Kugcno City Guar. SATURDAY, J UN K WEDNESDAY, JUNK 10. A inarriiu:e llcenan wu liicd IIiIh aftirnoon bv County Clerk Jenninirn to Charlca K Jennea and Harriet II Eavea. Willamette at reel waa apriuLled clear through to the depot t -day. it ougiu to be continued every day. Governor V 1 Lord mid wifo are rlvnd litre thin afternoon. While In the city they will he the kuchIh of Hon nil Mm n 11 j-rietiuiy L'ongrwtimn Hinger Hermann wax paweiigT on tli Ih iuornliii('a truin vn route to urowiwviiie, wnere no to peak before the Llnu county pioneer J II liurnhart, editor or the McMm ville Reporter, left for the IJeikiniii nnrluicM thin mnmlnK to Hm-nil a mourn He la auileriritr severely fioni rlicuina tlmu. ChaaJ gcliiialwl, ofrorllund, ami. taut U M atlnniey. iravo tlila olllee pleaaant call, ile wan hero attemlinx the Kraduatitiir exert'laea of the luw department. Anion? thro who arrived on till eafiertioou'i train were: Hon Ut H William. Juriito U H r.ran, A RiihIi MiltKallie HunIi, Statu Trcamirer 1'hil Metucliaiii. K 1' Met'ornaek and Jtoht flow. Tucaday'a It'iwiburir Plalndealer: I P'Fliorp. editor of the Kchn-ljendi' called oa the l'lulndealer Kr.dny look Inir rather irrliiDV. hut thal'a not liinir. Uifaelora ofteu Ket th Krlppy. He'll be O K aooa. La Grlaae lx hew again with all It old tiimj vlyor. (Mr Minute Ciamxk I'm a vlki. It ca 0ri aaaae aasWdf. 0ft.'UV It IHCabci, A h-Her flB IW) lfif Verve luaat taut tfe(e we never J laiirM and catnfteM ui (We 'lak-y um4 ylkaa hot uprliiiM. Trout Is re "Treat to bltriijf ihioely, Al. Airtrn buvlktf eiajM out wpvtty tw MChva lu a. De WHfa VTHoh Hen 4 Kuivo IMH-M, blMHH, lwhdeM ftaaJ faila to ctwo jiWva. Prof. Moore's lectures ! rin'wt"' have been attended by hirib awvkc tlve auiiivncea. rroi. JHwfo whti stands Ida bualticii. 1-M IccHr-ea au hlunly Instructive a wuM a c-tti- talnlng. ''Stop hlin;" lie stole the vuho, Hut the kid he shouted Itmdw, "Clear the track" for I've got the n4e Made with "Kki Huai-. Hakini I'OMDKH." llKti rr lOUKT. 0 J II Hnnlu vs Eliza A Sauiitlew foreclosure. ( h O 1'otlur referee) D'a mlnieu. 10 AUIIoveyva Thomas Chappcl and IS II l.ytlo, to recover money Aloiloa ror a new inhI denied. 13 1) M 'Oaluini & Co. vh J H Mr Murray A Co. to rt'Cover money, .Mo- lion lor new trial denied. 05 J H MoCiuiik and L H Johimon vt John n WhUmati and John r I'yle torwloaure. lonilliued. Allowancea tiiadu: L Itilyeu, lor defendinir Me- (iueen fi'O OS L Itlleu for derendiiiK Jordan -tMHJ Li ISIeveim for defending It M Hlevena 1W W K Ii Mat tenon, for defend I ng lirown 'M W) V H Cookt for defendinir Mil- lett at March term IX) m Klnierdray, -ruul urv biiillH' M tat C M Jackson, court bailill 1.7 f K C Larimer " " S7 W lies M Jlrown, dblrlct atlHr- nuv HQ W J M W llllftiiiH, HsalMtliitf djHlrWt M attorney O Wllklna, rom-t graphcr Wheat Mat ket Stea-tth. HH-Cll to UlC Dill.T (lUAKO. LtVKUi'ooi., Jime M--('ih'r pauitKe, Ulet but wHaJy; LlxHTfuiJ M)i weaaer. Nkw Yokk, Jaae 2 r.'J MkMfrfy quotations 7111. C'litcAtio, jiiHoW. HH.'itf, mi cd 71;cloed 7J. Han KKA.N-.iHo. June M. I'ww-v bslljUUkrU, Jim W. HoitMK Kii.i.KD. A Mr tWm'H wHd team ran away oh highlit Htaxwt tins aiiernoou. line or llo Im'ea, n big line one, lmd hi lei; Wiok, uiuk the owner was compel led to kill the aulmal. Wii.i, Okatk. Hon t'K WilkliiNon of this city, worklmr lu the l'oiUnmi custom lumiie, will deliver tjio Kourth ouuiy oration at torvaius. ue will tlmltsr a geod one, lull? (lutnl.Junr Jli. Retuhnki). A J riekard n'turned this forenaou twin CrxniU count v. IU had exo'edliiKly K'xxl luck with his drive of cattle, not lot-lug n single uvnu. C'alilornia'a Hint Is liKD !skai. I!ak INO I'owdkhh. Try them and you will have no other. KIDY'8 lil.K BlTI-OSITOItV. ! nnmntorit in rn I'llvi slid r(mllinlion or liiiihry rrdimWO. !i crlila ixr l. (m-ikI lwoini.i lor rlrf'ilm attt.t Vr hmnile lu MAKIIN HI l'Y, ItrKliU'nnl rhkriimclit.l aui'mt. tT, No Ml.TAl. ANKWKHIIII. Kor !(' I)T nil Ittil rlaai tlrUKiilii rvorjf Iut, suit In Kukfii KITSON Hot fIedieal Springs. Wonderful Cure of Most All Kinds o! Dis eases Pertaining to the Hunan Bod). All klu.U ol hili( Only $1 Per Week, Slid THE K houK-ioo th yruuiut lornii lu. Hloionljron iiIkIiI 011 lh nwUi l.owi-11. AoovuimutUlluni lurulnlivJ I7 -A. D. Hyland.- Hotel nr the ttprlugt, 111 J Free Hack ruu to th Hprluii M(ht suit Morning HuppIlM ol sll kl-idi will b (urn Wi.hI l.y Ui Bu brlrar. Cormnnndrnc will nlv iruut sllvn llon. AJdrwu, G. M. BLACKBURN, Lowell, Onoil. llfltT I tHIK. June IH, IS! 5, Rained in the right time and juit in the right time. Fortunately. Kdgar JohiiHou and wife pusH-d here yesterday 011 their way up the river Ho goes in ijucHt of gold, am wo hoiic he will hriiiir back a biixhel of the yellow nIiiM. Home liny U being cut this week and wilh the present fulr weather the hay crop of this section promises to be a good one. MIhm Carrie Hinixnker lias returned to tills place from Kugeue, where she has been uttendlnjr school for some time. A bund of cattle belonging to Mr I'orler, of Lynx Hollow, tmsi-ed this place today enrotite for Kustem Ore gon. We are glud to uuimuncu that the mill has concluded to stay with us, The licople would have 111 lined it this fall If It hud gone. Louie Aduiiigtou has gone across the mountains with l'orlcr'acattle,uiid L'ldou Is correnpondingly liuppy. It Isn't all III luck that cuiftn to us here below. Roth Dexter and Trent are running unusually good Kunduy schools thi summer. The Trent LumlicrCo. have IIiiIhIm-i; suwing their logs und shut down for the summer. The 4lh of July picnic hti been dell hitely decl'k d on, and a proartui Is Msa; preifiril which lll Is; parish eU In li touiif iM i coaie isJ lirisf yisir Iwwl (IrW axid a littl W4i f issyt, (, ly tW va-y. II. I. Jaw It, U W h 1ijmmj imd Ja kksg w la ( tlse ItllBH lit MiMlsiura ( wlsm wo V kbsa srii4lu hti-v M atW. Hay amJii rtss is tauv m mi er ii4m4. eilHf?. J'rl-kiy. XI hs htrwiswvy at a .- sav Wlet remH. Mr liafrf mT twe fartbi villi b4v aH ete4-tiuHiH'Ht la littK Prniy H k'lli. A SMMJ4 udnMs4wl fi'tf IU bo Mrs VV 1) Kfccv kkh KH-1el wUa her IioiihcIhoM goorid V kf Uk, K V y iiiiums, w inw. i hero Is talk f u Wg 4nwe m Mms vicinity t-H take 4nfo July th. The I'lH't-ef Jtrws Ma-rlred ass H iMouiitalHs this 1icHning wrtU 337 KvihI of cuttle, HVef the Military roHo. J. I). Holln nid (). V. Cu1Ihim Mih4 rd for Sliver La mi HiM, MiMiy t work IhroHgh lniy imtvcNt. V H RaugliMiiiH am4 wife ih4 lra M A Turks and 1 J J'tuughiMM i4:ut ed t Crescei t Lake ktst Ntttfci v, IVhi beRlU of 1' J's UeuUlH. I X MHlWey uw4 fciH 11 jr vKpurt t tart lit tUe rtato hoMInc; ut Ta-rtwr the ht llw wiHi. The gnu-la tifliW 1mm smko 4s iifsiour- aH'o Ih g-HHd tiafie tut tUi w Iwat UcMn hw. Mw( all 6UI wM'at U tJiln c tioH Wirs IMm la. 'fle)' Hiw 1t-H! H i4 kr4 jxhw utn ttt IM k 4 JttM, immI urn Usu 3 ii Umy vn taMt. We 110 hmlf W KWlU t W IMMM1VOW- tmml wf unr f-rtW wf JaJy mW W, mj( R win wfa.wd k4 J.-loy ist a tuJI MeelK. x t kihwi t Imw llvust, a fi'W kallos tsM iV mm WmI Wcmi - iwMUwf.ru fSHiuisat cokWatnsa imi tlo MU, two days I e rM, W m4 Wklly IiiUmJ e Ism lnw( aalil after iwr wtia hiwt ti; than llirifcR'k dsw rtstH f- ir (Mrs; as'lchbialwvM t flrt a tw tkoa. tUKtn4 that tlj 0- to liuveati) to cek4ratiia and we would iMlvise all taut oiitcmulstud lattcudiajr the V. Hill 1'iciiic tojiisl JtIto 011 to IVxtcr; you will not ret It. IVxtcr has always been friends to n' In every way, and for us to place u picnic on top of theirs would not do, Dexter will 110 doubt thank us for this move. We will be w ith you and claim a treat. CKKSWKLL CASUALTIES. J.11K lUhhlls are llecoiulnif Plentiful Other Items. June 110, 'W. K H Moms uttended the exercises at tlio University of Oregon yesterday. Mrs Melton re(Uets us to publish the fact that the Heinorest liiedul con test, which wn: set for next week, has been Indefinitely postponed. At the Camas Kwule sclnsil houxe on June li7th tin re will Ihj some Interest ing graduating exerclwH, a Hug ruining and 11 progriim of recitations, etc, by the school and 11 regular school plciilu. Miss Kuellu Rrewster Is teacher. Mrs Chus Hamilton, of Kilvcr Luke, is visiting her mother, Mrs Wooton, of Cloverdale. Mis Humilton waln the Chrisiiiun hull at the time of tho ter ril.le lire last Christmas and lost her little hoy. Her little bube shows the murks of the fire, und she oi ly laid aside hur crutches Just Is fore starting for the valley. A few years ago Jack rubbits were en tirely unknown In this vullcy, but now they are cutting down beans by the ai re In this vicinity. T 0 Martin has killed two and thinks there aro doen of them working on his Held of beans. Orcliardists will soon have something besides bugs to fight and the furmers will soon have, to build snug picket fences, or raise no, cor 11 or beans. Rev K (iittins Is to deliver tip oration on the 4th of July at Illue Mountain school house. Ve wouldn't bv surprised if a mob of Creswell peo- pk- tfhiajkt there to celebrate. V.v.vn rn an 8liocs AND- I KJ.KIIIUIIOS AT FAIUHOl'.Vl'. Jal) Hit Will be Ui amlly hralril. tt-lf Will Ue Clos-cl Out AT COST. If you want shoes at your own nrict'H now is the time to buy. They aro going fast YORAN & SON, Exclusive Shoe Dealer, lnoly lluase-ilnps. June 10, ISM, I'Wasxavt Vktthcr. I'Ui sirsi to lo more plenliful than mi thin year. Tlss) rain Hiturday and Kunduy was bMM'ih'lai ta crosiy. itv PK'i-KMo preached hero on Hun fciy to a shiuII congregation. i:-4ella Hylund visited at Mrs WuJk-er's over Haturduy. Th s4agu Is now running between l.tigeHo ami the ivitson springs, up tku Mkldlu fork of thu Willame'te Thm; Kitson sprl.igs are becoming fci-vurite sHtumer resort on account of tki Wot Minerul springs and excellent IW-ilw-g. Mr K tiorbura visits over (his side of tlo river iilto frciiuciitly. (Vlix Ruysell, with several ussislunts, MM been getting Ills cuttle together nnl i.raHding tliem this week prepnra tury to starling across the mouiitalns. , cHHipmecting coiiimcuces at the Liwcll uamprouiKl next Thursday amter thu auspices of the M K church, Kverybudy is invited. Several Men met at Mrs Walker's kir4 Sa-tHnhiy to finish covering t ho kwH left unfinished al the death of her HHrthund; but thu rainy weather pre vented tliew completing it. She wus mjt thankful for what they did do. (M iH'ismat f the death of her father Mr. H I" Hayes U teaching Miss H 11 huh Wisl4sr's sclimil at I'overty Ridge, J C Ruadiil, our justice of the fwwo, iismI family, started across the ikKWHtuM TM-stluy. I lu rented his fcM'M MUX (Irillln. Rufus Cullison bm bwtisi iiMiHatoel Ills successor IIS J. r. 1M b Jaaw 14, to Mr. and Mrs. (J. W. Ma.nstarey, u ten pound girl. tMn ItUH-i4l and family started UprniM IIm Mimiituhis today. Alec Clrlma, Owar Iarury and (Icorge Iiwnr weal with It 1 tit to help I1I111 nsi'oi tUu rMHiitalu. with their cattle. a!iti sWnCro w ill drive one of the wa si aiit4 willgn nil the way witli tst'Ni to Oklahoma. lu our items last week we stilted the Hinday schoul convention would be Junu i!3 and lit, w hich was nmlstale It will be Juliet and it. RKdl'LAH. el (iraml t'eleliratloii. Smlthlleld w ill celebrate. An Inter esting program is lH'!ng prepared and eiiloyulile time is tiuticliiatcd. Kverybody Is respectfully Invited to be l resent at Miiltlirichl oil salil dav and helii us cvlehruto our national birth day. Tho following Is a general out line 01 ine program: IIKKOHK IMNNKIt. The pupils of the Smlthlleld and igiitsirliig sclioois will meet at the Smitlitlcl l scIhmiI house at ti::it o'clivk where Ihey will form lu prot'ssion mid march dlivet to the picnic groiimls, w here the program will begin at 10 clock sharp. .Music liy Kern It dire String Rand, also vih-uI music by Kern lsldgo choir. Invocation. Heading f declaration of independence by Mr '.liner Joiirdan. Music, Instrumental and vocal. Orations to le delivered hv Revs Houston and Wallace of Junc tion City. At IK It lUNNKIt. Literary program by the Sinithtleld and neighboring schisils will hogin at o cliH'k, alter whleli there will bo a baby show, a pria to be given to the prettiest baby 2 years old or under. Here will ! two sack races, tlrst bv boys under 1 2 yc-irs of age, second by boys over l'J years and men, prUes to given to tlio winners. Imit race y Uiys uudi r is yvur winner to re ive a priio A base ball match will Ui played tiotwooii men over till vears of age und school girls, the winners of the game will receive a prl.s I'lug Uglies. lty lirdcrvfConiiiilitc A ! ,tlKiilllrriit llolrloom l licsllh. No Rem III tlr or eoronel U inclou. IVr rontra, a hereditary tend ncj to dln'HM', of loll pmvei a tatal tenner, line the mint tililln estiM't majr fertllle Hie latent lierni! ot 111 lieallli and rviidertlic IrtiltHKudoad' Ijr. Ail Inhvrrnt iranmltltd wvaknvra of the plifuleal ronslllullon la nut etleeliulljf o ed ami rnuiiteraetist ly lloalettcr'i 8I0111, aeh Hlileri than by aWy other sad irnanl. i. Keailnu anil aaMinitlHtlon ioitHud, ilti tilhary 1, ii,.,,. w. i.t'ii ,iit niiini anil iMtwfii in nrni, are no inanv snaranlee 01 Hrmntnt health, and tlH'H'arv Uie conf.ii,MU'ei, anun olheis ol like imp.Tlniiee, of a ivaorl to the Hit tern. I'hla mi'dlelne alao preventn and rennsllea inaiaruma einntMainia, nervonanaa, chronic tn aomnia, rheiunallani and ncnralKla. Such warn lima a loa ol aois'lde and alivn, t"o, alioulil imi Ik diarvcsnliHl. '1 lie Hitters will rvalore iMth sllhonl tail. You can get cash fer your l liillelii bark at S. II. Krlciidly's. Fishermen Attention! We have no Our line is sure to draw. : Qomfort ar;d pleasure to Qau?r;t ir;"'0ur JSfet." be Helorx- aiaitlnii to 1 he rlrer lay In a anl) ot I'USAKS 'iVpularbramls." Tl)UA(HH) "AH makes." CANPY raoM All Jilioos. JULIUS GOLDSMITH. 0-0- No. 1 SliouKlors por ll . (tootl lriotl (irupos jht 11) Dried Kaisins. por lb l'leasant Hill Iteuis. Hay harvest Is ou hand. J Mozer has the grippe. K Ilovd lias moved his family to Trent saw mill, w here he lias secured a Job for the summer. J K McKiiizie made ( re.well a vlt.ll lust Sunday. Mrs I'otter and family, of Kugcne, were visiting Mrs J N Wruy. of this pluee. Mr Jus Kelley finished painting his noiiso ami returned to luuejsinuence, We are pleased to hear the announce ment that Pleasant Hill will givo grand picnic on July 4th. Everybody attend. J I Kcwney, who is up from Port land, was given a party at the residence of his brother last evening and several hours were spent In "tripping the light fuutastio toe." J K IkiWItt and family moved Into their new house yesterday. I ncle Jack Keeney bos gouo to Rrowiisvillu to attend the l'lonecr pic nic. Aunt Winula Davis writes from Su lem that she will probably remain In that city till Sept. 1. J I) Hampton la having plans drawn for a new dwelling which will be erec ted lu the near future. The Chlldreu tlay exercises last Sun day were very interesting. Dr hliarples ami family moved out to his prune orchard yesterday. KEATIIKKU KIC1HT. HurklrVa Arulca Salve. Thu Rest Hulvo in the world for Cuts, JlrulKee. Sores, Ulcers, 8ult Rheum, Kever Korea, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Kruptions, and poHitlvelv curea 1'ilcs. or no pay reuirel. It is guaranteeil to give H-ricci aaiisrucllon or money reiuiiueii. rrice .j iits per box, For sale by Henderson & Linn. K'hcn Intiv wualek, weRSveherCuto.v-. When alis was a Child, she cried for Cantoris. When aha bceams Mlaa, aha clung to Ccatorla. Abon alia bad Children, she gave tlwia Caatorim. H. N. CRAIN. Watches, Clocks, Jewelrv, Sterling and Silver-plated Ware. aJrWatcli Repairing a Sp"eluUy. ICUCIKNH, OkKQON It. l. NOKTOS. 0. W. KlNHKY. Norton Sz Kinsey, Attorneys-at-Law. t'omnicrtial and l'rooato lliialmm a Hin. laltv. tillico In llarria' Mock. Ol Hi tits. duv. MrsS E Mi AH.I..I-. Mi.rHlnils of the day, Mrs Mrv kili.iirli.x MIm (iiissieCliuliman Miss U-viiia Yeagei; Chaplain, Mrs, MaiU Itnll. v: Orator. Mrs A K Kvans Roa.lor, Cut'herlne C t'oggswell. I'Ikkjiia.MMK: Mu.ii. I.e I be hand: I'raVtT b.V the Chuplaln; Hong hv the children, "ReC While uml Illue;" le ading Deelum ion ot Iiid. M iideiice: Music: Oration Koiil- "An erica." by the audience Dinner. aktkknoox: Mnsie Iteeltatloll. Tousts Ulld K spusi-s; Music; lUtltutlon by Miss Lela Mummy; Mong; Miscellaneous sports. ltter List, q June 20, 1805. Rrewbaker, Suml. Morrle, A T, Duryee CJracc, MclCinzey, J K, Kirk, Maud, Robinson, John, Moore. Pearl. Wlnsky, August, a cli.rirn nl nna ri-nt will be made on sll lsltira (tiriin out I'uraont call will pleaaeatate hcu advertlK'd for letters 1. J. I'baiii, P. M. Dav 5l Henderson, Undertakers ano tmbalmers. Cor Wil, and th sts. FOR YOUTt Farm, o Garden, and Field Seed Glassware, Crockery, Groceries, Wooden and Willow Ware :-GO TO-: C. C. GOLDSMITH & CO. Highest market price paid for country produce. It Will Pay. You when In want of anything in the line of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Combs, Brushes, Syringes, and Rubber Goods generally, TO CAI.I. m YERINGTON'S NINTH STREET DRUG STORE, CONSIiR BLOCK. EUGENE, Von ran aavc iniiney on family and home pri-'ritiun. Hur t undlllon PtwSrri arv tin-Ural on Knrlh. line pouinl pai'k' RSTAIII.ISIIKD lX'.'. F. H. HAMMER, '.'1" anil IV, Davis St., cor. Commercial, San Francisco, Cal. We jr the hltcliest market )rlre (or Wheat, Barley, Oats, Potatoes, Apples, Poultry, Hides, Wool AND GENERAL PRODUCE. It v. ill pay ynn to write u and kwn nnalml. LiUvral ailvanut a made ou couaignnianM. Hnrnhpp- ts,ui Prsnclaoo Pmduce Fxchange. UIHUCI . (San Kranrlsco Fruit Kxchangti. A Eraoia's Esnm-celen. Si tn.lll curat in-nirnt for Nerroiw orHIck iiKH.iiK'itn, urn ui r xinin-tioti. MwulfNinMi ItH'l.il OP Lfl.rrnl Nituraluia' alunfnr Khmi. nrittfrn, (lout, KiJmy (tiMtitJens At'ltl llitL Ait;mi,i, Antlditfa for Alcoholic THE ARNOLD CIICNIICAL CO. 151 S. Western Avenu, CHICAGO. c Sold by all Druggist. le mxizi it rii'irn KM. TK. iiyrcirJ lii.i to tli tlia d. o(tlilriiiUl!riurOM irui, rttiim no ch4nr;i of 1tt o i UMU AS A PREVENTIMS hy either It It impcMiNtoestnfl tny enrtl (Iiimm, hut In UiOkai 12 II r. FZ 17 1 ' l!UI' I"?ur OSItrHN A. I) K LA NO. DrUk-L-liLi ami keutit iLtigi'iie uri'xon. Money Saved is g Money Made! 9 50 wo aro going to givo von tho above opportunity to save money by od'oring our Largo and Com plete stock of Mens' and Boys' Hats at the following extremely low prices: IWtorA. IX. Fiali, of liravola Mill, Mo. a prai'tU'lng li aW-lun ot many roarMoxiH'rU'iuv, write: IV Wltt'a Xiot 1 1:1 ok WI...1. II.....I cl.... I . i .....ii iiHM-i (Tarn, una iiv riiunl lor linl)li'iit aorva, aeaM anil tviirna. U low aiu liist.inily, Inula a bum (iiK'kly and leave no oar. OSIII KN A Ptl.ANil, 0 ol,. e .) v Ax Billy. o-o-o Hack StitV at .lack Still' at Mack Stiff at Irown Fotlora at.. Nut Fedora at Hack Wool at lack Wool at Mack Crusher at.. Nut Crusher at ..SI 1.27, regular price $1.75 1 .y.", regular price 2.50 2.10, regular price 1.32, regular price 1.30, regular price 1.23, regular price .8."), regular price .75, regular price ,70, regular price 3.00 1.75 1.G5 1.50 1.25 1.10 1.05 8 BUTTON LENGTH MOSQUETAIRE White Chamois Gloves At - - &1.UO. Th8 Best Value Ever Offered-Latest Thing. See this line. SigS OUR FANS.. All shades of plain Japanese Silks 35c per yd Ask to see our Black Waterproof Silks (,S5c per V(j W E3B 1 WESttTf tf mi, KID (DOT id f mm E. DFIOJ. Still Wo SHOES New Give You Low Prices: 20 yds Muslin $ 1.00 20 vds Gingham.... 1.00 20ydsShallie 1.00 20 yds Shirting 1.00 20 yds Calico 1.00 TO-DAY. THE BEST KID GLOVES ON EARTH. The Department Store and the Best Store to Trade. CALL BRING IN YOUR W0DL.WE PAY TOP PBICES.5 IF THE? IS $ Y0U ARE AFTER, AND Fu!l value for your money, we can lai rvlk'd and depended upon every time. We claim lotsell you at our 'stl lislinieiit The Very Best Goods 4 At trie Lowest Prices, And to make each purclia.se a bargain in every ii.ianliij,' ot the word. J. D. MATLOCK & CO., Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Gaps, Boots and lh. YOUR ATTENTION In called to our large and complete line ot READY-MADE CLOTHING, -of all the latest pattern. We are also prepared to take your measure for a suit made to order. A perfect fit guaranteed. frSEE QUH URGE LINE OF SAMPLES HOWE A RICE -BELKNAP Hot Msd Springs. Unsurpassed and wonderfally eltwtcloM In Curing !,EI. otar;d Cold, $fam, Eketrie ar;d Srpouer Baty$. Free Pastuffor Honoes. tt a a m . stage Line to jum We will commence running P Hue to theae celelirati'J apring fru, EUGENE, Ji lltth. The sttiKe will leave Euiene o Muiulaya and TIiiiit'"11 6 o'clock a. m., returning the Ml"'- I at WuJ aami vb a n it Snl li n III V at 6 0. j:vryttep)tion will lie given to the . cmfcrt of paaiiMwyra. -Ti Tilts,?T. All kluda of ram ahnunil with Salmon, kaiutmw and Korrklrd tmut The rlrer teems mare ltava hnt..la In l'n..n. ... U..II Hnrlnns, Monilaya, We.lnea.Uya and Friday, li the mornlnir. making the spring in one day. .loirwipoudence will receive prompt attention. Addreas, , p. osTKANflKR. Belknap sprlnmi. Lane Co., Oregon. A MJestlc Steel Range... A No. 8 Cook Htove A No. 8 Waah Holler 1 Qlws Linel Oil Can 1 doz. 6 qt. milk pana 1 6 at. ttew pan 1 Hour sifter 1 wash baBin 1 Dish pan 1 10 qt milk pail 1 12 qt. milk pail 1 codec pot 9 1 tea pot 1 set knives & furke 1 l";e bread knife 1 handled man'a axe 1 long handled almvel Wire nnils-lliihP Glldden llurli Wire ftiOD 12.00 .85 ".. .55 "'. . "". .H "'. -W . " . . "... .15 " . -W J '". .15 " . . ,5 "" 150 Z no aaa ism TAKE THE nrarCTifiKi ffle Have the Best Shoe on Earth for $1. Wo aro also offcrins: our entire stock of LACES and KMltROIDEKroganlloM of COST. Don't miss this opportunity to pot a bargain for this sale will only last for one week. A. V. PETERS. j w oia ou a iT.-n.n'B.i by all dror- aod ii th beat CougaW Atjup Cuii Bold by HenderaonQ Lina. FRUITJTREES.v J ii- 3int ,'n fruiTtree. this fall, you "J Iron. fher" " rUr b' purchM- Willamette lallej Nurssrv Co., Of WOODBl'RS, (.RE.iiiS rviENo ton PRICE LIST. AT Griffin Hardware Co. Lap;;-t". - I i 'A STEEL B; :t;';iti are the o"' (Inai .. iiahla cr- on t Ii auul. liiuini. ' 'i:'' II'v CI '. OiilURN A liKIA.NO tgenta, Kugen. I'n'ii. n .....rt "l IF Take your Clilttem lirk rriendly. to S. II. . II 1. 8.VXSM jrtrri Alffi Ki TBAi?f ta aold under poaitive written JJ ;nthori;ed agonta only, t cure W "-'""Jl. Quirkni liight Uwi Kfil ftreama; lrj m lonfiilnncet NorriHiaueaa; Laaeiludei all v'rtllt Lota of Powof th tie:ieratiTOran m JJ x. eaaaed HyoTer-eiortion, JVmthrui l-'rZre Kinmm I'm of Tobacco. Opium or UQ" which leod. to Mlapry. foMnmpUn. and Dnaitl-. By roa.il. 1 a boi: an t" fL, written nnuita to core or refund mwi. " ttTft rilU car Hick Headache. Bili5 Lirar (mplain. Hmr Htomach, D"pepi."r tooatipaUoD. OUAHANTtiid UafBu ouif W Oeburn A DeLano. JS'