The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 22, 1895, Image 10

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r, , tvx F-x-;s vx csSNS:
for Infants
m futoH Uaowi II alatt! to cMMren that
I recommend It as superior Ui ai'7 prescription
known to me." 11 A. Aatnia, M-!.,
Ill So. Oiford Bt., IliwAlyn, !f. Y.
"Tha IMS of 'CaxturU it an Unlrcinol anil
It merit so well known tliot It work
ot mpmroKatioa to endome It. Few are the
Intelligent families who do not keep CaatorU
within mT reach."
Ciuo Watt, I). P.,
Mew York City.
Lane County Bank.
(Kitabllihed Id ll
A general Banking business
In all branches transacted on
favorable terms.
A. O. HOVEY, President.
J. M. AUHAM8, Cashier.
A. U. HOVEY, Jb., Aast.Cashr.
Praildtnt. Vic Prttlstsl. Cathler.
Eugene Loan and Savings
Of Eugene, - - Oregon.
PIKKCTORS J. C Church. J. II. Ilerrl, W.I
Hrowii, II. l. 1'aluu, K. W. Utbiiru.
Paid Ud Capital. : : :
II General Banking Business Transacted.
Iutereit allowed on time depaflla.
Collection entrusted to our rare will receive
prompt attention.
iAl vmm$ pens second
Wlilto niul Burred
riyiuoiil h Bisks, Hull
unci ltinwn l.i'trlioriiH
I'll ' Silver Spangled Hamburg.
Ezes $1.50 per 15; two settings $2.50.
I alio hava a few elinlco Kiiallih lli'rlililre
li lor iale. Satlafai'tuiii itueiaiiliiil. Aililn'ti
(.'uliiiry, On-itoii.
t for
Caked & Inflamed Udder.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff Joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,.
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts It In a Jiffy.
Rub In Vigorously.
Mustang Llaimcnt conquerl
Makes flan or Beaat well
fot mit ai VerlDfUUi Nh alreei druj .lure.
a cu p fCZVN i
and Children.
CaatorU tun-e Colic, Cunatlpatlon,
Bour Htuinaeli, Murine, Uructatlun,
Kill Worms, ulxf loe'i and proinotra
Without Injurious medication.
Tur n-riTttl juics I recomrwr.irt
your 'Cwitoria,' nJ kluill alwaji ciMitln - t.
do m u It hu Uirarlabljr produced lx-iie.Vu4
r.nww r. TiaDii, m. i,
lXth Blnx ai.d ?U Ave,, New York City.
Crrswell I'miultlei.
. .June 12, '05.
The picnic on the occasion of the last
day of the spring term of our school
was a success and was well attended.
The school children acquitted them
selves in llrst-rate shae.
MlssOertrude (JroiiHlx-ck, principal
of our w-hool leavt-e HiIh wwk for Mon
Uir ufiir which
Hlie will K J-JUtt to Hfii(l a part of the
Bummer, rmuriung in iimo '
(crin of acheol.
'PI... .IruuUrri' luwllll (in I'VlllllV
evi-iilng waa not lurjtily altt-ntUd
U V. I W K " H' .IHIMjniv.n., " ,,.
. I I .... tlllll I lift
... tlx. Jill 111 IlllIMM lllll IIIIIMH !(
VIII mill a r-jr -iijwji,wi
committee llltolKl kiviih miuuu r iiuc
too II III IIIO Mine IHBi-e linn iimjr "'
icecri'iiin to thu rifreHlniit'iilH.
The hupplimt event of the kchhoii and
the one iiiiwt ht-urtlly enjoyed by the
entire population of Creawell took
iiluce buiuluy evenliiK at the church.
The hoiiHe wiih packed long before the
I.. i- ..i-.Hi.Oiliiir liimr nrrlvcd. and
after Itov (iittliiH had delivered one of
lila bcHt aennona, wlilcii wua inn 01
lutei-fMt to younjf jieople, Mr 11 F Hcott
and MImh Jennie Teuim-li, came up the
the aiitlo t the altar and in a very lin
preasivo ceremony were iniiile limn and
wife. The entire- coiinrt'ijatlon united
In hearty conKratulaiioim ami kmn1
wUIich. riii nilH pn-Mlit from KuKene
were Mr and Mr J O WnttH, Mian
Nellie (Jllfry, Mr and Mrs J L Beott
and dauK'Hern, and Mr and MntC'li
Mititt. Amid the coiiKratulatloua ff
tlnine nreaeiit u leliKNiin was handed
the bride containiiiK the licit t wishes of
of her lirther Charles in Texan. The
happy couple will IkIu housekeeping
at once lu the (lllfry houtte.
The CiiAl'TAi yi A. The second an
nual iiNMeiubly of the I'liauliiuiiua As
wicliilli n will lie held at (ilndMone
1'ark. Orciron Cllv. from July 10 In
July !'.. TiiU will lie it feast fur thune
inlcriHled in literature ami iiiuhiu.
There will miiiim of the liest addresw-s
ever delivered on the coant and the
miliiiu will be of a lilh order. Among
the upeukern will lie UtliianulilH, of
Chlrnga, MeConne'.l, of Idaho,
Mitchell, of Oregon, Ivey, of Han
KranclKco, l.oekeaud Wallace if 1'ort
liiml. ('iiiiiper' Keawui ticket will be
H.IH). Tent Himee free. llcstaurnntH
on the groumlH. Itallruail rales, H V
I 1-5 fate; t) It A N 1 15 fare. Seasun
ticket jH.oO, single ticket i'i, children
under 12 free.
Camp Mkktiso. A big camp ineet
Ing will be hehl at Lowell, commenc
ing next Thursday and holding till
after July 4th. It will he one or the
largest ever conducted hi Lane county.
Hev V A Kemp and Uev A II t al
der, of ISnritigMuld, and many other
ministers from dilt'erent locations will
e 111 atlelidiuu'e.
Pali liuard, June I"l
rnrIHKNT'8 Kkckition. l'resl
dent and Mrs.!'. II. t'hnpman, Inst
evening from f to 0;:iO o'clock, nt Ihelr
liandHiniie residence, tendered the stu
dents, alumni and friends of the uni
versity a reception. It was largely at
tended, and w as a very enjoyable occa
sion, and will be long remembered by
the present.
Itraidillco ttiairNfrd.
Kwlnl lo tlio Daily Ucahii.
CuKVAI.I.ts. t)r . Juno IK. The resi
dence of Judge McKadden, in College
lllll addition, nearly completed, was
destroyed by lire Inst night at 10
o'clock; lost iilsiut r.'I.OiN); Insurance In
favor of contractors fl.tXK). It was set
oil lire.
County Institi'TK. Superinten
dent Htcvetisn Informs us (lint the
regular autiuul county teachers insti
tute will convene in Eugene August
Mb and continue, lu session live days.
LoNti WtKii.. Mr. U. KlrkTtif Irv
lng, exhibited to v reporter baturday
some wool slieartU from a one year old
Cotswold buck that measured eighteen
Inches in length.
The I'opulirit stuto central com
mittee wiil meet in Salem on Juno
'J'Jil, to perfect a plan of campaign
for 18. Kuougli iflO mtbscrip'
tionB to amount to $1,000 have
been secured to that etui.
Can a criminal take nilvnntago
of hi own crime and acquire prop
erty? This question is now Ix-foro
tlio ouprcmu court of lVnnsvlvauia
in the case of J. r. Carpenter, who
murdered his father, and whoso
mother was convicted as accessory
after the fact. While the mother
and (on were in jail awaiting trial,
they executed an nignment of the
murdered man's estate as his heirs,
and tho court is now asked to
nntitil the proceeding on the ground
that they were estoppd by their
crime from inheriting tho property.
There are twenty well-built towns
in Kansas without a "ingle inhabi
tant to .twakcii tho echoes of their
deserted stnets. It is said that
SnrntOLM. one of these deserted vil
lages, has a $o0,(KH) oer house, a
large brick hotel, a f .U.UUU school
house and a number of line business
houses, with ihiIukIv to claim even
a place to sleep. All of this came
about by booming on borrowed
capita! without resources enough
to dsv the interest, l'conlo moved
away from these towns as a new
way of paying debts.
Tui rirwi Com-isr, 77 Mt wur Braurr, Nr Yoaa Crr.
fi Ida It Mosby vs John It Mosby;
dlvurce, (V O Mul'esou referee.) Dl
voree granted.
31 J 11 ttlesvsC I) Maxwell; ill
liinellou. Argued and submltteil.
Taken under advisement.
87 W J I and Jenirie M Whalaii vs
Maliula J Tipton and John K Tipton;
eulty to set aside deed. ( Iteferred to
b' V Matteson.) Argued and sub
mitted. Taken under advisement.
24 Harper Workman v M 1) Lan
des et al; to recover money.
(y't Nora Mureot vs (Jeorge Murcot;
divorce. Default ltrferred to O. W.
Kinney. Divorce granted.
47 tateof Oregon vs John Craig;
'Hie following Jury was taken in the
above. caswTursilay noon: 1J H Hylaud,
A J Kuniwalt, James Jb, J It Cro',
C W Sears, J W I'olloirk, Malliew
Hixires, T N Kelirlmpf, J I- "nil, Henry
Mellon, C l (Sanders, J 1 Htullord.
The Jury after having been out ten
hours, came In last evening and were
discharged as they could not agree. It
was (be old case of eleven contrary
men lieing unable to agree with one.
In fact the Jury stood 11 for acquittal
to one for conviction.
4S C O Matteson v A I) Hylaud;
oplieul from J I.
The following Jury was drawn Wed
nesday afleriiiMin: H I- Chllson, J W
White, K Whatlam, John Hmlgley,
Tlios Hardy, K J i.'row, H It Williams,
H I' Lowell A H I'owers, J O Uccbe, K
J Krasier, J II (ioodman.
The Jury returned a verdict for Mat
teson lor f 1.
42 Harper Workman vs M I)
Landess ul al, to recover money.
The following Jury was taken in the
case: Henrv .Mellon, Albert Hen
dricks, C W Sears, C 1) Saunders, li C
Hi-small, J W I'oll.'H-k, Jamas Joli, II
L Chllson, H N Hchrlinpf, J W White,
It ils-rt Milllcau, and J It Crow.
The Jury after ls-lng out about 1 1
tninutes, .Saturday at (i p.m., brought
In a verdict for dc'einlaiit.
74 State of Oregon, vs Henry Jor
dan; obtaining money under false (pre
tenses. The following jury was taken In the
alMivecase: H ti Hylaud, Henry Mel
ton, James Job, It C lieauian, J W
White, Albert Hendricks, J It Crow,
A J iiiii wiill, C I) Saunders, Itolicrt
Mllliciin, II L Chllson, H N Kidirhnpf.
The Jury brought in a verdict of not
guilty kt instructions of the judge.
Junction Cily Milling Co. vs U O
Powell et al; appeal from Junction
Justice court. Appeal dismissed.
State of Oregon vs Ida Turkerson,
known as Ida Mct'ueen; Incest. The
following jury was taken in theca-e:
Mathew Spores, J W IVI lock, J K
Crow-, It L Iteaman, (' I) Saunders,
It S 11 viand, H L Chllson, UoU-rt
Milllcan, Henry Melton, Albert Hen
dricks. J W Vhlte, C W.Sears. The
jury in the above case went out at 10
o'clock this forenoon.
The jury returned a verdict of not
guilty at 1 :.'!( p in.
U Frank Hagermaii et al, vs Samuel
LiNiney et al, eipiity. Continued.
14 klials-tli Conser, vs K I Cole
man, adininistratfir et al,. equity.
Aritued and submitted. Taken under
2D James F Amis' vs A J Johnson
SherlH. W W Wilson, injunction.
Argued and submitted. Taken under
22 8 A Huddlestnu executor, vs
the City of F.ugcue, injunction. Ar
gued anil Htibmillcd. Taken under ad
visement. 113 Jane Tracer, vs Samuel Tracer,
divorce. Default. Iteferred to M O
Wllklns. Divorce granted.
(id A II Flsk, county Judge,
Perkins and J T Calllson Co commis
sioners, vs W H Walker, to (pilet title.
Twenty days allowed to answer.
71 Lucy Scarborough nnd Jennie M
Williams, vs Julia A Hyde, for posses
sion of proerty. A S McCluie sub
stituted us deft, for Julia A Hyde. Ev
idence submitted. Taken under ad
visement. Unml of Crickets.
Pendleton rribuue: In referring to
the railroad commissioner's trip to
Huntington, Col. Ktldy remarked yes
terday thatsomo of tiie farmers along
Burn't river have been visited bv a pest
and others are fearful lest the invader
shall denude their gardens. About
Friday last week tliu vangard of an
army of crickets apeared on the banks
of the river about live mil's wei-l of
Huntington. They came from the
west aint were journeying east. On
reaching the river the leaders plunged
boldlv in and the rank nnd tile fol
lowed. Millions limited dowu and
were drowned, and millions more
readied the opposite bank and pro
ceeded on in an easterly direction.
Kvery rock and stick in the stream lie
low the point where the crickets took
the water for hundreds xf yards Is liter
ally covered with Insect. Where
bridges cross they climb up the posts
over tlio bridge and on. Kvery garden
that Imppi in In the way Is left hare of
verdure. They follow the corn stalks
anil eat them 'an Inch or so below the
School K.poit.
Tho following is a report of (he
SmtthfUld school, district No. 10, for
thoiuonih hcuinulng May Kith and
ending June 7th:
NuuiUir days taught
NuiiiIht of pupils enrolled
Average No. iu'longlng...
Average dally attendance
Total No. days
Total No. days absence
Number times lardy
, 19
. 8(1
Time Inst by tardiness 13 minutes.
Those neither absent not' tardy ami
perlect lu deportment were: Alice and
ltlginald (is.l.y. Hell and Lulu
Mouuts and I.eslev Seals.
J. O. MrCRAlW,
letter has U-eii received from Uev. W.
C. Taylor of the elas of 'St. Cnlversl
ty of Oregon, who is now in Frank
fort, Ke'itucky, s a'lng that he is smn
to leave on a protracted vacation to In1
siient in Ihe ".STiies of the siege of
Trov' and tho Holy Land. Uev. lay.
lor recently bad conferred Umiii
him the degn'-e of 1). D. given by
(eoruelown Colleg, of Kentucky.
Tills is the tiial time this degree has
been conferred upon a member ' the
Alumni Association.
Pa Ij Guard. J me K
ItKTrKN'Kii. Geo. Croner returiud
last i veiling from taking a, load of
freltflit to McKeiitlt Bridge. IJe tonk
up 2700 pounds of freight, w hich Is a
pretty lies vy load for lb ose roads. He
iYH)ii more rain up there than here.
Pall; Uuard, June is.
MoSAlii ll lUrKK.-"IVaeon" Davis,
agent tor (he Monarch bicycle, re
tvivcdaMoiinn.ii ruling whevl from
Portlnnd this morniuK. The wheel
was brought up especially for the races
which look place si Ihe university
this aftcruisui, and was ridden by
Cliss Grittln. It weighs 18 pounds
sud has Ij inch lire. I
A goud w.eek fur the street ears.
. Commissioner IVikins Is in town.
W. Kramer, of .Myrtle ( re. k, is in
8 It Piier, of Cotta 'e ( ove, wus in
town today.
Chris Harsch, C. M. Young's butch
er, Is quite sick.
Itev C M Wire returned home from
Kulcin last evening.
CJi Scott nnd wife nturned from
Creswell this iiioruiug.
Miss Ina Edwards is rprite ill at tier
home alsive Springlleld.
U. A. WiiHhburue came up from
Junction this ulli rinM.ii.
Miss Edith L. Kerns w ill deliver the
class tree poem tomorrow.
Mrs Jas M -Donald ami little daugh
ter uri Ived here this ulteriuMin.
Viola Urandon. of Halsey, is in Eu
gene to attend commencement.
Henry Lang, the Portland drummer,
was in lown doing business today.
Mrs J W Huft returned from an ex
tended visit to California last night.
The barber shops were closed this
afternoon during the Held day sports
Several wagon, loads of steamer
freight arrived here this afternoon, o
The Jurors In the state circuit court
wero excused lor the term tills alter
John Shallt-r, ol Junction, is no an
Inmate of the Soldiers' Home at Itose
burg. The Free Methodist will hold a
camp meeting at Thurston, commenc
ing July 2.
It. S. Itisilh, of Grants Puss, is in
Eugene attending commencement
Miss Hattie Dickenson left last night
for Lnkeview and will go from there to
San Francisco.
('has Seals, one of the Jurymen, re
turned to his home near Cottage Grove
this iilternoon.
A basket meeting will be held Sun
day June 81), at the Stallord school
liou-e on the Mohaw k.
Judge Flsk has returned from Hen
drlck's ferry where he vassuerititelnl
ing some repairs on the boat.
"Deacmi" Davis will run a stand at
the Brownsville pioneer meeting Wed
nesday, 'Thursday and Friday.
Prof. Thos. Condon returned this
aflernonu Irom Salem. He was ac
companied by his daughter, Mrs Judge
Dr E (I Clark, who spent yesterday
In Eugene returned to his home at
Portland this morning on the local
J M Shelley is traveling in Mexico.
He is greatly opposed to the free coin
age silver, since arriving in that
Jas. and Win. Bedford who stole
Henry Bond's horses at Brownsville
have I si' 1 1 found guilty of larceny by a
Marlon county Jury.
Prof. U II. Thornton, president of
the law school, will arrive here from
Portland tonight to attend the com
mencement exercises.
Ten ear loads of debris from the re
cently burned car shops at Oswego,
were taken through Eugene yesterday
morning for Sacramento.
Three teams leaded with Iminlgiauts
from Yamhill county passed through
Eiiueiiu this forenoon bound for Med
ford. E II Oi'cni, (he bankrupt shoe man,
left for Koseburg this afternoon. He
expects lo return to Eugene in the
course ofa few weeks.
Prof James Moore, the phrenologist,
will make Ills lieadipiarteri at Eugene
while lectuiug throughout tho upper
valley during the si. miner.
Oregon ian: Esther Tripp waived
examination on two charges of larce
ny, and, being unalilw to furnish '00
ball, went to Ihecouiity jail.
Tlieie will be a Demurest medal con
tet at the C P church on (hc2!Uhuf
Juno, by tin ited C E societies of
Eugene, and Fail mount Cumts'i land
The pioneers of I. inn county meet at
Brownsville for a three days session
lomoriyw. Congressman Hermann will
deliver an address on Thursday.
Olsego, N. Y., Bepulilicnn: There
seems to Is' no doubt but the hops
through this section are looking poorly
for th'w lime of the year, nnd must
pick a light crop.
The Bo-eliurg Plaindealer Is now
pibliHliing a daily evening edition.
It is a live coiuiuii folio and presents
a neat appearance. We wish the pro
prietors success with their venture.
Albany Democrat: Two years ago
next Wciliiisilay the Linn County
National Bankand the Bank of Ore
gon closed ihelr doors. 'The forun r
nauk has paid depositors 7-' per cent
and will pay thweiitire amount. The
Oregon bunk has paid 6 percent.
Mr nnd Mrs V L Chambers returned
home from Portland on last night's
train. Mrs Chamber, we are pleased
to learn, Is nua h improved.
O. U. Hardness, of Lafayette, In
liana, who has U-en visiting for some
tlmcntllonil Kiver, arrived hero this
afternoon ami will spend some time
visiting his niece, Mrs. J. L..elgler.
Louis Jjihnson and his mother, Mrs
AJJohuson, went to Monmouth to
day to attend Ihe graduating exer
cises of the Slate Normal school. Mr
and Mrs Johnsons daughther Is a
tuemU'r of the graduating class.
Today's Oregoulan: "This evening
Mr Frank Mutter, secretary of llu
Chanilcr o( Commerce, Mr'EPul-
ham, deputy cnllector of customs, and
C Silencer, lu the law olllee of Cake A-
Cake, leave for Eugene to attend the
law iraduating exercises of the I'nl
vcrsiiy of Oregon. The three gentle
men wero recently admitted to prac
tide by tue supreme court, and tomor
row each will deliver an oration be
fore the law graduates at Eugene."
A new industry developed at Ash
laud last week. It is no more nor les-i
than tin-shipment ofa ot of turtles to
the .Van l'ritnciy'n market. Three
sacks of them were sent down by ex
loess last Saturday, consigned to a
commission i;rni by an Ashland man,
llioilun with wlial success It has lint b nrncd. The turtles were what
we ordinarily call "mud turtles" and
were caught in Bear cret k near that
Local Fa km Not us. A Salem
prairie farmer v!n bus had a i!"od
tleiil of vxH'ri"iii e trying to get rid of
li e little blacK lunrs or tiles lilcli are
lust now Infesting and eating (lie
leaves oft lomnlo I ' tnts hereatsiuts
thinks he has d:sv-o i led (ho proH'r
"medicine" tof them. Htf Uses qua.
slachls and whale oil soan In the
same proisirtions as Is employed In
spraying hop vines lo kill (he lice, lie
applies the "Juice" with a brush,
sprinkling the plants thoroughly.
This kills the destructive peals, and It
docs not seem (o injure the vines. The
remedy is Inexpensive. Enough ot
(lie material lo (rent n acre ,of plants
may be had for a few cents.
Tli" Ihur.l of l);ficior S-'li-ct a M1'
Coi is.
Pall) Cuard. June I'J
The Isi.ird of directors of school dis
trict No. 4 nu t hist evening and select
ed teachers for the ensuing year as
f,Huperintendent and pri clpal-Prof
Viw pdnclpal-Prof E E Or
Supeiiiumary-Miss Anna Whites-
k,Scvcnlh tirade-Miss Augusta Pat
telMin. Sixth-Miss Ida Patterson.
Fifth -Miss Alice Dorris.
Fourth- -Mrs Theresa M Jackson.
Third-Miss Nellie Kress.
Intermediate Miss Jennie Mctlure.
Piimary Miss Emma Cimse.
Sixth Grade-Miss Mercy Apple
gale. Fiflh-MIss Hattie Dickinson.
Fourth .Mrs Vina lyemley.
Third -Miss L iura Urumley.
Inlerinediate-Miss Jennie Amier-
son. ...
l'rimary-MrsOllie biayton.
Central Building John J Anderson.
Ueary Mrs Baldwin.
A Miciety Ereut.
t. i.Munr.l McAllister irave a r-
cep'ion Monday afternoon, June 17th,
In lienor of her friend, Mrs. Charles
Fay, of I'ortlanu. ."urs. xucnsier o
...uit...i i.u imp uiiura iiil Miss Chose.
I.--0 iniLU jj ..w. " " -
Among the guests were many of the
prominent people oi me iu . iui
('arson and Miss Murch represented
the university and a large number of
the visiting alumni were present. The
Hair was in every sense, one of the
most enjoyable social events of the
year. Mrs. MuAlister made a delight
ful hostess and her charming home
wasaerfcct bower of beauty. The
rooms were decorated with sweet briar
garlands. The exq ilsite green and
pink of leaves and blossoms gave fairy
like and indescriiiably lovely ellnct to
the cool shaded parlws and tilled the
uirwltli a delicate fragrance. Ex
clamations of dell ght and admiration
from I lie guests were frequent and Miss
Alice Dorris with whom the Idea of
the dainty decorations originated, re
ceived many compliments. Many of
the gowns worn on the occasion were
artistio creations. The young girls
noticeably were visions of enchant
ment lu Ihelr exquisite toilets, fresh
and dainty us the wild rosea
everywhere about them. The after
noon will long be remembered as one
of the most pleasant In the experience
ol all those who were so happy as to
be present.
Pall Guard. Juno IS.
Tho case of the state of Oregon vs
Chester McQueen uud Ida Purkerson,
now known as the wife of Chester Mc
Queen, first cousins, on the charge of
Incest, was tried in the circuit court
this forenoon. After the state rested
its case the defense refused to call any
witnesses, and after argument by the
attorneys and brief instructions from
the court, the Jury retired for consid
eration nt 10:30 o'chsk. At 1:30 o'clock
this afternoon the Jury brought In a
verdict of "not guilly'1 and the wed
ded cousins were discharged, and they
seemed quite happy.
The law says in plain terms that
such marriages are voidable, while the
Jury through sympathy for the couple
who wero Ignorant f the law and
were virtually children, (old them to
"go uud sin tin more."
.Satire Sons and Daughters.
Iloscliurg Plaindealer: Tho Native
Sous and Daughters of Oregon Pio
neers met at the court house after the
reunion on Saturday and perfected a
permanent organization. Ihe follow
ing ollleers wero elected for the ensu
ing year: President, V W Cardwell,
Koseburg; 1st vice Pres., Geo K (jiliue
of Kiddle; 2nd vice Pres., Miss Nancie
Drain, Drain: Secretary, J A Under
iliTwoiid, Oakland; Treasurer, II T
McClulleii, lioseburg. The committee
on constitution and bv-laws, W W
Cardwell. Mrs Jane A W'illls and N N
Chapman. The native sons and daugh
ters are destined lo lUay nn important
part in the future of Oregon. Already
among other Important positions of
honor ami trust held oy native sons,
our newly elected U 8 Senator Hon
Geo W Mi-Bride Is one of them. Oth
ers are sure to folli.w U-en use they nre
made of the same stull'us their pio
neer fathers and mot hers.
Got Ekiht Yhaiih. Salem Dully
Post of Monday: "(! E Jones, who
entered his plea of guilty and who
afterwards withdrew the same and
entered one of no guilty was brought
lief ore Circuit Judge Burnett and sen
teniH'd this morning. He received
eight years In the penitentiary." This
is the individual who robbed the
Pleasant Hill post olllce a Tew months
Campmkktinu Booming. Itev Snj.
der was up from the campmeetiug at
Irving today. He reports the meeting
a success. D Is being well attended,
and ten persons have been converted
so far. Special services will be held
next Suuday.
on ai'cockt or
--v CuachitiCitj.U.
..A After
mil i; o years
i f . .v lil Ti: -
?m ftor cu,,eny
"For tllllv tlil M'ur I w
iIii'iini.iiMn. mi l ;n trenmiitljr In lurh
a i-iinilliliii lli.ii I cmil.l hanlty walk.
I ii-nt mmir linn- la Hut Sprlnfrs. Ark.,
ami tli treatment helped m lor the
time Mug; but n.nm the complaint re
lunir.t ami I was at lnitly amtrted a
ri-r. Aver'a Sarsaparllla beln reeom
ii 'Milled. I retolved n try It, and. atter
ii.ini ix Istttlea, I was coiupletety
eari'd."-!. II. Kom. Ouachita City, La.
L 8,.:.i '--- ""tmw,
.tO 1u i --jn vs. eim hakc
ixSWr tVl w Sv) T,etT
....(a fllvet II iti-ab oil.m in lini-Vil .rain nn.l rm nk. '
TUP PI V WHFFLr?;:!::.
Ilk I a mil-i..n " i-allti jti0(ltJ
More Jonea Steel Headers Sold la 'o t than all others combined.
.. .L. muni a II nil! II AIICD Is lure vim Imv.
i,.r 5ut no I Uon, no noise. noih; U. make
.. L i i-i.. - us ftlri-iivlll. (.nvics
Also the largest ami most
Willamette valley.
rcrriiwncci. murii"" -
bind ro" our rsit-ros-LL illuqtsatkd cataloouc
The Piano Mfj. Co., W""'""" West Pullman, Chicago,
Junction. City :
o o o o
The most popular Hour
leading grocers.
Star Items.
June 17, 1S9V
Mrs Teeters nnd son Shelby started
to Pleasant Hill yesterday to visit a
few days.
Chas Mittan, of Crcewell Is visiting
at Charlie Smiths.
The Land hoys are scouring the
whole country over for chiltum bark
tor market.
It Is decided to have a picnic here on
the Fourth of July. A good time is
anticipated. There will hcsM'nking
and singing by mo nunuay scuooi
children, and other amusements too
numerous to mention. Also a grand
bull at night.
Born, nn June 3d, to the wife of Jot
Cole, n girl.
Uncle John Cole has begun haying
Ho says hay will be scarce on Uow
ltiver this year.
ChasTeeteis and wife were vit-itiiiir
relatives on Bow Biver a couple of
weeks or so ago.
The dance at the hall Friday nluht
was well attetided. All seemed to have
a good time especially the boys who
drank the coil oil.
t A TI I'lll LI..
The Jurll Allowed fa Take
1'uipli nnd t-lipiulii
San Fkascisco, June 17. An un
usual Incident occurred last evening at
the First Congregational chuich. The
pastor Itev Dr C O Brown, had been
preaching con -erning the "Civio Fed
eration " and in the course f his
address severely scored the actions of
t lie courts, refciiing personally to
Judge Belcher, of the supreme court,
and Judge Campbell, of the police
court. It chanced that Judge Camp
bell was In the audience, and at the
conclusion he iu a note begged per
mission to answer the personal Btric-
tuies upon himself. This request was
granten oy jir urown, who inviteu
Judge Campbell to come up Into the
pulpit. The invitation was promptly
accepted by the jurist, who then in
vigorous English proceeded to free
himself Irom the aspersion'; which
hud been cast upon his reputation.
The report of the recent crand lurv
in which Judge Cami'bell was charged
with accepting worthless bail bonds
and pandering to the tough classes In
general, was denounced us false. His
words were taken lu good part by the
coiiifregation and he was frequently
onliu ry Ku
Jiireuninr la
Hi e nnii
vliseovcry of
i no sue, U
h li-en en
i'ore,l ur tlio
liMilluci., -ten-mio
n.en rf
it ii st Si n-
V- :fiii.Nrv-
t n I WitCllltlR
c-l lli eym
a.-.d other
t'lv iKorati-a
uud Iui.m ilia
Hujjan cunt
anrt rtntona
Am- rl -a.
Hudijs j
purely ve.D
tUi'e. Hjr'yin ntnrd
of the ills.
Ciarso In tt)
ntlf rrL-MTia.
Kim In the
back, lot net
br iiif oi
-..Iv. tiTcTS.inflr",""sndo-cwcnt-,
fre.autiiu-iMa im-oi, n. y In iiio Out I
-.- li i-s a t; -.ip or.-.' of uml-nt win' ncss
i1 barwniii . ll ct.u to I utmc t t-j -.n dra
Ij 'bo uituiiiiii'
'-in "
inei tw ri-c .
IM" ' .-' , ; 1
," i it, li' t 1.. r.'
I'.-i- 'i 3 m-.cV. ;
ucn i - ,
flX !! Illl I p i
I i iv-MU lO ' re '
tW'-lfT ,"r
Ill'l)si r.
JrfUrUou Mi.. .. .
t ,
! cr'r.l-
I'll!' '.
;Vl.i ,N.f ,r -V.'.fMw iPi
Px'f--..y '-i:i'itlon,
I lu.iue HI iiL-biliJo-K It4n",r
1MI riv-MI.L.a a. .... .
Ihe r ' cum." Chain , ruM
iir i nam wnvv. uyr 1.1 it 1
complete stoCk of lvjiairs
Call and see sample at
in 1
Cor. 9th and Oak, Eugtn.
Milling Companj,
fFLOTJR.o .. ....
the market, f-'oltl bv
ur; improved parris
Ki'oKNK, : : : mm
Day k lleni'eraa'i
Kitchen Tables
Fall Leaf "
Extension "
Maple Hrueau
WVh Siaml w mils la
Bed Stead
Wire Matrcss
Top Maine's
Kitchen chair
Cane rockers
All Wool Cirp.-i .
3 ply wool 1'nrrii
. 1 "'
88 fTviH
1. ItUuiaileilchtli rc. tho-.i:-.
It Ismiido "f tlie very Cm'
materia. anil i .-usrai 1..
In ever ri ' " "
8Uieilur t" I!"-' ur- " '
3. Tho makers i:a ir .i t- '
tin II II I fMl'.v l i'l lo i en: ;
mniioylf itls-ii iiM : '
CLOwurr tavsns P ' ,;
V.,i.-., la l,r,.!,v irivin 'M E''1
Bailey b'ts beeu ilu'v l ' ''',"
OI tue esisie ni m-un -i y ,
..l..i.. i lm Till "
iersoim us ice " r tfo4
tue i-li-num m u .i, ml 1
ris in Enii ne. (r.-L'.in. ""'.' J
from (lie dale of Ibis iiedce ''
Bnry vonchi r
Dated May 25th.
n .. n t-i ...... , r-'
unu. u. tiinii.o,
AtlV lor filnt"
it - I... I.hVH
an persons n
assessor or given In ""iT
mi i.. call la ' h,n.
mc iiiiiipi..i I llAT
assessor's olllce not later
IU and attend toil. A fe,
ment may save taxpayers
IioyanceSnd nt 'be s.tne
an equitable aaseesmii't. I!(.Hl,,,,
Notice is h. r by ''i
Duiris baa Iwet lnlv ' Shi'
Imtorof the .'-- ' "'"'..j,,,.
cesaeil. All p-r- n , r
ssld tslsis are I" r. In ' ' in r
theameto lie a.ln i"-"'
office in Eng-ne. On g-n. .' 01
f rm the date ff Ibis noi""-
Msy4ib. IhJ- p,,iis
Notice . birebv t !u1."iti,T
I " l- II I'
,!..! annollltl'i
J -l r " l.rfl
ili. i 'ii nt
ah ......... .... having cIhiQ'
... r- l.irel.y Doiifl-.l o.',r"
. ihK dmiui-traliir
a .1 Ssnii I a Ban
s-iibin six uioulbi fr
n r aais.
Any for Estate