i ...puctc I r A rv run "-s' . rm" llll'Ill I ! I la I I I I J I I I I I Itv. a. i ui 1 1 1 1 1 : ... ... u r. n n- AAA Li I U II II mi EUGENE CITY GUARD. lrrletr. EUGENE CITY. OREGON. AGAIN THE RENTON MURDER Til U'lilow Hat lUrrltrd Imlruiully From Iba lluniiuraa (iotarumant. PATROL OF THE COAST THE NEUJRALITY LAWS Cleveland Says They Not Be Violated. Must PROCLAMATION HAS BKES ISSUED II Warn All lllrna Agalna! lb Vlo. lallitn nf Much l.awa In Thrlr Kftiirta In Aaalal ulia. Washington, June U. Secretary Olncy i thoroughly determined that llii! L'nltod State uovcrniuciit nIiiiU (Id; all in it power and all that Interna tional law r'iuiniH to prevent tho vio lation of the United State treaty by ja-raona who undertake to inako thin country h tiaitti of hostile operation against Spain, with wh&h power it 1m hi )-aco. Complaint nave reached tlio The Government to Thwart Cuban Filibusters. (il'AKDINU arrrvtary (Hnry Hill Ural With tf Krvolulloiilala anil Tbrir Hymna- llilivr With a Mining llaml. Washington, Juno 13. The dctcrmi nation to send the United State steam Now Vork, June 14. A special from 8a u Juan del Norte. Nicaragua, to the World say: The Iloudurau government baa puid to the United State about f:i5,000 tu Kld in settlement of the claim of Mm. Kenton for the murder of her husband. The fori'KoiiiK dispatch i the first in tiniatioii that the lieutou case had already been made the subject of for mal negotiation. Charlii W. Ken ton, hi wife, Einma.n and their nine went to Urewcrs' L gm, Honduras, eight year ago. Kenton Pk up a claim in lHlKt. The projarty whh valued at :(0,000. Ken ton had no trouble with the govern ttw.iit f.r tin. riutii'in mitil a iilantera' concern called thu Hrewe.ni WoikI & I Hitioii starting fnm our Produce Company began ota-rating in the territory near thu Kenton planta tion. The officer and employea of thi coneeru looked umiu Kenton' planta tion with envy, and warn squatted on part of it. They Htole Kenton'a ma-iam and aoon la-caino mtirderouNly aggroa aive. In March, IH'J'.i, eight men con ecalerPthcinsclvc ill a grove near the Kenton houae, and when he appeared oja ned (Ire on him. Mm Kenton tried to drag her hiialuiud in and a bullet atrui'k her in thu riuht wrist. In a THIRD TIME. The l.una lll(lia)ruiaii A(ain Hulila l' lha klamalh-Agrr !. Aahland. Or.. June 13. The regular monthly hold-up of the Klamath Falla i Ager tage oocurred laat uiKht about a i liulf hiIIh north of the Totiar irrade. It jwa a few minute paat 11 o'clock .. . when the driver, Charles Hurueburg, THE FLOUIDA SHORE m.ttn, the Mnw 0i, or,i,.r, "Halt and throw out the express box and mail pouches, and tell your paaschger to get down," given by the loue highway man. There were two passenger aboard, one inaide. Churl Zwisler, who wax on the scat with the driver, out open the sacks, according to order, Thu driver and passclikTr were then MISSIONS Confirming Earlier From China. XO MENTION OK LOSS OK LIKE l.nral OMrlal ltefu.nl ITnlrrllnii the Mla.limarlra t Mill thu Mob llt-.tmyril lb Hullilln". Shanghai, June 13. The report thu total destruction of thu missious Cheng Tu, Kiat Ting and a no of in I'u ahip Kaleigh to the Florida coaat for j ordered to remove their coat and veata j njw j.,, uofir1(.,i, Thu local ollU'iala thu punxe ol co-operating witn reve-. Hml thu driver onl rel to dh iik open i r,.fust.,i ,,rt(vtion to thu miaMoiiariea the laix, but he told the robU-r the box ; j, , . t C1ni1.t,.(l wiih empty, and when he ahajk it, the ! f ,.,,,,,11,1, the buililingi. The miiwiion atatioua at other plaeta have L.,11 thr..f,.!ii i1 Alamt twclltv adult deemed audi u courau adviaablu for ; watt not opened. Thu robber ordered . il1lH. u .......u.rof children have tak n Trade I light in H quarter, and 1...,,, .,. Ihw mil lar between. Tim only unMirtant alteration in the li.tU in lrriee, bl b 'v declined Reports ,,,,,1,., heavy nieipt". home f011 vegetable! are in market, but (alitor nia ntk has cleaned up. Cotinttv orodiK e in uncbange.l. The itrwery and pruviaion list i a latreported. Whtat Market. 1 . 0 ...1.1 1- ..i. v.. ,!( 1 'j he Ileal inaraci, ia ! owing to the acaieityof U nnage. I'rlcn re nominally nimo.c per uu.hci ii Walla Walla J 53i54c for Valley. rroiluco Markal. Fixi'a I'ortland. Salem. Canca-lia and Davton. are ipioted at MM -r barrel, lioiddrop, Snowllake, J.(10; Hen- ton coiintv, 2.iW; graham, r'.Mtat.W; in uuu cutu ra Ui prevent filibustering ex-1 thu laix. but he told the robU-r the box ahorea, ia Waa emotv. and w In n h nhjk it, the one of thu first acta of Mr. Olncy in hi robla r aeeiued satisfied and told the new position. Secretary Herla rt has ' dfrVcr to put it liaek in thu whoii. It , thu driver to take out one ol III lignts j ,... M, -i...,, tu Uud Vamen. 1 aud examine the inside of the wagon, I ' i.i.ml,.(i tin, affair. Vict- . .1 u . : I. ' airuea ii.t 111 III" liut mini. n dcpa5tme,.t of Hta.o frU the Span ah , , . in.n.sr that men aru b- ing r.a-ru.ted iUm I'll Slim 111:413 i"ii, nifii limb nil,,. .. t - a-ditioiiH aru b avingo'ur ahorea for thu puriaste of attacking Ciu Spanish fon'es in Cuba. Whenever thu necsary evl delicti can isi pnaluced, these infrac tions of thu law are to lie aevcrely jinn isbi il, for the aecretary of atato will liave 110 just ground for complaint that the United States bus failed ill its ob ligations to other nations. Meanwhile, however, it has la'cii deemed proja-r to give formal warning to misguided mi plu of what they may ex-ct, so this afternoon the following pnxdamatioii, signed by the president, waa issued from thu atatu department: "Whereas, thu island of Cuba ia now thu seat of serious civil diaturbauecs, accompanied by armed resistance to the authority of thu established govern ment of Spain, a power with which the United Staea ia and desires to re main 011 terms of ja-ace aud amity; and, "Whereas, thu laws of thu United Stati prohibit their citizens, aa well aa all otiiera being within and auhject to their jurisdiction from taking part in audi disturbances, adversely to such established government, by accepting or rivciviug commissions for warlike service auainst it; by enlistment, or ppM'iiring others to enlist, for such service; by lilting out or arming or pris'iirmg to 1st lilted out, mid ships of war for such service; y augmenting the force of any ship of war engaged in such service and arriving in any port in thu United States, and by setting on fiait or providing or preparing the means for military enterprises to lie carried 011 from thu United States against the territory of such govern ment. "Now, therefore, in recognition of the laws aforesaid, and in discharge of thu obligations of thu United States to ward a friendly Hiwer, and aa a men- j sure of prtvautioii, aud to thu end that citizens of thu United States aud all by tiaik possession of Kenton a house. They dragged thu dying man and the wounded Johnson, who had la-cu shot while on a visit to Ken ton, to an Indian hut, aid tai n1 kept thcej uiiik r ard. Tavy aVcidcit to go away with Uc . At last six men forced Mrs. Reatoa iwari r ee into a boat aad palled iT fraa the beach. Ina few atiaah-s they ber4 tiring. One of her captira saW Hip pantly: "There ga fcbaa." A messenger camo to theat who told theat that their part in the death of Kenton waa known, and further that' there were Nicaraguaii soldiers ia thu weigh Isirhisal. The party held a coaxalta tion and told Mrs. KentoH they womU give her and her niece three days to erosa the line into Nicaragua. After almost Incredible hardshipa they reached Hlucflclda. They arrived in Nuw York May 0, 1HU4. Mrs. Kenton apiM'uled to Secretary of State (resliam for restitution by Honduras and for the punishment of her husband's murder ers. The result ia announced in the alsive telegram. Ilrnry Hrnl ti .fall. Carson, New, June 14. James II. Heuey waa put in jail this afteriuam. He waa brought tip beforu the United States commissioner yesterday, who said he would place Heney'a bonds at '.!, OHO. Heney'a attorneys objected to this, aaying lie came voluntarily, and telegraphed thu United States mar shal to meet him in Lcudvillu, Colo. The commissioner said he would allow lleney to go on nla own recognisance until the return of District Attorney Jones, whom, he thought, should ! consulted. Jones returned bslav and insisted that Heney'a lamda lsj placed at .'.), 000, and would consent to nothing less, lleney said he could not give over f 10,000, and ao went to prison lauding trial. Heney'a friends I aomo daya past, aud conferred with thu ! president on the subject. Hu aud Sec retary Olncy tlicu had a further collier- and then to h ave thu lmht and move eue and as a result the formal orders ,,t ,,f t)lu waVj Mlt that, when he tin- Nntbha) H n In V a.lilngOMi. to the Kaleigh were issued. ished, they might couiu back and get Washington, June I'.'. Thu Chinese Written instruction carefully stating their coats. They moved 011 about fifty legation has received no information as thu line of policy which thu adminis-1 yards and could w-e thu robla-r piitu : ti10 reported mansauru of Amurican tration desires to pursue in regard to pluiuly aa he went through the regis- nilsaiouiirieH in Cheng Tu, and strong the interference with filibusters will be: tei mail aud mats; but hu overhaikod sent to Captain Miller, commanding : aoine registered letters and fill) in caah the Kaleigh, and it is probable he will 1 that waa in Zwisler'a coat. After he Is called to Washington for a confer- 1 had Katisfled himself hu culled to ence with Acting Si-crctary McAdiai t( ,jrjv(.r n,i passengers to come back before hi vessel leaves New York. Hud get their coats and what was left These instructions are iiot available, (.f tho mail. While tin y were gather but it ia kuowu hu will lie directed to ' ing up the mail, the robber again went use the utmost care in ireveuting any . through the wagon to satisfy himself treaty of peace this interior city was vessel frmi leaving our coast destined that there was nothing left. Hu then i ollu veral idacea to 1st oia'tied to fir Calm with the obje t of rendering j bade them giaxl-iiight and they pulled j foreigners and foreign commerce. This, aid to tie revolutionists. ine mere ut. si at of araia ia not regarded aa a j The mIiIst was a man of medium violatii of the neutrality laws, and size and wore a dark oven-out and light la-fore aay vessel ia overhauled by the j straw hat. He had 110 mask but Kaleigh thu oHicers must be thoroughly kept out of thu light ao that his fca ooaviaccd thu suspected craft is fitted tures com Id not lie dew-rils-d. He only oat as a fighting machine to tiperate I got a few dollars from thu passengers, autiiiiat Spain. It is the desire of the ami, it is thought, but little from the authorities that proper steps shall lie mail isaichca. bopea aru entertained that thu aliair may bu less serious than the meager re port indicate. It ia stated at the le gation that Cheng Tu is a largu city in thu interior of China. Tho people are far removed from the centers of for eitru commerce, such as Canton and Shanghai. Kn-cntly, however, by the displayed not only by the Kaleigh, but by revenue cutters, to prevent illegal expeditions from leaving our shores, and treasury ofllcials aru seriously con sidering thu advisability of further augmenting thu force of revenue cut ters in southern waters. The following letter from the treaa utry department waa sent today to all collectors of customs from New York to thu Kio tlrandc: "It ia a matter of rumor that at var ious points in thu United States, at A TRIBUTE TO GRESHAM. ! Viiriirliui Klaaa Are at Hair-Ma! fur j Thrrr Ila). : Washington, June 13. A Vene.ue 1 Ian tribute to thu memory of thu late Secretary (insham has come to the i state department through Minister An drea d in the sliai of a note addressed to him by Setior Jose I'ulido. the Vi ne 1 zuelan minister of foreign affairs. The tempts aru making to enlist men toV " " " 1 , " -eiiuip ami arm vessels ami by other il-! "'"' f,,1, that the lato w-retary legal ineasurea to aid tho iiiMurrtvtioii ; h,,I' m"ku ,hw lM,ll,,- the now in progn-sa in the island of Culai. I Venezuelaii boundary dispute thu u-i.il.. .li- ,i.,...t i... f,. ! crowning glory of his administration. others within its jurisdiction may . 'm auoriieya a.ii.i inai .loues aeiiou is ., 1 , i,i..i,i,. il !.., 1.. Ill direct violation of his promise to deferred from subjecting themselves to l"gul forfeitures and penalties, I, (1 rover Cleveland, president of the United States of America, do hereby admonish all such citizens and other M'rsoii to abstain from every violation of laws hereinla'fore referred to, and do here bv warn them that all such vio lations of law will Ui rigorously prose cutcil; and 1 do hereby enjoin upon all olllcers of the United States charged with the execution of said law the utmost vigilance ill preventing viola tions thereof, aud in bringing to trial ami punishment any offenders against the same. "In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and caused thu aeal of tho United States to la1 affixed. "Done at the city of Washington, this U'th day of June, ill the year of our Ijord lH'.l.'i, and of the iudc.iidcuco of the United States of America the llllth." Tho issuance of the proclaaiatioa gave rise to considerable disctD sio as to whether it would not practically amount to a recognition of thu re he Ik as Is'lligereuts. Such aa ia ct tion of thu proclamitiiot, hvuver, not correct, accordisg to thu oawaaaj iC aeveral wull-knowa pablie mm. Sai tor MorictO, who la recogaia4 ia m authority (0 intem(ioail hiw, wiM aske.l alsiCt t&u Biiatif, sai: "z?o recoefitiot t t)j ritj. 4 ttf Is llien nts ia iCD'orde by tt iisihi miQion, let jCst thu rcvouc istkeci. There woOld have beet aiHvaty for such aclioO if thu i-ral'ts wen' belligerents, for t&c tie1 citizefs of the United State woiflil have the right to iCQl them iOOiti"Cs of war if thA could eacajw the blis'kade of Spain. It ia carrying out the law 011 the sub ject."" Senator Cull aaid the proclamation did not intend to accord to the insur gents the rights of Isdligernts, and un doubtedly did not do ao. It would not, them, aayiug they were led to Is lieve Heney'a Ismds would Is' tixed at not over 10,0110 if he would surrender. 0iiiarl lu ( iiiilrai l to A Helm. Ottawa. Out., June 14. Major Me Icnuau, conservative, aked the house ol commons toutirlit to nasi a bill to however, have any effect in prcvcutingOpivveiit the fitting of government cou- Oklnlliiina'a linlil Krrr. Hulline, t). 1., June II. 1 lie acene oil thu banks of Hoggy creek, south west of ArapahiH', ia a muvr one for agricultural Oklahoma. Instead of diminishing thu gold fever grows apace. People are rushing js'll inell along the banks of the stream, where the camps aru only a few bi t apart. A regular hack line has tarn established between Arapahiai and the gold Held. This hack line leaves Arapahiai at T o'clock A. M. and 1 1. M. daily. When it a-r-rives in tiki city it is packs'4 with mia era, everyone carryiitg a aackfal a? "ire." At the same time aaea arc rid ing into towa almost hoaa-ly wit-h saclin of the precioas ow tica ai their sial dles. The aearest towa to th aM oaaip ia Cloud Chief, imi tWK t.va hjw takea ea a verMabhi aiUsiig tmva 11 ai'iiraace. Kihims (i aeslaariiws laiat sabsiBM iaae ay, with th aiaail ia- caja:ajiaa ar it aaal 9-mmt it txri ihaace With. iiished with tangible evidence, con firmatory of such rumors, it deems it of great importance that no possibility Imi given for complaints that the gov ernment of thu United States has in any rcsHvt fallen short of ita full duty to a friendly nation. Collectors of customs for thu aeveral districts be tween New York and llrownsvillo aru esiMvially enjoined to see to it that the neutrality laws of the United States, Thu letter is dated Caracas, May 2'J, j and is as follows: "Yesterday at a late hour I nveived your telegram announcing the death of I his excellency, Secretary (in-sham, j This calamity must sensibly uffect all . who, in the last two years, have follow I ed with any degree of interest the I course of tho foreign policy of the I United States, in which that distill ' guished statesman was displaying the particularly wctiona f)2HU and 6311(1, of , K"'ai guts 01 111s inteiiivt. eue.ueia the ri'visiHl statutes, are fully complied ! " iriy one of the countries of a ............ ... ...i. !..u 1 1 imvi iv-, iii n iiilii nun i-vciii, nan citusi'ii Willi " I Acting Sivn-tary McAd.ai. of the' the greatest sorrow, inasmuch as that navy department, said this Hf,(.rll,H,,, : hl' 'ntlemaii had iliaplaye.l on var that the instructions sent to the com- j i",,H H"asi.ms and in an el.a1uent man inodor.1 of thu cruiser Kaleigh for his ,M'r thu rihiy t""W hy which he tfuidauce when on tiatrol duty off the w UH ' "'"-'" lowaros tne rcpunue, Florida coast, were of the most com prehensive kind and provided for a full aud strict enforcement of the neu trality laws. Thu Kaleigh probably B'tiy ii aiaaNii aiaai iHvir, ' 11. t n ftpiaa'tr, sn veyir 1 !', W tiii4 I tai caw as aiajse laaeiakl at Til'IA. (bs4i sis'4 in bet throve that jsat i Deuvir Wive hi iivaaiably tiea ia har)' by kho ( h'se It'aaas 4 'f.wm 11 tai tiax very i ih'layed i (' joi'y to IVajva. Tla- claim was itait' taut lHver had no eustoi house. The .itter vii re rerreil to the treasury departiciit at Washington, and the surveyor at Ta coma wif atirred to such an extent that he wired Spencer that Immediate transportation would ls accepted in tho future. those who were willing to help the Cu liau cause. The president' pns lama tion, he said, was rather stronger than he liked, and then added: "1 am in favor of thu independence of Cuba, for it is a furegeuu conclusion that the island will throw off the Spanish yoke. In my judgment it is a wild idea to supiQse this government can support the government of Spain over Cuba, or that it ought lo do it."! Muil I'ay liiitrutiilty. Washington, June 14. The confir mation of rcsrt that American mis sionary property in China had la'cii destroyed makes it probable that the United State government will require China to make suitable indemnity when the facta are officially establish ed. A precedent for such recompense waa made when the United Statea paid China a considerable amount for mob depredation on Chinese in the far Northwest. The report of losae to mission traeis to aliens, lie thought It a cry ing shame that the United State coil tractors should annually take htm dnds of thousands of dollar out of the Dominion. The United States law. he said, made it practically impossible for Canadians to accun contracts in the United tcs, Trlril lu Hill Ihr Kiillro family. Springview, Neb., June 14. U. A. I0''i resident of Spring Creek, came lQtotiay anil gave himself up to the sheriff, claiming he had killed one man, wounded thnv more and pounded a woman nearly to death. The family m lien anil woiiliiteii goes ey the name of Vinalford and are hcgnica, l'or ter, it aeeuis, went after aomo mort gagtnl horse, the Womlford refused to give them un and the fight ensued. I'rai'llr fur th Natal Kratr. San F"rancio, Juue 14. The United Statea cruiser Olympia left this even ing for Santa Crux, having on board a battalion of the naval reserve. The offlcem objected to the cruise, divlar p nrtT lu China vary. It i said that j i tliBt their ahip should not bo turn.'! tliu iiideiunity asked will cover not only tho actual damage aud liau to the American miaaiouario, but alto a iuiu at recompense for the indignity offered. Into au exeutniou boat; but when the naval nwrve oflloeni appealed toSvn tary Herbert, he made tint divired order. will go first to Key West. This is the only port 011 the Florida coast which a vessel of her draught can aafely enter. She then will make a thorough patrol of the coast line, ami to render it more difficult for a filibustering party to get away, the cruiser's steam launches aud small boats will Ih man ned whenever it is luvessary to liaik into uarniw inlets and passes for light draft acluaiMor and yachts, which are the favorite means of transportation of te filibuster. With Spanish nien- c-wiw lying oif thu Florida coast out V the three-mile limit, aud the lahrtuh iiaal her Woats swecjiing the in aide wi!is, tho over-enthusiastic Cu hiahs aa4 thiar Aavricaa sympathizers wWi aaderhiko to drive the United iao troiWe hv Ht Florida a hie irf Wistih' laierathaas iaiast Ml y . taaaaat ic Ctha am likely to tat axss nth a atKtw hakl. tlrl aT I.I r. t iitBai, J III. At (I o'clock t evitlitf , H. f. lallajan, a and killed hiself ia the ibsm at ?roiit al I stasas. 1 ha lat in ill laalth ba a hM tiO', beia) sula-vt to epileic fits, but up to a few min utes hcbo lav killed hnself lie seemed to Ik' in his usual good spirits. Two friends dropped into hi saloon and asked him to join them in a drink. He did so, but remarked that it would lie his last. They ptMih-lusid the idea, but a he stepped Is'liind the liar, he pickigl up hi pistol, placed it to his head and aaid, "OiHsl-bye, everybody," and fin'd the fatal shot. Dillmau was chief of police here for one term prior to 1S00, and was once Bfter defeated for the same office. Ho wa a Grand Army man aud a little upward of no year old. Ho leaves a wife but no children. wa actuated towards the I'leaso convey the expression of sincere sentiments to the department of state, in order that it may la communicated to hi excellency, President Cleveland. The national flag has this day locn or dored to la. kept at half-mast on all public buildings for three days in mem ory of tho effort made by Mr. (iresh am to secure a just ami amicable settle ment of the Venezuelan-Hritisli dis pute." THE ALASKA BOUNDARY. I it is explained, has agitated thu poo pie, who lived by themselves from time immemorial. Tho missionaries are the only for eigners who have heretofore settled in 1 Cheng Tu. Their iiuiiiIst is not known. It is said the number of missionaries, including their families, in the capital ' must be less than 10(1, including all I nationalities. The missionary head I ipiartcrs is at Cheng Tu, where it is : iH'lieved there is not exceeding ten ! missionaries, the rest being scattered I through the 1 m ince. Hut this infor mation i based only on the general in ( formartion of Chinese ofllcials, as there are not exact details as to the extent of I tho missionary service through China. I The tsung-li-yamell sought to secure I from each foreign government a com plete list of the missionaries and their place of service, but this was not given. It is said that thu emperor of China and the tsung-li yumeu have given every possible protection to the mis sionaries, although it has lavu impos sible to guard against mob violence, particularly at remote interior points. The Chinese governments has asked foreigu government to appreciate these difficulties, and has advised that the missions should bo kept w ithin safe limit. Hut the zeal of the mission aries has led them to push forward without fear of results, to places where Chinese ofllcials have had difficulty iu affording full protirtioii. Notwith standing this the authorities at Peking have done their utmost. They have placed upon the viceroys of the province tho responsibility of protecting the mis sionaries, churches, etc., the viceroys understanding that they will Isi de graded if mobs are permittted to dis turb the missions. As a result, the viceroys' and their prefects of police are active iu restraining mob outbreaks. Tho Official Gazette of China recent ly received here, show that a chanue inu.rtlli. tl.'.KI () tTs(1(KHl white aretioted tteadv.at .w. ....:o: .,,.. 'IlL. ..rat' ltl')li 1... ..-...-If l '" I mom", n 1 the olK ..,,..., . .. ..,-.,,.M rllua; Haifa t5.;5(Utl.UO; barrels, tJ.(J0ii(l.j cuset, :t.75. H y Timothy, !i((VJ.',0 per ton; cheat, 5; clover, VI; outn.ld; wheat, . UAUi.ay Feed barley, (WVu.OVie pe cental; brewing, iiUf(iSoe per cental, according lo quality. Mauriria liran. $11.50; tborU fll'.'sJ; chop feed, (ll'nil6; mi. Idlings, none in market; chicken wheat, 71 in hoc er cental. Uuri kb Fancy creamery ia quoted at 10ial2'...c; fancy dairy, IMlOc; (air U good, j'wScj common, UinU.'gC pel pou )!. I'ota rots Weak ; top quotations art 2.V per oack. - Onion tussl Oregon, L'.'yC iei sack; new California, ll.fiu -r cental. I'oui.tkv Chicken, old, :( H.'iO pel dozen; broilera. tl &ht!i 50 per dozen; duck, IllOOialUO; geese. .r..00(.ti.(HI; turkeys, live, lUc )er poiinil ; dreesed, IL'c per iMinnd. F;ooa Oregon, are quoted at lie pel dozen. Ciikksk-Oregon fu'l cream, 8(310c per pound. O.ikoo.n Vkoktaii.k Uahhuge, firm at 1 '40 1 er kiiiih! ; radishes, lOi: per dozen laiiicbes; greej onions, lUc j,ei doZ"ii; hothouse lettuce, i.')(stU0c pet dozen: aspaniKiis, -IOk'OUc t-r iluzeli reen peas, (i'lHc per pound; rhubarb 1?'"2: uoos-elH-rrie. dc TaoetcAL Fkuit California lemons $:1.IKI(4.(U; Sicily, tri.UUi6.50; bananas, Honolulu, f I.1O111L' 1 ft; .New Orleans,: (n:l.75 per bunch; California navel f:t.40m ;i.t;5 lajx ; pineapples, Honolulu, flictXfH); uniar loaf, scarce at IS.50. Cai.ikoiima Vkukiaui.ks (ireen lieu quoted !.-.)(' 1 50 per lajx ; artichokes 40c tier dozen; cauliflower, 75cm f 1.00 ' per dozen ; 50 per crate; encumbers hoi house, i&c(if 1.00; game, 2 lejCTx: w pound; asparagus, M.75n2.UO per box new KI aloes, l'.,,c per laiuild ; lliubarb L"fit;lc per pound; string beans, 10m l'...c per iHiund. Fiikmi FiiriT Apples, k'KI'Ii M'.it 2.50 , per (six; common, ".'i.'ditl ; new Oregon fl.i5r2; struwbtrrea. California. $!(' i.zo per irate; uregon, tiiuUJjc per pou nil ; cueniiH, iOiuinh: per Ihjx. Wool alley, swiOc, according to Quality ; UniMiia,7((!lcj fall clip, 6(atk; r.asierii uregon, nta 1 Hoc Nominal at the following raniie: .kuuu per puuml. i' rs Almonds, soft phell, (Mile per kiiiiii; paper shell, 12'e(.(14c; tie crop caiuornia walnuts, soil shell lldi 12V; standard walnuts, lO'viullc iianan cnesnuls, ll"((itl4c; pecans l.'baWc; Itrazils, lLa(jjl3c; liilierU, HfrtlSe; peanuts, raw, funcy, 5(7c lousieu, 10c; nicKory nuts, tjiulOi-; co coaiiuts. llOc per dozen. Fbovision Kauturn hams, medium, ii.'odn.'c per pound; hams, picnic H'-jialio; breakfast bacon lt'otifU'c short clear sides, K'wOc; dry salt sides, 7'u(.(Sc; dried lee( hams, l'J (i.ic; lani, conipouml, 111 tins, i lanl, pure, in tins, i10c; pigs' feet, 80s, .t.5(l; niirs' feet. 40s. t:t.'f! kii Useful Information r. " iui work. A SYSTEM OK UAXAfi I'rtlfMalMI It ia I ! ... 1lllaK-A Fr II.,,. ,.'. I n" 1 raining r ,lllttQ " Into whatever busiiie . enter, much deiH iids ...... Thia fact 1 too much i ,..,7!,v'e in many caa, the only r.,u '., ure. Solon iu..,i,l.. .1 iiaturul Inclination to avt .'1 work, but every man Van, d 7 schiHil hiniriulf to combii i ,.11 1. after au improved m,.,i,..i ..'' r i 1 any time and .-o ju,t wl..,t he U. ," aud whut tho results have !.. " v ui 1111111 K1IOW Ou, , I ha been doim U1 much or wtat. he is hmhI.u . " definitely, and seldom knw nartieiilur risrk bia i 0 know of no business l , methial i more needed tillin i lfniii i if ,,r ,u.l,M.. a ... il l. 1.1.1. Oregon smoked hams, 11 ic per pound; pickled hums, I'ajneless lams, 10c; tincon, c; dry saltt-ides, 8c had been made in the vicen.v at Chcm, r?"''... I ?!18' "i m I u, and that a new one had just as- 1 sinned his duties. This, added to the agitation of opening the city to for eigners, may account for tho disturb ances which have occurred. A PACIFIC CABLE. Anna In a Church. New York, June 13. A iooial to tho World from Sun Jto, Costa Rica, says: Thu police have seized a large lot of arm which were, concealed iu a church in the village of Saco. The ownership of the arm ha not been traced, but it i believed they were hid den by conservatives for a revolution which was la'iiig worked up during the lato pnwnlental election. Imllnii Evlilrni-r In Niii,i,rl of Ihr Amerlraii I Itiltn. Seattle, June 13. Another iinpor taut piece of eviilenee 111 supiMirt of the American claim that the Alaskan iHiiindary run along 1'ortlaiul canal and not Helim cliiinuel, as claimed by tho Hritisli, was received by the Seattle chamber of commerce today. It i 11 letter dated May 31. from I). Loask, who migrated from Hritisli Columbia to Anette island, which is iu the dis puted territory, but was granted them la,- tho United States government some year ago. lu it the following- state incuts are made: "F'irst When we left our old borne in llritidi Columbia, we were regarded as foreigners by the Canadian authori ties. "Second In the summer of lKf7, whou we migrated to Alaska, Tort Ton ga. just over Portland inlet, wa a port of entry. Wo had to pav dutv to a customhouse officer residing theru on all dutiable articles wo brought over to this country. "Thin! We employed throe small steamers to oouvey over our U'longiugs, one of which the custom officer at Port Simpson tried to detain as coining from a foreigu country. Wo had to receive our clearance paper at Port Simpson la-fore coming over to Alaska. "Fourth Having got over to Anette island, the Canadian agent at Metlak ahtla, H C, cease I to have any con trol over us, which would not have laon tho case if the boiiudary feuc had been doubtful." a' of Ihr Sllirr t iillrrlluii. New ork, Juno 13. A special from Pari aay: Tho mile of theSpitzer collection or arms ami armor at the gallery Petit, has opened. It wa fair ly well attended. There wore, how ever, no representative prvscut from South Kensington, the Lsmviv or the liorliu museum. The proceed of the alo already amount to tlO.000. Mitlr,l uf Caatlv'a A iiuliiliutul. Washingtou, June 13. Secretary Olncy ha received a brief telegram from Minister Willis, dated Houolulu. Juno 3, aud San Francisco, Juue 10, aayiug that W. K. Castle ha Uvu ap Muteti Hawaiian minister to the Uulted State, in plac of Tburaton, A lllllt Mi.tllt.tl. San Francisco, Juno 13. The ques tion of authority botweou tho executive anil literary committee of the Fourth of July celebratiou committee which involved the placing of the name of IV... t ... nev. .-vuiiii maw on mo literary pro gramme has lioou settled, ami Miss Shaw has consented to address au au dience on the natiou' natal day. There are seventy-two trade unions iu this city, and from the present ap pearance, not oue w ill accept (jie&ivi tation of the executive of the $irth of July celebration U parade on the na tional holiday. Tho cause of this ap parent lack of patriotism ccm to lie various. HQlf a doien union have do eided uot to parade, iu conformity with tho action taken by tho labor council last Friday evening. Several other union will meet tonight and pmliably take tho same action. The trouble grvw out of a dissk-rveinont about reprmutatiou ou the executive (Muiinitteo which has the celebration in hand. A French 'oiiimiiy Maltra a rriiuaitiiii ti lht llnwallan tivrmii.it. San Francisco, Juno 12. The steamer Australia arrived today from Honolulu, bringing the following ad vices dated Juno 8: Aud ley Cooto, an Australian, who is interested 111 different cables, arrive 011 tiio 1st to confer with the llawai Meat Market. Bunr Gross, top steers, ;i.00tg3.50; i" "r .,1- B"r". f3.out.(.ou; cows, T-..u,....,u, uieseeu new, aijttiC per j,., ....... c,.TT'i-(:iro,", 1Ht BhwP' wethers, -'.tiOe.1' ,5; ewes, :'.'.'5; dreesed intlt- lon, iuji.-vc per lajiind. KAi-uressed, small, 6((c; larze. 3 Hoos Gross, choice, heavy, 3.50(3 '; light ami feeders, J 25oi3.50; "'"""i 1 ier pound. Slerchanilliia Market, ' l1 4lI M,ONTCo.l,,1""ia. river No. 1, tolls, ,-cd l.J5(ttl.tHj; No. talis, lM'5vr2.50 ai- fancy. No. 1. (int.. i -r.. , u. t....i. iau government regarding the proposed ; Jio-iJ.. tails, l.20ia l.;!0; No. !, tails, 1.P0 Pacific cable. Ho ha made a pmposi- -25. ' dry granulatwt, 6,c: cuihj crushed and 1 a French company that is willing ft ' V,' lm1'' V' lT MUui . ...... 1111111" uini'ic DIIKur, lOtllKK.' ler (HJIIIld. iiau govern- . CoiKkK-Coeta Kica, 22ial'3'11c; Rio 2t dy; in n-- !''l-e' Salvador, 2lc-'llBc; Mocha, de for ofll- V' (!'-,s':1 " Java, 31c; PalembaiiK tion which will Ik cousiden-d by Presi dent Dido and Ins cabinet. He scut to build 1.. I. 1 1 1" ... 1 " iiiviiiK in Aiu-kiiiim, .-anion ami iionu. maple sugar, lSiirbie ier ioiind .... ..limn tut- iiitnaiiaii govern ment to pay an annual subsidy turn :io ibttrL-o u-ill 1m. tn.i.l.. cial message. He will make a similar ,,t".:' lfhat Jv. 23r2rH'; Ar- pn'tsisitioti to the United States. .Mr. , iiHi 7-T.... I . , " 1 r"--M PMI Cooto feels confident- that both govern- ZZul cS ' U,,,n,,,1' -180 I' incuts will assist bis eoiiioniiv II.. .1.. .. ., , - 1 .1 ., -i 1 . . vu.ii. cieaoy uoinestic, 15 00 a 7 50 olarca the cil.l.i will lu. l...;i 1. 1 , . . . . u,w '.OA) ....in niuiiu l"1 i"ii, lun-ill, f.fHJ(it II.O0, filMlttlt.il ItlMtllltU t f'....... ...Ill 1. Itl.VU w 0 ...1.:. .... - -r 'lo lll IM' " '" i-iunil mine, i0. 1, 6'aC Mr ill VVitwliimrl..,, f..l.,lu,H . IKlUllil Imttu l . I .. . . " - - : 0 i'' inejr i.aofii if hih-ihiuu. i voHPAoK .Manilla rope, l'V-inch it Ix.ndon, June 13. A Vienna dis- ! V"'1"1 10'- '"'-siHal.ticperK)niid.' patch says during the trouble between ! nan"!", !i! ?5'" 5,25 fu'r u"k ! J- the imlu-e anrl socialists last Sunday,! "Texas Jack" happened to be practi'c-' ' ing near the sivne of tho riot with his ! SAN FRANmsnn uorin Ainericau luilians. t.iio of the (.isiiuivn onicren ' lexas I , -J. ", ,,, , f'',Lr : ramily ex jack, hi cowIkw and Iudians, to V-, . v r,V 1 r utt,,reli ''akers' MARKETS. . r lour et cash prices : Family a At t. I """ri" a-X- catch tho socialists with their lassoc u:,Tfvi !,,lH-r. .2..!5(ri2.60. tho workmen were thu thrown l "i " ."r '"r lK,KM- 2ti3'4c; Six of .i 1 .1 , iuiu jiiaci"! nuiier arrest, mere Waa it No. 1 shinpinL' 1H V.r .1 i considerable indignation among the choice, PIV; milling, WCndii ' jHHiplo in consiiiuence of the manner i Oats Milling, $1.07 I 171 . .. in .1,.. 1,1... ...1 ... , . 1 nrtsw tl n?t i it? . f '"V. . Bnr- There' Waa it No. .. 1 in . - v -. . . d , lAiii-v icmi X I V Rool to choice. 115, rdti.o,). in which tho laborer who gathered in ' Prtl-O tne atnvts were treated. ' J'V i . ai. win imc poor to fair The Krtirl V.,,l l,lt.. ,JlM' i Kil, riH.ix. Aria., June 12.-Adviees o j ' . . J. " frvmi Hermosillo. Sonora. state tb,.r ItZk I"0?"' iiermoaiiio, Minora, state that Potato -Nmr ki. .:. 1.. i.""u: Saturday afternoon LieuteiiauPH'olonel I new potatoes in sacks oOai.i.'L" Flore Hormosa, with fifty n gular of Krly Kote, in Ixixes from the the Mexican army, came upon a band ILv,r' Oregon llurbanks ,d of rebel Yaipii Indians in Chihuaouete "ver . ' canyou, I ppi-r Sonom, Hnd routed them with heavy loss. Darkness term inated the tight. On the Mexican side "NIOB t'OO.I In Imi.. r.l:r... n9U-; out, 25(1.5; Oron, ai er centai h ' l(SA a isdonel aud five soldier wcrv wound-! tl e.e, tit.f r.t .c ; do to i Si,.Tei. ed and 0110 iorporal killed. A larire 8Uc; (i to 8 month.. c I .-.. -. .'.' 0 amount of buity was rtivvered from : hill, per iiuirnil K,a 10: Hn .!..(.-.. .... . , the Indians. Tho Yiupii rebellion is Northern. goo.i to choice. Hi lo,-'- ,i the most serious ever L-tmu-n ....1 n... 1 defective, d'oinS1.!': .NVm.L " its ita fiaid at mix- lump 1 . shape that circunistaiic j ,. wift hardly do even niialerHt,.Tj! Such a tlock i very liable tu . Home final, not relished bv it .1... day, and when it refuses p, i'at palatable fiaxl up clean have ita m, cut down. I know a nn.n tl.,., .u he had struck a giaal feci fr try when he had access to a lurgKiou. tity of rye, which he could obuin little cost. Ho fed his hum on it j after day, and as, after the Umt fi ing tho fowl lagan to leave ,me c 1..... aI. . . - " arpi cuuiiig uio quantity Ui. Ia , short time a few of the weaker fu, concluded that death was lioa.orm.Um such treatment aud tk tliealtenutm of dying. Tho owner then tweke B tho realization that his fowl awi starve to death on rye. A part of the system of th,. p,,,,, raiser wi nld lw to have a settled of feeding with a settled list uf H n, fiaids to be fed lit the time of the f,. ing of these rations, regulating tin by the seasons and the (ibju-ta forwhick the fowls are being dcvcln-d. Ilim'ta Fur I lie Hitrar. Don't check my head Pi high. Don't cut off my tail ami then Hptt me to Htaud easy without a fly net Don't clip the hair off my ankles and legs. Dou't burn my feet w hen I am ,4 Don't yank thu bit in my mouth. Don t say "Hack! when vnu nitti "Stand still!" Dou't expect me to eat when I bi 11 bad tooth. Dou't bitch 1110 out iu the old iih thu wind blowing hard. Don't leave a shoe on me inure thu four weeks, Dou't trot 11 ic down hill. Don't bo afraid to water me when 1 am warm. Do you ever drink whet you aro warm? Dou't whip me when I am afraid. Dou't fill me full of useless medi cine if I am sick. Don't blister 1110 all over when I m lame. Let 1110 rest. Don't let some one drive me if thcr do not know as much alsait going t I do, especially n mail who is ilruulc Don't forget to feed nie three tiim a day. Dou't call me 13 years eld whin I am 20, aud expect me to Is1 us gucd u ever. Dou't hit 1110 over the head. Dou't put blinder 011 me if I go well without them. Don't forget my salt. Dou't run 1110 if I have the celir. How would yon like that treatment yourself? Don't burn tho burs out of my month and think that you are curing the lampas. Don't let some smart Aleck make t trotter of inc. Don't work all day without lifting my collar. Don't nut a mean, nasty bit in my mouth. Don't leave mo iu flv time without covering mo with a light blanket. Don't allow my stable to lie too light in the summer time. 1'iiliit tin Tlllia'. Prof. Bailey told the New York kor- ticultural society that tillage is cheiiai't than manure. With proir tillv we can draw npiat tlac immense r'- serve i" pU at food iu the soil. The manual labor reo,uirod for such tiHuf" is cneaper tuna norrowing money i fertilizers, while we still have iu ' soil a balance of fertility which is ni,t drawing interest. Tillage makes plant fiaid available for crops, breaks up the capillarity of tho surface and interpose between the moist undersoil and ttw air a complete a mulch ( a weolii blanket i to a cake of ice. Tillage of itself is the first fundamental essential of agriculture, aud tho fanner is the one who doe the most of it. A spir ited discussion followed, in which number of cases were cited of orchards bearing largo crops of apples w hen un cultivated, to which Professor Hailcy replied thut next to tillage and man ures, pasturing with sheep and hogs wa undoubtedly the best. If an or- charts doing well without tillage, let it alone; if not. plow it up. Mexican force are tnakiug little- prog, res against it. Tar llrailllau Kuumtarjr IiUpiilr. Rio do Janeiro. Juue ! Tl,.. light and clrW 8 iOcV lUrrKK-Creaniery, fancy, 12 ,1 pt -lOid. 11 V: dairy, fnev, loin,.-' 8 i8',c; store butter. 7-7 V Per pound r.ous More. Ilidl2u.. ......i.' cruiser ieradonte ha la-eu dispatched ', r ouck eggs, I3y 15c per to Freuch Guinea. Adminil I1..1I..K..I u,"en. will then procd to Pari with a view , nmlmTJl' o'1' Jew' 6cS.c; sir- - - j SSH-' Tiilierciilln nn llralthy ( un. Careful test were conducted by Tp1" fessor James Law during the pa.-t win ter at Cornell experiment station- 'Taking all iu all. there is uothinK in the record of teniia-riiture that would indicate, either at the time of the test or later, that tuberculin had in ".T way proved inimical to tO general health." The decline in milk produc tion which followed is claimed M haye la-en not more than the natural falli'ft off. No effivt of tuN'rcuhu was h srved on increase or decline of fat ia tho milk. lrofesor Law conclude. 'So far a there i evidence before everj thing points to the hamilessiicss of a single test done on a a-mini ui" mal system, even if such done were peated aeveral time. Orange Judi Farmer. Q