.ks (Ireen pea,
quoted $1.25ci 1 50 per box; artichokes,
40c per dozen; cauliflower, 75c(u$l.O0
per dozen ; $2.75 ier ciate; cucumber,
liollioiiBe. 75i'(a$.00; gunic, 12t.al5c per
xuud; asjiaragus, $1.50 per box; new
IHjtAtoci, 1 '...c per Mund ; string bean,
Urn 7c per Kiund; summer aqtiueh, $1.25
(jl.bO per liox.
Kktsii Km rr Apples, giaal, $2 per
box; cherries, 75em fl I apricots, l.-5'n
1.50; plumil, 7.)c!iflj lieuche, $1.25ia
Wool Valley, 8(i10c, according to
quality ;F.ateni Oregon, 5(Nc.
Mora .oiiiinal at the following
riuiiie: 3( 5c per pound.
Nl'T Almonds, soft shell, Hid lit
ht pound: pajier shell, 12',.(i14c; new
crop California walnuts, soft shell,
II w lic; standard walnuts, lO'jdtllc;
Italian chesnut, 12'viillc; pwans,
13iallc; Brazils, l'B(irl3c; liiliert,
14i?M5c; peanuts, raw, fancy, 5(7cj
toasted, 10c; hickory nuts, SnjlOe; co
coanuts, !"Jc r dozen.
Provision Kastern hams, medium,
ll,'n(12c per pound; ham, picnic,
B'v.ynH'; ureaklast bai-on ll'.(iU-c
Useful Informal!
nu work.
A Kw Ilul I,, ,r
KlUuk. .
II ra HIiiwra-SLi, nL . S
a lb.
short clear sides. H'uia'.ic
sides, T'nt't.V-; dried beef
(ui.ic; lard, comiiotinil, in tins.
lard, pure, in tins, Uy(itI0r; piK'
80s, $;t.50; pins' feet. 40s. $3.26:
$1.26. Oregon smoked hauiB, II 30 per
dry salt
hams, VI
Kn limit In Tarimia fur lriorlatliiii. I
icriiay naving in cnurgo lao x ueu, a
Chinaman they am taking to Tacoma
to ship back to Chiua
pound; pickled hams 8,V; lioneless
lams, ioc; uucon, Vc; ilrv salt Idea, 8c
lard, 5-ioiind pails, Juc; 10s, 'ec
ooe, iic; uerces, fc.
llerclianillaa Mark!.
c ri I i . ... ..
.go, Juno 111 United States 1 ii ,,nTv .lr!!, .T,,1' Wl''
Murshnl E. W. llothwick and X& . x
E. McMuhou.of tho southern ! No. 1. bill, it. aw t Vi. v.. '. ,' iuTi .7,
m , .. . , --v I iv. -", Mkiin, cx.iiv
oi iew xora, iirriven neroyes- (irz.'o.
Sugar I). 4'..c: C. 4i.... nvtra fP J
dry granulateil, 6V cube crushed 'and
wheru ho remained during tho day, de
They took their Pov''re.l. "V per pound ; i4c per pound
prisoner to thu Harrison street station, , ?, Kes ior prompt caah
I ...... vm, ,: luuio luan uarreis
Mirtinif with tho officer last niuhl .. ., I 7t'JT Vv "
A llala al Jullrl.
Chicago, Juno 20. The lllinoisStwl
Company ha giveu notice that on July
1, a 10 ivr ctut increaao will be made
iu the wage of the Joliet workt.exivpt
tho workiug on a aliding seal.
-lipiirrnl lUrrUon'a !.
Richmond. Ind., June 20. Tho first
autheutio information w ith regard to
tho foe charged by tho attorney iu
tho grout Morrison w ill ease, in which
ex-Presldeut Harrison wa so long en
gaged here, has just Wu given to the
public. Ociieral Harrison received
$10,000; Perdinund Winter, of Indian
apolis, $il,500, and the other four attor
neys for the plaiutiff $7,500 each. Tho
attorney for tho will receive
the following: Coiigmssniun H. J.
Johnson, $12,000, and tho other three
$10,000, $S,000 and $7,500 resptvtive
ly. This makes tho total $".10,000.
which i nearly oue-sixth of the value
of the entire estate causing the litiga
tion. Man Krmiclai'u'a Hlrla.
San Pruncisco, June 20. City offi
cial are tiling with Hcgistur lirodcr
ick their estimates of what it will cost
tho various departments durinu the
next fiscal year. Superintendent of;
Street Ashworth filed a linnlest re- 1
quest for $I,4S5,U33 to properly con
duct his office. Of thi amount $33,.
500 is for salaries, aud the rest goes I
for improvement of stm ts and public '
squares. 1 lie nght for good Htnvts re
oeutly inaugurated by the wheelmen i
at the bottom of the whole thing, aud
if thi amouut is allowed Sau Pran
eisoo cyclist will have the best street
in the country to ride over.
lAiyritic -Costa Kica. 22ur2.1'..ii: llin ai
...iii... t-..i... i ... , ,
.'o'.iiiJfH.; I'adung Java, 31c; Palembanii
Java. 2b(ii2Sc; Uhat Java, 23(25c; Ar-
V : " -"uaasKB aim i.ton, 2.;;o pet
iX-poun. case; Columbia, $21.80 pet
100-pound case.
Coal Steady ; domestic, $5.00(47.50
l-vi .un, lureiKU, n.OO(il 1
Bicans Small white. N
flint riif iitu rwuiiiil I. .at... oi .. i . A . '
law resulted iu a d.-oision bv , 5-,.c. ' ' " '
west-bound train. Leo iien cume to
America when 15 years old, remained '
aeverul day aud returned to China. I
. . . .i .... .
no ciimo imcK niter mo i liinese regis
tration law was adopted nud was ar
rested iu New York just after ho hud
opened a laundry ou Mutt street. A
long uud bitterly-fought contest over
tho constitutionality of the
sinner Shirleds, of tho sofithern district
of New York, iu which it wu held
that I-eo Yuen, despite former resi
dence in tho Uuited States, cume under
the provisions of tho luw and must go
buck to hi native land.
A Tiiilirnvy CruUrr.
Sim Pruuoiseo, Juno ID. Tho naval
reserve ha just returned from it an
nual cruise on tho United States cruiser
Olympia, nud an evening paper say
that the citizen marines discovered that
the Olympia is so topheuvy that both
her officers nud men are afraid of her.
She ia said to have behaved in au
alarming manner ou her tiip to Santa
Oil. Even iu that comparatively
smooth summer aea, she rolled badly,
showing, it is stated, a luck of stability
and a topheavines that i ominous of
disaster iu enso of heavy sea, presaKiinr
i... .. .i. ... .-ii . .....
me nun ui nun- lii-iaieil uritish ur.
ship, tho Captain, which turned turtle
in the luiy of Biscay and went down
with all bauds.
I'llfil a Writ i.f Krnir.
Washington, June It). Counsel for
E. R. hupman. the New York broker
iudieted for refusal to auswer questions
propounded by the senate sutrar in.
vestignting committee, Unlay filed with
the clerk of the Uuiti-d State supreme
court a writ of error to briug up for re
view the division of the district court
of appeals, refusing to grant his pctj.
tiou for a writ of prohibition to prevent
hi wise being tried by Judge Colo iu
the district court. It i supposed at
the snpteme court that the effect of to
day' proceedings will lie to stay the 1
iriai until tile supreme court act ou
the motion.
LoiiDAOB .Manilla nqie, l'4'-inch
quoted t 10c, and Sisal
Kin l8tn.l, 5( $.:! per Hack ; Ja
Fuiur Net cash prices: Family ex
trae, $:l.40(it3.60 per barrel: bakoru'-
tras, $3.403.50; supirtine, $2..t5(it2.60,
oi,ii-recti, lair logoo.1, ti21nti3 'Jc
choic,((8t';i4c. brewing, nominal.
i 17,7 0 0 per ctl
choice, I'lUc; niillimt, 7'.c(iil
ll.r Mill ii,m.,.'M 1
v...... .i.iiiinK, 4.u, .'n(ri.i7'i : sur
prise, $1.07 S,1.17.', ; fancy feed. il tia. .
(Sl-U S ; goo l to choice, 05((dMiKJ.
lair ti mi ..I Hu... nr.... . . . I
- '. i-i'i'i i.i-, isjor Lo
ur.on ii i . i . , . w
r,o -vCi UIBCK. Il.lUldl.lTL. . l
$1.10... 1.20; gray, i5 (afl lX) ,a,'r cental.'
uinuie i ,(,100 per pound.
I'oTAroas-New River Burbinks, V
(i$l.l0; new potatoes in sacks, G0(..iii6c
" r.nriy Iose, in lioxes frcini ll
river, 50i (iH; Oregon Burbanka .v.,
1 5c per cental. ' v
UNION l.OOd to (hoice Clifrn!
5)1-; cut, 25(.r50; Oregon, $1(S1 25
Wooi.-Snring-San J.wqtnn, year't
iiinr, uiuii-sG; uo O lO 8 IllOllt lS, 7(a
KU. Il I.. U ........ I.- -i..l T'. ' "?
?, ' . r y "'averas ami hxt'
hill, per pound 8i 10; do defective, 4i
u, .loiwierii, goon locnone, 8m 10c; do
eiri-uve, o-tPo-,c; Aevada, spritiB
llL'ht and choice. Km tlk l,un.. c. - B'
Bi'TTKR Creamery, fancv, 12m pt,.c
seconds, 11 V: dairv, famv, 10mlic:
giHsl to choice D(.i in,,-; medium grades!
8m8V; elore butter. 7iii7,cper pound
tJ'li"10'' 111"?1-"c: rani'li 13w
dozen Mn ; m' Uv! lrH! P""
CiiiKsK-Kancv. mild, new, 6mrt'
ciflnmon to eoo.1. 3ia5o; Young Amer
ica, 5.ii8e; Kastern. 11 igii'u,.. West
rn. tl.asc ,r iKinnd. ' '
Ban tranrlaroa Brlmul Onaua.
San PrHnci.M, Juno 17. Tho school I
Tfc llrailllan lluumUry Ill.i.ul,.
Rio do Janeiro, Jnue 12. The
who haa roer Teradeuto hus Wu dispau-hed
Ucucrul von Hanuekeu.
wnsusof Sau Prauoico allow there " rlrl ,u 1V- w ."eucn uuiuea. Admiral Oullobel
are 84.088 Uva aud 84,546 girl at-1 nlm7 w"r' u on h' . back to his ! w pnareed to Paris with a view
teuding th. aohool of thia citr. ' h"mt 'n ! nrlng a ettloment of the frontier
' : dispute.
It I greatly to U, reKr,.tM
laiKu a niuim oi tne n,,.,, w.
mitten to do tin iiiii,rtuiu L J1
siuK-iuKthu l.or,ru,;T;,
tho nature and structur.. ... .. '"
and the principal rule ui,i,.v , "
guide them iu doiin ti.i. ..
taut branch of worL i. ,iato
fault of nearly all
uud pure with the idea 0f i,77!,:
the foot, when their uim tiJZ
mainly to let nature have l.erZk
much a iamsiblo, or in tH.r.T"'
imitate tho natural conditio
foot, and f ml v imr.. ,..... ... . 1
have beconio usel,.. 'i-i.. . C. I,a
alwuy lie flttod to the f,a,t auiTutt
fisit to thu shoe, us is ft(.n htV
That mirt of lb.. ),...r ...i.: L l""1
have pressure ill the in,rti,... i "
llu. Iiur uii.l i. . """"J
...... i,,,,,,,,. ,
kniiwii na th. y.. ..r .1... v
, , 0rut
greatest pressure should be mai Z
outside of thu fis.t for ubotit half ,i
i.i,.l. Tl... f .1 i , . Ul ""
'v ,.iK niiiiiiii) W) MlloWpd
Ihllllil ,i, tin. I .. l . '
v..... w ... (tiiiiuiii, wnicn win
Vi r i r "m "'""-i
111.11. nii.uin taka
Thu froir should imr l. ..... j
" " miwn, a .
fmuently pructiml, nor mA j, .
touched when healthy, exiipt f,,
puijanw ,u cieuiiHlllg. m pariu, 4
foot lio very careful not to cnt 4
the outside, no a to allow the
weight to rest on the inside of the ,
upon tho Hole, but mily cut iwiji
dead portion of horn nn the sole, w
cut uowu mo wail from hil u, ,
until tho Is-aring is uatural, lmim
even ami a near it natural Mitt ,
povouie. j roil not slloe should wk
aiioweti to 00 ininieil lutn the f.,
lit it.
Mnnry In Hrrpiiia llrna.
There is no isictrv in imr malm
write a matter of fact inau, but ibs
a pieusuut truth i presented in pl,
ing laugungo we can uvcrluik &
fanciful description nud see the th
fact Is'iieuth. So in the fulUi
from the Panciers' Review, tlw pUa
statement that then1 is money in k
ing hen i dressed up: The Ik
money maker 011 the farm i the hn
Sho turns grass into greeuhiii'lv, pu
into gold, uud from the Mind ondirfir-:
sho coin silver. Then1 is nuthiuE
ou tho farm to compare with hit. Ii
horse uud cattle arc heavy consilium
and to get their value we mont jk
with them, but not so with (he ha
In her small way she is a gold mint
tho face of thu earth, a null that jirini
that which other overlook urn-fa.
Sltliiniiilk fur l atin
There i au impression with mif
farmer and dairymen that skiwmilW
a rather thin diet for calves; ludr
sen constantly iu the dairy p.qvn nr
ommendiiticns that it should bu n-a-forced
with rlaxstHd meal nr jelly ou
from tho ground wed or cuke. So fc
a oil or fat i concerned, snyi J. H
Lniu Smith, iu the Pumieni' H
Wit-kly, this addition is nil rigbi
But flaxseed, nnd especially thegrui
cake, is cxctvdingly rich iu pnii
and this is just tho trouble with
skiinmilk. It is detlcieut, ut iu pr
tein, but in carlKi-hydrates fat ii
starch. Tho best single dilitioa
skiinmilk for calve as sti as they m
out, is com or outs.
Poultry Point..
Poultry nnd tho hog consume n
ou tho farm that would otheiwi k
Tho flock on most farms should li
largely increased. To keep fifty 1
when 200 or 300 could be kept jut
well, is not business.
Aside from the plensure derived fr
brcodiug nnd exhibiting h I"
there are many homes tliroughout
land that would bo happier aud
cheerful if but a few iK-mitifnl Hi
IM'ts ornamented the yurd or luwu.
Don't go into turkey raising uol
there is plenty of pasturage, "d ''
member that turkeys, being UrtF''
1. : ikr
(pure more loon man ciin'""-
keep in mind that they t'ni'g
money iu the market. Do ",',
them, nor imy poultry, f""! thil
Provide plenty of shade f"
fowls, both old and young. " .
yards is so situated that there w1
only part of tho diiy. take a
chicken coop or old boxes mid F
thorn a short distance aimn, .
couple of slats or sticks from 'll',l'
other, and then throw over tliein ' ;
blanket, aoine brush or iiiiyi'"
will afford shade.
But few poultry dealers, lKinDf"
especially, realize the imiHTtiim
warding off disease; " n uk"t,
liefore it apra'tirs, but nil n"' IX"-i
ef iff
the em'
i tf
Imttle when it diHs conic
all kind tire brought into
....,1,;.... io ..,., ..lit i.m much
Ul'lllllll, in ,,.HI1,11.
u-ill .1... Li-la Hilt ill IIIIIH.T
sad havoc i wrought l'f'
: . ..1 ..11 eri'llt
in couquercii 111 nn 1 1 hJff
loss which if taken in time nUK'i" ,
lacn averted. If bnvtlers
one-half of tho woik bcior,
iu their fl-k that U'
aftenvnrds, how much trouble
be saved. o
The practical farmer k new
there i more money m
thnu in those priKlu-'ni 1
... 1 ... mill -
mer. lie likewise nu"'
..11 .1.- 1.. ...wr ill Ota'B
aiiow mo low is " ii"--
... . . .1. ii.ilhlUK
and cold places uiiu ieeos .. -
corn he cannot stvun' ;
rorj. Ho irets ahead of tne
fanner by having go,!, :rI" f,
by feeding the very t ' '
manufacturing eggs, by .hJt
bird at work in scratching 1 " lW .l
the grouiid is covenil with ,
1 : n... i.. Aoril 1,1
iinK iiiug uia pu.. --. .wnf"
and bringing them to profl' V