The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 15, 1895, Image 2

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CUitfradJ AgbJGt Cbrlstiags
Th Crlaff. Alradr Or. O0 6""
IioBJ'd bv Iha (OirciO'iOS
A Hark lf tS'ilO.
Loulloa, Jje 7. Thdjii wA
exjl0btn Il Ult"i aboit ttJa Mr
eig. oMuo ynegt-ibty o tie receipt of
othcial d.ejaH) fJ Ortuiplu
aaaoMnatv tat tt Turk vii
at toai nt'attat' im to tkn e
Ma is vkM wro -aTd-
ley a rn ! i' aiY if (i4i)t rit
fniKAii(lwi. tto fr-
atol btfctu aki, lelaeV.aa tJ lM
tW if kit te aiiaai, i
Fa a v3 at Voir aV
a tmJLm, wt n man at ijot thu
p- i m iflMi ff t Tew to a'aa aa,
Kf is vU jaannaa aa the
itA) pB W Mnatf Paie!
in nw kwasM iaeV tv
at Wtkaaaa, ea i " W J
&ejai,ae B Ax hi, Vint
CMi imMinb Ma k3 Ac v
tf iMW mi t1 Awtew. t ry fc.iv lin-icM o prsr kw (
tSu4f Kt4lMbftiimM0itctk m iuul term faa a braaw, bat
nmv fM MMomt nraoMH HrKvy w uraa of a Htiitna. Tbw Biovmen
l kV irftMj toftKv to tba M- kit craura oat of dHU to faiiv in
Mb tomumkal fcf a At- pmwml funs A tribata to th
Ttej hat of dnwmiiH ca- of (ha nit whoi lurTity imd nt-
fMUMM It'iU W fettkUHlndl hn tiiiiimMitM euutribnUnl a mind pilM to
tn) Mm4M punKi of it lluvv utivudy
II la la H Klvd and lulaualMcd ai
Murh a fuwllil.
ChicuKO, Jauo 7. Preniduut linker,
of the civic fudunttioii, i uut iuullnod
tu Kraut imniauity tu the nut-track
gambler. Not only U the war oil
irunililiiig to be coutluuwl, bat it U
likely the jiroctMliiiKi of the (fraud jury
that -t the gamblem at lilxtrty, will
gut thorouKh overhauliii(. "Now
that the Hawthorne track U rauuiuK
K'u. are you willing to atato what
the civic federation ropoeH todoaUmt
it?" Mr. Uaker wai aked.
"Well, yon kuow the grand Jury re
turned 'no bill' laat week in the cane
of the men who were arretted ru
vimly." "Doe this then put a atop to all at
U'tiipU to tuppreaa giimbling at the
"I think not Wo ahall, however,
flrO try to Mt-ure a nixteial grand jury
to ijveittift.ite the laat grand ji'O' and
tu take np the caaea aKitiuat the gam
blura. Vo had a large number of wit
SumHH and lufllcleut amount of evi-dejf-u
aSainat the men who were ar
reUb'l aijl bailed out All thuae caaua
vtert poipA'd un9l the laat hour of
tfci aeiiiti, aid tln heard only two
i 0V wtoe evidemw I believe re
lat t la)t a! or two caaea, and r
f a.4 tu al ar aiy ' witaaaea Cud
vaN ' ailla' i all tali cta. Thu
ev we M irtnelt tu tk , if
ay hia4 f to U to it, $
twmlw iatagh j f Jaoa
vaaail it a-daia mm
aaw mm- f taH aa. 'rtn eir
1 11 aw an tax cte Mat, ) My lW
na, it a to j aaaai y isvtdbi-
yaaaai Winiaaa Ml U a liai
a mm mmj, I Mai it air Hm
m y.y c ? tax aaiajwaay i
4 hrtMui) luaua r 4fta Link yvuo
a an- Iba.
43Uavj(os Jnoa . dVaJptoa St. VL
Pottt at thi tay, a to aawloi s
Commercial Provisions of the
Oriental Agreement.
Tli CuiirrMtoiia Will llprn t a In tu
KntrrUln( llnlrr Many Im
portant I'urta aud Loralllira.
Wanhiugtou, June fl. M in inter
Deuby, of China, in a diapatvh dated
May 215, haa furuixhed the atuto depart
ment a ayuopaia of the treaty of peaco
betwei-n China aud Japan. The com
mercial proviaiona are an follow:
A new treaty of commerce ia to be
made immediately after thin treaty ia
ratified, aud until the treaty ia made,
Japan ia to have favored nation treat
ment. Mil month from the
tliDpniatut treaty. April 17. the fol
lowing couceaaiona are tu taku effect:
Kirat The following porta are tu be
opened tu Japaneae trade, rcaideuce,
Industrie and manufactorioH: Khin,
in HaM'i; Chung King, in hzochuan;
Huchow, in Kiaug Hn; iloug Chow, in
Second HU'aia navigation on the
Uper Yanfftae river, from Ichung tu
Chuid Kiuf), aud on Woo Hung river, I
aall the canal from Shanghai tu Su
ck and IIi Cho . j
Tkird JaHl,HU 1,1 r,,,lt or '''ro 1
,'XaMaa omu fr atom of SiKMlHoiu in- j
(aaar CtiftM frl of tax emtttiK.
fiaaa aala laly eia)ft it
aaMtaAtg, imp -,
aaaaay m all taia .
laiawiw i'utpmi a)aa il
M, niakiraaar Day taaMwa tat Vt l
Vmmi 1aaaaW, (Waa ta-;
av7, miiX immfml la JapMBMB
tawaan. kaal rrmf4 a r aaaaaa.MdwHt j
bMaa taat AawaMP a Kai ai Kam aaic-1
bti na a larvrvtl ctaaaatnai h r laat
aud aaaa fuaauaaHd IMM taat nm-
la tie iaiaa vKkcnwul )
aaki itaat waaaini aWiaia
auliaia aewajmiaaa, 7a rmmm i a- j
turn, hn, war. , Wria4 aajai iai ad ;
uaaiaa mm totilto) mmm m pra(uiod
ArrhtiUaop Krurlrk Nllll In
ot HI Till.
Rome, June 6. It la atated at the
vatiean that the brief cable from St
Louia announcing the pope'i depoaition
of ArchbUhop Keurii k aud nomination '
in hia aU-ad of Archbiahop Kain, u oue j
to au unfortunate iniaappreheUHion of a i RT M ktII.L SEUOTIATISO
l.l.l., li...nU l,l,h ynmmuriiwl . STEM AB 1 J3BI11-U SHUU
There ta no particular demand In any
of the produce linw, but receipt ar
not heavy, eicepv m i" -
A 1 and the market cleaned np well. Call-
The Dallas People Confident ,
urrrio ;
ot the Big Mill.
Kgg are narce and quite firm.
the action taken by the congregation of
the urouaifauda. Thu written decree
wa mailed to the United State aev
eral day ago. It dia- not depone Arch
blahop Keurii k from hia prem-ut title
or poaition nor apjaiint ArchbUhop
Kain hia aiiMt-aaor. Such action could
only have bwn taken through a papal
bull The preaentietion ia the decree
of the congregation made for the pur
j poae of aaaiating in the management of
i the adiniuiatratiou of the church prop
; erty of the an-hdiia-eae. Had the arch-
biahon bti-u relieved, he would have
; been given a new title a archbiahop of ,
date of 1 a Knppreaaed diuceae in the far Eaat, in
order that the change would entail no ,
aaeriflce of dignity or atation, but the i
decree -idu uo change in hia title aud
leave hiiu in poHWMHion of hia preacut i
title a archQ'hop of St Louia. It de-1
flue exactly and clearly the poaition of ;
Archbiahop Kain ua coadjutor, making .
more definite iniwera than were confer-;
red upon him a year ago. It dia-a not, :
however, make him uixaaor to Arch
biahop Ki urick, but give him auch
power a coadjutor that he will be
ulile to carry on thu lutxiriou work of
niiinA'iiig the church proM
afaira a though he were arch
in name or fact ThV will brinft uo
depoaition or removal of thu venerable
head of t areb!c'. It ia nftrut
ti the few wra tt by 0blu ayiif
!! f MM fill vate 0ld hau
bts m- waul .
It Th.y a.ror. II. II Will Urn fouglil
ua Iha aula Fair Oruunda
Third Wk In Orlobrr.
New York, June 5. Kitzaiumion,
Veudig aud Stewart called ou Lawyer
Frieud at hi office and diacuaaed the
pni aud con of the big mill. They
all agreed that everything looked
promiaiug for the meeting between
Corla-tt aud Fitzaimmon. Lawyer
Wheal Markat.
There it do market at preaent, a
dealer are without ihipa. The grain
year i practically cloned. There are a
lewehlpeyet to be loaded, the wheat
for which i in ii(tht. liaaed on price!
ruling in foreign market, export valuei
area followi: Walla Walla, M(g52c;
Valley, Wc per buihel.
frudue Markal.
Fuia Portland. Salem, Caacadia and
Dayton, are quoted at $2.00 per barrel ;
(.iolddrop, f2.(M; Mnowflake, $2.tW; lien
ton county, 2.iK); graham, 12.202.30
niperline, f I.U0.
, i.mi;,wwI liitareuiioted
Frieud aaid be waa aatiaiiwi wun j 27w28c; milling, 2(!30c; gray, zocazie.
gnarauO "! that the affair would go: 0eil oat are quoted a follow: liagl
thnugh. The Corbctt end of it, uo- t-V76d;u.OO; barrel, .00(i!0.26; ci.
man. Later, the backer of the , , TX '!
liata met iuau uptown aia.rting houKe, nUl, bn)winKi kohj per nul,
aud they repeated after the conference H,n,ina aUttiitv.
that they are confident the light will le j MiuTiif bran. $11.60; horU,
1 pulled off iu the latter part of (Vtober 112.60; chop feed, 112(416 UiiddlliJ,
1 at 1011a. none iu market; Quicken whqat, it
I Ail to thu context for Uwc per cental.
!.,.. . humt.iMi.Khin. it ia nronoaed to uurria-rancr crgaiiiBrj- -
1 match the wiiQ.- of the Maher-1 10" u 1
O'Donuell aud Choyuaki-Hall fight, 1
aooutobe decided. Mutcliea lajvin 1 ivr..!: ld miiKiaXDj tea
bTm- per t.
Unio.v uoo wrafo, z-c m a i
fancf dafrr. Ui(10c; let U
(ac; coinn6, 0'0,', far
ciumm S.raai tmm I
tawadhbr'a 1
ndo tunaN rvla.
aittioaiil tuieury. To giiia taai of Uia
nidHl impin-tiuit aaui to thin and, it
iH aaowHMury Uuit the (nrriiii rrpmzatn
(iiM of in LiM aaeratiiry uhtmld la prr-fto-t
la every detiuL In rnVr to gvl
, tiaa aawiaamwinmt aarasMiry fo o worft
IbuoiploO riaeit-! TU Mua take4 ' of IhtM bind, Mr. Pur to and rupra
-aH NinaHtMiau. "1 iuhifivw of Uia laraHuiua fiunily, oum-
t6i t-rfe. Jam f. Tiaw WurU 1 aiioi-d by IHto (iraHhiun to take
kwiHUHi ivi Rmnim Hfv mmmt W " ha auitlur, piud a viwl to the
afaic (fate ia tawikbi netwei Jim Ctr "" " iwwwiry in Unawiaid crm-
b tttni tin wilU, HMi (kiit atoi hutn bw
ftmt Qmwjtt&p ln e aivMOA Mm
fa' Ma HMI aaiattol o uy
CWa4a aa ant) rday iaMaukui tu ma tim
U abvaaau
l Ixiw inaTiiMjt Id any an a ortard.
t fritt auotava aWy ana a (Una that ttwt
w fwu avaoat," a4a akftdiava. IWbll
Om vt ra Phw ty turn auaba aaa ba
KVVw. tim aaimiuava, WUIuua, A. Ilnidy,
tLtWxMl fra aUaiaaw taw MdKa.
I'aiajaM, ,kM (W) fbauaawa lUauilmur
OlVk tv a m Vnum ar) Mum
tox v wm taaoiyiM Id ta a hvticWra
atav Ml)av aaaaaU a4aal It Wimi a
tuft 4 nnaiaii HNiraB. leiiamlh
WtoH wu a aamraiauw af Us pwwaai
aa tMaik aaaVH aa aabauanlw ia a raa
auo' aaMa WTawa CoHaee mat to
.iiil Xy ia 1M ta aiatke Ibb.
aaa natlkiaiilji, yiaw Liitoj tullnuv,
eaiMialt lOrmiawanumat iiud toe
aaanajai ttaaaw awwi aiil W)' a fmur uf lit
7t. wtfHa, Ah of Mih Covbcn,
fjaal af- aa aki ta OMBBrt Aim
tluH aaaaaMi to at taaat tm a vt;
'TVi aia ki aa laaa taaaaVi ai KiMan
lXau ia til I aiaa't my if Hat
ao at w 1 i iii f bkl a vUl tot.
feat k aaaaw aav ataa aaaaiaaa, II
tin aaf aamai aaaaMdtf faa aaaaw laaaa.
Com m aaaaa vim mU toa aaawa iai
Vaal'a at aaaaaa aataan
taaa aaa Baa aw aaVH aat laann' a-faa)
! H aaa aW Waa, aha ta auti
aa- ay a iaaa kaaa tana iwai lat)'
jaaajH k'Naataaa it aaaaa aaai t
faaaa veafai. I i baiM ka
iaaal' aiiiaa, War air aaatia W
tW aaa aait aai lawa m Ci .
e9. i'leawat Wat kv jtvo m
atr yiaaaaaeaM iikaaat Ma( (, iw 14
anaf itu la . Ytk k fiaa afc "
Ola-, wlM at ttjHtaT, fif
lively htM tgte tla1'V4 .fJ to
ury. Tu oih4i4 wiia ofamad and
BeHlituv PlirtlM diretad tha murwrnonta
of urn awnart, who ilk a dalmiaj aat ut
inHtraiatinta, tootl an ntnmmla oatlina
uf tha aanmtary'a tnrm and band. Mr.
Purfca tUoa vcrifled tha menHnremint
iind auuia e rt of gmmii'tricnl draft of
tha diia an.
U.f, Jaaat I. Tea "NatMUa
Cti'laas" laaaaai aaaajar ka Mm.
litana.WaaaW, piraxaid Bat faii
BaaaiM cheat. tkiu ciey, has atir:
ep thu feiabaiaa aafiapai df the vaaal,
t the haakaatat atoa trial veil raaat
, ki har wiali r witw i fajat, ki taa
katricev if (.Viraayt mrmf. Taty aii
I a a Miaon) tba lanarrajj ram fat aa the
1 an axad tbaat tfaay Bart kaoiBne aabitaai
I Xabtwta. ertiklcara, hat In
, wirla ia wkink taia ariti Airiae
rty and . Tommy Kyan, of Cliica", aud UilljD
.liivhnn 1 smith. ' Uotrtou, aud thu beat mu at
Ta .... 1 the weight afliiat Billy Plimlar for a
limited or a Hnih tfit re t'9 meu-I'lKl-
lilies Tex., Jetji &. U iJoiliic
l aiK.aa.iaj cieai ia it a, n aat u
certliu tkt t) Ctajt-l'ikBiaji..
4 t ill tiku plti-a aeaaj. TtotfoJloV-i
iia) M reeivi4 ar kU faka 4.1
C. a to) ia' il - Yiak: I
"Aat ilaaet cmait i-taayteikt) will '
lit clotd aa viy aMix nia)lt. I j
I4t iat toaail k Nke tcfau alt
' ! tr
lit ( elifoTnil, tl 0 P'r ctukvl
I'oOLTlr Chuntnt. oal.dtldS.W a
(l(.l; Irojlta. PI 60'K.aU Hr akva;
dukt, M3.ID; ft. :.;
turfiyt, live, luc )r poejiki; iWiaJ,
12c ptr auuikl.
lltaaa, aja q ajaatd a 11 aar
CiiKK-lliat1 ffa'l caaea, ka)le
tr totnil.
UiKiio.e Cajtibaea, f-a
It l'.c par pom!; tmlm, It aa
ikaa-u litkhaa; reit hmh, im pt
baa; hotlmuM Itttaae, MwfJt fm
Useful Information rv.
aum work.
Valuabla tu((aalluu
an -th lu.t
' in . I
Hori,lg-Hlork Kal
f . 1 .
Dr. D. H. nul ."7 1.,
-""vu( m j.!,. .
ugguatel a point on the naW
u..ii iui me ueatructioo of 11 11
poultry houae, and ai . a "'
which 1. not KenenUlyknoS
acted upon. Ho nrite tl '
when mlphur ia burned in , T
nioapnere tl.e vaix.r lunibin- '
oxqfunof the air and fl)riu, JJJ;
oxiue, a ubatic e whil.h
by contact, bai ter ..,,.1 n
- an anifc
TTaa WaiaaaVa a V
fOyittghni, Jaa 1 i-iano li Bnnf
Ouiaa;, aoa of Yioaroy La Baafttwxif,
and Juna W. nt, a-oo aiiaa Waa ki
tha kdiuu) uf FfarmoMa fur the purpura
Mimriltia an tha twrnu nf f n taaata
biire returned, foater, ia aa inter-1
.,11 L.u ,u. - j. t.. " !aa : ai!avia, 4U(a liar am
tv- at, .iii 'itfk laaai, tiiaau par aaaai; aft toe,
aaaa at - i, w aaa v;-a reviiaa " . i .v.
3 . akrkl Oaaa kaaa) P P I aaal dft'
flw, el ara (I1 l.r. tal ito
lla llat. An iaaanaa laiiaiiaf
ckatj aa taaeaitaaetar vitk a teaki
laaa-ilf it la.UUU, vill al to be
Mra aT Vul erknlaa..
Taraaan, Jona t. J. Artnonr and
P. IX Arntunr, jr., of lliicajni, bWd tu
( dty la tha fink-nil euurt a pvtituat nl-
mjtvm imi ina aifa nnu ncnniaa
fnuidalMilJy Had enltatarvly vtaaoiired
Wit tha NtaihwaNl TliuanHiavllHaiaiat
Uartrir t'omimny to Unnxfi k) it
aeueioi and bunda uf the Tnouma BaiI
wiiy dt llutur Cumpnny, withont re-
eaiviaa fall ontiidunita aa; that fio fl,
0,000 buada ( fne vaioe and a Urge
much uf Hturh, the atrcrt riuleay ea
piinj' raeaarra ua miner and pnrperty
iely (iSou.OOO. Tbay claiai that
RonaJiiii Bind tha tmemc commn)'
JaO.OOO iha RkmliMaoai mail, a
arena luw vrtarta aat fJu,000. (tot
acfaaat id laavw anoanareiiaai they de
ebant taw tiaaanay aim iia aqaitubia iaf
avt laaiaae tea TWaaaav II. eeavai Hoe
aria Ciamanay 4 ;, itaai iai tha
(aaa laaaaaat aaw it lakd iki ikteapaaes m
tot kraaaaad Badvcaaaaaiia ka Mdaaetl ky
atoaiaaaaaa. Ta bwaaatd ttoe ia M,.
,. TVa Ajaaaaa, mm iedoaioV
aaa laa aa m Vieak to tft itj dtock
J'SnOftaa rjO"tDeS8a-
Sail Fram'iwm, Juno 7. Charle K,
I'eaive, a jute aud oottou mauufaoturer
of St. Louia, who haa juat mturuiHl
from a trip through tho Orient, ia of
the opinion that Japau will aoon la
come an imMirtiuit factor iu tho maun
tiieturtng lnduNtrtea of tho world. He
nay the ri'iiort ot the United State
ihiiikuU allow that the coniiM'tition
w hich tho United Statia ha to fear ia
not that of Kunijw, but of Kaat India
and JaOn. Ho vlaiuxl Japau to in
veatigato tho adviaability of removing
the work of hi ooinpuny to the
Orient, and before hi return will ad
ilreaa tho chamWr 0 ooiumuriHi of thla
city ou the rQult of hi inviwtigiitiou.
Th Honda In Hnnlhniilun,
Southnniptou, June 7. William
Curtl itant aQri.tarT of tho I'uitW I i, i &. . i . -i . 1
X .. . . pi It i aUtM that Wilde w
' ect.auMt a) ,h
C'iakej, 9 m., aai 7. f.tei t'.
a eats' iiaataakk taiaa tak aaaat if
atoa toallaaa wk.ej aaa- faaaj ia Fife
kv' yiaal ( to ta pwtreajMtt, tea!
ai (toaa-aiai aaaaa M ftrtaat' a4'k.
d o.ataaaii at i a)iet t aejl a ar
najt iaexe fr tto iara if f. J. CoaaWejeji VtwatO t
hi Will Ht fe.OOO ff hia atpcarafeo in
oirt next Ti0day. ltQla X'rt) far
nihtj)t. IMckler haa had au eventful
wiHk. ftoiiduy ho wa arrentod for aa
aault aud battery aud fined 10. Tuea
day ho waa arreatMl aud bouud o9 r to
keop tho piuo in the aum of (100.
Tuiwlay evening ho waa auxpeuded
from tho mint by SuiM'riutcudcut
Adiima, aud Unlay waa arrvfjtd ou a
charge ootiQectcd with tlio finding of
the bullion. Thia afterieHm tho hear
in?of tho caao agayst him for threat
ejiiiig Uio lifo of Flo Stewart, tho
Woman who told tho atory, caiito up iu
tho juatliV court, but waa diNiniaacd iu
the alweuce of tho complaining wit-lie.
Oarar W ild la Not Inaano.
Loudon, Juno 7. Tho Morninir
TlmiHl deniea tho rojnirt that Omar
Wildo i iukQ, and claim ho haa
iievcfjheou lymtliusl in a padded nHim.
view, atotad tnni Admiral Yuaxaant
Kniltiyctn, formerly chief uf tha Jap
anese anvy drpartmnnl, him bora np
pointed foramia ia FurmoMi, The
furnad triinufcar waa effected Jane ti.
Foster will retnra to the I'niu-d Ktatie
on the tirat ateiuncr.
Ttta A llliHMaa AaTulr.
Waahiuirtua, Jane . The Htata de-
purtmrnt todiiy rereivad iVua L'nitod
Btntaa XiniHter Taylor, at MiMind, the
eoupleto and final nnwwer uf Spnia to !
the aVooannd uf Hetwotory lareabiua tit
diimruwul id the Urine un the United !
Htntaa merohant ahip AUiiinoa. The 1
diaiamcnt wiia bnmght to the attratiiai
of the mbinrt by Auif Hweratary L'kL
Tha nnawmr ia aaid to be entirely Mtie
faitiary tu thia giivmmnnt, aa it folly
meet in letter and apiril the demand
made. Hpaia, ia ita) rrply, diarowi
the act (4 firing aptai the Allianoa;
exprnyuM trgrvX at the orram'nee itanlf
and aHanraa thia -fwvanuneut that
nejtxnrv have be mi taken to prevent a
rvpputkaa of the Mime.
tvalvaca la Bhol.
Madrid, Jena 4ncrii Prim de
Rivera, eaplAia-fcneral of atadrid.aho
aat abia yewterdiiy by Ceptaie Clavigo,
ia better. The trial if Clavigo by
oiaurt-nuiniid brgan fcdy. la hia de
fenre, (Vt igi auked he wee driven to
cianaait the dead by pamniatiut to
airh ha had been aabyvard by JftiTenk
He daeiiued the gaaBral laaed on the
inflame, (rf a armi-aande wtoo and a
gvadge ngainnt kid. The yeneaaJ, he
rejrthwr atakaa, hAd ledured hn pat to
b viehheki, triih tha redalt that' he
baeikeao (aavged ienaa.ty ki aaJl aeoB
aba ganoa.y if tti frtotadk. Ta)
ciau aa.aBMpae Kb er..ea4 reilar
aaaaaajtd kea t lb)B trrP
nitraeif at t o ct.
eVmttoaar laaH
1.1 altea, V... Jt 1. 'Ad)
ehliaatiry ei ! of r,.Ha 4-
a) ., van tat ay 24, killed lillia
t i, hi) 1 stint, ou tto OJtti rtr-
vataal, lua otalftd Unlet il JiAam
ata,-er court Afcfc'ra wi
biatafl over t ajfa'ar lattki tho Ulited
Mat diwtrict court iu a'eattlo uijfc r
'.eV0 lxe) . Thofeo diduotaxi
on tho fjand, 1115I the wiUVnne for tt
lOoaiH'otiou, who wero IialfifH, made
a Htnn caao agaiuat AnAraou, who
claim to have killed Andcraou iu aclf-
fciiati. Much exoiti Aieut prevail iu
thia acction, a it ia claimed that oulv
UnltiM State oommiiwioner haa au
thority to biud a prisoner. A habeas
oora ha Ikhu applitd for.
...... r..a,.rr ...... il, " " '"" Mliuua ainrwil lO
Pariah. t,nl. , ...l ." kT.1 5 1 iu th treadmill accHling to thu
th hoiid. whieh i.N,....i .?. ,. '0'1 l'rim dim-lpliuo. After a few
U'gan Carualo. Iho ImniU will bo
titkeu to London, and placed iu the
atrongnaim of tho Kothwhilda. After
being initialed, tho boud will lie
formally delivered to the rtirinentjrt
uvea oi wiu ooiiii avntiHMne.
Tha aianford tull Cuaiaurnrvd.
Sau Frauoiaio, Juno 7. The hearing
of Mr. Jaue L. Stanford' demurrer to
the uit of the g"vernmeut agaiuat Le
land Stanford' OMtato for 116,000,000,
aaid to he due the government tor Cen
tral I'aeiHo bond, waa oouimeuood iu
the UuIUmI State court thia morning
before Judge Uikm, ot Loa Augclea,
Judge McKeuna believing himadf dia
qualiflod booauas having onoe been a
truato of the Stauford eatate.
day ho wa aent to tho infirmary,
where it wa found that ho wa Buffer
ing from melauch ilia aud trouble of
the Moin.Oh. Tho diaordcr of the
atomach cal after two day' confine
ment iu tho hoapital, aud Wildo re-
llt0unml the Nupramr Court.
Spokane, Wash., Juno 0. Tho
Trade Council adopted resolutions to
night donoiAing the auprumo court
for uding Kugtmo V. Debs to jail,
"lQ uo other reason than it waa tho
wish of a greedy corporation and tho
plutiH-ratio thieve of tho country."
Tho supreme court ia declared to bo
factional, whimsical and unreliable,
being out of tho reach ot the people
aud irresponsible. It is further divlar
ed that member of that body have
been kuown to change their opinions
on important matter without inform
ing tho public of the reason, cause or
anion t of consideration for inch
change of opiuion. I
o atone have tiaarhed the pride
tviey wieaaa vhv ha ever vira
t5 them and uf thuM who have
gioe farthae tana a ahtert ikirt win
ovre koinkavbockar, Air. Catharine
AlnCalka-h aaid today ia refcrenra to
bi au una:
"While it aawy seem nndigniflcd fi
a mieatee uf th giupel to kere the
prearhing uf aniratiun to indalge ia
nenimJitie ahunl wumea' turrrl
dreanm, it will not wvry the biryrlert
any, fr few wianea deprnd a the pal
pit fur their twhiiaaa. While I have
a yet fuand time tu learn to ride the
bif-yrb, 1 ctaagrntulnte ail wtanea who
do ride, and ewpmnnlly thuae enterpria
ing wumea who hart adopted a naee
healthy, miae cleanly, leaa dangemnt
and an eapnuore atyl of dree. At
to the immie-AlitT ( alitveTiatnd ikirt,
it cannia be nxntiiaied ia the asm
breath with the bathing datome ie the
tevliniury rveniog dre wien by fash
kavtble wiauen."
Mat lie fern Owtley aaid:
"The ridiculing of any prevailing
biryrle ooatauct wieu by w onion iin-
preBaM me very fouliah, eeperiaily
in a pulpit alterant rapperd k ha aer
kavdy intihd. Thnr ia mailing in
trinmraJly immiaicat in either bin inicr
or knickcrbm-kert."
da Caila'i Tila.
Sua Fnmia.i, Jane 8. Karl
lleeaae, ci-ohirf of the Ilivaiian
aaoaaeed police, hat teat at amdavit to
Wiaakiageei natiug that he had brea
impair aaad nd exiled bevaM he el
ciiued iifQuaM tha imaigvitaai c Jap
axawi which the l)oi r-veramcat H
tine Un mvi he had an ccanartaej
vwh tha iiterteiaai and iir
kajathrdgt of tlo iiteaded iaaaaree
kaajb hi oritti aa naed fata aaahdni
aaai Wtc ( final. Iai waa fcad if a
da ttt ligvu tV ciaay aa viaiU
kt fe ail be iniliM caat aH kit
two aaaaa as tamM Hko at trdat4.
Wii ikeihel iit'dt'iMltaaaatot (a .
him. He fty CiakAie ItoriaM,
' h'l arma f.f tha antitaa,
tartat aaiff evident a let iafita4
iiiM many revolutiouigti to eltvt
hi owl csciic.
eekrerd ta the lefejaev Tail la Lid -
iag will paiaiealy he teemed jon iat
oxto the feie gneindt.
ttoehav, Jane '. amrnpyXtaacrel
Ceegraia wa aahed if there viaald ta
any otjrmaei in bit part to tho Or
bett'Fitaaiminici fight evening off il
thia paxariart and ha replied:
"It certainly will a4 take plane it
the pnarinre if I ran help it, and I will
taai all pianola meani to rtp it if any
attempt ia made tu hare the nmten
nume off here."
lulanlioa Araay Ovlr th Ordlanar.
a'aatarriai, '
Tairictb liuia Culilawkt
fJ.0i)a4.(a: rWrilf, ta.laVv6.ea; baaaaeak
! lloadula, tl.76(ti.7l; .New Orkaaa, ft
(a 3.75 aer bila-h; Califceaa auvas
. baa; ainmaatu, W
!i.a3.W; taaaar toei, avMNai tat ..'
Cai.ikoima (ireva aas
iiatll.xial tOaar laaa; art
Vi ptr ihsara; eaalinaaier, 7iria$l.fW
lav ikaaa ; fl a r era ;
la4lauow, 7eL(il.Utl; pteik', JOXae aat
foaed; aanuwiwrai, flwftaaS.Vt aaa .eat
ate uatAtoa, l'...c par paauaJ; ibaharw,
L",i;(c law pouial; atiiae baeaav tfa
11'iC par kooatl.
Iiaan r ai'iT Applak, good, ltI.SD
per baa ; eumDon, ikclafl ; aww ( toaoai
f 1.7. VI I ; auavherriea, Cnliinraa. tia
l.m per i rate; Oregua, aejoa per nonnd
clan-riea, 7ea VUc par boa.
Wcoc Valley, fcelUe, aeeordiaa ta
toiUity; CuipnnB,7aB; full dip.ftiue;
Lot Uatut, CL, Jnne 6. The local titwtera Oregon, Ha7't
rig'aalnraa IA f ftdl M ttkt.
it. Ju's, N. f ., Jui 6. AUfcovr
adj.Oji OOlnt of tho ltli.4itaju occa
slotifi uioiisinesa afBoiat ta ntblia
esptxiially as tho uewtjmper publitii
prtaa clippings tcndiiit) to show that
certain legal wiiuta roouiro to 1
proven before thu loau negotiations can
be concluded. The legislature mnv not
proceed to business until afUir Colonel
Secretary Hums' nturu from England,
li no can get back before tho end oK
T...... .. t . :.. .j .
vuue, kb ii ia essemiai mai an rcgrau
ing of tho salaries aud roduciug of
grant shall begin before tho next
oorp of the Salvation Army hai hid
den defiance to the recent ordinaia
pasted by the btaxd of hnrn tnurtee to
th effect that hereafter no rirom-Uret-ing
( htam-kaiting would be permitted
in the Hrreeta of Laa (like withtt
firet getting prrmiaiinn from the prei
dent (! the biaxrd. The ciep ippeered
tax Alain atreet last week a ninal with
their drum and cymbal. A warrant
waa iwiea out brfiae Jaatkw Bcggt v
tht irreat of Captain Wright, charging
her with violatim irf tho tardinaniv.
Whxa arraigned she entered a pl of
r'lly. ud her trial wai art fie
Batorday next, lnatmctaai were re
ceived fnan the Ban Franciaxi head
qoatcrt u( the army to make I tct
Vratan raa OriotBiaaO Laker.
(3viAg), Jane 8. At the meet iag of
tne I3ag Trade and Labia Aaicm'
bly, held at tho urirtklayera' hall Ian
night, the ctaxuaittee ajryniotod ki in-
vaigae the Ingality it the uropiavid
at of tneet rtilwiy can at mail can
tabmitted ita repiet. It laid ai far u
it eiaid lean there vat au bgtl it
ttaeity at; the Men permit ta tht
at (f thett oart aa mail tan. la the
ciauMt it th dunuwaa tu tAiatabjora,
Gtoacfntt PiaxMaoy dnmaorel the up.
f laisa to tb att i atraet lanaimail
oaMka ipniila hi the amat it
civilaeMaa. The real taiata t tht
Mt,i( rave ill eet ia liore it mM
hibtthe it tiatet ( Veto a aStorek
awiaaeaea attght m th
llttllirtla eaaaai)itaa (
aat it t cat 1 ajMa ctr rtyt to
ten witald bt ciatatllal m Mn
IM vaaata tdat nrt, ir elaj ciU
itkxxalia itt tbt ledil tattati
Ingnlla la I'aaalmlallr.
Lawreuw, Juue 6. Tho university
chaiR'l waa crowded to ita utimwt ca-
lumen to the prison toiuiug geatly im- pacity this morning, to hoar the ad
An Inrh anil a Half of II round.
Sau Francisco, June 6. J. K. Prii(p
and llaua Sprtvkel are having an
amusjdy dispute over au iuch aud a
half of ground. Sprocket recently
purchnsiMl aome proja-rty ou Market
atreet adjoiuiug a fine bnilding owued
by Prior. It waa diaixivered that Pri
or'a WildiiiB trtwwssea one iuch and a
half 0& Sprocket' ground. Sprtvkela j
will not sell thia small aoctiou of laud,
aud lrior will not move hi buildimr. i
So far-the partio have failed to reach
an agrcciueut
II 1'ra.vvd lor
11 naaV ar m t tr ttoa
riat', jaa 4.? at latl
tratevnr 178, ) kati if ttoM, la
hliH to ta' lair iat M ciaata
mated tki aftaa.. lotdkka
aliippiigl Irtta. (.. a). t'Kar,
c-lipinger at o., aallolr, Uttia th
10., ana uirvlu, Uuldi dh ftrio,
wero the puwhascr at iff 7 a ton', tho
certified check gift-u in payment
amounting to 3,063.200. JBcNeur'a
claim against the estate for BtontV Wi i no court allowed ,0U0
aa comimssioii to the brokers who ne
gotiated the aalo.
Nra. Hartley 4uat (in lo Prlaiin.
Carson, Nov., Juue ffe The request
for a special meeting of the boardryif
pardona to consider the case of Mrs,
Alice M. Hartley, tho slayer of Senator
M. D. Foley, waa complied with and
tho board met today. Petition, fr.,.,.
all part of the state asking her release
wore read aud nmuy frieuda spoke
iu her behalf, JUut they wero ofpo
avail. When a Vote waa taken one Waa
for pardon aud four against. Mn.
Hurtle is enteuoed to eleven Tear'
Hort Nominal t the Ulowhut
rang : rx par ponnu.
WW Almonds, aait ahnil, tie 11
per puond: paper iluril, ll'taltj nana
ivop .4iiiarau vaoaata. arm anali
llalltr; ataniiurd vainetaj W'fcwlbj
Italian ciieanute, ll'.aalir; paawaa
lSialSe; nraaila, ll'ajlSc; bibarka,
inaioe; peannta, raw. thnrr. la7
loAHted, lot; hickory aata, lutlOe; eo
ooonsw, vuc per ihjaea.
roTQUin Ixurtara hnma, madioa
1 1 'i 1J6 per pooail; hi una, picaaj
a'vwur; brauliiuut Uiooa ll'.ClL'c;
short daw eiilew, K',aMe; dry tail
ndea, 7', (; dried beef hiuna, H
(el V; bird, aaaponnd, ia Una. 7;
lard, pore, ia una, lttl(a; tnmf feat,
60a, 3.6o; pin1 hwt. 40a, t&U: ait, (trrgiwi imokwl hama, ll.Vj pee
uuoau; pieaiea nam, l.e; bnneiaia
ham i, Uto; bacun, to: drv aait lidea, an ;
nl, 6-pouid pmJi, ko; 10k, ',;
Mm MiaHutkj
iWKVroea, top iteuve, 63.00(1160-,
tur W rood naara, T0(a4.(i: anfiia
oUewad beO, 6(A4tfe pva
!.). (g; avra, fXO; dnwmi ait
aw, per ponnd
Vata laawaid, anxu,
1.71; inrbt and kMikan laXflfr;
""i tar fuuaa.
mtUa M6e; irgA
nXtjaajUMk tAarna
1, fcuJ).BVl, n. L'' a iLk,a7aS
ktta! t dfl.. f a..
(ray anatakaaal, ; catMi mmmai'mJ
at da, k,, pa fmi ; i,,
Utat aaaataj toa tlmZLTi
". lea. lac aar aaaa.
i-i i -: i ;
btooatoV aaevaika akaiTaaaTSaU C
CoAk-lkway; aa,..tJaa,
flhtaa; aaaam, (.rtot.ll.;
JtKAa etanl akiln It
'd; blraia, 3.V; aatam
I -
CoBDAoa .laatilei nek li'i-.v
'1 C36A 19A fe4a,Ma 8'
1. e.kja aat
Th Hlg Trlraruiw Flnlahrd.
Cambridge, Mass., Jnne 6. The
gm loriy-incn leua, the highest tele-
poved. Hi melancholia continue.
Th Ka. t.lba.m Will tur.
Sau Fraucisoo, Juuo 7. The Rev.
(loorge Uibaou, pator of Emanuel
churcli, auuouuct that he ia going to
deliver lecture ou the murder com
mitted iu tha church. The title will
be "The Crime of the Century," and
hi object i to raise fund to pay the
church debt Uibaou 1 once mere
usiug the ttudy in Emanuel church.
whore lliuoie William wa murdered.
dress ot Senator Iugall to the law
school. Ho tHik a somewhat pessimis
tic view of affair generally over the
country, aud suggested the necessity for
display of great wisdom iu dealing
with questions now agitating the pub
lic mind.
I Alitmrui1ii III .TmiA A A ...1 .
r Uton. biiud
mvivtM his eyesight last night, aud i 1 than . vr f. h v.f J.i mo
I I.k kr..xl.. ...... I.. .1 1 . ' K-irtwipe. 1 i
v """" "o oompleUM. aud will aoon be shinned to
i a preacher tor the United Brethren ita d..n.-i.. ti.. v JT. . lVr" w
- . ...v,.un,,v,u. Auv Aerae lei.tanm.
a IiReaArl dj oJaT 110.1.
HarrislOiiO, Pa., Jib.' B.M.,ti.a .
a 10-per cent iucrea iu
el IV'ft-'vauiatorU,
" lucroiise atucta 8,800
u. The works
fu!$netry departmout for th J
time since tho company passed into the
hands of receiver two years ago.
Kr.orid N.I f the Sm,im R.d,
Victoria, B. C, Juno 5. It ig re
ported hero that tho Messrs. DiOismuir
have purchased the interests of Crocker
and other California capitalist in the
Esquimau & Nanaiuio railway and
tne L nion coal uiimu t i
r., i . , wumea
"" ""r: president or tho company,
could not lie seen and other offleialidid
not kuow anything about it
i ...
v..u. kiiu, uui ua no tffm
microbe or animal life that a 11
dejamd for life ujsm ,), '
air. Thus it is seen that dr,7
VfAivfir will trfll liJUa .. . .
I a-- a-aaa IUAJ MM II ,a,.. : ' 1
Will not destroy the eodjj
microbe of germs of diwn.
ittya, u)iply inoihturo to the 1
valuk1 and Aitl..!,.. ....... ...
hl,.W (y . .e
alimitfckv taUelife
it Cf atfrti in roiifm r ft .1
artir 11a .
diaataa of tilphur tm -It;
rataoeewto tm the kahri,
thia-tby aaevlyiag moistn. L
bar tta aal.r, and to. "
tkaa all la-t, bakir e
aaaaaaj wiM at riiv,.,l.
Thai it t vtlaaMo .
If taaa BaaatfW U - ... : .
J - 1 " -vi ihiaf
td it rill he t . aiavaa, i,'
" --J tiaj r
La va-w tT tae li.Mr
aalahaeiaai lawaVi ami aaaaaavA
eeae xeaal la laen-iaad to m ffi
foarai i lieak ckilddca aa u
aaaaa iuaa nniai tlui laaai. I
ii lajaiaaa.i aaa that taaw; r
ea isn'o areel.f j,).
Wfa aaa avila ia l4aa aa;
ae a aoay kaa aaa (,f Ue t
mm ta aaarei if bto audi 4,1
1 : . 1 ,
r-awi aa aw anare, area a tur;.
ami ertda,ji
whan taia m paHM-trai i aaaajAf
taaaeraaat! the milk. Ka. vj
gaaaua so aeaara M a aktao. ill
faaa taaa it aaad all th hehai
coar'a aaiUt. Tbrae tiay k
aaaaa k geoar in the 'tmAr, flj
eelhs Xtanir by the (Wtranaji ilj
eeUa aaa) partly W the an-n
tvaaat of tha nbati if fit ff!
hawed into fat. Ta. v triridi n
aeat with th milk, and at kWcf
piaiai a ia it, ae 1 aou i
tha othae aulidi in it Tan-
eoaaa dariaj; the Uttnr tot rtjj
aailhug, nanbnhly br.a Oaf b
, v qajnhiy ia iaily at Iia t
part ia tha exw'l milk. TaafcvC
ia tbiaaa than the' itrippiiia, Iwt
tha gUAaUa of fat do at bw C.
aelrei from the intrmal lumja, T.
aailh dorse u tht ht-jfj
The etaiditiin if the ia'l aarV'
v ararrtaaa ryitrm vrry rojrk
tha quality erf th milk th graM, i
feeling, tual weter ie th
alt will inborn in to ( 1 nrT
ra whirh aha will at yirld teai C
a similar eimditaai with iaaiv
exTeets amy he ranarrl by iaei
pDinr, abnae ie rtcitrmoat. I'
haa) a paraiiarty del iia kt (rjpaa.1
and moat b handlirl widi laC
Uod any men who timet i tawl
oat th petal, fa ah- will atr knit
try giving ax milk iu1 thtta'tC
qoality. The girmke it M ii
that in a ikioblefald
thm viU he ftauxd aiillkaa a t
It ht Ittunated that thtce an e t
aaadi auliam irf thrai ia asaf C
ianh ef tailk. as toret -t
i mad. To get aV
jf the milii ia (he uak if a
kee, Tary are too aaal i'
ayreiaed lao) with lW axalae C
aTifMaa kaaaxrea ,4 ia lata a y.-
eiaaW aaai W aotV like I
bkre w-j-aJat aaa iurata.' S
It M i
here, and he claim that tho
of hia light ia tho direct
pra.ver. Mr. 'iiton i 30 year of age.
T Prlaon tur Llf.
Detroit, Mich., June 6. Tho jury
iu tne case 01 .Mrs. xseiiie Pope, charg-
receivimr u-in . u .i .u . .
ofhi.iuht ia the dir,.t m,,. u. ' L " .T. .u,r lnKU lne 'k.
" 1 ' . UVIW U1H IHTfUlllI in tha wn,M .V. . . 1 .
r- w nv...,, uint 11
promoter are confident that astonish
iug diavMTeriva may be made as soou a
it ii set up.
atrlkr Takca la.
Providouce, R. I., June 6. There
haa been a alight increase today in the ! ed with the murder of her husband, re-
wwaiug lorce 01 me several mini turned a verdict of guilty thia after
which opeued their door to the return- noon. She waa immediateiv eentenced
ing itrikvr yetterday. 1 to life imprieonmeat
nrn lo Kl Mnkrto.
An Altrurlaa Colnny Mpllt p.
Santa Rom, Cal., June 6. It is
runuirtHl that the Altrurian colouv, lo
cated at Markweat, a few mi lea "from
this city, split up into two factious re
oeutly. Work on the big houd .tarted
...r lewweeMago haa been Hopped,
and it la reported that the diaaatiaflod
purcnaaea the Crialer
If aulh ta k-ft
ha flat toe aavaaaw thtr tat laae,
tha laiaad ra wtua tar. Vi- V
via frtar a law m aa "V
tan kf taa trre if gat iata V,
it Kfaa UI, cdai-'i
tneir, tiUtaaa
M aaajaaead it displaei ai.
aeautoiiaa aaet flatt aaMV
aaat B
aaaa 1. takaaan j
F. at XK wrie-t in ';,
"a, aat art-la
- - , t a.nal'''
I faarie it had
aia kaa haa untual
att k ar wai and art'e(
two idsaaai k aa The miiiill ke
taa c ccatekifly. eet
tmnak,?" Itot failure to oew
ill bat tort mi as and.-'
A-m k. l...u..l..,.. ,, nltl(eu-
.1 np 1 tu mi i'-1-- ri . 1 4
kiaiath. n.y navilts arc 11I1UUK
tk-ratiHj oil the calf as a -irti
bBtt.Ci can bti lix-ated. lP
i. . : : . a ; ...... iillr a
iii iinir uuveriiia 11, .
and rub UK
until it haa a red inflamed aFPrtn,J
When the acab comes off exan
calf head, and if there is the
. I...-., w.neatuV'r-
ooi rililuuiT il a m.'i., 1 m
Unit. Vor,.ri tbn Hllilllal W"1 n
v. ....... k..;.. tn ..m- L-ivp anotbi-r
nlinatimi If J. M. D. hi"' otw.
thi. he tfjnld have prevented tV-
when ho found that the first "PP11?
had failed. Tho caustic had
nr. roonK.ut nU U" ,,B"'.
dovolotawl. Thia method of
. . . -..fnl
baa been tested not only ny
poriment station men, but by ' C
ik... ........;..., 1 f,-V ran" ,
UUUIIA I Ul Ul ill .1 .., ' ' ' . ,
...-. ...:f....t.,rv resolta-
lailill-lB, Willi IMIlin.,., ' . .
thoroughly applied it will pfj'"
ceaaful in nearly every en'. 11 , ;
far the best method of g ttif
Stork lr-
New York. June 5. -It i. r.. '.b.,v nr. T X,glet.
12? "W1" PriTto d- yuted at Markweat a?.'
eavtiTa aaeeov in tna aav tUri .1 1 . . . ..
!. 1 .-a ""p tan 111.
ll-l.l. ,n,-llt HR"
t un pruiier uinunf - d Vl 1
weight hogs are the mt Vr"'iv
grow ior general maraei.
When fatu-ning an aunu' P"
the atart gradually at first, ' p
and aave time and toed. . w
Overfeeding ia waste f1;'
tion it the reeult and food th
digeeted it wilted.