The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 22, 1895, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, JUNE 14.
j l) kloaby, of Leniitti, U la Salem.
Studies closed In the university to
Hon II U Miller u turned home lust
Jolm IJeavotiuu in greatly Improved
Tiuw Casey, of Wonduurn, U visiting
Id Eugene
Mrs F A Well came up from Port
land today.
California peaches anil apricot ure
la the miirkt't.
Hon H H Frbjudly returned from
Portland untmgm
Mrs R H Houston returned homo tod
ltoseburg this afternoon
..i...... iiiiu iiMni-noon.
TV Brand ury ut Suleiu failed to In
diet Willi Jordun for larceny.
J II Whiteaker, the live C'reswell
merchant, visited Eugene today.
Qiyte a number of students ure re
turning to their respective homes.
The grand Jury visiting0 the
dllTerent county offices thin afternoon.
Roadmuster Wuit, of the 8 P R R,
pent a portion of today In Eugene.
Mia Ivra Alexander of C'orvallls, la
vlmlis In Kugerie for a few days.
Hon CK Hale and Geo Utile and
wjfu, of Hale, speut last nljfht in Eu
jsmis. The Cheshire Sunday school wM
give a plunk) at the Hale self ol house
Strawberries have advanced in price
There were selling ut five cent per
b to.luy.
Bruce- Burnett, a student, left for hU
home in Corvallls on a bicycle this
Mr. Miller, the shoemaker, Is build
ing an addition to his house on south
Willamette street.
Ski Meeks Is attending the state
tournament of rod and gun clubs, now
being held at La Grande.
Eugene will not celebrate the Fourth
nfjuly. Tl.ut was determined ujhmi
last evening definitely.
Geo. F. Craw wllll leave touiiro v
fur a short visit to Hull Francisco. He
goes via the Yaqulna route.
,'wo more "sail" boxes have made
their appearance. Tuis time they are
in front or the rinneer saloon.
Hugh McGuIre, representing tlio
Pacific Paper Co., of Portland, gave
thi ofiice a call (his moruiug.
Miss Eva Yuughau, whs ha been
aiteiitiing me omiu bchooi at asicm,
UnjHMidin her vacation at. home.
Senator John II Mitcholl arrived in
Tucwmu today from Washington, 1) C.
Ho will urrive iu 1'orilauil Sunday.
M M Davis, well known here, lius
lev 1 1 elected president of the Oregon
Slate Board of Pharmacy. A good
Mrs Norrls Brown, of Salom, who
has lieen visiting In Eugene for seme
tune, will leave tonight for Oakland,
California. exchanges are all telling about
tlieupprouching grandest celebration
ever held, Just like a coining circus,
and nil to get ft crowd.
The mai. Hurvey who whs up yes
terday befoie Justice Butler, of Junc
tion, for asHiiuliIng the road supervisor
was lined $10.50.
Ed Banga returned home from
I'riiieville this afternoon. Ed lias
leeii attending school at that place for
(lie past three mouths.
Tim Marion county grand Jury lias
Indicted James and Win. Itedfnrd who
stole lleury Bond's horses, at Browns
ville, a few months since.
Mrs Clias R Fay, of Portland, arriv
(d this ufiernoon and lathe guest of
Mm E H McAllster. Kho will assist
In the musio durlug commenceinent
Win Smith and George Smith left
this morning for Crook county by prl
vato conveyance, where they will spend
some time. George has been sick for
some tune and gees to see If a change
of ciimutu will benefit his health
R'Meburg Review. The national
convention of republican clubs will
meet at Cleveland, Ohio, on the 10th
lust. Hon C A Sehlbrede, of this city
la a delegate, but will not attend, hav
li.s given his proxy to Fred Mulkey,
of Eugene.
Corvullls Times: "Prof W Qltlbrd
Nash, the talented young pianist
expects in leave in a few weeks f r
Berlin, Germany, to spend a couple of
month in prosecuting his musical
studies." Mr Nash al one time was a
student in the State Uulverslty.
Htlem Statesman shouts thusly:
Eugene bus caught the spirit and is to
build a new boat for the upper river.
Give us an open river the year round
and Eugene, C'orvallls, Albany and
Salem will have light-draft sreauiess
plying above Salem all the time.
Old Sport, a veteran dog who "tern
with the machine" in Walia UfaUa for
five years answering every call an the
tire department, was ruu ever mM
killed while golug to a lire last week.
He was given a fireman's burial, and
a monument wllle ejected to his
Uoseburg Review: L.S. Shipley is
deputy sheriff no more, higraskjaMtiea
having been requested by the powers
tlutt be, probably on accouat of the
Sam Brown afluir. Mr Shipley is at
present employed by the county Jaage
In doing some special work upon tlae
assessment roll.
The Indian War Veterans at Port,
laud yesterday elected officers as fol.
lows for the ensuing year: T A Wood,
grand commander; Major P E Castle
inunpseninr vice-grand comniandiy; E
Ciiainlneau, junior vice-grand csin
inander; M R Hathaway, grand adju
tant; Otto Kleemun, assistant grand
adjutant; Mrs 11 A Chumbreau. chap
lain; James McAulitle, marshal; U S
Rowlaud, paymaster; A H Garrison,
surgeon; A 11 Kale, cuptaln of guard.
Portland Telegram: The verdict In
the case or the Ltnu County National
bunkvsj A Crawford, wherein the
luk sued for $10,000 on a promissory
te, was quite a surpi ise. Mr. Craw
ford alleged that the note had
U-en fraudulently obtained by
President Cowan, of the bank,
but the Jury In the United estates
court thought otherwise, so that
Mr Crawford will now have to pay the
note. As ho had in the bank at the
time of failure f 10,000, which he has
been unable to get, the $10,000 now
owed by him will Just offset it.
Senator Mitchell has arrived In
Port laud.
..,Mm.W,'" NVllH'r. "f Junction, U vis
lllng In Eugene.
J. A. Cummin;; Is .pending a few
days in Eugene.
Lauciish r, this count v, will have a
picnic June HI.
Mrs F W 0l.uiii illumed home
from Sulcm tml.iy. Q
Chas Gregory Woodland,
Lai., are In Eugene.
Geo F Craw left this morning on his
han Francisco trip.
W. 11. Harger will kavs tiilliol-rnu
morning for lVmlletoii
I frank Kentr flu. iv.-u..n
agent, visited Eugene today.
Miss Myrtle Newman came down
from Yoneolla this inorulng.
Rev C A Wooley, of Fulruiount, h ft
for Polk county tills nimnlng.
(Jllltu.l litllller of stUiliMils left fir
their rvrticctlve humes lod.y.
'laren Veazle came up from Port
laud today for a few days vUlt.
li. D. Paine and ife loivs ri-lurmxl
, from a pleasunl trip to Portland.
Mrs. Kn -t. Eakln of Astoria, was uu
arrival om this afleruoon's train.
Darwin BrUtow, of Cott.ige tirove,
speuta portion of today In Eugene.
The gruu I Jury complete ! its t.-i-slou
lu-t evening and wa thscliurged.
Congressman Hermuiin will deliver
the Fourth of July oration at Myrtle
Fulrmotiiil nus decided to tvlebrate
tlie coming Fourth of July iu grand
A J Pickuld and his crew of
men are expected to return home next
E II Lauer will return home on to
morrow morning's train from Phil
adelphia. W. S. Moon and family huve return
ed home from a tWIilug trip up the
Juke L. Mitchell, of Salem hai been
iiidutcd for embv.zleuieut by the Si
lein grand Jury.
Secretary Curlisle spoke lo a large
audience at Louisville, Ky., last night
on the money question.
RevF Z Neshitt has ln eugug-d
to preach auottier year for the I.enmtl
Cottage Grove C. P's.
The insurance adjusters were in Co-
burg today settling up the loss on
John Holt's livery stable.
J I. Scott, the commercial tiaveler,
has Just returned home lrm a profita
ble trip to Yuquinu Bay.
The S. P. Co. ure again running the
observation car urrots the Siskiyo'is
frem Ashland to Horubrook.
Mr uud Mrs Hugh Thompson cuuie
up from Sulein today and will attend
the commencement exercises next
After years of active practice Dr
Shurplcss bus closed ids olllce iu this
city and moved to his large fruit farm
near Goshen.
Rev W C Wire went to Salem today
aii'l will prcuch the commencement
sermon in Willamette University
Miss Etta Levis, ot Harrislmrg, a
graduate ol the stute university, has
been selected as u teacher in the Salem
public schools.
President James Hill, of the Great
Northern railroad, was once a $40 per
mont h clerk on the steamboat docks of
St. Paul, Minn.
A R Hammond is in Portland. Con
struction on the Astoria road will soon
begin. He says much work Is being
done ou the O. P. R. K.
Marshrleld Sun: A couple of gentle
men from Eugene have opened a bicy
cle repair shop iu the place f.muerly
occupied by Albert, tho tailor, on A
Rev R F Bounell and family will go
to the cumpmeeting at Turner, Marion
county, Monday. Mr Bunnell will
take an active part iu the meeting.
Medford Monitor-Miss Alva Gal
loway went to Eugeue yesterday even
ing to attend the commencement ex
ercises of the University of Oregon.
Roslyn KcKluley, of this city, has
been elected as a teacher iu the Ash
laud public school. We opine Mr
McK. will give good satisfaction.
Rev L W Simmons, of Winteis, Cal
ifornia, tho Union Spy who is to tell
his experience, at Conser hall tonight,
arrived on the local train this mi ni
ing. Rav W S Gilbert went to Monmouth
on the 10:30 train this morning, lie
will deliver the liacculuureute sermon
before the State Normal schonl tomer
row. Jasper Wilklss, Fiaok WIlWis nad
Tera Seavey left he We
merajag a rectioii trip o Cuwy,
oanty. They will be gene li or M
days. "
MisM'e Puilui. one of Albas j'lat
tructiv belles, arrived ou Ibis nftoo's
inoU tnaltrLd lb coniinenoement extisHes
( the university, bbe is tho guest of
Ksiheriue Pal ters' d.
Prof. C H Jones, fora.erl) a studeat
hese, Im been elected prinuisulnf tlr
McMinvlleschs)lsatsaho-y of J75
a month, die has eight assistant.
The lady teaches will receive f4t and
(45 u month.
Junction City Times: S wool syn
dicate was formed by the farmers be
tween Monroe awj, C'orvallls nnd 30,
OK) iMiuuds of wool pooled for sale. A.
?ilhelm, of Monroe, bought the en
tire lot Tuesduy at the rule of twelve
ceuts a pound. There Is surely a little
profit to the producer ul that price.
Hie Junction City Times of todiij
siiys: Mrs M C Wire, of Eugene, will
occupy the pulpit of the M. fc. church
in this city next Sunday ut H a m.
Her subject will be "Missions.' She
U a hUhly accomplished woman and
au interesting shaker. A cordial in
vitation is extended to oil.
Ashland Record: Mrs H M.ver
lift Mondav for u visit with Eugene
relatives, lifter which fhe g.x-s to Mon
moiitli, where her brother, Irving in
Ing, graduates from the state normal
sch K)l.
Rev H L Boardmun returned last
nlirht fiom attei.dlng the conmu ncc
n,nt exercises at McMinnville College.
Mm Boardman and baby Grace cou
.... ...i ii. u trin 1dI u r east war I to
CV rax and Spokane, where they v. ill j
vie .t relatives ami inenua mi
umvkushy .notes.
llesiuf ol the Srheol. Society
lull; uusrj, June I ..
The long looked for vacation Is
A large number CJ invitations to the
commencement exerel-s have tteell
sent out and it is thought many of
Ihem will be accepted.
Yesterday being the lust duy the
Eulaxiutis were to meet, the senior
member bud charge of I tie prograoi.
The music and kind words of encour
agement ottered by Ibetu weie greatly
appnciuled liy tlume prus nt.
When the cl:is of 'U.', and 'IMI were
call, d together by Miss Maude VUkius
last night for an evening of social en
joyment it was felt by all lo be a most
delightful uud npplopriate eliding to
what hud Utii a huppy uud profitable
Oeiiool year. N'ulilog hut the remvln-
liruliiv o llai M'puedl'iii 01 tlielr col
lege life width li s:l IHKIII to follo'V
could in an? way mar their pleasure.
Eviry miiiole m the gnhleu hours In
which 1 1 ley could be together wus on
jiyed to the uiiuoot. The urtislic
ubihty of each meiiiOer of both clussts
wus diaayeit iu crayon uud judg
ment p'lsntd by 'stvi'ie critic. As
Usuul the seidoin c ui .t-d oil the houois.
After this sevcro lo. otnl strain Ihe
Heed of bodily mm: l -! ) . i it'll I was felt
uud th.' alteulioii of the guesis wus
turned to refro liiiKnls. After which
the classes of 'ii't uud 'W ill, many
expressions of pleasure an. I gratitude,
divided, I lie one to hew a new path
the other to eliino the iisivut.
Student ambition if it be a desire to
become an exjH'it Pi a chncn avoca
tion, lo master tlie principles of au art,
lu become ptolieieiil iu a science, is u
nolle thing ui.d i. ".there ure these
a-piratioiis so cle.tily iniiuifested as in
the literary sis-ii'lica. But there are
other ambitions thai me not wholly
Ignoble, and of these each society has
its particular one. The Euluxiaiis
have taken a solemn i at h, huve united
their strength for ihe u'alning of a par
ticular object. Its dillli'ioly ofitttuiii'
ment, is nlnio-l ovtiwhchuiug Imt
tliey nro resolved lo do or to die.
Greater obstacles have istIkhih U'cn
overcome, yet the heroic courage for
the uiuhrtaking of such an Ideal, the
strength to sutler mitrtyidom iu such
a worthy cau-e can only omo lit in
most lofty inspliatiou, yet it is an
age of invention; tt liy despair? .Some
thing whispers lliut tlie eutl of anollier
year will II nil that stove door on binges
and the luitaxlaus. proutliy liniiii
fhuut, victors lu the liallle against
'ate, loool'.ing forward to new worlds
tticouijucr. The Philologhti'S, li'ii-py
ieople, huve lately rtuli.ctl their am
idtioli. The wise men of ( recce have
been eclipsed, Dt iiioslhenes tttnl Ciceio
put to shume. Were Pill unit Webster
ever really orators in the highest
sense? Dlil Suhuoli possi-ss the know
letlge accredited to him? If so why
has such a number of ceuluries elapsed
ere such wlsilom was again i vhuvtl lu
man? Yet it must be so, there must
have been some such solid foundation
for the young disciple of Minerva to
build. The ambition of the Laureaiis
has turned In ipiite another direct ion.
Proficiency has In-cli gained lu btiok
knowledge, lu college politics, in ath
letics and now their attention is called
to other and higher subjects. Next
year their time will lie occupied in the
discussion of the quest Ion "How to
appear well in society," and us the
appearance always il penda more or
less Uxn the dress and us In this mut
ter no taste is so perfect as feminine
taste, tliev were loruuate enough to get
Madame I)e Style, Ihe ludy lecturer,
whose fame Is spread fully a block in
Paris to uddresa Ihem on the mbjeet
"How to dress well" which subject
was heartily, wonderfully and elo
quently huiulL'd by that ludy lu tin)
laurenii ami Eutaxlau hull last even
ing. Tho blnis thrown out will be
actet upon by the Laureaiis next
t A 1 li.itiiiii itrrntmoli
lUMItllB.-n Ml'"1'
dent lo (he wentluT Uiivau my: (iraM-
hoppere imve Decomv u wry m-nuun
liuiniuuo hum - --- - W
aro traveling almost due cast in this
county, having come from tho south.
Today they arriveo uuuut uue mi"--
...... i. nf l,..r.. Tln.v- nniu-nr In lie IIIOV-
IIUllll , ",' -
Imr so as to leave Heppnerund the
country i me soiuu nw inu im-n
ulalr "Time do not 11 V un:ll they are
about three" weeks old'. Tlie ones now
here are voung and only nop niong.
They 'have already completely
cleaned nut one man's eight acre
field of csrn In one day. They are
working als ta rye and potatoes.
You cun catch a humlful as easily as
you can catch a haiidiuii oi ims on
frvH a BHgar arci."
EvKriX( ShUahkmh.-Pendlctou
I. O.: The O K t N Co., seems to be
tk'fcerm hies t faso Helther eH'ort nor
Maey tOMsda) tbc bww dialng hall tit
H-eaelfwss a ssccess. There Is not on ly
the ssstst snltise trmuo in the
way of abaiWi ymoAWi over by
"Csrassliwi Mssrs." whjch bi of Itself
a asaraatse thist uJl koslHs ti'j ex
JcttstkM will b sioiiothaa fulillcd,
but wo iWMi th,rou are e
Ing lmsaovsil astl litHstiflctl in a style
toctrrwijoua with the building under
the mseristeisleaco of Mrs. Munra
herself. As a prcliaiinury step to this
cnil all iquaiieiB iiou mv,, D-
are Ik lug removed irom the company s
1 1 . !.... hl...n
amis ui iuuv uuir.
- -
THE OTHER Sll)K.-The C'orvallls
Gazette says sympathy In that city Is
generally in favor of Mr rrlendly.
That most people, while they do not
uphold Friendly in liis violation of tho
law, believe that lie was aggtavated
beyond measure, and was su wrought
upon by thestipptHod wrong that had
been done him ihot he lost his reason,
The Gazette goes for Long in a very
i.... aiiH piiitnifl. lie lino a
HOI. lliuiiiiii, - , .
shooting sciape with a tin horn named
mlstreMs.wliom Kipalil
tlOO to skip out, as well as other things
of u sensutb!
ionul character.
Uolijr (lus:l.June II
(ioT UACK. Johnny Stewart uud
the other drivers of tho Htswart bund
of cattle returned here this afternoon.
He Informs a GUARD reporter that
they only lnt one steer ami that tlie
by eating a pohonous weed; that tlie
road i in good condition, and that the
Kuminlt of he mountains Is free
from snow. He says they met Pickurd
with hisdrlve of cattle on the other
side of the mountain ami moi o mu
only la-t four or five head.
akuestkii eou incest.
t; 1) KcOueen and Wife Indicted for
I Inciht, Helug t'ou-lus.
lsiljr GurJ June l.w
Oil June 8th Chester 1 Metjueen
uud Miss Ada 1) Purkerson were
grunted a marriage license on nfllduvlt
by County Clerk Jennings. The same
day they were uuldo man and wife by
Justice Wheeler.
It now wen 3iut they were first
cousins and, the legislature of 1MI3
prol'ililted 'such uiarrhiges hence
they are guillty of huvst,
and have been indicteil for said crime
by the graml Jury. The newly made
wife was arrested this morning by
Deputy Sheriff Eakiu ou iheclmige
and is ii. iw guarued by au officer.
Slierill'J. hnsou I, out iu the country
aft' r the husband.
Theiadyisa little over 13 years of
uge, uud says slio was Ignorant that
any such law existed, uud is greatly
grieved over her position. Mie says
her huo)i:i!iJ Is about .11 years old. Ihe
parents of the couple, did not know
of such a law, and were perfectly will
ing to the marriage.
The penally is from 1 to 3 years in
the pcoitcmiury; or 3 months to 1
yesrln ihe county Jail, or a fine of
from fr-Hx) to 1 101X1.
I He luurlh at l.riuull.
Lkmati, Or, June 13. Imutl will
celebrate the Fourth of July. Au ex
tensive programme has Ihimi decided
Ukmi, and u good time Is exH-otcd.
There will be bicycle races, ft ot races, teum races, good speakers and lu
the evening a lieman's ball will be
given by the Eagle hose team.
Fanners have Just U'guu . haying,
ami retort hay u splendid crop. Crops
of uli kinds are looking fine and a
large yield of grain and fruits of all
kinds ure an as-u red fact.
Mining men ntv iWklmr into the
B'l ihi mines. Some very rich finds
have In en repurrcd. Chicago and
Milwaukee capitalists have been look
ing at some proHTtlcs, and have re
cured short lime options of several
Tiie Pleasant Hill Uohber.
Ai iinl.iv s .s ib-iu rust: Ibis morn
ing Jones withdrew his plea of not
guilty to live of the seven Indictments
charged ami pleaded gulity. District
Attorney McCain then asked that the
other two be ilisml-sed. He will re
ceive sentence ou Monday morning ut
The full limit on the five indict
ments would he years.
Mrs K-thcr Tiipp, the woman con
nected with Jones in his many rob
beries was before the graml Jury this
moruiug, but il was not learned what
action was taken in her case. It was
this woman who bold the silk shawl
stolen from the rcMde'ieoof Mrs. Mary
Plamomlon iu this city, to a scei.nd
huiul store lu Poitlaiid. It Is believed
that her plea will be that she was not
acquainted with the fact that the
shawl wus stolen, but was given to her
by Jones. Mrs. Tripp lias been sick
for some time ami it is not likely that
she will lie tried at this term of court.
IxiiicrKD Foil M l'kdkk. The Ma
rlon county irnind jury which has been
oxamliiimr witnesses lu the Aloiizo
Swarts murder case at Salem for tho
past three days, bus returned an in
dictment chu'tiimr old man Swarts
with having killed his son. The charge
Is murder hi the llrsi degree, nwans
sou died In a Portland hospital from
injuries Inflicted by bis lll-temiered
father At the coronet's Inquest it
wus shown that Swarts hud always
treated his family shamefully and cru
el I v. The trial of Swans will begin
Saturday, and Is expected to bonne nf
the most sensational eases ever irieu
lu Marion county criminal court.
a Live Coiintv Hoy. J L Talt.
Jr., of Poitlaud, formerly a resident ot
Creswcll, this county, uml at ono time
i studeut of Ihe Lulverstty or uregon,
has Iml-cu tendered nnd accepted the
. . I
presidency oi uiu r.uiersoii iinuiuir,
a seminary for young ladies, locuted
near Louisville, Kentucky. He will
start for his new field of work nt once,
in order to wun
those ho will patronize tho school
Kir Toll, lua uwlf diluent ed vouilff mull
and has ent a number of years In Iho
school room as a icacnor. e prooiei,
that ho will be s'.iccct-sful hi his newer
and larger field. We are proud to see
the young men oi uregon succeeuiug.
Ji ht Likk Him. Thorpe, tho bach
elor editor ot the Cottage Grove
Leader, publishes this libel: "A girl
not satisfied with
nqcezing a twenty-six inch waist in an
eighteeu-ln corset of the oidlnury con
struction, devised ono of rope yarn
ribbed with a clothesline. Thus ar
rayed sho took a bath, when me wel
ted and contracted fiber brought the
measurement to nine inches and a half.
In delight she gasped; "Oh haven't I
Kot a Just lovely figure now? And
It's so Rose and comfortable."
Daily Guard ,olue 1''.
FAum Utah. Wo are Informed that
fourtcenwagons with homo seekers
will arrive here via tho McKnnzle
wagon road from Halt Lake, Utah,
Tuesday. Tills will look like some of
the old time immigrant trains, wucn
i:m flnnutlon laud luw was lu vogue
a , il the line lands of the Willametto
valley were lying vacant,
Dally Guard, June 13.
Facial Paralybih. Yesterday
morning the left side of Mr. J L.
Page's face was partially paralysed
...i.ii . uuiin.r liia In-Hiikriuit. lie Is un
able lo close his left eye and his mouth
Is tw isted lo one side. Tho physician
in charge, Dr. lioomis, says he will be
altfght lu a few days. T ho paralysis
was caused uy a coiu.
Pally Cuard, Juna H.
Camp Mkktiso. Itev J E Snyder
went to Irving today to open up the
U. U- camp meeting near that place
,,.,.il,t 'rim mecllnir will be held
Ulsiut a mile from Irving ou the river
J.....t rri.o .....ut I iii. will Iim lielil In a
routi. nv "... - ...... ...
i.rira tnlicrmiclo whleh will accoin-
module about HUI people.
Il iiU Uai.
Aunt Single I've known girls to
marry iu husle and repent at leisure.
Ada (meaningly)-Anl I've known
people who never m:rrit at all and
p ., . ' 1 . v. r afterward.
Urs. Ksthrr Tripp Frte Only Shsrt
Friday Salem Post: "Mrs. Esther
Tilpp is not guilty of any complicity
lu the crime committed by burglar
Jones, so says Ihe grand Jury. She
was arrested uimiii three charges and
three not true bills were relumed by
that bodv this afternoon.
. "When the graml Jury hud returned
the not true bill and Esther was a free
woman, Detective Sam Simmons, of
the Portland iMtctlve force, came
forth with a warrant Issued at Port
laud for her arrest, ami she was takeu
to that city oa the 1:40 train. A rep
resentative f the press Interviewed
the delecllvo regarding tho charge
against her, and lie would only say
that he thought that ihe was wanted
as a witness. She was a member of
tlie "gang," all of which are in jail
In Portland, excepting Jones, and she
It probably wanted to testify In the
fuses against them.
Mrs. Tripp shows thut Incarceration
dues not agree with her. She has Itrn
kick a irood portion of the time, and
when takeu out in the sunshine after
two months Imprisonment she was
quits pale ami careworn, nne apoae
of the good treatment received while
under Ihe charge of Sherlll Knight,
and did not like to be taken back to
tho "filthy" Portland hill, as she ex
pressed II.
Real Estate Transfers.
K'iort d dally by Kcoisa AraAtTfosrST
n. k. st Asauaoeuu, Haiianor.
tieo W Drccdlmi lo Margaret P Cox,
e. 1 of D I, C of William Drlnkwater
and Joseph Drlnkwater In sec AU, tp
III. 1, e and see 1, tp H, 1 w, 170 acres,
J O Stoops and wife toSellna Brlnttle,
a tract of laud In D. L. C. of Harrison
Shelly and wife, lot 7U3., claim 35, tp
IH. s r w, su seres, moo.
Ever Petersou and wife to T G
Hendricks, a part of lot No. 7 In blk
11, Mulligan's add;fiou.
Margaret Foote to W McCoy, lot 8,
blk H;l:U
Oeoige 11 Colter and w ife to Nancy
J Slowell, lot IU, blk1;fl(K.
Dally UtiarJ, June l .
Pl.AO.l) IN J At I.. Ed Bangs was
placed in the city Jail last eveulng for
iK'ing drunk and disorderly. Jiangs
wus under the Influence of llouor and
euteretl Beavenue's cigar stand to buy
mmiio candv. bile there he assaulted
Arthur Anderson, who has eoargeof
the business, striking him over me
head with his umbrella. He then left
the cigar store and went Into a saloon.
Policeman Pratt was summoned and
followed Bangs ut) and tried to get
him to go home but he would net do
so. and was accordingly landed In Jail
After being placed lu Jail Bangs either
purposely or carelessly set ure to a
hutrrug In his cell and was nearly
sutliM-ated with smoke before assistance
could arrive to release him irom tho
Three charges were nrelerrcd against
young Bangs. The first was fur as
sault, the second for drunkenness and
the third for resisting an officer of the
law. He was brought before lleeoruer
Dorr Is ibis morning and plead guilty
to all three churgcs.aud this ufiernoon
wus fined f 100 ou the first charge, 7S
on the second and fli5 on the third
In default of navment of the lines, he
will have to sjiend tho time In Jail.
Each sentence takes place lu regular
rotation, thus he will have ts spend
100 duvs iu lull. A warrant was sworn
out In Justice Wheeler's court this
morning for the arrest of Ed Bangs on
a charge of assault and buttery, but
this charuo cannot now be preferred.
until he has served out the sentence
Imposed by the city.
Dally Ouard, Junt l.
ViMTlNd BniooiA County School
Superintendent J. G. Stevenson re
turned last evening from visiting
schools In Wolf creek and Middle
Sluslaw country. He traveled, so far
as porslble on a blcycle.but t lis country
was so rough that he had to walk 120
miles. The schools are nearly all run
ning vet and are In a prosperous conui
Hon. This Is the (list time many of
them were ever visited by a county
school superintendent. At oue place
Mr. Steveusen met a large bluck bear
Intheroud, but neither he nor the
bear were Inclined to prefer an attack,
so both departed tlielr respective ways
peaceably. Iu one district Mr. Steven
sou found a novel school house. The
building was 24 x SO feet and was
built of hewed logs, the logs being 0 x
10 Inches In dimensions. Tlie build
ing was well constructed and made a
very neat and substantial school house.
DAily Ouard, J una !..
Stole a Coat. Yesterday evening
a couple of tramps stole a coat belong
ing to George Stansberry from the
back porch of his resident on Pearl
street. Marshal Day was notified and
went In pursuit of tho thelves. cap
turing them at the corner of 11th and
Ferry ttreeut, one of them having the
coat on at the time. They bad taken
a pocket hook out of the coat aad
threw It away, mutilating some papers
It contained. They were placed In
jail last night.
A warram was sworu out in justice
Wheeler's court this morning for the
arrest of the trumps and this afternoon
thty were given a trial and each sen
tenced to 30 days In the county Jail.
Black Eye to Coal Oil: Water
loo Is probably about the smallest city
In Oregon that will have electric
lights. The correspondent of the Ad
vance says: The electric light plant
has arrived and the wires are being
strung throughout the woolen mill,
and iu a few days the mill will lie thor
oughly equipped for work by night as
well as day. (several or tne uusiucsa
houses. Including both hotels, will
have electric lights put In, and Water
loo will do her best to give the Stand
ard Oil Co. a blaok eye for raising the
price or coal oil.
A Splendid Hklkition. Clarence
W. Keeue. a well known and popular
student of the University of Oregon,
has ls?en chosen as orator lor the
Fourth of July celebration at Junction
City. Ws compliment the cltl.ens of
that place ou ineir cnoice as Air.
Keeue is oue of the tniml elwnient
young speaker lu Ihe state.
dels Pour Vcnrt in the IVnltcntlary
I aily (lu id.Junv II.
This is what yesterday's Albauv
IH'inocral says about "John Brown,''
th' rapist: Shcritt Jehnscu of Lane
county, passed through Albany this
noon for Salem with Frank Marshall,
who was sentenced Ibis morning at H
o'clock to the penitentiary for four
yeara for attempt at raK. Marshall
will ta remembered as tho thing who
Insulted Mrs. Alphino on the steel
bridge several months ago. He was
also Imprisoned in C'orvallls for inde
cency committed near the Cloverdalu
school house. Annul three weeks ago
he went to I.nue county where ho tried
lu commit rapeou Isith a little girl ami
a woman, ami It was for this he was
arrested and promptly sent to the pen
Itrnllarv. As he went by tho name of
John Brown his Identity was not
known until this noon, when Chief of
Police le recognized hlmas Sherlll'
Johnson took him to Salem. Mar
shall Is one of the lowest curs that ever
walked a street ami deserves a life sen
tence, as society will never cbe safe
with such a lisle at largo.
Meets at Newport.
Tho Corvallls Gazette says: Messrs
Campbell, While. Mathles, 'l'twler, and
"Nasby" Johnson, the executive com
mittee nf the Oregon Press Association
spent Sunday at Newport, making ar
rangements lor tho animal meeting of
that organization. They were met
by tho mayor, city council ami busi
ness men of Newport, who accorded
the committee every courtesy ami as
sured lis meinls'is that the citizens
were already takiiiK active steps look
ing to the entertainment of tlie asso
ciation. A clam huko is already as
sured, ami aside from a single com
modity The product nfoltl Kentucky,
a vast quantity of which will bo pro
vided CHM-clally for tho occasion
there Is perhaps nothing that the aver
ago editor more thoroughly enjoys
than clam. In addition lo the cluin
bake there will be excursions across
the bar to Seal rwks, Cajie Foulweath
er light ami oilier points of Interest.
After due consideration of the matter
the executive committee set the ditto
for the meeting for Saturday, July 111.
This will enable many of the members
to spend Sunday ou tho beach with
their sweethearts and wives, should
they so desire. It Is expected that tho
association will not get settled down t
business before Monday night and that
It will continue lu session two or three
days. Indications are favorable that
the meeting nt Newport will be the
largest attended since the association
was organized. There certainly could
not have Ueu a more favorable point
selected for the holding of the
meeting than the place chosen nnd to
this fact Is probably due the fiatturlug
assurance for an unusual largo attend
ance. Dully (iuanl, June II.
A kk They Bkady. Astorlan: Yes
terday aftcruoun Judge F. J. Taylor
received tlie following telegram Irom
his father-ln law, V 11 Anderson, dnt
ed at Missoula. Mont: "Hud a talk
with Huminond; ho leaves tomorrow
and expects to find things ready to
commence work at once." In conver
sation Judgo Taylor suid that the com
mittee exectotl lo have all things In
readiness for Mr. Hammond when ho
arrived. "I am confident (hut the loy
alty and patriotism of our citizens will
not full uow that vlctoiy Is lu our
grasp. You will notico that Mr. Ham
mond does not say he is coming to
build the mad, but that he Is coming
to Astoria and expect to find every
thing ready so that he can commence
work at once. The Inference Is plain
ho Is reatly; aro we?
Last Mght's Fire.
Pally Ouard. Juno 11.
At 12:15 o'clock this morning, Fred
Gardner while driving tho Hotel Eu
gene's bus, discovered a tiro iu tho
blacksmith shop of II 1) Wylle's ou
the corner of Eight and Willamette
streets, In the building owned by J W
Chery. He Immediately gave au
alarm, and the (Ire department re
sponded promptly. However, Police
man Pratt had extinguished the lire
with a bucket of water and tlielr servi
ces were not needed. The origin of
the blaze was undoubtedly the work of
au Incendiary, as the walls ot the
buildlug had been liberally saturated
with coal oil, as had also a portion af
Ihe floor. Three empty littles were
nlso found In the room thut smelt
strongly of kerosene Mr. Wyllosnys
he has not had any coal olf ubotit the
building. If the (Ire had gotten head
way It would have made a lively blaze,
as tho Immediate buildings are
ThkyWkkkin Demand. Mr I)u
B'lis, of the Holl'man House, recently
shipped two cratos of Sliarpless straw
berries to Chas Kuoche, who Is now
employed In the C M & St Paul It H
office at St Paul. The berrlts ware
grown and packed by F B Chase, a
market gardener near this city. They
were selected with greatest care ami
Mr. Knoeho writes that when they
reuchetl St Puul they were In excellent
condition and measured from 4 to 0
inches lu circumference. One gentle
man wanted to know where tho plums
came from and then ofiered to pay 60
cents per box for them. At this rats
the two crates would have brought li.
Rapid Biding. Salem Statesman:
Engineer Casey was culled with his
yard engine Tuesday to take t Port
laud W. D. Fentou and Judge Bro-
natigh, attorneys for tne (southern ra-
cilia railroad, lu their special car. He
had order to "open the lliroiue," and
lie made such ruu as Is seldom exper
ienced In Oregon. He went to Port
land and buck 104 miles in the
actual traveling time of about one
hour and thirty-live minutes, or more
than a imle a minute. He was rthaken
up so he dldu't sleep any that night.
Complimentary. A conespondent
writing to the Portland Suu concern
Ing the commencement exercises says:
"Ou Monday occur tho graduating ex
ercises of the conservatory. Miss Stel
la Oorrls Is the only student in music
to receive a diploma this year. Miss
Dorrls possesses a remarkably sweet,
clear voice; and a fuce so fuir and
Mower-like in Its delicate, young beauty
(liul ll is a pleasure to look at ner."